Particles appear. Particle concept. Particle functioning in text

In terms of value in linguistic literature, no.

Vinogradov V.V. identified 8 discharges of particles:

  1. Reinforcing-restrictive, or excretory particles: only, only, though.
  2. Attachment particles: too, also.
  3. Defining particles: precisely, genuinely, exactly.
  4. Pointing particles: here, there, this.
  5. Indefinite particles: something, something, something.
  6. Quantitative particles: almost, exactly, exactly.
  7. Negative particles: not and neither.
  8. Modal-verb particles: if only, yes, if only, if only.

Shansky N.M. and Tikhonov A.N. distinguish four categories of particles by meaning: semantic, modal, emotionally expressive, formative.

Sense particles

Semantic particles express different semantic shades of meanings.

Subdivided into several subgroups:

1. Pointing particles. They point to objects and phenomena of the external world: here, there, this, it, in.

  • Here front entrance.
  • (N. A. Nekrasov)
  • Who this came?
  • It of course it's easy to say.

2. Definitive-clarifying, or identifying particles. They clarify certain significant words in the sentence: exactly, exactly, exactly, almost, genuinely, just.

  • To me just right here.
  • it exactly that house?

3. Excretory and restrictive particles. With their help, there is a logical selection of words or phrases: only, only, only, perhaps only, although, at least, at least, everything, exclusively, uniquely.

  • it only Start.
  • You at least call.

To semantic particles, according to Shansky N.M. and Tikhonov A.N., there are also amplifying particles that act as separations: even, (even), but, after all, already (already), well, not, yet, then, simply, directly, positively, definitely, decisively.

  • All this simply little things, maybe ...
  • (J. Gordon Byron)
  • Even and do not think!

Modal particles

Modal particles express attitude towards the validity of a statement.

There are several subgroups:

1. Affirmative particles: yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, definitely, how.

  • To me definitely like the way he thinks.

2. Negative particles: no, no, no, not at all, not at all.

  • In the sky nor clouds.

3. Interrogative particles: is it, is it, really, how, what, or what, but, yes.

  • Is it can you do this?
  • Really is everything behind?

4. Comparative particles: like, like, like, like, like, like, like.

  • It like has changed.
  • Exactly you didn't know.

5. Particles used to convey someone else's speech: they say (Old Russian. Child “speaks” + say), they say (said), -de, ostensibly.

  • And if I see- de that his execution is small,
  • I’ll hang all the judges around the table.
  • (I.A.Krylov)
  • Allow me to leave,
  • Say , case dear,
  • Like, since a local resident,
  • The yard is just a stone's throw away.
  • (A. T. Tvardovsky)
  • So tell me: Arkady, say , Ivanovich Svidrigailov bows.
  • (F.M.Dostoevsky)

Emotionally Expressive Particles

Emotional-expressive particles enhance the expressiveness of an emotional statement: what the, well, where there, how, like that, where, where there, what is there, so and so, here.

  • Well what the neck, what the eyes!
  • (I.A.Krylov)
  • Where you compete with me,
  • With me, with Balda himself?
  • (A.S. Pushkin)

Shaping particles

Shaping particles are used to form surreal (a particle would) and: yes, let it be, let it, yes, let it go.

  • let's compliment each other.
  • (B. Okudzhava)
  • I wanted would live and die in Paris,
  • If b there was no such land - Moscow.
  • (V.V. Mayakovsky)

Babaytseva V.V. and Chesnokova L.D. include the words most, more and less, which are used to form analytical forms of degrees of comparison of adjectives. In addition, following Vinogradov V.V., they refer to the form-generating particles as something, something, something, something.

Dyachenko S.V.
junior researcher
IRYA them. V.V. Vinogradov RAS

How to recognize a particle in a sentence

What is a particle? As we know from morphology, a particle is a service part of speech that helps to express different shades of meaning. But how exactly do particles participate in changing the shades of our speech?

Shaping particles help us form new forms of words, for example, the conditional or subjunctive mood of verbs: I would like visit Florence. These forms denote the speaker's special relationship with the outside world: his wishes and dreams, aspirations, needs, requests and orders, assessments of objects and events.

* Remember that shape-giving particles can also form the imperative mood of verbs and the degree of comparison of adjectives and adverbs. Find the particles in the sentences and explain their role in each case:

1. The concert turned out to be longer than the organizers wanted, as the artists were often called for encores.

2. May this year bring us all joy and success!

3. If I could play the piano, I would play Chopin every night.

4. It was the most beautiful sunset that I have seen in my life.

5. The teacher said that my essay about Lermontov was less interesting than the essay about Pushkin.

6. Long live the sun, let the darkness hide!

7. I would love to show you this letter, but I cannot.

8. This time the student was more attentive in preparation and made fewer mistakes in his work.

9. “Tell your father, let him take tickets not to the mezzanine, but to the orchestra,” my mother asked.

10. The worst thing was that along with the key, the ability to get a brand new travel magazine from the mailbox was gone.

11. After the business trip, Mr. N began to express himself even more pompously than before.

Of course, besides the shape-generating particles, there are also brighter, more understandable particles for us - semantic... They help us express feelings and emotions that are associated with the subject of conversation: uncertainty and doubt in someone's words, surprise or indifference. In addition, these particles help organize information: they highlight an object, point to it, clarify information, or enhance meaning. For example, the sentence There will always be summer here we can change with particles so that we get completely different values \u200b\u200b(think about which):

Summer won't always be here.

May there always be summer here.

And here there will always be summer.

Will it always be summer here?

There will always be summer here.

And here there will always be summer ...

So, semantic particles help us to unobtrusively express different feelings and thoughts and, moreover, do not attract attention to themselves - that's why they particles! But in addition to modest small particles, other parts of speech act in sentences, designed to form syntactic connections and express emotions. How to distinguish a particle from a conjunction, preposition or interjection?

Union always associated with parts of one whole: it occurs with homogeneous members or with parts of a complex sentence. That is why the union has its place in the proposal, and it cannot "run" on the proposal here and there: If you write the dictation well, we will watch a movie in the next lesson. We cannot transfer the conditional union “if” to the end: * You will write a dictation, well if we watch a movie - sounds comical and incomprehensible, not in Russian, as they say. A particle, unlike a union, does not depend so much on the ratio of parts, the beginning and end of a sentence. It can move more freely, like a particle "would", or together with the word to which it is attached: What- then the boy gave flowers to the veteran. - The veteran gave flowers to some then boy.

As you noticed, the connection of a particle with a word often leads to writing through a hyphen or even merged - this is how the negative prefixes "not" and "not" appear:

I asked to give me not a large bag, but a small green purse. - I handed her a small green purse.

Pretextis associated with the cases of nouns and is used only with them. We cannot separate the preposition from the noun and transfer it to another part of the sentence, just as we cannot designate the emotion or idea that the preposition expresses : During for five years, Oleg has been diligently studying music.

Interjection in its functions is very close to the particle: this part of speech also expresses our emotions, secret movements of the soul and reactions to what is happening. To distinguish between particles and interjections, check for connection with other members of the sentence will help: usually the particle is associated with the rest of the sentence, and the interjection can be separated into a separate exclamation: Oh, how long have I been to the theater! – Oh! How long have I been to the theater!

! Remember: If we come across a one-word sentence that expresses doubt or irony, we should be careful:

Today I got an A for dictation. - Really?

We were going to the cinema today. - Really?

* Think about what part of speech the words are in these sentences really and unless... You will find the answer at the end of the article.

The task.Find prepositions, conjunctions, particles and interjections in sentences. Explain the role of these parts of speech.

1. Over the years, this story has become overgrown with details and become more exciting than many modern detectives.

2. I'm talking exclusively about those biologists who prefer field research.

3.And even if you're scared, how can you test me?

4. Alas, time flies too unnoticed for young people!

5. Away from native land, the heart becomes chilly and uncomfortable.

6. What a strange man our neighbor is!

7. Ah, how wonderful it is to get up on a June morning and go out into the dew-breathing garden!

8. And why didn't I think to call you!

9. It was thanks to the horizontal extent of Eurasia that ancient people were able to exchange their inventions, plant seeds and domesticated animals.

10. Mother did not even remember the words spoken at dinner.

11. I would gladly drop everything and go to explore the desert, but I could not break my promise.

Answer (task to determine the part of speech words really and unless:

These words are semantic particles in these sentences - the sentences are incomplete, therefore the other members are omitted.

In a sentence. Particles in Russian are designed to give a variety of additional shades to words or even whole sentences. The second role of particles is word formation, with their help the forms of words are formed.

For example:

1. Only he needs you.

Particle onlyreinforces the meaning of the pronoun you in a sentence.

2. Let bewill be the way you want.

With a particle let be the imperative mood of the verb is formed: let be will be.

Although the particles in the Russian language are not members of the sentence, they are inextricably included in its composition. For example:

1. Not the wind noises outside the window and no rain.

Particles are needed:

Imperative ( yes, let it be, let it, come on): let be will try;

Conditional ( would, b): sat down would, told would ;

2) in the formation of adverbs and adjectives, the degrees of their comparison - less, more, most... For example: more important, lessinteresting, most brave, more powerfully, less brightly;

3) when creating a discharge: something, something, something, or... For example: something, some, anyone, someone and etc.

The role of such particles is close to that of morphemes.

Particle values

Particles in Russian give different shades to a sentence as a whole or to a single word.

Particles is it really, is it, is it (eh) - interrogative. They are often used in questions. For example: Really forgiven? Is it is there anything more interesting?

Exclamation particles what the how convey indignation, surprise, delight. For example: how the world is wide! What the lovely!

Amplifying particles ( after all, something, even, nevertheless) are used when you need to strengthen a single word. For example: Even do not think! All the same great! It the sameit's his own fault!

In Russian it is not and nor... They approach denial in different ways. Particle not makes both the word and the whole sentence negative:

1. Not happen this!The whole proposal is negative.

2. Not the wind broke a branch.The only negative word is wind.

In the case of two particles not in a sentence, instead of negative, they create a positive value: I not can not agree with you!

Neither - a particle designed to strengthen the meaning of negation, especially if the sentence already contains a negation or a particle not... For example: From the sky not fell nor drops. There is no forest nor mushroom, nor berries.

In Russian, these are those that are associated with the expression of shades of meaning, attitude or feeling. This group includes the aforementioned categories and some others. Non-modal particles, not associated with the expression of feelings, were classified by Vinogradov as semantic.

This category of particles includes:

A group of qualifiers such as exactly, exactly, just etc. For example: exactly this, smooth as many.

A group of excretory-restrictive particles - only, only, exclusively etc. For example: only this, exclusively white.

Index particles here, therethat seem to indicate a subject worthy of attention. For example: Here road!

All particles in the Russian language perform grammatical, lexical and word-formation functions. With skillful use, they can enrich our speech, make it more colorful and varied.

Service. It is intended to indicate various emotional and semantic shades. Also, with its help, completely new words and their forms are formed.

All particles in Russian are divided into two large categories:

1) those that express shades of various meanings and emotions (modal);

2) form-building and word-building.

This division is based on what meaning and what role this part of speech plays in the sentence.

Modal particles in Russian

Depending on the shades of meanings and emotions expressed by them, the particles, in turn, are divided into the following groups:

1) incentive: let, well, -ka, well, come on, come on;

2) negative and affirmative: no, yes, not, definitely, not at all;

3) exclamation-evaluative particles: well and, still, what for, what, how, what;

4) interrogative: what, really, is it, is it;

5) amplifying particles: yes and, and, but, even;

6) concessive at least, nevertheless, nevertheless;

7) comparative: as if, as if, exactly, as if;

8) excretory and restrictive particles: only, unique, only, exclusively, almost;

9) clarifying: exactly, exactly, exactly, exactly;

10) indicative: here and there and, here, this, there, that.

Form-forming and word-forming particles in Russian

The latter are:

1) particles are neither, if they are used as prefixes for the formation of adjectives, nouns, adverbs, as well as pronouns (indefinite and negative): untruth, someone, nothing, etc .;

2) particles, something, something. They are used as affixes. With their help, indefinite pronouns and adverbs are formed: something, somewhere, here and there, etc.

Form-forming particle - would. With its help, the mood of the verb can be changed to the subjunctive: I would help, I would win.

Particles in Russian. Classification by origin

In Russian, some particles originate from various parts of speech, while others do not. On this basis, their following classification is made into:

1. Derivatives. They can come from adverbs: barely, directly, only, etc .; from the verbs: come on, let it go, see, etc .; from pronouns: -this, everything, -which, it, etc .; from unions: and, yes, but, or, or, etc.

2. Non-derivative particles. Their origin is not associated with any part of speech: -ka, there, here and others.

Particles in Russian. Spelling "not" is merged with words

The unstressed particle is not used when one intends to express negation. It is spelled together with words only in the following cases:

a) if it serves as a prefix for nouns, adverbs and adjectives: unfriendly, sad, failure;

b) if the word does not occur in use without it: ridiculous, out of place, slob;

c) if the forms of indefinite and negative pronouns are offerless: no one, someone, nothing, a certain;

d) if there are no dependent words with full participle: non-heating sun, uncorrected error.

Particles in Russian. Spelling "no" is merged with words

This unstressed particle is used to express gain. It is spelled together with the words when it acts as a prefix:

a) in negative adverbs: nothing, nowhere, nowhere, not at all, not at all, not at all, nowhere;

b) in negative pronouns (in their non-sentence forms): I didn't have a chance to lead anyone on the road.

Particle - this is a service part of speech that serves to express the shades of meanings of words, phrases, sentences and to form word forms.

In accordance with this, particles are usually divided into two categories - modal (semantic) and form-generating.

Particles do not change, are not members of the proposal.

In school grammar, however, it is customary to emphasize a negative particle not together with the word to which it refers; this is especially true for verbs.

TOformative particles include particles that serve to form the conditional and imperative mood of the verb. These include the following: would (conditional mood indicator),let, let, yeah, come on (those) (indicators of the imperative mood). Unlike semantic particles, form-forming particles are components of the verb form and are part of the same member of the sentence as the verb, are emphasized with it even with a non-contact arrangement, for example: Iwould notwas late, ifwould notwent rain.

Modal (semantic) particles express semantic shades, feelings and attitudes of the speaker. According to the specific meaning they express, they are divided into the following groups:

1) negative: not, not, not at all, far from, not at all;

2) interrogative: is it really, is it, is it (eh);

3) indicative: here, there, this;

4) clarifying : exactly, just, straight, exactly, exactly;

5) restrictive and excretory: only, only, exclusively, almost, uniquely;

6) exclamation points: what for, well, how;

7) amplifying: not even, but, not, after all, after all, well;

8) with the meaning of doubt : hardly; hardly.

In some studies, other groups of particles are also distinguished, since not all particles can be included in these groups (for example, they say, supposedly, they say).

Particle nor acts as a negative in the constructions of an impersonal sentence with an omitted predicate (In the room nor sound) and as amplifying in the presence of already expressed negation (In the room notaudible nor sound). On repeating particle nor acts as a repetitive compositional union (In the room you can not hear norrustles, nor other sounds).

Modal (semantic) particle something it must be distinguished from the word-forming postfix -to, which acts as a means of forming indefinite pronouns and adverbs. Let's compare: some, somewhere (postfix) - I something I know where to go (particle).

The postfixes -sya (-s), -sha, -or, -no, and prefixes are not particles, and neither are included in negative and indefinite pronouns and adverbs, as well as participles and adjectives, regardless of the continuous or separate spelling.

Morphological analysis of a particle

The particles are disassembled according to the following plan:

I. Part of speech. The grammatical role (what it serves for).

II. Morphological features: rank by value

According to school grammar, according to this scheme, all particles, both semantic and formative, should be disassembled, however, it should be noted that the formative particle is a component of the verb form and is written out during morphological analysis along with the verb when parsing the verb as part of speech.

Sample morphological analysis of a particle:

I am not saying that he was not hurt at all; I was only now fully convinced that he could continue about his Arabians as much as he liked, giving only the necessary explanations (F.M.Dostoevsky).

I. Not a particle

II. unchangeable, modal (semantic), negative.

I. only - particle

I. only - particle

II. unchangeable, modal (semantic), restrictive and excretory.

According to school grammar, in this sentence, the particle should also be parsed as follows:

I. would be a particle

II. unchangeable, formative, serves to form the conditional mood of the verb.