Lectures on urology for doctors. Lecture Urgent Urology Associate Professor Clinic Urology UO "VGMU" A.A. Laundry. Symptoms and syndromes in urology

Name: Urology. Lecture notes
Osipova O.V.
The year of publishing: 2008
Language: Russian
The size: 0.4 MB
Format: PDF.

Methodical guide "Urology. Abstract lectures" ed., Osipova O.V., considers practical and theoretical issues of urological practice. Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system and men's genital organs, damage to the urinary and men's genital organs, sexual disorders in men, a violation of the copulatory function, onocopathology of the urinary system, tuberculosis of the urogenital system, urolithiasis, anomalies of the development of the urogenital system, nephroptosis, enuresis, urgent states in Urology, hyperactive bladder.

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Name: Enuresis. Classification, causes, diagnosis and treatment
Kazanskaya I.V., released, T.V.
The year of publishing: 2005
Language: Russian
The size: 0.39 MB
Format: PDF.
Description: Presented methodical recommendation "Enurrez. Classification, Causes, Diagnosis and Treatment" Ed., Kazanskaya I.V., et al., Considers an overview of literary data covering distressed aspects ... Download a technique

Name: Treatment of primary night enuresis in children from the position of evidence-based medicine
Maslova O.I., Stovenikin V.M., Vishnevsky E.L.
The year of publishing: 2002
Language: Russian
The size: 0.99 MB
Format: PDF.
Description: Methodical recommendation "Treatment of primary night enuresis in children from the position of evidence-based medicine" Ed., Maslova O.I., et al., Considers modern information about Night Enurpere. Set out ... download methods

Name: Sunday syndrome.
Mukhin N.A., Svistunov AA,
The year of publishing: 2011
Language: Russian
The size: 7.07 MB.
Format: PDF.
Description: Methodical recommendation "Eveny syndrome" ed., Mukhina N.A., et al., Considers the historical aspects of the clinic, diagnosis and therapy of edema syndrome. The clinical characteristics are presented ... Download Methods

Name: Chronic kidney disease and nephroprotective therapy
Shilov E.M.
The year of publishing: 2012
Language: Russian
The size: 4.63 MB
Format: PDF.
Description: Presented methodical recommendation "Chronic kidney disease and nephroprotective therapy" Ed., Shilova E.M., et al., Considers the diagnostic criteria and principles of the classification of chronic ...

The speaker raises the most acute problem of early renal renal therapy for kidney disease. The methods of preventing OMDS of chronic kidney disease are prevention. It is described on the methods of diagnosis, assessment of risk factors, as well as the selection of adequate therapy of cardiovascular diseases.

Doctor's notes: Bladder Atonia in Women

Dear colleagues, I suggest you a clinical case. A 60-year-old woman who has been observed in our clinic for 16 years, has been treated several times with us - before she was observed another female urologist, and now I am. In history: when she was 3 months old, they made an operation on the sacrum. At 10 years of age - residual urine 300 ml, operation: enterovezinexics. All his life suffers incontinence, the urinary on urination feels weakly.

In July last year he entered the clinic with pains in a suponic area, fever. On a review shot - stones in the bladder, double-sided hydrophureteronephrosis. CLS on the right 48 mm, left - 12 mm. Parenchima on the right is thinned to 12 mm. In the bladder 400 ml of the residue. We leveled on the blade catheter and Ciprofloxacin 500 mg 10 days. On the catheter, urine with a significant admixture of flakes, mucus, detritus. pH urine - 9.0

Cystolithotripsy has been performed - the bladder stones are "Eggs" - outside the shell of urates, inside - deriters. The mucous bubble literally decomposes and turns out. According to histology - chronic active inflammation. In lab. Analyzes - creatinine and urea in normal. Stones were fragmented, in general, the state improved. It was discharged a week ago comes with right-sided kidney colic, fever, vomiting.

According to ultrasound - CHLS on the right 30 mm, left 25 mm. Thinning parenchyma on both sides to 5-7 mm !!! Residual urine again 400 ml. Creatine 198 mmol / l, urea 14.3 mmol / l. pH urine 9.0 on the background of taking methionine 6 tab per day. Again, they put a catheter and prescribed Ciprofloxacin 500. After 3 days, a significant improvement in well-being, the fever was stopped, leukocytosis decreased to 8.2. Creatine fell to 131 mmol / l.

Colleagues, question - what tactic with this patient? We are all inclined to cystectomy, because The bubble is slowly rotting and rot. Confressive decrease in renal parenchyma. The patient to cystectomy is not ready psychologically.

3 red blood cells in sight); Already the presence of 5 ml. The blood in 1 liter of urine is visible by the "naked" eye an emergency situation for the patient. Hematuria, as a true emergency situation for the "Title \u003d" doctor (! Lang: Hematuria Types: Macro Hematuria (blood clot) and microhematuria (\u003e 3 red blood cells in sight); already the presence of 5 ml. Blood in 1 liter of urine is visible "naked" eye Emergency situation for the patient. Hematuria, as a true emergency situation for a doctor" class="link_thumb"> 3 !} Hematuria Types: Macro Hematuria (blood clots) and microhematuria (\u003e 3 red blood cells in sight); Already the presence of 5 ml. The blood in 1 liter of urine is visible by the "naked" eye an emergency situation for the patient. Hematuria, as a true emergency situation for a doctor: - Tamponade bladder bubble bubbles; - renal colic when obstruction of the ureter of blood clot; - anemia and hemoglobin 3 red blood cells in sight); Already the presence of 5 ml. The blood in 1 liter of urine is visible by the "naked" eye an emergency situation for the patient. Hematuria, as a true emergency situation for the doctor "\u003e 3 erythrocytes in sight); already the presence of 5 ml. Blood in 1 liter of urine is visible by the" naked "eye an emergency situation for the patient. Hematuria, as a true emergency situation for a doctor: - bladder tamponade Blood clots; - renal colic when obstruction of the ureter of blood clot; - anemia and hemoglobin 3 red blood cells in sight); already the presence of 5 ml. Blood in 1 liter of urine is seen by the "naked" eye an emergency situation for the patient. Hematuria, as a true emergency situation for The doctor "title \u003d" (! lang: hematuria Types: Macro Hematuria (blood clot) and microhematuria (\u003e 3 red blood cells in sight); already the presence of 5 ml. Blood in 1 urine liter can be seen by the "naked" eye an emergency situation for the patient. Hematuria, as a true emergency situation for a doctor"> title="Hematuria Types: Macro Hematuria (blood clots) and microhematuria (\u003e 3 red blood cells in sight); Already the presence of 5 ml. The blood in 1 liter of urine is visible by the "naked" eye an emergency situation for the patient. Hematuria, as a true emergency situation for a doctor">!}

Often patients with red urine fall into emergency hospitals, but, as a rule, it is not a true urgent situation and requires confirmation by the fence of urine catheter! Differential diagnosis: - bleeding from sex tract in women; - hemoglobinuria; - Mioglobinuria; - Reception of food and painting urine of drugs.

Causes of hematuria Glomerular hematuria (nephrological patient) Nephritis? Dismortion erythrocytes (deformed when passing through the glacifers) are accompanied by erythrocyte cylindrian and proteinuria. Neillerular hematuria (urological patient) The cause can be any urological disease. Erythrocytes are not deformed, there are no erythrocyte cylinders and proteinuria.

Urological reasons for hematurium 1. Oncourological diseases (kidney tumor, bladder, ureter, lochk, prostate cancer); 2. Bleeding from the veins of prostate hyperplasia; 3. Urolithiasis; 4. injury of the MPS organs; 5. Foreign bodies; 6. Urinary system infections.

Anuria 1. Secretor (pre-ordinal or renal) complete cessation of urine products in kidneys (non-normal); 2. Excretory (scheduled) complete obstruction of one or both ureters and the lack of urine in the bladder. Long-term obstruction is a launched OPN, which has serious consequences, threatening life: Hypercalemia (cause of death), overloading the vascular bed with liquid and ethylene syndrome.

Maternal Anuria D / D with OZM: Urine The bubble is not palpable and is not determined by percussion. Confirmation of diagnosis in catheterization or ultrasound, urea and creatinine levels increase in the blood. The reasons are the stone of the ureter of the only kidney or both ureterals at the same time; - Yatroin injuries (bandage) of ureters; - Other reasons. Treatment 1. Drainage (CPNS, installation of the stent in the ureter)

500 ml.) And the elimination of pain through catheterization and urine evacuation. Under the RAM, the evacuir "title \u003d" (! Lang: the definition of OZM is the impossibility of urination when the bladder is overflowed. The diagnosis is the presence in the bladder of a large amount of urine (\u003e 500 ml.) And the elimination of pain through catheterization and urine evacuation. Under the RAM Usually evacuir" class="link_thumb"> 18 !} The definition of OZM is the impossibility of urinary when overflowing the bladder. The basis of the diagnosis is the presence of a large amount of urine in the bladder (\u003e 500 ml.) And the elimination of pain through catheterization and urine evacuation. UMP is usually evacuated by ml. urine. Volume\u003e 800 ml. Defined as chronic urine delay. 500 ml.) And the elimination of pain through catheterization and urine evacuation. Under LAM usually evacuir "\u003e 500 ml.) And the elimination of pain through catheterization and urine evacuation. 500-800 ml is usual for LAM. Urine. Volume\u003e 800 ml. Determined as chronic urine delay."\u003e 500 ml.) And solving pain by catheterization and urine evacuation. Under the RAM, the evacuir "title \u003d" (! Lang: the definition of OZM is the impossibility of urination when the bladder is overflowed. The diagnosis is the presence in the bladder of a large amount of urine (\u003e 500 ml.) And the elimination of pain through catheterization and urine evacuation. Under the RAM Usually evacuir"> title="The definition of OZM is the impossibility of urinary when overflowing the bladder. The basis of the diagnosis is the presence of a large amount of urine in the bladder (\u003e 500 ml.) And the elimination of pain through catheterization and urine evacuation. Under LAM usually evacuir"> !}

Pathophysiology 3 of the mechanism: - increase resistance in urethra (infraezical obstruction); - low pressure in the bladder (atony or hypotension of the muscle bladder); - disruption of sensitive or motor innervation (neurogenic bladder).

Causes of men - DGP or prostate cancer, detrumery atrophy; - stricture or stone of urethra; - purulent prostatitis or prostate abscess; - Neurogenic bladder. Conducting risk factors: - anesthetics and anticholinergic preparations (Nr Atropin) Relaxation of the bladder; - sympathomimetics, stress, operations, supercooling spasm sphincter; - immobilization is a stay; - Alcohol abuse. Prostate edema.

Tactics for RAPs Against the background of DGP urethral catheter for 3 days + per os Selective α1 - adrenoblocator (Tamsulosin - Omnik®, Tulozin®). Repeated RAK repeated catheterization attempt or operational treatment (removal of DGP, installation of a suplocked catheter). Keep the catheter in the urethra\u003e 3 days. Men are not recommended! 3 days. Men are not recommended! "\u003e

Causes (general) in women LAM less often. There are features of anatomy-building (no prostate and short urethra). - neurogenic bladder (diabetes mellitus, alcoholism and other ...); - Prolapse of the pelvis organs: cystocele, Rektorzel, Histerocele; - Gap / outstanding urethra from urine. bubble; - Tumors of a small pelvis with the compression of the urethra.

OZM on the background of CZZ - with catheterization is evacuated by 1-2 liters of urine - the level of urea, creatinine is elevated in the blood; - ultrasound and excretory urogram reveal ureterohydronphrosis (UGN). Tactics - installation of a suplocked catheter for 1-2 months. and antibacterial, anti-impolve therapy, CPN treatment.

Pettopetterization period After CZM Recovery of Diurea Polyuria It is necessary to restore the BCC (infusion of 0.9% NaCl \u003d loss of liquid ml.).

Twisted seed cake - sudden severe pain in the scrotum with irradiation in the groin; - earlier "interleaving" twisted, the pain suddenly passed; - temperature; - Objectively: Egg is an ethnic, dense, tense, located high and sometimes horizontally in the scrotum, hyperemia of the scrotum; - Ultrasound: the lack of blood flow in the testicular of ultrasonic doppler; - Rule "Open Book" - the possibility of manual "spinning" of eggs.

Clear seed cake with duration\u003e 6 hours of necrosis, treatment: orchectomy. Treatment up to 6 hours, with a viable testicular: Orchopexia,. 6 hours of necrosis, treatment: orchectomy. Treatment up to 6 hours, with a viable testicle: Orchopexia ,. "\u003e 6 hours of necrosis, treatment: orchectomy. Treatment up to 6 hours, with a viable testicle: Orchopexia ,."\u003e 6 hours of necrosis, treatment: orchectomy. Treatment up to 6 hours, with a viable testicle: Orchopexia ,. "Title \u003d" (! Lang: twist seed cake with durability\u003e 6 hours of necrosis, treatment: orchectomy. Treatment up to 6 hours, with a viable testicle: Orchopexia,."> title="Clear seed cake with duration\u003e 6 hours of necrosis, treatment: orchectomy. Treatment up to 6 hours, with a viable testicular: Orchopexia,."> !}

Treatment - bedding; - analgesics; - antibiotics (cephalosporins, aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones); - when identifying C. trachomatis - doxycycline or macrolides; - suspension on the scrotum; - With severe flow, sepsis (UAC) glucocorticoids. Complications: abscess, egg defarting, chronic pain, infertility.

You can twist the sails of sakes. - Jacket making (Gidatida Morganya) - the residue of Muller (female) duct, has a leg and is inclined to the twist, which causes pain; - Writing an appendage of egg - the remainder of the Wolf of the Duch, has a leg. Like guidatide, it can bother and cause sharp pain.

Pain in the lumbar region - is considered by most doctors as a "classic symptom" of the pathology of the kidneys or ureters; - about 50% of patients with such pains of ICD; - the other 50% of patients have "not urolithiasis" and other diseases; - With completely different diseases there are similar mechanisms leading to pain syndrome in the lumbar region.

Causes of renal colic Urology: ICD, tumors and injuries of kidneys and ureters, imp (pyelonephritis, kidney abscess, panephritis, pionephrosis), "acute scrotum", obstruction LMS. Renal colic can simulate therapy: myocardial infarction, pneumonia. Gynecology and obstetrics: twist legs or hemorrhage in the cyst, ectopic pregnancy, adnexitis. Other non-erase reasons: - "acute stomach", slimming, gastritis, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel diseases, rib fractures, Tala. Right-sided pain syndrome: appendicitis, bile colic, cholecystitis, hepatitis.

Clinic "Renal colic" - sudden unbearable grasp pain; - Localization in the boverty corner; - Irradiaration "down" in the stomach, the iliac region, the scrotum, sexual dick, inside the thigh; - Always restless behavior of the patient, attempt to reduce or stop pain with any painkillers; - pain does not increase when driving (on the contrary, with peritonitis, ectopic pregnancy, radiculitis); - Almost always there are concomitant symptoms: nausea, vomiting, urination disorders, hematuria.

Testimony for hospitalization with renal colic renal colic for the first time or lack of effect from drug therapy; Acute obstructive purulent forms of pyelonephritis: aptic (apostate) pyelonephritis, carbuncoon, kidney abscess, purulent panephritis; Anuria and renal colic in the presence of a single kidney or stones of both ureters.

Treatment of patients with renal colume - with an unclear diagnosis - to enter only myotropic spasmolitics (but - shpa, papaverine, platifilin); - NSAIDs rapid and efficient elimination of pain syndrome: diclofenac 2.5% -3 ml. in / m. (For prolonged anesthesia, a candle of 50 mg. Diclofenac 2-3 times a day); - other analgesics (tramadol, ketorolac); - in doubtful cases: dynamic observation in the surgical department to eliminate surgical pathology; - In extremely rare cases - narcotic analgesics.

Spontaneous leaving of the stone in some cases with small stones (3-4 mm) of the ureter recommended a dynamic observation of about 1 month. "Under the cover of" conservative therapy, phytotherapy, "water loads", physiotherapy for 5 mm stones. The probability of disheeming is small (recommends SI URS - ureterorenoscopy or DLT - remote lithotripsy stone).

The method of choice in the treatment of a patient with stones of ureters and renal colic - ureterorenoscopy with contact lithotripcia and ureterolyto extract. Ureterorenoscope introduced into the ureter of the mouth of the urinary sprockets bladder ureter Lower cup kidney The upper cup of Kidney Lohanka Stone in / 3 uretera is captured in "Basket"

38 ° C Obstructive pyelonephritis, shown: - in / in infusion and antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action; - with pronounced pain syndrome and temperature for several days "title \u003d" (! lang: fever with renal colic with renal colic and temperature\u003e 38 ° C obstructive pyelonephritis, shown: - in / in infusion and antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action; - With pronounced pain syndrome and temperature for several days" class="link_thumb"> 60 !} Fever with renal colic with renal colic and temperature\u003e 38 ° C obstructive pyelonephritis, shown: - in / in infusion and antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action; - with pronounced pain syndrome and temperature for several days - drainage (catheterization of ureter or nephrostomy); - In the absence of an effect from draining, suspicion of purulent pyelonephritis percutaneous puncture or surgical treatment. 38 ° C Obstructive pyelonephritis, shown: - in / in infusion and antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action; - with pronounced pain syndrome and temperature for several days "\u003e 38 ° C obstructive pyelonephritis, shown: - in / in infusion and antibacterial drugs of a wide range of action; - with pronounced pain syndrome and temperatures for several days - drainage (ureter catheterization or nephrostomy); - in the absence of the effect of drainage, suspected purulent form of pyelonephritis Penal puncture or operational treatment. "\u003e 38 ° C obstructive pyelonephritis, shown: - in / in infusion and antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action; - with pronounced pain syndrome and temperature for several days "title \u003d" (! lang: fever with renal colic with renal colic and temperature\u003e 38 ° C obstructive pyelonephritis, shown: - in / in infusion and antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action; - With pronounced pain syndrome and temperature for several days"> title="Fever with renal colic with renal colic and temperature\u003e 38 ° C obstructive pyelonephritis, shown: - in / in infusion and antibacterial preparations of a wide range of action; - with pronounced pain syndrome and temperature for several days"> !}

Book "Selected Lectures on Urology"

ISBN: 5-89481-626-2

The book contains information on the most relevant problems of modern urology, on difficulties arising in the process of diagnosis and treatment. Considerable attention is paid to general issues of urology, inflammation of the urogenital system, tumors, urolithiasis and sexual disorders in men. The radiation methods of diagnostics, the principles of urogenital reconstruction during ecruphy and epispectoys, organ-bearing operational interventions for kidney cancer, treatment of metastatic and local stripping bladder cancer, surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction in men, laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy with prostate cancer and so on. The information presented in the book will help the clinician to navigate in the urology of complex cases. Appreciated urologists, general practitioners, surgeons, students of medical universities.

General questions urology

Sacred neuromodulation in the treatment of neurogenic disorders


Botulic toxin in the treatment of urination functional disorders

Radiation diagnostic methods in modern urology

Modern methods of radionuclide diagnosis in urology

Intrabate ultrasonicography in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney and upper urinary tract

Modern methods of continenta dusing urine

Principles of urogenital reconstruction in Epispeadia and Extrophy in adults

Urinary bubble diverticulus

Endoscopic treatment of bubble-ureteral reflux in children


Reproductive and sexual health boys

Modern principles of diagnosis and treatment of nuclear uretera damage

Inflammatory diseases of the organs of the urogenital system

Urethral catheter as a risk factor for the development of hospital urinary infection

Urodynamics of the upper urinary tract with pyelonephritis

Features of the use of antimicrobial drugs in the treatment of urinary tract infections in children

Ultrasound diagnostics of inflammatory diseases of the prostate gland and seed bubbles

Modern methods of treating septic states in urology

Ozone therapy in urology

Urolithiasis disease

What is remote shock-wave lithotripsy?

Medical treatment and prevention of urolithiasis

Coralized nephrolityiasis

Modern methods of surgical treatment of urolithiasis in children

Errors, dangers and complications of remote shock-wave nephrimeterolitolitripsy

Remote nephreolitripsy in patients with kidney development anomalies, nephroptosis and after kidney transplantation

Tumors of the genitourinary system

Interstitial radiation therapy (brachytherapy) of localized prostate cancer

Magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of bladder cancer

Is it possible to organ-bearing treatment of invasive bladder cancer?

The quality of life of oncourological patients after intestinal urine derivation

Papillary tumors of the upper urinary tract: endoscopic diagnostic and treatment methods

Organ-breaching operational interventions in kidney cancer

Transurethral electroshargic of prostate gland: yesterday, today, tomorrow

Laser Surgery Prostround Adenoma

Endoscopic methods of diagnosis and treatment of surface bladder cancer

Tactics for the treatment of local prostrated and metastatic bladder cancer, taking into account the principles of evidence-based medicine

Laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy with prostate cancer

Genital diseases, urethra and sexual disorders in men

Choosing a method of operational interference with Peyroni disease

Some aspects of complex therapy with congenital or acquired "deformed penal execution" syndrome

Endoscopic methods for the treatment of stricture urethra

Urethroprostatic stenting in the treatment of obstructive diseases of the lower urinary tract

Treatment of urinary incontinence in men implantation artificial sphincter


Physiological aspects of erection

Surgical treatment of erectile dysfunction

Epidemiology and pharmacotherapy of erectile dysfunction

Election of outdoor genital organs

Title: Urology. Lecture notes.

In this book, you will find all the necessary abstracts of lectures at the course "Urology".

Lecture number 1. Inflammatory diseases of the urinary system and men's genital organs
1. Urinary tract infections
2. Acute pyelonephritis
3. Chronic pyelonephritis
4. Abscess kidneys
5. Carbuncoon kidney
6. Apostleatous pyelonephritis
7. Infectious toxic shock
8. Paranofritis
9. Custitis
10. Chronic cystitis
11. Uretrit
12. Stricks of the urinary channel
13. Acute prostatitis
14. Abscess of the prostate gland
15. Chronic prostatitis
16. Orchit
17. Vesiculit sharp
18. Vesiculit Chronic
19. Dixtenitis
20. Kavernit
21. Prostate gland stones
22. Kuverit
23. Epididimitis
24. funiculit
Lecture number 2. Disorders of the copulatory function. Sexual disorders in men
1. Age changes in the men's organism
2. Erectile dysfunction
3. Women's sexual dysfunction (ZhSD)
4. Infertility in men
5. Aspermia
6. Virilization
7. Paulic maturation late
8. Paulic ripening premature
Lecture number 3. Damage to the urinary and male genital organs
1. Water bubble foreign bodies
2. Foreign bodies of the urethra
3. Kidney foreign bodies
4. Urinary bladder damage
5. Damage to the urethra
6. Damage to ureterals
7. Damage to the scrotum
8. Damage to the penis
9. Damage to the kidney
10. Damage to eggs and its appendage
11. Fishes are urinary in women
12. Swiss Bubble-intestinal
13. Fishes of urethral
14. Drift seed cake
15. Paraffy
Lecture number 4. Tuberculosis of the urogenital system
1. Tuberculosis kidney
2. Punching tuberculosis
3. Urinary bubble tuberculosis
4. Urea tuberculosis
5. Tuberculosis of the ureter
6. Tuberculosis of the prostate gland and seed bubbles
7. Tuberculosis Eggs and his appendage
Lecture number 5. Urolithiasis disease
1. Coral Stones Kidney
2. Stones of ureaches
3. Bladder stones
4. Stones of the urethra
Lecture number 6. Tumors of the kidneys, urinary tract and men's genital organs
1. Adenokarcinoma kidney
2. Adenosarcomk kidney
3. Kidney tumor
4. Tumors of the ureter
5. bladder tumors
6. Tumors of the urethra
7. Benign urethra tumors in women
8. Malignant urethra tumors in women
9. Benign urethra tumors in men
10. Malignant urethra tumors in men
11. Prostate cancer
12. prostate adenoma
13. Egg tumors
14. Pen's tumors
Lecture number 7. Anomalies of the urinary and male genital organs
1. Aplasia kidney
2. Hypoplasia kidney
3. Distopia kidney
4. Additional kidney
5. Horseshoe kidney
6. Doubling kidney
7. Spongeous kidney
8. Polycystic kidney
9. Cysts kidney
10. Solitary kidney cysts
11. Dermoid cyst
12. Hydronephrosis
13. Hydrauteronephrosis
14. Doubling the ureterals
15. Neuromuscane ureter dysplasia
16. Ureterocele
17. Ectopia of the hole of the ureters
18. Extrophy of the bladder
19. Urinary Bubble Diverticul
20. Imgregation of urinary duct
21. Congenital urethra valves
22. Congenital diverticulus of the urethra
23. Congenital strictures of urethra
24. Hypospadia
25. Epispadia
26. Short bridle of extreme flesh
27. Phoz.
28. Anorhisism
29. Monorchism
30. Cryptorchism
31. Syndrome Klinfelter
32. Sherosezhevsky-Turner Syndrome
33. Spermotocele
34. Watercolor shells of eggs and seed rope
Lecture number 8. Urgent states in urology
1. Hematuria
2. Acute urine delay
3. Anuria
4. Renal colic
Lecture number 9. Other urological diseases
1. Nephroptosis
2. Necrosis of renal papillars
3. Retroperitoneal fibrosis
4. Reflux Lochang and renal
5. Reflux bubble-ureter
6. Hyperactive bladder
7. Enurrez
8. Varicocele
9. Plastic flooring induration

Urinary tract infections
- The state of infection of the urinary tract by microflora, which causes its inflammation. In Russia, the prevalence of PTs is 1000 cases per 100 thousand population per year, this is the most frequent infection. In women, imparts 50 times more often than in men. Most often occurs acute uncomplicated cystitis, somewhat less often - uncomplicated pyelonephritis. Repeated Imps develop in 20 - 30% of the women of report quality age.

By 50 years, the frequency of Men and women are compared. The cost of treating Imp is $ 1.6 billion a year, one episode of acute cystitis is 40-80 dollars. Nosocomial imps are the cause of death in 50 thousand patients annually.

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