Achievements of modern medicine. Day of Belarusian Science - reason to remember the role of scientific research in the development of society Belarusian science in persons Presentation

This stage in the development of geographical research of Belarus can be defined as rather complex and controversial. On the one hand, Belarus has become an independent republic (as part of the USSR), in which the study of nature and economy has intensified. National educational and scientific institutions appeared, Belarusian State University and the Academy of Sciences of Belarus were founded. Studies began to be carried out systematically and cover the entire territory of the republic. On the other hand, almost half of the territory of the republic was part of Poland.

It was for this period that the peak of Stalinist repression came.

Contribution to Geographic Research of Belarus A.A. Smolich. Perhaps the greatest contribution to the formation of geographic science in Belarus at this stage was introduced by Arkady Antonovich Smolich - a geographer, a public and political figure.

What is the merit of A.A. Smolich in the study of Belarus? For a relatively short period of scientific activity, it has been written several fundamental geographical works. Among them, it is necessary to highlight the "geography of Belarus" - the first textbook for the Belarusian school, which was opened by the epigraph "the Belarusian man became the edge of the abstraction to the Camix of Belarus." The textbook was printed in 1919 in Wilna, then reissued with refinement in 1923 and 1925.

In addition to the school textbook, A.A. Smolich published in 1925. The textbook "KAPOW Course Geogrami Belarus" for higher education. In the same year, together with N.V. Azbukin, he printed a textbook on the geography of the mainland "geographer Pazaurekiiii Kpaian".

Scientific activity A.A. Smolich was versatile. His article "Types of Geographical Landscapes of Belarus" was the first landscape work in Belarus. For the work "Placing the Population of the BSSR" (1929) and "Agricultural Areas, the previous scheme and methodological notes" (1930), he was awarded a small gold medal of the Russian Geographical Society.

Nature research. In the second stage, geological and geomorphological studies of Belarus received further development. From 1919 to 1930, a 10-versatious geological survey was conducted. Its result was the discovery of many minerals. In geographical science, the axis finally approved the inspection of repeated glaciations and their role in the formation of the relief of Belarus. Academician N.F. A classification of quaternary sediments was performed correctly and a relief connection was established with a geological structure. In a number of works, the foundations of geomorphological zoning and mapping of the territory of Belarus were laid. In the 30s. The first cards of quarterly deposits of the republic were published. MM works made especially great contribution. Rassenko. Her scientific ideas were further developed in the works of numerous disciples. Significant success in the 1930s. Hydrological studies have achieved. Almost 170 increased the number of hydrological posts on rivers and lakes of the republic. They were monitored for water level and hydrological regime. The first hydrological station was founded on the bucket river in 1928. In the 30s. The service of hydrological forecasts began to operate. The first aqueous cadastre was drawn up, which included the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of water resources 130 rivers and 15 lakes of the republic. Regular studies of groundwater began.

Water supply capabilities of Minsk were established, the sources of mineral waters near Minsk and Bobruisk were opened.

In 1919 - 1941 The step forward was also made in the research of the climate of Belarus. Significantly expanded the network of meteorological stations and posts. In 1930, the Minsk Hydrometeorological Observatory was established. Regular weather forecasts began to be drawn up, without which it is hard to present our modern life. The greatest contribution to climatic studies was made by A.I. Kaigorodov, who laid the foundations of the climatology of Belarus, founded the weather forecast service. Under his control in 1927, the "Climate Atlas of Belarus" was published, including 78 cards.

Due to the need to provide the population with food, imported studies of soil cover. In the 20-30s. The Department of Soil Studies in BSU, the Gomel Forestry Institute, organized the Institute of Agriculture and Fertilizers of the BSSR Academy of Sciences. On the basis of the Agricultural Institute in Gorki in 1925, the Belarusian Agricultural Academy was established. Large-scale soil studies have begun on experienced areas. Under the leadership of Ya.N. Afanasyev was created the first summary map of Soils BSSR Scientific work Ya.N. Afanasyev in the field of soil classification, their zoning was of great practical importance. Much attention was paid to the problem of land aelioration. Almost 270 thousand hectares were drained. All-Union Research Institute of Most-Union Research Institute of Most-Union Research Institute was created for the development of receptions for the drainage of swamps in Minsk.

In 1919-1941 More attention began to be given to the study of plant and animal peace, issues of nature conservation. Under the leadership of I.D. Yurkevich was developed the first classification of types of forests. It was at this stage that the first reserves were created: Berezinsky (1925), Belovezhskaya Pushcha (1939).

Learning the population and economy. The new level in 1919-1941 studied studies of the territorial organization of industry, agriculture, the population of the republic. Leading institutions of economic and geographical research over the 20s. There were Gamin BSSR and organized in 1925. Inbelkult. In the 30s. The Institute of Economics of the BCSR Academy of Sciences and 6 sectoral research institutions in the field of industry was opened.

The significant contribution of economically scienceographers was submitted to the development of issues of the industrialization of the republic, the placement of productive forces in connection with the implementation of the GOELRO plan. Scientific work appeared with the justification of the zoning scheme, which provided for the creation of administrative regions in Belarus.

In 1919-1941 The study of economic and geographical issues of the development of agriculture, optimizing its territorial structure. In 1936, edited by Ya.G. Rankov published the manual "Economic Geography of the BSSR". This collective work of the staff of the Institute of Economics of the BCSR BSSR contained the most complete description of the sectoral and territorial structures of the economy of the republic.

From the 20th year. The development of issues of accommodation, dynamics and national composition of the population of the republic began. Problems of classification and development of urban settlements were investigated. In the 30s. The study of the problems of population in Belarus almost suspended as a result of Stalinist repression.

The day of Belarusian science life puts the goals of science, science illuminates the path of life ...

The day of science in the USSR was celebrated in the third Sunday of April, as in 1918 between April 18 and 25, Lenin amounted to the "sketch of the plan of scientific and technical works", which was the actual recognition of science with advice. Many scientific teams still celebrate the day of science "according to old style". At the end of 1993, a celebration called "Day of Belarusian Science" was officially established in the Republic of Belarus. The day of science in Belarus is annually celebrated on the last Sunday day of January. Day of Russian science, for example, is celebrated on February 8. This holiday is timed to the date of the foundation of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Russian Academy of Sciences) established on the command of Peter I by decree of the Governing Senate of January 28 (February 8 for a new style) of 1724. Each great success of science has a great audacity of imagination with its origin. John Dewey

Science is a treasure, and a scientist person will never disappear. Arbitrator Guy Petronia International Science Day (World Science Day for Peace and Development - World Science Day for Peace and Development) was officially proclaimed by UNESCO in 2001, and since then it is celebrated annually on November 10. International Day of Science and Humanism, He is Darwin's Day (Darwin Day) - celebrated on the birthday of the founder of the theory of evolution, Charles Darwin's biologist - February 12. Back in 1882 (the year of death, Ch. Darvina), the fans of the scientist decided to celebrate this day. In 1909, the holiday was already quite widespread.

Ingenious ideas come to those who deserve their hard work. IN AND. Vernadsky Science of Belarus has deep historical origins. The first scientific submissions refer to the VII-VIII centuries, when the tribes inhabited by the territory of our country began the selection of crafts: foundry, blacksmith, pottery, weaving. The development of these crafts was impossible without certain physical and physical and chemical knowledge.

A scientist is not the one who gives the right answers, but the one who puts the right questions. Claude Levi-raising to the further development of science, also writing, literature and culture, contributed to the spread of Ner Stimitia (X-XII centuries). Libraries were created in the monasteries and temples, summer pisi was conducted, books were rewriting. The vivid representatives of the enlightenment of that time were E.Polotskaya and K.Turovsky. With the spread of the humanistic and reform movement (XVI-XVII centuries), education gradually acquired a secular character, and more attention was paid to natural sciences. By the XIII-XIV centuries. It refers to the creation on the territory of Belarus its own measures - the so-called Polotsk system of measures.

The one who knows science is inferior to someone who finds pleasure in her. Confucius (kun-zi) in the VIII-XIX centuries. Scientific studies were particularly active in the field of astronomy, chemistry, geography, biology, history and ethnography, and related to the names of famous Belarusian scientists, including: Ignat Domeiko Martin Anchiput-Delianitsky Joachim Japtovich Kazimir Narbut

At the beginning of the XIX century, with the development of machine production, there was a need to solve complex technical tasks. The organic connection of science and technology began. Belarusian scientists work actively: the process of scientific discoveries is, in essence, continuous flight from miracles. Albert Einstein

All ideas in science were born in a dramatic conflict between reality and our attempts to understand it. Albert Einstein

Wide scope of domestic scientific research acquired in the BSSR, after its formation in 1919. In 1929, the Belarusian Academy of Sciences was created on the basis of the Institute of Belarusian Culture. In pre-war years, Belarusian scientists conducted research in the field of geology, geography, botany, zoology, biochemistry, medicine, physical and mathematical, philosophical, economical, and others. Sciences. Since the 50s, physical and mathematical and technical sciences have developed rapidly, new institutions have been created, academic scientific centers were organized in the regional cities. Science and art - the glory of the people; They increase its happiness. Gelving

Among those who created the domestic science, thanks to the scientific achievements of which the new concept of "Belarusian Scientific School" appeared in the global scientific community, - the names of Belarusian scientists: K.V. Gores A.R. Zhlebrak V.F. Kurevich A.S. Evening T.N. Youth N.D. Nesterovich P.F. Rokitsky A.N. Sevchenko F. and Fedorov B.I. Stepanov True science does not know neither sympathies nor antipathy: the only goal of it is truth. William Growe

"Is the Academy useful as, so to speak, the temple of science, as a source of pure knowledge? ... Further development of science, increasingly connecting oneself with the needs of production, is likely to cause some organizational forms to life. " . These words of the great scientist D.I. Mendeleeva did not lose its relevance from the distant 1882. What recent scientific results today can Belarusian science report today? (I give an example only some of them)

From the developments that have found practical application can be noted the creation at the Institute of Physics. B.I. Stepanov experimental samples of lasers safe for eyes that are not inferior to the best world counterparts, which makes development promising for widespread. The institute announced the creation of solid-state lasers with diode pumping. Compared to gas and other solid-state lasers, they are characterized by higher efficiency and compactness. The most promising scope of their application is transportation, environmental protection and medicine. Belarusian science in recent years has achieved great success in the field of lasers. What recent scientific results today can Belarusian science report?

In the NPC according to the material science, unknown persons were disclosed, allowing to slow down and accelerate the processes of polyferactions (the growth of the tissue of an animal or vegetation organism by taking the cells of the Cancer cell to, acting on them with nanoparticles based on the fullere-new complex, which can be applied to the early diagnosis and suppression of development of evil-high-quality tumors. What recent scientific results today can Belarusian science report? An unusual gem, called "Red Emerald" for the first time, was grown by scientists from the scientific and practical center of the National Academy of Sciences of Material science. In nature, he is extremely rare. The artificial its analogue is no inferior in the beauty, composition and quality of nudgets, but at a price costs almost 100 times cheaper

The Institute of Metal Technologies of the NAS has developed the compositions of castoffs, which allowed to increase the resistance of parts for wear by 30-40%. What recent scientific results today can Belarusian science report? In the center of LED and optoelectronic technologies, LED lamps for the street and housing and communal services are developed in the center of LED and OPO electron technologies. Scientific and production republican subsidiary Polymag presented technology and equipment for ultra-thin finishing surface treatment in a magnetic field. This complex allows you to carry out a controlled correction of the surface of the surface of optics, laser equipment and electronics.

What recent scientific results today can Belarusian science report? The attention of specialists will attract the joint development of scientists of the Belarusian University of Mogilev - fiber-optic industrial endoscopes. They are intended for technical diagnostics of hard-to-reach places of machines and aggregates. Their feature is the efficiency and accuracy of diagnosis with high contrast of the resulting image. Scientists of the Institute of Heat and Mass transfer created the theory of evaporative cooling of micron drops of solutions under reduced pressure in aerosol reactors, on the basis of which proposals were developed to use this effect to obtain metal oxide nanoparticles inside the droplets in the aerosol reactor. The developers of new technologies are the Institute of Heat and Mass Mass named after A.V. Likov and the Scientific and Practical Center for Livestock National Academy of Belarus. The first institution's account is the development of a unique atomic-power microscope, microbioreactor, which allow you to increase the scan area, investigate in vitro cells.

Scientific and practical center for animal husbandry has developed a technology for obtaining medicines and food products based on a human lactoferrin, which will serve as the basis for organizing modern biotherapy of highly efficient and biologically sustainable drugs and food additives. The joint efforts of scientists were obtained by transgenic animals (goats), whose offspring introduced the gene structure of the person. This has become a sensation in the scientific world, since no scientific team in any country approached as close to the possibility of a relatively cheap industrial production of human lactoferrin - a natural antibiotic with a strong antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. What recent scientific results today can Belarusian science report?

During the joint study of specialists of the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, the Joint Institute for Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, as well as the Republican NPC epidemiology and microbiology of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus, a computer design of a new potential therapeutic agent was conducted. The researchers synthesized it and proved that it can effectively block the reproduction of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Scientific and technology park BNTU "Polytechnic" demonstrates an ultrasonic installation to destroy thrombus. According to experts, such an installation will make a big breakthrough in the treatment of atherosclerosis. What recent scientific results today can Belarusian science report?

In 2011, the head of the laboratory of porous environments of the Institute of Heat and Mass and Mass Sharing named after Lykov, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor Leonard Vasilyev was awarded the Gold Medal, named after the physics of George Grovera. The time will come when science will be fastened. Jules Verne this award established a permanent Scientific Committee for the Organization and Conducting International Conferences on Heat Pipes for Awarding Scientists, which made a significant contribution to the development of science on bind-phase heat transfer devices and their manufacturing technologies.

Representatives of the academic and university sectoral science have made a lot of efforts so that the Republic of Belarus to develop accelerated pace and won a worthy place among the leading countries of the world. Today, the successes and achievements of Belarusian scientists in various fields of fundamental, applied science are recognized by the world community, and for a number of areas is a serious avant-garde of scientific and technological progress. All scientists and enthusiastic science, with the holiday!

December 30, Minsk / Corr. BelTA /. The National Academy of Sciences of Belarus called the Top 10 results for 2016, BelTA was told in the press service of the NAN.

The decision to recognize the top 10 results of the Academy of Sciences in 2016 in the field of fundamental studies adopted the Bureau of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus according to the results of the Competition.

The list opens the result received by young employees of the Institute of Physics. B.I.Stepanov, who managed to create new method of localization of quantum light states Based on a limited number of so-called reconstruction measurements. The method allows effective quantum tomography of light. The result is published in one of the Nature magazines - the most prestigious world scientific publication.

The second result is prediction and implementation of a new type of light fields - Aury's tunable laser beams, which have the property of the self-confined profile when distributed in dissipation and inhomogeneous media. He is also received by the staff of the Academic Institute of Physics. Such beams are necessary to carry out the delivery of light energy over long distances compared to conventional (Gaussian) bundles.

Employees of the Joint Institute of Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus developed a new method of analyzing complex images of large sizes, Based on information technologies of deep learning. As explained, commenting on the result, Deputy Chairman of the Presidium of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus Sergey Kilin, the method made it possible to develop a highly effective way to automatically analyze histological images, according to which the presence of cancer breasts is determined at the earliest stage of the disease. The authors team, participating in the international competitions of 2016 Tupac16 and Camelyon16 devoted to the problem of automated breast cancer diagnostics (more than 100 professional teams from different countries of the world participated), entered the fourth of the best in the nomination "Prediction of the proliferation index based on mitosis calculation", ahead of the team of universities USA, Germany, Great Britain, etc.

In OPP, powder metallurgy installed mass transfer mechanisms in sintering processes of silicon and carbon with nano-tube, Allowing the formation of lightweight structural elements from a composite based on carbidrement ceramics with unique mechanical and thermal properties (layer-by-layer identity of thermal linear expansion coefficients and thermodormation). This result is aimed at creating astronomical large-sized mirrors for use in outer space.

Employees of the NPO "NPC NAN Belarus on Material Science" together with physicists discovered stimulated and laser radiation in multicomponent styling semiconductors, The mechanism of radiative recombination is established leading to their occurrence in film structures designed to create solar cells of the new generation.

Scientists from the Institute of Physico-Organic Chemistry of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus amino-, nucleic and polyunsaturated fatty acids are synthesized, Possess the effect of a significant slowdown in biochemical reactions that cause various pathologies. The effect is realized when replacing hydrogen atoms on deuterium in certain places of biomolecules, showing instability to oxidation. The compounds obtained are promising to create a new generation of medicines.

The team of scientists of the Institute of Biophysics and Cell Engineering of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the Institute of Physiology National Academy of Sciences received fundamentally important results for prevention and treatment of metabolic disorders and neuro-cultural pathologies, Including genetic modification by dendromers of nervous tissue cells in order to superproduction in them a neurotrophic factor that stimulates the recovery of the peripheral nerve, and the use of a person's recombinant lactoferrin. Thus, we found ways to solve the most complicated problem of nerve cell regeneration.

Scientists Institute of Microbiology Nan Belarus for the first time, chemical compounds were discovered - modulators (isopropanol, ethanol, choline chloride), Significantly accelerating microorganisms of glucose oxidase enzymes, which serves as the basis for creating an effective thermal stable preparation with increased catalytic activity used in bioelectronics devices.

Employees of the Institute of History Nan archaeological complex has been opened and studied: Cordon Vitebskoy- Unique for Eastern Europe, a monument of the Viking era (viii - x centuries). The materials of the complex prove the participation of Varyags in the development of the trade and economic potential of the region, reveal its extensive international relations and the leading role in the formation of the Dnieper-Lovatsky section of the path "from the Varyag in Greeks" at an early stage (IX - middle of the X century) of the formation of state structures in the Eastern Slavs.

Scientists of the NPC NAN Belarus on agriculture developed and tested unique technology for obtaining regenerates in vitro from the rye anthers - agricultural culture, difficult to regenerate on an artificial nutrient medium. The creation of double guaploid (DH lines) allows twice to reduce the timing of obtaining homozygous forms of rye as parental components and accelerate the selection.-0-

Successes of science business and courage of the mind of Wolter Science of Belarus has deep historical origins. The first scientific submissions refer to the VII-VIII centuries, when the tribes inhabited by the territory of our country began the selection of crafts: foundry, blacksmith, pottery, weaving. The development of these crafts was impossible without certain physical and physical and chemical knowledge.

Science has the best way to make the human spirit heroic Jordanly Bruno to the further development of science, also writing, literature and culture, contributed to the spread of Christianity (X-XII centuries). In the monasteries and temples, libraries were created, the chronicles were conducted, books were rewriting. The vivid representatives of the enlightenment of that time were E.Polotskaya and K.Turovsky. More attention was paid to natural sciences.

In the VIII-XIX centuries. Scientific research was particularly active in the field of astronomy, chemistry, geography, biology, history and ethnography, and are associated with the names of famous Belarusian scientists, among whom: the one who knows science is inferior to someone who finds the pleasure of Confucius (Coon Tzu) Martin Anchiput-Deroganitsky Ignat Domeiko Joachim Jreptovich Kazimir Narbut

The cleanliness of science is the first commandment of the scientist Nikolai Nikolayevich Semenov on the basis of the Belarusian Culture Institute, the Belarusian Academy of Sciences was created in 1929. In the pre-war years, Belarusian scientists conducted research in the field of geology, geography, botanists, zoology, biochemistry, medicine, physical and mathematical, philosophical , economic and other sciences. Since the 50s, physico-mathematical and technical sciences have developed rapidly, new institutions have been created, academic scientific centers in regional cities have been organized. Recently, its structure is noticeably transformed: new types of organizations (scientific and practical centers and associations) have been created, approaches and methods for managing innovation activities have been improved. At the same time, scientists provide their customers with a full range of services: from scientific idea to specific development works, organization of production.

One time loved science, he loves her all her life and never discern with her voluntarily Dmitry Pisarev Mikhail Artemyev Scientist in Nanochemistry, Doctor of Chemical Sciences. Born in Minsk in 1963. In 1985 he graduated from the Chemical Faculty of BSU. The scientific interests of Mikhail Artemyev lie in the field of synthesis and study of the structure, structural-chemical transformations and properties of ultrafine metals, quantum separation semiconductors, nanoscale oxides, as well as micro and nano heterogeneous composite systems based on them, quantum chemical calculations of metal clusters and semiconductors. Developed a number of new methods for obtaining highly dispersed and nanostructured systems for micro, nanoelectronics and optics. It is engaged in the creation of nanomaterials with special properties, such as luminescent coatings, fluorescent labels for fluorescent immunoassay, components for radio-absorbing materials, laser shutters, blanks for optical fibers.

Science Great decoration and a very useful gun ... Michel Monten Nikolai Kuleshov Physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. On August 10, 1957 was born. In 1979 he graduated from BSU and began working in the research institutes. Currently, the head of the department "Laser technique and technology" BNTU, the supervisor of the research and development center of optical materials and technologies of the BNTU. The author of scientific papers on spectroscopy of new laser materials and passive shutter based on crystals doped by ions of rare-earth elements and transition metals, as well as the creation of solid-state lasers with diode pumping and generation of ultra-screw pulses in lasers based on them. Developed a number of new highly efficient laser materials for diode-punched solid-state lasers operating in modulated quality and passive modulated modes in different spectral ranges for ranges in ranges, processing materials and medicine. Scientific research scientists are actively used in practice and in the educational process

Science is nothing but the display of reality. F. Bacon Sergey Gaponenko Physicist, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor Photo of Physical and Mathematical Sciences. Born on June 5, 1958 in Minsk. In 1980 he graduated from BSU and began working at the Institute of Physics of the BCSR. Since 2007 - Head of the Laboratory of the Institute of Physics. B.I. Stepanov National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. The author of scientific works on the physics of the condensed state and optics of nanostructures. The nonlinear optical properties of impurity semiconductor crystals, spectral properties of nanocrystals placed in a dielectric matrix, as well as the change in their characteristics during a gradual transition to bulk bodies. Suggested using colloidal nanostructures as photonic crystals, studied the change in quantum processes in such systems, leading to a change in the probabilities of quantum transitions in molecules, strengthening nonlinear optical effects, an increase in the sensitivity of spectroscopic methods, investigated the patterns of light propagation in complex structures. Posted by a textbook called "Introduction to Nanofhotonics", which was recommended by the University of Cambridge as a tutorial for senior students and undergraduates.

The process of scientific discoveries is, in essence, continuous flight from miracles. Albert Einstein Mikhail Kovalev Scientist in Informatics and Mathematics Cybernetics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Born on November 28, 1959 in the village. The years of the Majovsky district of the Mogilev region. He graduated from the Faculty of Applied Mathematics BSU. Works by the Deputy General Director for the scientific work of the OIPI National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and, part-time, professor at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Informatics BSU. The scientific interests of the scientist lie in the field of combinatorial optimization, theory of schedules and logistics. They have developed general schemes for constructing effective ε-approximate algorithms for solving discrete extremal problems, the theory of construction of service schedules by parties, methods for solving logistics problems, general approaches to establishing the computational complexity of tasks, combinatorial algorithms for determining the linear structure of DNA molecules. Mikhail Kovalev's scientific and technical developments introduced at the Kazan Aviation Production Association, NGO "Orbit" (Dnepropetrovsk), Research Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology (Minsk)

Igor Troyanchuk Physicist, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Born on November 27, 1956 in Poltava (Ukraine). He graduated from the Belgosuniversity, since 1995 Head of the Laboratory of the Joint Institute of Solid State Physics and Semiconductors of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus (now - the Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. Author of work in the field of studying the magnetic and electrical transport properties of magnetically ordered media, the development of technology of ceramic materials, ferrite and their practical application. Developed the concept of orbital phase bundle in magnetic semiconductors, revealed the nature of magnetic transformations leading to the effect of "colossal" magnetoresistance. It has established that overall magnetic interactions through anions in magnetic semiconductors significantly exceed exchange interactions through charge carriers. Opened a number of new phase transformations such as a metal-dielectric, the nature of which is associated either with electronic ordering, or with a change in the spin state of magnetic ions. He developed the technology of obtaining high-commodity needle hexaferrita barium for magnetic recording of information on flexible media and a number of high-frequency and magneto rigid magnetic materials. Developed methods for lowering the temperature of sintering ceramic materials, which is important to increase their characteristics and miniaturization of devices. Facts in science is the same that experience in public life J. Buffon

No difficult sciences, there is only difficult presentation by A.I.Gsensen Evgeny Demidchchik was born on January 2, 1925, died on April 1, 2010, a scientist in the field of surgery and oncology, academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Honored Doctor of the Republic Belarus, participant in the Great Patriotic War. Made a great contribution to the improvement of methods of surgical treatment of patients with esophagus and stomach cancer. He first studied the clinical and biological features of the thyroid cancer provoked by the radiation of the thyroid gland in children. Proved that a significant increase in the frequency of cancer of this localization is due to the accident at the Chernobyl NPP, and one of the first reported on this world community in the Nature magazine. It has established that the children's thyroid cancer caused by the action of ionizing radiation has highly aggressive properties that are manifested by rapidly invasion of neck tissues and extensive dissemination of cancer cells in the body. Made a great contribution to the development of the most effective methods of treatment of patients with thyroid cancer and in connection with this was elected coordinator of the scientific project of the European Union JSP-4 "The optimal treatment of children patients with thyroid cancer". As an expert performed at international conferences held by the European Union, WHO and IAEA.

Each great success of science has its source a great audacity of the imagination of D.Dyuri Gennady Cabo Chemist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor. Born on June 5, 1939 in Voronezh. With honors, he graduated from the Kuibyshev Polytechnic Institute, from 1979 to the present Vrefotomia Professor of the Department of Physical Chemistry BSU, scientific work is engaged in the Research Institute of Physico-Chemical Problems of BSU. The scientific interests of the scientist lie in the field of experimental study of the thermodynamic properties of organic substances. Gennady Kabo conducted a thermodynamic study of various types of functional, cyclic positional isomerism and established patterns in the equilibrium ratios of isomers. Created universal principles for the quantitative description of the dependences of the physicochemical properties of substances from the structure of molecules using the submissions about the "cyclicity of" effective atoms, developed the original methods of additive calculations, proved the additivity of the thermodynamic properties of organic substance crystals and determined its limits. Developed methods for determining the energy states of molecules in plastic crystals and thermodynamic parameters of the processes of education "holes" in liquids.

Science opens to those who serve it, the grand prospects of F.Zholio-Curie Konstantin Yumashev Physicist, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor. Born on June 17, 1957 in Severomorsk, Murmansk region (Russia). In 1979 he graduated from BSU and began working in the Research Institute of Applied Physical Problems of BSU, then in the International Laser Center at BNTU, then in the Research Institute of Optical Materials and Technologies BNTU. From 2010 - Head of the Research Center for Optical Materials and Technologies BNTU. The area of \u200b\u200bscientific interests is optical and nonlinear optical materials, including nanomaterials, for laser, optical and optical electronic devices and systems. Investigated patterns between spectroscopic properties and technological conditions for the synthesis of nanostructured glass-crystalline materials with cobalt ions and lead sulphide and based on them developed a number of effective passive shutters for nanosecond lasers and ultrashort light pulses of the spectral range of 1-2 microns. Detected the effect of nonlinear absorption anisotropy in cobalt cobalt cobalt crystals, studied the anisotropy of the temperature dependence of the refractive index and thermal expansion in double tungstening laser crystals, proposed new athermal directions for laser elements based on crystal data.

Random discovery makes only the prepared minds B. Pascal in June 2012, Belarus became a cosmic power. From the Baikonur cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, the Belarusian satellite remote sensing of the Earth has been launched. The spacecraft (BKA) launched into space in a cluster of five devices - along with Russian "Canopus-B" and MCA-FKI (Zond-PP), German TET-1 and Canadian ADS-1B. The Belarusian spacecraft provides full coverage of the territory of Belarus with space shooting. Its weight is about 400 kg, the resolution in the Panchromatic range is about 2 m. BKA has high dynamic characteristics, which means that he is maneuverable and can be quickly rebuilt in orbit in order to record under the adjacent angle. Thanks to the launch of the satellite, Belarus can create an independent remote sensing system of the Earth, which will reduce the services of other states on obtaining and processing space information. Cosmos (Astronomy)

Scientists of the Joint Institute for Informatics Problems of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus developed a Scythian Grid supercomputer based on 12-nuclear AMD Opteron processors and accelerator graphics processors. This is the most productive configuration in the family of Belarusian models of Scyth Supercomputers. Peak performance, excretizing with graphic processors, is 8 teraflops. The achieved performance indicator (CPD) of the cluster is 82.15%. Computing nodes and other cluster modules "Skif-Grid" are located in one 19-inch rack with a height of about 2 meters. Supercomputer "SKIF-GRID" (informatics) The new supercomputer was created by Belarusian performers of the Skif-Grid Union State Program. Within its framework, a computational platform of the Scythian polygon was created and the experimental sections of the grid network - the basis of the joint computational space of the Union State. It consists of a number of separated geographically, but united in a single network of supercomputer centers. Such an association allows you to solve a much wider range of tasks, as in calculations, storage of data, their processing involves all the power of the territorially distributed system, regardless of where they are. Science is very difficult. Science is suitable only for strong minds Monten M.

New generation lasers (physics) Staff of the Institute of Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus developed new generation lasers. Scope of application wide: from medicine to industry. Unlike traditional, such lasers are much safer for the eyes. In addition, they are much smaller and functional. It is expected that in the future, instruments and technologies with their use will make it easier for specialists from various sectors of the national economy. In parallel with this, the new developments of Belarusian physicists are already claimed abroad. At the Institute of Physics named after B.I.Stipanov, develop new laser sources and systems for various purposes, investigate the nonlinear dynamics of complex systems, optical methods of diagnosing natural objects and biological environments. The scientific institution also examine the development of the physical and technological foundations of the creation of products of micro, optocoules and nanoelectronics, develop methods of processing information, information and measuring systems and control systems. The Institute cooperates with scientific centers and companies in India, China, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Italy, Germany, France, Poland, Russia and other countries. Science captain, and the practice of Soldiers Leonardo da Vinci

Medical achievements (chemistry, biology) at the Institute of Genetics and Cytology National Academy of Sciences of Belarus opened a unique DNA Biotechnology Center. The new structure will allow more effectively to achieve genetics and genomics in health care, agriculture, sports and environmental protection of Belarus. Institute's specialists have begun to create a modern polygon to test transgenic plants. There will be transgenic grades of agricultural plants and conduct their first tests. Belarusian and Russian scientists were first obtained from the Molokartransgenic Goats of Laktorinrin of a person. It has unique anti-cancer, antibacterial and anti-pollergenic properties. In many countries of the world, the technologies of obtaining lactoferrin from cow milk have already mastered. But the methodology created by scientists of Belarus and Russia has significant advantages over foreign. In one liter of milk from transgenic goats - about six grams of Laktorrin, and this is one of the highest indicators in the world. Science is nothing but the display of reality Bacon F.

In science, Glory gets to someone who convinced the world, and not the one who first came across the idea of \u200b\u200bFrancis Darwin, scientists from Belarus raised red emerald - such a nobody managed. The unusual gem for the first time was grown in the scientific and practical center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus. In nature, the Red Emerald meets extremely rarely, and it is mined only in one place on Earth - in the mountains of Vocho-Vocho, located in Utah, USA. Artificial analogue is no inferior in beauty, composition and quality nuggets, but it is almost 100 times cheaper. The NPC according to the material science for several years has been engaged in the production of synthetic emeralds and rubies, taking, according to specialists, a worthy niche in the global jewelry market. It is "mined" about 6 million carat of precious stones annually.

Belarusian scientists have achieved significant success in various areas of scientific research. It is widely known, received a high rating in Belarus and international recognition of achieving scientific schools in the field of mathematics, theoretical physics, spectroscopy and luminescence, laser physics, electronics, automation, thermal physics, materials science, engineering, geology, bioorganic chemistry, physiology, genetics, breeding, soil science , cardiology, surgery obey cleanliness of science is the first commandment of a scientist N. N. Semenov

The science - A special kind of human cognitive activity aimed at developing objective, systemically organized and reasonable knowledge about the world around. The basis of this activity is to collect facts, their systematization, critical analysis and on this basis the synthesis of new knowledge or generalizations, which not only describe the observed natural or social phenomena, but allow you to build causal relationships, and as a result - to predict

The scientific potential of Belarus is concentrated in National Academy of Sciences of Belarusleading universities, research institutes (research institutes) and centers design Bureau. Fundamental and applied research is carried out about 30 thousand people In 300 organizations. Of 17 thousand scientists with degrees of more than 2.5 thousand - Doctors of Sciences. In the capital, 73% of research and scientific organizations are concentrated, in Gomel and Minsk regions - 10.4% and 5.2%, respectively. Then follow Mogilev, Grodno, Vitebsk and Brest regions.

In order to form a favorable environment for the development of the IT-sphere, counteracting the outflow of specialists abroad, attracting investments in the economy of Belarus in 2005 "Park of High Technologies".

Even such a small country like Belarus must have fundamental science. One of its functions is to track the newest thing that is being done in the world. . No state without science and no science without a state. Fundamental science should be integrated with education: it should significantly affect the level of higher education in the country.

On November 1-2, 2007, the first congress of scientists of the Republic of Belarus was held in Minsk.At the first congress of scientists of the Republic of Belarus, reports were made on issues of great importance for the further development of the science and economy of our country.

Founded in October 1928 as the Belarusian Academy of Sciences and solemnly open January 1, 1929, National Academy of Sciences of Belarus is leading research center of Belarusuniting highly qualified scientists of various specialties and dozens of research, scientific and production, design and implemental organizations. The Academy of Sciences employs about 17.5 thousand researchers, technicians, auxiliary and service personnel. Among them are above 6.1 thousand researchers, about 510 doctors of science and over 1870 candidates of science.

Within the framework of various programs, innovative projects and economic contracts, by scientists and specialists of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus only in 2007, over 2460 facilities of new techniques were created, including over 300 names of machinery of machinery, equipment equipment, 690 materials, substances, tools, 280 technological processes, 190 varieties of plants, rocks of animals, preparations.

In the economy of the country, about 18 thousand advanced production technologies are used today, of which 70% are introduced in the last decade. This means that conversations that we "live on the Soviet base" have long been not true. In recent years, domestic scientists and designers have created a technological stuffing for many industries, successfully combining their own achievements with the achievements of world science.

Today Belarusian State University is an leading higher educational institution in the national education system of the Republic of Belarus and a large educational and manufacturing complex, in which, along with faculties, there are many research institutes and centers, industrial enterprises.

In 1967 . First deanindependent educational unit BSU - faculty of journalism - became a professor, in the past combat officer of the Soviet Army Grigory Vasilyevich Bulatsky. From 1980 to 1986, Professor P. I. Tkachev was worked from 1986, from 1986 to 1996 - Professor O. G. Roman, in 1996 - Associate Professor P. L. Dzurezurenok, from 1996 to 2005 - Associate Professor V. P. Vorobyov since 2005 - Associate Professor S. V. Dubovik.

Achievements of Belarusian Science:

The Institute of Physics has developed a new generation lasers;

The supercomputer "Skif-Grid" began work;

With the help of laser technologies, holographic objects are created;

Belarusian scientists first raised red emerald;

LED traffic lights;

New medical devices have been developed;

A preparation has been developed for the treatment of blood cancer in children;

Heart, kidney, liver, other organs and tissues are carried out

There are new developments in industries such as engineering, medical equipment and medicines, metallurgy products, chemistry and fertilizers, agriculture, electrical engineering.

Scientific publications of Belarus.

Why do scientific publications need?Periodic publications provide a number of functions, without which the development of science is unthinkable:

Transmission and consumption of scientific knowledge

Professional communication and interaction of scientists (in that chile are interethnic and interdisciplinary),

Stimulating scientific activity;

We solve issues of scientific priority and prestige, assessing the importance and stratification of individual scientists, scientific groups and scientific schools.

It was the periodicals that ensure the distribution of the scientific community on the levels of scientific prestige and allocate the scientific elite and "peripheral scientists", highly-cytered, low-cycled and uncitable scientists. They not only fix the priorities of the authors and ensure the functions of the scientific archive, but also carry out the relationship of scientific generations, "historical memory" in science, the possibility of scientific controversy and acquaintance with advanced achievements.

Belarus has a number of nations, which publiate the results of dissertation research. A monthly scientific and theoretical magazine is published in BSU "Bulletin BSU", founded in 1969. Comes out four series. Series 4 "Philology. Journalism. Pedagogy" includes materials on philology, journalism, pedagogy. Articles are printed on the history of journalism, theory and methodology of journalism, literary and artistic criticism, on the problems of periodic press, etc.

In the first issue of the magazine "Bulletin BSU"for 2012, for example, the following journalism mothers are published:

I. V. Sidorsk Optimization of the Communication Process Media with the audience: Methodological aspect

L. I. Melnikova to the typology of leading in Belarusian television

L. P. Saenkova Formation of Belarusian film critics in the 1920s: temporary context and axiological accents

T. N. Dasaeva, M. A. Valkovsky International Economic Journalism of Belarus: Transformation of the concept, form of practical incarnation

A. M. Kavaluўskі Litaratural Prong of Va ўmovakh Transfarmance Metadagіchnai Paradigma

Related scientific journals published in other universities: the "Vesnik Belaruskaga dzyarzhaўnaga ekanamіchnaga ўnіversіteta," "Vesnik Brestskaga ўnіversіteta," "Vesnik Vіtsebskaga dzyarzhaўnaga ўnіversіteta," "Vesnik Grodzenskaga dzyarzhaўnaga ўnіversіteta іmya Yankі Kupala," "Vesnik Magіloўskaga dzyarzhaўnaga ўnіversіteta іmya AA .Kulyashova. "

In addition, the Belarusian Dumka magazine can be attributed to the number of scientific publications - the socio-political and popular journal of the Presidential Administration of the Republic of Belarus. His editor-in-chief is a famous publicist Vadim Frantseich Higin, historian, political scientist.

On the pages of the magazine "Belarusian Dumka" in 2012 were such scientists as

1. Victor Shadursky - Dean of the Faculty of Municipal Ratio BSU

2. Oleg Proleskovsky - Minister of Information of Belarus

3. Viktor Kamenkov - Chairman of the Higher Economic Court of the Republic of Belarus

4. Herman Moskalenko - Deputy Chief Editor of the Weekly "7 days"

5. Roman Motulsky - Director of the National Library

6. Anatoly Afanasyev - Chairman of the Higher Attestation Commission.

For example, in No. 2 of the magazine for 2012, an interview with Anatoly Afanasyev "Lipovskiy Scientists we don't need"

In the National Academy of Sciences newspaper "Vedas". This weekly scientific information and analytical publication, the founders of which are the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus and the State Committee on Science and Technology of the Republic of Belarus. From October 1979 in Russian and Belarusian languages.

This is the only newspaper in the republic, entirely and fully dedicated to the domestic science (academic, university, industry), activities of scientific groups, organizations, educational institutions. The publication promptly talks about the achievements of scientists, raises the problems facing the scientific community.

On the pages of the publication, you can find news from the world of science, interviews with well-known scientists, government officials, analytical materials that can be useful to rectors, teachers, graduate students, students and attornesses of universities of our country.

The National Academy of Sciences also overlook scientific journals "Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus" and "Vetsi Natsyanalniy Academii Napala Belarus".

Some famous Belarusian scientists:

Zhores Alferov. Born in Vitebsk in 1930. Alfers awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2000.

Sergey Ablameyko, Rector BSU, Belarusian mathematician, major specialist in the field of informatics and information technology, image processing and image recognition, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of Belarus

Yuri Ostrovsky, Belarusian cardiac surgery, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Winner of the State Prize of Belarus in the field of science technology

Doctors of Sciences who work at the Institute of Journalism BSU:

Victor Ivchenkov, Head of the Department of Stylistics and Literary Editing

Tatyana Orlova, specialist in the sphere of theater journalism

Nina Froltsova, an expert in the field of audiovisual journalist and semiology