Monographs. Collective monographs on psychology and pedagogy collective monographs on economic sciences

Center for the development of scientific cooperation (Novosibirsk)

Currently, all scientific directions are developing quite dynamically. Publication of research results is an extremely responsible and important step for the scientist. There are many new original ideas, theories that deserve the closest attention of the scientific community. In addition, the presence of a certain number of publications is a prerequisite for the protection of dissertation works. One of the most authoritative forms of submission of scientific research materials is the publication of a monograph.

We invite you to take part in writing collective scientific monographs on economic themes:
1. Economics and management of enterprises, industries, complexes: problems and development prospects (CIFR - EK-1)
2. Effective business organization: Modern model (EC-2)
3. Financial management of the development of the economy (EC-3)
4. Cluster policy as a tool for the formation of an innovative economy (EK-4)
5. Market dynamics and consumer behavior in a market economy (EC-5)
6. Global Trends of Modern Economic Development (EC-6)

The results of scientific research on economics, management, marketing, taxation, innovation management, logistics, foreign economic activity, personnel management, AHD, pricing, strategic management, finance, budgeting, accounting, management accounting, taxation, AHD, IFRS, audit, pricing and etc.

Hardcover, full-color cover !!!

Monographs registered in a retail basis RINTS (Russian scientific citation index) and will be published on the electronic library website ELIBRARY.RU.

Editions are assigned international ISBN indices.

Monographs are sent according to the main libraries of Russia and abroad.

Application reception date
On the placement of materials in monographs
March 30, 2018

Monographs are sent to authors after 1 month from the date of the end of the reception of materials. The editors reserve the right in coordination with the author to transfer material to another monograph corresponding to the content of the material.

1. Harutyunyan O.K. , Professor of the Department "Public Administration" of the Academy of State Department of the Republic of Armenia (Republic of Armenia, Yerevan), D. Ekon., Professor
2. Mingaleva J.A. , Professor of the Department of Economics and Management at the enterprise of the Perm National Research Polytechnic University (Perm), D. Economy, Professor
3. Yanov V.V. , Head of the Department "Finance and Credit" of the Volga State University of Service (Togliatti), D. Economy, Associate Professor
4. Mergaliyeva L.I. , Head of the Department "Economic Theory and Business" of the West Kazakhstan State University. M. Utemisov (Republic of Kazakhstan, Uralsk), D. Ekon., Professor
5. Minakova I.V. , Head of the Department of World and National Economics of the South-West State University (Kursk), D. Economy, Associate Professor
6. Chernov S.S. , Head of the Department of Production Management and Energy Energy Energy of the Novosibirsk State Technical University (Novosibirsk), Head of TsGNS, K. \u200b\u200bEconomy, Associate Professor
7. Belousova S.V. , Head of the Laboratory of Economic Methods of Management of the Department of Regional Economic and Social Problems of the Irkutsk Scientific Center of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Irkutsk), K. Economy, Associate Professor

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Economic growth, institutes and technologies - M.: Lenand, 2020 (edition of the third, corrected)

Theory of Structural Dynamics of Economics

In this monograph, previous developments of the author are deepened and summarized, the problems of the theory of the structural dynamics of the economy are considered, in particular, the main provisions of this theory explaining the relationship of the elements of the system and their dynamics are formulated. The author reveals structural analysis, showing its ability to study the problems of economic growth and structural changes. An analysis of the impact of the structure of investments and technologies on the growth of the economy is given. The use of structural dependencies is shown in the study of the contribution of national projects into the growth of the Russian economy.

The book is addressed to the masters, graduate students, doctoral students, all those who are engaged in research in the field of economic science and analytical, expert work, especially those responsible for developing a country's strategy - the formation of macroeconomic, structural and scientific and technological policies.

In The Monograph Author's Developments Are Developed Further, Deepened and Generalized. Theory of Economy Structural Dynamics Are Considered, in Particular, The Main Provisions of theory Aur Formulated That Explain The Connections of System Elements and Its Dynamics. The Author Reveals The Structural Analysis, Showing Its Capabilities In Studying The Problems of Economic Growth and Structural Changes. There Is Given Analysis of The Impact of the Investments and Technologies Structure on Economic Growth. Also There Is Shown The Use Of Structural Dependencies In The Study Of The Contribution of National Projects to the Russian Economy Growth.

The book is addressed to masters, graduate students, doctoral students, all those involved in research in the field of economic science and analytical, expert work, especially to those responsible for developing the country "s strategy - the formation of macroeconomic, technological, structural and scientific policies.

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Sukharev O.S., the theory of structural dynamics of the economy - M.: Lenand, 2020- 200 p.

Structural macroeconomics

In the monograph, composed of the previously published articles of the authors, disclosed within the framework of a single idea of \u200b\u200bthe contours of such a direction in macroeconomic analysis as structural macroeconomics. As part of these studies, the impact of the parameters of the structural dynamics of the macroeconomic system, in particular investments, innovation; The effect of technological substitution, problems of industrialization, agency interactions are considered. Based on this, the social and other tasks of management of the development of the Russian economy are formulated, the possibilities of solving them with the expansion of the boundaries of stereotypical macroeconomic policies and others are demonstrated.

The book will be useful to researchers in the field of economic science, undergraduates, graduate students and doctoral students, economic policy developers of the executive branches, all interested problems in modern economic science and economic development.

This book is based on a brief course of lectures for graduate students of the Customs Academy when preparing for the candidate minimum.

Contains five chapters orienting researchers to independently study some sections of economic theory. The course is aimed at developing the skills of the economist researcher, the improvement of the problem-oriented thinking of graduate students, with the selection of methods for the permission of emerging problems. The book contains the copyright results of scientific work in the field of institutional theory, macroeconomic analysis, theory of growth and monetary policy. Store is recommended as author Tutorial, although contains five copyright lectures.

It is addressed to graduate students, masters studying in economic areas, doctoral students, research economists and researchers, all interested in the application of economic theory in practice.

Economic theory. Modern problems. Lectures for graduate students of the mouth - M.: Yurait, 2019

The book develops common approaches to institutional modeling,
considering the idea of \u200b\u200binstitutions, institutional changes,
technologies as special types of institutions. Critical analysis is subject to
the theory of the transaction costs of Couza-Williamson, with the allocation of new provisions and the modified formulation of the "Cone theorem". Offered
technological development models, systems dysfunction, etc. Principles have been introduced
institutional modeling, given typology of technologies based on the procedures for institutional planning and developing scientific and technical policy of the state.
The book is intended for all the problems of modern
economic Science, Institutional and Evolutionary Theory, Students,
graduate students, doctoral students, teachers, scientists.
Keywords: institutions, technologies, evolution, economic theory,
institutional modeling.

Economic theory of the evolution of institutions and technologies - M: Lenand,2019 - 312 with

The book is devoted to the development of the theory of the industrialization of the economy and discloses the methodology for the formation of an industrialization strategy. The structure of economic growth and technological renewal, the main elements of the structural policy of a new model of economic growth for Russia are investigated. A general method of structural analysis of GDP in costs and sectors, investments in new and old technologies, resource management to manage resources between the basic sectors of the economy through influence on the size of the risk of economic activity and its yield is developed. Scenic options for the growth of the Russian economy are given in solving the task of its industrialization.

The book is addressed to researchers, undergraduates, graduate students, doctoral students, economic policy developers, all interested in economic development issues. The monograph was prepared under Grant RNF.

Economic Industrialization Strategy. Study of the structure of economic growth and technological development - M.: Lenand, 2019 - 312 p. (in collaboration with Voronechichina E.N.)

Theory of Property Management. Edition Second, corrected

Theory of Property Management. Edition Second, Corrected - M.: Lenand, 2019

Monetary regulation of the economy. Study Guide - C-PB: SPbGEU - 2018 (in collaboration with A.M. Kuryanov)

Economic Policy - Institutional Mechanism

In the monograph, the development of institutional-evolutionary theory is being investigated in the development of a transmission mechanism of economic policy.

The limitations of the neoclassical approach is shown and its expansion is proposed due to the consideration of institutional properties and changes in the economic system using the situation of the theory of economic dysfunction.

A number of models are being developed within the framework of the Russian tradition of the evolutionary school, as well as the inexpensive approach to modeling innovation dynamics is developed, various
institutional problems of economic development in a sectoral section.

The book is a substantially recycled publication of the second volume of the two volume of the 2007, written in 2003-2005, with the exception of errors and typos of filing text, including training materials, other important fixes.

This publication can be considered a final corresponding to the author's idea.
It is addressed to researchers, research - graduate students and doctoral students, master, as well as specialists involved in the development and implementation of economic policies - legislators, politicians, state managers.

Elements of the theory of self-development of economic systems: institutions, agents, sectors, regions

The paper discusses the issues of the theory of regional self-development, possibilities for its use using a structural and institutional approach. The functioning of self-development institutions is investigated, the theory is developing, the main circuits of which are laid by Academician A.I. Tatarkina. The conditions for economic growth of regional systems, taking into account the available resource restrictions, the tasks of the restructuring of the regional economy, the importance of small businesses as a form of entrepreneurship in the development of the economic system are considered. The features of the development of institutions of development are investigated, their classification is given, the theory of their functioning has been developed. Different models of self-development of individual economic systems and areas of activity, such as small business, taking into account its influence on the growth of the Russian economy, as well as the problems of forming new industries and managed scientific and technical development on the example of Soviet experience. A model of strategic planning on the basis of the principle of conformity of factors, tools and achieved development goals is presented.

Sukharev O.S. Elements of the theory of self-development of economic systems: institutions, agents, sectors, regions - M.: Lenand, 2018 - 351 p.

Economic growth of Russia: new management model

The monograph is investigated by the problem of economic growth in Russia, there are various points of view and approaches to the organization of economic growth, the implementation of structural changes. The authors put out their gaze on how a new type of economic growth in Russia can be launched, for which it is necessary to revise the basic installations of macroeconomic and other types of policies, increase the controllability of the system, plan the commissioning of government measures and track the effectiveness of these impacts, ensuring the validity of changes and coordination of the economic politicians. The book offers elementary economic growth models, obtained separate, most simple relationships that contribute to the modern theory of economic growth and are models-diagrams illustrating the analysis conducted and supporting the conclusions of the authors. There is an extensive volume of empirical material, since the authors deliberately leave the exclusively econometric method of studying economic growth as the most abstract and not leading to the necessary results within the non-demand paradigm of economic thinking.
The book will be useful to researchers, experts-economists, economic policy developers, representatives of the executive and legislative authorities of Russia, graduate students, students and all interested in the development of the Russian economy and the theory of economic growth.

Flowers V.A., Sukharev O.S. Economic growth of Russia: a new management model - M.: Lenand, 2017 - 352 p.

In the collection of materials of the scientific seminar "Institutional theory and its applications", conducted in IE RAS, presented selective transcripts of reports and their discussion for 2013-2015. The reports are devoted to the issues of institutional economic theory - the interaction of institutions and technologies, their impact on the economic development, modeling of institutions, theory of transaction costs, the problems of accounting and measuring this type of costs, rent and randor-oriented behavior, economic growth in Russia, the psychological moments of the behavior of agents, new institutional Paradigm management. Aspects of the development of the Chinese economy, the problem of cycles, equilibrium and geopolitical conditions for the development of the modern economy are also considered. Separately studied the question of the role of Russian tradition in modern institutionalism, in the aspect of the influence of the school of economic circulation.

For researchers, students and graduate students of economic specialties, all of those who are interested in modern theoretical and applied problems of the institutional economy.

Institutional theory and its applications. Materials of the scientific seminar near Ed O.S. Sukhareva -M.: Lenand, 2017 - 204 with /

Annotation. VKNIG is developing general approaches to institutional modeling that take into account the idea of \u200b\u200binstitutions, institutional changes, technologies as special type institutions. The theory of transaction costs of Couza-Williamson transaction costs is subject to critical analysis, with the allocation of new provisions and the modified formulation of the "Cone theorem". Technological development models, systems dysfunction, etc. have been introduced. The principles of institutional modeling are introduced, the type of technology is given, based on the procedures for institutional planning and the development of scientific and technical policy of the state.

The book is intended for all those interested in the problems of modern economic science, institutional and evolutionary theory, students, graduate students, doctoral students, teachers, scientists.

Sukharev O.S. Evolutionary economic theory of institutions and technologies. Problems of modeling - M.: Lenand, 2017 -139 p.

The monograph sets out the foundations of the theory of dysfunction of economic systems, institutions, the management of the developed Sukharev O.S. In 1998-2001 and developed in subsequent years, applied in the analysis of certain problems of transformation of Russian economy, and changes covering economic science. The classification of dysfunction was carried out, methods for measuring dysfunctional states were proposed, the control functions and their dysfunction were considered.

This theory received a specific-practical embodiment, when analyzing institutional changes, planning industrial policy measures in the regions, the development of an applied methodology for managing the system of the commodity range of an industrial enterprise. Dysfunctions of state development, education, share capital, etc. are considered.

It is recommended for researchers, teachers, graduate students, doctoral students, senior students and all those interested in the effectiveness of the functioning of the economy and development problems, including the development of methods for managing individual systems and institutions.

Sukharev O.S., Palash S.V. Dysfunction of economic management systems. - M., 2016.

Global Excesses Economy. Institutions, Finance, Development, Politics

In the monograph, topical issues of the organization of world order in the era of globalization of the world system are justified by acceptable types of economic policies. A separate section is devoted to the so-called global excesses policy, which is the expression of the course of modern globalization. At this time, it is important to choose the faithful vector of economic policy and the strategy for the development of Russia, which is devoted to an independent big section.

The book is addressed to economists, politicians, representatives of executive and legislative bodies, students, graduate students conducting research in the field of economic science, and to all who are interested in modern problems of world order and economic development.

Sukharev O.S. Global Excesses Economy. Institutions, Finance, Development, Politics - M.: Lenand, 2016 - 506 p.

Theory of restructuring of the economy

The monograph develops the general provisions of the theory of restructuring of the economy, the principles, criteria for analyzing structural changes are formed, proposed models of economic growth and development. The author shows that the idea of \u200b\u200beconomic growth within the current economic structure is rather narrow, and restrictions are required when describing growth on the change in the relationship between the elements of the growing system. The idea that the system restructuring is a genuine attribute of its development (basic change). Restrictions on the monetary policy of development, the structure of the loan portfolio of the banking system, etc.

The book is addressed to economists from researchers, students of high schools of universities, graduate students, doctoral students and all learning the problems of the modern economy.

Theory of General Economic Restructuring, Formed Principles, Criteria for the Analysis of Structural Changes Proposed Model of Economic Growth and Development. The Author Demonstrates The Framework of Economic Growth In The Framework of the Current Economic Structure IS Dvolno Narrow and Requires Limited in Describing The Growing System of the Growth of the Growing System. IEDYA ALSO HELD THAT IT ITS A GENUINE RESTRUCTURING OF ITS DEVELOPMENT ATTRIBUTE (BASE CHANGE). RESTRICTIONS ON MONETARY POLICY DEVELOPMENT, THE STRUCTURE OF THE LOAN PORTFOLIO OF THE BANKING SYSTEM, ETC. The Book Is Addressed to Economist-Researchers, Undergraduates, Graduate Students, Doctoral Candidates and All, Witch Are Studies The Problems of the Modern Economy.

Sukharev O.S. Theory of the restructuring of the economy. M.: Lenand, 2016 - 256 p.

Economic Dynamics: Institutional and Structural Factors

In the monograph, institutional and structural factors determining economic dynamics are considered. At theoretical level, the study is given an investment model of economic growth, which takes into account the influence of institutional restrictions, a change in the models of the behavior of agents, based on their motives (installations), etc. The empirical base of research is facing the standing tasks of the development of the Russian economy. The author explores the problems in the field of monetary, budgetary, structural policies, the development of infrastructure and industry sectors. An empirical analysis of the state of individual subsystems of the Russian economy is carried out, the main patterns of the development of transport infrastructure, the agro-industrial complex (in the aspect of food security), industry (in the aspect of the industrialization of the economy), monetary policy, are offered changes in economic policies, in particular, the system approach to Planning budget spending, specifying them in directions of systemic effects on the basis of government solutions. As proposals for a change in economic policy, in accordance with the tasks of development, the principle of the "interest portfolio" and "bad balance" of the banking system, the institutional correction of the Russian economy, capable of affecting the change in the economic growth model, creating its new quality, that is, a new structural Foundation.
For researchers, representatives of the executive and legislative bodies of different levels of economists interested in the problems of modern development, graduate students, doctoral students, students and all who are not indifferent to the future of the Russian economy.

Sukharev O.S. Economic Dynamics: Institutional and Structural Factors. - M.: Lenand,2015 - 240 s.

Sukharev O.S. Economic growth, institutions and technologies. - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2015. (Second Edition, Recycled)

In the monograph, the problems of such a direction in economic science, as an information economy, are proposed, models of influence of information on the process of competition between agents are proposed, the fundamental principle of transmitting information, knowledge accumulation is introduced, the parameters of the combinatorial effect in the information sphere, various types of asymmetry and effects not taken into account in Classic options for information economics. A separate question is the impact of information changes to the economic growth of the system, the allocation of the regime of structural changes (relations) between different combinations, depending on the speed of creating a new and use of the old resource in the system. Important conclusions about information and knowledge as a product are given, new elements of welfare economy are formed due to a new look at public goods and information

For researchers, graduate students and doctoral students, undergraduates and all interested in new ideas in economic science.

Summary. In The Monograph The Problems of Such Area of \u200b\u200bEconomic Science AS "Information Economics" Are Investigated. Models of Information Influence On Competition Between Agents Are Suggested. Fundamental Principle of Information TRANSFER AND Accumulation of Knowledge is introduced. Parametres of Combinatorial Effect In Information Sphere and Various Kinds of Asymmetry and The Effects Which Are Not Considered In Classical Variants of "Information Economics". A Special Question Is Influnce of Information Changes on Economic Growth Of The System, Mode of Structural Changes (Correlations) Between Structural Combinations Depending On The Old Resource Creation and Uses of the Old Resource In The System. Important Conclusions About Information and Knowledge AS Products Are Presented. New Elements of Welfare Economics On The Basis of a New View on Public Goods and Information Are Formed.

The Monograph IS Recommended for Researchers, Postgraduate Students, Doctoral Candidates, Senior Students and for All Those Who Are Interested in New Ideas in Economic Science.

Sukharev O.S. Information economy: knowledge, competition and growth. - M.: Finance and statistics. - 2015.

The book combines various speeches of the author in the media 2008-2014, dedicated to problems of the development of the Russian economy. Specific proposals are given in terms of macroeconomic policies,institutional design, as well as the results of the theoretical studies of the author, brought to the general publicpopular science language. It is recommended to economists, political scientists, executive and legislative officials, graduate students, students,and all interested in the problems of the development of the Russian economy, and its future.

Sukharev O.S. Economy of Russia. Today and tomorrow. Actual questions and answers - M.: Lenand, 2015 - 160 s.

The book discusses the evolution of industrial systems - structural and institutional changes, the main patterns of the functioning of the Russian industry for the last quarter of a century are conducted, the phenomenon of deindustrialization and the need for industrial policy, which takes into account the trends in Russia and the world of modern technologies. It is recommended for scientists, graduate students, students, representatives of the legislative and executive authorities, all those interested in the problems of the development of the economy and industry.

Sukharev O.S., Strizhakova E.N. Industrial policy and development of industrial systems - M.: Lenand, 2015 - 160 s.

Sukharev O.S. Theory of Economic Efficiency. The second edition corrected. M.: Course, Infra-M, 2014. - 368 p.

Strategy for the development of science, education and production

In this paper, collected and combined with a single idea of \u200b\u200bthe article by the author in the period from 2006 to 2013 inclusive. The main goal Show the functioning of the education system and science of Russia, the main problems, especially in the institutional plane, which make it difficult to develop and the possibility of improving the quality of these most important public subsystems. The study of the qualitative, behavioral and institutional problems of the development of these systems, which are not only inherent in Russia, but are also manifested in other countries of the world, in total presenting the general difficulties of their functioning, gives hope that they will be permitted over time. In addition, the author forms the main tasks of the development of science, education, production, in the light of the task of industrialization of the economy of Russia on a new technological basis, which has a strategic perspective. The book is intended for researchers, teachers, industrial development developers (sectoral) policies, representatives of all branches of government, students, graduate students, all those interested in the problems of the future of Russia

Sukharev O.S. Strategy for the development of science, education and production. - M.: Lenand, 2014 - 144 p.

Russia needs another development model

Collection of works of the "School of Managed Economics". The book is devoted to topical issues of the management of the modern economy of Russia.
Scientific basis, theoretical and practical aspects of the management of Russia in modern conditions are considered: the model and management practices in 1992--2013, the results of development in the 22nd market, current issues of the modern stage and the most important causes of the stagnation of the Russian economy. Dealted suggestions and recommendations on the transition to effective development based on the model of a managed economy. The conditions for the use of the proposed development model, the content of the control mechanism, principles, methods and management tools, the features of management in the contemporary market conditions are determined.

The book is of interest to managers and specialists of government bodies, corporations, enterprises, organizations, scientists, politicians and all who are not indifferent to the prospects for the development of the Russian economy.

The monographs form the provisions of the institutional economic theory of technological changes and economic growth. The author explores the influence of institutions for the change in technology, the process of the emergence and replication of technology, also the opposite influence of technologies for institutional changes. The structure of the economy acts as a peculiar rule, which determines the direction and speed of the economic system. Several original models of economic growth of various systems are offered. The principle of "combinatorial increments" as the basic principle of improving and developing equipment and technologies is developed. The microeconomic foundations of technological changes are studied. Thus, an interesting attempt was made to associate the problems of institutional micro and macroeconomics, while not resorting to well-known retrospective classifications of the technological development of economic systems. Work is subject to fundamental author's work on the development of institutional economic theory of technology and growth.

Designed for scientists, graduate students, doctoral students, senior students of economic and technical specialties of universities, all those interested in the problems of the modern economic theory of institutes, technologies, growth.

Summary. Proposition of Institutional Economic Theory of Technological Changes and Economic Growth Are Formulated in the Monograph. The Author Investigates The Influence of Institutions on Technologies Change, Technologies Occurrence and Duplicating, And The Reverse Influence of Technologies on Institutional Changes. The Economy Structure ACTS AS An Original Rule Which Defines Direction and Speed \u200b\u200bOf Economic System Movement. Some Original Models of Economic Growth of Various Systems Are Suggeted. The Principle of "Combinatory Augmentation" AS The Main Principle of Perfection and Development of Technics and Technologies is developing. Microeconomic Bases of Technological Changes Are Studied. TheReby An Interesting Attempt to Connect The Problem of Institutional Micro and MacroeConomics Is Undertaken, Not Resorting to the Known RetroSpective Classifications of Technological Development of Economic Systems. The Work An Author "S Treatise On Institutional Economic Theory Of Development Of Technologies and Growth.

It May Be Useful for Researchers, Post-Graduate Students, Doctoral Candidates, Senior Students Of Economic and Technical High Schools and For Everyone Who Is Interested In The Problems of Modern Economic Theory of Institutions, Technologies and Growth.

Sukharev O.S. Economic growth, institutions and technologies. - M.: Finance and statistics. - 2014.

The monograph presents the basics of the theory of dysfunction of economic systems and institutions developed by the author in 1998-2001. and developed in subsequent years, applied in the analysis of certain problems of transformation of Russian economy, and changes covering economic science.

This theory has received a specific practical embodiment, when analyzing institutional changes, planning industrial policy measures in regions, the development of an applied methodology for managing the system of the commodity range of an industrial enterprise (firm).

Sukharev O.S. The theory of dysfunction of economic systems and institutions. - M.: Lenand, 2014 - 144 p.

The paper discusses the problems of forming regional economic policies, the main approaches and accumulated experience in this area are investigated. Special attention is paid to the work of institutions in the regional systems of the Russian economy, it is estimated to be an assessment of the importance of accounting for structural shifts in regional economy (on the example of the Kaliningrad special region), a model of "institutional (transactional) intermediaries" is proposed, the simplest model of economic growth of regional systems, taking into account available resource restrictions, The problems of reinductitia of the Russian economy are considered.

Sukharev O.S. Regional Economic Policy. - M.: URSS - 2014 - 142 C.

Sukharev O.S. Economic and mathematical models and methods of substantiating economic solutions. - M.: Publishing House of the Russian Customs Academy. - 2013. - 182 p. (14, 95) P.L.

Sukharev O.S. Privatization, Nationalization and Economic Reform

Consider i am the problems of privatization and nationalization as institutionprocess. The author forms an approach to the theory of economic reforms based on the theory of management and its own theory of dysfunction of the economic system and institutions that develops over the years. The main focus is made on the analysis of the performance.type privatization and nationalization, formation of efficiency criteria. Principles of privatization and nationalization are offered, basic identity of privatization and nationalization, the criteria of the optimal and rational ownership structure are submitted, reviewedi have the impact of ownership of decision-making in the economy. Examples of property dysfunction, education and science systems are given. For researchers, graduate students, doctoral students, senior students, executive and legislative representativesthe authorities, all those interested in the problems of reforming modern economic systems.

Sukharev O.S. Privatization, nationalization and economic reform, M.: Finance and statistics, 2013 - 350 s.

Sukharev O.S., Logvinov S.A. Management of structural changes in the economy

The monograph contains a large volume of generalized empirical material, on the basis of which the analysis of changes in the economy of Russia, the patterns of economic growth and crisis, the structural shifts and the main structural problems of economic development are evaluated, and recommendations and proposals for improving structural policies in the Russian Federation are given. For scientific workers, specialists in planning economic policies, government officials responsible for developing structural and other policy species, students and graduate students, as well as all interested in the modern problems of the development of the Russian economy.

Sukharev O.S., Logvinov S.A. Management of structural changes in the economy. - M.: Course: Infra-M, 2013. - 352 p.

Sukharev O.S., Kurmanov N.V., Melkovskaya K.R. Functional and Internet Marketing

The concept of functional marketing and methodological support management of the commodity assortment in enterprises, as well as the theory and methodology for managing internet marketing are considered. The book is built on specific examples of the activities of domestic enterprises of mechanical engineering and a timber industry complex in the field of marketing. For researchers, graduate students, teachers, students, as well as managers and employees of enterprise marketing services.

Sukharev O.S., Kurmanov N.V., Melkovskaya K.R. Functional and Internet marketing. - M.: Course: Infra-M, 2013. - 352 p.

Sukharev O.S. Methodology and opportunities for economic science

In the monograph, the state of economic science is considered in modern conditions, the problems of the methodology of its analysis, the position of neoclassics, Keynesianism, institutionalism, the possibilities of developing economic science, evolutionary theory are investigated. The problems of developing a universal theory, the use of economic psychology as a foundation for economic analysis, the conditions for the development of the instrumental apparatus of economic science and the development of the general theory of economic development are discussed. For scientists, graduate students, teachers, masters, as well as all readers interested in issues of economic science.

Sukharev O.S. Methodology and opportunities for economic science. - M.: Course: Infra-M, 2013. - 368 p.

Sukharev O.S. Evolutionary economy

Fundamental work, which outlines various aspects of the evolutionary economy. The author considers the evolution of institutions, the individual moments of the functioning of hierarchical structures, the problems of theoretical description of crises and growth, the value of technological development for economic changes. It is important to change the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of the economic system. This work contains the work of recent years, which have become a bibliographic rarity, and also includes individual articles of the author 2011-2012.
The book is useful for scientists, doctoral students, graduate students, senior students of universities and all interested in issues of modern economic science and its directions such as an institutional-evolutionary theory and theory of innovative technological development.

Sukharev O.S. Evolutionary economy. - M., Finance and Statistics, 2012. - 800 p.

Sukharev O.S. Structural analysis of the economy

Sukharev O.S. Structural analysis of the economy. - M., Finance and Statistics, 2012. - 216 p.

Sukharev O.S. Economy management

The book develops a new look at the problem of economic crises and growth, which comes down to consider periods of crisis and growth through the prism of the management impacts on the economic system. The author offers several models describing the economic cycle (alternation of crises and growth), formulates the principle of "combinatorial increment" as opposed to the principle of "creative destruction" of Y. Shumpeter. For researchers, graduate students, doctoral students, students, economic policy developers.

Sukharev O.S. Economy management. Introduction to the theory of crisis and growth. - M., Finance and Statistics, 2012.-279С.

Sukharev O. Institutional changes, efficiency and structure of the economy.

The book develops the theory of institutional changes, forms in relation to the direction of economic analysis - institutional macroeconomics. The author develops its concept of economic dysfunction and applies it to the description of the problem of economic growth, offers a model of the competition of agents under the innovative-conservative system, corrects the doctrine of "creative destruction", proposes a model of institutional changes based on the effect of a chess game, leading to a change in classical criteria Welfare, which are not fair in the process of institutional change. In addition, monographs have developed axioms of efficiency of economic systems, and also proposed to evaluate the economic efficiency of the system from the standpoint of its dysfunctionality based on the use of the device of reliability theory. The problems of the evolution of technical and financial systems of the economy are analyzed, the fundamental principles of their joint development are proposed.

Sukharev O. Institutional changes, efficiency and structure of the economy. 2011 (in English.)

Sukharev O.S. Economy of the Future: The theory of institutional changes.

The prospects for future qualitative changes in economics and economic science are considered. A special emphasis was made on the development of the theory of institutional changes and institutional macroeconomics as modern directions of economic analysis. The author offers an approach to modeling institutional changes and on this basis forms the concept of macroeconomic development management and the necessary state policy approaches.
For researchers, representatives of state power and management apparatus of different levels, legislators, as well as students, graduate students, doctoral students.

Sukharev O.S. Economy of the Future: The theory of institutional changes. M.: Finance and Credit, 2011.

The paper discusses the state of economic science in modern conditions, the positions of neoclassics, Keynesianism, institutionalism on the problems of the crisis, the possibilities of developing economic science and economics are investigated. The author analyzes the possibilities of economic science in the development of the theory of economic development, identifies the role and importance of the theory of institutional changes by D.Norta, gives a critical analysis of the individual provisions of this theory. A special role is assigned to the formation of assessments in economic theory, thereby emphasizes the importance of taking into account the principle of Murdal in the formation of economic knowledge. The possibilities of non-institutional analysis in coverage of economic development issues are considered, the author forms the role of the market and the state not on the eternal statement for economic science, but by systemic functioning, which should be reflected in the field of economic knowledge developed by models, including competition models. It also defines the general perspective of the development of institutional economic theory as an important alternative to the neoclassical approach in the economy.

Sukharev O.S. Institutional theory and opportunities for economic science (institutions, hierarchy, efficiency). Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011

Sukharev O.S. Economic policy and industry development.

In the monograph, the problems of the development of the Russian industry are investigated. The issues of the state of modern economic science and theories describing the development of industry, the problems of economic management, the theory of hierarchical structures, and also explored the industry as a system, structural changes, investment, development of means of production, etc.
Recommended for scientists, representatives of state power, practitioners of managers, all interested in the problems of the development of the economy and industry.

Sukharev O.S. Economic policy and industry development. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2011.

Sukharev O.S. Structural problems of the Russian economy: theoretical substantiation and practical solutions.

In this monograph, the method of "structural" analysis is developing, a model of interaction between the financial and production and technical sectors of the economy is being formed, a methodology for assessing the effectiveness of structural changes in the economy, modeling an innovative type of economic growth, methodology for the formation of an innovative system of production in enterprises, technological development, investment In humans - education, health care and evaluation of their effectiveness. The author proposed a model for assessing social efficiency and a criterion of social efficiency. The author laid the principles of the evolution of financial systems and production and technical systems and it is shown that there is a fundamental difference in their development, which must be taken into account at the level of macroeconomic models. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe interest portfolio is developed, which allows to differentiate economic policy activities in the sectors of the economy in order to eliminate structural disproportions of development. The concept of the "transmission channel" as an alternative to the principle of inflation targeting is justified. A mathematical model of the structural dynamics of "raw materials" and "non-religious" sectors, as well as a model of social structure that affects the choice of development goals is proposed.

Sukharev O.S. Structural problems of the Russian economy: theoretical substantiation and practical solutions. Monograph - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2010.

Sukharev O.S. Innovation in the economy and industry.

Sukharev O.S. Innovation in the economy and industry. M.: Higher School, 2010.

Sukharev O.S. Theory of Economic Efficiency

Study essentially allows to reveal until now not taken into account aspects of efficiency, represents a concentrated new look at the problem of efficiency. It changes the stereotypical ideas about the maximum efficiency, efficiency of the company and in general the efficiency of the economic system. The person is originally presented in the economic system - an agent as a separate system, the effectiveness of which is the function of the health stock function and the function of qualification (mathematical equivalents of these functions are proposed). The book uses a mathematical apparatus, graphic models for the development of methods for assessing and measuring efficiency. One sections are devoted to the effectiveness of innovation, contractual efficiency. The author contributes to the theory of welfare, showing how the measurement of external effects and "social" discontinuities can be used in economic analysis and as a system of efficiency model makes a change in well-consumable welfare criteria. Thereby, the contribution to the development of a new theory of efficiency of economic systems with a proposal of economic and mathematical instruments of its assessment is obvious.
Based on this, methods and directions for increasing the effectiveness of various types of economic activity are substantiated, the ambiguity of economic policy is determined from the standpoint of ideas about efficiency. The effectiveness of the economic system is proposed to evaluate its degree of dysfunctionality, and the method of quantitative evaluation of dysfunctionality is proposed on the basis of models of the theory of reliability of systems.
The study determines the factors affecting the effectiveness of the functioning of economic systems, the axiomatics of the theory of efficiency is formulated, the theory (model) of institutional efficiency is being developed and the ideas about synergistic efficiency develop. These achievements can be viewed as a new contribution of the author to the economic theory and the creation of economic and mathematical models of the effectiveness of the functioning of economic systems and institutions.

Sukharev O.S. Theory of Economic Efficiency. Monograph - M.: Finance and Statistics, 2009.

Sukharev O.S. Institutional Economics: Theory and Policy.

In this fundamental monograph, recommended for the publication of the scientific council of the EE RAS, the author was contributed to the development of the institutional-evolutionary approach of the Russian economic school. It belongs to the development of the original concept of the dysfunctionality of economic systems, the development of the "monetary range" model of the functioning of industrial organizations, the development of a model of nonosmetryanic competition within the "Novator-Conservative" system, which has reached the reasoning of J. Schumpeter on the emergence of new combinations in the economy on the macroeconomic level and ensure them Economic and mathematical formalization due to the use of the hypothesis of the "natural level" and the law A. OUCEN. Turning the strategy of "Novator" - "Conservative" with monetary functions by introducing a "monetary range" model, which determine the nature of the change in the behavior of agents, the mathematical model was obtained and computer imitation was carried out, which allowed to obtain completely different interpretations of macroeconomic changes and in terms of technological development Economy. In fact, this model allows differentiated tools of macroeconomic policies on the effects of groups of agents, changes the form of a classic well-being function used for many years in economic science. With this model, interesting conclusions were obtained to determine the relationship between employment and unemployment, the effect deflecting the situation from the Phillips curve is explained when high inflation is accompanied by high unemployment when GDP growth occurs when the "innovators" is reduced and innovation, only at the expense of the conservative model The behavior of agents, in connection with which a macroeconomic policy is needed, not allowing to reduce competition in the Conservative environment. In the same paper, a model of structural policies, structural dynamics, which should be based on macroeconomic policies, is expanding the principle of Y.TIlbergen, when the tools of economic policy, not even coinciding with the number of goals (which is laid in this principle) can provide more significant Result than thanks these parameters are coincided. The proposed models allow to include in one way or another the institutional characteristics of the economic system under consideration.

Sukharev O.S. Institutional Economics: Theory and Policy. M.: Science, 2008.

Sukharev O.S. Technological development economy.

In the monograph, the problems of the development of technology, technologies, innovative management of the company are investigated. The features of the management of a high-tech company, the patterns of modern technological development of the economy are disclosed, approaches in terms of the management of the restructuring of the company are proposed, the conditions and methods of stimulating the development of highly technological sectors of the economy are described. The system relationship of the tasks of organizing economic growth and the development of innovation is shown. The prospect of modernization is indicated before the formulation of such problems with the political leadership of Russia.
Recommended for graduate students and doctoral students, practitioners, engineering and technical workers, managers of innovative firms, companies, politicians, government officials developing structural, industrial, scientific and technical and educational policies.

Sukharev O.S. Technological development economy. M.: Finance and Statistics, 2008.

Sukharev O.S. Institutional theory and economic policy.

Fundamental monograph with preface Vice-President of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Academician RAS V.V. Kozlov and the introductory word Director of the Institute of Economics of the Russian Academy of Sciences Member Corr. RAS RS Gringberg largely reveals the formation and modern development of the institutional-evolutionary direction of economic science. The author is developing a number of models and approaches within the framework of the Russian tradition of an evolutionary school, develops a nonosmetryanic approach to modeling innovation dynamics, reveals various institutional problems in the development of the economy in a sectoral section.

Sukharev O.S. Institutional theory and economic policy. In 2 T. M.: Economy, 2007.

In the monograph, the theoretical and methodological problems of the field management of the region are considered based on the preparation and advanced training techniques. An industrial enterprise management system has been proposed, which allows to increase the efficiency of its operation due to the rational use of intersecyphic resources. A methodology has been developed for assessing the effectiveness of industrial activities of industrial enterprises, which takes into account the influence of various factors and allowing to calculate the effect of advanced personnel qualifications. A methodology has been proposed for assessing the effectiveness of training, the implementation of a stepped principle of training in its continuity, methodical recommendations for the formation of labor resources in the region's industry, taking into account the industry differentiation by income level.
For researchers, graduate students, students and all interested in the problems of management of industrial systems in the regional economy.

Industry Management Systemof the region: methods of using labor and staff training / under the scientific editors of O.S. Shakhareva. - M.: Higher School,2007 - 168 from. (in collaboration)

In the monograph, institutions are consideredi like formingi am the basis and basis of economic development.
Systemic analysis of the following the most priority development problems are presented: economic dysfunction of the economic system,
economic Policy Models, Education Strategy Competitionmany economic growth, tendencydeveloping basic institutions and priority directions for the development of the Russian economy.
Recommended specialists legislativex and executive bodies of management, employees of analytical structures, scientists, teachers, graduate students and students.

Sukharev O.S. Institutes and Economic Development. - M.: Dec, 2005. - 384 p.

Sukharev O.S. Strategy and tactics of the company. - M.: Thought, 2005. - 144 p.

In the monograph, the theoretical and methodological foundations of technological innovation management in industry are considered, the author's methodology for assessing the effectiveness of innovation and other factors has been developed, with them related (for example, automation), on the production of mass products. Analyzed various approaches to defining innovation,
it is given to the definition of the concept of "technological innovation" and the possibilities of its influence on the sustainability of the development of the enterprise are investigated.
In theoretical terms, innovation by the authors seems to be a routine and evaluating its effectiveness is carried out according to the costs of rutinization (the Nelson-Winter approach is used). The importance of accounting in the implementation of technological innovations of the potential of the Organization to institutional changes, its ability to perceive certain innovation is shown.
Designed to managers of enterprises and organizations, researchers, specialists who introduce technological innovations in mass and other types of production, as well as students of economic specialties.

Sukharev O.S., Susyunina E.V. Technologically controlmi innovation in industry. - M.: Economic literature,2005 - 120 s.

Sukharev O.S., Theoretical Basics of Investments in Human and Innovation (Evolutionary Paradigm): Monograph

The presented collective monograph of professors of the Bryansky and Orlovsk Technical University is considered issues of the development of the social sphere, presented by the system of education, health care, science, culture, etc.
The issues of the theoretical analysis of the social economy are highlighted, the evolution of the content of "social issue" is shown, and activities are offered to develop social sectors of the economy of Russia.
Designed for scientists, graduate students, doctoral students and all who are interested in the problems of the social sphere.

"Social economy: theoretical and practical problems of development" under the scientific editorial board of prof. O.S. Sukhareva and V.D. Simonenko (in co-authorship) M.: Economic literature, 2004. - 284 p.

Institutional theory and Economic Policy (Volume 1)

In the monograph, the fundamentali have the questions of the origin and development of a new approach to the explanation
social phenomena - institutionno-evolutionary th theory. The main attention is paid to the problem of creating a transfer mechanism of economic policies under certain theoretical ideas. Work is demonstratedi'm limited neoclassicaltheory and a new methodology is proposed, the rod of which becomes the concept of "economic dysfunction".
The book is recommended to scientists, teachers., graduate students, doctoral students, senior students of universities, specializingof them in the field of economics, as well as anyone interested in institutional problemsno-evolutionary i economic theory and development of economic policy activities.

Sukharev O.S. Institutional theory and economic politics. Kn. 1. - M.: IE RAS, 2001 - 576 p.

The monograph develops the basis of the theory of economic dysfunction, the problems of the restructuring of the economy and industrial sectors are investigated from the standpoint of an institutional-evolutionary approach, the peculiarities of the reform of various economic systems in the 20th century and modern economic development trends characterized by a global excess is considered.
For researchers, teachers of economic faculties, graduate students and students, as well as those who are interested in the problems of modern economic theory and the most rapidly developing directions - institutional and evolutionary economy.

Sukharev O.S. Theory of Economic Dysfunction M.: Mechanical Engineering, 2001

Set out the main conceptual and methodologicalthe provisions of the current problems of the defense industry conversion,
formation of diversification of industrial production. The goals, objectives and destinations of the conversion as a tool of industrial policy from the standpoint of various macro and microeconomictheories, as well as institutional problemsnoah
industry organizations.
For specialists in the field of conversion and industrial policy, graduate students and students, all those involved in production problemswow management.

Sukharev O.S. Social Organs, Economic Knowledge and Innovation in the Contemporary World - Eagle: Eagle GTU,2000 - 146 p.

The monograph includes materials from different years, published in the Weekly "Economy and Life", the magazine "Investments in Russia",
collections of the work of the symposium on the evolutionary economy (center of the evolutionary economy), as well as unpublishedwork.
An attempt has been made to comprehend the results of economic politicaltics conducted in Russia and to develop the necessary reocrentations to improve its tools.. Podded the concept of economic dysfunction (macroeconomiceste dysfunction) and "Culture of Economic Jitetika" that allow you to look at many problems of modern Russian life with non-codexalpositions.
It is intended i am for scientists who employees of state bodiesmanagement, graduate students, students.

Sukharev O.S. Economic Essays on Institutionnoah theory and reformism policy. - Bryansk: BSTU,2000 - 190 p.

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B.E. Averin

K.E.N., Associate Professor of the Department of Moscow State University

Bashkir State University

Ufa, Russian Federation

Investment climate of innovation in the region


List of references:

1. Chkhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


© B.E. Averin, 2014.

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