Features of the development of attention in the child. How to develop attention from a child to the development of attention 3 4 years

Memory and attention for younger preschoolers

"Flash" game ("Top").

goal: Develop attention.

Description: The teacher lists the items, and the child must clap his hands, if the teacher calls the animal, or stupid the foot, if he hears the word "house". A more complex option: the child must do any action (at the discretion of the teacher), if the teacher called the item, which can be red (sinking in water, does not wet, etc.).

The game "Be attentive!"

Goal: Develop attention, self-control skill.

Description: The child repeats the words that the teacher utters. The words of a certain category cannot be repeated (see the previous game).

The game "Magic Word".

Goal: Develop attention; Contribute to mastering the rules of etiquette.

Description: The child must fulfill the request of the teacher only if he says the word "please". For example: the phrase "Give me a doll" - the child should not respond to words. Sounds: "Please go to the kitchen. Bring me a plate. " The kid must go to the kitchen, but to return without a plate, because the word "please" did not say.

The game "What has changed."

goal: Develop attention, memory, observation.

Description: Dispatch on the table several items familiar to the child. Ask him to turn away and remove one of the items. Suggest a child to see and call the missing item. You can change toys in places, add something that was not, to replace one item to another, different color or size (red cube change to yellow, large item from the designer - on fine, etc.).

The game "Edible - Inedible".

goal: Develop attention, memory, coordination of movements.


Description: The child catches the ball, if the teacher, throwing it, calls an edible item. If the object is called, which is impossible to eat, the ball is not caught. You can also play using thematic groups: a bird - an animal, a living - non-living, quiet - loud, etc.

Game "Do you remember?".


Description: Suggest a child to list furniture, which is at the grandmother in the living room. Or remember what is in the yard of the kindergarten. To describe, you can use any objects or actions, for example: "Do you remember what a clown did in a circus (grandfather in the country and so on)", "Can you tell me how our house is different from the neighboring?"

The game "I know ...".

Goal: Develop memory, attention, motorcycle.

Description: Suggest the child to play an old game. Start: "I know the three named boys ..." saying every name, make cotton ball about the floor or about the wall. Now a child's turn to name the names that he knows. These may be the names of animals, colors, trees, vegetables, fruits, etc.

The game "I will say, and you are remembered."

Goal: Develop memory, attention, observation.

Description: Suggest a child to repeat those items that will be listed. Starting with a small number of items. At first classes, it is possible to group objects on topics, for example: to list objects of dishes, furniture, etc. In the future, you can increase the number of objects listed, add things from different semantic groups: wood, trunk, branch; house, wall window, door; Sofa, table, chair, cup, ball, etc.

The game "Someone Heritated."

goal: Develop attention, search skills.

Gaming material and visual benefits: "Traces" hare carved from paper.

Description: Dispatch on the room of hare traces in the form of a confusing trail. To draw the child's attention to them: "Look! A bunny came to us, here's his traces, yes, how much! Try to pass through them, maybe he hid some hotel! " At the end of the path to put carrots, treat a child.

The game "Laying the letter".

Goal: Develop attention.

Description: Show your child text with a large, familiar font, ask to find and emphasize the letter and as many times as she will meet in the text.

Game "Remember and tell me."

Goal:develop attention, memory.

Description: To consider with the child a picture with a simple plot, for example: an image of several colors or trees. Remove the picture and ask the child to tell what he remembered: how many colors they were, what they are, where they grew than they differ from each other. As the child is adapted to the game, ask questions that encourage greater detail of the story, select pictures with a large number of items.

Game "Look and do the same."

goal: Develop attention.

Description: take any coloring, choose a large single object and paint one half half. Suggest a child to paint the second part in the same way as the first is painted.

Game "Red? No, pink! "

Goal: Develop the skill classification of different colors of one color scheme.

Gaming material and visual benefits: Geometric shapes of different shades (red - pink; blue - blue; yellow - orange).

Description: Show a child card, call figures, repeat color names. Ask a child to decompose the red figures in a red box, pink - in pink. Just do it with the figures of another color. In the next lesson, lay out pink and blue figures, adding to them one red and blue. Put a pink and blue box. To carefully watch the child, as it will come with red and blue. If he relates them, respectively with pink and blue, fix it. Studying the shades of color, carry out analogies: "What happens blue? Sky? And blue sky happens? No, it does not happen bright blue. " Think what happens blue, red, pink, orange, etc.

The game "Hurry to touch."

goal: Develop attention, speech.

Description: Suggest a child while a bill is touched up to five, touch "something red, soft, cold, etc.". You can complicate the game by increasing the number of objects: "touch up to two round items."

In order to fully prepare the child to school, you need to pay particular attention to the formation of higher mental processes from his very birth. One of them is attention. This selective, conscious direction of perception on a specific object for some time. And if the kids do not have it, as such (at least it is very insignificant), then the development of attention in children is 3-4 years old, and even more so in 5 years it goes almost seven-world steps. And this aspect of the upbringing of the child needs to be given a lot of time.

In order for the development of attention in children of 4-5 years, the norms, parents need to know the basic properties of this mental process. This will allow when upbringing properly arrange accents. At this age, the child must learn to select the information they need and discard the extra. In his little brain there is a huge number of signals every second. And if the kid at 3-4 years old will not begin to form attention, which acts as a kind of filter, its brain will not avoid overload, which will negatively affect its success in training. This feature has certain properties. If their development does not correspond to age, it will lead to deviations in the activities of the child.

  1. Volume. If it is small, it is impossible to simultaneously concentrate on several subjects, and even more so - to keep them in the mind.
  2. Concentration and stability. If they are not sufficient, to keep attention for a long time without weakening it and not distracted, it is impossible.
  3. Selectivity. Without the development of this property, children cannot focus on the desired part of the material necessary to solve this or that task set to them.
  4. Switchability. If it is poorly developed, it is difficult to move from one type of any activity to another.
  5. Distribution. Without him, the child will not be able to simultaneously engage in several cases.
  6. Arbitration. Without its development, children are difficult to focus on if it is required of it.

In order for the development of the child's attention to the period from 3 to 5 years, it must be purposefully working on all the above properties of this mental function. For this there are special techniques, games, exercises. If the precious moment was missed, and something was not formed in accordance with the norms, they will have to carry out specially organized work, connecting specialists. To ensure that it does not come to this, parents are useful to know about the age-related features of the development of attention in children 3-4-5 years.


Immediately before school, the development of attention from a child for 5 years should be such that it is tested in grade 1, where there will be tasks for the formation of all these properties. The age features of this higher mental function for children 3-4-5 years are as follows.

Are common

  • The ability to manage attention is extremely small;
  • it is difficult to send it to the item through verbal instructions;
  • to switch, it is required to repeat the instructions again and again;
  • volume includes no more than 5 objects;
  • holding is possible throughout 7-8 minutes;
  • wears an involuntary character;
  • sustainability depends primarily on the nature of the activity: the impulsiveness of the baby, the capricious and unrestrained desire, the impulse and unrestrained desire immediately get the subject to him, to answer something, to answer.

3 years

  • There is a development of the initial form of arbitrary attention;
  • the distribution between 2 objects or actions is almost inaccessible;
  • the kid can not be attentive as such;
  • attention at this age is manifested only in specific mental processes: the child is peering, listening, wants to guess the riddle, trying to read the "keypank", playing, enthusiastically draws.

4 years

  • Finally, a full-fledged ability to guide its own attention to a specific subject or activity to instruct an adult, according to its instructions;
  • accordingly, the development of all above these properties begins.

5 years

  • The most initial, elementary form of full-fledged arbitrary attention occurs;
  • warely and successfully plays the games for attention and memory for children of 5 years, performing all tasks;
  • able to compile the simplest self-assurance for their own attention and follow it;
  • sustainability is formed in active activity, manipulation of objects, in games, when performing different actions.

This pace is the development of the attention of children 4-5 years. In 3 years, it is still difficult to talk about the formation of this mental function, and after 2 years it should already be consistent with sufficiently high criteria. In order to check whether everything is in order in this area of \u200b\u200byour baby, you can give him a few simple tasks for attention.


Diagnostics of attention in the kids of 4-5 years is carried out by specialists, as well as upon admission to grade 1. At home, parents can independently give him a few tasks and see how quickly he will cope with them.

  1. Find the same items in the picture, call their color.
  2. Draw 2 houses, 2 bunny. Drop the path from each animal to a separate house so that they intersect. Trace your eyes the way of every bunny to his personal house. Show where who lives. Is it difficult to do it visually? It is allowed to spend on the path with your finger.
  3. Coloring the geometric and irregular shape of the pattern on the sample.
  4. Draw the contours of several (about 3-4) different items so that they are imposed on each other. Find which items are depicted.
  5. Find differences in the picture. With difficulty, leading questions are allowed.

If the preschooler found it difficult to perform some of the tasks, then this aspect should be given more time. And for this there are specially designed games for the development of attention in children of 4-5 years, which will be useful to him, and are interesting at the same time.

Development techniques

Inspetyly interconnected games and memory for children 4 years old (+/- 1 year), since these two higher mental functions are interconnected. Such game classes entertained the crumb, and they will try to pay attention to something interesting and new around, which can be useful in the future.

  • Interesting walk

When you walk, describe all the minor details on the way. For example, what bright green leaflets on trees, what a beautiful mannequin on the showcase, how fun wizes the tail dog. Talk more with a crumb.

Games forming targeted attention in children of junior preschool age

Attention is a necessary condition for any activity: educational, gaming, cognitive. Without purposeful, not enough attention to the child's independent activity, nor the fulfillment of the tasks of the adult. The special work of the attention developer contributes to the timely mental development of children and the successful assimilation of the program of kindergarten.

Meanwhile, preschoolers, as a rule, is very poorly developed. The baby can equally interest any subject, his attention easily jumps from one object to another. As a result, the child may not hear that the teacher says in the classroom, or only to catch the beginning of the task, which he is given, not to notice what is happening around him. The inorganization of the behavior of children, their increased impulsiveness and nonsense, as a rule, are a consequence of inability to manage their attention and behavior. The child himself will not be able to overcome these shortcomings. He needs to help learn how to manage his attention in a timely manner.

It should be noted that any game contributes to the development of targeted attention, because it always contains a task and rules of action that require concentration. However, this aspect usually acts as auxiliary, associated with solving other various tasks. In order to develop certain qualities of attention in a timely manner (purposefulness, sustainability, concentration) and the ability to manage them, we need special games, such where this task is in the center of the activity of the teacher and the child. Similar games are described in this section. In each of them, focus, concentration and stability of attention are the main condition for game actions and communication of children with each other. In some cases, you need to take into account the various requirements of the problem ("Once, two, three - say!"), In others, to allocate and keep the goal of action ("finger", "hide and seek with toys"), in third - to switch on time ("Review , do not yaw! "," We drove our boxes! "). The latest games of this section ("Magic Table" and "Taszy Mischi-Shalunshki") require special focus and sustainability of attention from children, since they need to be noted and aware of the changes occurred.

For games of this section, the presence of text (as a rule, poetic), which sends the attention of children, reminds them of the rules and conditions for their execution.

Once two, three - speak!

Equipment: pictures reflecting the subject surroundings of the child. It may be familiar things, the recognition and climbing of which still requires some effort. For example, objects of dishes (kettle, tray, saucepan, etc.), flowers (rose, tulip, bell), animals (goat, pig, dog, protein, hare, wolf, etc.), insects (butterfly, beetle, caterpillar, Fly, etc.), plants (Christmas tree, birch, shrub, etc.), clothes (dress, hat, fur coat, suit), furniture (table, chair, armchair, wardrobe, etc.). An image of objects should be realistic, easily recognizable and attractive for kids. Such pictures can be chosen from various types of lotto for preschoolers (botanical, zoological, lotto babies). It is desirable that the pictures be in two copies. In addition, you need to have any material for the promotion of children - circles, countable sticks or asterisks.

The game is held with all children. Small groups, in turn, children decide the training task. Watching the actions of others and evaluating, the child begins to understand better and realize the requirements and rules of the game. It helps him act more successfully.

Children are given the opportunity to actively act with objects.

The educator offers children to sit in a semicircle, sit opposite them for the table, on which the gaming material was harvested: a stack of pictures for the game, as well as items to encourage children.

Educator. I will show them one, and you call. Just call it is necessary after my signal. First look carefully what is drawn, and remember how it is called. But do not say anything until I say: "Once, two, three - say!" Who is the first to correctly call the picture after my signal, that will receive it. Let's try! (Takes the first picture, shows it to children.) Let's think that it is depicted on it, but do not speak right away, but just get out to say. "Once, two three - Speak!" (Clearly pronounced, measured, and before the last word, a small pause is withstanding.)

One who first calls the picture correctly, gets it. Having played with three different pictures, the educator offers a new option. Now call pictures will not all. Four children sitting on the edge are offered this task, and all the rest - to evaluate their actions and call the winner. If the correct answer is given at the same time two children, they are both obtained in the picture. The rest of the children provided that they did not violate the rules and correctly called the picture, incentive circles are obtained.

After the first four plays the following. So everyone in turns solve the training task, evaluate the correctness of the answers and award winners.

When the whole stock of pictures is exhausted, the educator proposes to approach him those who won one picture or one circle, and show them to everyone. Winning remains on the table at the tutor, and children return to the place. Then invites those who won two pictures, and then those who won two mug. They praise them for the fact that they were attentive, they all clap. Winning stays on the table, and the children get to the places.

This game gives you the opportunity to reveal who of the children can be collected and attentive, and to whom it is difficult. With such pupils, it is better to play separately, couples, picking up children with approximately equal opportunities.

An important point of the game is to encourage the achievements of its participants. This is especially needed by those children who try to mobilize their attention and apply knowledge available. Noting failure of individual children, you need to be tacty. Show your child your interest in its continued success and express the confidence that it will learn to be attentive.


Objective: Develop targeted attention.

Equipment: a set of paired substantive pictures depicting toys, fruits, flowers and household items (dishes, furniture, clothing). You can use the pictures of the object lotto, where animals, birds and people are depicted. Pictures must be realistic, with a clear image. They laid out on the table with two rows (five to six pictures in each), at a short distance from each other.

In the process of the game, the child chooses from a large number of more or less familiar items depicted in the pictures, the one who called adult, and quickly indicates his finger. The fulfillment of these seemingly simple requirements is difficult for a child. It lies in the fact that the baby must overcome the external attractiveness of other pictures and focus only on the one that adults calls. So in this game he learns to manage his attention, which requires some efforts for which the child is rewarded by the picture found.

The main requirement of the game is to look for a picture with eyes, not hands, thus stimulated primarily mental activity. Movement (index gesture) is just the last step of solving the problem. To prevent the child's attempt to seek your hands, a special restrictive rule is introduced: keep your finger at the edge of the table until the picture will be called.

The game can be held with the whole group of pupils or a small part of it. We describe the game option with the participation of the whole group.

The teacher, together with the children, puts chairs with a semicircle, makes a small table with them, near which three stools posing for themselves and two children. On the table decides in two rows 10-12 of the object pictures. Staying pictures, shows their children and offers to name each depicted object, thereby causing children curiosity (what will happen next?). Then it draws attention to the fact that each of them has one finger in hand is indicable.

Educator. In this game, the index finger will help everyone look for pictures that I will call. Who will first correctly indicate a picture (put his index finger on it), he will receive it.

The teacher calls for him two children, offers them to sit apart opposite each other. Requests them to put the index fingers of the right hands to the most edge of the table and do not lift them until the picture is called.

Which of you before will find and indicate a finger, where is ... apple? (Children show a picture.) Who had previously put his finger on the apple? (Children answer, and the winner gets a picture. Gives the second child another attempt and calls some picture, preferably located right in front of him.)

If the baby still fails to win, the teacher replaces the partner to him. When a child wins his picture, the next couple of children is called.

Children cast pictures are replaced with new ones. The game continues until the whole stock of pictures is exhausted and everyone will not win at least one time. At the end of the game, children show each other, which pictures won, and then fit the table and put them in the box.

This game contains a competition element, but built so that there is no loser in it. The presence of paired pictures provides an opportunity for each child to gain your winnings, even if they find the subject at the same time.

Hyperships with toys

Objectives: develop stability in children; The ability to keep a certain goal in memory without being distracted by outsiders.

Equipment: 5-7 toys. It can be dolls, bunny, teddy bear, horse, machine, etc.

These skills are very important for successful schooling. Of course, a child for 2-3 years is not so easy to own their attention and not distracted. But in the proposed gaming situation, the baby will be interested in this.

The game is the character of fun and is associated with hurrying and searches. Sustainable and focused attention is held with the help of attractive toys. All kids group can play. Joyful experiences that are experiencing kids bring them together with each other and with the educator. This is developing children and amuses them.

On a separate table prepared new toys.

Educator. These are our guests. Let's play with them in hide and seek. (Movements a table with toys closer.) But you will not hide, and your guests (new toys). (Calling to yourself three children and offers each of them in turn to choose a toy that most like.) Tell us why you chose this toy, what did you like it more?

This is done so that the child has a distinct image of the subject that he will need to look. When each of the children respond to this question and carefully consider the selected item, the educator invites them to face the wall and close the eyes, as they do when playing hide and seek.

While children stand with closed eyes (water), an adult, warning the remaining participants of the game about compliance with complete silence, hides each of the toys into some noticeable place. The toy should be among other familiar children objects, such as a new doll - among other dolls, a new machine - among other machines, etc.

Educator(whisper). Have you seen where toys hid? This is our secret, it can not be issued! Let everyone lead himself find his toy, and we will see who the first will bring it to us.

Educator and children (chorus). It's time!

Welding open eyes, become next to the educator.

Educator. You just need to look for that toy, what myself chose! Who will bring first, he won!

While children are looking for, the teacher reminds the rest of the participants of the game that they should closely monitor the watering and not to give them secrets. When leading returns to toys, asks the rest of the children.

Who first found a toy?

The main rule here is to look for only the toy that chose without being distracted by others.

The one who won is issued a premium (icon or circle), which the child must keep until the end of the game. Everyone applauds, toys are put in place, and new watering is chosen. The game is repeated first. Now the toys hide the children themselves. The tutor whisper tells them, where it is better to put this or that subject.

When all pupils are in the role of leading, the teacher offers all the winners who received the badges, to become opposite the rest.

Remember, do not yaw!

Purpose: develop sustainable, focused attention.

Equipment: paired pictures depicting birds, animals and children. We will need images of birds (rooster, chicken, goose, ducks, crows, sparrows); Animals (cows, goats, horses, dogs, cats). You can add pictures of children - two girls and two boys to the pictures and animals. Pictures are placed in a box separated by a partition for two compartments for each set of pictures. This facilitates their distribution and verification of the completeness of the set of this manual.

A number of requirements are imposed by a child: closely monitor the actions of each participant in order to respond to the call of its partner in time, to reproduce a number of interrelated actions in a certain sequence.

Perform these requirements is quite difficult and unusual for the child. But the proposed gaming situation contains conditions that encourage the baby to their fulfillment.

The game takes part in the game.

The educator together with the children puts chairs in two rows, having them at some distance from each other so that the children sat face each other. Having searched more children, the adult promises to distribute to each of them in the picture and warns that they cannot be shown to each other. But everyone should carefully consider what is depicted in his picture.

Educator. These pictures are paired - every animal or bird has his friend, i.e. exactly the same picture. Each bird or every animal will call the voice of his brother or sister: after all, they do not know how to talk like people, and speak in their own way. How will the cow call his girlfriend? (Children answer.) That's right, it will wash: "Muuuu", and another cow must quickly answer her: "Muuu, I hear, I go!" And how will you call my friend's goose? (Children answer.) Right, "ha-gham", and also a guys will answer the second goose: "Ga-ga-ha, I hear, I go!" And those who receive a picture where a boy or girl is drawn will also call a couple of her friend - a boy or a girl. Remember what their name is. (Shows the picture.) This boy is called Seryozhe, and the other is Andryusha, it is Natasha's girl, and this is Oksana. If Natasha wants to call his girlfriend Oksana, how should it call? So: "Oksana, Ay, go to me!", And Oksana will answer: "Ay, I hear, I, Natasha!" Just call each other and boys. Everyone who called, a bird, an animal or a person - should not miss, do not hesitate when he is called, and in time to answer the call. Friends should go to the table, first show each other pictures and talk, then demonstrate to all their pictures and put them in this box. (Gives children pictures, first one row, then another.)

Do not show pictures to each other, and it will not work as an interesting game.

The educator causes children in turn, then from one, then from another row. The called child imitates the voice of the animal depicted in his picture, and the one who has the same picture should quickly respond and also come to the table, where the box is lying from the pictures. Becoming to each other, children once again serve a voice, show pictures and put them in the box. So in turn of the kids perform their roles, solving the game training task. Having received a well-deserved assessment from children and educators, they return to a place.

When all the pictures are in the box, the teacher again distributes them to children, trying to make each of the new picture and, accordingly, another play role.

Mishkina leprosy

Purpose: develop focus and stability.

The child must allocate and realize the order of the arrangement of homogeneous objects (rings from the pyramid) and focus their attention on their differences in magnitude.

This skill will allow the baby to detect changes in the sequence of the rings. These mental actions are sufficiently complex for children and require the active participation of all cognitive processes - perception, memory, thinking. Despite the fact that the game requires mental effort and concentration, it is quite accessible to younger preschoolers through a fun playing plan. This game and entertains kids, and at the same time develops them.

Equipment: Pyramid with 6-7 ringlets; A set of figures depicting children or fabulous characters; A small teddy bear with a handbag over the shoulder.

The game is held with a small group of children (5 people).

Participants sit down with the educator for a small table. The tutor puts on the table toy figures depicting the characters of fairy tales, or figures of children, and every child chooses a toy to taste.

Educator (pulls out a toy bear). Hello guys! My name is Bear, and how are you? (Drawn in turn for each child.) So we met. Let's play together now. Look, what is my beautiful handbag! I brought her to hide something. And what, you will see now. (The tutor pulls the pyramid and, together with Mishka, disassembles it and lays out on the table.)

Educator (on behalf of a bears). Now close your eyes with your hands and do not spy until I say. (Children closing their eyes, the teacher hides with Mishke in a handbag one of the big pyramid rings, shifts the rings so that the gap between them can be seen.) Guess what I hid? (Children open their eyes, and everyone puts her toy into the place where, as he thinks, there is not enough rings.)

When all the figures are delivered, Mishka-Chalubishka takes out a ring from the handbag and offers one of the children to put it in place. The child performs the order, and everyone else is checked, there is a ring on his place, and they appreciate who correctly put his figure, and who was wrong.

When the pyramid is restored, the educator offers children.

Carefully look at each ring to remember what kind of magnitude it is and where its place.

After all, without it, it is impossible to guess which ring will take a bear. And we have to overcome it and show that we can find out what kind of ring he hides.

The game is repeated several times, and each in turn guess that he hid a bear, and puts his figure on the place of the removed ring.

Many parents are wondering how to develop attention from a child. And not for nothing! A sufficient concentration of attention not only provides success in learning, easy socialization, but also will protect the baby from random drops and other unpleasant things.

Let's see for a start with what we understand under attention. Attention - This is a mental process by which a person concentrates on some environmental features relative to other objects and events. Wherein concentration of attention - This is the duration of time when a child can focus on some kind of idea or activity.

In this article, we will consider the norms of concentration of attention in children, as well as give examples of games to develop attention.

The norms of concentration of attention in children

In young children, attention is very inconstant and all the time goes from one item to another. If you intend to develop your child's attention, we suggest you familiarize yourself with the norms of the focus of attention of children by age.

  • 2 years - 4-10 min
  • 3 years - 6-15 min
  • 4 years - 8-20 min
  • 5 years - 10-25 min
  • 6 years - 12-30 min
  • 7 years - 14-35 min
  • 8 years - 16-40 min
  • 9 years - 18-45 min
  • 10 years - 20-50 min

You see that the scatter is quite significant. This is due to the individual characteristics of the child's development. At the same time, the concentration of attention from a particular child should increase with age for 2-5 minutes for every year of life.

It should be noted that the brain of the child does not develop by itself. It has a great influence of the environment and the nature of the home environment. Dynamic television programs and ultra-quality video games that have become the norm today, do not contribute to the development of attention. Children are easily fond of them, but their overweight can lead to a deterioration in the concentration of attention and aggressiveness.

How to develop attention from a child: important conditions

Let's figure out how we can provide a child with a medium that contributes to the development of attention.

1. Fresh air. Make sure the child has enough time for. Studies show that there is a direct relationship between physical exercises, an intelligence coefficient (IQ) and academic performance. Encourage the development of large motility, which:

  • catch-up
  • hyperships
  • football,
  • bouncers, etc.

2. Breath. Children with bad concentration often have shallow and ineffective breathing. Without a sufficient amount of oxygen, the brain and body cannot function properly. Toys that encourage continuous exhalations are excellent simulators to improve the respiratory function of the child. These include:

  • bubble,
  • whistles
  • wind instruments
  • ball balls (their inflation),
  • as well as the games described in the article.

3. Needlework. Handwork is an ideal tool that allows you to improve the concentration of attention, visual-motor coordination and gain problems of solving problems. Depending on the hobbies and the tendencies of the child, it can be:

  • sewing dolls
  • knitting toys
  • beadwork,
  • assembly and painting of wooden models of aircraft, ships, etc.

4. Develop not only the concentration of attention, but also social skills, sports excitement and will to victory. Also a good choice will be: puzzles, puzzles, logical games.

5. Reading. Child as soon as possible and do it regularly. Reading time should be limited to the capabilities of the concentration of your child's attention. After reading, ask the baby to retell the story. Encourage it to use sequence words: then, after that, at this time, in the past, then. Ask about the possible options for continuing history.

Choose the works that like the baby and are of interest that reading has become a favorite ritual.

6. Help. Attract the child to cooking and helping home. Let him assign him to feel a significant assistant. It will also be useful to start a pet, whom the child wants, and part of the responsibilities for the care of a new family member to impose on a child.

7. Support. If a child does not work out something, do not rush to do it instead. Be nearby, encourage, keep it faith in your abilities. So you teach the child to endure disappointment and try again and again until the skill will be mastered.

In addition, there are many game techniques for the development of attention. Some of them can be found in print publications: or collections of tasks for the development of a child of various ages. This is all known:

Want to play with a child easily and with pleasure?

  • Compare 2 pictures and find 3-5-10 differences (depending on the age of the child)
  • Find all frogs, protein, mosquitoes, etc. on the picture
  • Find pairs of objects
  • Shadow and object
  • Find an excess object in a row
  • Coloring on numbers
  • Graphic dictations

Games for the development of the child's attention


This game helps to significantly increase the concentration of attention and memory. And also helps children develop intelligence and cognitive abilities.

Repeat rhythm

Separate the child with simple rhythm palms and ask him to repeat. When the kid can cope, complicate the rhythm, connecting cotton on the legs, cotton on the furniture, patching, click with your fingers.

Observe the rules

You voiced the child a certain rule. For example, when I drum quickly - you need to walk quickly when the drum slowly - go slowly. If the child coped, complicate the task: when the drum quickly - go slowly, when slowly go fast.

Another option can be walking or jumping into music rhythm. As the skill is absorbed, let's go to walk / jump without falling into the tact.

If you are doing the software, the following option is suitable: to raise your hands on the word "apple" and put on socks, the word "strawberries" is to sit down. You say the name of the word, trying to confuse the child, and he tries not to make a mistake.

Or such a task: for one cotton - jumps a hare, two cotton - walks like a duck, on three cotton - growl like a wolf.

Three tasks

This game helps to expand the scope of attention. You give a child in a row three instructions that he must perform in the sequence that you asked him. For instance:

  • Bounce two times
  • Call some flower
  • Come to a wooden subject

When the child can cope, let's tasks more complicated:

  • Clap so many times how old you are
  • Name wild animals
  • Touched to the subject to the letter to

The number of tasks can be increased to 4-5 and complicate them depending on the age and development of the child.

Crouching letter

If your child is familiar with letters, give him the following task. Take any text with a large font and ask him to cross all the letters about, or to shit, and p emphasize. This task not only contributes to the development of attention, but also prepares a child to the test "Correcting Sample" before entering school.

When a child does or plays, try not to tear it from classes and do not switch to another type of activity until the task or the game is finished. It's all about the "interruption of activities", as psychologists refer to it. This phenomenon is developing when it is impossible to complete any case for one of three reasons:

  1. switching to another occupation (the child drew, and you turned on cartoons);
  2. it is forced to urgently react to other signals (and the sister screamed from another room);
  3. impossibility to continue the activity (the child read, and you repaid the light).

If this happens constantly, then the nervous system is depleted, and in the future it will focus everything is more complicated, that is, the time of the concentration of attention will not increase, but fall.

We hope that our advice will help you have fun to hold classes with children and educate attentive, harmoniously developed kids!

How do you develop the child's attention? Tell me in the comments!

Attentive parents know the reaction of newborns for sharp sounds. The baby shudders, turning toward the heard sound, trying to decide on the source of danger and protect against him. This testifies to the manifestation of congenital reflex, with the time developing into account.
Each kid needs to be enlisted by the help of adults. According to psychologists working with children, it is from parents that requires an effort maximum application to create all conditions. There is a link between physiological reactions and launch or braking specifically. If you take care of the development of attention from the kid, then you can achieve:
Unique development of logical thinking.
Phenomenal memory.
Will iron power.
How attention is paid from 2 to 3 years.
At a biennium, the baby wants to do only what likes. This leads to the development of involuntary or passive attention. There is a relationship between this type of attention and the interest of the kid. The higher the interest in the object, the longest attention to the child him. The baby is often distracted by the class of interest, switching to another. This indicates a small persistence of attention inherent in this age.
Starting from two and a half years of age, there is a change in the situation. The baby like it more to talk more, so parents can seek the child's attention. If you teach the crumb to listen with attention, then you will greatly facilitate him the perception of the knowledge gained in school. For this it is worth:
Read more to the baby
Offering retell what heard.
Purpose of classes
Your main task is to help develop arbitrary or active attention, replacing them involuntary:
1. To facilitate the child's learning, it is worth explaining the purpose of the exercise.
2. He must understand what you are striving for.
3. Increase the results of the child's classes.
4. Then he will have a desire to actively move towards the target target.
5. After each successful occupation, praise the baby.
During the third year of life, you should learn how to switch attention. To do this, use a very simple check. During the game, the kid should come to him and ask a question. Sometimes you have to repeat the question several times he heard him. If the kid after the answer to the question will continue to play, this indicates the formation of bilateral attention from him. This means that for a short period of time, it will show the ability to fulfill two classes at the same time.
Develop a child's understanding of the meaning of fairy tales or poems, which describes the things that are missing next to you. This will help better develop attention. Having met the dog, you can ask a question about this animal that has become a tales hero. You can ask the child to ask you questions. Make intentional mistakes to encourage the baby to fix you. Thanks to such exercises, the kid is developing active attention.
At a biennium, the child must carefully consider objects, showing the type of mediated attention.
In 2.5 years of age, a transition from passive to active attention. It lies in trying to finish the game.
At a three-year-old, the child tells about the items that does not see at the moment. There is a gradual replacement of approximate reflex.