What eats our family. Proper nutrition in the family. Quality family time

For the past three months, we live in Thailand on the island of Samui, and many people continue to be interested in the topic that we eat, and especially our children in a different climate.

"Are you never breaking away?" You often ask exactly such a question, and in advance are confident that it is not realistic to live on the cheese of food. No, we do not break down. OTHER OTHER THE CHILDREN WALTH THE PLASTING HIRT ON COALS BATTATE (we bought it at the Thai Fair), and not much, without much interest, and this is all over the last year of their raw foods!

The first two months of life on the island of Timur and the laity was mostly fruit and salads without oils, seeds, nuts and even avocados (we thought it was not here). Sometimes our family allowed himself Durian - one or twice a week. But then we suggested where you can buy very tasty cherry tomatoes and beautiful, local avocado ... and began - the children almost every day began to ask the salads from these two products with green and lemon juice or lime. We did not mind anything, let them eat if they so want, but noticed how fast they pick up fat. One girl under the photo of Timur and the laity even wrote in the comments: "Well, look at them, can the children-raw foods be so fastened on the fruit - yes they are bread and pies eaten, and we are told about raw foods." We were very angry with us, plus pleased the fact that no one would say now that we Morim's children hunger.

Especially for this small story, I pulled out all of our refrigerator and put all the other survival supplies, you can see photos - this is all that our family is mostly eating. True there are in the diet and some other fruits: Sawadil, Rambutany, Mangosteins, and of course His Majesty Durian, but rare enough. And our children reaping the second kilogram of green buckwheat, which we thoughtfully took with them. Salad Ot Ivan Tsarevich All the same, they loved very much, and a taste bouquet from a combination of green dipped buckwheat with greens, lemon juice and avocados - do not replace anything else. About your personal diet - Men's Monofrunancy for the last half of the year I will write separately, believe me there is something to tell. And the light will share its preferences in raw, plant products in the subject "Women's raw foods".

We do not upset the fact that many people do not believe in our 100% raw food, it is only a pity that they do not believe in the recreational action of human species nutrition at all. And looking around, we were surprised to notice that there were almost alone. No more families with kids who would have such a nutrition experience as we or more, though we hope that we just do not know anything about them. After all, we have friends from Peter, a family of 100% raw foods, for more than three years feeding with constant progress, which means there are others, they simply, they will most likely not advertise themselves. We always take a big enthusiasm to lead that more and more families begin this is not a simple way, and sincerely wish them to believe in yourself, learn to listen to our true me, and not be afraid of positive changes taking place in life. And if they overpower doubts again - please, we will be glad to help you.

Vladimir Kalmykov.

When it comes to the right nutrition for the whole family, many hostesses will be dishwashed and say that they don't have it ": neither husband nor children want to hear about it, but continue to demand to feed them roasted cutlets with potatoes, fatty sauces, sweet Complete, and other calories and delicious, but not at all useful dishes. However, what is listed can still be called "smaller of evils": it is no secret that most people feed today if not fast food, then semi-finished products, canned and finished products from the store are convenient, and quickly, and all family members Satisfied - no one caprizes.

Family dietary principles

☀ Very relevant is also the sequence in the approaches, not only to specific products, but also to the system of proper nutrition in general. Suppose you think that during dinner, drink soup and the second compote is harmful. Or it is desirable not to eat a sweet dessert immediately after the main meal. In the evening, your views on this problem should not change.

☀ Try to avoid fundamental extremes (this, by the way, is relevant not only for food concerning food). Even if the questions of the right nutrition have always been very important for you, you should not automatically transfer the principles of vegetarianism, raw foods, separate nutrition, nutrition in a group of blood and, especially, a variety of fashionable diets (that sin to hide, we know: some moms are fond of This is very active).

☀ Whatever scheme "the right" nutrition, your family adhered to neither, is very important a variety of family diet. You do not need to buy a sausage of different varieties, of course, not about it. But also "sit" on one kefir or green apples is also a certain extreme. Remember that each fruit, especially grown in native land, contains a unique set of vitamins and other beneficial substances, and each milk product (and ionage, and acidophilus, and the prostitute) "responds" for their work site for the improvement of our intestine.

Output: Proper nutrition is not an end in itself, it is just a way of existence. And if you live in a family, it's easier and better when some rules exist for everyone: take children for purchases in grocery stores, consulting with them, teach to prepare salads from fresh vegetables and cut cheese, discuss the approximate menu for tomorrow.

Eat right with the whole family - not so difficult, as it seems

To transfer the whole family to another food is quickly obtained by some: either you can agree to negotiate, or all family members have nothing against - they would have taken changes before, if the hostess of the house guessed these changes to introduce.

But for most people, fast changes are unacceptable, so if you want to achieve positive results, you have to show patience. To make a solution to many people interfere with common delusions, or rumors that proper nutrition is boring, and natural products are expensive and tasteless. As soon as it comes to utility, these people start smiling or justifying, and women repeat that their children and husbands "will not be it," but in fact they just don't know anything about it, and they do not know how to prepare, although they consider yourself with excellent mistresses.

Proper nutrition, first of all, means that products need to use fresh and varied, and cook dishes on their own, and not buy ready-made food in the store - this will already improve the health and well-being of the whole family. And if there are these dishes in reasonable quantities, and at a time when you need, everything will be improved even faster, but the hostess will have to take all this, and this may occupy it - depending on the "spoilness" of all family members - not one month, and That's not one year.

Dear delicacies are not needed: you just need to pay attention to those products that we have not noticed before, and did not know that it can be prepared - because most Russian families eat the same way. For example, lentils, asparagus, broccoli, rabbit meat - these products we buy less often than sausage or canned food, because we think that dishes from them will be tasteful or unusual. Using new products, and many of those that we bought before, you can learn how to prepare many dishes - you can experiment, as much as you like, and combine fats, proteins and carbohydrates with a lot of fresh vegetables, fruits and greens. Also in the diet should always be fresh eggs, fish and meat, animal fats and vegetable oils, dairy products, cereals, nuts and honey.

Gradually, you can learn how to cook in healthy ways: not to fry, but bake; Do not cook in boiling water, but cook for a couple, and generally expose products with minimal heat treatment - besides, these methods allow and time to save.

Try to buy not exotic products, but locals, but not from a sense of patriotism, but simply because they are fresh and more useful. And the fact that they are also cheaper, let it be a pleasant "bonus".


Recommendations for a clear compliance with the power mode are not just a whim of nutritionists. The natural need to consume food is regularly due to the activities of the human body itself. All our internal processes (breathing, heartbeat, cell division, the operation of the digestive system) are rhythmic character. The power mode provides a uniform load on the digestion system, that is, a day should be at least 4 glands.

Food "By the hour" is useful at any age, but its value is especially great for children and adolescents. There is an active growth of the organism, and irregular nutrition is extra loads and favorable soil for the development of health disorders. Children in the family need to be accustomed to food in terms of regime, so they will not have to spend energy on unjustified excess life processes.


Our body constantly needs a varied energy material. We simply must receive proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals from food. Each of the listed substances has its own functions. The lack of any of the components leads to the emergence of failures in the work of the whole organism.

If there are children in the family, it is important to form a variety of flavoring horizons. The child should love different products and different dishes. Then in adult life it will be easy to organize his nutrition. In the diet of the family, it is necessary to include products of all groups - meat, fish, dairy and necessarily vegetable.

How to organize proper nutrition for a month

Proper nutrition for a month should be scheduled when calculating the monthly budget of the family. Calculate an approximate sum of money that will be required to purchase products and postpone it. Purchas the products immediately for a whole month is not recommended. To make food fresh, it is better to buy them once a week. And bread, dairy products and fruits - 3-4 times a week.

Choosing products for a week, expect that with the rational food of the family twice a week to the table, meat will be served, twice - fish, twice - poultry meat or rabbit, and one day will be vegetarian. Cereals, vegetables, fruits and fermented foods should take place in the diet almost daily.

To facilitate the cooking process during the week and save time, we consider the weekly menu in advance. You can even plan proper nutrition for a month. To do this, you will have to spend a little time, but during the whole month you do not have to solve the problem "What to cook?".

On weekends with households, prepare some semi-finished products, for example, make fish and meat cutlets and remove them in the freezer. On the eve of the most intense working days you can cook a big saucepan of borscht - it can be used for two days, and it will become only richer.

When organizing the normal nutrition of the family, multicookers and steamers can be outrelected perfectly. Preparing food with their help love even teenagers and men. Multicookers are wonderful porridge. And in the steamer - very tasty and useful fish.

Shopping list for proper power menu for a week

(excluding snacks):

Vegetables, fruits, greens

  • Cabbage white - 2 kg
  • Color cabbage - 400 g (you can use frozen)
  • Broccoli cabbage - 400 g (you can use frozen)
  • Spinach - 500 g
  • Onions - 6 medium pcs. (approximately 450 g)
  • Carrot -7 medium (approximately 600 g)
  • Garlic - 2 heads
  • Zucchini - 3 pcs.
  • Eggplant - 2 pcs.
  • Potatoes - 2 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc. (approximately 100 gr.)
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - 2 medium beam (or 6-9 frozen green cubes).
  • Basil - 1 Pouches.
  • Pumpkin frozen - 80 gr. (how to cook such cubes from pumpkins can be seen here, you can replace the pumpkin puree from baby food)
  • Celery root - 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumbers 3 pcs.
  • Radish - 200 g
  • Celery Stem - 3 pcs.
  • Oranges - 3 pcs.
  • Apples 6 g
  • Banana - 1 pc.
  • Raisins - 200 gr. (can be replaced with other dried fruits, zucats or nuts)

Meat, Fish, Eggs

  • Chicken broth - 3, 5 liters
  • Chicken or turkey minced meat - 500 g
  • Chicken - 1 bird per 1 kg and 1 part of the medium sized chicken (back or ham)
  • Eggs - 20 pcs.
  • Pork - 1.5 kg (knuckle, ham, cutting - the main thing so that it was a meat part)
  • Minced meat - 800 g (a mixture of pork and beef in equal proportions)
  • Salted herring - 1 pc. (or finished herring fillet 250 g)
  • Red Fish Fillet - 400
  • Salmon - 400 g (fillet)
  • White Fish Fillet - 400 g


  • Milk - 1, 5 liters
  • Butter cream - 530 g
  • Cheese - 180 g (solid varieties)
  • Cream 10% - 500 ml (in the absence of cream, you can use sour cream)
  • Cream 20-30% - 250 ml
  • Sour cream (20% fat) - 250 g
  • Cottage cheese (fat from 5 to 10%) - 1 kg
  • Cottage cheese (fatty 15%) - 300 g


  • Pshlena - 1 cup (200 g)
  • Buckwheat - 1 cup (210 g)
  • Spaghetti - 150 g
  • Makarona -200 g (any size, optional)
  • Macaroni Small - 150 g
  • Oatmeal - 100 g (this is one glass with a quarter)
  • Perlovka - 80 g
  • Sugar - 300 g
  • Wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l. (30 g)
  • Vegetable oil - 160 g
  • Manna Cropa - 100 g
  • Tomato Pasta -80 g
  • Broil Groat - 1.2 cups (80 g)
  • Bread crumbs - 100 g
  • Sampground cookies - 400 g
  • Gelatin - 30 g
  • A piece of chocolate - 10 g

Spices and seasoning

  • Cinnamon - ½ tsp
  • Vanillin - to taste
  • Lavra leaf - to taste
  • Vinegar 9% - 1 tbsp.
  • Seasoning for meat dishes - 1 bag (optional)
  • Salt pepper

Remaining Power Recipes

1. Vegetable soup. Rezany vegetables are added to chicken broth - broccoli, celery, parsley, basil, carrots, zucchini. Everything is drunk 15 minutes and is fed to the table.

2. Musaka. The following products are stacked by layers: Onions roasted without eggplant butter, slightly fried meat minced meat, cut tomatoes without skins, Bulgarian pepper; All over the top of the sauce behamel is poured or just whipped cheese with eggs and put for 30 minutes in a heated oven.

3. Chicken salad with vegetables. Cubes are cut by boiled chicken breast, tomatoes, cheese Suluguni or feta, Bulgarian peppers, Beijing cabbage, in half the olives are cut, everything is mixed and refilled with olive oil and juice of one lemon.

4. Fish in the microwave. In the heat-resistant pan laying the layers: the crushed onion, a grated carrot, pieces of low-fat fish, sliced \u200b\u200btomatoes and pour everything with sauce of whipped eggs, cheese, sour cream and greens. 35 minutes in the microwave - and fish is ready.

5. Growstone. For the night you shook the glass of pea, and then cook it until readiness. You can serve both meat and mushrooms, vegetables or yourself.

This is only a small part of the recipes for the power of the Family Power, which will probably love your households.

Important moments

1. If the family does not like salty, it is easier to eat to taste to everyone in its plate. The same applies to spices.

2. If someone has certain preferences - respect them. If your spouse Vegetarian, cook it vegetable food. But it does not deprive you of the right to have favorite products, meat and fish including.

3. Do not impose your favorite, and possibly very useful and healthy dishes. Offer, but do not insist. Anyone, child or adult, has the right to choose from.

4. Coordinate the menu. Expand the food horizons - buy culinary books and magazines, see the transfer of cooking. Prepare new dishes.

What do you think, ladies and gentlemen? How do you think: what place in family, and in any life, should be dugout?

Like the whole life of these passionate people, their food was simple - and at the same time, according to children, allowed to grow healthy, without chronic diseases, problems with teeth. The approximate menu of a large family, food purchases and reserves are restored by economic records and memories of nikitin children.

We prepare together: at that age, the kids are happy to help adults in everything. 1961 year

Approximate family menu for every day

Breakfast. Any liquid porridge, in the most difficult times - on the water in half with milk + margarine instead of oil. Milk soup (with rice or noodles, usually milk in half with water, but an egg was added there). Milk with fresh bread. If the egg is like a skey, one per person. Bread with butter and cheese.

Dinner. The first was almost always. Mom cooked magnificent borsch or soup on a cerebral bone. There were enough huge pots for two or three days.

More kulesh, pea soup, chicken noodles. Mom noodles did herself. One chicken was cooked on a saucepan and then shared on everyone: to whom the wing, whom the leg. Dad, laying the chicken on the bowls, told a fairy tale about how the man's man shaved.

There were soups from the bag, from canned fish. In difficult times - "dumpy soup".

The second is usually without meat. For example, pasta with cheese. Or buckwheat cake with butter (self-dish).

Dinner. Mashed puree, pasta, rice, buckwheat porridge. Or a thin layer of stuffing in potato casserole.

For example, usual dinner: pasta with cheese + tea with sugar, beams, gingerbread.

The meat of ate is rarely, usually in the form of a kitlet and add to the main dish. Never prepared fried meat or with sharp sauces. If fried potatoes, then without meat, but with a salad. More often - stewed potatoes with meat cooked in a pressure cooker.

There were a lot of salads. Cabbage - green canned peas - greens. Or tomatoes - cucumbers - onions. Or home sauerkraut.

All salads have always been refueling with sunflower oil, Mom mayonnaise has never used.

But the fish ate more often than meat. Favorite - cod, stew with onions and carrots. Heck, Mintai, Ice. Mom all his life loved the fish. Dad absolutely everything was to taste. Often were canned fish (they can be eaten with bones): sprats in tomato sauce, sprats, mackerel, Sair.

Vinaigrette - with sauer cabbage or herring. Vegetables cooked a couple in a pressure cooker (specifically bought).

To this day, the mother's potato salad is very loved: the potato is cooked in the peel on a pair, it is quickly cleaned and still stirred with thinly chopped semiring onions (preferably red), refilled with tasty sunflower oil and salt. Best of all with the herring, but you can and so.

Pancakes, pancakes - with oil, sour cream, jam. Cogs were rarely, usually Cottage cheese was eaten, with sour cream and sugar.

Casseled casseled, potato, pasta, etc.

The grown girls were a lot of baked themselves, brought the book of home recipes and invented fantastic dishes. With 12 years in the kitchen, they were harvested mainly Olya and Anya.

Fruits and vegetables spruce on season and as much as possible: grapes - box, apples - box, etc.

Watermelons bought a cart - 5-8 kopecks. / Kg. And if the watermelon or melon is only they, there is no more food with them.

In winter, literally every day - a grated carrot. In summer, every day of greenery was carried from the garden every day, in the spring cooked oxal and nettle soups.

On sweet - dried fruits: Raisin, dates. And she has passed, jam. Halva - Sunflower, Tahinny - loved everything and bought boxes-packs of 10-16 kg.

Two-year-old Alyasha himself fills his wage. 1961 year

The usual set of products in the family of Nikitin (60-80s), prices are approximate

Milk, 1 liter (in spill) - 28 kopecks. Bought almost every day - a bidon for 4 liters. Drank noncompted.

Sour cream, 1 kg - 1 r. 70 kopecks Bought in a special plastic bidonchik for 1.5 kg.

Cottage cheese, 1 kg - low-fat 85 cop., Normal 1 rub.

Eggs, 1 dec. - 90 kopecks. and 1 r. 30 kopecks

Butter creamy, 1 kg - 3 p. 50 kopecks

Cheese "Poshekhonsky", "Dutch", 1 kg - 2 r. 70 kopecks, "Russian" - 3 r. Bought regularly.

  • rye, 1 loaf - 12 cop.;
  • wheat (gray), 1 loaf 0.8 kg - 15 cop.;
  • white wheat, 1 loaf (brick) 0.8 kg - 22 kopecks.

Bagel - 6 cop. (occasionally brought from Moscow, each had a quarter or half).

Gingerbread, 1 kg - 1 r. They loved very much and often bought.

Sugar sand, 1 kg - 90 kopecks. It took a lot.

Potato, 1 kg - 10-12 kopecks. Carrot, beets - 15-20 kopecks.

Buckwheat, 1 kg - 55 kopecks. (But it was almost not in the stores), Rice Round - 88 kopecks. Macaroni seems to be 33 kopecks. per kilogram.

Apples "Jonathan" 1 kg - 1 r. 50 kopecks

The gooseberry, raspberry, a bit of strawberries, dill and parsley, carrot, sorrel, radish, apples, cherry, gley, grew in the garden in the garden. On the plot under the pines - strawberries, blueberries. But in the garden and in the garden, everything was bad, since the sun was blocked by the sun. At one time, the potatoes themselves sage themselves.

Food normally.
But about bone flour is a bust, the costs of maximalism. Bad when good is brought to the absurdity. Most likely this flour draw from what they did. Not delicacy.

05.05.2015 15:21:03,

Total 88 messages .

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What I eat and that our family eats - a menu for a week. I am preparing a simple meal for my family and we have a shared table with children. Our breakfast, lunch and dinner for every day. Happy viewing! See my other videos: Economical menu on a family by 200 rubles, second day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dRN89CXBQRIW Economical menu for a family for 200 rubles, day first https://www.youtube.com/ Watch? V \u003d QQUI1V5DIBC How to save on products and spend less on food https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003d-nmfueorspo My lifehaki for the kitchen. Tricks in the kitchen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dvxwygqsau_k Why not enough money. How not to take into debt. How to plan costs for a month to have enough https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dqecfpvj9wo8 how to save money. How to learn how to save money https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003duuislvvfda4 How to buy an apartment if there is no money. Where to get money on an apartment https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003diviy11Moz8K loan debt, penalties, fines, court. What if you call collectors? How to reduce debt? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dnocywvu_l8u Reframing Bread on Zakvask https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003d-bgkgcytjq How to make candy with your own hands https://www.youtube.com/ Watch? v \u003d fk6dlno4pwg My menu for the new year 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003duei-mssvys minimalism and ramming, magic cleaning Marie Condo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003d j6jwz8r8yva excess weight - reasons. Food with excess body weight. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dwn5azxmogdw shatps://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dBZTYMZ35BO4&List\u003dPllLL1BRJIMMGAHU4DLL65TWMPAOO45LKAQJK All about breastfeeding https://www.youtube.com/watch?v \u003d 6qrkvq6kqzk & list \u003d plHow to get pregnant, ovulation. WOMEN'S HEALTH https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003d87h3IK0_ea4&list\u003dPLLl1brJIMmGDzvclSBWVOMttg-jiqKjUc THAT OUR FAMILY EATS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dueI-UMsSvys&list\u003dPLLl1brJIMmGDarBfDhdXiuY6jcSf7G1Hv pregnancy and childbirth https: / How to lose weight /www.youtube.com/playlist?list\u003dPLLl1brJIMmGBAg70X3OoaDkLqXkg5Nm5u https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list\u003dPLLl1brJIMmGAOZECkHqZ85Zo1mmFnalQ6 dysplasia of the hip in children https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list\u003dPLLl1brJIMmGDJLjCnPrIqcW770I9R9ew6 Subscribe - Video every 1-2 days!

What I eat and that our family eats - a menu for a week. I am preparing a simple meal for my family and we have a shared table with children. Our breakfast, lunch and dinner for every day. Happy viewing!

See my other videos:
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My lifehki for the kitchen. Tricks in the kitchen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v\u003dvxwygqsau_k

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