The second stage of alcoholism symptoms. Effective methods of treating drug addiction, alcoholism, tobacco addiction, gambling addiction. Formation of alcohol addiction in men and women

Alcoholism is serious disease, which goes through three main stages in its development. Usually, the transition between them is imperceptible for the patient himself. The easiest is the first stage, which sometimes develops over several years.

If you do not start immediate treatment, the second stage of alcoholism will inevitably begin. This period invariably occurs in the vast majority of patients who initially do not want to take the necessary measures. The main feature of the second stage of alcoholism is a high level of tolerance to the effects of alcohol due to a rapid increase in the dosage of alcohol consumed. This is a very dangerous moment in the life of a drinking person. In some cases, alcoholics go so far as to drink up to two liters of vodka in one day.

At this stage of the development of the disease, the mental and physical health of a person is significantly negatively affected. Negative social consequences will also appear soon.

The onset of the second stage is an active continuation of the progression of the disease, when the symptoms of the previous stage persist:

  • The craving for alcohol increases significantly.
  • Withdrawal symptoms or hangover symptoms are common.
  • Mental and physical dependence on alcohol is finally formed.

The need to get drunk is getting stronger day by day. This situation often leads to lingering binges, which can be repeated with a certain duration. After some time, alcoholism finally passes into the drunken stage. A person can no longer imagine his life without the constant use of alcohol, it seems to him meaningless without a drop of alcohol. Without new doses, the body does not function normally.

Alcohol becomes a powerful tonic. At this stage, the dose of alcohol that is necessary for intoxication is significantly different from the average physiological. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Increased anger and aggressiveness, fussiness and irritability - this is how one can characterize the condition of a patient who has passed to the second stage of alcoholism. In some cases, the person tries to resist their drinking cravings. But you can't cope with the problem on your own.

The loss of control over the situation also manifests itself in the second stage of the development of alcoholism. Attempts to control the process of drinking alcoholic beverages end in failure.

Withdrawal symptoms can last no more than two to three days at the second stage of the development of alcoholism. Somatovegetative mental and neurological disorders of the body are manifested. Withdrawal symptoms are characterized by the occurrence of arrhythmias, sweating, shortness of breath. Often in a drinking person:

  • Blood pressure rises.
  • Heartbeat increases.
  • Excessive sweating appears.

A complete lack of appetite, vomiting and nausea can also be characteristic of a hangover syndrome.

The human central nervous system can be severely affected:

  • Tremors (unnatural tremors of the limbs) appear.
  • Coordination of movements is impaired.
  • Reduced muscle tone.
  • Pupils dilate.

Prolonged binges can lead to seizures - single or multiple - and uncontrolled urination.

Withdrawal symptoms in the second stage of alcoholism are serious sleep and mental disorders, constant tantrums, nightmares, hallucinations. Get rid of these dire consequences will be problematic.

Timely relief of the hangover syndrome can still gradually return a person to a normal state. Moral and social values ​​can be restored. But alcoholic degradation is not excluded, when psychoorganic disorders of the body continue to manifest themselves in full.

Personality disorders

Alcoholic behavior disorders can be accompanied by depression and anxiety. Often, alcoholics in the second stage engage in deceitful self-flagellation in order to arouse pity in their relatives.

Often this is due to the desire to get money for alcohol. Demonstrative suicidal attempts are also frequent, which should also evoke compassion.

If the anxiety is aggravated, the fear of death appears. Panic behavior can lead to cardiophobia. A person is always afraid that he will have a heart attack and calls an ambulance.

At the second stage of the development of alcoholism, mental disorders may appear. Experts distinguish three types of personal changes:

  • Degradation.
  • Sharpening of personality traits.
  • Psychoorganic disorders of alcoholic origin.

Disorders are of several types:

  • Hyperthymic: expression of dubious joy and optimism for no reason.
  • Hysterical: every attempt to draw attention to your person. The patient manifests deceit and selfishness. Often, these conditions lead to suicidal attempts.
  • Schizoid: indifference, isolation and dissatisfaction with the surrounding world.
  • Depressive: constant mood swings, depression and gloom.
  • Emotionally volatile: manifests itself in the form of sudden irritability in violent attacks of aggression.
  • Borderline: easy obedience to the drinking company, a tendency to lie.
  • Dependent Personality Disorder: manifests itself in the form of an aggressive reaction to any criticism and emotional incontinence.
  • Passive personality disorder: this is a complete dependence on the opinions of others. In such a state, a person is subject to his will, to inspire him with your opinion. In especially severe cases, this disorder manifests itself in an active desire to shorten the time between binges.

Alcohol degradation

This is the so-called general decline in the level of personality. Alcohol degradation is characterized by the appearance of pronounced signs of psychopathic disorders. As a result, a person begins to waste time senselessly, doing nothing and not thinking about anything.

At the second stage of alcoholism, a stable psychoorganic alcoholic origin is formed against the background of constant use of increasing doses of alcohol.

Further progression alcohol addiction can lead to pseudoparalysis or dementia.

It is advisable to consult a narcologist at the first stage of the development of alcoholism. If you do not do this in a timely manner, the onset of the second stage will inevitably lead to manifestations of abstinence.

At the second stage of the development of the disease, outpatient or inpatient treatment will be required under the supervision of a specialist. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

Often, narcologists prescribe conditioned reflex therapy, which is carried out using various medications... The therapy should be carried out after the detoxification of the body.

Sensitizing agents such as Teturam and Aversan allow blocking a number of enzyme systems in the patient's body and delaying the oxidation and decomposition of alcohol. Metronidazole can also be used for similar purposes.

Narcologists necessarily prescribe the use of psychotropic drugs - antidepressants and tranquilizers, which can improve the patient's mental state and return him to normal sleep.

Drugs from the group of nootropics have a positive effect on the body's metabolism and significantly reduce the craving for alcohol. All of these medications should be chosen individually, depending on the state of the alcoholic.

Only a medical specialist can make a decision on the prescription of a medicine. The dosage is also assigned on an individual basis.

Treatment of the second stage of alcoholism involves additional special measures (insulin therapy, augemotherapy), which are aimed at increasing the tone and improving the general condition of the body.

Alcoholism belongs to the category of gradually developing progressive diseases.

In its development, the disease goes through three successive stages, the transition between which is imperceptible. This explains why narcologists make a diagnosis not by individual signs, but by a certain set of symptoms. The solution to the problem can only be a voluntary awareness of the severity of the condition and the desire to be treated. And not just to be treated for alcoholism, but to finally recover. The only condition for getting rid of is an unconditional and final refusal from alcohol.

At this stage, addiction becomes apparent not only to the drinker, but also to those around him. The state of fatigue is growing, which often leads to attempts to get rid of alcohol addiction. However, these attempts are rarely successful.

The patient's behavior becomes nervous and aggressive, memory lapses and constant irritability become more frequent. Memory lapses are associated with impairments in the volume of short-term and long-term memory. A feature of the patients' thinking is the easy production of significant volumes of alcohol associations, indicating an increase in the intensity of alcohol craving. At the same time, there is a decrease in the level and productivity of thinking, the disappearance of the creative component and sense of humor. Thinking becomes disorganized, sluggish and slow.

Affective behavioral disorders are accompanied by anxiety or depression. From self-deprecation and self-reproaches (in the phase of autonomic disorders), patients move to demonstrative-suicidal attempts, which most often have the character of blackmail in response to the refusal to issue money for alcohol.

An exacerbation of anxiety sometimes leads to a fear of death as a result of a heart attack and panic behavior, which is expressed in the requirements for an immediate call to a doctor and taking heart medications. Cardiophobia is combined with somatovegetative symptoms of abstinence - heart palpitations and cardialgia. The same conditions can occur as a result of the feeling of lack of air.

Stage 2 of alcoholism also reveals mental disorders, consisting of individual signs of pathological personality development and intellectual-mnestic deviations. Here, regardless of the patient's condition (intoxication or withdrawal symptoms), three types of personality changes are distinguished: sharpening of personality traits, alcohol degradation and psychoorganic syndrome of alcoholic origin.

The result of long-term alcohol abuse is the emergence of psychopathic disorders. It is customary to distinguish:

At the second stage of alcoholism, as a result of constant exposure to alcohol and its metabolites, a persistent cognitive impairment is formed - a psychoorganic syndrome of alcoholic origin, which reaches full development at the third stage of the disease. The progression of alcohol dependence in such a case can end in conditions such as lacunar dementia or pseudoparalysis.

Other serious consequences of second stage alcoholism include the transition of existing somatic diseases into chronic forms with the addition of toxic hepatitis, acute pancreatitis and alcoholic cardiomyopathy.

Thank you for your feedback.

Comments (1)

    Megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Did anyone manage to save your husband from alcoholism? Mine drinks without drying out, I don’t know what to do ((I thought about divorce, but I don’t want to leave the child without a father, and I feel sorry for my husband, so he’s a great person when he doesn’t drink

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I have already tried so many things and only after reading this article, I managed to wean my husband from alcohol, now he does not drink at all, even on holidays.

    Megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    Megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate just in case - link to article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why are they selling on the Internet?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonya, what country do you live in? They sell it on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their marginal markup. In addition, payment only after receipt, that is, first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonia, hello. This drug for the treatment of alcohol dependence is really not sold through pharmacies and retail stores in order to avoid overpricing. To date, you can order only on official website... Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I apologize, I did not notice the information about cash on delivery at first. Then everything is in order for sure if the payment is on receipt.

Alcohol dependence is a difficult test for a person of any age; the first and second stages of alcoholism are characterized by such developmental signs as loss of control and hangover. A pathological or uncontrolled craving for alcoholic beverages leads to the formation of a stable addiction, which is very difficult to cope with without medical help. The main problem of such patients is the lack of awareness of their own actions, which nullifies the effectiveness of therapy.

What is alcoholism

Alcohol is one of the most popular products in the modern food market. Each person in one way or another consumes alcoholic beverages, the only difference is in the amount and frequency of intake. Excessive alcohol consumption is considered a psychological disease, which is commonly referred to as alcoholism. In a person who is in a state of constant intoxication, not only physical health deteriorates. Among such patients, there is a decrease in tolerance, mental disorders, memory lapses and other signs of addiction.

In men and women, against the background of general intoxication of the body, there is a frequent change in mood, causeless irritability or bouts of anger appear. The progression of alcoholism causes liver damage, which leads to the appearance of painful symptoms. Ethyl alcohol, which is part of alcoholic beverages, disrupts the functioning of the nervous system and leads to a deterioration in the condition of all internal organs person. Neuroparalytic poison quickly leads to the formation of addiction, in the absence of control, you can get rid of the disease with the help of a narcologist.

Stages of alcoholism

Modern medicine distinguishes three stages in the development of alcoholism, but some experts are convinced that somatic illness includes four stages. The first stage of the disease is characterized by the presence of a weak psychological dependence on alcohol in the patient. In the absence of access to alcoholic beverages, a person independently gets rid of this addiction, characteristic physical pathologies at this stage are not observed.

Such people tend to accompany any meeting with several bottles of alcohol and relax on the weekend with some alcoholic beverage. In order to prevent the formation of addiction, it is necessary to switch the patient's attention to another type of activity. It is important to create a program in which there is no place for drinking alcohol. In the second stage of the disease, a person is pursued by an obsessive desire to drink alcohol all the time, even if he is engaged in any kind of work or work.

Every day it becomes more difficult for the patient to cope with psychological dependence, which is further reinforced by an increase in alcohol tolerance. A large amount of alcohol no longer causes vomiting, disgust or other signs of poisoning, a critical attitude towards alcoholism disappears, the doses are rapidly increasing. With the transition to the third stage, the patient is no longer able to cope with the disease on his own, he needs professional medical help.

During this period, an abstinence syndrome is formed, that is, psychological dependence develops into a physical one. A person cannot stop drinking due to the cessation of the production of certain natural hormones by the body, a "plateau of tolerance to alcoholic beverages" is reached. High doses of ethanol, exceeding the safe norm by several times, no longer cause the gag reflex. Drunken alcoholism causes irreparable damage to all organs and systems of the patient, which leads to the development of liver diseases and other dangerous ailments.

At the fourth stage, dysfunction of many vital processes in the body is observed, which is due to an even greater decrease in alcohol tolerance. Pathological changes occur in the structure of blood vessels, malignant tumors appear in the liver or digestive tract. A person completely loses interest in life, the only thing that worries him is where to get a new dose of ethanol. Physical dependence takes a dangerous turn, when trying to get a patient out of this state, there is a high probability of death.

The second stage of alcoholism

Grade 2 alcoholism is considered a "point of no return", once crossed over which most people are forever stuck in a similar state. Doctors do not give any guarantees regarding the treatment of this category of patients, since most of the work must be done by the person himself. Psychological dependence at this stage has not yet reached its climax, but the patient is getting more and more difficult to resist it every day. Obsessive thoughts about alcohol haunt a person day and night, moral foundations are rapidly falling under the yoke of a developing disease.

Daily consumption of alcoholic beverages is becoming the norm; taking large doses of ethanol does not cause symptoms of intoxication in the body. An increase in alcohol tolerance forces the patient to drink more often, which gradually leads to the formation of a stable habit. Over time, the 2nd stage of alcoholism begins to develop into the third, a transitional stage is a strong physical need for alcohol.

Only a qualified specialist can determine the stage of alcoholism. The initial symptoms characteristic of the second degree of the disease can be easily confused with the manifestations of the first stage. For this reason, examination by a narcologist is a mandatory item in the treatment process. At this stage, patients have a strong attraction to alcohol, which sometimes overshadows the voice of reason. People who are not prone to emotional changes resort to the effects of alcohol only in stressful situations, which cannot be said about individuals with a stressed psychological state.

The second category of patients is more susceptible to alcohol dependence; any attempts to get them out of this state are met with hostility. Chronic alcoholism stage 2 manifests itself through an irresistible craving for alcohol, against the background of which self-criticism disappears and control over the situation is lost. A person is sure that alcohol is vital to him and sees no reason to refuse it. The most common symptoms that occur in patients with the second degree of this disease are:

  • weakness;
  • anxiety;
  • psychological discomfort;
  • mood swings;
  • insomnia;
  • constant dissatisfaction with the surrounding world;
  • physical discomfort;
  • internal tension;
  • depression.

Signs of the second stage

Patients suffering from stage II alcoholism cannot refrain from drinking alcohol, even if it causes significant harm to health. The craving for alcohol becomes so strong that it is difficult for a person to control it. At this stage, the body's tolerance to ethanol continues to increase, according to medical studies in alcoholics of the second degree, the amount of alcohol consumed is five to six times higher than the established norm.


Alcoholism is a disease that occurs in a person with the abuse of alcoholic beverages. Many call him bad habit, but this is fundamentally not true, since as a result of the use of alcoholic beverages, severe psychological dependence is developed. The first stage of the disease is not always the relatives, and the patient himself, can recognize, but the second stage of alcoholism is already manifested with special symptoms. At this stage, it is urgent to provide assistance to a person, since the disease can turn into a chronic form, on which irreversible complications arise.

The second stage of alcoholism

The second stage of alcoholism

Not everyone can notice the line between the first and second stages of alcoholism. As this stage develops, the duration of hard drinking gradually increases, and the intervals between them are getting smaller. The second stage of alcoholism lasts from 5 to 15 years. It all depends on how much a person drinks alcohol. It is characterized by a daily dose of alcohol in the amount of 500 ml or more. In women, addiction to alcohol largely depends on how regularly they consume alcohol. The amount consumed is not so important. And in men, both factors are important. Therefore, women are more susceptible to the development of alcoholism and the stages pass one into the other also faster. Many doctors claim to heal female alcoholism at advanced stage 2 it is impossible.

When a person drinks alcohol at this stage, his mood immediately improves. But at the same time, the dose is already higher than in the first stage.

A distinctive feature of stage 2 is a high level of tolerance to alcoholic beverages. This moment is very dangerous for the health and life of an alcoholic. In addition, a person at this stage often does not drink alcohol. With a lack of money, an alcoholic can use pharmaceutical tinctures, cologne and other types of surrogates, which leads to serious and rapid health problems. The reason for this is the loss of social status, work, family and, in general, the degradation of the individual affects. A person cannot independently fully assess the danger of a situation and his goal is only another dose of alcohol.

Attention! For the second stage, it is characteristic that a person consumes alcohol not to improve his mood, but to satisfy the physical needs of the body.

Symptoms and Signs

Intoxication of the body at the 2nd stage of alcoholism is already manifested by acute symptoms. These include headache, nausea, bouts of vomiting, tremors of the extremities, tachycardia. For these signs to go away, you need another dose of alcohol.

An alcoholic can be recognized by the following psychological characteristics:

  • periods of aggression and anger;
  • depressive state, apathy;
  • inappropriate actions;
  • tendency to conflict;
  • constant craving for alcoholic beverages.

Stage 2 of alcoholism: definition

Already at this stage, long-term binges appear. But it is characteristic that a person after drinking is not inhibited and efficiency increases in the state alcoholic intoxication... In addition, a person grows faster and he performs both physical and mental activities in a highly productive manner. After the release of alcohol from the body or a decrease in its concentration, the psycho-emotional state changes, and an irresistible craving for alcohol awakens in a person.

When an alcoholic is sober, he is lethargic, gets tired quickly, and all his negative qualities are manifested. In general, the alcoholic begins to degrade. His intellectual abilities are declining, decisions of ordinary everyday problems becomes a difficult task.

Another symptom is insomnia. A person cannot fall asleep without a dose of alcohol, but if he drinks a lot of alcohol, he will become active and he will not be able to fall asleep either. Along with insomnia, an alcoholic can have nightmares.

In the second stage of alcoholism, a person enters into prolonged binges, after which a seizure often occurs. Signs of such a seizure can be convulsions during the process, which the person can bite the tongue, as well as involuntary urination.

After hard drinking, a person becomes a victim of hallucinations, delirium tremens, and paranoid ideas. And also, many show alcoholic jealousy. This is a personality disorder in which an alcoholic becomes pathologically unfoundedly jealous of his partner, not seeing his problems and the true causes of problems in the family.

A characteristic condition for alcoholism of the 2nd degree is “Alcoholic Korsakovsky” psychosis. Such a complication from drinking alcohol is manifested by a violation of the sensitivity of the extremities - its absence or severe pain. Another symptom of this psychosis is memory disorders. Sometimes it comes to the point that a person waking up in his house cannot remember where he is.

Stage 2 of alcoholism is the case when the treatment brings positive results, but without the help of specialists it will not be possible to cope. The treatment is complex, and the help of many doctors will be required.

The first and foremost condition for starting therapy is a complete rejection of alcohol. The addiction remains for life, so if a person starts drinking alcohol in small doses after treatment, sooner or later this will lead to relapse and binge drinking.

  • Detoxification.
  • Psychological rehabilitation.
  • Social adaptation.
  • Drug treatment is aimed at eliminating concomitant diseases and relieving characteristic symptoms.

Drug therapy

Treatment with drugs also takes place in several stages. The first is detoxification, in which the body is cleansed of toxic substances and decay products of ethyl alcohol. Detoxification therapy relieves the patient from physical dependence, that is, from the hangover syndrome. Also, at the same time, metabolic processes and sleep begin to normalize. Detoxification drugs are Unithiol, Sodium thiosulfate.

A special place in drug therapy is allocated to the correction of mental disorders. In this case, sedative or psychotropic drugs are prescribed. It helps relieve symptoms such as tension, irritability, anxiety, and a general vegetative stabilizing effect is observed. Preparations - Aminazine, Levomepromazine.

It is important that psychotropic drugs should be prescribed only by a qualified specialist, and they should be taken only according to the prescribed scheme and dosage. Since uncontrolled intake of these drugs may develop dependence on them. Tranquilizers include drugs such as Elenium, Trioxazin, Diazepam.

Another group of drugs is nootropics. They contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, as a result, the craving for alcohol will become less pronounced.

There is such a procedure as the "encoding" of an alcoholic. To do this, a person is injected with Disulfiram, which, interacting with alcohol, provokes unpleasant symptoms - headache, dizziness, tachycardia, vomiting, etc.

The main condition of therapy is a complete rejection of alcohol.

Attention! Drug therapy is also prescribed if other concomitant diseases have been diagnosed. For example, gastritis, peptic ulcer, alcoholic hepatitis etc.

Psychological method

An alcoholic must undergo psychological rehabilitation after undergoing drug therapy. Since the second stage of alcohol addiction develops a persistent psychological dependence, that is, the problem of an alcoholic sits deep in the head and simply digging in a person will not be cured. Sometimes it takes people 6-8 months or more to complete the treatment.

One of the most famous programs around the world is the 12-step technique. It involves introspection of the patient, a change in his thinking and help on a group basis. It is important that the person is isolated from everything for a while in order to begin to change.

Social adaptation is a stage of treatment that takes place at home. A psychologist helps a person to adapt in society, return to the work collective, and renew relationships with family members. It is also recommended for the alcoholic to attend meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous.

It is possible to cure stage 2 alcoholism only with full treatment prescribed by doctors. And also with the full support of family and friends. This stage of the disease is already a severe psychological dependence on alcohol. Therefore, often people break down and again go into binges. Positive result observed only in those who are fully aware of their disease.


V clinical addiction the process of development of alcoholism is divided into three stages, smoothly flowing from the initial zero stage to the subsequent stages of painful alcohol dependence. Alcohol dependence develops at different rates, time intervals, the transition from the initial stage to the subsequent ones, the severity and nature of the appearance of signs depends on many factors. The transformation of domestic drunkenness into alcoholism for each person occurs in different ways, for some it lasts for years, for others it is of a critical rapid nature. The first stage is longer, the second and third stages develop much faster.

The second stage of alcoholism, in contrast to the initial stage, develops in a narrower time frame. This fact is due to the fact that at the psychological level, the alcoholic has already formed an addiction and the need for regular drinking. A person has already formed for himself a whole list of excuses that are raised into dogma:

  • I'm tired I need a drink to relax;
  • I have had a hard day / week, I deserve a rest;
  • I am nervous, I have stress, I need to relieve it;
  • I met a friend, God himself commanded;
  • Marked start / end of work;
  • I'm cold, I need to keep warm.

For a drinker, it is natural to deny his own dependence on alcohol, building a chain of cause and effect that justifies his need to drink alcohol. This misconception is one of the first signs of alcohol addiction. If at the initial stage the patient shows more signs of psychological craving for drinking with minor physiological changes, then alcoholism of the 2nd degree is a complication of disorders of the internal organs and the development of symptoms of personality degradation. Treatment of an alcoholic patient at this stage is based on a set of measures that equally relate to his physiological and mental state. Many reviews and prices for the treatment of alcoholism in Moscow clinics clearly make it clear that this is the most logical and successful moment to start dealing with the problem, because by this moment a person often already understands that it is time to do something.

Signs of the second stage of alcoholism

Narcologists mark the verge of transition of alcoholism to the second stage in terms of symptoms that indicate the strengthening of the psychological addiction to alcohol and the formation of persistent physical dependence. The transformation of a novice alcoholic into a drunken one is provoked by a violation of the functionality of the nervous system, which manifests itself in characteristic behavioral factors:

  1. At the physiological level, without drinking, a person is in a painful state, which can manifest itself in the form of low blood pressure, weakness, and aching headache. An alcoholic does not feel well without the usual dose of alcohol, but at the same time he cannot clearly formulate the cause and nature of the ailment. Another sign of second-degree alcoholism is the appearance of a hangover syndrome. At the first stage of alcohol addiction, in the morning after drinking alcohol, a person experiences disgust and nausea at the very thought or smell of alcohol. The second stage is characterized by the desire and the physical need to get drunk.
  2. At the intellectual level, the patient is still aware that drinking constantly is bad, he periodically has a desire to quit alcohol. However, alcoholics of the second degree no longer have sufficient will, their intentions are unstable and, as a result, do not lead to a positive result.
  3. At the psychological level, a person experiences depression, anxiety, anxiety, which he can only eliminate with alcohol. A patient with alcoholism undergoes a transformation - if at the initial stage, drinking alcohol was only part of the rest, then at the second stage, rest becomes possible only when drinking alcohol. Libations occur more and more often, until they turn into a nightly ritual, and sometimes a person allows himself to drink even during working hours.

For the alcoholic of the second stage, persistent amnesia is characteristic; after drinking, a person often loses part of his memories, and the remaining ones are blurry and indistinct. At this stage, a person becomes binge, drinks almost constantly with a short sleep break for several days. Binge drinking provokes the development of withdrawal symptoms. This is the state that a person experiences after prolonged libations. The body becomes so accustomed to the constant intake of alcohol that without taking the necessary "norm" the patient develops severe headaches, breathing problems, convulsions, tremors of the hands, a drop in body temperature.

An alcoholic can rarely get out of a withdrawal state on his own without assistance. He needs the help of medical specialists who, with the help of drugs, help relieve severe symptoms and partially normalize the work of internal organs. However, one conclusion from the hard drinking problem cannot be solved, at this stage of alcohol dependence treatment should be carried out in the specialized conditions of the in-patient department of the narcological department.

Physiological symptoms of the 2nd stage of alcoholism

The second stage of alcoholism is characterized by the rapid development of functional disorders of internal organs, which are a direct consequence of prolonged alcohol abuse. At this stage, irreversible processes in the body begin in a person, which can be stopped subject to the immediate start of complex therapy. Oxygen therapy is especially indicated - a procedure that has a complex positive effect on important organs. It will also take years healthy way life, and some functions cannot be restored at all.

The characteristic changes are due to the effects of toxins that disrupt the anatomical state and the work of internal organs. The situation is aggravated by the fact that at the second stage the natural defense of the body is already significantly reduced. At the initial stage, a person who has taken a large dose of alcohol experiences all the symptoms of poisoning - nausea, vomiting. Thus, the body reacts to an excessive dose of toxins. Chronic alcoholism completely neutralizes this defense mechanism, that is, the body's tolerance to alcoholic beverages increases.

Typical diseases of the second stage of alcoholism

In the second stage of alcohol dependence, typical diseases develop, the most common disorders include:

  • Inflammatory diseases of the digestive system (gastric mucosa, duodenum, pancreas);
  • Critical liver disorders (toxic hepatitis, fatty degeneration), provoking the onset of cirrhosis;
  • Pathologies of the central nervous system (alcoholic encephalopathy), which lead to the death of cells of the cerebral cortex;
  • Diseases of the peripheral nervous system (alcoholic polyneuropathy), leading to muscle atrophy, loss of sensitivity of the skin, cramps of the limbs;
  • Cardiovascular diseases (alcoholic cardiomyopathy), provoking arrhythmia and the development of heart failure;
  • Renal dysfunction as the onset of chronic renal failure;
  • Violation of blood circulation in the brain, which provoke hemorrhages (microstrokes and strokes).

A person at the second stage no longer has a single healthy and normally functioning organ. The rate of development of certain pathologies is individual and is determined by various factors. Age, general condition, predisposition, heredity, type of consumed drinks are important.

Physiological changes in a second-degree alcoholic affect not only internal organs, but also affect appearance... Due to the constant dehydration of the body, the skin becomes dry and flabby, disturbances in the functioning of the liver lead to the appearance of age spots, diseases of the kidneys and heart lead to constant edema of the face, which sometimes changes it beyond recognition.

A pathological change in metabolism leads to a permanent deficiency of vitamins and minerals, which has a deplorable effect on the teeth and hair. Due to the accumulation of toxins, muscle tone and joint mobility decrease, signs of an old gait appear. Violation of cerebral circulation leads to poor coordination of movements. Outwardly, a person becomes much older than his biological age.

Mental, social and intellectual consequences

In addition to the above factors, stage 2 of alcoholism is characterized by a deterioration in intellectual activity, complex mental disorders and the development of social deviation (deviation from the moral and ethical foundations adopted in society). The mental changes that chronic alcoholism provokes begin with mood swings. Drops emotional state differ dramatically depending on the patient's condition. At the initial stage of intoxication, he is joyfully excited, cheerful and friendly. In a state of strong alcoholic intoxication, he becomes aggressive and gloomy. A sober alcoholic is often depressed and irritable. In addition, the patient may experience bouts of despair, manic anxiety, depression, which often leads to suicide attempts.

Changes in mental activity are no less obvious, intellectual abilities decrease, memory is impaired, judgments become superficial. Any mental stress leads to quickly onset fatigue and headaches. The character of a person changes pathologically, the will and sense of responsibility are sharply reduced, symptoms of psychosis begin to appear. The patient's mental inclinations are transformed into cunning and resourcefulness, with the help of which he tries to influence others. He is ready to deceive, subtly twist, evoke pity in order to get what he wants, and he wants only one thing - a drink or money for alcohol.

Such changes cannot but affect social life... In the early stages of alcohol dependence, a person can still continue to work or study, but the development and aggravation of the addiction leads to the loss of any interests not related to drinking. As a result, absenteeism at work becomes more frequent for the patient, and later the person can be made to work only by promising a bottle or money for alcohol. In most cases, alcoholics at this stage lose their jobs, drop out of school and agree to unskilled labor with minimal responsibility. In other words, they find a job that gives them the opportunity to receive at least some money for alcohol, but at the same time allows them to drink at any time of the day.

Changes in the behavioral model of a patient with alcoholism leads to the loss of any interests not related to drinking alcohol. If in the past a person had hobbies and hobbies that arouse great interest in him and a desire to do what he loves, then at the second stage all interests are reduced to drinking and related entertainment. Most often these are the simplest gambling... In addition to work, an alcoholic usually loses his family. He is already ready to do anything for the sake of a bottle, take out valuable things from the house, steal money from the family budget. The boundaries of what is permissible are blurred and lost. Often, an alcoholic does not hesitate to steal and robbery, and becomes absolutely immoral.

Appealing to conscience, morality and moral principles of an alcoholic is a useless occupation. Mental disorders and organic disorders of the brain have already provoked the development of personality degradation, so no pleas and requests at this stage will help. Treatment of second-degree alcoholism is a lengthy process that includes isolation, medication and psychological therapy. It is impossible to solve this problem without the help of qualified medical specialists in various fields, therefore it is necessary to contact a specialized institution.

Source http: //xn—-8sbalhaateeufgcrfxb4n.xn--c1avg/blog/vtoraya-stadiya-alkogolizma

Alcoholic beverages pose a hidden health threat to everyone who chooses to consume them at the festive table or in the evening as a stress reliever. All this can lead to the development of alcoholism, which can hardly be called a weakness or a bad habit of a person. After all, such a condition is considered a rather serious disease of a chronic nature.

According to statistical studies, almost 90% of people have tried alcohol at least once in their life. But only 10% of them developed an addiction while consuming these drinks. So why does the disease affect only certain people, and how can the degrees of alcoholism be determined?

The emergence of addiction

Alcoholism is a disease that is simply impossible to get infected. A person himself takes this path if he begins to take alcohol often significant dates, holidays and other life events. And every glass of alcohol-containing drink drunk is a direct road to torment and suffering not only for him, but also for those close to him.

According to narcologists, not all people can become alcoholics. As a rule, the disease affects those who are morally and weakly weak, as well as those who have weak willpower. For such people, alcoholic beverages are a real salvation. After all, drinking vodka or wine, a drunkard gets real pleasure, feeling a surge of energy and strength. So maybe such people should constantly take an intoxicating product? No!

Such use most often develops into addiction, which, like many other diseases, is very dangerous to health. What are the main reasons for its appearance? According to scientists, alcoholism threatens primarily those who:

  1. Has a genetic predisposition to it. These are people whose families have a history of alcohol or drug use. In this case, the likelihood of addiction increases 6 times.
  2. Had early contact with alcohol. Very often those people who started drinking alcohol in adolescence become alcoholics.
  3. Smokes. This factor increases the likelihood of alcoholism five times.
  4. Prone to frequent stress. In unpleasant situations, a person's mood decreases, anxiety arises and performance decreases. Many people try to get rid of such unpleasant sensations with the help of a glass of vodka or a glass of wine.
  5. Drinks for the company. If a person's friends regularly drink alcohol or are already susceptible to alcoholism, then he himself begins to reach for a glass more often.
  6. Suffering from depression. To eliminate the symptoms of a depressed state, people often resort to self-medication, using alcohol as a medicine.
  7. Affected by advertisements. Very often in the media, alcohol is portrayed as an attribute of a "beautiful" life. According to experts, such an advertisement, mentioning alcohol in a positive way, creates confidence in a certain audience that excessive drinking is acceptable.

Alcoholism develops gradually, passing through certain degrees and manifesting itself with specific symptoms. Observing the existing signs of the disease, the specialist is able to accurately determine the stage of the pathology. This will allow him to offer the patient the most effective treatment regimen.

Signs of alcoholism

In order to understand that a person who uses alcohol has become dependent on him, it is necessary to notice the specific symptoms of the disease. And for this it is important to know the degree of alcoholism and their signs. The latter include the following conditions:

  1. The person starts drinking alone. For this he does not need company. In addition, an alcoholic is able to "take" any amount of alcohol alone with himself.
  2. The emergence of a clearly felt desire to drink. Drinking alcohol ceases to depend on situations, that is, holidays or company presence. There is only a need to take strong drinks.
  3. Drinking alcohol in secret from family and friends. Such a person increasingly begins to travel "to the dacha" or "to picnics", and in his pockets there are candies, chewing gum, as well as means to fight off the smell of intoxicating drinks.
  4. The alcoholic begins to make "stash". He hides already drunk bottles of alcohol in secret places, sometimes pouring it into unusual containers - into jugs, decanters or plastic bottles.
  5. Lack of control over the amount to the extent that he can do it. He loses the ability to protect himself from raising the next glass, and all sense of proportion is lost.
  6. Memory lapses that occur while drinking. Already sober, a person sometimes cannot even remember some of the events that occurred while drinking alcohol.
  7. The emergence of the ritual of drinking. Alcoholism can be talked about if a person drinks alcohol, for example, before or after work, "for appetite" or while watching TV and gets annoyed if he does not succeed or someone present allows himself to comment on such actions.
  8. Loss of interest in what you love. A person abandons his long-term hobby, does not communicate with relatives, does not take care of pets, refuses to travel and travel.
  9. The emergence of aggression. Drinking alcohol is a direct road to family quarrels and scandals. At the same time, a person suffering from alcohol addiction shows aggression towards friends and relatives.

Health status

Depending on the degree of alcoholism, a person may experience:

Diseases of the internal organs that have close contact with alcohol entering the body;

The sharp development of psychosis;


Disorders in metabolic processes;

Malfunctions of the central nervous system.

The signs and symptoms listed above characterize the development of pathology. That is why, if they are found, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Only timely therapy will allow for a short time and without complications to heal the ailment, restoring the body's work.

The mechanism of addiction

With the regular use of alcohol in the brain, metabolic processes of gamma-aminobutyric acid are disrupted, which controls the impulsivity of glutamate, which stimulates the nervous system and the pleasure hormone dopamine. What follows this? Over time, changes relate to the metabolism of dopamine occurring in the centers of "pleasure". Without these substances, a person ceases to be satisfied with life. This provokes the human brain to consume alcohol, when taking which you can get rid of unpleasant sensations and start feeling good.

What do those who suffer from addiction hide?

How many degrees of alcoholism do specialists identify? The disease has 4 phases. At its initial stages, it is very difficult to judge the presence of one degree or another of alcoholism. Drinking alcohol is often mistaken for domestic drunkenness. It is difficult to determine this even by the test.

This is due to the drunkard denying or downplaying his or her addiction to alcohol. But it is worth noting that such behavior is one of the symptoms of the development of alcoholism. They call it dissimulation. This feature is characterized as alcoholism anonymous. A person is not just telling a lie. He hides the fact of his illness.

The first stage of pathology

It is possible to determine that a person has 1 degree of alcoholism by the most important symptom of this phase of the disease, which is the loss of the gag reflex. And this, in turn, leads a man or woman to exceed the dose of alcoholic beverages, leading to severe intoxication.

How to determine the degree of alcoholism in the initial phase of the development of the disease? The second scientifically proven symptom of this period is memory loss. Moreover, it becomes impossible to restore the previous state of a person even after contacting psychiatric specialists.

The first degree of alcoholism is characterized by a certain regularity and duration of alcohol consumption. This frequency is 2 to 3 times a week. Moreover, in this phase, the aversion to drinking disappears, which previously appeared on the second day. In the presence of the first degree of alcoholism in men and women, the feast can last more than one day.

The next sign of the first phase of pathology is an increase in the amount of intoxicating drinks that are required for intoxication.

Mental addiction at the first stage

This phase of alcoholism is characterized by:

The appearance in the patient of pleasant memories of the state of intoxication, which provokes thoughts about alcohol;

A person's search for any reason to start drinking, as evidenced by the mention of this topic in a conversation with people;

Justifying not only your own behavior, but also the actions of other drunkards;

Increased mood with an upcoming feast;

Mental satisfaction from the drink;

The emergence of conflicts in the family and in the workforce due to alcohol abuse.

Mental leads to poor health. The person becomes irritable. His performance is deteriorating. All this clearly indicates the presence of the first degree of alcoholism.

The second stage of pathology

All the symptoms described above are typical. However, they are even more aggravated and, in addition, new signs appear. They are able to indicate the development of the second degree of alcoholism.

A person on a mental level is able to partially realize that he is dependent on alcohol. However, he is no longer able to refuse it.

Upon reaching the second degree of alcoholism, a person becomes as efficient as possible only after he has taken a small amount of an intoxicating drink. In addition, the dose of alcohol that he needs for intoxication becomes 6-10 times greater than the volume that a healthy person would drink.

In psychology, the second degree of alcoholism is called the pseudo-drinking period. After all, the patient can go into a binge for several days, and then take a short break. Very often it is difficult for such a person to fall asleep without a glass of an intoxicating drink.

In the second stage of alcoholism, the memory lapses become even deeper. A person, as a rule, forgets exactly what is associated with his bad behavior. In addition to mental, physical dependence on alcohol develops. When drinking a large number of strong drinks, a person begins to feel:

Trembling in the limbs;

Increased heart rate;

Severe pain in the temples;

Weakness in the body;

Rise in blood pressure.

At the initial stage of development of phase 2 of pathology, alcoholics suffer from seizures similar in nature and course to seizures of epilepsy. The most difficult for a person are the first 2-4 hours after he has taken an impressive dose of alcohol. This is the period when he thinks poorly, cannot think adequately and speak clearly.

The third stage of pathology

What are the symptoms of the third degree of alcoholism? At this stage, withdrawal symptoms begin to develop. It manifests itself in persistent mental and physical dependence and drug delirium. Alcohol blocks the production of various hormones, which does not allow a person to abandon addiction on their own.

Symptoms of grade 3 alcoholism are expressed in the fact that even when taking an unsafe dose of alcohol, a person has no gag reflex at all. To eliminate the hangover, he takes a new dose of intoxicating drinks, which leads to prolonged binge drinking. With alcoholism of the 3rd degree, the liver is affected. Pathological malfunctions of the nervous system begin to appear. When a forced state of an alcoholic is similar to withdrawal symptoms of drug addicts. This is the period when the drinker becomes aggressive, violent and unpredictable. That is why this degree of alcoholism is very dangerous for human health, which requires immediate treatment.

The fourth stage of pathology

This degree of development of the disease is characterized by loss.It is associated with the occurrence of dysfunction of many organs of vital importance. In order to get drunk, such a patient already needs a small amount of intoxicating drinks.

In the fourth phase of the development of alcoholism, it is damaged gastrointestinal tract and the liver. The development of malignant tumors begins in them. Pathological changes also affect the blood vessels.

At this last stage of alcoholism, a person completely loses all interest in the life around him. All his thoughts and actions are aimed at finding the next dose. Women who have reached this state stop worrying about their natural destiny. They are not at all concerned about the onset of pregnancy. A particular danger is posed by adolescent female alcoholism, which has reached the fourth stage of its development. Medicine in front of such a condition is practically powerless.

Very often, this stage of pathology is characterized by indifference to the type of alcohol consumed. Such people treat alcohol, cologne and glass cleaner alike. Physical dependence becomes very strong. If such patients are abruptly and forcibly forced to refuse intoxicating drinks, then they may simply die.

In addition to the symptoms of the fourth phase of alcoholism described above, its symptoms are manifested in impaired coordination of movements and incoherent speech. In addition, the muscles dry out. That is why alcoholics are distinguished by a pronounced thinness.

How severe and complex is the second stage of alcoholism that develops, what will characterize it? How can you describe the person who is on it? Shaking hands, sore eyes, poor coordination, incoherent speech are terrible symptoms of an alcoholic. The drunkard walks without making out the roads, not paying attention to the rushing cars, the dirt under his feet. Everything is indifferent to him, except for the coveted bottle of vodka. Why did a person sink so low that he became the cause of degradation? But from childhood, both parents and teachers explained that drinking is bad, however, for some reason, many begin to drink. The result is usually only one thing - the cessation of spiritual growth, complete lack of initiative in business, and what does not concern vodka - they are not interested. Depending on how much a person consumes alcoholic beverages, the stages of degradation can be determined.

When is it time to sound the alarm

The first stage of alcoholism and its symptoms differ in that a person still drinks in small quantities. When he drinks in the company, he can control himself, and the desire to drink no longer appears. And if drunk in excess of the norm - vomiting, nausea and really want to sleep. Therefore, knowing how much the body can withstand, a person monitors his norm and is able to assess his behavior while drunk.

If the first stage is still quite controllable, then the second is already causing great concern. This stage is drunkenness, which doctors call "everyday". Such people are immediately visible: they run to the store to buy another dose of alcohol. Probably, the phrase belongs to them: "They went for a fool for a bottle - he will bring one". The peculiarities of household alcoholics - they are not averse to drinking for an appetite, and they spend their free time, weekends and vacations with a bottle, while explaining to others that it is more fun, and he knows when to stop. Symptoms will confirm the state of affairs.

In a state of alcoholic intoxication in the second stage, a person is in a good mood, but the previous doses no longer cause both that intoxication and that joyful feeling from alcohol that they received earlier, because the amount drunk imperceptibly becomes more and more. And already light wine is replaced by stronger drinks.

Often in a company there are cases when large doses of alcohol are drunk on a dispute, but this should not cause admiration, but, on the contrary, anxiety: a person has dangerous symptoms - increased tolerance to alcoholic beverages, and this is already a direct path to alcoholism.

Stage two symptoms

There are signs that appear in an alcoholic who has a second stage of alcoholism.

Comorbid mental illness

With the development of drunkenness, a person develops many psychoses.

Treatment needed

Skeptics believe that the treatment of such patients is completely hopeless, proving that many people start drinking again after therapy, but alcoholism is a chronic disease, and in fact both chronic pneumonia and chronic gastritis are treated.

Many doctors claim that it is quite possible to cure alcoholism. There are many cases when after a long, sometimes even long-term treatment, the patients were still able to regain their lost family and labor relations. They again began to be respected in the team, they were able to find their place in life.

If a person is just starting to drink, but signs of addiction have appeared, then the treatment can be carried out inseparably from work. For example, in a narcological hospital. But nevertheless, doctors believe that if alcoholism has already passed into the second stage, then the person should be placed in a hospital. It is better for the patient to be under the constant supervision of a doctor who prescribes procedures, develops a special treatment system acceptable for a given patient.

For effective treatment, it is imperative to take into account that the patient is in constant psychological conflict with the whole world around him and even himself. Therefore, he needs help and a friendly attitude. Sometimes it is necessary to forcefully treat a patient, especially when he becomes dangerous to society. For these purposes, there are separate dispensaries. In such institutions professionally trained workers work, moreover, of different specialties. But the main concern of a narcologist is to get a person out of a drunken state.

Family, relatives, friends - everyone who is not indifferent to the patient's fate should take an active part in the patient's life, try to jointly stop the development of the terrible disease.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and without consulting a doctor, you cannot use certain means and methods. Be healthy!