Eastern Slavs and places of their settlement. The division of the Slavs into three branches. Resettlement of the Eastern Slavs on the Russian Plain. Resettlement of the Eastern Slavs

The question of the origin of the Eastern Slavs in historiography arose long ago. But the lack of direct written sources makes it extremely difficult to solve this problem. The most important of the surviving chronicles is the "Tale of Bygone Years", the author of which is considered to be the monk of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Nestor (end of 1113). But even this chronicle does not provide accurate data on the origin of the Slavs. Therefore, archaeological data and linguistics, as well as ethnographic material, are of great importance for solving this problem. An analysis of folklore and folk art showed that the evolution of primitive consciousness did not occur by replacing the old with a new one, but by layering the new onto the preserved old form, preserving the remnants of all previous centuries.

Linguistics of the 18th - 19th centuries conditionally divided all peoples inhabiting the Earth into 13 large groups or families - these are Indo-European, Finno-Ugric, Tibeto-Chinese, Turkic-Mongolian, Semitic, etc. Each includes languages ​​related by origin. Indo-European includes Slavic, Germanic, Letolitic, Indo-Iranian, Greek, Armenian, etc. In ancient times they were very close. The most ancient among those known in the 19th century were considered to be the dead ancient Iranian languages ​​- Sanskrit and the language of the ancient hymns of the Avesta. The homeland of the Indo-Europeans was initially sought within the Iranian plateau. The settlement of Europe, in their view, proceeded in waves, as a result of which the Indo-European community was split. First - into several parts, which gave the basis for the division into Indo-European languages, and they, in turn, also continued to divide and acquire differences. Among the Slavs, the same process of dismemberment of the tribe, the bearer of a single language, was going on. In Russia, this theory was supported by the prominent historian Shakhmatov. He believed that the Slavs, after the collapse of the Indo-European community, entered the Slavic-Lithuanian family, lived on the Neman and Daugava, then separated from the Lithuanians and moved to the Vistula basin. There they lived through the common Slavic period of their history. Then there was their resettlement to the west, south and east. He considered the Carpathian region and the territory within the Russian Plain to be the homeland of the Eastern Slavs. Not earlier than the 1st millennium, moving east and northeast, they occupied the Dniester region and drove out the autochthonous (local) tribes, capturing the northern regions. By the 8th - 9th centuries they reached the upper reaches of the Dnieper, Volkhov and the ancient Volga region.

The theory of resettlement of the Slavs was revised by Soviet historians: Eastern Slavs are local residents of Eastern Europe... In their opinion, the process of the formation of peoples is a consequence of the enlargement of the ethnos, and not of fragmentation. The dismemberment of the Indo-Europeans is indeed characteristic of the primitive communal system, and with the transition to a class society, the process of consolidation begins on the basis of the language of the nationality, the language of the nation is formed.

Soviet historians first determined the homeland of the Indo-Europeans in Asia, since they considered them to be herders who roamed east of Sea of ​​Azov and brought Indo-European languages ​​to Asia. Later this point of view changed; in connection with archaeological discoveries, agriculture began to be considered the main occupation. The earliest agricultural farms arose in the Balkans, in Asia Minor, therefore they began to look for the homeland of the Indo-Europeans there.

One thing is clear - the homeland of the Indo-Europeans is the southeast of Asia. It is believed that they lived in Europe at the end of the Stone Age, were cattle breeders and farmers, by the end of the 1st millennium BC. settled from the south throughout Europe. Their neighbors in the west were speakers of the Proto-Basque language in the Pyrenees and the Finno-Ugric language in northeastern Europe. In the 1st millennium BC. a group of Proto-Slavic tribes emerged from the Indo-European tribes, they occupied the territory of the Czech Republic, Poland and up to the Dnieper. They are characterized by communities: 1) territories; 2) language; 3) culture; 4) burial fields.

The Slavs were divided into three groups: western (Wends), southern (Slavs on the Danube) and eastern (Antes). They were known to the ancient Greek scientist Herodotus. He wrote: "Enets live in the north, ... amber comes in."

Pliny speaks of the Wends living north of the Danube. The neighbors of the Wends in the north were the Finno-Ugrians, in the south - the Sarmatians (I-II centuries). Moving eastward, the Slavs assimilated with the Scythians and Sarmatians. Sources of those years called them a great people.

By the 6th-7th centuries, the Slavs settled the territory from the Elbe (Laba) and the Rhine to Lake Ladoga, Neva, Narva to the Volga. In the "Tale of Bygone Years" Nestor indicates the territory of settlement of the Eastern Slavs. According to the chronicle, the first Slavic settlements on our land are the settlements of the Polyans and Drevlyans.

The glades were engaged in agriculture and were distinguished by a great culture in everyday life in comparison with the Drevlyans. Nestor was also well aware of the settlement of another thirty large tribal formations, on the basis of which the state of Rus was formed. He believes that the state received such a name because in his time the glades were called Rus. The neighbors of the glades in the east were northerners who lived along the Desna, Seim, Sule and Northern Donets rivers. In the lower reaches of the Dnieper, to the south of the meadows, there lived the uliches; in the west were the lands of the Volynians, Buzhanians and Dulebs. On the Dniester (Tiras) and on the Danube - Tivertsy; white Croats - in Transcarpathia; on the left bank of the Pripyat were the lands of the Dregovichi; and to the east of them, along the river So - radimichi; on the Oka River and the Moskva River - Vyatichi; in the upper reaches of the Volga, Dnieper and Dvina - Krivichi; around Lake Ilmen - Polotsk and Slovenia. Some of them were tribal unions and territorial associations (Polotsk, Buzhan).

A tribal union is a federation of tribes. A tribe is a set of related clans that occupied an area of ​​about 60 km. To address basic issues public life the veche was gathering; a military leader (prince) was elected only during military campaigns; there was a youth squad and a militia.

The tribe had its center (city), in which the veche gathered, the court was held and there was bargaining. There was a common tribal sanctuary in the city.

The process of disintegration of primitive communal relations in tribal unions began long ago among the Eastern Slavs, but it went unevenly. Tribal associations of the middle Dnieper and Dniester regions, which were on the verge of creating a state, were more economically developed. The emergence and development of new tools of labor contributed to the disintegration of the patriarchal consanguineous community and its fragmentation into neighboring and territorial ones. Relatives were remembered and honored, but in the field of rights, the economic connection between them disintegrates. In the neighboring community, the process of social and property stratification and differentiation is progressing, caused by the appearance of surpluses of vital products, which were the result of more productive tools of labor (metal) and the presence in the family of workers, labor and practical skills in agriculture and cattle breeding.

In the 6th-9th centuries, productive and non-productive types of activity were intertwined in the economic life of the Eastern Slavs. Even in antiquity, they experienced the first social division of labor, that is, the separation of agriculture from cattle breeding. Until the 7th century, the activities of the Slavs were hunting, fishing, gathering, beekeeping (collecting honey from wild bees), slash farming.

In agriculture, new big changes have arisen: a) fallow and transfer system of cultivation of the land; b) two- and three-field farming system; c) there is an increase in the number of crops grown: rye, barley, wheat, oats, hemp, flax, cabbage, onions, turnips, radishes, peas.

At the turn of the 8th - 9th centuries, the Eastern Slavs had a second social division of labor, that is, the separation of handicrafts from agriculture and the centers of handicrafts - cities - emerged.

There were the following types of craft: weaving, blacksmithing, pottery, carpentry, weapons, jewelry, etc. Often the Slavs went to the western lands, so under Charlemagne (768 - 814) the trading Slavs visited the French state. By the 9th century, the Eastern Slavs had formed ethnic associations-proto-states, in which there was private property and early forms of exploitation.

Cit. Quoted from: Resettlement of the Eastern Slavs in the VI - IX centuries. Social system and occupations // History of Russia from ancient times to 1917: Textbook / Ed. V.Yu. Khalturin. Ivanovo, 2003.S. 8 - 11.


The origin of the Eastern Slavs is a complex scientific problem, the study of which is difficult due to the lack of reliable and complete written evidence about the area of ​​their settlement and economic life, everyday life and customs. The first rather scanty information is contained in the works of ancient, Byzantine and Arab authors.

Ancient sources. Pliny the Elder and Tacitus (1st century AD) report about the Wends living between the Germanic and Sarmatian tribes. At the same time, the Roman historian Tacitus notes the belligerence and cruelty of the Wends, who, for example, destroyed captive foreigners. Many modern historians see the ancient Slavs in the Wends, who still retain their ethnic unity and occupy approximately the territory of present-day South-Eastern Poland, as well as Volhynia and Polesie.

Byzantine historians of the 6th century were more attentive to the Slavs, because they, having grown stronger by this time, began to threaten the Empire. Jordan raises contemporary Slavs - Wends, Sklavins and Ants - to the same root and thereby fixes the beginning of their division that took place in the 1st-1st centuries. tribes, and interactions with the multi-ethnic environment in which they settled (Finno-Ugrians, Balts, Iranian-speaking tribes) and with which they contacted (Germans, Byzantines). It is important to take into account that representatives of all groups recorded by Jordan participated in the formation of the three branches of Slavism - eastern, western and southern.

Old Russian sources. We find data on the East Slavic tribes in the "Tale of Bygone Years" (PVL) of the monk Nestor (early 12th century). He writes about the ancestral home of the Slavs, which he defines in the Danube basin. (According to the biblical legend, Nestor associated their appearance on the Danube with the "Babylonian pandemonium", which led, by the will of God, to the separation of languages ​​and their "dispersion" throughout the world). He attributed the arrival of the Slavs to the Dnieper from the Danube by an attack on them by their warlike neighbors - the "Volokhs", who ousted the Slavs from their ancestral homeland.

The second path of advancement of the Slavs to Eastern Europe, confirmed by archaeological and linguistic material, passed from the Vistula basin to the region of Lake Ilmen.

Nestor tells about the following East Slavic tribal unions:

1) glades, who settled in the Middle Dnieper "in the fields" and therefore were called so;

2) the Drevlyans, who lived from them to the north-west in dense forests;

3) the northerners who lived to the east and north-east of the meadows along the Desna, Sule and Seversky Donets rivers;

4) Dregovichi - between Pripyat and Western Dvina;

5) Polotsk - in the basin of the river. Cloths;

6) Krivichi - in the upper reaches of the Volga and Dnieper;

7-8) Radimichi and Vyatichi, according to the chronicle, descended from the "Poles" (Poles) clan, and were brought, most likely, by their elders - Radim, who "came and sat down" on the river. Sozhe (a tributary of the Dnieper) and Vyatko - on the river. Oke;

9) Ilmen Slovenes lived in the north in the basin of Lake Ilmen and the Volkhov River;

10) Buzhanians or Dulebs (from the 10th century they were called Volynians) in the upper reaches of the Bug;

11) white Croats - in the Carpathian region;

12-13) Uchiha and Tivertsy - between the Dniester and the Danube.

Archaeological data confirm the boundaries of the settlement of the tribal unions indicated by Nestor.

Activities of the Eastern Slavs ... Agriculture. The Eastern Slavs, mastering the vast forest and forest-steppe areas of Eastern Europe, carried with them an agricultural culture. Slash (slash-and-burn) farming was widespread. On the lands freed from forests as a result of deforestation and burning, agricultural crops were grown for 2-3 years, using the natural fertility of the soil, enhanced by ash from burnt trees. After the depletion of the land, the plot was abandoned and a new one was developed, which required the efforts of the entire community. In the steppe regions, shifting agriculture was used, similar to undercutting, but associated with the burning of field grasses, not trees.

From U111 century. in the southern regions, field arable farming is spreading, based on the use of draft animals and a wooden plow, which has survived until the beginning of the twentieth century.

The basis of the economy of the Slavs, including the Eastern ones, was arable farming. Activities of the Eastern Slavs

1. Slash and burn agriculture. Rye, oats, buckwheat, turnips, etc. were grown.

2. Cattle breeding... They bred horses, bulls, pigs, poultry.

3. Bortnichestvo- collecting honey from wild bees

4. Military campaigns to neighboring tribes and countries (primarily to Byzantium)

Other activities. Along with cattle breeding, the Slavs were also engaged in their usual trades: hunting, fishing, beekeeping. Crafts are developing, which, however, have not yet separated from agriculture. Of particular importance for the fate of the Eastern Slavs will be foreign trade, which developed both on the Baltic-Volga route, along which Arab silver was supplied to Europe, and on the route "from the Varangians to the Greeks" linking the Byzantine world through the Dnieper with the Baltic region.

The lowest link social organization served as a neighboring (territorial) community - the rope. The basis of the ruling stratum was formed by the military service nobility of the Kiev princes - the squad. By the 9th century. the druzhina layer moved up to the leading positions. The prince and his squad, who participated in military campaigns and returned with booty, were in a privileged position

Social structure. "Military Democracy". It is more difficult to "restore" the social relations of the Eastern Slavs. The Byzantine author Procopius of Caesarea (U1 century) writes: "These tribes, Slavs and Antes, are not ruled by one person, but since ancient times they have lived in the rule of the people, and therefore decisions are made jointly with them regarding all happy and unhappy circumstances." Most likely, we are talking here about the meetings (veche) of the community members, at which the most important issues of the life of the tribe were decided, including the choice of leaders - "military leaders". At the same time, only male warriors took part in the veche meetings. Thus, during this period, the Slavs experienced the last period of the communal system - the era of "military democracy", preceding the formation of the state. This is also evidenced by such facts as the acute rivalry between military leaders, recorded by another Byzantine author of the 1st century. - Mauritius the Strategist, the emergence of slaves from prisoners, raids on Byzantium, which, as a result of the distribution of the stolen riches, strengthened the prestige of the military leaders and led to the formation of a squad consisting of professional military, associates of the prince.

The transition from a tribal community to an agricultural one. In addition, there were changes in the community: a community of large patriarchal families who were united by a common territory, traditions, beliefs and independently disposed of the products of their labor came to replace the collective of relatives who own all the lands together.

Tribal reigns. Information about the first princes is contained in the PVL. The chronicler notes that tribal unions, though not all of them, have their own "princes". So in relation to the glades, he wrote down a legend about the princes, the founders of the city of Kiev: Kie, Scheke, Khoriv and their sister Lybid.

More reliable are the data of the Arab encyclopedist al-Masudi (10th century), who wrote that long before his time the Slavs had a political association, which he called Valinana. Most likely we are talking about the Volhynian Slavs (chronicle Dulebs), whose union was crushed, according to the PVL, by the Avar invasion in the beginning. U11 century. The writings of other Arab authors contain information about three centers of the Eastern Slavs: Kuyavia, Slavia, Artania. Some Russian historians identify the former with Kiev, the latter with Novgorod or its more ancient predecessor. The location of Artania continues to be controversial. Apparently they were pre-state formations that include a number of tribal unions. However, all these local reigns were little connected with each other, competed with each other and therefore could not resist powerful external forces: the Khazars and the Varangians.

Beliefs of the Eastern Slavs ... The world outlook of the Eastern Slavs was based on paganism - the deification of the forces of nature, the perception of the natural and human world as a whole. The origin of pagan cults took place in ancient times - in the era of the Upper Paleolithic, about 30 thousand years BC. With the transition to new types of management, pagan cults were transformed, reflecting the evolution of human social life. At the same time, the most ancient layers of beliefs were not displaced by newer ones, but layered on top of each other. Therefore, the restoration of information about Slavic paganism is extremely difficult. In addition to this circumstance, the reconstruction of the picture of the paganism of the Slavs is also difficult because to this day there are practically no written sources preserved. For the most part, these are Christian anti-pagan writings.

Gods. In ancient times, the Slavs had a widespread cult of the Family and women in labor, closely associated with the worship of ancestors. Rod - the divine image of the tribal community contained the entire universe - heaven, earth and the underground dwelling of ancestors. Each East Slavic tribe had its own patron god.

Priesthood (magi, sorcerers) who perform sacrifices and other religious ceremonies. Paganism is the worship of the animate forces of nature. It takes the form of polytheism (polytheism)

The main gods of the Slavs were:

Rod - the progenitor of gods and people

Yarilo - the sun god

Stribog - god of the wind

Svarog - the god of the sky

Perun - the god of thunder and lightning

Mokosh - the goddess of moisture and the patroness of spinning

Veles - "cattle god"

Lel and Lada - gods who patronize lovers

Brownies, kikimors, goblin, etc.

Sacrifices were made in special places - temples

In the future, the Slavs increasingly worshiped the great Svarog - the god of heaven and his sons - Dazhdbog and Stribog - the gods of the sun and wind. Over time, Perun, the god of thunderstorms, the "creator of lightning", who was especially revered as the god of war and weapons in the princely squad environment, began to play an increasing role. Perun was not the head of the pantheon of gods, only later, during the formation of statehood and the strengthening of the value of the prince and his squad, the cult of Perun began to strengthen. The pagan pantheon also included Veles or Volos - the patron saint of cattle breeding and the keeper of the underworld of their ancestors, Makosh - the goddess of fertility and others. Totemic ideas associated with belief in a kindred mystical connection of the genus with any animal, plant, or even object were also preserved. In addition, the world of the Eastern Slavs was "inhabited" by numerous bereginas, mermaids, goblin, etc.

Priests. There is no exact information about the pagan priests, apparently they were the chronicle "wise men" who fought in the X1 century. with Christianity. During cult rituals, which took place in special places - temples (from the Old Slavonic "kap" - image, idol) sacrifices were made to the gods, including human sacrifices. A funeral feast was arranged for the dead, and then the corpse was burned on a large fire. Pagan beliefs determined the spiritual life of the Eastern Slavs.

State of the art. In general, Slavic paganism could not satisfy the needs of the states that were nascent among the Slavs, for it did not have a developed social doctrine that could explain the realities of a new life. The fractional nature of mythology hindered the Eastern Slavs from a holistic understanding of the natural and social environment. The Slavs did not have a mythology explaining the origin of the world and man, telling about the victory of heroes over the forces of nature, etc. By the 10th century, the need to modernize the religious system became obvious.

Thus, migrations, contacts with the local population and the transition to settling in new lands led to the formation of the East Slavic ethnos, consisting of 13 tribal unions.

The basis economic activity the eastern Slavs became agriculture, the role of crafts and foreign trade increased.

In the new conditions, in response to changes taking place both within the Slavic world and in external environment a transition from tribal to military democracy, from a tribal community to an agricultural one is outlined.

The beliefs of the Eastern Slavs are also becoming more complex. The deification of individual forces of nature comes to replace the syncretic Family - the main god of the Slavs-hunters with the development of agriculture. However, the inconsistency of existing cults with the needs of the development of the East Slavic world is increasingly felt.

So, the Slavs U1-ser. 1X centuries, preserving the foundations of the communal system (communal ownership of land and livestock, arming all free people, regulation social relations with the help of traditions, i.e. customary law, veche democracy), underwent both internal changes and pressure from external forces, which in its totality created the conditions for the formation of the state.

The emergence of statehood among the Slavs belongs to the era of the early Middle Ages. This was the time (IV-VIII centuries) when, as a result of the migration of "barbarian" tribes living in the north and east of Europe, a new ethnic and political map of the continent was formed. The migration of these tribes (Germanic, Slavic, Baltic, Finno-Ugric, Iranian) was called the Great Migration of Peoples.

The Slavs became involved in the migration process in the 6th century. AD Before that, they occupied the territory from the upper Oder to the middle reaches of the Dnieper. The settlement of the Slavs took place in the IV-VIII centuries. in three main directions: to the south - to the Balkan Peninsula; to the west - to the Middle Danube and the interfluve of the Oder and Elbe; east - north along the East European Plain. Accordingly, there was a division of the Slavs into three branches - southern, western and eastern. The Slavs settled a vast territory from the Peloponnese to the Gulf of Finland and from the middle Elbe to the upper Volga and the upper Don.

In the course of settling among the Slavs, the tribal system was decomposing and a new feudal society began to form gradually.

On the territory that became part of Kievan Rus, 12 Slavic unions of tribal principalities are known. It was inhabited by glades, Drevlyans, Volynians (another name is Buzhan), Croats, Tivertsy, Uchiha, Radimichi, Vyatichi, Dregovichi, Krivichi, Slovene Ilmensky, and northerners. These unions were communities that were no longer consanguineous, but territorial and political in nature.

The social structure of the pre-state Slavic societies is military democracy. The political side of the emergence and development of feudalism among the Slavs in the VIII-X centuries. was the formation of early medieval states.

The state of the Eastern Slavs was named "Rus".

The beginning of Russian history. From ancient times to the reign of Oleg Tsvetkov Sergei Eduardovich


Chapter 4


East Slavic tribes

The Russian part of the East European Plain was inhabited in waves, by tribes belonging to the "Ants" and "Sklavens" groups of the Slavic ethnos. The colonization of these lands took place in a twofold form: both in the form of relatively simultaneous movements of large tribal groups, and through the gradual "spreading" of individual clans and families. In contrast to the southern and western directions of Slavic colonization, the development of most of the Eastern European territory (its forest zone) was carried out mainly peacefully, without any serious clashes with the native Finnish and Baltic population. The main enemy of man in these places was not a hostile stranger, but deserted dense forests. For many centuries, the forest part of the country had to be populated rather than conquered.

Items from the Vyatichsky burial mound in Pokrov

Antiquities of the Smolensk Krivichi. V-X centuries.

In the southern, forest-steppe zone, on the contrary, the Slavs had to endure an exhausting struggle, but not with the local population, but with the newcomer nomadic hordes. Thus, according to the apt remark of one historian, Russian history from the very beginning seemed to split in two: in it, along with the European history itself, which has always been the true basis of the national-state and cultural life of the Russian people, an imposed and obsessive Asian history arose, which the Russian the people had to for a whole millennium at the cost of incredible efforts and sacrifices. But this very work of eliminating Asian history was a truly European work - a slow, persistent and extremely difficult overcoming of barbarism through civilization and culture.

The "Tale of Bygone Years" lists the following East Slavic tribes that settled in the second half of the 1st millennium between the Baltic and Black Seas: glade, Drevlyans, Dregovichi, Radimichi, Vyatichi, Krivichi, Slovene, Buzhany (or Volynians, fragments of the Duleb tribal association), White Croats, Northerners, Uglich and Tivertsy. Some of these tribes are known by their own names and to other medieval authors. Konstantin Porphyrogenitus knows Drevlyans, Dregovichs, Krivichs, Northerners, Slovenes and Lendzians (apparently, people from the area of ​​modern Lodz); The Bavarian geographer reports on the Buzhany, Volhynians, Northerners and Uglichs; Arab historians, giving preference to the general term "Slavs" ("al-Sakaliba") in their reports, especially single out the Volynians-Dulebs among them. Most of the East Slavic tribes inhabiting the Russian land belonged to the "Sklavenian" branch of the Slavs, with the exception of the northerners, the Uglichs and the Tivertsy - the "antes" of the Byzantine chronicles.

In the settlement of lands Ancient Rus sometimes the same Slavic tribes that colonized the Balkans and Western European territories took part. Archaeologically this is confirmed, for example, by finds in the forest zone of Eastern Europe (in the Dnieper-Dvina and Oka basins) of the so-called lunar temporal rings, whose origin is firmly linked to the Middle Danube lands, where they were a very common decoration of the local Slavs - droguvites (Dregovichi), northerners , Smolyans (who were probably relatives of the Old Russian Krivichi, whose main city was Smolensk) and Croats, who originally lived in the Upper Hanging and on the lands of modern Czech Republic and Slovakia.

Most likely, the popularity of the "Danube theme" in Russian folklore, especially surprising in the epic epic of the Northern Russian lands, is connected with the advancement of the carriers of the lunar temporal rings to the north. The Danube, on the banks of which the Slavs realized their ethnic independence and originality, has forever remained in the people's memory the cradle of the Slavs. The chronicle news about the settlement of the Slavs in Europe from the banks of the Danube, apparently, should be considered not as a scholarly, literary, but as a folk, pre-chronicle tradition. Faint echoes of it are heard in some early medieval Latin monuments.

Resettlement of the Eastern Slavs In the IX-XII centuries.

Anonymous Bavarian geographer of the 9th century. mentions a certain kingdom of Zerivani (Serivans) on the left bank of the Danube, from where "all Slavic peoples originated and lead, in their words, their beginning." Unfortunately, this name is incompatible with any of the known state entities early Middle Ages. An even earlier Rabbinic anonym placed the ancestral home of the Slavs "at six o'clock in the morning", that is, again in the Danube, west of the Sarmatians and carps (inhabitants of the Carpathians), who, according to this geographic and astronomical classification, lived "at the seventh hour of the night." Both authors wrote their works at a time when the Slavs did not yet have a written language, and, therefore, derived their information from their oral traditions.

Rivers generally attracted the Slavs - this truly "river" people, as noted by the Byzantine writers of the 6th century. The Tale of Bygone Years testifies to the same. The general contours of the settlement of the East Slavic tribes always correspond to the river channels in it. According to the chronicler's news, the meadows settled down the middle Dnieper; Drevlyans - to the north-west of the meadows, along the Pripyat River; Dregovichi - to the north of the Drevlyans, between Pripyat and Western Dvina; Buzhanes - to the west of the meadows, along the Western Bug River; northerners - to the east of the meadows, along the Desna, Seim and Sule rivers; radimichi - north of the northerners, along the Sozha River; the Vyatichi advanced eastward the farthest - to the upper reaches of the Oka; settlements of the Krivichi stretch along the upper reaches of the Dnieper, Volga and Western Dvina; Lake Ilmen and the Volkhov River, occupied by the Ilmen Slovenes, marked the northern border of settlement, and the Dniester and the Southern Bug, developed by the Tivertsy and Uglichs, marked the southern one.

Arab sources and Procopius of Caesarea report the advancement of the Slavs even further east - into the Don basin. But they failed to gain a foothold here. In the XI-XII centuries, when the "Tale of Bygone Years" was created, these lands (with the exception of the Tmutorokan principality) had long and undividedly belonged to nomadic tribes. The memory of the Slavs' stay on them was lost, therefore the chronicler did not include the Don among the rivers on the banks of which our ancestors "sat". In general, the chronicle evidence of the settlement of the Eastern Slavs is distinguished by a high degree of reliability and is largely confirmed by other written sources, archaeological, anthropological and linguistic data.

the author Milov Leonid Vasilievich

Chapter 3. Statehood of the Eastern Slavs

From the book History of Russia from Ancient Times to the End of the 17th Century the author Milov Leonid Vasilievich

Chapter 5. Society and culture of the Eastern Slavs in the early era

From the book History of Russia from Ancient Times to the End of the 17th Century the author Milov Leonid Vasilievich

Chapter 7. Mongol invasion and the fate of the Eastern Slavs in the XIII

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Chapter 3 THE SOUTH AND NORTH OF THE EASTERN SLAVS Here people doze in drunken bliss They are waging a war with a hired hand. Free raids are alien to them ... But remember you dear north! V. Bryusov Settlement in the South and North The south of the Slavic world is warm. South of the Danube, the climate is close to the subtropics. Warm and on

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Chapter 2. Empire of the Eastern Slavs Scrap a Russian - you will find a Finn. Historical fact WHY THE SLAVS? Knowing why empires arise, you can answer the question: Russian empire? ". Because the peoples of Eastern Europe developed unevenly.

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From the book Russian Middle Ages the author Gorskiy Anton Anatolievich

Chapter 1 About the so-called tribes of the Eastern Slavs

From the book Barbaric Invasions on Western Europe... Second wave author Musset Lucien

Chapter Two THE DISPOSAL OF THE SLAVS The origin of the Slavs The resettlement of the Slavs to the north, west and south during the early Middle Ages is a historical event of paramount importance, no less significant in its consequences for the future of Europe than the invasion of the Germans. During

From the book The Beginning of Russian History. From ancient times to the reign of Oleg the author Tsvetkov Sergey Eduardovich

Chapter 5 NEIGHBORS OF THE EASTERN SLAVS Finns During the settlement on the East European Plain in the VI-IX centuries. Slavs most closely interacted with three ethnic groups - Finns, Balts and Khazars: Ossev in the basins of the Volga, Oka, Ilmensky and Onega lakes, Slavs

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The great settlement of the Slavs From their vast forested ancestral home, the Slavic tribes, who lived in the primitive communal system, did not settle anywhere for a long time. Three factors could be the incentive for resettlement: first, the natural increase in the population, leading to

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Chapter 5 HOUSEHOLDS OF THE EASTERN SLAVS Hunting and agriculture Byzantine emperors Mauritius and Leo the Wise wrote that the Slavs do not like agricultural labor and prefer to live in poverty and tranquility than in wealth and labor. From a historical point of view, it is

the author Kerov Valery Vsevolodovich

1. The origin and settlement of the Slavs The origin of the Eastern Slavs is a complex scientific problem, the study of which is difficult due to the lack of reliable and complete written evidence about the area of ​​their settlement, economic life, life and customs. The first

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2. Resettlement of the Eastern Slavs by the VIII century. Nestor tells about the following East Slavic tribal unions: - Glades, who settled in the Middle Dnieper "in the fields" and therefore were called so; - Drevlyans, who lived from them to the north-west in dense forests; - Northerners,

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CHAPTER I CHRISTIANITY AMONG THE EASTERN SLAVS TO THE MIDDLE IX c. The first question that a researcher of ancient Russian Christianity faces is when exactly the penetration of the new faith into Eastern Europe and its spread among local tribes begins. The beginning of this

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Chapter 1. The Kiev state - a powerful state of the Eastern Slavs 1. The Slavs - the original inhabitants of our country The vast expanses of Central and Eastern Europe have been inhabited by the Slavs since time immemorial. These were the ancestors of modern peoples: Russians, Ukrainians,

From the book History of Russia IX-XVIII centuries. the author Moryakov Vladimir Ivanovich

CHAPTER II East Slavs in the VI-IX centuries AD NS. State formation among the Eastern Slavs The ethnogenesis of the Slavs was a long and complex process. Many of his questions to this day cause controversy between historians, linguists, archaeologists, ethnographers. Ancestors of the Slavs

The Slavs were part of the ancient Indo-European unity, which included the ancestors of the Germans, Balts, Slavs and Indo-Iranians. Over time, communities with related language, economy and culture began to stand out from the mass of Indo-European tribes. The Slavs became one of such associations.

Since about the 4th century, along with other tribes of Eastern Europe, the Slavs found themselves at the center of large-scale migration processes, known in history as the great migration of peoples. During the 4th-8th centuries. they occupied new vast territories.

Within the Slavic community, tribal alliances began to take shape - prototypes of future states.

In the future, three branches stand out from the common Slavic unity: the southern, western and eastern Slavs. By this time, the Slavs are referred to in Byzantine sources as antes.

The South Slavic peoples (Serbs, Montenegrins, etc.) were formed from the Slavs who settled within the Byzantine Empire.

The Western Slavs include tribes that settled on the territory of modern Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia.

The Eastern Slavs occupied a huge space between the Black, White and Baltic Seas. Their descendants are modern Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians.

The geography of settlement of the East Slavic tribes in the second half of the 1st millennium is described in.

In the 4th-8th centuries. To protect themselves from external attacks, the eastern Slavs united in 12 territorial tribal alliances: glade (middle and upper Dnieper), (south of Pripyat), Croats (upper Dniester), Tivertsy (lower Dniester), Ulici (southern Dniester), northerners (Desna and Diet), Radimichi (Sozh River), Vyatichi (Upper Oka), Dregovichi (between Pripyat and Dvina), Krivichi (upper reaches of the Dvina, Dnieper and Volga), Duleba (Volyn), Slovenia (Lake Ilmen).

The tribes of the Slavs were formed according to the principle of ethnic and social homogeneity. The association was based on blood, linguistic, territorial and religious-cult kinship. The main religion of belief of the Eastern Slavs until the end of the 10th century. there was paganism.

Eastern Slavs lived in small villages. Their houses were semi-dugouts equipped with ovens. The Slavs settled as far as possible in hard-to-reach places, enclosing the settlements with an earthen rampart.

The basis of their economic activity is arable farming: in the eastern part - slash and burn, in the forest-steppe - shifting. The main arable implements were plow (in the north) and ralo (in the south), which had iron working parts.

Main agricultural crops: rye, wheat, barley, millet, oats, buckwheat, beans. The most important branches of economic activity were cattle breeding, hunting, fishing, beekeeping (collecting honey).

The development of agriculture and cattle breeding led to the emergence of surplus products and, as a result, made it possible for individual families to exist independently. In the 6-8th centuries. this hastened the process of disintegration of tribal associations.

Economic ties began to play a leading role in the relations of fellow tribesmen. The neighboring (or territorial) community was named Vervi. Within this formation, there was family ownership of land, and forest, water and hayfields were common.

The professional occupations of the Eastern Slavs were trade and handicrafts. These occupations began to be cultivated in cities, fortified settlements that arose in tribal centers or along water trade routes (for example, "from the Varangians to the Greeks").

Gradually, the tribes began to form self-government from the tribal council, military and civilian leaders. The formed alliances led to the emergence of larger communities.

In the second half of the 1st millennium, the Russian nationality was formed, the basis of which was the Eastern Slavs.

Resettlement of the Slavs

Remark 1

It should be noted that in all written sources that have come down to our time, the mention of the Slavs refers to the $ V-VI $ centuries. But archaeological data show that the Slavic culture originated and spread throughout the territory modern Russia much earlier. The Kiev archaeological culture dates back to the beginning of the $ II $ century A.D. Academician V.V. Sedov reports podleshevy burials in the interfluve of the Oder and Vistula, which date back to $ 400-100 years BC. There are also more ancient finds: archaeologists on the banks of the Don have found human remains and other artifacts aged within $ 45 thousand years.

All tribes living west of the upper reaches of the Dnieper River, in the interfluve of the Oder and Vistula rivers, were classified as Wends up to $ IV-VI $ centuries. After the specified time, they began to be distinguished by another name - sklavins or Slavs. Tacitus, leaving behind detailed descriptions of various tribes and peoples wrote that, unlike the Sarmatians-nomads, the Wends led a rather sedentary lifestyle, traded in crafts, erected durable buildings, were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, etc. where all members of the community took an equal part in the labor activity. But, as already mentioned, by the $ V $ century, this system began to gradually demolish, because an economic system began to oppose it, in which the one who is richer, stronger and who has more power rules. In addition, the Antes tribes also belonged to the Slavs. Although the Slavs and Antes were recognized and attributed to different tribes, this division was exclusively territorial. The Ants and Slavs had the same language, beliefs and customs. Historians believe that they were once one large tribe, but after settling across Russia over long distances, they began to be distinguished. There is information that the Antes were completely destroyed in $ 602 by the Avars. Very little information has survived about that war, but then no one else has any reports about the ants.

East Slavic tribes

Historians of Slavic culture distinguish several tribes that existed on the territory of our state in the period from $ VI $ to $ XI $ century: Duleby. They are considered one of the most ancient groups of Eastern Slavs. They lived in the basin of the Bug and the tributaries of the Pripyat. Researchers believe that Drevlyans and Volynians later descended from the Dulebs. It should be pointed out that the dulebs took part in the $ 907 campaign of Prince Oleg to Constantinople.

Volynians. A number of researchers were divided on the account of the Volhynians and Buzhanians. Some claim that these are two different tribes, others recognize that these are different names of the same tribal union. Volynians lived on the banks of the western Bug and at the source of the Pripyat River. According to the available information, the Volhynians had from $ 70 to $ 231 in cities.

Vyatichi. An alliance of tribes that lived along the banks of the upper and middle reaches of the Oka and along the banks of the Moskva River. The Tale of Bygone Years indicates that the ancestor of the Vyatichi was Vyatko, born Pole or Lyakh. The Vyatichi resisted the imposed Christianity for an extremely long time. Vladimir Monomakh at the beginning of the $ XII $ century fought with the leader of the Vyatichi, Prince Khodota. For a long time they preserved pagan beliefs.

Drevlyans. According to one chronicler, the name refers directly to the fact that the Drevlyans lived in the forests. They lived on the right bank of the Dnieper, on the territory of Polesie, near such rivers as Teterev, Ubort, Uzh, Stviga. Judging by the data of archeology, the Drevlyans lived a peaceful life. Their main occupation was arable farming, cattle breeding, and various trades. Although the Drevlyans did not actually wage wars, one very famous story about how in $ 945 they killed Prince Igor of Kiev, to whom they did not want to pay a large tribute. After the murder, the entire Drevlyan tribe paid a great price for the crime. Olga, Igor's widow, burned down their capital Iskorosten, almost all were killed, others were given into slavery.

Dregovichi. Judging by the excavations, the Dregovichi lived in the middle of the Pripyat River, in the upper reaches of the Neman River, as well as in the watershed of the Drut 'and Berezina rivers.

Picture 1.

Krivichi. The tribal union stayed on the lands of Vitebsk, Pskov, Mogilev, Smolensk and Bryansk regions. Krivichi, among other things, are divided into two groups: Pskov and Polotsk-Smolensk. The Tale of Bygone Years says that the cities of Krivichi were Smolensk and Polotsk. A part of the tribal union of the Krivichi were Polochans (Polotsk), which some researchers attribute to a separate group.

Glade. Glades lived on the territory of modern Kiev and on the Dnieper. One of the most relevant hypotheses about the origin of Russia is associated with the glades. According to some sources, the Polano-Russian legend is considered much older than the Varangian one. The glades that came from Norik on the Danube for the first time were called Rus: "The glades are now calling Russia."

The glades were an extremely developed culture, as a result of which the Drevlyans, Dregovichs and other tribes became subject to the glades by the $ IX $ century. Their cities are Kiev, Belgorod, Vyshgorod, Zvenigorod, Vasilev (Vasilkov), Trepol (Tripolye village).

Radimichi. Union of tribes living in the eastern part of the Upper Dnieper region, as well as on the Sozh River and its tributaries. According to the Tale of Bygone Years, the ancestor of the Radimichi was Radim and his brother Vyatko (who later founded the Vyatichi tribe), who were of Polish origin. Archaeologists point to some similarities between the Radimichi and Vyatichi tribes. In particular, both of them used women's jewelry - temporal rings, both tribes buried the remains of those killed in a log house. The Tale of Bygone Years says that in $ 984, the governor of the Kiev prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich defeated the army of the Radimichs. In the same chronicle they are mentioned in last time in $ 1169 a year. After this time, the territory of the Radimichi became part of the Chernigov and Smolensk principalities.

Northerners. Northerners - East Slavic union of tribes that lived in the basins of the Desna, Sula and Seim rivers up to the $ IX-X $ centuries. Certain problems are associated with the name of this tribe. The northerners were not the most northern people. For example, Vyatichi and Radimichi lived much farther north, therefore the name is not accepted to be identified with the geographical location of the tribe. The researcher V.V. Sedov, who dealt with this issue, puts forward the following version of the origin: the word "Northerners" can carry Scythian-Sarmatian roots and, therefore, is translated as "Black". The proof of this is Chernigov, the central city of the northerners.

Ilmen Slovenes. Ilmen Slovenes were neighbors of the Krivichi and lived on the territory Novgorod Land, near Lake Ilmen, hence their name. The Tale of Bygone Years mentions the Ilmenian Slovenes as one of several tribes who summoned the Varangians.

Tivertsy. The Tivertsy lived in the area between the Prut and Dniester rivers, the Danube, the Budzhak coast of the Black Sea, on the lands of Ukraine and Moldova. It is possible that the name Tivertsy goes back to the ancient Greek word Tiras, which they called the Dniester River. Due to the constant raids of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians, at the beginning of the 12th century, the Tivertsy left their lands, and then mixed with other Slavic tribes.

Get down to the streets. They lived in the lower reaches of the Bug, Dnieper and along the shores of the Black Sea (PVL. - "Previously, the uchits sat in the lower reaches of the Dnieper, but in the following days they moved to the Bug and Dniester"). The central city of the tribes was Crossed. It is likely that the ethnonym ulici comes from the word "Angle". It is known that in $ 885, Oleg Veshchiy fought with the streets. Kiev voivode Svineld in the $ X $ century kept the Crossed under siege for $ 3 $ a year.

Chud. A legendary tribe that lived in the north of the European part of Russia and the Urals. Basically, this tribe is known only from the legends of the Komi peoples. At present, it is believed that Chud are the ancestors of modern Estonians, Karelians, Vepsians, Komi and Permian Komi. The name is associated with their identification in Ancient Russia, as a tribe with wonderful customs and wondrous language, which were significantly different from other Slavic tribes.