The term for the appearance of the chancre. How much and how do they appear, how the symptoms of hard (primary, hard) chancre are treated. Atypical form of the disease

The primary manifestation of syphilis is chancre (syphiloma). With its timely detection and initiation of medical therapy, the chances of recovery increase significantly. That is why it is so important to know what a chancre looks like in syphilis, and what processes in the body are indicated by its appearance.

Chancre formation most often occurs 3 to 5 weeks after infection with syphilis. The beginning of this process indicates the transition of the disease from the incubation stage to the primary stage. Syphiloma is the place where the causative agent of the disease, treponema pallidum, entered the body of an infected person. Here she begins to actively reproduce, because for this she needs an ambient temperature of 37 degrees.

If no response is taken, the disease will progress, treponema will become much larger. Secondary and tertiary periods are syphilis without chancre. However, other characteristic external symptoms appear, and the carrier of the disease becomes dangerous to others.

For the formation of chancre, it is necessary that the causative agent of syphilis penetrates the tissues of a healthy person. This is possible under the following circumstances:

  • unprotected sex;
  • the use of non-sterile medical and cosmetic instruments;
  • the presence of damage to the skin and mucous membranes upon contact with the patient;
  • kiss;
  • using other people's things;
  • blood transfusion and surgical procedures.

Unsafe sex remains the main route of transmission. Also at risk are representatives of the medical profession and drug addicts.

Localization and characteristic features

The way the disease is transmitted affects where the chancre appears in syphilis. It is most commonly found on the genitals and also in the mouth. When infected through a wound on the skin, syphiloma can form anywhere, depending on the location of the injury.

Chancre can appear in such areas:

  • the head and body of the penis, the foreskin;
  • labia;
  • perianal area;
  • cervix;
  • clitoris;
  • pubis;
  • lips;
  • cheeks from the side of the oral cavity;
  • gums;
  • throat;
  • tongue;
  • sky;
  • fingers;
  • chest;
  • stomach;
  • rarely - on the eyelids and conjunctiva of the eyes.

Syphiloma is easy enough to distinguish from other types of formations. It is characterized by the following signs:

  • initially, an area of \u200b\u200bredness appears without any discomfort in this area;
  • further there is a nodular neoplasm with a bluish tint on the surface of the skin or mucous membranes at the site of redness;
  • an ulcer opens in the center of the nodule, while there is no pain when it comes to the typical form of syphiloma;
  • the edges of the chancre are dense and even, the bottom resembles cartilage in structure;
  • the form of education is predominantly round or oval;
  • the color of the ulcer is dark red or brown;
  • there is a small amount of discharge, resembling pus, and it is in these secretions that treponemes are contained;
  • there is an increase in nearby lymph nodes, subfebrile temperature rise.

Types of formations and their features

A typical hard chancre makes it easy to diagnose the disease.

In this case, syphilomas can be classified according to a number of criteria:

Category classification and photo Main types

  • isolated - an independent ulcerative neoplasm;
  • multiple - several erosions merge into a larger wound.
By the degree of penetration into the tissue structure

  • erosive - located on the mucous surface;
  • ulcerative - affect the deeper layers of the skin, up to the subcutaneous tissue.
To size

  • dwarf - up to 1 cm in diameter;
  • medium - on average 2-4 cm;
  • giant - more than 5 cm in diameter.
By form
  • nodular;
  • lamellar;
  • leafy;
  • slit-like;
  • stellate.
By the nature of the location

  • genital - located on the genitals;
  • extragenital - localization in any other parts of the body;
  • bipolar - at the same time, syphilomas are found both on the genitals and in other areas.

Atypical forms

It is much more difficult to diagnose syphilis if the chancre appears in an atypical form. That is why only a qualified doctor can establish the final diagnosis.

Most often there are such options for atypical syphilis:

Name and photo Short description

The manifestations are similar to balanoposthitis, the foreskin and head of the penis are affected, as well as sometimes the lips (can also be observed in the oral cavity).

It is located on the fingers, closer to the nail plate, which can provoke its rejection. There is a pronounced inflammatory process.

One of the pharyngeal tonsils is affected, there are no erosive changes in the mucous membrane, no pain. All this allows you to differentiate the problem from sore throat.
Inductive syphiloma

Swelling of the tissues occurs, affecting areas near the chancre. When pressed on the neoplasm, no visible traces remain.

Such chancres not only complicate the diagnostic process, but are also accompanied by various complications. In addition, they are characterized by the presence of pain, although this symptom is extremely rare with syphilis.


A special form of skin lesions is chancroid - soft chancre. It appears under the influence of streptobacillus, it does not contain the causative agent of syphilis, pale treponema.

The characteristic signs of such a neoplasm are:

  • soft edges of the ulcer, lack of a hard base;
  • the presence of a pain symptom;
  • erosion color - bright red;
  • there is abundant purulent discharge;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • the appearance of small ulcers, independent of the chancroid, which can merge with it into a single focus of inflammation.

Due to the active reproduction of streptobacilli and their spread through the bloodstream system, the patient has signs of general intoxication of the body: nausea, headaches and dizziness, malaise. The inflammatory process raises the body temperature.

Unlike hard chancre, soft chancre is transmitted exclusively through sexual contact. In addition, after healing, it leaves noticeable scars, which is associated with severe inflammation of the superficial lymph nodes and the formation of bubonic ulcers, as well as their opening. Syphiloma disappears almost without a trace.


The presence of chancre clearly indicates the presence of the causative agent of syphilis in the body. This disease in itself is very dangerous, since it can affect the internal organs, provoking their failure.

Also, the consequences of infection are destructive processes in bone tissues, which deprives a person of the ability to conduct normal life activities and provokes physical deformities. Without treatment, the risk of developing neurosyphilis increases. In the future, as the disease progresses, death occurs - such is the price of ignoring the problem.

If we consider directly the consequences associated with the formation of chancre, it is worth highlighting the following:

  • damage to deep tissue layers;
  • suppuration and tissue necrosis;
  • self-amputation of damaged areas, in particular, the external genital organs;
  • bleeding;
  • the formation of rough scars;
  • perforation of the urethra;
  • accession of infections;
  • endocervitis of the cervix;
  • balanoposthitis;
  • syphilitic gangrene;
  • bartholinitis.

Similar complications are found mainly in atypical syphilomas. A common chancre often goes unnoticed and disappears without a trace as the disease progresses into the secondary phase.


For successful treatment, it is important to detect syphilis chancre in time and start treating the disease. Before prescribing drug therapy, it is necessary to verify the correctness of the diagnosis, since the likelihood of false suspicions is not excluded.

For diagnostics, the following types of research can be used:

  • wasserman reaction;
  • microprecipitation reaction;
  • RIBT;
  • passive hemagglutination reaction;
  • serological tests.

Syphilis is confirmed by the presence of pale treponema in tissue scrapings, as well as antibodies to it in blood samples. Based on the results of analyzes and physical examination, it is possible to judge the degree of prescription of infection.

It is also necessary to carry out a differential diagnosis of such diseases (depending on the location of the chancre and the presence of accompanying symptoms):

  • angina;
  • herpes;
  • candidiasis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • traumatic erosion.

Treatment methods

The earlier treatment is started, the better for the patient. Instructions for taking medications are compiled on an individual basis, depending on the nature of the course of the disease and the characteristics of the patient's body.

The following are used as the main medicinal products:

  • penicillin antibiotics;
  • fluoroquinolones;
  • tetracyclines;
  • macroliths;
  • immunostimulants;
  • probiotics;
  • vitamin complexes;
  • antimycotics;
  • bismuth preparations;
  • iodine preparations.

If syphiloma is found in the mouth, rinses with solutions of boric acid, furacilin, gramidicin are prescribed. It is imperative to observe hygiene standards to prevent the addition of secondary infections.

Sexual partners of the infected person, with whom he had an affair in the past few months, require preventive treatment and constant monitoring. Before the onset of stable remission, you cannot stop taking medications for no obvious reason, as well as enter into intimate relationships. We also recommend watching the video in this article to learn more about syphilitic chancres.

Chancre may indicate the development of a sexually transmitted infection. Although this phenomenon occurs in various pathologies, it is customary to identify it with the onset of syphilis, since it is the syphilitic chancre that is most common. At the same time, when such a formation appears, additional research is required to differentiate syphilis from other pathologies. An accurate diagnosis allows you to start timely adequate treatment, and at the stage of chancre formation, it still allows you to ensure complete recovery.

The essence of education

A chancre is a morphological formation on the skin or mucous membrane, which is not an independent disease, but is considered the primary sign of a sexually transmitted disease, most often syphilis. It is an erosion or ulcer of a rounded shape of dark red color with characteristic raised borders and a dense base of cartilaginous tissue. Syphilitic chancre has another name - primary syphiloma.

The formations under consideration appear 20-28 days after the penetration of the infection - treponema pallidum or spirochete. Hard chancre is deservedly recognized as a marker of pathology, since it is formed at the site of the initial introduction of the pathogen into the human body and is the main (and sometimes the only) manifestation of the initial stage of the disease.

Chancre exists for a short time, developing from an initial red spot to a pronounced ulceration. With the transition of pathology to the next stage, the primary syphiloma spontaneously disappears, giving way to secondary syphilides, manifested in the form of a skin rash.

Primary education has specific features:

  • clearly limited localization of the lesion focus;
  • non-proliferation of the lesion beyond the skin, that is, the lack of influence on the internal organs;
  • high chances of a complete cure of the disease.

At the initial stage, the infection does not penetrate deeply into the body, which makes it possible to use typical treatment regimens. However, if you miss a favorable moment in therapy, then spirachetes begin to actively reproduce, and the pathology takes on a systemic character.

A syphilitic ulcer forms in the following order:

  1. First, a red speck appears on the skin or mucous membrane at the site of treponema insertion, indicating the onset of an inflammatory reaction.
  2. Gradually, the destructive effect of the pathogen leads to the formation of epithelial erosion.
  3. After which the treponema continues to deepen into the skin tissue.
  4. The appearance of a hard chancre indicates that it has reached the subcutaneous tissue, and sometimes the muscle layer, passing the submucosal layer.

External manifestations

About what a hard chancre looks like, those who are directly faced with its appearance and development know. Having passed the way from a small speck to an ulcer in syphilis, the chancre takes on a specific appearance, which is illustrated in the photo. He, as a rule, has a correct, clear geometry and fairly even borders. The base of the ulcer is dense with a transparent, shiny film, in which a large amount of infection is concentrated. If the lesion is located on an open area of \u200b\u200bthe body, then the coating gradually becomes brown. To the touch, the structure of the base of the chancre resembles cartilage.

The size of a syphilitic ulcer can range from 1.5 to 55 mm, and most often they are 12-14 mm. At the bottom of such a "crater" a purulent, yellowish bloom can be found against a brownish-red background, but the inflammation does not spread to the surrounding tissues, and the shape remains unchanged. After the chancre heals and disappears, a pigmented spot remains in its place for some time. The duration of the ulcer is from 25-28 days to 3-3.5 months.

It is necessary to note the specific signs of syphilitic chancre. It does not hurt or itch, that is, pain and itching are completely absent. Weeping chancre syndrome can also be found. When pressed on the formation along the edges, a transparent liquid substance (sometimes with a yellowish tint) is released on the surface of its base.

The primary syphilitic symptom is usually classified by its size:

  1. A dwarf or miniature chancre has a diameter in the range of 1.5–4.5 mm. It stands out for its increased infectivity.
  2. Medium chancre. The size ranges from 5–20 mm.
  3. Giant education. Such a chancre forms on the thighs, pubis, scrotum, abdomen, in the shoulder region and can reach sizes of 40–56 mm.

By the depth of the lesion, hard chancres are divided into erosive (superficial defect) and ulcerative (deep penetration into the skin layers) type.

In addition, they can be single or multiple.

Ulcer localization

The classification of signs is also carried out according to their localization on the human body:

Varieties of formations

All the considered specific properties refer to typical hard chancres, which are most often found at the initial stage of syphilis. However, in addition to this form, there are other types of pathology:

Possible consequences

As noted, chancre is the initial stage of sexually transmitted diseases, most often syphilis. As long as such a sign lasts, so much time is taken by the superficial (local) distribution of the infection within the skin. Then it penetrates deep into the body, causing systemic damage, and the disease moves on to the next stage. The main complications of hard chancre are associated with the progression of the disease, and this is a direct path to infertility and impotence.

Already at the stage of chancre formation, the disease can be accompanied by serious complications. If untreated, men develop pathologies such as balanitis and balanoposthitis, paraphimosis, phagedenic ulcer, and inflammatory phimosis. The defeat of the genital organs of the inflammatory type is also noted in women.

Correct diagnosis is of great importance in organizing the treatment of the disease. Unfortunately, a blood test does not indicate the presence of treponema until 5-7 weeks after infection, when the pathogen reaches the blood vessels. At the initial stage, the basis of differentiated diagnostics is laboratory research using a dark-field type microscope.

Treatment principles

Correctly organized treatment of the disease at the first stage gives a good chance to completely get rid of the pathology. Clinical manifestations such as hard chancre signal the onset of the disease and the need for effective action. Treatment at this stage solves the following tasks - the destruction of the infection, the cessation of the spread of pathology, the elimination of the risk of complications and exacerbations, the regeneration of the affected skin layers, and an increase in immune protection.

It should be noted once again that chancre is not an independent disease, and therefore it is not necessary to treat it, but the main cause - primary syphilis. You can not self-medicate and even more so to squeeze out the defect. Such techniques can only lead to exacerbations and serious consequences. Treatment of pathology is provided by complex therapeutic methods with the use of systemic and local (external) medications.

To eliminate pale treponema, antibiotics of the penicillin series are prescribed. Extencillin, administered by two intramuscular injections, is recognized as a modern basic agent. In addition, Bicillin injections and the administration of Erythromycin, as well as Doxycycline in tablet form, are provided. Other penicillins are sometimes used, such as the parenteral Ampicillin and Benzylpenicillin.

External therapeutic effect ensures the restoration of damaged tissues, excludes the addition of another infection, and solves symptomatic problems. The regeneration of tissues in the area of \u200b\u200bulcerative lesions is accelerated when using solutions of Benzylpenicillin and Dimexide.

In addition, positive results are achieved when treating the lesion with mercury, heparin, erythromycin, synthomycin or levorin ointment. The lesions in the oral cavity are eliminated by using rinsing solutions based on Furacillin, boric acid and Gramicidin.

The treatment regimen for the disease at the stage of hard chancre is developed by the doctor, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism, the type of lesion, the clinical picture and the severity of the pathology. Particular attention is paid to the individual tolerance of the prescribed drugs. The antibiotics used can cause allergic reactions, and therefore they are often taken simultaneously with antihistamines such as Tavegil or Suprastin. To eliminate disturbance of the intestinal microflora, it is useful to take probiotics.

Chancre is a sign of the initial stage of a venereal disease. Such a clinical manifestation of the disease gives a chance for a timely start of treatment. At this stage of its development, modern medications create the possibility of complete recovery, and such a chance should not be missed.

The origin of the term "chancre" is French: le chancre translated as an ulcer, a wormhole. Syphilis in Latin lues, that is, "pest". As a result, we get the idea that syphiloma, she hard chancre, formed as an ulcerative lesion of the skin or mucous membrane with.

The causative agent of syphilis

Syphilisbelongs to the category of infectious diseases, the symptomatology develops after the introduction and reproduction of treponemas, for resistance to dyes called pale ( Treponema pallidum). Microorganisms have the form of thin loose spirals, surrounded by a protective capsule and can move independently, bending in three planes. Ideal qualities for an aggressor, if not for sensitivity to environmental conditions: treponemes can multiply only at a temperature of about 37 degrees, and even a slight hyperthermia leads to their death. But nature took care of the safety of these microbes, endowing them with resistance to cold and the ability to form L-forms with immunity to treatment.

The transmission of pathogens occurs mainly by direct (contact), more often sexually.There are known examples of syphilis infection during blood transfusions, during operations, childbirth. There was a case when an 80-year-old single patient had a hard chancre on his cheek. When questioned, it turned out that he got the infection during a meeting with the only classmate who at that time was still alive. One innocent kiss on a freshly shaved cheek was enough for infection ...

Indirect infection treponema occurs through objects that have been in contact with a patient with syphilis. These can be dentist's tools, linen and towels, toothbrushes and everything that has not been boiled or treated with phenol or acid solutions. Treponemas die at 60 degrees in 15 minutes, at 100 C - instantly; in damp rooms they remain mobile for 10-12 hours.

Primary syphilis and chancre appearance

The incubation period for syphilis - the time from infection with treponemes to the appearance of a hard chancre - lasts on average from one to one and a half months. Less common are cases when the disease manifests itself a week after contact with the pathogen. Options for lengthening the latent period up to 100-180 days are possible against the background of taking antibiotics that slow down the reproduction of syphilis pathogens.

After the incubation period begins primary syphilis, with its onset appears chancre - a typical syphilitic symptom. Further, the ailment develops as if on a calendar: after a week and a half, the lymph nodes that are closest to the chancre increase. Symptoms of regional scleradenitis: the nodes are painless, resemble a tree in density, mobile, one is always larger, the skin over them remains unchanged.

Then, 3-4 weeks after the appearance of the primary chancre, serum ( serological) reaction to syphilis, and within a week adenitis spreads to distant lymph nodes. Thus, it is possible to accurately calculate the moment of infection, focusing on the symptoms, wasserman reactions and the time of the appearance of the hard chancre. Simple arithmetic will help determine the source of the infection, which is important for interrupting the path of spread of syphilis, and determine the circle of people who may need treatment.

Chancre: features

chancre development

The primary chancre at first looks like a red spot on the skin or mucous membrane, then the spot turns into erosion - superficial damage to the epithelium. A typical syphilitic ulcer is formed after the penetration of treponemes into the subcutaneous tissue or into the submucosal layers, it can go deep into the muscle tissue.

Signs of a hard chancre:

  • Sizes range from 1-2 mm to 4-5 cm, chancres with a diameter of 1-2 cm are more common.
  • The shape is oval or round, the edges are dense and even.
  • The bottom is brownish-red and hard, resembling cartilage in density.
  • Sometimes there is a yellowish purulent plaque on the surface, but the skin (or mucous membrane) around the chancre always retains its normal color, does not thicken or inflame.

A typical chancre never hurts or itches, some patients may simply not notice it. If you press on the syphiloma from the sides, then a clear yellowish liquid will appear on the surface, which contains treponemas. A symptom called "crying chancre" is used for diff. diagnostics of various ulcers and chancre in syphilis.

The main symptoms of chancre are: small size of erosions or ulcers, dense edges and bottom, painlessness and absence of inflammation are characteristic.

The erosive chancre heals within 3-4 weeks without leaving any trace. A syphilitic ulcer can last up to 2 months and is detected early secondary periodsyphilis, always overgrows with the formation of a scar. The disappearance of a hard chancre is a signal of the transition of syphilis to a clinically latent form.It is characterized by complaints of deterioration in general health, pain in muscles and joints, generalized scleradenitis. Symptoms are caused by the rapid multiplication of treponemas and their spread throughout the body.

Atypical forms of chancre

In primary syphilis, which is combined with other infections (,), appear atypical forms of hard chancre. The appearance of multiple syphilis, mixed erosive-ulcerative, with a weak compaction of the bottom and even resembling scratches and micro-erosion with herpes, is possible. However, in all types of chancre is found Treponema pallidum... Knowing the main features of atypical chancre is important in differentiating the signs of syphilis from those of other diseases.

  1. Syphiloma with a spilled seal, not limited by its edges ( inductive edema). It differs from usual edema in that after pressing with a finger, no pits remain on the atypical chancre.
  2. Amygdalitis - A painful chancre without erosion or ulceration, located on the pharyngeal tonsil, can be confused with a sore throat. However, with angina, both tonsils become inflamed and enlarged, become loose, the temperature rises and the lymph nodes are painful. In primary syphilis, there is no pain and temperature, only one of the tonsils is enlarged, the tissue is thickened, the lymph nodes are painless.
  3. Chancre- felon, purulent process on the tip of the finger. Symptoms are not typical for syphilis. Chancre causes severe pain, signs of septic inflammation are pronounced (edema, suppuration, fever). The patient's profession will help to suspect syphiloma - it is more common among doctors, the infection is transmitted through instruments.
  4. Syphiloma-herpes, giving a picture of inflammation of the skin of the glans penis and the inner layer of the foreskin. Difference: with syphiloma, the foreskin, pushed away from the head of the penis, does not always work to be returned back and the head may be pinched by the skin ring.

Atypical types of chancre create problems with the diagnosis of syphilis and give severe complications associated with circulatory disorders and tissue trophism. With gangrene, the surface of the chancre is covered with a black scab; also developing phagedenism - tissue necrosis in the depths and outside of the syphiloma. Destructive changes can result in self-amputation of the external genital organs, bleeding, perforation of the urethra, and the formation of disfiguring scars.

Hard chancres of genital localization

Primary chancres approximately in 90% are formed on or near the genitals (belly, thighs, pubis), since most cases of syphilis infection occur during sex. In men, the prevailing location of syphilis is the head and body of the penis., in women - posterior commissure of the labia majora and cervix... more often the peculiarities of chancre in men and women associated with the localization of the process were revealed.

in the photo: a typical chancre in women and men

Hard chancre in men, located on penis in the frenum, may be in the form of a highly elongated oval and bleed during erection. Chancre urethral orifice also bleeds easily, in the urethra - dense and painful on palpation. Extensive ulcers are known mainly from the colorful and frightening photos of chancre, of which there are many on the Internet. In fact, primary syphilitic manifestations look harmless enough or generally go unnoticed in almost half of the cases. For example, a hard chancre on the head of the penis looks like micro-erosion and may not be felt, and instead of the characteristic red bottom, a dense grayish-yellow plaque is visible.

In women, the chancres in the posterior commissure area are rather soft, near the urethral opening - dense, on the labia they may have uneven edges. Vaginal chancres are very rare. The cervix and the cervical canal are more often affected, syphiloma can be mistaken for ordinary erosion. In this case, scleradenitis, characteristic of syphilis, affects not the external (inguinal), but the internal lymph nodes of the small pelvis. It is impossible to feel them, but they are visible during tomography or MRI.

Extragenital chancre

Shankry extrasexual localization found mainly in the mouth. On the lip inside and on the oral mucosa, they resemble erosion during, but the edges are not whitish and loose, but red and dense with diffuse perifocal inflammation. On the red border of the lips and in the corners of the mouth, the chancre becomes covered with a yellowish crust, and shallow cracks appear on the surface of the skin. A dense papule (tubercle) with a smooth shiny surface first appears on the tongue, then erosion and ulceration. Rare types of chancre are slit and stellate, which form along the cracks of the tongue. More often the tip of the tongue, the lower lip are affected.

Less commonly, syphilomas of the gums, soft and hard palate, pharynx, tonsils are observed. In all cases, erosion is clearly demarcated from healthy tissues, the edges and bottom are dense. Exotic syphilitic manifestations - chancre of the conjunctiva, the mucous membrane of the eyelid and its ciliated edge. They are more often found in the countries of the Arab world, where contact of the tongue with the inner part of the lower eyelid is considered exquisite sexual affection.

Shankra with localization around the anus ( perianal) appear as radial folds, cracks, or assemblies. Inside the rectum, pain can appear before and after bowel movements, accompanied by secretions of transparent thick mucus. Erosions and ulcers on the hands - mainly on the extreme phalanges of 2-4 fingers, are more often observed in men. Syphilomas are like panaritium with all its usual symptoms, important differences are tissue compaction, swelling of the finger with an increase in volume - the so-called. club finger, purple-bluish color and offensive odor from superficial plaque.

Syphiloma treatment

The main tasks are to cure the infection, avoid complications and block the spread of syphilis.

Treponema susceptible to antibiotics penicillins, tetracyclines (doxycycline) and macrolides (azithromycin), cephalosporins (ceftriaxone). Against the background of antibiotic therapy, control tests are done to confirm the effectiveness of the drugs. Both partners are always treated, sexual intercourse is prohibited until complete recovery. When localizing syphilis in the mouth and on the fingers, it is important to separate items for individual use - dishes, bed linen, towels, toothbrushes, etc. Treatment of chancre begins with antibiotics, local remedies are also used.

  • Extensillin - the basic drug for the treatment of syphilis. Injected intramuscularly (i / m), twice. A dose of 2.4 million units is diluted in 0.5% novocaine at the rate of 100,000 units per 1 ml. With primary seronegative syphilis, a single injection is sufficient. The injections are preferable to do in the buttocks.
  • Bitsillin-5, in / m for 3 million units once every 5 days, twice.
  • Pills: erythromycin 0.5 x 4 per day, before meals 30 minutes or after, an hour and a half. Doxycycline 0.5 x 4 per day, during or immediately after meals.
  • In local treatment, the main thing is the hygiene of the chancre area. They also use baths or lotions with benzylpenicillin and dimexide, which help the drugs to penetrate deeper. Shown are applications with mercury and heparin ointments. Accelerate the healing of weeping erosions and ulcers erythromycin (1-3%), 10% mercury and mercury-bismuth, synthomycin (5-10%) and levorin (5%) ointments.
  • Oral chancre: rinsing with solutions of furacillin at a dilution of 1:10 000, boric acid (2%) or gramicidin (2%).

The duration of treatment and dosage is prescribed by the doctor. Antibiotics are selected individually, taking into account the combined infection and drug tolerance. Patients prone to allergies are additionally prescribed suprastin or tavegil.

Video: chancre and syphilis in the program “Live Healthy!”

When diagnosing syphilis in a victim, experts mean a chronic venereal disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes on the body, internal organs, bone tissues, and the central nervous system. The formation of the disease is provoked by a pale spirochete, which, being outside the human body, is characterized by weak resistance to alcohol, soapy water, and high temperature conditions. At the same time, syphilis is a very dangerous condition, since the causative agent of the disease is able to penetrate the human body through even invisible damage to the eye.

Ways of transmission of pathology

Consider syphilis and how it spreads. The disease is called venereal for a reason, since from the carrier to the victim, the disease, with the exception of only 5% of cases, is transmitted through sexual intercourse. In this case, infection occurs not only during vaginal contact, but also during anal, oral intercourse. Also, syphilis can be:

  • Household - this form is extremely rare, because even when treponema gets on personal hygiene items, it quickly dies.
  • Congenital (observed in babies) - infection occurs either during gestation or during labor. The lactation period is also quite dangerous if the mother is sick with syphilis.
  • Another rare method is blood transfusion. Modern medicine thoroughly examines donors; moreover, when the substance is preserved, the pathogen dies within five days. Only direct transfusion from the carrier is an increased danger, which does not occur often.

But even if contact with the carrier took place, manifestations of syphilis may be absent in 20% of cases - infection does not occur, since there are no necessary conditions for this. In particular, the amount of viral agents in the infected biomaterial can be very small; the absence of microtrauma or individual immunity plays a role. The risk of infection increases when the patient has primary or secondary syphilis, accompanied by erosive and weeping elements of pathological rashes. When it comes to late pathology - latent or tertiary - in the process of contact with the carrier of infection, it happens very rarely.

Since a syphilitic rash can form in any area of \u200b\u200bthe skin or mucous membrane, condoms cannot be considered reliable protection, they only reduce the risk of infection, also protecting against urogenital infections that usually accompany the underlying disease.

As for how much syphilis manifests itself, it is important to have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe incubation period. On average, its duration is from three to four weeks, but the interval can be reduced to two weeks or increase to six months in the case of receiving antimicrobial drugs for any reason. It should be understood that even in the case of active development of pathology, symptoms at first may be absent. Laboratory tests can determine the presence of the disease only after two to four weeks after the beginning of its primary period. Accordingly, all partners of the carrier who had sexual intercourse with him during this period are at risk of infection, hence the need for testing for syphilis.

How the disease begins to manifest itself

The standard primary signs of pathology are the formation of a hard chancre along with an increase in the size of the lymph nodes. Chancre is an ulcer or erosive lesion of a rounded shape, characterized by clear boundaries. Usually it has a red tint, gives off a serous substance, while acquiring a "varnished" appearance. The secretions contain an increased number of pathogens; when examining the fluid, they can be detected even in cases when there is nothing suspicious in the blood during laboratory tests. The base of the chancre is hard, its edges are slightly raised, forming a shape similar to a shallow saucer. Usually, syphiloma is not accompanied by pain or other uncomfortable symptoms.

There are many places for the formation of syphiloma - it can be the genitals, the oral cavity or the anus, it all depends on the type of sexual contact. The formation of primary symptoms takes place in stages:

  • From the moment the pathogen of the pathology enters the body to the formation of the considered symptom, it usually takes from two to six weeks.
  • The enlargement of the lymph nodes that are closest to the syphiloma usually begins after seven days.
  • After another three to six weeks have elapsed, the ulcers heal so that there are no visible symptoms.

There are also a number of additional signs that accompany the formation of a hard chancre, in this case the first manifestations include:

  • sleep problems, the formation of insomnia;
  • fever (increased body temperature);
  • headache and joint pain, bone discomfort;
  • general malaise;
  • swelling of the genitals.

Atypical symptomatology of the pathology includes the appearance of amygdalitis chancres on the tonsils, the formation of panaritic chancre on the fingers, indurative edema in the labia, regional lymphadenitis and lymphangitis.

Clinical periods of pathology

Giving a characteristic to syphilis, we can attribute it to systemic pathologies that can affect the body completely. External clinical manifestations are often similar to symptoms characteristic of other diseases, respectively, accurate diagnosis includes laboratory studies of the skin and blood sampling for the Wasserman reaction. What specific symptoms of pathology will manifest in the victim largely depends on a number of factors, including his age category, lifestyle, state of immunity, and other individual characteristics.

The development of syphilis occurs in three periods - primary, secondary, tertiary. They are preceded by a three-week asymptomatic - incubation - period. Consider how syphilis manifests itself in different periods of formation.

We considered the incubation and primary periods above. Perhaps it should be added that during the incubation period the carrier is not infectious, so the Wasserman reaction will show a negative result. With regard to primary syphilis, at this stage of the development of the disease, the patient becomes contagious. Now about the chancre - its disappearance occurs without any treatment, while a scar is formed in the place of the syphiloma. At this stage, increased attention is required - even in the case when the chancre completely disappears, one cannot talk about healing, since the development of the disease continues.

After treponemas enter the lymph nodes, they are carried throughout the body along with the blood stream. The presence of a primary period of pathology can be indicated by both unilateral and bilateral enlargement of the lymph nodes, usually observed in the groin area. They are distinguished by a densely elastic consistency, mobility and painlessness. In the first half of this period, the Wasserman reaction, along with other blood tests, continues to remain negative. However, in the second half of the period - usually the sixth or seventh week from the onset of infection - blood tests show a positive result, revealing the presence of syphilis in the body. The above-mentioned weakness, fever and pain occur at the end of the primary stage of syphilis - these signs can be considered harbingers of the formation of a generalized rash, which marks the beginning of the secondary stage of pathology.

About ten weeks after the infection of the body - the typical development of pathology in syphilis is meant - signs appear on the skin, indicating a fresh secondary stage of the disease. We are talking about a syphilitic rash, including pustules and spots, nodules. None of the listed elements cause discomfort. The rash disappears after a few weeks without requiring any medication. After it passes, you can talk about the onset of secondary latent syphilis. It is characterized by certain manifestations, among which:

  • syphilitic rash;
  • hair loss;
  • discolored spots on the skin of the neck;
  • a positive Wasserman reaction, along with others carried out at.

Any of the elements of the rash at this stage is highly contagious, but completely painless.

A feature of the secondary period of syphilis is an increased risk relative to the possibility of domestic infection. The duration of this phase is usually two to four years.

Let's see how tertiary syphilis manifests itself. Usually this stage is formed five or more years after the moment of infection. The main features that characterize the tertiary stage include:

  • The formation of gum - foci - in bone tissue, skin, liver and brain, lungs and heart muscle and even eyes. Gums are subject to decay, as a result of which the destruction of the area on which they were formed occurs.
  • The appearance of ulcers on the mucous layers of the palate and the back of the pharynx, nasal cavity.
  • Perhaps the defeat of the nasal septum and its gradual destruction.
  • Symptoms of this stage are closely related to the destruction of nerve cells in both the spinal cord and the brain; they manifest themselves in dementia and the appearance of progressive paralysis.

At this time, the visible foci practically do not include the pale spirochete, respectively, they are rarely infectious. When carrying out the Wasserman reaction and other laboratory tests, a weakly positive or negative reaction is noted. Regardless of the syphilitic symptoms, each of the stages of the pathology is curable. However, at the third stage, the disease not only affects, but can also destroy many human organs, while cell restoration is impossible. Quite often, in such a case, the victim becomes disabled for the rest of his life.

Syphilitic rash is the main symptom of the disease

The main symptom of syphilis is a rash, the appearance of which is not accompanied by discomfort. At the initial stage of pathology, it is a hard chancre, but it can manifest itself with a variety of elements, from pink spots to papules and pustules. A centimeter-diameter spot of gray, blue or red shades may appear on the skin. Moreover, all types of rash can form at the same time, most often localizing on the hands or the sole of the foot. Usually, pain or itching is completely absent. An unpleasant sensation occurs in very rare cases, when palpating papules.

Given the almost complete absence of discomfort, victims often ignore the rash. In addition, it takes place on its own, and therefore therapeutic measures are involved with a considerable delay. Nevertheless, syphilitic eruptions have a number of characteristic features:

  • The rash is copper colored.
  • The lesion that accompanies the rash is peeling or the formation of dirty brown, gray scabs.
  • The rash can both disappear and reappear - the ratio of treponema pale and antibodies contained in the blood plays an important role here.
  • If there is a relapse, the rash can change. It becomes larger, ovals or circles form on the skin and mucous membranes. Such development can be observed for four or five years - all the time while secondary syphilis continues.
  • In the presence of tertiary syphilis, subcutaneous seals occur. Their diameter can reach 1.5 cm. Such seals transform into ulcers over time. Bumps can form on the skin, forming circles, in the center of which ulcerative lesions appear and necrosis forms.

Considering all the dangers of the disease, if suspicious symptoms appear, an immediate appeal to a venereologist is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a therapeutic regimen.

Gender symptoms and methods of detection

When comparing the signs of pathology developing in representatives of different sexes, it can be noted that mainly the differences lie in the localization of the foci of syphilis. In men, the lesions focus on the scrotum or penis, in women - on the labia minora and the mucous membrane of the vaginal layer. If anal and oral sex takes place in lovemaking, negative phenomena are concentrated on the sphincter, the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, lips and tongue. The skin of the neck or chest may be affected.

In the fairer sex, the formation of a hard chancre occurs most often on the vaginal walls or on the uterine cervix, in the labia. The problem with determining the disease at the initial stages of development is possible in the case when syphiloma forms on the uterine cervix. Much less often, a chancre forms on the chest or in the mouth, on the thighs, or in the perineum. Most often, one chancre is formed, however, the formation of two at once, and sometimes more syphilis, is not an exception.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms that indicate the formation of a problem, syphilis can be in the body for more than just years - decades! Moreover, its course is wave-like, and the lesions take on a dangerous and severe character over time. Is it possible to independently identify signs of syphilis? Undoubtedly, if you follow a number of existing recommendations:

  • If suspicious contact has occurred, a thorough examination of the entire body should be performed two or three weeks after it. In this period, the main attention should be paid to the possibility of the formation of a painless hard chancre.
  • If a chancre or a similar formation is found, you will need to mentally analyze your condition. In this case, we are talking about primary syphilis, so attention should be paid to fever and fever, headaches, insomnia and muscle pain.
  • The next step is palpation of the lymph nodes, primarily the most characteristic ones. Their increase, especially if there is a formation resembling a hard chancre nearby, is a possible sign of syphilis. The lymph nodes, when probed, should be mobile and elastic, sufficiently dense, but painless.

To confirm the presence of syphilis, it is necessary to consult a venereologist at the same time when the chancre was first discovered - only timely treatment prevents complications of the pathology.

Signs of a congenital disease

In the process of carrying a child, a woman infected with syphilis is able to infect the fetus from the tenth week of pregnancy through the placenta. If there is secondary syphilis, the infection of the child is one hundred percent, in the presence of late forms of pathology, infection does not occur so often. The least common infection of the fetus occurs in the case of primary syphilis in the mother. If the fetus is infected with syphilis, the consequences can be catastrophic - the death of the embryo with spontaneous abortion is possible. The option of a stillborn child is not excluded. In the case when the baby is still born, in childhood, symptoms of congenital pathology are found, depending on when the mother was infected. Congenital pathology can be early or late. The first includes infection of the fetus, infants and young children:

  • Syphilis of the fetus leads to its death in the sixth or seventh month, the death occurs due to exposure to toxins of the pathogen of the pathology.
  • At the age of a child up to a year, in the case when signs of pathology are visible, we can talk about the nonviability of the baby. Immediately after its birth, there is a lesion of the skin - syphilitic pemphigus. Syphilitic rhinitis is observed, damage to bone tissue, spleen or liver is often diagnosed. If the brain is affected, meningoencephalitis forms.
  • With congenital syphilis in babies from one to five years of age, the signs resemble secondary syphilis, the symptoms include a syphilitic rash on the mucous and skin layers.

With late congenital syphilis, which manifests itself from 5 to 15 years, eye damage is observed, deafness develops, problems appear in internal organs, and the central nervous system is affected.

Preventive measures for congenital syphilis include mandatory tests for the presence of pathology, which are carried out three times per pregnancy. If the result is positive, a visit to a venereologist is necessary - the specialist decides on the preservation of pregnancy and the treatment of pathology. With an increased risk of congenital syphilis, the pregnancy can be terminated according to medical indications. Women who have had syphilis need to plan for conception no earlier than five years after the final healing.

Become the scourge of modern society. Can they be detected at an early stage? Yes, if, for example, we are talking about a syphilitic chancre. What it is?

This article will examine in detail the question of how the syphilitic chancre looks like and what are its features. It will also be possible to learn how to treat the infection. And, of course, there will be photos of syphilitic chancre and its manifestations.

How does it appear

Syphilis is a serious and serious sexually transmitted disease. In the early stages (during the first weeks after infection), it manifests itself in the form of chancre.

What it is

From the above, it becomes clear that syphilitic chancre is the initial stage of syphilis. Outwardly, it manifests itself as a purulent neoplasm, compacted inside, and covered with a crust on the outside. Most often, these ulcers do not cause inconvenience or discomfort to patients, that is, they do not hurt, do not itch, or cause inflammation.

On the other hand, if you do not consult a specialist in time, such skin pathologies can develop into malignant formations or erosion, as a result of which not only the skin, but also the lymph nodes become inflamed.

Sometimes syphilitic chancres can go away on their own, without treatment. However, this does not mean that the disease went away by itself. The disappearance of the chancre indicates that syphilis has passed into a deeper form or has found a new place for localization of the infection.

A little about the main ailment

Since syphilitic chancre is the initial stage of such a venereal disease as syphilis, you should learn more about it.

Syphilis is a venereal-type infectious disease caused by the ingestion of pathogens such as treponema. They are thin spirals capable of moving and bending in all directions.

Microbes multiply at a temperature of +37 ° C, that is, at normal body temperature. It is noteworthy that they have a protective shell (or capsule) and feel comfortable in cold temperatures. But when boiled, treponemes instantly die, and at + 60 ° C they can self-destruct after fifteen minutes.

How can you get infected with this disease?

Infection methods

Most often, syphilis is sexually transmitted. However, there are precedents when the disease was transmitted through a simple kiss on the cheek or through the use of the same household items (towels, bed linen, toothbrush, dishes that have not been specially treated with medical instruments). In such cases, syphilitic chancre can appear on the hands, neck, shoulders of an infected person.

You can also get syphilis through blood transfusions.

How do doctors classify skin manifestations of the disease?

Varieties of anomalies

Most often, syphilitic chancre, which is the first sign of syphilis, has a solid base. It can appear anywhere - in the mouth, on the genitals, abdomen, hands, and so on.

Skin manifestations of the disease can be isolated, and can be localized in groups.

By the depth of the lesion of the epidermis, such chancres are distinguished:

  • Ulcerative (relatively deep).
  • Erosive (located on the surface of the dermis).

According to the size of the wounds, experts distinguish the following categories of syphilitic chancre:

  • Dwarf (up to one centimeter inclusive).
  • Medium (one to two centimeters).
  • Giant (up to five centimeters in diameter).

How it all starts

How to determine that an infected person has not a common skin rash or sore, but a syphilitic chancre? First of all, you need to know that the primary manifestation of syphilis on the skin of the body looks like a slight red spot found on the skin or in the area of \u200b\u200bmucous tissue. Therefore, it is important to take a closer look at it. A syphilitic neoplasm looks like this:

  • The diameter ranges from two millimeters to five centimeters, although the most common sizes are from one to two centimeters.
  • Chancres are oval or round in shape, with smooth, dense edges.
  • The bottom is dark red in color and firm.
  • Sometimes the outer surface of the chancre has a yellowish purulent bloom.
  • The skin around the neoplasm is most often not inflamed, does not change color or thicken.
  • If you press on the chancre from both sides, a clear, light yellow liquid will come out to the surface. Be careful: it contains treponemes.

Progression of symptoms

Chancre may stick to the skin for several weeks and then completely disappear or heal. This means that syphilis has taken on a latent form.

After this, the patient will begin to worry about other symptoms indicating a deterioration in general well-being:

  • Muscle or joint pain.
  • Multiple occurrence of syphilitic ulcers (scleradenitis).

This is due to the fact that treponemes are actively developing and spreading throughout the body.

Atypical (atypical) skin manifestations

Syphilitic chancre does not always have the characteristics described above. In some cases, syphilis can be complicated by other infectious diseases such as gonorrhea, genital herpes, chlamydia. Then the chancres can be modified. Most often there are such manifestations of syphilis on the patient's body:

  • Felon. It occurs on the hands, more often on the fingers of an infected person. Basically, these are occupational diseases that affect gynecologists or surgeons due to careless actions or other reasons. Such neoplasms cause a lot of pain, can provoke swelling of the dermis around the wound, suppuration, and a feverish state of the patient.

  • Amygdalitis. In other words, syphilitic chancre in the mouth. Affects one or two tonsils. Rarely bothers a person in the form of painful symptoms. Most often it manifests itself in an increase in one tonsil, the condition is not accompanied by an increase in body temperature, soreness of the lymph nodes.
  • Inductive edema. Appears on the genitals of an infected person. As a result, painful sensations occur, provoked by an increase in the genitals.
  • Syphiloma-herpes. Most often, such a syphilitic chancre in men manifests itself in inflammation of the head of the penis and the inner foreskin. Also, this disease is accompanied by the fact that the foreskin, pushed away from the head, does not come back. It is even possible that the head is pinched by the percutaneous ring.

Such atypical manifestations of chancre can complicate the diagnosis of syphilis and lead to the early progression of the disease, as a result of which blood circulation is impaired, which, in turn, can lead to tissue necrosis, gangrene, and so on.

Appearance on the genitals

Localization of syphilitic chancre in men on the head of the penis or in women on the genitals is most common. This is due to the fact that in ninety percent of cases, syphilis is transmitted sexually, that is, during intercourse.

In women, syphilitic chancre of the initial stage appears on the posterior commissure of the labia or cervix.

These neoplasms do not always look scary. The fact is that they may be no different from ordinary erosion or minor damage. In this case, such chancres can hurt and bleed.

In women, syphilitic chancres in the vagina are extremely rare. But near the opening of the urethra or on the labia - quite often.

Sometimes skin areas located in the immediate vicinity of the genitals - the pubis, abdomen, or thighs - can be affected.

Non-genital syphilis localization

The most common chancre can be found in the mouth area. Sometimes, especially at first, it is confused with candidiasis. However, with the latter disease, erosion has whitish, loose edges, while with syphilis, the wounds are red and dense, sometimes they can become covered with a yellowish crust.

Most often, chancres are observed on the lips, mucous membranes, the tip of the tongue, less often on the gums, tonsils, palate. Sometimes it can appear on the mucous eyelids, most often it is associated with kisses of the eyes.

There are also anal syphilomas that form in the anus and inside the rectum.

A few general words about treatment

Here it should be noted that when skin neoplasms similar to syphilomas appear, you should immediately contact a specialist to prescribe urgent and full-fledged treatment.

The basis of drug therapy will include, first of all, the treatment of the infection that provoked the appearance of skin lesions, and not their cosmetic removal.

How to identify syphilis? To do this, you will need to pass the necessary blood tests, as well as pass a chancre smear for research.

How is the treatment carried out

You should also know that both partners will need to carry out drug therapy at the same time.

Moreover, during the period of treatment, it will be necessary to avoid any sexual contact with anyone.

If the patient did not have regular partners, then preventive treatment should be carried out to everyone with whom he came into intimate contact three months before the occurrence of chancre. Sometimes you may need drug therapy for partners with whom you have had closeness for six months or even more.

Also, during the treatment period, it is worth adhering to sanitary and hygienic standards as strictly as possible. This refers to the regular and thorough processing of household items, personal hygiene and so on. It is also recommended for partners to share personal items - bed linen, dishes, and so on. This is especially important when the places of manifestation of chancre are the mouth, fingers and the like.

Drug therapy

What does syphilis treatment include? First of all, it is antibiotic therapy carried out under the supervision of a knowledgeable specialist and regular tests that will show whether the treatment is effective or not.

Treponemas are very sensitive to antibiotics such as penicillin, tetracycline, cephalosporin and their derivatives. Thus, the following drugs are most often prescribed:

  • "Estensillin". Usually used as an intramuscular injection. The tool is used twice, together with 0.5 percent novocaine. Sometimes one injection is enough.
  • "Bitsillin-5". It is also injected intramuscularly, twice (the period between injections is five days).
  • "Erythromycin". Tablet preparation, applied at 500 mg four times a day half an hour before meals or an hour and a half after.
  • "Doxycycline". Also a tablet preparation, used four times a day, five hundred milligrams during or immediately before meals.

For local treatment, specialized ointments and gels may be prescribed. These include products based on erythromycin (one or three percent), mercury (ten percent), synthomycin (five or ten percent), or levorin (five percent). Baths on affected areas or lotions can also be used. In such cases, benzylpenicillin or dimexide is used, due to which the funds penetrate into the dermis and have a therapeutic effect.

If syphilitic chancres are found in the oral cavity, then in this case, the attending physician may prescribe rinsing the mouth with furacilin (diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 10000), boric acid (two percent solution) or gramicidin (also two percent solution).

Of course, the specific dosage and duration of the course of a particular drug is prescribed only by the attending physician, who knows the entire clinical situation and has more detailed information. Most often, the treatment period can exceed more than two months, and in some cases it can last two years or more.

Don't forget about immunity

Since syphilis significantly reduces the protective function of the body, an important part of therapy for such a disease is to increase the patient's immunity. This can be done both with the help of folk methods and pharmacological preparations.

For example, immunostimulating drugs can be prescribed, as well as vitamins and a complex of useful microelements that help improve immunity.

Other treatment factors

An important factor in successful drug therapy is adherence to the correct lifestyle during the treatment period. First of all, you should get rid of bad habits such as smoking and alcohol abuse.

Also, the attending physicians most often prescribe a certain diet for patients with syphilis. Its essence lies in the use of a large amount of protein and minimizing the use of fat, especially animals.

Moreover, during the treatment period, it is very important to monitor the patient's psycho-emotional state. A patient with syphilis should not overexert himself either mentally or physically. It is recommended to avoid all kinds of stress, anxiety, stress. For this, it is recommended, if necessary, to use medications prescribed by a doctor.

We examined what a syphilitic chancre looks like and how to treat it.

Chancre, or primary syphiloma, is one of the earliest signs of a common sexually transmitted disease of syphilis. Translated from a foreign language, chancre is called ulceration, which, in syphilis, appears at the site of contact of the skin or mucous membrane with the pathogen. Chancre in syphilis is formed after Treponema pallidum, that is, treponema pallidum, which got its name after several studies, which found its high resistance to various dyes, on the skin or mucous membranes of a person. Treponema looks like a spiral surrounded by a capsule.

The spirals are loose and thin, due to this structure, treponemas have the ability to move. The spread and infection of syphilis would be much larger if pathogenic microorganisms were more sensitive to environmental factors. The optimum temperature for the growth and reproduction of treponema is 37 degrees, and the minimum deviations above this figure lead to the death of the pathogen. However, pale treponema tolerates low temperatures much better, and is also resistant to therapy due to the formation of L-forms. To understand how chancre appears, you should know how treponema pallidus enters the human body. The most common route of transmission is sexual. Of course, there is a possibility of blood transfusion transmission, but it is implemented much less frequently.

In addition, the pathogen is able to penetrate the membranes, infecting the fetus in a pregnant woman. There is also an interesting case of syphilis infection, after a kiss on the cheek of a man who had just shaved. That is, in order to enter the human body, contact with the patient's biological fluids and microtrauma of the skin or mucous membranes are needed.

The incubation period of the disease, that is, the time from contact with a sick person to the appearance of a chancre, lasts from one month to 6 weeks. If a person for any reason at this time takes antibacterial drugs, then the duration of the incubation period may increase up to 3 - 6 months... The first sign of syphilis after the end of the latent period is chancre. After its appearance, after 7 to 10 days, an increase in the lymph nodes closest to the ulcer occurs and regional lymphadenitis begins to develop, characterized by compaction and enlargement of the nodes, but the absence of pain, changes in the skin over them, and their mobility is also preserved.

After a month of the existence of a hard chancre, laboratory results become positive. After this, lymphadenitis spreads to almost all groups of lymph nodes. Due to the typical clinical presentation, the sequence of the onset of symptoms and the time of the onset of a positive Wasserman reaction, it is possible to accurately calculate when the infection occurred. The patient will be able to remember what caused the onset of the disease, due to which the source of the infection will be revealed and certain measures will be taken against the spread of the disease.

To recognize syphilis, it is enough to imagine what a chancre looks like, since it is the most characteristic sign of the disease. At the site of the introduction of pale treponema, a speck first appears, which eventually erodes or ulcerates.

Chancre hard signs or symptoms:

  1. Chancre sizes can vary greatly from a couple of millimeters to 4 cm, but the most common ulcers are 1 - 2 centimeters in size;
  2. The ulcer has the correct shape, often round, sometimes oval;
  3. Chancre edges are dense and smooth;
  4. The bottom of the ulcer is hard, smooth, has a bright red color, sometimes with a gray coating (varnished bottom);
  5. The skin or mucous membrane around the ulcer does not tolerate any changes, does not become inflamed, does not redden, does not swell;
  6. For hard chancre, subjective symptomatology is not characteristic, that is, those who are interested in whether the hard chancre itches or hurts receive a negative answer;
  7. A syphilitic ulcer is characterized by the symptom of "weeping chancre", which is checked by pressing on the opposite ends of the ulcer, after which a cloudy-looking secret that is teeming with pathogens begins to stand out from it.

Such a description of a hard chancre is reliable only for a typical manifestation of syphilis. In addition, the ulcer stays on the skin or mucous membrane for only a month, after which it heals without a trace, which is why many patients come to the conclusion that they have recovered. In fact, the disappearance of the chancre is a sign of the transition of syphilis into the secondary period, which at first proceeds secretly. If the chancre is localized not only in the superficial layers of the skin, but also in the muscle layer, then the ulcer heals with the formation of a scar and a little later.

Atypical forms of hard chancre

In some cases, especially if, in addition to syphilis, the patient is ill with some other venereal disease, atypical forms of hard chancre may appear. The principle of their formation is the same, but they look different, which complicates the diagnosis. There are such atypical forms of hard chancre:

  • Inductive edema. At the point of contact with pale treponemas, a seal is formed in the form of edema without clear edges. A hallmark of indurative edema is the absence of a fossa after pressing on it with fingers.
  • Amygdalitis. The localization of such a chancre is on the tonsils, so it is highly likely to be confused with an ordinary sore throat. This chancre does not have erosion or ulceration and is very painful. Indirect symptoms will help to distinguish amygdalitis from sore throat, for example, fever, soreness of the lymph nodes, which are not present in syphilis.
  • Felon. Localization of such a chancre is at the tip of the finger. It is very difficult to recognize syphilis in this manifestation, since it is very painful and has all the signs of a septic purulent process. Taking anamnesis will help in the diagnosis - this atypical form of chancre is typical for medical workers who ignore the rules of safety and sterility and become infected through instruments.
  • Herpetic syphiloma. Such a chancre completely repeats the clinic of balanoposthitis. In addition, he has a high risk of moving to.

Atypical forms of chancre are more difficult to recognize, so the likelihood of a misdiagnosis increases. Also, such syphilomas are more often complicated.

Localization of hard chancre in men and women

Since the main route of transmission of the disease is sexual, and chancres are formed at the point of contact with pale treponema, the main localization of syphilis is the genitals, although there are exceptions. In men, the most common localization is the head and body of the penis. In this case, the chancre can bleed when the penis is aroused. When localized in the urethra, the chancre becomes painful and also tends to bleed. The sizes of hard chancre are sometimes so small that on the penis they are not even felt by palpation. In women, the cervix and the posterior commissure of the labia majora are affected. When localized on the labia, a hard chancre may acquire an irregular shape, have uneven edges.

In the vagina, ulcers and erosion rarely appear, but the cervix is \u200b\u200bvery often affected, while the chancre is mistaken for ordinary erosion. If a chancre forms in the uterus, it becomes difficult to detect enlarged lymph nodes that are not visible and cannot be felt. In addition to the genitals, the oral cavity is often affected, which is associated with oral-genital types of sex. When chancre appears on the lips or inside the mouth, it is easy to confuse with candidiasis, but there is no cheesy overlay typical of a fungus. When the border of the lips is affected, the chancre becomes covered with a grayish coating, and the skin around it may crack. When a hard chancre is localized, a tubercle first appears on the tongue, which eventually erodes or ulcerates.

Complications of hard chancre

Chancre does not always appear and disappears without a trace within a month. In some cases, it can be complicated by various unpleasant and even dangerous conditions. The main complications that can occur in the primary period of syphilis:

  1. Balanoposthitis. The inflammatory process of the head of the penis and the leaves of the foreskin appears with herpetic syphiloma and progresses to phimosis.
  2. Phagedenism. This complication is characterized by necrosis of the tissues adjacent to the hard chancre.
  3. Gangrene. The chancre area, and then the entire affected organ, is covered with a black scab. Ultimately, bleeding may occur, and the affected organs may self-amputate.
  4. Phimosis. The narrowing of the sheets of the foreskin occurs due to the formation of scars during the healing of the ulcerative chancre.
  5. Paraphimosis. A severe condition characterized by infringement of the glans penis. Requires immediate therapy.

With the timely detection of syphilis and its correct treatment, the risk of complications is minimal.

Treatment of hard chancre

The main tasks in the treatment of syphilis are: getting rid of the pathogen, stopping the spread of infection (therefore, both sexual partners are examined and treated), as well as reducing the risk of severe complications. For the treatment of syphilis, certain groups of antibacterial drugs are used, since not all of them are sufficiently sensitive to the pathogen. The drugs of choice are the following groups:

  • Penicillins;
  • Tetracyclines;
  • Macrolides.

During treatment, any sexual contact is prohibited in order to prevent the spread of infection. Particular attention should be paid to patients with atypical localization of hard chancre in the mouth, when it is necessary to share household items, even dishes, with those around them. Also, the patient should be examined periodically to assess the dynamics of the ongoing therapeutic measures. Antibiotics can be given intramuscularly (bicillin) and taken in tablet form (erythromycin).

In addition to general treatment, local therapy also plays an important role, which consists in careful adherence to hygiene measures. Additionally, lotions and baths with solutions containing antibiotics are used. The use of mercury or heparin ointment is also indicated. With the localization of hard chancre in the mouth and throat, rinsing with solutions of furacillin or boric acid is applied topically.

The duration of treatment, as well as the dosage of drugs, is prescribed by the doctor individually. Patients prone to allergic reactions are prescribed additional antihistamine drugs.

The prognosis for the treatment of primary syphilis, that is, hard chancre, is favorable. The cure occurs in all cases when it is carried out correctly.

Syphilis is a venereal infectious disease affecting the outer membrane of the dermis, internal organs, nervous system and bone structure in the human body.

Syphilis has a wave-like course, when phases of exacerbation and latent periods of its course alternate with each other - it provokes pale treponema.


Syphilis is caused by a bacteria called Treponema pallidum.

Treponema pallidum

Infection most often occurs during sexual intercourse, somewhat less often during blood transfusion or during gestation, when the bacteria falls from mother to child.

The bacteria can enter the body through small cuts or abrasions in the skin or mucous membranes. Syphilis is contagious during its primary and secondary stages, and sometimes during the early latency period.

Syphilis is not spread by using one toilet bowl, bathtub, clothes or utensils, through doorknobs and basins.

After treatment, syphilis does not reappear on its own, however, you can become infected again by approaching an infected person.

Risk factors

You are at increased risk of contracting syphilis if you:

  • engaged in unprotected sex;
  • engaged in sex with multiple partners;
  • a man who has sex with men;
  • infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

Primary signs of the disease

Before starting treatment for syphilis, it is worth knowing how syphilis manifests itself. So the most important symptom of syphilis in a patient is manifested in the form of a solid, dense chancre and a significant increase in the size of the lymph nodes.

Shankra - Photo of the initial stage

Shankra is an ulcerative neoplasm or a focus of erosion, of the correct rounded shape, having clear edges, filled with liquid and most often occurs at the site of contact with the carrier of the disease.

Syphilis manifests itself with such additional signs:

  • insomnia and increased body temperature in the patient;
  • attacks of headache, aching joints, bones;
  • swelling of the genitals and the appearance of a symptom such as a syphilitic rash.

The periods of syphilis and their symptoms

Before choosing the correct treatment for syphilis, it is worth knowing at what stage of the course the disease develops. The disease itself has 4 stages of its course - we will consider them in more detail.

Treatment of the disease is quite possible at each of its stages, with the exception of the last, when all organs and systems are affected and cannot be restored - all the difference lies in the duration and intensity of the course.

The incubation period and its symptoms

Symptoms in syphilis during its incubation, latent period do not manifest themselves as such - in this case, the disease is diagnosed not by its external manifestations, but based on the results of analyzes carried out using the PCR technique. The duration of the incubation period is 2-4 weeks, after which the disease enters the stage of primary syphilis.

The primary stage of syphilis and its symptoms

Each person should know how the disease manifests itself - the earlier it is diagnosed, the earlier the treatment of syphilis is started, the better the chances of a successful recovery will be.

First of all, treponema, after penetration into the body, affects the nearby lymph nodes, beginning to actively develop in them, multiplying.

The first symptoms of syphilis will manifest themselves in the formation of a chancre at the site of penetration of pathogenic microorganisms - a solid, regular oval shape, which, as the disease progresses, will open, forming an ulcer.

Most often, the chancre does not cause concern, is not painful and is localized for the most part in the area:

  • genitals;
  • groin area;
  • less often on the hips and abdomen;
  • near the anus;
  • mucous tonsils;
  • vagina.

After a certain period of time, the patient is diagnosed with an increase in lymph nodes located near the chancre - most often they are localized in the groin area. A person can independently identify this symptom in himself - in this case, a nodular seal, hard to the touch, is felt.

In certain cases, due to problems with the outflow of lymph in the patient, edema of the genitals, tonsils and larynx is diagnosed - it all depends on the localization of the focus of infection, the place of introduction of pathogenic microflora.

Primary syphilis as a stage in the course of the disease lasts about 2-3 months - if treatment is not started in a timely manner, then the negative symptoms simply disappear. This does not mean complete recovery of the patient, but rather signals the transition of the disease to a new, next in its manifestation level of the course.

Secondary form of syphilis and its symptoms

The first symptoms of syphilis in the second stage of its course do not appear immediately - this phase of the course of the disease lasts long enough, from 2 to 5 years.

This stage of the disease is characterized by its wave-like course, when negative symptoms will manifest themselves, then disappear again. The main symptoms are lymph nodes and chancre formation and a rash.

Separately, it is worth paying attention to such a symptom as a syphilitic rash (see photo above). The rash itself, as a sign of syphilis, has a copper or yellowish tint, the neoplasms themselves can peel off, uncharacteristic grayish scabs can manifest themselves. During the period of a latent, latent course, the rash may disappear, and during an exacerbation, it can manifest itself again.

With the course of syphilis in the later stages, the first sign is the compaction of the rashes, as well as the formation of ulcerative neoplasms in their place, necrosis develops. It is localized most often in the place where the infection enters the body, but it is not limited to it - it will manifest itself throughout the body.

In some cases, the course of another bacterial infection may also join the disease - purulent neoplasms will appear through the body. In addition to rashes on the body, which, by the way, do not cause concern, do not itch or itch, do not cause pain, allergic reactions can occur, etc.

As the doctors themselves note, in some infected patients, the rash manifests itself only in the initial stages of the course of the disease, disappearing in the future for many years. At the same time, other patients may suffer from periodic manifestations on the body of rashes.

During the secondary stage of syphilis, people develop these red or reddish-brown spots and are currently highly contagious.

Stress and weakening of the immune system, depletion of the whole body and hypothermia, or, on the contrary, overheating can provoke regular rashes on the body.

Latent syphilis

Latent syphilis is the third stage of syphilis. Here the infection is dormant (dormant) without causing symptoms.

Tertiary syphilis and its symptoms

The last stage of the course of the disease does not occur immediately - the first symptoms of syphilis can manifest themselves after 3 to 10 years from the moment of infection.

Symptoms of syphilis at this, fourth stage manifests itself by the appearance in the form of gum formation - these are specific, infiltrative tubercles with a clear edge, localized on the tissues and mucous membranes of internal organs. Over time, they can decay and transform into scars.

As doctors note, gummas affect all organs and systems, provoking dangerous consequences and complications. For example, if such bumps form on the bones or affect the joint, then the patient may develop:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • periostitis;
  • or another similar pathology.

The infection of the intra-abdominal lymph nodes leads to development in the body, and with damage to the central nervous system, when the brain suffers, the patient's personality begins to degrade steadily. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the likelihood of a lethal outcome is high.

If we summarize all the signs of the last stage of the course of syphilis, then it is marked by the following symptoms:

  • damage to the dermis and bone tissue of the musculoskeletal system, joints, internal organs and systems, the formation of gum in the patient;
  • the heart and vascular system are affected, the coronary arteries are narrowed;
  • damage not only to the brain, but also to the central nervous system;
  • with the defeat of syphilis and its course in the fourth stage, deafness and paralysis appear, the patient is worried about constant depression and a split personality, up to insanity;
  • the formation of tumors and nodes on the body, which gradually grow, increase in size and then open up on their own, forming ulcerative foci, bleeding and not healing for a long time;
  • and in the course of syphilis, at the last stage, deformation of the bones and joints develops - there are often cases in which ulcers primarily destruct the bones of the nose;
  • the first signs of deformity in appearance manifest themselves, which are provoked by the destructive effect of the disease.

A patient with this diagnosis should remember that each of its stages is treatable, but the fourth is unlikely, since there is a large-scale damage to internal organs and systems that cannot be restored. In this case, the person is diagnosed as disabled and assigned to a certain group.

Neonatal or congenital syphilis

Neonatal syphilis in pregnant women leads to fetal death in 40% of infected pregnant women (stillbirth or death soon after birth), so all pregnant women should be tested for syphilis at their first antenatal visit.

The diagnosis is usually repeated in the third trimester of pregnancy. If infected children are born and survive, they are at risk of serious problems, including developmental delays. Fortunately, syphilis during pregnancy is treatable.

Manifestations of the disease in both sexes

In men syphilis most often affects the penis and scrotum - it is on the external genitals that the disease manifests itself, first of all, in the form of negative symptoms.

Among women the same disease most often affects the labia minora, vagina and mucous membranes. If sexual partners practice oral or anal sex, there is an infection and subsequent damage to the circumference of the anus, the oral cavity, the mucous membrane of the throat and the skin in the chest and neck area.

The course of the disease is long-term, if it is not treated in a timely manner, it differs in its wave-like manifestation of negative symptoms, a change, as an active form of pathology, and a latent course.

How is syphilis diagnosed?

In the process of diagnosing such a serious disease, one should not diagnose oneself even with its pronounced characteristic symptoms and signs. The thing is that a rash, induration and enlargement of the lymph nodes can manifest itself in other diseases as a characteristic sign. It is for this reason that the disease itself is diagnosed by doctors with the help of a visual examination of the patient, the identification of characteristic symptoms on the body and by conducting laboratory tests.

In the process of a comprehensive diagnosis of the disease, the patient goes through:

  1. Examination by a dermatologist and venereologist. It is these specialists who examine the patient, his genitals and lymph nodes, skin, take anamnesis and referral to laboratory tests.
  2. Detection of treponema in the internal contents, gum fluid and chancre by using PCR, direct reaction to immunofluorescence and by means of dark-field microscopy.

In addition, doctors carry out various tests:

  • non-treponemal - in this case, the presence of antibodies against the virus, as well as tissue phospholipids, which are destroyed by it, are detected in the blood in the laboratory. This, VDRL and others.
  • treponemal, when the presence or absence of antibodies to such a pathogen as pale treponema is diagnosed in the blood. This is RIF, RPGA, ELISA, a study on the level of immunoblotting.

In addition, doctors also prescribe instrumental examination methods to search for gum - this is a study using ultrasound, MRI, CT and X-rays.

Modern Syphilis Treatment

Modern treatment with effective drugs allows us to talk about the timely cure of the patient, but only if the disease has not passed into the last stage of its course, when many organs, bones and joints are destroyed and damaged, which cannot be restored.

Treatment of pathology should be carried out exclusively by a qualified venereologist in a hospital setting, based on the results of the examination, patient survey and the results of laboratory and instrumental studies.

So, treating syphilis at home, using your own and folk methods and recipes, is unacceptable. It is worth remembering that this disease is not easy, which can be cured with hot tea with raspberries - it is a very serious infectious period that destroys the body from the inside. At the first suspicion, symptoms of the disease - immediately consult a doctor, undergo examination and the prescribed course of treatment.

The course of therapy takes a lot of time - the healing process itself is long and the main thing here is to have a lot of patience.

As medical statistics and the practice of doctors show, neglected cases can be treated for more than one year. It is possible to talk about recovery only after laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis - healthy, but not to stop it in any way after all acne and ulcerative formations, lymph nodes are removed from the body.

The main thing that the patient himself must remember while undergoing treatment is to completely exclude any sex at this time.

Even if the partner's results showed a negative result of the presence of a pathogen in the body, he is still recommended to undergo a course of preventive treatment. The very same course of treatment for syphilis provides for several directions - this will be discussed further.

Antibiotic treatment

Each patient, man and woman, is prescribed antibiotics during the course of treatment - the causative agent of this infectious disease is sensitive to them. So the drug itself, the duration of its administration and the dosage are prescribed by the doctor individually, taking into account all analyzes and the results of the patient's examination.

The disease is sensitive to the following groups of drugs:

  • drugs containing penicillin;
  • macrolides and antibiotic Ceftriaxone.

Thus, antibiotics containing penicillin in their composition are very effective during treatment, adversely affecting the causative agent of the pathology. When diagnosing primary syphilis, it is they that provide excellent dynamics of treatment.

Today, dermatovenerologists do not practice the technique of the first shock dose of penicillin administration - the technique of intramuscular administration of the drug with an interval of every 3 hours is more effective, which ensures its constant concentration in the body.

Penicillin (a remedy for some types of mold)

So drugs containing penicillin are also excellent in the fight against the early stages of the course of neurosyphilis, but so far the nervous system has not undergone irreversible changes in its work, as well as with the congenital nature of the body's lesion with syphilis.

If the third stage of the course of syphilis is diagnosed, before the course of taking penicillin, it is worth undergoing a 2-week therapy with drugs such as tetracycline or erythromycin.

Azithromycin is a new generation drug

Syphilis and its treatment with azithromycin, macrolides also show good results in their penicillin group. Moreover, the side, negative consequences of the drug are minimal.

The only limitation for the appointment of azithromycin is the diagnosis of HIV infection in a patient. Daily intake 2 g . azithromycin allows you to cure even late forms of syphilis in a six-month course of treatment, but the congenital form of the disease is not treated with this drug.


Treatment of syphilis with such a drug as ceftriaxone also gives its positive results and dynamics - it is prescribed even for pregnant women and in especially advanced cases. All compounds that make up this drug suppress the internal synthesis of division and growth of treponema pallidum cells.

The treatment regimen is simple - 1 injection per day, with a course of treatment for at least six months. The only restriction is that doctors do not treat the congenital form of syphilis with this drug.

If the doctor diagnoses a latent form of syphilis, the treatment regimen and drugs are similar, supplemented by a course of taking immunostimulants and physiotherapy procedures.

Follow-up observation

After you are treated for syphilis, your doctor will ask you to:

  • take periodically to make sure the body responds positively to the usual dosage of penicillin;
  • avoid intercourse until treatment is complete and blood tests show that the infection has been completely cleared;
  • inform your partners about the disease, so that they also undergo diagnosis and, if necessary, treatment;
  • get diagnosed for HIV infection.

Complications associated with syphilis

Pregnant mothers and newborns

Mothers infected with syphilis are at risk of miscarriage and premature birth. There is also a risk that a mother with syphilis will spread the disease to her fetus. This type of disease is known as congenital syphilis (discussed above).

Congenital syphilis can be life-threatening. Babies born with congenital syphilis may also have the following ailments:

  • external deformity;
  • developmental delays;
  • seizures;
  • rashes;
  • fever;
  • inflammation or);
  • and in men;
  • sudden, lightning pains.

Cardiovascular problems

These can include - your body's main artery - and other blood vessels. Syphilis can also damage heart valves.

HIV infection

People with syphilis are more likely to contract HIV. Ulcers on the patient's body facilitate the penetration of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) into the body.

It's also important to note that people with HIV can experience various symptoms of syphilis.

Prevention of syphilis

To date, doctors and scientists have not yet invented special vaccines that are effective in preventing syphilis.

If the patient has had this venereal infection earlier, he can become infected and get sick with it again. As a result, only preventive measures will help to avoid infection and thereby prevent damage to internal organs and body systems.

First of all, it is worth excluding promiscuous sex with an unverified partner, especially without a condom. If there was such sex, immediately treat the genitals with an antiseptic and visit a doctor for a routine examination and examination.

Having syphilis once does not mean that a person is protected from it. After it heals, you can change it again.

It is enough to understand that not every person knows that at the moment he is a carrier of the infection and, if the patient has a regular sex life, doctors recommend that they regularly undergo examination by narrow-profile doctors, be tested for STDs, thereby identifying the disease in its early stages. currents.

What are the prognosis for syphilis patients?

Syphilis infection can be treated at any stage by administering penicillin. However, in the later stages, organ damage is not reversible.

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Such a disease as syphilis has been known to society since the 15th century and until the invention of antibiotics was a severe and practically incurable pathology.

But even today it affects a large number of patients - most often it is diagnosed in the 18-40 age group. It is more common in women than in men - according to statistics, it is syphilis that takes the 3rd place among sexually transmitted diseases.

What is syphilis?

Syphilis is a systemic, chronic disease that belongs to the group of sexually transmitted diseases, which has an infectious nature of its origin.

In this case, the virus will infect the mucous membrane, as well as all internal organs and healthy systems, the central nervous system and bone tissue.

It provokes syphilis, a bacterium known as pale treponema, most often sexually transmitted, less often through blood.

Depending on the course of the pathological process, it can provoke serious negative consequences.

The causative agent of syphilis

As doctors note, the causative agent in the body of syphilis is the bacterium pale treponema, and it was the discovery of this root cause in 1905 that allowed doctors and microbiologists to find an effective key to treatment.

In addition, effective diagnostic techniques were invented, and, accordingly, the effectiveness of treatment, the patient's recovery and the quality of life increased.

If we talk more specifically about the properties of bacteria, it is called pale due to the fact that for quite a long time doctors and biologists could not examine it under a microscope.

It is its transparent color that is stained with great difficulty into reagents for its subsequent identification and study.

Most often, in this case, the technique of staining and impregnation in laboratory conditions with silver is used. For subsequent laboratory research, doctors use a dark-leaf microscope, which allows them to identify the bacterium, determine its number and conduct all the necessary research.

As the researchers note, in the human or animal body, the bacterium divides at intervals of 30 hours, its disadvantage is that it will live and multiply at a temperature of 37 degrees. All this justifies the effectiveness of the use of archaic methods of treating this viral disease - the essence is to increase the body temperature to 41 degrees.

The incubation period of the disease

Penetrating into the body through microcracks and damage to the skin, the pathogenic bacterium begins its incubation period, hidden without obvious signs of its course.

Gradually, it accumulates at the point of penetration, dividing at intervals of every 30 hours, and at this stage the process itself does not manifest itself in any way with certain symptoms.

But in accordance with the genesis of the course of the pathological process of infection - a month later, at the site of infection, the formation of a dense and solid ball in its consistency occurs.

Next to it, there is an increase in the size of the lymph nodes - it is this symptomatology that indicates the transition of the pathology to the stage of the so-called primary form of syphilis.

Depending on the level of immunity and the body's defenses, doctors allocate a fairly large range during the incubation period, ranging from several weeks to six months.

Infection routes

Syphilis, or rather a bacterium known in medical circles as treponema pale, enters the body directly in several ways.

Transmission of infection through intercourse

It is infection in practice through sexual contact that is the most frequent and common route of infection, especially if the couple does not practice contraception.

In this case, syphilis is classified as an STD - sex can be oral and anal, vaginal, and just 1 sexual intercourse is enough for infection to occur.

Each of these forms of sexual intercourse is dangerous, but it is anal penetration that doctors call the most dangerous in relation to the high percentage of infection when the rectal mucosa is injured.

When contact with a vaginal type of penetration is considered, it is the woman who is more likely to be infected than the man.

This is easily explained - the vaginal mucosa is more prone to injury during sexual intercourse.

The insidiousness of this disease - syphilis, lies in the fact that a healthy person can become infected with it at any stage of its course. Therefore, a sick, infected man or woman can transmit a pathogenic infection to a healthy partner even at the stage of its incubation course. This is how a vicious circle of sexual transmission is formed, when ignorance involves new sexual partners in it.

Saliva transmission

The infection can also be transmitted through the saliva of a sick patient - an important condition in this case is that rashes should appear around the lips or in the oral cavity.

Only in this case, bacteria will be present in the saliva.

The infected patient himself poses a potential and immediate danger when trying to kiss or oral sexual intercourse.

But as the doctors themselves note, relying on medical statistics, the transmission of the syphilis virus through even the deepest kiss is a rarity.

The thing is that such rashes are very rare. In addition, a prerequisite for infection should be injuries and abrasions, microtraumas of the oral cavity in a healthy person.

Breast milk transmission

Infection itself with pathogenic microflora can also occur through breast milk during breastfeeding, natural feeding after childbirth.

It is in its composition that treponemes are present and they can easily be transmitted to a newborn.

Due to the fact that the newborn's immunity is still weak and not strong enough, babies are at high risk of infection.

Bloodborne infection

So the direct transfusion of donated blood and the ongoing operative transplantation of the internal organs of an infected person provokes the introduction of infection into the body of a healthy patient.

In practice, according to doctors, this is unlikely. The thing is that biological material is checked for all pathogenic viruses, including the presence of syphilis bacteria, before transplantation and transfusion.

Syphilis is more likely to be contracted through blood through a syringe in the appropriate drug addicts community. It is also possible with a high percentage of probability to become infected during a fight accompanied by bloodshed or when visiting a nail salon, when the infection can be brought in through a non-sterile instrument.

Accordingly, when detecting the first manifestations of syphilis infection - papules and ulcerative neoplasms, erosion on the skin surface, it is important to visit a doctor immediately.

This also applies to suspicions of possible infection - the patient becomes a carrier of the virus and a potential danger to his own environment.

Infection in the course of professional activity

Even such a way of infection as professional activity is also included in the list of possible ones.

In the professional circle of people, this is more about doctors, not an exception and cosmetologists, other employees whose direct work is associated with close contacts with people and invasive procedures, biological materials.

Most often, in relation to medical personnel, infection can go through an accidental injury with a sharp instrument, which was previously used by a patient infected with syphilis and which they did not have time to disinfect or dispose of.

Cosmetologists and beauty salon workers can also become infected through personal use of a tool previously used by an infected client.

The main condition for the introduction of bacteria into the blood is the presence of unhealed, open wounds and abrasions on the skin through which the pathogenic microflora will enter the blood.

Household infection

Most patients often ask infectious disease doctors about the possibility of transmission of syphilis and infection by household.

After all, someone lives next to an infected person, rides in transport and goes to one job, uses cutlery and so on.

And even before the first manifestations, signs that indicate the development of syphilis, the patient himself may not know about his situation and not take measures for treatment.

In this case, the transmission of pathogenic microflora is possible through the common use of household items - these are dishes and bed linen, cigarettes and other household items.

But with prolonged and rather close communication, while at the terminal stages, during which there is an active release of bacteria into the environment from decaying ulcers and gummas.

But remember - when the treponema bacterium dries up, it will lose its own pathogenicity and only saliva or another type of liquid left on the subject of everyday life can be transmitted in everyday life.

Transplacental infection

The presented route of infection with syphilis provides for the direct transmission of pathogenic microflora from a sick patient during the period of gestation - here the bacterium is transmitted from mother to child.

When the pathogen enters the placenta at 5-6 months of pregnancy, the fetus dies.

If the mother becomes infected later than this period, then the signs of the disease in the child will appear 1-2 months after birth, and a positive reaction to syphilis will begin to appear from 3 months of age.

As a result, in the absence of timely treatment of syphilis by a woman, the pathogenic microflora will be transmitted to the child at the stage of intrauterine development.

At the very beginning of its course, the treponema bacterium will infect the protective layer of the placenta and then easily penetrate the organs and internal tissues of the fetus through the umbilical vein or through the lymphatic system.

Syphilis in infants is manifested by anxiety, breast refusal, growth and development delay, and skin lesions. Syphilitic rhinitis is characteristic - mucous, purulent or bloody discharge from the nose, forming crusts. The skeletal system, liver, spleen, lungs and other organs are affected.

Infection of the baby during childbirth

Since the bacterium itself is present in the vagina, and the birth itself involves direct contact between the blood of the fetus and the mother, the presented route of infection can be easily implemented.

If the child was not infected at the stage of intrauterine development, it is simply unrealistic to avoid this fact during natural childbirth.

In this case, the best option is to perform a caesarean section, when the possible risks of infection are minimized.

Blood test for syphilis

Laboratory study of blood composition for syphilis - This is a study aimed at identifying in biological material antibodies produced by the body to a pathogenic pathogen. Also, in the study, the indicators of the disintegration of the damaged cells of pale treponema and the identification of the pathogen itself in the blood are taken into account.

Types of results

All and every analysis done for syphilis can be conditionally divided into specific - these are the RNGA, RIF, ELISA and non-specific tests themselves, which include a blood test for RW.

So non-specific results will give positive results in the presence of infection, and after recovery - negative. Specific - from the very first result, they will show the presence of pathogenic microflora in the blood.

Most of the results are labeled according to the following system:

Types of tests for syphilis

In the practice of laboratory research, the following testing methods are distinguished:

  1. Direct - in the composition of the blood, doctors are looking for the pathogenic microflora itself, in whole or its individual particles, DNA remnants.
  2. Indirect, serological studiesi - in this variant, antibodies to the causative agent of syphilis are detected in the biomaterial.

Direct techniques

So direct diagnostic techniques - in the practice of doctors, they will be considered the most accurate and reliable, since the bacterium itself is visible in the initial biological material. Nevertheless, it can be difficult to identify this bacterium in the results, and even if there are negative results, this is not an indicator of the absence of pathogenic microflora in the body.

It makes sense to carry out this test when rashes are detected on the body, and therefore, in practice, doctors practice this test very rarely - rather, in combination with other tests and to confirm them.

Doctors include the following in this group of tests:

Indirect techniques

If we talk about indirect laboratory methods, the diagnostic method is the basis for identifying pathogenic microflora in biomaterial.

Indirect methods for diagnosing the causative agent of syphilis can be conditionally divided into the following subgroups - non-treponemal and treponemal tests:

Syphilis symptoms

When the bacterium that causes syphilis enters the body, pale treponema in its developmental stage goes through, first of all, the incubation period. The duration of this period of the latent, incubation period is from 1 week to one and a half months.

At this stage of the pathological process in the body, the patient does not know about his infection, since the disease, syphilis does not manifest itself as characteristic and inherent symptoms.

As doctors note, even many analyzes are not able to detect a pathogenic bacterium in a biological material taken for laboratory research. The very first and characteristic symptoms of syphilis will manifest themselves only after this latent period.

The characteristic symptoms of syphilis show themselves in the form of a hard, spherical chancre, multiple in number and the presence of a specific rash on the skin.

Also, rashes on the mucous membranes and baldness - the so-called skin syphilides in the patient - also show themselves.

Signs of syphilis in women

After the course of the incubation period, most often it lasts 3-4 weeks after infection - a hard and characteristic spherical seal, chancre, forms at the site of infection.

It is his appearance on the skin that gives the very first count of the primary course of the disease - in this way the immunity reacts to the penetration of pale treponema into the body, its development and reproduction.

Most often, doctors diagnose a solid neoplasm in the oral cavity and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe external genitals, internal genital organs and the anus.

Chancre is a hard seal, of an inflammatory nature of origin, a growth that has a rounded shape and a flat base.

Signs of syphilis in men

The very first and characteristic of syphilis in men is the formation of a dense, rounded chancre at the site of penetration of the pathogenic microorganism.

Most often it is formed precisely on the penis - its head and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe base, somewhat less often it shows itself in the area of \u200b\u200bthe scrotum and anus.

But many symptoms and their manifestation depend on the stage of the pathological process.

Stages of syphilis

Let us consider in more detail the symptoms of the disease without dividing patients by gender, taking into account the stages of the course of syphilis.

Primary stage

During the initial stage of syphilis infection:

  • Painless and characteristic seals and ulcerative growths may develop on the body. They appear after 3-4 weeks, however, depending on the level of the body's defenses, immunity, this period can vary from a week to 3 months. As noted earlier, in men, similar ball-shaped seals in the scrotum, on the head of the penis, in women - in the genital area and the internal mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina. At the very beginning, such chancres are painless when pressed, and according to the degree of development and spread of the infection, they are painful.
  • The next symptom indicating the course of syphilis will be induration and enlargement of the lymph nodes. Most often, those lymph nodes that are located closest to the formed chancre, at the point of penetration of pathogenic microflora into the body, become inflamed.
  • Chancres gradually increase in size and acquire a reddish or bluish color. - as in the course of the inflammatory process. After a certain time, they can disappear, disappearing, leaving a scar. But you should not be hopeful - this does not indicate that the disease has passed.

Secondary stage

The signs of secondary syphilis appear 1-3 months after the appearance of the first chancre on the body. In addition, another symptomatology of the course of syphilis shows itself - most often doctors call such a characteristic symptom syphilitic rashes.

The characteristic rash shows itself as reddish-brown and small pimples, flat in shape, at least 2 cm in its circumference. Along with a rash on the body, ulcerative neoplasms also appear - filled with pus and are most often localized on the mucous membrane, plus moist ulcers that look like warts.

Suffice it to note that in a patient with dark skin, ulcers and wart-like rashes may not be reddish, but lighter in color, lighter even than their own skin.

Such rashes, as the pathology progresses, after 1-3 weeks can go away on their own and not leave scars on themselves, the only thing is to provoke excessive pigmentation in the place of their formation. Nevertheless, the fact that the rash is gone will not indicate a cure for the patient.

As the infection spreads throughout the body, the patient also displays the following symptoms:

  1. Body temperature will vary between 37.5-38 degrees and not to exceed this barrier, but also not to sink below.
  2. Shows itself and sore throat as with a cold, general weakness and discomfort.
  3. The patient will lose weight abruptly, for no apparent reason. and uneven hair loss, especially on the eyebrows and eyelashes, scalp.
  4. Increase in size and swelling of the lymph nodes.
  5. Disorders of the nervous system show themselves as a result of the action of pathogenic microflora - headache and problems with vision, hearing, excessive irritability and manifestation of paralysis, behavior inappropriate to external and internal stimuli.

Latent (latent) stage

The latent form of the course of syphilis is conventionally divided by doctors into early and late - this division into groups is rather arbitrary, since in practice cases and clinical manifestations of the course of the disease that cannot be attributed to one group or another can show themselves.


In the absence of appropriate and timely treatment, the disease will necessarily progress and pass in its symptoms into a latent stage.

As doctors note, this latent stage occurs a year after the alleged infection, after acne and rashes and chancres have disappeared from the body.

The stage itself in time can last for a fairly long period of time - it all depends on the state of immunity and can vary from a year to 20 years.

It is possible to diagnose the course of syphilis at this stage only on the basis of an analysis, laboratory blood tests and anamnesis of symptoms, or after a woman has had a child with a congenital rather than acquired form of infection.

At this stage, a patient infected with syphilis also poses a potential threat to his environment, as he can transmit a dangerous infection.

With regard to the recurrence of the pathological process - during the latent, latent stage of the course of syphilis in 25-30% of patients, it can manifest itself with negative symptoms or without it. As doctors note, relapses can occur several times.

Late stage

It is the stage late in the course of syphilis that is the most dangerous and destructive, and in the absence of timely and prompt, and most importantly correct treatment at the very beginning, the third stage of the pathology course occurs after a year from the moment of infection or at another moment, throughout his life.

At this stage, under the influence of pathogenic microflora, serious and irreversible destructive processes develop in the body, affecting the cardiovascular system, vision and hearing, as well as the nervous system, failure of internal organs, and even death.

With regard to the characteristic symptoms inherent in the 3rd stage of the course of syphilis, doctors call the following such:

  1. The appearance of gum and large ulcers, both on the surface of the skin, and inside the body, forming subcutaneous neoplasms and seals.
  2. Cardiovascular syphilis developsthat affects the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  3. Development of neuro-syphilis - in this case, the infection affects the gray matter of the brain, its membrane.

This is not a complete list of symptoms characteristic of the third stage of the course of syphilis.

Syphilis treatment

  1. First you need to get tested for syphilis. Until the preliminary diagnosis of syphilis is confirmed or refuted by the results of laboratory tests, the patient should not take any pills or antibiotics. This can distort the course of symptoms characteristic of syphilis, the clinical picture and the test results will be negative - the pathology will not be detected, time is lost and, as a consequence, irreversible processes and death.
  2. At the moment, syphilis can be successfully treated with a course of antibiotics - both inpatient and outpatient treatment is allowed. Treatment is carried out under the supervision of a doctor, and the effectiveness of the chosen course of therapy is monitored by the results of regularly taken tests. The patient takes tests both during the course of treatment and after - the interval for taking tests is 3, 6 and 12 months.
  3. Duration of treatment- taking into account the stage of the pathology course, it ranges from 1 to 3 months for the primary form of the pathology course and about 2 years to treat - with the secondary form of the pathological process course.
  4. While treatment is underway, it is worth excluding any sexual relations, full-fledged prevention is carried out with relatives and sexual partners, in order to avoid and prevent the spread of syphilis.
  5. During the treatment - the patient should have his own dishes and linen, hygiene products, minimize contact with healthy people.


The most effective course of treatment for syphilis is the appointment of certain antibiotics of a number of drug groups:

  1. Penicillins and fluoroquinolones.
  2. Macrolides and teracyclines.

The main drugs are antibiotics of the penicillin series, and if they are ineffective or allergic to these medicines, others are selected, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

Additional drugs

The course of treatment involves the use, in addition to the course of antibiotics, and such drugs:

At the time of treatment, any sexual contact and alcohol intake are excluded, and the treatment of the disease in a pregnant woman is carried out until the 32nd week of the term and continues after the birth of the child.

As necessary, local treatment of skin rashes and ulcerative neoplasms is carried out, if necessary, dead tissue is removed. They also treat all the complications that are provoked by the course of syphilis, restoring the work of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and bone tissue, joints.

Prevention of syphilis

Compliance by each person with elementary standards of personal safety will allow, if not exclude, then minimize the risk of contracting syphilis:

  1. Using a condom as a means of protection for any sexual intercourse, as well as the use of local antiseptic solutions to treat not only the oral cavity, but also the genitals, rectum after oral, anal or vaginal intercourse.
  2. If sex was unprotected -within a few hours consult a gynecologist and undergo a course of preventive treatment.
  3. If the infected mother has a healthy baby - practice artificial feeding.
  4. Using exclusively your own items, personal hygiene products.
  5. For any injection, use disposable syringes.
  6. Compliance with all the rules of personal safety by persons at risk and timely examination by a gynecologist, testing for STDs.

As you can see, the rules are simple, but they will help to preserve your health and the health of people close to you.

Chancre is the primary stage of syphilis. Syphilis belongs to a number of infectious diseases and has 3 stages. Its causative agent is treponema pale. Chancre is also known as primary syphiloma, and it occurs at the place through which the pathogen entered the body.

  • What does chancre look like?
  • Atypical form of the disease
  • The main aspects of therapy

How hard chancre develops

Hard chancre, or primary syphilis, forms 3-4 weeks after the penetration of treponema pallidum. The causes of infection are usually the same - sexual contact with an infected person, the use of common hygiene products. Chancre is the most benign form of syphilitic infection because:

  • its localization is limited (most often found on the penis or in the oral cavity);
  • the active form is characterized by scarcity and monomorphism;
  • education does not affect internal organs;
  • effective and relatively easy to treat.

Most often, signs of hard chancre appear in the genital area. However, in 10% of cases, a hard chancre can appear on the oral mucosa, on the tongue, on the lip, on the chest in women, on the tonsils.

What does chancre look like?

Hard chancre begins with a red spot with smooth edges (what primary syphilis looks like can be seen in photos 1, 2). The spot diameter is no more than 15 mm. The spot has a regular round or oval shape. It does not cause any discomfort to the patient, does not itch or burn. However, in the case of a bacterial infection, complications may arise. The latter is evidenced by uneven edges of the formation, pain when touching.

Photo 1 and Photo 2. Localization of the hard chancre in the genital area.

After a few days, the spot becomes a flat papule, a little later - it goes into a state of erosion or ulcers (less often) with a compacted base. The bottom of the ulcer is flush with the skin around or rises slightly above it.

In the overwhelming majority of cases, the hard chancre takes on the form of erosion. Ulceration occurs due to:

  • the patient has other chronic infections;
  • intoxication of the body;
  • topical irritant therapy;
  • neglect of personal hygiene measures;
  • adolescent or elderly patient.

There are 3 types of hard chancre, depending on the size of the formation:

  1. Dwarf - 1-3 mm.
  2. Medium - 10-20 mm.
  3. Giant - 40-50 mm. Typically appears on the thighs, pubis, face, and forearms.

In addition, chancre is classified according to the number of formations on the patient's body:

  1. Single type.
  2. Multiple type. In this case, the chancre is formed simultaneously or sequentially in several localizations, through which the pale treponema entered the body.

In addition to the hard form of chancre, soft chancre is also distinguished. It differs somewhat in morphology from solid. Chancre hard and soft are symptoms of syphilitic infection.

Atypical form of the disease

In rare cases, people who have contracted syphilis from a sick person may develop a hard chancre of an atypical nature. These include:

  • inductive edema;
  • amygdalitis;
  • chancre panatsiriy.

Inductive edema is localized in the foreskin (in men) or labia (in women). The affected area over time increases 2-3 times, becomes dense and cyanotic. In this case, the edema does not cause painful sensations.

As mentioned above, sometimes symptoms of the disease can appear on the tonsils. However, amygdalitis differs from the usual form of hard chancre. There is a sharp increase in the size of the amygdala, and on the one hand. The amygdala body becomes dense and inflamed. This phenomenon can be mistaken for one of the symptoms of sore throat.

Symptoms of a chancre-felon are almost identical to those of an ordinary felon. This complicates the diagnosis of hard chancre. Chancre-panaritium appears on the phalanges of the fingers of the hand. The lesion is characterized by bluish-red edema with further ulceration with the formation of pus. With this type of primary syphilis, an infected person feels a throbbing or shooting pain in the affected area.

The main aspects of therapy

If a person is diagnosed with hard chancre, he is prescribed treatment in a hospital or on an outpatient basis. Since the main and most common way of transmission of infection is sexual, any sexual contact with the patient during treatment should be stopped. In addition, all previous and current sexual partners of the patient must undergo examination and, if necessary, therapy, even if they do not have any symptoms.

Primary syphilis is treated with antibiotics of the penicillin group, since treponema pallidum is sensitive to them. Often, benzylpenicillin and ampicillin are injected.

Chancre is an early stage of syphilitic infection.

Having started treatment at this stage, the infected person will easily and quickly recover, preventing the infection from progressing and eliminating the possibility of complications.

As soon as formations similar in morphology to a hard chancre are found on the body in characteristic localization sites, a person should immediately seek advice from a dermatovenerologist.

If a person has had sexual intercourse with a suspected carrier of the causative agent of syphilis, he should also consult a specialist to take preventive measures to avoid infection.

Chancre is a symptom of primary syphilis. It is also called primary syphiloma or erosion. Chancre appears in men and women about three weeks after the causative agent of the disease, treponema pallidum, is introduced into the body. Its symptoms are erosive or ulcerative formation on the skin or mucous membranes.

Chancre has the following characteristics:

  • characterized by limited localization;
  • does not affect the internal organs and body systems;
  • responds well to treatment.

Hard chancre got its name from the type of base of the formed ulcer or erosion. Primary syphiloma lasts six to eight weeks.


Localization of primary syphiloma can be absolutely any. A hard chancre in a person appears directly at the site of the introduction of treponema pallidum into the human body after a certain time after infection. Its most frequent localization is the external genital organs - in women the labia, clitoris, in men, the head, base and shaft of the penis, the outer or inner sheets of the foreskin. In some cases, a chancre forms on the internal mucous membranes: in the urethra in men, on the walls of the vagina or on the cervix in women.

In ten percent of all cases, an extragenital location of the chancre is observed. Chancre in women and men can be localized:

  • in the oral cavity;
  • in the language;
  • on the border of the lips;
  • on the tonsils in the throat;
  • on the mammary glands in women.


Outwardly, a hard chancre looks like a reddish spot with clearly defined, even edges, up to 1.5 centimeters in size. It has the shape of a geometrically regular circle or oval. Sheer or undermined edges indicate a bacterial complication.

The symptoms of hard chancre are only external. It does not bother the patient in any way, does not cause any painful sensations. Complications develop only if a bacterial infection has joined the lesion.

After a few days, the redness turns into a flat papule, and after a while - into erosion or an ulcer with a compacted base. Chancre has a bottom that is flush with the skin or slightly raised above.

In almost 90% of cases in women and men, a hard chancre looks like erosion. An ulcer is formed:

  • with the weakening of the body as a result of concomitant chronic diseases;
  • as a result of intoxication;
  • with self-medication with local irritants;
  • if the basic rules of personal hygiene are not followed;
  • in patients of young or old age.

When formed in men on the penis, a hard chancre is covered from above with a transparent dense detachable film. It is in it that pale treponemas are located, which are then used to determine syphilis. If a hard chancre is located on an open area of \u200b\u200bthe body, then from above it is covered with a dense brownish film.

Hard chancre in its size is:

  • from 1 to 3 mm - dwarf, it is considered the most dangerous from an epidemiological point of view;
  • from 1 to 2 cm - medium;
  • up to 4–5 cm - giant, localized on the skin of the thighs, pubis, forearms or face.

Chancre in humans can vary in the number of morphological units, that is, it can be single and multiple. If there are multiple chancres, then they can appear all at once at the same time or sequentially, one after another, after some time. If there are multiple lesions on the skin, then a hard chancre appears in several places at once, that is, where treponema pallidus enters the body. Multiple chancres most often occur during repeated sexual intercourse with a partner with syphilis.

Atypical hard chancre

Rarely, men and women infected with syphilis have a hard chancre in an atypical form. These include:

  • amygdalitis;
  • inductive edema;
  • chancre panatsiriy.

Chancre amygdalitis is very different from the usual hard chancre on the tonsils. He has other external symptoms. In most cases, amygdalitis looks like a one-sided enlargement of the amygdala, which occurs very sharply. It becomes dense to the touch and hyperemic. This symptom is sometimes confused with the manifestations of angina.

Inductive edema occurs in the labia in women or in the foreskin in men. The affected area, in contrast to a typical hard chancre, after a while increases in size by two or three times, becomes dense to the touch and acquires a bluish tint. The edema is not painful, it is not accompanied by acute inflammatory symptoms.

Chancre-panaritium is the most atypical manifestation, its danger lies in the fact that the symptoms completely coincide with the usual panaritium, and it looks exactly the same. This can lead to a misdiagnosis. Chancre-panaritium is characterized by localization on the distal phalanx of the thumb or index finger. On the affected area, a cyanotic-red swelling occurs, which turns into an ulcer with a purulent coating at the bottom and uneven deep edges. Chancre-panaritium is characterized by symptoms such as throbbing or shooting pains. Most often it occurs in gynecologists and operating surgeons who are in direct contact with the body of a person infected with syphilis, thus, chancre-panaritium in most cases is the result of occupational infection.

Syphilis in the form of a chancre-panaritium is very rarely detected in time, and therefore the diagnosis becomes known already in the second stage of the disease. Early detection of atypical chancre is very important, since the primary stage of syphilis is most effectively treated.


Chancre in a person infected with syphilis is treated on an inpatient or outpatient basis. Throughout the course of therapy, the termination of any sexual intercourse is required. It is necessary to treat all sexual partners of a person with syphilis, regardless of how many there were. The fact is that the probability of their infection with pale treponema is extremely high.

Treatment of hard chancre is carried out with antibacterial drugs of the penicillin group, since the causative agent of syphilis has not lost sensitivity to them. Most often these are injectable forms of ampicillin and benzylpenicillin.

You need to know that chancre itself is not dangerous. It allows you to detect syphilis at its earliest stage. And therefore, timely treatment makes it possible to prevent the further development of the disease and the appearance of complications. If a formation is found on the skin that resembles a chancre in description, you should immediately consult a doctor for examination.

After suspicious unprotected intercourse, preventive treatment can be prescribed, which will prevent the penetration of the causative agent of syphilis into the body. To do this, you should, without delay, contact a dermatovenerologist.

Primary syphilis is manifested by enlarged lymph nodes and hard chancre. What is Chancre? it syphilis symptoms, which are round sores with a diameter of about one centimeter on the patient's body.

In color, they are red with blue, sometimes they are painful, but mostly the patient does not perceive pain at the site of erosion. The first signs of syphilis in men: chancre formation on the head of the penis, and in womensyphilis symptoms appear on the walls of the uterus and on the external genitals. Also, these sores are on the pubis, near the anus, on the tongue and lips.

Syphilis develops quickly, and the lymph nodes become inflamed and enlarged first, and then the formation of a hard chancre.

It can dissolve on its own, even without medication, after one to two months. It passes almost without a trace, although if the sores are large, dark spots may remain.

Chancre with syphilis is the focus of syphiloma, whichformed at the site of treponema in the body.

Chancre got its name from the French word, which means ulcer, erosion. In some infectious diseases there is a chancre, but in syphilis, this erosion is the first sign of syphilis in the first stage. Educationhard chancre, on the body later, a little more than 4 weeks, from the moment of infection with this disease. During this period, the infection of the spirochete manages to get into many organs and into the lymph, while it begins to multiply, which causes an inflammatory process and cantemperature appears.

Chancre types

They are classified by type, size, number of ulcers on the body, and their location.

By type, the chancre is divided:

  • erosive - this is erosion that affects the layers of the mucous system;
  • chancre ulcers are ulcers that penetrate deep tissue layers.

According to the quantitative classification, chancre is divided into:

  • single is a chancre, which consists of one ulcer;
  • multiple - this is an erosion, which consists of many ulcers, and create a single wound.

Chancre hard syphilomas by size are:

  • small (dwarf) - diameter less than 10 mm;
  • medium - diameter from 20 mm;
  • large (giant) - diameter 50 mm and above.

Place of appearance of hard chancre on the body:

  • extragenital - it is affected by ulcers of the tongue, anus, chest, throat, legs, gums;
  • genital - these are erosion,emerging on the genitals of a sick person;
  • bipolar are chancres that at the same timeappear on the genitals and other parts of the body.

Towards the end of the primary period of syphilis, chancre becomes a form of the disease that:

  • has localization in specific places, in the oral cavity and on the genitals;
  • is not numerous;
  • does not affect internal organs;
  • it is quite easy to treat and does not leave any consequences.

Features of the development of hard chancre

In people who have contracted syphilis infections and at the same time have reduced immunity, ulcerative lesionsappears certainly. Also, the formation of ulcers on the body occurs with chronic infections, body toxicity and age-related reasons. Due to self-medicationsyphilis purulent erosions are formed, which, after fading, leave age spots and scars.

It begins to develop with redness, which does not cause itching and pain. After 48 - 72 hours, a tubercle begins to form from this redness and a papule forms. At this moment, the epithelium from the chancre may peel off, and the infected person first begins to feel pain.

In the following hours and days, the syphiloma becomes larger, spreading in a circle. A hard crust begins to form on the papule, under which an ulcer forms. Over time, the crust is rejected and a sign of syphilis appears - a hard chancre.

The chancre is slightly raised, with clear round edges. Sometimes these edges are oval. The surface of the chancre is smooth, sometimes has a grayish coating, but the chancre is mostly red.

The shape of the chancre is different:

  • the shape of the nodule - this ulcer has clear boundaries. This ulcer grows into the deep layers of the tissue and retains its clear boundaries. This chancre is localized on the foreskin of the penis;
  • the shape of a plate or coin - the chancre is localized on the upper layers of tissue and is located on the labia, the shaft of the penis, on the scrotum;
  • leaf-shaped - erosion has clear boundary lines and is located mainly on the head of the phallus.

Atypical chancre

In addition to solid chancre, there is also atypical chancre and many of its types:

  • indurative edema is a large seal that forms on the foreskin of the penis, genitals in women and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe lips on a person's face;
  • panaritium is a chancre that develops on the nails and does not heal for several months. Even nail rejection is possible;
  • lymph nodes - increase during this period. Depending on which part of the body the chancre has formed, the lymph nodes closest to the chancre become inflamed;
  • bubo is a lymph node that has a mobile shape and does not have painful signs and is closest to the chancre: on the patient's neck, if the chancre is in the tonsils, and the groin part of the body, ifchancre on dick , in the genital area;
  • polyadenitis is an inflammation and thickening of all lymph nodes, from this moment it can be considered that symptoms of secondary syphilis began to appear.

Complications of syphilis in the first period are very serious for women, as well as serious consequences for the male population.

Chancre in the female body

In the female body occurs:

  • on the large and small labia;
  • on the clitoris;
  • on the walls of the cervix;
  • in the area between the anus and the vagina.

On the walls of the vagina chancre for syphilis occurs very rarely, since the acidity of the vagina has a detrimental effect on treponema.

Very often, a chancre of syphilis forms on the cervix. This chancre is invisible and is diagnosed mainly in the second stage of the development of the disease.

Over 10 percent of women with syphilis in the first stage have a hard chancre on the walls of the cervix. Syphilis chancre is detected only at the time of examination of the uterus using medical equipment. This examination is carried out by a gynecologist or venereologist.

In the oral cavity, chancre forms on the tongue, lips, soft palate and tonsils. There are frequent cases of ulcers on the gums, cheeks, fingers and chest.

Diagnosis of syphiloma

Diagnosis of syphilis consists of several types of examinations and tests:

  • serological diagnostics is the detection of treponema bacteria from scrapings of hard chancre. Based on the results of this examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis;
  • treponema immobilization reaction;
  • immunofluorescence reaction;
  • wasserman reaction;
  • micro-reaction on glass;
  • linked immunosorbent assay;
  • microprecipitation reaction;
  • passive hemagglutination reaction.

Chancre hard link with primary syphilis

Syphilis is a venereal disease that proceeds in the classic form. Syphilis hard chancre, the main symptom of this disease. Chancre, is a symptom of primary syphilis only.

Syphilis in the first stage of its development manifests itself in enlarged lymph nodes and chancre. Towards the end of this period, the following symptoms become:

  • a state of general malaise;
  • persistent headache;
  • high temperature;
  • pain in muscle tissue;
  • aching and pain in bones;
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