Chronic bacterial prostatitis wife can not get pregnant. Female pregnancy and prostatitis in a man. What is the effect of prostatitis can put on women's health

Men suffering from inflammation of the prostate gland have difficulties not only with, but also in the sexual sphere. Therefore, in the family, there are often questions, is it possible to conceive a child with prostatitis.

The problem worries not only men, but also women. They are experiencing about the influence of the inflammatory process to their own organism and the fruit. Also, the question becomes sharp, is it possible to get pregnant with prostatitis. It is important to find out which problems may be with inflammation of the prostate gland in men with conception of a woman and the birth of a child.

Problems with conception with prostatitis

Many women are experiencing whether it is possible to get pregnant in the presence of prostatitis in her husband. After all, some couples when trying to conceive a child face certain difficulties.

During sexual contact, malicious bacteria is possible.

In the presence of infectious damage to the body, there is a possibility of transmitting malicious bacteria from a man to a woman. Therefore, the health of the partner is under threat.

If a couple is interested in the question, whether you can have children, then doctors say that the fact of conception may not come. This is due to the fact that sex contacts can be completely absent. Violations in the intimate sphere are associated with:

  • painful sensations during sexual intercourse and with seeds;
  • itching;
  • burning;
  • frequent urges to urination.

Also may be marked. However, doctors argue that such deviations are not considered pathological to conception.

If a man has acute or chronic prostatitis, then it is important timely treatment. After all, inflammation worsens the quality of sperm.

Chronic prostatitis and conception are not always compatible. This is due to the fact that the prostate gland:

  • performs a shared process of men's hormones;
  • produces ejaculant emission regulation;
  • normalizes blood circulation in the organs of the small pelvis.

One of the important destinations of the gland is the production of seed fluid and the creation of the secret. It is necessary to increase the mobility of spermatozoa.

In case of violations in the functioning of the prostate, the spermatozoa is starting to move slower. Therefore, the conception is not always possible.

You can identify disorders on the spermogram. The doctor may note a small amount and low mobility of spermatozoa. However, such a possible result of prostatitis is observed not in all patients.

The effect of prostatitis for conception and the birth of a child is not always negative. But it is important to identify and treat the disease in time. After all, the relief of acute symptoms is much easier than getting rid of chronic inflammation.

Is it possible to get pregnant with a man in prostate?

Women are often asked by doctors, is it possible to get pregnant if the husband has revealed prostatitis. Doctors assure that problems with conception really exist. But the dangers of the disease with possible pregnancy does not represent.

Prostatitis does not carry danger to the future fetus

This statement does not apply to cases when prostatitis is caused by the influence of pathological microorganisms. Then infection can cause the impossibility of conceiving. Despite this, children with prostatitis in men appear often.

With prostatitis pregnancy can be able to identified the problem. It is important to go through a full examination and identify disorders at the initial stage. Stage of exacerbation is although the strongest in symptoms, but is great for the start of treatment.

In chronic inflammation, self-treatment should be excluded. After all, the risk of complications increase when more cardinal measures will be required.

Many doctors, answering the question, is influenced by prostate for the conception of the child, respond to affirmatively. However, with timely and correctly selected therapy, it will be possible to minimize problems.

If the disease is not cured, the risk of the development of orchitis and epididimitis increases. In many cases, the woman cannot become pregnant with such complications.

In the event of an acute form of prostatitis, the chances of pregnancy are negligible. However, it is more easily treatable. Therefore, when symptoms of the disease, you need to consult a doctor.

Preparing for pregnancy with prostatitis

With prostatitis, you can have children if it is correct to prepare for the occurrence of conception and pregnancy. In this case, the chances of successful fertilization and tooling the fetus are great.

It is necessary to start training with a visit to the doctor. At the same time, it is necessary not only to a woman. A man must consult a urologist who will begin the survey of CO.

When planning pregnancy, the examination of a man should be started with a spermogram

During the procedure, the qualitative and quantitative composition of the seed fluid is detected. It can be determined to determine how the likelihood of a positive outcome in matters of conception is.

The doctor must familiarize himself with the results of the study. If the spermogram will be detected violations in the form of inflammatory processes, then it follows:

  • pass analyzes to hormones;
  • check the secret of prostate;

With a detected inflammatory process, treatment will be necessary. It includes:

  • reception;
  • anti-flax means;
  • strict diet;
  • active lifestyle.

After therapy requires a re-examination. If the doctor does not reveal deviations from the norm, then a man and a woman must try to conceive a child.

How to prevent problems?

So that problems with the conception did not occur, it is necessary to be examined in a timely manner and identify violations in the body. It is important to remember that provoking to exacerbation of prostatitis factors are:

  • supercooling;
  • sedentary and inactive lifestyle;
  • wearing cramped linen and other clothes;
  • inflammatory processes in the organs of a small pelvis;
  • injury to organs and tissues in a small pelvis;
  • violations in the functioning of vessels;
  • excessively active or passive sex life;
  • urological diseases or sex infections.

It is worth avoided the influence of these factors, which will increase the likelihood of reducing the symptoms of the disease. Therefore, conception will come faster.

Men should be remembered about the psychological component. It is also important when planning pregnancy. Many consider the prostate sentence and lower their hands. It is important to know that inflammation in the prostate gland is not an exception to the possibility of pregnancy. It is worth not only a comprehensive treatment for the appointment of a doctor, but also to believe in the onset of a positive result.

Only huge joy and human pleasure brings in the family the appearance of kids. Children's laughter destroys family problems and troubles. And many global problems turn into dust after the arms of a small beloved man. Yes, only the joy of maternity can eclipse chronic diseases accumulated years. Often, uncomplicated pregnancy and prostatitis are simply incompatible.

Talk about prostatitis

Prostatitis is an inflammatory disease of the male half of humanity. The basis of this disease is the inflammatory process in the prostate gland.

There are a lot of factors predisposing to the development of prostatitis:

  • wrong lifestyle;
  • bad habits;
  • physical and mental overload;
  • non-costness in sexual relations.

In nature there are many pathogens of this serious disease (the widest range of bacteria and viruses). All this leads to the deplorable statistics: 15-40% of men under 40 years of age are sick with prostatitis. But this is precisely this age is considered to be favorable for reproduction.

What is it dangerous?

Pain and discomfort, which occurs during the disease, are not commensurate with the consequences. Very cunning and frequent complications of this ailment are impotence and infertility. Infertility symptoms are inherent in 70% of patients with chronic prostatitis.

Violations of the childbearing function are one of the main symptoms in this disease. They contribute to the destruction of family relationships make family life meaningless and monotonous.

The answer to the question, whether the pregnancy is influenced by pregnancy and in general to a childbearing function can be obtained, carefully disassembled processes occurring in the disease in the genitals.

Development of infertility

Pathological processes with prostatitis develop both in the body of men and women. Often these changes follow one after another, form a pathological chain, which is sometimes very difficult to break. In men suffer from improving all genitals!

In men, the inflammatory process is not clearly in a prostate, but applies to nearby genitals, which are responsible for the production of mature, viable spermatozoa.

With prolonged untreated chronic prostatitis, sclerosis and scarring of seed-airing ducts occurs. Toxic products formed during inflammation violate the structure of spermatozoa, reduce their endurance and mobility.

In the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the recommendations of the doctor about a healthy lifestyle and drug treatment. It is necessary to rigidly follow the links of the correct tactics: illness-recovery pregnancy.

And let this process be long and sometimes even painful, but a healthy and strong child will be a remuneration for the works.

A painful orgasm, a decrease in libido and performance, poor well-being and sleep disorders are signs of prostatitis. Such consequences may result in a chronic inflammation of the prostate. In addition, prostatitis is a psychological problem, and for those who plan to become a father, an unjustified panic: "Is it possible to conceive a child?" Or "Is it possible to get pregnant with prostatitis?".

Is it possible to conceive a child with a prostate in a man

Prostatitis and pregnancy - do not exclude each other: with prostatitis you can have children, although there is an opinion that he leads to infertility. Such a sentence can endure a protracted, non-dulled disease, further becomes chronic, and pulls the mass of the concomitant thrust.

It is dangerous to the problematic diagnosis and complexity of identifying the cause of the disease, because the infectious appearance does not differ from non-infectious, and the consequence of a man and a pregnant woman, as well as their future kid, they have different.

The main symptoms of the chronic form of prostatitis:

  • pulls in the area of \u200b\u200bthe belt and groin;
  • pain and burning in urethra at urination;
  • erection problems;
  • frequent urge to urination.

Prostatitis affects the amount and quality of men's sperm, so the probability of becoming pregnant from a man with prostatitis will be significantly lower.

Reduced the chances and make a child normally. However, timely appeal to medical care, adequate treatment, compliance with the prescriptions of physicians and personal hygiene allows you to reduce or completely eliminate possible risks in male prostatitis. Pregnancy after coming and proceeds without difficulty and any consequences.

"Is prostatitis infected?" - More often this question is exactly the woman, the man begins to be nervous when sex becomes fully to have a problem. Anxiety here should not cause a men's childbearing function, but the possibility of infection: infectious prostatitis is infectious for both partners.

Prostatitis affects conception and dangerous any intimate proximity without contraceptive means. In chronic prostatitis, 50% of the sick diagnose cystitis, pyelonephritis, inflammation of the testicles and inflammation of the appendages. One of the ten men with a protracted form develops prostate adenoma. The development of oncology should not be excluded.

If the husband has prostatitis, non-infectious origin, there is nothing to fear: it is quite possible to conceive a healthy child. But infections reduce the immunity of pregnant women. For the fetus, bacteria and infections do not pose a special threat, since it is protected by the pocent. But he is terrible viruses, especially herpes virus from a number of torch infections.

It is dangerous primary infection with infection for a pregnant man - the body of the mother and crumbs does not have specific immunity. Herpes may affect intrauterine:

  • In the first trimester of pregnancy, it dies, and the diagnosis of "prostatitis and frozen pregnancy" doctors.
  • In the first trimester, pregnancy under the prostatitis ends with an abnormal growth of the fetus.
  • In the III Trimester, it is dangerous for the fetus and mother, women are more susceptible to third-party infections and viruses.

The above is the critical options, but to exclude them - a man must be treated urgently, and only then a pair can be planned for pregnancy.

Men's infertility with prostatitis

The inhibitory effect of prostatitis for conception is a temporary phenomenon. Very often, men ignore the symptoms of prostatitis or are engaged in self-medication, which only aggravates the disease. Long inflammation ends with sclerosing when the connecting fabric grows in the prostate and is infertility. To determine when it comes, it is impossible, but a speedy visit to the doctor is a chance to restore spermatogenesis.

For which the prostate iron is responsible:

  • production of seed fluid;
  • sperm eruption;
  • regulation of blood circulation;
  • affects the mobility of spermatozoa.

Quantitative and qualitative characteristics of spermatozoa deteriorate, but prostatitis to conceive the child does not affect and does not bring to infertility in timely treatment.

The effect of chronic prostatitis on the conception of a child

In order for the family to be replenished with a baby, a thoroughly examine and undergo intensive treatment. And even then it is necessary to undergo a thorough examination of the attending gynecologist and the urologist about the planning of pregnancy in a woman.

The unrealized chronic prostatitis reduces the quality of male sperm and the chances of developing a healthy fetus in a woman.

Pregnancy Planning for Prostatitis

Prostatitis - Among other things, the reason to make a spermogram so that the doctor gives a forecast about the possibility of conception. Delivery of special tests on the level of hormones, the secret of prostate, the passage of ultrasound research, treatment is such a way to future pregnancy and successful baby tooling.

- This is a concern for your health, healthy sleep and food, sports, treated diseases in the early stages, rejection of bad habits that will prevent the recurrence of prostatitis.

On the Internet forums, such a question is often found: "How are prostatitis and pregnancy?" The inflammation of the prostate gland adversely affects the reproductive function of men, accordingly it is considered that conception for this pathology is impossible in principle. Immediately it is necessary to clarify that pregnancy is possible, although much depends on the form and stage of the disease.

The imbrees on the conception process

Given that the inflammation of the prostate gland is occupied by 40% of men, the question: "Is pregnancy possible with a hub?" It sounds very relevant. If inflammation has already turned into prostate adenoma, the conception is unlikely. In this case, men decreases the activity of sperm, so they are simply not able to fertilize the egg.

If the fertilization has already happened, the pathology of the prostate for the beating of the fetus no longer affects. With the exception of the disease that is infectious. In this case, the infection can get into the body of a woman during sexual intercourse, accordingly increases the risk of miscarriage.

How does the problem of pregnancy affect? To answer this question, it is necessary to figure out the prostate gland features. So, for which the prostate is responsible:

  • Forms a secretory fluid that improves sperm consistency.
  • It improves the composition of the ejaculate, forming natural protection against pathogenic bacteria.
  • Stimulates the mobility of spermatozoa.
  • It affects the acid-pitch composition of the seed, which increases the likelihood of the fertilization of the egg.

Does prostatitis affect pregnancy? Yes, undoubtedly, in addition, if not to treat the disease, the risks of the emergence of impotence and male infertility increase.

Chronic form not verdict

If you do not pay attention to dangerous symptoms, the inflammatory process will quickly progress, and develops into a chronic stage. It is believed that chronic prostatitis and pregnancy are not compatible concepts. This is not quite the case, the presence of illness allows conception, although significantly reduces such a probability.

The effect of chronic prostatitis on fertilization is the most direct. In this stage, seeding channels are made, which adversely affects mobility and quality of sperm.

In this case, the patient will need comprehensive and long-term treatment. Note that even the course of the course of therapeutic procedures does not give 100% warranty of conception.

What to do with stagnant phenomena?

It is worth clarifying that in medical practice there are four forms of illness:

  • Chronic.
  • Infectious.
  • Abacterial.
  • Stagnant.

The last two options are most favorable for conception. The abacterial form is usually triggered by a seating lifestyle or the supercooling of the body. Accordingly, a man cannot transfer pathogenic bacteria to a woman, as it happens with the infectious form of the disease.

Stagnant prostatitis and pregnancy, also completely combined concepts. Here the probability of male infertility is minimal, and the disease itself is effectively treated and proceeds without side effects and complications. There are no direct contraindications to conception in this case, but the probability of fertilization of the egg is noticeably declining.

Possible consequences

Inflammatory processes often cause complications in the female organism when entering the fetus. Side effects are characteristic of infectious form of inflammation, one of these complications is a frozen pregnancy.

For intrauterine development, the greatest danger represent the first 9 weeks from the moment of conception. If during sexual contact, in the body of women fell pathogenic bacteria, provoked inflammation of the prostate gland, it is likely that the fruit will discontinue its development and miscarriages.

Another danger is an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, the fruit begins to develop in the fallopian tubes. In addition, if infection falls at the vagina, there is an infection, there is a risk of inflammation of the uterus and pipes. Accordingly, the normal development of the fetus can not be discussed.

How to avoid problems?

The optimal option to give birth to a healthy child is pregnancy planning when prostatitis. In this case, the pair passes a full course of the survey, and only after that tries to conceive the child. To do this, refer to the doctor, and pass tests for the presence of venereal and other diseases of the genitourinary system.

If we talk about the inflammation of the prostate, to identify this ailion helps a spermogram. According to the results of the survey, the doctor appoints a therapeutic course that consists of such stages:

  1. Identify the causes of the ailment.
  2. Health process.
  3. Preventive measures to avoid relapses.

Please note that women also undergo a survey. In addition, partners should pass compatibility test. If men detect the infectious form of the disease, both sexual partners take place.

Build plans

Women are often asked: "When can I plan a pregnancy after the treatment of male problems?". There is no accurate answer to this question. To reduce the likelihood of complications during the intrauterine development of the fetus, a man must pass a full healing course and complete the recovery process. Therefore, much depends on the individual characteristics of the body.

In particular, the timing of the conception determines the following factors:

  1. The rate of exchange processes in the men's body.
  2. Terms of full removal of drugs.
  3. Restoration of microflora disturbed by antibiotics.

In addition, the body must fully update the fabrics, and this is a long and gradual process. The average process of such an update is about 90 days. To gain complete confidence in a healthy conception, a man needs to re-pass a spermogram to determine the readiness of spermatozoa to the fertilization of the egg.

How to achieve speedy recovery?

Is it possible to plan a pregnancy in the treatment of prostatitis? Of course yes! However, that the long-awaited conception has come, a man must fully restore his body. It is noted above that it is a rather long process, but it can be accelerated. Here are the most effective ways:

  • Strict diet with high content of fresh vegetables and seafood.
  • Refusal of alcohol and nicotine.
  • Exception from the diet of salty, sharp and smoked dishes.
  • Reception of vitamin complexes.
  • Adhere to the routine of the day.
  • Sports and walking outdoors.

When complying with these conditions, the recovery process can be reduced to 60-70 days.

Prostatitis, or inflammation of the prostate gland - the disease, unpleasant not only with its symptoms, but also direct influence on the possibility of a couple to conceive and give birth to a child. Prostatitis is the problem of a huge number of men of having age. There is no reliable statistics for the incultability of prostatitis, since many patients ignore the problem to the last to last, without understanding its importance or shy to consult a doctor. In addition, the disease often flows asymptomatic or with weakly pronounced symptoms and is found already when it moved into a chronic form. And prostatitis - in any form - can be an obstacle for normal pregnancy. However, a pair planning pregnancy is still not despair if the doctor has established the presence of a prostatitis in a man. Awareness of the problem is the first step towards it. In this article, we will discuss whether it is possible to get pregnant when you proseate a partner when you can start planning after the treatment of prostatitis, as well as about whether it affects pregnancy.

What is prostatitis?

Prostatitis is an inflammatory process in the prostate gland. Its incorrect functioning caused by inflammation leads to a deterioration in the quality of sperm. The prostate gland produces a secret that is part of the seed fluid, and it is its low quality that leads to a decrease in the activity and viability of spermatozoa.

Prostatitis has the following main forms:

  • acute infectious;
  • chronic infectious;
  • noncommunicable (stagnant, calculous and age).

The share of acute infectious prostatitis, as, however, and the share of chronic infectious, accounts for 5-10% of cases. Infections causing prostatitis:

  • bacterial (staphylococcus, streptococcus, pneumococcus);
  • viral (herpes);
  • mixed (the disease occurs due to the presence of both bacteria and viruses);
  • specific (fungal infections, tuberculosis, ureaplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, trichomoniasis, gonorrhea).

The most common form of this disease (80-90% of cases) is noncommunicable prostatitis. In this case, the presence of infectious agents does not detect the presence of infectious agents, but the patient complains of pain in the field of genital organs, and the manual examination reveals the presence of inflammation. The exact reasons that cause noncommunicable prostatitis are still unknown. This form of prostatitis is difficult to identify, so it usually happens when non-infectious prostatitis has already become chronic.

The chronic form of prostatitis is both infectious and noncommunicable - it is considered the most dangerous, as it not only reduces the potency of the man, but may also cause infertility. And it is necessary to treat any form and degree of launch. Men who have noticed pain and burning in urination, frequent urge to urination (especially at night), pulling pain in groin, perineum, scrotum, in the bottom of the abdomen and lower back, problems with erection, discomfort during sexual intercourse, you need to refer to the urologist and Find out the reason for the appearance of these symptoms. Acute prostatitis is also manifested by an increase in body temperature. Each form of prostatitis requires special treatment - self-medication is unacceptable!

Factors contributing to the development of all forms of prostatitis are:

  • bad habits;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • stress, overwork;
  • irregular sexual life (rare or opposite, stormy, with frequent change of partner);
  • transferred venereal diseases;
  • improper nutrition;
  • constipation;
  • excess weight;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • decrease in immunity;
  • supercooling.

What is dangerous prostatitis?

Why is it so important to reveal and cure prostatitis? What is he dangerous?

Prostatitis affects both the health of the man himself and on the health of his partners and their future children. Consider more each aspect.

Prostatitis and conception. Is it possible to get pregnant with prostatitis? Does prostatitis affect the conception?

Undoubtedly, prostatitis affects the conception of the child. Therefore, urologists advise men not to rely on Avos when planning a child, and be sure to be examined - even if there are no pronounced symptoms of this disease.

How does prostatitis affect the conception of the child? As mentioned above, prostatitis with its pathogenic microflora and an increased number of leukocytes leads to a decrease in the number of viable spermatozoa and an increase in the number of defective, deterioration of the mobility of sperm. Inflammation of the prostate can be distributed to other organs of the genitourinary system. Scars arising in seed-air ducts make it difficult to transport the ejaculate. The combination of the above factors is caused by male infertility. Thus, the influence of prostatitis on the conception of the child is very serious, and in no case cannot be neglected by this issue.

The main question that concerns families who plan the birth of a baby is whether conception is possible with prostatitis? The answer here is unequivocal: yes, with prostatitis you can get pregnant, to endure and give birth to a healthy child. And this has a lot of examples. However, the path to pregnancy can be a thorny. It is impossible to let the situation on Samotek. If your man / husband has prostatitis, it needs to be treated before the start of pregnancy planning and achieve satisfactory test results.

In no case do not configure the negative consequence of the child's conception with prostatitis. Yes, unbearable prostatitis can cause miscarriage, frome and ectopic pregnancies are a sad fact. But, first, urologists do not deny the possibility of normal pregnancy with almost any indicators of the spermogram. And secondly, if a man responsibly approached the planning, he treated, fulfilled the recommendations of the doctor, relevant precisely for his situation, this will be if not a guarantee of successful pregnancy, then a factor, at times raising its probability.

Pregnancy Planning for Prostatitis

Treatment of prostatitis and pregnancy planning - the necessary steps for a couple seeking to conceive a child. Prostatitis reduces the likelihood of pregnancy, but is not a sentence! Start planning in such a situation (even if there is no clear confidence in the presence of prostatitis) a man should be with a visit to a urologist or an andrologist.

If the planning of pregnancy was preceded by failures (miscarriage, frozen pregnancies, anembos, ectopic pregnancy) or a man knows about the presence of the diagnosis of "prostatit", it is advisable to come to a doctor with the result of the spermogram. According to him, a specialist will be able to preliminary conclusions on the state of male health and appoint additional research if necessary: \u200b\u200ban ultrasound, analysis of the secret of prostate, hormone analysis. An additional examination of the health status may also be required.

The probability of becoming pregnant after the treatment of prostatitis increases significantly. Doctors are rarely limited exclusively to the appointment of drugs - they recommend the patient to abandon bad habits, start working a more mobile lifestyle, adjust the diet. Following the advice of the doctor, men significantly improve not only the health of the prostate, but also the condition of the whole organism. And this is how it is impossible to better affect the possibility of conceiving a child.

When can I plan a pregnancy after the treatment of prostatitis? Ideally, this question should answer you the attending doctor of a man on the basis of specifically its features of the disease and treatment. Usually doctors hold the following rules:

  • Treatment should produce the required effect: the absence in the smear of infectious agents and an increased amount of leukocytes, positive treasure or stable spermogram indicators.
  • There must be some time after taking antibiotics if they were used in the treatment. This is due to the fact that antibiotics adversely affect the composition of sperm and health in general. The longer the receptions were taken, the longer the recovery period is. In order to restore the normal microflora and, accordingly, immunity, the doctor usually prescribes probiotics and recommends a special diet. Often in the restorative period are used vitamin preparations, herbal decoctions and infusions.
  • You must wait for sperm updates. In a normal situation, defective spermatozoa is destroyed in the testicles with special cells - spermatophagi. In the treatment with antibiotics, men's sex cells are damaged after the selection, and fertilization of an egg defective spermatozoa may occur. The complete renewal of sperm occurs within 72 days, and it is this period that doctors recommend "waiting" before planning pregnancy after treatment.

Chronic prostatitis and pregnancy

As already mentioned, prostatitis can manifest itself in acute and chronic form. And if the acute form of this disease is difficult not to notice, then chronic can develop almost asymptomatic. Some men learn about the presence of chronic prostatitis at the pregnancy planning stage. There is a reasonable question - are chronic prostatitis and conceptions compatible?

Doctors do not exclude probability of prosperous pregnancy under this disease. Chronic prostatitis affects conception directly if it is caused by infection. The causative agents of the infection are transmitted from the man to the woman and violate the normal course of pregnancy, since the fruit in the early periods almost defenseless.

The effect of chronic prostatitis on conception is associated with its symptoms and consequences. Prostatitis can cause a man's painful sensations and peace of mind (a sense of own inferiority, anxiety for their health, fear of infertility). Treatment from a competent specialist in aggregate with support for a loving woman solve these problems. There is much more dangerous to the consequences of chronic prostatitis. Violation of the function of the prostate gland leads to a deterioration in the quality of sperm, which in turn prevents the woman to get pregnant with a chronic prostate in a man. And the spread of inflammation to other organs of the urogenital system can lead to male infertility. Therefore, when suspicious of the presence of a prostatitis, a man must be examined and pass with treatment.

We summarize the foregoing: when chronic prostatitis, you can get pregnant, but there are a number of obstacles. First of all, it is infection if the infectious prostatitis. In addition, the danger represent the consequences of prostatitis, and the very process of conception can prevent its symptoms.

Does prostatitis affect pregnancy?

Knowing the presence of a spouse of prostatitis and understanding the risk of the consequences of the disease, women are very worried about learning about the coming pregnancy. "Pregnant at the prostate husband" - a frequent occasion for experiences and a popular request for search engines. Already one says that pregnancy with prostatitis is possible and quite real.

Definitely answer the question of the influence of prostatitis for pregnancy is impossible. A good conception and tooling the child will depend on a number of factors: whether the prostatitis was caused by infection, was the conception of treatment or treatment was not carried out how great the consequences of the disease on the condition of the sex sphere of a man were. Each case is individual, however, in your power to increase the likelihood of the birth of a healthy baby - with the help of timely appeal to the doctor, treatment and planning of pregnancy.

As you can see, male health is equally important for conceiving a child than women's. We wish all men attentively treat the state of their own reproductive system and not to launch possible problems. And if the disease is detected - to be treated and maintaining confidence that a healthy pregnancy after the treatment of prostatitis will certainly come!