Tablets for emergency contraception. Emergency ("fire") contraception. Names of emergency contraceptive pills and other rates of fast contraception

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Emergency or post-cellular contraception is designed to prevent pregnancy as a result of an unprotected act and includes various methods and preparations. Its essence comes down to not give a fertilized egg to attach to the wall of the uterus and start developing. The effectiveness of this method directly depends on the time of acceptance of the means - the earlier the drug after sex is used, the higher its effectiveness.

When emergency contraception is needed

If the emergency contraception means is taken within 24 hours after sexual intercourse, then the efficiency will be about 95%. If the tablet was accepted in 25-48 hours, then efficiency decreases by 10%. In case the tool was used after 49-72 hours, the result is 55-60%.

You can use this method very rarely. In no case can not be used as a constant protection against unwanted pregnancy.

If a woman feeds his breasts, in exceptional cases, you can use urgent contraception. To do this, it is necessary to cancel breastfeeding to the complete removal of the accepted drug from the body. The use of emergency contraception is justified after physical violence and in cases where pregnancy can threaten the health of a woman.

Types of drugs

These tools differ in the composition and application method.

Combined oral contraceptives

Accepted no later than three days after sexual contact. Ethinyl estradiol-based preparations (Marvelon, Miniziston, Microjinon, Femoden, Riguevidon) are usually taken several times. Ethinyl estradiol-based funds (non-Ovlon, Beeccurin, Ovlen, Ovidon, Anovlard), you also need to take several times with a gap between receptions at 12 o'clock.

Pure progestin oral contraceptives

Preparations are accepted no later than two days after sexual intercourse. Now it is no difficulty to purchase Escapel and Postinor at the pharmacy. Both drugs contain a large dose of Hormon Levonorgestrel. Different drugs with the number of tablets: in Escapele - one, and in postiner - two.


Myfepriston is not hormonal. Its action is directed to suppressing the female hormone at the level of receptors in the uterus and to increase the reduction of its muscles.

Myfepriston is an effective means of urgent contraception. It blocks the egg so that it cannot get into the mucous meter, and also stimulates its rejection. It is used to interrupt unwanted pregnancy in the early stages. Using the mifepristone can only be consulted with a doctor.

Intrauterine equipment

T-shaped copper-containing intrauterine equipment is introduced no later than five days after sexual intercourse in the gynecologist's office. If a woman is appointed intrauterine spiral as emergency contraception, then its individual features are taken into account, contraindications to the use of this method.

Effect of emergency contraception on the body

Doctors do not advise use this type of contraception constantly, as it is badly affected by a woman's reproductive system. In the future, this may lead to a violation of the ovarian function.

With a constant application of purely progestin or combined contraceptives, the woman's body receives small doses of the drug, calculated on the entire menstrual cycle. The reception of the hormonal drug does not violate the duration of the cycle, its usual cyclicality, the ovarian functions become better. Also eliminate hormonal problems if they are.

If a woman takes the same drug for emergency contraception, the body receives a dose of a hormonal drug, exceeded many times. As a result of the permanent use of such contraception, the menstrual cycle will become anointener (without the formation of an egg), which threatens infertility.

Violation of the normal function of ovaries leads to the development of metabolic disorders syndrome. It is expressed in an increase in blood sugar, an increase in blood pressure, the appearance of excess weight.

As for the douching by various solutions, this method does not have the necessary effect, since the spermatozoa for 1 minute after sexual acts penetrate into the cervix. In addition, too frequent sinking can lead to dryness of the vagina and the microflora impaired.

Cons and side effects

Means of emergency contraception are fully useless during the attachment of the egg to the uterus. The effectiveness of combined oral contraceptives can only be observed in the case of using the drug no later than 72 hours after sexual intercourse.

The adoption of the first dose of purely progestin oral contraceptives should be no later than 48 hours after sex. The effectiveness of intrauterine contraception will be if these funds were introduced into the uterus within 5 days after the act. The drug mifepristone should be taken only in the conditions of polyclinic under the supervision of the doctor. Another disadvantage of mifepristone is a high price.

Emergency contraception should be applied only in exceptional cases, if there is simply no other output. It is desirable that it is used no more than three times a year. The less often the better.

The most frequent side effect of such methods is uterine bleeding, occurring 2-3 days after reception. And in some women, on the contrary, there are delays of menstruation with a strong disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Other side manifestations, such as dizziness, headaches, vomiting and diarrhea, various allergic reactions are infrequent.

There may be pain in the chest, rash on their hands, legs, feet and shoulders, a turbid look, difficulty breathing, vomiting 2 hours after drinking pills. This speaks of an irregular dose of the hormone.

When applying the mifepristone, discomfort is often occurring at the bottom of the abdomen, vomiting, nausea, weakness, dizziness, the body temperature is noticeably rising.

When using intrauterine instruments of contraception during the first few days, strong gravity pains can be observed at the bottom of the abdomen, an increase in the amount of selection during menstruation. In addition, there is a big risk of the appearance of ectopic pregnancy due to disruption of the reduction of the uterine pipes and the egg cell promotion. It is less common to occur spontaneous fallouts of intrauterine equipment, damage to the uterus when administered it.

Contraindications of urgent contraception:

  • intolerance of the components of the drug;
  • previously transferred hepatitis;
  • diseases of biliary tract or liver in severe form;
  • period of puberty;
  • committed pregnancy.
  1. Time to receive a dose of the drug must be chosen so that it is convenient to take the following (for example, 21:00 and 9:00).
  2. So that there are no unpleasant sensations (vomiting, nausea), the tablet of emergency contraception is best to drink low-fat milk.
  3. In the period before the start of the next menstruation, you need to use additional prevention tools (barrier method).
  4. Urgent contraception is suitable for one-time use. For permanent protection, you need to choose another method of contraception with your attending physician.
  5. In cases of menstruation that has come late for a week or more, you should contact the gynecologist to eliminate pregnancy.

Popular funds

Among the most famous drugs for urgent contraception, postinor and escapel are held leading place.


Postinor is a popular drug that allows you to prevent unwanted conception. With the right reception of this product, as a rule, it is possible to avoid unwanted conception. Tablets contain a synthetically created analogue of the levonorgestrel hormone.

This hormone is also included in the preparations that are intended for planned contraception. However, its content in postiner is significantly higher than in planned oral contraceptives.

Take postinar follows 12 hours intervals. There are two tablets in the package, one of which is drunk after sexual intercourse, and the second one after 12 hours. This drug is able to prevent undesirable conception for three days (72 hours). Sometimes two doses are used. This happens possible if the vomiting arose after receiving at least one of the tablets and the drug did not fit. It is advisable to take such pills after meals. This will reduce the risk of vomiting.

Postinor does not interrupt the already existing pregnancy, he can only prevent its development. This suggests that it will not work for an abortion. Plus, the postinora is that it does not harm the fetus, and the child can be saved.

Postinor does not prevent sexually transmitted diseases. If you have undergone physical violence or had an unprotected sexual intercourse with an unverified person, urgently consult a doctor.

The drug, like other emergency contraceptives, can increase the risk of ectopic pregnancy. Ultrasound examination will show the location of the fetus if doubts arose.


Unlike the postinora, one capsule of the escapel contains 150 mg of the hormone of Levonorggestrel. Therefore, in the package there is only one tablet. The tool is most effectively if it is taken in the first day after unprotected sex. The drug can cause nausea and even vomiting. If vomiting has arisen earlier than three hours after the reception, it is necessary to re-use the escaper.

The remedy may provoke the menstrual cycle failures, contribute to the appearance of blood secretions from the vagina, cause monthly delay, as well as chest pain. In the event of a latency of menstruation for more than five days, it is recommended to carry out a test that you will define pregnant whether you are pregnant.

Emergency contraception Although it is harmful to the body, and many women know about it, but despite it remains very and very popular. In some situations, the use of this kind of drugs is truly the only way out of the situation, in others - unjustified harm to the body. Let's consider the most popular and recommended gynecologists for emergency contraception, how to properly take, which there are side effects from them, which contraindications, etc.

In what cases need emergency contraception

The main reason for the reception of drugs of this purpose is unprotected sexual intercourse. Yes, despite the widespread prevalence of modern methods of contraception and their convenience, some couples forget about it. At the most suitable moment at hand, it does not turn out to be a condom or ... he just rushes. Do you need to panic in this case?

First, it should be calmed down and try to calculate what day the menstrual cycle is now. After all, emergency contraception is not so safe, tablets adopted can lead to unpleasant consequences. So, if you have an unprotected sexual intercourse in the first or last 7-8 days of the menstrual cycle, and its (menstrual cycle) duration is classic 28-30 days and it is regular, then the tablets are most likely not worth it, as ovulation (The day when pregnancy may occur) falls on the middle of the menstrual cycle.

Another frequent question is whether emergency contraception can be used together with the planned? For example, in the first 14 days of the first cycle of oral contraceptives, the other method of contraception should be used simultaneously, since the first has not yet completely "entered into force." Or there was a simultaneous admission OK with antibiotics or other drugs, having a feature reduce the effectiveness of contraceptives. In this case, take another "extra order" drugs. Additionally, it should use non-hormonal contraception. Another thing is to use spermicides (if, for example, the candle was inserted into the vagina not to the sexual intercourse, but after or immediately before the sexual act, without the exemptions of the recommended time gap in 5-10 minutes) or condoms (they have a property sometimes rush).

And what if the woman feeds the breast? Is there an emergency contraception in this case? Of course, it is better to avoid such situations, but if the "incorrect" happened, you can use urgent drugs. But in this case, you will have to postpone breastfeeding on one day, until the drug from the body is completely eliminated.

Emergency prevention options

Gynecologists offer several possible schemes for the reception of drugs and the drugs themselves there are also a number of.

The most famous and still popular - Postinor. But it is considered the preparation of the "old generation", which has a huge number of side effects. Reception is carried out as follows: within 48 hours (but no later than 72 hours) after sexual intercourse, a woman drinks one tablet, and after 12 hours - one more. Moreover, the sooner the first tablet is adopted, the higher the probability that emergency contraception raises its effect, the drugs are not just accepted, and the pregnancy will not come.

Escapel - the drug is more modern. His distinguishing feature is a content in 1 tablet 1.5 mg of Levonorggestrel. In this connection, there is no need to receive a second tablet (in the preparations of emergency contraception of the last generation contained 2 times less than this hormone, therefore a two-time reception was required). Watch advises to give preference to drugs that contain 1.5 mg of Levonorggestrel. Although the side effects also have those and others. Reactions from different women on receiving tablets are individual. Excapel need to take no more than 72 hours after unprotected intercourse.

And finally, the third option is to drink ordinary combined oral contraceptives in a greater dosage according to a special scheme. Or at a time to drink 3 sunstet tablets (or its analogs - regigalone, miniziston) and after 12 hours there are 3 more tablets. Or drink 4 marvelon tablets, and after 12 hours - as much as much.

To all the preparations described above include such a rule - if time or diarrhea occurred after 2-3 hours, it is likely that the pills did not fully worry, respectively, do not fully affect, and therefore pregnancy is possible. You need to repeat.

By the way, what will happen if the pregnancy comes? Does this emergency contraception affect her and on her? Doctors agree that the abortion should not be taken due to the reception of drugs, they will not have any influence on the health of the child. Another thing, if the drug is accepted already during pregnancy (so some people are trying to call independently miscarriage), in this case, problems may arise. However, on the early period there is the principle of "all or nothing," because if the miscarriage did not occur at an early term, most likely everything went well, and more precisely will show screenings that a woman will pass in the event that he wants to preserve pregnancy.

Side effects and reception frequency

Emergency contraception should be used only in force majeure situations when there is no other output. It is desirable - no more than 2-3 times a year, and even better - if less often. The most frequent side effect on emergency contraception of tablets is uterine bleeding, which occurs a few days after their reception, as a rule. And other women, on the contrary, there are delays of menstruation, the menstrual cycle is broken. Other common side effects are headaches, dizziness, diarrhea and vomiting, various allergic reactions.

Other options for emergency contraception

There are other methods of post-cellular contraception - efficient, and not very. The first is the emergency installation of intrauterine spirals (not always feasible in a short time, since it is necessary to pass a number of analyzes and pass an ultrasound; in addition, there are many contraindications to the installation). If this is done for 3 days after unprotected intercourse, even if the egg fertilization occurred, it will not, most likely be implanted into the wall of the uterus. Such an option will suit women who planned to install a spiral. A significant minus - the cervix can be injured, since only at the beginning of the menstrual cycle, the neck is softened, more adapted to the safe introduction of the Navy.

Other ways are folk, with unproved efficiency and even dangerous. With the help of them, women are trying to provoke the beginning of the monthly period, and in fact, they want to cause miscarriage on the early period of pregnancy. Folk methods of emergency contraception refers "Kushanye" from sugar with iodine, ascorbic acid, parsley, hot baths, herbs like the Pijmas and much more. But we do not recommend this tool.

Always remember that emergency contraception is quite dangerous, but less dangerous than abortion. To do not check the first, nor second, choose a reliable method of planned contraception.

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According to international studies, 19% of Russian women did an abortion. Almost half of them are repeatedly. At the same time, according to polls, only 1% of women in the age group of 16-49 years admit that they could go to interrupt pregnancy in the next three years. 54% believe that I would never have chosen this method. Especially since there are emergency contraception means, which allow you to safely prevent unplanned pregnancy when used in the first 72 hours after sexual intercourse. More than half of the surveyed women (57%) will rather take the next day "tablet" than they will go to the abortion.

Modern women enjoy all reproductive planning measures. At the same time, many pairs (17%) still resort to outdated ways to prevention, - calendar method and interrupted sexual act - which lead to pregnancy in 25 and 27% of cases, respectively.

True, even subject to the use of various ways of contraception, no one is insured against failures. For example, 35% of women were in a situation where the condom rushed or drove. But even in emergency situations, it is not necessary to think about abortion as the only method of solving the problem.

The need for emergency contraception

Pills for emergency contraception (TEK) are just intended to prevent pregnancy after unprotected or insufficiently protected sexual intercourse. Therefore, sometimes they are called "Tablets of the next day."

Especially for emergency contraception apply:

  • Levonorgestrel. Dose 1.5 mg or 0.75 mg (in this case, take twice with an interval at 12 o'clock).
  • Uliprystala acetate. Dose 30 mg.
  • Mifepristone. Dose 10-25 mg.

Tablets should be taken within 5 days after sexual intercourse. The reception of the levonorestrel reduces the possibility of pregnancy by 60-90% (in the case of one unprotected sexual intercourse). The use of Uzhiprystal and Mithpristone is more efficient than the adoption of Levonorgestrel.

For the adoption of the fuel and energy complex, it is not necessary to inspect or pass laboratory tests.

Tablets for emergency contraception are shown to use when:

  • no other contraceptive tool was applied;
  • the contraceptive agent was used incorrectly;
  • the contraceptive agent was used correctly, but immediately it became clear that it did not provide the desired effect.

Here are the most common situations in which the FIEC may need a woman using standard contraception methods.

Oral contraceptives, contraceptive plaster, vaginal ring

  • Began to apply this method at a later stage than the instruction requires.
  • During the menstrual cycle did not use this method correctly.
  • Take medications that could reduce the efficiency of the method.

Injections containing only progestin

  • It began to apply this method at a later stage of the menstrual cycle than the instruction requires.
  • The term of contraceptive protection provided by injection, expired before intercourse.


  • The term of contraceptive protection provided by the implant expired to sexual intercourse.

Intrauterine facility or system

  • The means involuntarily deleted.
  • Do not feel the mustache.
  • The term of contraceptive protection has expired until sexual intercourse.


  • The condom broke out, slipped or was used incorrectly.

The diaphragm or cap

  • The tool was shifted or removed before or during sexual intercourse.
  • The tool was shifted or removed after sexual intercourse before the instruction requires.


  • Did not enter the spermicid to the sexual intercourse, as required by the instruction.
  • A spermicid pill or film did not have time to dissolve until the beginning of the intercourse.

Contraception methods based on independent determination of the fertility period

  • Were in the fertile period during sexual intercourse.
  • Not sure whether in the fertile period during sexual intercourse.

Interrupted sexual act

  • Ejaculation occurred in the vagina or the external genitals.

Contraindications and fuel and energy influence on the body

Women who plan to use the fuel and energy complex are worried about a number of issues. We will analyze them in order.

1. Are there contraindications?

Tablets are not dangerous under any circumstances: even if there are health problems. The TEK is not appointed to women with the coming pregnancy - they are already ineffective. However, if it is not clear, there is a pregnancy or not, the fuel and energy complex can be used because there are no examples indicating damage to the developing fetus.

But side effects exist - it is irregular vaginal bleeding, nausea, headache, pain in the abdominal cavity, the sensitivity of the mammary glands, dizziness and fatigue.

2. Impact on pregnancy

Studies of women who became pregnant, despite the reception of the Levonorgestrel or used it by chance after the occurrence of pregnancy, show that this hormonal remedy does not harm neither a pregnant woman or its fetus. In particular, it does not increase the likelihood, low weight at birth, congenital defects or complications during pregnancy. There was only a few reports on the occurrence of pregnancy after the adoption of Sprivor, but no complications were noticed.

3. Application of teenagers

Clinical or software considerations should not impose restrictions on adolescents to the fuel and energy complex: they are safe regardless of age. Teens are able to understand the instructions on the use of this method of contraception.

4. Use when lactation

If less than six months have passed since the birth, and the woman feeds only the breast, if there were no menstruation in the post-terminal period, it is unlikely to ovulation. Then the TEK is not needed. However, women who do not meet all three criteria can become pregnant. The use of Levonorgestrel during lactation is not contraindicated.

5. Use before intercourse

There is no data on how long the contraceptive EFF effect is preserved after receiving tablets. Presumably the fuel and energy complex, which are accepted immediately before the sexual act, are just as effective as the fuel and energy complex taken immediately after it. However, if a woman has the opportunity to plan the use of the contraception method to sexual intercourse, it is recommended that other, for example, condoms or other barrier method of contraception.

6. Use after several unprotected sexual acts

Women must try to take a fuel and fuel industry as soon as possible after each unprotected sexual intercourse; It is not recommended to postpone the reception before the end of the last sexual intercourse. However, a woman should not refrain from receiving funds simply because she had several unprotected sexual intercourse. At the same time, it should realize that the effectiveness of the fuel and energy complex may be limited if the earliest of unprotected sexual acts occurred more than 4-5 days ago. She should be limited to one TEK reception at a time independently of the number of previous unprotected sexual acts.

7. Repeated application of tablets

The TEK is not intended for intentional reuse or use as a regular, systematic method of contraception. Women who do not want to get pregnant in the future are recommended after the adoption of the FIEC start or continuing the use of contraceptive means that they are constantly used for a long time. There are no specific data on the efficiency or safety of the frequent use of the current methods of using the fuel and energy complex. However, at least 10 studies have confirmed that the reception of several doses of Levonorggestrel at 0.75 mg per cycle does not cause serious negative side effects. It is not known whether the level of levonorgestrel is reduced due to the recent or subsequent use of Uzhprystal, which is a progesterone receptor modulator. Therefore, if a woman who recently accepted the Levonorgestrel recently arises the need for emergency contraception, it is better to use the same tool.

8. Using the fuel and energy complex in the heiferous period

Studies have shown that fertilization as a result of sexual intercourse can occur only in the range of 5-7 days before, after or during. Theoretically, the TEK could not be needed if the unprotected sexual act occurs at another cycle time, since the probability of pregnancy even without the fuel and energy meter would be zero. However, in practice it is often impossible to determine, a sexual intercourse occurred into the fertile or non-efficient cycle day. Therefore, women should not refrain from the use of fuel and energy resources due to the assumption that a specific sexual intercourse occurred in the non-efficient period.

9. Interaction with other medicines

There are no specific data regarding the interaction of the TEK with other drugs. However, the effectiveness of levonorgestrel reception may decrease due to the use of drugs that can reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

Women who use bosentanes and medications for the treatment of increased acidity of the stomach or stomach ulcers (for example, omeprazole) or took them last month, we should think about inserting a copper-containing intrauterine agent. If they stop their choice on the TEK Levonorgestrel, then you should take a double dose. Uliprystal in these cases is better not to use. Since it is a modulator of progesterone receptors, then, theoretically, it can reduce the effectiveness of other hormone contraceptives containing progestin hormones.

Contraception after taking fuel

Transition to use (resume use) regularly accepted contraceptives after the use of fuel and energy

The TEK does not provide contraception for subsequent sexual intercourse. Therefore, a woman should choose another method of contraception before renewing sex life. When should it be done?

Condoms or other barrier methods of contraception

Start using immediately before the next sexual act.

Hormonal methods: oral contraceptives, contraceptive plaster, vaginal ring, injection, implants, leveonoretre-containing intrauterine hormonal system.

Start using immediately - that is, on the day of reception of the FIS or the next day. Use the barrier method within 7 days after the adoption of the Levonorgestrel or within 14 days after the adoption of the street.

Alternatively: Start using after the next menstrual period, but in the interval, use the barrier method.

By the way, before the introduction of implants or hormonal intrauterine system, it makes sense to conduct pregnancy test: so you eliminate the presence of already existing pregnancy.

If the woman requested that it was installed to be installed copper-containing Navy, and over 5 days after the use of the fuel and energy complex, it was losing after the next menstruation begins.


Take this procedure after the start of menstruation that followed the use of fuel and energy complex. Before the final completion of sterilization, use the barrier method.

Since it is difficult to determine the risk of pregnancy in each individual case, and since untimely or unwanted pregnancy is fraught with serious consequences, a woman who wants to avoid, one should consider the adoption of the TAK after sexual intercourse, during which contraceptive protection was not adequately ensured.

Remember: If menstruation has not come for 3 weeks after taking the FE, you may have become pregnant.

Based on the materials of the Scientific Center of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Perinatology named after Academician V.I. Kulakova

To "emergency" protection against the fertilization of the eggs resort to preventing pregnancy. Emergency contraception is a list of methods and means used after unprotected intimate proximity between a man and a woman. Among methods are celebrated medicinal and mechanical. Medical emergency protection is effective within 72 hours after sexual intercourse. Intrauterine spirals are able to prevent fertilization for 120 hours. With all the effectiveness of the decision cause damage to the body of a woman, and their continuous use is contraindicated.

In what cases need emergency contraception

For any woman, unplanned pregnancy is a serious stress. Intimate proximity is not always tied with long-term relationships, so in some cases it is better to immediately interrupt the process of forming the fetus. Circumstances in which a woman may be "in the position" is not planned, it is unlikely that you can call the ordinary, but still this happens. Below is a list of cases after which urgent contraception is required:

  • unprotected sex;
  • rape;
  • improper use of regular contraceptive means when ejaculation takes place during vaginal sex;
  • unsuccessful use of regular contraceptives.

To the last item may include any of the following cases:

  • breaks of barrier contraceptives;
  • passing the reception of contraceptive drugs;
  • late introduction / displacement or premature removal of a hormonal contraceptive ring;
  • premature removal of contraceptive transdermal plaster;
  • incomplete dissolution of spermicidal agents;
  • premature removal / offset / breakage / gap contraceptive diaphragm / cap;
  • loss of contraceptive intrauterine helix;
  • interrupted sexual intercourse.

Types of postcoital contraception

Modern medicine knows several ways to efficiently and at the same time safe emergency prevention of fertilization after unprotected sex. Each geneful girl should know the classification of emergency contraceptives. It is necessary to have a general idea of \u200b\u200beach species. In subsequent sections, we consider the most reliable methods of getting rid of the possible consequences of unprotected sex.

Hormonal drugs

This category of emergency drugs of drug contraception is aimed at hormonal suppression of ovulation. Such preparations contain synthetic analogues of genital female hormones providing protection against fertilization. There are two species of hormonal contraception of emergency use: oral (tablets) and prolonged (injection / injections). Below is a list of the most effective preparations related to this category:

  1. AST. The modern drug showing high efficiency, and at the same time does not harm the female organism. It is accepted no later than 72 hours after unprotected sexual intercourse.
  2. Fasile Van.. The means that ensures the prevention of the oxygen fertilization within 72 hours after sexual contact without contraception. There are no hard contraindications.
  3. Postinar. Widespread means. The earlier the woman will take a tablet, the higher the contraceptive effect. The maximum interval is 72 hours after unprotected intercourse. The preparation contains a powerful dose of hormone levonorgestrel, which provides a high probability of interrupting pregnancy, but it causes tangible damage to the ovaries. In 90%, the drug violates the menstrual cycle. The use of postiner more often three times a year is strictly contraindicated.
  4. Escapel. Exclusive pills from unwanted pregnancy based hormones. The desired effect provides for four days after unprotected sex.
  5. Hynepresson. The drug is shown for use when necessary for urgent contraception. Guinepresson tablet drinks no later than three days after unprotected koitus.

Intrauterine equipment

The only non-drug method of emergency pregnancy is to install intrauterine spirals. The mechanical device is introduced by a gynecologist for five days after unprotected sex and provides contraceptive effect in 99% of cases. The disadvantage of this method is a long-term preparation, which includes the passage of medical examination (tests, ultrasound, etc.). Emergency administration of intrauterine spirals is contraindicated with giving birth to women, teenagers and victims of rape.

Folk methods of contraception after an unprotected act

Traditional ways to prevent unplanned pregnancy are not the only ones. There are also folk methods of contraception for women. Immediately it is worth noting that none of them can provide a guaranteed effect. If you do not want to risk your future, use medication methods or IUDs. Babushkina recipes are resorted in cases of absolute necessity, when there is no possibility to visit the doctor or purchase a contraceptive drug.

Write down more or less effective folk remedies in order not to be unarmed in an unforeseen situation:

  • Drawing a weak solution of lemon juice with water With the help of an irrigator. Mix 200 ml of boiled water with a juice of one large lemon and, as it should, rinse the vagina with an irrigator. Upon completion of the emergency contraception procedure, the okewer mucous membranes with clean water so that the acid contained in the lemon juice does not violate the vagina microflora.
  • Emergency Drying Moldnantia. This procedure provides a contraceptive effect in 60% of cases, however, with incorrect processing of the vagina, it can harm internal genital organs, so be extremely careful. Make a solution in a ratio of 1:18 and draw a script procedure. Manganese is a strong oxidizing agent that can deprive the active spermatozoa of their main function. After washing, spend the hygiene of the genital organs using a gentle soap.

  • Slice of lemon. Dangerous, but, at the same time, a completely effective method of contraception. After completing the sexual intercourse, placed in the vagina purified from the peel sliced \u200b\u200bthe lemon of the medium size. Acid will make its business in seconds. Remove the pulp and rinse the mucous membranes with warm water with soaps to prevent the microflora disorders.
  • Laundry soap. Such contraceptive means for women are extremely dangerous, but in some cases, when there is no possibility to avoid pregnancy in other ways, it is necessary to risk. Within 10 minutes after unprotected intercourse, enter a piece of soap in the vagina with a matchbox. After 15-20 seconds, remove it and immediately rinse the mucous membranes with clean water. To avoid depressing consequences, try to quickly get a moisturizing cream for an intimate zone.
  • Aspirin. Another method of emergency interruption of pregnancy with acid. Its effectiveness is about 50-60%. Like lemon juice, acetylsalicylic acid reduces the activity of spermatozoa, as a result of which they do not reach their main goal - egg cells. Do not attempt to use such contraceptive methods regularly, since it is fraught with consequences. Violation of the acid balance of the vagina can lead to serious diseases.

The listed "grandmother" means of emergency contraception can provide the desired result, if applied within 5-7 minutes after unprotected koitus. Combining the methods described is not recommended, as it can cause even more serious complications. If you are forced to resort to one of them, in the near future visit the gynecologist and describe everything in detail everything was taken in order to contraception.

Side effects and contraindications

Studying the topic of a postcoital method of protection against pregnancy, you must clearly assimilate the main thing: any, even the most effective methods of drug emergency contraception cannot be absolutely harmless. After applying medical drugs, the following side effects may appear:

  • a failure of the menstrual cycle;
  • abundant menstrual discharge;
  • pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • drowsy, sluggish condition;

The pills are contraceptive after the act of unprotected sex are contraindicated if the following diseases take place / states:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • age over 35 years;
  • bouts of headaches;
  • long-term experience of tobacco;
  • heavy liver disease forms.

If you have an intention to protect against unplanned pregnancy after unprotected sex, listen to the advice from the above roller. A qualified specialist will tell how contraceptive means of emergency nature act, explain in detail the rules of their application. In addition, the doctor will list the names of the most efficient and safe emergency drugs for contraception so that you are easier to choose a suitable tool.

Pregnancy is the most joyful and excellent life period for a woman. However, not for each. In some cases, the conception becomes a surprise and forces a representative of the weak gender to take emergency measures. This article we will talk about what is the pills against pregnancy after an unprotected act. You will learn how such drugs use and whether it is possible to apply regularly. It is also worth mentioning what the price of such drugs and their name will be listed below.

A little anatomy: how conceived

To begin with, it is worth learn what kind of conception is made, as a result of which a child may appear. On average, a hormonal restructuring in the body occurs once a month at the average woman. The development of estrogen is replaced by progesterone, and eggsometer comes from the follicle. If at this moment a sexual contact occurs, a pregnancy may occur. Also, conception can take place if the spermatozoa fell into the body of a woman a few days before or after breaking the follicle.

Immediately after ovulation, an active preparation of endometrial begins under the action of progesterone. The layer is thickened and becomes more loose. In this way, the body is preparing to take a fertilized female game. If the conception took place, the fruit egg is descended for several days to the orbial organ on the phallopyaipe tube. Once in the uterus, the embryo is securely attached to the endometrium layer. It is here that it will develop in the next months in the event of pregnancy.

How can you interrupt the conception?

Currently, there are many ways to stop the development of the embryo. It is worth noting that the amateur in this case is better not to do. Otherwise, you can earn serious health problems.

One of the most popular ways to interrupt pregnancy is scraping or vacuum aspiration. During the procedure, the doctor removes the fruit egg and part of the endometrium from the uterus. This manipulation is carried out up to 12 weeks of the development of the embryo.

Also can also be medicated. In this case, the prerequisite is the delay in menstruation of no more than forty days. After the adoption of some drugs, the woman turns into the endometrium with a fruit egg and menstruation begins.

There are also special emergency contraception methods. In this case, the tool is taken a few hours after unprotected intercourse. Due to the action of drugs, the woman begins restructuring hormones, and menstrual bleeding occurs.

Emergency contraceptive ways

There are several, which allow you to interrupt pregnancy even before the fruit egg will fasten on the wall of the uterus. Tablets against pregnancy after an unprotected act have a different action and method of use. Remember that it is impossible to use these drugs as constant protection against unwanted conception. Applying tablets against pregnancy after an unprotected act must only in emergency cases. Otherwise you can get serious health problems. Consider what the drugs exist for emergency interruption of the development of a fetal egg.

Preparation "Postinor"

This means contains synthetic progestin. It is this component that makes an action on the peristalsis of the uterine pipes and the state of the endometrium. Under the action of the substance with the title of the Levonorggestrel Fallopiev Pipes reduce their mobility and slow down the activity of the fertilized egg. As a result, the fruit egg dies earlier than reaching the uterus cavity. If a set of Games dropped into a childbearing body, then the levonorestrel changes the state of the endometrium. The egg cell is simply not able to attach to such an cavity.

Pottin tablets should take two capsules every 12 hours. This is the validity period from the above-described substance. The first pill should be a guide no later than 16 hours after Socia. The course of drug use is three days. During this period, menstrual bleeding should begin. Only then emergency contraception is considered successful.

Plotin tablets, the price of which is approximately 250 rubles, can be purchased in any pharmacy network. It is worth noting that only two capsules are in one packaging. This means that for the course you will need 6 packs. On Posinor tablets, the price in this case increases and is about 1,500 rubles.

Preparation "Escapel"

These tablets are also based on the action of a substance called Levonorgestrel. However, there is a somewhat different dosing dosage. A woman needs to take one tablet within a day after sexual intercourse. Next, you should repeat the procedure twice with a difference of 24 hours.

On the tablet "Escapel" the price is ranging from 250 to 300 rubles. In the package there is one capsule. This means that for the full course you need three packs of the "Escapel" tablets. The price in this case will be approximately 1000 rubles. It is worth noting that this medicine costs somewhat cheaper than the Preinor drug.

Preparation "Eskinor F"

This agent has the same effect as the Tablet "Escapel". After the adoption of the drug begins the inverse conversion of endometrial and reducing the activity of phallopy pipes.

It is worth noting that this medicinal product is less popular than the first two analogues. However, this does not mean that the effect of the drug will not be so effective.

Preparations containing myfetpriston

Tablets against pregnancy after an unprotected act may have a slightly different action. These drugs include the following: "Mifegin", "Women", "Miropychon" and others. It is worth noting that these funds are most often used for the active ingredient of such drugs changes the endometrium transform and enhances the reduction in the orbuding organ. Under such an influence there is rejection of the endometrium and the yield of an egg cell from the female organism.

Unlike drugs containing levonorgestrel, pills with mifepristone are able to interrupt even after menstruation delay. Thus, a woman has time to take the right decision. These contraceptive pills after sexual intercourse are accepted. It should be pre-obtaining the approval of the doctor to similar correction. If the drug was not accepted during the first three days after spermatozoa in the body of the woman, then the patient will need additional that block the production of progesterone.

These means containing mifepristone have a slightly large price than previous medicines. So, one packaging can do you in the amount of 1500 to 3000 rubles.

Alternative Method of Emergency Interruption of Egg Development

In addition to the above, there are preparations (contraceptives) to prevent undesirable conception after sexual intercourse. These include the most common however, doctors strongly recommend using a similar way due to possible side effects and complications. These funds include the following drugs: the contraceptive pills "Yarina", "Logest", "nineteer" and others.

Use them only after attentive reading instructions. Here you will need school knowledge in mathematics. It is necessary to calculate the number of hormones, which is contained in one tablet. After that, it should be calculated how much you need to drink a capsules in one taking to achieve the desired dose (as in Posnin tablets and its analogues). In the middle woman is required from two to five capsules. You need to drink it every 12 hours for three days.

How effective is the tablets from pregnancy?

It is worth noting that drugs that interrupt the development of the embryo in the earliest periods have different efficiency. A lot depends on what time the medicine was taken. So, if you follow the instructions and drink the first dose immediately after the system, the efficiency of the drug will be more than 90 percent. In the case when at least a day after sexual intercourse, the drug action will already be effectively 70-80 percent. If the subsequent intake of the substance is broken or you are very late with the use of the first dose, then the probability of a successful outcome will be from 50 to 70 percent.

It is worth recalling that if the interruption of pregnancy in the earliest periods with the help of the above preparations failed, the doctors strongly recommend making scraping. The thing is that these drugs affect not only the female organism. Substances that make up the tablets are destructively reflected in the state of the fruit egg. If you want to leave the future infant, then be prepared for the fact that the child will be born sick or have some deviations.

and prices

In order not to be necessary to use drugs for emergency contraception, it is necessary to take care of prevention methods in advance. If you have a permanent sexual partner, that is, it makes sense to start taking birth control pills. The price of such drugs can be different and is in the range from 200 to 2000 rubles.

Absolutely all means that protect against pregnancy are divided into combined oral contraceptives and mini-dies. The latter contain a small dose of hormones and not all women are capable of blocking ovulation. However, it is worth noting that such funds are the only pills allowed to receive during breastfeeding period. The preparations of the mini-saw group include the following:

  • tablets "Charozetta" (cost about 800 rubles);
  • the drug "Lortinet" (price of about 600 rubles);
  • pills "Ormetril" (cost from 1000 rubles) and many others.

The effect of combined oral contraceptives is somewhat different. Such drugs fully block the operation of the ovaries, preventing ovulation. The active substance of the tablets thickens cervical mucus, not allowing spermatozoids to penetrate the uterine cavity and survive there. In addition, hormonal preparations affect the state of the endometrium, converting it so that the fertilized cell can not attach to the uterus wall. All oral contraceptives are divided into monophasic, two-phase and three-phase.

The monophasic includes the following means:

  • tablets "Regular" (cost from 300 rubles);
  • pills "Zhanin" (approximately 800 rubles);
  • contraceptive tablets "35 Diana" (price from 1000 rubles) and others.

Two-phase drugs for prevention include Tablets "Regvidon" (cost from 200 rubles) and other drugs.

The three-phase contraceptive pills include the following:

  • pills "Three Region" (stand from 200 rubles);
  • capsules "Three-Mercy" (price from 400 rubles).

Also, drugs for contraception may differ in the content of hormonal substances. So, the tablets are microdosyned and lowered. There is also a group of highly constructed drugs.

The microdosted includes the following:

  • tablets "NEWNET" (stand from 500 rubles);
  • the drug "Logest" (price of about 900 rubles);
  • pills "Jess" (cost in the range of 1000) and others.

Low volume - this is:

  • contraceptive pills "Yarina" (the price of 700 rubles);
  • drug "Diana 35" (cost from 1000 rubles);
  • means "Zhinin" (stand within 1000 rubles) and others.

Such drugs are more often appointed to give birth to women or ladies after 30 years.

Alpine drugs have the following names:

  • tablets "Trvisilar" (price of about 500 rubles);
  • the drug "Non-Ovlon" (cost of about 700 rubles) and so on.