Calendar protection. Advantage and disadvantages of calendar contraception. Calendar Planning and Pregnancy Planning Methods

Despite the diversity and availability of modern barrier and hormonal contraceptives, natural methods of protection continue to be enjoyed. According to the observations of gynecologists, more than half of the women surveyed are used to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Although such methods are characterized by a physiological character, their effectiveness is extremely low.

Typical representatives of this group include two options - the calendar method and interrupted sexual act. But it is further only about the first - with proper use, it can be really effective. The whole problem is that women using it are focused on dubious sources - the advice of relatives or girlfriends. Therefore, obtaining reliable information will allow to protect "with the mind."

Since it is impossible to eliminate the calendar method of protection against pregnancy simply impossible, so it is important to modify it as much as possible by providing its use. Consequently, an important area is the maximum receipt of information about it. Knowledge of advantages and disadvantages will allow a woman to reconsider their views on contraception or make an effective addition to it.


The calendar method can be called not only physiological, but also completely natural - it does not require additional funds or devices for its implementation. His whole essence lies only in the commission of sexual intercourse on certain days of the menstrual cycle:

  1. Despite its historical character, the method was recorded in the literature only at the beginning of the 20th century. And his study had a completely opposite interest - the clarification of the fertile interval (with the maximum probability of becoming pregnant).
  2. Accordingly, observations were given and another fact - in the menstrual cycle of a woman there is a period characterized by the minimum possibility of conception.
  3. The starting point for the assessment was the determination of the moment of ovulation - the outlet of the mature egg from the ovary. Therefore, the gap consisting of several days before and after this event is characterized by a high probability of occurrence of pregnancy.
  4. But closer to the next menstruation, cyclic hormonal changes reduce the likelihood of fertilization. Consequently, sexual intercourse during this period will not lead to conception - there are no conditions for its commit.
  5. If you take exemplary figures, then safe days occupy the gap of about two weeks (with a menstrual cycle, consisting of 28 days). At the same time, it practically in half shares the first day of the onset of the next menstruation.

The calendar method requires high responsibility from a woman - it should know not the approximate duration of the cycle, but strictly conduct a monthly calendar, be sure to determine the day of ovulation.


It is the absence of any extraneous manipulations and led to the high popularity of the method - a woman is enough just to know when she has safe days. The advantages of this method of contraception is better to be considered in comparison with other possible options:

  • Unlike hormonal means - contraceptive tablets, it completely lacks a systematic effect on the body. Therefore, the method is characterized by the complete absence of contraindications and side effects. Therefore, along with interrupted sex act, such a prevention method is the most physiological and safe.
  • Before barrier methods there are also a number of advantages, and the main thing is the lack of communication with the sexual act. Immediately before sex or after it, it is not necessary to carry out any actions with distracting effect. And the most important factor - the calendar method does not affect sensations that significantly change when using condoms or spermscides.
  • The generalized moment for both options is the material side of the question. Not every family or steam can distinguish a stable amount of money for effective protection. Therefore, such contraception is the most budget option for such people.

But all the advantages are almost completely overlapped by minuses - no vain natural methods are considered the most ineffective in gynecological practice.


But the negative points of the calendar method already has its own, and in comparison there is no point in comparing. Each of them should bring a woman to the idea that it is better to choose another prevention method:

  • Immediately, it is worth mentioning about the Pearl index - it was specifically designed to assess the effectiveness of contraception. Its value shows how many women from 100 got pregnant, protected by the specified way. For the calendar method, it is between 9 to 40 (just lower than that of the interrupted sexual intercourse).
  • It is suitable only for women with a regular and stable menstrual cycle. To correctly define a safe interval, its duration is about the same at least 12 months.

  • Sperm in the cavity of the vagina dies quickly, but in the cervical mucus can be maintained up to 6 days. Therefore, with a short menstrual cycle, the probability of fertilization is preserved over the entire duration.
  • The method does not protect the woman from the possible infection of venereal diseases, as well as other sexually transmitted diseases. A person who is protected in this way should always remember possible risk. Therefore, it is by no means suitable for random sex contacts.

Currently, the calendar method has not lost its relevance, but it should be applied only in a complex with other options - barrier or hormonal contraception.


To properly define safe days, two mandatory conditions are required - maintaining the diary of menstrual cycles, as well as the use of special formulas. Such a competent approach will reduce the likelihood of pregnancy as possible:

  1. The diary should be conducted even before applying such contraception - to assess the regularity of menstruation. With it, a woman determines the main parameter - the total duration of the cycle. Currently, it is possible to purchase simplified options - ready-made calendars in which you only need to celebrate the necessary days.

  2. Then, with the help of the first formula, the beginning of the fertile interval is determined. For this, 18 days will be deducted from the duration of the shortest cycle.
  3. The second formula allows you to calculate the end of the days, during which the maximum probability of conception is preserved. It is necessary to choose the longest cycle, and subtract from this figure for 11 days.
  4. The resulting gap is considered safe - during it, sexual intercourse with a smallest probability will end in fertilization. For convenience, its duration is also better noted in the diary of the cycles.

The moment of border safe days is important (three days at the beginning and end of the period) - it is believed that during them it is better to use barrier contraception.


Recently, the Austrian gynecologist Maria Hungstberger developed a special pocket adaptation for daily control over the course of the menstrual cycle. Externally, it has a kind of necklace consisting of multicolored beads:

  • The ratio of balls approximately corresponds to the division of the cycle into several parts.
  • Several red (from 3 to 5) are monthly, blue beads characterize the fertilic gap, and yellow-safe period.

  • The number of balls in the necklace is 28, which is typical for the average duration of the menstrual cycle.
  • It also has a special device - a rubber ring that can move through beads. A woman should move him daily for a day, independently determining the offensive period.
  • The first red ball is taken for the starting point - it corresponds to the beginning of the monthly.

A special necklace is an alternative to the calendar only in accordance with the duration of the cycle of the amount of beads in it.

Combined option

Since the calendar method itself is limited in time, then its optimal combination with barrier methods of contraception. Their joint use will allow active sex life and during the fertile period:

  • After determining the safe gap, it is important to take three days from it at the beginning and end. They are considered border - when the probability of pregnant remains high.
  • As a result, it remains for about 7 days, during which the probability of conception becomes extremely low. In this interval, you can not use additional funds used for protection.
  • But in the border and fertilic period, defined by the calendar, it is better to use barrier methods of contraception. Their choice is now diverse - these are condoms, as well as spermicides in the form of vaginal tablets, candles, gels or pen.

Contrary to delusions, the douching now does not apply to any group of contraceptive means. Therefore, its conduct should not be made an alternative to the listed barrier methods.

The calendar method of contraception is a way to determine the phase of fertility, or the ability to conceive, in women with daily observations of the menstrual cycle. It can be used with a regular cycle and constant sexual partner. But to apply the calendar method, self-discipline and preparation is necessary.

How does the calendar method of contraception work?

The average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days. The beginning of menstruation is rejection of the mucous membrane of the endometrium and the yield of the deceased egg. Therefore, during menstruation, pregnancy does not occur. After the end of the bleeding, the mucous membrane of the uterus begins to recover, and in the ovaries, a dominant follicle is formed, in which a new oocyte matures.

Approximately 12-14 days ovulation occurs, in fertilization may occur during the next 24 hours if there was an unprotected sexual act. After a day after ovulation, the conception becomes impossible, occur.

But when drawing up its own calendar, the life of spermatozoa is taken into account. After penetrating the uterus, they can maintain viability of 3-5 days. Therefore, when calculating the estimated period of ovulation, it is necessary to take another 5 days.

Who can use the calendar method of contraception

The use of the calendar rhythmic method of contraception is a way to protect against unwanted pregnancy for healthy women with a normal menstrual cycle. Calculations can also be applied when planning conception. But at reproductive age, time from one menstruation until the next one can fluctuate several times a year. The condition affects:

  • stress, long-term experiences;
  • disease internal organs;
  • climate change or time zone;
  • natural anovulation.

The absence of ovulation is observed in healthy women several times a year, while menstrual bleeding is preserved.

The physiological method of protection against accidental pregnancy in the following states is not suitable:

  • the period of the formation of menstruation - adolescents after Menarche takes from 1 year and more began the full functioning of the ovaries;
  • after childbirth - during the period of lactation due to the high level of prolactin, no ovulation occurs, but the recession of the hormone cannot be noticed independently, so the onset of the first ovulation passes unnoticed, it is impossible to count safe days;
  • in the period of climax approximation - hormonal changes lead to a failure, more often there is no ovulation, therefore dysfunctional bleeding is observed;
  • after an abortion - it is necessary to wait for the restoration of the body and at least 3 normal menstruation to correctly calculate dangerous days;
  • with uterine bleeding - they will not allow to notice menstruation and can affect basal temperature.

It is not suitable for the calendar method of protecting women who use psychotropic drugs, antidepressants, are being treated with antibiotics or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents. They are able to shift the time of the onset of ovulation and make contraception less reliable.

Param with high sexual activity that cannot bear the abstinence period of about 7-10 days a month, it is necessary to combine the calendar method with other contraceptives during a dangerous period.

Varieties of the calendar method of contraception

The calendar pregnancy protection method has a low pearl index. This is an indicator that evaluates how many women out of 100 will become pregnant during the year if this method will be used regularly. In physiological contraception, their number for different studies ranges from 9 to 40. Effectiveness increases using various modifications or accurate calculations of the cycle and compliance with the rules.

Ohno-Knaus technique

Ogino-Knaus contraceptive method is the first scientifically substantiated way of protection against pregnancy. He was developed by Japanese and Austrian gynecologists. They were based on the following indicators:

  • the average duration of the cycle in a healthy woman;
  • the time of the onset of ovulation;
  • the term of the viability of the egg;
  • sperm lifetime.

But before the cycle to be protected, the woman needs to watch it during the year and make data into a special table. It is important to calculate the duration of the shortest and longest cycle. They will be the starting point in determining the days of fertility. Those who are planning pregnancy can apply calendar contraception to select the time of conception. On average, it is possible from 8 to 21 days.

Normal menstrual cycle should not go beyond 26-32 days. If during the year 2 and more times the shortening or elongation occurred, calendar physiological contraception can not be applied.

For the convenience of women, the gynecologist Maria Hungstberger developed a necklace that serves as a reminder and scheduler for calendar contraception. It is the number of beads that corresponds to the duration of the cycle. The first 5 of them is red, which corresponds to menstruation. The following from 8 to 21 - blue, mean days favorable for conception. The latter yellow, which corresponds to the absence of fertility. On beads daily need to move the rubber ring. This allows you to control your condition and adjust intimate relationships.

Symptomothermal method of contraception

Symptomothermal contraception is a way that takes into account several fertility indicators of a woman. His advantage is higher accuracy. But the woman requires daily control of several indicators:

  • basal temperature;
  • cervical mucus state;
  • the position of the cervix and its consistency;
  • physiological signs of ovulation.

The basal temperature is measured in the rectum in the morning immediately after waking up. It is impossible to rise from bed, move or perform other actions that reduce the accuracy of the results. In the first phase of the cycle, the temperature is kept at 36.4-36.8 ° C, by the time of ovulation, it occurs with 0.4 ° and more. This is due to the strengthening of the inflow of blood to the genital organs. It is then slightly decreasing, but persists increased before the occurrence of menstruation.

The state of cervical mucus is also changing within a month under the influence of the oscillation of estrogen. With an ovulation approach, the amount of mucus increases, and it becomes less viscous. To protect on this method of contraception, you need to start checking immediately after the end of the monthly. Daily up to 3 times a day, a sample of the discharge from the vagina is taken with purely washed hands or deeply injected fingers and explore the mucus from the neck. How accurate will the results, depends on the skills of a woman. It is impossible to interpret it correctly if there are chronic inflammatory processes of the genitals or acute inflammation.

The calendar method of pregnancy protection, taking into account the state of the cervix, gives more accurate results. But not every woman will be able to notice changes in the first month. Self-examination is carried out daily, except for the menstruation period. Sitting squatting, you need to introduce your fingers into the vagina and determine the height of the standing of the cervix. With the approach of ovulation, it shifts higher and softened. After the ripening of the egg, the neck is again lowered.

Physiological changes complement the measurement results. Pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • ovulatory pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • an increase in the sensitivity of the mammary glands and nipples;
  • bloating;
  • libido strengthening;
  • activity and increased efficiency;
  • bloody issues.

Symptommetric contraception will be effective if continuous observations are conducted within 3 months and more. Studies show that subject to the rules, protection against pregnancy is provided by 98%.

Terms of settlement

For counting in the calendar, the first day of menstrual bleeding is marked. It is possible to mark the period of its end, but this does not affect the accuracy of the result. After the start of the new menstruation, the total cycle duration is determined. Measurements are carried out throughout the year.

Then the duration of the shortest cycle is determined. 18 days take it away. The resulting number will be the beginning of the fertile period optimal for conception. From the longest cycle, it takes 11, on this date the end of a dangerous interval is determined.

For example, the shortest cycle amounted to 28 days, the beginning of a dangerous period - from 10 days. The longest one is 32 days, it means that sex without contraceptives cannot be engaged in 21 numbers. From 10 to 21 days of the cycle, it is necessary to abandon the sexual relationship or apply barrier contraception. (PPA), spermicidal agents cannot give 100% defense these days.

Software developers have created a large number of smartphone applications that will help those who use the calendar method of contraception, the calculator is adjusted for individual features and expects dangerous days. Applications can work online to track their state can be from various devices.

Positive Parties and the main drawbacks of the calendar method

Pregnancy protection The calendar way does not require material costs and can be used anywhere. It does not have contraindications or side effects suitable for women who cannot be used hormonal contraception methods.

The observation of the menstrual cycle does not cause a hormone system failure, and you can plan a child in any month without special preparation or recovery period.

The lack of calendar contraception is the need for permanent observation, especially if the woman applies a symptomothermal method. The spontaneity of sexual contacts is lost, but at the same time increases responsibility for their health, because The results are distorted in inflammatory diseases. The sexual partners are not protected from sexually transmitted infections, which also refers to disadvantages.

Should I use calendar contraception in practice?

Before protected from pregnancy in a month, a long-term preparation and good health is needed. When using the calendar method, it is 1 year, and with a symptomothermic method - 3 months. Therefore, such contraception is suitable for regular partners with a high level of self-control. For those who often come into random sexual relations, this method is contraindicated due to the risk of infection with sexually transmitted infections. Do not hope for contraceptive effect to women with irregular cycle or gynecological diseases.

Many women prefer to use the so-called natural methods of family planning, which are based on observations of physiological signs and fertile symptoms (when a woman is capable of conception) and infestyl (when a woman is not capable of conception) phases of the menstrual cycle.

The purpose of this method is the definition of a "dangerous" period when the ability to fertilize is highest. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe calendar (or rhythmic) method is simple: avoid sex contacts during the period when the likelihood of becoming pregnant. The rest of the time you can not think about the methods of contraception and do not apply any of them.

To successfully apply these methods, self-discipline and careful recordings are required, in addition, it is not a method of contraception, but a method that allows you to determine the fertilization period, abstaining from sexual intercourse at this time contributes to preventive pregnancy.

Methods of natural family planning

Can be applied:

  • women who cannot use other methods;
  • women with a regular menstrual cycle;
  • pairs that do not use other methods for religious or philosophical beliefs;
  • couples ready to avoid sexual intercourse for more than a week during each cycle;
  • couples located in conditions when modern contraceptive methods are not available.

This method is far from being ideal - per 100 women who are protected natural, account for 10-15 cases of unwanted pregnancy per year. In addition, the calendar method of protection cannot be applied with an irregular menstrual cycle. Yes, and abstaining from sexual contacts, naturally, can complicate the life of a woman.

How it works

Determining the time of the offensive and the duration of the period of possible conception is carried out on the basis of the length of the menstrual cycle for the last 8-12 months (no less!). The beginning of a hazardous period is calculated, subtracting number 18 from the duration of the shortest cycle itself (for example, for 12 months the shortest cycle had a duration of 26 days, so the beginning of the fertile period falls on the 8th day of the cycle).

The end of a hazardous period is calculated, subtracting the number 11 from the duration of the longest cycle itself (for example, for 12 months the longest cycle had a duration of 30 days, so the end of the fertile period occurs on the 19th day of the cycle). Thus, the period of possible conception begins on the 8th day of the cycle, and ends at the 19th (in the above example, the menstrual cycle cannot be called absolutely regular, therefore the duration of the fertile period was 11 days). With this period, sexual contacts without the risk of conception are possible until the 8th day of the cycle (its beginning falls on the 1st day of menstruation) and after the 19th.

It is necessary to avoid sexual acts in the "Dangerous period", or use the additional methods of contraception condom, spermicides), as a last resort, resort to emergency postcoital contraception.

To calculate, you can use the table:

Your shortest cycle was (number of days) Your first fertile (dangerous) day Your longest cycle was (number of days) Your last fertile (dangerous) day
21 3 21 10
22 4 22 11
23 5 23 12
24 6 24 13
25 7 25 14
26 8 26 15
27 9 27 16
28 10 28 17
29 11 29 18
30 12 30 19
31 13 31 20
32 14 32 21
33 15 33 22
34 16 34 23
35 17 35 24
21 3 21 10

Example use of Table

Menstrual cycle from 27 to 33 days. The table needs to find the shortest cycle - 27 days and define the first "dangerous" day (in this case - 9 day after the start of menstruation). Next, you need to find the longest cycle - 33 days and identify the last "dangerous" day (in our example is 22 days after the start of menstruation). Thus, the "dangerous period" will be from 9 to 22 day of the menstrual cycle (counting from the 1st day of the last menstruation).

The reliability of the method is the less, the more difference between the longest and short menstrual cycle for the last 8-12 months. For women with an irregular cycle, this method is generally unacceptable.

Despite the large number of different preparations for protection, one of the most popular still remains the method of contraception calendar. Gynecologists argue that many patients are protected so few years.

What is it

The calendar method is the natural and easiest prevention option. It consists in calculating the menstrual cycle of favorable and unfavorable periods for conception. In favorable days, it is advisable to refrain from sex contacts. This method is valid only on those women who have regular menstruation. It is used by a large number of women, as it does not require cash costs.

How to protect the monthly calendar?

Such a prevention method is considered not very reliable, since many women are incorrectly used. It is necessary to carefully examine this option so that it is as efficient as possible. It is necessary to consult a doctor, and not to listen to the advice of girlfriends and relatives.

What is the dangerous and safe days of the cycle

How to calculate ovulation?

As a rule, most women ovulation falls on the middle of the menstrual cycle. However, favorable for pregnancy can be coming to ovulation days. Then you need to be extremely careful. A more accurate date will help the doctor, there are also special calendars to determine ovulation and various tests. To determine it, it is possible to regularly measure the rectal temperature for several months and calculate fertile days.

Dangerous days are considered to be the next 3 to ovulation and after it. To determine it, you need to calculate the period from the start of the menstrual cycle, observe the condition of the cervical mucus. It must be remembered that spermatozoa has the ability to live a few days. Enter the cycle table every month.

In favorable days for conception, many pairs practice interrupted sexual intercourse.

Popular views of this contraception

The most popular species of this contraception is the Ohino-Knaus and symptothermal methods.

Ogino-Knaus method

This method includes the following:

  • ovulation begins two weeks before menstruation;
  • women's egg is capable of preserving vitality up to two days;
  • the viability of sperm in the female organism can last up to 1 week.

The beginning of the fertile period must be determined by the number 18 from the shortest cycle of the year 18. From the resulting number from the start of menstruation, a dangerous period will begin. The end of a hazardous period is determined by subtracting from the number of days in the longest cycle of the year 11.

Symptomothermal method

It is one of the most effective cycle protection options. Based on the definition of basal temperature and observation of cervical mucus. It is necessary to focus on ovulation, which is considered to be the most favorable time for conception.

To determine ovulation, you must regularly do:

  • measurement of temperature rectally;
  • measuring the cervix;
  • check the condition of the mucus.

How to determine basal temperature

To determine for ovulation, the temperature must be measured daily. At the beginning of menstruation, it does not exceed 36.8 ° C.

The temperature may be low to a favorable day to conceive, and with its occurrence to increase to 37.5 ° C.

Advantages and disadvantages of the calendar prevention method


  • naturalness does not require admission of medicines;
  • does not require financial costs;
  • no shelf life;
  • does not cause side effects.


  • effective only for healthy women who exactly know the moment of their ovulation;
  • does not protect against sexually transmitted infections, it is necessary to use with a permanent partner;
  • little percentage of security;
  • it is necessary to constantly count the dangerous and safe periods, as well as lead the calendar.

Degree of reliability

Doctors consider this method of contraception with one of the most unreliable. Its effectiveness is no more than 40%. It can be used pairs that are not categorically tuned towards unwanted pregnancy. For a safer use of this option, you need to conduct a menstrual table for about a year.

Other natural types of contraception

Method "Necklace"

Doctors recommend replacing the calendar method. It helps to keep under the control of the menstrual period to women who cannot afford costly contraceptives. The necklace consists of multicolored beads. From the first to the last day of menstruation, beads are marked in red, the gum on it is moving daily. The central part of the bracelet is painted blue, as it is considered to be fruit. Other beads are marked with yellow, they denote safe.

Rhythmic (biological) method of contraception

This prevention method is to abstain from sex contacts in the fertile period. It is also possible to protect in other ways to favorable for conception.

Before the start of protection, the calendar prevention method is desired to consult a gynecologist.

Each pair chooses its own way of protection against STDs and unwanted pregnancy.

The calendar method of contraception (oni-knaus method) refers to natural prevention methods. Responsibility for the effectiveness of this method lies with the girl.

In this article, we will consider in detail that the calendar contraception is.

What is the essence?

When using this method, girls need to calculate the day of ovulation and push out from it.

Egg fertilization can occur only within 24 hours after ovulation. In the vagina a few hours, and in the cervix to 5-8 days. Based on this, the most dangerous days for having sex is a few days before the start of ovulation and 2 days after.

How to calculate?

In order for the calendar method to be effective, you need to conduct the menstrual cycles calendar for 12 months. In addition, your cycle must be regular.

Fertile (favorable for conception, or, as they are called those who do not want to pregnant, "dangerous") days according to the Ohino-Knaus method can be calculated by such a formula:

  • the beginning of the fertile period \u003d the duration of the shortest of the cycles is minus 18 days
  • the end of the fertile period \u003d the duration of the longest cycles minus 11 days

For example, on the basis of the last 12 cycles, you found out that the shortest cycle \u003d 26 days, and the longest \u003d 32 days. So, days from 8 to 21 days of the cycle are fertile (the probability of conception). In order to protect against unwanted pregnancy, these days should be abstained from sexual intercourse or use additional methods of contraception: barrier (condoms) or spermicidal. From 1 to 8 day and from 21 days before the end of the cycle, you can not be protected.

ATTENTION! The first day of the cycle is considered the first day of menstruation. The last is the day before the next.

Does contraception reliable on the ovulation calendar?

The smaller the difference between the longest and short menstrual cycle over the past 12 months, the higher the reliability of the calendar method.

ATTENTION! If your cycle is irregular, then this method does not fit you!

Reviews of the efficiency of the calendar method is quite polar. Someone believes that this is a relic of the past, and much more reliably use modern means of contraception. Someone says that the method is quite effective.

Of course it all depends on how serious and responsible you will approach this issue. However, even in this case, you can hardly determine with a 100% probability when ovulation comes.

Statistics state that the efficiency of calendar contraception ranges from 10% to 40%. Therefore, this method is rather suitable for pairs for which an unscheduled conception is not a problem.

The calendar method can be effective only if you carefully count the cycles (calculator) and at the same time your cycle is less stable. Doctors talk about it, and the girls themselves on the forums.

ATTENTION! With the wrong or inconsistent use of this method of contraception, the risk of becoming becomes 4 times!

How to improve efficiency?

  • Explore all the nuances and strictly follow the instructions, observing the discipline
  • Sex only with a permanent partner
  • Protect in the days of ovulation


  • No side effects and contraindications
  • Fits most women
  • Can be used as a means of preventing NB and as a means of planning conception
  • Free


  • Does not protect against STD (STIs)
  • The term of abstinence from sex contacts can reach up to 16 days
  • In the "risky" days it is necessary to use additional means of contraception
  • Less effective relative to other means of protection
  • Requires constant monitoring
  • It is difficult to calculate the contraception calendar when menopause approaches, in adolescence, as well as in breastfeeding (hormonal shifts occurring in the body) influence the cycle)
  • To both partners need to be examined before starting to apply this method in practice.

Who will not suit

The calendar method is not suitable for the following criteria:

  • If you have several sexual partners
  • If a partner against this method
  • If you are not disciplined, and you cannot with 100% probability to perform all conditions and calculations.
  • If you are not ready to refrain from sexual intercourse for 10 days or more or use these days other ways of contraception
  • If you take medicines that cause cycle fluctuations
  • If you or your partner refuse to be regularly verified from a specialist and take tests on the STD (STIs)