Sowing for mycoplasma and ureaplasma (Mycoplasma hominis, Ureaplasma species) with determination of antibiotic sensitivity. Sowing for ureaplasma: features of preparation, rules and recommendations Sowing for ureaplasma and mycoplasma decoding

Culture analysis for mycoplasma does not belong to the range of studies that all patients who are admitted to a hospital of any profile must undergo.

Doctors use the diagnostic method in the following cases:

  • there is reason to suspect the patient has mycoplasmosis;
  • the couple suffers from infertility or miscarriage;
  • the woman developed an ectopic pregnancy, for which no objective reasons were found;
  • patients with HIV infection of any stage should be tested for mycoplasmosis;
  • if the patient is diagnosed with mycoplasmosis and has received antibiotic therapy, culture is used for evaluation.

The basis for referring a patient for culture to detect a microorganism may be the following complaints in women:

  • discharge of any density and abundance from the vagina, which were previously absent,
  • the presence of itching,
  • burning sensation
  • discomfort in the area of ​​the urethra,
  • complaints of discomfort of any kind during intercourse or when urinating.

If the disease affects a man, then the complaints that are the basis for a referral for research are usually the following:

  • a scanty discharge appears from the urethra, differing transparent color(mostly in the morning, after sleep),
  • there is a pain syndrome in the groin area, usually of a pulling type,
  • there is discomfort during urination.

In the stronger sex, not only the urethra can be affected, but also the scrotum (an acute inflammatory reaction with edema), the prostate (symptoms of prostatitis). If mycoplasmosis is severely neglected, the patient will complain about the appearance of an admixture of pus in it. At the same time, the urge to urinate will become more frequent, especially strongly affecting the night's sleep.

Features of preparation for inoculation on mycoplasma

What is the preparation for inoculation for mycoplasma?

Usually, there are no difficulties with this study. The first thing that needs to be remembered by the patient: the analysis is submitted before any antibiotic therapy was started. If the patient is already taking antibiotics, the results will not be reliable. Therefore, even if drugs are being taken that are not aimed at treating mycoplasmosis, it is necessary to notify the doctor about this. The bladder is emptied two to three hours before the examination.

If a woman takes the analysis, then it must be performed before or after menstruation. Mycoplasma culture is not performed during menstruation.

Where can I get the culture for mycoplasma??

If the patient is a man, then the scraping is taken from the surface of the urethra. In many laboratories, semen analysis is additionally performed. A day before the delivery of biological material, a man must abstain from sexual intercourse without fail. If the patient is a woman, then the scraping is taken from the vaginal machine, as well as from the urethral fornix. A 24 hour abstinence from sexual intercourse is recommended in this case as well.

When, after antibiotics, can the culture for mycoplasma be taken?

For reliable control of treatment, there should be an interval of at least 10, and preferably 14 days between taking antibacterial drugs and the study. During this period, the remnants of the medicines used will be completely removed from the body, and pathogenic microflora if it is preserved, it will be able to make itself felt.

In Russia inoculation on mycoplasma genitalia not performed, since it does not grow on nutrient media. With this type of diagnosis, only mycoplasma hominis can be detected.

How to decipher the results of inoculation for mycoplasma

The analysis is usually ordered by a gynecologist, urologist, or. Deciphering of the results is also carried out by doctors. The results of the decryption are never a complete diagnosis, but they represent important information for the attending physician.

Deciphering the analysis of inoculation for mycoplasma is not difficult. Normally, the result will be negative.

In some cases, asymptomatic carriage is detected, but then the number of microorganisms does not exceed 10 to 4 degrees CFU per tampon or ml. If the indicator exceeds the carrier mark, the result can be regarded as positive. If the inoculation of mycoplasma with ureaplasma was carried out, then it is necessary to pay attention to the digital indicator of the second microbe.

The norm for the content of ureaplasma is up to 10 to the 4th degree CFU. In the presence of an inflammatory process, which is combined with an increase in the number of microbes, conclusions can be drawn about the disease. If there are no signs of inflammation, then they talk about the carrier of a pathogenic microorganism. If the doctor prescribed a culture for mycoplasma, then you cannot rely only on the results of this analysis. Additional studies, general examination of the patient, collection of anamnesis and complaints are mandatory.

Only comprehensive assessment a person's condition will make it possible to make a correct diagnosis, and therefore, even knowing the results of the transcript of the study, it is impossible to engage in self-diagnostics!

Mycoplasma is a group of pathogenic microorganisms. They affect the bronchopulmonary and urinary systems.

Urogenital mycoplasmosis is diagnosed by different methods. Including with the help of bacteriological inoculation. Let's talk about what this method is, what its advantages and disadvantages.

  • Sowing price for mycoplasma

Sowing tank for mycoplasma and ureaplasma

The structures of the urogenital tract can affect two types of mycoplasmas. These are mycoplasma genitalium and hominis.

The first is considered to be more pathogenic. Sowing for mycoplasma genitalia is not done in Russia. Other methods are used to identify this microorganism. Only mycoplasma hominis can be detected with the seed tank. The essence of this diagnostic procedure is as follows:

  • Clinical material is taken from the body. It can be a smear, urine, ejaculate.
  • It is sown on nutrient media.
  • The microorganisms are cultured for several days.
  • The specialist carries out the identification of bacteria.
  • Their sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs is assessed.

How to donate culture for mycoplasma and ureaplasma

For the analysis, mainly smears are used.

In men, seeding of the secretion of the prostate, ejaculate, urine is allowed. For males, a smear is taken only from the urethra. To do this, a tampon is placed inside to a depth of 1-2 cm.

In women, smears are taken from different parts of the urogenital tract. First, remove the remnants of mucus with a dry gauze swab. Because it contains dead bacterial cells, tissues and white blood cells. The doctor may massage the urethra. He then takes a swab and places it on the transport medium. If there is no discharge of the urethra, the tampon is immersed in and rotated for a few seconds. In appearance, the transport medium for inoculation on mycoplasma looks like a light yellow liquid.

Preparation for inoculation for mycoplasma

You need to properly prepare for laboratory diagnostics. Otherwise, you may get incorrect test results. For preparation, the doctor recommends:

  • do not take any drugs, except for vital ones (first of all, they refuse antibiotic therapy);
  • Abstain from sex for 2 days;
  • women - to be tested no earlier than 3 days after transvaginal ultrasound, colposcopy or gynecological examination;
  • do not use tampons;
  • do not do douching;
  • do not urinate 3 hours before taking a smear;
  • prepare sterile containers, probes and other consumables that are necessary for taking tests (this is usually not required in paid clinics).

Provocation before sowing to increase the quantity

Some doctors prescribe a provocation before the test.

Special stimuli are used. They increase the number of bacteria in the urogenital tract.

Accordingly, the sensitivity of the test increases. The likelihood of a false negative is reduced. Provocation is carried out different ways... It happens:

  • chemical;
  • mechanical;
  • alimentary;
  • thermal;
  • physiological.

For chemical provocation, various substances are injected into the urethra or vagina. It can be Lugol's glycerin solution or silver nitrate.

Mechanical provocation involves cystoscopy. Another option is to insert a bougie into the urethra. After irritation of the walls of the urethra, the number of bacteria can increase.

Alimentary provocation is often recommended to the patient. Because this method is the simplest. In addition, it is perceived positively by the majority of patients. They are advised to eat junk food: spicy, salty, smoked, alcohol, etc.

Thermal provocation is occasionally used. For this, stimulation of the genitals is carried out. electric shock or high temperatures... Finally, physiological provocation can only be performed on women. It lies in the fact that smears are taken from a woman during menstruation. During this period, the number of bacteria in the genitourinary tract usually increases. Therefore, it is much easier to detect mycoplasmas.

How much is being prepared for sowing for mycoplasma

Tank seeding is one of the best methods for diagnosing mycoplasmosis. It has high sensitivity and specificity. But the main disadvantage is the long duration of the study. It is for this reason that the doctor often prefers other methods of confirming the diagnosis.

In most cases, the study takes 4-5 days. Plus one more day is required when positive result research. Because if colonies of mycoplasmas grow, the sensitivity of bacteria to antibiotics is determined.

In the event of an exacerbation of the infection, the venereologist often uses a different method to confirm the infection. For example, PCR, because it gives results the very next day. This means that you can start treatment earlier. Accordingly, the risk of complications is reduced. But if the infection has a sluggish chronic course, then several days do not play a significant role in terms of prognosis. With mild symptoms, sowing on mycoplasma hominis can be carried out. This makes it possible to immediately select an effective antibiotic therapy.

Deciphering the analysis of inoculation for mycoplasma

In the analysis, you can see if mycoplasma is detected or not. If found, the quantity is indicated.

The unit of measurement is CFU. Normally, there should be no more than 10 4 CFU. Otherwise, signs of inflammation develop, complications are possible, etc.

Many doctors believe that there should be no mycoplasma in the urogenital tract at all. Therefore, they prescribe treatment even with a minimal concentration of this pathogen. The results also show susceptibility to antibacterial agents.

Mycoplasma can be resistant, sensitive or insensitive to different drugs.

Culture for mycoplasma: false positive and false negative results

Inoculation results are not always reliable. Sometimes they are false negative or false positive.

In the first case, the analysis shows that there are no bacteria, although in fact they are. In the second, on the contrary - the results indicate that mycoplasmas are present in the body. Although in reality they are not there.

False culture results for Mycoplasma are rare. False positives may be due to contamination of the clinical material. False negatives are due to:

  • violation of the rules for the collection of clinical material;
  • violation of the rules for preparing for the test;
  • too low concentration of the pathogen.

To prevent this from happening, smears should be taken by a doctor, not nursing staff. Analyzes should only be sent to quality laboratories.

Culture for mycoplasma: comparison with PCR

Sometimes the results of different analyzes contradict each other. Can PCR be positive and culture negative and vice versa? Sometimes it happens.

If the PCR is positive and the culture is negative, this means that:

  • the concentration of mycoplasmas is too low (PCR has a higher sensitivity);
  • the culture result is false negative due to one of the reasons listed above.

There are also reverse situations. If the PCR is negative and the culture is positive, it means that the PCR was not done correctly. Most likely, the clinical material was taken not from the area where mycoplasmas are concentrated.

Sowing for mycoplasma: timing after infection

After infection, tests are not immediately given. In most cases, patients only see a doctor after symptoms appear. By this time, inflammatory processes begin.

Mycoplasma is already secreted during external environment... Accordingly, it can be detected during diagnostics. But some patients come to be tested for epidemiological indications. For example, after unprotected contact with a person suffering from mycoplasmosis. In this case, people often come to be examined the next day. But there is no sense in diagnostics yet.

It must take at least 2 weeks before bacteria can be detected. Moreover, the risk of a false negative result remains.

It is optimal to treat 1 month after a possible infection or earlier if the disease has already manifested itself with symptoms.

Culture for mycoplasma: when taken after antibiotics

Often patients ask when, after antibiotics, it is possible to take culture for mycoplasma. The use of antibacterial drugs reduces the information content of the study. Because drugs destroy some of the bacteria.

As a result, there are fewer of them, and the seeding results can be skewed. Research can give a false negative result. Otherwise, the result will be positive. But at the same time, the number of bacteria will be underestimated. Therefore, it is impossible to be treated until the moment of delivery of the clinical material for analysis. Sowing is done only 1 month after taking antibiotics.

When they take culture for mycoplasma after treatment

It is impossible to determine with certainty whether the therapy was successful based on the clinical examination of the patient. Symptoms may not be present. But this does not mean that the person is healthy. Therefore, control is required after treatment by the method of inoculation for mycoplasma.

Usually, control diagnostic procedures are performed 1 month after taking the last dose of an antibacterial drug.

The criteria for healing are:

  • absence of bacteria in clinical material;
  • reducing bacteria to a safe concentration;
  • elimination of clinical symptoms;
  • elimination of laboratory signs of inflammation (absence of leukocytes in a smear for flora).

If the test result is negative, the person is considered cured. If it is positive, a second course of therapy is required. It is usually done with another drug.

Holding a seeding tank after treatment is advantageous.

The laboratory investigates which drugs are capable of destroying the pathogen. After the colonies grow, various antibiotics are added to the nutrient medium. Then experts assess which of them inhibit the growth of mycoplasmas more strongly. One of these drugs will be prescribed to the patient. Most likely, it will be more effective than the previous one.

After a second course, control is required again. It is held in a month. Who to take from sexual partners

It is important that both partners are screened for genital infections. Moreover, not only on mycoplasma. Its presence in the body suggests that other STI pathogens may be present. Therefore, a comprehensive examination for genital infections is required.

Should the partners have the same results?

Quantities may vary. But in any case, there should be no pathogenic microorganisms in the structures of the urogenital tract. Therefore, the results for both partners are normally negative. If one is positive, additional treatment is required. Because otherwise there will be a reservoir of infection. One untreated partner will infect the other.

Sowing media for mycoplasma and ureaplasma

Mycoplasma can be sown on different nutrient media. They are divided into liquid, solid and semi-liquid. In practice, liquid or solid are most often used. The latter contain 1.3% agar. It is used as a thickener.

In any environment, there is a nutrient base for bacteria. Usually these are digests and peptones.

Mycoplasmas require not only proteins, but also:

  • cholesterol;
  • fatty acid;
  • sterols;
  • phospholipids;
  • glycolipids.

To detect mycoplasma hominis, the amino acid arginine is added to the culture media. It is included in the composition of liquid media. Sometimes it is necessary to differentiate mycoplasma and ureaplasma. In this case, manganese oxide is added to the dense nutrient medium. If colonies of ureaplasmas grow, they will be colored brown.

Mycoplasmas do not stain in this way. Colonies remain colorless. It is usually necessary to quantify. In this case, titration of the biomaterial is carried out in nutrient media.

Which doctor takes a culture for mycoplasma

Different doctors may order and take this test. First, it is a venereologist. Because mycoplasmosis is a sexually transmitted disease. Secondly, a gynecologist can take an analysis. Because in women, mycoplasma affects the reproductive organs. And it is the female doctor who deals with diseases of the corresponding localization. Thirdly, the urologist takes inoculation for mycoplasma and ureaplasma. Moreover, not only in men, but also in women. Because these microorganisms can infect not only the reproductive system. They can also infect the urinary organs. There are cases when mycoplasmas and ureaplasmas cause cystitis or pyelonephritis. In some laboratories, the analysis is carried out by nurses. For example, if a person does not need a doctor's consultation. Then he goes directly not to a medical clinic, but directly to the laboratory. There they can take tests without a referral from a venereologist. The nurse will take a swab, which will be immediately plated on the culture medium.

Sowing price for mycoplasma

Culture for mycoplasma does not cost more than most other methods for diagnosing mycoplasmosis. Moreover, the culture study is 100% specific. It is highly informative. Because it allows you to isolate a pure culture of mycoplasmas and work with it in the future. It is commonly used to measure antibiotic susceptibility.

On average, the cost of sowing for mycoplasma is 1000 rubles. But this price does not include:

  • the cost of taking clinical material (taking smears);
  • the price of the transport medium;
  • the cost of disposable tableware for testing (for example, a container for collecting urine).

In addition, culture of smears taken from different parts of the body is paid separately. For example, if women undergo a culture study of clinical material from the vagina, cervix and urethra, then the cost of diagnostics will be 3 times higher.

Where to sow for mycoplasma

You can get tested in our clinic. Here you can be tested not only for mycoplasma, but also for other STIs. We offer painless collection of clinical material. If necessary, you can be examined anonymously. We have no queues.

You are guaranteed a friendly attitude from the nursing staff. Our clinic offers affordable prices. After receiving the results, you can get advice from a venereologist or gynecologist.

The doctor will prescribe a treatment that will get rid of mycoplasmosis.

If you need to pass inoculation for mycoplasma and ureaplasma, contact the author of this article - a venereologist in Moscow with many years of experience.


Method of determination bacteriological

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Diagnosis of urogenital infections caused by M. hominis and Ureaplasma spp., And choice of antibiotics.

Mycoplasma hominis is one of a group of gram-negative bacteria that cause damage to the urogenital tract in women and men. Takes a leading place among STIs (sexually transmitted infections). It is often combined with gonococci, Trichomonas and opportunistic microorganisms; is transmitted through sexual intercourse and can cause non-gonococcal urethritis, prostatitis, pelvic inflammatory disease, pathology of pregnancy and fetus, infertility in women and men.

Isolated pathogens: M.hominis.

Ureaplasma spp. causes an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. This microbe is considered the cause of the disease if it is detected in laboratory research, and other pathogenic microorganisms that can cause such inflammation have not been identified. Ureaplasma is transmitted by contact and household, most often - sexually. Incubation period from two to three weeks. Ureaplasmosis in men is manifested by non-gonococcal urethritis, leading to damage to the testicles and appendages, and ultimately to male infertility. In women, this microbe is found in bacterial vaginosis. The asymptomatic course does not reduce the risk of complications. To identify the pathogen, the bacterial inoculation method is used. In this case, up to 80% of cases, joint infection with ureaplasma, mycoplasma and anaerobic microflora is detected.

Bacteria that are present in the body of almost every person. In analyzes, they are found quite often, but this is not always an indicator of the presence of a disease.

Ureaplasma is found in 30% healthy women, but it should be borne in mind that these bacteria are often found with other pathogens, for example.

A culture tank for ureaplasma and mycoplasma can be prescribed in many cases - both for diagnosis and for the treatment of diseases. Ureaplasmosis and mycoplasmosis are not sexually transmitted diseases, therefore, this particular study may not be carried out.

If there are no signs of inflammation and the presence of infections in the genital tract, specifically this analysis not assigned. Sowing on mycoplasma and ureaplasma if there are signs of inflammation, other pathogens are found.

Method essence consists in the study of material from the urogenital tract, which is placed in a special nutrient medium.

In this bacteriological study, microbes are counted, and the titer of ureaplasmas and mycoplasmas to other pathogens is also counted.

The initially harvested crop is placed in a transport medium, from where it is transferred to the nutrient medium. In this environment, the sowing is kept for three days, after which the study and identification is carried out. DNA of microorganisms.

To identify and make an accurate diagnosis, one seeding tank is not enough, more often additional studies are carried out and other tests are taken.

What is the analysis for?

If a specialist has prescribed a culture for ureaplasma, what it is, you can ask your doctor. The essence of the analysis is the delivery of a biomaterial, placing it in a nutrient medium and further researching it.

A seeding tank can be assigned to a patient in the following cases:

Tank culture for ureaplasma can be prescribed in case of not carrying a pregnancy, frequent miscarriages, pathological pregnancies. The analysis should be performed on both partners.

If a seeding tank is prescribed to view the effectiveness of the prescribed treatment, then it is carried out once for men and three times for women.

If sowing for ureaplasma and mycoplasma is prescribed (what is this, you can find out in more detail from the attending physician), then this analysis should not be neglected.

Timely detection of infections and pathogenic bacteria will help to prescribe the correct treatment and get rid of possible problems.

It should be noted that the presence of ureaplasma and mycoplasma in the analyzes is not always a reason for panic and does not mean 100% of the disease.

Research material

For this sowing tank, scrapings are taken from the mucous membrane of the urogenital organs. The biomaterial is taken no earlier than two hours after urination. In women, the material is taken before or after menstruation. The scraping is taken from the fornix of the urethra and from the walls of the vagina.

In men, a scraping of the urethra is done, an additional analysis of the semen is performed. Material for analysis is taken at least one day after intercourse, that is, immediately before taking the analysis, you must refrain from sex.

Analysis results

The final results of the conducted biological research necessarily include the following data:

  • presence of microorganism DNA;
  • the numerical value of microorganisms.

10 * 4 CFU. If there is an inflammatory process, we can talk about the presence of a disease when the norm is exceeded. If there is no inflammation, then in this case the patient is more likely to be a carrier of ureaplasmosis.

Based on the data of the study carried out, the diagnosis is not made. The doctor conducts an examination, prescribes additional studies.

Often, the culture tank gives false results, since ureaplasma is able to turn into a persistence form and is not detected during analysis.

Therefore, you should not completely rely on this analysis. To obtain the most reliable results, it is necessary to undergo a comprehensive examination, and women must pass the sowing tank three times.

In contact with


Method of determination bacteriological

Study material See description

Home visit available

Diagnosis of urogenital infection caused by Ureaplasma spp and choice of antibiotics.

Ureaplasma spp. causes an inflammatory process in the genitourinary system. This microbe is considered the cause of the disease if it is detected in laboratory research, and other pathogenic microorganisms that can cause such inflammation have not been identified. Ureaplasma is transmitted by contact and household, most often - sexually. The incubation period is two to three weeks. Infection in men is manifested by urethritis, leading to damage to the testes and epididymis, and ultimately to male infertility. In women, this microbe is found in bacterial vaginosis. The asymptomatic course does not reduce the risk of complications. To identify the pathogen, the bacterial inoculation method is used. In this case, up to 80% of cases, joint infection with ureaplasma, mycoplasma and anaerobic microflora is detected.

Excreted pathogens: Ureaplasma spp.

Material for research: depending on the indications in women, smears from the urethra, vagina, cervix are subject to examination; in men - a smear from the urethra, prostate secretion, ejaculate, urine (urine is collected in an amount of at least 40-50 ml). Restriction: in women, urine is not tested.


  1. Bogomolov G.I. Differential diagnosis of infectious diseases M. 2000.231 pp.
  2. Gladkova N.S. et al. Grade different methods laboratory diagnostics of urogenital mycoplasmas.
  3. Lead dermatol. Venerol., 1999, No. 2, pp. 43 - 45.
  4. Gorbach S. Et al./ Infectious Diseases (3rd edition) / 2003 / Lippincott Williams & Wilkins / 2700 ps.


The study is carried out before taking antibiotics. If a smear is taken from the urethra for research, the collection of material is carried out before or not earlier than 2 to 3 hours after urination. In women, the study is not carried out during menstruation, the material should be taken no earlier than 5-7 days of the monthly cycle and before its end.

Indications for appointment

Urogenital infections with suspected presence of Ureaplasma spp and control after treatment (10-14 days after drug withdrawal).

Interpretation of results

Interpretation of test results contains information for the attending physician and does not constitute a diagnosis. The information in this section cannot be used for self-diagnosis and self-medication. Accurate diagnosis puts the doctor, using both the results of this examination and the necessary information from other sources: anamnesis, results of other examinations, etc.

The presence or absence of growth is indicated, a semi-quantitative assessment is given, sensitivity to antibiotics with a positive result.

Interpretation of the result: Normally, the result is negative. In asymptomatic carriage, a low titer (< 10 4 кое/тампон/мл).

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