Only IGA chlamydia 1 5. Antibodies to chlamydia LGA, Chlamydia TR. IGA, quantity. Delivery and decoding analyzes for the detection of antibodies

It causes chlamydia trachomatis bacterium.

Prevalence of illness

Not everyone knows, but chlamydia, if you believe the statistics, it is amazing 100 million people annually. In Russia, it was estimated that this disease is twice as much more often than no less well-known gonorrhea.

The disease is transmitted in sexual path with unprotected contacts and vertical line: to the baby from mom during pregnancy and during childbirth. The domestic path of infection is also not excluded. But even if you had sexual intercourse without barrier contraception with the CHLAMYDIA trachomatis carrier, you can not get infected. It is known that the infection requires a certain minimum number of bacteria. That is why infection occurs not at every unprotected contact. But at the same time, women are infected more often than men.

Classification of serotypes infection

In most cases, patients only in the doctor's office learn that the Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium settled in the body. Analysis can reveal exactly what kind of serotype infection struck you. Depending on this, it will be clear which disease is developing in the body. Thus, when infected with serotypes A, B, BA, the trachoma is developing, the venereal lymphographic is caused by L1, L2, L3, and the cause of urogenital chlamydia and conjunctivitis becomes D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K.


The main danger of chlamydia is that it often proceeds asymptomatic. It was found that about 46% of men and almost 67% of women do not know about the infection in the body of the infection. It has no time for them for a long time. At the same time, it is also possible enough long-term infection without any manifestations of symptoms.

Often the disease is detected with a general examination on infections that are transmitted mainly by sexually. You can identify the disease using PCR or IFA diagnostics. Also, it is also possible to carry out bacteriological sowing.

Symptoms of disease in men

To suspect that the infection of chlamydia occurred, the representatives of the strong floor can be used by the selection from the urethra. At the same time, they also note the stripped urination, which is often accompanied by the sensations of itching and burning. The appearance of Chlamydia trachomatis in men is also accompanied by pain in the scrotum, testicles and urethra. In rare cases, the disease is accompanied by weakness, subfebrile temperature at 37 degrees and even bloody secretions from the urethra. They, as a rule, appear only at the end of urination.

Signs of chlamydia in women

To suspect the infection with bacteria chlamydia trachomatis in the appearance of unusual discharge. Often, women even complain about the unusual color and the appearance of the impurity in the pus. In addition, chlamydia is accompanied by an unpleasant odor of the vagina, itching and burning in the area of \u200b\u200bboth exterior and internal genital organs. In addition, the disease can cause intermented bleeding. And the critical days themselves become more painful. Just like men, in rare cases, the disease is accompanied by a minor increase in body temperature and general weakness.

Features of chlamydia

The first symptoms of the disease may appear in 2-4 weeks after unprotected contact. But you should not relax, if the specified period, you did not notice anything usual. Do not forget that in almost half of the cases, this disease may not make itself felt for a long time.

The life cycle of bacteria consists of two phases. In the first of them, they are in the form of a dispute. Specialists are called elementary tales. At the same time, they are insensitive to antibiotics. But after penetrating inside the cells of the mucous membranes, they become reticular veins and begin to actively multiply. Only after such a transition makes sense to begin antibacterial therapy.

Related research

If you have noticed one of the described symptoms or simply you had unprotected sexual contact, it is advisable to check. The doctor will give you a direction to the laboratory, where they will be able to reliably determine whether you are infected with bacteria causing chlamydia.

Specialists to identify the disease are recommended to conduct PCR diagnostics. At the same time, the amount of DNA of the bacteria in a taking sample is determined. Only the study is called chlamydia trachomatis kach. (Qualitative definition of DNA). It allows you to accurately determine if the inflammatory process of chlamydia was caused. If they became the culprits of problems, then there will be quite a lot of them in the sample. And with a minor content of bacteria in the sample, it is advisable to further continue the surveys. With a lot of probability, it can be said that the problems were caused by another infection.

It is this study that makes it possible to determine the sorotype of the disease that struck the human body. But the definition of antibodies - Anti Chlamydia trachomatis is considered an auxiliary test. With it, you can determine whether infection has long happened. He also helps to identify the exacerbations of chronic infection. It is important to know that the IGG antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis appear no earlier than 3-4 weeks after the first infection. And they disappear only when the infection is completely cured. True, you can only talk about full recovery only when IgG immunoglobulins nor IgM nor IgA are in the body.

Definition of antibodies

There are several types of blood tests for which they find out if infection is in the body. For each of them, blood is taken from veins. For a more reliable result, experts recommend not to smoke at least 30 minutes before the study.

The definition is based on the fact that the CHLAMYDIA trachomatis IgG antibodies are actively produced at that time when the clinical manifestations of the disease are pronounced. Normally, the result must be negative. It is positive, when the position ratio is in the range of 0-0.99.

But IGM immunoglobulins appear only after infection. Their presence is a sign that the disease in the body has come recently. The ratio of positivity for this marker is in the range of 0-0.84. For example, if an IGG antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis are present in the analysis and the negative result for IgM immunoglobulins is present, this indicates that the disease has fallen into the body more than two or three months ago. If there is no possibility to carry out PCR diagnostics, then the study of antibodies in the dynamics allows you to determine whether the disease is retreating during treatment.

The Anti Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG is defined even if the disease passes without pronounced clinical symptoms. These immunoglobulins detect in the case of a chronic flow of infection. They do not disappear if the treatment prescribed by the doctor turned out to be ineffective.

Preparation for PCR studies

If you get together to the laboratory to determine the Anti Chlamydia trachomatis IgG, you can at any day, then the need to take an analysis for sowing to think in advance. After all, the result will be non-informative if in 4 weeks before the study did not stop the reception of antibacterial agents. It is also important to observe the sexual quiet at least for 36 hours before the study. Any hygienic procedures per day before analyzing the tests should be carried out without the use of soap or special antibacterial agents. It is necessary to wash only clean water.

It is also important to remember that women can take analysis no earlier than two days after the completion of the next menstruation. The prohibition is also superimposed on the use of any vaginal candles and douching.

Both women and men need to refrain from urination before taking the neighborhood for 1.5-3 hours.

Chlamydia during pregnancy

All women who expect the baby and are put into accounting for women's advice, doctors recommend to pass tests on sexually transmitted infections. Their number includes the definition of the presence of chlamydia trachomatis in the body. A positive result in future mothers is quite often. After all, almost half of the cases this infection does not make itself felt.

But if it is detected, it must be treated. After all, chlamydia is striking the fetal shells, they fall into amniotic fluid, they are cozed on the mucous membranes. This disease leads to a stop of the development of a baby or to miscarriages in the early stages. Chlamydia is often the cause of premature oral influence, early childbirth. They also lead to the appearance of a number of defects at the kid. Mothers with chlamydia are often born babies with a low mass body. In 20-50% of kids, for two weeks, conjunctivitis develops, and 10-20% under the age of three months begin with pneumonia caused by these bacteria.


If you were detected by Anti Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG or a positive result of the PCR diagnostics was detected, then without competent therapy could not do. It includes both antibaterial, anti-inflammatory and immunostimulating treatment. At the same time, it is impossible to choose drugs and the diagram on which they must be taken. After all, medications must completely destroy the chlamydia trachomatis bacterium. Treatment is selected in such a way that antibiotics are included in it, which penetrate the inside of human cells. Thus, the most effective is the appointment of tetracycline drugs in combination with macrolides.

Means as "azithromycin", "Levofloxacin", "Doxycycline" can be discharged. They are able to kill Chlamydia trachomatis bacterium. Treatment, as a rule, lasts a few weeks. Immunomodulatory drugs and dysbiosis drugs are prescribed at the same time. But in each particular case, the doctor selects the treatment scheme individually.

One or two months after its completion, it is desirable to recount analyzes again. If there is no possibility to carry out PCR diagnostics to identify infection, then it is necessary to at least pass on the analysis of venous blood. The absence of chlamydia trachomatis IgG will be indicative only when the IGA, IGM immunoglobulins are absent in the body.

It is also important to completely abandon sexual life for the period of treatment before receiving negative results. At the same time, therapy is carried out simultaneously from both partners. This rule applies even to those cases when one of them has negative results.

Definition method Envuno-immunimal analysis (in sets a recombinant specification CHLAMYDIA trachomatis antigen is used).

The material under study Serum blood

Available Departure to the house

Class G antibodies to the CHLAMYDIA TRACHOMATIS antigen. Marker transferred or current infection.

Appear in 15 - 20 days after the introduction into the CHLAMYDIA trachomatis body. Long circulating IgG indicate a transferred chlamydial infection. These are specific, highly active antibodies, but they do not provide persistent immunity against chlamydia. IgG is preserved for several years, sometimes even for life. The IGG titer is reduced when the process is heal and sinking, when reactivation, the titer is growing, sometimes fourfold.

Features of infection. Chlamydia is a bacterial infectious disease disease with mainly subacute or chronic flow. It is characterized by the lesion of the epithelium of the mucous membranes (genitals, eyes, organs of the respiratory system).

The infection is transmitted by sexual, domestic contact. The risk group consists of persons practicing indiscriminate sexual communications and family members (especially children) infected with chlamydia. The size of the elementary Taurus S. trachomatis is very small - 0.2 - 0.4 microns. This determines the incomplete protection of sexual partners with mechanical means of contraception.

Chlamydia trachomatis exists in two forms: infectious (elemental caller) - metabolically weakly active, adapted to existence in the extracellular medium, and vegetative (reticular taurus) - intracellular form, metabolically active, formed during chlamydia reproduction. As a result of the division of the reticular calorie inside the cytoplasmic vacuole, and their transformation into elementary calves is formed to 1000 new elementary taurs. The development cycle is usually completed by the death of the epithelial cell and the output from it new elementary taurus. Under certain conditions (features of immunity, inadequate therapy with antibiotics) there is a delay in the ripening of reticular taurus and transform them into elementary calves, which leads to a decrease in the expression of the main CHLAMYDIA trachomatis antigens, a decrease in the immune response and a change in the sensitivity to antibiotics. There is a persistent infection. Reactivation of persistent infection can occur under the action of changes in immune or hormonal status, injury, operations, stress.

Inxication for chlamydial infection is not characteristic. The outcome of the inflammatory process during chlamydia is the thickening of the affected mucosa, the epithelialocyte metaplasia into the multilayer flat epithelium with the subsequent growth of the scar connective tissue. The latter is believed to be one of the main reasons for secondary infertility in men and women as a result of the infectious process of chlamydial etiology. The systemic nature of lesions (including the Reiter syndrome) has autoimmune and is not associated with bacteremia. The clinical picture of infection, in most cases, is not specific. The manifest forms of chlamydia in men can proceed in the form of urethritis, proctitis, connounivitis, pharyngitis. In women - urethritis, cervicitis, proctitis, conjunctivitis, venereal lymphogranulum. In children - conjunctivitis, pneumonia, otitis, bronchipolitis.

The greatest diagnostic difficulties represent asymptomatic forms. Significant therapeutic problems are associated with complications of chlamydia. These may be: salpinting, endometritis, ectopic pregnancy, infertility; postpartum endometrite, premature genera, non-obstruction of pregnancy, stillbirth, tumors of the urogenital tract - in women; Epididiment, prostatitis, Reiter syndrome, infertility, rectal strictures - in men.

Antibodies to chlamydia appear when infected with chlamydia trachomatis. Depending on their type and quantity, the infectious disease will make conclusions about the stage of development of the disease, the limit of infection. To identify them, various analyzes use, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages.

To get rid of chlamydia in the blood, the body produces antibodies

Antibodies to chlamydia - what does it mean?

When penetrating in the body of pathogens microorganisms, the immune system responds to foreign bacteria to active generation of immunoglobulins.

Chlamydia - pathogenic microorganisms

- pathogenic microorganisms, a healthy person should not be. After infection with these bacteria, the body begins to actively defend and fight, which leads to the appearance of antibodies. Their numerical designation is called titer, the type depends on the stage of the disease, the limit of infection.


Chlamydia is an intracellular bacterium, in many respects, it is largely similar to viruses, it has DNA and RNA, a division varies. Modern laboratory diagnostic methods help identify the presence of causative agents of the disease even with their small amounts in the blood. Biological material for analyzes - blood, urine, zasples from the mucous genital organs. You need to give an analyzes on an empty stomach, do not smoke at least half an hour before the start of the study. The answer can be obtained within 2-3 days, private laboratories can provide results after a few hours.

The main methods of diagnosis of chlamydiosis:

  1. Reef (reaction of immune fluorescence) - biological material is examined by painting pathogenic microorganisms with glowing dyes. The accuracy of the study is no more than 70% - false positive results are due to the fact that not every specialist can identify the glow characteristic for chlamydia.
  2. The microscopic method has low sensitivity, but when it is used, you can see the overall picture of inflammation as a whole - the level of leukocytes, the number of changed cells.
  3. ELISA (enzyme analysis) is a serological method of diagnostics, with which the main types of immunoglobulins are determined - IgG, IgM, IGA, allows you to identify chlamydia at the initial stage.
  4. Definition of heat shock protein - analysis is designed to identify the persistent form of the disease.
  5. PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a molecular genetic diagnostic method with a sensitivity of more than 98%, allows you to identify the presence of DNA chlamydia. The analysis is carried out in acute and chronic forms of the disease.
  6. Detection of DNA of pathogenic bacteria using labeled probes - analysis is carried out in the acute phase of the infectious disease.
  7. The ligase chain reaction - as a studied material suitable for the urine, the accuracy of the analysis of more than 95%.
  8. The culture method of diagnosis, or bapposev, never shows false positive results, but it takes no less than a week. The analysis makes it possible to identify the sensitivity of pathogenic microorganisms to antibacterial drugs.

Bakposposev - one of the types of diagnosis of chlamydia

With special care, analyzes are analyzed for the presence of chlamydia during pregnancy, since only reliable results will help identify the presence and type of infection and the possible risk of infection of the child. The probability of intrauterine infection is maximal with positive IGA. The chlamydia in the newborn can diagnose and if there is an antibody type of type G.

There is no method that allows with 100% confidence to diagnose chlamydia, so the infectious person prescribes at least two analyzes. The most sensitive methods of research - PCR and microbiological analysis.

Antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis type G are determined even in the absence of explicit signs of infection. These immunoglobulins appear in the blood in the chronic course of the disease. If they are detected by the child, subject to the absence of antibodies of type A, M, this indicates the intrauterine infection of chlamydia.

Results and decoding

To decipher analyzes, it is necessary to take into account the ratio of positiveness during chlamydia. The negative result (values \u200b\u200bless than 0.9) indicates the absence of chlamydia in the body, the absence of an acute stage of the disease or that pathology is successfully cured. The titer does not exceed 1: 5.

Deciphering analyzes for the identification of chlamydia

Positive result: Positivity coefficient 1.1 and above indicates that infection occurred not more than 14-21 days ago. Such indicators are immediately after the end of treatment, when chlamydia is destroyed, but the antibodies to them are still left. The titer increases with the acute course of the disease, decreases during remission or after cure.

The values \u200b\u200bof the coefficient within 0.9-1.1 are considered doubtful, the tests must be passed again after 3-7 days.

Antibody type and their meaning

The immunoglobulin class and their number allow you to determine the stage of the disease, the prescription of infection.

Types of antibodies to chlamydia:

  1. IgA - a sharp increase in the titer occurs in the acute form of an infectious process, the exacerbation of chronic chlamydia. You can detect them in 10-14 days after infection, children are usually always a little higher than the norm. Values \u200b\u200bare increased within 2-3 months after infection. If the treatment is chosen correctly, the amount of type A antibodies begins to decrease and reaches the norm by the end of the 16th week of the disease. Iga negative may be in case infection occurred less than 7-14 days ago.
  2. Igm is a positive value indicative of the active growth of pathogenic bacteria, the acute phase of pathology. Antibodies appear after 3 weeks after infection, the decrease in the indicators does not mean the relief from the disease.
  3. IgG - appear in the blood 15-20 days after infection, do not disappear anywhere.

Negative titer of type M antibodies - 1: 200, for class G - 1:10.

Table of results of analyzes for chlamydia

results Decoding
Igm, IgG both negative Man is healthy
Positive IgG, Negative IGM The patient is a carrier of infection or has immunity to chlamydia. Therapy is not required
Positive IGM, negative IgG Primary infection in acute form, urgently need to start receiving antibiotics
IgG, IGM both positive The aggravation of the chronic infectious process, the active work of the immune system during primary infection, should immediately begin treatment

In the form of analysis results, positive indicators denote the plus sign, negative - minus.

Antibodies to chlamydia trachomatis often give cross-type reactions with respiratory chlamydia, which have almost all children who have suffered bronchitis or inflammation of the lungs.

How long the antibodies are preserved after chlamydia

After adequate antibacterial therapy, chlamydia trichomatics dies, in biological material pathogenic microorganisms are absent, the IGM IGA antibodies disappear, which indicate the acute stage of the disease.

IgG class immunoglobulins may be present in the blood for a long time, in some patients the titer remains up to 30 years - such a phenomenon is called the "serological scar". Values \u200b\u200bare variable character, they can change during respiratory diseases, against the background of the reception of immunomodulators. The only thing about what the importance is evidenced that a person has previously encountered chlamydial infection.

The value of antibodies may vary under the influence of various factors, such as colds

To determine the stage of the disease, the value is not the size of the title, but how it increases within a month.

To identify antigen to chlamydia, you must pass at least 2 different analyzes, track the increase in the indicators in the dynamics. Despite the existing norms, it is not worthwhile to engage in self-decoding of the results - this is the competence of a professional infectious examiner, only a specialist will be able to compare all the facts, confirm or refute the diagnosis.

Antibodies to chlamydia - cells produced by the immune system in response to the penetration of the causative agent of infection. The higher the protective forces of the body, the faster the capture and the destruction of alien bodies occurs.

Despite the fact that the norms of antibodies to chlamydia can be found in medical directories, each patient should understand that a qualified specialist should be described by the results of the analysis. Do not try to implement it yourself. Make conclusions about the presence of chlamydia based on the data obtained should not be. Each doctor knows that antibody titers are a non-permanent value.

Different types of types are detected at various forms of the disease. Therefore, the expression "discovered chlamydia" is incorrect. A positive result of the analysis on antibodies should not be a reason for the use of a drug. Venous blood acts as material for research.

It is possible to determine the presence of immunoglobulins by the ELISA method, the accuracy of which is approaching 90%.

Types of antibodies

To determine the stage and form of the disease, as well as the selection of the most effective treatment regimen, the doctor analyzes several indicators:

IGA antibodies can be revealed in 2 weeks after infection. In the following months, their titer is constantly increasing, however, with proper therapy, it has been observed a gradual decline until the achievement of normal values. If during the treatment period, this indicator remains unchanged, we are talking about the transition of chlamydia in chronic form. With a negative result, the analysis on antibodies repeat after 2 weeks. This method is considered auxiliary, it cannot be used to form a final diagnosis.

IGM class antibodies appear in the body in the case when chlamydia begin active reproduction and the disease acquires an acute form. Their appearance suggests that immunity needs support for the fight against bacterium. Without use of antibiotics, it is not necessary. Regardless of quantity, these antibodies will not be able to destroy the infection.

Antibodies to IGM chlamydia appear approximately 3 weeks after infection. A further reduction in the titer does not testify to recovery. A positive and weak-beding result of the analysis during pregnancy indicates the possibility of intrauterine fetal infection.

Anti Chlamydia Trachomatis IgG is found in a few weeks after infection and remain in the body forever. If the patient is at least once in his life hurt chlamydia, a small titer will be present throughout life. The result of an analysis on antibodies to chlamydia Traamatis IgG positive does not give an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat infection flows in what form. Blood on the immunoglobulins of this class is recommended to explore several times. Diagnosis of chlamydia should include more informative methods.

Decoding results

When interpreting the results of analysis on chlamydia, experts use a rating ratio:

To determine the stage of the pathological process, it is necessary to analyze the amount of immunoglobulins of class M. Additionally, an analysis of the smear of urethra or vagina is prescribed. The combination of these methods allows you to set the correct diagnosis. Antibodies in the body of the child can be found in the event that his parents sick chlamydia. Especially often there is intrauterine infection. The analysis must be done when there are signs of chlamydial conjunctivitis, otitis or laryngitis.

On intrauterine infection shows the presence of class G immunoglobulins in the absence of the rest. The negative result of the analysis of the newborn does not mean that he has no chlamydia. If the infection occurred at the moment of birth, the blood antibodies appear only on 3-4 weeks of life. During this period, a re-examination is recommended.

It is impossible to put an accurate diagnosis on the basis of detection of antibodies during pregnancy. During this period, the analysis very often gives false-positive results. The norm of antibodies to chlamydia is largely depends on the period of pregnancy. When deciphering the conclusion, the specialist should consider this indicator. The use of antibacterial drugs before performing an accurate diagnosis is unacceptable.

Antibodies to chlamydia can be detected from a fully healthy person. It is explained by the fact that they are similar to immunoglobulins produced with influenza and ORVI - diseases that visited almost every resident of our planet. In order not to carry out the treatment, the study by the PCR method is appointed.

Over the past few years, infection caused by chlamydia has not gained great distribution. To determine the presence of infection, you will have to pass the blood test on antibodies to chlamydia. With chlamydia today, not only urologists, obstetrics, gynecologists and dermatovenerologists, but even the oculists and therapists, infectiousists and rheumatologists and rheumatologists are dealt with.

Elementary particles are joined to the cell and in eight hours penetrate into it, turning into the reticular taurus. As a result, inflammatory reactions begin on the affected tissues.

Due to the intracellular arrangement of chlamydia, the infection begins to flow from a sharp in chronic form.

Bacteria genus chlamydia can cause chlamydia. Intracellular location - this is what distinguishes them from other types of microorganisms, for the data of bacteria life inside the cell - the norm.

To date, there are several types of chlamydia that can cause conjunctivitis, arthritis and even pneumonia. But the most common is urogenital chlamydia, which is one of the most popular sexually transmitted diseases. Due to chlamydia, fruit pathology may occur during pregnancy. Most of the children born from infected mothers are most often amazed by chlamydia.

Most often, the chlamydia hitting the body occurs when the carrier of these microorganisms enters into sexual relations with a healthy person. In this situation, the risk of infection is circulated about 60 percent. Some time ago it was considered that it was possible to infected with chlamydias even through a towel. However, it has already been scientifically proven that this cannot be, since for chlamydia existence in the external environment is not the norm.

There are two most effective method for diagnosing chlamydia:

  1. polymerase chain reaction, which is based on the presence of an antigen pathogen - PCR;
  2. sowing.

The objectivity of the results depends on the properly conducted studies and the quality of technology.

In order to diagnose, chlamydia needs to be removed from its native environment: cervix or urethra.

It is important to maintain a microorganism properly during the study, since with improper handling there may be a false negative result.

The disadvantages of this method, like sowing, include the duration of the analysis, the high price of equipment, complexity. Therefore, the more common method is PCR.

The easiest way to identify Chlamydia, when the disease is in acute form. In chronic flow, the diagnosis may be difficult. Therefore, patients often have to take tests again. For the analysis, you can take a different material: the secret of prostate, separated by the cervix or urethra, the rectum, the scraping of the eye conjunctiva, scraping from the pharynx, make blood pressure.

To identify antibodies to IDD, IGA, IGM chlamydia, you need a blood test from veins. Only a comprehensive study can give the most complete clinical picture. Detection of IDD, IGA antibodies, IGM in the blood will help to recognize the presence of chlamydia and properly assign treatment.

What is dangerous chlamydia pneumonia (chlamydia pneumoniae)?

The chlamydia pneumoniae is most dangerous by the fact that it does not have pronounced symptoms. Less often Chlamydia Pneumoniae proceeds like lightness or bronchitis. Initially, the infection exhibits itself in the form of lesions of nasopharynx. In rare cases, fever is happening in the first days of infection. C. Pneumoniae proceeds without temperature. It is distinguished by strong voosity and cough with a meager separated. CHLAMYDIA PNEUMONIAE complications include: otitis and endocarditis, bronchial asthma, no code erythym. You can detect chlamydia pneumoniae when donated blood on IGM and IgG antibodies.

Idd, IgA, IGM antibodies

In the acute course of infection in the body, the presence of IDD, IGA, IGM antibodies (AT) to chlamydia trachomatis increases. For the body, such a state is normal.

The body infected with chlamydia trachomatis begins to produce antibody data at high speed during the period of acute flow of infection. Thus, with genital chlamydia, large titers of IgG antibodies in serum are revealed. They are also pretty high in children, patients with Chlamydia Pneumoniae.

IGM antibodies are detected in the first five days of acute infection. At the same time, the peak of the IGM content falls on the first week, and then their titer begins to decline. Igm is directed against the protein of the outer membranes of chlamydia. IGM antibodies cannot act through the placenta and are their own antibodies in newborns. For infected newborns - this is the norm. The IGM titer can also manifest itself in case of repeated infection or superinimation.

IGA antibodies are detected 10-15 days after the infection of Chlamydia trachomatis, and their content in the blood can only decrease after two or four months. If reinfection occurs, the IGA antibody content is growing again. In the event that the IGA titer is not reduced after treatment, then we can talk about the persistent or chronic form of the course of Chlamydia trachomatis.

IgG antibodies are manifested 16-20 days after infection. At IgG can be maintained in the blood for many years. Therefore, the presence of antibodies in the blood should be determined in the dynamics.

When reinfection, the IGG titer increases. This type of antibody can act through the placenta and protects the fetus from infection, including from Chlamydia Pneumoniae.

To obtain an accurate result, it is necessary to take blood test on IGA and IGM in the dynamics. If the result is unclear, then an additional study on antibodies to Khalmidia Traçatis IgG will be required.

It is important to understand that the study of blood test results for the presence of Chlamydia trachomatis antibodies is auxiliary. Due to low immunogenicity, half of the patients fail to detect chlamydia trachomatis in the blood.

Study for the presence of antibodies to Chlamydia Trachomatis is used in the following diseases:

  • cervicit
  • andexite,
  • urethritis,
  • inflammatory lung diseases, pneumonia (chlamydia pneumoniae),
  • infectious arthropathy
  • behalet syndrome.

Blood analysis results for antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis

How can I designate the results of the tests? Positive values \u200b\u200bfor the presence of antibodies indicate:

  • recent infection, in the first two weeks, the presence of such antislas in the blood is the norm,
  • reinfetskia chlamydia,
  • chronic chlamydia
  • probability of intrauterine development chlamydia trachomatis.

Negative blood test results for the presence of antibodies to Chlamydia trachomatis are in case:

  • recent infection occurred (the antibodies in the blood did not appear),
  • there is a latent phase of chronic flow of infection,
  • lack of damage to chlamydia - the norm
  • unlikely development of infection intrauterine.

How to treat chlamydia?

Treatment of chlamydia - the case is quite difficult. The fact is that the existence of chlamydia inside the cell is the norm. They have a rather complicated cycle of development. Treatment should be in the complex. Chlamydia is sensitive to the following groups of antibiotics:

  • tetracyclines,
  • fluorochinols,
  • macrolids.

It is important to take into account that treatment among antibiotics is not the norm. The immune system should be in order. For the period of treatment, it will be necessary to refrain from sex contacts. After treatment, you will need to pass repeated tests for the presence of chlamydia. In the case of negative analyzes, you can talk about effective treatment.