Holiday Valentine's Day in kindergarten. Summary of the lesson in the preparatory group “Valentine's Day. The game "Fortune-telling" is being held

The script of the show program for Valentine's Day for the senior and preparatory group of the preschool educational institution



Fairy Valentine

Leopold the Cat

White mouse

Black mouse


Preparation for the holiday

Attributes and decorations: 2 sets of musical instruments: maracas, tambourine, ratchet, bell, noise box; 10 postcards cut into 4 rectangles; 5 skirts; balloons: white and red.

The hall is decorated in red and white colors: garlands of corrugated paper, all kinds of hearts are attached to the walls. The phonogram of the song "A True Friend", poems by M. Plyatskovsky, music by B. Savelyev, to which the children enter the hall and sit down, sound. The Fairy of Love and Friendship appears - Valentine (she has a lush white outfit decorated with red hearts).

Event progress

Valentine's Day. Hello, friends! I am a Fairy of love and friendship Valentine. I have such a name because I am the hostess of the holiday - Valentine's Day, Valentine's Day.

The beating of the human heart sounds in the audio recording.

Valentine... Do you hear? This is the beating of a man's heart. Do you know when it hits hardest? When a person is in love and when he is also loved. Please tell me who do you love the most in the world? (Children answer.) Great! Since you love and, I am sure, you are loved too, then this is your holiday. Therefore, today we will have fun, joke, laugh, arrange contests and funny competitions. And, undoubtedly, only friendship should reign on our holiday. Do you agree? (Children's answer.) And we will start our holiday with a wonderful dance - "Waltz of Friendship".

Children dance "Waltz of Friendship", then sit down. An audio recording of the song "In the house there are eight, a fraction of sixteen" sounds. Myshata rush into the hall - black and white.

White mouse... Leopold, come out!

Black mouse... Come out, you sneaky coward!

Valentine's Day. How? Are these words on our holiday?

White mouse... What is it? We need Leopold, that cowardly cat!

Black mouse... Where is this Leopoldishka? Tail by tail! Leopold, come out!

Valentine... There is no Leopold the cat. Please do not interfere with our celebration.

White mouse... Black, let's get out of here, we have nothing to do here.

Black mouse... Went! We'll find him anyway.

Leaving, the Mice repeat all the time: “Leopold, come out!

Come out, you sneaky coward! "

From another door of the hall, the cat Leopold appears, out of breath, runs out into the center of the hall.

Leopold... Hello guys! I know you are having a holiday, I would not want to disturb you. But I don't know where to hide from these annoying little mice. They do not give me a pass: they tease, gloat. I don’t know what to do with them ... Maybe you know some remedy for their harm and anger? (Children offer their own options for a way out of this situation.)

Valentine... Leopold, in my opinion, the only remedy that will reeducate these wild mice is friendship.

Leopold. If you knew how many times I suggested to them: "Guys, let's live together!" - but, alas, everything is useless ...

Valentine... But today we must teach them to be friends and love their neighbors at all costs. We have such wonderful holiday- Valentine's Day, day of love and friendship.

Leopold. Do you think it will work out today?

Valentine... I'm just sure.

An audio recording of the song "Tail by Tail" sounds, mice again run into the hall, they are aggressively tuned. The little mice are stepping on the Cat.

White mouse... Yes, you can't hide, you sneaky coward!

Leopold... Guys let's be friends!

White mouse... Never!

Black mouse... Never!

Leopold(referring to Valentine). Well, what did I tell you?

Valentine... Mice, wait a minute, your Leopold is not going anywhere. Would you like to take part in fun games and competitions with our guys?

White mouse(pointing to Leopold). Is he definitely not going anywhere?

Valentine... Of course, he will also be a guest of our holiday.

White mouse... Black, how are you?

Black mouse... I love to play! I do not mind.

White mouse... Okay, we're staying.

Valentine... Mice, can you be entrusted with a very important and responsible role?

White and black mice(glancing at one another). Na-a-am ?!

Valentine... Yes, it’s for you. Leopold and I will organize various games, contests, competitions. And you will determine the winners in them, award them with such hearts and after each game pair our winners.

Mice... Agree! Valentine's card. Then we start!

Games and contests for Valentine's Day for children

Game "Funny Musicians" (I part)

15-20 children participate in the game. Two sets of children's musical instruments are brought in: 2 tambourines, 2 maracas, 2 ratchets, 2 bells, 2 noise boxes. Ten participants are given one of these instruments in their hands.

Cheerful music sounds. Children should pass these instruments to each other in a circle, they should not linger in anyone's hands. The music stops after a while. Children who have paired instruments remain to continue the game, the rest sit down.

Valentine's Day. Dear Musicians, you must show us your musical skills and play together like an orchestra.

Orchestra-improvisation (Russian folk melody "I will sow a swan on the shore").

Valentine's Day. But the game "Funny Musicians" is not over yet. After all, we need to determine the first pair of winners in this game.

Game "Merry Musicians" (II part)

The game involves all the children with the instruments that were played in the orchestra. They stand in a circle, but the following instruments remain: tambourine, maracas, ratchet, noise box and two bells. Children again, to the music, pass these instruments to each other without delay. The music is interrupted, those children who have bells left and form the first friendly couple.

Mice are awarded with souvenir hearts and are seated in specially designated places.

Galina Schlichenmaer

Lesson summary

Theme: Valentine's Day

Age: 6-7 years old.


1. To acquaint with the traditions of the holiday.

2. To promote the development of collectivism, the formation of respectful relations with each other.

3. Develop attention and creative imagination.

The form classes: conversation with elements of game activity.

Equipment: chamomile with tasks, valentines, pictures with birds,

The course of the lesson.

The teacher reads a poem:

In the snowy haze of February sunrises

Day let the lovers please again

This is a feast of poems and sonnets

Sing and cheer love!

What do you guys think this poem is about? Love is a very broad concept. What do you think, what or whom can you love? (mom, dad, flowers) Many poems, songs have been composed about love, and it turns out that there is a holiday of lovers « St. Valentine's Day» but right « Valentine's Day» ... Today we are with you at occupations let's talk about this holiday, which is celebrated on February 14th. What do you know about the holiday?

Although it's still winter outside, « Valentine's Day» can be considered the first spring holiday, spring in spirit, in mood. This is a holiday for all lovers, but not only ... Part of whether you say pleasant words to your close friends, moms, dads? Today you will have such an opportunity, but why do you think this holiday is called that way?

Version 1: Future Saint was a great friend of children, he talked about Christ, the children loved to listen to him. For his faith, he will be imprisoned. Sitting in jail awaiting execution Valentine received many touching notes, with love from his young friends.

Version 2: New Year according to the Roman calendar, it fell just in the middle of February. Just as now the girls were guessing at the betrothed (future husband)... They say that in ancient Rome there lived a priest Valentine he agreed to secretly marry the lovers. The union of which was hindered by the prohibition of the emperor Claudius, who believed that single young men would make better soldiers than married ones. The priest was executed for disobedience.

There are also third, fourth, fifth and sixth versions, no matter how many there are, the main thing is that there is a holiday and it has been celebrated for more than one and a half thousand years.

There are a lot of traditions of congratulations on the holiday, but usually this day it is customary to congratulate people to whom you relate well - this includes parents and brothers, sisters and of course friends, but the main attention is paid to beloved ladies and gentlemen.

In that day it is customary to give each other greeting cards in the form of hearts, the so-called « Valentines» ... In addition to them, they give flowers, sweets - hearts, and many other things with the image of hearts. And now we will play a game with you, listen carefully to the rules games:

1. All of you are sitting next to each other, now let's say compliments to each other in a chain, that is, good words. (You were pleased to hear good words when they told you)

2. Find a couple, children take pictures of birds without showing each other, take turns depicting the cries of birds and by these sounds they find each other.

3. Chamomile - one child comes out and take one petal each, and perform the task that is written on the petal.

4. From heart to heart - On the table are hearts cut into two parts, each takes a half of hearts. The aim of the game is to find your soul mate.

5. Children cut out hearts from colored paper and give them to those they like.

Outcome: Well, he is such an amazing holiday of greeting each other, International Valentine's Day... This day a reason to talk about love again, say or write warm and tender words to each other.

Valentine's Day Scenario - Stolen Heart

Good evening, dear friends! Today is February 14, and this is not just another day of the week, month and year, this is Valentine's Day. Which is known to be Valentine's Day. Do we have people today who are in love? There are such? Fine. And what is the symbol of love? What do you paint all the time? That's right - hearts. And so we have prepared a surprise for you. This is a big heart! Let's shout and clap. And so welcome!

But instead of a big heart, Baba Yaga appears on the stage.

Baba Yaga:

Oh, why did they scream like that? Although I am Baba Yaga, I can still hear well. Or are you glad to see me like that?


Who is this? Where is our big heart?

Baba Yaga:

Wow honey. Don't you recognize me? It's me - Baba Yaga!


Actually, we were waiting for our heart, not this one.

Baba Yaga:

There was such a heart. Only it bothered me, and I tore it up.


How did you break it? This is our heart. We ordered it from a well-known company.

Baba Yaga:

Yes, I know everything. This is my firm. I just wondered - why do you need such a heart. So I tore it up.


And where is the logic: it became interesting and broke?

Baba Yaga:

There is no logic here. I just came to see what was happening here.


Yes, nothing happens anymore. There is no heart, therefore there is no holiday.

Baba Yaga:

Was there supposed to be a holiday? Okay, then I confess - I didn't break my heart, I brought it with me. All my couriers disappeared without a trace, only legs and horns remained, so I had to drag this heart myself.


So there will be a holiday?

Baba Yaga:

Of course there will be. But just, mind you, with me!


Come on, we agree. And where is the heart?

Baba Yaga:

A?! My heart will stay with me so that you don't kick me out of your holiday. As a guarantee, so to speak. And what about the holiday?


Valentine's Day today.

Baba Yaga:

Blimey! This is my favorite day! I just have contests for the holiday. Well, let's play?


Where do we go, then, of course, let's play.

Baba Yaga:

This is great. Now I'm going to knead my bones. Let's get started quickly.


Let's start.

Baba Yaga:

Although I am an old woman, I love to hear compliments and beautiful words. So come on out and pamper your grandmother.


We invite participants game program. They are divided into three teams.

Whose team is the last to compliment Baba Yaga, she wins the competition. You cannot repeat yourself.



Well, baba yaga. How do you like our compliments?

Baba Yaga:

Oh, well done, I haven't heard such words for a long time, I even got a hundred years younger, my heart fluttered and crumbled into separate pieces.


And we will help you to collect the pieces into whole hearts

    COLLECT YOUR HEART. Give Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga:

Thank you sincerely, I will remember your kindness forever. And now let's check your so close-knit, friendly teams


I invite the next couple from each team to the competition.

    CAPTURED HEART. Give Baba Yaga

Baba Yaga:

What clever and skillful guests you have, I think that not all of their talents have revealed. Yes?


You guessed Baba Yaga. I invite to the stage one pair from different teams who can draw. The couple who will do it faster, and most importantly, they will get a beautiful and correct valentine wins.

    DRAWED HEART. Give Baba Yaga


And so that Baba Yaga does not doubt our guests at all, we will show you how they will be able to make a magic heart out of small hearts.

    APPLIQUE "MAGIC HEART". Give Baba Yaga.


Now it's time for our last competition. Come on Yaga declare the rules.

Baba Yaga:

And the rules are very simple. Since today is Valentine's Day, then you can kiss.


Well, you can always kiss.

Baba Yaga:

Yes, but today you can kiss at least all night. Therefore, I am announcing a competition


Baba Yaga:

I just became jealous. Anyway. And so our team won. ... But no, not a team. We have won love!

At this moment, a big heart is brought onto the stage.


Yes, love won. And together with her, we, and those who are in love, and those who are looking for their soul mate. Happy holiday friends. Love and be happy!

Chocolate hearts

We want to give you

This sweet valentine

End our meeting

Children give handmade hearts.

Project type: group, creative, cognitive.
Duration of the project: short-term (from 10 to 14 February).
Project participants: educators, children junior group, parents.
The direction of the development of children, within the framework of which the work on the project is carried out: complex ( different types children's activities: cognitive-speech, visual, theatrical, musical, play).
Form of carrying out: conversations, didactic, plot-role and outdoor games, free activity, work with parents.
Presentation - entertainment, photo exhibition, exhibition of drawings and crafts.
Recently, the holiday "Valentine's Day" began to be celebrated in our country. This is a kind and cheerful holiday, but little is known about it.
Target: Formation in children of the idea of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe celebration of Valentine's Day.
Teach children to take an active part in the celebration, be able to explain what kind of holiday it is, when it happens (in winter), how they prepare for the holiday and how they spend it.
The intended result is:
On the basis of the information received, children will have sufficient knowledge about the holiday "St. Valentine's Day", about the family, loved ones.

Working with children on the project "Valentine's Day"


*Creation game situation;
* Mobile game "Stream";
* Reading the tale of friendship "Teremok";
* Listening to the song about friendship of Barbarika "Friendship";
Develop imaginative thinking. Cultivate interest in fiction, teach completely, answer questions.
Teach children to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, to understand the characters of the heroes.

Forms of work with children and parents:
* A conversation about how the holiday is celebrated at home on February 14
* Learning a nursery rhyme about friendship "Went the cat to the torzhok"
* C / r game "Family"
*Didactic game"Name it affectionately"
To acquaint with how this holiday is celebrated.
To teach expressively telling a nursery rhyme about friendship.
Develop role behavior when deploying a game (gender education)
Develop imagination, creative imagination.

Forms of work with children and parents:
* Learning a nursery rhyme about friendship "The cat went to market"
* Learning the song about friendship "Wonderful song"
* Reading the tale "Turnip"
* Making crafts "Valentine"
* Didactic game "Name beautiful words"
Formation of artistic, speech, performing skills.
Teach children to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale.
Develop creativity, imagination.
To bring children the joy of meeting with a fairy tale, a game.

Forms of work with children and parents:
* Advertise your family (Family tree)
* Modeling "Valentine"
* Plot - role-playing game"A family"
Name family members, understand that other children also have a family, parents, that parents and children love and care for each other.
Stimulate the creativity of making valentines in children.
Form the ability to build a variety of new story games.

Forms of work with children and parents:
Entertainment "Valentine's Day"
Drawing "Valentine"
Exhibition of Valentines, works.
To bring children the joy of meeting with the holiday
Plan of the entertainment "Valentine's Day".

1. Preparatory stage.
(prepare a script for the event, templates for making valentines)
2. Organizational stage
3. Conducting the event
4. Creative work

5. Congratulations

Leading: Hello guys and guests!
Children, do you like holidays? I love very much, especially the old ones: New Year, Maslenitsa, Christmastide. For baptism - they guess, for Shrovetide - they bake pancakes.

A cheerful holiday has come to us,
Music is pouring around.
We are today this holiday
Let's call it Valentine's Day.

Let's and we will try to celebrate vintage holiday- cute, homely, unusual Valentine's day. Saint Valentine is the patron saint of all lovers. Do you children love someone?
All people cannot live without love. We adults love children, love each other, and we want no one to ever be deprived of this wonderful feeling. Dads love mothers, mothers love fathers, children love their parents, and parents love their children, grandparents love their grandchildren.
- Who loves sweets, stand up.
- Who loves cartoons, raise your hands.
- Who loves ice cream, stomp your feet.
That's how many lovers we have.
Leading: Now listen to what our children think about this holiday:
1 child: What a holiday in February?
After all, winter is outside.
2 rebels: Children know - Sasha, Dima,
It's Valentine's Day.
3 child: Congratulations on this day,
We will sing you a song!

Song "Song - Wonderful"

Leading: Valentine's Day is a very good, kind holiday, it is a holiday of love and friendship.
Today we will have fun, joke, laugh, arrange contests and funny competitions. And undoubtedly only friendship should reign on our holiday. Do you agree?
On this holiday, everyone gives each other hearts, which are called "valentines". I suggest you collect one large and very kind heart.

Game "Collect a heart"
Children from cut parts collect a heart.

Leading: And it has long been customary to give flowers to your loved ones. Now we will make a bouquet.

The game "Who will most likely make a bouquet?"

And I also have one competition "Find your Valentine"... (A child among all the valentines made by the family must find his own)

Leading: Today, at our holiday, poems about friendship will be sung.
Sharing a nursery rhyme story "The cat went to market".
Leading: And more dancing.

Dance of Barbariki "Friendship"

Game "Name beautiful words"

Leading: And now we are organizing another game.

Game "Funny Musicians"
(All children participate with the following instruments: a tambourine, 2 knockers, 2 maracas, 2 bells. They stand in a circle. Children pass these instruments to each other to the music without delaying. The music is interrupted, those children who have bells left form a pair)

Leading: Dear Musicians, you must show us your musical skills and play together like an orchestra.
Orchestra - improvisation (Russian folk melody "I will sow a swan on the shore")

Leading: And you also need to congratulate,
All kindergarten workers.
They are friends with us and play
Everyone is taught with love.
Happy love day to you
And we hand you hearts!

Leading: Valentines make mi
And give for a holiday
So happy! So let's
We will always be friends.
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy holiday of love
Boys and girls
Congratulations, we.

(They begin to make valentines, the blanks of which are on the tables. They draw with a finger on the valentines. At the end they show each other, carry them to the exhibition)

Leading: Once again, I congratulate everyone on Valentine's Day. May he be remembered for his wonderful dances, songs, smiles, good mood. Give each other attention, love, sensitivity.
We also prepared gifts for our guys (cookies - hearts).

And now we invite you to our sweet table!

Photo report on the project "Valentine's Day"
1. Making crafts "Valentine"

3. Sculpting "Valentines"

4. Entertainment "Valentine's Day" (drawing "Valentine's Day)

Scenario of the game program for Valentine's Day kindergarten prepared by Elena Vladimirovna Makarova, Yekaterinburg, MBDOU Kindergarten No. 456.

Valentine's Day in kindergarten is an optional holiday. However, this is a great opportunity to talk to children about friendship, companionship, love. In addition to the educational purpose, Valentine's Day in kindergarten is also held in order to expand children's knowledge about the culture and traditions of residents of other countries.

On February 14, a game program can be held in the senior and preparatory groups. Children are given “ homework"- to make valentine hearts at home with parents. In addition, for the event you will need:

  • 8 hearts with inscriptions for the game "Divination",
  • heart-shaped balloons,
  • 2 horse masks,
  • 2 jump bags,
  • lipstick,
  • napkins,
  • 2 hats with scraps showing the names of the children (boys and girls),
  • recording of the cartoon "Little Raccoon",
  • 5-6 additional chairs.

Game program for Valentine's Day in kindergarten

Smart children sit down in the hall to the music.

Leading senior group:

- A happy holiday has come to us,
Music flows around
We are today this holiday
Let's call it Valentine's Day.

- For adults it is the day of lovers, and for children it is a holiday of friendship. For the first time this holiday began to be celebrated in England. Now this holiday is considered one of the most beloved and popular in many parts of the world and even here in Russia. This holiday is for both young and old. This is a day of love, friendship, kindness, sympathy and respect of people for each other.

- Well, well, we are starting the holiday. And we will start it…. with fortune-telling! Want to know what happens when you get big? Only boys will play this game. Come out wanting to know your destiny!

The game "Fortune-telling" is held.

In the center of the circle there are hearts with the inscription (below). The boys stand in a circle and run around the hearts to the music. At the end, you need to quickly choose any heart for yourself. The presenter comes up and reads from everyone, preliminarily says: "(The boy's name) is getting married because ..."

  • At the call of the heart.
  • For love.
  • By calculation.
  • Mom said so.
  • The devil got it wrong.
  • Because the bride is rich.
  • Love at first sight.
  • Fell in love in kindergarten.

- Now take these hearts and give them to your girl.

The boys give the girl a heart and dance together with her.

- And now I will ask you riddles, and you try to answer them:

  • What scum married a prince? (Cinderella).
  • With the help of what eastern vessel, the peasant son married the daughter of the shah? (Aladdin's magic lamp),
  • Who wanted to give the mole Thumbelina as a wife? (mouse).
  • What pet helped its owner marry a royal daughter? (Puss in Boots).
  • What is the name of the girl who, with the help of love, melted the icy heart of her friend? (Gerda)
  • In what fairy tale did the prince wake the princess with his kiss? (Sleeping Beauty).

- The mood has dropped,
Business falls out of hand.
But not everything is gone
If there is good friend
We will cope with the case together,
Let's breathe a sigh of relief
Let's raise the mood
And shake off the dust!
And now my good friends and I will dance!

A comic dance game "Lavata" is held.

Children stand in a circle and say: "We dance together, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, our merry dance is Lavata." And the presenter gives the children a pause task, for example: "My hands are good, but my neighbor's is better." Children join hands and again move in a circle to the music.

Assignments can be: "My shoulders are good," "My back is good," "My ears are good," "My knees are good," "My heels are good," and others.

Senior group leader: - Hundreds of years ago in England, children were dressed up as adults. Children went from house to house and sang songs about Saint Valentine. And in Finland on February 14, when Valentine's Day is celebrated in most countries, Friends Day is traditionally celebrated. Friends' Day for Finns is one of the reasons to think about human relationships between friends, lovers, loved ones. It's great that the Finns have invented a holiday for friends, because if you have a good friend, then no troubles are terrible. And when children are friendly, then all their affairs argue. Now we will check how friendly you are.

- Whoever loves sweets, stand up together!
- Who loves to watch TV, raise your hands together! Lower it.
- Who likes to sleep, clap together.
- Who is in love with ice cream, walk together.
- Who likes to play? So we will dance!

The game-dance "Path" is held.

The host invites girls to play first, then boys. So, a team of children comes out. Children get up one after another "train". They are invited to follow the leading child along the "path".

Then the lead child turns and shows the movements, the children repeat. At the end, the lead child stands at the end of the snake. The one who became the first continues the game.

Preparatory group leader: “Once upon a time, people believed that feelings such as love, luck, anger or fear were in the heart. Later they began to believe that only the feeling of love is in the heart. So in our time, the heart is a symbol of love and Valentine's Day.

- Now I call the most daring boys who are not afraid to drop their hearts.

The game "Knight's Tournament" is being held.

The game involves two girls and two pairs of boys, one as a horse, the other as a knight. The "horse" needs to put on the appropriate mask, the "knight" - to put in his hands a ball in the shape of a heart.

At the signal, the knight mounts a horse, which is on all fours, and goes to the girl, gives her a heart and, without stopping, rides back. Who will get back into place faster?

Senior group leader:

- How do I start eating sweets,
I have countless friends.
And the candies are over -
And there are no friends in sight.
For candy, every friend
So he tears it out of his hands.
Well, why do I need this friendship?
I like candy myself.

- Let's remember the rules of friendship ... Help your friend: if you know how to do something, teach him too; if a friend is in trouble, help him as much as you can.

- Share with your friends: if you have interesting toys, books, share with other guys, with those who do not have them. Play and work with friends so as not to take the best for yourself.

- Stop a friend if he does something bad. If your friend is wrong about something, tell him about it.

- Do not quarrel with your friends. Try to work and play with them. Don't argue over trifles. Don't be arrogant if you're good at something. Do not envy your comrades - you must rejoice at their successes. If you did something bad, do not hesitate to admit it and correct yourself.

- Be able to accept help, advice and comments from other guys.

- Boys, and what words of tenderness will we give our girls today?

Boys say: beautiful, kind and others.

- Girls, and we, in turn, will call the boys: "The most charming and attractive."

The game "The most charming and attractive" is being held.

You must select two teams of girls and two boys. Girls paint their lips with lipstick. The leading girls on the team are given a jump bag. On a signal, they start jumping up to the boys, kissing them on the cheek and loudly saying: "The most charming and attractive!", And run back. Then the next girl runs. The game is played until all the girls have run.

Preparatory group leader: - Kissed from the heart. Do you want to know how people kiss in other countries? (Children answer.)

V different countries the world kiss in different ways:

  • In China, they touch them with their cheeks. (Invites the children to try.)
  • Alaska Eskimos rub their noses. (Invites the children to try.)
  • V equatorial Africa men shake three times thumb woman's hands. (Children repeat.)
  • In the Gambia, they press a woman's hand to their nose. (Children repeat.)
  • In Polynesia, partners pull each other's hair out of their eyebrows with their teeth.

- But this probably hurts, and we will not experiment, but rather check how friendly and dexterous you are.

The game "Musical chair" is being held.

Chairs are placed in a circle, one more children. In this game, none of the children are eliminated. To the music, children run around the chairs, at the end you need to take a chair. Whoever did not have enough - sits on the knees of anyone sitting. The game continues, one chair is removed. The game continues until there are only two chairs left.

Preparatory group leader: - Let's play together and dance together! Come out quickly into the circle and repeat everything after me!

Children are dancing the Boogie-Woogie dance.

Preparatory group leader: - By February 14th, many Valentine's greeting cards are released, from simple ones with touching images to folding ones. And in the old days there were even postcards decorated with gold and lace. What words can you write on a valentine card? For example:

- How many different valentines
Whirls in snowy February.
One of them is mine to you.

- I wish you to be beautiful,
I wish sorrow not to know
I wish you to be always happy
And never lose heart.

- Valentine, that is, a card that a lover sends to the subject of his sympathy on February 14, appeared in 1415. Its author was the Duke of Orleans, who at that time was in captivity. So that he would not be bored, he began to compose poetry for his wife, and later the fashion for such messages spread throughout Europe.
On Valentine's Day, girls and boys got together, wrote names on pieces of paper and threw these pieces of paper into a jug. Then each took out one piece of paper and learned the name of his loved one.

Senior group leader:

- Guys, we continue the holiday,
And now we find out
Who is Valentine? Who is Valentine?
We suggest reading!

- And we will read the names on the notes that lie in two hats!

The game "Valentine and Valentine" is being played.

One by one, from each hat, there are notes with the names of girls and boys, which were written and laid out in advance. The formed couples dance to the music.

Senior group leader:

- The game has come to an end
Thank you all, we have to go.

Preparatory group leader:

- How is it time? Where is the time?
I did not really understand.

Senior group leader:

- How where? To the disco!
You see how your eyes are shining.
All lovers today want to say about love!

The children all dance together the "Gummy Bear" dance.

Senior group leader:

- Dance-dance, but first
It wouldn't hurt us to say
That a surprise is ready for you,
Let's start our show!

Preparatory group leader:

- You go to the chairs
And watch the cartoon soon.

At the end of the game program, children watch the cartoon "Little Raccoon". Valentine's Day in kindergarten ends - children return to groups and exchange hearts.