Weight in the theory of large explosion. What was to a big explosion? Distribution of substance with a large explosion

The big explosion refers to the category of theories trying to fully trace the history of the birth of the Universe, to determine the initial, current and final processes in her life.

Was something before the universe appeared? This cornerstone, almost a metaphysical question asked by scientists and to today. The emergence and evolution of the universe have always been and remain the subject of hot disputes, incredible hypotheses and mutually exclusive theories. The main versions of the origin of everything that surrounds us, the church interpretation was assumed by divine intervention, and the scientific world supported Aristotle's hypothesis on the staticness of the universe. The latter model adhered to Newton, who defended the infinity and constancy of the Universe, and Kant, who developed this theory in his writings. In 1929, American astronomer and cosmologist Edwin Hubble radically changed the views of scientists to the world.

It not only found the presence of numerous galaxies, but also the expansion of the Universe is a continuous isotropic increase in the size of the outer space, which began in a multi-explosion moment.

Who are we owned by the opening of a big explosion?

The works of Albert Einstein over the theory of relativity and its gravitational equations allowed de Sitter to create a cosmological model of the universe. Further surveys were tied to this model. In 1923, Vail suggested that the substance was placed in outer space should expand. Of great importance in the development of this theory, the work of outstanding mathematics and physics A. A. Friedman. Back in 1922, he made an expansion of the Universe and made substantiated conclusions that the beginning of the whole matter was in one limitless dense point, and the development of everything gave a big explosion. In 1929, Hubble published his articles that explaining the subordination of the radial speed by the distance, afterwards this work became known as the "Hubble law".

G. A. Gamov, relying on Friedman's theory about the Big Bang, developed an idea of \u200b\u200bthe high temperature of the starting matter. He also suggested the presence of cosmic radiation that did not disappear with the expansion and cooler of the world. The scientist performed preliminary calculations of the possible temperature of residual radiation. The importance of them was in the range of 1-10 K. By 1950, Gamov made more accurate calculations and announced the result in 3 K. in 1964 radio astronomers from America, while improving the antenna, by eliminating all possible signals, the parameters of cosmic radiation determined the parameters of outer radiation. Its temperature turned out to be equal to 3 K. These information became the most important confirmation of the work of the Gamov and the existence of relic radiation. Subsequent measurements of the cosmic background conducted in open space finally proved the loyalty of the calculations of the scientist. You can get acquainted with the card of relict radiation.

Modern ideas about the theory of the Big Bang: How did it happen?

One of the models, comprehensively explaining the emergence and processes of development of the universe known to us, was the theory of a large explosion. According to the widely accepted version, the cosmological singularity was originally present - a state with endless density and temperature. Physicists developed theoretical substantiation of the birth of the universe from the point that had an extreme degree of density and temperature. After the emergence of a large explosion, the space and matter of the cosmos began the incessant process of expansion and stable cooling. According to the latest research, the beginning of the universe was laid at least 13.7 billion years ago.

Starting periods in the formation of the Universe

The first moment, the recreation of which is allowed by physical theories, is the Plankov Epoch, the formation of which has become possible after 10-43 seconds after a large explosion. The temperature of the matter reached 10 * 32 K, and its density was equal to 10 * 93 g / cm3. During this period, gravity gained independence, separating from the fundamental interactions. The incessant expansion and temperature decrease caused a phase transition of elementary particles.

The next period, characterized by the indicative expansion of the universe, occurred after another 10-35 seconds. He was called "cosmic inflation." There was a jump-like expansion, many times greater than the usual one. This period gave an answer to the question why the temperature at different points of the universe is the same? After a large explosion, the substance did not immediately scattered through the universe, another 10-35 seconds it was quite compact and there was a thermal equilibrium that was not disturbed in inflationary expansion. The period gave the basic material - a quark-gluon plasma used to form protons and neutrons. This process was carried out after further decrease in temperature, it is called "baryogenesis". The birth of matter was accompanied by the simultaneous appearance of antimatter. Two antagonistic substances annihilated, becoming radiation, but the number of conventional particles prevailed, which made it possible to arise the universe.

Another phase transition occurred after decreasing temperature led to the emergence of elementary particles known to us. The era of "Nucleosynthesis" came after this was marked by the association of protons in light isotopes. The first formed nuclei had a short period of existence, they disintegrated with inevitable clashes with other particles. More stable elements arose after three minutes, which have passed after the creation of the world.

The next significant landmark was the dominance of gravity over other available forces. After 380 thousand years since the large explosion, a hydrogen atom appeared. An increase in the influence of gravity served as the end of the initial period of the formation of the Universe and gave the process of the emergence of the first star systems.

Even after almost 14 billion years in space, the relict radiation is still preserved. Its existence in a complex with red displacement is provided as an argument to confirm the consistency of the theory of the Big Explosion.

Cosmological singularity

If, using the general theory of relativity and the fact of the continuous expansion of the universe, will return to the beginning of the time, then the dimensions of the universe will be zero. The initial moment or science cannot accurately describe, using physical knowledge. The equations used are not suitable for such a small object. Symbiosis is needed, capable of connecting the quantum mechanics and the general theory of relativity, but it, unfortunately, has not yet been created.

Evolution of the Universe: What awaits it in the future?

Scientists consider two possible options for the development of events: the expansion of the universe will never end, or it will reach the critical point and the reverse process will begin - compression. This fundamental choice depends on the value of the average density of the substance in its composition. If the calculated value is less critical, the forecast is favorable, if more, then the world will return to a singular state. Scientists currently do not know the exact value of the described parameter, so the question of the future of the Universe is hung in the air.

The ratio of religion to the theory of a large explosion

The main religions of mankind: Catholicism, Orthodoxy, Muslim, in its own way support this model of the creation of the world. The liberal representatives of these religious denominations agree with the theory of the emergence of the universe as a result of some inexplicable intervention defined as a big explosion.

The name of the theory is familiar to the world - the "big explosion" - was unwittingly presented as an opponent of the version of the expansion of the Universe Hyl. He considered such an idea of \u200b\u200b"completely unsatisfactory." After the publication of his thematic lectures, an employed term immediately picked up the public.

The reasons that caused a big explosion are reliably unknown. According to one of the numerous versions belonging to A. Yu. Glushko, compressed at the point, the original substance was a black hyper-hole, and the cause of the explosion was the contact of two such objects consisting of particles and anti-particles. With annihilation, matter partly survived and gave rise to our universe.

Engineers Penzias and Wilson, who opened the relic radiation of the Universe, received Nobel Prizes in Physics.

The indicators of the relict radiation temperature were initially very high. After several millions of years, this parameter was within the limits that ensure the birth of life. But only a small number of planets have time to form for this period.

Astronomical observations and research helps to find answers to the most important issues for humanity: "How did everything appear, and what awaits us in the future?". Contrary to the fact that not all problems are solved, and the root cause of the universe does not have a strict and slim explanation, the theory of a large explosion gained a sufficient number of confirmations that make it the main and acceptable model of the emergence of the universe.

The theory of a large explosion has become almost as common as a cosmological model, as well as the rotation of the Earth around the Sun. According to the theory, about 14 billion years ago, spontaneous oscillations in absolute void led to the emergence of the Universe. Something comparable in size with a subatomic particle has expanded to unimaginable sizes for a split second. But in this theory there are many problems on which physicists are fighting, putting forward new and new hypotheses.

What's wrong with the theory of a big explosion

From theory follows That all planets and stars were formed from dust, sprinkled in space as a result of an explosion. But that preceded him, it is unclear: here our mathematical model of space-time ceases to work. The universe originated from the initial singular state, to which not to apply modern physics. The theory also does not consider the causes of singularity or matter and energy for its occurrence. It is believed that the answer to the question of the existence and origin of the initial singularity will give the theory of quantum gravity.

Most cosmological models predict that the full universe has a size much greater than the observed part is a spherical area with a diameter of about 90 billion light years. We see only the part of the universe, the light from which I managed to achieve the Earth for 13.8 billion years. But telescopes are becoming better, we discover increasingly distant objects, and there are no reason to believe that this process will stop.

Since the large explosion, the universe expands with acceleration. The most complex mystery of modern physics is the question of what causes acceleration. According to the working hypothesis, the universe contains an invisible component called "Dark Energy". The theory of the Big Bang does not explain whether the universe will expand infinitely, and if so, then what it will lead to - to its disappearance or something else.

Although the Newtonian mechanics fastened relativistic physics, It can not be called erroneous. Nevertheless, the perception of the world and the model to describe the universe has changed completely. The theory of the Big Bang predicted a number of things that were not known before. Thus, if another theory comes to her place, it should be similar and expand the understanding of the world.

We will focus on the most interesting theories describing alternative models of the Big Explosion.

Universe as a mirage black hole

The universe arose thanks to the collapse of the star in the four-dimensional universe, scientists from the Institute of Theoretical Physics "Perimeter" are considered. The results of their research published the SCIENTFIC AMERICAN magazine. Niayesh Afshorddi, Robert Mann and once Purhasan say that our three-dimensional universe became the similarity of the "holographic mirage" when collapsed by a four-dimensional star. Unlike the theory of a large explosion, according to which the Universe arose from an extremely hot and dense space-time, where the standard laws of physics do not apply, the new hypothesis about the four-dimensional universe explains both the causes of the origin and its rapid expansion.

According to the scenario, formulated by Afshord and his colleagues, our three-dimensional universe is a kind of membrane that floats through an even more voluminous universe that exists already in four dimensions. If there were four-dimensional stars in this four-dimensional space, they would also explode, like three-dimensional in our universe. The inner layer would become a black hole, and the external threw into space.

In our universe, black holes are surrounded by a sphere called the horizon of events. And if in three-dimensional space this boundary two-dimensional (like membrane), in the four-dimensional Universe, the event horizon will be limited to the sphere that exists in three dimensions. Computer modeling of a collapse of a four-dimensional star has shown that its three-dimensional event horizon will gradually expand. That is what we observe, calling the growth of the 3D membrane by the expansion of the universe, believes astrophysics.

Big frost

An alternative to a large explosion can be a big frost. The team of physicists from the Melbourne University, headed by James Kvtych, presented the model of the birth of the universe, which more resembles the gradual process of freezing amorphous energy than its splash and expansion in three directions of space.

Foreforming energy, according to scientists, was cooled to crystallization, creating the usual three spatial and one time dimension.

The theory of large frost calls in doubt the approval of Albert Einstein on the continuity and smoothness of space and time. It is possible that the space has an integral part - indivisible standard blocks like tiny atoms or pixels in computer graphics. These blocks are so small that they are impossible to observe, however, following the new theory, you can find defects that should refract the streams of other particles. Scientists have calculated such effects with the help of a mathematical apparatus, and now they will try to detect them experimentally.

Universe without start and end

Ahmed Farag Ali from the University of Bench in Egypt and Sauri Das from the University of Letharridge in Canada offered a new solution to the problem of singularity, refusing a large explosion. They brought to Friedman's equation, describing the expansion of the Universe and the big explosion, the ideas of the famous physics of David Boma. "It's amazing that small amendments could potentially solve so many questions," says Das.

The resulting model combined the overall theory of relativity and quantum theory. It not only denies the singularity preceding the big explosion, but does not allow the fact that the universe will be squeaked in time back to the original state. According to the data obtained, the universe has a finite size and infinite lifetime. In physical terms, the model describes the universe filled with a hypothetical quantum liquid, which consists of gravelitons - particles providing gravitational interaction.

Scientists also argue that their conclusions relate to the latest results of measuring the density of the universe.

Infinite chaotic inflation

The term "inflation" denotes the rapid expansion of the universe that occurred on the exhibitor in the first moments after a large explosion. By itself, the theory of inflation does not refute the theory of the big explosion, but only in a different way interprets it. This theory solves several fundamental problems of physics.

According to the inflationary model, soon after the origin, the Universe has expanded a very short time on the exhibitor: its size has long doubled. Scientists believe that for 10 B -36 degrees of seconds the universe increased in size at least 10 in 30-50 times, and possibly more. At the end of the inflationary phase, the universe was filled with super-ray plasma from free quarks, gluons, leptons and high-energy quanta.

Concept impliesthat in the world there is many isolated from each other universes with different device

Physicists concluded that the logic of the inflation model does not contradict the idea of \u200b\u200ba constant multiple birth of new universes. Quantum fluctuations are the same as those due to which our world appeared - can occur in any quantity if there are suitable conditions for this. It is possible that our universe came out of the fluctuation zone formed in the predecessor world. You can also assume that ever and somewhere in our universe is formed a fluctuation, which "blows out" the young universe of a completely different kind. According to such a model, the subsidiaries can be renewed continuously. It is not at all necessary that the same physical laws are established in the new worlds. The concept implies that in the world there are many isolated universes from each other with a different device.

Cyclic theory

Paul Steinhardt, one of the physicists who laid the foundations of inflationary cosmology, decided to develop this theory further. Scientist, which is headed by the Center for Theoretical Physics in Princeton, together with Naile Tew, from the Institute of Theoretical Physics "Perimeter" outlined alternative theory in the book Endless Universe: Beyond The Big Bang ("The Infinite Universe: Behind the Grand Explosion"). Their model is based on the generalization of the theory of quantum superstrun, known as M-theory. According to it, the physical world has 11 measurements - ten spatial and one temporary. In it "float" spaces of smaller dimensions, so-called branes (Reduction from "Membrane"). Our universe is just one of these Bran.

The model of Stainhardt and Tewoon argues that the big explosion occurred as a result of the collision of our Brahn with another marriage - unknown to us the Universe. According to this scenario, the collision occurs endlessly. According to the hypothesis of Stainhardt and Tyun, next to our marriage "floats" another three-dimensional Brana, separated by a tiny distance. It also expands, is compacted and empty, but after a trillion years, breasts will begin to get closer and eventually encounter. At the same time, a huge amount of energy, particles and radiation will be separated. This cataclysm will launch another cycle of expansion and cooling the universe. From the model of Stainhardt and Tyunka, it follows that these cycles were in the past and be sure to be repeated in the future. Why these cycles began, the theory silent.

as a computer

Another hypothesis about the universe device states that all of our world is nothing more than a matrix or a computer program. The idea that the Universe is a digital computer, for the first time put forward a German engineer and pioneer of CONDAY CONDA TSUZ in the Calculating Space book ("Computing space"). Among those who also considered the Universe as a giant computer, the physics of Stephen Tolfram and Gerard "t Hoo.

The theorists of digital physics suggest that the Universe is essentially information, and therefore it is calculated. From these assumptions it follows that the Universe can be viewed as a result of a computer program or a digital computing device. This computer may be, for example, a giant cellular machine or a universal machine of Turing.

Indirect evidence virtual nature of the Universe Call the principle of uncertainty in quantum mechanics

According to the theory, every subject and event of the physical world comes from the formulation of issues and registration of the answers "Yes" or "No". That is, for all that surrounds us, a certain code is hidden similar to the binary code of the computer program. And we are a kind of interface, with which access to the data "Universal Internet" appears. Indirect proof of the virtual nature of the Universe is called the principle of uncertainty in quantum mechanics: particles of matter can exist in an unstable form, and "fixed" in a particular state only when observing them.

A follower of Digital Physics John Archibald Wieler wrote: "It would not be unreasonable to imagine that the information is in the kernel of physics as well as in the computer's kernel. All from the bit. In other words, all the existence is each particle, each power field, even the spatial-temporal continuum itself - receives its function, its meaning and, ultimately, its existence itself. "

After the mysterious cosmological singularity, an equally mysterious Planck Era follows (0 -10 -43 s). It is difficult to say which processes took place in this short moment newborn universe. But it is precisely known that by the end of the Plankovsky moment, the gravitational impact separated from three fundamental forces connected into a single group of the Great Association.

In order to describe an earlier point, a new theory is necessary, part of which can become a model of loop quantum gravity and string theory. It turns out that the Plakovskaya ERA, as well as cosmological singularity, is an ultra-tempered duration, but a significant scale of the scientific scope in the affordable knowledge of the early universe. Also within the limits of the plank time there were peculiar fluctuations of space and time. To describe this quantum chaos, you can use the image of the foaming quantum cells of space-time.

Compared with Platform Era, further events appear in bright and understandable light. In the period from 10 -43 s to 10 -35 s in a young universe, the forces of gravity and great association have already acted. During this period, the strong, weak and electromagnetic effects were single and constituted the power field of the Great Association.

When 10 -35 ° C passed since the large explosion, the universe reached a temperature of 10 29 K. At that moment, strong interaction separated from the electroweak. This led to a violation of symmetry, which occurred in different ways in different parts of the universe. There is a chance that the universe was divided into parts that were fell apart from each other defects of space-time. Also, there could be other defects - cosmic strings or magnetic monopolis. However, today we cannot see this because of another separation of the strength of the Great Association - cosmological inflation.

At that time, the universe was filled with gas from graviton - hypothetical quanta fields of gravity and bosons of the force of a large association. At the same time almost did not exist difference between leptons and quarks.

When in some parts of the universe, the separation of forces occurred, a false vacuum occurred. Energy is stuck at a high level, forcing the space to double every 10 -34 s. Thus, the universe from quantum scale (one billion trillion trillional lobe of the centimeter) moved to the size of a bowl with a diameter of about 10 cm. As a result of the era of the Great Combination, a phase transition occurred by the primary matter, which was accompanied by a violation of its density uniformity. The era of the Great Association ended at about 10? 34 seconds from the moment of the large explosion, when the density of matter was 10,74 g / sm, and the temperature of 10 27 K. At this point in time, a strong nuclear interaction is separated from the primary interaction, which begins to play an important role in the Conditions. This separation led to the next phase transition and large-scale expansion of the universe, which led to a change in the density of the substance and the distribution of it through the universe.

One of the reasons why we know so little about the state of the universe before inflation, it is that further events have changed it very much, scattering particles to inflationary age at the furthest corners of the universe. Therefore, even if these particles are preserved, it is quite difficult to detect them in modern substance.

With the rapid development of the Universe, great changes occur, and in the next period of the Great Association, the era of inflation (10 -35 - 10 -32) is underway. For this era, the ultrafast expansion of the young universe is characterized, that is, inflation. In this short moment, the universe was an ocean of a false vacuum with high energy density, due to which it became possible to expand. At the same time, the parameters of the vacuum were constantly changing due to quantum bursts - fluctation (space-temporal foaming).

Inflation explains the nature of the explosion with a large explosion, that is, why there was a rapid expansion of the universe. The basis for describing this phenomenon was the general theory of Einstein's relativity and quantum field theory. In order to describe this phenomenon, physicists have built a hypothetical inflatable field, which filled out all the space. Thanks to random fluctuations, it took different values \u200b\u200bin arbitrary spatial areas and at different points in time. Then the inflatable field formed a homogeneous configuration of the critical size, after which the spatial area occupied by fluctuation began to increase quickly in size. Due to the desire of an inflatable field to take a position in which its energy is minimal, the expansion process gained an increasing nature, as a result of which the universe began to increase in size. At the time of expansion (10 -34), a false vacuum began to disintegrate, as a result of which particles and anti-patches of large energies begin to form.

In the history of the Universe, the hadron era comes, an important feature of which is the existence of particles and antiparticles. According to modern ideas in the first microseconds after a large explosion, the universe was in a state of a quark-gluon plasma. Quarks are composite parts of all hadrons (protons and neutrons), and neutral particles of gluons-carriers of strong interaction that ensure the sticking of quarks in the hadron. In the first moments of the Universe, these particles were only formed and were in free, gaseous, condition.

Chromoplasm of quarks and gluons is usually compared with the liquid state of interacting matter. In such a phase, quarks and gluons are released from hadronous matter and can move freely throughout the plasma space, resulting in a flower conductivity.

Despite the extremely high temperatures, quarks were sufficiently related, and their movement resembled the movement of atoms in the liquid than in the gas. Also under such conditions, another phase transition occurs, in which light quarks, the component of the substance become massless.

The observations of the relic background showed that the initial abundance of particles compared to the number of antiparticles was a negligible share of the total number. And it is these excess protons that was enough to create a substance of the universe.

Some scientists believe that a substance has existed in the hadron era. The carrier of the hidden mass is unknown, but the most likely such elementary particles are considered as an acion.

In the process of the development of the explosion, the temperature fell and after one tenth of a second reached 3 * 10 10 degrees Celsius. One second - ten thousand million degrees, and thirteen seconds are three thousand million. This was already enough to ensure that the electrons and positrons began to annually faster. The energy released during annogilation gradually slowed down the cooling rate of the universe, but the temperature continued to fall.

The period from 10-4 - 10 seconds is customary called Era Leptons. When the energy of particles and photons dropped a hundred times, the substance filled the leptons-electrons and positrons. The lepton era begins with the collapse of the last hadrons in muons and muon neutrinos, and ends after a few seconds, when the photon energy has sharply decreased and the generation of electron positron pairs has ceased.

After about one hundredth of a second, after a large explosion, the temperature of the universe was equal to 10 11 degrees Celsius. It is much hotty than in the center of any famous stars. This temperature is so high that none of the components of the conventional substance, atoms and molecules could not exist. Instead, the young universe consisted of elementary particles. Alone of these particles were electrons - negatively charged particles that form the external parts of all atoms. Other particles were positrons, - positively charged particles with a mass, exactly equal to the mass of the electron. In addition, there were neutrinos of various type-ghostly particles that do not have a mass or an electric charge. But neutrino and antineutrino are not annihilated with each other, because these particles interact very poorly with different particles. Therefore, they still have to meet around us, and they could become a good way to check the model of a hot early universe. However, the energies of these particles are now too small for their observation.

During the era of Leptons there were such particles as protons and neutrons. Finally, the universe was light, which, according to, quantum theory, consists of photons. In proportionality, one neutron and proton accounted for thousands of millions of electrons. All these particles were continuously born from pure energy, and then annihilated, formed other types of particles. The density in the early universe at such high temperatures was four thousand million times greater than the water.

As mentioned earlier, it was during this period that there was an intensive birth in nuclear reactions of various types of ghost neutrinos, which is called relic.

The radiation era begins, at the beginning of which the universe enters into the era of radiation. In the beginning of the era (10 c), radiation interacted intensively with charged particles of protons and electrons. Due to the drop in the photon temperature, the photons were cooled, and as a result of numerous scatters on the removable particles, part of their energy was carried out.

After about a hundred seconds after a large explosion, the temperature drops to thousands of millions of degrees, which corresponds to the temperature of the hottest stars. Under such conditions, the energy of protons and neutrons is already not enough for resistance to a strong nuclear attraction, and they begin to unite with each other, forming a tunic of the deuterium hydrogen. Then the deuterium kernels attach other neutrons and protons and turn into a helium nucleus. After more heavy elements - lithium and beryllium are formed. The primary formation of atomic nuclei of a born substance continued not long. After three minutes, the particles scattered so far apart that the collisions were rare. According to the hot spring of a large explosion, near the fourth part of protons and neutrons should have turned into helium atoms, hydrogen and other elements. The remaining elementary particles broke into protons representing the nucleus of ordinary hydrogen.

A few hours after a large explosion, the formation of helium and other elements ceased. Within a million years, the Universe simply continued to expand and nothing else happened in it. Existing in that period matter began expanding and cooling. Much later, in hundreds of thousands of years, the temperature fell to several thousand degrees, and the energy of electrons and nuclei was not enough to overcome the electromagnetic attraction acting between them. They began to face each other, forming the first hydrogen and helium atoms (Fig. 2).

Astronomers consume the term "big explosion" in two interrelated values. On the one hand, this term is called the Event itself, marked the birth of the Universe of about 15 billion years ago; On the other, the entire scenario of its development followed by expansion and cooler.

The concept of a large explosion appeared with the discovery in the 1920s of the Hubble Law. This law describes a simple formula of observation results, according to which the visible universe expands and the galaxies are removed from each other. It is not difficult, therefore, mentally "scrolling the film back" and submit that at the initial moment, billions of years ago, the universe was in a superconduct state. This picture of the dynamics of the development of the Universe is confirmed by two important facts.

Space microwave background

In 1964, American Physicians Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson found that the universe was filled with electromagnetic radiation in the microwave frequency range. The following measurements showed that this is the characteristic classic emitting of the black body, characteristic of objects with a temperature of about -270 ° C (3 K), i.e., just three degrees above absolute zero.

A simple analogy will help you interpret this result. Imagine that you are sitting by the fireplace and look at the corners. While the fire burns brightly, coals seem yellow. As the flame is attenuated, the coals are faded to orange, then to dark red. When the fire is almost down, coals cease to emit visible radiation, however, bringing a hand to them, you will feel the heat, which means that the coals continue to emit energy, but already in the infrared frequency range. The colder object, the lower the frequency emitted and more wavelengths ( cm. Stefan-Boltzmann law). In essence, Penzias and Wilson determined the temperature of "cosmic coal" of the Universe after she cooled over 15 billion years: its background radiation turned out to be in the range of microwave radio frequencies.

Historically, this discovery and predetermined the choice in favor of the cosmological theory of the Big Bang. Other models of the universe (for example, the theory of the stationary universe) allow us to explain the fact that the universe is expanding, but not the presence of a cosmic microwave background.

Abundance of light elements

The theory of large explosion allows you to determine the temperature of the early universe and the frequency of the collisions of the particles in it. As a result, we can calculate the ratio of the number of different nuclei of light elements at the primary stage of the universe development. By comparing these predictions with a real observed ratio of light elements (with amendment for their education in the stars), we find an impressive compliance between theory and observations. In my opinion, this is better confirmation of the hypothesis of a large explosion.

In addition to the two evidence above (microwave and the ratio of light elements) recent works ( cm. The inflationary stage of the expansion of the universe) showed that the alloy of the cosmology of a large explosion and the modern theory of elementary particles permits many cardinal questions of the device of the universe. Of course, problems remain: we cannot explain the very root cause of the emergence of the Universe; We are not clear and then, at the time of its origin, the current physical laws. But convincing arguments in favor of the theory of large explosion today has been accumulated more than enough.

See also:

Robert Woodrow Wilson, p. 1936.

Arno Allan Penzias (in the photo on the right) and Robert Woodrow Wilson (on the photo on the left) - American physicists who discovered the relic electromagnetic radiation.

Penzias was born in Munich, emigrated to the USA along with his parents in 1940. Wilson was born in Houston (USA). Both started working in Bell's laboratories in Holmedale, New Jersey in the early 1960s. In 1963, they were tasked with the task to find out the nature of noise in the radio band, creating interference for radio communications. Marking a number of probable reasons (right up to contamination of an antennas with pigeon litter), they concluded that the source of stable background noise is outside of our galaxy. In other words, it was a space radiation background, predicted by theoretical astrophysicists, including Robert Dick (Robert Dick), Jim Peebles and George Gamov (George Gamov). For his opening, Penzias and Wilson were awarded in 1978 by the Nobel Prize in Physics.

Show comments (148)

Collapse comments (148)

    We are still expanding and cooled. Only expanding very slowly. And in billions of years. When gravity reaches the facing. The universe will begin the reverse compression process. Unfortunately, what will it end, we will no longer know


There is no doubt.
"Big Explosion", no, no, and will not.
http://www.proza.ru/texts/2004/09/17-31.html - there was no big explosion !!!
http://www.proza.ru/texts/2001/11/14-54.html - outside the mathematical application.
http://www.proza.ru/texts/2006/04/08-05.html - about Islam, aliens, and not only.
And briefly it is. Red offset informs us that some time ago remote objects were less than now. Just the limb of the speed of light is the reason that we have occurred at the change in the speed of the speed of light - in the distance (in the past) we do not observe.
Informance is late.
Subjective removal of remote objects from us, the reverse process (subjective, or if you want to relative approximation) objects of lying inside a certain synchronized system.
Yours faithfully,


There is no doubt, and how it could be otherwise, this fact, an open modern physicists only in the twentieth century, was witnessed in the Koran of fourteen centuries ago:

"He [Allah] is the Institute of Heaven and Earth" (Sura Al-Anam: 101).

The theory of the Big Explosion showed that at first all items in the universe were united, and then were divided. This fact established by the theory of a large explosion, again was described fourteen centuries ago in the Quran, when people had a very limited idea of \u200b\u200bthe Universe:

"Didn't see those who did not believe that heaven and the land were connected, and we divided them ..." (Sura Prophet, 30)

It is understood that all matter was created by means of a large explosion from one point, and, being divided, formed the universe known to us. Expansion of the Universe is one of the most important evidence that the universe was created from nothing. Although this fact was discovered by science only in the twentieth century, Allah told us about the reality of this in the Qur'an sent to people a thousand four hundred years ago:

"This we installed the universe (our creative) force, and truly, we are constantly expanding it" (Sura scattering, 47).

The big explosion is an obvious indication that the universe was created from nothing, created by the Creator, created by Allah.


And there is no expansion of the universe, it is practically static, and even on the contrary, the galaxies come closer, otherwise there would be so many faced galaxies.


How did you decide that the light spends some energy? (And not only light) what does he overcome? He flies as much as everything in the universe, by and large, everything does not leave (as we try to break away from the earth), and being once thrown into space, falls to nowhere. (I am a supporter of the theory that the universe is inflated, and not It is expanding, which means, most likely, that perhaps, there are other forces forcing everything to fly without costs - remember the second series of spyware, when they are tired of flying, and they even rest at the same time. I exaggerate, but I mean something like this) . Although before I also believed that everything, something flies somewhere, something overcomes, it means that he loses energy, but life experience has shown that we are losing, we sometimes get much more. Maybe this is a paradox in physics? Increasing entropy, we breed it, and again build up, but on the other level?!
PS. Velaniently in the answers to the soap give a link to this page, I have not been here for a long time, and with difficulty found where to answer!


And I'm not clear one. I hope for someone explanation.
It is argued that the fate of the universe depends on the density of the interstellar gas. If the gas is sufficiently carnage, then the stars and galaxies will sooner or later cease their mutualization and begin to converge.
But gas is also part of the universe.
It arose in the flame of a big explosion, as well as everything.
How the stars may experience friction when passing through the gas, which moves in the same direction and at the same speed as they themselves?
It turns out that the universe in any case is doomed to the eternal expansion?
If a certain unpredictable factor does not interfere in this process - for example, a person?


The universe arose about 15 billion years ago in the form of a hot bunch of super-delicate matter, and since then it expands and cools.
I am not an astronomer, not a scientist and my logic is quite simple, so it's easier for me to understand.
there is a theory that black holes are galaxic centers.
however, I suppose based on the foregoing that maybe
black holes are also future universes. Super-pressed substance - a black hole that can be of any size
Please read your thoughts on [Email Protected]


Vacuum structure. My peasant logic: 1 + 1 \u003d 2.

Many years ago, (20 billion years) All matter
(All elementary particles and all quarks and their girlfriends anticascular and antiquark,
all kinds of waves: electromagnetic, gravitational, muon ,: glion, etc.
- Everything was collected in the Singular Point.
What then surrounded the singular point?
Emptiness is nothing.
I agree. But why they talk about it with common phrases, not specifying
Not specifically. I am surprised why this emptiness is nothing.
no one writes the physical formula?
After all, each schoolchild is known that emptiness is nothing.
recorded by formula T \u003d 0K.
* * *
And one day, a big explosion occurred.
What space did this explosion occurred in?
What space did the large explosion matter spread?
Not in t \u003d ok? It is clear that only in emptiness is nothing t \u003d ok.
* * *

Now they believe that the universe, as the absolute reference system, is in
state T \u003d 2.7K (remnants of the relic radiation of a large explosion).
But this relic study is expanding and will change in the future, it will decrease.
What temperature will it reach?
Not t \u003d ok? Thus, if we go and in the past and in the present and in
the future we can not escape from the emptiness.
* * *
Everyone knows what a singular point is.
But no one knows what the emptiness is nothing, T \u003d 0k.
To understand this, you need to ask a question:
What geometric and physical phemeters may have particles at t \u003d ok?
Do they have a volume?
Not. Therefore, their geometric shape is a flat circle C / D \u003d 3.14
But what do these particles do?
Nothing. They are at rest: (H \u003d 0)
So are these dead particles? After all, everything in nature is in motion.
To answer this question, you need to more clearly understand the emptiness - nothing.
* * *
Does this emptiness have anything border?
Not. The emptiness is nothing emptiness - nothing.
It does not have borders. Emptiness - nothing is infinite.
We write it to the formula: T \u003d 0k \u003d.
And what time is there? There is no time there.
It is inextricably merged with space.
But this space describes Einstein in a hundred.
In a hundred space also has a negative characteristic and there, too, the space is inextricably merged with time.
Only in a hundred this emptiness - nothing has another name:
negative four-dimensional Minkowski space.
Then one hundred describes the behavior of particles having a geometric
the form is a circle in emptiness - nothing T \u003d 0k.
* * *
According to one hundred, these particles circles can be in two states of movement:
1) These particles-circles can fly straightforward with the speed C \u003d 1.
In this form, the movement of the particle-circles is called quantum of light (photon).
2) These particles circles can rotate around their diameter and then their form and physical parameters are changed according to Lorentz transforms.
In this form, the movement of the particle-circles is called the electron.
* * *
But what is the cause of the movement of the particle-circles, because in the emptiness -
no one affects her peace?
Quantum theory gives an answer to this question.
1) The straight movement of the particle-circle depends on the spin of the plank (H \u003d 1)
2) rotational motion particle-circle depends on the back
Gooudsmith-Yulebek (ħ \u003d H / 2PI).
* * *
Strange particles surround a "singular point".
These particles circles can be in three states:
1) H \u003d 0,
2) H \u003d 1,
3) ħ \u003d H / 2PI.
and they themselves decide what action to make them.
So only particles that have their own consciousness can act.
This consciousness cannot be frozen, it develops.
The development of this consciousness is "from an indefinable desire to clear thought."


this clutch of the magnitude and time of life as quark modern ideas say that the universe will live 10 in 100 years and quark lives 10-23 seconds so that the life of their quark and our universe are equal and the mass of this quark is equal to the mass of the universe so if they have such a quark Being their star and what energy it possesses, we have to look at everything by an analogy there is something where such quarks of many and they are broken and hitting something ancient teaching says that the Most Highness Created 950 times and destroyed the universes like a blacksmith hits anvil and sparks And when I saw our in which we live said this is this good I ask a respected Forum to think about it


Dear scientists. I'm tossed by the question and what was to a big explosion. They say that there was no absolutely nothing. And how to understand anything and where it ended it. I ask at least at least bring me to the truth (which is somewhere there)


This world has certain properties. One of these properties is subjectively felt by a person as a flow of time. More accurately, this property is described in the language of mathematics - and this description does not quite coincide with the domestic representations of a person about time. More precisely, practically coincides under normal household conditions, but there are such conditions when the difference becomes tangible. In particular, the conditions of a large explosion are just such that the everyday idea of \u200b\u200btime does not work.

That is, the question "What was to a big explosion?" No reason for the same reason, as the question "What is the north of the North Pole?".


Listen and you are a smart boy. It would be necessary to make friends with you. I also enjoy astronomy, and also looked at the big explosion. Scientists say that there was nothing to the big explosion. And what is nothing, and where he has borders.


Maybe there are many in the very name of the uncomfortable, acute and all sorts of peres? Called very badly, "Explosion", so they understand this as an explosion, and probably not exactly an ordinary explosion? Many even very proud authors begin to talk about it as an explosion just in the peasant, and this is not good. Ndado to collect a scientific symposium and put forward rename, for example, the Translation Matter Translation, then less may become chatter around this obvious phenomenon;))


I am wondering what ...
1) "The Universe arose about 15 billion years ago in the form of a red-hot throat of super-dedicated matter" - let's say. Why are the geometry of our universe almost flat (Euclidean)? If the matter is super-dining, then at least the surface is free to be spherical.
2) The existence of the origin of time is equivalent to its heterogeneity. It is not confirmed as far as I know. Why?
3) If you allow the cyclical process of the process - the expansion - compression - the formation of a black hole - an explosion - ... I have a question about the black hole. (A little is not the topic, probably). Obviously, the matter in it is compressed to the point (singularity), and the compression force - gravity - reach infinity \u003d\u003e the speed of compression (surface) tends to the speed of light \u003d\u003e in our space-time, the formation of such an object is impossible ... when will it explode?


The word "emptiness" for accurate science is absolutely incorrect, as well as the word "explosion". Based on this approval, it should be noted that any physical phenomenon should have understandable qualities or properties such as - volume. In context, it should be borne in mind that all the processes occur within the boundaries of this volume, and the influence of these processes to certain limits is solved and outside.
So, - an explosion in emptiness! Universe from the Yaitz! Typical expressions for the sensation of the 19th century, Koi shouted the street vendors of newspapers and magazines of that time.
In fact, in the theory of "Big Explosion" (in the competent description), direct text states that "the Universe has become expanding about 15 billion years ago from a hot bunch of super-delicate matter." We are not at all about the explosion, nor about emptiness. Just expressed the hypothesis at the moment confirmed by the analysis of the characteristics of relic radiation. And let's say that called the "theory of the Big Explosion". Just phraseological equilibristics, no more ...
P.S. "Nature does not tolerate emptiness!"


I have a small confusion in my head, I ask for help, and so ..... Let's say that our observed universe is 14.5 billion years, if we take into account that for example, the average arithmetic rate of dispersion (removal) galaxies will say 2000 km / s for 14.5 billion years they have done a distance equal to this speed, how then are the galactic clusters that are on a distance from us at 13.5 billion light years, the light year is equal to the distance that overcomes the light for 1 year, the speed of which is approximately almost 300 thousand kilometers per second, but expansion The universe for example, just 2,000 kilometers per second, how did they find themselves on such a distance at the removal speed used 1000 times the moment of light speed.
According to logic - with a crust of 2000 kilometers per second, the most remote galaxy from the explosion impactor must be at a distance of 1000 times less (because the removal rate is 1000 times less) and equals 14.4 million light years.
Where I did not understand, infection of gravity


For two years now, as in the journal "in the world of science" for # 11 of 2005, was published by article G. Starkman and D. Schwartz "Is the Universe well?". It provides the results of experiments on COBE and WMAP satellites, which clearly indicate that the universe is infinite, and there was no big explosion. How much can you talk about him?


Erunda this singularity. After all, no one can prove that the physical parameters do not change with the change in gravity. It is also unreasonable that they do not change over time. For example, it is impossible to refute the following assertion: "The half-life of the I-238 half-life of the U-238 seven thousand years ago was twice as much meaning." We build all the complex mathematical and cosmological structures in real time and look into the remote perspective and we cannot in the past (this is our whole trouble). Therefore, all our idea of \u200b\u200bthe universe is limited in principle at a very low level, well, for example, at the level of classical mechanics. The world is unrecognizable, and therefore it has a divine origin. That's just no one knows where he is this God and what looks like.


For a long time, "torments" one question.
what does it mean "as cool"? Banal example - a cooling kettle gives part of heat (energy) into external space.

Obvious (obvious?) The answer is an external space. And what in it then, .. uh .. emptiness ???? .........


  • what about "analysis of the characteristics of relic radiation" (from 04/12/2007 15:08 | Science-Lover)
    namely: speech - about the spectral composition of the relic background.
    Moreover, the maximum density (on the spectrum) corresponds to the temperature in several degrees K (~ 4, but I can be wrong). It is from here - M - but to find time, a cooling occurred during the swarm.

    02/12/2009 13:28 | FCUK
    Where does our universe give?
    - See what I will give a search engine (Yandex, Google) to the "Thermal Death of the Universe" (RU.Wikipedia.org/wiki/Plovaya_SmerT)
    The kettle - heats the environment (the room is in a particular case). But this is an example of a non-closed system (gas or email - comes from the outside).
    The question of the closedness of the universe was discussed earlier. And, as far as I remember, came to the conclusion that the universe was not closed. But it is - M.B. Too complicated "simplification", so that search engines are "rule".

    05/03/2008 00:53 | KO1111.
    What about gravity change: see "Draft constants"
    In general, this is the view of the Teista on the Questions of the Universe. And the questions of faith - science (accurate, example - physics) does not study, because Relying on the facts, and - reproducible results.

    12.10.2007 14:45 | Phil.
    There are - facts that are best explained by TBV (the theory of the Big Bang). Just another, enough "smooth" theory - not yet.
    String - big questions with the "practical side."


The cosmological red shift and the "pioneer anomaly" is one effect that represents the loss of kinetic energy over time, which goes into the energy of vacuum fluctuations. This is easily verified by making simple calculations. Permanent abnormal braking of spacecraft a \u003d (8.74 + - 1.33) E-10 m / s ^ 2, permanent Hubble (74.2 + - 3.6) km / s per megaparsek. Light passes one megaparsec for 1e14 sec. Multiplying abnormal braking at this time, we get a permanent Hubble:
(8.74 + - 1.33) E-10 m / s ^ 2 x 1e14 C \u003d (87.4 + - 13.3) km / s
This suggests that all particles, including photons, there are anomalous braking, but since photons represent waves, always moving at the speed of light, then only the energy is reduced, which is purely kinetic. A similar situation when photons lose energy (blushing) in the gravitational field, the other particles that may rest are braking, losing speed. It turns out that the cosmological red displacement can be calculated using constant abnormal braking, i.e. Instead of two permanent enough. Anomalous braking: V \u003d AT, where A is permanent abnormal braking, T is time. Accordingly, the "red shift" of the de Brogly waves: Z \u003d AT / V, where V is the particle speed. Since the principle of corpuscular-wave dualism is valid for all particles, then in the same formula, the red shift of the photons waves can be calculated: z \u003d AT / C, where C is the speed of the photon (light). For example, the same formula for the photon through a constant Hubble has the form: z \u003d HT. (Formulas are approximate, i.e. for small changes.) In outer space, it is necessary to take into account the resistance that vacuum fluctuations can have. The fact that they exist and can have pressure is confirmed experimentally - the effect of Casimir. Moving objects "stumble" on vacuum fluctuations. From them "trembling" electrons in atomic orbits. According to quantum physics, the physical vacuum is not emptiness and it constantly interacts with real matter - Lambovsky shift, the effect of Casimir, etc., the interaction is power, so it can influence the movement.

Details at http://m622.narod.ru/gravity


The Doppler effect can be explained and the rotation of the object. Expansion supporters love to give an example with approaching directly on the train observer. If the observer wants to live, he will miss the train, for example, refisted by himself. Effect D. will take place. And if the train will take place on an unsuccessful distance from left to right by observer? Effect D. will also take place. And if he walks in a circle? By the way, such an opinion was in scientific circles. Quite proven. But somehow did not coincide with the general opinion. But it is the effect of Doppler Yavl. The basis of the Big Explosion Theory. But there is also the presence of radiation "from the corner". Here these corners dreamed me. There was an explosion! That's just what? Somehow contradicts common sense that the explosion can be the beginning of creation. And how was it all going on - on the run? Try something to create on the run. But the end of the explosion can be. Why theorists do not occur that they see this end. The end of the previous universe. And already on a warm place, our universe appeared on the corner. She, by the way, can expand, only not at the speed of the explosion. everything grows, everything moves, everything is spinning. By the way, the explosion at the end is easier to explain than the explosion at the beginning. Some self-reading clever, and then the group of dick will play with matches and ... I am writing, apparently, not in vain. A long time ago, no one looked at this site.


Big explosion from the point of view of quantum etherodynamics.
Stage compression of the Universe - but not yet collaps. All more sealing convergent gravitational flows are partially balanced by counter diverging structural flows. But at a certain stage of compression, the converging flows completely stop the counter divergent streams, as if stop them. Equilibrium is broken, but the conservation laws act. And at some stage of compression, the release of locked and increasingly increasing energy of the quantum medium occurs. At the same time, divergent flows acquire a certain wave structure - matterium is formed (possibly new). The remains of the old matter can be foci of fluctuation in the newborn universe.


If there was a big explosion, then not one and endlessly a lot of explosions at the same time, since the universe is infinite the mass in it endless.
In addition, in infinity, large explosions must regularly occur, which create galaxies. The question is when the next big explosion happens?
What time interval between big explosions?


Fans of the theory of the origin of the Universe as a result of a large explosion still unable to respond to two simple questions:
1. What are they meant under the universe?
If this is a combination of cosmic phenomena available to our observation, then this is not the universe at all, but rather a megagalaxy.
If this is also what lies outside of our opportunities for the contemplation of space, then this theory is no longer consistent.
2. If the universe originated from the explosion, then the place of this explosion should be known, that is, the center of the Universe - the reference point of all coordinates.
The center of the Universe is not established, but to compare these facts among the supporters of theory, apparently, is not enough mind.


  • The universe is an infinite amount of cell. And coils are compressed to critical sizes and masses and then there is an infinite amount
    Big explosions. And it all begins again expanding in cells. Education of galaxies in the cells are then disbanded and compressed to critical masses and
    so infinitely. Sweating sizes (cubes) approximately 100 MPKS.


    • One thing does not contradict one.
      I have nothing against your explanations of the universe device.
      Only in your case the "big explosion" should be written with a small letter, and it is not already "big" it turns out.

      How do you think cells interact with each other?


      • How are all masses in the universe gravitational forces. But since in hundreds
        masses are the same about 10V 49 Schemes of kg, then their interactions are balanced. So for these cubic cells in the center of which are located
        maximum masses - black holes that gradually collect all the mass
        cells reach the critical mass and explode (come out of the collapse) and
        everything went first.


        Black hole, according to the theory of relativity, cannot "get out of the collapse". So you will have to refuse something, or from your own, or from Einstein theory)))
        I am for refusing to Einsteinovskaya.


1. And tell me, the laws of physics, for example, in the nebula of Andromeda the same as we have?
2. Let's make a mental experience. Fill the M-shaped quartz tube with a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen in the desired proportion (8: 1). We will lose uniformly ultraviolet and get an explosion. Now, please indicate the point - the explosion center.


    • 1. I think so too. Then what is the inconsistency of continuing for the existing instrumental boundaries?
      2. I mean that if you can't specify the point, this does not follow the absence of an explosion.
      In addition, "Bang", literally, and not an explosion at all, but "boom!". Which may not only be from the explosion, but also from different other processes.


      • 1. On the question and answer: "Available tool borders", if you understand correctly, it is the borders of the constantly expanding universe. Therefore, the space that has not yet reached the "border", the universe is not yet, otherwise the concept of the "expanding" universe itself loses its meaning.
        That is, the phrase "continuation for the existing instrumental boundaries" (expanding universe) contains two mutually exclusive concepts.
        2. With space objects, in contrast to the M-shaped tube, is all easier:
        in addition, that they are all close to spherical shape, so they still have the center of the masses, which could be quite rolling for the center of the Universe.


        Instrumental boundaries ... It seems to understand you. They are limited to the sensitivity of the instruments of modern science.
        Then imagine them as an inflatable ball: with the development of science, it becomes wider and wider, but what are our foundations not even argue, but only assume that the same picture is happening outside of it?


        • Well, still after all, they did not stop the crystal sphere, there are chances to move on :) Even if the physics outside of modern visibility changes, will not be a sharp boundary, we will feel something wrong in advance, but so far there is no such thing. Then, if "there" the stars emit not photons, and some Khrundli, they would have come to us before and we observed them (we are not limited to 15 billion or how many years?)

          "All are close to spherical form, so they still have a center of masses, which could be quite rolling for the center of the Universe."
          And in _takaya_ the configuration is an explosion if it is, then it is not big, so supernova on trifles. The geometry of the BW is not at all, but let me not tell about what I can not imagine. It is better for me to say another: _ottitude_ bv creates even big problems. Stars, galaxies evolve, and this process is irreversible. From heavy elements, hydrogen does not arrange, and will not split into large interstellar clouds. And, if you look back, the stationary picture does not work either. Maybe BV is not so bad?


          • Do you think it turns out that only BV is capable of making hydrogen from heavy elements? And "supernovy" is unable?
            I am not against the BW of the "instrumental universe" (very tagged phrase), I am against identifying the instrumental universe and the universe.
            Scientists studying the universe have one huge drawback.
            The fact is that non-fat and live matter on just vary greatly, they exist as it were in different worlds. Any living organism positions itself as the center of the Universe, but the rest understand that it is not that it is only a possibility of an individual.
            So: the perception of the material world by living organisms is an illusion.
            (I do not insist on your right, but if you are a smart person, then at least try to get into this thought)

            From this point of view, it is difficult to talk about the evolution of the universe, because time is also the illusion of the living organisms. For the universe, there is no time.

            All of the above is contrary to the theory of BV.


            • Worse. BV is unable. If you read the script, there are about the energy in the early stages. With its large concentration (density), it is not that the kernels, no particles are stable (this is not from TBV, it is experimentally tested on accelerators fact. Only during its decrease began to appear first particles, and then the kernel. In the observed [parts] of the universe there are no mechanisms for such a concentration of energy for _ (or the overwhelming part) of the substance. To restore something, you need to "burn" more noticeable, and supernova explosions are hurry, and not a recovery.
              And further. TBV (like any other physical theory) is not words, but formulas. And in the formulas of TBV, all the space available in cash is involved, and not just the observed piece. If it was possible to limit the part, rest assured someone already such a twig meal (everyone wants the Nobelka).

              "Any living organism is positioning yourself as the center of the Universe, but the rest understand that this is not that it is only a possibility of an individual's illusion."
              Careful on turns! :) One person came to the same conclusions that his coordinate system, whatever Kozokoko, is due to gravity, acceleration or rotation, no worse than other individuals. And others have no worse than him. Then he brought the formula, as from the curve of the system to cross-coated ...
              "So: the perception of the material world by living organisms is an illusion."
              So: this is not physics. This is philosophy. And, _Rerames_filosophy_, it is absolutely _ correct_th thought, for it is not refuted. And to return to physics, do the following experience (you can mentally): Take a hammer and hit with a decent force according to any finger. And then try to convince yourself that all what happened is a pure illusion, and in fact, you do not hurt anything. (In philosophy, this experience does not roll, because no philosopher will not attend the hammer in the hands. And other people's fingers do not feel sorry.)
              Let the illusion, but this illusion is not ababa, it is built according to certain rules. For philosophers, let's say this: in the illusion of the universe (after all, the universe is also an illusion!) There was an illusion of a large explosion described by illusory formulas. Long. Illusoryness is better to endure the brackets.


              • "And yet. TBV (like any other physical theory) is not words, but formulas."
                Like any theory, it is not a formula, but words, do not turn off the heads.
                "And in the formulas of TBV, all space is involved in cash"
                In cash from whom? Want from the beginning to start the whole conversation about the difference, how did you put the instrumental universe from the universe?

                "One person came to the same conclusions that his coordinate system, whatever Kozokokok, is due to gravity, acceleration or rotation, no worse than other individuals. And others have no worse than he. Then he Brought out the formula, as from the curve of the system go to the peashed ... "
                You correctly understood my thought)))
                Such formulas have already been derived: Poincaré hypothesis about multidimensionality (more than 3) space, relativity theory, TBV ...

                Experiments on accelerators - an empty place, from the very beginning of the construction of the Kolaider was confident in this. The factors did not invent the instruments capable of registering the speed of gravitational interaction, there are no special discoveries from them.


                • "Like any theory is not a formula, but the words"
                  If you mean that the equations are just a brief record of verbal wording, I agree. And if you consider them free app to wise thoughts, then this is not physics, it is again philosophy. So we stretch to the criticism of the Pythagore's theorem: she is incorrect, because they are not pants in the picture, but shorts! (For advanced, which will say that shorts are also a pants, clarify: they are curves, no decent people do not have such a person).
                  "In cash from whom?" We have all. Choose any start of reference: Want the Earth, you want the sun, a star on 2/3 of another galaxy sleeve, any. Select _ Love_ another point. From the TBV equations, it will be possible to find the position of this other point relative to the position of the point of the reference point at any time ago, up to the limit of the appliance of the theory.
                  "Experiments on accelerators- empty place"
                  Well, yes, everything is in the light of garbage, except wild bees. Better tell me how to cope with the problem of aging stars?


                  • Do you understand the difference between theory and law?
                    So the theory is words, law is formula.

                    "All of us" together are not able to take a space that lies outside the tangibility of our devices, as and calculating its location through N-n-th time.
                    I don't know about the aging of the stars, but I think most of the answers will be given questions when opening particles responsible for gravity.

                    By the way, since you own "wise thoughts", show me in the formulas of the TBV the role of the dark (unproduced today) of matter.))))


              • The fastest of gravitational interaction was investigated by Kozyrev N.A. Professor Pulkovo Observatory in the 50s of the 20th century. And showed that it spreads almost instantly and called it time streams !!!


                I do not know, it will surprise you, or you knew in advance, but in the collection of works by N.A. Kozyriev (from the site you specified) about the speed of gravitational interaction there is nothing. There is neither the 1st part of the "Theoretical Astrophysics", nor in the 2nd "observational astronomy", nor even in the 3rd "causal mechanics." The term "streams of time" is also not found. Like this.


          • ... Are there any experimental data on the speed of action of aggregation?
            Of course, it is known: this question was still Laplace in the XVII century. He concluded that the speed of the action, analyzing the data on the moon and the planets known at that time. The idea concluded that. The orbits of the moon and planets are not circular: the distances between the Moon and the Earth, as well as between the planets and the sun, are continuously changed. If the appropriate changes in the forces would take place with delays, then the orbits would have evolved. But centuries-old astronomical observations showed that even even such evolution of orbits occur, their results are insignificant. From here, Laplace got the lower limit on the speed of action: this lower limitation turned out to be larger than the speed of light in vacuum at 7 (seven) orders. Wow, right?
            And it was only the first chamber. Modern technical means give an even more impressive result! So, Van Flandn speaks of an experiment, in which, at some time interval, the sequences of pulses from pulsars located in various places of the celestial sphere were taken - and all these data were processed together. The pulse repetition frequency shifts determined the current vector of the earth speed. Taking the time derivative of this time, received the current vector of the acceleration of the Earth. It turned out that the component of this vector, due to attraction to the Sun, is directed not to the center of the instantaneous visible position of the Sun, but to the center of its instant true position. The light is experiencing a side demolition (aberration according to Bradley), and there is no grave! According to the results of this experiment, the lower limit on the speed of action exceeds the speed of light in vacuum is already 11 orders of magnitude. ...
            This is a fragment from there:
            http://darislav.com/index.php?option\u003dcom_content&view\u003dar Ticle & ID \u003d 605: Tyagotenie & catid \u003d 27: 2008-08-27-07-26-14 & itemid \u003d 123


Dear A_B Your "Stars, the Galaxies evolve, and the process is irreversible. From heavy elements, the hydrogen does not arrange again, and will not split into large inter-livelound clouds" - is this belief or approval? If the second, then it is not true, if the first, then you can show and you will be convinced of the opposite, as the heavy elements are formed again hydrogen and scatters in large interstellar clouds.


According to the Hubbal law for the distance of 12 MPK, the movement speed of the Galaxik will be 1,200 km / s, for 600 MPK - 60,000 km / s, therefore, it is assumed that the removal is 40,000 MPK, then the speed of movement of the galaxies will be higher than the speed of light, and this does not take place theory of relativity.
The idea of \u200b\u200bthe flying universe gives an increase in the speed of flying galaxies proportionally to their distance from the center of Vryv. But where is the center? If you recognize the center, then in infinite space, in the final time, the taking it should still take the end local area, and then the question is behind these limits


  • You would be right if it was how you imagine. They gave the galaxies of good pink, and now they are scattered in all directions. You misled the word "explosion". Replace it with the word "process", it should help in understanding. Big process. "Infinitely a lot of" big (explosions ...) _processions_ is one big process.
    What does this process look like? Imagine on a second that we marked the universe with some interval [fixed] air molecules. So, the stars do not fly with a whistle through this air, no, in the neighboring neighborhood _Ench_d_ star the air is almost immobile. But the distance between _kuppy_ adjacent molecules over time is slowly growing (equally for each pair). And this is not an expansion of gas into emptiness, for we filled with gas _VSU_ universe. The "base" itself swells to which our molecules are "pinned". Note that no "explosion" does not smell here!
    Let the "swelling" speed between the neighboring pair of molecules is equal to V. Then through time t, they will spread to the distance v * t. And the molecule through one will move on 2 * v * t. Those. Running speed it will be 2 * v. And the molecule, disposing on N pieces, will run away at a speed of N * V. So The speed of running is growing linearly from the distance.
    But the most important thing is that the picture does not change if you take _ Love_ another molecule for the point of reference, in _ little_ side. Well, where is the center here, and why is it needed?
    "It does not endure the theory of relativity"
    This is not true. The theory of relativity prohibits super-dimensional _thetics_. And so, wave a laser in the direction of the moon at a speed of 90 degrees / sec, and the "bunny" runs through the moon (you can calculate what). The expansion of the universe is just the opposite, it turns out as one of the solutions of Einstein equations (with a certain value of parameters).


    • Perfectly described the prace of expansion inside the universe, but not the most universe.
      "This is not the case. The theory of relativity prohibits supel-flowable _s." Gravitational interaction on orders of magnitude faster than light .... The theory of relativity is resting.


        • We do not need a look from the inside.
          Describe how the borders of the universe behave!
          And is it impossible to calculate the center for their behavior? After all, the explosion time in this way and calculated.
          The funny thing is that on the basis of the Doppler effect, which has exceptions, from which it can not be referred to as a rule, a chain of questionable conclusions are built, which lead to the conclusions about the curvature of space. Not surprised if soon and the parallel worlds will speak.


                • I do not see any contradiction. This is so obvious that I do not know what else to clarify.
                  You probably think the same thing)))
                  Funny. There is no third without a third.

                  "If you turn a movie back, then everything will go to the" point "_ one-time_"
                  There is no reason to assume. What is unmanifested (science) Matter will behave the same way.


                  • In the vegetable vegetable vegetable garden - in Kiev, uncle: this is not a contradiction, the logic chain links are simply missed. There are no boundaries - ... - the visible matter is expanding, and not the universe. What is behind "..."?
                    I will explain if there are boundaries: there are boundaries - we define the distances to them - we find a geometric center - we consider scout from it.
                    "There is no reason to assume. What is unmanifested (science) Matter will behave the same."
                    About unprecedented - yes, nothing can be said. And "dark matter" showed itself gravity.
                    At the same time, please tell us about the exceptions in the Doppler effect.


                    • Expansion of space differs from expansion in space?
                      How can it be expanding what no boundaries?
                      Let instead of "unmanifested" will be "dark," - the meaning will change?

                      About exceptions in the Doppler effect did not speak correctly,
                      meaning that some nebulae and galaxies are not deleted, but approach to us (interesting, by analogy with the effect of running around at any point of the universe, these nebulae are approaching any point in the universe). I tried to find this site ... Alas, for that I found an interesting news that did not have, however, to our conversation relationship, http://grani.ru/society/science/m.52747.html


                      • Sorry, I'll stop the questions a little.
                        "How can it be expanding what borders does not have?"
                        What borders has, can it expand? Perfectly. Sliding the border to the sewing, will not change anything? Well, the last step - we will carry them into infinity. No boundaries, the process remained.
                        "The expansion of space differs from expansion in space?"
                        Is different. Present two beads beads, some beads on a rope, others on a rubber band. Expansion in space, this is the movement of the beads in the rope; There are certain consequences of such a movement of beads regarding the place on the rope where it is currently located. Expansion of space is a stretching of gum, each bead rests relative to its point on the rubber band.
                        "Let instead of the" unmanifested "will be" dark, "- the meaning will change?"
                        Carefully. Unprecedented - it means non-consisting in any way, which is equivalent to non-existence. "Dark" means not participating in other interactions, _krom_ gravitational; It is known about her very little, but not so that the _nica_. She is bile with ordinary matter, and since it has not yet been separated, then in retrospect the same.
                        "Some nebulae and galaxies are not deleted, but approach to us (interesting, by analogy with the effect of running around at any point of the universe, these nebulae are approaching any point in the universe)"
                        Look for a local group of galaxies. The galaxies in the group are involved in the movement around the center of the mass of the group, with fairly decent speeds, surpassing the speed of running on such "small" distances. To any point of the universe, they are not approaching, but only to what they lie in the direction of the velocity vector, and then only to a certain distance (after all, its own speed relative to the selected point is constant, and the speed of the runoff grows linearly with distance to the point).


                        • In the last step, when transferring the borders of the universe in infinity (denial of borders) and a qualitative transition occurs from expanding space to expansion in space.
                          Dark matter is not bile with ordinary matter.
                          About the local group galactic - thanks, I will find at your leisure, here I recognize your rightness.


                      • "Extension in space, this is the movement of beads by rope; There are certain consequences of such a movement of beads regarding the place on the rope where it is currently located. Expansion of space is a stretching of gum, each bead is resting relative to its point on the rubber band"
                        Regarding the rope, gum .... What does the role of rope or gum play in the universe? If they are removed from your example (do not real, and imaginary), then there will be no difference in behavior.


  • strelijrili:
    "Gravitational interaction on orders of magnitude faster"
    "The inertness of the masses would not be instantaneous"

    You would somehow agreed with each other. "On orders" and "instantly" is not at all the same. In a space scale, the speed of light is a turtle, up to the _Baby_ star 4 years. Magellanova Expedition for 3 years arrived around the world.
    It would be nice after all the calculations or reference to the calculations ...


But it was proved that the process began approximately 15 billion years ago. And what was
before that and when will it end?
The theory of relativity prohibits super-flowered _the effects - and kakzhe
gravitational interactions? The inertness of the masses would not be instantly, after a lot of light years !!! Setting speed limit
this is a brake in the development of science!


Greetings to all! Interested in the mystery of the origin of our world "Universe".
On this question, the ancient philosophers said that "the world was arranged as two snakes swallow each other"
And relative to this, the theory of a large explosion is not quite true.
I was also interested in "what was really, but it was also ..."
After analyzing the data I came to this output - paradox; First - what is the universe and what is a bolder ??
and what do we present under these concepts?
And Parodox is that; The big explosion was not and a big explosion was and not once the evidence of this mass ...
Not so long ago, the media was written and said that a year or two ago astronomers recorded the most powerful outbreak
and it is supposed to be the birth of the Galaxy, and what such a galaxy is a mini universe.
According to the string theory, it was estimated that the form of the universes could be a spherical, spiral or dumbbell-shaped and other forms, which we see in the form of galaxies
So it turns out a big explosion and birth of the universe
Following the rams of this path and our galaxy "Milky Way" is also a mini universe, and can remove this word "mini"
after all, it looked from where to watch, from the ground so earth can also be a mini universe,
and even the continents, the sea and individual areas ...


Regarding how long the universe is going to go and what's next.
As I understand it, there are many other universes outside our universe. Expanding each universe is still stronger than "pressed" to another universe, as a result, "compression points" are formed. These points are also becoming the points, which are then exploded and give rise to the new universe. And so infinite.


  • Allow, respectable public, take part in your community discussion of the urgent problems of the universe. I am glad that I got to this site, and I was convinced that I was not alone in my own juice on this topic. I am most impressed by A-B, Strelijrili, boom - as one of the classics said "the right way to go comrades." In my opinion, the hypothesis of the "Big Explosion" and the expansion of the Universe (this cannot be called even the theory) is not consistent and confidently turns into a scienceless religion of the 3rd millennium. The failure of the extension of the Universe and as a result of "BV" is that the fact of red displacement in the spectra of observed galaxies is explained by the Doppler effect, the question arises on what basis? It turns out there is no reason, there is no evidence base. The conclusions from the solutions of the equations of the facts can not be confirmed by observations, i.e. turned into facts. Expansion hypothesis immediately rests on its paradox: watching the remote galaxies E.Habl installed the isotropy of the red displacement, i.e. His independence from the direction of observation, Tracting K.S. The Doppler effect is obtained - the galaxies are removed from the observer, so the observer is in the "singular" point, the point of the "Big Explosion". And since we, being on Earth in the solar system of the Galaxy "Milky Way" and are ordinary participants in this process, could be at any other point of the universe, the singular point comes out in the entire universe. It is already beyond common sense. Is it really so difficult?
    It is necessary to return to the nature of the fact of red displacement and to give a reasonable explanation of the physics of this phenomenon. And here there may be options.

    I did not want to be embedded in the discussion, but ... I hurt something - someone hooked philosophy, well ... here:
    1. There is a big bang! Just like small. The BV sequences provided today are not foundally founded. Either from mathematics, which is only a study tool for reality and "draws" only its image. And have the right to generate only an image, and not the reality itself. Neither by the philosophy, which was deployed to the Chulad Science. She was offended and now she laughs, from there watching how they are trying to give birth without her. Yes, only miscarriages are obtained - without a worn-watering grandmother. And I'll watch it - until I cut. Here is - if all the comments are folded, premise - just the theory of BV and it turns out. And everything in it - even the rate of gravitational impact is already available. Well, but how - graviton is there, it has become ...
    2. Take into account the postulate - the relict radiation to the BW itself has no relationship. It applies ... to another explosion - such, citizens, philosophy. And you do not need to argue with philosophy. All the same, the eldest - and by rank, and by experience, and according to the status.
    3. It should not be done apparent for the real. Although every seemingly hidden the ghost of real. In Holography, also at the beginning there is a natural object, and in any movie - but what. But on the screen - only the image. Then the meaning of BV! Get tired - then "paws" up and to philosophy. It is not harmful and not evil - it will show him. Girl tomorrow! But "legs" is necessarily - well, there must be compensation, at least moral. And then - you yourself. There are many more - enough for everyone - to rake.
    4. The right, something and clean will have to be cleaned. From, for example. Surduchka was dusted, and mole sailed. Artifact? - No one opposed. But no more than that. And the foundation of science has already been to the boutique, "flavors" - wholesale and retail, gluons from imported manufacturers, even orders for bosons - here are, they say, they must receive.
    5. Note, citizens - nature economical. And as stated once a member of the parliament not very friendly Power - "Do not lose excessive reasons." And how much is already there are already elementary "reasons"? So - our "answer Chamberlain" - philosophy notes that the number of them is innumerable and precisely on this nature saves. (Physics, of course, cannot be remembered, but can I remember?) Nature - not trade! There, of course, no boutique with such a quantity will handle it. Let me explode.
    Everything will repeat again. First. As I immediately noticed someone from the commentators is such a dialectic. And she, as you know, part of philosophy ... GM. (Please do not confuse with mathematics - Oh, this mathematics.


    The big explosion was, but not in the form in which you imagine it. According to the M-theory, in which our world, which for the connection of fundamental interactions is represented in the form of Bran, was inside out during BV. In order not to deepen into details, I will say that BV was in each point of space at the same time, and the process itself was from the inside of the micro.


    There was no BV in my bv at all, it was not at all the particles of the proto particles who did not have masses and charge at the beginning of the time creating under - space, there were two cross and talked, they were very much to say anything. There was a center from where they were born, and the waves of quantization went from the center. The particle is something, and the portion of them is already Oleg. In the end, hydrogen and other elements appear. Matter and gravity and movement appeared space and time, time directly for matter. And at every point of the accumulation of eleaments, I was granted my own big, that is, a small explosion of the birth of stars, Galaktik, etc. I.T.P.Sami Krestiki and Noliki exist in the form of a filter filter of a riser cell, moving through them matter, bioclete changes, Street. Biocolette is triggered through the time filter Katches counts etc. And the time considers x.0.x.0.x. Or How do you want. In a large compression of gravity, it looks like a wave of quantization and they are spoken by them appears as a shadow of the mass. And the time in such areas of space flows differently. It is confusing-compressed. Time is nothing more than a movement in the space saturated proto - particles.t. sitting or standing in one place you are somehow moving due to the rotation of the earth around the axes of the earth, the sun, the galact, etc. It is no time to think that for a stone or meteorite there is no time because they do not change with time, the stone is lying on themselves On the shore, a meteorite flies in black silence forever. You will start a meteorite sooner or stop anything about something, and you will take a stone and throw it into the water or it will fall into the stone-crusher or also a meteorite will not last with a stone. So each particle has its own if you want fate. And in general, the collapse of the collapse of Nicoko will not be atheists will not wait. In the future, the universe will cool the hydrogen in the stars overrigent, the darkness of Egyptian will come, this is yes, but! Noliki's crosses will not disappear anywhere because they will never care. Just again quantization. The new hydrogen will begin. The new Universe, it seems it will be even more because the remnants of the former universe will also accept Weep. For this, I just thought it yesterday and laid this Raw confused fabrications.


    What about such a theory. The photos of the universe and the brain are largely similar. And what if the universe is someone's brain, on the small particle of which we live. Then the big explosion is his birth or birth, the expansion of the universe is the growth of his body, the koga growth will cease to stop and expand the universe, and when he starts to grow old, the universe will begin to narrow when he dies the universe will return to the point from which began.
    Similarly, in our brain on some neuron or his companion there may be the same life as on the planet Earth.


    Sometimes de Broglil waves are interpreted as waves of probabilities, but probability is a purely mathematical concept and has nothing to do with diffraction and interference. Now, when it has already been generally recognized that the vacuum is one of the forms of matter, representing the state of the quantum field with the lowest energy, has disappeared the need for such idealistic interpretations. Only real waves in the medium can create diffraction and interference, which also applies to de Broglyl waves. At the same time, waves without energy does not happen, as any waves are propagating oscillations representing the pumping in the environment of one type of energy in the other and vice versa. With this physical process, the wave energy is always loss (energy dissipation), which goes into the internal energy of the medium. The spread of waves in physical vacuum is no exception, since the vacuum is not emptiness, in it, as in any medium, are "thermal" fluctuations, which are called zero fluctuations in the electromagnetic field. De Brogly waves (kinetic energy waves), as well as any waves, lose energy over time, which moves into the internal energy of the vacuum (the energy of vacuum fluctuations), which is observed as braking bodies - the effect of "pioneers anomalies".

    The unique formula of dissipation (loss) of kinetic energy in one period of fluctuations of de Brogly wave for all bodies and particles, including photons: w \u003d HHS / V, where H is a permanent Hubble 2.4E-18 1 / s, H - Permanent Planck, C - The speed of light, V is the particle speed. For example, if a particle (body) mass in 1 gram (m \u003d 0.001kg) flies at a rate of 10,000 m / c for 100 years (t \u003d 3155760000 seconds), then the de Broglyl wave will make 4.76E47 oscillations (TMV ^ 2 / H) , accordingly, the dissipation of kinetic energy will be TMV ^ 2 / HX HH (C / V) \u003d HSVTM \u003d 22.7 J. At the same time, the speed will decrease to 9997.7 m / s, and the "red shift" of the de Brogly wave will be z \u003d (10,000 m / c - 9997.7 m / c) / 10000 m / c \u003d 0.00023. Photons are calculated similarly, but only one must remember that the loss of energy does not lead to a change in speed. The formula can be considered accurate, as only one period of oscillation is calculated. Now with the help of a constant Hubble, according to a single formula, you can count not only the redness of the photons, but also the inhibition of spacecraft - the effect of "pioneers anomaly". At the same time, the calculations fully coincide with the experimental data.
    And everything is changing !!! Miscellaneous galaxies slows down with an acceleration of 8.9212 to 10 "-14 m / s" 2. Moreover, the "inflationary stage" turns into a "period of abnormal braking" !!!
    And 13 billionnar facilities at the time of the observed events were in 13 billion light years from the point of the current location of the Earth.
    So, taking into account the progressive braking and remoteness of the observed objects, BV happened 50 billion years ago, but only 14 billion years ago the formation of stars and galaxies began.


    And there is no extension of the universe, it is almost static, and even on the contrary, the galaxies come closer, otherwise there were so many closely arranged or already faced galaxies.
    Unfortunately, Hubble made premature conclusion about the galaxies' run. There is no runoff, the red displacement says not to remove objects, but about changing their properties during the time the light from them comes to us through such huge distances. Those. We do not see the real picture due to the limb of the speed of light.
    Personally, I believe that the universe is infinite and eternal.


    With a large explosion, all elements of the periodic system of DM.Mnd would have been formed. The conditions were more than the right, and pressure and temperature, but this for some reason did not happen. But something completely opposite happened - the entire universe was filled with only hydrogen atoms were not subjected to any (completely no) impacts. Only then this primary matter has joined the interaction and filled the universe with light heat and heavier elements. So or the explosion was cold and no pressure, or ... What is called the border (membrane) of a large explosion, this is a white hole that still generates cold hydrogen inside itself when expanding. And when expanding it is the cooling process as I remember. This is by the way explains the temperature of the relict radiation.


    In this theory there is one main problem: no one can explain why it rushed? After all, according to the theory of relativity, there is no time at the point of singularity. If time does not exist, there may not be any changes. According to the theory of relativity, any point of singularity is absolutely static. However, if you abandon the convenient mathematical reception of the connection of space and time in a single continuum and return to a real understanding of the time, then everything becomes in its place. Then the theory "does not interfere" occurs to real processes at the point of singularity.
    Big explosion and accelerating removal of galaxies The result of energy interaction (most of which is still in the form of mass) and vacuum in space. Just energy and vacuum penetrate each other (mixed). Time only by the number of periods of changes in the reference cyclic system, with respect to which the time is measured between the states of the measured system and is not connected with the space. Because The size of the space is sufficiently large and the vacuum initially occupied almost all the space, and its microscopic energy is the process of mixing or interpenetration of energy and vacuum occurs with acceleration. Energy gradually from a rather dense state (species) - mass gradually turns into a significantly less dense specimens, electromagnetic and kinetic, which are more evenly mixed with vacuum in space. Any closed system (which is the Universe, because there is always a law of energy conservation) in it) always seeks to move to the static, balanced state of its components. For the universe, this is a state when all the energy will be evenly "mixed" with vacuum in all space. By the way the space of the universe is certainly closed. Infinity came up with mathematics with which they themselves constantly fight. In real life there are big, very large, giant, etc. values. However, changing the scale of their measurement (the standard relative to which the measurement is performed) you can always get a very specific number.


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How did our universe appeared? How did it turn into the endless space at first glance? And how will it become many millions and billions of years? These questions were tormented (and continue to torment) the minds of philosophers and scientists seem to be since the beginning of time, while breeding many interesting and sometimes insane theories. Today, most astronomers and cosmologists have come to a common agreement on the fact that the Universe we know appeared as a result of a giant explosion, which was not only the main part of the matter, but an appeared source of basic physical laws, according to which there is that space that surrounds us. All this is called the theory of the Big Bang.

The foundations of the theory of a large explosion are relatively simple. If briefly, according to it, the whole matter and existing now in the Material Universe appeared at the same time - about 13.8 billion years ago. At that time, all matter existed in the form of a very compact abstract ball (or point) with endless density and temperature. This condition was called singularity. Suddenly, the singularity began to expand and gave rise to the universe we know.

It is worth noting that the theory of large explosion is only one of the many proposed hypotheses of the emergence of the Universe (for example, there is still the theory of the stationary universe), but it has gained the widespread recognition and popularity. It not only explains the source of the entire famous matter, the laws of physics and the large structure of the universe, it also describes the reasons for expanding the universe and many other aspects and phenomena.

The chronology of events in the theory of the Big Explosion

Based on the knowledge of the current state of the universe, scientists suggest that everything should have started from a single point with endless density and end time, which began to expand. After the initial expansion, as the theory, the universe passed the cooling phase, which allowed subatomic particles to appear and later with simple atoms. Giant clouds of these ancient elements later, thanks to gravity, began to form stars and galaxies.

All this, according to scientists guessing, it began about 13.8 billion years ago, and therefore this starting point is considered to be the age of the universe. By studying various theoretical principles, conducting experiments with the involvement of particle accelerators and high-energy states, as well as by conducting astronomical studies of the distant corners of the Universe, scientists brought and offered a chronology of events that began with a large explosion and led the Universe in the end of the state of cosmic evolution, which It takes place now.

Scientists believe that the earliest periods of the nucleation of the Universe - launched from 10 -43 to 10-11 seconds after a large explosion, are still the subject of disputes and discussions. If we consider that those laws of physics that are now known to us, could not exist at this time, it is very difficult to understand how processes in this early universe were regulated. In addition, experiments using those possible types of energies that could be present at that time have not yet been carried out. Whatever it was, many theories about the emergence of the Universe ultimately agree that in some period of time there was a starting point with which it all began.

Epoch of singularity

Also known as the Platform Epoch (or Planck Era) is adopted for the earliest of the known periods of the evolution of the Universe. At this time, all matter was kept in the singular point of infinite density and temperature. During this period, scientists consider the quantum effects of gravitational interaction dominated the physical, and none of the physical forces were equal to gravity.

The Planck Era has presumably lasted from 0 to 10-43 seconds and it is named so because it is possible to measure its duration only by Plakov Times. Due to the extreme temperatures and the infinite density of matter, the state of the universe during this period of time was extremely unstable. After that, there were periods of expansion and cooling, which led to the emergence of fundamental forces of physics.

Approximately from 10 -43 to 10-36 seconds in the Universe, the process of collision of transition states was occurred. It is believed that at this moment the fundamental forces that manage the current universe began to be separated from each other. The first step of this separation was the emergence of gravitational forces, strong and weak nuclear interactions and electromagnetism.

In the period from about 10-36 to 10-32 seconds after a large explosion, the temperature of the Universe became sufficiently low (1028 K), which led to the separation of electromagnetic forces (strong interaction) and weak nuclear interaction (weak interaction).

Epoch inflation

With the advent of the first fundamental forces in the Universe, the inflation era began, which lasted from 10 -32 seconds on the Planck time to an unknown point in time. Most cosmological models suggest that the universe during this period was evenly filled with high density energy, and incredibly high temperatures and pressure led to its rapid expansion and cooling.

It began on 10 -37 second, when the phase of the transition, which caused the separation of forces was followed by the expansion of the universe in geometric progression. In the same period, the universe was in a state of baryogenesis, when the temperature was so high that the disorderly movement of particles in the space occurred with a challenge speed.

At this time, the couples from particles - anti-particles are destroyed and immediately collapsed, which is considered led to the dominance of matter over antimatter in the modern universe. After the termination of inflation, the universe consisted of a quark-gluon plasma and other elementary particles. From this point on, the universe began to cool, the matter began to form and connect.

Epoch cooling

With a decrease in density and temperature inside the universe, a decrease in energy in each particle began to occur. This transitional state lasted until the fundamental forces and elementary particles came to their current form. Since the particle energy dropped to the values \u200b\u200bthat can be achieved today within the framework of experiments, the actual possible presence of this time period causes scientists much less disputes.

For example, scientists believe that by 10-11 seconds after a large explosion, the energy of the particles has decreased significantly. Approximately 10-6 seconds quarks and gluons began to form Barioni - protons and neutrons. Quarks began to prevail over antiquarks, which in turn led to the predominance of barione over antibarions.

Since the temperature was already not high enough to create new proton-antiprotonic pairs (or neutron-antineuter pairs), the massive destruction of these particles followed, which led to the residue only 1/1010 the number of initial protons and neutrons and the complete disappearance of their anti-particles. A similar process occurred about 1 second after a large explosion. Only "victims" made electrons and positrons this time. After the mass destruction, the remaining protons, neutrons and electrons stopped their disorderly movement, and the energy density of the universe was filled with photons and to a lesser extent neutrino.

During the first minutes of the expansion of the universe, the period of nucleosynthesis (synthesis of chemical elements) began. Due to the temperature drop to 1 billion Kelvinov and reducing the energy density to about about values, the equivalent air density, neutrons and protons began to be mixed and forming the first stable isotope of hydrogen (deuterium), as well as helium atoms. Nevertheless, most protons in the universe remained as incoherent nuclei of hydrogen atoms.

After about 379,000 years, the electrons merged with these hydrogen nuclei and formed atoms (again predominantly hydrogen), while radiation separated from matter and continued to expand almost freely through the space. This radiation is called relict radiation, and it is the most ancient source of light in the universe.

With the expansion, the relict radiation gradually lost its density and energy and at the moment its temperature is 2.7260 ± 0.0013 K (-270,424 ° C), and the energy density of 0.25 eV (or 4.005 × 10 -14 j / m³; 400-500 photons / cm³). Relic radiation extends in all directions and at a distance of about 13.8 billion light years, but the assessment of its actual distribution speaks about 46 billion light years from the center of the Universe.

Epoch structure (hierarchical era)

In the next few billion years, more dense regions are almost evenly distributed in the universe matter began to attract each other. As a result, they became even more densely, began to form gas, stars, galaxies clouds, and other astronomical structures, which we can at present. This period is called the hierarchical era. At this time, the Universe, which we see now, began to acquire your form. Matter began to unite in the structures of various sizes - stars, planets, galaxies, galactic clusters, as well as galactic supercountations separated by intergalactic jumpers containing only a few galaxies.

The details of this process can be described according to the submission of the number and type of matter distributed in the universe, which is represented in the form of cold, warm, hot dark matter and baryon substance. However, the modern standard cosmological model of a large explosion is the Lambda-CDM model, according to which the particles of dark matter move slowly the speed of light. It was chosen because it solves all the contradictions that appeared in other cosmological models.

According to this model, the cold dark matter accounts for about 23 percent of all matter / energy in the universe. The fraction of the baryon substance is about 4.6 percent. Lambda CDM refers to the so-called cosmological permanent: the theory proposed by Albert Einstein, which characterizes the properties of the vacuum and shows the balance ratio between mass and energy as a constant static value. In this case, it is associated with dark energy, which serves as an accelerator of the expansion of the Universe and maintains gigantic cosmological structures largely homogeneous.

Long-term forecasts regarding the future universe

The hypotheses regarding the fact that the evolution of the universe has a starting point, naturally summarize scientists to questions about the possible end point of this process. If the Universe began its history from a small point with an endless density, which suddenly began to expand, does it mean that it will expand too infinite? Or once it will end with an expansive force and the reverse compression process will begin, the final end of which will be the same infinitely dense point?

The answers to these questions were the main goal of cosmologists from the very beginning of disputes about what kind of cosmological model of the Universe is true. With the adoption of the theory of a large explosion, but for the most part due to the observation of dark energy in the 1990s, scientists agreed on the two most likely scenarios of the evolution of the universe.

According to the first, the name "great compression", the universe will reach its maximum size and starts to collapse. This version of the development of events will be possible if only the density of the mass of the universe will become greater than the critical density itself. In other words, if the density of matter reaches a certain value or becomes above this value (1-3 × 10 -26 kg of matter on m³), \u200b\u200bthe universe will begin to shrink.

Big explosion - in this form

An alternative is another scenario, which states that if the density in the universe is equal to or below the value of the critical density, then its expansion will slow down, but will never stop completely. According to this hypothesis, the name "Thermal Death of the Universe", the expansion will continue until the star formation will cease to consume interstellar gas inside each of the surrounding galaxies. That is, the transfer of energy and matter from one object to another will completely stop. All existing stars in this case burned down and turn into white dwarfs, neutron stars and black holes.

Gradually, black holes will face other black holes that hello to education are more and larger. The average temperature of the universe approaches the absolute zero. Black holes in the end "evaporate", having released their latest radiation of hoking. In the end, thermodynamic entropy in the universe will become maximum. A thermal death will come.

Modern observations, which take into account the presence of dark energy and its influence on the expansion of space, pushed scientists to the conclusion, according to which, over time, more and more the space of the Universe will pass outside of our horizon of events and will become invisible to us. The final and logical result of this scientist is not yet known, but the "thermal death" may well be the end point of such events.

There are other hypotheses regarding the distribution of dark energy, or rather, its possible species (for example phantom energy). According to them, galactic clusters, stars, planets, atoms, nuclei atoms and matter itself will be broken apart as a result of its infinite expansion. Such a scenario of evolution is called "Big Rip". The cause of the death of the universe according to this scenario is the extension itself.

History of the theory of big explosion

The earliest mention of a large explosion refers to the beginning of the 20th century and is associated with observations of space. In 1912, American astronomer Vesto Slofer conducted a series of observations of spiral galaxies (which were originally renowned with nebulae) and measured their Doppler red bias. Almost in all cases of observation showed that spiral galaxies are distinguished from our Milky Way.

In 1922, an outstanding Russian mathematician and cosmologist Alexander Friedman derived from Einstein equations for the general theory of relativity so-called Friedman equations. Despite the promotion of Einstein theory in favor of the presence of a cosmological constant, the work of Friedman showed that the universe is rather in the expansion state.

In 1924, the measurements of Edwin Hubble distances to the nearest spiral nebula showed that these systems are actually really other galaxies. At the same time, Hubble began to develop a number of indicators to deduct the distance using the 2.5-meter Hooker Telescope in the Mount Wilson Observatory. By 1929, Hubble discovered the relationship between the distance and the speed of removal of galaxies, which later became the law of Hubble.

In 1927, Belgian mathematician, the physicist and the Catholic priest Georges Lemeter, independently came to the same results as the Friedman equations showed, and the first formulated the relationship between the distance and the speed of the galaxies, proposing the first assessment of the coefficient of this dependence. Lemetr believed that in a period of time, in the past, the entire mass of the universe was concentrated at one point (atom).

These discoveries and assumptions caused a lot of disputes between physicists in the 20s and 30s, most of which believed that the Universe was in a stationary state. According to the model established at the time, the new matter is created along with the infinite expansion of the Universe, evenly and is equivalent to the density distributed throughout its length. Among scientists who support it, the idea of \u200b\u200ba large explosion seemed more theological, rather than scientific. The Lemeter's address was the criticism of bias on the basis of religious prejudices.

It should be noted that at the same time other theories existed. For example, the model of the Milna Universe and the cyclic model. Both were based on the postulates of the general theory of the relativity of Einstein and subsequently received the support of the scientist himself. According to these models, the Universe exists in an infinite stream of repeated cycles of expansion and collapse.

After the Second World War between the supporters of the stationary model of the universe (which was actually described by astronomer and physicist Fred Hoyl) and supporters of the theory of a large explosion, a hot debate flared by the popularity of the scientific community. Ironically, it was Hoil brought the phrase "", subsequently the title of the new theory. It happened in March 1949 at British BBC Radio.

In the end, further scientific research and observations were more and more spoke in favor of the theory of a large explosion and increasingly questioned the model of the stationary universe. Detection and confirmation of relic radiation in 1965 finally strengthened a large explosion as a better theory of origin and evolution of the universe. From the late 1960s and up to the 1990s, astronomers and cosmologists have conducted even more research on the issue of a large explosion and found solutions for many theoretical problems on the way in this theory.

Among these decisions, for example, the work of Stephen Hawking and other physicists, which proved that the singularity was an indisputable initial state of the overall relativity and the cosmological model of a large explosion. In 1981, the physicist Alan Gut led the theory describing the period of rapid space expansion (inflation era), which solved many previously unresolved theoretical issues and problems.

In the 1990s, an increased interest in the dark energy was observed, which was considered as the key to solving many unresolved issues of cosmology. In addition to the desire to find an answer to the question of why the Universe loses its mass along with Dark Mothers (the hypothesis was proposed in 1932 by Yan Oorth), it was also necessary to find an explanation why the Universe still accelerates.

Further progress of learning is obliged to create more advanced telescopes, satellites and computer models, which allowed astronomers and cosmologists to look further in the universe and it is better to understand its true age. The development of space telescopes and the emergence of such as, for example, Cosmic Background Explorer (or COBE), the Hubble Space Telescope, Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) and the Planck Space Observatory, also made a wicked contribution to the study of the issue.

Today, cosmologists can perform with fairly high accuracy measurements of various parameters and characteristics of a large-explosion theory model, not to mention more accurate calculations of the age of the space around us. But it all started with usual observation of massive space objects located in many light years from us and slowly continuing from us. And despite the fact that we have no idea what it all ends up to find out this, on cosmological standards it will be required not so much time.