12 week pulls the belly. Hurt the belly during pregnancy as during menstruation. Ultrasound, photo kid

This is the last week of the first trimester corresponding to the 14th midwife. She carries a lot of new things. During this period, the mammia ceases toxicosis, the fruit begins to make the first more imperceptible movements, every day the danger of miscarriage decreases. Let's consider in detail what changes occur during this period in the body of a pregnant woman and her child.

The first months of pregnancy - time is heavy. In the morning, women are tormented by nausea, appetite disappears and most experienced toxicosis. 12 week is the beginning of the "golden period of pregnancy". Morning toxicosis and other maleness in mommy begin to retreat, her well-being is gradually improving, drowsiness passes. The tummy is not yet particularly noticeable, but already begins to actively grow.

The psycho-emotional state of pregnant women is normal. It can be said that the twelfth week is a return to ordinary life. Already there is no fear lose the child and the nutrition is being built. That is what time is remembered as the best for all the time of the child's waiting. The baby also looks like a child: still not quite proportional, but there is still enough time ahead.


It continues to grow up by filling out a fully hip area and turning into the abdominal. Lying it can already be felt above the pubic. The size of the organ in length is approximately 12 cm, it increased almost 10 cm in the width. So far, its growth is stimulated and. In the future, its walls will sweep away as a result of the growth of the child. This week, the uterus is usually in a small tone, but this state of the norm, if it is not accompanied by uncomfortable symptoms.


The chest is poured and increases in size, while remaining very sensitive. However, pains can already stop during this period. The first allocations resembling colostrum may appear.


It becomes round, but it can still be hidden under free clothing. If a woman already has children, then the growth of the abdomen will occur faster. At this time, the first stretch marks begin to appear. So that in the future their number does not increase avalanche-like - can begin to use special creams from stretch marks. Almost all of the pregnant women during this period begins to darken the skin in the middle of the abdomen and a brownish band appears - a symptom of hyperpigmentation.


Allocations on the twelfth week should remain the same. Transparent, yellowish, white discharge with an acidic odor, not accompanied by itching, are explained by the activation of the renewal of the epithelium cells. It is still necessary to observe their number, color, evaluate the smell. They should not be accompanied by pulling pains or other unpleasant sensations.

To the doctor, you need to contact if the selection has become abundant watery or with plenty of blood. Abundant discharge can occur due to thrush or chlamydia. They will have to treat, otherwise the infection can damage the fetus. If a woman has erosion, bloody trails may appear after sexual intercourse.

What about the fruit?

From this time, the gynecologists begin to call the fetus embryos.

How to develop?

All bodies to this period have already been formed and develop further. The development of the embryo is associated with the beginning of the 2nd wave of invasion of the cytotrofoblast at the expense of which the uterine-placental blood circulation is increasing. This leads to an intensive increase in the mass of the fetus and its main organs. The child begins to get more oxygen and nutrients needed for intensive growth. In the circulatory system, in addition to erythrocytes, leukocytes forming the prototype of the immune system are beginning to appear for the first time.

Carticities are gradually calcified and transformed into bones. Calcification begins from the middle of the bone and will continue as it is growth. Fully the process will end only during puberty.

The fingers were finally divided in their hands and legs, the nails are actively growing, the approach of future indigenous teeth are formed, signs of hair in the area of \u200b\u200beyebrows appear. Ribs are formed, the bone system develops on.

The pituitary fruit begins to develop most hormones. The brain develops, which this week already becomes like a tiny adult brain. The simplest reactions have been developed: even though the child does not open his eyes, but already reacts to light; Touching the wall - he is repelled from her.

The liver is already beginning to produce bile, in the intestines for the first time peristaltic movements begin, the small intestine can already absorb sugar and glucose. In the kidneys of the embryo turns on the loop of Genla, which is responsible for filtering urine. The kid drinks oily water and unnecessary substances are displayed with urine, the necessary absorbed in the channels of the loop. The child begins to practice in breathing, swallowing amniotic waters - the chest rises.

The fruit begins active movements, he has a facial express. The child begins to move, can pushed, stitch your fingers, open and close your mouth, make sucking movements. Senieve the movement of the child Mommy will be able for the first time only in a couple of months.

The genitals are differentiated. This week, a male embryo is formed by a vaginal process - a special protrusion of the peritoneum, which will take part in the process of lowering the egg in the scrotum. With a successful circumstance on the ultrasound, you can see the gestures.

What does it look like?

The child looks already fully formed, only a little disproportionate - the head is much larger than the body. Figure can already be compared with an adult figure. The person has pronounced features, neck appeared. The ears are still in the infancy, nostrils are widely planted.

Weight and fetal growth

The fetus during this period reaches the size of about 9 cm. Weight can reach 19 g. From this period, the gynecologist will more closely monitor the weight of the mother and the dynamics of the growth of uterus - factors indicating the growth of the child.

Mother's Body Changes

The woman increases the volume of the front lobe of the pituitary - the authority of the responsible for the production of prolactin. This happens so that already from 12 weeks in the body accumulated prolactin, responsible to a greater degree for the growth of the mammary glands. In the future, the hormone will contribute to the start of lactation.

Brownish spots of different shapes begin to appear on the face and on the neck - it is chloa or hyperpigmentation of the skin.

Due to the elevated level of estrogen, vascular changes are beginning to manifest:

  • teleangectasia - expansion of small vessels;
  • asterisks;
  • swimming a reddish shade with diverging rays (angoma).

They may unexpectedly manifest themselves on the face, on the neck, on their hands, in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe chest. The stars on the palms are called the palm erythema. All they will disappear after delivery.

Though the fruit and begins to move at this time, you can not feel the mother yet. Some pregnant people say that they feel the movements of the fetus from twelve weeks - but this is a purely psychological phenomenon.

Attitude to sex

Sex during this period begins to demand some restrictions. For example, the position on the belly woman is contraindicated. Even just falling on the stomach from this period is not worth it. However, if at night the pregnant woman wakes up face down, there is nothing particularly terrible.

More to sex restrictions during this period is not, if there is no pathological symptoms. You can not have sex if the low placenta prelation is diagnosed. If after proceedings there were unpleasant sensations, it is better to consult a gynecologist. Sex mommy with multiple pregnancy is not recommended.


If the level decreases during the first screening, this indicates the risk of Edwards's syndrome or placenta pathology. Elevated chorionic gonadotropin may indicate the risk of Dauna syndrome. With double hCG can also be enhanced. The rate of XG content in the blood is 12 weeks 13.4 ng / ml -128.5 ng / ml.


Norm on the twelfth week - from 38.19 nmol / l to 47.41 nmol / l. The low level of progesterone on this period may indicate:

  • problems with the placenta;
  • occurring chronic inflammatory processes in the sexual system of a woman;
  • fetal hypoxia;
  • ectoped.

The high level may indicate:

  • developing bubble drift;
  • the presence of a cyst of a yellow body;
  • adrenal diseases;
  • multiple pregnancy.


Endometrium is an inner lining layer of the uterus, to which the chorion is attached. Of great importance, the thickness of the endometrium plays when pregnancy occurs. During pregnancy, the layer thickness also changes and is about 2 cm. Endometrium thickness is measured on the ultrasound. With a thin endometrial, the doctor prescribes medication support that allows you to increase it.

Ultrasound, photo kid

If the woman only stood up, then the first screening is immediately conducted, including ultrasound research. Details of the diagnosis in the first trimester are limited: from the 1st day to the 6th day.

On the first ultrasound screening:

  • they consider the length of the embryo, its CTR - Cocchiko-parmer size;
  • evaluate the sizes of the head;
  • looking at the symmetry of the hemispheres of the brain and the presence of mandatory structures for this period;
  • measure the length of the femur, shoulder bones, as well as forearm and legs;
  • check the location of the stomach and heart;
  • measure the dimensions of the heart and abdomen.

Normal ultrasound indicators:

  • CTR - from 51 mm to 59 mm exactly 12 weeks and from 62 mm to 73 mm - on the last day of twelve weekly;
  • the thickness of the collar zone is from 1.6 mm to 2.5 mm;
  • nasal bone (an important indicator for the diagnosis of Down syndrome) - not less than 3 mm;
  • Heart rate - from 150 to 174 shots per minute;
  • biparity size - no less than 20 mm.

According to the results of the ultrasound of 1 trimester, there are no markers of chromosomal anomalies of the fetus and analyzed the term that corresponds to the development of babies. On 3D ultrasound you can already see the floor of the fetus. If you did a 3D ultrasound, you can ask for photos of your baby.

If the ultrasound of the first screening was done earlier, on the 12th week it is re-carried out by pregnant women, in which pathology was revealed on the first ultrasound study. Repeated a study of the thickness of the collar space, which allows to identify heavy defects or chromosomal anomalies. In this case, there may be a question about interruption of pregnancy. These ultrasound research in this case must be confirmed by amniocentsis - biochemical, immunological, genetic and hormonal studies of the octoplodic fluid.


During this period, everything should be in the state of the norm. A pregnant woman becomes less irritable, it retreats the state of toxicosis, it passes nausea, the urination is reduced to urination, the quality of life increases. It is necessary to constantly control pressure and temperature. The pressure must be slightly lowered, and the temperature should not be higher than 37.5. Weight for this period may not change, but even if it has increased slightly - up to 3.6 kg, then this is normal.

For the first time, the future mother may face an unpleasant phenomenon of heartburn - burning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach. During pregnancy, a placenta produces a large amount of progesterone, a relaxing muscular valve between the esophagus and the stomach. When a woman falls, the gastric secret begins to pour into the esophagus, causing his irritation.

Chronic diseases are not treated to pregnancy can exacerbate during this period. Increases the load on the liver, kidney and heart. The uterus presses the intestines and inhibits his peristaltics, which is why constipation can begin.

You can lead almost usual life - all major troubles remained behind. Pregnant only need to follow their food and comply with some recommendations:

  • avoid reception of medical devices without consultation of the gynecologist;
  • do not take medicinal herbs without a council with a doctor - some can provoke miscarriage;
  • more walking in air, lead a moderately active lifestyle;
  • follow weight, prevent overeating;
  • eliminate from the diet Fast Food, gas production, food rich chemistry, sharp, salty, fatty. However, if it pulls into a saline or sharp, it is not necessary to torment yourself - acute, for example, reduces heartburn.

Planned visits to doctors

If pregnant has not yet registered, then this week it is already necessary to do. If a woman is registered, then since this week, you will have to go to the doctor once every 4 weeks. If not yet passed, then the gynecological examination and inspection of the therapist should be passed. It is also necessary to consult a dentist, endocrinologist, an ENT specialist.

Related research and analyzes

If pregnant only gets into account, then she needs to pass tests for HIV, syphilis, blood for a group and a rhesus factor, to determine the level of sugar.

In the near future you need to pass:

  • Oak and OAM;
  • blood on pregnancy hormones - Free-B-HCG and PAPP.

Test on placental lactogen can show its increase to 1,550 ng / ml. The coagulogram will see an increase in the level of fibrinogen. An analysis of AFP in this period will show its peak quantity that will last at such a level until the 16th week.

The doctor in the LCD conducts a study inspection by a mirror on the chair and takes strokes on cytology and flora. The presence of STDs - gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, etc.


The power mode does not need any changes and limitations. The main thing is to control the weight. To prevent reduction in hemoglobin levels, it is necessary to increase the amount of iron-containing products - liver, veal, beef language, buckwheat, apples, pomegranates in the diet. To maintain the required amount of calcium, increase the amount of dairy products eaten. To reduce the number of constipation, you must eat soup.

Be sure to abandon heavy food and fast food, reduce the amount of oily, roasted, flour, smoked.


In the absence of contraindications, you can continue a moderately active lifestyle. Many future mothers refuse during this period from the usual sporting activity - run, fitness and switch to yoga or fitness for pregnant women. Moderate activity is useful for maintaining the tone and to prepare for childbirth. In addition, trained mommies will be able to recover faster after childbirth.

What is banned?

Fully must be excluded:

  • alcohol intake;
  • smoking;
  • coffee;
  • severe physical work;
  • x-ray, fluorography and CT;
  • strength and traumatic sports;
  • stressful situations and experiences.

Taking vitamins

If the mother accepted folic acid before that time, then the time of special multivitamine complexes came. You can take them on the recommendation of the doctor. Not all women are recommended vitamins.

  • who has no opportunity to fully eat;
  • those who previously suffered by iron deficiency anemia or B12 deficient anemia, as well as similar states;
  • women who have finished pregnancy before;
  • over 35 years old.

The most popular polyvitamin complexes are vitamins Elevit, Vitrum prenatal and prenatal forte, alphabet.


During this period, some problems that need to be paid attention can be paid attention to.

Stomach ache

Strong abrupt abdominal pain can be caused by several pathologies: the disclosure of the cervix, the bladder infection, etc., when it appears, immediately needs to be consulted for their attending gynecologist.

Abdominal pain close to sides and passing into lumbar may indicate the stretching of the muscles to which the load increases. These are safe painful sensations.

Pain in the lower back

If the loins hurts, but there is no other symptoms - it is better to change the lifestyle: more often to rest, work less on the legs, pick up more comfortable shoes. If the work is connected with long standing on the legs, it is better to take a vacation at your own expense. Usually, the increased load on the muscles of the back manifests itself.


Bleeding on any time requires the consultation of the doctor, because it may be a sign of very dangerous complications: miscarriage, ectopic, etc. Particularly dangerous bleeding, accompanied by grazing or pulling pain at the bottom of the abdomen.


The state of the norm is considered to be temperatures up to 37.5, if it is not accompanied by an increase in ESP and leukocyte levels, which indicates the presence of an inflammatory process. At a higher temperature, you need to consult a doctor. From the reception of most antipyretic on the 12th week it is worth refuse, only paracetamol is harmless to the body of the fetus and women. Will help bring off the heat wiping with water with vinegar.


Toxicosis on this period is already passed. Someone has ends sharply on one day, someone has an unpleasant feeling every few days. However, some can continue and.

If the toxicosis does not weaken, it may indicate:

  • about the individual characteristics of the body;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • incorrect deadlines;
  • the presence of the body's reactions on the received medicines;
  • gastrointestinal disorder.


Nausea may be a phenomenon accompanying early toxicosis and should stop in extreme cases by 14-16 weeks. If it is accompanied by diarrhea, it may be a sign of an intestinal infection, the doctor's consultation in this case should be urgent. Systemic digestion disorders can be the result of a failure in the work of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and spleen. Such consequences may be taking progesterone and other drugs. Also, nausea on this period is sometimes a sign of insufficiency of trace elements - for example, magnesium.


Any diseases will no longer have such serious consequences as during the previous period. The cold is better to be treated with a bed and folk remedies, avoiding antibiotics. In no case of the disease of the pregnant woman can not be transferred on the legs: it can lead to fetoplacentage insufficiency, cause hypocia of the fetus.

It is possible to be treated with a rich warm drink - decoction of rosehip, herbal teas, berry plasters. Honey will be useful in small quantities. The traditional remedy for colds is warm milk with Borjomi. The cough will help the medicine with Altem, Pastelle Dr. Mom, Gedelix. Do everything only on the recommendations of the doctor!


All organs at the kid have already been formed, a woman can with testimony of drinking antibiotics. Appoint antibiotic therapy The doctor may if there are intestinal infections, inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract, pneumonia, etc. Antibiotic and dosage should write a doctor, taking into account the disease. The course to drink completely so that there is no antibiotic resistance microorganisms in the pathological microorganisms.


Alcohol must be completely excluded throughout the term of pregnancy. No one can say what a dose of alcohol in a particular mother will work destructive on the fruit. For example, scientists find out that the daily reception of pregnant 30 gr. Alcohol is associated with the risk of development in the baby fetal alcohol syndrome. However, the fetal alcoholic syndrome is also observed in children whose mothers consumed for 3-5 gr. alcohol.

The danger of alcohol for babes depends on the characteristics of the body, its reaction to alcohol, the state, the nature of the diet, the genotype of the fetus, etc. Of course, nothing will happen from one glass of dry wine for all pregnancy, but it is definitely not worth it in this case.


High risk of miscarriage can be observed with the 1st to the 12th week of pregnancy. From this week, the probability of disadvantaged outcome is reduced.

If still miscarriage occurs, the following symptoms should alert the woman:

  • bleeding;
  • strong pulling pain and spasms at the bottom of the abdomen or pulling the feeling in the lower back.

Possible dangers and complications

Some women may have a uterine hypertonus, which can manifest themselves with the following symptoms:

  • feeling of uterine hardness, its stone condition;
  • severity and tension at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • catching pains in the lower back or pubis.

Provoke such a state may excessive physical exertion, stress, sexual intercourse. This state is confirmed on the ultrasound. Safety, hormonal preparations, magnesium-containing drugs will help help. Hypertonus complications include the possibility of miscarriage on any time, hypoxia of the fetus and the detachment of the placenta.

Another danger that can climb a woman on this period - to identify frozen pregnancy. The fetal death can occur both in and, but will reveal it later. Most often, this is due to the age of 13 weeks. Measuring pregnancy can reveal on ultrasound.

There are some symptoms that allow it to suspect this pathology:

  • bloody issues;
  • catching pain at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • sharp cessation of toxicosis phenomena;
  • the basal temperature decreases;
  • falling hCG.

If a woman ignores these signs and does not appeal to the doctor, then intoxication begins: nausea, vomiting, increase temperatures up to 39 degrees, weakness and pallor.

12 weeks - this is an deadline on which an ectopic pregnancy can be discovered. As a rule, the uterine tube is taking place. A woman feels a sharp pain in his stomach, faintness, may lose consciousness. A dizziness begins, a little decreasing lying. If such symptoms appear, it is necessary to urgently cause ambulance. The doctor will detect the symptoms of internal bleeding: decreased blood pressure, pallor. If you be late with a challenge, a woman can threaten a fatal outcome.

Pulling placenta - pathology, which can also lead to miscarriage. By 12 weeks of the placenta reaches its maturity. If the detachment began, first of all it is manifested by bleeding, stomach pains, tension in the uterus. A woman, as a rule, is hospitalized or translated into bedding. The pathology is treated with antispasmodics, drugs relaxing the uterus, hemostatic assemblers, anti-diamemine. Proper and timely treatment allows you to maintain a further normal course of pregnancy.

Often, at the first ultrasound, the uterine myoma is detected. Small - as a rule only needs to be observed. If a woman has conveyed pregnancy up to 12 weeks, then the threat of miscarriage decreases. During pregnancy, it usually does not grow. However, a large mioma can have an effect on growing fruit, as it occupies a place in the uterus - a child can develop a deformed skull or Krivoshi, a child can develop a little. It is often an indication for cesarean section, during which it is excised.

Bubble drift or trophoblastic pregnancy tumor can manifest itself to. The disease is an increase in chorion vial. Visually, this is manifested by the fact that the uterus looks much larger than it should be. The skid can be complete or partial. This pathology is defined on the ultrasound.

Woman should alert:

  • bleeding;
  • in 30% of cases - vomiting;
  • in 30% of cases - hypertension.

In pathology, the fruit cannot be saved, scraping with histology is made. Within a few months after scraping, a woman does control HCG. 80% of women are recovering without consequences, 20% of women who do not decrease the HCG to treat oncologist.


With the normal course of pregnancy, this time sigh calmly, smile, get a photo of a baby on an ultrasound and prepare for the upcoming replenishment in the family.

Pregnancy 12 weeks - This is the end of the first trimester! Hooray! You can sigh calmly and discard all fears! After all, miscarriages, most often, occur only before the term "Pregnancy 12 weeks."Finally disappear insecurity and federation. Yes, and you can forget about toxicosis! Pregnancy 12 weeks Makes a woman to overestimate life values, think about the spiritual.

Your baby has new organs no longer appear. Existing already grow and develop. Child at the 12th week of pregnancy Already moving. He may even squint and open his mouth! The skeleton is actively formed, they grow margins, hoses begin to appear. Your baby is already eating! Food is capable of pushing a small intestine. It is able to absorb sugar and glucose.

For term pregnancy 12 weeksthe nervous system and the brain of the kid continue to form, and in the liver is already produced bile. In addition, milk teeth are laid.
Pregnancy 12 weeks - time when you can hear heartbeat Your baby with a special instrument - Doppler.
12 weeks of pregnancy on the ultrasoundallow you to accurately determine the gender floor (of course, if it wants it and take the desired position).
Pregnancy 12 weeks Increases the number of accumulating fluid, now it is about 50 millimeters.
Pregnancy term 12 weeksAnd your weight could well and not change. However, you could type or reset a couple of kilograms.
Uterus in 12 weeks of pregnancy No longer placed in hip bones. It will be easy for her to grope above the pubic bone.

IN 12 weeks of pregnancy You can send to the first ultrasound. It is considered important to make it no later than this period. Just now it is possible to identify the malformations of the fetus, for example, Down syndrome. In addition, it is in 12 weeks of pregnancy ultrasoundallows to determine the age of the kid up to several days. And when you are in 12 weeks of pregnancy Popp on ultrasoundDo not forget to agree on the first photo of your baby! That will be than boasting before girlfriends!

Belly on the 12th week of pregnancy
gradually grows up. It may appear a dark strip passing through the navel, it visually divides your bumbaction into two equal parts.

Pregnancy 12 weeks -
time to visit the dentist, and also report about your position at work.

For accounting in women's consultation must certainly happen before 12 weeks of pregnancy. Before going to the doctor, remember (and even better, write) data on its menstruation (at what age began, as they regularly passed, the date began). Now yours pregnancy12 weeksBut you will have to remember all previous pregnancies, abortions, diseases. By the way, you need to collect information and about the health of the daddy of your baby. We hope that pregnancy 12 weeksb is the time when your gynecologist is already known to your height, weight, pressure.

If your continues pregnancy 12 weeks, You have already had all the necessary analyzes Urine and blood (except for general, you will be sent to donate blood from Vienna for HIV, syphilis and hepatitis B).
In addition, you may have to pass urine analysis on hCG during pregnancy 12 weeks.It can be assigned if the threat of miscarriages will appear in order to choose a course of treatment. To do this, you must pass in the laboratory of 50 milliliters of urine collected in the morning.
Also in the first trimester of pregnancy, the doctor will try to determine the size of your baby from the tailbone to the pattern. This allows you to accurately find out the term of your "interesting position". Error using totr in 12 weeks of pregnancy It can be equal to just a few days.

During inspection, the doctor may notice from you are allocated for the 12th week of pregnancy. If they have an unpleasant smell, green, gray or yellow color, it may indicate infection. In this case, the gynecologist will prescribe treatment, most likely, it will be special vaginal candles.
If you have pregnancy 12 weeks, but temperature rises to 37 Degree, do not worry, this temperature in the first trimester is considered normal. Simply put, thus, the body gets used to pregnancy.
If yours pregnancy 12 weeks accompanied painPlease inform the doctor during inspection. By the way, this is considered the norm (of course, if the pain is not strong and do not have a grapple-shaped character). Therefore, if pregnancy 12 weeks, and you i have a stomachacheLearn to respond correctly to it. You just need to get used to and relax. Nature, in fact, very wise. After all, it is already starting to train the skills of relaxation from the future mommy, which, oh, how to use during the upcoming birth!

And remember: you care about the baby, taking care of your own health. Therefore, if you have not done this yet, buy a comfortable bra, well supporting the chest. Fit diverse, eat exceptionally fresh foods. And then pregnancy 12 weeks Bring you only joy!

The belly of the primary woman by the 12th week is usually not yet increasing so much to cause discomfort in her usual clothes for her. For those who have no pregnancy, the earlier growth of the abdomen is characteristic.

The typical phenomenon is also considered the appearance of a pigment band from the navel. An increase in the volume of the abdomen is often accompanied by itching: this is a kind of signal for a woman, that it is time to purchase funds from stretch marks and start them to actively use (if you do it only in the last months, the effect will be insignificant).

The uterus by the 12th week of pregnancy increases more than 10 cm. It can no longer be in the hip part because of its size, and therefore it starts to gradually reach the abdominal cavity. This gives a gradual growth of the abdomen and an increase in the waist circle.

The cervix at this stage should be tightly closed. If for some reason its discovery begins, in the hospital, the woman impose seams that impede the premature trust.

With a favorable course of pregnancy by 12 weeks as such, the woman should not test. Weakly pulling pains can be felt at the bottom of the abdomen caused by tension of ligaments supporting a growing uterus.

Changing the center of gravity due to the growth of the abdomen, can also serve as a root cause of pain. Strong sharp pain may be caused by the bladder infection, the opening of the cervix and other pathologies, so if it appears, the woman immediately should appeal to consult and undergo treatment under hospital.

Allocations for the 12th week of pregnancy

Allocations at this stage of pregnancy are scant or moderate, fairly bright, homogeneous, with sour smell. The slightest blood inclusions should alert a pregnant woman.

Often they can appear after inspection on the chair or sexual intercourse, which is usually associated with the existing cervical erosion or infection. Abundant discharge is caused by milk and chlamydia.

Treatment of these diseases during pregnancy is carried out by a gentle method, since both the infection themselves and their therapy may harm the fetus.

While having to wear a child, as at any other time, a woman is subject to diseases whose symptoms are pain in the upper, lower abdomen, above the navel, right or on the left.


Inflammation of a worm-like process, namely, called appendix, requires surgical intervention. Pregnant, especially in the later dates, it is difficult to recognize this disease, as it is experiencing discomfort regularly. Therefore, confuse signs of appendicitis with characteristic sensations during pregnancy is very easy.

Oddly enough, but pregnancy acts as a provoking factor for the development of appendicitis. The fact is that the inflammation of the process is due to the violation of its blood supply. Increased uterus squeezes the process, because of which the blood in it comes slowly.

Signs of appendicitis during pregnancy:

  • sharp pain at the top of the abdomen, gradually turning into the lower right side;
  • bloating;
  • vomiting, nausea, stomach disorder;
  • temperature increase.

Symptoms are manifested differently and depend on the individual characteristics of the body: someone has sharp signs, someone is weak. Therefore, with the appearance of incessant pain symptoms, you need to consult a doctor immediately. The specialist will quickly identify the disease through blood and urine tests or ultrasound.

Gynecologists argue that pain, in character, resembling symptoms before menstruation, are found at each woman. Long signs are dangerous, with attacks of spasms, accompanied by bloody secretions, weakness, temperature increase, pressure surges.

Pregnancy is a natural physiological condition in the life of a woman. However, it does not always go smoothly, without complications. Many pregnant women at a certain period begin to feel the laundering pain at the bottom of the abdomen. To some extent they can be explained by the peculiarities of the development of the fetus. But it is impossible to pay attention to such problems at all.

I am on the 12th week of pregnancy. The last couple of days is noticeable, not as before, pulls the bottom of the abdomen. When with the right, when from Lev, it also happens in the entire region of the uterus. Plus, pain in the field of liver appear with a sharp breath in sneezing. What could it be? On the ultrasound, the direction was given, but before him there was still a week, worrying ... Elena M.

Hello, Elena!

How does a child develop in 12 weeks? What to do if on the period of 12 week of pregnancy pulls the belly? Answers to these and many other questions can be found in this article.

Some unpleasant feeling at the bottom of the abdomen worry almost every pregnant. They can be of different intensity, reaching sharp pain.

I am on the 12th week of pregnancy. The last couple of days is noticeable, not as before, pulls the bottom of the abdomen. When with the right, when from Lev, it also happens in the entire region of the uterus. Plus, pain in the field of liver appear with a sharp breath in sneezing. What could it be? On the ultrasound, the direction was given, but before it was still a week, worrying. Elena M.

Better go to the doctor, let her inspect you. With hyperthnot do not joke.

He herself in the first pregnancy with him, he had lying a lot of times on preservation, a tablet ate, nothing, reached, gave birth to his miracle :) In this pregnancy, at the first signs of tonus, the doctor reported. I wrote me a magnet of B6 Forte, with the words: I remember your first pregnancy, I hope this time everything will be better.

And the truth is no longer observed, and other problems with a lack of magnesium, too (seizures). Magne B6 Forte is better from all magnes-containing drugs, it includes magnesium citrate - this salt helps better magnesium learns.

At the same time, the citrate itself is fully recycled by the body and is displayed.

So better consult a doctor.

the doctor said me that on the days of alleged monthly, there may be an unpleasant feeling (these days are most favorable to vykid) and advised to take on the 2Tars of Noshpi and the candle in the ass

the doctor said me that for months 3 at a time when it was used to be made by pulling and even cutting pain.

and I still have pulls, strongly, but not long, the uterus said grows, stretched.

At week 12, which is the final week of the first trimester of pregnancy, the well-being of a woman is improving and many unpleasant problems that quite recently spoiled life remain in the past. In particular, it concerns toxicosis. But at the same time there may be pain in the stomach and other unpleasant symptoms.

Pulls of the abdomen during pregnancy - this complaint is imposed as healthy future mothers, and those that are diagnosed with "threat of interrupts". The causes of the appearance of the hypertonus of the uterus, this is the so-called this phenomenon is different. As well as various consequences can be. Consider why during pregnancy pulls the bottom of the abdomen at different terms.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, throughout which a woman listens to themselves. It is worth knowing what to do when the belly hurts or pulls the lower back for 11 weeks.

Fetal development for 11 weeks

At the 11th week of pregnancy, the kid moves from the embryonic stage of development to fruit. Now, in the abdomen of Moms, a little man took shape, who has also a disproportionately large head, her hands longer than legs, the eyes are widely planted.

Domestic development processes affect the mother's state, among others it changes, it feels like pulls the lower back at week 11. The child is growing actively, developing and improving the work of the muscles.

The face is moving, opens and closes the mouth, the legs knob move, the body is wriggled, the cams are compressed.

The kid is drawn up with ear sinks, eyes with the resulting iris begin to distinguish light and darkness. The nose develops smell. The child swallows the spindle fluid and highlights it in the form of urine. The active phase becomes a pregnancy 11 weeks - stomach hurts at this stage at times and for various reasons.

How does mom feel at the 11th week of pregnancy?

Mom releases morning toxicosis, but emotions quickly replace each other. This is explained by the not ending hormonal perestroika.

It is sometimes manifested by the fact that the belly hurts at the 11th week of pregnancy. Hormonal transformations can affect both the weakening of hair and nails and, on the contrary, in the intensive growth and strengthening.

Usually by 11 week fatigue decreases. In the absence of this dynamics, it is necessary to analyze the iron content.

It may be necessary to increase hemoglobin.

At 11 week, metabolism increases by 25% due to the intensive development of the kid. As a consequence, the woman feels an increase in temperature, constant thirst.

Clear water in unlimited quantities is a mandatory component of a daily diet. If the teeth were not treated before the occurrence of pregnancy, then perhaps at this stage will have to face their crime.

The designated complex of vitamins and calcium will help avoid problems with gums and teeth.

Since the baby is growing actively, the size of the uterus increases to provide space for 8 gram fetus 6.5 cm long. The uterus is located in the pelvic part and towers above the pubic bone by 2-3 cm.

Gradually, the forms are rounded - therefore the belly pulls on the 11th week of pregnancy. Such transformations may affect the type of tingling on the sides of the uterus, not necessarily after physical exertion.

If such pains on the 11th week of pregnancy are temporary and pass, then this is not a reason for concern.

How the crumb is growing, the size and weight of the child at the 12th week of pregnancy

At the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, new bodies are no longer formed, but existing increases and develop. This week there were reflexes.

At week 12, local fetal stimulation can force him to squint, open the mouth, move your fingers or legs. Fingers will soon begin bending and blending, and the mouth will perform sucking movements.

If you push yourself in a belly, you most likely take a push in response from the inside, despite the fact that you can't feel it. The kidneys begin to fill the urine bladder.

In 12 weeks of pregnancy, the skeleton of the child, which began to develop earlier, is now in the phase of ossification - the formation of the bone substance. The fingers and legs were divided, the nails increase.

Separate hair indicators appear on the body. External genital organs sufficient sizes in order to figure out the sex of the child with confidence.

The gastrointestinal system (narrow intestine) of the 12-week fetus is already able to decrease and push the food. It can actively absorb glucose and sugar.

In the meantime, it does not stop increasing the number of nerve cells and the kid's brain is formed. On the period of 12 weeks of pregnancy, it is quite similar to the adult brain, but only in miniature.

at the moment, his face looks without doubt human: the eyes shone from the sides on the front of the head, the ears took their places. In 12 weeks of pregnancy, the length of the top to the tailbone of your future crumbs forms 6 cm, it is approximately the size of Lime.

How do you change, feeling in your body

By the end of the 12th week of pregnancy, the uterus is done through Chur big, in order to fit in the hip bones. You can feel it over the pubic bone (pubic articulation).

The uterus owns an excellent property stretching throughout pregnancy. It will return to last sizes through a couple of weeks at the end of childbirth.

And at the moment it grows up, filling the hip area first, and later the abdominal.

Before the start of pregnancy, the uterus is practically harsh. Its amounts for only 10 ml as well as less.

During the pregnancy, it is converted into a relatively thin-walled muscular bag that enlists the fruit, placenta and spindle water. By the end of pregnancy, its number can be about 5-10 liters.

Thus, its capacity increases at 500 and also 1000 times. Perhaps the clothes for pregnant women will not need a couple of weeks, but the fact that the waist line to 12 weeks of pregnancy is done to find everything is not necessary to deny anything.

Heartbag pregnant

Perhaps you periodically feel burning in the area of \u200b\u200bthe stomach, called the heartburn of pregnant women. Many ladies face heartburn for the first time only during pregnancy, the same, who had to endure heartburn and before that, argue that during pregnancy she became "evil."

When pregnancy, the placenta produces a lot of progesterone, which relaxes the partition between the stomach and the esophagus. More specifically speaking, at the time when you lay, the gastric juice can be poured back, which leads to an unpleasant feeling of burning.

For most of the ladies, this trouble rises without jokes at later time, while the growing uterus begins to sign the stomach. So do not pay for heartburn if it has already appeared, huge attention.

You will still have a pretext for this.

What to do on the 12th week of pregnancy

Pregnancy pain in pregnancy tingling at the bottom of the abdomen during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many future mothers can complain about incomprehensible tingling at the bottom of the abdomen. Such a problem does not inspire confidence that everything flows well, so you need to understand what is fraught with a similar condition and whether it bears any threat to the health of the crumbs.

Experts believe that tingling at thenime belly speaks about changes in the uterus, its tension. Usually, these symptoms begin to make themselves to know from the fifth week of pregnancy and last on the eighth, they can delay a little.

To understand this, you need to imagine the original form of the uterus - it was like a pear. And now it becomes an egg-like due to an increase in size.

Such a form can be called the most natural for the development of the fetus in the maternal womb, which indicates the normal course of pregnancy. The muscles that support the uterus are beginning to stretch, provoking small body responses or almost imperceptible tingling.

It becomes quite painful when sneezing or cough.

At the beginning of the second trimester, changes occur not only inside the body, but also outside, already becomes a noticeable belly at the 13th week of pregnancy. Sometimes it is only planned, but most often the belly is already rounded to the thirteenth week and at first glance gives pregnant. Although to say that the woman has a big belly at week 13 pregnancy.

At the 13th week of pregnancy, the feelings in the stomach are different. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the mother's body, from how pregnancy itself occurs. An important role is played here what way of life is the future mother.

Some women feel abdominal pain at week 13 pregnancy. In some cases, pain sensations are explained and there is no reasons for concern.

It is important to understand what is aware of the pain, which it is character, you feel pain or simple tingling at the bottom of the abdomen at the 13th week of pregnancy. Of course, except the abdominal pain you notice other deviations from a normal state, such as bleeding, uncharacteristic allocations, etc., you must immediately consult a doctor.

The reasons for the appearance of pain during pregnancy are conventionally divided into obstetric and non-avasher. For obstetric pains in the bottom of the abdomen include pathologies that cause miscarriage or detachment of the placenta.

Non-achesive pains are all the others: colic in the bottom of the abdomen, pain from constipation and meteorism, pain from tensile ligaments, smearing the feelings from the abdominal muscles, moderate pain in the perineum and in the bottom of the abdomen from the discrepancy of the pelvic bones.

Knowledge of the reasons that cause discomfort will make it possible to understand, stomach aches during pregnancy due to changes in physiology or overload.

If you understand that the pain at the bottom of the belly are inspiring and non-periodical, caused by physiological changes in your body, you can apply some means to calm them:

  • Warm bath - help relax, remove the tension from the muscles.
  • Rest, relaxation, lying position.
  • Bandage - reduces the stretching of the abdominal muscles and reduces pain.

It is necessary to know that the intensity of pain at thenime and the frequency of their sensation is of great importance. The feeling of gravity, when the abdominal is drawn, amplifying and developing in obvious pain in the bottom of the abdomen should be alert.

There may be pain in the lumbar zone, stuffing pain and drawing sensations in the field of small pelvis. A particularly alarming factor will be the emergence of periodicity in pain at thenime.

Such signs often indicate the possible or already started miscarriage or premature birth. Pain and colic in the bottom of the belly can be accompanied by bleeding mucus secretions.

Urgent medical care is needed to save the baby.

Pains at the bottom of the belly on the 12-13 week of pregnancy is normal? At first, too, there were the same pain. And after hormonal tablets, everything came to normal for several weeks. Now again began. With what it can be connected?

Various factors can lead to abdominal pain. It may be a tone, gases or constipation, violations in the work of the gastrointestinal tract.

If a pregnant woman has a stomach to the right, it can be a sign of a starting attack of appendicitis. Such pain accompany nausea, vomiting and temperature.

Also painful sensations in the abdomen can cause urinary bubble diseases, pyelonephritis, pancreatitis, improper nutrition.

It is considered the norm when the pregnant woman hurts the top of the abdomen, it is usually associated with the location of the fetus in the uterus, when the child's movement, painful sensations can exacerbate. It happens that the pain is accompanied by the severity and absence of appetite, this is also the option of the norm. The pressure in this area becomes the cause of bitterness in the mouth, heartburn and bloating.

During the period of the child's waiting, it should be treated with extreme caution and practicing themselves, especially if with sexual contact, the future mother is discomfort. It is advisable to discuss this issue with your gynecologist, who, after conducting a full examination, will advise whether or not during pregnancy you have sex.

Many pregnant people have to deal with pain at the bottom of the abdomen after sex. This may result in several reasons.

When the future mother notes that she has a stomach stomach, then it should not be too worried. A similar problem happens almost always in the last months of pregnancy, because at this time there is an active growth of the uterus, the equilibrium center changes. Therefore, for pregnant women, the so-called duck gait is characteristic.

Seeing two long-awaited stripes on the dough, every woman is experiencing a variety of feelings - and this is not only an extraordinary joy, but also a feeling of anxiety and is great responsibility for growing in a new life.

Already from the first days of pregnancy, we start listening to all the signals of the body, trying not to miss something important. And first of all, it concerns with pain, about which the future mothers should know a lot to seek medical attention in time.

Fortunately, not always pain during pregnancy speak of any pathological process - most of them are caused by natural changes in the body. And what kind of pain can accompany the pregnancy and what the future mom should alert, we will tell you now.

Stomach ache

The pain in the abdomen is both in the early and later pregnancy - perhaps the most common complaint of women. And it is not by chance, since abdominal pain can be associated with a number of problems:

  • threat of pregnancy interrupt or miscarriage

In this case, the pain resemble the contractions, pulling sensations during menstruation and are often accompanied by different intensity and color with bleeding discharge from sex tract. And if the abdominal pain during pregnancy is unbearable and combined with fainting and nausea, then you can suspect the tip of the pipe with an ectopic pregnancy.

Pains for menstruation or tiande strips on herbs

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract caused by physiological hormonal restructuring and comprehension of organs growing uterus

Stomach ache

Stomach ache

Ectopic pregnancy is an implantation of a fetal egg outside the uterus. Often there is a pipe pregnancy, which can proceed by type of pipe abortion or by the type of bursting of the uterine tube.

The tubular abortion is characterized by periodic sharp or gravating pain at the bottom of the abdomen, more often on the one hand. Bole attacks are short-term and accompanied by minor bloody discharges.

Outside the attack, pregnant feels quite healthy. The rupture of the uterine pipe occurs at considerable launches of pregnancy (8-12 weeks) and is characterized by strong, grapple-like pains, up to loss of consciousness and signs of intra-abdominal bleeding.

A classic symptom of pain during ectopic pregnancy is their irradiation in the rear pass, leg, hypochondrium or in the test area.

A growing uterus increases the load on the ligaments that support it in a small pelvis. In addition, due to the increasing in the sizes of the uterus, the bias of the small pelvis organs.

The muscles of the abdominal press also experience an increased burden during pregnancy, they stretch and dismiss a little.

Pains associated with this, minor, butter, but can be stuck. If the belly of a pregnant large (large fruit or multiple pregnancy) is possible the development of the umbilical hernia or a white belly line.

In late pregnancy, there is a slight discrepancy between the bones of the pelvis, which is also manifested by moderate pain at the bottom of the abdomen.

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The fruit made a huge breakthrough in his development, its length at 12 week is 6-9 cm, and the weight is 14 grams. From 12 weeks, a possible ultrasonic biometry of the fetus becomes possible, that is, measuring the size of the head, its circle, as well as the circumference of the abdomen.

Throughout the limbs can be traced, mark their active movements. Approximately in the same period on the ultrasound, some brain structures are noticeable, facial bones and an eye faces are partially noticeable.

With a certain position of the fetus, experienced doctors can define the sex of the child, but usually it happens later. The woman's uterus increases in size and comes out of the cavity of the pelvis, for the 12th week a woman may even feel like it towers above Lona.

But externally, the tummy is not noticeable, of course, a woman who intently observes what is happening changes may see them, but for others, most likely, nothing will change.

Usually, for this term, a woman is recovering by 2-3 kilograms, now every week is normal, it must recruit about 500 g.

Pain in the stomach area can accompany the woman for the entire length of the baby. In some cases, this is the norm. But if the abdominal pain is not held for a long time and are accompanied by bloody discharge and general deterioration of the state of the woman, you need to consult a doctor to determine the cause.

If the pain has become sharp and very tangible, call immediately ambulance. This, depending on the term of pregnancy, can mean the threat of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, frozen fruit, detachment of an oil-free egg, premature birth or aggravation of chronic diseases from the mother.

Abdominal pain can be accompanied by such symptoms:

  • dizziness;
  • weakness;
  • fainting;
  • bloody discharge from the vagina;
  • bleeding.

The doctor will conduct a thorough examination and find out if there is a threat to the fetus. In some cases, radical measures may need: surgical operation, hospital treatment, etc. If you consult medical attention on time, doctors will be able to provide you with the necessary help and save pregnancy.

Fruit and abdominal sizes

The gynecologists of the future child are no longer an embryo, but the fruit. It is visually very much like a person, although his head is not yet proportional to the body, and it can be considered when ultrasound diagnostics.

  • Development of the fetus for the 12th week of pregnancy
  • In length, the fruit is already growing up to 6-9 cm. Since that time, it will increase its consistently that for doctors is an important criterion for proper intrauterine development.

    All vital organs and systems are already functioning and continue to evolve. The fruit is actively moving. His Mimic comes to life. At this stage, you can already determine the sexuality.

    By 12 weeks, the fruit weighs about 14 grams. A woman usually does not feel his movements due to a small weight, but it is already actively moving in the oilyotic waters. From this time, the gynecologist will especially follow the increase in the weight of the mother and the growth dynamics of the uterus - factors that indicate the growth of the child and the weight gain.

The child's head is even much larger than the body itself. Already pronounced external genital organs, according to which experienced diagnostics can determine the floor. The child moves his fingers, can suck a finger. Externally, his figure is absolutely similar to an adult man. The person already has pronounced features. The ears are still in the infancy, the nostrils are widely planted. There was a neck.

Next transformations and changes that contribute to its development and improvement are taking place. His skills appear. The child at the 12th week of pregnancy "knows how":

  • move moving inside the uterus;
  • cover your eyes
  • open the mouth;
  • suck a thumb.

The size of the child in 12 weeks of pregnancy is 6-7 cm, and the weight is approximately 13 g. This is no longer a cluster of dividing cells, but a tiny man. His heart beats hard enough so that the knock could be distinguished on the ultrasound and with the help of Doppler diagnostics.

If the doctor tells you according to the results of the examination: "CSS 148", you can be sure: everything is in order with the child, the heart rate - heart rate - normally.

On the 12th Obstetric Week (formerly Counting Methods, see here) The fetus size is approximately 6 cm. Its weight is still not completely felt - about 9-13

During the ultrasound, you can clearly see how the fruit looks like. Without any decoding and explanation of the doctor, the body contours can be distinguished.

The baby's torso is a little more of his head, and the handles and legs are barely distinguishable - they are still very short and thin. In very rare cases, modern equipment will allow the doctor to recognize the sex of the child - provided that the kid's crotch is clearly visible.

On standard diagnostics, this information will not be available for a long time.

This term continues the active development of the brain. By its structure, it is already similar to the brain of an adult, but, of course, is still very small. It should be the beginning of the differentiation of the cortex of the brain: its main kernels are laid, the vessels, hypophysis, are developing. The latter has the most important impact on the growth of the body, the reproductive function and the exchange processes.

At 12 weeks, the future kid has reflexes - if it were possible to touch him, they would see how he would react to the opening of the mouth, squinting, moving his fingers.

In the length, the future kid reaches 6-9 cm, and weighs approximately 14 g, i.e. It, approximately, the size of a chicken egg. Liccino is becoming more distinct, the eyes shone from the sides to the front of the face, and on the scene of the eyelashes is noticeable. The inner part of the ear is formed.

Signs on the 12th week of pregnancy

The most difficult period associated with the development of the fetus, the formation of all its vital bodies, behind. Now the child's doctor can already be considered in the uterus cavity not only with the help of an intra-phase method of ultrasound diagnostics, but also in the traditional way.

For a woman with the arrival of 12 weeks, it comes a particularly pleasant period: toxicosis is less likely to know about himself, the size of the belly still allows you to conduct a familiar lifestyle and actively move, and experiences about the right development of the baby are already ceased to be so disturbing for objective reasons.

The most typical manifestations of pregnancy at this stage are:

  • increase breast and its special sensitivity;
  • the first selection of breasts from the type of colosure may appear;
  • weight gain;
  • the appearance of the stomach roundness;
  • manifestation of the pigment band at the bottom of the abdomen;
  • improving appetite and manifestation of atypical taste preferences;
  • fast fatigue, scattered attention, complexity in its concentration;
  • first pull back pain and lower back;
  • nail fragility, hair;
  • there may be increased pressure;
  • edema extremities, especially after walking.


For the twelfth week of pregnancy, most of the most weak gender representatives improves overall well-being: vomiting and nausea, pursuing the future mommy for the first three months, gradually leaves, the mood is improved, the nervousness and irritability is improving.

During this period, a woman begins to grow abdomen, weight gradually increases. The growth of the abdomen is associated with an increase in the size of the uterus, which gradually rises into the abdominal cavity.

Some women on this period may appear on the stomach pigment stains. But it is not necessary to scare, after delivery, everything will come to normal.

Stomach ache

The well-being of a woman is improving, as well as previously unknown sensations appear:

  • receding toxicosis;
  • less expressed drowsiness and irritability;
  • a good appetite appears. Scales at this time are likely to show the first tangible imagination;
  • psychologically, the woman is already aware that it is pregnant and begins to subconsciously prepare for childbirth and a new status;
  • if pregnancy is not the first, you can give about yourself to know the first fetal movements (for the first pregnancy, this date will come somewhat later).

Unpleasant signs of toxicosis remain in the past. All hormonal bursts and their results as vomiting, nausea, excessive irritability remain only with the memories.

But those happy who expect a twin or triple, will have to suffer a little more manifestation of toxicosis symptoms. The need for urination is reduced, and it becomes less and less.

But internal organs work hard, and the heartbeat is accelerated. The uterus increases in size, but does not affect the size of the abdomen.

As a rule, the abdomen on the twelfth week is not yet visible, at least surrounding. It all depends on the physique of a woman, although in principle she herself already notices a slight roundness. The chest continues to fall, and the dairy glands are preparing for lactation. Such processes in the body cause chest skin itching. Such itch applies to the stomach and hips.

At some point, pigment stains may appear on the face, but do not worry, because after childbirth, there will be no trace. Through the stomach, from the navel and down to the pubis, there is a dark strip. It appears as a consequence of melanin accumulation. Such a strip is not considered a defect and disappears immediately after the birth in itself.

By this time, the kid continues to form the infarders of the nervous system, gains sensitivity of the legs of the feet, the liver began to generate bile. The basics of the immune system are laid, their own leukocytes begin to appear in the blood - white blood vents of the rounded form, responsible for protection against microorganisms.

The movements of the fetus on this period, despite its activity, are still riskyordinated and chaotic: the signals of the nervous system are connected while in the spinal cord, and not in the head, like a mature organism. The movements of the fetus will be tangible by October 14-16.

The floor of the child for the 12th week of pregnancy can already be "high," if the baby, of course, will not "close" from the experienced look of the doctor during the ultrasound. But the definition of sex on the ultrasound is presumably and not always finally.

The most acute and unpleasant feelings that tormented the woman at the beginning of the child's expectation, begin to serve. The development of the child for the 12th week of pregnancy occurs with a calmer pace, the hormonal storm in the body of the future mother gradually calms down: he arms with the changes that occurred and no longer resists them.

At the beginning of the 12 weeks of pregnancy, the sensation of a woman is losing the initial sharpness.

The size of the uterus for the 12th week of pregnancy increases by 10 cm. Bundles holding it, we gradually stretch, which can cause light discomfort or weak soreness at the bottom of the abdomen.

Table HCG for weeks of pregnancy


Hello, Elena!

This period is considered one of the most important in the development of the fetus. By this time, all the bodies of the child are already laid, their further development is to be.

It gets nutrients from the placenta, which is formed at the end of the second month. The outlines of the fetus become similar to human, although his head is more torso. Its length is about 10 cm, and the weight is approximately 15 g.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the child allocated the following signs:

  • Formed internal organs
  • Eyelids close eyes
  • Metops appear on the ears
  • Final and fingers are formed
  • Finger grow nails
  • The fruit squeezes and squeezes the cams, starts moving
  • His mouth muscles work, he can open and close the mouth, wrinkle lips
  • The child is able to swallow the surrounding liquid and urinate

On this period, the stomach is not yet too noticeable to others, especially if the woman is loose clothes.

She is starting to swell and increase breasts, in some cases its itching is possible. By this time, the uterus becomes more so that he protrudes over the pubic bone. At 12 weeks, the first ultrasound study is carried out, according to which the sex of the child and the approximate date of delivery are determined.

While the woman puts out a child, she may have painful sensations in different areas of the body. The body is experiencing an increased load, all its organs work in intensive mode. Perhaps inflammation of the lymphatic node in the armpit, which is associated with the change in the hormonal background. Suspended by colds and growing breast gland.

What is happening now in the body of a woman? External and internal changes are permanent, they participate in them all the body.

Heartbag pregnant

On the 12th week, the development of the kid is in full swing. All systems have already been formed, and now they can only be improved.

The blood system is no longer only formed a relatively long time, but there is already quite a long time functions. A small heart works as a coordinated mechanism, providing blood all systems. By the way, changes also occurred in the blood - in addition to the red blood cells, leukocytes appeared in it, cells that will protect the kid from infections.

The digestive system has formed and ranked its place in the body of the kid. Peristalistic appears in the small intestine - wave-like movements necessary for the passage of the edible lump on the tube. The liver begins to produce bile, now the baby will be able to absorb fats.

The nervous system also does not stand still, the connection between hemispheres and the spinal cord is formed. By the end of the week, the kid's brain will be quite like the adult brain, only much less.

The hypophies begins the production of thyrotropic hormone, thereby launching thyroid hormones of the thyroid gland, these hormones play an important role in the process of fetal growth and development, especially in the formation of bones and teeth, as well as the functioning of the nervous system.

The face of the kid also continues to be improved. Instead of eyebrows and eyelashes, while on the face, a cannon appears, which also covers the chin and an area over the upper lip. Reflex appears. The handles and legs also grow, the kid actively moves. Soon begin to bend and fingers. By the way, patterns appear on the pillows of fingers.

The chest begins to produce movements similar to breathing. However, the baby still does not breathe, because the voice gap is tightly closed.

The placenta by 12 weeks finally matured and already fully fulfills its functions.

Nervous system for the 12th week of pregnancy

As the manifestations of toxicosis decrease will be reduced and malicious irritability, drowsiness, weakness. But it does not mean that the dream will become perfect.

Many women during this period note that they began to wake up more often, and even see anxious dreams. If you are bothering such manifestations, then you should pay attention to the rhythm of life, make it more measured, without unnecessary fussiness, and in the evening a cup of herbal sedatives.

And in no case, not by viewing the TV shows exciting your nervous system. Remember that your condition is transmitted to the future baby.

Cardiovascular and circulatory systems for the 12th week of pregnancy

Normal allocations for the 12th week of pregnancy and pathological

Since there is a lot of progesterone in the body, then the allocation still has a destructive consistency of the light dairy shade. These allocations do not deplete the unpleasant odor and have a light sourish fragrance.

If there are sections that have a yellow, gray or greenish tint, deplete unpleasant smell or purulent release, they indicate the presence in the body of the infection. Blood discharge and heaming of brown become familiar to immediate appeal to the doctor.

After all, they can become the causes of the breakdown of pregnancy - miscarriage. If such a danger already exists, then it is necessary to immediately lie to the hospital to the hospital.

With the normal development of pregnancy, the discharge on the 12th week should not annoy the woman. Their physiological characteristics:

  • light;
  • non-human;
  • almost odorless.

White abundant selection or yellow, greenish - a sign of infection. It is necessary to seem like a gynecologist. Brown secretions on the 12th week of pregnancy - a weighty cause of immediate appeal to the gynecologist. This is a highly irrelevant sign of the threat of miscarriage.

Having coped with the causes of the threat of pregnancy interruption along with your doctor, you can prevent the fetus loss.

Retrochorial hematoma

If there is a belly for the 12th week of pregnancy and this joined the discharge with traces of blood - it is necessary to call "ambulance". Perhaps a retrohorial hematoma will be diagnosed.

When pregnancy, this condition is dangerous, since the formed blood clots, the blood itself between the uterus and the shells of the fetal eggs, are able to cause miscarriages. Retrochorial hematoma (RHG) can resolve itself - like ordinary bruise.

If the accumulation of blood continues to grow with continuing bleeding - the fruit egg turns away from the wall.

Causes of RHG:

  • stress
  • cold (ORVI or flu);
  • improper nutrition of the mother;
  • activated herpes on the lip and other places (most often about the weakening of the body they say multiple painful rashes).

What tests do you need to pass in 12 weeks?

Regardless of whether the blood selections are worried, pulls the bottom of the abdomen, the back hurts or you feel absolutely normal - you need to pass ultrasound screering for the 12th week of pregnancy.

The screening procedure consists of 2 parts: blood test from vein and simple ultrasound research.

Required tests for screening:

  • general analysis of blood and urine blood chemistry, coagulogram;
  • aIDS analyzes, syphilis, hepatitis Group B;
  • glucose level;
  • resh factor.

Negative rhesus factor in a woman during pregnancy

They will help to eliminate or confirm pathological conditions.

The woman, "stepped" in the second trimester, should be attentive to the state of health and well-being. Toxicosis passed, heartbeat is normal, the appetite intensified, the mood is good? Excellent.

You're successfully transferred the first tests with the baby: it was equipped in the uterus, your body now does not rejected, but protects it. And yet, follow yourself: at the slightest ailment, even if it is weak bleeding (or hint of it), or your loin hurts, or you feel the beginning of a cold - immediately call the doctor.

You will be examined, will leave at home with the obligation to comply with a certain regime or guide to the hospital - depending on the situation. The doctor's disability leaves will give a maximum for 15 days, and then the medical commission will need to decide on the need to extend.

Remember: Now the health of the future child is most important for you, and it depends on you. Take care of yourself, set up for the best. The first stage is difficult, but an interesting path has already been passed.

The most informative method in the study of the development of the fetus and the flow of pregnancy is screening. It includes not only ultrasound, but an additional blood test. It must be carried out in the case of:

  • pregnant older than 35 years old;
  • previous births ended with stillbirth;
  • intrauterine infection during past pregnancy;
  • the birth of children with chromosomal disorders;
  • chromosomal diseases in the family.

In the blood test, the level of two important hormones - free β-hgch (free beta particle of chorionic gonadotropin) and Rarra-A (associated with a pregnancy of protein a) are determined.

HCG is produced throughout the entire pregnancy, and its deviation from the norm may indicate some chromosomal anomalies. Protein A is produced by the placenta, and its content in the blood increases in proportion to the gestation period, reaching the peak before childbirth. The inconsistency of its indicators in the study may also indicate chromosomal diseases.

The assessment of these markers is carried out by genetic and only in the complex. If dubious results are obtained, screening research is carried out again, but already at a later date.

Screening at the stage of the 12th week of pregnancy will also help to exclude the defect of the development of the nervous tube of the fetus. For this, the indicators of ACE (specific fetal α-globulin) are taken into account. This is a protein that is produced by the liver of the fetus. Its deviation from the norm may indicate the likely defect of the nervous tube.

When a woman is taking into account a female consultation, the gynecologist appoints it planned analyzes. But not rare cases when a woman knows late, which is pregnant, and therefore later the latter becomes registered.

At the 12th week of pregnancy, the following tests must be passed:

  • blood test for HIV, hepatitis B, syphilis (RW);
  • blood Group and Rh Factor (with the reserves-conflict of the fetus and mother, a special approach to pregnancy is required);
  • blood test for sugar (the blood glucose level is determined);
  • general and biochemical blood tests (to identify possible chronic diseases or other deviations in a state of a woman);
  • the overall analysis of urine (it is carried out not only when registering, but even with each subsequent visit to the doctor, because the kidney disease can be hidden at the frequent novice pains in the lower back);
  • vaginal smear (for assessing microbial flora, exclusion of infection); If there is an urogenital infection, the doctor prescribes additional narrow-directed tests.

In addition, a general inspection of a pregnant woman is carried out, the circumference of the abdomen is measured, the weight is determined. All data is entered into a pregnant exchange card.

It displays in detail all the procedures and surveys, as well as the presence of diseases that may affect the course of pregnancy and, in the future, childbirth. In addition, a pregnant card gives the right to give birth in any state hospital.

In its absence, childbirth will be able to take only in the infectious compartment.

Timely revealed deviations in the health of pregnant women will allow the treatment as previously to be treated. Thus, the health of the future kid will be out of danger.

What to do this week

  • sign up for ultrasound;
  • explore information about courses for future parents;
  • start using creams from stretch marks;
  • start conducting weight gain;
  • inform the authorities about your decree;
  • acquire a new-size bra;
  • start doing special gym for pregnant women, sign up to the pool;
  • visit the dentist.

This is an ordinary transvaginal study, which is prescribed from time to time to all women - both at the stage of the expectation of the baby and in the "normal life." At the ultrasonic apparatus, Sonologist sees how the baby develops, determines:

  • weight of the child;
  • fetal heartbeat;
  • the presence or absence of a hypertonus of the uterus.

Doctor can immediately determine which indicators are normal and where there are deviations. On the ultrasound of 12 weeks of pregnancy draw attention to the type of placentating - the place of attachment of the placenta.

Low placentating during pregnancy requires the organization of observation and restriction of physical exertion. Uzi screening is important to assess the condition of the child and the mother, since minor non-physiological changes are not always tangible.

With this diagnosis, pregnant is carefully observed, because if the placenta is attached too low - at a distance less than 6 cm from the inner groove of the uterus - there is a threat of spontaneous abortion or toxic substances with a toxic current to the fetus.

Most often with the time of the uterus "pulls up" higher, and the diagnosis is removed - the placenta arrangement comes back to normal.

After ultrasound, you can observe small yellowish allocations or a little aiming brown - it is not scary. These phenomena are due to the strengthening of blood circulation in reproductive organs and especially the cervix.

Increased weight on the 12th week of pregnancy

By the end of the first trimester, the weight of the woman increases slightly. As a rule, the increase is 1.8-3.6 kg. The guidance for the normal flow of pregnancy is considered a weekly weight gain in the range of 400-500 grams. The chance may indicate that the child does not develop according to her age and it lacks nutrients that he should receive from the blood of the mother.

Excessive weight gain is also undesirable: it can affect both the general state of the health of the future mother and the weight of the child himself, which will make it difficult to make the process of childbirth.

Why do pregnant stomach hurts after sex?

Modern gynecologists do not consider sex as taboo for pregnancy. By 12 week, the woman no longer suffers from toxicosis, and the dangerous period of the first trimester passed for the fetus, so intimate proximity takes place. Except may be cases with low attached placenta or multiple pregnancy.

For sex, positions are selected, in which the pressure on the stomach of a woman is not being proved. Especially neatly necessary during this period refers to a man's hygiene, so as not to become a carrier of infection and not infect a pregnant partner.

Hazards and complications

Despite the fact that the most dangerous period of pregnancy passed, a number of dangers can still manifest themselves at this stage:

  • respector diseases;
  • the risk of premature cutting of the cervix;
  • the probability of injury due to the displacement of the center of gravity;
  • the possibility of supercooling;
  • danger when driving a car due to scattered attention;
  • probability of pecification in transport;
  • the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, hips, abdomen;
  • the aggravation of chronic diseases and allergic reactions.

On this time, the woman is still needed to monitor the selections from the genital tract: in the normal one they are white or dairy, thick, homogeneous, odorless. If they become yellow, greenish, inhomogeneous consistency with the smell, it's time to run to the doctor, especially if such discharges are accompanied by burning or pain in the field of genital organs, most likely it is infection, and so that it does not get to the baby, it is urgent to take action.

Now the woman has immunity reduced, therefore the appearance of candidias is a strict phenomenon.

  1. Correctly and fully twist; Use a lot of dairy products.
  2. Go through the ultrasound. Make the first photo of your baby.
  3. Start preparing for adding. Enter the courses of future parents.
  4. Watch for your weight.
  5. Take care of your health, minimize contacts with potentially sick people.
  6. Buy a remedy for stretch marks.
  7. Less nervous and walk more.

Throughout the pregnancy, it is important to eat high quality, to show attention to your health and well-being. Surely you already perform many recommendations. Then just check the list below - whether you do it right.

Diet and principles of nutrition

1. If the future mother has a sharply ill belly, it should grab side as quickly as possible. It is impossible to use painkillers, resort to the enema, use the heating pad. Such manipulations can lead to irreparable consequences.

2. If a pregnant woman has a sharply ill belly, it is not advisable to take food and drink water until the cause of the uncomfortable state is established.

If the reasons are not detected, but painful sensations are rare and short, you can take warm (not higher than 37 ° C) bath, but no longer than 10 minutes. Water contributes to muscle relaxation, thanks to which discomfort can be eliminated.

The same effect is provided by special exercises for pregnant women, which can be found on the Internet. To find out which of them you can do a future mother, you should consult with a observatory doctor.

3. Also, a state of health has a considerable influence. The dream of a pregnant woman should be at least 9 hours a day. It is better to relax and among the day. Having organized the right mode of sleep and nutrition, the future mother will be able to say goodbye to many problems, including pain in the stomach.

Sign up for reception to the doctor in your city

Pregnancy is a natural physiological condition in the life of a woman. However, it does not always go smoothly, without complications. Many pregnant women in a certain period begin to feel like pain below. To some extent they can be explained by the peculiarities of the development of the fetus. But it is impossible to pay attention to such problems at all.

In some cases, at the same time with painful sensations, blood discharge of various intensities are possible. In such cases, it is impossible to slow with medical care. Such signs indicate the likelihood of miscarriage. If you lose time, serious problems with a woman are possible.

. Most often they occur in early pregnancy.

Medicine is developing a rapid pace, which makes it possible to leave children born prematurely. However, for up to 12 weeks, it is not necessary to speak about the preservation of the fetus.

The main causes of early miscarriages are:

  • At a woman. The problem is solved by timely treatment in which medications are appointed, compensating for the lack of hormones.
  • Disorders of genetics in the development of the fetus. Perhaps the effect of heredity or the emergence of some mutation.
  • Some infectious diseases in mothers during pregnancy.
  • Bad ecological situation.
  • Smoking, alcohol, unhealthy lifestyle.
  • who were earlier.
  • Lifting weights.
  • The fall.
  • Stressful situations.

Any of the listed items can lead to spontaneous. The presence of several factors acting on the female organism at the same time will only strengthen the general harm.

At the later deadlines, chronic women's chronic diseases are considered, as well as problems.

To prevent the likelihood of miscarriage, and be able to make a healthy child, you need to regularly visit the gynecologist. Specialist in women's health will always help to gain maternity happiness. It should be responsible to the important female function of the reproduction of offspring, starting from the young age. After all, in the end, a person lives in order to continue himself in children.

Today, probably there is no such a girl who does not want to experience a sense of motherhood. What can be more beautiful than taking your healthy baby? Future mothers are usually always looking forward to change in their appearance. Most women belly become visible for 12 weeks of pregnancy. It is at this time that the baby begins to grow actively. Therefore, from the end of the first trimester, the abdominal circle will gradually increase. In this review, we will look at what the belly looks like on the 12th week of pregnancy, what changes occur in the body of the mother and child.

What does the abdomen depend on?

So, what do you need to know about it? The size of the tummy upon completion of the first trimester of pregnancy depends on the individual characteristics of the body of the future mother, as well as on some other factors. These include:

  • the growth and weight of parents of the future kid;
  • features of the figure of pregnant;
  • repeated or first pregnancy;
  • localization of the placenta;
  • multiple or ordinary pregnancy.

You can not say whether the belly will be visible for 12 weeks, in advance. It may appear a little earlier or later, it depends on the set of reasons, to predict that is simply impossible.


Many future mothers are interested in how their body will look like during pregnancy in 12 weeks. Photos of the belly will help clarify this question. Usually, by this time, the uterus already reaches such sizes, which does not fit in the pelvis area. It gradually rises higher and higher. To the completion of the first trimester, it is easily forgiven over the Lona Jim. The tummy at this time usually has the appearance of a small tubercle above the pubic bone. If a pregnant woman has an excess body weight, the stomach is just gradually rounded, without dischading.

What will be the belly on the 12th week of pregnancy, largely depends on the location of the placenta in the uterus. If it is attached to the back of the wall, then the pumine will be seen not yet soon. If the place for the child at the front wall, then the tummy will start faster. Mommy with this layout of the placenta has to change the wardrobe at the end of the first trimester.

Health Changes

For the 12th week of pregnancy, improvements in well-being are characteristic. Nausea and vomiting gradually retreat, along with that the stomach is not so big. Therefore, the future mammy can quietly enjoy their position and blooming species.

What happens in the body?

Let's fill in this aspect in more detail. By the 12th week, the uterus increases in size. In the width, it already reaches 12 cm, and in length 10 cm. While she is quite a place in a small pelvis, but soon it will start climbing the abdominal cavity. On this time, the height of the bottom of the uterus can be from 2 to 6 cm. So, if the stomach is visible on the 12th week, it is absolutely normal.

The body weight may change by 1.8-6 kg. If pregnant has experienced strong toxicosis in early pregnancy, it may decrease on 12 weeks. The weight gain at the same time should not exceed 300-350 grams per week. At the same time, many internal organs and future mothers systems are subject to serious loads. It is especially important at this time not to experience overwork or violation of labor and recreation modes. It is also desirable to rest more and be in the fresh air.

By the end of the third trimester, the enhanced production of progesterone stops. In this regard, most women feel good. The placenta by this time is almost completely formed and will ensure the fetus full protection. Increased in the sizes of the uterus can begin to put pressure on the system of blood vessels, along which the blood rises from the bottom of the body to the upper one. As a result, many women have edema and extension of the veins. To prevent the development of complications related to these symptoms, the doctor may assign compression stockings.

Other changes

So what else to pay attention to? What is the difference between the 12th week of pregnancy? Photos of the belly typically confirm the presence of such a pronounced feature as the occurrence of a dark strip from the navel to the pubis. Pigmentation of the skin may also appear on these timing. Most often it is formed on the skin of the chest, neck and face. Due to the violation of metabolic processes in the body may be disturbed by the acne rash. In addition, stretch marks in the abdomen, hips and chest begin to appear. To prevent the formation of these unpleasant manifestations, it is necessary to carefully monitor the condition of the skin, prevent an excessive weight gain. Doctors recommend to process it with special creams and oils 2-3 times a day.

The face during pregnancy can rush a little. In the event of the appearance of acne and pigmentation, use the funds appointed by the doctor. It is not recommended to hide defects with a thick layer of a tonal cream. Over time, the skin condition should improve.

What problems may arise?

This aspect should pay special attention. 12 weeks - a relatively quiet period for pregnancy. The threat of miscarriages is already small. However, negative factors can still have an impact on the development of the fetus. In addition to the ultrasound, at this stage, it is required to pass tests on syphilis and hepatitis, biochemistry, as well as check the level of sugar.

Of the possible problems for a 12-week period characteristic:

  • bubbling - so-called violations in the process of development of the placenta;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • risk of miscarriage.

One of the delicate problems at this time is frequent constipation. Causes their effect of the hormone of progesterone, which relaxes the muscles of the intestine and makes it difficult to pass food. It is better to prevent such a state, since the crowd can put pressure on the uterus and disrupt blood supply. To prevent negative consequences, it is recommended to include vegetables and fruits in the diet, as well as beet, cabbage dishes. The attending physician will help you choose the right diet. If at 12 weeks the abdomen hurts, it will be necessary to contact a specialist with this problem.

We can stimulate the intestines and folk remedies. For example, drink on an empty stomach spoonful of vegetable oil, water with honey or kefir, tea from Fennel. It is not recommended to use the laxative and to do enemas. If the intestine does not empty more than three days, you should consult a doctor. A specialist will be able to choose a laxative tool taking into account the characteristics of the body of a pregnant woman.

12 week of pregnancy is a very important time when a woman must be protected. Future mom from stressful situations, nervous overvoltage at work should be enhanced. It is also necessary to limit contact with sick people, the maximum to reduce the visit of public institutions. Any disease at this time can cause the development of pathology in the kid.


Sometimes on the period of 12 weeks of pregnancy pulls the lower abdomen. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon due to an increase in the uterus in size and its pressure on the remaining organs located in the field of small pelvis. But here everything is strictly individually. With the second and subsequent pregnancies, the bundle is well stretched, movable and elastic.

How does the fruit develop?

So, what do you need to know about it? What size is a child during pregnancy 12 weeks? What belly has a future mother? Since the fruit at this time begins to actively grow and increase, the kid's growth at this time is somewhere 60 mm, and the weight of 9 to 13 grams. In size, the future kid resembles lemon. Its heart is already beating with a frequency of 110-160 beats per minute. It is well audible at ultrasound. Also, the baby is gradually learning to raise and lower the breast, imitating breath, he can open his mouth and snatch his eyes, and also capable of moving his fingers on his hands and legs. The child at this time is already urinated in the womb, begins to swallow liquid, suck finger and sick. Plus, at this time he actively moves, but the future mother does not always feel this movement. Amniotic fluid and placenta soften the sensations.

On a 12-week period, the fetal is also formed a former gland. This body is responsible for the production of lymphocytes. After the appearance of it, it will play a huge role in the formation of the immune system. In the liver begins to stand up bile, peristalistic appears in the intestines. A strong bone substance is formed in the child's skeleton.

Activity and nutrition

With this aspect, the future mommy should become familiar with as soon as possible. How usually takes 12 weeks? The feelings in the stomach can be different and depend on the lifestyle of pregnant. Specialists are not recommended to completely refuse sports. However, physical activity should be reduced to 60-80%. It is also worth abandoning such sports as ice skating, rollers, bicycles, diving with scuba and other dangerous sports. Best of all during pregnancy fit swimming, gymnastics and yoga.

Often with incorrect meals for a period of 12 weeks the stomach hurts. To avoid this unpleasant manifestation, doctors recommend to adhere to a special diet. You can not use salty, oily, fried food, carbonated drinks. With a sharp set of body weight, you should revise the diet.

Below are the basic principles of nutrition during pregnancy.

  1. In the diet, there should be no fast food, carbonated drinks, as well as products with a high content of dyes and stabilizers.
  2. You can use only impudent coffee and tea.
  3. Morning nausea is not a reason to deny breakfast. Tips for doctors and pregnant women will help you eliminate pain at the bottom of the abdomen for 12 weeks.
  4. The diet of a pregnant 30% should consist of fruits and vegetables, dairy products, porridge, low-fat meat and fish.
  5. It is better to cook for a couple or bake. Fried and fat need to eat as little as possible.
  6. Be sure to take vitamins appointed by the doctor.
  7. Take care of yourself from infections and viruses. If an epidemic of an infectious disease is observed in the city, it is better to give up visiting the places of mass accumulation of people. If necessary, visit the public place, wear a mask.
  8. Even a simple cold can be very hard to leak during pregnancy. Medicinal preparations can be taken only by appointment of a doctor. In some cases, local applications may be effective. For the rinsing of the throat, it is recommended to use the calendula and furaticiline infusion. You can get rid of the cold by washing with sea water.
  9. Keep track of a set of body weight. In the event of deviations in the one or the other, you will definitely consult with your attending physician. It will help correct the diet and, if necessary, prescribe drugs.

What should be a pumidation for 12 week? The photo of the belly, which is on the stands in the clinic, will help the future mother to make sure that the pregnancy proceeds normally.

It is clear that smoking and bad habits for pregnancy should be excluded. Ideally refuse them to conceive.

With a strong increase in the mammary glands, it is necessary to buy a special bra from natural materials with soft cups and wide straps. This will help avoid the appearance of stretch marks and sagging.

As the belly for the 12th week is already quite large, it is not recommended to sleep on it. This can lead to the squeezing of the small pelvis organs.

Many future mothers reach extremes and cease to use cosmetics and perfumes during pregnancy. If the smells of funds do not cause nausea and other unpleasant sensations, they can be used throughout the entire pregnancy. For a woman it is very important to be confident in its own attractiveness, even during the tooling of the fetus. But from the means for the bath and soul with strong flavors it is better to refuse. Since they can cause milk and burning in intimate places.

Observation by the doctor

In case of well-being, many future mothers hurry to attend women's advice. However, it is necessary to take into account the interesting feature of our country: if a woman has taken into account the pregnancy up to 12 weeks, something like social payments is appointed. This is a single increase in maternity. Therefore, if you have not yet risen, it is better to do it as soon as possible.

On the period of 11-13 weeks, screening or comprehensive examination is carried out. At the ultrasound, the doctor will be able to test the specific parameters of the development of the fetus. For example, in the size of the occipital region, the doctor can reveal the threat of Down syndrome. The malformations of the fetus also help determine the blood tests in different hormones.

It should be remembered that on the period of 12 weeks you can still interrupt pregnancy. Later it is allowed to do only on medical testimony. These include:

  • fetal fetal developmental defects;
  • heavy toxicosis in the mother;
  • pregnancy as a result of violent action.

Women who have already registered, only screening will have to do. In other cases, the doctor may also assign blood tests, urine and smear. In addition, the specialist polls you about your health, marital status, household health. The doctor also measure the size of your pelvis, weight and pressure. If the menstruation calendar determines the period of pregnancy is not possible, until the 12th week it can be done by alternative methods.

Intimate life

Many women with the onset of pregnancy cease to feel their sexuality and attractiveness. If you feel good, there are no contraindications to conduct an intimate life. Let everything goes to her! If something still bothers you, be sure to discuss it with a partner. At this stage it is imperative to strengthen the skills of family communication and mutual understanding.

Contraindications to intimate life during pregnancy are:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • low placenta location;
  • risk of miscarriage;
  • multiple pregnancy;
  • sex infections.

Some believe that sex during pregnancy is inconvenient. In this case, you should simply choose a comfortable position so that your stomach pain does not arise. 12 week of pregnancy in an intimate plan, as a rule, in most people proceed without any problems. But if you suddenly felt discomfort, then be sure to discuss it with a specialist.


In this review, we examined in detail what changes in the Women's body at the 12th week of pregnancy, the abdomen can be seen on the stands in gynecological clinics. It is extremely important that the future mother is under the supervision of doctors. At this time, you need to take care of yourself, avoid infections, viruses and injuries. Also follow the diet and physical activity. In the event of pain and other problems causing anxiety, it is better to immediately contact a specialist.