What denotes menstruation. Why girls go monthly: menstruation features. What problems may occur during menstruation

And my dear in it is exactly so much: why now?! How to understand that menstruation will soon begin so that such surprises in our calendar are as small as possible?! We will talk about the brightest and most reliable signs of early start.

How to understand that menstruation will soon begin

More often harbingers for each woman and girls are the concept of individual and require a conscious approach. Listening to myself and the reactions of your body, you can easily determine not only the approximate time interval, but also a specific day and even an hour. Changes in dairy glasses, the processes occurring in the uterine cavity and in the ovaries will not be ignored if we understand what to wait, and what will be the first call. Usually the beginning of the inevitable process falls on the period of the last (MC), but sometimes affect all its second half.

Prepersed menstruation

It is easy to understand that monthly one will come, quite simple, knowing some of the peculiarities of your own body, and the strengthening of certain symptoms will help to determine the time intervals.

  • The swelling of dairy glasses is an increase in their size, heat, painful manifestations. Cannot be possible that are more often noticeable in the form of an already identified secret.
  • Pulling pain in the abdomen - preparation of the uterus to the rejection of its inner layer (endometrial) are often accompanied by painful sensations, expressed to a greater or lesser extent, depending on the individual characteristics of the body. Pains may be associated with hormonal disorders, so require observation and consultation with the gynecologist.
  • Skin rashes are not a mandatory, but frequent sign associated with hormonal changes.
  • Pain in the lower back - as a manifestation of changes in the uterus.
  • Emptying of the intestine is the normal response of the body in which the metabolism is not disturbed. In the period before menstruation, the body is getting rid of all superfluous, including the smooth intestinal musculature is involved. In some cases, pain sensations in front of menstruation are associated with intestinal overload, and discomfort disappears with its emptying.

There are also subjective forerunners of menstruation. These include an increase in appetite, some have a legality of legs, faces, many complain about a condition close to depression, and a general disruption of moral sustainability or

The concept of premenstrual syndrome

Men deny him, women claim that they are experiencing his action on themselves. The controversial in its existence of the PMS to many representatives of beautiful gender helps to find an answer to the question: "How to understand that menstruation will soon begin?". Scientists who are studying a similar question not only confirm its presence, but are subdivided into several species. Symptoms that monthly will soon begin:

What happens to the ovaries before menstruation

The ovaries before menstruation undergo the characteristic changes associated with MC. In the body of a healthy woman, they are unchanged and occur on a specific scenario. In about the middle of the cycle (13-16 day), the ripe egg cell comes out of the ovary, pre-forming the protrusion that looks like a functional cyst when ultrasound diagnostics.

When the wall of the ovary is bursting and the egg is coming out of it, many women feel pain in the right or left at the exit place formed a pregnancy hormone producing progesterone, which stimulates the thickening of the endometrium and makes it prepared for the attachment of the fertilized egg. If fertilization does not occur, the yellow body is destroyed, and the hormone is not produced enough, which leads to the rejection of the endometrium, and menstruation occurs.

Painful sensations in the field of ovaries during menstruation are considered pathological and require advice.

Painful menstruation

Women for whom menstruation are not only monthly changes in the body, but also unchanged pain, need to consult an obstetrician-gynecologist. An important step will not only be the disappearance of pain, but also determining their causes. The most frequent method of normalizing the entire MC is the appointment of hormonal contraceptives. For those who want to get rid of the main symptoms, the ideal option will be the use of oral antispasmodics ("but-shpa") or the local use of rectal candles with papaverine.

Asymptomatic premenstrual period

For women, the premenstrual period of which does not have any clinical symptoms, and there are no signs that the period will soon begin, there will be a single way out of the calendar of critical days, monthly monitoring of the length of the menstrual cycle. Thus, the beginning of menstruation will be expected and will not bring inconvenience.

Now you know how to understand that menstruation will soon begin. Do not get sick, and let the critical days become only a physiological process for you, and nothing more.

At how many days, menstruation continues in a woman, many factors are influenced, including the physiological features of the body, lifestyle. Significant deviations from the norm, the instability of the menstrual cycle are symptoms of diseases of the reproductive system. Only gynecological examination will help establish the cause of violations. Do not postpone the visit to the doctor in the hope that everything itself will work out. The neglected disease is more difficult to treat, and its consequences are serious.


Normal and pathological menstruation in women of reproductive age

The duration of menstrual bleeding in the norm should be 3-7 days. The body is weakened in these days due to blood loss. Woman quickly tires, feels weakness. Headache arises. All these ailments are the norm, they continue not long and with the end of menstruation pass. For normal periods, blood is characterized by a total volume of from 50 to 80 ml.

A healthy woman has a cycle duration ranges from 21 days to 35 days. Moreover, the periods go around after constant intervals with a maximum deviation of 2-4 days.

The presence in the body of pathology can be assumed in cases where monthly go 2 days and less or more than 7 days, the volume of discharge is less than 40 ml or more than 80-100 ml. If the menstruation and increasing the number of critical days are appear before menstruation, which increases the number of critical days, is also a violation.

The cycle normally should not be shorter than 21 days or longer than 35 days. Its start is considered the first day of menstruation.

Factors affecting the duration of menstruation

How many monthly, depends on the following factors:

  1. Heredity. Some menstruation go 10 days and even more in the absence of any pathologies. Such a duration is characteristic of women in this family.
  2. The presence of inflammatory and infectious diseases of reproductive organs, benign neoplasms (moma, polyps, cysts), malignant uterine tumors and ovaries. With these diseases, the structure of the mucous membranes of the organs is disturbed, the vessels and tissues are damaged, as a result of which monthly becomes more abundant and go longer.
  3. Ovarian dysfunction. The cause of this state can become both diseases of the genital organs and frequent abortions, the use of intrauterine spirals, uncontrolled consumption of hormonal drugs. In dysfunction of ovaries, due to insufficient production of sex hormones, menstruation go 2 days and less.
  4. Deviations in the work of the thyroid, pancreas, pituitary glands, the adrenal glands of the args responsible for the condition of the hormonal background in the body.

In addition, the number of critical days is sharply reduced with intensive physical exertion (sports activities, lifting weights). Nervous overvoltage, psychological injuries, depression is caused by abundant menstrual bleeding on 10-14 days.

Fasting, avitaminosis leads to a hormonal shift, reduce the duration of menstruation or to complete their cessation. To the same result, smoking, alcohol abuse, drug intake, the impact of unfavorable ecology.

Video: How many normal periods are going

How do menstruation girls go in teenage girls

At 12-15 years, girls appear first menstruation. During this period in the body begins a hormonal restructuring associated with the ripening of ovaries. The first menstruation come irregularly, with delays in several months. This happens for 1-2 years. The volume of menstruation can fluctuate.

It is difficult to say how many days should menstruation should go in adolescent girls, until they are finally established. Their duration can fluctuate much, but gradually it comes back to normal and is usually 3-5 days. After that, the girl needs to start a special calendar to celebrate the day of the beginning and day of the end of the month.

If some deviations appear (menstruation do not come, they end too quickly or, on the contrary, go longer than last time), you should not panic. There can be a lot of reasons: overwork, passionate diet, sports overload, teenage mental impassable, change of the situation. Such violations will disappear after eliminating their cause.

But if the disorders are persistent, menstruation is too painful, then it is necessary to refer to the doctor. Such symptoms are talking about the presence of diseases of the bodies of reproductive and other organism systems.

Video: menstruation in girls and adult women

Menstruation during pregnancy

With the onset of pregnancy, most women have monthly disappear, but sometimes they come at their usual time, because of which a woman may not understand that she is pregnant. If the monthly came only during the first 30 days of pregnancy, this is explained by the fact that the fertilization occurred at the very end of the menstrual cycle when the endometrium was already partially detached. Blood sections are scarce.

In rare cases, the ripening of eggs in both ovaries occurs. One of them fertilizes, and the second is displayed out. At the same time there are a little bleeding, which may look like a meager monthly, which go for 1-2 days.

If during pregnancy for the first 3-4 months come scanty and short on the duration of menstruation, this may be the result of incomplete cessation of hormones in the ovaries, which is explained by the physiological characteristics of the body. But in any case, it is not worth soothing, since most often the appearance of bleeding discharges during pregnancy foreshadows or speaks about endocrine disorders in the body.

A warning: When any bloody secretions appear, a pregnant woman should urgently consult a doctor. It may be necessary to hospitalize for several days to preserve pregnancy.

How many are no monthly after delivery

The deadline for the appearance of the first menstruation after labor depends on the nature of their flow, the general state of health. If a woman feeds his breast, then during the entire period of lactation period is missing. If for some reason the child immediately after birth is transferred to artificial feeding, then the period of women begin in about 12 weeks.

In the absence of complications, most often the menstrual cycle becomes more stable. If earlier periods were too abundant and long, then after childbirth, the indicators are approaching normal. Menstruation becomes painless, less intense. This is due to the change in the position of the uterus, improving blood outflow from it. How many monthly occur, depends on the nature of the hormonal restructuring. Usually they continue from 3 to 5 days.

How many days continue menstruation during clicks

Menopause (full cessation of menstruation) occurs in women about 48-50 years. Already after 40 years, the production of sex hormones in the ovaries begins to gradually decrease, the supply of eggs is depleted. The offensive of ovulation occurs in each cycle. All this is reflected on the character of menstruation. They come irregularly, the duration changes with each cycle. After abundant bleeding, not stopping for 8 days, there may be a long pause (2 months and more), after which there are scanty brazing brown monthly, which disappear after 2 days. Then they stop at all.

Addition: If there were no bloody sequels 1 year, and then reappeared, it is no longer monthly. Bleeding of any duration and intensity in the postmenopause period are a sign of hormonal failure, endocrine diseases or the occurrence of uterine tumors or ovaries. It is necessary to urgently contact the specialists (gynecologist, endocrinologist, oncologist) to identify pathology.

Menstruation when using oral contraceptives

Contraceptive pills contain female sex hormones, estrogens and progesterone. Their action is directed to the suppression of ovulation by changing their natural ratio in the body. Within 1-3 months after the start of taking tablets, the body adapts to a new hormonal background. In this case, the nature of menstruation may change compared to the usual. How many days are monthly in this case and what their intensity is dependent on the selected means. They can become abundant and durable, and can, on the contrary, be scarce and short.

If after 3 months the nature of menstruation does not return to the norm, it is necessary to refer to the gynecologist. You may need to pick up another drug.

Video: a gynecologist about the consequences of the use of hormonal drugs


It is necessary to monitor the menstrual cycle from the young age, because it is the regularity of menstruation - one of the main female health indicators. Many women do not know the exact date of the start of the cycle, although this knowledge will help at least prevent the "unpleasant surprise" at the most inopportune moment, maximum will allow to be protected from unwanted pregnancy when using the calendar method.

First of all, pay attention to the premenstrual "beacons." These are signs of which one can determine the probability of menstruation in the near future. Your own feelings are your helpers: Please note whether the dairy glands have increased, whether they have become. At the same time, stretching abdominal pain may occur, the likelihood of a bad mood increases, as they say,. Some women have drowsiness, lethargy and physical weakness are also harbing critical days. Watch an individual state!

Another indicator is allocations. Pay attention to their presence on underwear. Abundant white, yellowish or brownish selections appear approximately a week before.

You can determine the start date of menstruation using the calendar. You should mark the first day of your menstruation and add 28 days to it. Thus, you will get an approximate day of the next monthly. Note: This method is effective only provided if the monthly pass regularly and without errors.

Another way is ovulation. It occurs in the middle of your cycle and is the output of the egg from the follicle, as well as an increase in the number of female hormones. The female organism reacts to such a hormonal explosion in increasing temperature by approximately 0.5-0.7 degrees. Therefore, make friends with a thermometer and watch your condition. Please note: it is necessary to use a thermometer in the morning, and you need to insert it into the anal hole and hold for about 10 minutes. Do not forget to record observations, the markings should contain the date, thermometer and day of menstruation. Prior to the onset of ovulation, the degree testimony will be equal to 36.4-36.6 degrees, after - increase to 37.1-37.5 degrees. From ovulation you need to count on 12-16 calendar days. The number you leave when calculating, will indicate the day of menstruation next time.

Monthly - this is the period of the menstrual cycle, during which the girl has blood extraction from the vagina. Blood, allocated during menstruation, thick and dark in appearance may contain clots or lumps. This is due to the fact that during menstruation from the cavity, not only blood is distinguished, but also the sections of the inner layer of the uterus, which is called endometrial.

Where does blood come from with menstruation?

Blood sections for menstruation appear due to damage to the blood vessels of the inner layer of the uterus. The destruction of these vessels occurs during the dying of the uterus mucosa (endometrial) in the event that the woman is not pregnant.

How many years should the period begin?

Most girls have the first menstruation between the ages of 12 and 15. Often (but not always) the first periods of the girls are coming at the same age as her mom. Therefore, if your mom's first monthly came late (at 15-16 years old) - then the high probability that they will come at this age. However, the first periods can come a few years earlier or later than your mom. This is modern normally.

Some studies show that the arrival of the first periods of girls occurs when a certain weight is achieved, which is about 47kg. Thus, thin girls have a monthly monthly coming, later than the fullest.

What are the first symptoms of menstruation?

A few months before the start of their first monthly men, you can feel the overall pain at the bottom of the abdomen, as well as notice white or transparent discharge from the vagina.

If you notice on panties even a small number of brown seals - this is your first menstruation. Often the first menstruation are very scarce - just a few drops of blood.

What is a monthly cycle and how long does it last?

The monthly or menstrual cycle is a segment of the first day of one menstruation until the first day of the next menstruation.

Different girls have a cycle duration can be different. Normally, the length of the menstrual cycle should be from 21 to 35 days. Most girls menstrual cycle lasts 28-30 days. This means that monthly comes every 28-30 days.

What is a regular menstrual cycle?

The regularity of the menstrual cycle means that menstruation occurs every time after a certain number of days. The regularity of the menstrual cycle is an important indicator that your ovaries work correctly.

How to determine the regularity of the menstrual cycle?

To do this, you can use the calendar in which you will celebrate the first day of menstruation every time. If, according to your calendar, monthly occurs every time in the same number, or after certain intervals, it means that you have regular menstruation.

How many days should monthly go?

Duration of menstruation from different girls can be different. Normally periods can go from 3 to 7 days. If menstruation goes less than 3 days, or more than 7 days - then you need to contact the gynecologist.

How many blood should be allocated during menstruation?

You may seem that during menstruation you have a lot of blood, but it is not. Usually, within 3-5 days of menstruation, the girl loses no more than 80 ml of blood (this is about 4 tablespoons).

To understand how much blood does you stand out, you can trace your gaskets. The gaskets are significantly different in the amount of blood, which they can absorb. On average, the gasket of 4-5 drops can absorb up to 20-25ml blood (at the same time it looks uniformly filled with blood). If during one day of menstruation you have to change the gaskets every 2-3 hours - it suggests that you have abundant menstruation and you should consult with a gynecologist.

Gaskets or tampons?

Most girls prefer to use during monthly gaskets. On our site there is a separate article about which gaskets are better to choose how to use them right and how often you need to change them :.

Monthly - Is it hurt?

A few days before the start of menstruation and in the first days of menstruation, you can feel the new or grasp pain at the bottom of the abdomen. This is a normal phenomenon. If the pain in the stomach is strong, you can take an anesthetic (but-shlu, ibuprofen, analgin, etc.) or take advantage of other tips described in the article.

With frequent strong pain in the stomach during menstruation, it is recommended to contact the gynecologist. You may need to undergo a course of treatment.

Is it possible during menstruation to play sports?

During menstruation, you can play sports if you do not feel pain in your stomach and if the monthly is not too abundant. Socializing, avoiding exercises, in which your ass turns out to be higher than the head (for example, you can not hang on the horizontal bar down your head, make a bitch, do "birch").

Is it possible to take a bath during menstruation and go to the pool?

Can. Warm bath during menstruation can reduce abdominal pain and improve your well-being.

When swimming in the pool, water can not get into your vagina for neither monthly or other days cycles. You can go to the pool, if menstruation is not abundant and you used a tampon. At the same time, you should not linger in the pool for a long time, and immediately after the navigation you need to change the tampon, or replace it with the gasket.

Is it possible to go to the bath or sauna during menstruation?

No, it is not desirable, since the high ambient temperature may cause bleeding.

Is it possible to go to the solarium during menstruation and sunbathing?

No, it is not desirable, since during menstruation a female organism is more susceptible to ultraviolet rays. Tan (in the Sun or B) during menstruation can lead to increased bleeding or the appearance of other unwanted symptoms (headaches, weakness, dizziness, etc.)

What is normal for menstruation, and with what - to go to the doctor: the sovereign transferred text about the facts important for you, important for at least half of our audience.

1. What is the monthly

Here is a simple explanation on your fingers. Menstrual cycle is a natural mechanism that is configured to ensure the body to become pregnant. In the middle of your menstrual cycle, the eggs comes out of the ovary and falls into the phallopy tubes, where it can hypothetically meet with a brave sperm team, one of which can fertilize the egg. If the egg fertilizer is fertilized, then it should get through the phallopy tubes and attach to the surface of the uterus and there the germ will develop.

At the same time, the body is preparing for such an opportunity and highlights an increased amount of hormone progesterone, which thickens and satures the mucous membrane of the uterus in case the fertilized egg will need to attach to the wall of the uterus.

In the case when fertilization does not occur, the level of progesterone falls and the body is getting rid of the already not necessary layers of the mucous membrane of the uterus - menstruation occurs.

2. If you are taking hormonal contraceptives, your monthly - fake

If you are taking contraceptive hormonal agents, they give a signal to your body - stop it hard to produce progesterone. Without this additional progesterone, your body does not create such an abundant thickening of the uterus's interlayer, respectively, and the monthly pass is easier and not such abundant and ovulation in most cases does not occur at all - the doctor is divided into information Mary Jane Minkin, Professor of Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences in Yale University - moreover, in this case, in this case may not be - and this is normal.

Moreover, for girls with very painful monthly or PMS, such a method of contraception can be a way out.

3. Toxic shock syndrome is very rare, so doctors in principle are allowed to sleep with a tampon inside

However, experts are still extremely recommended to do it. Toxic shock syndrome is very rare, but nevertheless is very dangerous. It is associated with a potential bacterial infection and its occurrence is associated with the use of super-absorbing tampons of previous generations.

In the times of maximum distribution of this syndrome in the 1980s, 6-12 cases accounted for 100,000 women of reproductive age. By 1986, this figure fell to 1 per 100 thousand women. In addition, over the past 30 years, tampons have improved noticeably.

However, hypothetically syndrome can occur, so if you have a high temperature, nausea and peeling of the skin - consult a doctor - advises Dr. Minkin, nevertheless it adds - to leave the tampon for the night - safely, just try to use less absorbent tampons.

4. Dark or brown blood during menstruation does not mean you die

Do not be afraid. Rather, it is necessary to scare a light scarlet color of blood, which may indicate bleeding, and dark or brown blood testifies that it could simply conclude a little in the vagina - comments the doctor Lauren Streicher, Professor of Gynecology at Northwestern University Medical School, USA.

5. If you suddenly have no monthly period, it does not always mean you are pregnant

Although most often, this is of course a sign of pregnancy, nevertheless monthly abyss for several reasons: for example, a sharp change in weight, too low a percentage of fat in the body, extreme diets (remind you, women :) or a number of different diseases, so if Worried - go to the doctor.

6. If you want to relieve pain during menstruation, take painkillers before menstrual pain comes

"Pains for menstruation are caused by substances with prostaglandins, which are allocated during menstruation, but the reception of such drugs as for example, ibuprofen, can block the allocation of most prostaglandins. The mistake of people is that they believe that it is necessary to take as little medicine as possible and suffer pain, you do not need to be a hero. If the pain is strong - start taking tablets per day before the alleged day of the beginning of the monthly "- Dr. Lauren Streicher.

7. PMS is not a joke, it's serious

If during menstruation you are not in the mood, you have acne, migraine, diarrhea, chronic fatigue, anxiety, - all this can be the causes of hormonal changes during menstruation, says Dr. Minkin. Of course, if this happens also to another at another cycle time - you can go to the doctor.

8. Menstruation does not mean that you had ovulation

In other words, the presence of menstruation does not guarantee that the girl fertile or that she had ovulation this month. Therefore, if there are difficulties in order to get pregnant, it is better to turn to the doctor and check if ovulation happens.

9. What does it mean regular and irregular cycle

It is believed that the average duration of the menstrual cycle is 28 days, while from 23 to 30 days - also the norm, if the cycle duration does not change. But if the length of the cycle jumps from month to month - then 25, then 30 days - such a cycle is considered irregular, despite the fact that everyone separates it in the norm. It can also be a sign that ovulation does not happen - says Dr. Lauren Streicher.

If the monthly irregular constantly, it can lead to problems with conception in the future and the reason to go to the doctor.

10. Blood discharge between monthly - not a problem

Some women occur small blood discharge in the middle of the cycle, during ovulation, it can also occur, for example, when it starts or changing the reception of hormonal contraceptives. If this rarely happens, there is no reason for anxiety, but if there are always blood stains - go to the doctor.

11. Menopause may occur early, for example, at the end of the third ten

On average, age changes with the monthly and the beginning of menopause come in 51, but "pre-menopause" changes in menstruation can happen and much earlier: you can notice them before the fourth ten.

12. Blood selection can even if you are pregnant

"This is not a menstruation, namely blood discharges that a third of women celebrate in the first months of pregnancy," the information of the doctor Minkin shares information. In some cases, allocations are particularly abundant and people can be confused.

But be attentive: in this case, it is easy to "watch" a threat of pregnancy, which is often manifested exactly that it suddenly begins to "bloss" on an early term - it is very serious and can lead to irreparable consequences. The optimal output is to consult a doctor immediately.

13. During monthly genitals can be particularly sensitive

Scientific studies show that pain receptors are somewhat changing during menstruation, so feeling there is more sensitive - normal. If such a doctor takes place with you, do not recommend signing up for the epilation of the bikini zone before month.

14. Circles in menstrual discharge is normal

"It only means that you have strong allocations during menstruation, but this is not a sign of some problems," Dr. Lauren Streicher is encouraged.

15. But if you have to change the tampon and the gasket more often than once every 2 hours - it may be a problem

However, if the bleeding is super-abundant - this is a reason for anxiety. The reasons for it can be a hormonal failure, infection or polyps - says Dr. Minkin. Therefore, if you constantly and very abundantly proceed - go to your gynecologist.