14 weeks I feel like moving. When does the fetal movement begins at first pregnancy? How to recognize the movement of the fetus during pregnancy

Not from the moment of fertilization, but from the beginning of the last menstrual bleeding. Such a term is called obstetric. The month in it consists of 4 weeks. Thus, under a period of 14 weeks, 3 full months have passed and 2 weeks. Since the conception, exactly 3 months has passed since the conception.

The floor of the future child for 14 weeks: how can I find out?

The medicine uses 3 basic method of determining the sex of the child:

  • Ultrasound. This method helps to see the external genital bodies of the baby. They will become clearly visible from 15 weeks. However, with the external similarity of the genital organs in the development process, it is better to wait with the definition of the floor with such a method until 19-22 weeks. Before that time, the chance is very high.
  • Blood test. This method is based on the fact that all the cells of the pregnant women contain only a chromosome. If Y - chromosome is found in the examination of venous blood, it may appear only if the genetic material of the male baby is hit in the blood of the mother. Such penetration of a small number of blood cells of the fetus is possible. Therefore, when Y - chromosome is detected, you can confidently talk about pregnancy with the fruit of male. In favor of the method, his small trauma says (venous blood is investigated). The method is reliable from 9 weeks.
  • Chorion's biopsy. Conducting puncture of Vorsin Placetes is the most reliable method of determining gender. This is determined by the fact that the material obtained during biopsy contains a sufficient amount of genetic material of the fetus. The method is complicated and traumatized, therefore it is appointed only on strict medical reasons.

Non-medical methods for determining the sex of the child on a period of 14 weeks

There is a lot of non-medical ways to find out:

  • On the Chinese calendar.This method involves the calculation using a child's floor table, depending on the age of the mother.
  • On ovulatory graphics. It is believed that spermatozoids carrying x chromosomes and the girls responsible for the birth of girls have less speed and greater vitality in the genital paths. That is, if the cervical canal came in 2-3 days before ovulation, then a female child will be born. If the spermatozoa fell into the genital paths of a woman on the day of ovulation or immediately after it, then the boy will be conceived.
  • Definition of flooring for nutrition.If during pregnancy "pulls on sweets", vegetables, fruits, candy, then the birth of a girl is expected. If preferences in food outweigh the meat and fish - a boy will be born.
  • Definition on the Rh Factor.If the rhesus of his parents coincides, the girl will be born. If it is different, then the birth of a boy is possible.
  • Blood group. In this method, the combination of group affiliation of future parents is estimated.

Non-medical methods are not reliable. They are not recommended for the planning of the future, nor to the diagnosis of existing pregnancy. The most obvious slip is the impossibility of the birth of diverse children in the same parents, because the blood group and the Rh factor do not change during life! Based on such methods, you can make a mistake and morally to attach to a non-existent girl or a boy, set up for the birth of a particular fest of the spouse and older children, buy clothes of a certain color. In this case, the birth of the baby of another floor can overstead of unnecessary expectations.

Wait until Birth! At this point, everything will become understandable, and you will avoid disappointment.

What happens to the baby at the 14th week of pregnancy

Briefly about what is happening with the baby can be said: Growth and development. Most anatomical entities already exist and need to have time to have time to develop them to such a level so that the child can live separately from mom after childbirth.

Weight and fetus size (CRT)

The kid stubbornly grew 14 weeks, and now its size is 80-115 mm. This giant weighs about 25 gr. Do not worry, it's not enough! This fully complies with the development schedule invented by nature.

Future development

In addition to weight gain and growth, the improvement of the structure of the body of the fetus is observed. It acquires new skills, its organs and systems become perfect. At week 14, you can watch:

  • thyroid The baby begins to produce hormones;
  • eggs Girls descend from the abdominal to the pelvic region;
  • boys continue to form prostate;
  • kid actively swallowing oily water, distinguishing their taste. He gives preferences to sweet taste. Sour and bitter waters he spits;
  • function intestines and kidneys kid. They perform their immediate functions on the release of unnecessary substances;
  • movement The fetus becomes more coordinated. It controls the direction, smoothness and focusing of the movement of the limbs and the head. Kid can a lot. He freely touches himself with his hands, sucks a finger, turns his head in response to irritation. Mimica becomes diverse, he frowns, burst, grimensides, brings;
  • the fruit continues to train respiratory muscles. He makes movements that after birth will allow him without tired to breathe and exhale air;
  • cheeks and bridges become more relief;
  • tiny gun - lanugo Begins to cover the entire surface of the fetal body. It protects the skin from softening in oily water, preventing the removal of a waxing. Later, by the time of birth, it will be replaced by hairs.

Is it possible to feel the chapels on the 14th week and what are they?

The movements of 25 and gram fetus have a small amplitude. The strength of his limbs is tiny. Therefore, they completely hide the accumulating water and quench the fret bubble shell. They do not reach the surface of the uterus with its sensitive endings. Therefore, on the period of 14 weeks to feel the movement of the fetus is impossible.

They often receive intestinal cuts (peristaltic waves). The abdominal bodies are actively squeezed by the uterus and the processes occurring in them now become more noticeable. Therefore, listening at 14 weeks to the feelings in the stomach, it is possible to detect it is a peristaltic wave.

What happens to mom at the 14th week of pregnancy

What is the danger of frozen pregnancy?

On the period of 14 weeks, the fetal death may not show itself. Shevleniy woman has not yet felt, so their absence does not cause fears. Blood selection may be absent, as well as pain. The cessation of pain in lactic glands and nausea can contact the favorable course of the second trimester. Dizziness and nausea - with a decrease in blood pressure. Missed very easy! Finding in the uterus of the deceased fetus leads to its negative impact on the body. Initially, intoxication begins, then the blood of the mother loses the ability to coagulate. This can lead to bleeding, loss of uterus and fetal death. Therefore, in the event of a frozen pregnancy, it should be discontinued in the shortest possible time.

What signs can you suspect a frasonal pregnancy?

A frozen pregnancy can end the miscarriage. In this case, will be observed:

  • abdominal pain, which can be both drastic and intense and grasp;
  • blood discharge from the vagina, including brown, pink, bright red. Bleeding can be intense;
  • dizziness, loss of consciousness;
  • malaise, general weakness;
  • nausea, sudden loss of appetite, vomiting;
  • chills, body temperature, sweating.

In case of inspection, the inconsistency of the size of the uterus can be detected and the level of development of the fetus. The lack of heartbeat and fetal movement on the ultrasound monitor also confirms the diagnosis.

What to do if you stopped sick And some of the above complaints appeared? Immediately refer to the doctor for medical help. This will help, having completed this pregnancy and having passed the course of therapy, eliminating the reasons for its termination, give birth to a healthy baby and maintain their own health. Fooling is the end of one pregnancy, but not the cessation of life in which it can still be implemented.

Looking for a female consultation, a woman receives recommendations on all aspects of life that affect pregnancy.


As before, balanced, fractional food greatly facilitates the symptoms of pregnancy and allows the baby to grow and develop, in line with the needs. At week 14, the need for vitamin C is increasing. If the doctor recommended receiving the reception of the complex, which already includes this component, it is not necessary to apply it. Vitamins Must enter the body dosage. Excess daily rate will not benefit. However, if they do only from food, then it is necessary to correctly adjust their diet. It is necessary to add products rich in vitamin C:

  • rosehip. Vitamin C is contained in its fruits. If you can use fresh fruits, you can use them. If they are not available, you can use the decoction or syrup, of which they are cooked. To preserve ascorbic acid in the brave it is not boiled. Bay fruit boiling water They need to be laid and drink instead of tea or water;
  • bulgarian pepper. Used in salads without the use of heat treatment that breaks the vitamin C. Red grades contain more ascorbic acid and it is worth preferred when choosing products;
  • sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn and black currant. The fruits of these plants can be used in raw form. At the same time, the sea buckthorn is better freeing from the bones and apply with caution - it can provoke heartburn. If the fruits are used in a sugar overboard, you should pay attention to the number of carbohydrates consumed so as not to overeat;
  • greenery of dill, parsley, cerema. Actively can be added to salads, pastes, cold snacks;
  • cabbage. Rich in vitamin C in raw form (in salads). However, the content of ascorbic acid in the sauerkraut above. She should not be abused. However, applying cabbage in moderate quantities you can avoid problems with the tract and get the necessary vitamin C;
  • strawberry, strawberries, sorrel. Applied in raw form. Sorrel is better to use episodically due to severe acid taste;
  • exotic fruits (oranges, tangerines, kiwi, lemons). Recommended for use, if they are often frequent guests on the woman's table. If earlier it consumed these fruits rarely, it is worth paying attention to the usual fruits and vegetables.

Physical activity and sex

In the absence of contraindications and exercise, and sexual activity should be present in the life of a pregnant woman in sufficient quantities. This will help preserve the necessary physical form by the time of birth and multiply warm, trusting relationships in a pair.

14 weeks of pregnancy twins

Multiple pregnancy is a larger load on the woman's body. For a period of 14 weeks it is not yet felt. Indicators of weight gain and abdominal volume differ slightly. Kids are still small. However, the doctor will recommend visiting it at least 10 days. This is a reasonable purpose. With multiple pregnancy, changes must be revealed as early as possible. In this case, it will be possible to provide the necessary assistance in a timely manner.

Is it possible to feel the movement of the fetus for 13-14 weeks of pregnancy? And got the best answer

Answer from
And the first pregnancy?
Everyone individually, usually earlier than 16 begins to feel who is not the first time) you are lucky

Answer from Musya Leningradskaya[guru]
Maybe. Especially if you are very thin.

Answer from Despero.[guru]
can. The child has quite decent legs. And he is very not even tangible.

Answer from Thirst[guru]
To be, although rarely. Usually thin mothers.

Answer from Lera Afanasyev[active]
I really understand you)) I felt the first pregnancy at 15 weeks and the second in 14 weeks)) the other day she went to the doctor, she laughed at least 19 weeks of movements, but I understand that it was a kid, because I still feel his tiny pins to this day)) I am very sensitive, apparently you too))

Answer from Alena Roschaza[guru]
I think can. I felt at 15 weeks and even showed, I needed to laugh and said that it was so heart pulsate. But it starts fighting from 3 weeks. What heart, if straight tubing. Somewhere I read that at this time the child moves simply unconsciously, and consciously weeks from 19

Answer from Natusik.[guru]
Yes, yes, as possible))

Answer from Ira[guru]
It began to feel the sheath from 14 weeks. Once a day and in one pose. No one believed. More tangible and frequent started from 17-18 weeks
Pregnancy first.

Answer from No discard[guru]
Although doctors believe that it is too early for movements, but this is exactly. At first pregnancy, the movements have already started feeling weeks from 7 lying on the back, I have a squeaky physique.

Answer from Harmful[guru]
It is on this time that the uterus is quite large, presses the intestines and gases easily confuse

Answer from Katya dove[newcomer]
Possible if you lose weight

Answer from A L.[guru]
Well, I read at least 16 weeks the first lamenuchi (and my personal experience too).
And not at the navel, but significantly below, there is low there. Personally, I have.

Answer from Natasha poly.[guru]
unlikely. very much. Here, I found in the internet info: "From the ass to the Temkin, the fetus size at the age of 14 pregnancy is in growth of 8.7 cm, and in the weight - 43 g." So the Virgin, do not drive. Is it possible to feel the fruit weighing 43 grams? This is a nonsense mare. Personally, I felt the first movements in 18-19 weeks (although it also thin) then the weight of the fetus is already about 200 grams - it is already noticeable, usually

Answer from 3 response[guru]

Normally, with 24 weeks of pregnancy, the fruit must move on average 10-15 times an hour, but he can sleep for 3 hours and at the same time almost never move. On this time, the active growth of the child begins, the stomach rises noticeably, so your pregnancy becomes obvious. With different pregnancies, with the individual characteristics of each woman, the moment of the first movement of the fetus occurs at different times, regardless of the established norms and rules. And at least, sexual differences are already significant - to determine the sex of the child for the 14th week of pregnancy is still impossible. But it happens when for some time throughout the day, the fruit does not submit any signs. Ordinary homework can be safely done in the absence of disorders of pregnancy. This procedure is considered mandatory to determine the conformity of the fetus development rate. Although the gender is still impossible to find out, but you can get all the necessary data about its condition.

Every pregnant woman first of all concerns the question of the movement of the fetus - how should the baby need to move, how many times a day! In this article you will find answers to your questions! Every woman who has already experienced childbirth, remembers the feeling when she first realized that shelling on the 14th week already occurs.

For example, women who have excess weight may feel not to feel when 14 weeks of pregnancy comes first, and at later deadlines than women of thin body.

Especially since the baby already requires communication with you, soon you will feel his chapter. In addition, the period on which the future mother first notices the movements of his baby depends on the physique of the woman itself. The tummy has already become more noticeable, and toxicosis went without a trace. Toddles are still not tangible, although weak movements can be felt. It may be sensations caused by a meteorism, which in pregnant women manifests itself very often. I think 14 weeks is still too early. Rarely on this period of pregnancy, mommies talk about their position, and the surrounding still do not notice changes. Your tummy can still be completely immeasured, especially if you played sports before pregnancy, and your press is inflamed enough. Those who have already gave birth can feel it before - from 14-15 weeks.

Any painful feelings on this period of pregnancy require a doctor's advice. Your uterus has not yet increased so to squeeze the internal organs, so there should be no pain in the norm. Your feelings are most likely associated with an increased tone of the uterus. This requires medical advice and appointing treatment. You need to follow the discharge on the 14th week of pregnancy, especially with an increased tone, because the appearance of bloody, brown secretions is an alarming symptom and requires medical care. If you find such a symptom, be sure to consult a doctor to appoint adequate treatment and pregnancy. But in such cases, doctors constantly monitor pregnancy and perhaps even partial hospital observation in the most dangerous period of pregnancy.

With 24 weeks of pregnancy, the motion of the fetus resemble the movements of the newborn: the future mother feels like a fetus changes the position, moves with handles, legs. But on this period, the fruit is too small. It does not come into contact with the walls of the uterus, and the chapel woman does not feel. It is worth saying a few words from the danger of fetal fetal. Writing as in the early deadlines behind, but there is a problem when the fruit is simply freezing. But even with an excessive movement of the fetus, it is urgent to consult a doctor, as this may entail unwanted consequences, for example, a campus of cord around the cervix. The first movements of the fetus, tangible for the woman, begin approximately on the period of 19 - 21 weeks. For this period of pregnancy, the croche weighs about 50 grams. The movements of his handles, legs are very active. At 18 weeks - she moves through the coupovina handles, compresses and squeezes the fingers of the hands, adapting to the face and even closes his face with hands with sharp, loud and unpleasant sounds. If the baby feels sweetness when the fluid is captured, active swallowing movements are noticeable. In the photo of the ultrasound, at 14 weeks of pregnancy, you can already distinguish small ears, although they are still not in final place. Gradually, they will be shifted from the neck area on the side surfaces of the head.

The fruit feels that, moving, he himself can adjust the intensity of stimulation (for example, remove the loud sound, bright light).

Women waiting for the birth of the first child can feel the movement of the fetus in 18-22 weeks of pregnancy. If a woman is pregnant for the first time, then this "miracle" will happen not earlier than 18 weeks of pregnancy. 20 weeks of pregnancy - the middle of the pregnancy period, and the woman powerfully feels it at this time - but, mostly, in the most pleasant manifestations. Some women believe that 14 weeks of pregnancy is no different from the previous period. Therefore, if at the very beginning of the second trimester, in 14 weeks of pregnancy, the feelings of movement for a woman are still not clear symptoms, then you should not worry. For the first time, the fruit makes itself felt on different times of pregnancy. The development of the fetus for the 14th week of pregnancy occurs a rapid pace. Second pregnancy, nothing happens.

At this time, the fruit is already beginning to prepare for its appearance. The fruit is already able to write, as the ureters, the kidneys have already begun to work actively. The whole respiratory system is fully formed, but for 14 weeks pregnancy, the fetus breathes through the placenta. It is possible that there is insufficient oxygen with blood through the umbilical cord - the fruit is in hypoxia. From 9 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus can get out of spindle water, and this is a complex motor process. The skin of the fetus is very thin, blood vessels can be seen through it, some of the internal organs. The kid starts to work independently a spleen, liver, and the first movements of the respiratory system appear. Changes continue in the genitals of the fetus. The ovaries in girls move from the abdominal cavity in a small pelvis. And the boys go to the formation of the prostate gland.

Also important:

What could be more beautiful of that time when a baby is in the womb? Recognize the shocks of your future baby - there is nothing comparable feeling. However, the movements of the crumbs can be felt only on a certain period of its development. This article will tell you how to recognize the movement of the fetus during pregnancy.

Be sure to make a comparison of the motor activity of the embryo between different periods of the kid waiting. It is also worth saying when it starts at first pregnancy.

How important to feel the movement of the fetus?

Surely every pregnant woman will remember for a long time when she felt the first shocks of the child. This period is also important for a doctor. All gynecologists, leading the development of the fetus and the course of pregnancy, ask their patients, on what time the first shoes were recorded. This date is submitted to a special map of the future mother. If a woman does not feel the first kicks for a long time, the doctor may appoint additional examination.

The lack of movements in the second half of pregnancy can say that something goes wrong. Perhaps the child has a delay in development. There are also cases when the cause of lack of movements is a frozen pregnancy.

How to recognize fetal movement during pregnancy?

It is with such a question that future mothers are most often treated for their doctor. Doctors say that such a phenomenon cannot be confused. When a woman feels with a second pregnancy (or first) depends on many factors.

Some representatives of beautiful sex suggest that the first movements of the baby are very weak, and they are quite easy to miss. They are more like or movement of bubbles. When a woman talks about the appearance of strong jolts, it means that she missed the very first touches of the crumbs.

How to feel the first movements and understand what they are?

How to recognize fetal movement during pregnancy? If it seemed to you that the child began to move, but you are not sure about it, you can do the following.

Drink a glass of warm milk or eat something sweet. The flow of glucose into the blood will provoke the activity of the baby. At this moment you need to lie on your back and put the palm on the lower part of the abdomen. Do not press the abdominal wall, otherwise you can simply scare the crumb. Relax and close your eyes. Try to listen to yourself and imagine how baby moves inside you. Most likely, you will feel easy swimming bubbles. This is exactly what is the first chain of the child.

How to recognize the movement of the fetus during pregnancy still? All kids in the maternal womb are actively reacting to discomfort. Oxygen comes to the baby every second and if the future mother briefly detracts his breath, it may well feel the expression of crumbs in the form of kicks or push. Try to carry out such an experiment. However, you should not delay the flow of oxygen into the body by more than 10 seconds.

When does the fetal movement begins at first pregnancy?

To begin with, it is worth saying that the body of each woman is individual. One future mother can feel the first light shoes for a period of 14 weeks, while the second will face this phenomenon only after five months of the development of the baby. Also, each subsequent pregnancy is radically different from the previous one. If you for the first time felt the movement of the crumbs, for example, at 17 weeks, it does not mean that this time everything will be the same. The first movement of the fetus during the second pregnancy can be much earlier or later.

In all medical literature, information is given that the first chapter of the baby begins at about two months of its development. Consider in detail when you can feel the movement of the fetus during the first pregnancy.

Age of embryo 8-10 weeks

This period begins the very first movements of the crumbs. However, the future mother can not feel them, no matter how hard she tried. At this time, the childbearing organ is deep in a small pelvis. The fruit is reliably covered not only by the walls of the uterus, but also the bones of a woman.

How to recognize the movement of the fetus at the first pregnancy on this period? The only way to fix the motor activity of the kid is ultrasound diagnostics. During the study, the doctor examines the uterus cavity using a special sensor and notes how the embryo moves with handles and legs.

Fetal age 12-14 weeks

At this time, the childbearing body of the future mother begins to leave the area of \u200b\u200bthe small pelvis. Some women note that they feel the first shocks exactly then. Theoretically, it is quite possible. Feel the movement of the embryo at 12 weeks at first pregnancy is possible only when the future mother is very thin and does not have an elastic press.

Most often, on this term, the woman does not feel the movements of the crumbs, but its growth becomes more, and the bones are stronger. At this time, the kid not only can swing the handles and legs, but also to compress the cams and even rub the face.

16-18 weeks

Most future mothers of fragile buildings may feel the movement of the fetus during physicians, the same period is considered the so-called start. If you tell the doctor that they felt the impurches before, then you will most likely just not believe.

At 18 weeks, the kid is already able to suck the finger and hiding the licho. During ultrasound examination, it may turn away from the sensors emitting a signal that is inherent to human ear.

Fetal age 20-24 weeks

This period is also border. It is up to this point that the doctors choose the expectant tactics. If there is no mechanization of the fetus during pregnancy in 20 weeks, then additional diagnostics are most often appointed. Future mom is examined using ultrasonic equipment and mark the state of the future baby.

If you felt the first shocks on an earlier period, then during this period, the kid strengthened and reminds of itself more often and stronger.

Development of pregnancy 25-32 weeks

For this period there are peak of the motion activity of the embryo. If you for any reason did not feel the crumb to 20-13 weeks, now it is clearly reminding himself with strong shocks.

At this stage, the baby is still quite spacious in the uterus. He spins and tamps with handles and legs. You can feel that the child knocks on the bladder, supports the stomach or presses on the kidneys.

The age of the future child is 35-38 weeks

During this period, a new fetal movement begins. The child pacifies its activity. Instead of explicit and strong jolts, you can feel stroking and drinking some parts of the body. Some mothers say that the kid too actively puts the handles and legs, as if squeezed. These changes occur due to severe growth of the child.

A few weeks before delivery

Before the appearance of crumbs, many women noted that the fetal movements began to change. The kid spends more time in peace. Kroch can no longer turn over and kick. All this is an absolute norm and does not require any correction.

What does the first movement of the child depend on?

The earliest movements at the first or second pregnancy directly depend on the body of the woman and the position of the baby.

So, the movement is felt before, if a representative of the weaker sex has a weight. In the event that the woman is in good physical form, the movement of the baby can be felt later due to elastic muscles. Also, full ladies mark a later reminder of a child about their existence.

If the placenta is located at the back, then nothing prevents the embryo to push the abdominal wall. When the child's place is located in front, the baby rests on it, and the effect of the pillow is created. The placenta in this case softens the blows.

Also playing what the pregnancy in a woman has a big role. In the second, third and fourth time, the uterus is already more elastic and remembers everything that happens to her. The body is better stretched and goes beyond the limits of a small pelvis. In connection with this, women feel the movement of the child for the second time.


Now you know how to recognize the first and earliest movements of the future kid in the womb. Of course, every woman wants to feel such processes in their body as soon as possible. However, the lack of sensations of the kid movement up to 25 weeks is an absolute norm. Do not panic and beat the alarm. Be patient.

Good pregnancy and easy childbirth!