Fat around the waist in women how to remove. Thin waist: health benefits. What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Why fat on the waist and stomach is a problem zone on the body of a woman

Doctors find a link between fat deposits around and above the waist characteristic of men and elderly women, and heart disease, as well as diabetes, hypertension, strokes and an increase in the risk of certain types of cancer.

Studies conducted at the University of South Florida in Tampa showed that women with breast cancer, deep abdominal fat deposits occur more often by 45 percent than those who have this disease. And the study of the pairs of single-person twins, conducted at the National Institute of Heart, Lungs and Blood (USA), showed that a brother, already adults who gained overweight, was significantly more prerequisites for the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Most of us believe that if, pinching yourself, we capture two centimeters of fat, you need to stop there is ice cream. But the fat that can be captured by fingers, that is, located directly under the skin, is actually harmless. Much more serious problems arise due to visceral fat, which is postponed around such vital internal organs, as the intestines and the liver. "The threat to health is determined not by the fact that you have extra fat, but where it is concentrated," says dr. Arthur Frank, Medical Director of the Anti-Obsessment Program at George Washington University.

How do you know if you need to reset the fat on the stomach without resorting to expensive surveys on the scanning tomograph or with the help of magnetic nuclear resonance?

There is a simple and sure way: Count the ratio of the volume of the waist to the thigh volume. Divide the waist circle (in the thinner) on the hips circumference (in the widest place). A person with a waistline is 68.5 centimeters and a thigh of 98 centimeters this coefficient is 0.7.

Obesity Specialist from Washington Dr. Uzin Callauway believes that with the coefficient above 0.80 for women and 0.95 for men, they should be ridiculed by the belly.

Despite all the dangers, many find out that getting rid of excess fat on the stomach is very easy - if separating the myths from the facts. These tips will help you succeed where many suffer defeat.

Remember, men and women lose weight in different ways. Any woman who began struggle with the stomach in the company with a man waiting for the same disappointment as Nancy Johnson. Dr. Frank explains: "When a man and woman of the same growth and weight get the same meals and the same physical exerciseThe man is faster dropping weight. Why? Because a kilogram of weight in men accounts for more "lean" fabric, and this is what fat burns. "To achieve at least half of what men are achieved, most women have to make much more effort than they expect.

Some believe that men more power Will, but it is not true. "Both sex love fatty food," says Adam ancient, director of the person's food program at Michigan University. His studies show that women prefer to consume fats in sweet form: pies, cakes and chocolate, while men eat more salted fatty foods: fried potatoes, smoked sausage, sausages. Therefore, support each other if you, together with my spouse, decided to return the harness of the figure. Take into account the biological differences between you.

Find out for yourself the truth about low-fat products. Fancy and harsh diets often help quickly lose kilograms, but mostly due to water and muscular mass. To put the abdomen to be removed, you need to get rid of excess fat. Most specialists recommend a low-fat diet, including fresh fruits, vegetables and food, rich in starch, such as brown rice, whole grain bread and pasta. You, of course, heard that the pasta are "harmful" for you, that when you eat them, the body occurs chemical reaction With the participation of insulin, as a result of which you become thicker. But Dr. Gerald Riven from Stanford University says that it is not true. "Insulin does not contribute to weight gain. And thicker people become not from Macaron," he says. "The weight is gaining due to excess calories."

If you are healthy, forget these fears. "Eat spaghetti quietly. They are useful - says dr. James Hill, Deputy Director of the Center for Food Center at Colorado University. - Just do not eat them too much. From any product, if there is it too much, you can get fat. "The only important warning is: if you suffer a metabolic disorder called insulin resistance, be careful with low fat diets. If you replace too many calories that give the body saturated fats (oil, cream and eggs), calories obtained from carbohydrates (pasta reliably, rice, potatoes and low-fat desserts), warns Riven, then you can climb blood sugar levels or increase the risk of heart disease. If you do not know, suffering Whether you are insulin resistance, consult your doctor.

All this confusion with pasta reveals a very important point: there is no one "correct" diet for everyone and for everyone, because not everyone gets all the same. It's not about how much fat in your food, most importantly - how many calories are in it. To remove the stomach, you must receive calories from various healthy products.

Do physical exercises in your pace. Squats help to increase the tone of the abdominal muscles. But in order to remove the deep fat, you must strengthen all the muscles of the body. Maybe you do not feel like your stomach becomes more flat, when you train shoulder or buttocks or thigh muscles, but it is so. Among the specialists there is no consensus about what exercises give a greater effect. Some prefer strength exercises, lifting dumbbells and exercises on simulators; Others recommend running, cycling and swimming, in which oxygen exchange is enhanced.

Having heard contradictory tips, you can decide to combine the exercises of both types to achieve maximum effect. But for beginners it is important to just start moving. During the study at the Royal University in Ontario, Canada, two groups of women suffering from obesity received the same, poor fat diet. One group "drong" weight running and swimming, the other was engaged in power simulators. After 16 weeks it turned out that in women in both groups the amount of fat on the waist decreased approximately equally.

In what pace should do exercises? It seems amazing, but when you are not in the best sports form, slow and exercise without much voltage can bring more benefits. In a study conducted in the Cooper Institute of Aerobic Research in Dallas, overweight women were divided into three groups: fast walkers, temperate walkers and "turtles". Who dropped more fat? "Turtles"! "While it is only the theory," says John Lungs, who headed the study, - but the point is that our body burns two types of fuel: glycogen, which can be compared with high-octane gasoline, and fat, which is rather similar to low-fiber gasoline. In all likelihood, If you make your body work in a racing car mode, you need high-quality fuel, and with a leisurely walk your body can use more low-quality fuels, that is, fat. "

Pay attention to bad habits. Increased weight in stressful states - the usual thing and concerns not only men. When scientists from the University of Yale University examined a group of 41 women with overweight aged 18 to 40 years, they found that those who had fat deposits in the abdominal cavity, a significantly more cortisone hormone was produced during stress with which they could not deal. "We know that stressful hormone Cortizon in combination with adrenaline stimulates the deposition of fat in the abdominal cavity," says Dr. Redford Williams, Professor psychiatry at the University of Duke. - Probably stress makes our body redistribute fat, to transfer it from other sites, for example. From the hips, on the stomach. "

Attempts to cope with stress with smoking or drinking can lead to double trouble. Compared to non-smoking the same growth and weight, smokers have a greater factor of the thigh and they have more dangerous, deeply leaving fat. "Most thin smokers will say:" I can't quit smoking, because then I will grow and die, "says Dr. William Castelli, director of the Franign Cardiovascular Institute. - But even if, throwing smoking, they will really become fat, They will still extend their lives, abandoning smoking. Mortality among thin smokers is nine times higher than among thin non-smoking. "

Similarly, drinkers have a higher waist-thigh ratio and more deeply leaving fat than the sober. But it is impossible to say that every wine-dried wine wines is danger. "If you drink no more than two portions of the alcohol per day, then it is unlikely to lead to an increase in fat deposits in the abdominal cavity," says dr. Scott Weiss, Associate Professor of the Medical Faculty of Harvard University.

Do not look for yourself justification. They only harm your health. There is a commodity opinion that "with age, some people inevitably get fat." It's just funny: a person can not be too old to remove the abdomen. In the medical school of Washington University in St. Louis, a group of men and women aged 60-70 years old for the first time in many years began to engage in physical education. After 9-12 months, men looked more than women, but in proportion to the weight of the body and those and others dropped the same amount of fat, especially on the waist.

What about fashionable justification, as if your problems with weight are explained by genetic predisposition? Forget about it. Even if you have a lot of fatty in your family, you can still reduce the volume of your waist. Claude Bushhar, professor of physiology of physical exercises from the University of Laval in Quebec, concluded that only 35-40 percent the weight difference between people of one growth is explained by genetic factors. The remaining 60-65 percent depends on you.

So throw away all the excuses, choose from the chair and make your waist - and your health!

Fullness is not a component of beauty in its modern understanding. And if a couple of dozen years ago, many considered a woman with a soft rounded tummy attractive and cozy, today she will most likely suspect some health problems. To think about how to remove fat from the waist, a woman should not only because her extra centimeters clearly do not paint it, but also because each of them worsens the quality of her life.

The most common causes of the formation of fatty sediments on the waist in women

A large amount of fat on the waist in a woman is a problem and aesthetic, and medical character.

How to remove the sides on the waist - 6 effective exercises

Yuri Szokokukotsky: how to remove fat on the stomach and reduce the waist

Get rid of sides. Effective waist exercises from

How to remove the sides | Exercises for the waist

Learn fat on the waist and sides

How to remove the sides on the waist!

For men reduce waist remove belly burn fat on sides lose weight correctly

There are a number of reasons for this problem:

  1. Overeating and hypodymna. About 80% of cases of obesity arise precisely because of irrational or excessive nutrition, as well as due to the lack of sports and sufficient physical activity In the life of a woman. Therefore, before trying to find methods, how to remove fat from the abdomen and waist, you should reconsider your menu, set for yourself the correct power mode and drinking mode, eliminate the simplicity of snacks between the main meals. It is necessary to choose the most suitable type of physical activity, in order to balance consumed and spent daily energy.
  2. Abuse of alcohol and low alcohol drinks. There is a saying that the belly grows from the beer in men, and in women - breasts. In fact, this is an evil joke, according to doctors.
    The amateurs of the hint drink is likely to acquire a beer belly as precisely as their like-minded male. The fact is that the calorie content of 100 ml of beer is an average of 40-50 kcal. If the young lady pampel himself a liter mug of a drink, it will get near the fifth of the daily rate of energy consumption. Plus, under beer, many love fatty or salted snacks. This is another blow to female health. Beer stimulates the development of estrogen, which become the cause of obesity by female type - In the waist, abdomen and hips.
  3. Disorders of the endocrine system, including hormonal failures provoked by pregnancies, lactation, taking oral contraceptives.

Ways rid of fat on the waist

Before trying certain ways to get rid of fat on the sides on the waist, it would not hurt to find out the reasons for its appearance.

Embeding the following steps, you can not only reduce the amount of fat on the waist, but also to lose weight evenly, put the muscular tone and the condition of the skin.

  1. Rethink lifestyle.
    Lose weight, reduce the volume of the waist, abdomen and hips, without making adjustments to the way of life, most likely, will not succeed. Sufficient sleep, rational nutrition, neutralization of stress factors, eradication harmful habits - Here are the fundamental components of successful weight loss.
  2. Drink more water.
    Reflecting on how to get rid of fat on the stomach and waist and reset overweight, everyone usually strives to reduce the amount of food consumed. But forget that, losing weight, you need to drink more liquid - dining room mineral water without gas. Two or three liters of melibious moisture will accelerate metabolism per day and help bring its by-products from the body. And if you drink a glass of water for 20-30 minutes before meals, the feeling of hunger is stuck, the overeating will be avoided.
  3. Pick up a health diet and from the abdomen.
    Experts believe that some food regimes and products do not just help quickly and evenly lose weight, but first of all burn fat on the waist. You can dry these problem areas, sowing on a protein diet, for example. Without reducing the calorie content of the diet, consuming approximately 2000 kcal daily, within ten days on a diverse menu you can get rid of 5-7 cm on the stomach.

Daily menu and each meal of the protein diet will help to choose a nutritionist or consultant healthy nutrition. Approximate option:

Additionally, we perform exercises for burning fat on the waist.

Despite the fact that many women have a waist area in the first place, it is impossible to achieve a flat belly without exercise. The most effective in this case are aerobic loads - running, swimming, aerobics.

The following exercises can be performed at home:

  • work the muscles of the upper, lower, side press;
  • perform twisting in the standing position, sitting, lying;
  • tilts with weighting dumbbells;
  • gymnastics on phytball.

Intensity of classes, pace, alternation of exercises and the number of approaches are elected individually.

Ways to quickly remove the stomach.

Fat sediments on abdomen and sides are the main problem of young mothers and women over 30 years old. From this point on, the metabolism is slowed down and to maintain themselves in shape, you have to apply a lot of effort.

What needs to do exercises to remove fat from the abdomen and sides?

There is a lot of exercises aimed at working out the stomach zone and sides. Straight belly muscles can be downloaded using exercises for the upper and lower press. The first option implies the rise of the upper part of the body, and the second option to lift the legs.

Exercises for eliminating fat from the abdomen:

  • Torch lifts
  • Lifting legs
  • Twist

In fact, these are basic sets, there are many varieties. You can perform them as moms on maternity decrees and advanced athletes. Consignment classes can with the use of dumbbells. Together with such classes, nutrition correction is recommended.

Video: Clean the belly

The saddest thing is that fat deposits in this area do not disappear very quickly. The most difficult thing to women with the "Apple" figure. The physique looks like a rectangle, and all fat accumulates in the shoulders area, hands, abdomen and sides. But with proper nutrition and exercises with fat, you can fight.


  • Twisting. Common classes that will help strengthen muscles. It is necessary to lie on the back at the same time raise legs and hands. At the initial stage, the complex is difficult to fulfill, so you can simplify it. Just the upper part of the body is fixed in a raised position, and the legs are pressed to the elbows bent in the knees.
  • Lifting legs. Hands lie on the floor straight, all the torso is lying on his back. It is necessary to lift the direct lower limbs at right angles. Knees try not to bend.
  • Upper twist. It is necessary to bend the legs and put the feet on the floor. Put your hands on the neck, and raise the top of the body. No need to touch the knees, slightly lifting the upper part of the body.

How to remove internal, visceral fat from the abdomen, waist and sides?

Visceral fat - inner fat, which envelops the bodies. If the weight is normal, this fat is a bit, respectively, health is normal. It is believed that for women a waist rate of 80 cm, and for men 94 cm. Internal organs suffer from exceeding these indicators. Visceral fat will be able to remove with classes and proper nutrition.

Exercises for elimination of visceral fat:

  • Bike. This is an imitation of cycling.
  • Scissors. The exercise is performed lying on the back, while the legs move one over the other in the air.
  • Exercises in the pool. It is necessary to lie down on the back in the pose of the asterisk, inhale and exhale deeply. Hold the body on the water.
  • Cleaning the liver. It is necessary to derive toxins, which often provoke fat accumulations in the abdomen. Put the heating on the liver and drink the broth of rosehip.
  • Bodiflex. Most exercises do not help to cope with visceral fat, but Bodyflex gives good results.

Video: Belly from bad habits

Diet to remove fat from the abdomen and sides?

Many are looking for a diet, which will reset the fat exclusively from the abdomen and sides, but unfortunately there are no such ways to reduce weight. Weight goes gradually from all parts of the body. Faster things lose weight, chest and buttocks.

Products to reduce weight in the abdomen:

  • Proteins. Non-fat boiled or baked meat
  • Complex carbohydrates. These are cereals and cereals
  • Exclude yeast. Complete this product from the diet.
  • Cellulose. Eat a lot of fresh, boiled and baked vegetables and fruits
  • Drink water. Approximately per day you need to drink 1.2-2.0 liters. Do not combine water with food intake

Video: Diet from belly

First of all, when losing weight and exercise, subcutaneous fat is leaving. It is very pleased, because at the same time the figure is significantly improved.

Options to remove fat:

  • Eastern dance. This type of classes is aimed at strengthening the abdominal muscles.
  • Fitness. Most effective in combating fat on the stomach and sides of Mahi, slopes and twisting.
  • Gym. Excellent can be issued a waist area using a bar and dumbbells. At the same time, the rod is fixed motionless above the head, and the lower part of the body moves.

Is it possible to remove fat from the abdomen and sides?

With the help of the massage, it will be possible to remove the subcutaneous, not visceral fat. There are several techniques for massage. The duration of the procedure is 12-15 minutes, it can be done both at home and in the cabin. The most effective is the cannon and roller massage. If you perform a manual look, you can use strokes, pliers and rubbing.

Video: Massage from belly

With the help of running, remove fat only from the abdomen and sides will not work. During running, the weight of all fat deposits decreases, and the faster all the extra centimeters melt in the area of \u200b\u200bproblem areas. Therefore, in a month of regular training, you will see results.


  • At the very beginning, you go through the run 15-20 minutes a day. You can run in the park or purchase a treadmill.
  • Increase the loads daily. First, run the coward, then accelerate. Alternate such varieties of running.
  • From time to time stop and breathe correctly, rest.
  • After a month of regular jogs, your figure will change significantly.

If there is a lot of fat deposits, then in a week it will not work with them. It is necessary purposefully and gradually reset fat. Moreover, the slower is overweight, the better. Ideal if you go to proper nutrition. All new-fashioned and low-calorie diets reduce weight, but it is later returning quickly. Therefore, you need to lose weight correctly.

  • Use many proteins and complex carbohydrates
  • Divide the daily diet for 5-6 receptions
  • Refuse severe food and simple carbohydrates
  • Do any sport
  • Follow the posture even at home

This is a non-operation method for removing fat from the abdomen. At the heart of the work of the apparatus - ultrasound, which destroys solid fat cells. As a result, they turn into an emulsion, which is excreted by the liver and kidneys. The advantages of the procedure in its efficiency and safety. To reduce weight, you must pass 12-15 procedures.

You can lose weight with the help of non-traditional ways. But it is desirable to use an integrated approach with the use of diet, sports and conspiracies. Folk healers recommend applying a conspiracy that will help remove the belly.

Conspiracy words:

"The driver flows in Earth does not give thirsty to get drunk. It flows through granite - the secret of youth and freshness keeps. She flows through the sand - the tummy disappears. It takes her depth - the pomeakin disappears. I get the water and fat melts, and the food and water will be. Amen".

It is necessary to dial into the water capacity, about 200 ml and the specified words said three times. Drink liquid to drop. Before pronounces the magic spell, it is worth introducing yourself in a new image, that is, the losing weight.

As you can see to remove fat in the abdomen area, it is enough to stick to the right nutrition and play sports. If there is no time, then you can resort to cavitation and liposuction.

Video: Clean the belly

Humanity is distinguished by variety of shapes and sizes. Someone the fat is postponed on the waist, someone (especially in women) has troubled zones and buttocks. This is not just external differences. From where the fat accumulates exactly, the presence or absence of risk of violations of the body's vital activity depends, as well as approach to weight loss.

Wide waist: what is dangerous fat on the stomach

Basic fat reserves are under the skin and are called subcutaneous fat. As the fat mass increases, the body can begin to postpone fat inside the muscle tissue and between internal organs Abdominal cavity. This is an unpleasant perspective, since such a type of fat - visceral or inner fat - can have an extremely adverse effect on the entire body. Subcutaneous fat is relatively harmless.

In women of childbearing age, fat, as a rule, accumulates in the subcutaneous depot below the waist level, giving the body a characteristic pear form. Men are more inclined to accumulate fat in the waist area, their body resembles an apple.

Mainly men are predisposed to the fullness of the waist, but many women also suffer from it. In the figure, there are two women of the same weight (and BMI), but one of them has a "apple", and the other is "pear."

So, people with the physique "Apple" accumulate toxic visceral fat. Studies show that a wide waist (a sign of abdominal obesity) unambiguously indicates the presence of visceral fat.

Abdominal obesity is the main cause of a whole bouquet of diseases combined by the term "metabolic syndrome". Usually abdominal obesity is diagnosed when the waist circle is exceeded by 94 cm and more for men and 80 cm for women. And here are other indicators to make a diagnosis of metabolic syndrome.

  • Increased blood fat (triglycerides). Triglycerides are firing in the blood. Their high level leads to an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The level of triglycerides exceeding 1.7 mmol / l is usually considered a sign of metabolic syndrome.
  • The reduced level of "healthy" cholesterol - high density lipoprotein (HDL). HDL-cholesterol is a special form of cholesterol responsible for reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases and strokes. Level of this useful cholesterol 0.9 mmol / l or below is considered critical.
  • Elevated blood pressure. High blood pressure leads to heart attacks and strokes. Blood pressure has a higher (systolic) and lower (diastolic) value. Systolic pressure above 130 mm Hg. Art. and / or diastolic pressure above 85 mm means going beyond the limits of the norm.
  • Increased blood sugar or pre-diagnosed second-type diabetes. If the blood sugar level exceeds 5.6 mmol / l is a symptom of violation of the normal operation of the body.

If other factors of metabolic syndrome have revealed analyzes, you should start an attack on visceral fat and normalize both the psychological and biochemical state of the body.

Is there a big belly for the brain?

Abdominal obesity - trouble for the whole organism, but scientists believe that it carries a threat to the brain. In one study, the relationship between abdominal and risk dementia was estimated for more than 30 years. The results showed that people with pronounced abdominal obesity have a risk of dementia three times higher.

How exactly is abdominal obesity increases the risk of dementia?

First, abdominal obesity leads to an increase in the risk of cardiovascular diseases, including strokes. Multiple small strokes in the elderly cause motion of brain cells and can significantly disrupt its operation (this is called multi-infarction dementia).

Secondly, the increase in blood sugar is also threatened with health. Abdominal obesity leads to a metabolic syndrome and increases the risk of a second type of disease. Increased blood sugar levels ( distinctive trait diabetes) leads to the destruction of proteins in the brain, contributing to its aging. It is not surprising that the diabetes of the second type leads to a violation of the brain function in old age.

Increased sugar level destroys brain proteins that supply cholesterol. And cholesterol is just necessary for the brain, it performs a number of essential functions, including the correct message between nerve cells. The avoidance or elimination of abdominal obesity and violations associated with it helps to maintain mental activity for many years.

Measurement of waist or weighing?

The waist circle is much more efficient than the body mass index (BMI) indicates the risk of the development of the second type diabetes. There is a direct connection between the waist circle and the increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and the total risk of fatal outcome.

The priority of the waist circle indicator over the BMI was confirmed by the study in which the relationship of these indicators with mortality was traced for 7 years. For every 5 cm increase in the waist circle, the risk of death increased by an average of 9%.

The waist circle is an indicator of fatty tissue in the abdomen. Measure it easy. It is important to carry out these measurements in the same place using the same tool. I advise you to measure the waist circle at the navel level. It is necessary to make sure that the measuring tape of the horizontal floor along the entire length of the circle.

I recommend to carry out measurements on exhalation. Of course, relaxed abdominal muscles will show you a smarter result. If, noticing that your muscles are not in the best form, you correct the situation by pumping the press, then you exhale before measuring the waist, but strain the muscles of the abdominal press.

The amount of waist is a reliable indicator, but it does not very clearly reflect those small improvements that happen to your body day after day. Therefore, often measure the waist circle is meaningless occupation. If you want to monitor the waist volume, spend weekly measurements for several weeks, and then do it once a month.

Weighing does not give any useful information and in itself does not allow to evaluate how successful fat burning is, but many of us cannot be avoided by the temptation every day to climb the scales every day. In fairness it is worth noting that using weights are easy and convenient, and their readings make it possible to notice even the most modest successes that are not estimated when measuring the waist circle.

Nevertheless, it should be borne in mind that weight fluctuations can occur regardless of what you ate. For example, in a hot dry day, we can easily reset approximately a kilogram as a result of dehydration.

It is true that the change in weight may not be associated with fluctuations in fat mass. Let's say healthy, but salty food causes a small leap in weight due to the fact that it holds water in the body. It is because of such daily oscillations that I propose to be weighed no more than once a week.


Comment Article "Thin Waist: health benefits. What is dangerous fat on the stomach"

"According to the Harvard School of Public Health (studied middle-aged women), every two hours in front of the screen increase the risk of obesity by 23%." Thin waist: health benefits. What is dangerous fat on the stomach.

Fat need a woman in Klimaks - partially replaces non-working ovaries. How stress at work affects the volume of the waist in women: test. Test on the level of stress hormones. Thin waist: health benefits. What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Volume of waist and illness.

Where is the waist?. - Sowing. Slimming and diet. How to get rid of OT. excess weight, Lose weight after childbirth, choose a suitable diet and chat with losing weight. Oh, I measure the stomach at the most speaker point. Tom, and you waist in where are you measuring?

From the problem zones, fat leaves in the post. Queue, but comes in the first. Locally, to lose weight in some distant place will not work, you can lose weight only, then this place will become less. So - to consider calories, reduce the diet, pay attention ...

The topic is designed to discuss the article Thin Waist: health benefits. Slimming: the volume of the waist instead of weighing and calculating BMI.

Thin waist: health benefits. What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Content: Wide Waist: What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Is the big belly dangerous for from where fat accumulates, the presence or absence of violations of violations depends on

well, in general, the waist to spoil difficult. You can grow belly, sides, increase the volume of the waist, but the configuration is a configuration. Even really full women Sometimes a pronounced waist is sometimes. Thin waist: health benefits. What is dangerous fat on the stomach.

What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Measurement of the waist circle to control the weight loss. Modern Russian woman is not averse to get rid of a couple of kilograms in the field of waist, abdomen and Healthy image Life and prevention of completeness is more important than extreme ...

What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Someone the fat is postponed on the waist, someone (especially in women) has troubled zones of thighs also to relieve folded palms under the lower back. Rather, youthful - narrow thighs, weak hip transition ...

Thin waist: health benefits. What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Measurement of the waist circle to control the weight loss. Slimming: the volume of the waist instead of weighing and calculating BMI. Print version. 3.8 5 (923 ratings) Rate article.

Thin waist: health benefits. What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Measurement of the waist circle to control the weight loss. How to lose weight at home: massage with banks. Slimming belly, hips and buttocks. Gymnastics from Bubnovsky for slimming belly.

Thin waist: health benefits. Content: Wide Waist: What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Is there a big belly for the brain? This is not just external differences.

What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Someone the fat is postponed on the waist, someone (especially in women) has troubled zones and buttocks. As the fat mass increases, the body can begin to postpone fat inside the muscle tissue and between ...

Thin waist: health benefits. What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Belly grows from below. At the beginning of pregnancy, the uterus is still deeply, at the level of about the 12th week of pregnancy, this place becomes a touch with warmer and elastic, and the first day.

Wide waist: The fat is dangerous on the stomach. Basic fat reserves are under the skin and are called subcutaneous fat. How to lose weight at home and remove fat on your stomach and sides: Tips Dr. Agapkin. How to remove the belly: meals and exercises for weight loss.

Is it possible to correct such a lack of a figure as the lack of waist. She was never (thin) never, even in his youth, when was pretty slim. I have a figure male type, after the first birth, he was very much recovered, now (after the second child) lost weight, not before the ideal ...

What is dangerous fat on the stomach. Measurement of waist or weighing? Humanity is distinguished by variety of shapes and sizes. Someone the fat is postponed on the waist, someone (especially in women) has troubled zones and buttocks.

Thin waist: health benefits. Wide waist: The fat is dangerous on the stomach. The main grease reserves are under the skin and watch the back to be straight, and try to pull around the entire body.

Fat on the stomach and sides not only makes the figure ugly, but also contributes to the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases, metabolic syndrome, sugar diabetes Type II, psychological disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

For effective struggle with fat, it is necessary to establish the true reason for its appearance

To have a slim and taut body you need to know about the reasons for the appearance of fatty sediments in the waist area:

Fat on the sides and waist appears in lovers of night snacks with various sweets or greasy smoked. To remove extra centimeters, you need to study the composition of all products in detail.

The consequence of childbirth. Women more often suffer from a "rescue circle" on their figure than men. During pregnancy, the body of the future mother is covered by the necessary nutritional elements, including fats. This is due to the protection of the fetus and subsequent breastfeeding.

Daily regime. People with a sedentary way of life are more often inclined to completeness than supporters of the morning jogging and charging. So that fat on the waist and sides does not bother you need to sleep 7-8 hours a day.

It is important to comply with the power mode!Fly five times a day (every 2-3 hours) small portions at the same time. For food to digest, you need to eat 4 hours before sleep.

Bad habits. Nicotinovaya I. alcohol addiction contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body, which slow down the metabolism. Alcohol dults flavor receptors, so a person eats a lot more than the body needs it.

Stress. The high level of blood stress hormones affect the accumulation of fatty sediments in the waist area. To raise the mood, many begin to eat a huge amount of sweet baking or drink alcohol.

Heredity. With genetic susceptibility, it is necessary to approach more responsibly to the issue of a decrease in body weight.

Hormonal disbalance. Only an endocrinologist will be able to put the correct diagnosis when hormonal violation, and assign appropriate treatment.

Menopause. Women during the climax period should be responsible to choose the menu selection and strengthen physical exertion. After 45 years, a hormonal restructuring of the body occurs, which includes the redistribution of fat cells.

When dealing with superfluous centimeters in the abdomen, it is necessary to observe the water balance in the body. It is necessary to drink at least 2 liters. Liquids during the day, and it is impossible to drink after eating, as water dilutes gastric juice, having a digestion. To lose weight, it is better to drink a glass of water before eating, the stomach will be filled, and it will help not eat extra. It is not necessary to drink coffee and tea with sugar, gas, as well as juices in packages.

Methods of getting rid of fat

Fat on the abdomen and sides is not postponed during the month, so to remove it, you need to make patience and willpower. In order to remove extra centimeters, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Eat with the onset of hunger, and not for the company or from nothing to do;
  2. Increase the amount of protein consumed. Calculate the daily rate of the protein can, through;
  3. Do not give up all fats;
  4. Do not sit on poorly balanced diets;
  5. To measure flour and saham-containing products;
  6. Increase physical activity;

It will also help in the fight against oil cannon or honey massages in addition to wraps with special compositions.

List of effective diets

It is impossible to comply with the power mode of 3 days, and then hope that fat on the stomach and sides will leave instantly and never return. The diet should draw a way of life.

There are several power systems that will help get rid of excess centimeters forever:

Table number 8. This diet was developed in 1930 by the gastroenterologist M. Pevzner for the treatment of obesity. It is still used in wellness sanatoriums and hospitals. For the month of nutrition on this system may even leave.

Diet for flat abdomen from Sassity Sassity and Liz Vacarelo. The software is based on the daily use of mono-saturated fats. The diet is very balanced and is designed for 1600 kcal (400 kcal for each food intake.) It is also necessary to drink 2 liters of water of the cassi on the day, for its preparation use fresh cucumber, ginger, mint and lemon. The duration of the course is 32 days. The first 4 days are directed to the withdrawal of slags and extra fluid from the body to launch metabolism, so a person may lose up to 5 kg of weight during this period.

Main Diet Diet Sassi Drink

All represented diet will help get rid of extra centimeters in the Waist area. But improve the effect and consolidate the result will help physical exertion.

Effective exercises

To remove fat on belly and sides, regular workouts are needed. There are many exercises aimed at the muscles of the abdominal press, but there are both effective complexes, when performing it is not necessary to monotonically repeat the same movement:

Exercise is designed for all muscle groups. To perform it, it is necessary to stand in the position "stop lying", and as soon as possible to simultane in such a position.

Newbies can be started from 10 seconds, gradually reaching up to 5 minutes. For oblique muscles, you need to become a side plank.

Over time, you can complicate the exercise - alternately raising one leg for 30 seconds. Read more about.

Vacuum. Exercise is aimed at working out the transverse muscle of the abdomen.

After regular classes, the stomach will not be accusing, pain in the lumbar department will also decrease.

Respiratory gymnastics, which is enough to deal 15 minutes a day to remove fat on the stomach and sides.

Classes are in certain breathing in special poses. Oxygen enters problem areas and burns fat deposits.

Also effective, slopes, mahs legs and. To improve the result, it is recommended to make special wraps on problem areas.

What is the danger of a sharp weight discharge

Now there are many "magical" drugs that assure that you can lose weight quickly. However, after a sharp discharge of weight, extra centimeters return also rapidly, as leaving. With a quick decrease in body weight on the liver, the maximum load is underway, which leads to a violation of its work. If the weight arrow is very quickly striving for the desired mark, it can lead to drunk skin, as the body also needs time to become elastic and tightened. Disadvantage nutrients The body makes the skin dry and unhealthy greenish color.

A sharp relief of weight impairs the work of the cardiovascular system, digestive organs, which can lead to unpleasant consequences and long treatment.

Remove fat on the stomach and sides is not easy, but if you put a target and gradually move towards it, then the result will not make yourself wait. Only an active lifestyle and proper nutrition will give the body "Osin" waist, health and charge of vitality.

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