Families of Russian mercenaries killed in Syria demand an explanation from Vladimir Putin & nbsp. Revelations of a soldier of a private military company in Syria: “There is trouble with weapons

Russian private military companies (PMCs) are increasingly discussed in the press, but their activities are not only covered with a veil of secrecy - they have not yet been legalized. This situation angered the head of the committee of the All-Russian Officers' Assembly, ataman of the Khovrino farm Cossack society Yevgeny Shabaev, who, together with like-minded people and, as he assures, PMC veterans, turned to the International Criminal Court. He demanded to conduct an inquiry "on the fact of the forcible detention of persons and their use in hostilities." spoke with a man whom his opponents call a pseudo-officer and a swindler to find out how Russian mercenaries live and why they so need legalization of their status.

"Lenta.ru": How many employees of various PMCs are in Russia now, according to your estimates?

We are social activists, we do not control the process of entering and leaving the country, that is, our data is in any case incomplete. But even with our forces, we counted more than 10 thousand people. But you need to understand: real numbers can be many times higher. An interesting point: according to our information, PMCs are now hiring not only retired retirees, but also those who worked yesterday.

What, according to your information, happened in February near Deir ez-Zor, and how many people suffered and died there? Because there is still no objective picture.

On February 7, 2018, Russian mercenaries tried to seize oil and gas fields and the country's largest oil and gas refinery, Konoko, from the Democratic Forces of Syria, an alliance of Arabs and Kurds loyal to the United States. The Americans contacted the command of the Russian forces and received confirmation that the Russian armed forces were not taking part in the operation. Then the most powerful artillery fire was opened on the attackers, aviation entered the battle. According to unofficial data, several hundred people were injured.

It is not there, because no investigative actions were carried out, the case was not initiated, and, in fact, all the witnesses who were ready to testify - and we appealed, asked them to question them - they are now even more intimidated, they are "working out" rather seriously, much more than us.

I have no exact information with evidence. As I said in February - three days after these events - there are more than four hundred injured, that is, "two hundred" and "three hundred" - dead and wounded. Who exactly died, who was wounded, we still do not know. But this is much more than the five people [Russian President's press secretary Dmitry] Peskov spoke about - this is a fact.

Let's talk about the everyday life of our Russian PMCs in Syria. How many of our mercenaries are there?

Wagner numbers from two and a half to three thousand. In the most difficult periods, there were somewhere 3.5 thousand, but this never happened again. Less than two thousand too.

How do fighters interact with our videoconferencing?

As such, coordination is rather weak. Especially after the conflicts that are said to have taken place in 2016 between the leadership and the most respected affiliate sponsor of the structure, a former convict for organizing child prostitution, [Yevgeny] Prigozhin.

And what was the conflict?

According to the information of those people who have passed this service, in financial matters. In the section of contracts, in the section on spheres of influence, and, in fact, in payment for those deposits that were transferred to Europolis. Therefore, here everyone has their own interest, everyone substitutes each other.

In Deir ez-Zor, the group was simply framed: the detachments went to storm the Konoko plant, but they were not told that several US PMC specialists had been “cleaned out” there before. Therefore, they had not yet begun to storm the object, faced with air resistance, which destroyed their entire column. It was known in advance that there would be an air attack.

This conflict is interesting enough from a military point of view, but I cannot name those responsible for it. I know from knowledgeable people that it was a setup. This clearly indicates the relationship within the so-called Coordination Center for the Reconciliation of the Warring Parties in Syria.

As for the use of PMCs, I can tell you about a simple specifics: when a person is thrown there, he is offered to buy a weapon for himself. There is no such problem in PMCs of any world structure. There is no other problem when you, a specialist in a narrow profile, a special forces soldier who understands the goals and objectives of your work, are used to storm cities before artillery preparation. That is, they simply destroy you physically, without using your working potential, which must be used.

The second point is the attitude towards the wounded and killed. Export is carried out only through Khmeimim, there are no other planes. The seats on these boards are quite expensive.

How expensive is it? Will a thousand dollars be enough?

Several thousand. I cannot say for sure, because it depends on the flight from Syria to Russia, on its occupancy. Simple "bydlotvari" - and this is how native believers call people who believe in Christ - they are not needed. Such an attitude towards the rank and file.

Who says that?

The Rodnovers who are in command at Wagner are Ratibor and other comrades.

The most important trophy that exists in Syria is the ISIS golden dinar ( banned in the Russian Federation). These are real gold coins that are produced for payment in a terrorist state. All these gold coins, naturally, are confiscated from the people who serve there and are trying to somehow earn money.

Upon export, they remain the property of this PMC. This is 999-carat gold. This is the most important trophy. Everything else that these slippers have - jihadmobiles, assault rifles, machine guns - you can pick up a little better, a little more modified model. You yourself will hand over the rest, because with such a calculation you will not run far.

How do fighters move around Syria? Does the Ministry of Defense help?

Only in the case of large movements - now there is practically no such thing. The country is flat, there are highways - and they move along them.

Are they taking prisoners?

I have never heard of this. Except for a short time, as "tongues". Then ... they are no longer needed.

How is interaction with the Syrian army structured?

Almost nothing. The entire Syrian army only looks very good at parades. There are separate units that are fighting, but they need to be pushed all the time - I speak from the reports that come from the current employees of the Ministry of Defense. Russian speakers lead at all levels.

What exactly do PMC employees do?

They follow orders: they do what they say. Specialization is not taken into account - they can be sent to storm the city without reconnaissance and artillery preparation, this is regularly practiced.

It looks like some kind of penal battalion.

There are several levels of this "penal battalion": The first penal battalion is the so-called "Karpaty", where people from the DPR, LPR and Belarus mainly fight. Russians, flyers, many different forms of flight also get there. These people are the first to be sent to the assaults and their salaries are lower. About 100 thousand.

Then there are "Wagnerians": penalty boxes of the so-called second and fifth divisions. They are made up of "pedestrians" (foot soldiers), and finally the gunners. They have to serve in this system for a certain period of time, but they can serve in a not quite formatted way.

This is always the case: there are "Karpaty", then "two", then "five", and then divisional ones - they, as a rule, rarely participate in clashes. In any case, they also die, but less. These levels are different and of course there are different salaries. Someone is loved more by the bosses, someone less. It also thrives there ...


Not really. Let's just say: an interpersonal dialogue tied to sex drive.

It looks like a prison order!

Because most of the leaders there are underdogs.

How is the trip abroad formalized? Are there any stamps in the passport?

Look. You, like any citizen of the Russian Federation, have the opportunity to conclude a contract. When concluding a contract at the border, they will not ask you anything, they can only ask why you are leaving the territory of the Russian Federation. In this case, you can, but do not have to, present an employment contract. Employment insurance may also be asked.

The insurance and contract are signed here in Russia. Various firms are involved in insurance and employment. Basically, according to our information, they are affiliated with offshore representations, which in the final jurisdiction are associated with the people, as they say, above. I cannot confirm, but for this we turned to the International Criminal Court, so that through the system of SWIFT payments it would find out who the final beneficiary was.

Yes. Therefore, when a person crosses the border of Russia, questions may arise to him. Therefore, rather normal employment contracts are drawn up, but not for mercenaries, but mainly for specialists in geological exploration, security guards, and sailors.

It is very convenient for logistic purposes. Look, the main thing for PMCs is technology, they cherish it like the apple of their eye. If it can be repaired, never quit. You can abandon people, but technology cannot. Therefore, it is taken out, and in order to take it out, you still need to protect it, because in any technique there is non-ferrous metal. If left to local Arabs or local blacks, they will quickly disassemble everything for parts. Therefore, seafarer specialization is often used in the conclusion of contracts.

And what about the mercenaries after they return? Is it forbidden, for example, to write memoirs?

You will only write your memoirs as long as your recruiter will allow you. When people return to Russia - illegally or legally - they register. And a certain time of a person is tracked. It is the recruiter's job to see what his mental and physiological state is. So that he does not twitch, they conduct certain conversations with him, take receipts from him.

These conversations, by the way, are quite specific, since recruiters basically have experience ... specialized, prisoners. It’s not like you don’t start writing something, you forget the name of your wife, your children. The pressure is both psychological and physical. The physical is used secondarily when a person, as they say, does not understand.

But you understand correctly, when a person leaves the combat zone and returns home, he is happy that he got out of there. Because the entrance is a ruble, and the exit is two. And problems already here, at home, can be found at any moment. After all, fights in taverns happen every day, and it is always a great joy to draw our wands.

Travel abroad is closed?

Well, why, they can go abroad. Many of them go to Thailand to rest after their service. It's no problem. There is no such restriction, I have not met.

You mentioned that former participants in the Ukrainian conflict from both sides may find themselves in the same trench. With people from the "people's republics" it is clear, but how are Ukrainians recruited?

Recruiters from the DPR and LPR are calmly operating on the territory of Ukraine - they cross the line of contact. In addition, prisoners of war trade has been established between these republics and Ukraine - for 5 thousand dollars both on the one hand, and on the other, you can be included in the exchange of "all for all." If a Ukrainian soldier is in captivity, they don't change him for a long time, nobody needs him, nobody pays for him - he gives in to recruitment and leaves to fight.

Why did you decide to openly talk about the situation with Russian PMCs?

Look for such a fool as me. Previously, no one expressed a desire to publish this data, but I made up my mind.

Are you not afraid for your health?

I have some preparation. If it doesn't help - well, we are not all immortal. I am very upset that my country is turning into a rogue state. To a country in which a person at war, who in fact defends his homeland, becomes a terrorist in fact.

Who threatens not only other countries, but also his own country, because he will not undergo rehabilitation. Here, after a glass of vodka - and he still drinks - no matter how prepared he is, he will create a danger to society. And the country will return to the 90s at a different level.

Why am I saying this right now? Because, unfortunately, this business has received a very serious impetus for development. Because the cost of these services is extremely low. Competition is fierce, but the cost of services for Russian PMCs is hundreds of times lower than that of Western clients. Just imagine - an oil company enters the market and wants to hire a Western PMC for, conditionally, $ 100. But then they tell her: "You will pay 100 dollars there, and we will have only ten!" And they agree because it is beneficial.

What do you want to achieve by going to court?

The further work of private military armies or organized criminal groups - they can be called that - in the current conditions will lead to the fact that a huge number of orders will be received. Accordingly, Russian citizens will go to fight in other countries and - if they are alive and not wounded - will return here.

They will not be socialized, they will create many problems here, which will be larger and wider than in the early 1990s. That is, they will join the mafia, which will flourish in the Russian Federation. Therefore, we are now ahead of the curve.

All government agencies we have contacted tell us: we do not have PMCs, and everyone who is going to plan to participate in these clashes, campaigns of some kind are criminals. People go to other countries, other regions of the world, and now they are already going to go to Venezuela. In these conditions, we simply have no choice but to turn to the international legal system, since in general, according to our Constitution, international law prevails over Russian law. After all, there is a threat to other countries as well - because of the actions of our PMCs in Libya, the flow of refugees to Europe has grown, and criminal showdowns have begun there.

Sergei says that all his life he fought for someone, now - for himself. It turned out that a person with special forces experience, weapons skills and familiar with combat tactics after the dashing 90s is again a fashionable profession. - I left the special services a few years ago, because I got tired of living on a beggarly salary, most of which is spent on renting housing, and the chance to get an apartment is only from people close to the authorities!

At that time, I began to see advertisements for recruiting trained people with combat experience and knowledge of foreign languages \u200b\u200b(I have English and Arabic). I called, had two interviews. Then work began - escorting ships in the Indian Ocean, guarding against Somali and Nigerian pirates. Russian guards are valued there, since they are much cheaper than the British, and they are not inferior in training and moral qualities, ”Sergei tells the story of his service in the private military company Slavic Corps.

“In March, they unexpectedly called me and asked if there was a desire to take part in the ground operation,” Sergey continued. - Outlined somehow vaguely: "The Middle East, the protection of objects, you will find out the rest later!" Salary 5000-8000 $ per month, depending on the position. I was assigned as a medical instructor in a reconnaissance platoon. This has already alerted: the protection of industrial facilities, and the distribution in groups - as in a special operation: snipers, grenade launchers, reconnaissance.

I shot through my channels - where are we going? As it turned out, the company was recruiting about 2,000 people to Syria! And they have a terrible shortage, the cry was thrown even at the combat units of the special forces, they offered people to leave and go! A day later they call - they ask the size of clothes, shoes, and they are already offering to meet to sign papers and give them a passport for a visa. I realized that this is a full-fledged military operation and how to drink a criminal article "Mercenary" (Art. 359 of the Criminal Code. - Ed.)! Nevertheless, I reviewed the chronicles of street fighting, videos from Syria and realized that there was a complete mess there!
Sergei refused to go to the “alien war”. But about 300 people, mostly dismissed from the army, signed up for the hot spot. Those who have returned now say that the war was small, but not victorious at all.

War for no particular reason

“I know what happened in Syria only from the words of my friends who went there,” says Sergey. - As I was told, they were hired by the "Syrian Abramovich" - a local "energy baron" friendly with Assad. Only on the spot did it become clear that, before guarding the facilities, they had to be taken back from the militants! The supply was at zero, there were not enough sleeping bags, they slept right on the floor. The weapon was given old, broken. There was very little ammunition. And there were about 800 militants against us, and not ordinary militants - the Taliban, Pakistanis, Afghans, black turbans, the hardest! In short, ours were ambushed for two days.

And the fighters kept coming! The very first battle turned into a scandal - the militants seized photo and video materials proving the "Russian trace". The owner of the bag, a native of southern Russia, Alexei Malyuta, was initially declared dead. Only after the confusion subsided did it become clear that in the clash with the militants none of the Russians died, although five of our compatriots were wounded, two were seriously injured, and the group commanders decided to drop all their belongings and leave.

The military adventure failed miserably - at the Russian airport the "Russian mercenaries" were met by FSB officers. Two company leaders and several group leaders were arrested. As the participants in the infamous operation themselves say, some of them, after returning home, transferred money to cards - $ 4,000 each, others were only promised. Malyuta, who was "buried" by the media, contacted only once, saying that he had returned home and was celebrating a second birth. Since then, he has not responded to calls and letters about the "Syrian business trip".

Private army

There are several private military companies (PMCs) operating in Russia. However, there is no law on their activities. These are small, but quite efficient armies. This phenomenon has long taken root in the West - several hundred private military companies operate in Afghanistan and Iraq alone. The mercenaries are called "wild geese", the most frostbitten ascetic in military coups and the overthrow of the governments of small countries.

- Private military companies have a very wide range of activities - from delicate army tasks that, for political reasons, cannot be carried out by the regular army, to more prosaic ones - military consulting, security, maintenance of military equipment, up to household aid to soldiers and logistical support of troops, - told the "Interlocutor" the head of one of the Russian PMCs - "RSB-group" Oleg Krinitsyn. - At the moment, the main specialization of Russian PMCs is maritime: protecting ships from attacks by pirates in the Indian Ocean.

There are rumors among private military companies that the "Slavic Corps", disgraced in Syria, had serious support at a high level, and problems in business forced them to get involved in a dubious operation - a ship belonging to the company was arrested in Nigeria and the company suffered serious losses trying to "Close" with a costly gamble.

The military, ready to earn money with weapons in their hands, have been punching the issue of legalizing PMCs for several years. In 2011, such a question was even asked to Vladimir Putin, and he promised to think it over.
... The other day in one of the social networks there was an announcement about the recruitment of volunteers to Syria. Judging by the responses, the "adrenaline vacancy" aroused keen interest. 10 thousand dollars for a 5-month business trip and practically a "suicide bomber contract": 1750 dollars - an advance, then - 20% of the contract every month. Injury and death insurance - $ 20,000. For a combat trip - 1 thousand dollars. If you are lucky enough to stay alive, of course.

They attacked us!

The general director of the Slavic Corps company Sergey Kramskoy commented to the Interlocutor: “The project was created on January 18, 2013 in Hong Kong to protect oil fields and the Kirkuk-Banias pipeline branch in Syria. For work, we received a license from the Syrian National Security Committee (No. 8/559) for the provision of armed security services and signed an agreement with the Ministry of Electricity of Syria (No. 001-S).

Trapped in Syria by ISIS militants (banned in the Russian Federation), almost all major media have finally started talking about Russians fighting for money in private military companies.

Who are these people - ruthless mercenaries or romantic combatants? Those who returned about the details of their service "there" are not extended. They say it is forbidden by the contract. Non-Disclosure Subscription. But we managed to contact the person who is now on the front line.

Among themselves, they call Syria a "sandbox". Because the sand. Lots of sand. And the heat plus fifty. They know: if something happens, no one will save. And their bones will forever rot under this burning sun around everything, and the jackals will do the rest. The contract stipulates: non-return of cargo-200 home. Too expensive.

Instead of a ringing tone, Sergey's phone has a funny melody:

“Our armored personnel carrier is all crumpled, but quite so on the move, it beats the damned ISIS men, knocks out the spirit of the bastards. Behind the plain there are mountains at once, a pass through the mountains, and Palmyra stands behind it, I have been her all my life ...

The ending is quite in the style of Cord, so I will not give it here.

Sergei is a little over thirty, he is a former lawyer from Donetsk, but he has not worked in his specialty for four years - because of the war. First, the one in Ukraine. Then here - in Syria. War without rules. So he is unlikely to need beautiful legal terms: in battle, they will not save.

“The deed is done, we only have a few hours to get ready, we helped break the shackles of the Syrian falcons. Let the tourists come - Damascus, Palmyra, it doesn't matter. Money, women and wine await us at home ”- the bad boys in the homemade songs of the current“ fortune hunters ”try to seem even worse than they are.

I ask Sergey to let me listen to other hits of this Syrian war - he tosses me through the messenger a covered "Cuckoo" by Viktor Tsoi. The chorus is almost unchanged. "My palm turned into a fist ..."

I can imagine how Sergei might look in real life: short, wiry, in shabby green camouflage, an unhealed callus on the index finger of his right hand - from the trigger. And there is a bruise on his shoulder too - from a machine gun. Here are just no awards for mercenaries.

We are not given awards. These are the Cossacks - titles, orders, they love this. And they don't know how to fight. The guys ask one newbie: "Do you even understand where you got to?" He mows straight into the face of the fool: "What's wrong - I saw an Islamist car and throw a grenade at it." Damn, but I saw a car - tick away from it quickly. She carries a ton of explosives on herself.

- Jihad mobile?

There are two types of them. Jihad mobile and inghimasi are such suicide squads that first fight like ordinary soldiers, and when they run out of ammunition, they activate the suicide belt. They explode, dying and taking everyone close to them. Well this is Hiroshima and Nagasaki, how much TNT is hung on them! Their task, these crazy fanatics, is to die on the battlefield. They are going for this.

At the checkpoint on the road to Damascus.

- And yours?

Our purpose of the trip is to make money. Without patriotism. True, the Cossacks come up with some beautiful fairy tales for themselves - for example, that they go to study Orthodoxy in extreme conditions, while Syria is the cradle of Christianity, but this is also an excuse. Mostly people go to earn money. It's just that not everyone admits this openly and honestly. This is normal. We also went to earn money, not kill. We, as recruiters, were told: you will protect communications, checkpoints, oil rigs, refurbish factories, and arrived at the site - both-na! - and in the assault battalion.

- Did you sign a contract?

If you can call it that. Let's just say: I signed an agreement. There is a list of what we must do, there are responsibilities, but no rights. If you break any point, for example, you drink on the front line, then you get paid. The unit is fined completely. Although they drink a little - in such heat. But vodka in Syria is good.

- Where do recruiters find their potential "clients"?

Recruiters have been working in Donbas since 1914. But in the early years, few left. Firstly, no one knew about Syria, and secondly, the DPR fought for an idea, for the salvation of the Russian world. It was then vulgarized by all. Now it is not clear whether there is peace or war. Many Russian volunteers returned home. The militias dispersed too. And what we know how - nothing but how to fight. If you serve in Donetsk now, you get 15 thousand rubles. Here I was offered 150 thousand a month, plus combat, plus an exit, and so on. I have a wife on maternity leave, two weather children, a son and a daughter, old parents. I won't make that much in a year. Even if you imagine that they will cheat and pay less, it is still better than nothing.

- Are they often deceived?

Who will behave how. In general, there are two large private military companies on the market today - the PMC "Wagner" by Dmitry Utkin and the PMC "Turan", a Muslim battalion. The very first was the "Slavic Corps", but now it is no longer there. There are also subcontractors, intermediaries who also recruit people. They have nothing to do with the official Russian military structures. How legitimate they are is also none of my business; in my opinion, they are formalized through the leftist states, where they are registered and licensed - in South Africa, for example. I know that there were such organizations who offered 240 thousand rubles a month, but in reality they all get about the same - 150.

I will not say that they threw someone so hard: we have word of mouth, today they throw it - tomorrow no one will go. We are all the same in this circle, everyone knows everyone, in principle. When I was in the camp where I was being trained, they paid additionally 2-3 thousand daily allowances, in a month you can also raise a piece of bucks.

A shop next to the mercenary checkpoint.

- And generally not to go anywhere?

Personally, I did not know such. But the preparation is so-so, to be honest. A shooting range, a training ground, a training and material part ... Among other things, they talk about the traditions of the Syrian people, such as not to accidentally break them ... Personally, I was helped by the knowledge of how to survive in the desert: there are also a lot of creeping reptiles, so you take four a peg, you drive it into the sand, you tie them with a woolen square thread - not a single scorpion can crawl through this woolen thread. They feel them and are afraid for some reason.

- How did you get to Syria - on a military plane? Civilians?

Charter. To Latakia. We had a legend that we were peaceful builders, or something. There the sea, warm, good, but they did not let go for a walk separately. Although many ran off to swim a couple of times.

- Disobeyed the order?

But what kind of order is there ... You still have no idea who goes there for the most part. The Ministry of Defense will not sign a contract with a person with a tarnished biography. And we also had previous convictions, and those who did not find work at home, knocked about without money, former volunteers who came to military training in Rostov, militias, even ethnic Ukrainians were, including those who fought against Donbass. Sometimes you see such a person in front of you - and you just go nuts.

- Nothing sacred? ..

Not at all. It's okay. It's amazing how life can turn out. When the very first fighters were sent there, there was a strict selection, they say, even a competition. Now they take everyone. Personally, I saw an amputee, a man without an arm, he is a machine gunner by profession. How will he be able to shoot? .. It seems to me that lately recruiters are paid for the number of recruits, and not for the quality. Therefore, there are so many stupid losses.

Those Cossacks who were executed by the ISIS were from the May group. 150 people then arrived - in the very first battle they received 19 "cargo-200" ... It's just that the numbers are hidden, the media leaks out a minimum of information about what is happening. Those who were the last to arrive, they had such training, which is immediately clear: the suicide bombers arrived.

- How much are the relatives of the dead and wounded paid? Is it in the contract?

Three million - for the deceased, 900 thousand - for injury. But in reality, we have such insurance that if they are injured, and you are not wearing a bulletproof vest or a helmet, then they may not pay anything. And the armor with equipment weighs 18 kg. Who will carry him in such heat ?! They are also fined for this. But the relatives of those two whose heads were cut off will be sure to make all the payments due, because the press made a fuss.


- They are heroes! ISIS did not swear allegiance (banned in Russia - E.K.) ...

Don't make me swear. They lost heart. Because normal guys would not have surrendered alive.

- What a nightmare - with this cutting off heads!

Ours are also cut off. And what, who was killed in the desert to drag everything on himself? For one head of the ISIS, at first they paid 5,000 rubles. The guys dragged a whole bunch of them ... Therefore, the price was dropped - you need to stop nightmare the local population - recently they paid like a thousand. I’m definitely not interested, because I don’t do it myself.

- And they were definitely Islamist fanatics, and not civilians?

I'm telling you exactly. Syria is now divided into zones. Pink - Damascus, Latakia and surroundings. You can't touch anyone there. There is also a gray zone - back and forth, and the most terrible - black, where we stand. There are no peaceful people there. All enemies.

I don’t understand why it’s impossible to carry out air strikes on these countless Ishilov villages without using the infantry, since such crazy human losses?

This is very understandable. The use of infantry, soldiers, is much cheaper than aviation. It has always been that way. Soldiers are meat.

In ancient times, the armies of all countries had rules: for the first three days, a city captured by troops was given to the victors. Is there such a thing now?

I guess, yes. Everything that you find in the liberated villages is yours. Only money is required. These fanatics have their own - gold dinars, silver dirhams, copper falsifications ... Although they are made of pure gold, you cannot take them with you. They bear the symbols of ISIS - "Islamic State" (prohibited in Russia), their storage and distribution is equivalent to a criminal offense and support for terrorism. Who needs such a headache? ..

What about after the fight? How are you resting? You are not an official army - so, concerts of famous guest performers from Moscow are not allowed for you? ..

Yes, it can be boring. But you can buy a wife. A virgin from a good family costs 100 bucks. For a year. Kalym type. If you take it forever, then it is $ 1,500-2,000. It's easier to buy there than to search here. I know guys who corrected documents for such brides and then took them with them to Russia. In general, women help a lot in war - at least by brightening up our life. But basically only officers can afford them.

Liberated Aleppo.

- Is the food good?

They are fed like slaughter. But the water is tense. There is a technical and a drinking one. But you can't drink technical. And drinking is not enough.

- With weapons like?

Here is a problem with weapons. The equipment is old, worn out, shaggy years ... They also give out Chinese machines. It is clear that people throw themselves off and buy weapons themselves - it’s a hunt to live, and since cash is not very good, many spend so-called cigarette money on this: about $ 100-200 a month.

- Is the salary transferred to the card?

As you want. Usually on a card to your wife or whomever you say, yes.

- After the death, a nondisclosure subscription also applies to relatives?

In fact yes. They are warned that it is better not to exaggerate this topic if they want to be paid for everything. In the end, the man went there voluntarily, no one forced him. It is clear that no one will drag his corpse back to his homeland, because it is expensive, and there is no particular sense. But three million, which will be given for the murdered, will earn alive in two years only ...

- Do you consider yourself a mercenary?

No. I was put in such conditions. In the Donbass in the ranks from the very beginning of hostilities and almost to the very end. I had convictions. And I personally know those who would never agree to die for money - only for the Motherland and the idea. But gradually nothing remained of the ideas, and the war turned into business as usual. Ordinary people have to adapt too. But I didn't betray myself.

- And who was betrayed?

There was a case. Our guys caught fire alive. It happened. And they burned for a long time. It was scary to watch them suffer. It was necessary to shoot them, and it would be merciful, but I could not ... Perhaps this can be considered a betrayal.

- Do you believe in God?

I do not know. Probably I believe in something. The good, the bad. I do not know. All I know is that killing is not good. And I do not like it.

Christian cross and a soldier's medallion on the chest of a mercenary killed by militants.

Simple accounting

One of the leaders of a private military company gave us a comment on condition of anonymity.

“I believe that there is essentially no criminal offense here. Yes, there is an article over all PMC members - participation in illegal armed formations, or even the leadership of illegal armed groups, up to 20 years in prison, but let's think about the fact that now a new type of war is waged all over the world. Let us recall the experience of the same Americans, all their operations in Iraq or Afghanistan are mainly carried out by PMCs. The French Foreign Legion is generally supported by the government. So it's silly to pretend to be naive young ladies and say that we shouldn't have this, because it's bad.

This is a business. We will not capture the market, others will come to our place. But while Russian PMCs are beginning to gradually squeeze the Western ones: because ours are undemanding and take on everything, yes, they are deceived. But deception is also a life experience.

At the rate we get about $ 5,000 per person per month. According to the contract, you pay 2000 plus 500 for related expenses. There remains a net profit of 2500 times the number of fighters.

1000 people for 2.5 thousand dollars is 2.5 million dollars a month.

In my personal feeling, those people who come to us, no matter what they say, remain romantics at heart. And in the event of an invasion, they will certainly go to defend their homeland. In the meantime, let them gain combat experience. I believe that Russia has one more export item - in addition to oil and gas, former professionals who have retired, have retired, but have high knowledge and skills. "

Mark Bennetts provides details of the Russian mercenaries believed to have died in Syria.

“Igor Kosutorov (sic; probably Kosoturov. - Approx. ed.) was not an active member of the Russian army. But relatives of the 45-year-old grocery store owner believe he is among dozens of Russian citizens killed this month near Deir ez-Zor as a result of a US-led coalition airstrike, ”the correspondent reports.

After initial denials, the Russian Foreign Ministry admitted on Thursday that five citizens were likely killed in the bombing while fighting alongside Syrian "pro-regime" forces on 7 February. However, 200 Russian citizens were reportedly killed, Bennetts said.

While the numbers are uncertain, portraits of those presumed dead are emerging. “Some were battle-hardened veterans of the Moscow war in eastern Ukraine, traveling to Syria out of patriotism or a resurgent sense of Russian nationalism. Others were just counting on a favorable salary, ”the article says.

“Igor Kosutorov's ex-wife, Nadezhda, who lives in Asbest, told The Guardian in a telephone interview:“ Igor was a former army sniper. He went to Syria because he was a patriot. He believed that if we do not stop the "Islamic State" * in Syria, they will come to us, to Russia. He told me: if he does not go, the authorities will send the Maltsov, who have almost no military experience, ”the newspaper reports.

Igor did not tell her who organized the trip to Syria; she learned about his death from unofficial sources. “I am collecting information from various sources and trying to find out where the bodies of the victims might be,” Nadezhda said. When asked why the Russian authorities did not contact her, she sighed: "This is a political game that I do not understand."

“In addition to Kosutorov, allegedly at least nine people have reportedly traveled to Syria from Asbestos and the surrounding area in recent months to fight alongside Wagner,” the article says. The newspaper quotes Elena Matveyeva, the widow of Stanislav Matveyev, a 38-year-old mercenary from Asbestos, who is considered dead: "They were sent to fight just like pigs."

“Wherever they were sent, they had no protection,” she said in an interview with Radio Liberty. According to her, the Russian authorities must pay tribute to the citizens who died in the battles in Syria: "There must be something in their memory so that wives are not ashamed of their husbands and their children can be proud."

Officially, the average salary in Asbestos is about 25 thousand rubles. The monthly salary of Wagner's employees in Syria ranges from 90,000 for a private to 250,000 for a military specialist, said Ruslan Leviev, founder of the Conflict Intelligence Team investigating the group.

Critics say the Kremlin's reluctance to acknowledge the deaths of the Russians, let alone the honors, is in stark contrast to the funeral of Roman Filipov, a pilot shot down over Syria. “Some are medals and honors, while others are quietly buried and forgotten,” another woman named Nadezhda told The Guardian. According to her, her husband, who fought in Syria as a mercenary, died in October.

“Other Russians reportedly killed in the February clash include Kirill Ananiev, a member of the radical left-wing Other Russia party,” the newspaper said. “He went to Syria because he liked to fight. The Russians are good at this, ”said the movement's press secretary Alexander Averin.

“Despite the anger of relatives, some defend Putin's reluctance to release the death toll,” Bennetts said. Writer Alexander Prokhanov, who is considered close to high-ranking Russian security officials, said: “The authorities have the right to suppress information in the interests of the country. These people who died were warned before their trip to Syria that there would be no military honors if they died. "

On February 7, the US-led anti-terrorist coalition attacked pro-government forces in the Syrian province of Deir ez-Zor. Reports soon began to emerge that Russian mercenaries were among the numerous victims of the strike. How many died? Why are they fighting in Syria? And why in any case it is a blow for Russia - in the material TUT.BY.

Who attacked whom and why?

The collision took place on the banks of the Euphrates River, in the area of \u200b\u200bgas fields. Several kilometers north of this zone, there is a large gas processing plant, which receives raw materials from the nearby At-Tabiya field, the largest in all of Syria, which produced 13 million cubic meters of natural gas per day before the war. At the end of September 2017, the plant was freed from Islamic State militants by the Kurdish forces of the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) with the support of the US-led military coalition.

The Kurds were attacked not by the Syrian army, but by the pro-government tribal formations - allies of Damascus from among the local clans. The purpose of the raid was to seize a gas processing plant in order to bring it under the control of the Syrian government. Russian mercenaries from Wagner's private military company (PMC) also took part in the raid.

The head of the United States Air Force Central Command, Lieutenant General Jeffrey Harrigan, gave a press conference at the Pentagon on February 13, during which he detailed the American version of what happened that day.

According to the general, on the evening of February 7, an international coalition led by the United States defended itself, and American military advisers helped the Syrian rebels fight off "an unprovoked and coordinated attack on their positions over the Euphrates River." The general said that before the attack, the enemy carried out artillery preparation, which involved tanks, mortars, rocket and cannon artillery. Under the cover of this shelling, forces about a battalion in size moved into the position.

The coalition struck on the advancing attack, which involved F-15E fighters, MQ-9 drones, B-52 strategic bombers, AC-130 heavy attack aircraft and AH-64 Apache attack helicopters.

The general called the air strikes targeted and said that several artillery systems and tanks were destroyed as a result. The attackers then retreated.

The command of the US-led international coalition estimates the losses of the attackers at 100 people (with 300-500 participants in the attack). At the same time, Harrigan noted that he did not know who was in the attacking group and whether there were Russian citizens there.

How many Russian mercenaries have died in Syria?

The data on how many Russian mercenaries died in the clash near Deir ez-Zor varies. Numbers from 5 to 644 people are named.

5 dead

The Russian Foreign Ministry said that reports "about the deaths of tens and hundreds of Russian citizens are classic misinformation."

“According to preliminary data, as a result of the armed clash, the reasons for which are now being investigated, we can talk about the death of 5 people, presumably citizens of Russia. There are also victims, but all this requires verification, in particular, and first of all, citizenship - whether they are all citizens of Russia or other countries. Once again I would like to emphasize that we are not talking about Russian military personnel, ”- Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova.

14 dead

This figure was announced to Pravda.Ru by Andrey Troshev, who is called by the media as one of the leaders of Wagner PMC. The publication claims that he is also the chairman of the League of War Veterans. When asked about the number of Russian volunteers who died in Syria, Troshev replied that in fact their number is 14 people.

“On the forehead, [... a man is a reproductive organ], write to yourself: 14 volunteers have died in Syria. [... Tired of] you are already chewing snot all together and telling fairy tales in your articles, all together you are winding snot at the mill of enemies ... As for your conjectures there, what you write and [... abnormal] investigations - no one left anyone ... If Motherland had abandoned us, we would have been gone for a long time, and you, by the way, too, "Troshev said in a telephone conversation.

80-100 dead

Such data are cited by Reuters, citing sources in the article "Russia lost 300 people killed and wounded in the battle in Syria."

"The Russian military doctor said that about 100 people were killed, and a source who knows several of the fighters said the death toll has exceeded 80," the article says.

The agency's employees also spoke with the ataman of the Khovrino Cossack society, Yevgeny Shabaev, who said that on February 14 he visited friends wounded in Syria at the Central Military Hospital of the Ministry of Defense in Khimki. According to him, the wounded told him that the two units of Russian private military specialists who took part in the battle near Deir ez-Zor numbered 550 people. Of this number, about 200 people were not killed or injured.

200 dead

This figure was announced by The New York Times by Russian businessman Alexander Ionov, who works in Syria in the security sphere. Referring to conversations with colleagues at several private military organizations, he said he could estimate the losses at "more than 200 Russians."

Ionov noted that not all of those killed were Russians: some of the mercenaries came from other countries of the former USSR.

Bloomberg also cites data on the 200 dead, citing "one American official and three Russians familiar with this issue," including the same businessman Alexander Ionov.

217 dead

The director of another private intelligence company, AIM, Alexei Sobolev, in an interview with the Dozhd TV channel, reported 217 dead Russian mercenaries. He also clarified that another 10-15 people later died in hospitals.

200-250 dead

On February 16, Radio Liberty received this information from one of the mercenaries of Wagner PMC, who, according to him, was a participant in the battle on February 7, moreover, he commanded one of the units.

“Killed 200-250, wounded about the same,” he said.

600-644 dead

Such a death toll named former Defense Minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic Igor Girkin (Strelkov). According to him, from Syria he receives various information about the number of victims - "over 600 (644, to be more precise, and this is only killed)."

“I don’t quite understand where such losses come from, because the entire defeated column consisted of several more than 500 people. But the likelihood of such losses cannot be ruled out either, ”Strelkov doubts the reliability of these data.

About 600 dead tells and “coordinator of volunteers in Donbass” Mikhail Polynkov.

“I went to the hospital (according to media reports, there are wounded mercenaries in at least three Russian military hospitals. - TUT.BY note), I visited one of the survivors in that meat grinder near Khishim. What can I say in a nutshell. The numbers about 600 200 are not a myth. There were three assault detachments with an average of 300 people from Russians and Donetsk residents, ”he said.

Mercenaries from PMC Wagner: who are they, what they do in Syria and how much do they earn?

Wagner's private military company, or Wagner's group, is an unofficial military organization that is not part of the regular Armed Forces of Russia and does not have any legal status: in Russia, as in Belarus, mercenaries are outlawed.

The military units of the Wagner PMC numbered - at different times and according to various sources - from 1350 to 2500 people. The PMCs are people with military experience - retirees and former contract soldiers.

Mercenaries from this private military company participated in the armed conflict in the Donbas.

"What the Wagner group was doing in eastern Ukraine: the downed Il-76 with Ukrainian paratroopers, when 49 military men were killed, the storming of the Luhansk airport and participation in the assaults of Debaltseve and other settlements," said the head of the Security Service of Ukraine Vasily Gritsak in October 2017 ...

According to the publication "Fontanka", which pays considerable attention to Wagner's PMCs and has conducted many investigations on this topic, since the fall of 2015, mercenaries PMC Wagner are fighting in Syria on the side of the forces supporting Assad. The main tasks of the mercenaries are the protection and defense of oil-bearing regions, and, if possible, the advancement and seizure of territory. The publication also reported that there is an agreement between the government organizations of Syria and the Russian LLC Euro Polis, behind which are people from the structures of the billionaire Yevgeny Prigozhin (in the media he is more often referred to as "Putin's chef"). LLC "Euro Policy" undertook to liberate and protect the oil fields and factories for reimbursement of the cost of hostilities plus a quarter of the oil and gas produced.

How much the mercenaries earn in Syria is not known for certain.

In January 2017, journalists from the Investigation Management Center, citing sources, said that while studying in Russia, a newcomer's salary was 80 thousand Russian rubles a month (about 1.4 thousand dollars. - TUT.BY note). On a business trip, a private receives 240 thousand (4.2 thousand dollars) and bonuses for successfully completed tasks. Platoon commander - up to half a million rubles (8.8 thousand dollars). Comrotes - another 200-300 thousand more (more than 12 thousand dollars). For injury compensation up to two million (35 thousand dollars). If killed, the relatives will receive three million (more than $ 53 thousand). "

The founder of the Conflict Intelligence Team (CIT) activist group, Ruslan Leviev, in an interview with Kommersant, again citing sources, said that during the training period, preparation, during the initial transfer to Syria the salary is 50-80 thousand Russian rubles (from 880 to 1400 dollars. - Approx. TUT.BY).

“If you have any special skills, for example, you are a sniper or a tank commander, the average salary is 100-120 thousand (1.7-2.1 thousand dollars). For participation in active hostilities, the reward reaches 150-200 thousand rubles (2.6-3.5 thousand dollars) or more if it is some kind of major battle, for example, the capture of Palmyra, and up to 300 thousand (5.3 thousand dollars ) ", Leviev said.

The private military company is headed by a reserve lieutenant colonel who previously served as the commander of the 700th separate special forces detachment in the 2nd special forces brigade in the Pskov region Dmitry Utkin (callsign Wagner). His deputy is a retired police colonel from the SOBR Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for the North-West, a former paratrooper gunner, a veteran of Afghanistan and Chechnya, Andrei Troshev (call sign Sedoy).

From left to right: Andrei Bogatov (Tramp), Andrei Troshev (Gray), Vladimir Putin, Alexander Kuznetsov (Ratibor), Dmitry Utkin (Wagner)

In 2016, the leaders of the Wagner PMC attended a reception with Vladimir Putin - photo from the meeting