How to improve metabolism for weight loss. How to start metabolism for weight loss and speed up the metabolism in the body. The main causes of slow metabolism

build muscle

You can speed up your metabolism by building muscle mass. If we compare the calorie consumption of 500 grams of muscle tissue and 500 grams of fat, then at first glance it will turn out to be insignificant - only 3 times (6 g and 2 g per day), but in reality it can be seen after some time. Active physical exercises, setting the muscles in motion, significantly speed up the metabolism.

Drink plenty of water

It is simply impossible to speed up the metabolism without drinking a lot of water, since the metabolism slows down even with slight dehydration, which will be imperceptible. Empirically, it was found that those who drink 8 glasses of water a day burn more calories than those who drink 2 times less water. It is best to drink a glass of water before any, even a small meal.

Take a contrast shower

A contrast shower will help not only speed up the metabolism, but also significantly tighten the skin, make it elastic. It is advisable to gradually lower the water temperature from 36 to 20 degrees. The procedure should end with a cold douche.

Drink drinks with ice

To speed up the metabolism, cold is not only in the form of external procedures. Much more calories are burned when drinking cold drinks. Add ice to cool water. However, this applies not only to water, but also to all other drinks, including coffee or tea. Just do not add sugar and cream to them.

Eat more often

The following recommendation may seem strange, but that doesn't make it any less true. In order to speed up the metabolism, you should increase the number of meals. Small meals every 3 hours will speed up the metabolism, while large breaks with large volumes will slow down the metabolic processes.

Use spices

Some spices, such as, for example, hot peppers, ginger, cinnamon, will help speed up the metabolism. Cinnamon improves digestion, thins the blood, reduces sugar and cholesterol levels. Hot pepper promotes accelerated contraction of the heart muscle, thereby improving blood circulation. The amount of energy in this case, of course, is burned much more. We can talk about the benefits of ginger for a very long time: it relieves joint and headache pain, is a natural immunomodulator, cleanses the body of toxins and speeds up metabolism.

Visit a bath or sauna

Speaking of metabolism, it is impossible not to mention the benefits of baths and saunas. Warming up the body, hot steam opens the pores, increases circulation in the cells, speeds up the heartbeat. With the help of both baths and saunas, you can cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Drink green tea or milky oolong

The combination of catechins and caffeine found in oolong or green tea speeds up metabolic processes for up to two hours. About 50 kcal per day can be burned just by drinking a couple of cups of this drink. This method will help to part with 2.5 kg per year without any physical costs and without exhausting yourself with diets.

Protein is your assistant

By eating protein foods, you can also speed up your metabolism. Fish, poultry meat (chicken, turkey) and any other lean meat are perfect for this. The protein contained in these products is absorbed rather slowly, and therefore a lot of energy is spent on its absorption by the body. For vegetarians, the listed products, of course, will not work, but there is no reason to be upset, as there are a lot of products that contain vegetable protein. These are nuts, and legumes (beans, lentils, peas), and seeds. In addition, do not forget that the advantage of vegetable protein over animal protein is the absence of saturated fats.

Use essential oils

Essential oils will also help speed up metabolism. For these purposes, it is best to use juniper oil. It perfectly dilates blood vessels and thereby accelerates blood circulation, thereby relieving muscle pain. You need to use essential oils when taking a bath, adding a few drops of coconut oil, grapefruit or orange oil to it.


Any massage will help to speed up the metabolism - vacuum, honey, anti-cellulite, as it improves blood circulation, removes toxins and excess water, and restores muscles.

How else can you speed up your metabolism:

  • After waking up in the morning on an empty stomach, you should drink a glass of warm water, water will help start the metabolic processes in the body.

  • Skipping breakfast is a bad habit. Morning meal increases the metabolic rate by 30%.

  • Omega-3 fatty acids will help speed up metabolism, you need to include foods with their content in your daily diet.

  • Fruit acids speed up metabolic processes and promote fat burning. So fruits should be on your table as often as possible.

  • With help breathing exercises the body is saturated with oxygen and metabolism is accelerated by 30%.

Often the cause of excess weight is a slow metabolism. Today, this is a completely solvable problem.

There are several methods for effectively accelerating metabolism and solving problems of excess weight:

1. Eat often, but in small portions.

The main condition of many diets is the crushing of food. Up to 10% of the calories consumed per day are consumed in order to process the nutrients entering the body. Thus, food speeds up the metabolic process.

2. Physical activity.

Regular strength exercises with weights, walking, running, cycling contribute to the restoration of muscle tissue, as well as the acceleration of the metabolic rate, the effect persists for an hour after a workout. It is known that the metabolic rate slows down at the end of the day, evening workouts prevent this. In addition, the effect of them lasts up to several hours after the end. Thus, fat is burned during sleep. It is worth remembering that training is best done at least three hours before bedtime.

3. Increase in muscle volume.

Muscle tissue burns many more calories to function than adipose tissue. Half a kilo of muscle tissue consumes about 35-45 calories daily, and the same mass of adipose tissue consumes only 2 calories. And this means that the more developed the muscles, the more calories are burned in the process of life.

4. Massage for weight correction.

As a result of anti-cellulite massage, blood circulation increases, and therefore metabolism is accelerated.

Honey massage promotes self-healing of muscles, improves blood circulation and increases the metabolic rate.

Vacuum massage improves blood microcirculation in muscles and tissues, speeds up metabolism, helps to remove excess fluid and toxins from the body.

5. Bath.

The bath increases the level of metabolism several times. Steam opens the skin pores, expels accumulated toxins, increases the heart rate. Bath accelerates metabolic processes in tissues and cells and restores the body.

Infrared sauna also helps to speed up the metabolism. Infrared radiation ensures free breathing of the skin and enhances cellular activity.

6. Water.

Water is the most important participant in the body's metabolic processes. This is the basis of metabolism! It is able to involve stored fats in metabolic processes and suppress appetite. The lack of water significantly slows down metabolism, since the main task of the liver is to restore fluid reserves in the body, and not burn fat.

7. Hot baths with the addition of oils.

Baths with the addition of juniper oil will help relieve muscle pain, improve blood circulation and sweating, as well as metabolism. But remember that hot baths with the addition of juniper oil are recommended to take no more than 5-10 minutes.

8. Sleep.

The growth hormone responsible for renewing brain cells, accelerating metabolism and burning calories is produced in the body during the deep sleep phase. Thus, a healthy sleep of at least 8 hours contributes to weight loss.

9. sunlight.

Sunlight activates and stabilizes the body's defenses, positively affects the general condition of a person.

10. Oxygen.

Oxygen speeds up metabolism, due to which subcutaneous fat is burned.

11. No stress.

fatty acids during stressful situations released and redistributed throughout the body, deposited in fat.

12. Sex.

The orgasm received during sex improves the nutrition of tissues, saturates the blood with oxygen and speeds up the metabolism.

13. Contrast shower.

A contrast shower helps to maintain the elasticity of the body and increase metabolism. It is recommended to take such a shower with a decrease from 34 to 20 degrees and always end with cold water.

14. Apple cider vinegar.

Apple cider vinegar contains potassium, which normalizes the nervous system and organic acids: acetic, malic, citric, oxalo-acetic and others. It slightly reduces appetite, as well as cravings for sweets, accelerates the breakdown of fats and stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

How to use apple cider vinegar for weight loss: in a glass of water - half a teaspoon of honey and a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. The drink should be taken before meals. Apple cider vinegar is useful for rubbing in the area of ​​stretch marks and cellulite: it will give the skin smoothness, freshness, and help reduce volume.

15. Fatty acids.

Omega-3 fatty acids regulate leptin levels in the body. This hormone is responsible for the metabolic rate, as well as for the processes of burning and accumulating fat.

16. Protein.

The body needs 2 times more time to digest protein foods than easily digestible fats and carbohydrates. According to Danish scientists, a 20% increase in protein in the diet increases energy costs by 5%.

17. Vitamin B 6.

Taking vitamin B 6 helps speed up metabolism.

18. Folic acid.

Folic acid, found in large quantities in carrots, strengthens the immune system and speeds up the body's metabolism.

19. Caffeine and EGGG.

Green tea extract contains natural bound caffeine, which increases the metabolic rate by 10-15%, promotes the release of fatty acids.

According to Canadian nutritionists, a three-time intake of caffeine with 90 g of EGGG will help get rid of 25 kcal per day even in the absence of physical activity. A cup of morning coffee improves endurance and blood oxygen saturation for several hours. Caffeine speeds up the heart rate, while speeding up the burning of calories. EGGG excites the nervous system, which leads to an acceleration of metabolism. Green tea extract contains natural bound caffeine, which increases the level of [b]metabolism by 10-16%, and also promotes the release of accumulated fatty acids.

20. Capsaicin.

Capsaicin is the substance that gives pepper its spiciness. It increases heart rate and raises body temperature. A serving of spicy food speeds up metabolism by 25% for three hours.

You can get rid of 305 kcal per day by eating light snacks seasoned with red hot pepper. But it is also worth remembering that spicy food stimulates the appetite.

21. Chrome.

Chromium is responsible for regulating the flow of sugar into the blood, the breakdown of fats and carbohydrates, and, therefore, speeds up the metabolism.

22. Calcium, fiber, carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates in combination with fiber are rather slowly absorbed by the body. If the level of insulin in the blood is unstable, the body begins to store fat, perceiving this as a dangerous signal. When the level of insulin is normal, the metabolic rate increases by 10%.

Calcium can also speed up metabolism. According to the observations of British nutritionists, by increasing calcium intake, overweight people lost weight much faster.

23. Grapefruit.

Grapefruit is widely known for its ability to improve digestion and increase metabolic rate. That is why it is a hit of many weight loss diets.

24. Lemon.

Drinking non-carbonated water with the addition of lemon during training will help activate the metabolism and the process of burning fat.

25. Fruit acids.

Most fruit acids allow you to lose overweight by speeding up the metabolism. This, for example, is facilitated by substances contained in apples.

26. Iodine.

The thyroid gland is responsible for metabolism in the body. Iodine activates its work. Its daily value is found in just six apple seeds. Seaweed is rich in iodine.

You have probably heard how many people say that the reason for their overweight is a slow metabolism. Is it true that metabolism is to blame? And if so, can you increase your metabolic rate?
To begin with, we note that the metabolic rate really directly affects body weight. But contrary to popular belief, a slow metabolism is rarely the cause of being overweight. Although your metabolism determines your body's basic energy needs, the main factors that ultimately determine your weight are your food and drink intake and your physical activity.
Metabolism is the conversion of food into energy.
Metabolism is the process by which your body converts what you eat and drink into energy. In this complex biochemical process, calories from food and drink combine with oxygen to release the energy your body needs to function properly.
Even when you are at rest, your body needs energy to maintain all of its "hidden" functions, such as breathing, blood circulation, hormone regulation, cell renewal and repair. At rest, the body burns about 70% of all calories consumed.
Factors that determine metabolic rate
Your body composition
Large people or people with large volume muscle mass burn more calories even at rest.
Your gender
Men tend to have more muscle mass and less body fat than women of the same age, so they burn more calories.
Your age
With age, the amount of muscle mass decreases markedly, it is replaced by fat and the metabolism slows down significantly. On average, this slowdown begins at the age of 40 and then steadily decreases every year.
Digestion of food (thermogenesis)
Digesting, transporting, and storing the food you eat also uses a certain amount of calories. This number is between 100 and 800 calories per day. For the most part, your body's need for energy to process food remains relatively stable and is not easy to change.
Physical activity
Activities such as shopping, running with the dog, climbing stairs, and any other physical activity burn the rest of the calories you consume in a day. Today, physical activity is the most variable of the factors that determine how many calories you burn per day.
You gain weight when you eat more calories than you burn - or burn fewer calories than you eat.
Although you cannot control your age, gender and genetics, there are other ways to improve your metabolism. Here are 10 of them.
How to speed up metabolism:
1. Drink more water
It is water that is involved in all biochemical processes occurring in the body and plays a decisive and important role in the metabolic rate. Tea, coffee and carbonated drinks cannot replenish the water balance we need.
What is the reason?
Firstly, coffee, tea and many carbonated drinks contain caffeine, one of the main features of which is dehydration. After drinking a cup of coffee or green/black tea, more water will be excreted from your body than you have drunk, leading to subtle but permanent dehydration.
Secondly, most people consume all these drinks with sugar. In addition to the obvious harm from adding easily digestible fast carbohydrates (in the form of sugar) to your diet, which are undoubtedly the main culprits in the appearance of excess weight, sugar causes an increase in osmotic pressure in the cells of the body, resulting in an additional increase in the already considerable fluid loss.
What remains for the unfortunate organism, in conditions of constant dehydration? Right! Adapt and slow down the metabolism in order to retain more valuable fluid and reduce its loss.
The conclusion is obvious - drink more pure drinking water no sugar or other additives. It is not necessary to give up tea and coffee completely. Just wisely limit their consumption and introduce clean water into your diet. Remember two important rules:

  • Do not drink a lot of water at one time. Drink water regularly, but in small portions. Ideally, about 100 ml at a time. To remember to do this regularly, place a bottle of clean water and a glass on your work table.
  • Do not drink water during and immediately after meals. Get in the habit of drinking 1 glass of water 10 minutes before meals.

As practice shows, introducing clean water and reducing the consumption of sugary drinks will significantly improve your well-being over time.
2. Eat 5-6 times a day
Scientists have proven that when you take many hours of breaks between meals, your body believes that “hungry times” have come for it and, fearing that it will not be fed soon, it begins to save calories for a “rainy day”. As a result, your metabolism slows down. Conversely, when you increase your meal frequency, your blood sugar is kept fairly even, your metabolism is at a constant low start, and you burn more calories throughout the day.
Also, several studies have shown that people who regularly snack, in general, eat less per day.
So, in no case do not let yourself go hungry!
3. Pay attention to the amount of protein you eat
Your body digests protein much more slowly than fat or carbohydrates, so you feel full longer (especially when you eat a large amount of protein for breakfast). In addition, protein helps speed up your metabolism. Why? Everything is very simple. In a process called thermogenesis, your body uses about 10% of your calories to digest food, and protein is much slower to burn than carbs or fat, and your body uses a lot more energy in the process.
One recent study at Purdue University found another benefit of a high protein diet - a diet rich in protein helps us maintain lean body mass, and muscle is known to calm state burn more calories.
Good sources of protein include lean meats, turkey, fish, white meat chicken, tofu, nuts, beans, eggs, buckwheat, quinoa, and low-fat dairy products.
4. Don't forget breakfast!
It's not just what you eat that matters, but when. The most important meal of the day is breakfast. If you want to speed up your metabolism, remember that breakfast should never be skipped. It is he who gives a powerful starting charge to our metabolism.
Make sure your morning meal is rich nutrients and especially protein. It can be oatmeal with berries and almonds, an omelet with spinach, low-fat cheese and a slice of whole grain bread, or cottage cheese with berries.
5. Include citrus fruits in your diet
Oranges, tangerines, lemons, grapefruits - all these juicy fruits should be an important part of your diet. And all because, in addition to vitamins and other useful substances they contain citric acid.
Citric acid plays a key role in the energy cycle, which was named after the scientist who discovered it and received it for it. Nobel Prize- Krebs cycle or cycle citric acid. The Krebs cycle is a key step in the respiration of all cells that use oxygen, the crossroads of many metabolic pathways in the body.
If you have digestive problems, you should not eat citrus fruits on an empty stomach - this can exacerbate existing ailments.
6. Build Muscle
Your body is constantly burning calories, even when you are not doing anything. We have already said that the metabolic rate in people with higher muscle mass is noticeably higher. Each pound of muscle burns about 13 calories per day just to support itself, while each pound of fat burns only 5 calories per day. After a session of strength training, the muscles of the whole body are activated and begin to burn more calories, thereby speeding up the metabolic process.
7. Change the intensity of physical activity
The next time you head to the gym, pool, or jog around the house, pay close attention to your pace. Try to increase the pace of your activities for 30 to 60 seconds, then return to normal speed for 90 seconds. Repeat this sequence 5 times, 2 times a week. Using this strategy, you consume more oxygen, which increases the number of mitochondria and burns calories more efficiently throughout the day.
Aerobic exercise won't help you build big muscles, but it will definitely increase your metabolic rate for hours after your workout. High-intensity exercise provides a longer metabolic rate boost than low- or moderate-intensity exercise.
8. Include Omega-3 Foods in Your Diet
Present in large quantities in fish, vegetable oils and some nuts, the essential omega-3 acids help regulate our body's levels of the hormone leptin, which in no small part affects the rate at which our body burns fat.
Including foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids in your diet will boost your metabolism and increase your body's fat-burning capacity. Get in the habit of taking fish fat everyday. Well, if fish oil and its smell cause you an irresistible disgust, then include in your diet foods such as fatty fish (salmon, trout, tuna, sardines and mackerel), linseed and rapeseed oil, walnuts.
As a result of a study on obesity conducted on rats, it was proved that rats taking fish oil before physical activity lost significantly more weight than those who did not.
It is not necessary to strictly follow all of the above rules. But if you want to speed up your metabolism and lose extra pounds, then you should take note of at least some of them.

Reading time: 3 min

If you want to reset excess weight and find beautiful forms, then you need to solve an important question for yourself:. With improper nutrition, it is very easy to disrupt the metabolism, and then the process of losing weight can become more complicated several times. What rules should be followed to increase your metabolism and improve your figure?

How to speed up metabolism?

1. Avoid low-calorie diets

If you want to speed up your metabolism, forget about low-calorie diets forever. You will never improve your metabolism if you eat 1200 or fewer calories per day.. In response to such severe food restrictions, your body will simply go into "energy-saving" mode and store fat. How to lose weight, you ask? Calculate your daily calorie intake and eat according to this figure. In this case, you will be able to lose weight and save metabolism.

2. Don't take long breaks between meals

How many of us love to skip lunch because of a rush at work. Or even arrange a full meal for yourself only by 8 pm. Just imagine, the body does not know what to expect from you: will you feed it on time today or not. Why would he risk you can just save energy and slow down your metabolism? You do badly to your body, it gladly reciprocates you. Therefore, if you are not your own enemy, then you should not stay without a full meal for more than 5 hours.

3. Love strength training

Do you think that dumbbells and barbells are purely male attributes? You are mistaken, girls need strength training no less than men. The more muscle mass in your body, the better your metabolism. Muscle cells require several times more energy than fat cells. Sitting on a limited diet without strength training, you lose your muscles. Just imagine that by your inaction you yourself complicate the task of losing weight. It is always important to remember that one of the key ways to boost your metabolism is through strength training.

4. Drink water

Are you still drinking 2 liters of pure water daily? Then now is the time to start. Water speeds up metabolism, reduces appetite and saturates the skin with moisture.. It is necessary to drink 20 minutes before meals and at least 40 minutes after. Drinking water with food is not worth it, it can disrupt digestion. It is important to note that when counting two liters, only pure water should be taken into account: coffee, tea and juices do not apply to it.

5. Do interval cardio

Cardio training is not only a way to train the heart muscle, but also a great opportunity to get rid of excess fat. However, if you want to increase the efficiency of aerobic activities, make them interval.. For example, while running, every 5 minutes, accelerate to the maximum pace possible for you and keep it for a minute. And do these intervals throughout the entire cardio workout. Why is it important? Such explosive loads will cause your metabolism to increase not only directly during classes, but also for several hours after. Those. you will provide yourself with a fast metabolism even after training. Really, great?

6. Eat breakfast every day

Run away to work or school without breakfast, and arrange the first full meal for yourself right up to noon .. Familiar? If yes, then it's time to get rid of the old ones. bad habits. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and sets the tone for the day. A nutritious breakfast will help you activate all body systems and turn on metabolic processes. Forget about a sip of coffee and a piece of biscuit. If you want to boost your metabolism, start your day with a healthy cereal like fruit and nuts. Those who are limited in time in the morning can make themselves smoothies with oatmeal, milk and a banana and drink on the way to work.

7. Eat Protein

Meat, fish, cottage cheese and legumes should be the main products of your table. The protein they contain is muscle building tool and about their importance in the process of accelerating metabolism, we wrote in detail above. In addition, protein products (unlike carbohydrates) do not cause an increase in blood sugar, which means they do not provoke the creation of fat cells in the body. When playing sports, you need to consume approximately 2 g of protein per 1 kg of weight. If you can't get enough protein with regular foods, you can use protein shakes or bars.

By following these simple rules, you will not only speed up your metabolism, but also learn how to eat balanced and healthy. A good metabolism will help you cope with excess weight much faster.