Democracy in hell in heaven. Saints about Russia, peace and love. Democracy in hell, and in Heaven there is a kingdom. The right stands for monarchy, the left for the constitution. Will take away the meek and pious. Difficult choice between sovereignty and occupation

Holy fathers about democracy

: "Let no one believe the slander of the seducers who say that a Christian is completely indifferent to this or that order of civil life, for this or that order, this or that order of life can facilitate or hinder the work of salvation. Such work is needed to organize the whole people Russian into a single family, firmly and consciously standing for its sacred, national, historical heritage - the Christian faith and the autocratic Tsar. It is necessary to persistently and diligently get rid of all parties, and preserve the people precisely as a people alien to partisanship ... There is division, there is disagreement, there is a struggle, there is no waiting for order, and the whole must disintegrate. And as soon as the parties in the people, so the decay of the people ... It is necessary to discard all constitutional and party delirium, only weakening us as a state, and leading us to division, and through this and under the power of the enemies Our native primordial Tsarist Autocracy must be restored, resting firmly on the closest spiritual connection of the Tsar with the people m ... It's not a struggle between two regimes of government, but a struggle between faith and unbelief, between Christianity and anti-Christianity. "

: “Democracy (ie, democracy - AT) is always disastrous ... A pastor is responsible before God, but democracy is always irresponsible and is a sin, a rebellion against Divine institutions.” Saint Vladimir of Kiev: “The monarch is consecrated to rule by God, - the president gets power from the pride of the people; the monarch is strong in keeping the commandments of God, the president is in power by pleasing the crowd; The monarch leads the faithful to God, the president removes those who chose him from God. "

: "The rule of many is pernicious:" Let the Tsar be one "- says the ancient sage ... Democracy supporters cherish the lust for constitutional or republican rule in Russia, but they do not understand the history and character of the Russian people ... Shut up, you dreamy constitutionalists and parliamentarians! Get away from me , Satan ... ”“ Perhaps it is not superfluous to test this new wisdom on the apostle's touchstone? Is she clean? - No. She does not speak at all about reverence for God ... Is she peaceful? - No. She lives and breathes strife not only between her followers and non-followers, but also among her followers. Are you meek? - No. Arrogant and daring. Are you benevolent? - No. Rebellious. Filled with mercy and good fruit? - No: cruel and bloodthirsty. Is it unclear? - On the contrary, it did nothing except doubt, suspicion, criticism and unreliability. Is it unhypocritical? - She changes disguise after disguise, depending on which, when it is better to deceive. Therefore, what kind of wisdom is this? - Obvious is not the one from above. What is it? I won't take it upon myself to give her a name. For your insight and impartiality, I give you a choice from the names suggested by the Apostle: earthly, soulful, demonic (James 3:15) ... They do not like the ancient building of the state based on the blessing and law of God; they think it is much better to erect the edifice of human society in a new taste, on the sand of popular opinions, and to support it with storms of endless strife ... They ascribe tsarist and autocratic power to the people, that is, hands or feet are given the position of head; their people reign by rebellions, sedition, robberies, robberies, burnings ... Democracy is in hell, and in heaven is the Kingdom ”.

: "To favor democracy is consequently to be unfavorable to Russia, which is the main obstacle to democracy ..."

Reprinted from the site:

That the majority of Russian citizens (71%) are ready to give up the principles of democracy for the sake of order in the country.

“How would you comment on the results of this survey? Why are so many people willing to compromise democratic principles? What "achievements of democracy" could have been abandoned for the sake of order in the country? " - with such questions the correspondent of Regions.Ru turned to the Orthodox clergy.

Archpriest Artemy Skripkin, rector of the Church of the Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon in the village of Kolchanovo, Leningrad Region:

Judging by the survey, our people are steadily associating democracy with chaos, lawlessness, economic and political circus, that is, with pseudo-statehood. And as it began with that, nothing has changed in 20 years. This suggests that the very idea of \u200b\u200ba democratic model, the idea of \u200b\u200ba liberal-democratic consumer society, in Russia was both alien and remained for the majority.

On the other hand, if we analyze the phenomenon of democracy from a political point of view, then the United States and Western Europe make the whole world reckon with how they understand this word. They impose chaos on other countries, calling it "democracy." Wherever the finger of the "Washington Regional Committee" points, there is democracy, followed by chaos or civil war. That is, not only was the idea of \u200b\u200ba liberal democratic state not accepted by the majority of the Russian people, but also this term has been largely discredited by those who sow chaos and destruction everywhere. Therefore, it is quite logical that people are ready to give up some kind of freedom.

The devil works very effectively in any format. Evil, both within the framework of the liberal-democratic paradigm and within the framework of a totalitarian state, can engage in the destruction of the human in man. That is, if a change of poles occurs, and we again get a totalitarian society - an atheistic regime or a fascist one - it will be the same evil, only of a different color. So the liberal-democratic project has failed because from the very beginning it was false, like the communist project, and nothing solid can be founded on lies.

Why don't we return to what has already been tested for thousands of years for Russia - to the Orthodox monarchy, which also contained democracy? As Pitirim Sorokin wrote: “One hundred thousand peasant republics lived under the iron roof of the autocratic monarchy”. The model of the Orthodox Russian autocracy combines popular peasant democracy, rigid centralism, and aristocratic oligarchy.

Archpriest Andrei Spiridonov, cleric of the churches of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos in Petrovsky Park and of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh on Khutorskaya in Moscow:

First, let someone explain what democratic principles are. We are talking about what kind of democracy, on what model: the Anglo-Saxon or the latest American? Is there a democracy in Japan, or in China? And what about democracy or oligarchy in our country for the last two decades?

Moreover, democracy easily degenerates into ochlocracy. And where is the line between truth and democracy? When the authorities prioritize the welfare of the people and social preferences in relation to their people, everyone is ready to support it, as in the situation with Crimea. We annexed Crimea or conquered from the point of view of democracy? - Do the conquered people increase pensions, salaries, social benefits? No. The tyrant, as a rule, destroyed a part of the people, enslaved and exploited the rest. In Crimea, it is mainly the provision of social benefits to our Russian people that is declared.

I think the majority today stands for social benefits, the preservation of themselves as a people, this is what is called stability. If democracy is an opportunity to express different opinions on a liberal radio station such as Echo of Moscow, for God's sake, so be it. But it is not important for the people what can be said on the radio, but that the economic and social situation is favorable.

If democracy contributes to social good, then the people will be for it. And if you have to be without pants, but with democratic institutions, then the question is whether we need such a democracy.

Archpriest Alexander Kuzin, cleric of the temple of Cosmas and Damian in Shubin:

Democracy is just such declarations that sometimes are relevant to reality, and sometimes they simply mean nothing. Yes, freedom of religion, conscience, media, freedom of speech ... But even this is not implemented by any country in the world, starting with the citadel of democracy - the United States. What kind of freedom of speech is there when any dissent and deviations from their only criterion are very strictly suppressed: only that which serves the interests of the United States is democratic? All other principles are trampled upon as they please.

In our state, common sense still prevails, and there have never been any special overlaps. The integrity of our country is more important than these mythical principles, which no one anywhere ever adheres to.

And everyone is tired of these artificially introduced principles, it's obvious. Yes, we want to respect the freedom of speech, expression of the will, religion. At the same time, we can be guided by our cultural, spiritual traditions here in Russia only as an independent society and state. Thank God that the overwhelming majority of our population understands and supports this.

We have already been ill with the idea that democracy is above the elementary values \u200b\u200bof our society. Sanity is increasingly returning to the people, whose aspirations coincide with the aspirations of the state.

Priest Vladislav Goncharov, press secretary of the Izhevsk and Udmurt Diocese:

Looking at Ukraine (and not only at it: over the past decade, there have been many so-called "color revolutions"), people do not want a repetition of such a scenario in our country. Russians remember very well how we lived in the 90s. And recently stability has been established in our country.

For some, democracy, the law is a guarantee of peace, while others, on the contrary, are ready to sacrifice democratic principles. The question is different. Today we have permissiveness. We let everyone into the country. As a result, we have formed many Western, pro-American religious groups (totalitarian sects). Who is at the helm of the state in Ukraine today? - Baptist pastor and practicing Scientologist. And we have a lot of such people. If suddenly what happened in Ukraine happens, who will be the first to stand up for the revolution? Yes, they, these sectarians, will be.

Archpriest Alexy Kulberg, rector of the Big Zlatoust church in Yekaterinburg, head of the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis of the Yekaterinburg Diocese:

In addition to the principles of democracy, there is also common sense. Our compatriots have been observing for twenty years how countries that extol the principles of democracy and humanism as the highest value, while shamelessly trampling on these principles themselves. The notorious democratic principles are becoming only an instrument in the achievement of the powerful of this world their goals. At the same time, they shed the blood of entire nations and peoples and destroy priceless cultural and historical shrines. Let's remember Yugoslavia, Syria, Iraq ... Now Ukraine has been added to these countries. Twenty years to watch how we are deceived with impunity and cynically, and continue to believe in some principles?

Our compatriots are simply intellectually older and taller than those who are trying to impose their vision of the world order on us through the very expensive, but still engaged media. Elementary common sense guides our compatriots, which is reflected in numerous polls.

Priest Nikolai Svyatchenko, Chairman of the Department for Missionary, Youth and Catechism Work of the Gatchina and Luga Diocese of the St. Petersburg Metropolitanate, lecturer at the St. Petersburg Institute of Religious Studies and Church Arts, employee of the Stavros Anti-Sectarian Center:

It seems to me that our fellow citizens, when they hear about democratic principles, do not fully understand them, since none of the organizations declaring these principles is guided by them. The democratic principles to which we were called in the 90s are so compromised that Russians are irritated by talking about them.

Well, the democratic principles that Western countries and, in particular, the United States, are trying to assert, are imposed by force, as was the case in Serbia, Egypt, and in other countries where banal hegemony was hidden under the cover of democracy: economic, political. What are democratic principles, how they should manifest themselves, is simply not clear.

In my opinion, today democratic principles are, first of all, observance of the law by absolutely all citizens. In order for everyone to be equal before the law, he would be harsh to everyone without exception in terms of corruption, bribery, embezzlement, etc. No one would have any advantages, be it the president's son or a member of the government. And the courts would become more independent.

« Democracy in Hell and Kingdom in Heaven"- so instructed the holy righteous John of Kronstadt. The Church Fathers answer about the attitude of the Orthodox towards the God-established royal power, whether there are corresponding tendencies in society, how it is possible to restore the monarchy in modern conditions.

Priests of the Yekaterinburg diocese, historians, and teachers of the Theological Seminary believe that the time has come for the revival of autocracy in Russia. They announced this yesterday at a press conference held at the St. vmch. Demetrius of Thessaloniki. The well-known historian, orientalist, member of the Writers' Union of Russia Vladimir Larionov is sure that now only autocratic power has moral significance: “I followed the latest events in Moscow, and in the Urals, all the rallies, and I got the feeling that. With the loss of the spiritual bond, the people also lost cultural values. The Russian people demand a common ideology, the people are disunited. Now the Russian authorities, instead of showing by their example that they care about people, are pulling amphorae from the bottom. The people are simply lost. And remember the famous Rurik dynasty, Tsar Nicholas II. It was the power given by God, autocratic power. "

“I hope that in the process of developing political reform in the country, all possible ways of determining the future of the country will be weighed, including the monarchist way,” said the head of the Synodal Department for Church-Society Relations at a scientific-practical conference dedicated to discussing the future of the monarchical idea in the context victories in the Patriotic War of 1812. According to the priest, “the ideal of God-given power by our people has not been lost. Obviously, this is one of the ideas that will be discussed in society ”.

Archpriest Maxim Kozlov, rector of the house church of Moscow State University, noted that already in the Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the ROC, the very high place of the monarchy was indicated in the context of the Orthodox worldview and biblical worldview. “So the lofty monarchical ideal has never been lost in the Orthodox consciousness. Another thing is how much it can be implemented in modern Russian society. This is a matter of principle. Here, in my opinion, it is useful to recall the idea that just as elders appear when novices appear, so a monarchy can appear when broad strata of society are found who are ready to perceive themselves as subjects of the sovereign ... I think that here you need to look not so much on today's data of statistical surveys and on how many people today support the monarchist idea, how much on how much the moral, ideological, intellectual core of our people can become its church-going part ”.

Archpriest Vladislav Sveshnikov, rector of the Church of the Three Saints on Kulishki, said that he was closer to the position of non-decision, expressed by our wonderful thinker I.A. Ilyin back in the 30s. Despite the fact that I.A. Ilyin himself was a real monarchist, and not a literary one, like many of the present. “Of course, the monarchy is the best, ideal form of government. But the main condition for its approval is spiritual and moral maturity and the readiness of society to accept it. Then a worthy monarch will be revealed by the Providence of God. Alas, the current state of our society clearly does not correspond to this condition, ”the priest concluded.

Archpriest Alexander Ilyashenko, rector of the Church of the All-Merciful Savior of the former Sorrowful Monastery on Novoslobodskaya, noted that serious painstaking spiritual and educational work is needed so that people can understand the monarchy itself, as a natural, God-given power, and how it was embodied in Russian history. “It is impossible to create an ideal society on earth. Not everything was perfect in the Russian Empire either. But an honest story about the principles on which she relied and her successes is necessary for today's society. But first, something important must change in the people's minds. "

Archpriest Andrei Spiridonov, cleric of the churches of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos in Petrovsky Park and St. Mitrofan of Voronezh on Khutorskaya in Moscow, stated that in a sense, Russia is already following this path, because the only viable form of government for us is precisely monarchical. “After the February revolution, the Bolsheviks also returned to autocracy, the general secretaries were like monarchs - almost irreplaceable during their lifetime. And Vladimir Putin has been in power for how many years? The people today vote for him, choosing long-term stability, as under a monarchy. It's just that the facade is democratic, the ideological design is different, and the form of government itself is not very different from the monarchy. The question is, does society need a monarch, anointed to the kingdom, with the idea of \u200b\u200bGod-given power, or does society want to remain secular? If it wants to declare itself as democratic, the traditional monarchy is impossible. "

Priest Andrei Alekseev, cleric of the Church of the Holy Martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa in Kachalovo: “We simply have not grown up to this, have not yet matured. It would be wrong to artificially actualize and impose this topic today. Certain prospects still exist. Maybe a trend is emerging. But a clear, clear picture must still emerge. When we are morally and spiritually mature, then the Lord will show us the monarch. Now we need to be as careful and attentive as possible. If a person does not internally build up spiritually and live according to God's commandments, then instead of the true King he can accept the “king” - the antichrist, who, striving for power, will paint a picture of the “ideal kingdom”. That's the danger. "

Priest Demetrius Lin, cleric of the Temple of St. Nicholas on Three Mountains, noted: “In a monarchy it is easier to follow the principle“ God is God, and Caesar is Caesar ”. As Constantine the Great said: "The monarch is the protection of the Church on earth."

“The Church should, first of all, take care of the salvation of people through participation in spiritual life, church sacraments. She was both under the emperors-theomachists and under the pious, and she should not associate herself with a certain type of government. Undoubtedly, the most pious Sovereign, who does not simply take care of the Church, and does not suppress her spiritual freedom, is happiness for the church people. But, as you know, in our country there are many baptized, but few enlightened, who live a church life. Therefore, if you really look at society, then it is not ready to accept the idea of \u200b\u200bmonarchical government. A worthy monarch can appear from the state when the people ask God for him, and God will give such a ruler, ”Fr. Demetrius.

The US Embassy threatened to arrange a "color revolution" in Moldova if the supporters of the sovereign course and friendship with Russia win the elections

Parliamentary elections will be held in Moldova next Sunday. This event can be called long-awaited without exaggeration. The Moldovan people have finally got a chance in a completely legal way to stop the deepening political crisis in the country and bring it out of the turbulence that threatens to lose its sovereignty.

Difficult choice between sovereignty and occupation

According to opinion polls, in the elections to the new parliament of Moldova, the Party of Socialists (PSRM), from which the current president of the country, Igor Dodon, comes from, can get about half of the votes, and also win in many single-mandate constituencies. In the event that this happens and a strong pro-Moldovan center-left coalition appears in the new parliament, Dodon will receive not only parliament and government loyal to his course, but also a chance to change legislation and transform Moldova into a presidential republic.

Russian Security Council Secretary Nikolai Patrushev warns Moldova against "Maidan" after a possible ...

Recall that the change in the country's political system was one of the four points of the consultative referendum that Igor Dodon tried to organize in the first year of his presidency. However, the government controlled by the pro-American oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc, through the Constitutional Court, banned the plebiscite.

For two years, the government and parliament of Moldova, focused on further deepening the processes of Euro-Atlantic integration, have stubbornly obstructed Dodon's attempts to improve relations with Russia. So, at the legislative level, many Russian television programs were banned in the country, diplomatic workers were expelled, and unreasonable bans were introduced on the entry into the country of officials and journalists from Russia. Several times by the decision of the Constitutional Court, five of the six members of which are citizens of Romania, Dodon was temporarily suspended from office for refusing to sign laws adopted by parliament or appointing necessary persons to senior government posts, and for him this procedure was performed by the speaker of parliament, a member of the Plakhotniukov Democratic Party (PDM ) Andrian Candu.

A. Candu. Photo:

Therefore, the coming parliamentary elections are truly crucial for Moldova. Their outcome will determine whether the country will retain its independence and will get a chance to further implement its sovereign foreign policy course, or will it be expected to preserve the oligarchic swamp and the sad fate of a puppet guarding the geopolitical interests of the world hegemon.

It should be noted that the main pro-Western political forces opposing Dodon are represented by the already mentioned Democratic Party of Moldova (PDM), oligarch Vladimir Plahotniuc, as well as the ACUM electoral bloc. The ACUM includes Andrei Năstase's Dignity and Truth platform and the Action and Solidarity party of Maia Sandu, which have recently shown strong protest activity. The representatives of the Liberal Democratic Party (PLDM), whose rating fluctuates within the statistical error, also joined ACUM in the hope of getting into the new parliament.

Despite the fact that the relationship between ACUM and the Democratic Party is, to put it mildly, very bad, they are united by the fact that they follow the same geopolitical lead, obeying the instructions from the US Embassy and seeking to draw Moldova into NATO. Therefore, it would be rash to exclude the possibility of a temporary tactical alliance between them in the face of a common enemy in the person of the pro-Russian and pro-Moldavian Dodon and his party of socialists.

The cancellation of the results of the elections for the mayor of Chisinau split the supporters of the Euro-Atlantic integration of Moldova and ...

Destabilization in order to prevent the victory of the pro-Moldovan forces ...

So what can prevent the citizens of Moldova from making their historical choice on February 24, 2019? The answer is obvious: outside interference.

Thus, the American embassy in Chisinau has already sounded unceremonious statements that in the event of a PSRM victory, Moldova can expect a Venezuelan or even Ukrainian scenario.

Thus, the American diplomatic mission warned that after the parliamentary elections on February 24, 2019, mass protests could erupt in Moldova, and called on US citizens in the country to "avoid places of demonstrations", "to be attentive and ready for delays on the way and road closures." ... Also, the US embassy advises US citizens not to stand out, monitor local media and examine personal security plans.


A few days earlier, Secretary of the Russian Security Council Nikolai Patrushev also announced the threat of the Moldovan Maidan. According to him, the victory of the PSRM does not suit the West, which will provoke split and conflicts according to the already developed method of color revolutions.

Note that there were more than enough reasons for such a statement by the Russian side. Thus, the US Ambassador to Moldova Derek Hogan on February 5, at a meeting with students of the Moldovan State University, allowed himself to openly campaign against the Party of Socialists and President Dodon, and also made a number of attacks on Russia.

We acknowledge that there is a foreign player, as well as a Moldovan politician, who are trying to divide society, raise tensions, raising ethno-linguistic and geopolitical issues, trying to distract citizens from pressing problems,

It is not difficult to guess who the American ambassador meant by “foreign player” and “Moldovan politician”.

Meanwhile, President Igor Dodon has already called on his supporters to resist possible attempts to destabilize the situation.

I call on everyone on Thursday and Friday, and maybe tomorrow, to be ready for the fact that when I go out and call for tens of thousands of people to be here in front of the presidency. Because if such extreme measures are taken, we will have no other option but to withdraw and give a tough fight back. I beg you, get ready for this scenario. I personally and all my colleagues are ready for this. I do not exclude that I will call you all to Chisinau and put an end to the elections or immediately at the elections,

I. Dodon. Photo:

Obviously, it is no coincidence that the Moldovan Eurounionists and their high-ranking Western patrons are actively playing the anti-Russian card, frightening Moldovan citizens with a Russian threat. So, at the end of December 2018, Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament Andrian Candu and Prime Minister Pavel Filip accused Moscow of interfering in the Moldovan elections on the side of the socialists. The reason for such high-profile accusations was the abolition of customs duties on Moldovan goods by Russia after another meeting between Dodon and Putin.

And literally a week before the parliamentary elections, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Moldova demanded that the country's ambassador to the Russian Federation, Andrei Neguts, be recalled from Moscow. The formal reason was that the diplomat did not prevent the opening of the Fund for the Development of Social and Cultural Relations "Transnistria" in Moscow. At the same time, President Dodon said that he would not sign a decree on the recall of Neguts, even if the government makes a decision.

And why pro-Western forces in Moldova are going nowhere

Thus, the internal political situation that has developed on the eve of the parliamentary elections in Moldova seriously threatens the implementation of a colored scenario in the country, the purpose of which will not only prevent the victory of the Party of Socialists, but also achieve impeachment of Dodon.

It is noteworthy that for the sake of preserving power and finally transforming the country into an anti-Russian military base of the United States and NATO, puppet politicians are even ready to sacrifice the territorial integrity of Moldova that they have declared in words.

Thus, Speaker of the Moldovan Parliament Andrian Candu said that for the sake of joining the EU and NATO, Chisinau may refuse to reintegrate Transnistria, which gravitates towards Russia.

There can be no compromises on this issue. This is not the price of Moldova's reintegration that we can talk about. If it turns out that the price is a rejection of European integration, then our answer will be - no, we are not ready to pay such a price,

The politician said.

Photo: ungureanuvadim /

Why do Americans need a war in Moldova?

Moreover, if the United States and their protégé implement the Ukrainian scenario, Moldova may find itself on the verge of civil war and disintegration. In addition to the "defrosting" of the Transnistrian conflict, Gagauzia, which has already proclaimed its independence after Moldova's withdrawal from the Soviet Union and now has the status of autonomy, may flare up. This southern region is also dominated by pro-Russian and anti-Western sentiments.

However, the destabilization of the situation in Moldova and a new war in Transnistria suits the American elites extremely well.

Moscow condemned the shameless US intervention in the parliamentary elections upcoming February 24 in Moldova, on ...

First, it is fraught not with a local, but with a major regional conflict, in which Russia, Ukraine and, most likely, Romania will certainly be drawn, which can pull the entire NATO bloc with it. This will allow continuing the policy of demonizing Russia, not only preserving, but also significantly strengthening the levers of economic and foreign policy pressure on our country, which dared to violate the unipolar world order established by the Americans.

Second, a conflict of this magnitude in Eastern Europe will allow the United States to strengthen its position in the Old World, restore cracked Euro-Atlantic solidarity, and receive both geopolitical and economic bonuses from this.

In this regard, the importance of the Moldovan factor on the international agenda, which may soon push the situation in Venezuela and the former Ukraine into the background, should not be underestimated.

Constantinople continues to monitor the development of the situation in the region.