When the facts show. Where did the fact expression come from? Where did the famous gesture come from

I wonder if this gesture was in the USSR for example in the 70s? And in the 80s? Although I was still small, but I do not remember in the late 80s in the companies such. Then the Hollywood videos on video gallets went and of course in the 90s, from there, this was exactly accurately entered into adolescent fashion.

Imagine the next picture. The famous intellectual resorts to a familiar gesture, thus expressing dissatisfaction with the statements of empty. It demonstrates the middle finger and declares: "This is a big demagogue!"

This story did not occur at all during the television talk show, and not in one of the salons of London or New York. She took place in Athens in the fourth century BC: Thus, in the presentation of historians later, the philosopher Diogen, not embarrassed in expressions, described his attitude towards the Orator of Demosfen.

It turns out that the middle finger exposed forward with the remaining fingers pressed against the palm of the palm of the palm of the insult and the humiliation is already more than two thousand years.

The abusive gesture "show middle finger" is one of the most ancient gestures on Earth. It symbolizes a public penis. Even in ancient Greece, this gesture was called "Catapigon" ("Kata" - down, "Pyong" - Ass) and meant the proposal of anal sex.

In ancient Rome, the middle finger was called a shameless or shameful finger. In the Middle Ages, the middle finger was shown, accusing anyone in passive homosexuality.

The ancient Romans had a special name for this gesture: "Digitus Impudicus", that is, a shameless, obscene or offensive finger. The hero of one of the epigram of the poet Marcila, who lived in the first century of our era, boasted good health and shows the three doctors "indecent" middle finger. Ancient Roman historian Tacitus wrote that the soldiers of the German tribes showed the middle finger to the coming Roman soldiers.

But in many centuries before that, the Greeks used this gesture as direct indication of men's genitals. The ancient Greek playwright Aristophane in 419 BC wrote a comedy "clouds", in which one of the heroes first gesticulates his middle finger, and then the sexual authorities. The origin of the gesture is perhaps even more ancient: as Morris says, scientists are known to the habits of South American squirrel monkeys, which are gentle by excited genitals.

According to the anthropologist, in the US, the Italian emigrants were most likely delivered. He first witnessed in America in 1886, when the Boston Biniters Baseball Pitcher demonstrated it on a group photo with the players of the New York Jaiants competing team.

The French has its own "phallic salute", Morris notes (this gesture is also common in Russia). It is called "Bras d'Honneur" (Hand of honor), and is a bent at a right corner of a hand to which the second hand is placed in the elbow area.

At the same time, a similar British gesture is a Victoria sign exhausted inside out (when the index and middle fingers are demonstrated, but the hand turns the palm to itself).

During the century of war, before the battle of Azenkur, the Army of the French by the number significantly exceeded the Army of the British. The French were absolutely confident in their victory. A trump card of the English army was archers. Their bows, famous for the whole world, were made of tees. The movement of tensioning the theater, in English "Pluck Yew", is pronounced "Plak Yu". The French were trying to deal with English archers in any means. If those captured in captivity, then mandatoryly cut off the middle and index fingers, thereby damping their capabilities to shoot out onions in the future. And yet, the small army of the British won the battle of Azenkur, thanks to the competent interaction of archers and other soldiers armed with heavy guns.

By winning, the British were mockingly to demonstrate the French middle finger and sentenced "Pluck Yew" ("Plak Yu"). Over time, due to the complexity of the pronunciation of two consonants, the sound "P" was replaced by "F".

However, the abusive meaning of the middle finger has long overcome cultural, linguistic or national borders. Now it can be observed on protests, football matches and rock concerts around the world.

In December last year, Liverpool striker, Suarez fell into the lenses of photographers, demonstrating the average finger of Fulham fans after losing a guest with a score 1-0. The British Football Federation made him a reprimand for inappropriate behavior and disqualified for one game.

In 2004, the Canadian deputy from Calgary was accused of a rude gesture to a colleague from another party, who did not give him to speak in the community chamber.

"I, let's say, expressed his displeasure with his actions," so Dipaca Lily explained his behavior to local journalists.

Two years later, Pop singer Britney Spears showed a finger of a group of photographers who were supposedly persecuted. However, some fans decided that the gesture was intended for them, and the star had to apologize.

Although the middle finger historically symbolized the phallus, he has already lost its original value and is no longer perceived as something obscene, says Ira Robbins, a professor of the Rights of the Washington University, who studied the role of a gesture in the history of criminal jurisprudence.

"This is not a manifestation of lustful interest," an expert assures. - This gesture was rooted in everyday life - both in our country and in others. It means a lot of other things - protest, malice, excitement. This is not just a phallus. "

Robbins does not even separate the point of view of the journalist agency Associated Press, who called this gesture "frank". "What is frank in it? - asks the expert. - Here are dances can be frank. But finger? Just do not understand this. "

Nowadays, the gesture "show middle finger" speaks of disrespect for the opponent.

No, the legend you heard is a lie ....

From MasterWeb.

03.10.2018 21:30

No, that legend you heard is a lie.

Everyone is well known for an indecent gesture, which in Russian is called "Fax": the middle finger of the hand.

And although in our use he entered all years ago, this way to send away without unnecessary words a long time ago.

On the Internet walks the legend of approximately the following content:

"Before the battle of Azenkur in 1415, the French, providing victory over the British, decided that they would cut off the middle finger to all captured by English archers so that they could not shoot from Luke. English bows were made from Tisa, and the act of firing from the long bow was known as the "Tis Clamp" (Pluck Yew). Wrongs on the expectations of the French, the British won the battle and began to tease the amazed enemies, Saluting them with Middle fingers, as if by saying: Here, the victory for We still can still "pin tees"! Over time, the expression "Pluck Yew" was transformed into "Fuck You", which does not require translation. "

Alas, this story has no attitude to reality, although it sounds beautiful, reports Snopes website dedicated to the debunking of modern legends.

Let's start with the fact that the descriptions of the battle during Azenkur preserved quite a lot - both from English and from the French side. No chronicler mentions that the French cut off the captives fingers.

In addition, to take prisoners and injected them was completely out of the spirit of Middle Ages. The prisoners were taken solely in order to exchange them for redemption. Obviously, no one would not have redeemed the archers to buy.

Moreover, the archers were not taken pronounced at all and did not bother, because they were not appreciated as Knights in the armor, and their social status was lower than all other warriors.

It should be noted that the expression "pinching tees" seems extremely dubious: not only that it does not occur in historical sources, it also does not make sense - if the archers have something and pulls, then rather than "tees" ( That is, the wood from which the onions is made).

Where did the famous gesture come from?

The fashion use of this gesture introduced a well-known historical character - an antique philosopher cynic diogen. He showed the middle finger to his opponent - the Speaker Demosfenu - in the IV century BC.

Thus, it can be safely argued that the age of "fak" is more than 2400 years. Subsequently, Diogen said:

"Most people will be from madness to one finger only: if a person pulls out the middle finger, it will be considered crazy, and if the index, then will not be deemed."

The ancient Romans had even a special name for this indecent combination: "Digitus Impudicus" (Digitus Impudicus) is a literally "shameless finger", or Digitus Infamis (Digitus Infamis) is "shameful finger".

The gesture is mentioned in a number of Roman classics: for example, in one of the epigram, Marzial, the old man proud of health demonstrates the middle finger to doctors. In another epigram, Marciala says:

"Laugh, sextiles, over those who call you with a pedersist, and show them the middle finger."

At the same time, the gesture served as a focus from the evil eye: in this role he is mentioned, for example, in the second satire of Persia.

At the turn of the antiquity and the Middle Ages, the gesture was perceived as an accusation of "shameful actions" (passive homosexuality). Subsequently, he spread throughout Western Europe.

It is believed that the Italian emigrants in the XIX century believed in the USA in the USA. For the first time in America, he was recorded in 1886, when players of one baseball team as a sign of disrespect demonstrated his rivals.

Our modern coming in our life is obliged, undoubtedly, the American cinema. On the Soviet power supply of Soviet power, numerous video gallets have taught children and adults to exhibit the middle finger, often accompanying the gesture of fashionable by the expression "Faku Yu!".

Almost all the gesture of the elongated middle finger, but few people know its true meaning. In this article we will talk about the history of this indecent gesture, its present value and its analogues from different nations.

Gesture "middle finger." Image Source: GetDrawings.com

The gesture "demonstrating the middle finger" is expressed in the fact that the person raises the middle finger, and the remaining fingers squeezes into the fist. In some cases, the thumb is shuffled towards, but the meaning of the demonstration of such a gesture remains unchanged.

In a modern sense, this gesture is offensive or expresses a tough indication that the person showing his person is left alone, did not stick.

History gesture

The well-known anthropologist Desmond Morris says that the demonstration of the middle finger is one of the oldest human gestures of famous scientists, the history of which begins with primitive building. Four pressed to the palm of the finger symbolize men's seed glands, and the middle finger acts as a phallic symbol

Image source: www.brainjet.com

The ancient Greeks used the gesture of the "middle finger" as a direct designation of the men's genital organs, and if a person was pointed out on someone a middle finger, it was considered a strong insult.
In one of the works of the Greek writer Aristofan "Clouds", written in 419 BC. It is mentioned how the peasant shows Socrates the average finger, and then the genitals in response to his question.

But it is likely that this gesture appeared for and began to be used by people long before and came from animals, since among the chairs of males of one of the types of monkeys living in South Africa there is an indicative demonstration of genital organs after establishing domination over other individuals.

In ancient Rome, this gesture was called "Digitus Impudicus" - indecent, offensive or shameless finger.

Sculpture depicting the middle finger in front of the Italian stock exchange in Milan. Image source: www.edreams.com

On the middle finger to our time, the statement of Diogenes, in which he said that most people are from madness at a distance of one finger: in the event that a person extends the middle finger, then it will be considered a madness, and if it is induced , it will not be.

At the same time, in addition to an offensive gesture, the middle finger demonstration was used as a way of protection against damage and the evil eye.

Analogs of the gesture "middle finger" from different peoples

Many nations exist equivalents of this gesture that have a similar value.

For example, in Iran, a compressed fist with a thumb pointing up is used as an offensive gesture.

The thumb pointing upstairs in Iran is considered offensive. Photo Source: www.stratoscale.com

In Sri Lanka, the gesture is similar to its western "fellow", only pulls out the index, not the middle finger.

Analogue of "middle finger" in Sri Lanka Image Source: Wikimedia.org

Also an analogue of a "phallic gesture" is a shovel in the elbow, with the overlay of the brush of the second hand to the bend of the elbow. The French is called "Hand of honor"in Poland is "Kozakevich gesture", Colombia "Wheel", Italy "Umbrella", Croatians are called "Bosnian coat of arms". This gesture is well known and distributed in Russia.

In 1980, at the Olympics, the Polish jumper V. Kozakhevich, after his victorious jump, demonstrated an offensive gesture to the audience, who constantly walked him. Because of this, the jumper wanted to deprive the medals, however, the Polish delegation was somehow able to convince the Committee that this gesture was made by Kozakhevich involuntarily due to spasm in the muscles. Image Source: RarehistoricalPhotos.com

Another equivalent of the "middle finger" is known in Russia called "Shish", "Dulley", "FIG", "Kukish" (When the palm is compressed in a fist, and the tip of the thumb is supervised between medium and index fingers). The Arab peoples of Cukish means the strongest sexual humiliation and insult. The inhabitants of the East - Japanese, Chinese and Koreans, as well as the "middle finger" in Western and European countries symbolizes phallus and has a very bad and vulgar value.

The gesture "Cook" / "Figa" / "Shish". The image of the image: www.avanqard.net

The British also has its own similar offensive gesture, which looks like a "viktory" gesture, only turned into the opposite direction. There is one interesting legend about his origin ....

Analogue of "middle finger" in England. Image source: www.bybecky.co.uk

According to one of the legends, the French soldiers during the century war of the prisoner English shooters cut off the index and middle fingers in their hands so that they could no longer use. But in 1415 after the victory of the British in the battle of Azenkur, the English soldiers showed medium and index fingers defeated French, demonstrating the fact that nothing had happened to them and they were whole. The same legend explains the origin of the gesture and sign V ("victory" - "victory").
According to another version, in front of the same battle, the French were confident in their victory, while they were very proud and booked with their arbulents. It should be noted that the shot and the descent of the arbalet's guards were made by middle finger. Defeating the French army, the British, mocking over the French, swung before the defeated elongated middle fingers, recalling their premature praise.

Nowadays, the gesture "middle finger" has long come out of the linguistic and cultural framework and partially lost its humiliating and insulting meaning. Now, quite often, in any corner of the planet, it can be seen during mass events such as sports matches, concerts of popular performers, etc.

Almost all the gesture of the elongated middle finger, but few people know its true meaning. In this article we will talk about the history of this indecent gesture, its present value and its analogues from different nations.

Gesture "middle finger." Image Source: GetDrawings.com

The gesture "demonstrating the middle finger" is expressed in the fact that the person raises the middle finger, and the remaining fingers squeezes into the fist. In some cases, the thumb is shuffled towards, but the meaning of the demonstration of such a gesture remains unchanged.

In a modern sense, this gesture is offensive or expresses a tough indication that the person showing his person is left alone, did not stick.

History gesture

The well-known anthropologist Desmond Morris says that the demonstration of the middle finger is one of the oldest human gestures of famous scientists, the history of which begins with primitive building. Four pressed to the palm of the finger symbolize men's seed glands, and the middle finger acts as a phallic symbol

Image source: www.brainjet.com

The ancient Greeks used the gesture of the "middle finger" as a direct designation of the men's genital organs, and if a person was pointed out on someone a middle finger, it was considered a strong insult.
In one of the works of the Greek writer Aristofan "Clouds", written in 419 BC. It is mentioned how the peasant shows Socrates the average finger, and then the genitals in response to his question.

But it is likely that this gesture appeared for and began to be used by people long before and came from animals, since among the chairs of males of one of the types of monkeys living in South Africa there is an indicative demonstration of genital organs after establishing domination over other individuals.

In ancient Rome, this gesture was called "Digitus Impudicus" - indecent, offensive or shameless finger.

Sculpture depicting the middle finger in front of the Italian stock exchange in Milan. Image source: www.edreams.com

On the middle finger to our time, the statement of Diogenes, in which he said that most people are from madness at a distance of one finger: in the event that a person extends the middle finger, then it will be considered a madness, and if it is induced , it will not be.

At the same time, in addition to an offensive gesture, the middle finger demonstration was used as a way of protection against damage and the evil eye.

Analogs of the gesture "middle finger" from different peoples

Many nations exist equivalents of this gesture that have a similar value.

For example, in Iran, a compressed fist with a thumb pointing up is used as an offensive gesture.

The thumb pointing upstairs in Iran is considered offensive. Photo Source: www.stratoscale.com

In Sri Lanka, the gesture is similar to its western "fellow", only pulls out the index, not the middle finger.

Analogue of "middle finger" in Sri Lanka Image Source: Wikimedia.org

Also an analogue of a "phallic gesture" is a shovel in the elbow, with the overlay of the brush of the second hand to the bend of the elbow. The French is called "Hand of honor"in Poland is "Kozakevich gesture", Colombia "Wheel", Italy "Umbrella", Croatians are called "Bosnian coat of arms". This gesture is well known and distributed in Russia.

In 1980, at the Olympics, the Polish jumper V. Kozakhevich, after his victorious jump, demonstrated an offensive gesture to the audience, who constantly walked him. Because of this, the jumper wanted to deprive the medals, however, the Polish delegation was somehow able to convince the Committee that this gesture was made by Kozakhevich involuntarily due to spasm in the muscles. Image Source: RarehistoricalPhotos.com

Another equivalent of the "middle finger" is known in Russia called "Shish", "Dulley", "FIG", "Kukish" (When the palm is compressed in a fist, and the tip of the thumb is supervised between medium and index fingers). The Arab peoples of Cukish means the strongest sexual humiliation and insult. The inhabitants of the East - Japanese, Chinese and Koreans, as well as the "middle finger" in Western and European countries symbolizes phallus and has a very bad and vulgar value.

The gesture "Cook" / "Figa" / "Shish". The image of the image: www.avanqard.net

The British also has its own similar offensive gesture, which looks like a "viktory" gesture, only turned into the opposite direction. There is one interesting legend about his origin ....

Analogue of "middle finger" in England. Image source: www.bybecky.co.uk

According to one of the legends, the French soldiers during the century war of the prisoner English shooters cut off the index and middle fingers in their hands so that they could no longer use. But in 1415 after the victory of the British in the battle of Azenkur, the English soldiers showed medium and index fingers defeated French, demonstrating the fact that nothing had happened to them and they were whole. The same legend explains the origin of the gesture and sign V ("victory" - "victory").
According to another version, in front of the same battle, the French were confident in their victory, while they were very proud and booked with their arbulents. It should be noted that the shot and the descent of the arbalet's guards were made by middle finger. Defeating the French army, the British, mocking over the French, swung before the defeated elongated middle fingers, recalling their premature praise.

Nowadays, the gesture "middle finger" has long come out of the linguistic and cultural framework and partially lost its humiliating and insulting meaning. Now, quite often, in any corner of the planet, it can be seen during mass events such as sports matches, concerts of popular performers, etc.


One of the American TV channels had to apologize to the viewers after the singer M.i.a showed the middle finger during the well-known Sunday TV show Super Bowl. This indecent gesture is familiar to everyone, but do you know who first showed the middle finger and when this gesture became indecent?

You may think that the middle finger demonstration is something relatively new. In fact, it is not. For the first time, the average finger as an indecent gesture and expression of contempt was shown by the philosopher Diogen. By showing the middle finger and saying "this is a big demagogue," Diogen expressed his attitude towards the Orator of Demosfen. It turns out that people exhibit the middle finger as an insult symbol for more than two thousand years!

Phallic gesture

"This is one of the most ancient offensive gestures. The middle finger symbolizes the penis, and the compressed fingers symbolize the testicles. Exhibiting the middle finger with a compressed other fingers, you demonstrate a phallic symbol," says Anthropologist Desmond Morris (Desmond Morris).

Ancient Romans called this gesture "Digitus Impudicus", which means "indecent" or "offensive" finger.

In one of the epigram of the poet Martial (Martial), who was working in the first century of our era, the hero declares her good health and shows the famous foolish gesture to three doctors.

"The Roman historian Tacitus (Tacitus) wrote that the warriors of the German tribes showed the Roman soldiers of the middle finger," says Thomas Conley, Honorary Professor of the University of Illinois (University of Illinois).

The ancient Greeks showed the middle finger as a hint of men's genitals.

In the comedy Aristophan "Clouds", written in 419 to our era, the hero first shows its middle finger, and then - penis.

Indecent gesture in various cultures

The French has their own phallic gesture, which is called "Bras d'Honneur", which means "Hand of honor". This gesture is a bent hand, which is put on the second hand in the elbow area.

The British as an indecent gesture, symbolizing a phallus, show the sign "Victoria" (raised medium index and middle finger), while turning his hand with his palm to himself.

Despite the fact that many nations have their own indecent gesture, the middle finger has long overcome cultural boundaries and now this gesture is understandable to everyone.

Scandals around the middle finger

During the broadcast of one of the most popular American televisows Super Bowl, the British singer M.I.A has shown the middle finger during Madonna's speech. In this regard, the TV channel had to apologize to the TV viewers.

"This indecent gesture was completely unacceptable during the performance" - Brian McCarty comments on Brian McCarty (Brian McCarty), a representative of the National Football League.

In December, Liverpool Luis Suarez striker (Luis Suarez) was captured by photographers while demonstrating the middle finger to Fulham's fans, after losing his team. For this, the footballer received a reprimand from the English football federation and disqualification for one game.

In 2006, Britney Spears showed the average finger of photographers, which she suspected in persecution. At the same time, some fans of the singers took this gesture to their account, in connection with which the singer had to apologize.

Is it really unnotice of the middle finger?

While many people perceive a demonstration of the middle finger as a personal insult, not everyone consider this gesture indecent and do not see a hint of man's genitals in it.

Ira Robbins (Ira Robbins), Professor of the Rights of Washington University (American University In Washington DC), who studied the role of this gesture in the history of criminal jurisprudence adheres to other opinions.

"This gesture was so rooted in everyday life as a demonstration of protest and anger that he had already lost his phallic symbolism," says Professor.

Ira Robbins even challenges the point of view of the Associated Press agency's journalist, who called this gesture "frank".

"What is frank in it? - Iri Robbins is surprised. - Dancing can be frank, this is a fact. But the finger? I do not understand."