The Jews took away weapons from the Russians. John the Terrible and the Jews. Fulfillment of the covenant of Vladimir Monomakh

Russian writer Sergei Andin wrote a micro-story "Slavic Gene". I want to acquaint my readers with it and propose to comprehend its deep meaning.


You know what, friend. We are sitting here with you, discussing various topics. And one fantastic thought came to my mind.

And what, I wonder, is this thought about?

Just think. How many people on earth with Slavic roots. Everyone is now mired in false teachings and are sure that each of them is right! And then one day, you and I discover the truth that concerns all Slavs, we tell people about it, but they do not believe us. Moreover, they also make fun of us. What to do then?

I don't even know ... Probably just give up this venture, and that's all. Well, or stay with your opinion.

Yes ... This is not an option. And if scientists found a gene that only the Slavs have. This gene already contains all the centuries-old truths and knowledge. If there was such a gene ... We could simply send an encrypted sound signal throughout the body, radio and Internet broadcasts, which would awaken in people with a Slavic gene the knowledge that they have lost and which they do not notice in simple life ...

The Slavs really have such a GEN, which, perhaps, other peoples do not have. This gene is primarily associated with those unique talents that the Slavs once possessed, but today they do not, because these talents are not only not disclosed from an early age in Slavic children, but on the contrary they are muffled in every possible way!

Have you heard of Mowgli's syndrome?

If not, here's a short educational program:

"Mowgli's Syndrome" is the most vivid example, which suggests that childhood is a time of awakening and development in a person not only of speech, but also of all other God-given talents. And if something is not developed, if a child is deprived of knowledge and experience in some area of \u200b\u200bhuman life, then later, when he grows up, he will become a kind of Mowgli in this area.

Jews, who today are "our everything," know this very well, therefore, they teach their children almost from the cradle to feel like "shepherds of nations", "God's chosen people", who must over and over again snatch good luck from the hands of all other nations by absolutely any means ... "Any meanness is moral if it benefits the Jews!" - teach them "spiritual teachers". And in the methodological literature, written specifically for the upbringing of Jewish children, there is a clear indication of the age from which young Jews should be brought up in this spirit.

“Father and mother cannot be satisfied that their children have received superficial knowledge, they must strive to give them a solid Jewish education. It is unacceptable to postpone their religious education until they reach school age. To spend the first years, when children are most impressionable, only on fairy tales and nursery rhymes is as irresponsible as it is unreasonable. " (Chaim Donin. "To be a Jew", "Unity", Rostov-on-Don, 1991, pp. 140-141).

Here I am looking today at this photo, which I found on the Internet, and “noble fury” boils up inside me, as one great song is sung in the song, calling the Slavs to Victory over the vile and insidious enemy.

And the "noble rage" boils up in me because I see in this photograph highly educated Mowgli, Slavic youths and girls who were brought up already in adulthood to serve faithfully to the Jewish God and the Jewish people. Moreover, these young people themselves, who are baptized in front of priests in a kneeling state, do not even realize that they are someone's slaves ...

How do I know that they are someone's slaves?

It's simple. I own information that the same priests in robes, before whom they baptized, simply did not convey to these young people.

Why should slaves, who are not aware of themselves as slaves, open their eyes to the truth? Right? They can rebel! That is why this information is not brought to them!


If our people, reading the Bible, would understand it in the same way as the Jews understand its text, they would not be Ivan the fool. But alas!

Here is what the Jews are taught in Russia from an early age, but the Slavs are not taught:

I quote from the article “Conversations about the Torah” written in Russian for Russian-speaking Jews, published in the journal “Fathers and Children” (issue 24, November-December 1994, KISLEV 5755, Association of Teachers of Jewish Tradition “LAMED”, p. 18).

Let me explain: the book Bereshit (Genesis) mentioned in this article is the very beginning of the Bible, the first chapter of the "Old Testament", which our people usually do not read, and if they do, they simply do not understand its contents.

Here is what the rabbis explain to the Jews:

“Rambam, one of the greatest commentators of the Torah, formulated the key rule for the book of Bereshit (Genesis) and for the study of the history of the forefathers:“ The acts of the fathers are a sign for posterity ”. Regarding our chapter, he wrote: “In this chapter there is one more HINT ON THE FATE OF FUTURE GENERATIONS, for everything that happened between Jacob and Esau will happen between us and the descendants of Esau. The meeting of Jacob, returning from the house of Laban, where he was fleeing the wrath of his brother Esau, is a miniature copy, a prototype of those great historical events stretching over millennia, all contacts and confrontations between the sons of Israel and the sons of Esau, and the peoples of the world. "

Does any Christian believer know this ?! Knows that the relationship between the two brothers Jacob and Esau, described in the first chapter of the "Old Testament", is for the religious education of all Jews on the planet "a miniature copy, a prototype of those great historical events extending over millennia, all contacts and confrontations between the sons of Israel and the sons Esau, and the nations of the world. "

I believe that besides the Jews, their spiritual educators, our so-called "Christian priests" and me, alas, no one else knows this common truth!

What is the TYPE of all HISTORICAL EVENTS stretching over millennia, all contacts and confrontations between the sons of Israel and the sons of Esau and other nations of the world?

It is a STORY, which describes in detail how brother Jacob insolently dumped Esau's brother with the "birthright" by entering into a criminal conspiracy with his mother Rebekah. Together, they basely deceived Isaac who was near death, and he gave his blessing and the right to 2/3 of his father's inheritance not to his first-born son - Esau, as it should have been, but to his younger brother - Jacob.

Father Isaac gave nothing to the eldest son Esau! Even when he found out that his youngest son Jacob basely deceived him!

To the cry of Esau's indignation, Isaac's father only replied to his son: "Your brother came with cunning and took your blessing," "Behold, I made him master over you and gave all his brothers to him as slaves; I gave him bread and wine; what shall I do? for you, my son? "

That is, such a concept as "restoration of justice" is completely absent in Jewish stories! Managed to deceive someone, captured what he wanted - that's it, you are the king and lord! Well done! - in a word. (Appendix: "JEWISH HAPPINESS IS WHEN YOU CAN CHOOSE A HUGE NUMBER OF PEOPLE!").

Seeing such an attitude of both Jacob's brother and Isaac's father, indignant Esau said to his parent: "Is it possible, my father, you have one blessing? Bless me, my father! And Esau lifted up his voice and wept." Isaac, his father, said to him: "Behold, your dwelling will be out of the fatness of the earth, and from the dew of heaven from above; and YOU WILL LIVE BY YOUR SWORD AND WILL SERVE YOUR BROTHER; there will be a time when you will resist and throw his yoke from your neck."

Above, I quoted the Bible, the first book of Genesis, chapter 27, verses 35-40, about the texts of which the Jews say that this is a TYPE of all HISTORICAL EVENTS extending over millennia, all contacts and confrontations between the sons of Israel and the sons of Esau and other nations of the world.

Is it clear to you how Jews were brought up, on what examples? And how are they trained to treat you, Ivana-fools?

Perhaps someone still cannot believe that the story of Jacob and Esau is of such great importance in Jewish upbringing that it is not a story of two brothers at all, but a prototype according to which events have been developing between the "sons of Israel" (Jews ) and the "sons of Esau" (Slavs), and the peoples of the world?

And everything is obvious, you just need to see the facts and comprehend them in the light of this story!

Many, for example, now sincerely rejoice at the military victories of Russia in Syria, admire the strength and quality of Russian weapons, as well as the talents of their inventors, but meanwhile you should raise your head a little higher to see who this Russian weapon serves!

Russian Ivan the Fools rejoice at the military attacks of our aircraft on the positions of terrorist militants in Syria, and here in Moscow, in the Kremlin Palace and directly at the walls of the Kremlin, biblical Jews annually celebrate their military victory (!) Over the Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes!

Here everything is exactly happening for you, as the Bible says: "and you will live by your sword and you will serve your brother" (Genesis, 27:40).


1. "The history of Russia is simply incomprehensible without the imposition of the biblical history on it!"

2. "Why was the Slavic calendar reduced by 5508 years ?!"

Well, now I want to cite here a small fragment of the book of the Chechen writer Deni Baksan "The Trail of Satan. On the Secret Paths of History" in order to tell the reader how, after 1917, Jews and Masons of a high degree of initiation tried to kill or kill in the Slavs that very SLAVIC GEN, awakening which they are always very afraid of.


What is the human soul? Is it possible to define its essence? Where does this sacred substance nest in the human body, which requires constant purification?

The answer was found in the scriptures and in the hazy hints of esoteric literature. The soul of a person is in his blood. And the following pattern emerged: a pure soul is a pure blood and, on the contrary, a cloudy blood is a cloudy soul.

Is it provable? Yes.

Blood is perhaps the only thing in the Universe that so obviously comes into contact with two worlds - the material world, accessible to our five senses, and the ephemeral, supersensible world, which we call the soul. Blood, as it were, connects these two states of being, and it is through it that we are able to slightly open the veil behind which are the great secrets of human life, human fate, human history. The human world would still seem to us to be a jumble of absurdity, madness and surrealism, if we did not look at it through the ruby \u200b\u200bcrystal of human blood ...

Blood and flesh

In 1911, a book by a certain Max Handel in two volumes was published in England, which outlined the foundations of Rosicrucian cosmogony. The Rosicrucians (Order of the Rose and Cross) are one of the offshoots of the "Great Masonic Brotherhood" and, according to some sources, are most closely associated with their origins with the Order of the Temple (Templars) and still keep many secrets and secrets of the latter.

In the book, among other "wisdom", special attention is paid to national, racial and personal issues and they all come down, in the end, to the problems of biological blood - the very red blood that flows in our veins and veins. The first volume gives, so to speak, a general description of blood as a universal keeper and carrier of the human person, his soul, his Ego and, moreover, the human mind. The second volume shows the things that can be achieved by manipulating blood, mixing it in a living human body. In addition to the particular results that are achieved with the help of these manipulations, the main result is also shown, which, as it is openly written about, is the main goal of the "Initiates" - biological mixing of races and nations in order to weaken such "dense" qualities in them as patriotism, attachment to Homeland, love for their families, etc.

We repeat, all this is written with complete frankness, without any omissions.

The "bloody" chapter of the first volume (called "Blood - the conductor of the Ego") describes quite convincing relationships between the state of a person's blood (temperature, speed or slowness of its flow, etc.) and such characteristic human qualities as reason, madness, fear , sexuality, hate, love, etc. However, for our topic, the “bloody” chapter from the second volume called “Mixing of Blood” is of absolute interest. Here are some quotes from it:

“Science has recently discovered that hemolysis (destruction of blood - author) is the result of inoculation (inoculation, introduction) of the blood of one individual into the veins of another individual of a different species, as a result of which a less developed individual dies. For example, an animal inoculated with human blood dies. Dog blood injected into the veins of a bird will kill the bird, but it will not hurt the dog if bird blood is injected into its veins. Science simply states this fact, while the esotericist (that is, "initiated into secret knowledge" - author) gives an explanation of the reasons. "

Let's stop quoting. As the reader sees, the main meaning of the above words is that "strong blood" suppresses "weak blood", and since, according to Max Handel himself, blood is the carrier of a person's personal Ego, his national, family attachments, stronger blood these human qualities are suppressed, killed.

This is not our interpretation. And Max Handel himself, as he explains further, gave an "animal" example to more clearly explain the essence and purpose of mixing human blood. Let's continue the quote:

“So, by mixing foreign blood, mixed marriages of representatives of different tribes or nations, the Leaders of a person gradually help him to expel the Family, Tribal or National spirit from the blood ...”

The "Leaders of Man" here, of course, are the "Initiates", the Leaders, the Elite, the descendants of the ancient Masters and Priests.

As we can see, "inoculation" can be done in various ways, the most modern of which is vaccination. However, Max Handel, along with the vaccination, mentions two more ways - "mixed marriages" and some kind of "implementation". Innumerable data from world mythologies, legends, rituals and testimonies of ethnographers indicate that "introduction" is drinking blood in liquid form or eating it along with raw human flesh. And the reader will be mistaken if he thinks that we are talking about some wild phenomena of deep antiquity. He will later make sure that cannibalism has never been as widespread as it is now, when in "civilized" countries it has become a whole branch of the medical industry put on the conveyor belt.

But back to Max Handel. He admits that "blood", biological assimilation leads to the loss of a person's most important quality, designated by him as "involuntary clairvoyance, which manifested itself in connection with the work of group spirits in the blood."

This "involuntary clairvoyance" is not only an expression of a person's family, ethnic self-identification, it has a deeper, more important meaning for a person, since in this "clairvoyance" of the soul (blood) is concentrated the main core of a person's faith in the One God - Discernment. Distinguishing between good and evil, God and Satan, good and bad.

The “mixing of blood” reduces the Distinction to nothing, erases it, makes the blood (soul) of a person blind (“blind wisdom” of the adherents of the cult of the Supreme Being) and, ultimately, leads him to Satanism.

The property of blood as a receptacle for the soul was originally indicated in the teachings of the great prophets of Monotheism. So, having opened the Bible, you can be convinced that the prophet Moses (peace be upon him) repeatedly and categorically prohibits the use of blood, "for the soul is in the blood." The Holy Quran is just as categorical ...

This means that the Holy Quran also recognizes some special properties of blood, since it strictly forbids eating it.

However, the "initiates" have their own views on the "eating" (transfusion, "introduction") of blood and mixed marriages, as a means of mixing different blood. Max Handel ends his chapter on Mixing Blood with the following words:

“In the Sixth Epoch of the Period of the Earth, only the Universal Brotherhood will exist under the leadership of the Savior-Messiah, but not a single person knows the day and number, for it is not determined, but depends on how soon a sufficient number of people will begin to live the life of Brotherhood and Love (there is in mind - through the mixing of blood - author), which should become a hallmark of the new century. "

We will see later who this "Messiah-Savior" is in the perception of modern esotericists, but the mixing of blood (nations), as we have just learned, should become a sign prior to its appearance.

The words about "Brotherhood and Love" through the mixing of blood make us recall the once famous "science fiction" novel by AA Malinovsky (Bogdanov), a prominent Bolshevik and Lenin's ally, written by him even before the revolution, and bearing a very characteristic title "Red Star ". Here is a summary of this novel.

Earthlings fly to Mars. There they get to know the life of Martians and see that people in Martian society were bound by blood in the literal sense of the word. They transferred blood to each other drop by drop, which united them not only biologically, but also spiritually, ideologically. As a result, the Martians had a “brotherhood”, with “love” reigning in it, they created “communism on blood”.

"Brotherhood and Love" through the mixing of blood - despite the fact that Bogdanov transferred this phenomenon to Mars, we have before us the easily recognizable philosophy of the Rosicrucians. But how did it penetrate Bolshevism and what did it take in the communist Soviet Union?

To answer these questions, it is necessary to recall the figure of the greatest esotericist of that era, Rudolf Steiner, who lived in Switzerland. (Appendix: "The Devil's Lair: The Truth About Switzerland, Zionism and the Jews").

While in exile, Steiner's lectures were attended by such prominent party leaders and intellectuals as Lenin, Dzerzhinsky, Chicherin, Lunacharsky, Gorky, Uritsky and others. Bogdanov, who had a mystical mindset, attended these lectures with particular diligence.

What was the topic of these lectures?

Rudolf Steiner was the curator of the largest collection of ancient oriental manuscripts and books containing mystical, esoteric secrets. Steiner wrote that there are certain components in a person's blood that carry information about a person's inner world, about the reality around him, about the memory of ancestors, etc. In a word, he taught the Bolsheviks everything that we learn about from the work of his fellow esotericist Max Handel. However, unlike the latter, Rudolf Steiner, obviously, did not limit himself to theory, but also taught to embody all these ideas of "displacement" in practice.

In any case, after the October Revolution, A. Bogdanov organized the world's largest Blood Transfusion Institute in Moscow and became its first director.

Yu. Vorobievsky, our main source on Bogdanov, writes: “Strange experiments were carried out at the institute. Bogdanov himself took a direct part in them, testing the developed methods on himself. And in 1928, during one of these experiments, he died. The story is very curious. "

It will seem even more curious to the reader if he learns that three years earlier, in 1925, Bogdanov's mentor, Rudolf Steiner, was also killed, kidnapped and killed by Hitler's orders.

What Bogdanov was trying to achieve with his experiments is a mystery. But this mystery resembles the behavior of the Eastern wives from "The White Sun of the Desert", who, when Sukhov appeared in panic, pulled up their dresses and covered their faces, revealing everything else.

We want to say that it is useless to classify the results of experiments when the experiments themselves are known that show the direction of the search. We know for sure that women were transfused with male blood, for men - female; the blood of babies was poured into the elders, the blood of the elderly was given to children; Russians - Jewish, Jews - Russian. The options for these experiences are countless. The famous Soviet writer of that era, Yuri Tynyanov, noted these experiments in the following words:

“How terrible was the life of those who were being converted, the life of those from the twenties, whose blood was mixed! They felt the experiments guided by someone else's hand, whose fingers did not flinch.

Knowing that blood is the bearer of the personal and national characteristics of a person, we can easily guess that the movement of blood aims at erasing these characteristics, turning men into carriers of female psychology, and women into masculine creatures. In addition, if a representative of one nationality is infused with the blood of a representative of another nationality before it is completely replaced, then the person who has been exposed to such an effect loses his national characteristics or, at least, they weaken. For those initiated into secret knowledge, this is simple arithmetic, reflecting the very essence of biology, and it seems mystic only to those who do not pay any attention to these things, trustingly eating the surrogate of knowledge that so-called "school education" obligingly feeds him ...

A man can know a woman, her dignity, beauty, tenderness only by remaining himself, that is, a man. A man with feminine habits will never know the dignity of a woman, will not appreciate them, will not connect his fate with her fate in a normal family. And vice versa. A masculine woman, a "blue stocking", loses the normal perception of a man, loses the orientation of the right choice, loses knowledge. The same happens with mixed nations ...

There can be no nobility or piety in sexual mutants who have lost their original qualities in androgyny, just as they cannot be in ethnic mutants who are in an equally unnatural “international” (biological) fusion. Let us recall once again the words of the "initiate" Max Handel:

“So, by mixing foreign blood, mixed marriages of representatives of different tribes or nations, the Leaders of a person gradually help him to expel the Family, Tribal or National spirit from the blood”.

Let us return, however, to the experiments of Bogdanov, in the context of which the Jews were mentioned in passing.

In Russia, immediately after the revolution, the magazine "Medical Business" began to be published. This journal published materials of experiments conducted to determine the characteristics of certain nations by blood. The experiments went on for about three years, and, finally, the results of experiments on the blood of Russians and Jews were published: the percentage of their "recognizability" was 88.6.

In other words, in 90 cases out of a hundred, a Russian can be distinguished from a Jew by the composition of blood. Bogdanov was especially interested in the blood of Russians and Jews. Of course, differences in the composition of blood can be found among other nationalities, but Bogdanov was especially interested in the blood of these two nations.

Max Handel also did not pass over the "Jewish" theme in silence. He prefaces the chapter on "Mixing Blood" with a strange remark, the meaning of which is that Jews have the "strongest blood". V.V.Shulgin, a man of a long and amazing destiny, also talks about this. Here are his words: “… what danger can the Jewish race threaten the Russian race? Very simple. The danger of absorption. Jewish blood appears to be much stronger. It can be argued with no doubt that nine out of ten Russian-Jewish children will inherit the traits of a Jewish parent. " By a strange coincidence, V.V.Shulgin's book was published in exile in the same year 1928. Apparently, at that time, issues of blood were of great importance.

With the death of Bogdanov, experiments with human blood in the USSR were not stopped. On the contrary, they took on an extremely mystical direction. So, the famous surgeon S.S.Yudin (by the way, awarded several state awards) began in the 30s to conduct experiments on the transfusion of living people with the blood of the dead. (For more details, see Appendix 1).

Max Handel reveals one of the goals of such experiments. He writes: “In the Bible, as well as in the teachings of the ancient Scandinavians and Scots, it is directly said that the human ego is in the blood. Goethe, who was one of the Initiates, also notes this in his Faust. Faust is going to sign a treaty with Mephistopheles (the devil - author) and asks: “Why not sign with ordinary ink? Why blood? "Mephistopheles replies:" Blood is a very special substrate. " He knows that the one who owns blood owns a person ... "

Goethe was indeed an initiate, an esotericist (he was a member of the most revolutionary Masonic organization - the Order of the Illuminati), but this is not the main thing here. It is important that the "secrets of blood" are not (as SM Handel cunning in his book) the discovery of contemporary science. The knowledge of these dark secrets goes back to Goethe, a century ago from the time of Handel, and from Goethe - even deeper in time.

"The one who owns blood, owns a person ...". These words bring to mind how quite recently in the former USSR people were forced to donate blood “voluntarily and compulsorily” in mobile and stationary donor centers. Probably, no one tried to calculate the gigantic volumes of "special substrate" collected on the scale of a huge empire inhabited by many peoples.

What did they do with him, with this ocean of blood?

Of course, they transfused the sick, the wounded, saved lives. But let's fantasize a little in the spirit of the "scientific fantasies" of Bogdanov, Yudin and their successors. Blood from Uzbekistan is transported in canned form, for example, to Lithuania; from Lithuania - to Moldova; blood from Moldova can be transported somewhere to Azerbaijan; from there to Estonia; from Yakutia to Kabardino-Balkaria, etc.

Of course, this is just a fantasy. But experiments with blood, begun at the dawn of Soviet power, strongly encouraged until recently, interethnic marriages and the official imperial policy aimed at creating a "new historical community of people - the Soviet people", that is, some kind of amorphous, mutually assimilated mass of people, dissolved in the Russian ethnic environment - do not all these realities give tangible forms to our "fantasy"?

Let's look around ourselves. With sorrowful amazement, we observe a mass of seemingly healthy people who betray their nations with incomprehensible malice and, moreover, participate with disgusting zeal in their destruction. From the point of view of normal human logic, these actions are inexplicable.

How can you explain the hatred of people for their homeland, for their people, for their language? A coward can be bribed, an idiot can be deceived. But neither bribery nor deception can turn people of the same blood with us into our sophisticated, merciless enemies.

Or maybe we have more than one blood with them?

Perhaps the modern Handels, Steiners and Bogdanovs have achieved the "expulsion of the Family, Tribal or National spirit from the blood" they longed for?

Maybe theories that a normal person, endowed with a sense of disgust, perceives as insane mystical delirium, have become practice, reality?

Someone, of course, knows the answers to these questions. We can only assume and pray to the Almighty to protect us and our children from satanic experiments with blood, consciousness, souls. We pray to the Almighty to keep us His invaluable gift - Discernment. And the sadists and torturers of their peoples - where can they go? After all, the roads of all people will cross someday where neither lie, nor wealth, nor power will save - before the judgment of the Almighty. Truly, only a madman can not think about it ...

I want to finish my article with a letter from a friend from Belarus that I received from him today.

Bely Rus: Anton, your article "Passions for Isaac, what is behind them?" raises an extremely important question. There can be no two opinions. I mean, there cannot (should not) be disagreement on the importance of the issue. Your view shows us the existence of an extremely sophisticated, insidious, "smart for evil" long-playing plan for the final enslavement of the Russian People and, accordingly, Russia.

Let's connect a lot of seemingly disparate facts: the joint get-together of the Pope and Kirill Gundyaev, the Pope's statement about pederasts as an almost normal phenomenon, the construction of a synagogue for several thousand Jews in Grozny (according to some sources, the largest in Russia), the recent landing in Odessa almost two hundred immigrants from Israel, as the first colonists to create a new Jerusalem in Ukraine. (Watch the video interview of the Zionist Igor Berkut).

And in the same line, the transfer of Isaak to Gundyaev's department with a very distant sight. The point is that we live in a Jewish conceptual space! There are almost only Jewish people in the TV box ... people, in discussions about possible options for the development of Russia and the Russian World, almost all Jewish experts take part. Their national values \u200b\u200bare imposed on us at every corner, from sodomo-Gomorra to culturological and financial ... What can we talk about when a Jew is in charge of the culture of Russia as a minister, and the economy is in command of the Gref-Chubais ?! And even the so-called national bank is plundering Russia in favor of the US Jewish Federal Reserve System!

And it turns out that a Russian Orthodox person watches the news on TV in the morning, seeing the presenter is not a Slav, goes to work, where, as a rule, all the same senior positions are held, in the evening he watches on the same TV, as a rule, through entertainment channels, " polishes "all this disgrace with an alcoholic potion, to which the people were accustomed in shanks chosen by God in ancient times, and, finally, a control one - he goes to listen to sermons in a church with an alien Orthodox architecture, where he can be told that the Slavs were barbarians before the baptism of Russia! (Gundyaev).

It would seem that the end of True Russian Orthodoxy!


Russians are almost on their knees ...

They are mistaken! The Russians squatted slightly, lacing their ankle boots ...

It is on this note that I want to end my story about the oppressed "Slavic gene" and about the relationship between two biblical brothers - Jacob and Esau, the story of which is a prototype of the relationship between Jews and Slavs. All Slavs need to hack literally on their noses that part of the religious and educational information that concerns them personally and the "yoke of Israel": "there will be a time when you will resist and overthrow his yoke from your neck" (Bible, "Genesis", chapter 27, verse 40).

In the Bible itself it is written in black and white that this yoke of the "sons of Israel" will not last forever. When the Slavs resist, then they will throw off the yoke "from their necks"!

You just have to strongly want it!

Victims of Jewish rule. Historiography

Message VicRus »03 Jan 2008 10:50
Ivan Ivanov

Jewish terror against the Russian people, during the seizure of power over Russia by the Jews in 1917-1922.

Of course, the money from world Judaism went to the Russian Jews “revolutionaries” in a continuous stream both before 1905 and after.
On the map was the conquest of great, immense Russia by the Jewish world kagal.
And here is a list of the leaders of the revolutionary parties at the time of the October 1917 coup.


1. Dimand is a Jew 7. Dan is a Jew
2. N. Gimmer the Jew 8. Abramovich the Jew
3. Strauss the Jew 9. Rappoport the Jew
4. Ratner - Jew 10. Zederbaum (Martov) - Jew

5. Lieber - Jew 11. Zederbaum (Levitsky) - Jew,
brother of the previous one.
6. Zonn-Jew


1. Kerensky (Kirbis) - a Jew 9. Kinshtuk - a Jew
2.Aranovich - Jew 10. Berlinroot - Jew
3.Hisler - Jew 11.Distler - Jew
4. Lvovich-Davidovich-Jew 12. Chernyavsky-Jew
5. Gurevich is a Jew 13. Tchaikovsky is a Jew
6. Gots-Jew 14. Rosenberg - Jew
7. Goldstein is a Jew. 15. Ratner is a Jew.
8. The reckless man is a Jew


1. Steinberg - Jew 7. Kagan - Jew
2. Levin is a Jew 8. Katz is a Jew
3.Fishman - Jew 9. Feyga (Ostrovskaya) - Jewess
4. Lenberg - Jew 10. Nachman - Jew
5. Stitsa the Jew 11. Karelin - Great Russian
6. Lander-Jew 12. Spiridonov-Zhidovka


1. Krupenin - Russian
2. Yakov Gordin - Jew
3. Leiba Black - Jew
4. Bleikhman is a Jew
5. Yampolsky - Jew

1. Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew 2. Radosmylsky (Uritsky) - Jew

4. Kogan (Volodarsky) - Jew
5.Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) - Jew
6. Rosenfeld (Kamenev) - Jew
7.Lurie (Larin) - Jew
8.Midovich - a Jew
9.Krylenko - Great Russian
10. Sverdlov - Jew

12.Nakhamkes (Steklov) - Jew.

After the October seizure of power in Russia by a coalition of Jewish parties, a Jewish occupation government came to power in Russia, headed by the Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars V.I. Ulyanov-Blank (from the same Lenin) - a Jew,
The Bolshevik Gestapo - Cheka was led by the Polish Jew F.E. Dzerzhinsky. In turn, more than 60% of the executioners of the Cheka organs were Jewish, 30% were foreigners and Caucasians, less than 10% were Russians, more precisely, as a rule, baptized Jews with Russian surnames. (Members of the Petrograd Cheka consisted of 6 Jews, 1 Pole, 2 Armenians, "Latvian, 1 German, in the Moscow Cheka were commission members 43 Jews, 10 Latvians, 3 Armenians, 2 Poles, 2 Russians, something like that was everywhere.)

These are the "workers" and "peasants" who organized the overthrow of the power of our Great Russian state "Russian Empire" and created on its territory their own Jewish, occupation state, which still exists under various names (RSFSR-USSR-RF "Russia").

The Jewish mafia seized power in Russia not in order to make some kind of Russian workers and peasants happy, but for the same purpose, for which all conquerors of all times and peoples have always seized foreign countries.
In order to take all the incomes of this country for themselves, in order to provide their Jews with living space and tens of millions of obedient slaves. These slaves of the Jewish invaders, we Great Russians are still.
Well, slaves, in order to use them, must be dull, cowardly and primitive.
What do I need to do? Guess ?!
Right!!! It is necessary to destroy all representatives of the captured-occupied people, who are distinguished by intelligence, independence, courage and enterprise.
This cutting out of the best part of the conquered peoples was done by all conquerors and enslavers, who decided to turn the conquered peoples into slaves for a long time.

Therefore, L. Bronstein (Trotsky), the main leader of the Jewish occupiers of that time, in 1917 defined the scope and procedure for the elimination of the Russian ruling class, employees and the petty bourgeoisie: -
"A. Imperial surname. - B. Armed forces of the state: 1) police, 2) gendarmes, 3) officers. - C. Ruling elite 1) high officials, 2) higher clergy, 3) titled nobles:" princes and counts " , 4) large landowners, 5) rich people in cities, 6) large merchants and industrialists. - D. Cultural class: 1) nobles in general, 2) clergy in general, 3) officials in general, 4) landowners in general, 5) intelligentsia in general .- D. \u200b\u200bAristocracy of the lower classes: 1) well-to-do peasants, 2) skilled workers, 3) Cossacks .- E. Any groups recognized for one reason or another as harmful at this time. "

The elimination of all the above layers was carried out punctually. Under this terror and genocide of the Russian people, the Jew V. Lenin provides a "scientific" basis: "The scientific concept of dictatorship means nothing more than a power that is not limited by anything, by no laws, no absolutely rules, and directly based on violence" [.

Another Jewish ringleader L. Trotsky introduces the concept of "red terror": "It is a weapon used against a doomed class that does not want to perish."

In August 1918, a Jewish student, Kenigisser, shot the Chekist, a Jew, Uritsky.
After that, the Jew Jacob Peters - the chairman of the Petrograd Cheka - ordered the start of "mass terror" against the Russians (?), And another Jew - Zinoviev (a member of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks and Communists) - demanded that ten million Russian people be killed. "
(From Douglas Reed's book "The Dispute about Zion" p. 277, published by "Knight", Moscow.)

Guided by such theoretical propositions, the Jewish political police - the Cheka arrested, she conducted the investigation, she tried, and she executed. The arbitrariness was absolute - it was important not so much to find the guilty as to scare the whole people. In reality, the Red Terror was not a class terror; all sections of the population fell under its blows.

“Only for the last week of August 1918. “In pursuance of the decisions of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Council of People's Commissars, the orders of the Cheka, in Petrograd alone, more than 1,300 people were shot for the murder of Uritsky and the attempt on Lenin, and more than 400 in Kronstadt and the Peter and Paul Fortress by decision of the local authorities. In Moscow, according to the Moscow Cheka alone, more than 300 people were shot. ... The Nizhny Novgorod Cheka shot 41 people and arrested 700 people as hostages. In the Smolensk region, 38 people were shot, in Pskov-31, in Perm-50, in the Vologda-14, in the Bryansk-9 people. These data reflect only a tiny fraction of the (Jewish) terror that (in just 6 days in 1918) swept across Russia. " (From the book by G. Pugachev "Jewish Fascism in Russia" Moscow, publishing house "Vityaz", pp. 18-19.)
“The Cheka, which is practically all of the Jews,” not only shot and drowned in the sea, but also burned its victims in the furnaces of factories and the furnaces of ships. Arkhangelsk, Kholmogory, Portaminsky Monastery, Solovetsky Islands were turned into cities of death. Here Kedrov (a Jew by nationality) raged as a representative of the Special Department of the Cheka. Together with Kedrov, his wife, Reveka Maisel, literally committed atrocities. Maisel, a Jew, a former paramedic, personally shot more than 100 people in the Tver province, in Arkhangelsk - 87 officers, 33 inhabitants, sunk a barge at sea with 500 refugees. Match Maisel in Penza, the chairman of the Cheka (Jew) E. Bosch committed atrocities, but the Chekist Fridman (Jew) in Yekaterinodar first raped women, and then shot them "... and so the Jews committed their atrocities throughout Russia. (From the book of G. Pugachev" Jewish fascism in Russia ", publisher" Vityaz ", p. 22)

The Commission of the Armed Forces of the South of Russia of General Denikin, engaged in counting the victims of "internationalists" mainly in the South only in 1919 counted 1.7 million victims of the Jewish Red Terror.
In 1921-1922 the total number of the extermination of the peoples of Russia by the Jewish invaders and their mercenaries by the "internationalists" is more than 8,000,000 people.
According to the calculations of the historian E. Rulev, the Jews who seized power in Russia were shot in 1918-1919, on average 5,000 people a day (!), I.e. 1.5 million per year.

With the announcement of the "Red Terror" in September 1918 and the granting of the revolutionary tribunals "unlimited right to determine the measure of repression" (in April 1919), the whole of Russia was covered with a continuous network of prisons, dungeons and places of mass executions.
Executions of former tsarist officers, nobles, priests and other "counter-revolutionary elements" in 1918-1919. took place in the Kremlin, in Moscow parks, in almost all city cemeteries, in the basements of prisons, monasteries turned into prisons, in churches. The same thing happened in all other cities of Russia.

In total, during the war against the Russian Cossacks of 1918-1920, about 1 million Cossacks and members of their families were killed. * (Bernshtam M. Parties in the civil war of 1917-1922. M., 1992. P.64).

At the end of April 1919, Trotsky visited Kiev and ordered the execution of all Russian patriots who were members of various patriotic organizations and clubs of Russian nationalists. * 1 Zhevakhov ND Decree. op. T.2. P.76.

The Odessa Chekists, who consisted almost entirely of Jews, even in their midst became famous for their sophisticated cruelty. For interrogation, torture and executions they used two ships - the battleship Sinop and the cruiser Almaz. Particularly brutal methods of reprisals were used by two old Jewish Bolsheviks, Vikhman and Deutsch. For the torture of the staunch Russian people, the executioners adapted ship furnaces. The most rebellious were attached with iron chains to thick boards and slowly, gradually, they were moved alive, feet first, into the ship's furnace.

In June 1921, the punitive army of Tukhachevsky, destroying all living things that came in its path, "achieved success", the 2nd rebel army under the leadership of Antonov himself ceased to exist, and a little later the 1st army under the command of Tokmakov was also defeated. When this uprising was suppressed, the punishers killed more than 100 thousand peasants, a significant part of whom were children, women and the elderly. Their property was distributed between local communists and Soviet activists. In 1921, the largest peasant uprising broke out in Siberia. It was headed by the "Siberian Peasant Union". The uprising covered a huge territory, including Ishimsky, Yalutorovsky, Tobolsky, Berezovsky, Surgutsky, Tyumensky and other districts. The insurgent peasants, numbering about 100 thousand people, managed to capture a number of large cities in Western Siberia, including Kokchetav, Petropavlovsk, Tobolsk, and also took control of a part of the Great Siberian Railway. Using heavy artillery and poisonous gases, the Bolsheviks inflicted a heavy defeat on the rebels. For the final suppression of the uprising, mass executions of the families of the rebels and all those who sympathized with them were used. With the same punitive campaigns, the troops of the Red Army marched through the Little Russian and Belarusian provinces, where in 1920-1921 a whole wave of scattered peasant uprisings swept through. On the territory of Belarus, a special Revolutionary Military Council was created, endowed with emergency rights, which included the commander of the 16th Army, Jew I.P. Uborevich, People's Commissar for Military and Internal Affairs, Jew I.A.Adamovich, Chairman of the Cheka, Jew Y.K. Olsky, Under the leadership of these people, the southern and western provinces of Russia were drenched in peasant blood. By all accounts, more than 200 thousand peasants were killed in these territories in 1921 alone.

Only in 1918-1922. more than 10 million people died from Jewish terror (more precisely 10,180,000)
All these victims of the Jewish occupiers can be called victims of the Jewish terror. All the same, these people were killed for resisting the invaders, in order to intimidate other Russians and deprive them of their will to resist.

Jewish genocide against the Russian people in 1919-1922.

May 9, 1918 All-Russian Central Executive Committee Members of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Abelman, Veltman (Pavlovich), Akserod, Zederbaum (Martov), \u200b\u200bKrasikov (Pavlovich), Lunberg, Zederbaum (Levitsky), Gimmer (Sukhanov), Rivkin, Tseibush, Ratner, Bleikhman (Solntsev) Goldengudin , Haskin, Lander, Aranovich, Katz (not a relative of the mayor of Moscow?), Fishman, Abramovich, Goldstein, Frykh, Likhach, Knitshtuk, Berlinerrout, Berlinraut, Disner, Smidovich, Sirota, Chernilovsky - all Jews by nationality. signed by the chairman, a Jew Yakov Sverdlov, adopts the following resolution.

"1. Not a single pood of grain should remain in the hands of the peasants, and this must be implemented immediately (leaving only for seeding and cut food). And declare for delivery within a week.
2. To call on all working people and poor peasants for a merciless struggle against the owners of grain.
3. To declare all those who have bread and those who do not take it to the dumping centers as enemies of the people .. "
The purpose of all these measures, to confiscate food from the Russian peasants, was not only to feed the Jewish occupiers and their servants. This could be done without robbing the peasantry and condemning the peasants to death by starvation. This was also necessary to incite hostility between the peasants and thereby facilitate the establishment of the Jewish occupation power throughout Russia. The Zhidovsky executioner Y. Sverdlov wrote the following about this;
"Only if we can split the village into two irreconcilable hostile camps, if we can ignite the same civil war there that was not so long ago in the cities ... only if we can say that we are in relation to to the village we will do what we could do for the cities "

The Jewish occupants needed a civil war in order for the Russians to kill the best people of their nation.
Therefore, the Jewish occupants took food from the peasants forcibly at a symbolic price. Food detachments were created - hungry workers themselves had to go to war in the countryside, kindling the fire of the class struggle there. The backbone of the "proletariat" (in reality, the Jewish occupiers) was the "brother in class" - a poor man who could not create a strong economy even after receiving land. Subsequently, uniting in June 1918 in kombeds, the poor will become the new exploiters of the countryside - they will receive half of the grain taken from the peasants.

Jewish invaders, who called themselves communists to disguise themselves, established in Russia the regime of "war communism" that existed in Russia in 1918-1921. Thus, they concentrated in the hands of the leadership of the Jewish gang called the RCP (b) the resources of Russia necessary for them to wage war for the complete capture of Russia. In January 1919, a colossal food tax was introduced by the Jewish occupiers - the surplus appropriation. With his help, in the first year of the food dictatorship and the beginning of the food appropriation system (until June 1919), 44.6 million poods of grain were knocked out of the peasants, and in the second year (until June 1920) - 113.9 million poods.
Where did this food go? Much of it simply rotted away. The bread that could be saved was primarily sent to the troops formed by the Jewish occupiers to suppress the resistance of the Russian people.

The goal of the Jewish authorities was not just to feed the city, it needed to be fed from their own hands.
And feed selectively! Food rations were given only to those who were willing to betray their people and help the Jewish occupiers, the rest were doomed to death by starvation!

On the conscience of Lenin (Blank) and other leaders, the Jewish occupiers are one of the most terrible crimes in history: the death of over 8 million Russian peasants from hunger in 20 provinces of Russia.

In 1921-1922. (according to the leading researcher of this disaster S. Pavlyuchenkov - 7 million). Naturally, this monstrous genocide against the Russian people was organized not only by the leaders of the Jewish invaders, but also by millions of other Jews.

Particularly noticeable is the role of Jews in the food organs of the RSFSR, the vital nerve of those years - Military Communism. Let's just look at some key posts. - Moisei Frumkin in 1918-1922 - a member of the board of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR, since 1921, in the very famine, - deputy. People's Commissar of Food, he is also the chairman of the board of Glavprodukt, where he has a manager - I. Rafailov. - Yakov Branderburgsky-Goldzinsky (returned from Paris in 1917): immediately - in the Petrograd food committee, since 1918 - in the people's commissariat; during the Civil War, he was an extraordinary authorized representative of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee to carry out surplus appropriation in a number of provinces. - Isaac Zelensky: in 1918-1920 in the food department of the Moscow Soviet, then a member of the board of the People's Commissariat of the RSFSR. (Later - in the secretariat of the Central Committee and secretary of the Central Bureau of the Central Committee.) - Semyon Voskov (arrived from America in 1917, a participant in the October Revolution in Petrograd): since 1918 - the food commissioner of the vast Northern region. - Miron Vladimirov-Sheinfinkel: from October 1917 he headed the Petrograd food administration, then - a member of the board of the RSFSR People's Commissariat of Food; from 1921 - People's Commissar of Food of Ukraine, then its People's Commissariat. - Grigory Zusmanovich in 1918 - Commissar of the Food Army in Ukraine. - Moisei Kalmanovich - since the end of 1917 the food commissar of the Western Front, in 1919-1920 the People's Commissar of food of the BSSR, then - the Lithuanian-Belorussian SSR and the chairman of the special food commission of the Western Front.

In addition to these Jewish occupiers, the Jewish invaders ensured the destruction of the Russian peasantry by starvation throughout Russia. For example, in the Tyumen province, the provincial food commissar Indenbaum, after the cruel grain procurements of 1920, when the region had completed 102% of the planned layout by January 1, 1921, announced an additional week of "completion of the layout" - from January 1 to 7, that is, just the pre-Christmas week. This Jewish executioner sent telegrams like this to the districts.
"Planning must be carried out, regardless of the consequences, up to the confiscation of all the grain in the village, leaving the producers to the hungry ration."
Indenbaum's personal telegram demanded "the most ruthless reprisals, up to the announcement of all grain availability in the countryside as confiscated." During the formation of food detachments, with the knowledge of Indenbaum, former criminals, lumpen, who easily go to beat the peasants, were accepted into the food detachments. A member of the provincial food committee, Latvian Matvey Lauris, used his power for personal enrichment and lust; having settled down with a detachment in the village, demanded 31 women from the population for the night - for himself and his detachment. Those peasants who did not want to give a layout were put in pits, filled with water and frozen.

The Jewish occupiers did not forget only that they had seized Russia (by starving out millions of Russian peasants), and about Jews in other countries.
In 1919, at the height of the civil war, when in many cities of Russia people were dying of hunger right on the streets, Lenin allocated significant sums to renovate the main Masonic temple of the Order of the Great East of France on rue Cadet in Paris. This unofficial act of invitation to cooperation, recorded in Parisian newspapers of the time, was appreciated by European Jews.

When, the Jewish communists, consolidated their power in Russia, the Jewish industrial and banking capital quickly established business partnerships with the Bolshevik Jews. After all, the main program of world Jewry - the destruction of Russia and the destruction of fundamental Orthodoxy - was carried out by the Jewish communists in the shortest possible time. Well, and the inexhaustible Russian raw materials, the communist, Jewish occupation power was ready to share cheaply with the Jewish millionaires of America and Europe.
For this, international Jewry conquered Russia.
In total, more than 8 million Russian people were killed by a deliberate, specially organized famine by the Jewish invaders in 1919-1922.
In total, during the period of the so-called civil war, or rather to call it, the Jewish conquest, more than 18 million Russian people were killed, tortured and starved by the Jewish occupiers.
And after all this, the Jews dare to cry about how poor and unhappy they are and how they are constantly innocently offended by other nations ...

Let us recall the names of those Jewish occupiers who organized this terrible crime against the Russian people.
The Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party consisting of: Ulyanov (Lenin), Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - half Jew. Apfelbaum (Zinoviev), Rosenfeld (Kamenev), Bronstein (Trotsky), Brilliant (Sokolnikov), Lurie (Larin), Radosmylsky (Uritsky), Kogan (Volodarsky), Smidovich, Nakhamkes (Steklov), Sverdlov, Mandelshtam - Jews ... Krylenko is Russian.

CENTRAL COMMITTEE OF SOCIAL - DEMOCRATIC WORKERS 'PARTY. (those very future winners of the CPSU (b) - the Bolsheviks)

1Bronstein (Trotsky) - Jew
2.Radosmylsky (Uritsky) - Jew
3.Ulyanov - Blank (Lenin) - half a Jew
4. Kogan (Volodarsky) - Jew
5.Apfelbaum (Zinoviev) - Jew
6. Rosenfeld (Kamenev) - Jew
7.Lurie (Larin) - Jew
8.Midovich - a Jew
9.Krylenko - Great Russian
10. Sverdlov - Jew
11.Mandelstam (Lunacharsky) - Jew
12.Nakhamkes (Steklov) - Jew.
* (given after “Jews in Russia and in the USSR” A. Dikiy, 1994)

But the composition of the Soviet (Jewish - occupation) government.
Chairman of the Council of People's Commissars Ulyanov-Blank (Lenin, hereinafter the party nicknames are indicated in brackets) - a Jew,
President of the Supreme Economic Council Lurie (Larin) - Jew,
Foreign Affairs Commissioner Chicherin - Russian
Commissioner for Nationalities Dzhugashvili (Stalin) - half Jew,
Reconstruction Commissioner Schlichter - Jew,
Agricultural Commissioner Protian - Armenian
State Control Commissioner Lander is Jewish.
Army and Navy Commissar Bronstein - Trotsky - Jew,
Commissioner of state lands Kaufman - Jew,
Public Works Commissioner Schmitt is a Jew,
Public Supply Commissioner Lilina Knigisen (Lilina) - Jewish,
Commissar of Public Education Mandelstam (Lunacharsky) - Jew,
Commissioner for Confessions Spitsberg - Jew,
Commissioner of Internal Affairs Apfelbaum (Zinoviev),
Public Hygiene Commissioner Anvelt is Jewish.
Finance Commissioner Gukovsky - Jew
Press Commissioner Holstein (Volodarsky),
Election Commissioner Radomylsky (Uritsky) - Jew,
Justice Commissioner Steiberg is a Jew,
Evacuation Commissioner Finigstein is a Jew

Rosenfeld (Kamenev), chairman of the "Workers 'and Peasants'" All-Russian Central Executive Committee (then the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet), a few days later Yankel Sverdlov — both Jews.

Members of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee Abelman, Veltman (Pavlovich), Akserod, Zederbaum (Martov), \u200b\u200bKrasikov (Pavlovich), Lunberg, Zederbaum (Levitsky), Gimmer (Sukhanov), Rivkin, Tseibush, Ratner, Bleikhman (Solntsev) Goldengudin, Haskinov, Lander , Katz (not a relative of the mayor of Moscow?), Fishman, Abramovich, Goldstein, Frykh, Likhach, Knitshtuk, Berlinerrout, Berlinerrout, Disner, Smidovich, Sirota, Chernilovsky - all are Jews by nationality.

The Bolshevik Gestapo - Cheka was led by the Polish Jew F.E. Dzerzhinsky.
The following Jewish executioners directly organized the military conquest of Russia and the military suppression of the resistance of the Great Russians.
People's Commissar and Chairman of the Heads of Moscow. Military. Council Trotsky (Bronstein) - Jew
Assistants - Gishfeld, Sklyansky - Jews
Members of the military council Shodorak, Patch - Jews
Before the Revolutionary Staff of the Northern Army - Fishman the Jew
Chairman of the Council of Armies of the Western Front-Poser-Jew
Political Commissar of the Moscow Military District - Yaroslavsky (Gubelman) - Jew
Political commissar of the Vitebsk military district - Deyb - Jew
Political Commissar of the 12th Army - Meich is a Jew
Political Commissioner of the Samara Division - Bekhman - Jew
Political Commissioner of the Staff of the 4th Army - Livenson - Jew
Military Judicial Commissioner of the 12th Army - Romm - Jew
Military Commissar of the Samara Division - Guzman - Jew
The commissar of requisitions of the Mosk. Military. Council. -Zusmanovich - Jew
The military commissars of the Moscow province are Steingard, a Jew, Dulis, a Latvian.
... (based on the book by F. Ya. Shipunov "The Truth of Great Russia")

But, these Jewish leaders mainly gave instructions from Moscow - how and where to kill, torture the Russian people. They carried out these instructions of the Jewish leaders, that is, they organized the murder of the best part of our people - others, ... millions of Jewish occupiers who committed their crimes in all corners of Russia. Now their grandchildren and great-grandchildren continue to rule our Russia, in all corners of our vast Motherland.

Jewish terror against the Russian people in 1923-1935.


The testimony of the executioners:

Geisler Edward, Born in 1890, native of the village. Brunensdorf (Austria), German, German citizen, worker, 8th grade education, married, resident of Berlin. March 1944 to April 1945 Squad Leader in the SS Security Battalion of the SS Division "Death's Head"; non-commissioned officer. Carried out the protection of the concentration camps in Auschwitz and Oranienburg; took a direct part in mass executions, torture and killing in gas chambers and gas chambers of prisoners of these camps. Arrested by security officials on July 20, 1945. From the interrogation protocol of E. Geisler. July 24, 1945:

... Being in the school (training company) for the extermination of people mainly jewishnationality and gypsies, taught that we must destroy such a nationality as a Jewon the territory of Germany and the countries and regions of the Soviet Union occupied by German troops so that this nationality never wants to work in physical labor, but is engaged in trade, deception and humiliation of other nationalities, in particular, Germans, that they always crawl into high positionsand thereby infringe on such a nationality as the Germans, and the Gypsies generally live by deception, and therefore all gypsies and jews we Germans will have to destroy from small to old so that this nation does not exist on earth at all ...

But the policy of the undead Zionists regarding us. They are already doing all this on the territory of Russia and Ukraine.

Putin surrounded by those who destroy our Motherland

Our plans for the Slavs

Full text performances of 1994 by the last Lubavitcher Rebbe from Nikolaev Menachem Mendel Schneerson.

We will direct the main spearhead of the struggle against the Slavs, except for the renegades who are related to the Jews by the same interests. True, these "related" we will then, after using them for our own purposes, withdraw from our society. The Slavs, and among them the Russians, are the most rebellious people in the world. He is rebellious due to the warehouse of his mental and mental abilities, laid down by many generations of ancestors, genes that cannot be altered. A Slav, a Russian, can be destroyed, but never conquered. That is why this seed is subject to elimination, and at first - a sharp reduction in its numbers.

2. Our methods of struggle will be by no means military, but ideological and economic with the use of power structures equipped with the most modern types of weapons for the physical suppression of the rioters with even greater cruelty than was done in October 1993 during the shooting of the Supreme Soviet of Russia. First of all, we will divide all Slavic peoples (there are 300 million of them, half of them are Russians) into small, weakened countries with interrupted ties. Here we will use our old method: DIVIDE AND CONTRACT. We will try to pit these countries against each other. Draw them into internecine wars with the aim of mutual destruction.

The Ukrainian will think he is fighting against an expansionist Russia, fighting for his independence, will think that he has finally found his freedom, while completely falling into dependence on us. Russians will think the sameas if they were defending their national interests, returning lands "illegally" taken from them, and so on.

We will do all this under the pretext of different sovereignties, the struggle for our national ideals. At that time, we will not allow any of the parties to self-determine based on national values \u200b\u200band traditions. In this war of fools, the Slavic cattle will weaken themselves and strengthen us, the main conductors of the turmoil, allegedly standing on the sidelines and not only not participating in the bloody events, but also not interfering in them.

Moreover, we will completely protect ourselves. In the minds of the profane Slavs (the uninitiated), we will lay such stereotypes of thinking in which the most terrible word will become "anti-Semite". The word "Jew" will be pronounced in a whisper.

With several trials (like the trial of the anti-Semite Ostashvili with his subsequent destruction) and other methods (radio, television - scary films, like the revenge of the Israeli superintelligence Mossad for the murders of Jews), we will intimidate the cattle so that not a single Jew will fall from while the Slavs will be shot in batches, destroyed by the thousands - on the borders where Jews do not serve, in the peacekeeping forces, terrorism, contract and criminal killings.

3. The stupid Slavic ethnos does not understand that the most terrible fascists are those who never, nowhere speak about it aloud, but organize everything supposedly according to the most democratic norms (like the presidential elections in March). On the contrary, we will make the very word "fascist" abusive.

This label will be feared by everyone we put it on. We know very well that nationalism strengthens the nation, makes it strong. The slogan of "internationalism" is outdated and no longer works the way it used to, we will replace it with "universal values", which is one and the same.

We will not allow any nationalism to rise, and those nationalist movements that seek to lead the people out of our dictatorship, we will destroy with fire and sword, as is done in Georgia, Armenia, Serbia.

But we will ensure the full prosperity of our nationalism - Zionism, or rather: Jewish fascism, which in its secrecy and power is super-fascism. It is not for nothing that the UN General Assembly in 1975 adopted a resolution in which it defined Zionism as the most notorious "form of racism and racial discrimination", but due to our victorious march across the planet in 1992 it canceled this decision. We have made this international body a weapon of our aspirations to seize power over "all kingdoms and peoples."

4. We will deprive a large population of Slavs of the national elite, which determines the development of events and the progress of the country. And, ultimately, the whole course of history. To do this, we will lower their educational level - in the next 5 years we will close half of their institutions, and in the other half we will study. Let us also let Armenians, Chechens, Gypsies and the like there. We will work to ensure that the governments of the Slavic countries have as few representatives of indigenous peoples as possible, who will be replaced by our Jewish elite.

In the media - radio, television, print, art, literature, theater, cinema, we will gradually oust the national cadres, replacing them with ours or, in extreme cases, cosmopolitan ones.

We will not allow any high technology, which will lead to a complete decline of industry, which we will narrow down to the production of basic necessities for a limited contingent of slaves who extract our raw materials. There are many engineers, skilled workers and teachers among the townspeople. We will create such survival conditions for them (no place of work, high rent, utility bills, travel) that they will run on their own, as Russians are now fleeing from the CIS countries, to remote villages of the north, where it seems easier for them to live, which is actually deed will also be a deception.

Spread the youth - and you will defeat the nation! This is our motto. We will deprive your society of youth by corrupting it with sex, rock, violence, alcohol, smoking, drugs, that is, we will deprive your society of the future. We will hit the family, destroying it, and reduce childbirth.

Hitler was a stupid boy.He acted directly, openly. And I had to do an incredibly great job - burn millions, shoot, bury, and the like. He left bloody footprints. We are more cunning: we will not have traces. Reducing childbearing by at least half means annihilating 2-3 million Russians a year without any physical expenditure. No need for stoves, cartridges, graves. And there are no traces. Was not born. There are no guilty ones either.

Let's create better living conditions for criminals than for working cattle, we will release criminals from prisons so that there will be more murders, robberies, instability. The amnesty will only concern thieves and murderers, in short, everyone except those convicted under the article for “inciting ethnic hatred,” which is now replacing the law on anti-Semitism.
Let us sow fear among the people. Fear for a life that will cost nothing, fear for a job that can be taken away every minute, fear for the future of your ... Fear and we will rule.

5. These daunting tasks will be accomplished in several stages. Already, 85% of the shelf of the Arctic Ocean has ended up (wide circles of the population are not yet aware of this) in our hands, thanks to the confusing and not explained to the people of the treaties concluded under Gorbachev and Yeltsin.

Already now, one and a half million Armenians live in the lands of the south of Russia - this is our outpost. At first, in order to deceive, we will declare the Armenian Republic in the Kuban, then, having expelled the Cossacks, we will transform it into Khazaria - Israel. It will help us that the Cossacks are constantly drunk, love power and are ready to fight each other on this basis. True, there is another structured organization - the Orthodox clergy. We will send our Jewish representatives there as priests, who, according to the Talmud, are allowed to outwardly perform the rituals of other religions, preserving their faith in Judaism in their souls.

We'll bribe the rest. And we will destroy those who do not give in. The Russians no longer have more or less organized structures, and the cattle are not able to unite and create them, because the Russian cattle have already become drunk and degraded and are not capable of structuring.

If in the last century the United States bought Alaska from Russia, then in the 21st century it will buy Siberia entirely. Where will the Siberian territories enter between the Yenisei in the west, the Arctic Ocean in the north, the Pacific Ocean in the east and the border of China, Mongolia and North Korea in the south. These lands are twice the size of the United States itself. An acre of land will be purchased at a price of $ 1,000, while the whole of Siberia will have to pay $ 3 trillion over 20 years. Annual payments will amount to $ 200 million, half of which will be spent on purchasing goods in the United States.

Siberians will not get away from the fact that they have to submit to some kind of foreign influence, and the United States looks nicer than its Asian neighbors. After all, Vladivostok is closer to Los Angeles than to Moscow ...

6. To carry out all these events of paramount importance for us, under the guise of "democratic reforms" we will give the Slavic cattle a monarchy. To everyone a puppet president ... And more shine, noise, pump! Monarchism is good in that it directs all the energy of the masses to the whistle. It distracts from our secret active work of structuring the population in the pattern we need. The president is a screen, as if elected by the people (and we will forge electoral procedures so that everything seems legal), because of which we will manage all the necessary processes. The President will be endowed with unlimited powers. He will put our people at the head of them by reshuffling the cadres in the highest posts of power structures. The army, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and all kinds of special forces will be directly subordinate to the president. And that means to us. We will have in our hands only the ropes that go to the hands of the president. And we will pull these strings as necessary to implement the grandiose plan of conquering all tribes and kingdoms, subordinating them to our super-people, the chosen God of Israel.

7. But the main thing is money. They do everything. They are power. They are strength. Whoever has money has a weapon. Ultramodern. He has a mercenary army. Money owns the media fooled by billions of human cattle. Bribe the people we need. They remove the recalcitrant. Resisting fans - Iraqis, Serbs, and in the future - Russians are bombed. Everything is decided by capital and the seizure of power. We have been practicing the accumulation of capital and the seizure of power for more than three millennia, and no one will snoke out with us in this matter. You don't have your own money. The authorities too. You don’t and never will! We will not give it!
We hate you immensely! This hatred gives strength to smile sweetly in your face, to take root in you and guide you, showing you “care” for you and your children, future grandchildren and great-grandchildren who will not actually appear.

You are doomed. And until you understand this simple truth, while you twitch, until then you will be beaten more than it should be. If you are obedient, there will be 65-70 million of you, otherwise 40-45.

The main thing now is to hold out for at least another 2-3 years. And then there won't be any problems for us here, in this country. We will create such protective equipment that none of you will budge. Everything that will be, we know, is controlled and secretly controlled. And no one can stop us!

What will we do

1. World reserves of industrial raw materials are being depleted, and by the beginning of the next millennium, “Western society” will not be able to maintain its current level of consumption without replenishment from new sources - colonial donor countries. Therefore, our aspirations are now directed towards Russia with two goals:
The first- the elimination of the most powerful and independent empire, occupying one-sixth of the earth. Second - the seizure of its wealth, which is 60-70% of all world reserves of raw materials and 75-80% of the world's discovered reserves of oil and gas, concentrated in Siberia and the shelf of the Arctic Ocean.

2. The planet is experiencing intense climate warming. The desert is moving north at a speed of 10 km. per year, land dehydration - 25 km. in year. Already now the ancient centers of the world - Athens, Rome and, most importantly, Jerusalem (Israel) fall into the zone of artificial irrigation only. In 20 - 30 years, it will be necessary to think about the resettlement of huge masses of civilized peoples to the north of their current residence. By that time, in the Kuban, in the Rostov region, in Ukraine, there will be an amazing subtropical climate, and in the Black Earth Region and in the north of Ukraine - the climate of today's Ciscaucasia.

If we recall history, then we must admit that these lands are the ancestral lands of ancient Jewish Khazaria, that is, Israel, captured by Kievan Rus in the 10th century. The Slavs are temporary guests here and are subject to eviction. We will return this territory and create on these fertile lands the Great Khazaria - a Jewish state, as we created Israel 50 years ago, pushing the Palestinians out. Some of the Israelis will move here, and we will drive the Slavic cattle far to the north, beyond Moscow. There will be a small northern territory - a reservation with a compact population, a reservation similar to the American Indians in America.

This is a reprint from a Jewish website run by RabbiEliyahu Essas.

A Jew's QUESTION to a rabbi:

"How to justify the extermination of women, children, old people by Jews during the conquest of Canaan?"

Dear Rav, reading the Tanakh, I encountered some incomprehensible moments. Explain, please, is it necessary to take literally that the Lord commanded the Jews to exterminate the inhabitants of ancient Canaan?

I can still understand that it is impossible to marry pagans, it can even be explained that they had to be expelled from the territories inhabited by Jews, so that they would not seduce Jews with their cults. But how to explain extermination of women, children, old people?

How can this justify?

When anti-Semites ask me such questions, I don't know what to say. I hope at least you can help me figure it out. Maybe I misread something?

Maybe I should have exterminate not all residents, but only warriors?

Oleg, Russia

Rabbi's answer to a Jew who comprehends the wisdom of the Torah:

The Jewish people came to the Land of Israel 40 years after the Exodus from Egypt. Land of Israel everywhere in the Torah is called land of canaan, in russian version - Canaan, from the word akhnaa - "admiration", "obedience" (before the Almighty). This is an essential translation. "Technically" was the name the strongest tribe of all the tribes inhabiting this territory.

The seven peoples who lived on this land before the arrival of the Jews were very "active" idolaters. Differing from many other idolatrous nations (all nations were like that in those days) by a special zeal in serving idols.

From the Tanakh (the beginning of the book of the prophet Yehoshua) we learn that tribes who lived in Canaan, was aware of Exodus of Jews from Egypt, their upcoming coming to the Land of Israel and that The Almighty gave this land to the Jewish people.

Before the outbreak of hostilities, the Jews under the leadership of Yehoshua bin Nun (disciple and successor of Moshe Rabeynu) offered these tribes two possibilities for a "peaceful settlement" of the problem: voluntarily leave the territory or stay, but on condition that they completely abandon any types of idolatry (you did not need to become Jews in this case, mind you).

Note, by the way, that the Givonim (one of the tribes inhabiting Canaan, named after the city of Givon, in Russian transcription - Gibeon), agreed to stay, promising to fulfill the condition set by the Jews.

I draw the attention of the readers - despite the fact that they did not fulfill their promise and continued to worship idols, they, since an agreement was concluded with them, were not touched anyway. They lived in Eretz Yisrael (north of Jerusalem). Subsequently, by the way, their presence caused a lot of trouble.

The land of Israel has been allocated by the Most High to the Jewish people for spiritual work - to correct the world and bring all of humanity to the One Supreme. This work was voluntarily taken over by Abraham, and the Jewish people, the descendants of Abraham, continued its implementation. The rest of humanity has refused this work.

On Mount Sinai, the Jews received the Torah, in which the Almighty gave instructions on how to correct the world. And it is quite natural that the worship of idols in a place specially designated for the fulfillment of the “task” of the Almighty, “attracts” the Wrath of Heaven. Therefore, the presence of idolaters on the territory of the Land of Israel is completely unacceptable. For more details, see the answer on the website in the answer "How does Judaism relate to emigration from Israel?"

If we assume that the world is exclusively material, and a person consists only of flesh and blood, then the danger can be (as you wrote in your letter), basically, only warriors. However, in reality this is not the case. The main component of a person is a soul, placed in a bodily shell. Therefore, one must take into account the danger not only for the body, but also for the soul. The threat to physical existence is visible to the "naked eye", even a child has a sense of danger and an instinct for self-preservation.

The threat to the soul is not immediately noticeable. Time may pass until a person realizes that he has turned off the right path, and going back is an extremely difficult process.

Thus, a threat the realization by the Jewish people of their mission in the Land of Israel can come from any person, young, middle-aged or old - whether it is a man or a woman - who worships any "forces" other than the Almighty. After all, spiritual harm is inflicted not with a sword, but with behavior, in a word, a kind of "radiation" that affects others.

For example, today Christian missionaries, men and women, kill Jewish souls without any physical violence - only to convince them to abandon faith in the One Creator. Therefore, the mere presence of idolatry in the Land of Israel is enough to cause the Wrath of Heaven. For such a presence creates, in a certain sense, a "poisonous" atmosphere.

The Torah tells how the women of Moab seduced the Jews in order to force them to worship idols. And as a result, 24 thousand people died. For more details, see the website in the review of the weekly chapter Balak, the first annual cycle of discussion.

As for children of idolaters - they grow up, become adults. Therefore, we can say that in this context such a child is a "time bomb"... Of course, the question arises: is it possible to correct the situation if you take a nursing baby and raise him with faith in the One Creator? Then, it turns out, you shouldn't kill him?

The Oral Torah says that in Egypt, Moshe Rabeinu, seeing how Jewish children were walled up in walls, called in prayer to the Mercy of the Most High. The Almighty answered - it should be so, but if Moshe wants, he can choose any child, and He will save him. Moshe did so - the child, whom Moshe pointed to, survived. Subsequently, he became an idolater and took an active part in the creation of the golden calf (see the website, for example, for an overview of the weekly chapter of Ki Tis, the fourth annual discussion cycle).

Only the Almighty knows who each particular child will become when he grows up. Therefore, if you act according to His command, you will not be mistaken. And if the Creator of the world said that it is necessary to destroy everyone, including even babies - it means that He saw that in the future they would follow in the footsteps of their fathers.

We, of course, do not have the right to independently make decisions about killing children (we do not know what will happen to them even in the next moment, and even more so - in five, ten or 20 years). Only the Creator of the world can give such an indication, for He is not limited by the time frame and “sees” the picture of the world as a whole, which is not divided for Him into past, present and future, He knows what will happen to His creations, even after a thousand and more than years.

Entering the Land of Israel, the Jewish people had to quickly populate all of its territory. However, this did not happen - pity and indecision were shown where there was no place for this.

Mercy is a manifestation of the greatness of the human soul. But not in cases where it directly contradicts the clearly expressed Will of Heaven. Because of this inappropriate "mercy" the process of conquering the Land of Israel then dragged on for about 500 years.

I will give you another famous historical example. misplaced pity... The Jewish king Shaul took pity on Agag, a descendant of Amalek, the king of the Amalekites, whose hatred of Jews was the meaning of life. He regretted and did not immediately execute him, contrary to the command of the Creator. And this had grave consequences for our people.

You write that anti-Semites ask you questions about the extermination of women, children and the elderly when the Jews conquered the Canaanite lands. Do they have a moral right to ask about it?

For thousands of years, the innocent blood of women, children and old people has been shed in the world. Not for the sake of high ideals - for the sake of prey, power, honor, right and left, without any pity, people cut off each other's heads. Suffice it to recall that in the 20th century alone, in Europe in general and the Soviet Union in particular, tens of millions of innocent people were killed, including, of course, women, children, and the elderly. I repeat, not in some distant, "dark" times - in the 20th century, during the life of modern generations.

Today, terrorist attacks carried out by terrorists under the banner of Islam in Israel, the USA, and Europe claim the lives of innocent women, children, and old people. At the same time, Russia supplies weapons to Muslim countries patronizing terrorist gangs.

Perhaps your opponents have nothing to do with the supply of weapons, but they may realize that this is evil. Until they realize this, in the eyes of Heaven they are passive accomplices of the murderers. Therefore, before accusing someone of cruelty towards innocent victims, let them first think about what their people and their allies are doing.

In conclusion, I would like to emphasize that the Torah cannot be “tried on” for the material vision of the world. The Torah is the Wisdom of the Creator, which gives us a "tool" to correct the world and eradicate Evil in it.

If we consider the texts of the Torah from this point of view, everything falls into place.

This blatant textposted on the Jewish site from where I copied it may become FOUNDATION for SYMMETRICAL Extermination of the Jews WORLDWIDEalready because mentioned here Godwhose faith and service jews so proud Godregularly giving commands to Jews kill Israel's enemies mercilessly, is actually DIAVOLOM, which is eloquently indicated by teaching of Christ the Saviorstated in the Gospels!

Accordingly, every Christian and even an atheist is obliged to understand all Jewish scriptures as follows: all "black "for the Jews this is "white"! And everything "white" is "black" for them!

From the point of view of Judaism, described above that the Jews have been striving for from century to century is a ubiquitous killing spiritual roots of other peoples, vulgarization and destruction the foundations of the morality of other peoples alien to the Jews, this planting everywhere debauchery and the creation of gay communities. What we see everywhere!

Now attention! Here is incontrovertible evidence, it is also proof that the God of the Jews is the Devil! - the text of the Gospel of John, chapter 8:

37 I know that you are Abraham's seed; yet you seek to kill me, because my word does not fit in you.
38 I say what I have seen with my Father; but you do what you have seen with your father.
39 They answered and said to him: Our father is Abraham. Jesus said to them: If you were the children of Abraham, you would do the works of Abraham.
40 And now you are looking for kill Me, the Man, who told you the truth that I heard from God: Abraham did not do this.
41 You do the deeds of your father... To this they said to Him: We were not born of fornication; we have one Father, God.
42 Jesus said to them: If God were your Father, you would love Me, because I came out and came from God; for I did not come from myself, but he sent me.
43 Why don't you understand My speech? Because you cannot hear My word.
44 Your father is the devil; and you want to fulfill your father's desires... He was a murderer from the beginning and did not stand in the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own, for he is a liar and the father of lies.
45 But since I speak the truth, you do not believe me.
46 Which one of you convicts Me of unrighteousness? If I speak the truth, why don't you believe Me?
47 He who is from God hears the words of God. You are not listening because you are not from god.
48 To this the Jews answered And they said to Him, Is it not true that we say that You are a Samaritan and that the demon is in You?
49 Jesus answered: in me there is no demon; but I honor My Father, and you dishonor Me.
50 However, I do not seek My glory: there is a Seeker and a Judge.

Here is a straightforward and clear answer to the question: to whom Christ addressed his words: "your father the devil"?

Here is the answer to this question: "To this the Jews answered Him ..."

That is, Jewsand there is "children of the devil"who speak everywhere lies about God, and about their "God's chosenness", and about Canaan, by the way, too, whose inhabitants jews mercilessly destroyedin every possible way solely for the fact that this land, unsettled before russian tribes, Slavs, they say, God bequeathed to the Jews!

Read a short text from a book published in the Russian Empire almost 150 years ago, and you will find out that exterminating the inhabitants of ancient Canaan, the Jews exterminated our relatives - the Slavs... For the Slavs are the descendants of the peoples who did not inhabit Palestine (in Hebrew Canaan), and the Slavic language has been called the Canaanite language by Jewish linguists from ancient times in their books.

Judging by what the Jews are doing in Ukraine, one must think that they consider this land - the second Israel. What iflisten to our TV presenter Vladimir Solovyov, then the Russians in Russia are not at all a state-forming people, the Russians are people who came from somewhere, living today as a guest of the Jews!

And why they put up with us, to put it mildly, is only because we are still the "predominant tribe", which is translated from Hebrew and means - CHANANEI.

When there are fewer of us, or we decay morally under the strict guidance of the Jews, they, as the rabbi explained Haim Ackerman, destroy us without any regret, guided by the laws of their Torah.

18 Do not be afraid of them, remember what the Lord your God has done with Pharaoh and all Egypt,
19 those great trials that your eyes have seen, signs, wonders, and a strong hand and a high arm, with which the Lord your God brought you out; The Lord your God will do the same with all the nations whom you fear;
20 and the Lord thy God will send hornets on them, until those who remain and are hidden from thy face perish;
21 Do not be afraid of them, for the Lord your God is in your midst, a great and terrible God.
22 And the Lord your God will drive out these peoples before you little by little; you cannot quickly destroy them, lest the beasts of the field multiply against you;
23 But the Lord your God will deliver them to you, and will cause them to be in great confusion, so that they perish;
24 and will deliver their kings into your hand, and
you will destroy their name from high places: no one can stand against you until you uproot them ... (Bible. Deuteronomy, chapter 7).

The answer to these lines is my next article:

In this case, I spoke, of course, not as a clairvoyant, this word is taken here in quotation marks, but as an investigator crimes against the Slavs. And the fact that at the time of the investigation it turned out that customers crimes (massacres of Slavs) are jews, so this is not a question for me, but for them. And if I like is investigator, collected the evidence base about crimes individual representatives Great Jewish people, so these are again questions to this very Great Jewish people. By the way, some sources indicate that customers the murder of Jesus Christ were again Jews, led by the Jewish high priest Joseph Kaifa.

This is how the well-known Boris Yeltsin used to say.

It's amazing how the misanthropic religion, which has become the ideology of some of the Jews, was able to reform people so much. After all, a person is not born a scum, although this is exactly what liberal psychologists and social scientists say. Look at the smile of a baby, can someone really see the animal origin in it?

However, Jews, those Jews who live according to the laws of Judaism, have been hated since ancient times both in Europe and in Russia. And there was why. This is narrated by the excellent report of Alexey Shmakov to the VII Congress of the United Noble Societies in July 1912.

Why is this particular report, given a hundred years ago, attracting attention? The logic here is simple. At that time, Shmakov could use sources that had not yet been either destroyed or lost, or ... falsified.

At the same time, I would like to emphasize that this is not just about the Jews as such, but about the Jews who profess the destructive ideology of Judaism. Unfortunately, there are people who believe that since a person is a Jew, it means that he is a Jew. I would like to advise such people: turn on the mind and do not become like the fascist scum. Have your own DIFFERENCE. A Jew is the same people as any other Russian people. Until they begin to live according to the laws of Judaism .

Honorable Lords! ...

Sceleratissima qens! ...

Seneca is about the Jews.

A. Introduction

I. The great honor that has fallen to my lot - to speak in your chosen assembly and on such a matter as the Jewish one, makes me involuntarily tremble.

If on the stage of history, the problem of the sons of Judas seemed invariably the most difficult and was never completely resolved, then, on the other hand, on the path of centuries there is no such situation in which Russia is, when faced with the task - what to do with those on woe to us, the five and a half million who are officially registered, or rather, with the seven or even eight million Jews who are in fact in our country?
Never before had such masses of Jewry accumulated in one state, and therefore, nowhere before has there been an example of such a dangerous tension of a question, reaching its culmination with extreme speed, especially since 1905, when Judaism suddenly spread throughout the entire space of the Russian land and almost ruined its independence. Before our eyes, the sons of Judas were preparing to implement their plan, expressed by the formula: “in order to have a fatherland, one must take it away from others! ...”.

II. Nevertheless, it would be very wrong to assume that the horror of the events we are experiencing is the curse of one current time, having no roots and heralds in the past centuries. The logic of world-historical evolution and the ineradicability of the basic properties of the kagal are equally opposed to the above hypothesis. The formidable warnings in the life of other peoples and the intelligibility of the instructions of our own experience taught continuously and personally, but, to their amazement, remained fruitless, and therefore could not but burst into disaster ...

In any case, if we have been seriously mistaken until now, then we should not, at least, deceive ourselves in the future. Alas, not only is there no reason to believe that the storms have stopped, but, on the contrary, it is very prudent to foresee the worst, and the lull that has come is regarded only as an ominous preparation for further strikes of the socio-political hurricane. If for this, according to Momsen's just remark, Jewry was already in ancient times the putrefactive enzyme of the disintegration of states, then in the present era, having almost monopolized such terrible poisons as the stock exchange and the press, it has become, beyond any comparison, more destructive.

According to the instinct of self-preservation inherent in all living things, peoples who had the misfortune to meet Jews on their way or to provide them with hospitality invariably sensed trouble, were aware of the effect of the poison and died from it when they could not or did not know how to take decisive measures in time.

In our days, the danger of infection is all the more sad because it spreads with an incredible, by no means previously unknown, hopeless force ...

III. To illustrate this with examples from the ancient and the new world is a requirement of a direct, vital necessity. But the solution of such an exceptional task would carry us too far. Thus, in this, involuntarily, a brief study, we are forced to limit ourselves to only a few facts of Russian history. However, here, too, we see enough that Judaism, always true to itself, has invariably sought to direct its domination along all three varieties of its application: spiritual, economic and political.

So, at the dawn of the Kiev period, the intention of the kagal to subject us to circumcision was revealed. “The Jews of the Khozarstia came” even to the Grand Duke Vladimir. True, he listened to them, but then, “having spat enough, he rejected the Jewish customs” ..!

Have the sons of Judas lagged behind? ... Of course not. They took up their business from the other end.

Already under Svyatopolk the Accursed, as the chronicler says, the Jews had great freedom and power, while many Russian merchants and artisans were completely ruined. As a result, what happened before and after, right up to the Principality of Welsh today, happened everywhere. - "Kiyane plundered the court of Putyatin, a thousand, and went against the Jews, and I plundered."

When Vladimir Monomakh arrived in Kiev, “the rebellion of the rebellion”, but the people of Kiev, all the people, asked the Grand Duke to rule over the Jews, that “they took away all the crafts from the Christians”. At the call of Vladimir, other princes gathered at the council and at Vydobach, after a long discussion they established the following law: “Now, from all the Russian land, expel all the Jews and do not let them in in the future; and if they enter secretly, they are free to rob and kill them. " And they sent letters to all the cities, according to which they were immediately sent everywhere. Since that time, there are no Jews in Russia, and when someone arrives, the people rob and beat.

Unfortunately, in neighboring Poland, Duke Boleslav from the 13th century gave refuge to Jews persecuted in Western Europe. A little later, the lover of the Jewess Esterka, the Polish king Casimir, officially called the Great, and in common parlance known as "Mordecai II", appeared as the benefactor of the "chosen people". We owe him, in the main, to those same Jewish hordes who, having ruined Poland, are now poisoning Russia. Having rapidly multiplied in the possessions of Casimir, the sons of Judas began to move to the Southwestern Russian principalities, and then to Lithuania.

It is said that the sons of Judas fled to Poland, mainly from the West. But their merits have long been known in the East, as evidenced by the chronicle of Nestor and other sources. It was not without reason that Grand Duke Svyatoslav fought with the khozars and then crushed their kingdom. Even having lost their independence, they continued to harm us, among other things, delivering weapons, supplies and spies to Batu. “Helping their happiness,” the Jews, amid the streams of blood and the groans of the Russian people, did not hesitate, with the complicity of the Tatars, to settle all over the Southwest Territory.

Here is what the local writer of the 16th century Mikhail Litvin said:

The most evil of all nations, the Jewish, has gathered in our country from everywhere. It spread to all the cities of Podolia, Volhynia and other fertile regions. The people are treacherous, cunning, harmful, which spoil our goods, forge money, signatures, seals; robbing Christians of their livelihood in all markets; knows no other art than deception and slander”.

At the end of the same XVI century, the Catholic bishop in Kiev, Joseph Vereshchinsky, wrote: “ The Jews have sucked all our estates out of us. They bewitched us like gypsies and infected us with their breath like wolves. They ruin us as they want, and, to our shame, everyone - from the lower class to the highest - is led by the nose...”

This was the role of the Jews in the west of Russia, despite the fact that as early as 1495, Alexander Jagellonchik, the Grand Duke of Lithuania, at first, on pain of severe retribution, “removed the Jews from pen and ink,” and then, when this did not help, ordered “ all - knock the Jew out of the ground "...

Turning further to Little Russia, one should learn that the torture of the Ukrainian people through the Jews is an indelible stain on the Poles. Hence, most of all, the age-old struggle of the Cossacks with Poland that followed is summarized in the following form.
The Cossacks are triumphant and the condition of the expulsion of Jews from all of Ukraine is included in the peace treaty. In the midst of the struggle, one of the leaders of the army of Bohdan Khmelnitsky, Kryvonos, wrote to the main Polish voivode in Ukraine, Prince Ostrog: “ And the Jews, your princely lordship, be pleased to escort them all the way to the Vistula, because they are primarily to blame - and they drove you crazy!...”
Poles win, and another treaty is written: Jews will again be given the right to become philistines and tenants in the estates of the royal and gentry. So closely related were the benefits of the Polish lords, who ruled over everything in the kingdom, with the interests of the Jewish tenants who ruled everything in their estates.
An insidious Jewish enterprise was risum teneatis, even the training of priests in Orthodox and Uniate seminaries at the expense of the kagalny, and the Jewish tenant built a church on the estate of this or that Pan as a continuously profitable article of Israel, because, once falling into slavery to the Talmid, khokhim (a sage in the Talmud), such a Jewish protege could no longer free himself. It happened, however, that, carried away by the temptations of the vow of celibacy, the Catholic priests were subjected to the same fate ...

The story of how the Jews in Little Russia mocked the people through the rent of Orthodox churches from the Polish gentry, as well as how they monopolized the baking of Easter cakes and Easter cakes on the Bright holiday through special “regulation”, Kostomarov concludes with the conclusion:

And thus, making Judaism over Christians, on their own land, - such a grievous abuse (outrage), meanwhile, they themselves sent their peysakhs freely and cursed Christians and their faith in their synagogues, built on Russian land, unrestrained”.

Along with the above, we see the same picture, but through the tears and sorrow of the poetic soul, both in Gogol's Taras Bulba and Shevchenko's Haidamaks ...

There is nothing to be surprised at. - Was not the generation of Judas itself from fornication, lies and hypocrisy (Genesis. XXXVII, 23-27)? !...

Great Russia, perhaps with the exception of Pskov and Novgorod, did not get to know the Jews at all, at least until the beginning of relations with Lithuania (the Jewish heresy). Although the founder of the Jewish sect was, as you know, a native of Kiev, the Jew Skhariya (Socinian-anti-Trinitarian), however, this heresy was led by the sons of Judas from Lithuania, where, finally, after the imprisonment of Matvey Bashkin, Abbot Artemy, Vassian, Theodosius the Kosoy, etc. ., fled as this last, so equally Ignatius and other heretics, who adhered there to the antitrinitarians.

This does not mean, however, that the kagal ignored Great Russia. The suspicious closeness of the sons of Judas to Mamai and his entourage is aggravated, on the other hand, by the “benevolent participation” of Jews in the extortions of the Tatar Baskakav.
The sons of the "chosen people" played here the same, favorite role of "financial advisers" and tax farmers, which they diligently, with unmatched success for themselves, they performed under the "concessionaires" of the equestrian estate back in ancient Rome, and then - in the court state of medieval feudal lords either overlords and, finally, corrupting the magnates or even the primates of Wormwood.
According to this, looking more closely, it is difficult not to notice that the meek Jewry, not without pleasure, retains the indicated role even now. Persecuted, driven out and called up again, the children of Israel were the inevitable intermediaries between the tax collector and his victims, between money and an empty pocket, pumping gold from the bottom up and bringing it to the king or landowner with a disgusting grimace, or, like a sponge that absorbs gold, contributed to the “rulers “Invent new taxes, as well as all kinds of general methods of obtaining other people's goods. But the Jews themselves, of course, had something ... Accordingly, in the chronicle according to Nikon's list, for example, under 1321 we read: “Coming from the Horde, to Kashin, Tayanchar, Tatar, with a Jew, with the debtor (the tax farmer), and much a burden for uchinish Kashin. "

Not without reason, therefore, from ancient times the Russian people were wary of admitting Jews to themselves.

However, one sad exception, which depended on us ourselves, can, perhaps, be brought to the Tatar yoke.

Andrei Bogolyubsky willingly accepted, in Vladimir, newcomers, Latins and Orthodox, showed them the magnificent Church of Our Lady, so that the Gentiles could see true Christianity and be baptized. For the feats of piety and “for the conversion of many Bulgarians and Jews,” the chronicler especially praises Bogolyubsky.

Among such converts and even those benefited by the prince himself were two Jews Anbal and Efrem Moizich.

“Both took part in a conspiracy against him.

- On Friday, June 28, 1174, the conspirators gathered at Kuchkov's son-in-law Peter. Among them was Moisich. Having then committed the murder of Grand Duke Andrew in a barbaric way, the villains indulged in plunder, and the body was thrown into the garden. Here he was found and guarded by the loyal servant of the murdered, Kuzma of Kiev.
Seeing the princely housekeeper Anbal passing by, Kuzma could not refrain from crying. - “ And the beginning of the poster Kuzmishche”, Says the chronicle. " My lord, how have you not treated your nasty enemies?! ... Or how have you not thought of conquering them, sometimes running the pellets of the filthy Bulgarians? ...“And so weep. - And come Anbal, the housekeeper, Yasin is from, that big key is around the whole house and over everything he gave free rein to him. And speech, roar nan, Kuzmishche: “ Anbala, sorcerer! Over the rug or something or something to cover our Lord”. And Anbal's speech: “ go away - we want to straighten the dog !...”
And the speech of Kuzmishche: “ Oh, heretic! Do you remember, the Jew, in which the portech came byash? You now stand in aksamite (velvet), and the prince lies naked; but I pray you do something! ” - And a more over-sized square and a basket, and I wrapped it around and carried it to the church. And the speech of Kuzmishche:

Already for you, Lord, your parobtsi do not know. Sometimes God and the guest came from Tsar-Grad and from other countries, from the Russian land, if Latin and to all Christianity, and to all the trash, and speech: enter both the church and the floor, so they see true Christianity and be baptized, - as it was. And baptize both Bulgarians and Jews and all the trash. And they cry for you more, but these are not ordered to invest in the church...”

Is it any wonder that having visited our homeland much later, during the reign of Vasily III, Pavel Iovy testifies how in his time the Russians hated the Jews, shuddered at their name alone and did not let them in as despicable and dangerous people.

From all the above, it is clear that the view of the Great Russian land on the sons of Judas could not but be expressed by the formula: “ great sneakiness and dark evil are filled with "... To explain the extreme immorality or extreme gravity of crimes in a certain environment, the Russian chronicles did not find anything more intelligible than to say about the guilty:" mixing with the Jews and getting used to their filthy business...”

This conviction, of course, could not but strengthen further with the penetration of the Jews into Moscow itself. Having opened access for themselves, apparently from the time of Sofia Vitovtovna and developing along with the increase in the number of foreigners here, especially under the guise of pharmacists and doctors, the infection of the capital with Jews was aggravated by the fact that, as in ancient Rome, they did not hesitate to take up the black book, making erotic or abortive drinks, and sometimes for those potions with which prominent persons were “eliminated” in Muscovy before and after Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky ...

The shrewd policy clearly suggested, already at that time, what promises Russia "the chosen people" in the future. Thus, we see that in spite of the "disinterestedness" of the tricks of the Polish ambassadors to pronounce the right to trade for the Jews, Ivan the Terrible answered:

They brought to us mental and physical poison - I don’t want to hear about them. !”
It is not suitable for Jews to go to Russia with auctions because they do a lot of daring, that boiled potions were brought in and Christians were diverted from Christianity”, - explained King John.
Guided by the same considerations of state security, the Moscow boyars and clerks of the ambassadorial order earlier and later, without hesitation, insisted on categorical, in turn, refusals, despite sometimes the hopelessness, it would seem, of circumstances, among which were peaceful treatises. But the sons of Judas did not sleep at all.

Himself the quietest Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich was forced to repeatedly remove the Jews from Moscow, where they now and then made their way, however, again.

Peter the Great looked at the matter in the same way. - “ I want to, - he argued, - it is better to see the peoples of the Mohammedan and pagan faith in oneself than the Jews. They are rogues and deceivers. I root out evil, not disintegrate. There will be no trade or home for them in Russia, no matter how hard they try and how much they bribe those closest to me”.

In complete harmony with all the previous, there was a decree of Empress Catherine I, dated April 26, 1727, of the following content.