Are childfree so wrong? Childfree: Fad or Deliberate Choice? Church versus childfree yap

It's no secret that today even people who do not know anything about this destructive subculture consider it reasonable and "modern" to postpone the birth of children at least far away ... THIS IS THE RESULT OF PROPAGANDA!

In the Western "democratic" society, the child-free movement is gaining momentum, speaking in Russian - "free of children." Why is this concept so attractive to young people, why it is so popular and why they are beginning to plant it on the Slavic people, let's figure it out.


Let's start with Wikipedia:
"Childfree (English childfree - free from children; English childless by choice, voluntary childless) is a subculture and ideology characterized by a conscious unwillingness to have children. The main idea of \u200b\u200bchildfree is the abandonment of children in the name of personal freedom and the promotion of a childless lifestyle. ".

What loud terms, subculture, ideology ... A movement arose in the 1970s in California, naturally in America. It makes sense to dwell here in more detail.

2 feminists Ellen Peck and Shirley Rudl organized the National Organization for Parents. The reason they did this was to infringe on the rights of childless families. And the main argument was:

In the early 1970s, a thirty-year-old woman without children was perceived as inferior. People considered poor health, non-traditional sexual orientation, mental illness, alcohol or drug abuse as an excuse for her childlessness. It never occurred to anyone that a woman does not have children for one simple reason - she has no desires
The women, although no, the females even invented a holiday with the date - August 1 - "Non-parents' Day", but it was not possible to achieve wide publicity. Apparently they realized that American society is not yet ready to abandon children. It takes time to brainwash.

It took 20 years to nurture a generation that would take the bait. The approach has also changed, if in the 70s they spoke about the problem openly, then in 1992 it began to spread through the World Wide Web. And school teacher Leslie Lafayette was chosen as the organizer of the community. But again it went with a creak, but was it necessary for the instigators of the fraud?

A precedent was created, and the Childfree movement began to spread on its own, like a virus, many countries of the world were infected, including in the post-Soviet space. Moreover, the popularity of this movement is growing. But we will talk about the methods of promoting this "ideology" below.


There are not so many of them, and they are extremely controversial, nevertheless, this is enough for a person to decide for himself - "and indeed, it is better without children!"

Chidfree had many great personalities of the past, for example, Nietzsche, Da Vinci, Plato, Copernicus, Newton. They already knew a lot about children!
- The child imposes a lot of restrictions and causes problems.
- A child requires a lot of attention and time.
- Pregnancy is a continuous torment, all these toxicosis, excess weight, frequent mood swings. It can destroy your "happy family".

For a normal person, all these arguments will seem like a complete idiocy, but we live in an abnormal society.

The only thing we can do is not fight them, no, in no case, we need to show by our example that a child is happiness, that with due attention and care, a child turns from a problem into a person who can be proud of.

Do you know why in the USSR the news did not broadcast about terrorist acts, but there were some? Because if you don't talk about a terrorist act, then there will be no point in committing them. The goal of terrorism is to intimidate.

Today, it is customary to talk mainly about terrible things, dysfunctional families, problems, murders, robberies, etc. negativity pours on us from all sides, and does this really make our life better? Maybe the powerful want a good life for us? The question is rhetorical.


I think you yourself can guess. Goal # 1 is to reduce the birth rate among the thinking population, the so-called middle class. Well, the working class is no longer needed in such numbers.

Middle class

The popularity of the movement among successful people who have covered basic needs is very high and I can explain that. If a successful person decides to have a child, then there is a serious likelihood that this child can continue the family business, he will have a child and also continue the family business, and if there are a lot of smart and successful people, then the chair under the "powerful of this world will shake", therefore they are trying by all means to prevent the emergence of competitors.

Working class

It's even easier here, hands are no longer needed, people are being replaced by robots, more and more unemployed, homeless, beggars who do not consume, this is bio-waste that should not produce offspring.
The conditions are created for thoughts about childfree to arise on their own.

The benefits are obvious - a decrease in resistance, the more stupid the society, the easier it is to control it, if influential and successful people have children who will continue their activities, sooner or later the modern leaders will have a hard time.


Promotion is in full swing, the necessary ideas are already broadcast by certain popular personalities, the media, and, of course, Hollywood.

Popular personalities

It's the perfect channel of influence that works. Opinion leaders, idols and authorities spread the necessary ideas to the masses with a bang.

George Clooney (actor)

Even one kid running in the garden of my villa can make me nervous.

Cameron Diaz (actress)

To be honest, we don't need more children. There are already too many people on Earth. Though I never say never

Kim Cattrall (actress)

I am a woman who has no children and who will never sit still. I like children, but for a short time. At first I think they are cuddly, cute and funny, and then I get a headache.

Renee Zellweger (actress)

Motherhood was not my goal. I never took him seriously

Robbie Williams (singer)

What's the point? After all, I cannot guarantee that my child will not be hurt one day, because at a certain stage life makes you feel unhappy. I don't want to see this.

In the Russian segment, the promotion of child-FREE was entrusted to video bloggers.

Dmitry Larin (video blogger)

Yuri Khovansky (video blogger)

I will not insert the video for ethical reasons. But Yuri did not limit himself to one video, from time to time in his videos he uses phrases like “I hate children” and its derivatives.

If we take into account that the audience of both Larina and Khovanskiy is schoolchildren and adolescents, we can conclude that in 5-10 years we should expect a decrease in the birth rate.

In promoting the idea of \u200b\u200bCHILDFREE, the following were noticed:

Women's magazines like Cosmopolitan, Hello !, Natalie.
- television channels - Channel One.
- sites - Woman ru (the largest women's portal), Vkontakte (many communities).
- Hollywood

In many films made in the West, the relationship between children and parents is strained. Parents do not understand children, and children of parents, and this is the norm for Hollywood.

It is worth noting that in many films, especially those about super-heroes whose audience is young, the main characters do not have children.

These are not all propagandists, so I ask you to help in identifying such individuals. As they say, you need to know the enemy by sight.


The continuity of generations, although it is already practically lost, the childfriy drives a nail into the lid of the coffin so that they do not even think about how to perfectly transfer family traditions, values, accumulated knowledge, skills, skills further, to their descendants, how amazing is global planning when your goals are realized by your children and grandchildren.

But teafree is just one option. There are many more "controversial" opinions that dominate in the minds of people, for example:

Freedom to choose the type of activity (if each generation starts from scratch, then it will be extremely difficult to achieve success, and generally impossible);
- drugs, alcohol, tobacco (everything is a poison that kills us, the paradox is that for our money);
- deterioration in the level of education (the main goal is to discourage the desire to study);
- deterioration in living standards and inflation, wars, terrorism;
- an increase in the length of the working day (many work 12 hours a day to earn money, does anyone really think that with such a schedule it is possible to raise a normal child?);
- consumer way of thinking (not to create, only to use someone else's - Western);
a favorite tactic - divide and conquer (in every country people are disunited, they are divided according to - territorial, religious, ideological, ideological, political affiliation, and then small groups are split into the field - fans of football or martial arts, musical styles, videos, and so on. - The more the society is disunited, the easier it is to suppress the uprisings of the dissatisfied, since society simply cannot gather in large groups), etc.

This is a systematic approach to the destruction of the human creator and population reduction. A slippery path down which we are led by those who have power, information and resources.

In one of the latest topics, a discussion of the church's attitude to abortion and contraception arose (\u003d47956637#t47956637), in which someone ashley_rat referred to the social concept of the Russian Orthodox Church. (\u003d81). Since the question is quite serious, I bring out the detailed answer in a separate topic for discussion.

1. Abortion.
XII.2. Since ancient times, the Church has considered the intentional
termination of pregnancy (abortion) as a grave sin. Canonical rules equate
abortion to murder.

Under no circumstances can the Orthodox Church give a blessing for an abortion... In cases where there is a direct threat to the mother's life during the continuation of the pregnancy, especially if she has other children, it is recommended to show leniency in pastoral practice. A woman who terminates a pregnancy in such circumstances is not excommunicated from Eucharistic communion with the Church, but this communion is conditioned by her fulfillment of her personal repentant prayer rule, which is determined by the priest who receives confession.

Even if childbirth killed you, saving your life through an abortion is bad for a woman. Very Orthodox. But that's okay, then there are direct instructions on how the doctors themselves should behave:

The Church calls on the state to recognize the right of medical workers to refuse abortion for reasons of conscience. It cannot be recognized as normal when the doctor's legal responsibility for the death of the mother is incomparably higher than the responsibility for the destruction of the fetus, which provokes doctors, and through them patients, to have an abortion. The physician should exercise maximum responsibility for making a diagnosis that can push a woman to terminate her pregnancy; wherein the religious physician must carefully compare medical indications and the dictates of the Christian conscience.

Well, the conscience of an Orthodox doctor does not allow to have an abortion and correctly interpret medical indications, which means that you can not do it.

They seem to have sorted out abortions.

2. Contraception.

XII.3. The problem of contraception also requires a religious and moral assessment. Some of the contraceptives actually have an abortive effect, artificially interrupting the life of the embryo at the earliest stages, and therefore judgments related to abortion apply to their use. Other means, which are not associated with the suppression of an already conceived life, cannot be equated to abortion in any way. When defining attitudes toward non-abusive contraception, Christian spouses should remember that the continuation of the human race is one of the main goals of the divinely established marriage union (see X.4). Deliberately refusing to have children for selfish reasons devalues \u200b\u200bmarriage and is an undeniable sin.

I strongly doubt that this can be considered a "normal" attitude towards contraception. Another one is very confusing. Throughout the text, quotations from the Old Testament slip through (therefore, as the Orthodox often like to do, it will not work to "disown" him here), therefore, in the discussion of contraception, it was strange not to mention the biblical Onan, who was killed by God only for using "interrupted intercourse" as, in general, the only method of contraception available then.

One of the ways to realize a responsible attitude towards their birth is to abstain from sexual relations for a certain time.

In general, the only "normal" method of contraception is ... guess right, as in the joke:
- What's the best contraceptive?
- Tea.
- Hmm, before or after?
- Instead!

3. Summary.
If you want to be an Orthodox childfree, either don't have sex at all, or pray for your or your partner's infertility. In all other cases, you will have to sin.

Childfree - that's what people call themselves who voluntarily refuse to have children. The term itself arose in the second half of the twentieth century.

Who are these people?

How the childfree movement made itself known in the 70s in the USA. Then the brightest and first organizations emerged: No Kidding! International and National Alliance for Optional Parenthood. Representatives of childfree views love to meet online. The development of social networks has allowed people who do not want to become parents to find each other. For example, the entertainment service Reddit has created online communities specifically for such users. Over 100,000 people are registered there.

The reasons

The reasons for such beliefs can be overpopulation of the planet, religious views and activities, ethical beliefs or simple reluctance.

Many people refuse to be parents for reasons of salvation for humanity. The earth is now home to 7 billion, many people do not have access to clean water, food and other basic resources. Part of the childfree community decides not to bring a new person into a world where there are already not enough conditions for a normal life for everyone.

Religious reasons are different: there are a number of confessions and religions in which celibacy is practiced, that is, a complete rejection of family and marriage, as well as a monastic lifestyle. Such people devote their lives to "spiritual" service. In particular, in the Catholic Church, the childfree issue causes a lot of controversy, because on the one hand, this can be an acceptable way of life for a lonely person, and on the other hand, the Bible is intended for people to reproduce.

Part of the childfree society does not refer to any value systems, but simply argue that they do not see themselves in the role of parents, do not feel the desire to have a child, want to remain free from relationships or focus on a career. They openly say that they will most likely be not very caring parents and will bring more benefits to society or themselves personally, being childless.

Representatives of such views are often accused of selfishness - they say, these people do not fulfill their natural purpose or are unable to take care of someone. Some opponents of childfree insist on a childless tax. This is especially true for countries with a solidarity pension system, which also operates in Ukraine. In this state of affairs, pensions are charged to people from taxes of the working-age population. Here the argument against childfree is the following: in old age they will be supported by other people's children.

Attitude towards childfree

In many countries, being childfree is still a challenge. In particular, in Russia, by the decision of the Prosecutor General's Office, the administrators of the social network VKontakte blocked the Internet communities of people with childfree views, arguing that they "contained extremely negative information calling for illegal actions against children and mothers", as well as "denying family values \u200b\u200band formative disrespect for parents ”. Recently, Turkish President Rajep Tayyip Erdogan called female childfree inferior. The story of the British woman Holly Brockwell, who for 4 years in courts defended the right to her own sterilization, was also widely publicized.

What do Kharkiv residents think?

This material was prepared within the framework of the Inter-editorial Exchange Program with the support of the international media project MyMedia.

August 7 - Dormition of the righteous Anna, the mother of the Mother of God and the wife of St. Joachim, who miraculously gave birth to a daughter after many years of childless marriage. Therefore, it is not surprising that today believers in prayers to righteous Anna ask for help in giving children.

But if some parents beg for children from the Lord, others, organized into a whole community, deliberately refuse to have children, and so categorically that they even go to sterilization.

I rarely watch TV. We simply do not have it. But when I look, I am always upset. So this time, when I was visiting my mother, I got on the news, where the TSN journalist in his usual brisk manner talked about the latest fashion from enlightened Europe - "childfree". For those who have mastered the English course at school, it will not be difficult to translate this phrase - "free from children."

It followed from the reportage that now we also have a category of people who deliberately refuse to have children, moreover, it happens so categorically that they even go to sterilization. The motivation is banal - i don't want to fetter my freedom with anything or anyone ("After all, then we will not be able to break off at any moment and fly to spend the weekend in another country"), spoil the figure, ruin a career etc. Everything would be fine, but these "childfree" behave aggressively, filling social networks with slogans like "Down with all pregnant women", "Dchildren are flowers of life, so they are either in the water or in the ground! "by uniting in online communities and promoting a child-free lifestyle.

Then my husband and I, sighing about the depraved West and exchanging a couple of phrases like "But if your parents were" childfree ", then you, bastard, would not fly for any weekends", safely forgot about it. But recently this topic has surfaced again - I came across an article on the Internet about childless "stars" of the pop industry - happy, successful, self-sufficient (according to the author), capable of neglecting social stereotypes.

Of course, there were also discussions, supporters of the traditional family made themselves known, but somehow they got lost against the background of cynics shining with wit.

The results of my further monitoring of the network also turned out to be disappointing - blogs, forums, websites of certified psychologists, articles in information publications - all unanimously declared: “How long will we torture a woman with a reproduction of unnecessary biomaterial to no one? Enough to put pressure on the family (or, sorry, partners) with constant reproaches about the heirs, you need to live for yourself, realize yourself as a person, but then, maybe, if both partners are aware of such a need, weigh their capabilities, etc., etc. P.". The traditional view of a family with children, as natural and logical, is unambiguously supported only by Christian publications and sites for young parents.

But in fairness, nevertheless, it is worth noting that the opinion of the Internet in this matter is far from popular opinion. There is a moment of propaganda here. Yes, maybe it's hard for me to talk about public opinion, spending half a day on the playground, where moms and dads with young children never had a question to give birth or not to give birth, and they see the issues of figure, career, success in a completely different light. And yet, I feel, and I can clearly see that childlessness due to infertility, physical inability to conceive and bear a child is perceived by us as a great grief, and the absence of children in young healthy couples causes at least bewilderment and notorious jokes, reproaches from friends and relatives ...

Everything is still in our place - both conservative public opinion and the desire of most families to have children.

But then where did the childfree come from?

From the same place where the worship of homosexuality came to us, where recipes for a successful and beautiful life are cooked up (and illustrative examples of it, of course), where they teach us to nurture and nurture our ego.

Tolerant Europe and the American continent supposedly provided their citizens with decent salaries and the best medicine, but - a stubborn fact - the number of Europeans and Americans wishing to breed is not growing, but vice versa. And disadvantaged African and Asian countries, contrary to all logic, are breaking birth records. Although no, experts say that fertility rates are already declining there.

What do these unfortunate people who breed in unsanitary conditions hope for? For the same thing that everyone always hoped for - God. They live without bothering with speculations and calculations, suffering from epidemics and hunger, but still they live.

A civilized person is hyper-responsible - he cannot "have a child" until he provides the future child with a sufficient level of comfort, and the higher the responsibility, the more claims to comfort. And very often such perfectionism reaches the highest point - the abandonment of children altogether. Well, a person, even a very wealthy person, cannot change the increasingly deteriorating environment for his child, stop terrorism, etc.

And a believer in the matter of having a child is more similar to a native

All the responsibility that a developed European places on his shoulders, the believer trusts God, trusting, first of all, in Him. And he wins, receiving according to his faith. And public opinion at such a moment is absolutely on the side of the one who dares to give birth to a child in spite of anything, and our folklore only confirms this: “God gave a bunny, he will give a lawn,” “a child is born with a crumb of bread in his bosom,” etc.

But this is where public opinion tempts, and what can be clearly seen from thematic forums is the possibility of living for your own pleasure. This is the main trump card of "childfree". It is not perfectionist beliefs that drive them, but the most banal selfishness.

And sometimes these beliefs are so cynical and disgusting in their essence that you are simply frightened. And in this they are helped by our modern culture, mass media aimed at consumption.

“When you have a child, you get fat, your family will fall apart, you will never have money, freedom again ... "; “If you decide to have a child, then it will become your absolute and highest priority. If you remind him of this when he or she gets older, and something goes wrong, he / she will throw through clenched teeth "and I did not ask to be given birth"; “Babies are terrible. Their scream is the most annoying sound on earth, and there is no way to stop it ... They don't eat baby puree, but spit it out within reach. They spray urine on you when you bathe them. No person with a healthy head would accept a pet into the house, which would have habits close to the average child ”; "Sooner or later at some point in life your child will probably be very angry with you, and may even hate you, sometimes for many years, sometimes forever. One single mistake of yours will be enough to cross out the YEARS of your life given to your child."; “Even worse - the disability of the child, you either compromise with your conscience and a likely break with your partner, and abandon the miracle of nature you have generated, or you will find a new meaning in your existence, which will no longer be life, in the full sense of the word Love to play the lottery ? " (quotes are taken from the childfree forum, where the authors give 20 reasons not to have children).

In this light, indeed, the birth of children seems to be sheer absurdity - a series of unnecessary sacrifices - and for what? The notorious glass of water, which you can't get too much from modern children? Improving the demographic situation? Rave!

And here, not every opponent of conscious childlessness has enough enthusiasm to describe all the delights of motherhood and fatherhood, so that these lost ones understand how deeply they are mistaken. After all, how to tell those who break their foreheads in the name of their principles, how to joyfully step over their innocence for the sake of reconciliation with loved ones? To tell those who have never sacrificed their sleep for the sake of a good deed, how comforting, after sitting (or running) by the patient's bed all night, in the morning to finally hear a measured snoring and feel the cherished 36.6 with your lips? Or to someone who has never suffered pain for the sake of another, explain the feeling of miracle when a new life is born in agony?

A person who is not ready to make a small sacrifice is simply not worthy of children. And although they (like other relatives and friends), alas, often bring grief, these griefs also need to be earned.

Modern society is full of new ideas that do not always correspond to the dogmas of the Orthodox Church and God's commandments. One of these teachings includes the modern childfree movement (translated from English. Free from children). It lies in the fact that people openly admit that they do not want and will not have children.

And at first glance, there is nothing wrong with this, because the desire to create a family individually and is not a forced imposition of society or, moreover, the Church. How to relate to supporters of such ideas and what the clergy think about this - the answers to these questions can be found in this article.

The main theses of ideology

The childfree movement arose in the 40s of the last century in California, USA, where for the first time women openly declared that they did not want to be mothers and did not believe that motherhood was a woman's destiny. Since then, this position has attracted an increasing number of women and spread throughout the world, reaching Europe and Russia.

Having a child is not the goal of marriage for all young families

Today on the territory of the Russian Federation there are more than 5,000 people who openly declare that they belong to this movement. Naturally, most of them are women, since men are less concerned with fertility problems.

To form a clear position in relation to the movement, you should know its main thesis: children are a conscious choice of every woman. The decision to give birth or not is made only by the woman, since this is her body and her life. If she wants to build a career, and sees sex only as pleasant entertainment and a way to relax, then why should she give birth? Feminine purpose is not hidden in this, not only motherhood is a vocation, but also work, travel, self-development and other exciting things.

Attention! Thus, supporters of the movement stand for free will and their rights - they do not want to have children and do not have them. Sociologists say this movement arose from excessive pressure on women.

Indeed, in the 40s of the last century, men did not consider them as competitors to themselves in offices and factories, women were always at home and raising children. Therefore, childfree and opposed such a categorical view of women and the pressure of society. After all, those who did not have children at that time (and even now this is commonplace) were ridiculed and condemned.

Orthodoxy and childfree

Children, from the point of view of Orthodoxy, are a gift from above. David wrote that the Lord filled his quiver with arrows - his sons and accepted this as a gift. The Jews considered it a blessing of God, and the Lord Himself commanded Adam and Eve to be fruitful and multiply.

Children are a gift from God

So giving birth means getting a gift to the family. Despite this, we see in the Scriptures that many women at that time remained barren (Elizabeth, Anna, Mary's parents) and took it as a curse of God, so they prayed tirelessly. I.e having children was previously considered a great privilege, and those who could not have them took it as a great grief.

About childbirth:

Today, the view of Orthodoxy has not changed, but medicine began to offer many means that violate the laid down by the Lord - contraception allows you to bypass His commands, and IVF and other methods - to get children by force and against God's will. A child today is just a toy in the hands of parents. Therefore, clergymen primarily want to instruct husbands and wives to approach this issue correctly, without violating God's will.

Important! From the point of view of the Orthodox Church, to become parents is to receive a blessing.

If a person refuses this by his own conviction, this is his choice. The Lord does not rape anyone and gives a choice to a person, this is the essence of everything. Nevertheless, in the document "Fundamentals of the Social Concept of the Russian Orthodox Church" in the section devoted to bioethics, it is said that the refusal of childbearing for selfish motives is a sin. Perhaps this position has developed as a result of psychological trauma and then it is best to consult a psychologist.

The opinion of the clergy

Priest Oleg Bulychev says when women begin to "put pressure" on others, declaring that only their position is correct, turning to insults and bringing all kinds of confusion - this is considered a sin. When they kill babies in the womb by having abortions or using chemical methods of contraception.

The large family of an Orthodox priest

If a woman does not want to become a mother, then she should not live sex life either - it will be a just act. The Scripture says that a woman will be saved through childbirth, i.e. giving birth and introducing a child to the Church. If this does not happen, is she receiving a blessing? Hardly.

Matushka Elena Fetisova is of the opinion that having many children is a manifestation of faith. Complaining about the difficulty of a mother's fate today is stupid when there are so many gadgets around that make life easier. Refusal to have a child is only a whim of a spoiled life and a consequence of the destroyed institution of the family in society. After all, if a woman is not sure that her lover will ever marry her, will she give birth to him?

Important! Whether or not to accept a blessing from the Lord is a person's decision. Parenting is a wonderful time when God puts his gifts into the hands of people. Is it worth giving up on them?

Archpriest Andrey Tkachev on the childfree movement