Faithfully and truly. “I don’t know how it will be with you, but with us not a single cannon in Europe dared to fire without our permission.” (A. Bezborodko) - presentation

To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty

2013 marks the 400th anniversary of the dynasty of the All-Russian Sovereigns and Autocrats of the Romanovs. This is, without a doubt, the largest date in our contemporary national history. The consciousness of the Russian Empire is connected with the Romanovs - one of the greatest powers in the entire history of the existence of human civilization on planet Earth. Throughout the 18th and 19th, Russia, under the sovereign scepter of the Emperors from the Romanov dynasty, was the greatest Slavic state that enjoyed world political, military and economic hegemony. The Romanovs made our country the most powerful and powerful state. “Without our permission, not a single cannon in Europe dared to fire” (as Chancellor Prince Bezborodko said), we became European gendarmes, imposing our will on the rest of the world, we - Russians, thanks to the sovereign intelligence and wisdom of the Romanovs, became the rulers of a country in which never the sun did not go down. Our ancestors - the ancient Russians - would be proud of us and envy us. They were also an imperial people, but they failed to build such a great and sovereign country that the Russians built during the reign of the Romanovs: Peter the Great, Catherine the Great, Alexander the Blessed, Nicholas the First and Alexander II.
In the days of the Romanovs, Russia was defended on the battlefields by the greatest commanders of all times and peoples: Generalissimo, His Serene Highness Prince Alexander Suvorov, Field Marshal General Prince Mikhail Kutuzov, Prince Bagration, Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky, and also: Prince Skopin-Shuy Shcherbatov, Wittginstein, Lefort, Apraksin, Minikh, Bruce, Barclay de Tolly, Raevsky, Tormasov, Ushakov, Kornilov, Skobelev, Platov, Miloradovich, Ermolov, Osterman-Tolstoy, Dokhturov, Prince Gorchakov, Ozhirovsky, Prince of Wyurtenurakin, Golovin His Serene Highness Prince Paskevich, Dibich, Chichyagov, Brusilov and many others. The greatest "thanks" to them - to all those great soldiers who led our army, who defended the Russian statehood and saved the Russian people and other peoples from foreign enslavement.
During the time of the Sovereigns from the Romanov dynasty, Russia became a trendsetter in the field of culture, literature, painting, architecture, music, ballet. Russian emperors supported Russian art. The Russian Empire was glorified by such names as (writers): Mikhailo Lomonosov, Vasily Zhukovsky, Nikolai Karamzin, Alexander Pushkin, Mikhail Lermontov, Prince Vyazemsky, Count Lev Tolstoy, Afanasy Fet, Nikolai Tyutchev, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Ivan Turgenev, Alexander Blok, Sergei Yesenin Ivan Bunin, Nikolay Gumilyov, Marina Tsvetaeva, Anna Akhmatova, Zinaida Gippius, Ivan Savin (Savolainen), Sergey Bekhteev, Nikolay Turoverov, Arseny Nesmelov; (painters): Aivazovsky, Palenov, Shishkin, Kramskoy, Petrov-Vodkin, Repin, Surikov, Vasnetsov, Vereshchagin; (composers): Tchaikovsky, Glinka, Rimsky-Korsakov, Alyabyev, Mussorgsky, Prokofiev, Rachmaninov, Borodin, Dargomyzhsky, and many, many others.
During the time of the Romanovs, the Russians conquered or annexed Finland, Poland, Alaska, Turkestan, Georgia, Armenia, the North Caucasus, White and Little Russia to their territory; strengthened Siberia; Russians ruled in the German principalities, defeated Napoleonic France, defeated Turkey more than a dozen times, mastered the North of China, helped to throw off foreign oppression from Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Switzerland, Italy.
The Russian emperors-Romanovs managed to bring up a powerful bureaucratic layer - the nobility. Many representatives of the noble aristocracy and the intelligentsia were faithful assistants to the Romanovs in managing the immense and complex state machinery of the empire. The Russian nobility became the strongest foundation on which the Russian autocracy rested.
During the reign of the Romanov Tsars in our country, Russia became the largest state in the world and one of the greatest empires in the entire history of human civilization.
Let the glory of the Russian emperors from the Romanov dynasty live as long as human civilization has existed on planet earth. Let the Russian people forever be proud of their Autocrats Romanovs, let them honor their memory as brilliant statesmen, strategists and warriors. Let the Romanovs ascend the Russian throne again and let Russia again become the greatest world Empire !!! May the Empress Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna become the Empress of All Russia!

The Beaver Empire, while collecting monats and wiping snot to Western military instructors freed from Assad's captivity, creates some information noise, continuing to babble about the "ridiculousness" of Assad's intentions to hold a referendum and the usual talk: "The days of the Assad regime are numbered" ... In general, comment for now there is little, but that's why I started with this saying.
"Putin will surrender everything in exchange for recognition of the presidential election results"- the people say in the comments, referring to Syria and everything that should follow according to the plan of Doctor Chaos.
So I want to ask: what does n mean do not recognize the election results in this or that country? What does it mean to call the government "illegitimate"? After all, this means not recognizing the authority of a given state, right? And since a certain foreign state refuses to recognize the power (in the person of an elected subject, be it an individual like Putin, Lukashenko, Chavez, etc., or a government body like our Duma) in a country that held elections, the results of which the foreign state did not like, then this is a foreign state what should be done after the words about non-recognition? Correctly - recall your ambassador, close the embassy and thereby terminate diplomatic relations... How else? They didn’t recognize it, they didn’t recognize it, it died that way. And with the termination of diplomatic relations, not only joint summits and other high-profile parties cease, but everything stops: visa contacts, trade, business and everything that the embassies and consulates of these states in this country provided. A business that prefers to remain in a country with "unrecognized" power does so at its own peril and risk, without diplomatic cover for its country. However, on the other hand, the government, which did not like the native country of this business so much, can itself initiate the expulsion of both ambassadors with their monats, and businessmen who are mastering our huge market.
Ah, it doesn't come to that? Well, then there is no non-recognition, only screams, and screams are inexpensive, you should not pay attention to them. They will shout and calm down. It's just a fit. It will pass.
Question: So, according to skeptics, Putin should drain "in exchange for recognition"? Yourself? Country? And, most importantly, why, if he himself can, if they do not recognize the election results, drain them all from the country by one decree? I understand that utopia. But it is exactly the same as the non-recognition of the election results by other states, if the representatives of these states only yell, but they do not bring the matter to actual non-recognition and legal registration. And they never will. So ... go broke, Emelya, your week.

Meanwhile ...
By the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, for his great services in promoting the interests of Russia in the international arena, the Permanent Representative of Russia to the United Nations Vitaly Churkin was awarded the Order of Merit to the Fatherland, 1st degree. I suppose, and in honor of the victory over the enemies of Syria. Let it be intermediate, but very painful for the Beaver Empire. Russian diplomacy is back. God willing, the time will come when, as under Chancellor Bezborodko, "not a single gun in Europe fired without our permission."

19.07.2013 2 11992

Only three of the Russian monarchs received the nickname of the Greats from their descendants. These are Ivan III - the creator of the unified Russian state, Peter I, who brought Russia to the ranks of the leading European powers, and Catherine II, whose reign was later called the "golden age" ...

During the reign of Catherine II, Russia reached the peak of world power, when, in the words of the empress's secretary, Count Bezborodko, "not a single cannon in Europe dared to fire without our permission." With all this, if you look at the merits, Catherine did not have any rights to the Russian throne. She was only the wife of the grandson of Peter the Great, and according to the laws of that time, after Peter III, his son, Pavel Petrovich, was to receive the crown. But it was Catherine who ruled, and Paul, until his mother's death, sat quietly in Gatchina, removed from all state affairs.

Why did it happen? To a large extent, Catherine was helped to achieve power by her excellent knowledge of human souls and her ability to conduct intrigues, which, ultimately, elevated her to the royal throne. We can say that Catherine II was the queen of intrigue.

Backwater princess

Sophia Frederica Augusta, Princess of Anhalt-Zerbst, was born on May 2, 1729 in the Prussian city of Stettin (now Polish Szczecin) in the family of the regiment commander, Duke Christian Augustus. She was waiting for the fate of an ordinary German princess, who were a dime a dozen in Germany at that time. But it so happened that the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna decided to marry her nephew Pyotr Fedorovich. Elizabeth herself chose his bride. The choice fell on the Anhalt-Zerbst princess. So Sophia Frederica Augusta ended up in Russia.

The very first intrigue was directed against his own mother. Johanna Elizabeth was an adventurous lady. Arriving with her daughter in Russia, Johanna immediately began to intrigue against the Russian chancellor Bestuzhev-Ryumin. Unfortunately, the mother of the future Russian empress was stupid.

Her tricks with the French ambassador de la Chtardie were revealed, and an angry Elizabeth expelled Johanna from Russia. But Sophia Frederica Augusta, who was expecting the same fate, managed to dissociate herself from her mother and, in order to prove her loyalty to Russia and Elizabeth, urgently adopted Orthodoxy. Well, soon she was married to Pyotr Fedorovich.

Ladies of the Prussian King

In 1756, the Seven Years War began. By the intrigues of Chancellor Bestuzhev-Ryumin, Russia was drawn into this absolutely unnecessary confrontation. Around the same time, Catherine began to supply top secret information to the Prussian king. That is, to put it simply, she became a spy. She had a distant sight - Tsarina Elizabeth was already very ill.

After her death, her nephew was to come to power. But even then, Catherine was planning a conspiracy against her husband in order to sit on the Russian throne herself. Catherine's correspondence with Friedrich went through the British ambassador to St. Petersburg Williams. Russian counterintelligence worked brilliantly, the conspiracy was exposed.

The enraged Elizabeth decided to expel Catherine from Russia, especially since she fulfilled her "assignment" - she gave birth to a son from Peter Fedorovich, who later became Emperor Paul I. But even here Catherine managed to wriggle out. At a confrontation with Elizabeth, she so reliably acted out indignation at the "unfair accusations" that the empress believed her and allowed her to stay in St. Petersburg.

Only Bestuzhev-Ryumin suffered and was sentenced to death. But Elizabeth, who had sworn not to sign the death sentences upon accession to the throne, pardoned the former chancellor and sent him into exile in one of his villages.

However, Elizabeth's health grew worse and worse. Pyotr Fedorovich dreamed of the throne, but his wife began to intrigue against her husband. She brought the Orlov brothers closer to her, one of whom, Grigory, became her lover. And here Catherine masterfully played the intrigue. She attracted the famous diplomat Nikita Panin, Novgorod Metropolitan Dmitry Sechenov and the Razumovsky brothers to the conspiracy. And the fuss in the guards barracks was an element of cover.

On a white horse to the crown of the Russian Empire

After Elizabeth's death, Peter ill, the husband of Catherine, became the emperor of Russia. But he did not have to reign for a long time. The conspiracy organized by his wife is ripe. Catherine was generous with promises. She told everyone that her goal was to put her son, Pavel, on the Russian throne, while she herself would be only a loving mother with him and would not meddle in state affairs.

The coup almost failed - Peter III received information about the conspiracy. But he treated her lightly and did not take any action. That killed him.

Catherine in a guards uniform on a white horse led the rebels to Oranienbaum, where her husband was. He was arrested and soon killed in Ropsha by guards officers. Catherine was able to present everything that happened as an "excess of performers": that is, the officers killed the deposed monarch without permission, and she has nothing to do with this.

Soon after her accession to the throne, Catherine (they somehow stopped remembering about her son Pavel) decided to play democracy. Was convened "Commission to draft a new Code". It consisted of 565 deputies, and they were elected from all segments of the population of the then Russia: 30% from the nobility, 39% from cities (bourgeois), 14% from state peasants, 5% from "appointees" (representatives of the Senate and Synod), 12% - from others (Cossacks and "non-roaming foreigners"). All MPs received lifelong immunity from all types of legal action. However, this did not help some: Cossack officer Timofey Padurov, as one of Yemelyan Pugachev's henchmen, took part in the mutiny, for which he was arrested and executed.

The beginning of Catherine ended in complete embarrassment. The deputies quarreled among themselves to smithereens. The nobles demanded new serfs, the merchants wanted the same, and the peasants ... Nobody, in fact, asked them. It came to assault, and the bailiffs were ordered to seat the deputies at such a distance that one could not spit on the other. The commission was soon closed, for the official reason - in connection with the outbreak of the war with Turkey.

This is how the first parliament in the history of the Russian Empire died. But Catherine could boast to Diderot and Voltaire, with whom she corresponded, of how she was trying to introduce an "enlightened monarchy" in her country.

Conspiracies "for" and "against"

About the Pugachev riot, which was, in fact, the biggest conspiracy against Catherine, it is necessary to tell separately - this topic is so big and interesting. But besides Emelka Pugachev, there were many who tried with all their might to ruin the empress's life.

This is the famous "Princess Tarakanova" - a person whose identity has not yet been revealed, and Novikov's Masonic tricks, and Radishchev's agitation, who incited the people to lynch against the landowners, for which he ended up in Siberia.

An interesting conspiracy of Lieutenant Mirovich, who tried to free the infant Tsar John Antonovich, deposed by Elizabeth, from the Shlisselburg fortress. By that time, the former tsar had grown up and had much greater rights to the Russian throne than Catherine, in whom there was not a drop of Romanov blood. John Antonovich was stabbed to death by the bailiffs while trying to free him, and Mirovich was convicted and executed. Moreover, the investigation was crumpled, and the execution was carried out so hastily that it caused bewilderment among the contemporaries of those events. So, many historians believe that Catherine, through her agents, provoked Mirovich to this act, which removed one of the pretenders to the Russian throne.

By nature, Catherine II was a gambling woman and capable of the most risky acts. For example, she was very fond of playing cards, sometimes losing huge sums. She was the same in love. To her favorites, who managed to win her heart, she gave not even villages with serfs, but entire cities. At the same time, she so arranged their "rotation" that none of her "dear friends" held a grudge against a more successful rival.

Catherine was not a timid lady. She boldly embarked on adventures that threatened her not only with imprisonment, but also with more serious troubles. Once in a conversation with the Austrian prince de Lin, she said: "If I were a man, I would have laid my head on the chopping block long ago."


The best in my opinion

“Don't give in. This is not yours. This is ours!"- Andrey Gromyko thought during the negotiations.

Afanasy Ordin-Nashchokin (1605-1680)

Diplomat and politician during the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, head of the Ambassadorial Prikaz.

What do we care about foreign customs, their dress is not for us, and ours is not for them.

It befits the thought of state affairs to direct the blameless and chosen people to the expansion of the state from all sides, and this is the matter of one Ambassadorial Order.

Christopher Minich (1683-1767)

First Minister of the Russian Empire for Military, Civil and Diplomatic Affairs.

The Russian state has the advantage over others that it is controlled directly by God himself, otherwise it is impossible to understand how it exists.

Alexander Bezborodko (1747-1799)

Statesman and diplomat. Secretary of Catherine II (1775-1792). Since 1784 - the second member of the Collegium, but in fact served as the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

I don't know how it will be with you, but with us, not a single cannon in Europe dared to fire without our permission.

Alexander Gorchakov (1798-1883)

Head of the Russian Foreign Ministry under Alexander II, the last chancellor of the Russian Empire.

Russia is reproached for isolating itself and keeping silent in the face of such facts that are not in harmony with either law or justice. They say that Russia is angry. Russia is not angry, Russia is concentrating.

Yes! I would like to become an imperial chancellor only so that, without rolling out a single cannon from the arsenals and without touching even a penny from the treasury, without blood and shots, I can make our fleet swing again in the Sevastopol raids.

I cannot escape this land! And let at least someone and sometime stand over my grave, trampling my dust and the vanity of my life, let him think: here lies a man who served the Fatherland until the last sigh of his soul ...

Georgy Chicherin (1872-1936)

People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the RSFSR, and then the USSR (1918-1930).

Our slogan was and remains the same: peaceful coexistence with other governments, whatever they may be.

Maxim Litvinov (1876-1951)

People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs of the USSR (1930-1939), Deputy People's Commissar for Foreign Affairs (1941-1946).

The world is indivisible. There is no security only in one's own peace and tranquility, if the peace of neighbors - near and far - is not ensured.

Wherever peace is broken, peace is threatened everywhere.

Vyacheslav Molotov (1890-1986)

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1939–49, 1953–56 - Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR I – IV convocations.

Talleyrand taught: "Diplomacy exists for this purpose, to be able to speak, and be silent, and listen." A diplomat cannot send to a vigorous grandmother.

Andrei Gromyko (1909-1989)

Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR in 1957-1985, held this post during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962; Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (1985–88).

When I was conducting diplomatic negotiations, all the time I felt that someone was standing behind my back and telling me: “Do not yield, do not yield. This is not yours. This is ours!".