Olympiad in history 9th grade

Task A2.

2) an armistice was concluded;

4) Moscow was liberated.

Task A3.

1) Moscow University;

2) Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum;

3) Column guides schools;

Task A4.

Task A5.

Task A6.

1) the abolition of the patriarchate;

2) the split of the church;

Task A7.

1) lesson summers;

Task A8.

Task A9.

2) Peter I, Paul I;

3) Catherine I, Peter III;

Task A10.

What are segments?

2. Explain terms





1) Sparrow in the sleeve; 2) Lamb of a piece of paper; 3) Cockerel in your pocket; 4) Pig in a basket;

Who, what are we talking about?

Task B1

Task B2

Task B3

Read an excerpt from the letter sent from Moscow to Vladimir, and indicate whose election to the kingdom it tells about.

“By the grace of God, the boyars and governors, Prince Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskoy and the steward of the governor, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, gathered together with all the military men and cleared the reigning city of Moscow from Polish and Lithuanian people. And without the sovereign, no work is done, and there is no one to take care of the people of God. And we, with the entire council and all ranks, elected people thought about the state election for a long time and decided not to choose the Lithuanian or Swedish king, their children, or other non-Greek law of faith in the Vladimir and Moscow state, and not want to elect Marinka and her son to the state. because we saw the untruth of the Polish and Swedish kings ... We decided to elect a sovereign from Moscow clans, whom God will give, to the Vladimir and Moscow states and to all the great states.

Task B4

Challenge B5



Set correspondence

Task G1


Task G2

Task G3

Task G4

1) 1378 A) battle on Kalka
2) 1240 B) Battle of Vozh
3) 1223 C) Battle on the Ice
4) 1242 D) Battle of the Neva

Task G5

Set the correspondence between events and dates:

1) 1581 A) Baptism of Rus

5) 1550 D) Northern War


The key to the tasks of the Olympiad

Choose the correct answer

B1: 1 - B, 2 - D, 3 - A, 4 - D

B2 - 2

BZ - 2

B4 - 1

B5 - 2

Who, what are we talking about?

В1 - Pugachev E.I.

B2 - Arakcheev A.A.

В3 - Mikhail Romanov

В4 - Anna Ioannovna

В5 - Kornilov L.G.

Set correspondence

D1: 1-B, 2-D, 3-D, 4-C.

G2: 1-D, 2-D, 3-B, 4-A.

D3: 1-A, 2-B, 3-B, 4-D.

D4: 1-B, 2-D, 3-A, 4-C.

G5: 1-G, 2-B, 3-A, 4-D, 5-B.

Olympiad in Russian history for 9th grade students

Academic year

Choose the correct answer

Task A1.

The creator of Science to Win was

1) A.V. Suvorov; 2) A.D. Menshikov; 3) Peter I; 4) G.A. Potemkin.

Task A2.

As a result of the Borodino battle

1) Napoleon's army went on the defensive;

2) an armistice was concluded;

3) the French army began to lose its strategic initiative;

4) Moscow was liberated.

Task A3.

A.M. Gorchakov, A.S. Pushkin, I.I. Pushchin were graduates

1) Moscow University;

2) Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum;

3) Column guides schools;

4) Institute of Oriental Languages.

Task A4.

Read an excerpt from the letter sent from Moscow to Vladimir, and indicate whose election to the kingdom it tells about.
“By the grace of God, the boyars and governors, Prince Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskoy and the steward of the governor, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, gathered together with all the military men and cleared the reigning city of Moscow from Polish and Lithuanian people. And without the sovereign, no work is done, and there is no one to take care of the people of God. And we, with the entire council and all ranks, elected people thought about the state election for a long time and decided not to choose the Lithuanian or Swedish king, their children, or other non-Greek law of faith in the Vladimir and Moscow state, and not want to elect Marinka and her son to the state. because we saw the untruth of the Polish and Swedish kings ... We decided to elect a sovereign from Moscow clans, whom God will give, to the Vladimir and Moscow states and to all the great states.

Task A5.

Which of the above relates to the results of the foreign policy of Ivan IV?

1) Russia's conquest of access to the Baltic Sea;

2) the annexation of the Siberian Khanate to Russia;

3) the end of the dependence of Russia on the Golden Horde;

4) the loss by Russia of the Smolensk and Chernigov lands.

Task A6.

Which of the above relates to the results and consequences of church reforms in the mid-17th century?

1) the abolition of the patriarchate;

2) the split of the church;

3) correction of church books according to ancient Russian sources;

4) the creation of the Synod, the subordination of the church to the state.

Task A7.

Which of these provisions was fixed by the Cathedral Code of 1649?

1) lesson summers;

2) a uniform for the whole country the period for the transfer of peasants from one owner to another;

4) the declaration of Russia as an empire.

Task A8.

Which of the above happened during the reign of Nicholas I?

1) drawing up the Code of Laws of the Russian Empire;

2) establishment of military settlements;

3) the foundation of the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum;

4) Sale of Alaska to the United States of America.

Task A9.

Which of the named rulers came to power as a result of a palace coup?

1) Alexey Mikhailovich, Peter II;

2) Peter I, Paul I;

3) Catherine I, Peter III;

4) Elizaveta Petrovna, Catherine II.

Task A10.

What are segments?

1) the land that was cut off from the landowners;

2) the land, which was allocated to the peasants under the reform of 1861;

3) part of the peasant allotment, which turned out to be “superfluous” in comparison with the norm established in 1861;

4) land transferred to the state fund.

2. Explain terms

B1 Establish a correspondence between concepts, terms and their definitions.

B2 How are the administrators of the princely estates named in the Russian Pravda?

B4Who is in Russia at the end of the 18th century. Called "Arkharovtsy"?

B5What was the name of a bribe in Russia before?

1) Sparrow in the sleeve; 2) Lamb of a piece of paper; 3) Cockerel in your pocket; 4) Pig in a basket;

Who, what are we talking about?

Task B1

Read an excerpt from an 18th century document. and name the author of this appeal.
“Great sovereign and a worthy tsar over tsars, Emperor Peter Fedorovich, judging by his opinion to all my loyal subjects to send this decree of mine and passing through and through and through.
Let it be known to everyone that I really am, I myself am great. And believing that without a doubt, know my subjects in all directions ...
And he granted you land, water, salt, faith and prayer, pasture and money salary, for which you must serve me until the last death. And I will be for you against this exhorting decree, father and complainant ...
The Emperor Peter the Third himself put his hand. "

Task B2

Read an excerpt from the letter of the Decembrist G.E. Batenkov and name the statesman in question.
“The count had a vast and unyielding will ...
He was a tireless activist, and although his main enterprise - military settlements - was not approved by the general opinion and was the cause of inexorable indignation at him, nevertheless he, in spite of everything, and by too abrupt measures gave him extensive development.


Task B3

Read an excerpt from the letter sent from Moscow to Vladimir, and indicate whose election to the kingdom it tells about.

“By the grace of God, the boyars and governors, Prince Dmitry Timofeevich Trubetskoy and the steward of the governor, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky, gathered together with all the military men and cleared the reigning city of Moscow from Polish and Lithuanian people. And without the sovereign, no work is done, and there is no one to take care of the people of God. And we, with the entire council and all ranks, elected people thought about the state election for a long time and decided not to choose the Lithuanian or Swedish king, their children, or other non-Greek law of faith in the Vladimir and Moscow state, and not want to elect Marinka and her son to the state. because we saw the untruth of the Polish and Swedish kings ... We decided to elect a sovereign from Moscow clans, whom God will give, to the Vladimir and Moscow states and to all the great states.


Task B4

Read an excerpt from the historian's essay and state the name of the Empress in question.
“The unsuccessful personal life of the early widowed empress paradoxically affected the government of the country. Even in Mitava, the closest person to her was the Courland nobleman Ernst Biron. She never parted with him, who came soon after the empress's accession to Moscow. She constantly needed his company, shared with him all the sorrows and joys ... Biron's power over her was truly unlimited, and it is quite understandable that not a single important decision was made without his participation.

Challenge B5

Read an excerpt from the document and include the missing name of the general referred to.
"About<…….> I must say that the widespread opinion of him as an outstanding person was very far from the truth. There can be no doubt that he was a man of insane courage, enterprise, but he did not show the talents inherent in a great leader, perhaps because he did not have a chance, or rather, because he did not possess them ... On the political side, General, who embarked on a campaign against Kerensky, turned out to be a real baby due to naivety, lack of understanding of the situation and gentleness of character, which placed him in the hands of the surrounding adventurers of very low analysis.


Set correspondence

Task G1

Establish a correspondence between the names of the figures of Russian culture of the 18th century. and their areas of activity. For each of the 4 elements (1, 2, 3, 4), one corresponding element is selected from those indicated by the letters (A, B, C, D, D).


Task G2

Establish a correspondence between the events of the history of Ancient Russia and the names of their participants.


Task G3

Establish a correspondence between the names of statesmen of the 17th - 18th centuries. and their activities. For each of the 4 elements (1, 2, 3, 4), one corresponding element is selected from those indicated by the letters (A, B, C, D, D)


Task G4

Set the correspondence between events and dates:

1) 1378 A) battle on Kalka
2) 1240 B) Battle of Vozh
3) 1223 C) Battle on the Ice
4) 1242 D) Battle of the Neva


Task G5

Set the correspondence between events and dates:

1) 1581 A) Baptism of Rus

2) 1762 - 1796 B) Code of Law of Ivan the Terrible

3) 988 C) The reign of Catherine II

4) 1700 - 1721 D) Decree on the introduction of protected years

5) 1550 D) Northern War


The key to the tasks of the Olympiad

Choose the correct answer

A1 - 1, A2 - 3, A3 - 2, A4 - 4, A5 - 2, A6 - 2, A7 - 1, A8 - 2, A9 - 4, A10 - 3.

In this section, grade 9 students will find interesting and useful material on the history of Russia. We have compiled a set of training tasks to prepare for the Olympiad. This material can be used in the lesson to conduct a trial Olympiad, during which students will repeat the program material and deepen their knowledge.

If a student wants to use the presented set of tasks at home for independent preparation for the Olympiad in Russian history, he will be able to test himself and evaluate his results without the help of a teacher. At the bottom of the page are the correct answers for all tasks

Olympiad in Russian history grade 9

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Test tasks

1. The first monopolies in Russia at the beginning of the 20th century existed in the form of:
A) cartels and trusts
B) trading companies and joint stock companies
C) syndicates and cartels
D) peasant communities and cooperatives

2. The first manned flight into space took place:
A) October 4, 1957
B) April 12, 1960
C) April 12, 1961
D) October 4, 1960

3. Establish the sequence of periods of leadership of the country:
A) K. Chernenko D) Yu. Andropov
B) L. Brezhnev E) N. Khrushchev
C) M. Gorbachev E) I. Stalin

4. The system of dual power existed in the country in:
A) February-September 1917
B) March-July 1917
C) February-October 1917
D) March-August 1918

5. The transition to an industrial society is called:
A) industrialization
B) industrial revolution
C) modernization
D) civilization

6. Refusal in the early 1990s. from state regulation of most prices is called:
A) privatization
B) inflation
C) nationalization
D) liberalization

7. The positive results of the first revolution in Russia were:
A) reduction of investment in the domestic economy
B) cancellation of redemption payments, reduction of rent for land
C) weakening of the activity of entrepreneurs
D) reducing the length of the working day
E) creation of a representative body

8. The first measures of the Soviet government:
A) the elimination of class division
B) adoption by the Constituent Assembly of the "Declaration of the Rights of the Working and Exploited People"
C) Separation of church from state and school from church
D) the introduction of universal suffrage
E) proclamation of a democratic parliamentary republic

9. World War II began:
A) June 22, 1939
B) September 1, 1939
C) June 22, 1941
D) September 1, 1941.

10. The presidential elections in the Russian Federation, which were first won by Vladimir Putin, took place:
A) March 26, 2004
B) June 12, 2000
C) March 26, 2000
D) June 12, 1996

Open questions

Question 1
“Moderate growth, not too tall and not very short, with bushy eyebrows and light blue eyes, snub-nosed, beardless, with thick, excessively long hair above the upper lip. His head was completely naked, but on one side a tuft of hair hung down - a sign of the nobility of the family, a strong back of the head and a wide chest ... His clothes were white and differed from the clothes of those close to him only in cleanliness ... this is how the Byzantine historian of the 10th century, Leo the Deacon, described the appearance of the Kiev prince, who fought with the emperor John Tzimiskes. State the name of this prince.

Question 2
In 1549, for the first time in the history of Russia, a special legislative body was convened under the tsar, which included representatives of different classes. It bore the name:

Question 3
What was the name of the association of the rulers of a number of European countries and Russia, created in the first half of the 19th century. in order to preserve peace in Europe and support the old monarchical dynasties?

Question 4
Read an excerpt from F. Yusupov's memoirs and identify the name of the person in question.
“When ________ stood in a black shadow near the throne, all of Russia was indignant. The best representatives of the highest clergy raised their voices to defend the Church and the Motherland from the encroachments of this criminal rogue. The Tsar and Empress were begged to remove ________ by those closest to the Royal family. It was all to no avail. His dark influence was strengthening more and more, and along with this, dissatisfaction in the country grew more and more, penetrating even the most remote corners of Russia, where ordinary people sensed with a true instinct that something was wrong at the heights of power. "

Choose one correct answer. 1 point for each correct answer.

4 points for each correct match.


3) N. Panin c) Catherine II
4) E. Biron d) Anna Ioannovna

4) E.M. Falcone d) science
e) industry


1 point for the correct answer.


_________________ crisis.

choice. 2 points for each correct answer.

collegiate secretary
instead of every pass.
1) A_tok_at - autocrat

troops to Paris


0.5 point


numbers. 2 points for each correct definition.


1 point for the correct answer.

to the highest, equal and lowest) 6 points
to the highest _____________________________________
to equal ______________________________________

to the lowest _____________________________________

1) yellow __________________
2) Green __________________
3) Blue ___________________
4) Little Red __________________
5) White ____________________
6) Rainbow _____________________
7) Gray ____________________
Total: 80 points.
016points: 1;
1732 points: 2;
3348points: 3; 3rd place
4964points: 4; 2nd place
6580points: 5; 1st place

Olympiad in history 1011 grades. 1st round.
Choose one correct answer (1 point for each correct answer).
1. Which of these events happened later than all the others?
1) Battle of Kulikovo 2) "Standing on the Ugra River"
3) Battle on the Kalka River 4) Battle on the Ice
answer: 2
2. The acceptance of the title of emperor by Peter I and the proclamation of Russia as an empire took place in:
1) 1721 2) 1785 3) 1709 4) 1711
answer: 1
3. What were the names of the government agencies created in Russia at the beginning of the 18th century:
1) collegiums 2) ministries 3) orders 4) "huts"
answer: 1
4. What events was connected with the Crimean War of 1853-1856?
1) Battle of Sinop, defense of Sevastopol
2) Battle of Borodino, Tarutinsky march maneuver
3) Battle of Austerlitz, Battle of Leipzig
4) battle of Narva, battle of Lesnaya village
answer: 1
5. The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was created:
1) 1918. 2) 1922. 3) 1924. 4) 1930.
answer: 2
(4 points for each correct match).
6. Establish a correspondence between concepts and definitions:
1) the rope a) a meeting of the free urban population in Ancient Rus;
2) vira b) a piece of land measured with a rope to the community.
That was the name of the peasant community itself.
3) veche c) tax, duty, levied for transporting goods, driving cattle, and with
a person when driving through outposts near cities and large settlements;
4) myt d) a collection of smerds and slaves that arose from tribal assemblies

e) a fine, a court fee that went to the prince's treasury.
Answer: 1b; 2d; 3a; 4c.
7. Establish a correspondence between the names of contemporaries:
1) A.L. Ordin Nashchekin a) Peter I
2) F. Lefort b) Alexey Mikhailovich
3) N. Panin c) Catherine II
4) E. Biron d) Anna Ioannovna
Answer: 1b; 2a; 3c; 4d.
8. Match the names of historical figures and their areas of activity:
1) M.V. Lomonosov a) diplomacy
2) A.A. Bezborodko b) sculpture
3) P.A. Rumyantsev c) military affairs
4) E.M. Falcone d) science
e) industry
Answer: 1d; 2a; 3c; 4b.
9. Make a correspondence between the names of artists and the names of their paintings:
1) A.A. Ivanov a) “Portrait of A.S. Pushkin "
2) V.I.Surikov b) "The Appearance of Christ to the People"
3) A.G. Venetsianov c) “On arable land. Spring"
4) V.A. Tropinin d) "Boyarynya Morozova"
Answer: 1b; 2d; 3c; 4a.
(1 point for the correct answer).
10. Arrange in chronological order the documents reflecting the process of enslavement
1) "Cathedral Code" 2) Decrees on "reserved years"
3) Code of Law 1497 4) Decrees on "class years"
Answer: 3241
11. Read the snippet and write in the name of the international crisis:
“The events of October 1962 changed a lot in the minds of peoples and their leaders. For the whole
in post-war history, the world has never been so close to the abyss of war as in troubled days
_________________ crisis.
Answer: Caribbean
12. Read an excerpt from a document passed on October 25, 1917. at the second All-Russian
congress of Soviets, and define its name:
“The right to private ownership of land is canceled forever; the earth cannot be neither
sold, not bought, not rented or pledged. All land is alienated free of charge,
turns into the property of the whole people and passes into the use of all working people on it "
Answer: Decree on Land
13. What is superfluous in the row? Underline the superfluous word and briefly explain your
1) elbow, verst, fathom, lot, vershok.

2) Zipun, lambrequin, hood, kazakin, caftan.
3) State Counselor, Staff Captain, Collegiate Registrar, Collegiate Counselor,
collegiate secretary
1.lot (measure of weight, all other measures of length)
2.lambrequin (not clothing)
3.captain (in the Table of Ranks he referred to military ranks, not civilians)

14. The historian must correctly write concepts and terms. Enter the correct letter
instead of every pass.
1) A_tok_at - autocrat
2) Bl_ cree_ lightning war
3) G_iden - the prince's bodyguard, vigilante
4) K_n_ens_s - general agreement on a controversial issue.
Autocrat, blitzkrieg, griden, consensus

15. "Yes" or "No"? If you agree with the statement, write "yes", if you do not agree -
1) The Patriarchate in Russia was established under Ivan IV
2) The final enslavement of the peasants dates back to 1649.
3) Patriotic War of the first quarter of the 19th century. ended in 1813 with the entry of Russian
troops to Paris
4) The troops of the Decembrists on Senate Square were commanded by P.I. Pestel
5) Peter III was the grandson of Peter I and the grand-nephew of the Swedish king Charles XII
6) The director of the film "Battleship Potemkin" was A.P. Dovzhenko
7) By September 1944, the fascist troops were completely expelled from the territory of the USSR
8) The Victory Parade was held on May 9, 1945.
9) The development of virgin lands began in 1949
10) The first nuclear icebreaker was created in the USSR
1 point for each correct answer
16. The historian must explain words that are now obsolete, but not in their time.
in need of an explanation. Write your explanation for each word given or
1) Spelled ____________________________________________
2) Ink soul _____________________________________
3) "Chugunka" ___________________________________________
4) Red rooster _______________________________________
5) Arkharovets ____________________________________________
6) century old _____________________________________________


5.Arkharovets - brawler, bully

17. Analyze the suggested passage and answer the questions.
“... The battle lasted two months. Gord gradually turned into a heap of ruins, but how
the more ruins became, the more shelters the defenders found ...
the orders of Stalin and Timoshenko prompted the defenders to fantastic resistance.
This battle has truly become a symbol of the struggle between two hostile worlds. Fantastic
hitler's desire to seize the city from his enemy by all means prevailed over
all sorts of sober considerations "
1. Indicate the name and date of the battle of the Great Patriotic War referred to in
2. List at least three commanders of the Red Army fronts with whom this
event related
1.Stalingrad battle, which took place from July 17, 1942. until February 2, 1943
2.Commanders of the fronts of the Red Army: A.I. Eremenko, N.F. Vatutin, K.K. Rokossovsky
4 points
18. Using all the words and phrases given, make a definition of the historical
concepts. Write down this definition and the concept itself. Words and phrases cannot
used twice. Allowed to add prepositions, change words by case and
1) States, confrontation, one, the population, inside, civil strife, armed.
2) In return, tax, farms, fixed, peasant, firmly, imposed, surplus appropriation,
instead of food appropriation.

19. Which kings did the historian V.O.Klyuchevsky give these characteristics.
1) “... the tsar thought more than he did, had a stronger effect on the imagination and nerves of his
contemporaries than to his contemporary order. "
2) "A slave king, a king of slaves ..."
3) "... treated Russia as an alien, cowardly and cunning diplomat"
4) "The Emperor ... is a military choreographer and nothing else."

3 Alexander I 4 Nicholas I

(1 point for the correct answer)
20. Imagine that you are at an official reception of the 19th century, where many people of different
titles. Explain how you should have addressed the person based on their rank (in relation to
to higher, equal and lower)
to the highest ___ "Dear sir"
to equal _____ "My dear sir"
to the lowest __ "My Lord"
(6 points)
21. In the everyday life of Russians in the past, paper money was named by color.
Decipher by indicating the denomination of each. 7 points
1) Yellowy - 1 ruble
2) Green - 3 rubles
3) Blue 5 rubles
4) Red 10 rubles
5) Belenkaya - 25 rubles
6) Rainbow 100 rubles
7) Gray 200 rubles

Choose one correct answer. 1 point for each correct answer

1) in the IX century. 2)

B. 3) XII century. 4) XIII century.


1) convention 2) intervention

7. Establish a correspondence between the names of contemporaries:
1) A.L. Ordin Nashchekin a) Peter I
2) F. Lefort b) Alexey Mikhailovich
3) N. Panin c) Catherine II
4) E. Biron d) Anna Ioannovna
1b; 2a; 3i; 4d;
definitions. 4 points for correct match.
Concepts Definitions

3) slave c) community
1i; 2a; 3G; 4b;
which there was a church schism ___ Nikon _________
1 point for correct answer
10. Mark the work dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.
1 point for correct answer

3) "Cavalry" I. Babel


1) Ivan the Terrible
2) Petra

3) Boris Godunov
4) Alexander I
12. Read an excerpt from a document passed on October 25, 1917. at the second All-Russian
congress of Soviets, and determine its name. 1 point for correct answer

Peace decree
13. What is superfluous in the row? Underline the superfluous word and briefly explain your
choice. 2 points for each correct answer

3) 1497, 1550, 1552, 1649.
14. The historian must correctly write concepts and terms. Enter the correct letter
instead of every pass. 1 point for each correct answer.
1) Zhand ha_rmeria - special police military units
2) Imper i_al - gold coin
3) M and_tropolitan the highest spiritual rank
4) CH e_r e_sp o_lositsa - location of land plots
15. "Yes" or "No"? If you agree with the statement, write "yes", if you do not agree -
"no". 1 point for each correct answer
Rus (yes)
2 "The tribes of the Ilmen Slavs lived north of the meadows (yes)
3) Ivan Vasilievich III in the annals of the Terrible (no)
4) Oprichnina began to be carried out before the adoption of the Code of Law of Ivan IV (yes)
5) Ivan Vasilievich IV is named in the annals as the Terrible (yes)
6) Patriarch Nikon was called "the great sovereign" (no)
7) The largest land battle of the Northern War was the battle of Poltava (yes)
8) E.F. Kankrin was the Minister of Finance both under Alexander I and under Nicholas I (yes)
9) The Crimean War ended in 1857 (no)
10) Brusilov breakthrough occurred at the very beginning of the First World War (no)

16. The historian must explain words that are now obsolete, but not in their time.
in need of an explanation. Write your explanation for each word given or
phrase. 1 point for each correct answer; for very close or incomplete -
0.5 point
1) Spelled ______ cereal (coarse wheat), eaten in the form of porridge
2) Ink soul ____ official _________________________________
3) "Chugunka" _________ railway __________________________________
4) Red rooster _______________________________________
5) Arkharovets ____________________________________________
6) century old _____________________________________________
1. Spelled - cereal (coarse wheat), eaten in the form of porridge.
2. Ink soul is an official.
3. "cast iron" railway.
4. red rooster - fire, set on fire ..
5.Arkharovets - brawler, bully
6.Venovuha - an old maid who sat in her father's house
17. Analyze the suggested passage and answer the questions.
From the notes of I.S. Konev. 4 points
“This was the third major counter-offensive during the Great Patriotic War. Transition
our troops in the counteroffensive was a surprise, since the German command never
revealed our intentional defense plan. Moreover, the Germans, as already noted, had
insignificant success, having managed to penetrate our defenses in the Bryansk direction to a depth of
35km. The offensive of the troops of the Western and Bryansk fronts, which began on July 12, disrupted the entire
enemy defense on the Oryol bridgehead. By the end of July 13, the 11th Guards Army wedged in
into the enemy's defense by 25 km, and a week after the start of the offensive, she advanced into the depths
up to 70 km, posing a threat to the main communications of the enemy's Oryol grouping from the Northwest.
The troops of the Bryansk Front have also achieved significant successes. "
1. Indicate the name and year of the battle of the Great Patriotic War, which is referred to in
2. Using the text, indicate the features of this battle.
18. Using all the words and phrases given, make a definition of the historical
concepts. Write down this definition and the concept itself. Words and phrases cannot
used twice. Allowed to add prepositions, change words by case and
numbers. (2 points for each correct definition)
1) States, confrontation, one, the population, inside, civil strife, armed.

2) In return, tax, farms, fixed, peasant, firmly, imposed, surplus appropriation,
1. Civil war - civil strife, armed confrontation of the population within one
2. Tax in kind - a firmly fixed tax in kind on peasant households, introduced
instead of food appropriation.
(2 points for each correct definition)
19. Which kings did the historian V.O.Klyuchevsky give these characteristics. (1 point for
correct answer)
1) “... the tsar thought more than he did, had a stronger effect on the imagination and nerves of his
contemporaries than to his contemporary order. "
2) "A slave king, a king of slaves ..."
3) "... treated Russia as an alien, cowardly and cunning diplomat"
4) "The Emperor ... is a military choreographer and nothing else."
Answer: 1 Ivan the Terrible 2 Boris Godunov
3 Alexander I 4 Nicholas I
(1 point for the correct answer)

1) “For ………. Budapest "
2) “For ………. Berlin "
3) “For ………. Belgrade "
4) “For ………. Warsaw "
5) "For ……… .. Konigsberg"
6) "For ……… .. Prague"
(write the numbers in the table).
For taking
For liberation


Olympiad in history, grade 9. 1st round.
1.Russkaya Pravda, the first set of laws, was created:
1) in the IX century. 2) XI century. 3) XII century. 4) XIII century.
Answer: 2
2. Legislative institution of the Russian Empire:
1) Boyar Duma 2) State Council
3) Senate 4) Imperial Chancellery
Answer: 2
3. A peasant freed from personal serfdom, but continuing
to perform duties in favor of the landowner before the redemption of the land, was called:
1) possessional 2) temporarily liable
3) a free plowman 4) a recruit
Answer: 2

4. The military intervention of one state in the internal affairs of another is called:
1) convention 2) intervention
3) integration 4) colonization
Answer: 2
5. The first elections of the President of the RSFSR were held:
1) in 1985. 2) in 1989. 3) in 1991. 4) in 1993.
Answer: 3
5. Indicate the chronological framework of military operations of the Soviet army in Afghanistan:
1) 19771982. 2) 19791989gg 3) 19851991 4) 19791985gg
Answer: 2
6. Arrange the events in chronological order:
1) the uprising of the Drevlyans 2) the conquest of North-Eastern Russia by Batu
3) "standing on the Ugra river" 4) the beginning of book printing in Russia
Answer: 1234
7. Establish a correspondence between the names of contemporaries:
1) A.L. Ordin Nashchekin a) Peter I
2) F. Lefort b) Alexey Mikhailovich
3) N. Panin c) Catherine II
4) E. Biron d) Anna Ioannovna
Answer: 1b; 2a; 3c; 4d.
8. Establish a correspondence between concepts related to the history of Ancient Rus and their
Concepts Definitions
1) rope a) free peasant
2) smerd b) ruler of the manor house
3) slave c) community
4) tiun d) the lowest category of the population is close to
Answer: 1c; 2a; 3d; 4b.
9.The name of the patriarch who carried out the church reform of the mid-17th century, as a result
which there was a church schism ____________
Answer: Nikon
10. Mark the work dedicated to the Great Patriotic War:
1) "Virgin Soil Upturned" M. Sholokhov
2) "The Master and Margarita" M. Bulgakov
3) "Cavalry" I. Babel
4) "Young Guard" A. Fadeev
Answer: 4

11. Read an excerpt from the works of the historian M. Shcherbatov and indicate in whose reign in
The described changes took place in Russia. 1 point for correct answer
“Everything changed with him. The master's face was stripped of vegetation, dressed in a dress of a foreign
cut, while the peasant was left with a beard and in old Moscow clothes.
The commoner ate simple food and drinks obtained from his own household, and
overseas dishes and wines appeared on the master's table. Instead of a rattle, the master began to use
luxurious carriages brought from abroad. Simple tables and benches have been replaced
overseas products, luxurious armchairs ... "
1) Ivan the Terrible
2) Peter I
3) Boris Godunov
4) Alexander I
Answer: 2
12. Read an excerpt from a document passed on October 25, 1917. at the second All-Russian
congress of Soviets, and define its name:
“A just or democratic world that the overwhelming majority yearns for
exhausted, exhausted and tortured by the war of working and laboring classes of all belligerents
countries, a world that was most definitely and persistently demanded by the Russian workers
and the peasants after the overthrow of the tsarist monarchy, the Government considers such a peace
immediate peace without annexations (i.e., without the seizure of foreign lands, without forcible annexation
foreign nationalities) and without contributions. "
Answer: Decree on Peace
13. What is superfluous in the row? Underline the superfluous word and briefly explain your
1) Drevlyans, glades, Franks, Radimichi, Krivichi.
2) M.I. Kutuzov, P.I.Bagration, N.N. Raevsky, N.I. Saltykov, D. S. Dokhturov
3) 1497, 1550, 1552, 1649.
1. Francs. All the rest are tribal unions of the Eastern Slavs.
2. N.I. Saltykov was not the commander of the Patriotic War of 1812.
3. In 1552 the code of laws was not adopted
(2 points for each correct answer)
14. The historian must correctly write concepts and terms. Enter the correct letter
instead of every pass.
1) Gend_rmeria - special police military units
2) Imperial_al - gold coin
3) M_tropolitan, the highest spiritual rank
4) Ch_r_sp_lositsa - location of land plots
Gendarmerie, imperial, metropolitan, striped
(1 point for each correct answer)
15. "Yes" or "No"? If you agree with the statement, write "yes", if you do not agree -
1) The first religious reform of Prince Vladimir was aimed at introducing Christianity to

2 "The tribes of the Ilmen Slavs lived north of the meadows
3) Ivan Vasilievich III in the annals of the Terrible
4) Oprichnina began to be held before the adoption of the Code of Law of Ivan IV
5) Ivan Vasilievich IV is named in the annals of the Terrible
6) Patriarch Nikon was called "the great sovereign"
7) The largest land battle of the Northern War was the battle of Poltava
8) E.F. Kankrin was the Minister of Finance both under Alexander I and under Nicholas I
9) The Crimean War ended in 1857
10) Brusilov breakthrough occurred at the very beginning of the First World War
1 point for each correct answer
16. The historian must explain words that are now obsolete, but not in their time.
in need of an explanation. Write your explanation for each word given or
1) Spelled ____________________________________________
2) Ink soul _____________________________________
3) "Chugunka" ___________________________________________
4) Red rooster _______________________________________
5) Arkharovets ____________________________________________
6) century old _____________________________________________
1. Spelled - cereal (coarse wheat), eaten in the form of porridge.
2. Ink soul is an official.
3. "cast iron" railway.
4. red rooster - fire, set on fire.
5.Arkharovets - brawler, bully
6.Venovuha - an old maid who sat in her father's house
1 point for each correct answer; for very close or incomplete - 0.5 point
17. Analyze the suggested passage and answer the questions.
From the notes of I.S. Konev
“This was the third major counter-offensive during the Great Patriotic War. Transition
our troops in the counteroffensive was a surprise, since the German command never
revealed our intentional defense plan. Moreover, the Germans, as already noted, had
insignificant success, having managed to penetrate our defenses in the Bryansk direction to a depth of
35km. The offensive of the troops of the Western and Bryansk fronts, which began on July 12, disrupted the entire
enemy defense on the Oryol bridgehead. By the end of July 13, the 11th Guards Army wedged in
into the enemy's defense by 25 km, and a week after the start of the offensive, she advanced into the depths
up to 70 km, posing a threat to the main communications of the enemy's Oryol grouping from the Northwest.
The troops of the Bryansk Front have also achieved significant successes. "
1. Indicate the name and year of the battle of the Great Patriotic War, which is referred to in
2. Using the text, indicate the features of this battle.
1. Battle of Kursk, 1943.

2. Soviet troops went on the offensive, having previously exhausted the enemy in defensive
4 points
18. Using all the words and phrases given, make a definition of the historical
concepts. Write down this definition and the concept itself. Words and phrases cannot
used twice. Allowed to add prepositions, change words by case and
1) States, confrontation, one, the population, inside, civil strife, armed.
2) In return, tax, farms, fixed, peasant, firmly, imposed, surplus appropriation,
1. Civil war - civil strife, armed confrontation of the population within one
2. Tax in kind - a firmly fixed tax in kind on peasant households, introduced
instead of food appropriation.
(2 points for each correct definition)
19. Which kings did the historian V.O.Klyuchevsky give these characteristics.
1) “... the tsar thought more than he did, had a stronger effect on the imagination and nerves of his
contemporaries than to his contemporary order. "
2) "A slave king, a king of slaves ..."
3) "... treated Russia as an alien, cowardly and cunning diplomat"
4) "The Emperor ... is a military choreographer and nothing else."
Answer: 1 Ivan the Terrible 2 Boris Godunov
3 Alexander I 4 Nicholas I
(1 point for the correct answer)
20.In the USSR, on June 9, 1945, the following medals were established in honor of the victory in the Great
World War II (6 points)
1) “For ………. Budapest "
2) “For ………. Berlin "
3) “For ………. Belgrade "
4) “For ………. Warsaw "
5) "For ……… .. Konigsberg"
6) "For ……… .. Prague"
Indicate which of the medals were instituted for the capture of cities, and which - for their liberation
(write the numbers in the table).
For taking
1, 2, 5
For liberation
3, 4, 6
Total: 59 points.

011.8 point: 1;
11.823.6 points: 2;
23.635.4 points: 3; 3rd place
35.447.2 points: 4; 2nd place
47.259 points: 5; 1st place

All-Russian Olympiad in history for schoolchildren. School stage.

2015-2016 academic year

Grade 9

Exercise 1.

1.1. Give a brief rationale for the series, naming each of the historical figures presented.

1.A. B. _________________________ _________________________


_______________________ ________________________

Rationale for the series: _____________________________________________________________

Assignment 2

Task 3. Community name in Ancient Rus


The form of government in which the supreme power belongs to the representatives elected by the population


State policy aimed at supporting the development of domestic industry and trade


The process of creating heavy industry in the state


Expanding the sphere of influence


Task 4. Fill in the blanks in the text with the names of princes and princesses.

“In 882, the prince _____________ (1), leaving Novgorod, subdued most of the East Slavic tribes. (1) made the main city of the glades Kiev the capital of Russia. This wise prince fought successfully against the Byzantine Empire.

(1) Prince ______________ inherited the throne (2). Twice he made major campaigns against Byzantium; the first of them was unsuccessful, but the second ended in victory. (2) was killed during the collection of polyudya by the Drevlyans. The prince of the latter, named ____________ (3), decided to marry his wife (2) the princess ______________ (4). However, (4) cunningly punished (3) for the murder of her husband.

The son of the latter, _____________ (5) had a chance to break the power of one of the enemies of Russia - the Khazar Kaganate and actively fight with Byzantium for influence in Danube Bulgaria ... "

Task 5.

A) agrarian revolution, b) collectivization, c) manufacture, d) industrial revolution, e) craft workshop, f) factory.

“In its development, industrial production has gone through several stages. The dominant form of production in the Middle Ages was _____________ (1). Within the walls of this enterprise, they gradually begin to produce products not to order, but for sale. In modern times, enterprises appear in which manual labor is preserved, but a division of labor between workers has already arisen. These enterprises were named ____________ (2). In the 1830s, _______________ begins in Russia (3). This event led to the emergence of the first __________ (4). However, in agriculture, feudal remnants continued to exist. By the endXIX at. Has not yet been completed ____________ (5). This increased the tension between the relatively advanced capitalist industry and the backward semi-feudal agriculture. "


Task 6.

A) Write the name of the commander whose invasion of the troops is indicated on the diagram;

B) Write the name of the war, indicate the year (s);

C) Write the name of the emperor during whose reign this event occurred;


7. Before you are images of the temples of Russia. Your task is to give a name to each of them, indicate the city and the century of construction. Write your answer in the form of a table.


AT. G.




Century of construction

Task 8.

“In the morning I saw a handful of people in the street ... People from all over were hurrying to Senate Square ... I ran to the square. The people flooded the whole square and worried like a stormy sea. In the waves of this sea a small island could be seen - this was your square ... I saw the king surrounded by his headquarters and persuading the people to go home, I heard the raging crowd shouting to him in response: "We will not go, we will die with them!" I saw how the cavalry rushed at you ... with what wild frenzy the crowd of people repelled the second onslaught with logs of firewood, and I, a sinful man, threw one log at the gunner's side ... I saw you too, how you stood against the soldiers during the third attack , ready to fire a volley, from which all this cavalry, overshooting the square, would lay down like a gloss, - as you commanded: "Leave!" ... I saw the mortally wounded Miloradovich, staggering in the saddle, galloped away from the recalcitrant soldiers, and finally heard fatal cannon shot. The second shot knocked down many of the advance. The people burst out in all directions. The third shot was aimed at an open square ... "

A) Write the name of the event indicated in the passage;

B) In what year and where did it happen ?;

C) Indicate the name of the emperor during whose reign this event occurred;

D) Write down the results of the event.


Task 10. True or False? Enter the numbers of the correct judgments in the left column, the wrong ones in the right.

1. At the beginning of the reign of PeterI the capital of Russia was moved to Azov for several years

2. The established collegia were hosted by PeterI in St. Petersburg

3. During the reign of Anna Leopoldovna, the capital of the Russian Empire was moved to Moscow

4. The first imperial palace was built in St. Petersburg only during the reign of CatherineII

5. The coronation of Russian emperors, including Peter the Great, took place in Moscow

6. Emperor PaulI dissolved the Senate

7. Number of ministries created by AlexanderI, significantly exceeded the number of colleges established by Peter the Great

8. The State Council in the Russian Empire was created during the reign of AlexanderI

Creative assignment (essay or long answer, 25 points)

Historical essays

You have to work with the statements of historians and contemporaries about the events and figures of Russian history. Choose one of them, which will be the topic of your essay essay. Your task is to formulate your own attitude to this statement and substantiate it with the arguments that seem to you the most essential. When choosing a topic, proceed from the fact that you:

1. Clearly understand the meaning of the statement (it is not necessary to fully or even partially agree with the author, but it is necessary to understand what exactly he claims).

2. You can express your attitude to the statement (reasonably agree with the author or fully or partially refute his statement).

3. Have specific knowledge (facts, statistics, examples) on this topic.

4. Know the terms necessary for a competent presentation of your point of view.

When writing a work, try to proceed from the fact that The jury evaluating your essay will be guided by the following criteria:

1. Reasonableness of the choice of the topic (explanation of the choice of the topic and the tasks that the participant sets for himself in his work).

2. The creative nature of the perception of the topic, its interpretation.

3. Competent use of historical facts and terms.

4. Clarity and evidence of the main provisions of the work.

5. Knowledge of different points of view on the selected issue.

Sample essay topics

1. "Svyatoslav appears to us not only in the form of a formidable warrior, but also a wise ruler of Russia."

F. Razumovsky

2. “Andrei Bogolyubsky created Vladimir-Suzdal Rus, from which later came Moscow Rus”.

B.A. Rybakov

3. “None of the princes more often than Kalita went to bow to the khan, and there he was always a welcome guest, because he did not come there empty-handed. The Horde are accustomed to thinking that when the Moscow prince arrives, there will be a lot of "gold and silver" and the great khan-tsar, and his khan, and all the famous murzas of the Golden Horde ...»

IN. Klyuchevsky

4. "Dmitry Donskoy on the Kulikovo Polek rallied Rus ... Moscow no longer had real competitors in the unification of Rus."

S.V. Bushuev

5. "The personality of Ivan III is multifaceted ... He was both a talented sovereign and an experienced strategist in the war."

N.S. Borisov

6. “Born with an ardent soul, a rare mind, a special willpower, he would have all the qualities of a great monarch, if education would improve in him the gifts of nature, but early deprived of his father, mother and betrayed into the will of violent nobles, blinded by reckless personal lust for power , was on the throne the most unfortunate orphan of the Russian state: for not only for himself, but also for millions he prepared misfortune with his vices ... "

N.M. Karamzin about Ivan the Terrible

7. "Troubles ... created the Cossack estate."

R.G. Skrynnikov

8. “Peter created a powerful army and navy. Thanks to this, Russia has ceased to be in constant military danger, having received the opportunity to develop peacefully ... "

ON. Chefs

9. “A.V. Suvorov is the main name of victories on land during the times of Catherine II "

O. Mikhailov

10. "Alexander the First throughout his reign remained a staunch supporter of autocracy"

E. Tarle

Sample topics for extended answers

1. Why did St. Petersburg become the capital of the Russian Empire?

2. Why did Russia manage to win the war with Napoleonic France?

3. Why did the industrial revolution in Russia begin only in the 1830s - 1840s?

4. Why inXVIII at. cultural development of Russia begins to go in two directions - noble and popular?

topics _________________











































































Total 100 points

I present to your attention the questions of the All-Russian Olympiad of the school tour on the history of Russia for the 9th grade with the correct answers to them.

The set of questions presented can be used in grade 9, providing students with a way to review and repeat previously studied material, as well as determine how well they are ready for such Olympiad tasks.

1. By order of I.V. Stalin No. 2 dated August 5, 1943, on this day in Moscow, an artillery salute was given to the troops that liberated these cities. What cities are you talking about?

  • A) Orsha and Rzhev
  • B) Kiev and Kharkov
  • C) Oryol and Belgorod
  • D) Stalingrad and Leningrad

2. The leader of which political party was P.N. Milyukov?

  • A) Octobrists
  • B) Cadets
  • C) Chernosotintsev
  • D) SRs

3. In what year was the Soviet atomic bomb created?

  • A) 1947
  • B) 1948
  • C) 1949
  • D) 1950

4. The chairman of the Council of Ministers in 1906 became ...

  • A) S. Witte
  • B) P. Stolypin
  • C) D. Trepov
  • D) M. Rodzianko

5. Which of the following was exported in the Russian Empire in the 18th-19th centuries?

  • A) Oil
  • B) Grain
  • C) Potatoes
  • D) Cast iron

6. After the Sino-Japanese War of 1894-1895, a defensive alliance was concluded between Russia and China, formalized by the Russian-Chinese treaty of 1896. The treaty provided for the creation of a military alliance of the two states, which entered into force in the event of a Japanese attack on Russia, China or Korea. What other agreements were in this agreement?

  • A) Rent of Port Arthur
  • B) Construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway
  • C) About the Russian-Chinese border
  • D) The right of Russia to appoint consuls in trade ports open to foreigners

7. The search for a new theater at the beginning of the twentieth century is associated with the name of a native of the commercial and industrial circles of Moscow, an actor and director, the creator of a new theater system. Who are we talking about?

  • A) M. Schepkin
  • B) V. Nemirovich-Danchenko
  • C) K. Stanislavsky
  • D) N. Sinelnikov

8. The honorary title “Hero City” was established on May 8, 1965, when the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by its Decree, approved the Regulations on the highest degree of distinction - the title “Hero City”. Which cities were the first hero cities?

  • A) Leningrad, Stingrad, Sevastopol, Odessa
  • B) Leningrad, Stingrad, Sevastopol, Moscow
  • C) Leningrad, Stingrad, Sevastopol, Brest
  • D) Leningrad, Stingrad, Sevastopol, Oryol

9. Who was the director of the fairy tale film "At the Pike's Command" (1938)?

  • A) A. Rowe
  • B) V. Weinstock
  • C) A. Ptushko
  • D) V. Legoshin

10. Which white general is the film "Admiral" filmed in 2008 dedicated to?

  • A) L. Kornilov
  • B) A. Kolchak
  • C) G. Denikin
  • D) A. Kerensky

11. Indicate the date of the seizure of state power by the Bolsheviks.

  • A) October 26, 1917
  • B) January 5, 1918
  • C) March 3, 1917
  • D) January 6, 1918

12. In July 1942, when the enemy strike force broke into the great bend of the Don, the greatest battle of the Second World War began. For several months in a vast area where the Don is almost close to the Volga, the flame of continuous fierce battles raged. The fascist German generals did not spare anything in order to reach the banks of the Volga and gain a foothold there. And the Russian army managed not only to defeat the enemy on the Volga, but also to launch a counteroffensive. Name the city in which the battle took place, which marked the beginning of a radical change in the course of the war.

  • A) Moscow
  • B) Kursk
  • C) Stalingrad
  • D) Nizhny Novgorod

13. The founders of this trend in painting were Russian artists V.V. Kandinsky and K.S. Malevich. They sought to completely free art from the need to reflect reality. What is the name of this direction of non-figurative art?

  • A) Abstractionism
  • B) Impressionism
  • C) Classicism
  • D) Cubism

14. When did Russia enter the First World War?

  • A) August 1, 1914
  • B) September 1, 1914
  • C) August 1, 1915
  • D) October 1, 1914

15. During the Civil War, the troops of the "Entente" military bloc did not land in (during):

  • A) Murmansk
  • B) Odessa
  • In Rostov-on-Don
  • D) Vladivostok

16. Give a definition of the term contribution.

  • A) One of the forms of combining enterprises carrying out common commercial activities while maintaining production and legal independence.
  • B) Payments imposed on the defeated state in favor of the winning state
  • C) A type of aggression, forcible annexation of all or part of the territory of another state or people.
  • D) Secret opening of postal correspondence by state or other authorities, persons.

17. In what decade was the Resolution of the Central Committee of the CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR "On strengthening the fight against drunkenness and on putting things in order in the trade in spirits"? For the first time, the sale of vodka was prohibited in all public catering establishments (except for restaurants) located at train stations, at airports, at the station squares. The sale of vodka in the immediate vicinity of industrial enterprises, educational institutions, children's institutions, hospitals, sanatoriums, in places of mass festivities and recreation was not allowed.

  • A) 1980s
  • B) 1970s
  • C) 1960s
  • D) 1950s

18. Due to a serious injury during the Great Patriotic War, both legs of this pilot were amputated. However, despite his disability, the pilot returned to the sky and flew with artificial limbs. He became the prototype of the hero of Boris Polevoy's story "The Story of a Real Man".

  • A) Maresyev
  • B) Pokryshkin
  • C) Vershishin
  • D) Samokhin

Answers to the All-Russian Olympiad in the history of Russia, grade 9

This table contains the answers to the tests on the history of Russia for the school stage of the All-Russian Olympiad

Job numberCorrect answer
1 AT
2 B
3 AT
4 B
5 BG
6 B
7 AT
10 B
11 AND
12 AT
13 AND
14 AND
15 AT
16 B
17 D
18 AND