What is watermelon - berry, fruit or nevertheless vegetable? What are the elongated shorts? The watermelon season has come, and therefore it's time to find out what benefits for the body will bring this berry


1 Which of the ancient scientists for the first time used the term "geography"?

 a) Pythagora

 b) Eratosthen

 B) Stram

 D) Aristotle

 D) Ptolemy

2. Select the right statement: "Scale in 1 cm 150 meters ... than 1: 150000"

 a) 10 times larger

 b) 2 times larger

 c) 100 times smaller

 d) 5 times smaller

 d) 15 times larger

3. Cartographic projection is:

 a) a reduced model of the Earth, reflecting its spherical shape;

 b) the mathematical method of the image of the surface of the earth ellipsoid on the plane;

 c) the degree of reduction of the length of the lines on the plan or the map compared with their actual length of the locality;

 D) Reduced, generalized image of the earth's surface on a plane, built according to certain mathematical laws in the system of symbols

 D) Reduced Earth Image on Plane

4. The map shows two slopes. On the first horizontal are closer than on the second. Choose the correct answer:

 a) the first slope is cooler

 b) the second slope of the first

 c) both slopes have the same steepness

5. Litosphere is ...

 a) earth bark, mantle, core

 b) earth bark, upper mantle

 c) earth bark

 D) Asthenosphere

 e) asthenosphere, mantle

6. Which of the listed types of mineral fuel is the most economical and cheap:

 a) coal;

 b) oil;

7. The Amur River flows into the sea:

 a) black

 b) Laptev

 c) Barents

 D) Bering

 D) Okhotsk

8. The form of the board in which power in the state belongs to one person and is inherited :

 a) Republic

 b) monarchy

 c) dictatorship

 D) Confederation

 e) federation

9. What part of the world is home to all religions:

 a) europe

 b) America

 c) Asia

 D) Australia

 D) Africa

10. The region with a high share of the elderly population is:

 a) Central Africa

 b) Latin America

 c) Western Europe

 D) India

 D) Australia

11. Mark the city that is not the capital of the developed country of the world:

 a) Tokyo

 b) Mexico City

 c) London

 D) Ottawa

12. Is the assertion that the area of \u200b\u200bRussia is 17 million square meters. KM:

13. Find a mistake in the characteristic of Russia:

 a) borders on land with 14 states

 b) washed by seas of three oceans

 c) ranks first in the world in the area

 d) has 16 republics

 D) has 11 economic areas

14. Low resource support and high level of economic development has:

 a) Germany

 b) Canada

 c) France

 D) Japan

15. Is the statement correctly that the main exporters of the forest are US, Russia, Canada, Sweden, United Kingdom:

16. What kind of natural zone is characterized by the following features: Temperature of July + 25 + 28 ºС, the temperature of January + 10 + 15 ºС, the annual amount of precipitation is 400-800 mm, which fall out mainly in December-February, in June-August - dry; brown soils prevail; Cerophytes occupied the leading role in plant cover?

 a) Taiga

 b) semi-desert

 c) steppe

 D) Wide Forests

 e) savanna

17. What type of soil are formed under the following climatic conditions: the temperature of January -10-15 ºС, the temperature of July + 20 + 25 ºС; The precipitate falls out throughout the year, but with a summer maximum: the annual amount of precipitation is 400-500 mm.

 a) forest

 b) steppe

 c) meadow

 d) tundra

 d) deserted

18. Select full match:

 A) Jugjur Ridge - Khabarovsk Territory - Missual Climate of Moderate Litroid - live Buryats, Russians

 B) Jugjur Ridge - Transbaikalia - Chita region - Buryats live, Russians

 B) Patomic Highlands - Irkutsk Region - Mamakan HPP - Russian, Yakuts, Evenks, etc. live.

 D) MEDI RANGE - Mid-Siberian Plateau - Evenki AO - Evenki, Russians, etc. reside.

19. The device for measuring air temperature is called:

 a) barometer

 b) thermometer

 c) hydrograph

 D) Level

 D) anemometer

20. Where is the Zambezi River?

 a) in Asia

 b) in Europe

 c) in North America

 D) in South America

 D) in Africa

21. Name the capital of the Philippines :

 a) Ottawa

 b) Cairo

 c) Paris

 d) Bern

 D) Manila

22. Name the subject of the Russian Federation with the capital, which is Maikop:

 a) Kalmykia

 b) Altai Territory

 c) Adygea

 D) Tyva

 D) Evenki JSC

23. Specify the area in which mudflow and cultivation of mustard are developed. There are electrical engineering, aviation and chemical industries. It is called the "automobile shop" and "solonka" of the country.

 a) Volga region

 b) central

 c) Far Eastern

 D) East Siberian

 D) Volga-Vyatsky

24. Mark the branch of the economy related to the non-production sector:

 a) industry

 b) culture

 c) agriculture

 D) Construction

 D) electric power industry

25. Mining of coal, oil, gas, non-ferrous metal ores, production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals, the forest industry is characteristic of the following economic area:

 a) central

 b) northern

 c) Volga-Vyatsky

 D) Northern Caucasus

 c) West Siberian

26. Name the Automotive Center, which produces UAZ:

 a) Naberezhnye Chelny

 b) Ulyanovsk

 c) Tolyatti

 D) Izhevsk

 E) Moscow

27. Which of the listed factors affect the limitation of agricultural production of the northern territories of Russia:

 a) Low temperatures, long-term permafrost, wetlands

 b) a small amount of precipitation, climate dryness

 B) all listed factors

28. The capital of which Republic of the Russian Federation is G. Ulan-Ude:

 a) Chuvashia

 b) Bashkiria

 c). Tatarnistan

 D) Kalmykia

 D) Buryatia

29. Name the country - a major producer of forest products, iron ore, oil and gas, has the world's largest trade turnover with the neighboring state, most of the population concentrated along the southern border.

 a) Germany

 b) Canada

 c) France

 D) Japan

30. Select from the port of the Far East:

 a) Murmansk

 b) Anadyr

 c) Arkhangelsk

 D) Dixon

 D) Tiksi

31. Choose the correct statements:

 a) the main water volume of the hydrosphere is concentrated in glaciers

 b) the average salinity of the World Ocean is about 35

 c) Ice cover power in the Arctic 1 km

 D) The power of the Ice Cover Antarctica reaches 4.5 km

 D) The transparency of water in the Sargasso Sea is 40 m
32. Which of the listed platforms are the number of young people?

 a) Eastern European

 b) Turan

 c) East Chinese

 d) indostan

 D) West Siberian

33. Select the names of natural objects common in the steppes:

 a) oak

 b) Kovyl

 c) Drop

 d) chernozem

 e) yolk

 e) reed

 g) moraine

 h) grounding

 and) epipheit

 K) bugs

34. Determine which of the terms below are relevant to Western Siberia:

 a) monsoon

 b) podzole

 B) Solonchak

 D) Glacier

 d) swamp

35. What mountain ranges in Russia refers to the field of alpine folds?

 a) Caucasus

 b) Ural

 c) Eastern Sayan

 D) apple


36. What flows are washed by the coast of South America?

 a) Peruvian

 b) Mozambique

 c) Falkland

 d) southern trade house

 D) Gulf Stream

37. Enter the correct statements:

 a) evaporation on continents usually more evaporation

 b) on the leeward slopes of the mountains there are more precipitation than on the windward

 c) in the tropics of precipitation little, because the anticyclonal weather type prevails here

38. Name two areas where during the year the duration of the night changes most?

 a) ps Taimyr

 b) about. Sakhalin

 c) OZ. Erie

 D) Cape Horn

 D) about. New Earth

39. Name the periods of the Mesozoic era:

 a) quaternary

 b) Jurassic

 c) coal

 d) Triassic

 e) chalk

40. The activity of fluid is the cause of the formation of such shapes of the relief, as:

 a) dunes

 b) ravines

 c) caves

 D) Caras

 e) delta

41. Indicate the names of the mainland in order of increasing their area:

 a) africa

 b) North America

 c) Antarctica

 D) Australia

 D) Eurasia

 E) South America

42. Which of the administrative units are subjects of the Russian Federation:

 a) republic

 b) edges

 c) region

 d) county

 d) areas

43. The most important manufacturers of wheat are the following countries and regions

 a) USA

 b) France

 c) China

 D) Japan

 e) Russia;

 E) Canada

 Ж) Australia

 h) Mongolia

 and) Argentina

44. Indicate the border countries of Russia:

 a) Belarus

 b) Ukraine

 c) Georgia

 D) Azerbaijan

 D) Armenia

 E) Turkmenistan

 g) Kazakhstan

 h) Kyrgyzstan

 and) Tajikistan

 K) Lithuania

 L) Latvia

 M) Estonia

45. Indicate demographic processes that you need to know to calculate the natural population growth?

 a) migration

 b) fertility

 c) marriage

 d) mortality

 D) divorce

46 Write down the consistent largest countries in the world in the order of declining the number of their population:

 a) Russia

 c) China

 D) India

 D) Indonesia

47. Name global religions:

 a) Confucianism

 b) Islam

 c) Christianity

 D) Shintoism

 D) Buddhism

48. Enter large tourist centers of Russia:

 a) Moscow

 b) Yaroslavl

 c) Suzdal

 D) Voronezh

 D) Smolensk

 E) St. Petersburg

49. Mark the industries typical for the Far Eastern Economic Area:

 a) mining

 b) Fish

 c) chemical

 D) Easy

 D) Forest, woodworking, pulp and paper
9. Right answers of the test test

1. B.

2. A.

3. B.

4. A.

5 B

6. B.

7. D.

8. B.

9. B.

10. B.

11. B.

12. A.

13. G.

14. G.

15. B.

16. D.

17. A.

18. B.

19. B.

20. D.

21. D.

22. B.

23. A.

24. B.

25. B.

26. B.

27. A.

28. D.

29. B.

30. B.

31. B, G

32. B, D

33. B, B, g, s

34. B, D

35. A, D

36. Ah, in

37.A, in

38. A, D

39. B, G, D

40. B, D

41. D, A, B, E, B, G

42. A, B, B, G

43. A, B, E

44.A, b, in, g, g, k, l, m

45. B, G

46. \u200b\u200bB, g, b, d, and

47. B, B, D

48. A, B, E

49 .A, b

FEDERATION - Form of the State Device, the Union State, consisting of state formations (subjects) with certain legal and political independence. Unlike foreign federations (USA, Germany), constructed by territorial sign, the Russian Federation is formed on a national-territorial basis.

2 The subject of the Federation is the territory endowed with the rights and obligations.

Today, answering the question about the number of light parts, automatically respond: six. Yes, in the lessons of geography at school, not one lesson is dedicated.
Currently, 6 parts of the world are traditionally distinguished:
- Europe;
- Asia;
- Africa;
- North America;
- South America;
- Australia and Oceania;
- Antarctica.

In recent years, some scientists propose to highlight Oceania into a separate part of the world. If this is approved officially, then there will be 7 parts of the world on Earth.
But if you ask a question about the time when people began to divide the world famous for them, then few people will answer this question. Maximum that you can hear in response: "So it has been historically." And hence it follows that the answers to the question about the time of dividing sushi on the part must be sought in history.
Turning to the historical chronicles, in search of a response to the question "How many lights on the ground, and when did they begin to divide them?" You can find out the following:
1. The first land began to divide the ancient Greeks on the world. The famous sushi they were divided by cultural and political signs. At the same time, they considered the Greece itself by the center of the world.
2. In VI BC. The ancient Greek philosophers delimited by the famous part of the Earth into two parts. That land, which lay west, they called Europe, that is, the country of sunset. Lost ELDLA was given by Asia, that translated from the Assyrian language means "East". The use of the Assyrian name was due to the fact that the East of Ancient Greece was located an ancient state of Assyria and Assyrian words were popular among the ancient Greeks, and then among the Romans.
3. After century, in the V century, T.N.E., the father of Herodot's history allocates Libya and the Ethiopia lying behind it into a separate part of the sushi. This land in Africa was called the Romans when Carthage was conquered. The name has happened on behalf of the Afarians who lived in those places. But there is also the second version of the origin of the word "Africa" \u200b\u200b- Arabic. The Arab word "Iphrikia" is translated as "separated".

The representations of the Greeks on the division of the world famous in part in writing in writing in writing Claudius Ptolemy in his work on geography, supplementing already existing parts of the world: Europe, Asia and Africa - still "Terra Incognita" - unknown lands.
On this, the process of dividing sushi on parts of the world temporarily stopped. The era of the early Middle Ages came to replace the ancient epoch with her desire for knowledge of the world, which fully deserves the title of dark centuries. In this historical period, people were not up to the question "How many parts of the lights on earth?".
But everything is once ends, and the era of Renaissance came to replace the period of decline. People began to seek new knowledge and know the world.
Christopher Columbus in search of a way to India in 1492 sailed from the Spanish port Palos de la Futher. This swimming ended with the discovery for Europeans new mainland and, named after America Vespucci, who predicted its existence.
At the end of the XIX century, the North and South America began to divide the Panama Canal, which divided the American mainland into two parts.
Dutch navigators in the XVII century opened Australia - "Terra Austlis incognita". So the fifth of the world appeared - Australia and Oceania.
The last, sixth mainland - Antarctica, was opened by the expedition of the Russian navigators of Faddey Bellinshausen and Mikhail Lazarev in 1820. The opening of Antarctica was completed by the beginning of the 20th century, when she received its name, meaning the "opposite Arctic."
The process of dividing sushi on parts of the world began in the ancient era, and finished almost today. But now the question of the time of the start of the division of sushi on the part of the world can be answered quite specifically.

most of the world

Alternative descriptions

The largest and most populated part of the world

The biggest and, as many consider the most uncivilized part of the world

Country of Light - Motherland Peacock

Which symbolizes the yellow ring at the Olympic emblem


Part of light

Light side - Motherland Peacock

In which part of the world are the highest hollows?

In which part of the world are the highest ridges?

Which continent symbolizes the yellow ring at the Olympic emblem?

Part of the world - champion in the number of population

Siamese twin Europe

Neighbor of Europe

Neighbor of old light

Densely populated part of the world

India, China, Japan, Siberia

Divides the mainland with Europe

Her population is 4 billion people

Neighbor Europe for mainland

Region of diagonal eyes

On the other side of the Urals and the Caucasus

China, Laos, Mongolia, Kazakhstan

Near Europe

She "do not break water" with Europe

Purchase from the Urals to the Pacific

East of Europe

From Kamchatka to the Urals

Small, front or medium

Eastern neighbor of Europe

Actress Ardgento

British supergroup

On the right side of the Urals

Shocking continent

Yellow Olympic Ring

The most populated part of the world

The largest of the world (about 43.4 million km2)

Part of light

Part of the light that all the oceans are washed

The largest of the world (about 43.4 million km2)

Alternative descriptions

The largest and most populated part of the world

The biggest and, as many consider the most uncivilized part of the world

Country of Light - Motherland Peacock

Which symbolizes the yellow ring at the Olympic emblem


Part of light

Light side - Motherland Peacock

In which part of the world are the highest hollows?

In which part of the world are the highest ridges?

Which continent symbolizes the yellow ring at the Olympic emblem?

Part of the world - champion in the number of population

Siamese twin Europe

Neighbor of Europe

Neighbor of old light

Densely populated part of the world

India, China, Japan, Siberia

Divides the mainland with Europe

Most of the world

Her population is 4 billion people

Neighbor Europe for mainland

Region of diagonal eyes

On the other side of the Urals and the Caucasus

China, Laos, Mongolia, Kazakhstan

Near Europe

She "do not break water" with Europe

Purchase from the Urals to the Pacific

East of Europe

From Kamchatka to the Urals

Small, front or medium

Eastern neighbor of Europe

Actress Ardgento

British supergroup

On the right side of the Urals

Shocking continent

Yellow Olympic Ring

The most populated part of the world

Part of light

Part of the light that all the oceans are washed

In abundance grown around the world, the Latin is called Citrulus Lanatus. This is a major, forming vacuum up to 3 meters long. Plant refer to the pumpkin family. The nearest wild-growing related species and today are found in southern Africa, and the history of watermelons, as a cultivated plant, has no longer one thousand years.

General for all species of watermelons Features are available in the presence of long powerful weaves covered with infected by half-blade leaves with a noticeable SIZY Tint. To secure on the horizontal and vertical surfaces of watermelons use the mustache, webly and drying in the plant in the development process.

Pale yellow solitary flowers are located in the sinuses of the leaves. When pollination occurs, a large fruit is formed on the place of the flower. It is because of this false berries with a solid surface layer and a lush core watermelon and grows. In the early stages of development, fruits, like stems and foliage, are covered with rigid hairs that disappear as they grow and are considered one of the signs of ripe watermelon.

And ripe round and oblong, diameter up to 60 cm watermelons have:

  • smooth rigid peel, usually with dark green or striped color, but there are peel white, yellow, marble and spotted color;
  • a juicy, sweet pulp of pink, dark red, orange, yellow or white shade with numerous brown or dark brown seeds.

Watermelons of thermal loving and comfortably grow only at a temperature not lower than 20-25 ° C.

At the same time, for many decades, selection work is underway to obtain varieties, both drought-resistant and having good resiliques of diseases, and differing in early maturation.

Therefore, the northern borders of culture culture over the past hundred years have been seriously shifted. On watermelons, more and more people know not only the first, but also regularly racks with sweet berries. And in the beds there were fruits ripening after 65-75 days after the appearance of the first sprouts.

Origin and history of watermelons

As archaeologists and paleobotanists believe, the cultural variety of watermelons has common roots with small wilderous representatives of the Citrullus genus, still in abundance of South Africa, Mozambique and Zambia, Namibia and Botswana. It was in these countries that the largest number of genetic forms of watermelons giving fruits with bitter, fresh and slightly sweet pulp.

In the most ancient times, the wild ancestors of modern watermelons were almost the only source of moisture and for animals, and for local tribes, and for travelers in the desert.

It was then that the history of watermelon began, as the culture used in food. If bitter, with a high content of glycosides of the plant remained without attention, then more edible varieties of another 4 thousand years ago came to the north of Africa and they were interested in peoples who inhabited the Nile Valley. Hence the culture, as the history of the watermelon says, spread to the Mediterranean, to the Middle East and on, up to India and China.

On the cultivation of watermelons in Egypt, the British Encyclopedia tells the british times of the early kingdom. It also mentions the presence of frescoes on which it is narrated by collecting these recognizable fruits by the Nile.

Seeds of watermelon or its distant ancestor found in the tombs of the pharaohs of the XII dynasty.

There are written evidence of the cultivation of one of the variety of wild watermelon in India in the VII century of our era. Yes, and today small fruit Citrullus Lanatus varieties of Fistulosus in India are used as vegetable culture.

In the X century, watermelons fell into China, the country, today is the main supplier of this type of Bakhchyev to the world market. And the territory of Europe, or rather, on the Pyrenean Peninsula, watermelons fell with Mauritanian warriors.

In the X-XII centuries, the plant is cultivated in Cordoba and in Seville, from where, according to medieval history, watermelons fall into other corners of the continent. But due to climatic restrictions, it was not possible to obtain stable yields somewhere except the south of Europe, and watermelons were used as exotic plants in gardens and orangene.

Interestingly, the Bakhchy culture was acclimatized very quickly on the shores of the new world, where watermelons hit two ways at once: with European colonists and slaves, bringing from the African continent.

It is reliably known that the history of watermelons in America began in 1576. In this distant summer in Florida, watermelons planted with Spanish immigrants were already fruited.

A little later, Bakhchyev plantation appeared on the territory of South America. Watermelons accounted for Indian tribes of the Mississippi Valley, as well as the local population of the Pacific Islands, including Hawaii.

On the territory of Russia, watermelons were imported, obviously, according to the Great Silk Road, however, due to the complexity of the climate, until the middle of the last century, the culture was distributed only in the southern regions, for example, in Malororsia, in Kuban and in the steppe areas of the Volga region. Everything will not work for the history of watermelons, so much time the plant lives next to a person. Today, even unknown the roots of the cultural species grown in many regions of Russia in the country.

But this does not prevent people from working on improving the plant and receiving new varieties. At the moment, there are several hundred varieties and hybrids of cultural watermelons. Thanks to this, the development of greenhouse technologies, growing sweet fruits has become possible even where there were no people who did not hear about a gigantic berry.

At the same time, breeders are no longer limited to the removal of new varieties with traditionally green bark and scarlet pulp.

Watermelons are growing on the beds, which, under white, black, spotted or yellow peel, not only red or pink, but also white and yellow flesh.

And for the most sophisticated gourmets, farmers in the Japanese province of Zentsudzi, putting the marking in a special case, mastered the cultivation of cubic first, and now already figure watermelons.

Chemical composition of watermelon

What makes people all over the world like to love watermelons? The most obvious answer is the sweet refreshing taste of ripe fruits. But what is the total energy and chemical composition of watermelons, and in which substances can be beneficial to affect human health?

In 100 grams of fresh scarlet plow watermelon contains:

  • 0.61 grams of proteins;
  • 0.15 grams of fats;
  • 7.55 grams of carbohydrates, 6.2 grams of which fall on sugar;
  • 0.4 grams of dietary fiber;
  • 91.45 grams of water.

With this composition, the calorie content of the watermelon does not exceed 30 kcal, but the benefits of the use of fruits does not end. In 100 gram slices, the mass of vitamins, among which is 10% of the daily rate of consumption of ascorbic acid, as well as at least 4% of the number of quantity, vitamin B1, B2 and B3, B5 and B6, choline and essential micro- and macrole elements. These are calcium, magnesium and iron, potassium and phosphorus, manganese, sodium and zinc.

An important place in the chemical composition of the pulp is occupied by Licopean, which in 100 grams contains up to 4530 μg. And in the watermelon cortex there is such a valuable amino acid as cytrullin.

How long to store watermelon?

In order for the benefit from the watermelon to be maximum, we need to use ripe, grown in compliance with the rules of agrotechnology fruits. Moreover, as storage, watermelons also lose some of the vitamins, moisture and sugar. And this means that the question of how long is of paramount importance. The answer to it depends on the variety and storage method.

If the flesh of the watermelon variety of light or Climson sweets in a couple of weeks after removing from the plea loses juiciness and becomes a grainy, then the juicy fresh fruits of the chill grade, stored for up to 5 months, can become a pleasant surprise on the New Year's table.

At room temperature, away from the instruments of heating, sunlight and moisture watermelon are stored not so long, up to a month. In the conditions of a ventilated cellar or cellar, whole watermelons are on average remain delicious from 2 to 4 months.

  • If you want to save watermelon longer, flesh or juice can be frozen.
  • Watermelon slices dried, getting peculiar chips. Natural chewing candies are made of dried juice.
  • And the watermelon is marinate, salted and quashaty, make their juice and pieces of fruit jam, jam and fragrant candied.

When using these methods, the storage period of watermelons is extended to the year. But the cut-off watermelon cannot be stored for a long time. Even in the refrigerator, a pathogenic flora is developing in the refrigerator, and the bacteria leads to fermentation. In warm, such a process begins in a couple of hours.

Signs of ripe watermelon

To be able to recognize a ripe, ready-to-eat watermelon, it is important not only to the buyer at the counter, but also a giftover who received a rich harvest. The loyalty of the choice depends on how long the watermelon is stored, and what nutrients managed to accumulate in his pulp. Do not cut off the fruit, it is possible to determine the ripeness in the appearance of the watermelon and the screens, on which it is located.

  • lack of heat, which was expressed in slowing the development process;
  • received an excess number of nitrogen fertilizers;
  • was under the influence of pesticides leading to the accumulation of harmful substances;
  • suffered from lack of moisture in the soil and air;
  • experienced a deficit in the soil of molybdenum, sulfur, cobalt or potassium;
  • it was in ground with increased acidity or salts.

The maximum permissible norm of nitrates in watermelon is 60 mg / kg. And here it is important to remember that the greatest amount of harmful substances is concentrated closer to the surface, and especially in the crust.

For an adult, the permissible number of nitrates in the body are determined at the rate of 5 mg per kilogram of weight. The maximum number of nitrite is even less and should not exceed 0.2 mg per kilogram of human body mass.

Upon exceeding the norm of nitrates in watermelon, these substances in humans cause a violation of exchange processes, and with regular hitting the body of excessive amounts of these hazardous compounds, cancer tumors, cyanosis, severe lesions of the nervous system and digestion, heart and blood pathologies are possible. Extremely negative nitrates and nitrites affect the development of the fetus during pregnancy.

To know everything about watermelon, designed to be confident in his safety, it is important to adhere to the rules of agrotechnics when growing and use express analysis tools.

How to choose sweet and ripe watermelon - video