An object specially created by a person designed to transmit or store information is called. What constitutes the totality of unfilled statuses

First write down the task number (26, 27, etc.), and then the detailed answer to it. Write down the answers clearly and legibly.

Read the text and complete assignments 26-31.

Market economy

For the emergence of market relations, the presence or absence of private ownership of economic resources plays an important role. In various epochs of history, small-scale commodity farms have created the best conditions for the formation of a market system with its classic features of competition, equilibrium of supply and demand, and free pricing. The destruction of the tradition of private property destroys the market system itself ...

The market is a universal system for the use of limited resources. Limited resources do not allow producing all types of consumer goods that people need. Limitedness is inherent in minerals, capital, knowledge and information about production technologies. Land resources are also limited. And not only in the sense of the limits of the earth's land or geographically designated territories of individual states. Land is inherently limited in the sense that each of its sites at the same time can be used either in the agricultural sector, or in the extractive industry, or for construction. The role of the market as a regulator of economic relations is assessed in different ways. Along with those who consider the market system the most effective economic model, there are many who see serious shortcomings in this system. Market critics, in particular, draw attention to the fact that there are areas of life where market regulation is inappropriate, does not achieve the desired goals (public transport, defense, etc.).

According to the book. "Economic theory" / Ed. V.D.Kamaeva. М „2003. S. 47, 50

Make an outline of the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

Show answer

The following semantic parts can be distinguished:

1) the role of private property in the formation of market relations;

2) the market as a system for the use of limited resources;

3) market economy: "for" and "against".

Other formulations are possible that do not distort the essence of the fragment, and the selection of additional semantic blocks.

What are the three features of a market system indicated in the text?

Show answer

The correct answer must indicate the following signs of a market system:

1) competition;

2) the balance of supply and demand;

3) freedom of pricing.

Show answer

The response should indicate the following manifestations of the limitedness of land as an economic resource:

1) the limits of the earth's land;

2) the limits of the territories of individual states;

3) the inevitability of using a specific piece of land at a time only in one capacity.

These manifestations can be given in other formulations that are close in meaning.

List the four types of resources that the text says are limited. What kind of resource is not mentioned? Using a specific example, show the limitations of this type of resources.

Show answer

A correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) four types of resources are listed: minerals, capital, knowledge and information, land;

2) an unmentioned type of resource is indicated - labor;

3) using a specific example, the limitedness of this type of resources is shown: a person can work for a limited time, employment in one area excludes his work in other areas.

The limitedness of labor as a resource can be shown in another

You know from the course of history that in Russia after the revolution of 1917, industry was nationalized. This was the beginning of the liquidation of the market economy in the country. Give the position of the text in which this dependence is expressed. Based on historical and social science knowledge, indicate one of the features of the economic system that took root in the country in the 1920s and 1930s.

Show answer

The correct answer should contain the following elements:

1) the position of the text is given: "The destruction of the traditions of private property destroys the market system itself";

2) one of the features of the command economic system is indicated:

In modern conditions, increasingly strong positions are taken by large transnational corporations, which testifies to the inefficiency of the free competition market today;

The market leads to a sharp social stratification in society;

in case of disagreement. that the market system is imperfect.

it can be indicated that

Many of the command-and-control countries have moved to market economies;

The market economy constantly pushes the manufacturer to improve the quality of products, to introduce technical innovations.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

2) I. S. Glazunov

3) S. S. Govorukhin

4) L. I. Gaidai

5) A. M. Shilov

6) E. I. Unknown


The filmmakers of the second half of the 20th century were E. Ya. Ryazanov, S. S. Govorukhin, L. I. Gaidai. I. Glazunov, A. Shilov - artists. E. I. Unknown - sculptor.

B2 № 239. Which three of the following concepts characterize the situation of serfs in the 18th century? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

2) corvee

4) redemption payments

5) vacationing

6) polyudye


The concepts of corvee, quitrent, and seasonal work are associated with the position of serfs. Polyudye is a form of collecting tribute in Ancient Rus. Redemption payments were introduced after the abolition of serfdom. The cut is a form of private land ownership according to the Stolypin reform.

B2 № 241. Which three provisions of the following are related to "Russian Truth" PI Pestel? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) maintaining the inviolability of estate rights and privileges

2) the establishment of a constitutional monarchy

3) unitary state

4) federal state

5) establishment of the republic

6) the liberation of serfs


The "Russian Truth" PI Pestel - the program document of the Southern Society - includes a unitary state, the establishment of a republic, the liberation of serfs.

B2 No. 244. What three decisions were taken at the Potsdam conference? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) on the division of East Prussia between Poland and the USSR

2) on refusal to use atomic weapons in war

3) on the system of four-sided occupation of Germany and on the administration of Berlin

4) on the denazification of Germany

5) on the division of Germany into two states

6) on the USSR's acceptance of the "Marshal's plan"


At the Potsdam Conference, decisions were made on the division of East Prussia between Poland and the USSR, on the system of four-sided occupation of Germany and on the administration of Berlin, on the denification of Germany. These measures were aimed at normalizing relations between the allies and resolving the German question.

B2 № 278. Which three of the listed concepts, terms are associated with the transformative activities of Peter I? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer.

1) "Table of Ranks"

2) Cathedral Code

3) recruitment

4) provinces

5) Bironovshchina

6) zemstvo


The reforms of Peter I were associated with the adoption of the "Table of Ranks", the introduction of conscription, and the division of the country into provinces. Zemshchina was established during the oprichnina period in the 16th century. The cathedral code was adopted in the 17th century. Bironovshchina - the period of the reign of Anna Ioannovna.

B2 № 280. Which three of the listed events relate to the reign of Alexander I? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) preparation by M. M. Speransky "Introduction to the Code of State Laws"

2) the creation of the Secret Committee

3) the introduction of the jury

4) Crimean War

5) establishment of the State Duma

6) Russia's participation in the Continental Blockade


The reign of Alexander I (1801-1825) includes the preparation by M. M. Speransky of the "Introduction to the Laws of State" in 1810, the creation of the Secret Committee in 1801, Russia's participation in the Continental Blockade of England after the signing of the Tilsit Peace Treaty in 1807. The Crimean War was in 1853-1856. The jury was introduced by the 1864 reform. The State Duma was established in 1906.

B2 № 283. Which three of the listed features characterize the period of "stagnation" in the USSR? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) shortage of industrial and food products

2) a significant gap in the financial situation of different strata of society

3) fighting the dissident movement

4) the rapid pace of implementation of modern technologies in the production of consumer goods

5) social stability, a high degree of social protection of the population

6) alternative nature of elections


The period of "stagnation" in the USSR is characterized by a shortage of industrial and food products, the fight against the dissident movement, social stability and a high degree of social protection. The rest of the answer options refer to the period of modern Russia.

B2 № 317. Which three of the listed features characterized the dependence of the Russian lands on the Horde? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) population census

2) the creation of Zemsky sobors

3) basque system

4) the system of parochialism

5) getting a label for a great reign

6) canceling feedings


The dependence of Russia on the Horde consisted in the census of the population, the Basque system and the receipt of a label for the great reign of Russian princes. Zemsky sobors, the local system and the abolition of feeding date back to the 16th century.

B2 № 319. Which three of the listed events are associated with the revolution of 1905-1907? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

2) convocation of the Constituent Assembly

3) "Bloody Sunday"

4) Milyukov's note

5) convocation of the I State Duma

6) the regime of "dual power"


The October political strike, "Bloody Sunday", the convocation of the First State Duma - these are the main events of the 1905-1907 revolution. Milyukov's note and the "dual power" regime date back to 1917. The Constituent Assembly was convened in 1918.

B2 № 322. Which three of the listed territories became part of the USSR following the Second World War? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) Koenigsberg (Kaliningrad) region

2) Ussuri region

3) Nakhchivan region

4) South Sakhalin

5) Kuril Islands

6) Transnistria


As a result of the Second World War, the Konigsberg Region, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands became part of the USSR. The rest of the territories became part of the Russian state earlier.

B2 № 356. Choose from the list three historical figures associated with the reign of Ivan III. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer.

1) khan Akhmat

2) Khan Tokhtamysh

3) Sergiy of Radonezh

4) Joseph Volotsky

5) Sophia Palaeologus

6) Elena Glinskaya


Khan Akhmat opposed Ivan III on the Ugra River, but failed. As a result of "Standing on the Ugra River" the yoke was overthrown. Joseph Volotsky is a church leader, the head of the stream of money-grubbers in the Russian Church. Sophia Paleologue is the wife of Ivan III.

B2 № 358. Which three of the listed provisions characterize the period of "Arakcheevshchina"? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) stick discipline in the army

2) granting autonomy to universities

3) judicial reform, the introduction of the jury

4) the creation of military settlements

5) tougher censorship

6) expanding the rights of local government


"Arakcheevschina" - the policy of reaction and rejection of the course of liberal reforms in 1815-1825. The period of "arakcheyevschina" is characterized by stick discipline in the army, the creation of military settlements, and the tightening of censorship. The rest of the provisions are related to the reforms of Alexander II.

B2 № 361. Which three of the above provisions characterize Stalinist policy after the war? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) the fight against cosmopolitanism

2) weakening pressure on the countryside, lowering taxes on collective farms

3) anti-Semitic campaign, limiting opportunities for creative and career self-realization of Jews

4) carrying out repression among local party leaders and economists

5) encouraging the development of independence of national entities within the USSR

6) the policy of refusal to rotate (permanently change) party and state cadres


Stalin's post-war policies were characterized by the fight against cosmopolitanism, anti-Semitic campaigning and the repression of local party leaders and economists. The period of post-war Stalinism is called “the apogee of Stalinism”, when the political course was tightened and repressions resumed.

B2 № 395. Choose from the list three concepts that characterize the situation of serfs in the XVIII century. Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer.

2) corvee

4) redemption payments

5) vacationing

6) polyudye


The position of serfs in the 18th century was characterized by corvée, quitrent and seasonal work. The farm is associated with Stolypin's agrarian reform. Redemption payments - with the abolition of serfdom. Polyudye is a form of collecting tribute in Ancient Russia.

B2 № 397. Which three of the listed events relate to the Patriotic War of 1812? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) Smolensk battle

2) defense of Sevastopol

3) the battle at Maloyaroslavets

4) Chesme battle

5) defense of Shipka

6) Tarutinsky march-maneuver


The Battle of Smolensk, the battle at Maloyaroslavets, and the Tarutinsky march-maneuver belong to the Patriotic War of 1812. The defense of Sevastopol refers to the events of the Crimean War of 1853-1856. Battle of Chesme - to the events of the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774 The defense of Shipka - to the events of the Russian-Turkish war of 1877-1878.

B2 № 400. Which three of the listed phenomena are related to "war communism"? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) rental of small and medium-sized enterprises

2) surplus

3) universal labor service

4) concessions to foreign entrepreneurs

5) free utilities

6) broad cooperative movement


Measures of "war communism": food appropriation, universal labor service, free utilities. The rest of the events refer to the NEP period.

B2 № 434. Which three of the listed historical figures were historians? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) S. M. Soloviev

2) M.N. Ermolova

3) A. A. Khanzhonkov

4) V.O. Klyuchevsky

5) S.P.Dyagilev

6) N.M. Karamzin


The historians were S. M. Soloviev, V. O. Klyuchevsky, N. M. Karamzin. MN Ermolova is an actress. A. A. Khanzhonkov - director. SP Diaghilev - organizer of the "Russian Seasons" in Paris.

B2 № 436. Which three of the listed reforms were carried out during the reign of Nicholas II? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) the reform of the management of state peasants by P. D. Kiselev

2) the agrarian reform of P.A.Stolypin

3) monetary reform by E.F. Kankrin

4) establishment of the State Duma

5) monetary reform S. Yu. Witte

6) the creation of the Supreme Council of the National Economy


During the reign of Nicholas II, the agrarian reform of PA Stolypin and the monetary reform of S. Yu. Witte were carried out, the State Duma was established. The reforms of Kiselev and Kankrin were carried out during the reign of Nicholas I. The Supreme Council of the National Economy was formed for the first time in 1918.

B2 № 439. Which three of the named events are connected with the period of detente in international relations? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) treaty on the elimination of intermediate and shorter-range missiles

2) Treaty on the Limitation of Strategic Arms (SALT-1)

3) dissolution of the Warsaw Pact Organization

4) the entry of the USSR into the UN

5) an agreement on the limitation of the anti-missile defense (ABM) system

6) signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe


With a period of relaxation of international tension in the late 1960s and 1970s. connected with the signing of the SALT-1 treaties, on the limitation of missile defense in 1972 and the signing of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe in 1975. The entry of the USSR into the UN took place in 1945. The Treaty on the Elimination of Intermediate-Range and Shorter-Range Missiles and the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact Organization belong to the period of perestroika.

B2 № 473. Which three of the persons listed below were contemporaries of Prince Ivan III? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) Sophia Palaeologus

2) khan Akhmat

4) Aristotle Fioravanti

5) Dominico Trezzini

6) Sergiy of Radonezh


Contemporaries of Prince Ivan III (1462-1505) were Sophia Palaeologus (second wife, niece of the last emperor of Byzantium), Khan Akhmat (opponent of Ivan III, Khan of the Horde made a campaign on the Ugra river in 1480), Aristotle Fioravanti (architect of Uspensky Cathedral, erected under Ivan the Great). Khan Mamai, Sergius of Radonezh lived in the XIV century. D. Trezzini - in the 18th century.

B2 № 475. Which three of the listed names refer to political parties of the early XX century? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

2) nechais

3) People's Will

4) Petrashevites


Political parties of the early 20th century: the Cadets, Octobrists, Socialist-Revolutionaries. Nechaevtsy, Narodnaya Volya, Petrashevtsy are revolutionary organizations of the 19th century.

B2 № 478. Which three of the listed documents were adopted in the 1920s? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

2) resolution "On Party Unity"

3) the first Constitution of the USSR

5) the law "On the entry of Western Ukraine into the USSR"

6) the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR


Documents of the 1920s: the resolution "On Party Unity" in 1921 was adopted at the X Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks); the first Constitution of the USSR - in 1924; the first five-year plan for the development of the national economy of the USSR was adopted in 1928.

B2 № 512. Which three of the listed historical figures of the XVII-XVIII centuries. became heroes of the works of A.S. Pushkin? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

2) hetman Mazepa

3) Boris Godunov

4) Bohdan Khmelnitsky

5) Ivan Bolotnikov


Historical figures of the 17th-18th centuries, heroes of Alexander Pushkin's works: Peter I, Hetman Mazepa (the poem "Poltava"), Boris Godunov (the tragedy "Boris Godunov").

B2 № 514. Which three public figures took part in the Decembrist movement? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) N.G. Chernyshevsky

2) N.M. Muravyov

3) S.P. Trubetskoy

4) P.I. Pestel

5) Yu.O. Martov

6) A. I. Herzen


The Decembrists were: N.M. Muravyov, S.P. Trubetskoy, P.I. Pestel. N. G. Chernyshevsky and A. I. Herzen were Russian socialists. Yu. O. Martov is a Social Democrat.

B2 № 517. Indicate three statesmen who served as General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) L. I. Brezhnev

2) M. S. Gorbachev

3) A. N. Kosygin

4) K. E. Voroshilov

5) Yu.V. Andropov

6) G.M. Malenkov


The post of General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee was occupied by L.I.Brezhnev (1964-1982), M.S.Gorbachev (1985-1991), Yu.V. Andropov (1982-1984). The rest held other government posts during the Soviet period of history.

B2 # 551. Which three of the following events occurred on December 14, 1825? Circle the appropriate numbers and write them down in the table.

1) the oath of the Senate to Nicholas I

2) performance of the Chernigov regiment

3) palace coup, death of Paul I

4) accession of Alexander II

5) execution of the square on Senate Square

6) arrests of members of the Northern Society in St. Petersburg


On December 14, 1825, the Senate took the oath of allegiance to Nicholas I, execution of the punishment on Senate Square, arrests of members of the Northern Society in St. Petersburg. The palace coup, the death of Paul I took place in 1801. Speech by the Chernigov regiment - December 29, 1825 - January 3, 1826. The accession of Alexander II - 1855.

B2 № 553. Which three statesmen held important government posts during the reign of Nicholas I? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) A. H. Benckendorff

2) P. D. Kiselev

3) S. Yu. Witte

4) E.F.Kankrin

5) K.P. Pobedonostsev

6) P. A. Stolypin


The statesmen of the reign of Nicholas I were A. Kh. Benkendorf, P. D. Kiselev, E. F. Kankrin. KP Pobedonostsev, S. Yu. Witte, PA Stolypin - statesmen of the reign of Nicholas II.

B2 № 556. Which three of the listed events relate to the political history of the USSR in the 1930s? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

2) the murder of S.M. Kirov

4) execution of the royal family

6) the murder of P.A.Stolypin


On the political history of the USSR in the 1930s. includes the trial of 1936 over G. Ye. Zinoviev and LB Kamenev, the murder of S. M. Kirov in 1934, the publication of the "Short Course on the History of the CPSU (b)" in 1938. Stalin took over as General Secretary in 1922. The royal family was executed in 1918. Stolypin was killed in 1911.

B2 # 590. Choose from the list of three cultural figures of the 18th century who were literary men, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer.

1) V.K.Trediakovsky

2) D. G. Levitsky

3) G.R.Derzhavin

4) D.I.Fonvizin

5) I.P. Argunov

6) I.F.Shubin


Cultural figures - writers of the 18th century: poet V. K. Trediakovsky, poet G. R. Derzhavin, writer D. I. Fonvizin. D. G. Levitsky and I. P. Argunov are artists. I.F.Shubin is a sculptor.

B2 № 592. Which three of the listed provisions relate to the program and requirements of the Cadet Party? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) strengthening the beginnings of the constitutional system in Russia

2) socialization of the earth

3) expansion of political rights and freedoms

4) granting all nations the right to self-determination up to secession

5) the formation of a government responsible to the State Duma

6) preservation of the autocratic form of government


The program and requirements of the Cadet Party include: strengthening the principles of the constitutional system in Russia; expansion of political rights and freedoms; the formation of a government responsible to the State Duma. The socialization of the land is a requirement of the Socialist-Revolutionary Party. Granting all nations the right to self-determination, including secession, is a requirement of the RSDLP (b) party. The preservation of the autocratic form of government is the demand of the monarchist party.

B2 № 595. Which three of the listed provisions characterize the political regime of the 1930s? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) publicity policy

2) multi-party system

3) merging of the party and state apparatus

4) concentration of power in the hands of the party leader

6) alternative elections


The political regime of the 1930s are characterized by the following provisions: merging of the party and state apparatus, the concentration of power in the hands of the party leader, the ban on the creation of intra-party groups and platforms. The policy of openness, a multi-party system, and alternative elections belong to the perestroika period.

B2 № 629. Which three of the following concepts and terms characterize the development of Russian culture in the 18th century? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

3) classicism

5) baroque

6) itinerants


The development of Russian culture in the 18th century. characterize styles and trends: sentimentalism, classicism, baroque. The concepts of Art Nouveau and Wanderers refer to the 19th century. Fresco is the main type of painting in Ancient Rus.

B2 № 631. What are the three provisions related to the internal politics of Alexander III? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) increase in the representation of the nobility in the zemstvos

2) granting autonomy to Poland

3) liquidation of the magistrate court

4) the creation of the Peasant and Noble Land Banks

5) granting autonomy to universities

6) development of constitutional projects on behalf of the emperor


The internal policy of Alexander III (1881-1894) includes an increase in the representation of the nobility in the zemstvos (1890), the liquidation of the magistrate's court (1889), the creation of the Peasant (1882) and Noble (1885) Land Banks. The rest of the activities are related to the implementation of liberal reforms.

B2 № 634. Which three of the listed events relate to 1939-1940? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) Soviet-Finnish war

2) the acceptance of the USSR into the League of Nations

3) the entry of Soviet troops into Estonia

4) diplomatic recognition of the USSR by the United States

5) participation of Soviet representatives in the Genoa conference

6) Soviet-Anglo-French negotiations on the joint defense of the countries of Eastern Europe


By the period 1939-1940. events include: the Soviet-Finnish war (November 30, 1939 - March 12, 1940), the entry of Soviet troops into Estonia (summer 1940), the Soviet-Anglo-French negotiations on the joint defense of Eastern Europe (summer 1939) ). The USSR was admitted to the League of Nations in 1934.

Diplomatic recognition of the USSR by the United States took place in 1933. The Genoa Conference was held in 1922.

B2 № 668. Which of the following events are associated with the reign of Catherine II? Write down your answer in numbers without spaces.

1) Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility

2) Russia's participation in the Seven Years War

3) Peasant War led by E. Pugachev

4) Work of the Legislative Commission

5) Foundation of the Black Sea Fleet

6) Abolition of the patriarchate


During the reign of Catherine II (1762-1796) there was a Peasant War under the leadership of E. Pugachev in 1773-1775, the Legislative Commission worked in 1767-1768. and the Black Sea Fleet was founded as a result of Russia's victory over Turkey. The manifesto on the liberty of the nobility was signed by Emperor Peter III in 1762; Russia took an active part in the Seven Years War during the reign of Elizabeth Petrovna. The abolition of the patriarchate occurred as a result of the church reform of Peter I, when the Holy Synod was established in 1721.

B2 № 670. Which of the following provisions related to the reign of Nicholas I? Point out three correct positions. Write down your answer in numbers without spaces.

1) the introduction of recruiting into the army

2) Bironovschina

3) the establishment of the III department of the imperial chancellery

4) carrying out P.D. Kiselev reforms in the management of state peasants

5) publication of the "Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire"

6) arakcheevshchina


During the reign of Nicholas I (1825-1855), the establishment of the III department of the imperial chancellery in 1826, the reform of the management of state peasants in 1837-1842 by PD Kiselev. and the publication of the "Complete collection of laws of the Russian Empire" in 1833. Recruitment was introduced under Peter I in 1705. The concept of Bironovshchina is associated with the reign of Anna Ioannovna, the Arakcheevshchina - with the reign of Alexander I.

B2 № 673. What three events relate to the political history of the USSR in the 1930s?

Write down the answer in numbers, without spaces.

1) the trial of G.E. Zinoviev and L.B. Kamenev

2) the murder of S.M. Kirov

3) the appointment of J.V. Stalin as General Secretary of the Central Committee of the RCP (b)

4) execution of the royal family

5) the publication of the "Short Course on the History of the CPSU (b)"

6) the murder of P.A.Stolypin


On the political history of the USSR in the 30s. - the period of the formation of a totalitarian regime and political repression - includes the trial of Zinoviev and Kamenev in 1936, the assassination of Kirov in 1934 and the publication of the "Short Course on the History of the CPSU (b)" in 1938. The murder of Stolypin took place in 1911, the royal family was shot in 1918. Stalin became the general secretary of the party in 1922.

B2 No. 707. Select from the list three events related to the reign of Ivan IV, and write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the table.

1) annexation of Crimea

2) the creation of a streltsy army

3) "standing on the Ugra river"

4) annexation of the Kazan Khanate

5) convocation of the Zemsky Sobor

6) establishment of the patriarchate


The reign of Ivan IV (1533-1584) includes the creation of the streltsy army, the annexation of the Kazan Khanate in 1552, the convocation of the Zemsky Sobor in 1549. The annexation of the Crimea took place in 1783 under Catherine II. "Standing on the Ugra River" - in 1480 under Ivan III. Establishment of the patriarchate - in 1589 under Feodor Ioannovich.

B2 № 709. Which three of the listed architectural monuments were built in the 19th century? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg

2) St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg

3) Moscow University

4) Pashkov's house

5) Historical Museum

6) Cathedral of the Smolny Monastery


The architectural monuments of the 19th century include the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg (1811), St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg (1858), the Historical Museum in Moscow (1881). Moscow University, Pashkov's house in Moscow, the Cathedral of the Smolny Monastery in St. Petersburg were built in the 18th century.

B2 № 712. Which three of the listed provisions characterize the period of the "thaw"? Write down the corresponding numbers in the answer.

1) reduction in the number of published newspapers and magazines

2) rehabilitation of a significant part of the victims of political repression

3) the abolition of ideological control in the field of culture

4) the internal party power struggle

5) the introduction of a multi-party system

6) de-Stalinization policy


The period of the "thaw" is characterized by processes and events: the rehabilitation of a significant part of the victims of political repression, the internal party struggle for power and the policy of de-Stalinization after the 20th Congress of the CPSU. The rest of the processes and events are associated with other periods of history.

a) a person;
c) society.

2. When did sociology emerge as a science:

c) in the 18th century.

b) a pattern of behavior;

4. The social role is:

a) student group;
b) nation;
c) family.

a) document analysis;
b) observation;
c) poll.

7. What does the sociological term “sampling” mean?

c) selection of respondents.

a) descriptive;
b) intelligence;
c) analytical.

a) histogram;
b) pentagram;
c) hologram.

a) operationalization;
b) typology;
c) verification.

Option number 2

1. The central concept of K. Marx's sociology is:

b) social action;
c) social space.

2. What is the name of the change in the social status of an individual?

a) career;
b) social mobility;
c) rating.

c) mutual sympathy.

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

a) military personnel;
b) emigrants;
c) students.

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

a) two;
b) three;
at four.

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) the respondent.

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

a) ranking;
b) content analysis;
c) questioning.

Option number 3

a) M. Weber;
b) K. Marx;
c) O. Comte.

2. What is society?

c) an outstanding figure.

a) one;
b) several;
c) none.

c) social engineering.

a) society;
b) country;
c) social community.

a) industry;
b) informatics;
c) service sector.

8. The person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) the respondent.

9. If a sociologist joined the participants of the meeting to conduct the research, he conducts:

a) experiment;
b) included observation;
c) not included observation.

10. Repeated research in order to study the changes occurring in any group of people over a certain period of time is called:

a) aerobatic;
b) panel;
c) probing.

Option number 4

1. What is the object of sociology?

a) social community;
b) personality;
c) society.

2. Which of the listed authors substantiated the law of conformity of productive forces to the nature of production relations?

a) O. Comte;
b) K. Marx
c) M. Weber.

a) social structure;
b) social system;
c) social community.

5. Who can be classified as marginalized groups of the population?

a) military personnel;
b) emigrants;
c) students.

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

7. What is meant by a social group?

a) social;
b) economic;
c) political.

a) interviewing;
b) questioning;
c) analysis of documents.

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) the respondent.

Option number 5

1. Which of the listed scientists developed the theory of the evolutionary development of society?

a) P. Sorokin;
b) K. Marx;
c) G. Spencer.

2. What does microsociology study?

a) any set of individuals united by common interests in interaction;
b) a group that represents a certain social standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;
c) any collective, real or imagined, rated low or high, with which the individual relates his behavior or future.

4. What are the connections between social statuses?

a) dynamic;
b) statistical;
c) functional.

5. Social law can be defined as:

6. In which society is industry the determining factor in development?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

7. A document containing a theoretical justification of methodological approaches and methodological techniques for studying a certain phenomenon or process is called:

b) an analytical report;

8. A variety of the selective research method in sociology is:

a) population census;
b) telephone survey;

9. Repeated research in order to study the changes occurring in any group of people over a certain period of time is called:

a) aerobatic;
b) panel;
c) probing.

10. The set of special techniques that characterize a particular method of collecting, processing and analyzing empirical information is called:

a) the research procedure;
b) research technique;
c) the way of research.

Option number 6

1. The subject of sociology is:

2. The works of which scientist opened the scientific period in the history of sociology?

a) Machiavelli;
b) Aristotle;
c) Comte.

3. Which of the following communities belong to organized communities?

a) fans at the match;
b) labor collective;
c) a company of friends.

a) only in infancy;
b) only in his youth;
c) all my life.

a) social structures;
b) social systems;
c) social institutions.

7. The transition from one stratum to another is called:

b) social mobility;
c) socialization.

a) the purpose;
b) a task;
c) a hypothesis.

a) indicator;
b) a document;
c) tabulagrams.

a) a table;
b) a polygon;
c) a cluster.

Option number 7

a) Spencer;
b) Aristotle;
c) Hobbes.

2. Social is:

3. Which of the listed communities belongs to unorganized communities?

a) citizens of Russia;
b) landing company;
c) homeless people.

4. With which of the listed terms is the concept of a social institution most closely related?

a) social processes;
b) social stratification;

a) anomie;
b) autonomy;
c) disharmony.

a) social structure;

7. Which of the listed concepts indicates the number of respondents in a sociological study?

a) sample;
b) the general population;
c) representativeness.

8. What are the connections between social statuses?

a) dynamic;
b) statistical;
c) functional.

9. The question that allows the respondent to express his own opinion without any prompts is called:

a) semi-closed;
b) half-open;
c) open.

a) nominal;
b) ranked;
c) interval.

Option number 8

1. What period belongs to the prehistory of sociology?

a) the 18th century;
b) new time;
c) antiquity.

2. What does macrosociology study?

3. What is the main specificity of small groups?

4. What does the aggregate of large social groups give?

b) social system;
c) social organization.

5. Which of the following are social institutions?

a) society of philatelists;
b) family;
c) a meeting.

6. How many sections does a sociological research program have?

a) two;
b) three;
at four.

a) indicator;
b) a document;
c) tabulagrams.

8. The person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) the respondent.

a) semi-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

b) sampling bias;
c) the shift in the average value of the sample reliability

Option number 9

a) mechanisms of functioning of social systems;
b) the most significant phenomena in human life;
c) the most general laws of being.

a) social structure;
b) social system;
c) social community.

3. What is social structure?

a) the organization of relations between people;
b) a pattern of behavior;
c) the way of interaction of individuals occupying certain social positions and performing certain social functions.

4. What is the main specificity of small groups?

a) they are small in number of people;
b) their members are in interpersonal relationships;
c) there is little contact between their members.

5. Which of the following entities belong to the small group?

a) student group;
b) nation;
c) family.

6. Note the most common method of sociology:

a) document analysis;
b) observation;
c) poll.

7. Which of the listed terms is most closely related to the procedure for logical analysis of concepts?

a) operationalization;
b) typology;
c) verification.

8. What does the sociological term "sample" mean:

a) selection of objective information;
b) choice of research methods;
c) selection of respondents.

9. The most in-depth type of sociological research is:

a) descriptive;
b) intelligence;
c) analytical.

10. What visual means are used to visualize the results of sociological research?

a) histogram;
b) pentagram;
c) hologram.

Option number 10

1. Which of the following scientists lived in the era of antiquity?

a) Spencer;
b) Aristotle;
c) Hobbes.

2. Social is:

a) characteristics of human consciousness, due to nature;
b) any social phenomena caused by our aspirations;
c) characteristics of the phenomena and processes that arise within the human community and are conditioned by the interconnections and relationships that arise in this system between people.

3. What causes social connections between people?

a) social division of labor;
b) the need to get support and help from each other;
c) mutual sympathy.

4. Which society is called traditional?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

6. The question to which the questionnaire contains a full set of answer options is called:

a) semi-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

8. How many stages of empirical research are identified?

a) two;
b) three;
at four.

9. The type of sociological survey includes:

a) ranking;
b) content analysis;
c) questioning.

10. The transition from one stratum to another is called:

a) social stratification;
b) social mobility;
c) socialization.

Option number 11

1. The works of which scientist opened the scientific period in the history of sociology?

a) Machiavelli;
b) Aristotle;
c) Comte.

2. The subject of sociology is:

a) the laws of the functioning of human consciousness and the formation of interpersonal relations on their basis;
b) the patterns of life and development of human society and the behavior of people in it as representatives of certain social groups;
c) the relationship between human behavior and the motives by which it is conditioned.

3. What is understood in sociology by the term "personality"?

a) every person from the moment of his birth;
b) everyone living in society and observing its norms;
c) an outstanding figure.

4. How many roles can a status include?

a) one;
b) several;
c) none.

5. Applied sociology is:

a) macrosociological theory of society, revealing the universal laws and principles of this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge;
b) a set of theoretical models, methodological principles and research procedures, as well as social technologies, specific programs and recommendations;
c) social engineering.

6. What is the name of the largest group of people living in this area?

a) society;
b) country;
c) social community.

7. If a sociologist joined the participants of the meeting to conduct the research, then he conducts:

a) experiment,
b) included observation;
c) not included observation.

8. The scientific assumption put forward to explain any facts, phenomena and processes, which must be confirmed or refuted according to the results of research, is called:

a) the purpose;
b) a task;
c) a hypothesis.

9. An object specially created by a person intended for the transmission or storage of information is called:

a) indicator;
b) a document;
c) tabulagrams.

10. The form of data presentation based on grouping is called:

a) a table;
b) a polygon;
c) a cluster.

Option number 12

1. Which of the listed authors substantiated the law of conformity of productive forces to the nature of production relations?

a) O. Comte;
b) K. Marx;
c) M. Weber.

2. What is the object of sociology?

a) social community;
b) personality;
c) society.

3. Which of the following is not a sign of society?

a) autonomy and a high level of self-regulation;
b) the ability to maintain and reproduce a high intensity of internal relationships;
c) the absence of an integrating force.

4. What constitutes the totality of unfilled statuses?

a) social structure;
b) social system;
c) social community.

5. Who can be classified as marginalized groups of the population?

a) military personnel;
b) emigrants;
c) students.

6. In which society is agriculture a determining factor for development?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

a) interviewing;
b) questioning;
c) analysis of documents.

8. What institutions does the institution of property belong to?

a) social;
b) economic;
c) political.

9. The social role is:

a) the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the person would like to achieve;
b) certain functions that a person performs in a group, society;
c) what a person would like to do in life.

a) the social composition of the population;
b) social system;
c) social organization.

Option number 13

1. In which society is industry the determining factor in development?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

2. A document containing a theoretical basis for methodological approaches and methodological techniques for studying a certain phenomenon or process is called:

a) a work plan for the study;
b) an analytical report;
c) a sociological research program.

3. A variety of the selective research method in sociology is:

a) population census;
b) telephone survey;
c) analysis of statistical data.

a) aerobatic;
b) panel;
c) probing.

5. The set of special techniques that characterize a particular method of collecting, processing and analyzing empirical information is called:

a) the research procedure;
b) research technique;
c) the way of research.

6. Which of the listed scientists developed the theory of the evolutionary development of society?

a) P. Sorokin;
b) K. Marx;
c) G. Spencer.

7. What does microsociology study?

a) the manifestation of the social in certain areas of society;
b) everyday interaction of people;
c) individual results of human behavior.

8. What is meant by a social group?

a) any set of individuals united by common interests in interaction;
b) a group that represents a certain social standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;
c) any collective, real or imagined, rated low or high, with which the individual relates his behavior or future.

9. What are the connections between social statuses?

a) dynamic;
b) statistical;
c) functional.

10. Social law can be defined as:

a) something in common in the development of social phenomena;
b) specific conditions for the manifestation of social phenomena;
c) relatively stable and systematically reproducible relations between elements of society.

Option number 14

1. Institutions designed to meet the fundamental needs of society are called:

a) social structures;
b) social systems;
c) social institutions.

2. The transition from one stratum to another is called:

a) social stratification;
b) social mobility;
c) socialization.

3. If a sociologist joined the meeting participants to conduct the research, he conducts:

a) experiment,
b) included observation;
c) not included observation.

4. The works of which scientist opened the scientific period in the history of sociology?

a) Machiavelli;
b) Aristotle;
c) Comte.

5. The subject of sociology is:

a) the laws of the functioning of human consciousness and the formation of interpersonal relations on their basis;
b) the patterns of life and development of human society and the behavior of people in it as representatives of certain social groups;
c) the relationship between human behavior and the motives by which it is conditioned.

6. Which of the following communities belong to organized communities?

a) a fan of the match;
b) labor collective;
c) a company of friends.

7. Deviant behavior is behavior that:

a) complies with the norms of society;
b) characterized by a deviation from the norms accepted in society;
c) changes depending on the situation in society.

8. The process of socialization of a person takes place:

a) only in infancy;
b) only in his youth;
c) all my life.

9. Which of the following is less characteristic of the post-industrial society?

a) industry;
b) informatics;
c) service sector.

10. The person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) the respondent.

Option number 15

Who introduced the term "sociology" into scientific circulation:

a) M. Weber;
b) K. Marx;
c) O. Comte.

a) socio-economic formation;
b) social action;
c) social space.

a) career;
b) social mobility;
c) rating.

4. Social is:

a) characteristics of human consciousness, due to nature;
b) any social phenomena caused by our aspirations;
c) characteristics of the phenomena and processes that arise within the human community and are conditioned by the interconnections and relationships that arise in this system between people.

5. Which of the following communities belongs to unorganized communities?

a) citizens of Russia;
b) landing company;
c) homeless people.

6. With which of the listed terms is the concept of a social institution most closely related?

a) social processes;
b) social stratification;
c) a set of social statuses and roles.

7. What is established in a society when there are no laws and norms in it?

a) anomie;
b) autonomy;
c) disharmony.

8. The totality of large social groups arranged hierarchically according to the criterion of social inequality is called:

a) social structure;
b) social stratification;
c) social identification.

9. The property of a sample to reflect the characteristics of the studied (general) population is called:

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

10. The type of sociological survey includes:

a) ranking;
b) content analysis;
c) questioning.

Option number 16

1. When did sociology emerge as a science:

a) after the Second World War;
b) in the first half of the 19th century;
c) in the 18th century.

2. What is the subject of sociology?

a) a person;
b) social life of a person, group, society;
c) society.

3. The social role is:

a) the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the person would like to achieve;
b) certain functions that a person performs in a group, society;
c) what a person would like to do in life.

4. What is social structure?

a) the organization of relations between people;
b) a pattern of behavior;

5. What does the aggregate of large social groups give?

a) the social composition of the population;
b) social system;
c) social organization.

6. Which of the following are social institutions?

a) society of philatelists;
b) family;
c) a meeting.

7. How many sections does a case study program have?

a) two;
b) three;
at four.

a) semi-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

a) error of representativeness;
b) sampling bias;

10. Which of the following terms is most closely related to the procedure for logical analysis of concepts?

a) operationalization;
b) typology;
c) verification.

Option number 17

a) the manifestation of the social in certain areas of society;
b) everyday interaction of people;
c) individual results of human behavior.

a) any set of individuals united by common interests in interaction;
b) a group that represents a certain social standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;
c) any collective, real or imagined, rated low or high, with which the individual relates his behavior or future.

a) dynamic;
b) statistical;
c) functional.

4. Repeated research in order to study the changes occurring in any group of people over a certain period of time is called:

a) aerobatic;
b) panel;
c) probing.

5. Which of the listed entities belong to the small group?

a) student group;
b) nation;
c) family.

6. Note the most common method of sociology:

a) document analysis;
b) observation;
c) poll.

7. What does the sociological term "sample" mean:

a) selection of objective information;
b) choice of research methods;
c) selection of respondents.

8. The most in-depth type of sociological research is:

a) descriptive;
b) intelligence;
c) analytical.

9. What visual means are used to visualize the results of sociological research?

a) histogram;
b) pentagram;
c) hologram.

10. The set of large social groups arranged hierarchically according to the criterion of social inequality is called:

a) social structure;
b) social stratification;
c) social identification.

Option number 18

1. What causes social connections between people?

a) social division of labor;
b) the need to get support and help from each other;
c) mutual sympathy.

2. The central concept of K. Marx's sociology is:

a) socio-economic formation;
b) social action;
c) social space.

3. What is the name of the change in the social status of an individual?

a) career;
b) social mobility;
c) rating.

4. Which society is called traditional?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

5. Deviant behavior is:

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

6. The property of a sample to reflect the characteristics of the studied (general) population is called:

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

7. How many stages of empirical research can be identified?

a) two;
b) three;
at four.

8. The type of sociological survey includes:

a) ranking;
b) content analysis;
c) questioning.

9. Which of the listed concepts indicates the number of respondents in a sociological study?

a) sample;
b) the general population;
c) representativeness.

10. The scale, which only reflects the properties of objects by which they differ from each other, is called:

a) nominal;
b) ranked;
c) interval.

Option number 19

1. What is the name of the largest group of people living in this area?

a) society;
b) country;
c) social community.

2. What is understood in sociology by the term "personality"?

a) every person from the moment of his birth;
b) everyone living in society and observing its norms;
c) an outstanding figure.

3. What is society?

a) a set of acting personalities;
b) a set of different intersecting groups of people;
c) a large set of people who jointly carry out social life within a number of social institutions and organizations.

4. Who introduced the term "sociology" into scientific circulation:

a) M. Weber;
b) K. Marx;
c) O. Comte.

5. How many roles can a status include?

a) one;
b) several;
c) none.

6. Applied sociology is:

a) macrosociological theory of society, revealing the universal laws and principles of this area of \u200b\u200bknowledge;
b) a set of theoretical models, methodological principles and research procedures, as well as social technologies, specific programs and recommendations;
c) social engineering.

7. Which of the following is less characteristic of the post-industrial society?

a) industry;
b) informatics;
c) service sector.

8. The person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) the respondent.

9. The question to which the questionnaire contains a full set of answer options is called:

a) semi-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

10. The degree of deviation of the sample from the general population shows:

a) error of representativeness;
b) sampling bias;
c) the shift in the average value of the sample reliability.

Option number 20

1. Which of the following is not a sign of society?

a) autonomy and a high level of self-regulation;
b) the ability to maintain and reproduce a high intensity of internal relationships;
c) the absence of an integrating force.

2. What constitutes the totality of unfilled statuses?

a) social structure;
b) social system;
c) social community.

8. In which society is agriculture a determining factor for development? a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

9. The method of collecting sociological data, in which the sources of information are text messages, is called:

a) interviewing;
b) questioning;
c) analysis of documents.

a) experiment,
b) included observation;
c) not included observation.

Option number 21

1. What is the subject of sociology?

a) a person;
b) social life of a person, group, society;
c) society.

2. When did sociology emerge as a science?

a) after the Second World War;
b) in the first half of the 19th century;
c) in the 18th century.

3. What is social structure?

a) the organization of relations between people;
b) a pattern of behavior;
c) a certain way of interaction between individuals occupying certain social positions and performing certain social functions.

4. Which society is called traditional?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

5. Who can be classified as marginalized groups of the population?

a) military personnel;
b) emigrants;
c) students.

6. Deviant behavior is:

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

7. The method of collecting sociological data, in which the sources of information are text messages, is called:

a) interviewing;
b) questioning; a) the manifestation of the social in certain spheres of society;
b) everyday interaction of people;
c) individual results of human behavior.

3. What is meant by a social group?

a) any set of individuals united by common interests in interaction;
b) a group that represents a certain social standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;
c) any collective, real or imagined, rated low or high, with which the individual relates his behavior or future.

4. Deviant behavior is behavior that:

a) complies with the norms of society;
b) characterized by a deviation from the norms accepted in society;
c) changes depending on the situation in society.

5. The process of socialization of a person takes place:

a) only in infancy;
b) only in his youth;
c) all my life.

6. Institutions designed to meet the fundamental needs of society are called:

a) social structures;
b) social systems;
c) social institutions.

7. The totality of large social groups arranged hierarchically according to the criterion of social inequality is called:

a) social structure;
b) social stratification;
c) social identification.

8. Which of the listed concepts indicates the number of respondents in a sociological study?

a) sample;
b) the general population;
c) representativeness.

9. The person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) the respondent.

10. The degree of deviation of the sample from the general population shows:

a) error of representativeness;
b) sampling bias;
c) the shift in the average value of the sample reliability.

Option number 23

1. What does macrosociology study?

a) mechanisms of functioning of social systems;
b) the most significant phenomena in human life;
c) the most general laws of being.

2. What is social structure?

a) the organization of relations between people;
b) a pattern of behavior;
c) a certain way of interaction between individuals occupying certain social positions and performing certain social functions.

3. Which society is called traditional?

a) industrial;
b) pre-industrial;
c) post-industrial.

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

5. The question to which the questionnaire contains a full set of answer options is called:

a) semi-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

6. If a sociologist joined the meeting participants to conduct the research, he conducts:

a) experiment;
b) included observation;
c) not included observation.

7. An object specially created by a person intended for the transmission or storage of information is called:

a) indicator;
b) a document;
c) tabulagrams.

8. What institutions does the institution of property belong to?

a) social;
b) economic;
c) political.

9. The social role is:

a) the idea of \u200b\u200bwhat the person would like to achieve;
b) certain functions that a person performs in a group, society;
c) what a person would like to do in life.

10. What does the aggregate of large social groups give?

a) the social composition of the population;
b) social system;
c) social organization.

Option number 24

1. A variety of the selective research method in sociology is:

a) population census;
b) telephone survey;
c) analysis of statistical data.

2. Institutions designed to meet the fundamental needs of society are called:

a) social structures;
b) social systems;
c) social institutions.

3. The transition from one stratum to another is called:

a) social stratification;
b) social mobility;
c) socialization.

4. If a sociologist joined the participants of the meeting to conduct the research, he conducts:

a) experiment;
b) included observation;
c) not included observation.

5. What is established in a society when there are no laws and norms in it?

a) anomie;
b) autonomy;
c) disharmony.

6. The totality of large social groups arranged hierarchically according to the criterion of social inequality is called:

a) social structure;
b) social stratification;
c) social identification.

7. The property of a sample to reflect the characteristics of the studied (general) population is called:

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

8. The question to which the questionnaire contains a full set of answer options is called:

a) semi-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

9. The degree of deviation of the sample from the general population shows:

a) error of representativeness;
b) sampling bias;
c) the shift in the average value of the sample reliability.

10. Which of the following terms is most closely related to the procedure for logical analysis of concepts?

a) operationalization;
b) typology;
c) verification.

Option number 25

1. What does microsociology study?

a) the manifestation of the social in certain areas of society;
b) everyday interaction of people;
c) individual results of human behavior.

2. What is meant by a social group?

a) any set of individuals united by common interests and interacting;
b) a group that represents a certain social standard by which an individual evaluates himself and others;
c) any collective, real or imagined, rated low or high, with which the individual relates his behavior or future.

3. What are the connections between social statuses?

a) dynamic;
b) statistical;
c) functional.

4. Deviant behavior is:

a) deviation from the law;
b) deviation from morality;
c) deviant behavior.

5. The property of a sample to reflect the characteristics of the studied (general) population is called:

a) validity;
b) representativeness;
c) sociometry.

6. Which of the following is less characteristic of the post-industrial society?

a) industry;
b) informatics;
c) service sector.

7. The person who is interviewed in a sociological study is called:

a) the recipient;
b) a communicator;
c) the respondent.

8. The question to which the questionnaire contains a full set of answer options is called:

a) semi-closed;
b) open;
c) closed.

9. The method of collecting sociological data, in which the sources of information are text messages, is called:

a) interviewing;
b) questioning;
c) analysis of documents.

10. If a sociologist joined the meeting participants to conduct the research, he conducts:

a) experiment;
b) included observation;
c) not included observation.

Examination on the history of Russia 18th century grade 8 option 1

Task 1. "Yes or no"

1. The Northern War lasted 21 years.

2. Peter III was the son of Peter I
3. A meeting-ball with the participation of women in the homes of the nobility was called an assembly.
4. Peter I forbade nobles to marry if they did not study.
5. The first museum in Russia was called the Hermitage and was opened under Catherine I.
6. Catherine II issued paper money for the first time in Russia

7.Sophia Dorothea of \u200b\u200bWürttemberg the name of Catherine II before the adoption of Orthodoxy

8. The first guards regiments in Russia were called Semyonovsky and Preobrazhensky.
9. The southern regions of Russia were called - Novorossiya.
10. According to the decree of Paul I, the peasant had to work for the landowner 6 days a week.

1. This emperor liked to say that in Russia he is great, with whom I speak and while I speak?

2. What Pushkin said: I love you, Peter's creation

3. "The Europeanization carried out by him was of a violent, hasty, ill-conceived and therefore largely superficial character, covering only with" German "caftans and wigs the old Moscow weaknesses and vices." “Some contemporaries proclaimed him like God, others called him the Antichrist. The reason for this is the contradictoriness of the era itself, the consequences of its transformations for the further history of Russia, the scale and ambiguity of the figure of the tsar-reformer.

1. Outstanding architects of the 18th century. were:

2. Which cultural figure is considered the founder of the Russian professional theater?

1) D. I. Fonvizin 2) V. K. Trediakovsky 3) F. G. Volkov 4) M. V. Lomonosov

3. After the death of Anna Ioannovna, the throne was inherited:

1) Ivan Antonovich - the son of Anna Ioannovna's niece; 2) Petr Alekseevich - grandson of Peter I;

3) Karl Peter Ulrich - Nephew of Elizabeth Petrovna; 4) Elizaveta Petrovna - daughter of Peter the Great

4. In whose reign the Italian and Swiss campaigns of A.V. Suvorov took place:

1) Catherine I 2) Anna Ioannovna 3) Paul I 4) Peter I

5. St. Petersburg was founded: 1) 1700 g 2) 1703 3) 1721 4) 1755

6. Which of the above was a consequence of what was carried out in Russia in the 18th century. secularization?

7. The policy of patronage of domestic industry and trade is called:

1) export 2) revision 3) import 4) protectionism

1) "Table of Ranks" 2) Cathedral Code 3) recruiting 4) provinces 5) Bironovshchina 6) Zemshchina

1 Karamzin N.M. (1766 - 1826)

AND painting

2 Losenko A.P. (1737 - 1733)


3 Krylov I.A. (1769 - 1844)


4 Kazakov M.F. (1738 - 1812)

D sculpture





Examination on the history of Russia 18th century grade 8 option 2

Task 1. "Yes or no"

1.The Northern War ended with the signing of the Nystadt Peace Treaty

2. Peter II was the grandson of Peter I
3. Collegiums are places where people gathered to discuss government issues.
4. Peter I awarded medals for drunkenness.
5. The first museum in Russia was called the Kunstkamera and was opened under Peter I.
6. Peter I conducted a population census

7. Peter Fedorovich real name of Peter III

8. Under Elizaveta Petrovna, Russia did not enter wars.
9. Little Russia is the Black Sea lands of Russia
10.Paul I renewed corporal punishment for nobles

Task 2. Determine who or what you are talking about

1. About whom did Pushkin say that he embraced all branches of education, historian, rhetorician, mechanic, chemist, mineralogist, artist, universal scientist?
2. Hard in learning, easy in battle - whose words are these

3. “Before becoming a queen, she lived in Russia for 18 years. She did a lot during these years to understand the Russians: she converted to Orthodoxy and got a name ..., learned the Russian language, history and customs of the country. Possessing an attractive appearance, she placed both Elizabeth and the courtyard in her favor. On August 21, 1745, she was married to the Grand Duke Peter.

4. “Surprised Europe saw how the Russian fleet passed through the ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, ... proclaimed freedom to the Greeks and blew up the Muslim fleet in the Gulf of Chesme; finally, the grand vizier was besieged by Rumyantsev in Shumla, and the shadow of Peter the Great was avenged. The Sultan, defeated and forced to agree to a shameful peace, yielded to the Russians Azov, Taganrog, allowed them free sailing in the Black Sea and recognized the independence of Crimea. "

Task 3. Find the correct answer

1. Outstanding artists of the 18th century. were:

1) Dmitry Fonvizin, Gabriel Derzhavin 2) Matvey Kazakov, Vasily Bazhenov
3) Vladimir Borovikovsky, Fyodor Rokotov 4) Ivan Kulibin, Ivan Polzunov

2. The policy of patronage of domestic industry and trade is called:

1) export 2) import 3) protectionism 4) revision

3. Elizaveta Petrovna left the throne:

1) Peter Fyodorovich 2) Ivan Antonovich 3) Ekaterina Alekseevna 4) Peter Alekseevich

4. The concepts of "condition", "Bironovism", "cabinet of ministers" refer to the reign:1) Peter I; 2) Elizaveta Petrovna; 3) Anna Ioanovna.

5. The history of which war includes the battles of Narva, Gangut, Grengam, Lesnoy? 1) Northern 2) Seven years old 3) Russian-Turkish

6. The Manifesto on the Liberty of the Nobility was signed:1) Anna Ioanovna; 2) Elizaveta Petrovna; 3) Paul 1

7. Which of the above was a consequence of what was carried out in Russia in the 18th century. secularization?

1) reforming church worship 2) converting church property into state property 3) separating the school from the church 4) creating the Holy Synod

8. Which three of the listed concepts, terms are associated with the transformative activities of Peter I? Write down the numbers under which they are indicated in the answer. 1) "Table of Ranks" 2) provinces 3) Bironovshchina 4) Zemshchina 5) Cathedral Code 6) Recruitment

Task 4. Relate the personality and his activities

1 Rastrelli B.K. (1675 - 1744)

And painting

2 A.P. Sumarokov (1717 - 1777)

B literature

3 Starov I.E. (1745 - 1808)

In architecture

4 Falcone E.M. (1716 - 1791)


5 Krylov I.A. (1769 - 1844)

6 F.S. Rokotov (1735 - 1808)

Task 5. Determine the architectural style (direction)


    Rococo 2) classicism 3) baroque

Task 6. Work with the text.

By our common voluntary and mutual consent, according to mature reasoning and with a calm spirit, we have decided this common Act, which we choose as an heir for the love of our country, by right

the only one, after my death, Paul, our greatest son, Alexander, and according to him all his

male generation. After the suppression of this male generation, the inheritance passes into the second generation

my son, where to follow what is said about the generation of my eldest son, and so on, if I had sons; which is the birthright ...

After the suppression of this kind, the inheritance passes to the family of my eldest son in the female generation, in

which is inherited by a close relative of the last reigning clan of the above-mentioned son of mine, and in the lack thereof, that masculine or feminine face, which takes her place, observing that a masculine face is preferred to a woman's, as already mentioned above; which is the intercession ...


1. What, in your opinion, explained the need for the adoption of a manifesto on succession to the throne

Test work on the history of the ancient world grade 5 option 1

A. Greece

B. Egypt

B. Persia

J. Palestine

Names: 1) Trajan 2) Pericles 3) Prince Gautam 4) Confucius 5) Xerxes 6) Romulus 7) Solon 8) Octavian August 9) Ashoka 10) Thutmose III 11) Tiberius Gracchus 12) Mark Antony 13) Qin Shihuang 14) Solomon 15) Imhotep 16) Darius I 17) Cheops 18) Nero

A. Greece

B. Egypt

B. Persia

J. Mesopotamia

Geographic objects : 1) Athens 2) Tigris and Euphrates 3) Tiber 4) Yangtze and Yellow River 5) Sparta 6) Rome 7) Marathon Plain 8) Memphis 9) Mohenjo-Daro 10) Babylon 11) Indus and Ganges 12) Nile 13) Persepolis 14) Rubicon

A. Greece

B. Egypt

B. Persia

J. Mesopotamia







A. Greece

B. Egypt

B. Persia

J. Mesopotamia

Terms: 1) plebeians 2) cuneiform 3) brahmans 4) democracy 5) pharaoh 6) immortals 7) papyrus 8) Confucianism 9) demos 10) consul

Text No. 1

Text No. 2

Examination on the history of the ancient world grade 5 option 2

Task 1. Distribute names by country

A. Greece

B. Assyria

In Egypt

J. Mesopotamia

Names: 1) Trajan 2) Pericles 3) Prince Gautama 4) Confucius 5) Ashurbanipal 6) Romulus 7) Solon 8) Octavian August 9) Ashoka 10) Thutmose III 11) Tiberius Gracchus 12) Mark Antony 13) Qin Shihuang 14) Phidias 15) Imhotep 16) Hamurappi 17) Cheops 18) Nero

Task 2. Relate the country and geographic objects

A. Greece

B. Egypt

V. Mesopotamia

J. Palestine

Geographic objects : 1) Olympia 2) Tigris and Euphrates 3) Tiber 4) Yangtze and Huang He 5) Sparta 6) Rome 7) Athens 8) Memphis 9) Indraprastha (Delhi) 10) Babylon 11) Indus and Ganges 12) Nile 13) Jordan 14) Jerusalem

Task 3. Match the country and illustrations

A. Greece

B. Egypt

B. Persia

J. Mesopotamia







Task 2. Match the country and terms

A. Greece

B. Egypt

B. Persia

J. Phenicia

Terms: 1) demos 2) purple 3) castes 4) democracy 5) pharaoh 6) immortals 7) papyrus 8) emperor 9) patricians 10) Confucianism

Task 5. Choose one of the texts. Find errors and write them down.

Text No. 1

Greece was divided into 3 parts: North, Middle and South. Over time, in certain regions of Greece, small independent states arose - policies. The Attica region was in southern Greece. The main city of Attica was Piraeus. There were military and commercial harbors in Piraeus. Thanks to the fertile soil, the inhabitants of Attica grew a lot of grain. On the contrary, there was not enough olive oil and wine in Attica: wine and oil were brought from other countries.

Another policy - Sparta was a very beautiful city. Foreigners used to admire her large theater and beautiful statues. Spartan youths were famous for the fact that they wrote correctly, without a single mistake, they read a lot. In their education, the Spartans were superior to the rest of the Greeks.

Text No. 2

The city of Rome arose on the banks of the Tigris River. A tribe of Umbras once lived here, who became the founders of the city. Italy was located on the Balkan Peninsula. Despite the cold climate of Italy, agriculture and viticulture developed in the country.

Having subdued Italy, the Romans began to strive to capture the islands of Corsica and Sardinia. Carthage, the richest city in Egypt, opposed their attempts to seize the island. The first war between Rome and Carthage was won by Carthage. However, both sides were preparing for new battles. The second war began with an attack by Hannibal's troops and again Carthage won. Rome was forced to accept defeat and pay monetary damage (indemnity)

Test tasks

In tasks 1–3, give one correct answer. Enter the answer in the table.

1. In what year did the Yaroslavich triumvirate collapse?

  1. 1054 BC
  2. 1067 BC
  3. 1073 BC
  4. 1093 BC

2. The Yazhelbitsky Treaty between Moscow and Veliky Novgorod was concluded with:

  1. Ivane Kalita
  2. Vasily the Dark
  3. Ivane III
  4. Basil III

3. Which of the following cities was part of the oprichnina?

  1. Kazan
  2. Vologda
  3. Arkhangelsk

Answer :

1 2 3
3 2 3

By 1 point for every correct answer.

Total for tasks 3 points.

In tasks 4-6, select several correct answers from the proposed ones. Enter the answers in the table.

4. Which of the listed figures headed the Ambassadorial Prikaz in the 16th - 17th centuries?

  1. I. Viskovaty
  2. I. Bruce
  3. V.V. Golitsyn
  4. A. Ordin-Nashchokin
  5. L. Pleshcheev
  6. M.V. Skopin-Shuisky

5. Which of the following terms are associated with the judicial reform of 1864?

  1. attorney at law
  2. attorney general
  3. Cathedral Code
  4. magistrate's Court
  5. forensic investigator
  6. provincial magistrate

6. Which of the listed events relate to the Russian-Swedish wars of the 18th century?

  1. Hogland battle
  2. Abos world
  3. Valiesar Truce
  4. Battle of Poltava
  5. annexation of the Aland Islands to the Russian Empire
  6. hike to Novgorod by Jacob Delagardie

Answer :

4 5 6
134 145 124

2 points for a completely correct answer. 1 point for an answer with one error (one of the correct answers is not indicated or one incorrect answer is given along with all the correct answers).

Total for tasks 6 points.

Assignment 7

What, from a historical point of view, unites the listed elements? Give the most accurate answer.

  • 7.1. P.N. Milyukov, S.A. Muromtsev, V.D. Nabokov, F.A. Golovin.
  • 7.2. 1549, 1566, 1649, 1653

Answer :

  • 7.1. Leaders of the Cadet Party.
  • 7.2. Dates of Zemsky Sobors.

2 points for every correct answer.

Total per task 4 points.

Assignment 8

Give a brief rationale for the series (what unites the listed elements from a historical point of view) and indicate which of the elements is redundant on this basis.

  • 8.1. S.G. Volkonsky, S.P. Trubetskoy, P.I. Pestel, P.N. Durnovo.
  • 8.2. 1924, 1936, 1961, 1977

Answer :

  • 8.1. Decembrists. Superfluous - P.N. Durnovo, Minister of Internal Affairs.
  • 8.2. The years when the Constitution of the USSR was adopted. Extra - 1961

2 points for every correct answer. ( 1 point for the correct justification, 1 point for indicating too much.)

Total per task 4 points.

Assignment 9

Arrange in chronological order the events of world history of the 17th century:

  • A) Peace of Westphalia
  • B) "Glorious Revolution" in England
  • C) the end of the Fronde in France
  • D) Manchu conquest of China
  • E) Restoration of the Stuarts
  • E) the beginning of the colonization of North America by immigrants from England

Answer :

1 2 3 4 5 6

4 points 2 points 0 points

Total per task 4 points.

Assignment 10

Arrange the events in chronological order:

  • A) the publication of the Decree on free farmers
  • B) the creation of military settlements
  • C) the beginning of the Stolypin agrarian reform
  • D) the abolition of the temporarily liable state of the peasants
  • E) the work of the Editorial Commission
  • E) inventory reform

Answer :

1 2 3 4 5 6

4 points for a completely correct sequence. 2 points for a sequence with one error (i.e., the correct sequence is restored by permuting any two characters). 0 pointsif more than one mistake is made.

Total per task 4 points.

Assignment 11

Establish correspondences between the years and the events that happened during these years. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer :

4 7 6 5 3 1
  • 6 correct matches - 4 points;
  • 5 correct matches - 3 points;
  • 3-4 correct matches - 2 points;
  • 1-2 correct matches - 1 point.

Total per task 4 points.

Assignment 12

Establish correspondences between writers and the directions to which they belonged. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer :

4 3 2 6 1 5
  • 6 correct matches - 4 points;
  • 5 correct matches - 3 points;
  • 3-4 correct matches - 2 points;
  • 1-2 correct matches - 1 point.

Total per task 4 points.

Task 13

Establish correspondences between the centuries and the monasteries based in them. Write down the selected numbers in the table under the corresponding letters.

Answer :

2 7 5 3 6 4
  • 6 correct matches - 4 points;
  • 5 correct matches - 3 points;
  • 3-4 correct matches - 2 points;
  • 1-2 correct matches - 1 point.

Total per task 4 points.

Task 14

Identify missing in the text names, words, names, dates, indicated by serial numbers. If necessary, with the serial numbers, explanations are given on the nature of the required insert. Enter the necessary inserts under the corresponding numbers in the table below.

The first Russian revolution, which began in ( 1 ) year, was the result of the refusal of the autocracy to decide the worker, the national and the most painful - ( 2 - name) - questions. The signal for the action of the broad popular masses was “( 3 - name) Sunday ”, when the procession of workers led by priest George ( 4 - last name) to the Winter Palace was dispersed by the troops. As Minister of Internal Affairs ( 5 - title) Svyatopolk-Mirsky replaced ( 6 - last name), heading for the creation and convocation of the House of People's Representatives - ( 7 - institution) with legislative powers. However, the representatives of the people were not going to surrender: already in the spring the first Soviet of Workers' Deputies arose in ( 8 - city). The revolutionary movement in the countryside resulted in the expulsion of the landlords from the estates and the subsequent "( 9 - name{!LANG-0bb5d5c57dbce8ba931f6a0a367ed62f!} {!LANG-375f45661979620e15d93beede29155a!}{!LANG-36c03e5615073983cc7034ca15610103!} {!LANG-d71ee888ef1ba12319f7e65e62da4b10!}{!LANG-97bb23ba3cb6cafef4e9bfc5959a8dfa!} {!LANG-6cd3c832a3881720b424a1537b95599f!}{!LANG-970d0171c00c58f79e4df2c2f36de726!} {!LANG-fb724a76508ca59f1410f5808fa153d9!}{!LANG-5df07807f434c63b0ac38972eb946b2c!} {!LANG-f319616b21db2c0e87fed694d09bf099!}{!LANG-b45ef5772f8dfb9e1729c575cc3e8997!} {!LANG-48592979acbdff042aa2245dc96012f1!}{!LANG-96104a58df6bd25c75b5124d52c8988b!} {!LANG-88d16283ebfa7645889f3c548bf1c5e4!}{!LANG-8a1ed3b073091833509724eaf978186c!} {!LANG-695909fb151c382267eacfa02f02a957!}{!LANG-33a1d2e5df92a01275a93c91fba5df4b!}

Answer :

  • {!LANG-8e2ff8f7b5adb8be25032002154542e2!} {!LANG-623a7375d9678d8fed45848aa942c7ae!};
  • {!LANG-b2519ac676063cd192b9d86c6ca4abae!} {!LANG-eb70b6d4c0b0ca9cffa587ee9b92c399!};
  • {!LANG-c8e1c3e7af31978bd784b1bb1fc6bcdc!} {!LANG-d5d900da88e1d3ad6567b35474877e89!};
  • {!LANG-26cfd7bd4eca29e398c36ee9adbf8ab7!} {!LANG-73df092e2d1972a42c92b5a33fec4ed7!};
  • {!LANG-795e75b2a7f3ba2c9d8c5e6d6452dd66!} {!LANG-60692e597bb9bcb58bc11c071dd8039b!};
  • {!LANG-2666cf3daa25a0c2c803fc85965ccd8d!} 4 points;
  • {!LANG-84a3c59dd732b3369aac229de30addd5!} 3 points;
  • {!LANG-1967e069f36cf2ee5f88472e56b34588!} 2 points;
  • {!LANG-d487d3df5e5575bc171371c9b68ccce8!} 1 point;

Total per task {!LANG-623a7375d9678d8fed45848aa942c7ae!}.



  1. {!LANG-538e8833aa5c43448508a48aac2b8de8!}

Answer {!LANG-ba4bfa7fdccbed4fd07c4c6806c7e0d1!} 2 points.

  1. {!LANG-59b3ae55abdccd4bdc409d220094ec91!}

Answer {!LANG-4915ce9a51781c49edad0810b1e793c7!} 1 point)

  1. {!LANG-a99590f8942a95158c1f6d0008c13eee!}

Answer {!LANG-7ea50199870e7993f309b7206b88ccd0!} 1 point)

  1. {!LANG-cf0d30195a6b4f3f9b54e4a949e7f854!}

Answer {!LANG-cffd2d9c7c28c49a0a420fbc64012fa4!} 1 point)

  1. {!LANG-1849879ea99aee47eabdd179a76c3e9c!}
    1. {!LANG-718795c669920f0e68936c0ebb62a664!}
    2. {!LANG-a90612bb59318acc0343414de5620e18!}
    3. {!LANG-1c0c67ecfbed2a70b37562d092ae2d4f!}
    4. {!LANG-3e1d0ac9e52cfb982280912e5f40d295!}
    5. {!LANG-8d46652811e551548ae6e4bae57520df!}
    6. {!LANG-69532c602368f15c6b7955e602750960!}
    7. {!LANG-b77e27d086b9f772f0967c45802088a9!}

Answer :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
{!LANG-c10918cfe3cd07f0d89b3423b4df0a40!} {!LANG-945604e5121de0dd87762679813cba8b!} {!LANG-945604e5121de0dd87762679813cba8b!} {!LANG-945604e5121de0dd87762679813cba8b!} {!LANG-945604e5121de0dd87762679813cba8b!} {!LANG-c10918cfe3cd07f0d89b3423b4df0a40!} {!LANG-945604e5121de0dd87762679813cba8b!}

By 1 point{!LANG-f5854ee49c2fa0996adce688fde02f38!} {!LANG-d5d900da88e1d3ad6567b35474877e89!}.

Total per task {!LANG-80e0bee6fea6ae16ae67faab4404bd6a!}.



Answer :

{!LANG-b3a974e7ab1ab55e9e858b55810f7834!} {!LANG-9e16974399663f610b20794f4274ece4!} {!LANG-92c76daa89c892effbd8108f5f81dd9f!} {!LANG-c62b994fb0987f3d32ffc998d550735e!}
{!LANG-846005a2e977380ec1745749ea8f17c8!} 1, 4, 7 2, 8, 9 3, 5, 6

{!LANG-a8dc6845c3994d6535882d2df7e27a57!} 1 point{!LANG-d8a45736534fbb896ec2f99cecfe4b1c!} 2 points{!LANG-68fb1baaaa3a656a043b6445bf8bae66!} 1 point.

Total per task {!LANG-2c8a8b658d964ec9e0be122e603a3f71!}.








  1. {!LANG-6a442720a670bbf2e9eeb1038d016ab0!}


By 1 point{!LANG-c810a93af3c1c6878b18120c5e4e1320!} 3 points.

  1. {!LANG-698ca8252107f71e44531ba7d705a035!}

Answer :

  • {!LANG-fa2eb2ee1e9b59c6a51ab7025fc38e07!}
  • {!LANG-cbf7edb792950a56863c86ebc22246d1!}

By 2 points {!LANG-73df092e2d1972a42c92b5a33fec4ed7!}.

  1. {!LANG-b4081430273d3b0e7f0760bbf00dab3f!}


By 3 points{!LANG-660658c2203b0f1204842753f12ee872!} {!LANG-73df092e2d1972a42c92b5a33fec4ed7!}.

  1. {!LANG-800d6108366ea18175397d7712813907!}

Answer :

  • {!LANG-384384012da1cc04e6f022bcf59cc4e8!}{!LANG-326ee931791786e9f555da237b21d169!}
  • {!LANG-20590fca972a73c943d316db05afadbf!}{!LANG-dbf1d06b76a285ddaee7bc380e96225e!}

By 2 points{!LANG-637a2ed5a3d674101c204993f0988500!} 1 point{!LANG-5142b7858cec7c3b3f24f94a8410e627!} {!LANG-60692e597bb9bcb58bc11c071dd8039b!}.

  1. {!LANG-1ca9cb2abd107cb7455ce55fcf5f999c!}

Answer :

  • {!LANG-384384012da1cc04e6f022bcf59cc4e8!}{!LANG-4ce9c39c6d39a76cc480e492c5553911!}
  • {!LANG-20590fca972a73c943d316db05afadbf!}{!LANG-443a5ccbd654b1748c7135bd0c46eb46!}

By 2 points{!LANG-660658c2203b0f1204842753f12ee872!} 4 points.

  1. {!LANG-54ec12c3c19be84b9984f51e848cffab!}


By 1 point{!LANG-f76915bb9ac78b1b84cfbcdc766b2206!} 3 points.

Total per task {!LANG-3a52c009e2d19c5664c8c7f738250214!}.



  1. {!LANG-f913f7cdcdf1966e814740278306eb78!}
  2. {!LANG-a46d96e410d885efe72e92e734a7a850!}
  3. {!LANG-8a3a48ee4de7fc7a0b29966b77618d61!}
  4. {!LANG-94214c03c75405b75c332fc5405ded60!}


  1. {!LANG-f5fcf2faeb2874fc3a4f25945ca0a667!}
  2. {!LANG-63ed2a6e71b0fd7f1289fea4b827bdc2!}
  3. {!LANG-7402c7c1b6f7df2aae5d62e253e29c9e!}
  4. {!LANG-54baf9e520276c3d94046739438d77e8!}
  5. {!LANG-6f55d832f89b3b25b98b85239b18a462!}
  1. {!LANG-b8ee8f838be2b04e1a410ea774ba1767!} {!LANG-bd22d30e5ac22784e9edb1707b0ff2b3!})
  2. {!LANG-a540e78dc86e311eff832a0f92f9d329!} {!LANG-c1f1b53510b73b56906a1cb71e5ecf69!})
  3. {!LANG-78b690342c3d3e1891a2aa4ba7946cc9!} {!LANG-06c09b1c473317a2d08e2d73acb5ded6!})
  4. {!LANG-10aa36232c6ecee1d2d3aa2f062f8ba9!} {!LANG-0028b7a48dc6158fc1e111add24f9e14!})
  5. {!LANG-d13025b33678ee0c632082f8fb010d32!} {!LANG-b072cea3ba80589c076291dd11259923!})
  6. {!LANG-bef43da746f7a3f713b2858af01d947e!} {!LANG-95bf46af5dbbb0f8c6751dbaa996d7c4!})
  7. {!LANG-80a87e7c2afdeca9988a9c8aa7b67341!} {!LANG-6ffbe0dd9232c002ab34dd8de15029f1!})
  8. {!LANG-2867daba7d575c3eba14bdfb4c5f91b4!} {!LANG-6eba1ce93b581675a4b12d64f977e0ea!})
  9. {!LANG-8683906863942ddb792d3cd497a57520!} {!LANG-24c2b078609eb385d0bbadfe980f2a82!})

{!LANG-3b850cc5c2bc40bb6ba62c37a711514c!} {!LANG-60692e597bb9bcb58bc11c071dd8039b!}{!LANG-b0f3f3c5325982a0349c0016c0183ce7!}

Total per task {!LANG-fc6508bf3f2e23df2db328313b435f50!}.

{!LANG-109ef2dda5f31097e7c88751049d78ec!} {!LANG-713b969ee639b5e00578d650cc15a466!}.