Download a presentation on biology on the topic of memory. Presentation on the topic "Memory and its types". Explanation of the new material

The presentation tells about memory, the amazing ability of our brain. It is thanks to her that we remember such a huge amount of information. However, it is not always possible to restore the necessary information in your head at the right moment. Why this happens, you can understand if you take a closer look at this complex process. You can download a presentation on memory both for class hours and for lessons in anatomy, psychology.

Did you know that a person begins to memorize long before his birth? Being in the womb, the embryo from 20 weeks hears well, everything that happens next to it, and remembers some sounds and sensations. In the process of life, our memory develops, improves. Scientists distinguish several types of it. Knowing them, it will be much easier for schoolchildren to organize their learning activitiesachieve high results.

The presentation gives a detailed account of what human memory is. It will be interesting for schoolchildren to find out why some people have phenomenal, while others want to be much better. You can download the work of a student of grade 10 for class hours, for lessons in anatomy, biology or the world around in grade 4.

So, together with the schoolgirl we are going to explore the structure of human memory. It is wrong to say that our brain has a certain center that stores all the information received. Everything is much more complicated. It turns out that different parts of the brain are responsible to varying degrees for the safety of the information received by them. This is why some people have more developed visual memory, while others have motor or episodic memory. Want to know more? You will have to download the presentation and study all 24 slides of electronic development.

The presentation talks about the amazing property of water. This colorless substance is able to store the information received. This suggests that there is a memory of water. Do you want to be convinced of this? Download required research work student of the 10th grade and together with her go through the difficult path that she thoroughly studied.

A huge number of works are devoted to colorless liquid, which gives life to all living things. In addition to its usual properties, scientists are discovering its unusual qualities. This includes the memory of water. Having studied this property, a person uses the liquid to influence his body, for treatment, for various rituals. This is not just some kind of physical substance, it is a rather complex organism that is not fully understood.

The presentation provides useful information to students on how the development of memory and attention affects the success of school. You can show the development on cool hour, in psychological classes and during trainings. The material can be introduced to parents of schoolchildren, who can also help their child become more successful.

Before developing memory and attention, students are encouraged to get acquainted with amazing facts from the life of some phenomenal personalities who are able to remember almost everything that happened in their life. These persons include Alexander the Great, Socrates, Julius Caesar, Leonard Euler. The work provides ways to help improve memory. These are visual dictations, articulating a situation, creating associations. There are tutorials and tips on what to do regularly to improve the memorization process.

The presentation will be interesting enough for those who decided to start training their memory. The work contains a number of exercises that will start this exciting process, which will help a person become more successful in the future. The sooner the student realizes that the quality of memory depends only on himself, the sooner he will begin to improve himself. The electronic resource can be downloaded for classroom hours in primary or secondary school.

There is no need to complain that the amount of information in the school is so vast that it is almost impossible to remember everything. It turns out that it is possible, and some have successfully convinced of this. Bet for yourself real goal: "Today I train my memory so that tomorrow it would be easy for me to learn." And believe me: everything will definitely work out.

The presentation introduces schoolchildren to different kinds human memory, which help us first remember the material, and then reproduce it, if necessary, in the desired sequence, consciously. It is impossible to live, having lost this property of your body, therefore it is so important not only to know a lot about it, but also to keep it clear to a ripe old age.

There are many classifications of the types of human memory. The student in her work chose the most accessible version for understanding by her peers, so let's get to know her in more detail. So, the types of human memory:

  • by the object of memorization: figurative, motor, emotional, verbal and logical;
  • according to the degree of volitional regulation: voluntary and involuntary;
  • by the duration of storage of the information received: short-term, operational, long-term;
  • on the participation of thinking: semantic, mechanical.

Each of the presented types is described in detail in the work.

The presentation offers games to develop the visual memory of grade 1 students. Game tasks can be used both for work in a regular classroom and for training the visual memory of children with a diagnosis of mental retardation. You can play games both on individual lessons, and on class hours.

List of exercises suggested in the work:

  • Lady checked in luggage
  • Pexesso or couples
  • Fabulous steam locomotive
  • Cephalopods

Each exercise is described in the work, rules are given, there is clarity.

MEMORY Prepared by: Igumenova IS Igumenova, mathematics teacher, Troitskaya Secondary School

Memory is a mental property of a person, the ability to accumulate, (memorize) store, and reproduce experience and information. This is the ability to recall individual experiences from the past, realizing not only the experience itself, but its place in the history of our life, its placement in time and space.

It manifests itself in memorizing, preserving and reproducing visual, auditory and motor images. This can be a visual representation of objects of observation, an interlocutor, a site of a locality, a building, as well as movement, communication process, etc. Auditory representations are part of visual-figurative memory. They are manifested in the fact that a person, as it were, hears the voice of the person of interest, the sound and noise of the engine of the car he needs, the hum of the corresponding section of the city. Visual-figurative memory is of great importance in the working, educational and creative activity of a person
Visual-shaped memory

It is expressed in memorizing and recalling thoughts. This type of memory is closely related to speech. For example, an object of observation can not only be captured in a visual form, but also remember its characterological essence. Such memorization is possible only in verbal form.
Verbal and logical memory

Depends on combinations of kinesthetic sensations, on excitation and inhibition of the corresponding pathways and nerve cells... Having arisen, the motor image affects the group of muscles whose work is associated with this image.
Motor memory

This is a memory for emotional statestaking place in the past. So, pleasant memories of a well-performed action can emerge in the memory, and from this it is clearly, in detail, firmly imprinted in nervous system human. Conversely, unpleasant memories gradually replace the details of an unsure action. Vivid emotional experiences are quickly remembered and easily reproduced. This is one of the reasons that interesting material is better retained in memory than uninteresting, since interest always has a more or less pronounced emotional coloring.
Emotional memory

Short-term memory - storing information for a short period of time: about 20 seconds on average. This type of memorization can occur after a single or very brief perception... This memory works without a conscious effort to remember.
There are also long-term and short-term (operative) memory.

Long-term memory serves for storing information for a long time. Anything that is held for more than a few minutes is in the long-term memory system. All acquired life experience is part of it. The most important process here is memorization.

Memorization techniques known in psychology are divided into logical (semantic) and mechanical.

Logical memorization is aimed at the meaning of memorized information. At the same time, an enhanced work of thinking is offered. Mechanical memorization is associated with the form of perceived information: words, sounds, images. The semantic content of the perceived material in the process of memorization, although it does not completely lose its meaning, seems to recede into the background. This is memorizing the text of a poem, movements, phone numbers. In practice, it is often difficult to draw the line between logical and mechanical memorization. This is clearly seen in the most common memorization technique - repetition.

Repetition is the most common memorization method. Here you need to know the following rules: 1) a large volume of material must be divided into parts according to its semantic meaning and memorized in parts, and then repeated as a whole;

2) the number of repetitions should be more than what was sufficient for the first complete reproduction of the material being learned;
3) the repetition of information should begin no later than an hour after memorization (observations and special studies show that after an hour, at least 50% of what is memorized remains in a person's memory, and in a day this figure reaches 30-35%).

Memory training
Memorization efficiency is calculated by the formula: Divide the number of correctly reproduced words by 20 and multiply by 100, we get the% of effective memorization.
1. Ukrainian 2. Housekeeper3. Porridge 4. Tattoo 5. Neuron 6. Love 7. Scissors 8. Conscience 9. Dictionary 10. Clay 11. Oil 12. Paper 13. Sweets 14. Logic 15. Socialism 16. Verb 17. Breakthrough 18. Deserter 19. Candle 20. Cherry
Below are 20 names (each with a corresponding serial number) to remember. You are given 40 seconds to memorize. You must write all 20 words with their numbers as you remember them. The answer is considered correct if its serial number is indicated along with the name.

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Memory. Diagnostics and development of memory

Tasks: Understand what memory is. Examine the properties of memory. Determine the types of your memory. Determine the amount of memory. Learn how you can develop your memory.

Memory is the mental process of Memorization Retention Replay of past experience

Memorization Mechanical Meaningful Involuntary Arbitrary

Retention Touch memory Short-term memory Long-term memory

Playback Involuntary memory Voluntary memory

Memory properties volume strength precision organization

Types of memory Motor memory Emotional memory Figurative (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, gustatory) Verbal-logical

Diagnostics of auditory memory "10 words" airship, paw, apple, pencil, thunderstorm, duck, hoop, mill, parrot, leaf. With a normal volume of short-term auditory memory, a teenager must reproduce at least 6 words from one presentation.

Diagnostics of semantic memory "Pairs of words" noise - water oak - acorn table - lunch game - shot bridge - river swarm - bee ruble - penny hour - time forest - bear nail - board

Pairs of words Noise Table Bridge Ruble forest Oak Game Swarm Hour nail

Determining the amount of memory

Memory Training Two comrades were walking through the forest, and a bear jumped out at them. One rushed to run and climbed a tree and hid, while the other remained on the road. He had nothing to do. He fell to the ground and pretended to be dead. The bear came up to him and began to smell: he stopped breathing. The bear sniffed his face, thought he was dead, and walked away. When the bear moved away, the first one got off the tree and laughs. “Well, what,” he says, “did the bear say in your ear?” "He told me that bad people are those who run away from their comrades in danger."

Write as many words as possible on the topics: School Sports Music Art Book

Repeat the tongue twister Karl stole the corrals from Klara, and Klara stole the clarinet from Karl. I walk around the cellar. I'm talking about the cellar. He hid the quail and quail in the copse from the guys. Fields went to weed in the field, but the whole field cannot be weeded.

Write a story Glade Wheel Cup Bucket Burrow Magnifier Scale Excavator Leaves Ravine

Flexibility of memory 1. A storm covers the sky with haze, Whirling snow whirlwinds ... 2. An elephant was taken along the streets ... 3. On the winter road, boring Three greyhound runs .... 4. Near the curvaceous sea a green oak ... 5. In the house of eight, one shot At the Ilyich outpost ...

Rules of memorization Refers to the subject not indifferently, but with interest. Try to understand the meaning of the material. Highlight the main points to remember. Systematically repeat and reproduce material

"Repetition is the mother of learning" What is memorized quickly, very quickly and disappears from memory. It is most advisable to memorize the material in the evening, and repeat it the next morning.

MEMORY is the most valuable thing a person has. This is a magic box that preserves our past for our future, so constantly add new knowledge and skills to your box.

2 Biological memory Biological memory is a fundamental property of living matter to acquire, preserve and reproduce information.Biological memory is the ability of living beings (or their populations) to perceive external influences, fix, preserve and subsequently reproduce changes in the functional state and structure caused by these influences (Ashmarin I. P., 1975). Types of biological memory based on stages of evolution: Genetic memory, Immunological memory; Neurological memory.

4 2. Immunological memory Immunological memory is the ability of the immune system to enhance the body's defense response to the repeated penetration of genetically foreign bodies (viruses, bacteria, etc.) into it. In evolution arises later genetic antigens are all substances foreign to the body, regardless of their origin. Antibodies are immune proteins that can destroy antigens.

5 Formation of the immune response: Two systems are involved: the T-lymphocyte system and the B-lymphocyte system. T-lymphocyte system - provides cellular protection: the destruction of foreign cells using specific clones of lymphocytes. The central organ of the T-system is the thymus gland (T-thymus), which produces various populations of T-lymphocytes (T-killers, T-helpers, T-cell receptors, etc.). The B-lymphocyte system belongs to the bone marrow, provides humoral protection, produces B-lymphocytes and plasma cells (cells - descendants). Plasma cells produce various immunoglobulins as antibodies embedded in their membrane. Both systems recognize and destroy genetically foreign bodies or substances.

6 Mechanism of action: 1). On the membrane of the killer T-lymphocyte there are antibody-like receptors that recognize the antigen on the membrane of a foreign cell. 2). T-killers attach to the target cell. 3). Killer T cells secrete a protein that disrupts the integrity of the target cell, which leads to the death of a foreign cell. 4). T-killers detach from the target cell, move to another cell. The process is repeated several times. B-lymphocytes have no physiological activity leading to the destruction of antibodies. When meeting antigens, a compliment system is connected to antibodies, activating the antigen-antibody complex. This leads to an increase in the action of antibodies, the complex violates the integrity of the membrane (perforates), causes inflammation, which leads to the death of a foreign cell.

7 Clonal selection theory of immunity (F.M. Burkett, 1957) An antigen-activated lymphocyte enters the process of division and differentiation and forms cells that secrete antibodies. From one cell, genetically identical cells (clone) arise that synthesize one type of antibodies capable of specifically recognizing an antigen and binding to it. Clones of descendant lymphocytes consist of plasma cells, secreting antibodies and "memory" cells. These cells, with repeated exposure to the same antigen, are able to transform into cells - the offspring of both types - effector cells and memory cells. Effector cells live for several days, and memory cells for up to several decades. Upon repeated encounter with the same antigen, memory cells recognizing it create effector cells that produce specific antibodies, while the number of T-killers increases. Thus, immunological memory, using genetic memory, ensures the adaptation of the organism to diversity external environment

8 3. Neurological (nervous) memory A set of complex processes that provide the formation of adaptive behavior of the body. Neurological memory is based on the ability of the nervous system to store information for a long time. In evolution, it arose in connection with the differentiation of the nervous system. In neurological memory, genotypic (congenital) and phenotypic memory are distinguished. Genotypic memory ensures in higher animals the formation of unconditioned reflexes, imprinting, different forms innate behavior that plays a role in the adaptation and survival of the species. Phenotypic memory is the basis of adaptive, individual behavior formed as a result of learning. The mechanisms of phenotypic memory provide storage and retrieval of information acquired during life in the process of individual development.

9 Temporary organization of memory: It is important to reflect the time factor in memory. An engram is a memory trace formed as a result of training (The term was proposed by the zoologist J. Young in the 50s of the XIX century). The formation of an engram is carried out in several stages, differing in the mechanisms of fixing the engram, the degree of stability of the engram, and in the amount of stored information. The two main processes are consolidation and reverberation. Consolidation is the process leading to the consolidation of the engram. Reverb is a consolidation mechanism based on multiple running of nerve impulses along closed circuits of neurons. The duration of consolidation is the time interval required for the transition of a memory trace from short-term storage (in which it is in the form of reverberant impulse activity) to long-term storage.

11 1). Sensory memory (iconic, echoic memory) It is characterized by the shortest period of retention of information in the form of sensory traces, after an acting stimulus. The stimulus - at the level of the sensory cell, leads to the formation of a receptive field - which is the primary memory trace in the nervous system. Capacity of the iconic information storage: for a visual stimulus - 9 elements within 250 ms; for sound - about 12 s. Sensory memory is involuntary, short-lived. During this time, the process of object recognition takes place.

12 2. Short-term memory The next stage in the formation of the engram. Time resolution - up to 10 minutes. Information is retained in the short-term memory system for its processing and selection of the most significant for the body in this moment time. The property is instability and susceptibility to disturbances, which can lead to retrograde amnesia. The main characteristics of short-term memory are: Necessary for the transition of a trace to long-term memory. Short-term memory is rapidly fading. The volume of short-term memory is limited. Physiological role is to fix the engram by selectively increasing the efficiency of synaptic transmission and increasing the excitation of postsynaptic neurons.

14 The memory system in the Aplysia cochlea Repeated stimulation of the sensory terminal causes a gradual decrease in the neuron potential up to its complete disappearance. The resulting addiction appears due to the low biological significance of the signals. If painful stimuli irritate the facilitating terminal every time the sensory terminal is stimulated, then the signals in the postsynaptic neuron become more and more strong and continue to remain strong for minutes, hours, days without further stimulation of the facilitating terminal. Two presynaptic terminals: from a sensory neuron to the surface of the stimulated sensory neuron; the terminal, which is the presynaptic ending, lies on the surface of the sensory terminal, this facilitates the terminal.

15 4. Long-term memory (LT) A type of memory that ensures the retention and storage of information for a long time (practically unlimited), the preservation of skills. The Engram enters long-term memory after about 45 minutes. The process of transferring information from short-term memory to long-term memory is called the process of memory consolidation. The engram is stable, not subject to destruction. The volume of stored information and the time of its storage are practically unlimited.

16 Molecular mechanisms of DP (gene expression) 2 stages of activation of the synthesis of regulatory and effector proteins. Effector proteins determine the storage of information in the body, Regulatory proteins - by joining or separating from DNA, control gene expression. External influence leads to a change in the extracellular environment of the cell, causes a cascade reaction in the genome, in which two phases of activation of protein and RNA synthesis are distinguished. 1. The first phase of activation: corresponds to the induction of specific regulatory genes from the class of early genes. About 100 early genes are known. The products of most early genes are regulatory proteins. Under the influence of serotonin and c-AMP, 15 proteins are created. The activity of these proteins occurs within minutes after exposure, is short-term (from 1 to 3 hours) - this process corresponds to short-term and intermediate memory. 2) At the stage of short-term memory, the interaction of the neurotransmitter and membrane receptors occurs.

17 Molecular mechanisms of DP 3) At the stage of intermediate memory, the action of protein kinases takes place, which phosphorylates presynaptic proteins of ion channels. The early genes control the transcription of the late genes that they target. Regulatory proteins (products of early genes) produce the expression of late genes - morphoregulatory. These genes determine the second phase of RNA and protein synthesis. 2. The second phase of the synthesis of RNA and proteins - determines the growth and change of cellular connections in the structures of the brain. The second wave of activity appears 3 hours after exposure and lasts about 5 hours. Includes the synthesis of 4 new proteins, after 24 hours - 2 more proteins. Long-term memory is formed after the expression of late genes and depends on the induction of new genes through secondary mediators. It is assumed that early effector genes are responsible for the synthesis of proteins that store information for days. Late effector genes maintain information for weeks and months.

18 Organization of memory In iconic memory, on the basis of the activity of analyzers, a sensory trace appears. These traces make up the content of sensory memory. Further, sensory information enters the higher parts of the brain. In the cortical zones, as well as in the hippocampus and the limbic system, signals are analyzed, sorted and processed in order to extract new information for the body from them. The hippocampus, together with the medial part of the temporal lobe, plays a role in the process of consolidating memory traces.

20 Organization of memory Functions of the hippocampus: it acts as a selective input filter: it classifies all signals and rejects random ones, participates in the extraction of traces from long-term memory under the influence of motivational arousal. When the hippocampus is damaged, the Korsakov syndrome occurs, in which the patient, with comparatively preserved traces of long-term memory, loses his memory of current events. The role of the temporal region is presumably in the fact that it establishes a connection with the storage sites of memory traces in other parts of the brain, primarily in the cerebral cortex.

21 Systems of memory regulation There are two levels of memory regulation: 1) nonspecific level: reticular formation, hypothalamus, nonspecific thalamus, hippocampus and frontal cortex; 2) modal-specific, associated with the activity of analyzer systems.

22 State of engram: restoration of engram 1). Spontaneous memory recovery. In clinical practice - in case of restoration of temporarily lost memory. 2). Recovery by the action of the second electroshock is a combination of "stimulus - punishment (used in training) - electroshock" 3). Reminder method - before testing the preservation of the skill, the animals were presented with electrical stimulation, force, less force of "punishment". The restorative effect does not depend on the time interval between testing and the presentation of the "reminder". The setting can serve as a reminder. 4). Familiarization method - before training, the animal was placed in an experimental chamber and given time to get acquainted with it; after the use of an amnestic agent, retrograde amnesia did not occur.

23 Provisions of the theory of active memory Active memory is a set of activated old and new engrams. The Active Engram is a memory trace that exists at the level of electrical activity of certain nerve elements. A) New engrams are formed in the learning process. At the moment of formation, they are similar to short-term memory engrams in terms of their ability to quickly fade away, a small amount of stored information, and the possibility of destruction. B) Old engrams are retrieved from long-term memory. They can be in an active and inactive (latent) state. The behavior implements the Engram, which is in an active state. Reactivation of engrams can occur: a) spontaneously, b) under the influence of external and internal factors (for example, under the influence of nonspecific activation), c) under the influence of modulating brain systems that determine the level of wakefulness, attention, and emotional arousal. Mm: The actualization of memory traces is associated with the prefrontal cortex. The information stored in the parietal (“Where” system) and temporal cortex (“What” system) enters the neurons of the prefrontal cortex, which act as a short-term buffer for operational use during cognitive and executive activity. The use of old updated engrams is defined as working or working memory.

24 Forms of memory Procedural (implicit) memory - remembering motor skills - memory for actions. Defined as knowing what to do. It is formed involuntarily, requires repeated repetitions, stores information about the cause-and-effect relationships between events, but without support by appropriate reinforcement it tends to fade away. Declarative (explicit) memory is based on operating with concepts. This is a memory for faces, objects, events. Memory is arbitrary, since it assumes the presence of knowledge about the object of memorization. The memorization process is fast. Involuntary memory - manifests itself in cases where there is no special task of memorizing information. Voluntary memory - associated with the conscious target memorization of information Emotional memory - memorization of the emotional components of a behavioral act and subjective experiences of a person.

25 Forms of memory Figurative memory - storage of information in the form of images: objects, phenomena and events that preserve spatio-temporal characteristics. Modal-specific types of memory are distinguished depending on the modality of the image: auditory, visual, tactile, gustatory, olfactory figurative memory. The level of development of these types of memory in different people different. The phenomenon has received the name eidetism (a person at the right moment is able to reproduce in all the details previously seen). The difference between the eidetic image and the usual is that a person, as it were, continues to perceive the image in his absence. It is assumed that the physiological basis of eidetic images is the residual excitation of the visual analyzer. Verbal memory is a memorization system based on the semantic characteristics of concepts. Memory organization is based on a code description of concepts and words denoting these concepts.

26 Forms of memory Logical memory is based on the causal nature of memorizing information, on the use of logical associations. Associative memory - is associated with the memorization of information based on a sequence of associations, when one event recalls others related to it on the basis of different analogies, comparisons, etc. Episodic memory - for episodes and events from the individual life of a person dated in time. It is built on the basis of temporal associations, a sequence of events in time.

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Memory is a form of mental reflection, consisting in the consolidation, preservation and subsequent reproduction of past experience, making it possible reuse in activity or return to the sphere of consciousness. Memory connects the subject's past with his present and future and is the most important cognitive function that underlies development and learning.

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The main processes of memory: memorization, preservation, reproduction, recognition, forgetting.

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Types of memory

1. Involuntary memory (information is memorized by itself without special memorization, but in the course of performing an activity, in the course of working on information). Strongly developed in childhood, weakens in adults.

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2. Arbitrary memory (information is memorized purposefully using special techniques). The effectiveness of voluntary memory depends: 1) On the goals of memorization (how firmly, for how long a person wants to memorize). If the goal is to learn in order to pass the exam, then soon after the exam, a lot will be forgotten, if the goal is to learn for a long time, for the future professional activity, then the information is little forgotten. 2) From memorization techniques. Methods of memorization are: a) Mechanical literal multiple repetition, mechanical memory works, a lot of effort and time is spent, and the results are low. Mechanical memory is memory based on repeating material without comprehending it.

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Long-term memory provides long-term preservation of information: there are two types: DP with conscious access and DP closed (access during hypnosis, etc.) Working memory is manifested in the course of performing any activity when information is saved.

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Intermediate memory - is stored for several hours, accumulates, and during a night's sleep it is taken away by the body to clear the intermediate memory and categorize the information accumulated over the past day, translating it into long-term memory.

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How to improve memory

Read books. Memory quality big influence renders what we spend more time on - watching TV or reading books. It is clear that everything is not in favor of television, here we are passive. And while reading books, we turn on motor and visual memory, the parts of the brain that control associative, abstract and logical thinking.)

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2) Get enough sleep. During sleep, the brain evaluates what happened during the day and decides what to leave in memory. Disturbed sleep affects the ability to build memory normally.

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3) Walk With Your Eyes Closed Lawrence Katz, a professor from the United States, has developed exercises called neurobics or brain fitness. If you have a lot to remember or learn by heart, first do your usual actions (for example, take a shower, get dressed, put yourself in order) with your eyes closed. The more active the brain cells are, the more they secrete the substance neutrophin, which ensures the vital activity of the brain.

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