Peak LH. Increase luteinizing hormone. Improving the level of the studied substance

What is a luteinizing hormone? It is also called luteinizing, luteotropin, Lutropin and belong to peptide. This hormone is produced by an anterior fraction of the pituitary. It plays a very important role in ensuring the normal functioning of the reproductive system. In the body, women work together with the follicle-sustamulating hormone (FSH). It stimulates the development of estrogen ovarian, which contribute to the offensive offensive. In the male body affects cells involved in testosterone production.

What does luteinizing hormone (LH) meet? It plays an important role in both the body of a woman and a man's body. The first FSH during the menstrual cycle contributes to the growth of follicles. In turn, they allocate a large number of estrogen, among which estradiol is performed important role. At the time of ripening the follicle, the concentration of the latter becomes as high as it leads to the activation of the hypothalamus work. As a result, a large number of lethenizing hormone and FSH stands out by the pituitary. During this period, the highest level of these substances is observed.

This process starts ovulation, during which not only is released ready to fertilize the egg, and the yellow body is formed on the place of the remaining follicle. The latter highlights a large amount of progesterone, which promotes endometrial growth for successful implantation of fruit eggs. At this time, the level of such a hormone, like LH, high.

Such a phenomenon is observed for 14 days, when supporting the existence of a yellow body is needed (it is called lutein phase). If a pregnancy occurs during this time, this function adopts the chorionic gonadotropin produced by the embryo. LH in women also affects cells in the ovaries that produce androgens and other substances (estradiol predecessors).

The luteinizing hormone in men is called a substance that has an impact on lesig cells (located in the testicles) and contributes to the development of testosterone. The latter participates in spermatogenesis and is the main thing in this process.

Norms hormone

Luteinizing hormone is highlighted in a different number of human organism. The norms of LH in women are determined by its age, the phase of the menstrual cycle, or pregnancy. Usually in childhood, the concentration in the blood of this substance is insignificant. For a child up to 11 years, the amount of such a hormone, as LH - norm from 0.03 to 3.9 mm / ml, does not depend on the floor. Only starting from the period of puberty, its concentration varies depending on whether the boy is or a girl. LH in men and adolescents, which over 11 years old, reaches a concentration of 0.8-8.4 MME / ml. Such a quantity remains stable and almost does not change.

Conducting analyzes of LH in a weak floor representatives, it can be noted that the concentration of this substance is much changed depending on the phase of the menstrual cycle. Also, its increased level is observed during menopause. To understand what the results of analyzes for luteinizing hormone - the norm of women are considered to be the amount of up to 59 MME / ml, it is necessary to pay attention to the menstrual cycle phase (in MME / ml):

  • 1-14 day - 2.4-12.6;
  • 13-15 day - 14-96;
  • 16-28 day - 1-11.4;
  • the period of menopause - 7.7-59. The male organism also responds to aging by the oppression of the reproductive function. After 60 years, men are elevated LG and its number more than 8.4 MME / ml.

It is important not only that luteinizing hormone is elevated or reduced, and its ratio with FSH. The female reproductive age body should be characterized by the optimal proportion between these substances. The ideal LG ratio to FSH is from 1.5 to 2. In small girls, this value is 1. Several months after the appearance of the first menstruation, the indicator gradually increases until it reaches the optimal level.

LG during pregnancy decreases and remains stable throughout the entire period of fetal tooling, since at this time there is no ovulation.

When should I pass tests?

The need for blood test to LH is observed if there are following problems:

  • premature puberty - both boys and girls;
  • sexual delay in adolescents;
  • lack of menstruation in women (amenorrhea);
  • a significant lag of physical development of the body;
  • a minor number of menstrual discharges that are observed less than 3 days;
  • uterine bleeding inexplicable nature;
  • to determine the causes of male or female infertility;
  • spontaneous abortion;
  • establishing causes of endometriosis;
  • identification of polycystic ovarian syndrome;
  • excess hair growth on the female body;
  • reduced sexual attraction in men.

How to pass the analysis?

Analysis on hormone Lutropin is carried out using venous blood. To obtain a reliable result, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:

  • before passing blood to hormones, it is forbidden to eat in 2-3 hours. Allowed to drink simple water, but without gas;
  • for 2 days before the study, it is necessary to completely stop the reception of drugs containing steroid or thyroid hormones. In this case, it is best to consult with a doctor to avoid any effects for the body;
  • during the day before handing blood, it is forbidden to expose the body with excessive physical exertion. The same rule refers to emotional overvoltage;
  • 3 hours before the hormone tests are forbidden to smoke.

Causes of high hormone indicators

Lutheotropin is raised in women as a result of the following reasons:

  • pituitary dysfunction, including hyperpituitarism;
  • the presence of polycystic ovarian syndrome;
  • increased level of this hormone may indicate a violation of the work of the kidneys;
  • dysfunction of the germ (ovaries) or their complete absence;
  • amenorrhea;
  • reception of certain drugs;
  • the presence of certain hereditary disorders;
  • development of menopause;
  • the presence of tumors in the ovaries or pituitary gland (men may have in the testicles);
  • premature puberty, if the analysis was made to a child;
  • in endometriosis;
  • with excessive physical exertion, chronic stress, during starvation or compliance with a strict diet.

Determining low values

Low LH is determined in the following cases:

  • determination of secondary insufficiency when the sex glands;
  • the presence of tumors on the ovaries in women or testicles in men;
  • violation of the normal operation of the hypothalamus or pituitary
  • development of galactorei-amenorrhea syndrome;
  • the presence of angulation;
  • callman syndrome;
  • reception of some drugs containing progesterone, digoxin, estrogen and other substances affecting the human hormonal background;
  • the decrease in this blood hormone in men can be caused by the gonad atrophy due to the pig, brucellosis, gonorrhea;
  • anorexia;
  • strong stress;
  • delay of puberty.


To learn how to reduce LH or increase, you need to consult a doctor. It conducts an appropriate study of the state of the body, after which the treatment prescribes. Preparations are used that are able to normalize the level of hormones and restore the reproductive function of a man or a woman.

It is more precise, to adjust the amount of lyutropin, if used during treatment, preparations containing estrogens, progesterone or androgens. In hyperprolactinemia, the use of means with a displorusion content is shown. Often, drugs such as Cabergolin and Bromocriptine are prescribed.

Surgical intervention is also often shown. The operation allows you to eliminate tumors that cause violations.


  1. Arterial hypertension in pregnant women. Is there any little glastosis? Guide for doctors. Makarov O.V. 2006 Publisher: Goeotar Media.
  2. Ascending infection of the fetoplacentage system. Glukhov B.I. 2006, Publisher: Medpress Inform.
  3. Neonatology: National Guide. Griffe UMO for medical education. Editor: Volodin N.N. 2007 Publisher: Goeotar Media.

LH or luteinizing hormone, as it is customary to be called, is produced by a pituitary and controls the operation of the sexual system. Any malfunction in a hormonal background of a person is not good news, and if the luteinizing hormone is raised in women - he can cause serious pathology.


Luteenizing hormone is a first secret that promotes progesterone producing. This is a protein that contains many amino acids. It helps the girl to carry out a reproductive function, because without this substance it is impossible to make conception.

If the high LG in the first phase is considered the norm, but if the LG hormone is elevated in the follicular phase - it is already a pathology with which it will be necessary to fight.

If there is a problem with the level of LH, there can be no speech about any conception. After all, the regularity of the cycle is knocked down, and the ovulation period cannot be calculated.

Luteenizing hormone is responsible for the ripening of eggs, if the indicator is raised - the conception is not possible.

The level of luteotropin varies depending on the step of the monthly cycle. Starting from the moment of sexual ripening, the girl feels changes in its body.

Also, the degree of lyutropine depends on the age category of the representatives of weak gender. It also happens that it is all life in approximately one position.


This is the process of rejection of the neither-treated egg, which everyone knows the name "monthly".

The cycle consists of several stages (phases):

  1. the first (follicular). It lasts from 1 to 15 days. During this period, the follicle with oocytes matures. The norm of the luteinizing hormone at this stage is up to 13 honey / l. If LH is higher than the norm in the first phase, it means that there are serious changes in the work of the endocrine system. It is this factor that causes hormonal infertility;
  2. ovulation 14-15 day cycle. This stage is small. During ovulation, the follicle bursts and produces an egg cell. Norm 20 - 150 honey / l. It is considered the top of the growth of luteotropin. Increased LG in the second phase due to the flow of ovulation;
  3. lutein (late). A feature of the flow of this period is considered to increase the yellow body and the development of progesterone. The level of LH gradually stabilizes and is 3-30 honey / l.

There is such a trend that the greatest indicators of the secret at the end of the first stage.

How long does the LH burst last? Regardless. As a rule, the level begins to decline within 15-20 hours. Next, together with FSH, it stimulates the growth of the follicle.

If a representative of the weak sex noticed changes in the work of the sexual system, it is necessary to turn to the gynecologist, otherwise the consequences will not be powerless.

The reasons

Usually LH is viewed on a row with FSH. Follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones in its actions are very similar, because they both help to grow the follicle. Typically, the ratio of these substances is 2 luteotropin by 1 FSH. Increased luteinizing hormone in women is fraught with consequences. Therefore, it would be better to prevent than, treat the pathology of the sexual system. To do this, it is necessary to deal with the factors, under the influence of which LG is overestimated.

The causes of high LH, as a rule, lie in the circumstances of the life of a woman, namely:

  1. constant stress, during which adrenaline is produced;
  2. consumption of unsuitable contraceptives;
  3. excessive passion for sports nutrition;
  4. frequent radiation by x-ray;
  5. bad habits.

Such a condition may be a consequence of certain diseases:

  • the presence of a cyst in the genitals;
  • endometriosis;
  • kidney failure;
  • violation of the functioning of the ovaries.

It is necessary to undergo a survey and adopt adequate treatment in order not to have problems with the conception of the baby.


If there is a failure in the production of Lutropin, this will in any case affect the progesterone level, because they depend on each other. When the LH is high, progesterone is low, it is required to immediately stabilize the hormonal background of women with a reception of a substance in medicines.

Pregnancy - a period when luteotropin is low constantly, because no ovulation and ripening follicles are foreseen until the birth of the baby.

But if this is not a physiological risk of secrecy, hormonal therapy is needed, which will reduce the indicators to the norm. It does not mean that you need to treat yourself. Only the doctor knows how to lower the Hormone LG in the first phase, or not two other periods of the menstrual cycle.

Treatment of increased LH in women is mainly in the reception of medicines containing artificial hormones. This will help stabilize the development of secrets according to regulatory readings.

In order not to grieve from the consequences of the launched stage of the anomaly, you need to control your lifestyle even long before the pregnancy is planned. After all, health is a guarantee of a full-fledged life that cannot be returned or buy. And here we are talking about reproductive health, which helps the girl to become a mother. This is perhaps the most important moment in her life. Do not deprive yourself of such happiness.

Hormones are universal chemicals that can be associated with cell sensitive to them and regulate their metabolism. In the human body, regardless of gender and age, the same hormones are produced. Men have female hormones, and women have men. But they have different points of the application. For example, in men, a luteinizing hormone is directed not to the formation of a yellow body, but on the production of testosterone, and therefore is in constant concentration. In women, his secretion is of particular nature.

How the luteinizing hormone is produced

Lutropin, or LH, is a hormone with a glycoprotein structure. It consists of two subunits α and β. Each of them includes oligosaccharides and about a hundred amino acid residues. For Lutropin, thyrotropic and follicle-sustamulating hormones and hCG, the structure of the α-sub-subscriber is almost the same. All of them differ from each other by the β-subunit. But it has similarities in the structure of HGH and LH. The differences in 24 amino acid residues determines the period of biological action of each of them. LH remains active 20 minutes, and HCG up to 24 hours. At the same time, both of these hormones are capable of acting on the same receptors. This property is used by doctors in the procedure.

The luteinizing hormone is produced in the front of the pituitary gland with special cells. Through the Blood System, the LG falls to the ovarian fabrics in women or semenniks in men. What is responsible for LG, depends on the floor:

  • In men, there is a lesidig cell in the seeds, stimulates the production of testosterone in them. The latter affects spermatogenesis.
  • In women, LG stimulates ovulation, but the mechanism is more complicated.

In order to affect the LH, it is necessary to have a ripe follicle. This is due to the secretion of the follicularity of the hormone (FSH) in the first phase of the cycle. The ripening of the dominant follicle is accompanied by dividing the cells of the grain layer, they are expressed by receptors to LH, and the cells themselves are synthesized. Increased emissions of estrogen stimulates the pituitary on the principle of feedback, a large amount of FSH and LH stands out into the blood. Emission of hypothalamic hormones leads to ovulation.

At the same time, the luteinizing hormone stimulates the process of luteinization of the follicle residues, the lutein pigment accumulates in its cells, and the follicle itself turns into a yellow body. Now its cells are not synthesized, but a large amount. LH is required for 14 days to maintain the function of the yellow body.

If there is a fertilization of the egg, then in 2 weeks it time to form a trophoblast is an embryonic organ that highlights HCG. This hormone will subsequently come to replace LH as more stable, and will support the function of the yellow body until the formation of the placenta.

If you exclude LG from this chain, it will become clear that:

  • no ovulation will occur;
  • the yellow body is not formed;
  • in endometrials in the second phase, the changes necessary for the implantation of the embryo will not occur;
  • pregnancy will not come or interrupted earlier.

In order for all the processes of the menstrual cycle in the correct order, it is necessary that each of the active kininov concentration is within the age norm.

How to pass an analysis

To assess the state of the reproductive system, the doctor may prescribe a blood test to LH. But the study of only one hormone is little informative, usually the analysis is prescribed immediately into several sex hormones:

  • estradiol;
  • progesterone;

Other studies may be appointed, for example, testosterone, cortisol, TSH, HCG.

States when it is necessary to take analysis to LH, the following:

  • infertility male and female;
  • short and scanty periods;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • violation of puberty;
  • growth delay;
  • to establish an ovulation day;
  • preparation for ECO;
  • to control the effectiveness of treatment.

Installed which days of the cycle to take the analysis to be informative:

  • in men - on any day, because they have a stable secretion level;
  • in women of reproductive age - for 3-8 days, in the period of the alleged ovulation (12-14) or after it, July 19-21;
  • women in the period of Klimaks - on any day.

Special preliminary preparation is not required. But you need to comply with the following recommendations:

  1. 48 hours before the study, it is necessary to stop the reception of steroid hormones and, if possible, thyroid.
  2. A day to avoid emotional and physical exertion.
  3. The last meal must be 12 hours before analysis.
  4. The optimal time of blood delivery is from 8 to 9 am.
  5. On the eve you need not to use fatty food.
  6. 3 hours before blood is stopped smoking.

The result may affect the conduct of radioisotope diagnostics during the previous week. Therefore, it is recommended to share these analyzes for a period of 7 days.

Normal concentrations

To correctly estimate the result of the analysis, you need to pay attention to units of measurement. Each laboratory may apply their diagnostic methods, so the standards will also be different. Most often, honey / l is used as units of measurement, but sometimes it is a MME / ml.

Lutropin begins to be produced in childhood. The child for 15 days after the birth of hemotest can already determine up to 0.7 honey / l. In children, the norm depends on age. Up to 9 years, it is 0.7-2.0 honey / l. In the future, girls begin a gradual increase in hormone, puberty processes are launched.

For girls 10-14 years old, concentrations from 0.5 to 4.6 honey / l are considered normal indicators. In the higher age in the period of the formation of the menstrual cycle, 0.4-16 honey / l values \u200b\u200bare allowed. For girls after 18 years, the norm is like women, and is equal to 2.2-11.2 honey / l.

The norm of the luteinizing hormone depends on the day of the cycle:

  • In the first phase from 1 to 14, the optimal indicators 2-14 honey / l.
  • Before ovulation from 14 to 16 days of the cycle, it sharply rises to 24-150 honey / l.

It is believed that registering the rise of LG during ovulation can already be 12-24 hours before its offensive. At an elevated level, it will continue during the day, reaching a concentration of 10 times greater than before the egg outlet. Then also decreases greatly and keeps at 2-17 honey / l until the next menstruation.

It is important not only normal indicators of LH, but also its ratio with FSH. For girls before menstruation, this indicator is 1. After the year it is 1-1.5. Two years after the first menstruation and to menopause, the LG / FSH ratio should be at the level of 1.5-2.

Luteinizing hormone under Klimaks significantly exceeds the indicators in the reproductive period and range from 14.2 to 52.3 honey / l. The increase in LG is explained by the oppression of the ovarian function in the postmenopausal period. But the principle of feedback continues to work. In response to the lack of estrogen, the pituitary gland is trying to raise the work of ovaries by raising trop kinines. Similar processes are observed in men after 60-65, when the sexual function is fading. Until this period, the norm of LG for men is 0.5-10 honey / l.

With an increase in the level of LH in the blood, it can be determined in the urine. This principle is used in. But with their help, you can only reveal the presence of Lutropin in the urine, but not to determine its concentration. The test is used for several days before the presumptive time of the offensive. A positive result suggests that a follicle gap will occur within 24-48 hours. Couples planning pregnancy can use this time to conceive.

But such tests can not be used as a contraceptive method. Predict, how much time will be active spermatozoa, it is impossible, and the egg cell is capable of fertilization during the day.

Possible deviations and their causes

Lutropin changes can be both in the greater and in a smaller side. In some cases, these are physiological deviations, but mostly talk about pathology.

Increase concentration

As mentioned above, the physiological growth of Lutropin is occurring during the climax period. If the luteinizing hormone is elevated in a teenager, it can be associated with an unsteady function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis. The formation of the menstrual cycle in girls is not immediately. During the first year after Menarche, uneven intervals between the monthly period are possible. Fully about the installed menstrual cycle, we can speak no earlier than three years after Menarche. And for some this process is stretched to twenty years.

LG above the norm can be registered in the following cases:

  • polycystic ovarian syndrome;
  • premature menopause;
  • congenital hypoplasia of adrenal glands;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • castration;
  • dzhinesia Gonad, Turner Syndrome;
  • the pitipofunction of the ovaries;
  • swayer syndrome;
  • stress.

But to establish an accurate reason for its increase in one analysis is not enough. A comprehensive examination is necessary. In the analyzes, deviations and other hormonal indicators are usually detected.

Girls in the normal age of the beginning of puberty is considered to be age at least 9 years. During this period, the first signs may appear - the sovereign on the pubic, in the axillary depressions, initial signs of the growth of the breast. If such changes appear at an earlier age, they are talking about premature sexual maturations, which will affect the analysis on LH. At the same time, the deviation from the norm will be relative to the age group, but it will not exceed the values \u200b\u200bfor reproductive age.

Increased Lutropin in men can be a sign of cryptorchism, as well as interference of sexual function.

Reduced indicators

The reduced level of luteinizing hormone can lead to the development of hypogonadism: sex glands both in women and men will not receive the necessary stimulation from the pituitary gland, so they will not be able to realize their function. For men, it is accompanied by a decrease in testosterone production: Lutropin is normal to open special cell channels for which the male hormone comes out. The consequence of the lack of testosterone is a decrease in libido, a violation of erection, atrophic processes in the testicles and many others.

Low LH is observed in the following cases:

  • tumors of the hypothalamus;
  • brain injuries;
  • hereditary diseases - Callman and Prader-Willie syndrome;
  • hypocituitarism;
  • nutritional deficit, pronounced hypovitaminosis;
  • stress;
  • heavy physical exertion, for example, athletes.

Lutropin decrease can be caused by the reception of drugs from a group of agonists or gonadoliberin antagonists.

During pregnancy, the luteinizing hormone is normal there should be low. This effect develops under the action of an elevated estrogen level, which according to the feedback principle blocks the release of Lutropin in the pituitary. After childbirth, the woman occurs some reduction of estrogen, but prolactin is increasing, which causes LH lack. Therefore, nursing mothers in most cases are no ovulation and no monthly.

Correction of violations

When lacking

The choice of method, how to increase the level of luteinizing hormone depends on the pathology, which led to its decrease. Typically, such states are accompanied by anointing and infertility. There are preparations of LH, which are entered by parenterally. For example, Pergonal, Luveris.

The first includes the LG and FSH complex. For women, this drug is used to stimulate the growth and ripening of follicles. It also stimulates endometrial proliferation, increases estrogen levels. Medicine prescribe men to stimulate spermatogenesis.

Sometimes Pergonal is combined with the introduction of HCG. Therapy is prescribed in the first 7 days of the cycle. Often, under his influence matures several follicles. This can lead to multiple pregnancy. But when the ECO procedure, this result is beneficial and allows you to select several eggs at once.

The lack of LH is compensated by the drug Luveris, which is a recombinant LH. It is prescribed in the middle of the cycle for, and in the post-radiation period to maintain the function of the yellow body.

These drugs should be used with caution, they are contraindicated in polycystic ovaries, hyperprolactinemia, pituitary tumors, ovarian failure.

Sometimes instead of LH, it is applied to the less expensive hCG, which is identical to the structure, is able to communicate with the same receptors, but has a longer action.

With excess

If the luteinizing hormone is increased, then you can bring it to normal indicators by using, progesterone and androgen. Treatment should be aimed at eliminating the cause that caused this state. With pituitary tumors, a surgical removal of a pathological focus is necessary. Polycystic ovaries also requires surgical treatment - moxibustion of cyst. After that, either pregnancy comes or a woman takes hormonal drugs to correct its condition.

Premature, in which the process of reducing the function of ovaries is started up to 45 years, it is almost impossible to stop. It usually proceeds longer and with more pronounced symptoms of menopausal syndrome than the climax on time. But it is possible to reduce unpleasant manifestations if the doctor is appointed to resort to substitution hormone therapy. If the signs of premenopause appeared on their own, then the combined estrogen therapy is prescribed with the addition of progestins to prevent the development of oncology. Those who have a climax began to develop after surgical removal of the uterus and ovaries, it is possible to use only natural estrogen.

Each cycle in the ovaries of a woman as a result of hormonal processes occurs the ripening of one follicle. Very rare - two or more.

Detailed information about the menstrual cycle can be found in our article "Favorable days for conception."

As the follicle ripening in its cells, female hormones are produced - estrogens. And the big size reaches the follicle, the more its cells produce estrogen. When the level of estrogen reaches the level of sufficient to ovulation, there is a sharp release of luteinizing hormone (LH), after which the follicle (ovulation) is groaning (ovulation) and ready to fertilize the egg to the uterine tube - to a meeting with male spermatozoa. The period of development of the follicle may differ not only among different women, but even one - in different cycles.

It is in determining the moment of a sharp increase in the level of LH in the urine and is based on the effect of modern home test strips for ovulation.

From what day do you need to start testing?

The day of testing should be determined depending on the duration of your cycle. The first day of your cycle is the day when menstruation began. The length of the cycle is the number of days from the first day of the last menstruation until the first day of the next day.

If you have a regular cycle (always the same duration), then you need to begin to make tests approximately 17 days before the next menstruation, since the phase of the yellow body (after ovulation) lasts 12-16 days (on average, usually 14). For example, if the usual length of your cycle is 28 days, then testing should be started from the 11th day, and if 35 is from the 18th.

If the duration of the cycle is not permanent - select the shortest cycle over the past 6 months and use its duration to calculate the day when start testing.

In the absence of regularity and the presence of large delays - the use of tests without additional control over ovulation and follicles is not reasonable. As for the reason for their high cost (when using tests, once a few days, ovulation can be skipped, and the use of these tests every day does not excuse yourself) and at low reliability (see below - "erroneous results").

For convenience, you can use our planning calendar, which will help calculate approximate dates of ovulation and testing schedule for both regular and floating cycle.

With daily use (or even 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening), home tests give good results, especially, together with the ultrasound. When using ultrasound control, you can not waste the tests in vain, and wait until the follicle reaches about 18-20 mm when it is able to ovulate. Then you can start doing tests every day.

Usage test

Tests can be carried out at any time of the day, but if possible, one and the same test time should be followed. At the same time, the concentration of hormone in the urine is highest, it is desirable to refrain from urination at least within 4 hours and avoid excessive fluid consumption before testing, because This may lead to a decrease in the concentration of LH in the urine and reduce the accuracy of the result.

The best time to test - morning.

Assessment of results

Rate the test results and compare the result line with the reference line. The control line is used to compare with the result line. The control line appears in the window always if the test was carried out correctly.

If the result line is significantly paler than the control line, it means that the LG release has not yet occurred, and testing must be continued. If the result line is the same or darker than the control line, it means that the hormone emission has already occurred, and for 24-36 hours you will have ovulation.

The most suitable for conception 2 days begin from the moment you have determined that the release of LH has already occurred. If the sexual intercourse will occur in the next 48 hours, your chance to get pregnant will be maximized. After you have determined that the release occurred, no need to continue testing.

Floor planning child

It is impossible to schedule the birth of a child of a certain floor in advance, but there is a theory, according to which the probability of the boy's conception is increasing in the closest to ovulation, and in the most remote girls. Thus, to increase the probability of the birth of a boy, it is necessary to refrain from sex while the ovulation test shows a negative result. To increase the likelihood of the birthday of the girl, on the contrary, it is necessary to stop sexual contacts immediately as the test will show a positive result. However, this method cannot provide 100% reliability.

Error results

Unfortunately, ovulation tests show not the ovulation itself, but a change in the level of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the dynamics.

Significant subsidence of LG is very characteristic of the ovulation phase, however, the lifting lug itself does not give 100% -Garantee, that the rise of the hormone is associated with ovulation and ovulation took place. The increase in the level of LH may occur in other situations - with hormonal dysfunction, ovarian depletion syndrome, postmenopausal, renal failure, etc. Thus, with any temporary or constant dysfunction, tests can give false positive results if the hormone level is increased.

In addition, false positive results are possible and under the influence of other hormones, not associated with a change in the level of LH. For example, in the presence of a pregnancy hormone - HCG - tests will give a false positive result due to similarity from LH in the molecular structure (on the structure of LH, it looks like other hormones-glycoproteins - FSH, TG, HCG), which some pregnant women have already been convinced of . After hCG injections, the tests also give a positive result, which is not associated with an increase in the level of LH.

After Ukol hCG tests for ovulation are not informative.

Perhaps the results of these tests can also influence the oscillations of other hormones (FSH, TSH) and even power (phytoogorms in plants). Therefore, in the absence of menstruation or any suspicions of hormonal violations, the test results should not be rejected. It is necessary to determine the presence and timing of ovulation with the help of more reliable diagnostic methods. For example, using

The hypophies distinguishes three types of genital hormones: follicle-sucking hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin. In this article, we will look at what a luteinizing hormone is how much it should be in the body and how Hormone LG operates.

Hormone Lg

Luteinizing hormone provides the right work of the genital glands, as well as the production of sex hormones - female (progesterone) and male (testosterone). The pituitary gland produces this hormone in women and in men.

If a woman in the blood levels the level of LH high is a sign of an ovulation onset. In women, this hormone stands out in an increased amount of about 12-16th day after the start of the monthly (Lutein cycle phase).

In men, its concentration is constant. In the body of men, this hormone increases the level of testosterone, which is responsible for the ripening of spermatozoa.

Ovulation tests are based on a simple principle: they estimate the amount of hormone in the urine. When the level of luteinizing hormone increases, it means that you are about to start either ovulation has already begun. If you are planning a child, this is the right time to conceive.

Luteinizing hormone: Norm for women

After puberty, healthy men keep at the constant level of Hormone LG, the norm in women fluctuates throughout the cycle. If a luteinizing hormone is allocated in a sufficient amount in sufficient quantity, it must be as follows:

  • follicular cycle phase (from the 1st day of menstruation to 12-14th) - 2-14 honey / l;
  • ovulation phase of the cycle (from the 12th to the 16th day) - 24-150 honey / l;
  • lutein cycle phase (from the 15th and 15th day and before the beginning of the following periods) - 2-17 honey / l.

The norm for men is in the range of 0.5-10 honey / l.

Remember, passing the analysis: the norm in women can fluctuate not only in different days of the cycle, but also in different periods of life.

Hormon LG: Norm for women in different periods of life


Number, honey / l

1-7 days

< 0,7

8-15 days

< 0,7

1-3 years


4-5 years old


7-8 years old


9-10 years old


11 years


12 years


13 years


14 years


15 years


16 years


17 years


18-19 years old


The hormone level in women after a climax is held in the range of 14.2-52.3 honey / l.

The above data is approximate, they may vary depending on the characteristics of the body. Even if your analysis shows that luteinizing hormone is elevated, only a doctor can be made correct decoding.

The doctor may assign an analysis in case:

  • lack of menstruation;
  • scarce and short monthly (less than three days);
  • infertility;
  • miscarriage;
  • growth delays;
  • delays or premature sexual development;
  • uterine bleeding;
  • endometriosis;
  • reduction of sexual entry;
  • definitions of the ovulation period;
  • studies with vitro incense fertilization (ECO);
  • control of the effectiveness of hormone therapy;
  • girsutism (excessive hair growth in women on chin, chest, back, abdomen);
  • polycystic ovarian syndrome.

In order to correctly appreciate the results of the analysis of LH, women need to take blood for the 3-8th or 19-21th day of the cycle.

Since men have no oscillations of this hormone, they can be done on any day. The analysis must be made on an empty stomach.

When is LG elevated?

If a woman has a hormone level elevated, this means that over the next 12-24 hours there will be ovulation. The level of LH is high for another day after ovulation.

During the period of ovulation, the level of luteinizing hormone is the highest - its amount rises ten times.

In addition to the ovulation period, the hormone level can be enhanced at:

  • polycystic ovarian syndrome;
  • ovarian depletion syndrome;
  • renal failure;
  • pituitary tumors;
  • endometriosis;
  • insufficient function of the germ;
  • intense sports training;
  • starvation;
  • stress.

Luteinizing hormone is also elevated in men aged 60-65 years.

When lowered LG

Analysis can show not only an increased, but also reduced level of LH.

Low LG - Causes:

  • obesity;
  • lack of lutein phase;
  • smoking;
  • reception of drugs;
  • operations;
  • lack of menstruation;
  • ovarian polycystic syndrome;
  • syndromes of Shhahan and Denny - Morfan;
  • symonds disease;
  • stress;
  • growth delay (dwarfism);
  • impaired pituitary and hypothalamus activity (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism);
  • increased in the blood of prolactin hormone (hyperprolactinemia);
  • termination of menstruation after the setting of the cycle (secondary hypothalamic amenorrhea);
  • pregnancy.

Low LH - the norm in women during pregnancy. When a woman shears the child, the concentration of FSH and a luteinizing hormone is lowered in its body - prolactin is produced at this time in fairly large quantities.

If a man in the blood is reduced to the level of this hormone, it may be the cause of an insufficient number of spermatozoa. In this case, perhaps even male infertility.

Lytein phase failure

In disruption of the ovarian function, the doctor may diagnose NLF - the lack of lutein phase. This is expressed by the weakened function of the yellow body: progesterone is produced in insufficient quantity. Due to the reduced number of progesterone, the uterus does not have time to prepare for pregnancy and the embryo cannot firmly attached to the endometry - the inner sheath of the uterus.

About the fact that you have an NLF, you can learn from the graphic temperature graph: if there is less than 10 days from ovulation to the beginning of the following menstruation, consult a doctor. To confirm the diagnosis of NLF, you need to pass the blood test. In the second half of the cycle, when the lutein phase occurs, the progesterone will be lowered.

The insufficiency of the yellow body phase may be the cause of infertility and miscarriage in the early stages (2-4th month of pregnancy).