How to enter the astral plane - practical recommendations for beginners. Access to the astral plane. Simple ways Astral access simple safe technique

How to enter the astral plane, get an unforgettable experience and find out what is inaccessible to other people? There are special techniques that will help you get out of the body and find out how the parallel worlds work.

In the article:

How to enter the astral plane - rules and safety precautions

Before trying to get into the astral plane, you should realize that you can do this almost every night. There are special, astral dreams. It is known that during dreams, the subtle astral component of a person is able to travel in different dimensions. This is possible and unconsciously, however, on what the probability of falling into the astral plane in a dream depends is unknown. But it is known that this can be done consciously.

As in the case with, subconscious exits to the astral plane in a dream can become more frequent after reading the relevant literature. But, if you want to know how to enter the astral plane of your own free will, and not when your subconscious mind wanders, you will have to study the rules and techniques.

The rules of conduct in the astral plane can save you from the dangers of parallel worlds. If you follow them, travel will become safe and interesting. The consequences of not observing these rules can be nightmares, the appearance of a poltergeist and sharing of entitiesas well as serious energy losses.

It is undesirable to engage in astral practices during a thunderstorm or other weather disasters. A storm or thunderstorm seriously affects the astral plane. In addition, lightning can harm not only the physical body, but also the astral one. As a last resort, you should not travel to places that could be struck by lightning.

During an illness or feeling unwell, you can read about how to go to the astral plane. But you should not apply what you read in practice. Deal with physiological issues first. During illness, the astral body is weaker than usual. Your natural protection from entities inhabiting other worlds will practically not work. For the same reason, you cannot practice going out of the body into the astral plane if you are tired or under stress. Practice is also undesirable after a conflict or quarrel. A calm, balanced state is much better for this.

It is undesirable to go to the astral plane in a room in which there is someone other than you. Ask your household not to bother you, turn off your phones and TV. Nothing should distract from attempts to separate from the body. Clothes should be comfortable, preferably made from natural materials.

Sometimes it is advisable to follow a vegetarian diet the day before performing the techniques. However, this rule is purely individual. If the lack of meat dishes has a positive effect on the results, you need a diet. If there is no relationship between diet and practice results, fasting is unlikely to help you.

Separately, it should be said about the position of the body. Of course, you should be comfortable. An awkward posture should not distract you from trying to detach from your body. Do not cross your arms and legs, this interferes with any magical work, when it comes to the first attempts. The best position is to lie down or sit in a comfortable chair. Start with this, perhaps with experience, determine the best body position.

The first stage of astral travel or out of body is relaxation and stopping the internal dialogue. There are many relaxation techniques, choose the one that suits you personally. With regard to stopping the internal dialogue, an individual approach is also needed here. Before starting a workout, give yourself the installation that after relaxation you will leave the physical body and rush to the astral plane. It is also advisable to formulate the purpose of the trip in advance, otherwise, under the impressions of the new world, you will simply forget about it.

It is not recommended to leave the room or apartment for the first time. Explore the world gradually, everything will come with experience. It is also better to postpone experiments with a magic circle around the physical body, because even a personally created protective energy ball can interfere with an inexperienced astral traveler. But this is not a reason to remain unprotected - you can use salt, protective amulets and other things, but remember that sometimes they interfere with the exit from the body.

The main obstacle for beginners is fear and other intense emotions, such as surprise. Astral travels often end on them, after which the astral body returns back, and quite abruptly. Getting rid of vivid emotions when leaving the body is possible only with experience. The fact is that that part of the astral body that remains in the physical attracts the one traveling back in the astral, since fear is considered a threat. The "rough" astral shell of a person performs a protective function during astral travel.

If you can't get out into the astral plane, do not be discouraged. Few people do it the first time. Someone needs a few days to get an out-of-body experience, while others will spend about a year. If unsuccessful, try again the next day. Sooner or later you will see what the astral world is like and who lives in it. This will most likely happen when you least expect success.

How to get to the astral plane using the astral rope method

A visualized rope will help to make a trip to the astral, but this is not the same silver cord, which connects the astral component with the physical body. Not everyone sees and feels it. You may not even notice his presence at all. In fact, the connection with the physical body does not depend on it, it is only its thought form embodied in the visual image. No matter how far you get into astral reality, the part of the astral body that never leaves the physical will pull you back.

The essence of the Astral Rope Method is to visualize a rope that starts from the ceiling and goes straight to you. After you have introduced it, grasp the rope with the hands that the astral body also has. The goal is to feel your hands wrap around the rope, feel its texture, and start pulling up. Climbing a visualized rope is perhaps more difficult than climbing a normal rope. You must not move during the procedure; you must be completely relaxed.

Concentrating on the mental movement along the imaginary rope is necessary in order to leave the physical body. You must understand that this subtle astral body carries out movements, or rather, tries to do so. You may feel vibration all over your body. There is no need to be afraid of this, this is a sign of success - you are already beginning to understand how to get into the astral world, and you are doing everything right.

Why is this technique good? She suggests focusing on just one simple action - trying to climb the tightrope out of the physical body. This exercise is great for beginners.

The first trip to the astral plane - leaving the body

If you imagine a rope that stretches from the astral plane and can become your means of transportation from the physical body, you cannot, there is one more technique. It is also suitable for beginners. This is an out-of-body meditation - you will need to relax and try to evoke the sensations that occur during separation from the physical body.

So, before entering the astral plane correctly, take a comfortable position in bed or on an armchair. Relax, make yourself comfortable so that the uncomfortable position does not distract you from meditation. Stop internal dialogue. Concentrate on your breathing. Watch your inhalation and exhalation, try to make them smoother and deeper than usual.

When breath control is achieved, become aware and feel your entire physical body. Listen to the sounds around you, feel the environment around you. Then direct your attention to your inner self. Be calm, but tune in to the expectation of the first exit to the astral plane.

This is just a preparatory stage. After that, move on to trying to leave the physical body. Do not strain your attention, try to go into the astral plane slowly, without sudden movements and thoughts. Your mind should be relaxed but focused on getting out of the body. It is allowed to think about how you want it. You can concentrate on the area between the eyebrows, where the third eye, or ajna chakra is located. It is believed that it is from there that the astral body begins to leave the physical.

Concentrate on the area between the eyebrows and imagine getting out of a chair or bed without moving until you can feel vibration or something like tickling. Make these sensations distinct, rush towards them. They are always accompanied by the exit from the body. Just surrender to them, continuing to mentally get up from the chair, and soon you will realize that you have entered the astral plane.

Feeling of falling down may appear. Many people feel it while falling asleep. Such sensations accompany immersion in astral dreams and, in fact, the astral. Do not resist the illusory fall and you can have an out-of-body experience.

What to do on your first trip to the astral

So, you managed to figure out how to enter the astral for a beginner. You are out of body and a new world awaits you. But do not rush to immediately start researching it. Astral is not as safe as you might think. First you have to get used to the new world and understand how to behave there.

What can you do in the astral plane if you are there for the first time? Try to navigate in different ways. Perhaps you will pass through walls, but this is not always possible and not for everyone. In order to leave the room or wander through it, you just need to think about it. Increase the distance from your astral travel home gradually, in accordance with your experience, so as not to make problems.

In order to return back, order yourself to return to the physical body. It takes a split second. Even casual thoughts about him contribute to returning back. Do not be afraid that you will not be able to leave the astral plane. It is much more difficult to stay in it than to get lost.

Access to the astral plane - dangers and methods of struggle. Consider the threat of travel to the astral worlds and what to do to prevent trouble.

In the article:

Going out to the astral plane - dangers that should not be feared

Common danger of astral and practice - sleep paralysis... It often happens not only in people who are engaged in obtaining out-of-body experience and traveling to other worlds and different levels of the astral plane. Sleep paralysis scares most people. During the condition, it is impossible to move even a finger, sometimes there is a feeling of pressure in the chest region.

Sleep paralysis.

Sleep paralysis has been known to people since ancient times: the ancestors believed that they were strangling the brownie. Sleep paralysis is not dangerous passes quickly on its own. There is nothing to do with paralysis: you cannot panic. If you relax and calm down, sleep paralysis will go away faster. The reason - too abrupt return to the body, which did not have time to "turn on", but consciousness has already returned.

Another imaginary danger is the inability to return to the physical body. It is not the soul that travels, but the consciousness or. The "gross" astral component remains in the body and acts as a guardian and beacon that points the way back. It is enough for a beginner to think about the physical body for a return to occur. Getting into the astral plane is much more difficult than returning. The problem of getting out is more acute than the loss of the physical body.

Astral cord.

The astral cord is a silvery connecting thread with the physical body, which not all practitioners see or feel. Those familiar with the phenomenon claim that it is impossible to break the connection, causing separation from the physical body and death. Beginners sometimes lose the cord - it's just the stress of the first trip.

What is more dangerous astral in the opinion of beginners is the possibility to lose track of time. The feeling of the passage of time while in a parallel world is seriously different from the usual. The gross astral substance remaining in the physical body will certainly attract the subtle, if necessary.

Why is going to the astral plane dangerous for people with health problems?

Astral travel has contraindications.
For example, the condition is undesirable for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. Diseases of the nervous system and respiratory problems can cause serious health problems in combination with the stress experienced by a beginner during their first travels or sleep paralysis.

The rest of the not too serious diseases disappear after the start of work on the exit to the astral worlds. The preparatory exercises necessary for the full development of the technique, raising the tone and increasing immunity, also have an impact.

Practicing and practicing magic are especially dangerous for people who are excessively impressionable, nervous and unbalanced. Problems of any interest in the paranormal can be aggravated. It is not worth talking about mental illnesses - this is a serious contraindication. A person with mental disorders, addicted to the paranormal, runs the risk of becoming a patient in a psychiatric clinic.

Before you engage in rituals, the study of the parallel world or any other practices, it is necessary to settle the difficulties associated with the physical and mental state. Depression and bad mood will get in the way.

Is it dangerous to go to the astral - the essence of other worlds

One of the dangers - living in the astral entities... Parallel worlds are not empty, but inhabited by various creatures. not always dangerous, you can make friends with some. There are several rules when communicating with entities: politeness, respect, you should not meddle where they do not want to let you in - a person must remember that he is visiting.

Beginners sometimes break rules they don't know. No one will attack without warning - they will explain to the person that actions are prohibited by local rules. If you ignore the warning, the traveler will be taken care of by the entities acting as guards of law and order. If you seriously annoy them, you will not get rid of nightmares.

Not all entities on a paranormal journey are benevolent or neutral: some require energizing. Their main weapon is fear. Negative entities are to blame for nightmares. There are no consequences: after the energy leaks, weakness is felt, and the impression of the trip is unpleasant.

They are fighting with entities - you cannot be afraid in the astral plane... Fear and nervousness attract those who want to feed themselves with energy. If a person is afraid, he is guaranteed to meet with horror in the astral plane. To be afraid is to give energy. Dealing with fears will keep energy vampires from annoying. If you had to face a strong enemy, you can always leave - the movements in the astral plane are very different from the usual ones. Vampire entities also appear in ordinary dreams - almost everyone has had nightmares.

Sharing souls is another danger in the astral plane.

Another danger is the habitation of the entity. Larva, demons and other entities can come from the astral plane along with the soul. The job of destroying populated entities is difficult but doable. Possession by demons after travel is rare. It is real to bring a poltergeist to visit.

Do the dangers of the astral plane affect the physical body

For the physical body, the astral is no more harmful than an ordinary dream. A gross astral substance always remains in the body, which in case of danger will pull the subtle astral body back. The person will hear the alarm sound and wake up. It is difficult to wake up a traveler without a threat, like a person who did not get enough sleep the day before, during a sound sleep.

It is almost impossible to get physical damage in the astral plane: serious safety violations are necessary. If you harm the inhabitants of the parallel world, the entities will harm in return. Rarely does it come to physical harm, usually everything is limited to energy losses and obsessive nightmares.

After serious astral attacks and collisions, traces of beatings appear on the body. You need to break a lot of local laws and find a strong enough enemy. You should not worry about your physical condition if you behave correctly and with dignity.

Getting into the astral plane, which you want to master, is actually not such a difficult task. And the pleasure and opportunities that this practice brings are worth your diligence and will pay off with a trinity.

This section contains the most effective working techniques for entering the astral plane, personally tested by the author of this site. Choose one or two of them that will be easier for you to focus on and practice them regularly and without overwork. Practice for joy!

Astral is a miracle of our unconscious potential and you will soon learn to awaken it.

 Sit in a chair. Relax, you should be calm and confident. Now look at yourself from the outside, mentally create your double, paying the closest attention to every part of your body, from your fingers to the smallest details of your face.

 Before you is your copy, which is absolutely identical both externally and internally. Begin to gradually release your energy to the double. To do this, imagine that a cord has appeared in the area of \u200b\u200byour solar plexus that connects you and your copy. Give as much energy as you can, let it flow along this cord to your double and fill him with vitality.

• This exercise should be done daily for two months. Over time, you will feel that, along with the flowing energy, you yourself are ready to “float” to your double. Do not resist this, and soon you will be able to see yourself from the outside, through the eyes of your own astral double.

 Many techniques for entering the astral space are based on visualization. But it is likely that not everyone is able to effectively use such methods. It was for such people that the kinesthetic or, in other words, the muscular method of entering the astral plane was created.

• Lie on the bed, relax, cover your ears and close your eyes. Don't let anything distract you.

 Concentrate on yourself, on your own “I”, move away from the physical body, imagine that you just left it. The main thing is to remember that you need to express the clearest and clearest intention to leave your body and go to the astral plane.

After that, tense all the muscles in your body and do not relax them for as long as possible. Then relax abruptly and try to experience the feeling of falling into the abyss.

 The meditation way of going to the astral plane is one of the most popular and does not require large energy expenditures. Exit to the astral plane with the help of meditation is quite simple, and its effectiveness has been repeatedly confirmed by many people who, during a meditation session, went out into the astral space.

• Sit comfortably in a reclining chair with your eyes closed and relaxed. Try to think of something pleasant. Relax your muscles and body until every part of it is "cottony".

 Having achieved complete physical relaxation, let go of all your thoughts and try to free your consciousness from everything. Let it merge into absolute emptiness. Often, relaxing their minds, people hear a quiet hum in their ears, feel a light breeze, or feel a chill running through their skin. The most bizarre images and pictures may appear in front of your closed eyes, consider them, but do not try to analyze.

• When your body and mind are completely relaxed, just lie down and wait. During this process, spontaneous movements may occur, it may seem to you that the head is increasing in size or your limbs are beginning to transform. Vibrations may occur throughout the body, which will become more and more palpable. Lie still and do not think about anything, for it is the incessant vibration that is a sure sign that you are leaving your physical body.

 Introduce the itinerary of your trip. Imagine and create as vivid images as possible. Try to merge with the emerging picture, gradually penetrate into it.

 Now all doors are open for you: go to your past, go to visit your friend or fly to the place where you would like to visit all your life. Contemplate not only your past and present "I", but also the future, during this conversation you will definitely discover something new for yourself.

 When you realize that it is time to return to real life, just order yourself to return to your physical shell, to your body. Lie still for a while, and then open your eyes. Analyze your astral flight, think about what you have experienced. Ask yourself the following questions: Was the exit really astral, or was it just an imagination? How easy was this exit for you? What sensations did you experience while traveling in the astral plane? If all your sensations were exactly the same as in ordinary life, you really made an exit to the astral plane.

 Remember that the more you practice such exits, the better and faster you will be able to make astral travel. Perseverance and perseverance are what you need to enter the astral plane using the meditation method.

 It is possible that your first exit will be so quick and unexpected that you will immediately return to your physical body, but this will once again prove to you the effectiveness and efficiency of this method.

 There are many ways of meditation. Over time, you yourself will choose for yourself exactly the one that will be most suitable. The main thing here is to use the meditation session as a kind of springboard for traveling to the astral plane.

 Another widespread and effective method of entering the astral plane, which was proposed by R. Webster.

• This method is simple, but many people need to repeat it several times to actually make an astral flight. This is due to the complexity of the implementation of both conscious and subconscious volitional efforts. Before you start practicing this method, try to think about the astral exit as much as possible for a week or so. Constantly think about the importance and significance of this astral flight, then your subconscious mind will fix all the necessary settings, and it will be much easier for you to make an astral flight.

 The room in which you are going to make an exit to the astral plane must be dark and warm enough. No one should bother you and distract your attention. Conduct the experiment all alone.

Close your eyes and concentrate fully on your breathing. After that, transfer all your attention to the tips of the toes of one foot, try to think only about this, not allowing any unnecessary thoughts. Imagine your astral body emerging from its physical shell in this very place.

 Then repeat all steps, but with the other leg. Feel how the astral body is gradually released, starting from the tips of the feet and ending with the back of the head. At this time, visualize the astral double flowing around your physical body.

 Collect all the will in the forehead area and express a desire to make an exit into the astral plane. Right now, the necessary motivations should work - both conscious and subconscious.

 With all the fibers of your soul wish to make an astral flight, and then you will feel that you are soaring up to the ceiling, seeing the body left on the bed.

 Based on the principle of visualization, the Harari method is an effective and efficient way to develop the mobility of your consciousness.

 Choose the place in the apartment where you are especially comfortable, both physically and mentally. Once you've chosen such a spot in your home, go outside and find an equally suitable outdoor spot. These two places should be located close to each other, literally ten minutes walk.

• Stand in the second selected place, close your eyes and take one deep breath. Imagine that you are in a comfortable chair, nothing bothers you, and you are completely relaxed. Then slowly open your eyes while imagining that whatever is happening to you right now is an important part of your out-of-body experience. Let all emotions and impressions become as vivid as possible.

 Take a deep breath, look around you and let the whole gamut of sensations pass through yourself, feel yourself and the nature around you as much and deeply as possible. Then walk slowly to the first place you choose, while still capturing sensually everything that surrounds you. Do not communicate with anyone on the way. You should be a dumb observer, your mind should be occupied only with sensations that the world around you gives you. Don't worry about problems at work or family. After entering the premises, spend 15 minutes there, and then return back. Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and picture yourself sitting at home in a comfortable chair. Open your eyes and hurry home. At home, take off your shoes and sit in a chair, try to completely relax and concentrate on thoughts of the place outside the house where you were recently. Remember what sensations you experienced when you just stood or sat in an imaginary chair. Take a deep breath and imagine that you are in the first place, indoors. Think about what feelings and sensations you experienced when you imagined how your body entered the house and sat in a chair.

 Thanks to the vortex method, you will acquire the mobility of consciousness necessary for astral travel. The vortex method is conventionally divided into two parts. In the first step, you will need to follow a specific diet. You should give up meat, and also try to limit yourself in the amount of food you eat. Two hours before entering the astral plane, you will have to completely refuse to eat. Your main food should be fruits and vegetables, especially carrots. Eat raw eggs. Don't eat nuts, don't drink too much liquids, and avoid alcohol and coffee altogether. Do not smoke or use any drugs.

 Such a diet should be adhered to at least two weeks before the intended exit to the astral plane, but the longer, the easier it will be to carry out the astral journey.

 When you decide that you are completely ready to enter the astral plane, sit comfortably in a dark room, do not cross your arms or legs. Place a glass of plain water next to it.

 Breathe deeply, relax. After the breathing exercise is done, imagine that you are inside a large cone. Go upstairs in your mind and imagine that you are at the epicenter of the vortex. Identify yourself with the top of the cone until the vortex carries you out of the cone.

 Other variants of the imaginary picture are also possible. You can imagine yourself sitting on a blanket from which steam evaporates. By identifying with this vapor, let go of the outer shell and leave your body.

 Another option: you seem to be looking at your own mirror image. Looking carefully at your own double in the mirror, imagine that your consciousness is passing to him.

 Imagine yourself sitting inside a large barrel, into which water is gradually poured. When the water fills all the space, find a loophole in the barrel and exit into the astral plane.

 The main purpose of this method is to divert one's attention from the physical body.

 This method is based on the ancient magic of the Sumerians, it is simple and effective and does not require any special skills. An appeal to the spirit of Okoya will not only help to enter the astral plane, but also achieve many other things.

Sit down and cross your legs. With the ring finger of your right hand, draw twelve lines in the air at chest level, drawing them from you.

• Fold your arms at chest level. Imagine that these lines are lit with a dark red flame. Say the mantra:
’" Tor ma leio roses Okoya "

 The lines will begin to move and penetrate your body. Be willing to get out of your physical body and as soon as you feel that you are ready to get out, say: "shi oh".

It is necessary, upon waking up, without moving or opening your eyes, to instantly try to separate from the body. An attempt at separation is carried out without representation, but with the desire to make a real movement without straining the muscles (rolling out, taking off, getting up, etc.).

If the separation does not work out within 3-5 seconds, you need to immediately try to alternate several of the most effective techniques for 3-5 seconds each, until one of them works, after which you can stop at it for a longer time:

Observing images: trying to see the emerging pictures in front of your eyes and see them;

Listening: try to hear the noise in your head and make it louder by listening or strengthening your will;

Rotation: represent rotation about the longitudinal axis;

Phantom wiggle: try to move any part of the body without straining the muscles, trying to increase the amplitude.

- "tension" of the brain: trying to strain the brain, as if it is possible, which leads to vibrations, which also need to be strengthened by the same action.

As soon as some technique begins to manifest itself vividly, you need to try to implement it as long as there is progress, and then you need to try to separate. If it doesn't work out, you can return to the technique again. You can also start alternating it with another.

The total time for alternating techniques should not exceed 2 minutes, but one should not retreat from them in less than one minute. From time to time, especially against the background of some interesting sensations, you can try to separate from the body.

Here's what one of the most famous astronomers Richard Webster says:
“One of the main obstacles in the path of students is fear. Many fear that they might die or that they might be harmed in some way during their journey. Nothing could be further from the truth. The Canterbury Institute, known for its occult research, conducted an experiment with the separation of the astral body, which involved more than 2000. None of them suffered from this, and later also no one faced new problems.
First, you should understand in advance that once you have taken this path, you cannot go back - if you manage to master astral projection, it will once and for all become a part of your life. Secondly, the best way out when encountering strange things during experiments is to study them. You will have to learn to control the situations that arise in the astral world and control your fear.

First of all, you need to acknowledge the existence of fear and face it. Then, having defeated him, you will be able to feel yourself in the astral world as a master and its manifestations will not have power over you. "

So, the first thing you need to take care of when making an astral flight is overcoming your own fear, which can greatly harm a novice astro pilot. Human consciousness, and especially his emotions, have the property of attracting events similar in structure to themselves. In the astral plane, this law operates more intensively than in the physical world, and negative emotions can "attract" the inhabitants of the astral plane, who feed on these emotions. Therefore, the first thing that needs to be taken care of when going into the astral plane is to create a setting that reflects the safety of departure. If leaving the body seems dangerous to you, you can use special rituals. These include prayer, calls from Divine beings capable of protecting you, such as guardian angels, Archangel Michael, etc., meditation on the white light, pronouncing various mantras - find your method.
This is recommended not only for protection, but also for the sake of raising your vibrations. Spiritual practices, mantras, prayers, the energy of Light and Love, books, images and / or music that enlighten the consciousness guarantee not only safety, but also a fall into the most sublime interesting places of the astral plane.

Before making exits to the Astral, we advise you to think about your own safety. If the body is rudely disturbed during sleep or astral travel, a stressful situation will arise. The physical body will immediately give a signal to the astral "I" - and then it will immediately rush, no matter how far away it is.

This fantastic speed turns the return into a terrible force, a blow to the nervous system. You will wake up in overwhelming fear and heart pounding. A sleeping person should not be woken up with a rude shout "Get up-oh-oh!" You need to quietly call him by name several times, gently touch, shake slightly. Warn your family about this.

Before the session, the skilled wanderer takes the most comfortable, relaxed position. Make sure that you do not lay down your arm or leg - otherwise, in the long absence of the astral body, necrosis of one of the limbs may develop. Imagine the whole nightmare of your situation when, after returning to the physical shell, you find that your arm or leg has been taken away!

There should be complete confidence that no one will think of changing your comfortable position. The fact is that this will break the connection with the traveling astral body, which will complicate and slow down the subsequent reunification. The physical body must be guaranteed against falling, say, from a bed.

If you have a cat or dog, make sure she is in another room and is quiet. If a cat jumps on your stomach during astral travel, then it will not seem enough. The barking and grinding of claws on the door of your room will also greatly interfere with astral flight, as will a phone call and other unexpected noises.

In addition, astral adventures are so exciting for beginners that they try to distance themselves from our physical world, withdraw into themselves, break off contacts even with close people, and a simple reminder of everyday problems causes frenzied irritation, turning into depression.
- Who are these little people around? - asks himself the newly converted "astroller". - What do they understand in the great business in which I am engaged?
The fact of the matter is that "they" do not understand anything, including your suddenly acquired greatness. "Little people" at first are indignant at your strange behavior, and then they begin to look even more strangely: boy, is your "roof" firmly held?

Thoughts about astral experiences, if not controlled in any way, can completely disperse your attention and lead to tragic consequences. People immersed in themselves fall into pits, fall under cars, fall out of windows, provoke hooligans.

Even more dangerous is the uncontrolled use of "force substances". Enthusiastic neophytes sometimes do not suspect that it is quite possible to do without hallucinogens. The teacher usually resorts to such a preparation no more than once in order to demonstrate to the student the world inaccessible to the senses. Disconnection of the physical and astral bodies under the influence of hallucinogens is violent, and the experience acquired as a result is very blurred due to the confusion of feelings and the blurring of the boundaries of the astral and physical planes.

Modern researchers consider exits to the Astral under the influence of chemical compounds unclean. After several such sessions, the door to another dimension will remain slightly open. On the physical plane, the consequences will be headaches, dizziness, partial loss of memory, instant loss of consciousness and even paralysis. The continuation of such experiments will lead to "voices, visual and other hallucinations. The matter will end in no way better than in patients with delirium tremens."
Likewise, never try to "get out" under the influence of alcohol. This drug promotes advancement only into one of the possible altered states of consciousness - into delirium tremens with all its spiders, rats, snakes and huge mutant cats.

If the safety precautions are followed, then there is nothing to worry about. Every night, we unconsciously visit the astral plane, and do not even think about it. So bolder. Interesting flights to you!

During the years of so-called "stagnation", by the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR in May 1982, a structural unit at the USSR Academy of Sciences, under the auspices of the USSR Ministry of Defense, created the Department of Theoretical Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences, as a research institute, with the Department of Spiritual Natural Science of the academician Danilova V.V. The department was engaged in the study of the BATTLE use of esotericism, being an analogue of the famous German Ahnenerbe - "Legacy of the Ancestors" - where, under the leadership of Academician Danilov, brilliant results were achieved in the applied use of esoteric knowledge in the military field.

Soviet mystics and esoterics, on the basis of the knowledge gained and their practical application in combat conditions, inform and warn all those who, either by design, or by ignorance or ignorance, risk their own lives and the lives of their loved ones and relatives, and if it is also public and political figures, and the lives of hundreds of thousands and millions of people. So, the published material is a REMINDER ON SAFETY TECHNIQUES for those who intend to self-confidently "expand in the astral".

Modern ufologists are well aware of how many people are "contactees", i.e. have telepathic and sometimes visual contact with Cosmic subjects. And any professional UFOlog will warn about the danger of such contacts.

Therefore, when this or that person, and sometimes even a dim-witted politician, with a feeling of his own exclusiveness, God's chosenness, declares that he is “on the hook”, that he is “led” by the Heavenly Forces, he should have known that ALL LIVING BEINGS are on “ hookup ”. But with whom?

In the material world, there are many types of living beings with subtle bodies invisible to our imperfect vision. In this form, they easily use the subtle energies of the material world. They easily enter into resonance with vibrating substances, which are all, without exception, objects and subjects of the material world, and with the help of vibrations they actually control all processes taking place on Earth. Including our consciousness.

Of course, all subjects of the subtle material world (as well as the rough, visible world) have different forms and different degrees of power. Their existence is ordered even more strictly than in human society. And each of them has a defined area of \u200b\u200bresponsibility. Accordingly, there is a hierarchy:

The omnipresent Supreme.

Gods (eternal) of the Beyond World.

Gods of the (temporary) material world.

Servants of the Gods.

Perfume, etc.

Any person can become a contactee. Either of their own free will, or against their will. And he will receive information. But the level of contacts depends on the degree of purity and detachment from everything material. Even with the Sages, contact can arise only with Personalities, whose qualities are much purer than those of the holy righteous men, declared as such according to the XP-ist-an-sky canons.

Over the past five millennia, only a few of the holy Vedicists received information directly from the Gods of the material world. For, just as even a person who wants to give flowers to his beloved woman will not resort to the services of a plumber who has not washed his hands, so the Gods will not transfer Knowledge to us through a person like the Jewess Blavatsky, prone to drunkenness, nicotine, and foul language. Such information is transmitted only through individuals who, with their entire life, words and thoughts, have shown humanity an example of holiness.

With the Gods of the Beyond World, and even more so with the Supreme Personality of Shepherd Lel, there can be occasional contact, usually not of their own free will, and only in the rarest, holy Personalities, completely detached from everything material.

And simply to help a person, having entered into contact with him, can not only different Gods of the material world, but even the Goddess Maya herself, personifying illusory energy. The Devil can also help. Representatives of alien civilizations, including demonic ones, can also help. More often than not, "contactees" communicate only with spirits of the lowest level.


“… There are ethereal spirits on the astral plane, which should not be transferred to our plane. Occult teaching warns against the experience of evoking and invoking these unwanted inhabitants of those planes. These invocations were made in both the ancient and the Middle Ages. It is a shame that some of the modern psychic researchers do not heed these warnings and risk the serious consequences of their insanity.

We strongly advise not to indulge in such reckless experiments in the field of the phenomena of the astral planes. One writer aptly compared Psychism to a large machine that, by pulling a person into its cogwheel, will certainly destroy him. Don't get close to the wheels! ” (Mystical Christianity. Yogi Ramacharaka).

Each person has a defined destiny at the moment of birth. Including how long he will live in this body.

But fate can be corrected with the applied efforts. For example: If a person drinks alcohol, or uses drugs, and in this state he froze in the bushes, or drowned in the mud, i.e. left his body prematurely, despite his karma, he is punished by the Gods by becoming a spirit, i.e. does not receive a biological body until the end of the previously predetermined period.

Being in the astral plane, such a person, with the lowest consciousness, possesses tremendous information and mystical abilities. And at the same time, all this is absolutely useless for the spirit, because every living creature wants to control a situation that has something to do with it. But without a biological body, the spirit suffers from the inability to perform an elementary action - to switch the TV channel, or even just turn it on, move the cup, etc. And all material desires remain and even grow much, due to the increased level of awareness. But the spirit has another opportunity - to enter into astral contact with any person, and even with many at once, and in this way, misleading people who are not ready for this, to realize their own plans.

The spirit can pass itself off as an alien, for the Great Sage, for the Teacher, for Jesus Christ, for the Mother of God, for a long-dead historical person, for a specific, long-dead relative. At the same time, he will speak in his voice. For reliability, he provides not only very intimate information from the personal relationships of this deceased with a specific contactee, but also gives special information that seduces him. Scientist - dictates discoveries. Politics is promised power and glory and really helps to make a political career. Those who are thirsty for material wealth points to really existing treasures, or helps to make money.

To a contactee who is by no means a divine way of life, but thirsts for glory and power, the spirit inspires that he is an unrecognized saint, an initiate, a chosen one, or even God, incarnated here to fulfill some special mission.

The spirit always pretends to be "bright." Warns that there are also "dark" ones. Often he appears before a contactee in a subtle body and opens his subtle vision for a while, showing the fool his unusually beautiful, luminous form. He also promises him mystical power. Ultimately, he offers to teach him to independently go to the astral plane and become equal to the Gods.

But that's a lie. None of the contactees really goes to the astral plane. The spirits just show him pictures. Only those who open several chakras can enter the astral plane. But if a person opens even a single, even the lowest chakra, he will be able to walk on water, pass through walls, fly through the air and wield many other sidhas. There are only a few such people. Other "astral gazers" are idiots, or swindlers.

The goal of any spirit is the same: First, to involve in the game a naive, ignorant, ambitious person who believes that she (he) has already become “clairvoyant”, “clairaudient” ... A contactee caught on such a bait becomes an obedient toy in the hands of a particular spirit. And one day, during the next exercises, the spirit will help the astral body of the contactee to leave the biological body. But this will happen only with the personal consent of a fool. These are the rules of the game in the astral plane.

And then an incident awaits him - instead of him, a spirit instantly settles in the biological body, possessing comprehensive information about the deceived subject and behaving like him. And the contactee who has lost his body, finally, having really ended up in the astral plane, will suffer and now he himself will look for another simpleton.

Most of those who are carried away by such “contacts” and the search for teachers from the astral plane quickly become drunkards, or drug addicts, or end up in a psychiatric hospital. Depending on who has taken over their body. If the fool plays, but does not give in completely, the spirit simply kills him. Those. in a particular situation controls his behavior so that he will certainly perish.

These, although not uncommon, are special cases, and society does not pay attention to them. But when politicians start to play such games, for humanity it ends with the Second World War, Chernobyl and other deeds of the "Prince of this World".

Everything we have said here is able to save intelligent people from the trap prepared for them by Maya. But it is useless for those who have already fallen into this trap. They read and don't believe. For they are under the influence of the strongest illusory energy of the Goddess Maya and God Siva. And nothing can be done about it. Once you accept the rules of the game, you cannot refuse them. This is a contract.