I want to be an optimist. - What is the real source of optimism? How to stay optimistic and get out of a difficult situation

Many people mistakenly believe that optimists are people who have a smooth and carefree life. They are always cheerful, they do not know any sorrows or problems. But it is not so. Such people simply have a special relationship to any unpleasant situation and do not lose heart. What does the word optimist mean? How is he different from a pessimist? How to Become an Optimist?

Who is an optimist?

What is optimism? The definition of this word is as follows. Optimism is a positive outlook on life. His statement is that the world is good, all problems are solvable, negative emotions are inappropriate. This is the definition of a human relationship to everything around.

What is an optimist? An optimist is a person whose attitude towards life is always positive and positive. He tries in all cases to see the good, not to worry about unpleasant little things, and even more so not to get depressed. Such a person does not make tragedies out of difficult life situations, but with a fighting spirit tries to find a solution, firmly believing that everything will work out for him.

Indeed, even the meaning of the word optimist presupposes a cheerful person who looks at everything with a positive. If there are any difficulties in the life of an optimist, he does not lose heart, he is cheerful and cheerful. Such a person is always disposed to communicate with the people around him, he is responsive and benevolent, infects everyone with his positive energy.

An optimist has a firm conviction that everything that happens in this life is only for the best. A bad mood is a rarity for him, he does not like to poison his life with discontent. An excellent state of mind for an optimist is air, without which there is no point in living.

It is hardly surprising that an optimist has many friends. After all, people are drawn to him, as he will always provide support, calm down, be able to improve mood, instill confidence in himself. He will be able to convince that the current unpleasant situation is not bad at all, further it will be better and better. Therefore, there is no point in getting upset.

The fact that an optimist does not react sharply to negative gifts of fate does not mean that he is an indifferent person. He simply does not like to dwell on failures, he prefers to focus more on positive aspects. He always strives for only one thing to make his life better. And not a single hindrance can darken such a mood.

Who is an optimist? This is the kind of person who can easily start a new business, set specific goals, large and complex goals. It is a positive attitude that helps them to achieve success with confidence. Usually such people have a good job, are successful in life, and build strong personal relationships.

Wanting to know who an optimist is, the best thing to do is just talk to him. Next to him, people become just as positive, begin to believe that life is not such a difficult thing. In many ways, it all depends on the attitude of a person towards her.

How to Become an Optimist?

It is impossible to be an optimist from birth. Psychologists say that for this it is necessary to make efforts first to the parents, and then to the person himself. Experts recommend several ways to become optimistic and have positive thinking. These include the following tips.

Be able to forgive

This skill is considered to be very useful for a person. You can’t live with resentment all the time, it poisons your life. You need to let go of everything unpleasant that was done by someone. Only then will past grievances not have a negative impact on a person, and he will be able to look at life positively.

Accepting the fact that life is difficult

Everyone has it with certain difficulties, but people treat them differently. Life cannot be absolutely cloudless. Optimists accept this and therefore do not create illusions. They know that there are many beautiful things in the world that are worth continuing to live for.

You can't give in to the opinions of others

Of course, sometimes it is useful to listen to people, but only he knows what will be best for a particular person. If an optimist feels that he can do it, then no one can convince him.

Easier to treat money

After all, they are not an indicator of happiness. Of course, funds open up great opportunities for a person, help to feel more confident. You don't need to pay much attention to the material side of life, if, due to problems in this area, a person did not become poor. You need to look at the world through feelings, not through finances.

Think extremely optimistic

You need to carefully monitor your inner thinking. Do not allow negative thoughts. If they prevail, then it is worth working on it, driving away all negative thoughts. If you cannot do this, then you need to find such an argument opposite to them.

Seeing more advantages in your life

One has just to take a closer look at how a person lives, and immediately there are many positive aspects. For them you need to be grateful to fate and hold on when it seems that life is going down.

You shouldn't try to change everything

It often happens that people stop believing in their bright future and begin to change everything at once. But after a while they realize with chagrin that this is an unrealistic task. You need to change your life gradually, choosing certain aspects. When one part of life is well worked out, you will immediately feel self-confidence and a desire to move on.

Always go through life with a smile

The human brain perceives a smile as a feeling of joy. When a person smiles, he feels much better.

Lead a healthy lifestyle

Experts say that a person's well-being is inextricably linked with the comfort of the body. If the body gets the amount of physical activity and rest it needs, then the mood will be positive.

Cultivate optimistic thinking

This is a rather difficult task. But if you do it regularly, then over time a person will not even notice how he will look at everything with a positive look.

Only speak positive words

Who is an optimist? This is the one who at every failure will say: "It's okay, next time everything will definitely work out." When asked by others about how things are going, he will only answer positively, even if there are some problems. For example, "Everything is fine with me", "There are some troubles, but it does not matter!"

It is worth interacting with cheerful people who have an improving effect on personal development. If a person communicates with people who are eternally dissatisfied with life, then he himself will continue to treat life in this way.

In addition, you need to do what you really like. Not all people manage to get a job they love, but you can always find a hobby that will bring pleasure. It only takes time. If work takes up most of your life, then you should give your body the opportunity to relax by sharing something truly enjoyable.

An optimist is a person who can live without sorrow and suffering. This attitude towards life is determined in the head. It must be remembered that the thoughts themselves must be changed first. If a person thinks positively, then his actions will be the same. Become optimistic and believe in success in order to really be able to achieve it.

If you have looked into this article, then you are looking for advice on how to become an optimist. But in fact, you are already an optimist. We are all optimists. Judge for yourself, no matter what happens, no matter what misfortunes befall us, we believe in the best... We ignore the risks, we think that we will live forever, that nothing bad can happen to us. If we were pessimists, we would not smoke, we would not drive a car - statistics say this is dangerous. We repeat the same actions, hoping for a different result, carelessly and optimistically.

The fact that we are already optimists has been scientifically confirmed. Scientists conducted an experiment in which participants had to guess the percentage of risk in the situations that were presented to them. For example, guess the percentage of deaths from water accidents or cancer deaths from smoking. And that's what turned out.

The overwhelming majority of those tested simply ignored the real numbers if they initially believed that the percentage of risk was lower. That is, if a person thought that only 3% of smokers died of lung cancer, and he was told that 40%, he did not change his opinion! What is this if not optimism?

And our whining about our problems is often just our desire not to jinx it. After all, it has happened to everyone - everything seems to be going well, but you share your joy with someone and you are left with nothing (that's how it happens to me!).

But still, despite this, negative thoughts, suspiciousness, self-criticism and skepticism poison our lives and prevent us from achieving success. They take root in our subconscious and are broadcast into the Universe, returning to us with failures. Moreover, they poison us inside and give rise to disease. I mean the psychosomatic causes of illness (read about this at the end of the article).

Therefore, despite the fact that we are already optimists in our hearts (very deep in our hearts), let's be practicing optimists.

Or just pinch yourself.

Control. 2 Coping with limiting beliefs.

When you say - "I am always unlucky," "I was never appreciated," you create programs that yours willingly records and broadcasts to the outside world.

Track these thoughts, list your limiting beliefs. Replace them with the opposite, positive, and inclusive of opportunity. The words "always" and "never" are the main enemies in a relationship.

Now you know how to bring positive things into your life. But from the fact that you practice optimism, unpleasant things will not stop happening to you.

How can you stay optimistic and get out of a difficult situation?

Psychologists say: in anticipation of trouble, you create a negative scenario in your brain and act as if it is a fait accompli

2. Make your Consolation List.

Who and what will help you stay optimistic in this situation: people who love you, special places for you in the city and in nature, favorite activities, books, TV shows. And pets, of course. Everyone should have such a list of "consolation" or "emotional evacuation".

Take a short break and then move on to the next step.

3. Set new goals.

When something bad happens in our life, it seems to us that the earth is slipping out from under our feet, we lose control of the situation. A new goal will allow you to take control of your life again, to feel that everything depends on us. Therefore, instead of going into depression, reconsider your priorities and set - this will be the best way out of any difficult situation.

4. Smile!

You smile - your mood rises. This pattern was deduced back in the 1980s. The principle works because our brain perceives a smile as a signal that we are happy. And the body begins to produce endorphins, and they, in turn, improve mood. So smile.

I hope these tips on how to become an optimist and how to stay optimistic under any circumstance will be helpful to you.

You can download a book by psychologist Martin E.P. Zeligman "How to learn optimism, tips for every day"

Psychosomatic diseases

The psychosomatic nature of diseases means that the cause of diseases of the physical body originates in the psychological, emotional state of a person, in his perception of events and his attitude towards them.

Correspondence table of diseases to psychological disorders is best presented in books Louise Hay... table.

From an objective point of view (with the exception of the rarest radical cases), what is happening in our life can be considered both good and bad. However, our subjective assessment remains in the mind: either positive or negative. Pessimists are not those who are tuned in to the bad, but those who "catch" the negative from the outside and live by it. Optimism, according to psychologists, is a normal, healthy state of the human psyche. Today psychologists will give you advice on how to improve your mood in literally 10-15 days.

Keep in control

To help yourself become an optimist, you need to work in two directions: first, learn to abstract from negativity, and second, be able to rejoice. Use willpower: When negative thoughts appear, say to yourself "Stop!" Whatever is happening in the world, you are the only controller of your own consciousness, on which your reality depends.

How to become an optimist: regulate your mood

From a physiological point of view, hormones-regulators and neurotransmitters influence our consciousness. For example, serotonin. Medications that increase serotonin production are often prescribed for people with depression. This substance raises the tone of the body, increases activity and gives a good, cheerful, positive attitude.

You don't have to take pills to get the right amount of serotonin. Its activator is bright light. To help serotonin quickly enter the bloodstream, we need to fall asleep in complete darkness and wake up in a well-lit room.

Therefore, it is important to sleep at night: during daytime sleep, this neurotransmitter is not produced at all. Get in the habit of opening the curtains in your room right after you wake up. You will see: the mood will rise!

Choose a company

It is very common to complain about life at work or with friends. Without knowing it, participating in such conversations, you absorb these conversations. Be able to translate the topic of such a conversation into something more positive. Jokes are a great way. Don't be afraid to joke as much as you want.

Imagine: a friend, as usual, complains about the boss - he filled up with work, reprimanded, canceled the award. Hint to your friend: there are no bad bosses. There are only funny ones! It's better to laugh at the problem than cry to each other in the vest. So imperceptibly and colleagues' mood will improve.

Do everything on time

Whether we like it or not, every day we perform a whole list of routine tasks that can also change our mood from plus to minus. A report that must be submitted by the end of the week, an unfinished letter and an unfinished project - from time to time things appear in our life that we do not want to do: they cause boredom, and we often put them off until later.

As a result, the load of unfulfilled work begins to crush and makes us nervous. In order to have time to do everything uninteresting, start a diary. It will help you regulate your work and free time: after the report, you have every right not to touch work folders and switch to something pleasant.

If you strictly follow such a schedule, then over time you will notice that all the dreary things are done much faster than it seems. In addition, the time to complete the task will immediately be at least halved: now you no longer stretch the "pleasure", but quickly get rid of it.

Adjust brightness

Color and light have a profound effect on consciousness. For example, shades of orange, blue and light green are very good for mood. At the same time, experts believe that burgundy, dark brown and black can cause anxiety and sadness. Pay attention to the color scheme that prevails in your apartment and wardrobe.

Don't be afraid of contrasts

If you want to achieve a good mood at a physiological level, take a contrast shower every day. When cold water enters the skin, hormones of joy - endorphins - are released into the blood. They block the pain signal from low temperatures, create a positive mood and even mild euphoria! A small "shake" with hot water fixes the level of endorphins in the body.

Get ready at night

Sleep is one of the main controllers of consciousness. During 8-10 hours of sleep, the brain processes all the information received during the day. The key idea of \u200b\u200ba dream is the things that we think about just before falling asleep. Do you remember how teachers at school advised you to cram material at night? Somehow magically, on the exam, you suddenly remember exactly the formula that you memorized the day before in half-asleep.

Just imagine: all these eight hours the brain was thinking over a certain passage from the textbook, revising it from different angles, decomposing it into its component parts. This feature of our body can be used in another way: before falling asleep, dream! Think positive. Play pleasant memories. Imagine all the joys that await you ahead. Self-control plus psycho-training will help you get what you want faster than you think. And a good mood in the morning is guaranteed. Checked!


“Many people believe that negative experiences kind of ennoble a person. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite, - explains psychologist Mikhail Labkovsky. “The thing is that when you suffer because of something, you do not have enough mental strength to develop, grow spiritually and intellectually.”

Negative experiences often cause obsession, and you can take a lot of mental energy to process a problem. It's another matter when you think positively: you see a picture of the world without any black coloring and accept what surrounds you. You live fully, you are not distracted by suffering.

Humor is a great accumulator of optimism. Books, movies, plays, TV shows - if they are really good, then they will certainly cause the viewer to emotionally engage. We worry about the hero, we sympathize with him, we worry. It is for this reason that psychologists advise watching more comedies, going to light theatrical performances.

Flip through magazines with anecdotes more often, watch funny videos, popular TV sitcoms. Read books by Sergey Dovlatov, Mikhail Zoshchenko, Isaac Babel - they have a lot of great humor. And pay attention to children's literature - even adults adore it.

How to Become an Optimist: Understand Yourself

One of the main reasons for negative consciousness is our doubts, which experts call fears. We are often afraid of change, failure, risk. It is life that does not suit us, and generates negativity. To get rid of bad emotions and gloomy moods, you need to work through doubts.

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Hello to all readers!
From time to time we all want to be sad enjoy, cry. And it's perfect fine... It's another matter when you arrive in a state of pessimism for a long time and begin to imagine the worst scenarios in everything that surrounds you. This will not work.

Therefore, we will talk about how to become optimistic and start a new life... More positive, happier and more fun. A life where people around you and yourself like you. But first, we need to understand how to remove pessimism from your life, because removing pessimism we will open the doors to optimism.

If you're a pessimist, you can imagine a worst-case scenario in nanoseconds.

  • You received an invitation to dinner from a new neighbor, and you imagine an awkward meeting with subsequent mutual dislike throughout your life.
  • New clothes always get dirty in the sauce.
  • A trip to one of the most beautiful ski resorts in the country? At best, you will be terribly cold or break your ankle, and at worst, an avalanche will hit you.

Negativity can seem wonderful protective mechanism: If you keep your expectations low enough, you won't be overwhelmed when something doesn't work out. However, new research has shown that the tendency to be negative in any situation is a trait experts call "dispositional pessimism" - and it doesn't just ruin good times and prevent making new friends.

This is also a bad strategy for most situations. It turns out that optimists are better off in most areas of life, be it work, school, sports, or relationships. They get depressed less often than pessimists, earn more money, and have happy marriages.

Health of optimists and pessimists

And not only in the short term. There is evidence that optimists live longer.

A 9-year study of cardiovascular health in more than 900 men and women in the Netherlands found that pessimists not only die earlier from heart disease than optimists, but they also die earlier from almost anything. Pessimism is associated with an increased chance of developing dementia.

Fortunately, the bleak forecast doesn't have to be constant. Leading researchers argue that optimism and pessimism are two ends of a continuum. About 80% of the US population is either mildly or highly optimistic.

But research shows that if you're on the other end, you can get ahead - or at least get some of the benefits that are usually abundant in the optimistic half, says Dr.Suzanna Segerstrom, an optimism researcher at the University of Kentucky. ...

Don't try to be happy

In one of Segerström's favorite studies, the researchers asked a group of people to use beautiful pieces of classical music to lift their spirits while telling other volunteers to just listen to the symphony.

  • In the end: the music did not help those who were focused on raising their spirits - but others began to feel much better.

“To be truly happy, you have to stop trying,” says Segerstrom. Even observing myself - Am I feeling better? - gets in the way of being optimistic, studies show.

Instead, try to be busy.

“Employment and engagement will bypass pessimism,” says Segerström.

For one reason: when you are fully involved in something, it can help you distract from the pessimist's favorite pastime - pessimistic thinking. When you think pessimistically, it's not just a bad day - it's is always bad day, bad life and you are a bad person.

A habit that inflates even small problems into enormous proportions. This kind of thinking takes so much time and effort that it is no longer possible to focus on solving problems. It is not surprising that optimists achieve more in life than pessimists.

How to fix?

When there is only blackness in life and you urgently need to become an optimist, find quick distractionswhich you can use when you realize that you are stuck on one negative thought. Try activities that require your full attention, such as yoga, or kickboxing, or aerobics, where you have to fully focus. At the office, try calling a friend or switching to watching funny videos.

Imagine this is the end of the world

Negative thinking is only one road to pessimism. Another habit that darkens your worldview: this process is called “ Catastrophe". This is when you mentally ascribe so many gloomy possibilities to a situation until it looks like a real doomsday scenario.

  • A simple cough turns into pneumonia (which cannot be cured).
  • One missed deadline for project completion is the first step on a quick trip to permanent unemployment.

Negative sucking (thinking) and coming up with disasters can unsettle you for a long time: worst-case scenarios can be absurd, but playing them over and over makes them seem not only logical but also inevitable. And it sucks the joy out of life.

How to fix?

Exaggerate disaster scenarios to comedic fun. At some point you should think: “Come on! Am I really going to live in a refrigerator box under the bridge just because I was one day late with the project deadline? Of course not!"

Don't stop at the fridge box.

  1. Imagine yourself trying to catch squirrels for dinner - maybe even imagine making squirrel fondue for the other ladies you meet under the bridge.
  2. Then imagine the opposite scenario. Your project has earned your company a million dollars! You rose to the rank of CEO!
  3. Finally, write down the results that are most likely to occur. Most likely, you will not have the CEO's chair, but you will not have to live under the bridge either ...

The beauty of this banter is that you feel in control of your thoughts and situations. A sense of control is an antidote to pessimism.

Good day, dear readers! And how do people manage to always think good things? There are so many failures, problems, fears around. They do not seem to notice all this. I really want to change the situation, learn not to pay attention to the bad. Become a truly happy person.

Today I will give advice from a psychologist on how to become an optimist. Real. Who pays no attention to difficulties. They will change your mind. Do you think this is impossible? Even if you are a pessimist, reprogramming your consciousness is real. You just have to try very hard, give up the set. It's difficult, but the end justifies the means.

No need to blame yourself

Almost all of us constantly blame ourselves for something. You want to quit smoking, but you can't. Crave to start going to the gym, but can't find the time to do so. Think about, but don't see a way to be realized.

Stop blaming yourself. Your thoughts make you not a better person. No matter how difficult the task is before you, the inability to complete it brings even more harm to the psyche.

Imagine, a girl really wants to lose weight, but never accepts an attempt to do it. She walks around the mirror, constantly looking for evidence of her own imperfection and reproaches herself for being lazy. This feeling torments her every day, haunts her throughout her life.

If you really want something, then either do it, or try to get the idea out of your head.

Perhaps this is not how you need this additional income, recognition and fame? In the end, if there was an urgent need, you would find a way to solve the problem.

I assure you, as soon as you get rid of the problem - stop noticing it or take a step towards execution, you will feel better, and you will not notice how your mood improves.

Filter the flow of information

Any image, picture - evokes us. You look at the kitten and smile, see the photo of the catastrophe and start to worry. The more positive images in your life, and as a result of emotions, the better you feel.

Start to control the information flow that falls on you.

Watch comedies, family ones more often, surround yourself with photos of kittens, subscribe to Vkontakte groups that offer high-quality humor. In fact, even in him, the roots of evil can lurk. Watch any comedians' performance - they are unhappy with politics, medicine, people around them.

If humor is built on aggression, then you absorb it into yourself. A very simple example. If you look at beautiful photos of food, you will not notice how in 15 minutes you will have an apple or a sandwich in your hand. If you watch sad movies, you won't notice how you start to feel.

Read more

The easiest way to avoid being influenced by negative information is to read. Of course, not all literature will do. Dostoevsky can drive you into even greater depression.
I recommend Jack Canfield's collection of cute and naive stories about love and life "Chicken Soup for the Soul" Night of Wish Fulfillment»Chetana Bhagata about modern India, office workers and magical fulfillment of desires.

The book " Dandelion Wine"Ray Bradbury, I think, has already buzzed all the ears of those who pondered the question of whether it is possible to turn from a pessimist to an optimist. I think that it is necessary to read it at least in order to once again come across this title to leave the author a comment on the article: "Yes, I already know, I read it."

What else? " Paradise is somewhere near"Fanny Fleg," Book of deception"Martha Ketro, as well as" Unadorned cat"Terry Prachetta. This book will definitely make you smile more than once!

Surround yourself with positive people

Taking the right path and trying to limit yourself from negativity, it is difficult to remain an adequate person who does not start giving advice and endlessly says: "Well, stop burdening me with your problems."

Communicate more and try to avoid preaching. Tell yourself, try to find positive topics for conversation, listening to someone else's grief and failures, try not to muddle the problem, but try to find the bright sides in it.

This applies very well to ourselves, but, you must admit, it is much easier to tell others the truth than to follow your own instructions in life. Learn from other people's experience to look with joy at failure.

Make your loved ones happy, and you will not notice how you yourself will become a little more joyful every day.
Within 10 days you will feel how your mood improves, and your emotions turn into feelings that do not leave you so easily. Over time, you will begin to take care of yourself less and more on a whim, without control.