Beautiful quotes about children with meaning. Quotes about children and love for them. Funny quotes about children

If by the age of forty your home is not filled with children's voices, it is filled with nightmares.
Charles Saint-Beuve

Children are such an expensive pleasure that only the poor can afford it.
English dictum

Times are changing: a car is now a necessity, and children are a luxury.

Humans are the only creatures that have children for a specific purpose, apart from the guppy fish that eat their babies.
Patrick 0'Rourke

It is dangerous to confuse children with angels.
David Fife

The first child is the last doll.
Folk wisdom

Late children are early orphans.
Benjamin Franklin

If you already have a child, then until the end of your life you will have to answer the questions "What is his name?", "How old is he?" and "Is this a levochka or a boy?"
Erma Bombek

One child in a family is not enough, two is much more than necessary.
O'Toole's axiom

Troubles and twins never come alone.

You will always be your child's favorite toy.
Vicky Lansky

What annoys us most about children is that they behave like children.

No matter how old your child is, parents with older children always assure you that the worst is yet to come.
Roseanne Barr

Some kids console only by the fact that they were not born twins.

Children's home parties are organized primarily to make sure that there are even worse kids than yours.
Catherine Whitehorn

My husband and I are thinking of having a dog or a child. But we have not yet decided which is better: ruin our carpet or our life.
Rita Rudner

Not having children is a crime, but having children is a punishment.
Konstantin Melikhan

Parents will never understand why all children want to play with tomboys, and not with goodies.

There are no other people's children.
Hillary Clinton

The majority of children are childless.
Maria Ebner - Eschenbach

If you have children, you have nothing else.
Kathleen Norris

A child who is not loved by anyone ceases to be a child: he is only a small, defenseless adult.
Gilbert Sesbron

Children who are not loved become adults who cannot love.
Pearl Buck

A child is born with the need to be loved, and in this sense, he remains a child all his life.
Frank Kürk

Always be kind to your children - they will choose a nursing home for you.
Phyllis Diller

Lunch time is the only time of the day when the flyers decisively refuse to eat.
Phryn Lebowia

One child is enough to fill the whole house and yard.
Mark Twain

Children have wide ears and long tongues.
Thomas Fuller

Looking after children is the best way to look after yourself.
Yang McEwen

Madness is a hereditary disease: it is passed on to us from our children.
Erma Bombek

Many find their tormentors in their children.

Anyone who beats a wife or child raises his hand to the highest shrine.
Cato the Elder

The child's right is even more sacred than the father's.

We worry about what kind of person our child will grow up to be; but we forget that he is already a man.
Stasia Tauscher

Consider the unsettling contrast between the radiant mind of a healthy child and the dementia of the average adult.
Sigmund Freud

If children grew up according to our expectations, we would only grow up to be geniuses.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Every child is to some extent a genius, and every genius is to some extent a child.

This world will be judged by children.
Georges Bernanos

Watch out for children! Someday they will take over the world!
Ashley Diamond

Mutual love is held together by children.

If your son has come out of adolescence as impudent and shameless, prone to theft and lies, make him a gladiator. Give him a sword or knife and pray to God that he would sooner be torn to pieces by beasts or killed. For if he survives, you will perish because of his vices. Don't expect anything good from him. The bad son is better off dead.

If you went to visit a friend, then the sight of his children, even before you entered the house, will tell you whether you are honored as a friend. If the children meet you joyfully, you can be sure that your friend loves you and you are dear to him. But if his children did not come out to meet you, then your friend does not want to see you. Then turn around and, without hesitation, return home.

Children amuse themselves with this or that activity even when they are not doing anything.
Cicero Mark Tullius

Boys are boys, they look at the boyish like a boy.
Unknown author

A tree is recognized by the fruit.
Unknown author

A respectful son is one who grieves his father and mother only with his illness.
Confucius (Kun-tzu)

There is no such thing as philanthropic children abandon their parents.

If you don't know what your children are like, look at their friends.
Xun Tzu

What a pity that the offspring is unreasonable
Born from a sage:
The son does not inherit
Father's talent and knowledge.

It is no wonder that sons are rich in knowledge, Who were raised by a wise father.

Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. They are the justification for my old age.
William Shakespeare

If death is the sickle unforgiving, Leave the descendants to argue with him!
William Shakespeare

Children multiply our everyday worries and worries, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us.
Francis Bacon

The one who has no children makes the sacrifice of death.
Francis Bacon

When the son swore, Diogenes hit his father.
Robert Burton

Children are always willing to do something. This is very useful, and therefore not only should not interfere with this, but measures must be taken to ensure that they always have something to do.
Jan Amos Comenius

There are children with a sharp mind and curious, but wild and stubborn. These are usually hated in schools and are almost always considered hopeless; yet great people usually come out of them, if only they are educated in the right way.
Jan Amos Comenius

When you are among children, you should be on your guard, as if they are not your own children, but sworn enemies.
George Savile Halifax

Children have no past or future, but unlike us adults, they know how to use the present.
Jean le La Bruyère

Children need to be treated gently because the punishments make them harder.
Charles Louis Montesquieu

The child has his own special ability to see, think and feel; there is nothing more stupid than trying to replace this skill with ours.
Jean Jacques Rousseau

Parents love their children with an unsettling and indulgent love that spoils them. There is another love, attentive and calm, that makes them honest. And this is the true love of a father.
Denis Diderot

Every person is always someone's child.
Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

Raise your children in virtue: she alone can give happiness.

True, children should - while they remain children - be guided by parental authority, but at the same time they should be prepared to not always remain children.
Christoph Martin Wieland

Of all generally immoral relationships, the attitude towards children as to slaves is the most immoral.
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

We must act with children in the same way that God with us: he makes us the happiest when he lets us rush from side to side in joyful delusion.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Everything is good and beautiful in harmony, in accordance with oneself. Unnaturally and prematurely developed children are moral monsters. Any premature maturity is like child molestation.

The father loves his child because it is his birth; but he must still love him as a future person. Only such love for children is true and worthy of being called love; every other is selfishness, cold pride.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

Let the child play pranks and pranks, so long as his pranks and leprosy are not harmful and do not bear the imprint of physical and moral cynicism.
Vissarion Grigorievich Belinsky

What a commission, creator,
To be a grown-up daughter's father!
Alexander Sergeevich Griboyedov

If one cannot see the ideal of moral perfection in children, then at least one cannot but agree that they are incomparably more moral than adults.
Nikolay Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov

Without children, it would be impossible to love humanity so much.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

We should not be exalted over children, we are worse than them. And if we teach them something to make them better, then they make us better by our contact with them.
Fedor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky

Nothing works in young children's souls stronger than the universal power of example, and among all other examples no one else is impressed in them deeper and more firmly than the example of parents.
Nikolay Ivanovich Novikov

Speaking of honor, of truth, are you really honest and truthful? If not, then you will deceive an adult with your words, but you will not deceive a child; he will not listen to your words, but your gaze, your spirit, which possesses you.
Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky

When a child is frightened, flogged and upset in every possible way, then from an early age he begins to feel lonely.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

A person who truly respects the human personality should respect it in his child, starting from the moment when the child felt his “I” and separated himself from the world around him.
Dmitry Ivanovich Pisarev

For children whose teeth are teething, I can safely advise the violet root!
Kozma Prutkov

Never promise a child that cannot be fulfilled, and never deceive him.
Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky

A child who suffers less abuse grows up to be more dignified.
Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky

A hero's children are not always heroes; it is even less likely that grandchildren will be the heroes.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, it will require many sacrifices.
Pierre Bouast

Children immediately and at ease master with happiness, for they themselves are by their very nature joy and happiness.
Victor Marie Hugo

There is no anthem on earth more solemn than the babbling of children's lips.
Victor Marie Hugo

The child is the future.
Victor Marie Hugo

Nothing surprises when everything surprises: such is the peculiarity of a child.
Antoine Rivarol

How terrible the world would be if it were not for the constant birth of children, carrying with them innocence and the possibility of all perfection!
John Ruskin

Each child should be given his or her own yardstick, encouraged to take on his own responsibility, and rewarded with his own well-deserved praise. Effort, not success, deserves a reward.
John Ruskin

Children's charm lies in the fact that with each child everything is renewed and the world appears anew before the human judgment.
Gilbert Keith Chesterton

Children are the pinnacle of a healthy marriage.
Rudolf Neubert

The character of the child is a cast of the character of the parents; it develops in response to their character.
Erich Fromm

A child is a rational being, he knows well the needs, difficulties and obstacles of his life.
Janusz Korczak

The stubborn child is the result of the mother's unreasonable behavior.
Janusz Korczak

Trust in yourself. There are two strong anchors in life - work and children. All other adversities can be tolerated.
Nikolay Mikhailovich Amosov

Children are natural flowers of the earth ...
Maksim Gorky

Children are tomorrow's judges of ours, they are critics of our views, deeds, these are people who go into the world for the great work of building new forms of life.
Maksim Gorky

Love for a child, like any great love, becomes creativity and can give the child lasting, true happiness when it enhances the scope of the lover's life, makes him a full-fledged person, and does not turn the beloved creature into an idol.
Felix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky

All the children of the world cry in the same language.
Leonid Maksimovich Leonov

Children teach adults not to immerse themselves in business to the end and to remain free.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

The "natural" love of parents for children must inevitably return from children to parents as a grief, unless the love for children contains a lofty guiding ideal.
Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin

All the charm of children for us, their special, human charm is inextricably linked with the hope that they will not be what we are, they will be better than us.
Vladimir Sergeevich Soloviev

Be truthful even in relation to the child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Children love everyone, especially those who love and caress them.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

Children are more moral, much more discerning than adults, and they, often not showing or even realizing it, see not only the shortcomings of their parents, but also the worst of all shortcomings, the hypocrisy of the parents, and lose respect for them.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

If I was given a choice: to populate the earth with such saints as I can imagine, but that there are no children, or such people as now, but with children, I would choose the latter.
Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy

There is no more terrible retribution for follies and delusions than to see how your own children suffer because of them.
William Graham Sumner

Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

If people say bad things about your children, it means they are saying bad things about you.
Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky

Life is short, but man lives it again in his children.
Anatol France

Children often start stealing when they feel deprived of something very important to their life.
Alfred Adler

If we asked ourselves who are the strongest people in our culture, it would be logical to answer - babies. Babies rule without being subject to control.
Alfred Adler

Life for a child is one huge experiment.
Alfred Adler

Every spoiled child has a share of the rejected.
Alfred Adler

Every child runs the risk of developing in the wrong direction.
Alfred Adler

We do not pretend that we can turn any child into a so-called "talented person", but we can always make him a "talentless" adult.
Alfred Adler

No child likes to be the smallest and least capable all the time.
Alfred Adler

No one has ever managed to grow up without making mistakes.
Alfred Adler

It is almost a crime to make fun of children.
Alfred Adler

A child has to learn a lot before he can pretend.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

The child learns to believe many things.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

A child learns by believing in an adult. Doubt comes after faith.
Ludwig Wittgenstein

Those who are tormented by orders the most are children. It's amazing how they don't break at all under the yoke of orders and manage to survive the zeal of their educators.
Elias Canetti

We must strive to ensure that only desired children are born, since it is cruel to give life to an unwanted child who can become a victim of physical or mental abuse.
Karl Raimund Popper

The child begins to speak long before he utters the first word.
Oswald Spengler

It is very easy to tell your child not to lie.
Ernst Simon Bloch

The child in no way wants to be recognized in disguise.
Hans Georg Gadamer

Every word of an adult appears mysteriously meaningful to a child.
Lev Shestov

If a child considers parents to be magicians, it is partly because they themselves convinced him of this.
Eric Berne

Among the lower peoples, naturalization is the simplest operation. The child continues not with old age or the mature age of his parents, but their own childhood.
Emile Durkheim

If children, fortunately, can forget about the world of adults for a while, they will still be given, in the end, to this world.
Georges Bataille

The mistake of children is that they stick to the truths of adults.
Georges Bataille

For a child, all the good that he receives from his mother is self-evident.
Jacques Lacan

Children should not know how dear they are to those who bring them up.
Robert Walser

Only a real child's heart attacks fresh thoughts, beaten and reviled - never.
Robert Walser

Children admit that each of their thoughts is the thought of all others, that everyone can read and understand it, even if it is not expressed quite clearly.
Jean Piaget

Children's definitions are always interesting, but their interpretation is difficult.
Jean Piaget

Exploring spontaneous children's questions is the best introduction to a child's logic.
Jean Piaget

The child's thought is egocentric, that is, the child thinks for himself, not caring about being understood by others, or about taking the point of view of another.
Jean Piaget

The child does not know the necessity - neither physical nor logical.
Jean Piaget

It often happens that if you are late to give an answer to a child, then he does not wait for him and answers himself.
Jean Piaget

There are no children, there are people.
Janusz Korczak

Most of us become parents before we have ceased to be children.
Minion McLaughlin

Our children should choose husbands and wives for us.
Valery Afonchenko

Deciding to have a child is not a joke. It means deciding to have your heart now and forever walk outside your body.
Elizabeth Stone

Children immediately and at ease master with happiness, for they themselves are by their very nature joy and happiness.
Victor Hugo

Gifted children are the property of the nation. It is hard to disagree with this statement. Indeed, children are our future. You can agree or disagree with other statements by reading short quotes about children with meaning. This collection presents the wise and beautiful phrases of great people, their views on the topic of childhood. These are the reflections of famous people of both the past and the present. Quotes and aphorisms come across both serious, philosophical and witty. But each of these statements gives reason to think.

Life for a child is one huge experiment.
Alfred Adler

Every child is partly a genius, and every genius is partly a child.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Every person is always someone's child.
Pierre Augustin Beaumarchais

When a child grows up, he ceases to understand a lot.
Alexander Kulich

Whoever was not a child will never become an adult.
Charlie Chaplin

Without children, it would be impossible to love humanity so much.
Fedor Dostoevsky

Take care of your children's tears so that they can shed them on your grave.

Unlike talent, stupidity does not rest on children.
Valentin Domil

Mutual love is held together by children.

All the children of the world cry in the same language.
Leonid Leonov

What is childhood, if you look at it? Formally - the period when a little man tries to learn to understand the world around him, tries to learn the rules of the surrounding society. That is, this is the time of knowledge and discovery. The most interesting stage in a person's life. Quotes about children prove this.

Look at my children. My former freshness is alive in them. They are the justification for my old age.
William Shakespeare

Children cannot be scared away by harshness, they cannot stand only lies.
Lev Tolstoy

First, a person develops mentally and physically, then sexually. And with the birth of children, the mental period begins again.
Vladimir Borisov

Children are fruits that do not see the roots.
Gennady Malkin

Children are always ready for a miracle.
Olga Muravyova

Children listen most attentively when they are not talking to them.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Children amuse themselves with this or that activity even when they are not doing anything.

Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity.
Vasily Sukhomlinsky

Children are innocent - and therefore conscience sleeps in them; they do not know what it is - remorse.
Valentin Grudeev

Children who are not loved become adults who cannot love.
Pearl Buck

There are so many quotes and reflections about childhood, it seems that nothing new can be invented. But, perhaps, among the phrases presented, you will find something new for yourself.

If children grew up according to our expectations, we would only grow up to be geniuses.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

If the child does not feel that your house belongs to him, too, he will make the street his home.
Nadine de Rothschild

Life is short, but man lives it again in his children.
Anatole France

A woman understands children better than a man, but a man is more of a child than a woman.
Friedrich Nietzsche

If you have children, you have nothing else.
Kathleen Norris

Love is not necessarily children, but children are necessarily love.
Valery Afonchenko

Do not take a person's time talking about how smart your children are, because he wants to tell you about how smart his children are.
Edgar Watson Howie

It is joyful when your children are a step forward compared to you, bitter when a step is back.
Ilya Shevelev

The most observant people are children. Then - the artists.
Vasily Shukshin

Children are the living flowers of the earth, Maxim Gorky once said. It was from this phrase that the famous quote arose: Children are the flowers of life. And in order for the flowers to grow well, you need an appropriate environment and atmosphere, that is, a family. We invite you to read

* The world is not only built in the nursery, but also destroyed from it; here not only the paths of salvation are laid, but also the paths of destruction. I. A. Ilyin.

* Recent comparative studies show that the nature and degree of autonomy that parents can develop in their baby depends on their self-esteem and personal independence. For a child, our individual actions are not so important, he is primarily concerned about our position in life: whether we live as loving, helping each other and firm in their convictions, or something makes us angry, anxious, internally divided. Eric Erickson.

* A child needs your love most just when he least deserves it. Erma Bombek.

* When the child has grown up, it is time for parents to learn to stand on their own two feet. Francis Hope.

* The one whom the child does not love has no right to punish the child. John Locke.

* A stubborn child is the result of the mother's unreasonable behavior. Janusz Korczak.

* The child is the mirror of the family; as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of mother and father is reflected in children. Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky.

* A child who suffers less abuse grows up to be more aware of his own dignity. Friedrich Engels.

* A child under the pressure of fear is hypocritical, and his protest grows from bitterness to anger. At the same time, his self-esteem is lost forever. Luule Viilma.

* You say: children tire me. You're right. You explain: you need to stoop to their concepts. Go down, bend over, bend over, shrink. You are wrong. We do not get tired of that, but of the fact that it is necessary to rise to their feelings. Get up, stand on tiptoe, stretch. In order not to offend. Janusz Korczak.

* Children who are not loved become adults who cannot love. Pearl Buck.

* Love for children is a specific activity to strengthen the personal principle in each child, develop his abilities for self-determination and self-realization, independently develop a system of life values \u200b\u200band relationships. Pedagogical Dictionary of G. M. and A. Yu. Kodzhaspirov.

* A child becomes happy as soon as he feels sincere and disinterested love for himself. Sh. A. Amonashvili.

* Using early childhood memories is the key to understanding a person's lifestyle. Early recollections often show the same tendencies that are observed in the personality model of the individual twenty years later. By understanding early memories, the consultant will gain valuable material ... if he is accurate and careful enough in deciphering it. R. May.

* It is not for nothing that they say that healthy children are born to parents who were happy in bed - and one cannot but agree with this. Clinical experience has repeatedly confirmed this truth, only from its reverse side, since there was invariably a connection between childhood neuroses and sexual inadequacy and parental conflicts. In general, we can safely say the following: a mother who receives satisfaction in her sex life is able to easily satisfy the needs of her child, because she has a sufficient supply of love for this. Alexander Lowen.

* Children multiply our everyday worries and worries, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us. Francis Bacon.

* The best gift we can give a child is not so much to love him as to teach him to love himself. Jacques Salomé.

* At the very beginning of our life, each of us is like a flower bud - just as closed. Only after the bud receives heat from the sun's rays and nourishment from the soil will it open and all the beauty of the flower hidden in it will become visible. In the same way, from the very beginning of life, a human person needs the warmth of human love and nourishment, that is, parental care, in order to open up and discover all the unique beauty that God has put into every person. We are all the works of those who love us or deny us love. John Powell.

* Childhood is a foreign country: speaking the same language, parents and children often do not understand each other at all. Bel Kaufman.

* Parents bring up, and children are brought up by that family life, which develops intentionally or unintentionally. The life of a family is strong because its impressions are constant, everyday, that it acts imperceptibly, strengthens or poisons the human spirit, like the air that we live by. A. Ostrogorsky.

Children are the flowers of life. They decorate our life and fill it with meaning. On the eve of Children's Day, we offer you a selection of wonderful quotes and sayings about children. Funny children's sayings and aphorisms about babies will cheer you up, and quotes from great writers and teachers will teach you the basics of upbringing.

Having a baby is an opportunity to immerse yourself in childhood again. Just think, after the appearance of the baby, you will take the first steps and pronounce the first words together, you will go to first grade again for the first time, you will return to the prom again. Being a parent, isn't it wonderful ?!

There are many methods of raising a child, but the main one is to give all your love to children and surround them with attention. You need to try to spend every free minute with your child. Remember that it is not your salary that makes your children happy, but your concern!


Children are flowers of life that are born with their heads down. (Antoine de Saint Exupery)

For flowers to be beautiful and well-groomed, they must always be taken care of)

When Saint Exupery was asked: "Is it worth pampering children?", He replied: "Be sure to indulge, it is not known what trials life has prepared for them."

No one in life will pamper more like their parents.

Children need a role model more than criticism. ( J. Joubert)

Instead of criticizing children, show them how to do it by example. After a while, they will involuntarily repeat after you.

Children never obeyed adults, but they regularly imitated them. ( D. Baldwin)

Children copy their parents in everything.

All the children of the world cry in the same language. ( L. Leonov)

Although they show delight in different languages, it is still understandable for everyone.

If people say bad things about your children, it means they are saying bad things about you. ( V. Sukhomlinsky)

Children are a direct reflection of their parents.

Children are the eyes of the fearful peephole,
The knock of playful legs on the parquet floor,
Children are the sun in cloudy motives,
A whole world of hypotheses of the joyful sciences.
The everlasting mess in the gold of the rings
Affectionate words whispering half asleep,
Peaceful pictures of birds and sheep
That in a cozy nursery they doze on the wall.
Children are evening, evening on the couch
Through the window, in the fog, the glitter of lanterns,
The measured voice of the tale of Tsar Saltan,
About mermaids-sisters of the fabulous seas.
Children are rest, a short moment of rest,
A quivering vow to God by the bed,
Children are the world's tender riddles,
And the answer lies in the riddles themselves! (M. Tsvetaeva)

Children are the greatest miracle that nature has created.

If you know how to diagnose the child's joy, the intensity of his joy, then you should have noticed that the greatest joy is the happiness of overcoming difficulties, achieving a goal, an open secret, the joy of victory and the happiness of independence, mastery, possession. (Janusz Korczak)

Overcoming obstacles and reaching the goal, everyone rejoices, even children.

Children have no past or future, but unlike us adults, they know how to use the present. (La Bruyere)

Adults need to learn from children not to think about the past and the future, but to live in the present.

Be truthful even in relation to the child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie. (L. Tolstoy)

Truth must be taught from childhood.


Children are one third of the population of our country and our entire future.

The future depends on how you raise your children.

Even the most dull room is decorated with children ... Beautifully placed in the corners ...

And even more, sleeping children decorate it ...

I want happiness ... a little such happiness, with tiny arms and legs, and with your eyes.

But they rightly say that happiness cannot be given birth, it can be bought.

Happiness is soft warm palms, candy wrappers behind the sofa, crumbs on the sofa ... What is happiness? It's easier not to answer! Everyone who has children has happiness!

Everyone who has a baby is automatically happy.

Children owe nothing to anyone.

But parents owe their children. And a lot.

Children are happiness that grows over the years.

The more children there are in the family, the more happiness there is.

The birth of a child takes a lot of energy, health, and time from a woman. But in return it gives a lot of happiness, love, tenderness.

Having a baby makes a woman happy.

God has a favorite place -
This is a little baby heart.
He enters there slowly
In the first moment of the baby's birth.

Children don't come out of nowhere, they come from God.

About children and parenting with meaning

Undressing a sleeping baby is like defusing a bomb. One sudden movement - minus 3 hours of sleep.

Even the most rude and sloppy person will treat a child very gently and slowly.)

Parents do not understand how much harm they do to their children when, using their parental authority, they want to impose their beliefs and outlook on life.

Children should be given the right to choose, not impose their beliefs.

Do not beat the child, so that later you will not recoup your beloved grandchildren.

To beat is to show your weakness.

True parenting is less about rules than exercise.

Practice has always been more important than theory.

A parent who tries to change his child without starting with himself is not just wasting time, but taking very cruel risks. (V. Levy)

To change someone, and even more so a child, you always need to start with yourself.

Children immediately and at ease master with happiness, for they themselves are by their very nature joy and happiness. (V.M. Hugo)

Happiness and joy are childhood best friends.

Children should live in the world of beauty, games, fairy tales, music, drawing, fantasy, creativity. (V. A. Sukhomlinsky)

A child who is brought up in love, care and a creative environment will surely grow up to be kind and talented.

By raising children, today's parents are raising the future history of our country, and hence the history of the world.

Raising a child is an investment in the future.

The best way to make children good is to make them happy.

To give a happy childhood is the most valuable thing that parents can do for their child.

Usually in kindergarten, children learn bad words. I feel ours will go prepared ...

This means that someone at home needs to think first, and then speak.

About parents

You relive everything with your child - you take the first steps, you learn to speak the first words ...

To give birth to a child means to return to childhood again.

Why does a child need 2 parents? - And then, that while mom is freaking out, dad is normal, and when dad was already covered with children's quirks, mom was already released.

Children also need grandmothers to have a rest with them from their parents.

Earlier, when I heard the hysterical crying of a child from the neighbors, I thought they were cutting him there, but now I realized that it was just something: “a toy fell,” “I want to eat,” “they put on a hat,” “kicked out of the toilet without being allowed to clean it. walls with a brush ", or" don't give my mother's phone. "

It turns out that the neighbors did not mock the child, but only cared about his safety ...)

I don't know anything prettier
Worthy mother happy
With a small child in her arms. ( T. G. Shevchenko)

Mom is the happiest woman in the world.

Parents, encouraging the whims of children and pampering them when they are small, spoil their natural inclinations, and then they are surprised that the water, the source of which they themselves poisoned, has a bitter taste.

To be less disappointed in life, children should know the prohibitions from childhood.

It is much easier to become a father than to remain one.

Having a child is one thing, but raising him is another.

Remember that your children will treat you the same way you treat your parents.

Parents need to be treated the way you would like your children to treat you.

With the birth of a child, adults also get a new life!

And the second childhood ...)

For some reason, many women think that giving birth to a child and becoming a mother are the same thing. You might as well say that it is the same thing to have a piano and to be a pianist. (S. Harris)

Alas, not everyone who has children can be called real parents.

Statements of children

Children in the kindergarten. - "The stork brought me." - "And they downloaded me from the Internet." - "And our family is not rich. Dad does everything himself. "

It turns out that a normal family is a poor family ...))

A child from childhood worries about the future ...)

In the morning we are going to the garden, woke up my son, and he says:
- Thank you, Mommy, for waking me up!

Pearls for children - sheer tenderness.

Grandma complains of abdominal pain. Tanya tells her: "Grandma, take some animal pills!"

The child will not advise bad.

The son was 6 years old. Looks attentively at the teacher's manicure.
- Olga Alexandrovna, you have such long nails ...
- Yes. Like?
- Like. Probably good tree climbing.

It is immediately evident - a practical child ...)

Are you happy parents, are you waiting for a miracle, or are you just dreaming of children? A selection of beautiful quotes and aphorisms about children will not leave anyone indifferent. Share your statements about children with your friends, let them help you immerse yourself in childhood again.


Quite recently, we ourselves were children, and some lucky man, even having matured, is in no hurry to say goodbye to this carefree state of mind.

We hope interesting, philosophical, and sometimes unexpected quotes about children from famous classics will help you to plunge into the wonderful world of childhood at least for a while.

Happiness is soft, warm palms,
Behind the sofa candy wrappers, on the sofa crumbs,
What is happiness - it's easier not to answer
Everyone who has children has happiness!

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Quotes about children - indisputable truths

The best way to make a child good is to make him happy.

Oscar Wilde

Childhood is when everything is amazing and nothing is surprising.

A. Rivarol

Every child is to some extent a genius and every genius is to some extent a child.

A. Schopenhauer

Be truthful even in relation to the child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.

L. Tolstoy

Funny quotes about children

Children are flowers of life that are born with their heads down.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

The only thing worth stealing is a kiss from a sleeping child.

Joe Holdsworth

It is easier to raise a strong child than to change a man.

Frederick Douglas

We were not lucky with our children - they grew up.

Christopher Morley

With young children, as with intellectuals: when they make a noise, they get on our nerves, when they sit quietly - this is suspicious.

  • READ:

Sad quotes about children

Take care of your children's tears so that they can shed them on your grave.

Be sure to pamper children, it is not known what tests life has prepared for them.

Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Never force children to buy truth at the cost of vice, and never improve their minds at the expense of their hearts.

J. Bernardin

All the children of the world cry in the same language.

L. Leonov

If people say bad things about your children, it means they are saying bad things about you.

V. Sukhomlinsky

Wise quotes about children

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More often than not, we are more happy with children's pranks, games and tricks of our children than with their completely conscious actions in adulthood, as if we loved them for our entertainment, like monkeys, and not like people.

M. Montaigne

Children must — while they are children — be guided by parental authority, but at the same time must be prepared not to always remain children.

K. Wieland

Children need a role model more than criticism.

Your child needs your love the most when he least deserves it.

E. Bombek

Children are holy and pure. You cannot make them a plaything of your mood.

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Philosophical quotes about children