Quotes for motivation. Quotes for statuses. The best status for motivation to success Motivation statuses so as not to eat

We all lack motivation in order to achieve more. Always need someone who would remind you that you need to constantly move forward ... Now it will help to make skillfully selected statuses for motivation to success.

When unbearably difficult

  1. A good team contributes to a good result, but does not guarantee it.
  2. Do not know how to become successful? Go from the opposite: come up with how to become unsuccessful and never do that.
  3. To find the power you need a little, but a lot: just to fully understand yourself.
  4. We all told us that a lesson should be removed from the lesions. Then what is the defeat?
  5. Impulsiveness is good. But without patience, she is nothing.
  6. Try what is not working - madness. But then then you are not doomed ...
  7. If you have no attempt, you will not have ways. What to talk about the results.
  8. Acquire confidence - the work of the insecure themselves.
  9. If your fantasy has not made you a condition, it still can help imagine that life is not so bad ...

Get the goal

You can develop only when you can compare yourself with you in the past. Search for the right words is needed in the status of motivation for success.

  1. Do not be afraid to dream, be afraid to notice.
  2. Medle as little as possible before acting, but it is still worth thinking.
  3. Can't find a way out of this situation? Then think about it, why are you looking for this yield ...
  4. With each new dawn, do what you are afraid. Let even the smallest!
  5. Motivate can be used to apply knowledge or to get them. But the motivation for motivation is absurd.
  6. Turn off the instagram, stop watching those who envy, and think about what you need.
  7. The story with the possibilities and restrictions is the same as with the goals and obstacles. Only in other words.
  8. You do not find that the phrase "internal motivation" is absurd by itself. Can she be external?
  9. If you can't find what you want, try to send much away what you do not want. It takes place.

Amazing accomplishments

It is always pleasant to achieve more than planned. This is a real source of faith in itself. You can get an appropriate attitude with the help of a motivating status for success.

  1. Be brave: it is always in fashion.
  2. Weak say that there is no sense from motivation. And only strong silent, because they know how to use it correctly.
  3. Life goals should not be much.
  4. Do not learn temptation. Better make it on your own.
  5. Before it should be achieved for achieving some result, you must clear it yourself.
  6. Successful people are not fearless. They are also afraid, doubt and cry at night.
  7. It is doubly commendable to develop where everything is degraded.
  8. Success has no formula, there are no special courses. Success is too individual ...
  9. Moving even the smallest chains, after some time you will understand that it was not for nothing that began.

Move daily forward

It is difficult to find a person who never suffered defeats. More precisely, there is absolutely no sense to seek such a person. But in order for lesions in your life as small as possible, listen to the essence of the status about motivation and the goal.

  1. The barriers do not exist if a person is not an obstacle himself.
  2. Embarge, but every time differently.
  3. It is not so bad for tomorrow - it's not bad, but one day the chances of doing it will end.
  4. Happy one who towers over himself, but never forgets who he is and from.
  5. Think about it now, by whom you will be 10 years old.
  6. Scatter by time - as thoughtlessly, as they scatter with money.
  7. Laziness can afford only one who lives forever. That is, no one.
  8. Many are thinking about changing the image, but only the chosen reach the change of perception.
  9. "Easy talent in the ground" is terrible. But many live boring lives, and without realizing that they were their talent.
  10. Routine affairs bring peace and confidence in tomorrow, but in no way exciting sensations.
  11. Not all people can be content with small, but each of them would like to be content with many.

Motivation in business

Work "on Uncle" is often boring, dull and very unprofitable. In order to inspire yourself to occupy what you love, read the statuses of motivation to success in business.

  1. If you live the lives that you do not want, have the courage not to blame those surrounding.
  2. Even the most painful failures are justified if you committed them on the way to your dream.
  3. The poor man is the one that had the same chance as rich, but refused them.
  4. Think: we often be afraid to start because of someone's unreasonable opinion.
  5. Behind the laziness you can punish the child. But be sure: he will grow up and will not punish himself for it.
  6. Urgentness is not always the reverse side of the purposefulness.
  7. Do not be afraid to fall. And if you are very afraid - then create a less large-scale goal.
  8. If you have a head on your shoulders, you need to learn to use it.
  9. Often the dreams do not mean anything. In such cases, they are not associated faith.

The status of motivation in life and the goal in it, of course, will not solve your problems. But they will definitely think about how to adjust your life path.


Hug her - you look at me. Kiss her - you look at me. I do not understand - I inspire you?!

Nature souflers inspiration.

Creativity without inspiration is like a wallet without money.

Inspiration of today is a shame of tomorrow.

The state of inspiration is a spiritual approach from the depths of the soul.

Spirit breathed, here and inspiration.

Nothing quenches the thirst for creativity as sources of inspiration.

A talented person, even a fool breathe inspired.

Favorite inspired, loving - feed.

Inspiration is such a guest that does not like to visit the lazy.

Time is sand. Life is water. Words are the wind ... Careful with these components so that the dirt does not work!

Any gusts are beautiful if they are not associated with the sewer pipe.

Inspiration comes only during operation.

My gift is dried, in the brain, lead, and the tube dated. The stomach is empty. Oh my creator! How the inspiration is fragile!

He screamed inspiration from the bottom of his soul.

I went to inspiration and found it in a person living for the sake of dreams.

Inspiration is caused by sea view, love women.

Never prove anything to anyone. This is your personal life, and not the geometry theorem!

Azart - Surrogate inspiration.

Inspiration is a synonym for no stand-fast desire.

Do not sell inspiration, but you can sell the manuscript.

How fate ends no one knows ... Live freely and not be afraid of change. When the Lord takes something takes, do not miss what he gives instead ...

Inspiration is born by touching the case towards the passion of the poet.

Inspiration will always sing; Inspiration will never explain.

Smile, everything will be hurt!

If people change their appearance, then and change their lives ...

Creative crisis is when you draw inspiration with breathe.

The poet was killed by inspiration.

By jumping out the annoying past ... And, I live happier than yesterday ... it is impossible to be good for everyone ... you need to be happy for yourself !!!

I always knew that I was your inspiration!

To inspire someone, you should first learn to inspire yourself.

Inspiration is a desire to be.

Inspiration sometimes comes from unexpected sources ...

All problems in our lives - smile and Masha ...

Life sometimes, like without oil porridge ... And it happens like soup with noodles ... Your life is your dish. So cook it with a soul.

Alas, inspiration is not only inhale, but also exhale.

The poet often visited inspiration, other visitors to the ward did not let.

Love for yourself - inspires.

If suddenly it became sad, then think about octopus. He has a feet from the ears, and hands from the ass, and the pops with the ears, and the head in Pope ... And nothing, does not complain)

Azart - Father of the villices, the son of risk and brother of inspiration.

You do not go tears, stupid, put on a smile, enjoy life ...

Inspiration like wind. You do not see, but you feel.

Inspiration without an idea like a castrath in love.

Do not wait for inspiration, go behind him with a battle.

Do whatever you want. Do what you think right. You will still condemn you until the end of life.

Talent, I need an incentive and inspiration. If there is no one, no other, doping will not help.

Inspiration has no schedule.

Inspiration is comparable to the lightning strike, and the search for the muse is with a protracted rain.

Inspiration is needed disease, injury, madness.

The magnet power is transmitted from iron to the gland just as the inspiration of the muse is transmitted through the poet the reader and the listener.

Only the fiddling endowed inspiration.

Smile-lit by all smiles! Obshabi - more fun to live with mistakes, do not be afraid, in life anything happens, do not give up everything does not immediately work.

Inspiration is the forerunner of insight.

Do not hold one who leaves you. Otherwise, the one who goes to you will not come!

In each person a magic inspiration burst can awaken.

Inspiration is a thin thread, and so thin that it is not told there, where it is fine, and where it fell.

Inspiration - as the first love.

Inspiring men on anything woman is absolutely optional to know the technical details of the project.

I will look for inspiration in tea.

Be optimistic: coming on a rake, enjoy the sparkling fireworks ...

Take care of women - inspirers of all our victories and defeats!

Inspiration is needed in geometry, as in poetry.

Too many people break, not even suspecting how close to success they were at the moment when they fell in spirit.

One Jesus Christ founded his empire with love .. .. he is more than a person.

Inspiration attends those who create with the knowledge of the case and with love.

Any efforts will be in vain if you do not have inspiration.

Inspiration is not a solemna that can be salted for many years.

Inspiration is not free, but a reward.

I'm not close to whom you can reach your hand, but the one who the soul stretches to ...

Give it better inspiration than sipop sympathy.

Even after 100 unsuccessful attempts should not be desirable, because 101 can change life.

It is desirable that water is not muddy in inspiration.

Sometimes you want to not want to want to do not want, I want it, I want it! ..

I do not believe the words - everyone knows how everyone knows how, I believe the actions - to say the actions of the units!

Love inspires on great things. And she prevents them from making them.

The generous heart is the best inspiration of the mind.

Inspiration is when in the ass seed, and in the brains a fire.

Inspiration is a strict working condition of a person.

Only thanks to the light we see beauty !!!

The time spent in search of inspiration is the prelude masterpiece.

If your opponents switched to personal insults, be sure - you won!

When there is no inspiration in life, the stamps of chilly creations.

I do not know what will happen tomorrow, my business is happy today!

Statuses about inspiration, inspirational statuses

Each person has a goal in life, and motivating statuses give the very impetus to achieve it, which many sometimes just do not have enough. They allow you to pick up not only yourself, but also around. It is not necessary to look for inspiration on the conquest of some transcendental heights, because it is not for nothing that there are motivating statuses for work, giving understanding how much work is important in our daily life, and the road to success is not only from large breakthroughs, but also from small steps.

Never, under no circumstances should hands out. Any difficulties are not punishment for the past, but the test for the future.

Want, it means you can. And it does not work means you do not want.

You should not wait when you help you, you need to act.

Remove the stone from the soul - and nothing will prevent you from flying!

Who is going to reach the goal, it provides for all the difficulties that can stand in him.

Make today as much as you can - tomorrow you can be even more.

Be always confident that you do and spit on someone else's opinion. It is not ashamed to be wrong for others, it is stupid to be unhappy for yourself!

If you want to succeed - keep believing in yourself even when no one believes in you.

The nature of the character is not in the ability to punch the walls, but in the ability to find the doors.

Everyone wants a beautiful rose, a beautiful night, a good friend. It is important to be able to love a rose along with her spikes, night with her mysteriousness, a friend with all his problems.

Door in the soul, like the door to the house, you need to keep closed. A cold wind blows into the open door, makes any dirt and climb people with unkind intentions. And the one who really wants to log in is politely.

- Difficult you ...
- No, I'm not complicated, I am very simple. I just understand me. But it is difficult to understand, yes.

The one who wants does more than the one who can.

Thought - material, and the most incredible desires - are executable.

We ourselves invent the problems, barriers, complexes and frames. Free yourself - inhale life and understand that you can all.

What we misunderstood for the first time happens to us again. A little differently. If we still do not understand, the event returns until we assimilate the lesson finally.

Do not take a negative to heart. While you do not accept it, it belongs to the one who brought it.

Will's power is when the brain tells you everything, and you say no, not everything.

Slabe Skazyt: "Not fate", strong work: "I will still be a paz", and the silent will work: "I will like to drink a da tex nine, then all do it is so, as I do not want."

Better I am mistaken by choosing my way than going through the way imposed by someone.

Good day, dear readers of my blog! In order for the achievements in your life and you have implemented your plans and goals, I propose for inspiration and confidence to consider motivating quotes for success. They are about great people who have achieved recognition and even changed history. They opened our secrets of success, in the form of aphorisms about business, creativity and the path of their formation as a whole.

Top 50 best quotes

  1. I want it. So it will be. Henry Ford.
  2. Believe that you can, and half the path has already been passed. Theodore Roosevelt
  3. The most effective way to do something is to do it. Amelia Erhart.
  4. When it seems that the whole world is configured against you, remember that the plane takes off against the wind.
  5. You are not obliged to be great to start, but must begin to become great.
  6. If you try, you have two options: it will be possible or will not work. And if you do not try, that is, only one option.
  7. Success is the ability to move from failure to failure, without losing enthusiasm. Winston Churchill.
  8. There are two kinds of people who will tell you that you cannot achieve something: those who are afraid to try, and those who are afraid that you will succeed. Rey Morfoot
  9. Not only one who does nothing! Do not be afraid to make a mistake - be afraid to repeat the mistakes! Theodore Roosevelt.
  10. Do not problems should push you in the back, but forward dreams. Douglas Eversett
  11. If you stop whenever you insult or spit in you, then you will never come to the place where you need to get. Tibor Fisher
  12. Opportunities do not really appear just like that. You create them yourself. Chris Grossert
  13. Many people lose force because they think they do not have it. Alice Walker
  14. Fall and not dangerous, and not shameful, staying - both.
  15. The difference between those who reached something, and those who have not achieved nothing, determines who started earlier. Charles Schwab.
  16. The starting point of any success is a desire. Napoleon Hill
  17. I did not tolerate defeats. I just found 10,000 ways that do not work. Thomas Edison
  18. Even if you are very talented and make great efforts, for some results it is simply required. Time is required: you will not get a child in a month, even if you make the pregnant nine women. Warren Buffette
  19. It does not survive not the strongest look, and not the smartest, but one that best adapts to changes. Charles Darwin
  20. Leaders are not born and are not made anyone - they make themselves.
  21. Millions of people saw apples fall, but only Newton asked why.
  22. The most important thing is to do at least something to achieve success, and do it right now. This is the most important secret - despite all his simplicity. Everyone has stunning ideas, but rarely who makes at least something to bring them in practice, and right now. Not tomorrow. Not a week. Now.
  23. The only way to identify the boundaries of the possible is to go beyond these boundaries.
  24. You should not compare ourselves with others, and if nature has created you a bat, you should not try to become an ostrich. Herman Gosse
  25. All progress occurs outside the comfort zone. Michael John Bobak
  26. If you think that too small to be effective, you never fell asleep with a mosquito in the room. Betty Reese
  27. I'm not trying to dance better than anyone else. I'm trying to dance only better yourself. Mikhail Baryshnikov
  28. You will never be able to solve the problem that has arisen if you save the same thinking and the same approach that brought you to this problem. Albert Einstein
  29. The entrepreneur should not consider the failure of negative experience: it's just a plot on the training curve. Richard Branson
  30. Your well-being depends on your own solutions. John Rocfell
  31. I am convinced: half of the fact that it separates successful entrepreneurs from losers is perseverance. Steve Jobs
  32. To succeed, you need to separate yourself from 98% of the world's population. Donald Trump
  33. Knowledge is not enough, you should apply them. The desire is not enough, you have to do. Bruce Lee
  34. Success is most associated with action. Successful people continue to try. They make mistakes, but they do not stop. Condar Hilton
  35. Always choose a difficult challenge - you will not meet competitors on it. Charles de Gaulle
  36. Most people are much stronger than they think they just forget sometimes to believe it.
  37. If a person does not attempt to do more than he can, he will never be able to do everything that he is capable of.
  38. Our greatest glory is not that we never tolerated defeat, but in the fact that we always rose after the fall. Ralph Emerson
  39. Air full of ideas. They constantly knock on you. You just need to know what you want, forget it and do your business. The idea comes suddenly. So it was always. Henry Ford
  40. Successful people do what unsuccessful do not want to do. Do not strive to be easier, strive to be better. Jim Ron.
  41. The ship is safer in the port, but it has not been built for this. Grace Hopper
  42. It takes 20 years to create a reputation, and 5 minutes to destroy it. You will refer to matters differently if you think about it. Warren Buffette
  43. If during the working week you are just doing what you count how many hours and minutes left until the beginning of the weekend, you never become a billionaire. Donald Trump
  44. If you want to increase the level of your success, double the number of your failures. Thomas Watson
  45. For my career, I missed more than 9,000 shots, lost almost 300 games. 26 times I trusted to make a final victorious throw, and I missed. I suffered defeat again, and again, and again. And that is why I achieved success. Michael Jordan
  46. Take the idea. Make her life - Think about her, dream of her, live it. Let your mind, muscles, nerves, each part of the body will be filled with this one idea. Here he is the path to success. Swami Vivekananda
  47. In twenty years you will regret what they did not than what you did. Therefore, throw away doubts. Floating away from the safe harbor. Catch the passing wind with your sails. Explore. Dream. Open. Mark Twain
  48. In your subconsciousness is hidden power capable of turning the world. William James.
  49. The most important things in the world were committed by people who continued attempts, even when there was no hope. Dale Cornegi
  50. The one who has not come across difficulties does not know the strength. One who did not know disasters do not need courage. Mysteriously, however, that the best features of the character in man, just germinate in the soil, filled with difficulties. Harry Fosdik

Today, all, dear readers! I wish you to inspire and achieve the same heights that the famous corporations reached, which I talked about in the article

From Walt Disney and Napoleon to Steve Jobs and the master of iodine: the statements of the Great, who will serve as a source of inspiration.

1. Pochka

"If you are not ready to risk usually, you will have to be content with the ordinary," - Jim Ron.

2. Inspiring

"Do not ask what the world needs," ask yourself that fills you with life. The world needs people filled with life, "Howard Truman.

3. Endurance

"I do not wear you down, but the way you carry it," Lou Holz.

4. Opportunity

"Opportunities do not come themselves - you create them," Chris Groser.

5. Impossible

"Nothing is impossible. The Word itself says: "I am possible!" (Impossible - I "M Possible)", - Audrey Hepburn.

6. Beginning

"The best way to take something is to stop talking and start doing." - Walt Disney

7. Dreams

"Trusting your dreams and goals with paper, you begin to turn into a person who would most like to be. Let your future be in safe hands - your own, "Mark Viktor Hansen.

8. Enthusiasm

"Success is the ability to tolerate defeat without loss of enthusiasm," Winston Churchill.

9. Action

"Want to know who you are? Do not ask. Act! The action will describe and define you, "Thomas Jefferson.

10. RISK

"I'm not afraid to die, but I'm afraid not to try," - Jay Z.

11. Good deeds

"People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget what feelings you have called", - Maya Angela.

12. Movement

"Do not let the day yesterday take too much from the day today," Will Rogers.

13. A look in the future

"The entrepreneur is a person who implements his visions into life ... He can imagine something and immediately understand what to do to happen to happen," Robert L. Schwartz.

14. Victims for Success

"Whenever you see a successful person, you notice only the glory surrounding it, but not what he donated for this," Vaibhav Shah.

15. Good company

"Avoid those who try to undermine your faith in yourself. This feature is characteristic of small people. The Great Man, on the contrary, inspires you feeling that you can become great, "Mark Twain.

16. Direct

"There is nothing absolutely erroneous in the world. Even broken hours twice a day show the exact time, "Paulo Coelho.

17. Striving

"Jump - and the network will appear," John Burrow.

18. Set

"If you think that you are able to perform something, or think that you are not capable of it, you are right in both cases," Henry Ford.

19. Persistence

"It is not important that you shot down from your feet, - IMPORTANT, whether you have risen again," Vince Lombardi.

20. Passion

"Passion is the key to motivation, but only determination and readiness for a ruthless pursuit for its purpose will allow you to achieve success to which you are striving," Mario Andrietti.

21. True success

"Strive to be not the most successful, and the most valuable." - Albert Einstein

22. Self-satisfaction

"To win, you must believe that you are worthy," Mike Dike.

23. Motivation

"Motivation, of course, cannot be supported constantly. But this is how to take a bath: you need to do it on a regular basis, "Zig Zigar.

24. Genuine wealth

"If you look at what life awarded you, you will always have enough. If you concentrate on what was not like you, you will always be lacking for something. "- Opra Winfrey.

25. Standing work

"If you work on what is really important for you, you do not have to customize. Your dream is pulling forward, "Steve Jobs.

26. Constancy

"You can not replace persistence in the world. He cannot replace the talent - you will not meet anyone as often as a talented loser. He cannot replace the genius - unrecognized geniuses were almost entered into the proverb. One formation is also not enough - the world is full of educated rogue. Only perseverance and determination of the All-Fivy. The phrase "Work further" was and remains to solve all the problems of the human race, "Calvin Kulidge.

27. Dialogue

"Great minds are discussing ideas. Middle minds are discussing events. Little minds are discussing people, "Eleanor Roosevelt.

28. Award

"At that moment, when you agree to a smaller compared to what you deserve, you get even less than what they agreed," Morin Daoud.

29. RISK

"It is better to dare to mighty things, to seek glorious triumphs, albeit interfering with failures than to stand in the same row with weak spirit, which can neither enjoy from the soul, nor suffer much, because they live in gray twilight, where there are no victories, Neither defeats, "- Theodore Roosevelt.

30. Ability to adapt

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can deploy sail so that I always get to where I need," Jimmy Dean.

31. How to change the world

"The world is changing those who are enough to believe in order to believe that they are capable of it," Rob Sallyan.

32. How not to give up

"I did not fail. I just found 10 thousand options that do not work, "Thomas Edison.

33. Fear

"Too many of us do not live by our dreams, because they live with their fears," Brown Forest.

34. Age

"It's never too late to establish a new goal or rushing to the new dream," Clive Lewis.

35. Beginning

"The starting point of all achievements is desire," Napoleon Hill.

36. Confidence

"Pretend until it turns out! Take the form that you are so confident in yourself how much it is necessary, until you find that it is, "- Brian Tracy.

37. Obstacles

"Achievements need to be measured by obstacles that you had to overcome to achieve your goals." - Booker T. Washington

38. On errors learn

"Want to know the formula of success? It is elementary. It is only necessary to double the number of failures. You think that failure is the enemy of success. But it's not at all. This is your choice - to succumb to failure or learn from them. So brave forward - and make mistakes. Do whatever you can. Because this is how you can succeed, "Thomas Watson.

39. goal

"The goal does not always have to be achievable, often it only serves as you can strive for," - Bruce Lee.

40. Path to success

"I missed more than 9 thousand goals for my career. I lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times they trusted me to make a decisive throw - and I missed. All my life I suffered defeat - again, and again, and again. And that is why I achieved success, "Michael Jordan.

41. Genuine power

"Strength is not from victories. The power creates the struggle. When you pass through difficulties and decide not to give up - this is power, "Arnold Schwarzenegger.

42. Search for answers

"If you want to change something forever, stop thinking about how great your problems and think about how great you are", - Harv Ek.


"I am not the result of circumstances. I am the result of your own decisions, "- Stephen Kovi.

44. Constructive impatience

"If you really want something, do not wait - teach yourself to be impatient," Gurbaksh Chahal.

45. The power of the idea

"Take the idea. Make her idea of \u200b\u200ball your life - think about her, dream of her, live this idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, each part of your body will be full of this idea. Just leave all other ideas aside. This is the way to success, "Swami Vivekananda.

46. \u200b\u200bFear eyes are great

"Much seems impossible until you do this," Nelson Mandela.

47. Older

"Always lay out on full. As we will lay, then you will get enough. "- Frame Mandino.

48. Chief Principle

"Start from there where you are now. Use what you have, and do everything you can ", - Arthur Ash.

49. Effort

"Do. Or do not. Do not try, "- master iodine.

50. Comparison

"Stop comparing your first chapter with my fifteenth. We are all on different chapters of your life, "John Rampton.

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