How to determine what's coming soon. How to understand that soon to give birth? Discharge of the mucous plug

Time does not stand still, like our life. Changes are inevitable, and some of them can indicate the beginning of a new stage. Five visible signs will help you understand that life will change soon.

Everyone is wary of change. But there are times when an inner premonition deceives us, and what seems to us to be a collapse becomes a new stage on the path of a happy life. The universe indicates impending change with five signs.

The first sign: you are ready for a change.

The unnecessary is eliminated, moreover sharply, and sometimes even painful. You feel irritated, hurt, angry. Plans collapse before they can be realized. There are countless options: happy relationships are a thing of the past, you are suddenly fired from your job, friends dissolve in time, a bank refuses a loan, a car breaks down. At first glance, this looks like bad luck. But in fact, fate takes you away from the wrong course. Everything you say goodbye to has been superfluous in your life. A new breath of happiness awaits you ahead.

Of course, when circumstances literally force you to change your usual life, patience overflows. There are already no options - the whole world encourages you to action. Leaving your comfort zone is the first sign of a new and happy journey.

The second sign: you feel empty inside yourself.

You walked to the goal for a long time, literally gnawed the way to it, but suddenly it became mediocre. Having lost landmarks, it is natural for a person to get lost in such a huge world of possibilities. At the moment when desires become silent and one does not want to do anything, the signs of the Universe become more understandable.

If you have felt an emptiness within yourself, know that a new stage of your life begins. This radical change was sent to you from Above. When you lose interest in everything, consciousness becomes clear. You become able to clearly hear the true call of your heart, which unites your mind, soul and body into a single whole. There comes a rethinking of their own destiny.

The third sign: lack of time

The third stage of spiritual development begins, when it seems to you that time is slipping through your fingers. During this period, you tend to believe that life carries more negative aspects than positive ones. You are affected by past experiences, failed relationships, pain, loss and resentment. Unfavorable emotions block the flow of positive energy, preventing you from enjoying the moment.

The feeling that you are not keeping up with life pushes you to rethink your own path, thereby relieving you of the "fuss complex". At this stage, you learn to appreciate every minute you live, leaving negative emotions behind. Thanks to this, your life begins to tune in to a positive rhythm.

The fourth sign: you are overwhelmed with emotion

Each person, at least once in his life, has simultaneously experienced a whole range of different emotions. You get the feeling that something meaningful will soon burst into your life, which will entail changes. You don't know what the changes are specifically related to, you just know that their appearance is close. You are filled with conflicting feelings.

There is no point in making grandiose plans, you just have to go with the flow with patience. Whatever awaits you, it is already predetermined from Above. You should trust your own instincts and pay attention to the clues of the Universe, which seeks to help you.

The fifth sign: a series of sudden coincidences

Unexpected coincidences are a clear sign that you are on the right track. Higher powers subtly hint to you that big changes are coming. Signs will often be encountered throughout the day. Your Guardian Angel can send you a sign using numbers.

Do not ignore sudden coincidences - they are heralds of colossal shifts and contribute to gaining confidence that your thoughts, desires and opportunities are on the same track.

Don't be afraid of change. Any change in your life is essential for happiness. We are all children of the universe, and it supports us along the way. It is enough just to live according to the laws of the Universe. Be happy, joy, success, and don't forget to press the buttons and

13.07.2017 04:20

The name of a person and his Destiny are inextricably linked. Many women are in no hurry to change their last name after marriage, ...

Women do not always have a regular menstrual cycle. Therefore, many are wondering how to understand that menstruation will begin soon. There are many harbingers of critical days. The main thing is not to confuse these symptoms with signs of a developing pathology.

The first signs of the onset of puberty appear a year or two before menarche should come in girls (first menstruation). At this point, hormonal changes occur in the body and the following symptoms appear:

  • the growth of the mammary glands;
  • acne on the face, as well as in the back and chest;
  • leucorrhoea;
  • increased sweating caused by changes in the body and activation of the sebaceous glands;
  • hair growth in the armpit and pubic area;
  • rounding of the hips.

According to doctors, you will understand about the approach of menstruation by these signs.

The onset of puberty does not indicate that pregnancy is already possible and that this adolescent should be warned against. Such symptoms signal the onset of puberty.

The approximate age of the onset of menstruation

Not only adolescents, but also their parents often wonder how to find out when a girl's period begins. As a rule, critical days come at the age of 11-14 years. This period varies greatly under the influence of various factors.

The first menstruation can begin earlier or later under the influence of general health, dietary characteristics, mental and physical development, a history of pathologies, heredity and stress.

The teenager needs to pay attention to all uncharacteristic manifestations. Among the features of the onset of menstruation during this period are:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • headaches;
  • nausea;
  • a sharp change in mood;
  • increased fatigue;
  • aggression or apathy.

These symptoms indicate that the first bleeding from the vagina will soon appear. You should first prepare the girl for the beginning of this process and tell.

How to determine the beginning of the next menstruation

Figuring out when your period will start is actually not that difficult. One of the most popular ways to determine the arrival of critical days is the calendar method, but it turns out to be effective only if the allocation appears monthly at regular intervals.

If the cycle gets lost, then the marks on the calendar will not answer the question of when menstruation should begin. In this case, the woman needs to sort out her own feelings. The arrival of critical days is always accompanied by characteristic clinical manifestations.


There are certain symptoms that make women realize that their periods are coming soon. They manifest themselves in each of the fair sex in different ways and differ in the degree of severity. For this reason, you need to carefully monitor which of the harbingers of critical days are pronounced, and which are almost invisible.

It is also necessary to determine at what stage of the premenstrual period there are signs that the period will soon go. Thanks to this, it will be possible to calculate the menstruation schedule.

Among the main signs of the approximation of regulation, the following are distinguished:

  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands, a tingling sensation and even itching. In some cases, there is a discharge of clear mucus from the nipples;
  • painful sensations in the lower abdomen, flatulence. These symptoms are due to the detachment of the endometrium in the uterine cavity. The severity of such sensations in the lower abdomen depends on the pain threshold and the characteristics of the body;
  • the appearance of acne, provoked by a change in hormonal levels;
  • bowel disorder. In the process of separation of the uterine layer, the genital organ swells and puts pressure on the intestinal walls. This in turn leads to frequent bowel movements and;
  • mood swings, irritability and a feeling of psychological discomfort.

These are the main symptoms that signal the approach of critical days. They appear in the last week before your period.

In addition, other harbingers of the arrival of regulation are often observed, including headaches, changes in taste preferences, nausea, vomiting and dizziness.

Menstrual calendar

You can use the calendar to calculate when a girl's period begins. To do this, you need to regularly mark on it the date of arrival of critical days.

If your period starts every month at the same period, then this method will be effective. Thus, a woman will be able to determine the duration of the cycle and, adding this figure to the date marked on the calendar, will receive accurate information about when she should expect the next period.

The premenstrual period is different for everyone. By listening to changes in your body, you can identify symptoms that indicate that menstruation will soon come, and determine the date of their appearance.

Any woman who was expecting a baby to appear knows that the last weeks before the upcoming birth drag on long enough. A special sense of anxiety is inherent in expectant mothers, who will have to give birth for the first time.

The article will talk about ancestral harbingers - this information will be useful both for women expecting the birth of their first child and for women who have already given birth.

10 most sure signs of a close birth

  1. The belly sank
    About fourteen days before labor begins, abdominal ptosis may be noticed in primiparous women. This happens because the baby, preparing for birth, is pressed against the exit, dropping into the pelvic area. In women who are not expecting the birth of their first child, the stomach may sink a couple of days before giving birth.
    After lowering the abdomen, a woman may experience ease of breathing, as well as discomfort associated with swelling and frequent urination. However, you should not be afraid of this. Swelling and frequent urination will serve as a key sign of approaching labor - that is, very soon your little one will be born.
  2. Incomprehensible weight loss
    The entire period of waiting for the baby, the woman is gaining weight, but before the onset of childbirth, she can dramatically lose weight by several kilograms. This indicates that soon you will meet with your baby. Weight loss occurs due to the absorption of fetal water and should not cause anxiety in the expectant mother. Weight loss is approximately one to two kilograms. At the same time, the puffiness disappears.
  3. Mood swings
    Psychological metamorphosis occurs in the female body, along with physiological changes. One or two weeks before the appearance of the baby, the woman feels the approach of this meeting and prepares for it. The strength to do household chores appears. I want to do everything at once.
    The mood and character of the future mother becomes so changeable that she either laughs or cries. This is not very noticeable throughout the pregnancy, but it is perfectly visible before childbirth. Do not neglect this sign.
  4. Goodbye heartburn!
    In the last days before childbirth, the pressure from the diaphragm and stomach is eliminated, there is a feeling that breathing becomes much easier. The shortness of breath and heartburn that haunted the woman throughout the pregnancy disappear. At the same time, some difficulties appear - it becomes more difficult to sit and walk, it is difficult to find a comfortable posture, difficulties in sleeping.
  5. Unstable appetite
    For those who had a good appetite throughout the pregnancy, and suddenly noticed a decrease in it, this sign will be a signal to prepare for childbirth. An increased appetite for those who previously ate poorly at all will also testify to the approach of childbirth.
  6. Loose stools and frequent urination
    All nine months, the woman managed to run into the toilet. However, things are happening differently now. The urge to urinate becomes more frequent. The intestines first begin to cleanse - and here's diarrhea. The hormones that relax the cervix begin to affect the intestines, resulting in loose stools. These symptoms usually appear two to seven days before delivery. Some women may even confuse the onset of labor with some kind of poisoning.
  7. Nesting instinct
    Some time before giving birth, a woman has a desire to withdraw into herself, retiring from everyone. If you want to curl up in a ball or hide in a secluded place, you cannot see your relatives - congratulations, the birth is just around the corner, and, perhaps, the countdown has started. The female body will feel this, and requires a respite for the future woman in labor, so that she attuned herself to the appearance of the child psychologically.
  8. Fading baby
    The movements of the baby in the womb change significantly before the onset of labor. The crumb grows up, and there is not enough space for him in the uterus. That is why he can not kick or push for a long time. The CTG device will show mommy that the child's activity and heartbeat are normal, there is no reason to worry. In the last four weeks before childbirth, CTG is recommended to be done at least twice a week, or better - every day.
  9. Drawing pain in the pubic bone
    Immediately before the baby is born, a woman begins to feel a pulling pain in the pubic bone. This is due to the fact that for childbirth, softening of the bones is necessary to facilitate the process of the baby's appearance. A dull aching pain accompanies the process. These symptoms are not scary at all, you can prepare things for the hospital.
  10. Exit of the mucous plug
    Every woman has undoubtedly heard that the entire pregnancy protects the baby from various infections. In the process of opening the cervix, the plug comes out. Remember, during the first birth, the uterus opens rather slowly, and much faster in subsequent births.

Starting from the ninth month of pregnancy, every expectant mother has fears associated with childbirth. It does not matter whether it is the first child or not, every time is like the first time for a woman. Especially often fears arise from the uncertainty of the future mother that she will recognize the contractions in time and will have time to arrive at the hospital.

But such cases occur extremely rarely, more often pregnant women are sent home to take care of them before the due date. After all, it is very difficult not to recognize the beginning of labor, and when your baby wants to be born, you will immediately understand this.

If you listen to your body, you will find that about 14 days before your expected date of birth, significant changes will begin. And the closer the deadline is, the more tangible these changes will be.

14 days before the baby is born

At this time, the body begins to prepare for an important event - the birth of a baby. During this period, mom begins to feel the harbingers of childbirth - signs that indicate the approach of the cherished date.

Training contractions
Contractions are contractions of the uterus that help the baby emerge from the womb. They feel like pain during menstruation, only much more intense. Training contractions are needed to prepare the uterus and pelvic organs for childbirth. Unlike real contractions, they have no periodicity and are less painful.

Abdominal prolapse
Another harbinger of childbirth is abdominal prolapse. You can not only feel it, but also see it. You yourself will notice how the stomach has become much lower, as if being attracted to the floor. This means that the baby is already ready for his birth and presses his head against the lower part of the uterus. Therefore, it gradually moves from the abdominal cavity to the pelvic cavity. The expectant mother begins to feel lightness in the abdomen and chest, because they stop pressing on them. At the same time, frequent urination and discomfort in the groin area appear.

The closer this event is, the more new sensations the expectant mother experiences. Sometimes this can be mistaken for a malfunction in the course of pregnancy, so for complacency it is worth communicating more with loved ones, and, if necessary, with a doctor.

Uncomfortable sensations
The expectant mother before childbirth may feel aching pain in the lower back. This indicates displacement of the pelvic organs, extension of the hips and stretching of the ligaments. Thus, the body is prepared for childbirth.

Hormonal changes
When the cherished event approaches, the cerebellum begins to produce hormones responsible for childbirth. It is they who provoke contractions and other changes. You can notice this if your taste sensations change, your appetite disappears, your mood skips, and your bowel movements become more frequent. Often pregnant women lose weight in the last weeks, this is due to the fact that hormones no longer affect the accumulation of fluid in the body.

Decreased baby activity
Now the baby takes up almost the entire uterine cavity and simply cannot turn around in it properly. At the same time, analyzes and indicators remain normal and nothing threatens the child's health.

If you do not feel the harbingers of childbirth, and the cherished date is getting closer, do not worry, maybe your body is less sensitive than that of other expectant mothers, or the symptoms are less intense.

The day before the birth or a little later, the expectant mother shows symptoms that do not unequivocally hint that you will soon meet with the baby. If you feel the sensations described below, then notify your loved ones that they will soon need their help.

Exit of the mucous plug
The mucous plug is a barrier that throughout pregnancy protected the baby from the penetration of germs, bacteria and viruses. Before giving birth, it is rejected by the body, clearing the way, and comes out gradually or immediately. Do not be alarmed when you find yellow mucus on your underwear, if it does not have blood clots, then everything is going according to plan.

The contraction of the uterus just before childbirth becomes periodic. At first, you may think that this is another "training" of the body, but when such attacks bother you every 15-20 minutes, this will already indicate the onset of labor. Over time, the interval will get smaller until it reaches 3-5 minutes.

The drained waters
In feature films and TV series, the heroines always have childbirth with the fact that the waters suddenly leave. In fact, this happens very rarely. Experienced mothers know this by themselves. First, contractions appear, and only then all other signs. Moreover, the bubble may not burst by itself, then it is pierced already in the hospital. This is an absolutely painless procedure that will not harm your baby.

If your water has receded, but there are no contractions, then urgently call an ambulance or ask your loved ones to take you to the hospital. This confluence of circumstances can complicate the course of labor, so medical supervision is essential.

A few hours before childbirth, the intestinal muscles begin to contract and release everything unnecessary so that the contents do not interfere with the natural course of labor. Therefore, you may experience frequent urges for "big". Moreover, there is a feeling of nausea, up to the urge to vomit.

Some women in labor report chills that appear some time before delivery. The expectant mother becomes cold, she starts to shake a little.

Until the contractions become too frequent, about every 5-7 minutes, stay calm and get ready for a trip to the hospital. At this time, try not to lie down, but to move more and breathe deeply, so you will stimulate labor. If the hospital is far away, you need to get ready much earlier or go to it in advance.

The pain will only intensify, so make sure you bring your bag and prepare it in advance. It will be good if a loved one is next to you at this time, especially your mother. With her, you will feel confident and calm.

If the contractions began earlier than the due date, do not worry about it. Today, the birth of a baby is considered the norm as early as 35 weeks of gestation. Doctors say that by this time all the important functions of the child are fully formed and he is ready for extrauterine life. But if labor does not begin on time, and the days go by, then you should start worrying and go to the doctor. The baby becomes too big, he no longer has enough food and oxygen coming from his mother.

What to collect for sending to the hospital

In order not to pack your things right before the trip, take care of it a few weeks in advance. The hospital will need to take:

  • Exchange card
  • Generic certificate
  • The passport
  • Health insurance policy
  • Agreement with the maternity hospital, if any
  • Slippers
  • Phone and charger
  • Bathrobe
  • Nightgown
  • Disposable Panties
  • Pads for women after childbirth
  • Baby soap
  • Diapers for newborns
  • Toothpaste and toothbrush
  • Shampoo

The rest, if necessary, will be reported to you by your relatives.

Summing up everything described earlier, you can note the main tips that will help keep calm, understand that childbirth has begun and you need to go to the hospital:

  1. Learn to distinguish training contractions from real ones. The latter begin after equal intervals of time, gradually becoming more and more painful.
  2. Record the time and duration of the contractions. Do not lie down during contractions, as they become more painful.
  3. Watch your belly. When it starts to descend, you will immediately see it. Call an ambulance immediately when the water is running out.
  4. The release of mucous secretions indicates the onset of labor.
  5. Always keep your doctor's phone with you. He will answer your questions and give the necessary instructions, if necessary.

The birth of a baby is a long-awaited and responsible event for every mother, so you need to be prepared for all the difficulties and peculiarities of this process. Remain calm, be confident in your knowledge and strength, and then the birth will go well.

Video: precursors of childbirth

The moment that all 9 months have been waiting for: joyful, but exciting, and often frightening.

In a few hours, the baby will be born.

How to understand that labor will begin soon? How will the birth go?What will your meeting be like? Will everything be okay with the newborn?

The health of the expectant mother and child largely depends on the course of childbirth and their correct management. If a woman is at home, then it is extremely important to recognize the impending birth and be in the clinic on time.

There is a well-known formula for the start date of the last period.

It is necessary to subtract 3 months from the date of menstruation and add 7 days to the result obtained.

However, only a small number of babies are born on the exact date. The average duration of a normal pregnancy is 38-40 weeks.

Regardless of whether a woman is observed in a regular district antenatal clinic or has an agreement for childbirth with a medical center and a specific obstetric team, she will be assigned 1-2 additional appointments in the last month of pregnancy. This will allow identifying early signs of incipient labor and, if necessary, leaving the woman in the hospital.

Signs of impending labor in primiparous and multiparous

Often, expectant mothers often ask the question of how to understand that childbirth has begun in primiparous?

There are a number of typical signs of an impending birth. But the order of their appearance is individual for each case.

And even for the same woman, the first and subsequent childbirth can begin and proceed in different ways. The second (and subsequent birth) is usually faster than the first. In this case, you need to be especially attentive to the appearance of any sign of the onset of labor.

This is the most "insidious" of the signs. It can appear several days, or even a week before the onset of labor, and the first appearance greatly alarms the expectant mother.

However, if this did not turn out to be the true beginning of labor, and the heaviness in the lower back then arises and then disappears again for a day or two - the woman gets used to these sensations and may not pay attention to them when labor really begins. Time will be lost, and this is dangerous if the path to the hospital is far away or there are traffic jams on the roads.

  • Discharge of the mucous plug.

The exit of the mucous plug is the most accurate and "physiologically correct" sign of the beginning of labor. The softening and dilating cervix ceases to reliably hold this protective mucous clot, the cork comes out.

The process depends on some features of the anatomy and physiology of the woman. The exit of the mucous plug can be soft and unhurried, for several hours accompanied by the urge to use the toilet. Or it can be swift, like a champagne cork flying out.

It is most dangerous if the cork does not come out as a single clot, but mucous secretions of varying degrees of density simply appear, they may have a brown color or bloody streaks. In these clots, a woman may not recognize the passage of the plug and not go to the hospital in time.

After the cork leaves, childbirth can develop quite rapidly, so the appearance of any mucous discharge in the last weeks of pregnancy should be a reason to see a doctor.

  • Discharge of amniotic fluid.

Usually, the discharge of water begins after the release of the mucous plug, but it can also get ahead of it. This happens if one of the walls of the neck is slightly weaker and softer than the other (due to scarring or anatomical features).

In this case, the thick plug is still reliably held by the muscular wall of the vagina, but the weakened place already gives a gap for the outflow of amniotic fluid. During the process, the amniotic fluid carries along with it the mucous plug, washing it out.

Outpouring of amniotic fluid is definitely a reason for an immediate visit to the hospital!

  • Regular contractions.

The signal for the onset of contractions is the discharge of amniotic fluid, a sharp change in the tone of the uterus. But there may be other mechanisms as well. One of them is biochemical, the ripened lungs of the baby give the signal for the onset of labor and contractions. That is, palpable contractions can begin even before the mucous plug and amniotic fluid leave, and only then the contraction of the pelvic muscles will lead to the release of mucus. It is important to remember this!

Many women consider contractions, which appeared before the traffic jam and water, "training" and do not pay attention to this symptom until it is too late. A distinctive feature of the onset of labor is precisely the clear frequency of contractions.

Regular contractions help move the baby's head into the birth canal.

If at the same time the density of the vaginal walls remains and the mucous plug has not come off, you may need help with its mechanical extraction, and sometimes a puncture of the fetal bladder (amniotomy). A woman must by this time be under the supervision of specialists!

  • Increased peristalsis, vomiting.

Frequent urge to go to the toilet can accompany an approaching labor or cork release. But they can also be called as an independent symptom of the onset of labor. Dilation of the uterus may be accompanied by vomiting.

Diarrhea may appear a little earlier. The reason is the change in the content of hormones, in response to the onset of labor, their effect on smooth muscles. On the eve of attempts, the body is freed from unnecessary things, so that the baby's path into the world is easier and more comfortable.

  • Change in the child's activity.

In the last month of pregnancy, it is already difficult for the baby to move in the womb, many expectant mothers note some, movements with a large amplitude disappear. The child "tosses and turns", but does not "fight". But closer to childbirth, his activity increases again.

The sensitivity of the fetus to hormonal changes and uterine tone affects. Changes in the baby's behavior can be noticed 1-2 days before the onset of childbirth, he becomes especially active before the onset of contractions.

How to behave, realizing that childbirth will begin soon?

Many women prefer to wait for the onset of labor in the hospital; they go to the hospital 5-7 days before the planned birth.

Others want to stay at home until the very last moment. What to do if you notice symptoms of childbirth?

Is it worth going to the hospital with the first signs of childbirth or is there time to wait? If the water has receded, it is advisable to be in the hospital as soon as possible. If labor has become a harbinger of childbirth, but the mucous plug and water have not yet departed, some women (especially multiparous ones) stay at home, expecting a decrease in the period between labor.

This can only be done if the journey to the hospital takes less than 30 minutes and you are not in danger of traffic jams. When the interval between contractions reaches 10-15 minutes, you should go to the hospital in any case.

If you have a labor contract with a specific obstetrician or team, you should contact your doctor at the first sign of labor. The doctor will help you navigate the symptoms, tell you when it is best to go to the hospital, and order the preparation of the ward for you.

What is the best way to go to the hospital? Your car and your husband behind the wheel are undoubtedly more comfortable. But an ambulance car will allow you to drive without traffic jams and delays at traffic lights.

If necessary, a team of doctors will provide assistance on the way. In addition, the excitement of the future father can threaten traffic safety, so the ambulance is preferable. Relatives can accompany the woman in labor in an ambulance car or follow.

It is important to recognize the onset of labor and be in the hospital on time. The successful course of childbirth, the health of the newborn and his mother depends on this. Not all signs unambiguously indicate the imminent birth of a child. Therefore, at the end of pregnancy, a woman should especially carefully note all changes in her body and behavior of the unborn baby, report all symptoms to the doctor.