Ivan Bryanchaninov to help walking. Ignatius Bryanchanin about repentance. All many human sins can be divided into sins against God, against the neighbor and against their own soul. Here we indicate only for some sins, because not only will be described

- A person who came to confession for the first time, often does not know what to say to the priest. Especially if there are no severe mortal sins on his conscience and his behavior complies with the standards modern society. How can you prepare for the first confession?

When a person comes to confession for the first time, he, as a rule, does not mean himself, what is a sin, what are the passion, what does it have? He says: "I did not kill anyone, did not rob, I live like everything." And when you explain to a person that you can kill and the word that idleness is also serious sins, he is sincerely surprised.

But despite this, he feels that something is wrong in his life, and his heart requires correction and purification. And sometimes the person coming to confession acutely feels pain for the perfect sin, longing to the kingdom of heaven. This can not but please the priest. However, such a person cannot explain exactly what the sinfulness of his life is. And therefore the priest has to explain the most asses.

Begin preparation for confession is needed from prayer. When a person appeals to God, asks him: "Lord, help me see what I am to blame for you," he will be heard. The Lord will give a man such a state of the heart, the "Spirit", in which he can see his sins, his passion.

For repentance, a person needs some landmarks. First of all, it is a sacred writing, namely, the new covenant, in which the commandments of Christ are given to us, his image we must imitate. Man, discovering evangelical images, compares with them the state of his soul and can clearly see sin, a lie of his life. In order to better understand the gospel, sometimes really difficult perceived by modern person, you need to take advantage of the interpretations of the Holy Scripture, which today are available to everyone.

Many people consider the commandments of Christianity in principle unfulfilled or perceive them as a set of external prohibitions. But it's not right. Commandments can help a person see their spiritual illness, make a diagnosis. As the apostle writes Paul: For, when we lived on the flesh, then the passions of sinful, discovered by the price, acted in our members to bring the fruit of death ... What do you say? Is it really sin? In no way. But I did not otherwise recognize the sin as through the law. For I would not understand and wishes if the law did not say: do not wish (Rome. 7, 5.7).

This is the inconsistency, about these obvious diseases of your soul and you need to speak on the first confession.

- How do you feel about different collections to help you walk? How to choose this literature?

Indeed, today the mass of literature dedicated to confession is published. In these books, it is told about what passion, sin, which sins are, how passions are manifested and how to deal with them. When a person is preparing for his first confession, he may well take advantage of these books in order to better understand the essence and types of sin. As a rule, for a modern man, the present discovery becomes that sins are actually much more than it is customary to think.

Among the diverse collections, you can advise the well-known book of Archimandrite John the Peasantician "Experience of building confession." In it, John's father, in the example of the Ten of the Commandments of the Law of God and the Nine Commandments of Bliss, reveals that there is a sin, what sins there are, which virtues can be opposed to them. You can also read the book SVT. Ignatia Bryanchaninov "To help walking", in which eight of the main passions and eight opposing virtues are dismantled in detail.

Young people, just novice church life, would advise the wonderful book of Archimandrite Lazari (Abashidze) "Sin and repentance of recent times." For the first time it was published more than ten years ago and since then many times was reprinted. The author disassembles passions in detail, their manifestations.

Why can this book can be advised by the young man? It addresses in very detail how rock music, oriental cults, modern magic affect the soul. After all, often for many people the beginning of the church life is connected with the refusal of many habits, which, at first glance, may seem not sinful. It is clear when you have to abandon the excessive use of alcoholic beverages, fights, prodigal falls. But what's bad in rock music or philosophical teaching? Lazar's father answers this question in detail.

Good articles that can help a person in preparing for confession can be found in the collection "Confessing Sin, Batyushka". Now various pre-revolutionary editions are reprinted, which contains a dissection of general confession and also lists the main sins and passions.

However, it should be noted that if a person gets used to to build confession only on these directories, he can go on a false path, his spiritual life will not be quite correct. He will see in confession the opportunity not to repent, namely to report before God. Unfortunately, many people in this extreme fall into.

Can these compilations generally help people who are constantly confess? Or is it better to try to prepare for confession yourself?

At the first stage of churching, such books will certainly help a person. Further, man, cultivating in church life, spiritually, must learn to distinguish a sin from virtue, be attentive, sober to his inner life.

And the most important book that helps to prepare for confession at any stage of church life is the Gospel. Therefore, often gospel reading includes a daily prayer rule, in order to, according to St. Ignatius Bryanchaninov, the mind and heart have soaked in the gospel. Also, confession can be prepared by reading the books of the Holy Fathers: Rev. Havle Dofei, Cassian Roman, St. Feofan of the Navdapa and many others. People interested in literature can be recommended by the "Confession" of BLI. Augustine. Books help us see the true state of our soul. For example, in the "palp" of the St. John of the District, a detailed analysis of passions is given, the most subtle sinful movements of the human soul are analyzed. All passions, as at the exhibition, open in front of the reader of this wonderful book. Do not think that it is addressed only to monks. Any laity, reading the book, will be able to benefit from it for the soul.

But, unfortunately, many people, accustomed to the collections with a simple transfer of sins at the first stage of their church life, begin to formally treat confession. Rewriting sins from the book, a person does not see passions in himself, can not appreciate his actions. His confession comes down to an infinite transfer of sins that kill the real feeling.

Confession must be alive. A person must be painful for what he did. At the same time, it is not necessary to talk about what the conscience does not really give, so, just in case, to avoid condemnation on Terrible court. You need to raise yourself, listen to the voice of conscience. Only with this respect the person will grow spiritually and will feel the benefit of the permanent confession.

In addition, the priest always sees what is behind the words of the confession. And when modern man It turns to the father with the words rewritten from the collection of the XIX century: "Confessing you, honest, all my sins, in a word, a thinness, in all, I repent ..." - it sounds more than strange. And if the newcomer in this case can be easily understood, then a permanent parishioner is more difficult.

Unfortunately, many perceive God only as a punishing judge or public prosecutor. From here and the desire to use the collections to help you walk, like a sum of legal laws, so that in no case will miss any error. But God, above all, is a slender father, looking for a reason to justify, and not condemn a person. We must feel dependent on it, testing personal, hearty feeling towards him.

- how to make confession over the years deeper: more detailed description Sins, more pay attention to the little things or a detailed description of your inner state? How to avoid addiction?

Repentance, like any other virtue, develops, if a person lives attentive life, prays, constantly monitors his heart. A man, oppressed in virtue, should be improved in confession. In the evening rule there is a prayer "confession of sins everyday," where sins are listed, which a person in principle could take the day. This is a tip, reading we must mentally remember what they were sinned in the day, and bring repentance.

It should be remembered that confession is committed primarily before God. And when we did something sinful, we must heartily ask him for forgiveness, and then say about it on the nearest confession.

It is very important that a person in his growth, in his spiritual movement addressed good to the spiritists. These good conformists are the saints of our church. If a person is reading the patristic books, there will be an image of true repentance, the image of real Christian life. And he as much and opportunities will strive to imitate them. And let his life be incredible from falls, mistakes, the image of saints will put a certain spiritual bar in front of him. Such a desire to ideal will necessarily contribute to spiritual growth. But it is impossible to forget about confession from modern priests, and confess to try to try with one priest.

When a person goes to the temple for many years, it is likely that he will get used to confession. To such temptation, you need to be prepared, adopt as temporary difficulty. And at this time, much depends on the mood, jealousy, spiritual search for a person, his desire to follow Christ. In general, the most important thing in spiritual life is sincerity in circulation to God.

If a person, preparing for communion, confessed during the evening worship, and after the service he fell into an estimate, in which case should be confined again in the morning?

Nowadays, there is a common practice to make confession or during the liturgy, or during the evening worship. In my opinion, it is better to confess in the evening. Liturgy - the service is short enough, requiring special attention. The priest for an hour and a half can not pay a lot of attention to all confess. And in the evening, a longer worship is performed, during which it is possible not in a hurry to participate.

It should be remembered that the preparation for the communion implies attentive, collected attitude towards life. And if the preparing to the sacrament falls into some serious sin, of course, it is necessary to confess once again and at the same time think about his attitude to the communion. But if some minor error occurred or sinful thoughts came to mind, it's not necessary to go to confession once again immediately. It is necessary to have confidence in God and humility in front of him. And the priest must be registered - the professioned a lot, and he is alone.

It is not necessary to perceive the confession as an action committed by a person over a man who frees from sin, not confessing, and God frees a person from sin, seeing his sincere repentance. Many saints could not confess. For example, the PPP. For many years, Maria Egyptian has not seen people at all and therefore could not begin the sacrament of confession. But the Lord, seeing the sincere repentance of the tanning, healed it from passions. We also need to rely less on themselves, on our righteousness and more to hope for God. And the Lord will not give up our hope.

Announced Marina Shmelev

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov)

To help you walk: From the writings of St. Ignatia (Bryanchanin) and the creations of the Holy Fathers

About virtues

1. Abstinence

Abstinence from unnecessary eating and drinking, especially from consumption in wines. Storage of posts established by the Church. Crediting the flesh with moderate use of monotonous food, from which all passions are beginning to weaken, and especially selflessly, which consists in the facilities of the flesh.

2. Chastity

Evasion from all kinds of prodigal affairs. Evasion from voluptuous conversations, reading depraved books and viewing shameful images, from the pronunciation of voluptuous, bad and ambiguous words. Storage of feelings, especially vision and hearing, and even more touch. Modesty. The rejection of the thoughts and dreams of prodigal. Silence. Silence. Serving patients and embankment. Memories of death and hell. The beginning of the chastity is the mind, undecombling from prodigal thoughts and dreams; The perfection of the chastity is purity, in vain God.

3. Extracting

Restricting itself in life most necessary. Hate for luxury and black. Mercy to the beggar. Loving poverty of the gospel. Hope for the fishery of God, that everything necessary for life will be filed by God. Calm, freedom of spirit and noiselessness.

4. Meekness

Evasion from amphibious thoughts and from the perturbation of the heart of a fierce. Patience. The submission of Christ, calling on his student on the cr. Cardiac world. Silence of the mind. The hardness and courage of Christian. Insulting insults. Nellobia.

5. Blessed crying

Feeling falling, in common to all people, and their own poverty. Methods about them. Crying mind. Painful crushing of the heart. Breeding from them ease of conscience, fertile consolation and joy. Hope on the mercy of God. Thanks to God in sorrows, submissive to their transfer from the vision of their sins. Readiness tolerate. Cleansing the mind. Relief from passions. Killing peace. The desire of prayers, privacy, obedience, humility, confession of their sins.

6. Sober

Hardware to anyone good cause. Unlayer correction of church and home Rules. Attention in prayer. Careful monitoring of all matters, words, thoughts and feelings. Distrust of your own mind. Providing his opinions on the court of spiritual father. Insitious stay in prayer and thinking about the Scripture. Awe. Storing yourself from a lot of sleep and stocky, celebrations, jokes and sharp words. Looking for noodles, buds and other feats that deliver the soul. Memories of eternal benefits, desire and waiting for them.

7. Humility

Fear of God. Feeling it with prayer. Extremely humility, vision of themselves by unworthy, obedient righteous condemnation for sins. Loss of all hopes on everything and all except God. Deep knowledge of yourself. Changing the views in the neighbors, and they, without any coercion, seem to humble more than him in all respects. The phenomenon of wise simpleness from the living faith. Hate to the praise of human. Permanent accusation and rooting itself. Truthfulness and straight. Impartiality. The dead of the whole removing from God. Templement. The knowledge of the saving sacrament, intimate in Cross of Christ. The desire to cute yourself peace and passions, the desire for this crucifixion. The rejection and oblivion of false customs and words, lucavias and hypocrisy. Perception of gospel humility. The rejection of wisdom of earthly, as an uncommon before God. Contempt of everything that in humans is high then ability to god (See: Lux. 16, 15). Leaving the word painting. Silence before offending. Deposition of all your own qualities and the acceptance of the mind of the Gospel.

Bad illuminated thoughts. Smithnantry, or spiritual reasoning. Conscious and full of obedience to the Holy Orthodox Church.

Achievement during prayer accompanied by the fear of God, the love of God. Lordship of the Lord, proven by the constant rejection of all sinful thoughts and feelings. Alpassed, the sweet attraction of the whole person is loved by the Lord Jesus Christ and to the worshiped Holy Trinity. Vision in the closest images of God and Christ; The preference of all the closest, reverent reverence of them about the Lord, resulting from this spiritual vision. Love for the neighbor fraternal, clean, to everyone equal, impartial, joyful, flaming the same to friends and enemies.

Admiration in prayer and love of mind, hearts and all body. Unposted joy spiritual. Eustion spiritual. Deep peace Hearts, souls and bodies. Inaction of bodily feelings with prayer. Permission from cardiac gender. Termination of prayer from spiritual sweetness. Silence of the mind. Enlightenment of the mind and hearts. Prayer force, defeating sin. The world of Christ. The retreat of all passions. The absorption of all the intelligences is all superior to Christ. Theology. Cognition in all of the Divine Divine Primary. Sweetness and abundant consolation during mourn. The vision of human disks. The depth of humility and deprivable opinions about himself ...

The end is infinite!

Eight main passions with their divisions and industries

1. Pretchement of peating

Chest, drunkenness, non-burning and unauthorized violation of posts, secretual, delicacy, in general, abstinence. Incorrect and excessive lubaning of the flesh, its contentment and peace, from which the pride is drawn up, from which the non-burning of loyalty to God, the Church, virtue and people.

2. Heading

Prodigal degradation, prodigal sensations and wishes of the body, souls and hearts. The adoption of unclean thoughts, a conversation with them, the demoding by them, the enactment of them, slowing in them. Produal dreams and captivity. Determination of achievement. Not feeling feelings, in terms of touch, in what the dyingness, emotioning all virtues. Facing and reading voluptuous books. Sins of prodigal natural: fornication and adultery. Sins of prodigal unnatural: Malakia (Romanoblude), Music (man with a man), lesbianism (woman with a woman), dressing and similar to them.

3. Srebrolubie

Loming money, generally lubering the property of movable and immovable. The desire to get rich. Reflecting on enrichment tools. Dreaming about wealth. Fear of old age, inadvertent poverty, soreness, expulsion. Poor. Corestolubie. Disbelief to God, non-existence on his fishery. France or painful excessive love for different thundered subjects depriving the soul of freedom. Passion to the bay care. The desire to receive gifts. Assigning someone else's. Litch. Cravascular to the poor brethren and to all those in need. Theft. Robbery.

Hot tempering, receiving angry thoughts; Dreaming in threats of anger and ignition, the perturbation of the heart of Yaroste, the obscurity of her mind; obscene cry, dispute, faded, cruel and stuck words, emphasis, pushing, murder. Memorozlobia, hatred, enmity, mission, slandering, condemnation, indignation and resentment of the near.

Suggesting, longing, cutting off hope on God, doubt in the promises of God, ungrating to God for all the happening, foolishness, impatience, non-conversion, sorrow in the near, ropot, renunciation from the furthest of multi-christian life. Evasion from the burden of the Cross - Boring with passions and sin.

Libility to every kind case, especially the prayer. Leaving the church and prayer rule. Loss of memory of God. Leaving undercessant prayer and degrees reading. Inattention and hasty in prayer. Neglect. Ungiven. Idleness. Excessive soothing of the flesh, lying and all kinds of it. The search for a basic salvation. Reviving from place to place in order to avoid tights and deprivation. Frequent walks and visits to friends. Celebration. Blasphemous statements. Leaving the pockets and other feats of bodily. Forgetting their sins. Obliving the commandments of Christ. Neractions. Capture. Deprivation of fear of God. Looseness. Insension. Despair.

7. Vanity

The search for glory of human. Boasting. The desire and selection of earthly and fussy honors. Looking out beautiful clothes, crews, servants and luxurious things. Attention to the beauty of your face, votes and other body qualities. The occupation of the sciences and the art of this century for the sake of temporary, earthly glory. False shame to confess their sins in front of the confessor. Craftiness. Self-assessment. PR. Follow your mind. Hypocrisy. False. Flattery. Manognos. Envy. Deposition of the Middle. The changes in the short. Entrance to passions, shamelessness. Lifting on the bushes and life to demons.

8. Pride

Middle contempt. Preference to everyone. Dryness. Overlapping, debit of mind and heart. The arrival of them to the earth. Hula. Disbelief. Lyriced mind. The failure of the law of God and the Church. The submission of its carnal will. Reading books of heretical and siety. Disobedience to the authorities. Stroke mockery. Leaving Christ-Pressure humility and silence. Loss of simplicity. Loss of love for God and neighbor. False philosophy. Heresy. Blessing. Death of the soul.

The beginning, the foundation and the peak of spiritual life in Orthodoxy is a daughty repentance. This is the most difficult and narrow way for which the Savior bequeathed to us. On this path, we have many obstacles, stumbling blocks, loss.
And so - the famous Russian saint of Ignatius (Bryanchaninov), a deep and subtle connoisseur of the human soul, who passed the mournful way of repentance and now the milding of God about us, sinners, teach us invaluable lessons.

Eight major passions
About virtues
Supplements. The shortest confession
From the swinging required
Better brand than the world that removes us from God

Eight main passions with their divisions and industries

1. Curvage

Chemistry, drunkenness, non-burning and permission of posts, secretory, delicacy, in general, abstinence. Incorrect and excessive lubaning of flesh, her abdomen and peace, from which a pride is drawn up, from which the non-burning of loyalty to God, church, virtue and people.

2. Heading

The prison, the prodigal sensations and position of the soul and heart. The adoption of unclean thoughts, a conversation with them, the demoding by them, the enactment of them, slowing in them. Produal dreams and captivity. Not feeling feelings, in terms of touch, in what the dyingness, emotioning all virtues. Facing and reading voluptuous books. Sins of prodigal natural: fornication and adultery. Sins of prodigal unnatural.

3. Srebrolubie

Loming money, generally lubering the property of movable and immovable. The desire to get rich. Reflecting on enrichment tools. Dreaming wealth. Fears of old age, unspecified poverty, pain, exile. Poor. Corestolubie. Disbelief to God, non-existence on his fishery. France or painful excessive love for different thundered subjects depriving the soul of freedom. Passion to the bay care. Looking gifts. Assigning someone else's. Litch. Cravascular to the poor brethren and to all those in need. Theft. Robbery.

Quiliency, the adoption of angry thoughts: the dream of anger and ignition, the perturbation of the heart is rage, the obscurity of her mind: an obscene cry, argument, faded, cruel and stroke words, stress, pushing, murder. Memorozlobia, hatred, enmity, mission, slandering, condemnation, indignation and resentment of the near.

5. Sadness

Suggesting, longing, cutting off hope for God, doubt in the promises of God, ungrating to God for all the happening, faulty, impatience, non-conversion, grief in the near, ropot, renunciation from the cross, attempted to get away from him.

Libility to every kind case, especially the prayer. Leaving church and celon rules. Leaving undercessant prayer and degrees reading. Inattention and hasty in prayer. Neglect. Ungiven. Idleness. Excessive calming sleep, lying and all sorts of it. Reviving from place to place. Frequent outlets from keels, walking and visiting friends. Celebration. Jokes. Blazes. Leaving the pockets and other feats of bodily. Forgetting their sins. Obliving the commandments of Christ. Neractions. Capture. Deprivation of fear of God. Looseness. Insension. Despair.

7. Vanity
The search for glory of human. Boasting. The desire and selection of earthly and fussy honors. Looking out beautiful clothes, crews, servants and celon things. Attention to the beauty of your face, votes and other body qualities. Location to the sciences and arts of the digestible century, the quest to have time to acquire temporary, earthly glory. Shame to confess their sins. Hiding them in front of people and the father of spiritual. Craftiness. Self-assessment. Precloss. Drawing up their mind. Hypocrisy. False. Flattery. Manognos. Envy. Deposition of the Middle. The changes in the short. Indulgence. Selflessness. The temper and the life of Besky.

8. Pride
Middle contempt. Preference to everyone. Dryness. Overlapping, debit of mind and heart. The arrival of them to the earth. Hula. Disbelief. Falgemented mind. The failure of the law of God and the Church. The submission of its carnal will. Reading books of heretical, depraved and fumes. Disobedience to the authorities. Stroke mockery. Leaving Christ-Pressure humility and silence. Loss of simplicity. Loss of love for God and neighbor. False philosophy. Heresy. Blessing. Ignorance. Death of the soul.
These are not admissions, such are ulcers that make up the Great ulceration of the durability of the Old Adam, which was formed from its fall. About this great ulcer tells the Holy Prophet Isaiah: even to the head, I can't bear anything in it: neither Strip, nor an ulcer, nor the wound passing the patch, below, lower, below ridding (Is. 1, 6). This means, to withdraw the fathers that ulcer - sin is not private, and not on one thing as a member, but in all the merits: the body aroused, argued the soul, took possession of all the properties, with all the power of man. God called this great ulcer to death when the admissions of Adam and Eve tasted from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, said: "Sign on the day, sneeze from him, death will die." (Gen. 2, 17). Immediately to taste the fruit of prohibited, the forefathers felt eternal death; In the eyes of them there was a sensation of the carnal; They saw that they were Nagi. In the knowledge of the nudity of the body, the exposure of the soul, which lost the beauty of the blame, on which the Holy Spirit was revealed. It acts in the eyes of a carnal sensation, and in the soul of shame, in which the copulation of all sinful and all shameful sensations: both pride, and sewage, and sadness, and despair, and despair. Great ulcer - Death of spiritual; Incipatlessness, which occurred after the loss of Divine similarity! The great ulcer of the apostle calls the law of sinful, the body of death (Rome. 5, 23-24), because the sorting mind and the heart fully turned to the ground, serve as a fenceful wishes of the flesh, darken, agreed, the flesh had been moved. This flesh is already unable to communicate with God! (Gen. 6, 3). This flesh is not able to inherit Bliss Eternal, Heaven! (1 Cor. 4, 50). The great ulcer spilled on the whole human genus, it was presented by the taste of every person.
Considering the great my ulcers, looking at the killing of my, performed by bitter sorrow! I wonder what I do? Will the example of the Old Adam, who seemed to see his nudity, hurries to hide from God? Will it become justified by him, imposing a guilt on the guilt of sin? In vain - hide from all-seeing! In vain - justify before who always wins, always judge him (Ps. 30, 6).
Practice instead of the molding leaves in the tears of repentance; Instead of excuse, I will bring sincere consciousness. Plugged into repentance and tears, will appear in the face of my God? In paradise? I'm expelled from there, and Cherube, standing at the entrance, does not let me! I am very sophisticated for the land, my dungeon!
Sunny descendant Adam, encourage! Relaxed light in the dungeon of yours: God lowered to the casualties of your expulsion, so that you will build you in your Lost your Almighty. You wanted to know good and evil: he leaves you this knowledge. You wanted to become Yako God, and from this I became like a similar to the devil, on the body similar cattle and animals; God, connecting you with him, preds you by God by grace. He forgives you sins. This is not enough! He is the tape of the root of evil from your soul, the sinful sinful infection, the hell, plunged into the soul of Divor, and gives you the doctor to the whole path of your earthly life for healing from sin, how many times you infected them, by gentlementing your. This is the doctor - confessing sins. Would you like to cope with the Old Adam, you who are already covered with the holy baptism in the new Adam, but with their own lawlessness, he managed to revive the dilapidation and death, to drown out life, help her semi-dimensional? Do you want to enslave the sin, inhaled to him violence skills, return freedom and righteousness? Handle in humility! Being a vain shame that led him hypocritically and sideways to pretend to be righteous and those storing, to strengthen the death of spiritual. Monster sin, enter into hostility with sin sincerely confession of sin. This healing should prevail all other; Without him, hearing prayer, tears, post and all other means will be insufficient, unsatisfactory, fragile. Look, proud, to the spiritual father of yours, at the feet of him find the mercy of the Father of Heaven! One, one confession sincere and frequent can free from the sinful skills, to give repentance of fruitless, fixed firm and true.
In a short minute of the dignification, which opens the eyes of a cleaner for a self-knowledge, which comes so rarely, I wrote it to the guards myself, in the guarantee, reminder, instruction. And you, who, with faith and love of Christ, read these lines and, maybe you will find something good in them, bring a hearty sigh and a prayer for the soul, a lot of victims from the waves of sinful, who seen often before sidewashing and deceased Repeal in the same refuge: in confessing your fall.

About the virtues opposed to eight main sinful passions here: http: //www.wco.ru/biblio/Books/ignBr9/min.htm
From entering it is required:
Consciousness of their sins. Condemnation of themselves in them. Self-defense before the confessor. Repentance not only in a word, but also. Repentance is correction - new life. Scroll and tears. Belief in the forgiveness of sins. Take the former sins. Fighting sin attracts the grace of God. Sins reduce our life ...

Saint Ignatius (Bryanchaninov).

To help you walk: from the writings of St. Ignatia (Bryanchaninova)

About virtues

1. Abstinence

Abstinence from unnecessary eating and drinking, especially from consumption in wines. Storage of posts established by the Church. Crediting the flesh with moderate use of monotonous food, from which all passions are beginning to weaken, and especially selflessly, which consists in the facilities of the flesh.

2. Chastity

Evasion from all kinds of prodigal affairs. Evasion from voluptuous conversations, reading depraved books and viewing shameful images, from the pronunciation of voluptuous, bad and ambiguous words. Storage of feelings, especially vision and hearing, and even more touch. Modesty. The rejection of the thoughts and dreams of prodigal. Silence. Silence. Serving patients and embankment. Memories of death and hell. The beginning of the chastity is the mind, undecombling from prodigal thoughts and dreams; The perfection of the chastity is purity, in vain God.

3. Extracting

Restricting itself in life most necessary. Hate for luxury and black. Mercy to the beggar. Loving poverty of the gospel. Hope for the fishery of God, that everything necessary for life will be filed by God. Calm, freedom of spirit and noiselessness.

4. Meekness

Evasion from amphibious thoughts and from the perturbation of the heart of a fierce. Patience. The submission of Christ, calling on his student on the cr. Cardiac world. Silence of the mind. The hardness and courage of Christian. Insulting insults. Nellobia.

5. Blessed crying

Feeling falling, in common to all people, and their own poverty. Methods about them. Crying mind. Painful crushing of the heart. Breeding from them ease of conscience, fertile consolation and joy. Hope on the mercy of God. Thanks to God in sorrows, submissive to their transfer from the vision of their sins. Readiness tolerate. Cleansing the mind. Relief from passions. Killing peace. The desire of prayers, privacy, obedience, humility, confession of their sins.

6. Sober

Diligence to every kind case. Unlayer correction of church and home rules. Attention in prayer. Careful monitoring of all matters, words, thoughts and feelings. Distrust of your own mind. Providing his opinions on the court of spiritual father. Insitious stay in prayer and thinking about the Scripture. Awe. Storing yourself from a lot of sleep and stocky, celebrations, jokes and sharp words. Looking for noodles, buds and other feats that deliver the soul. Memories of eternal benefits, desire and waiting for them.

7. Humility

Fear of God. Feeling it with prayer. Extremely humility, vision of themselves by unworthy, obedient righteous condemnation for sins. Loss of all hopes on everything and all except God. Deep knowledge of yourself. Changing the views in the neighbors, and they, without any coercion, seem to humble more than him in all respects.

The phenomenon of wise simpleness from the living faith. Hate to the praise of human. Permanent accusation and rooting itself. Truthfulness and straight. Impartiality. The dead of the whole removing from God. Templement. The knowledge of the saving sacrament, intimate in Cross of Christ. The desire to cute yourself peace and passions, the desire for this crucifixion. The rejection and oblivion of false customs and words, lucavias and hypocrisy. Perception of gospel humility. The rejection of wisdom of earthly, as an uncommon before God. Contempt of everything that in humans is high then ability to god (See: Lux. 16, 15). Leaving the word painting. Silence before offending. Deposition of all your own qualities and the acceptance of the mind of the Gospel.

Bad illuminated thoughts. Smithnantry, or spiritual reasoning. Conscious and full of obedience to the Holy Orthodox Church.

8. Love

Achievement during prayer accompanied by the fear of God, the love of God. Lordship of the Lord, proven by the constant rejection of all sinful thoughts and feelings. Alpassed, the sweet attraction of the whole person is loved by the Lord Jesus Christ and to the worshiped Holy Trinity. Vision in the closest images of God and Christ; The preference of all the closest, reverent reverence of them about the Lord, resulting from this spiritual vision. Love for the neighbor fraternal, clean, to everyone equal, impartial, joyful, flaming the same to friends and enemies.

Admiration in prayer and love of mind, hearts and all body. Unposted joy spiritual. Eustion spiritual. Deep world of heart, soul and body. Inaction of bodily feelings with prayer. Permission from cardiac gender. Termination of prayer from spiritual sweetness. Silence of the mind. Enlightenment of the mind and hearts. Prayer force, defeating sin. The world of Christ. The retreat of all passions. The absorption of all the intelligences is all superior to Christ. Theology. Cognition in all of the Divine Divine Primary. Sweetness and abundant consolation during mourn. The vision of human disks. The depth of humility and deprivable opinions about himself ...

The end is infinite!

Eight main passions with their divisions and industries 1
Borrowed from St. Scripture.

1. Pretchement of peating

Chest, drunkenness, non-burning and unauthorized violation of posts, secretual, delicacy, in general, abstinence. Incorrect and excessive lubaning of the flesh, its contentment and peace, from which the pride is drawn up, from which the non-burning of loyalty to God, the Church, virtue and people.

2. Heading

Prodigal degradation, prodigal sensations and wishes of the body, souls and hearts. The adoption of unclean thoughts, a conversation with them, the demoding by them, the enactment of them, slowing in them. Produal dreams and captivity. Determination of achievement. Not feeling feelings, in terms of touch, in what the dyingness, emotioning all virtues. Facing and reading voluptuous books. Sins of prodigal natural: fornication and adultery. Sins of prodigal unnatural: Malakia (Romanoblude), Music (man with a man), lesbianism (woman with a woman), dressing and similar to them.

3. Srebrolubie

Loming money, generally lubering the property of movable and immovable. The desire to get rich. Reflecting on enrichment tools. Dreaming about wealth. Fear of old age, inadvertent poverty, soreness, expulsion. Poor. Corestolubie. Disbelief to God, non-existence on his fishery. France or painful excessive love for different thundered subjects depriving the soul of freedom. Passion to the bay care. The desire to receive gifts. Assigning someone else's. Litch. Cravascular to the poor brethren and to all those in need. Theft. Robbery.

4. Gnev

Hot tempering, receiving angry thoughts; Dreaming in threats of anger and ignition, the perturbation of the heart of Yaroste, the obscurity of her mind; obscene cry, dispute, faded, cruel and stuck words, emphasis, pushing, murder. Memorozlobia, hatred, enmity, mission, slandering, condemnation, indignation and resentment of the near.

5. Sadness

Suggesting, longing, cutting off hope on God, doubt in the promises of God, ungrating to God for all the happening, foolishness, impatience, non-conversion, sorrow in the near, ropot, renunciation from the furthest of multi-christian life. Evasion from the burden of the Cross - Boring with passions and sin.

6. Sadness

Libility to every kind case, especially the prayer. Leaving the church and prayer rule. Loss of memory of God. Leaving undercessant prayer and degrees reading. Inattention and hasty in prayer. Neglect. Ungiven. Idleness. Excessive soothing of the flesh, lying and all kinds of it. The search for a basic salvation. Reviving from place to place in order to avoid tights and deprivation. Frequent walks and visits to friends. Celebration. Blasphemous statements. Leaving the pockets and other feats of bodily. Forgetting their sins. Obliving the commandments of Christ. Neractions. Capture. Deprivation of fear of God. Looseness. Insension. Despair.

7. Vanity

The search for glory of human. Boasting. The desire and selection of earthly and fussy honors. Looking out beautiful clothes, crews, servants and luxurious things. Attention to the beauty of your face, votes and other body qualities. The occupation of the sciences and the art of this century for the sake of temporary, earthly glory. False shame to confess their sins in front of the confessor. Craftiness. Self-assessment. PR. Follow your mind. Hypocrisy. False. Flattery. Manognos. Envy. Deposition of the Middle. The changes in the short. Entrance to passions, shamelessness. Lifting on the bushes and life to demons.

8. Pride

Middle contempt. Preference to everyone. Dryness. Overlapping, debit of mind and heart. The arrival of them to the earth. Hula. Disbelief. Lyriced mind. The failure of the law of God and the Church. The submission of its carnal will. Reading books of heretical and siety. Disobedience to the authorities. Stroke mockery. Leaving Christ-Pressure humility and silence. Loss of simplicity. Loss of love for God and neighbor. False philosophy. Heresy. Blessing. Death of the soul.

These are not admirable, these are ulcers that make up a great ulcer, the windiness of the Old Adam, which was formed from its fall. About this great ulcer tells the Holy Prophet Isaiah: From the legs, even to the head, beaten in it. Intelligence: neither Strip, nor ulcer, nor the wound grocery: to bear the attachment of the attachment, is lower, lower (Is. 1, 6). This means to explain the saints of the fathers that ulcer 2
PS Avva Dorofei. Teaching 1st.

- Sin is not private, not on one thing as a member, but on the whole being: I embraced the body and soul, we took possession of all the properties, with all the forces of a person. God called this great ulcer to death when, reveaving Adam and Eve to taste from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, said: ... Sign in the day to demolish it, death will die (Gen. 2, 17). Immediately to taste the fruit of the prohibited forefathers, I felt eternal death: there was a feeling of the carnoe in the eyes of their eyes, "they saw that they were Nagi. In the knowledge of the nudity of the body, the exposure of the soul was reflected, which lost the beauty of the blame, at which he won the Holy Spirit. It acts in the eyes of the carnal sensation, and in the soul of shame, in which the copulation of all sinful and all shameful sensations: both pride, and sewage, and sadness, and despair! Great ulcer - Death of spiritual; Incipatlessness, which occurred after the loss of Divine similarity! Great ulcer Apostle calls the law of sinful, death (Rome. 7, 23, 24), because the dead mind and the heart completely turned to the ground, serve the festive wishes of the flesh, durable, aggravated, were made by the flesh. This flesh is already unable to communicate with God! (See: Life. 6, 3). This flesh is unable to inherit Bliss Eternal, Heaven! (See: 1 Cor. 15, 50). The great ulcer spilled on the whole human genus, it was presented by the taste of every person.

Considering the great my ulcers, looking at the killing of my, performed by bitter sorrow! I wonder what I do? Will the example of the Old Adam's old Adam, who, seeing his nudity, was in a hurry to hide from God? Will it become, like him, justify, placing the blame on the sembling me? In vain - hide from all-seeing! In vain - justify the pre Who always wins, suffer from him (Ps. 50, 6).

Practice, instead of formal leaves, in the tears of repentance; Instead of excuse, brought sincere consciousness. Painted into repentance and tears, the face of my God before. But where will I find my god? In paradise? I'm expelled from there - and Cherub, standing at the entrance, does not let me! I am very sophisticated for the land, my dungeon!

Sunny descendant Adam, encourage! Light the light in the dungeon of yours: God nisemed into the great country of your expulsion, to build you into the lost to you, your almightline. You wanted to know good and evil: he leaves you this knowledge. You wanted to become yako God, And from this, it became like a similar devil, on the body - similar cattle and beasts. God, connecting you with him, preds you by God by grace. He forgives you sins. This is a little! He is the tape of the root of evil from your soul, the sinful sinful sinful infection, poison, plunged into the soul of Dillar, and gives you his healing for the whole path of your earthly life for healing from sin, no matter how many times you infected them, by gentlementing your. This medicine is confessing sins. Would you like to cope with the Old Adam, you who are already covered with the holy baptism in the new Adam, but with their own lawlessness, it managed to revive the dilapidation of death, to drown life, predicting her semi-dimensional? Do you want to enslave the sin, inhaled to him violence skills, return freedom and righteousness? Handle in humility! The vain shame, leaning you, hypocritically and dedicated to the righteous and the same to keep death in itself. Monster sin, join the hostility with sin sincerely confession of sin. This healing should prevail all other; Without him, hearing prayer, tears, post and all other means will be insufficient, unsatisfactory, fragile. Look, proud, to the spiritual father of yours - at the feet of him find the charity of the father of heaven! Only confession, sincere and frequent, can be released from sinful skills, prevent repentance of fruitful, fixed durable and true.

In a short minute of the dignification, which opens the eyes of a cleaner for a self-knowledge, which comes so rarely, I wrote it to the guards myself, in the guarantee, reminder, instruction. And you, who, with faith and love of Christ, read these lines and, maybe you will find something useful in them for yourself, bring a hearty sigh and a prayer for my soul, a lot of victims from the waves of sinful, seen often before sideways and death, We have a rest in the same refuge: in the confession of your sin.

Additions from different sources
The shortest confession

Sins against the Lord God

Relief of dreams, burning, meetings and other signs. Doubts about faith. Raciousness to prayer and scattered during it. Benefication to the church, to confession and holy communion. Hypocrisy in a gloomy. Hula or Ropot on God in the soul and in words. The intention to raise hands. Mention of the name of God Vure. Failing to promise to God. Blastness over the sacred. Anger with reference unclean power. Violation of posts and lean days (environments and fridays). Work in the days of large church holidays.

Sins against near

Not seeing to his position or to your business. Disposal to the authorities or senior position and age. Disposal to parents. Not careless about the Christian education of children. Failure to promise a person. Non-payment of debts. Correcting by force or secret assignment of someone else's. Pobedness to alms. Causing offended neighbor. In vain suspicions. Peresakh. Sleeping. Seduction to sin. Curse of neighboring. Insecurity of an innocent person or right case with damage for them. Enmity and discord in family life. Anger. Murder.

Sins against oneself

Stay in idle or bad thoughts. The desire of evil is neighbor. False. Irritability. Strings. Pride. Envy. Hatred. Cruel face. Memozlobia. Avenue. Srebrolubie. Passion for enjoying. Foul language. Drinking and muscle. Fornication. Unnatural sins. Failure of your life.

From among all the sins against the ten commandments of God, some, reaching the highest degree of development of their own, turning into vicious states and the hardship of his heart with unrecognizance, they are recognized as especially for themselves, mortals.

Sins of mortals, i.e. making a man of everlasting death, or dying

1. Pride, despising everyone, requiring themselves from other Rabilities, Satanic pride before self-release.

2. Incorrecting the soul, or Judine greed to money, connected by the biggest part with unrighteous acquisitions, not giving a person and to think about the spiritual. Theft.

3. Blud, or the politic life of a prodigal son, who wrecked all the father's estate into such a life.

4. Envy, bringing to every possible atrocity neighbor.

5. Cens agencies or a villager that does not know any posts connected to a passionate attachment towards various fun, following the example of a gospel rich, who has fun on all days.

6. Anger is irreconcilable and deciding on terrible crimes, following the example of Herod, who beat Bethlehem babies in anger. Murder.

7. Lenosta, or committed about the soul carelessness, the lack of repentance before last days Life, such as, in the days of Noah.

Sins of Hula on the Holy Spirit

Excessive hope for the long-suffering of God or the continuation of the sinful life in self-absorption. A hypocritical and deserted rejection of repentance.

Despair or opposite to hope for God feeling in relation to the mercy of God, denying in God the deception and bringing suicide.

Persistently disbelief in God and Truth of Faith, not convinced by any evidence of truth, even wonders of God, rejecting the obvious truth.

Sins, screaming the sky about the ignition for them

Intentional personbide (in particular, abortions), and in particular the grip of the sins of the sins, fratricide and tsarubia.

Sodomskie sins

The unfair oppression of a man of a wet, defenseless, defenseless widow and the insults of young orphans.

Holding a wretched employee quite well-deserved fees.

Taking away from a person in the extreme position of his last piece of bread or the last leptham, which was later produced by him, as well as violent or secret assignment to themselves from orphans, military personnel and prisoners in the dungeon of alms, food and clothing, which are defined by them, and in general .

Caring and insult to parents who reach the bold beatings.


Confession of AZ multi-sash (name) The Lord God and Sava to our Jesus Christ and you, honest Father, all the sins of mine and all the evil my deeds, I like soda all the days of my belly, izzazhi even to this day.

Sinned:the vows of Saint Baptism did not comply with, but in everything I lied and inadvertently owned by myself before God created.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:before the Lord, a little and slowdown in thoughts, from the enemy of the faith and the Holy Church of the Enemia; ungrateful for all his great and ultimate benefits, calling the name of God without need - VSE 3
In vain - in vain, for no reason, benefit.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:increasing to the Lord of Love below the fear, the failure to fulfill the holy will of His and the Holy Commandments, the negligent image on himself cross signs, ungalled behavior, urgency of holy icons; She did not wear the cross, was ashamed to be baptized and confess the Lord.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:the love of the neighbor did not save, did not give the striking and thirsty, did not dressed Nagih, did not attend patients and in the dungeon of prisoners; The law of God and the Holy Fathers, legend from tanniff and negligence did not teach.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:church and home rules without fill, walking in the temple without diligence, with tape and negligence; leaving the morning, evening and other prayers; During the church service, it was sinned by the fellowship, laughter, dense, inattention to reading and singing, scattered mind, the emergence of the temple during the service and the badness of God's temple on tanniff and not.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinneddaring in the impurity to go to the temple of God and every shrine touched.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:an urgency of the holidays of God; violation of holy posts and lack of lean days - environments and fridays; Non-confronted in food and beyon, a multiple, secretious, annoying, drunkenness, boring animals, tune. 4
Tundar, illegally; Euspices. There is bread.

; his will and mind of execution, self-confidence, self-confidence and self-absorption; an urgency of parents, not by raising children in Orthodox faith, curse of your children and neighbors.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:unbelief, superstition, doubt, despair, despondency, blasphemy, oath, dance, smoking, game card, fortunate, appealed for help to sorcerers and sorcerers (psychics, hypnotists, healers, etc.), I remembered the living for the rest, read Walking books and conspiracies.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:proud, self-adequacy, highly imperial, vague, ambition, envy, extrunning, suspicion, irritability.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:the condemnation of all people - the living and dead, gossomes and anger, memoriality, hate, evil for evil by rewarding, slandering, rooting, slyness, laziness, deception, hypocrisy, peres, gossip, disputes, stubbornness, reluctance to give way and serve neighbor; I was sinned with gloating, zepletling, wardrift, insult, ridicule, wearing and humanote.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:the impatience of the diseases and sorrow, attaching to the comforts of this life, the captivity of the mind and the passage of the heart, the loyalty of themselves for any good deed.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:inchangely to the suggestions of the conscience to his, laziness to reading the Word of God and the unlawful of the compassion of Jesus prayer, love, sober, unrighteous acquisition, theft, theft, spuriousness, attaching to various kinds of things and people.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:the conviction and disobeying the fathers of spiritual, ropot and offend on them and the malfunction of their sins for oblivion, not in a false shame.

Forgive me, honest.

Sinned:merciless, contempt and condemnation of beggars; The walking in the temple of God without fear of God, scattered prayer, prayed, having dislike in his neighbor, with a cold heart, without attention, without diligence and reverence; shied in heresy and sectarian teachings.

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To help walking.
What is the evidence of your conscience, such expect from God and Court for yourself.

SVT. Filaret Moscow
P.2, (p.1, p.3)

Sins usually call not only sinful things, i.e. Actions, actions, words, thoughts, feelings, anticipated commandments of God, Christian moral law, but often the causes of sinful affairs - passion and sinful skills of the human soul, as nasty plan of God about a person who perverts the perfection of the human nature created by the likeness of God. Everyday household prayers remind us of our sins: the prayer of the evening of the Holy Spirit, the daily confession of sins at the end of the evening prayers, as well as the fourth prayer for the Holy Communion: "Yako on a terrible and non-Liecelessness of the end of the conviction" (placed, however, not in all prayer) , other. In most benefits for preparing for the sacrament, sins are distributed across the Ten Commandments of the Law of God and the Commandments of Gospel. It should be noted that the evangelical understanding of the commandments of the Law of God, given through the Prophet Moses ancient people to Israel, much extensive and deeper than the Old Testament. Sin is considered to violate the commandment not only by the case, but also thoughts and desire. However, the last, tenth commandment, as if preparing the Old Testament people to the perfect understanding of the law, says: "Do not wish." Eight main sinful passions with their divisions and industries

1. Curvage
Appearance, drunkenness, non-burning and permission of posts, secretious, delicacy, in general, abstinence. Incorrect and excessive lubaning of the flesh, her abdomen and peace, from which a pride is drawn up, from which the non-burning of loyalty to God, church, virtue and people. 2. Heading
The prison, the fornication of the sensation and position of the soul and heart / biting is an external and internal tank, scabies, lacking /, adoption of unclean thoughts, a conversation with them, the delays of them, loving them, slowness in them. Bludny dream and captivity. Determination of Highlights / i.e. in the bed with an embrace, about items. Not feeling feelings, in terms of touch, in what the dyingness, emotioning all virtues. Facing and reading voluptuous books. Sins of prodigal natural: fornication and adultery. Sins of prodigal unnatural: Malakia / Harmoblude /, Music, Lesbian / Woman with a woman /, Labilities and them like

3. Srebrolubie
Loming money, generally loving the property of moving and immovable. The desire to get rich. Reflecting on enrichment tools. Dreaming wealth. Fear of old age, inadvertent poverty, soreness, expulsion. Poor. Corestolubie. Disbelief to God, non-existence on his fishery. France or painful excessive love for different thundered subjects depriving the soul of freedom. Passion to the bay care. Loming gifts. Assigning someone else's. Litch. Cravascular to the poor brethren and to all those in need. Theft. Robbery

4. Gnev

Quiliency, the adoption of angry thoughts: the dream of anger and observation, the perturbation of the heart of a fierce, acknowledgment of her mind: an obscene cry, a dispute, a bang, cruel and knocker words, emphasis, pushing, murder. Memorozlobia, hatred, enmity, mission, slandering, condemnation, indignation and resentment of the near.

5. Sadness
Mantle, longing, cutting off hope on God, doubt in the promises of God, ungrating to God for all the case, foolishness, impatience, non-conversion, sorrow on the near, Ropot, renunciation from the cross, the attempt to get away from him.

6. Sadness
The lanost to every kind case, especially the prayer leaving of the church and Celinago rule. Leaving undercessant prayer and showing reading. Inattention and hasty in prayer. Neglect. Ungiven. Idleness. Excessive calming sleep, lying and all sorts of it. Reviving from place to place. Frequent outlets from keels, walking and visiting friends. Celebration. Brutants. Blazes. Leaving the pockets and other feats of bodily. Forgetting their sins. Obliving the commandments of Christ. Neractions. Capture. Detention of fear of God. Looseness. Insension. Despair.

7. Vanity
The search for glory of human. Boasting. The desire and selection of earthly and fussy honors. Looking out beautiful clothes, crews, servants and celon things. Attention to the beauty of your face, votes and other body qualities. The location to the sciences and arts of the dying age, the quest to have time to acquire temporary, earthly glory. Shame to confess their sins. Hiding them in front of people and the father of spiritual. Craftiness. Self-assessment. Precloss. Drawing up their mind. Hypocrisy. False. Flattery. Manognos. Envy. The humiliation of the near. The changes in the short. Indulgence. Selflessness. The temper and the life of Besky.

8. Pride
Dispose of the neighbor. Preference to everyone. Dryness. Overlapping, debit of mind and heart. The arrival of them to the earth. Hula. Disbelief. Falgemented mind. The failure of the law of God and the Church. The submission of its carnal will. Reading books of heretical, depraved and fumes. Disobedience to the authorities. Stroke mockery. Leaving Christian Indoor and silence. Loss of simplicity. Loss of love for God and neighbor. False philosophy. Heres of worm. Ignorance. Death of the soul.
Sins of mortals, i.e. making a man of eternal death or perished

1. Pride, despising everyone, requiring itself from other slavery, ready for the sky to once and become stripped: in a word - pride before self-registration.

2. Incorrecting the soul, or Judine greed for money, connected by the biggest part with unrighteous acquisitions, not giving a person and to think about the spiritual.

3. Blud, or the politic life of the prodigal son, which wrecked in such life all his father's estate.

4. Envy, bringing to all possible atrocities near.

5. Cens agenic or a town man, who does not know any posts, connected to passionately attachment to various fun in the example of the evangelical rich, who had fun on all the days of Light.

6. Anger is irreconcilable and deciding on terrible destruction, following the example of Herod, who beat Bethlehem babies in anger.

7. Lacility, or committed about the soul carelessness, the lack of repentance until the last days of life, such as in the days of Noah.

Sins of Hula on the Spirit of Haine

Excessive hope for God, or the continuation of sinful life in one hope of God's mercy.

Despair or opposite to excessive belief on God feeling in relation to the mercy of God, denying in God the deception and bringing to the thought of suicide.

Stubborn disbelief, not convinced by any evidence of truth, even obvious wonders, rejecting the most economical truth.

Sins, blatant sky about ignition for them

In general, deliberately personbide / abortion /, and in particular the otseubideism / fratricide and zarubiabeism.

Sodomsky sin.

A vain oppression of a man of ivogo, defenseless, defenseless widow and young orphans.

Holding a wretched employee quite well-deserved fees.

Taking away the person in the extreme position of the last piece of bread or the last lepta, which was then produced by him, as well as violent or secret assignment to themselves in the dungeon of alms, food, warmth or robes, which are defined by them and generally oppressed them.

Pretty and insult to parents to the bold beatings.

Sins hunts

The essence of the doctrine of Naitaria sets out sv. Kirill Alexandria in the word "on the outcome of the soul." Nutrition is the inevitable way to transition from temporary mortality to the eternal lots of all souls of human, both evil and kind. In the municipality of the soul in the presence of angels and demons, but also before the Okom of the All-Russia God, gradually and in detail are tested in all matters, words and thoughts. The souls are good, justified on all nuclearities, arise by the angels in the paradise monastery for the presenlation of eternal bliss, and sinning sinners, detained on one or another municipality, are enhanced by the sentence of an invisible court, demons in their dark monastery for the presenlation of eternal torment.

Thus, Nutrition and there is a private court who makes the Lord himself over each human soul, the Lord himself through his angels, admitting to the evil solari-accusers of demons. In Life prep. Vasily new (Ch. M. March 26) It is narrating that the student of his prep. Gregory (also on March 26) were discovered in detail in the vision of both the circumstances of the mortal hour and walking in Naitaria Pub. Feodora (memory 8 dec.). 20 lampsions are calculated in detail.

Questions begin in mitigarchs from sins, as we call, "small", universal (celebrations) and what they go further, the facts relating to sins more important and ends in the 20th municipality of non-merciful and rigidity to neighbor - the sins of the most serious, for which, by The Word of God, there is a "court without grace" with no grace.

Sin word: incredigating, multi-climb, wiping, fellowship, fatigue, sore, foul language, jokes, obscenity, vulgarity, distortion words, simplifications, bodies, absurdity, ridicule, laughter, ridiculousness, singing of passionate songs, curvators, welders, kosonazech Hagtitude, incitement, blasphemy, cropping people and the name of God, remembering VSE, rudeness.

FALSE: flattery, zeper, fellowship with cunning, meanness, cowardice, crushing, bustle, insidency, imagination, artistry, false witness, oath, sweeping sins for confession, secrecy, violation of this promise does not repeat sins, sins.

Sleeve: insults, condemnation, distortion of truth, yabedanicity, complaints, abuse, mockery, assistance to sins of others, unceasing, cynicality, moral pressure, threats, distrust, doubt.

Czechoda: Appearance, Support, Smoking, Tainwood, Violation of posts, pastry, drunkenness, drug addiction, toxicizing, and other, increments

Laziness: negligence, inattention, oblivion, multiple, idleness, despondency, lightness, foolishness, weakness, idleness, forgetfulness, carelessness, hangurial, tunes, optional, coldness and thermal shovels to spiritual, volatility about prayer, discrepancy, insensitiveness.

Theft: theft, theft, divide, adventures, scams, aiding, the use of stolen, fraud, assignment in the form of withdrawal, sacredness.

Srebrolubie: Care, search for benefits, multipleness, stying, greed, storage, accumulation, gave money to debt percent, speculation, bribes.

Likement: extortion, robbery, robbery, cunning, tricks, not returning debts.

Not true: deception, body kit, bribing, unrighteous court, dishonority, mercy, suspicion, hiding, complicity.

Envy: in the benefits of material, in mental virtues, the pressing, the desire of someone else's.

Pride: self-conception, self-alignment, elevation, elevation, vanity, arrogance, hypocrisy, self-adequacy, disintegration, disappointments, disobedience, contempt, shamelessness, shamelessness, blasphemy, ignorance, keenness, self-excursion, stubbornness, unrecognizability, dishwasiness.

Memozlobia: balloon, gloating, messing, vigilance, insertion, trauma, caverza, bliss.

Anger: irreconcilability, hot temper, hatred, rage, blows, pinkies, drying, burglar, despair, quarrels, squabbles, hysterics, scandal, treachery, merciless, rudeness, resentment.

Murder: (thoughts, word, business), fights, use of all kinds of guns or drugs for murder, abortion (or complicity)

Magnification: fortune telling, vorozhba, astrology, horoscopes, patterns of fashion, healing (psychic) \u200b\u200bhiding behind the name of God, levitation, sign, witchcraft, witchcraft, shamanism, witchcraft

Looking: carnal cohabitation outside of church marriage, voluptuous views, prodigal thoughts, dreams, fantasies, approval, settlement, lodging on sin, flavoring chastity, night desecration, pornography, viewing of depraved films and programs, handobrace.

Adultery: marital treason and still seduction, violence, fall, violation of the vow of celibacy.

Blud Sodomsky: the perversion of nature, self-satisfaction, self-physicue, violence, abduction, bloodstand, seduction of juvenile (direct and indirect)

Yersi: disbelief, dryness, distortion and perversions of truth, distortion of Orthodoxy, doubts, apostasy, violation of church decrees, participation in heretical assets: Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientology, Virgin Center, Ivanova, Roerich, etc., as well as in other belarus associations and structures.

Non-mercy: insension, ruthlessness, the persecution of weak, cruelty, petition, outlook, did not care about children, old men, patients, did not give alms, did not sacrificed themselves and their time for others, inhumanity, heartlessness.

All passions, if they are freed by them will be freedom, they act, increase, increase in the soul, finally, is widely, they master it and take it away from God. These are the grievous Bremen, who amended Adam after he tasted from the tree. These passions killed the Lord on the Cross our Jesus Christ. These are those dilapidated bellows, in which wine is not poured (Matt. 9:17). These are those pellets, which were lubricated by Lazar (John 11:44). These are demons sent by Christ in the flock of pigs (Matt. 8: 31-32). This is the Old Man who commands the apostle Christian to cope with himself (1 Cor. 15:49). These are the wolf and thorn who began to spew the land of Adam, after he was overthrown from Paradise (Gen. 3:18).

Avva Isaiah asked: what is repentance?
He answered: the Holy Spirit teach us to retire from sin and no longer fall into it. This is repentance.

Bringing true repentance is not engaged in the condemnation of neighbors, they are engaged in mourning their sins.
Who condemns sinners, he expels repentance.
Who justifies yourself, he alienates itself from repentance.
Love the humility: it will cover you from your sins.
Humility is that a person conscious of himself a sinner before God, who did not make a single good deal before God.
I begged every person who wants to bring to God repentance, refuse to eat wine in large quantities. Wine revives passion out of passion in the soul and expels the fear of God.
Do not argue with each other by any reason, do not speak badly about anyone, do not judge anyone, do not condemn and not humiliate anyone in the word, nor in the heart, do not flick anyone, do not suspect anyone in any evil.
There is no contempt for anyone because of his bodily drawback.
If anyone glorifies you and you accept the praise with grace, then there is no fear of God.
If you say that you are unfair, and you are confused, then there is no fear of God.
If you are looking for the word with your brethren, so that your word is over the words of others, then there is no fear of God.
If you neglect your word, and you will be offended by this, then there is no fear of God in you.
Do not curiose and do not ask about the world's fumes.
Do not advise your thoughts with everyone: advise about them only with your fathers. Otherwise, you will bring yourself sorrow and embarrassment.
Do not open your thoughts before everyone, so that this is not the reason for the stumbling block for your neighbor.
Store from lies: She expels the fear of God from humans.
From love to glory a human born false. Who behaves slyly in relation to his brother, he does not avoid sorrow heart.
Do not seek friendship with the glorious world of this, so that God's glory did not go out in your heart.
Do not get carried away by the security memories of the sins, so that the feeling of these sins has not been updated in you.
Madness of the kingdom of heaven, and will not be little to bring you to him for me to remember.
Remember both Geenne and the raising of things that are attached to it.
Daily in the morning, waiver from sleep, bring to my memory that you have to give a report to God in any other way, and you will not sink before Him: the fear of him will alllete in you.
Daily consider your sins every day, pray for them, and God will forgive them to you.
Waying close death does not fall into many sins. Opposite the hoping to live for a long time excavated by many sins.
Live so, as if every day, experienced to you, was the last in life, - and you can't sink before God.

According to "Honey," composed by St. Ignatius (Bryanchanin).

The end and God of Glory.
