Administrative penalties as measures of administrative responsibility. Warning and fine as types of administrative punishments. Types of administrative punishments

Ladybug, fly to heaven, bring us bread, black and white, but not burnt. (Children's song).

Among all the insects that live in our latitudes, it is the ladybug that enjoys the greatest respect and honor. Indeed, even the name itself - "ladybug" speaks of a certain divinity of this creature. Why is the ladybug ladybug? What are the habits of this insect, what are the types of ladybugs, where they live, what they eat and many other interesting things about them, read on.

Where did the name ladybug come from

The ladybug got its so unusual name thanks to its bright red color, which aroused the sympathy of people. So, for example, in Slovenia and the Czech Republic it was called the "sun" (Slunechko), in Germany and Switzerland it is known as the "bug of the Virgin Mary", in the countries latin America it is called "the ladybug of St. Anthony." What is the origin of the name "ladybug", that is, two versions on this score, according to the first, it was named "ladybug" for its ability to produce poisonous milk, which scares off potential predators, our ladybug received the prefix "ladybug" for its meek and peaceful disposition. According to another version, these insects became "god" due to their ability to destroy aphids, than to help preserve the harvest.

Ladybug: description, structure, characteristics. What does a ladybug look like?

By biological classification ladybug is an arthropod insect that belongs to the coleoptera and the family of ladybugs.

The size ladybug ranges from 4 to 10 mm. The shape of their body is either round or oval-elongated, flat below and very convex above. The body surface of some species of ladybugs is covered with fine hairs. In the structure of their body, the head, pronotum, chest, consisting of three sections, abdomen, wings with elytra and three pairs of paws are distinguished.

The ladybug's head is small (although in some species it may be slightly elongated), it is motionlessly connected to the front chest. But the eyes of the ladybug are relatively large. An insect antennae, which consists of 8-11 segments, are very flexible.

The pronotum of the ladybug is convex, has a transverse structure and a notch at the anterior margin. On its surface there are often "branded" specks of various shapes.

Due to the presence of three pairs of paws, a ladybug can move quite quickly both on the grass and along the stems of plants. The abdomen of ladybirds consists of five or six segments, which are covered from below by sternites (segmental semirings).

Despite the fact that the ladybug has two pairs of wings, they fly only with the help of two rear ones. The front wings, in the process of evolution, have transformed into rigid elytra, which serve as protection for the hind wings at the moment when the ladybird is on the ground.

As a means of protection against predators, ladybugs are able to secrete a certain poisonous "milk" - cantharidin, a toxic yellow liquid, which also has bad smell... Additionally, enemies are scared off by the bright colors of the ladybug. The color of the protective covers of the ladybug can be not only bright red, but also yellow, black, white with spots as well different colors and various configurations. Sometimes the pattern on the cow's pronotum may indicate her gender.

How long do ladybugs live

The lifespan of a ladybug depends on its species and the availability of food in its habitat; it can range from several months to two years. But on average, ladybugs live for about a year.

Where do ladybugs live

Ladybugs live over a wide geographic range, practically on all earthly continents with the exception of Antarctica and the polar arctic regions. As for habitats, some of them prefer to live on plants where aphid colony has formed, others choose sedge and reed along water bodies as a dwelling, while others live in field grasses.

What ladybugs eat

Enemies of Ladybugs

How ladybugs live

Regardless of the species, all ladybugs are not gregarious insects, but ardent individualists leading an isolated lifestyle. They gather together only during their mating season for procreation, as well as for flights to warmer regions and wintering. Since these insects love warmth, the species that live in our temperate latitudes, before the onset of winter cold weather, gather in large flocks, and fly away like birds to winter in places with a warmer climate.

Although there are sedentary individuals that also gather together in some secluded place during the winter cold period, usually these are the breakdown of stones, fallen bark and tree foliage. With the onset of spring and warmth, they again scatter over meadows and grasses.

Types of ladybugs, photos and names

Zoologists identify 4000 different types ladybirds, divided into 7 subfamilies. Let's describe the most interesting among them.

It is a beetle with a body length of up to 5 mm, with a dark red body and two black dots (hence the name).

It is this type of ladybug that is most common in Europe. Its size is 7-8 mm. Its elytra are colored red, there are three black spots on the sides, and the seventh is located at the head of the insect.

This ladybug has a length of 6 mm, a bright pink or red color, and, accordingly, 12 black spots on the elytra.

This species of ladybug has as many as 13 spots against the background of red-brown elytra, some of its spots can merge with each other.

This ladybird is up to 7 mm long and is divided into two subspecies. One of them has a yellow elytra with black spots, both large and small. The second subspecies is characterized by black elytra, on which red-orange spots are visible.

This is a very large representative of the ladybug family, reaching up to 10 mm in length. It has red or yellow elytra and black spots surrounded by lighter rims.

It is very rare view, its characteristic difference is the absence of branded spots. Also, the red or brown body of the pointless ladybug is covered with small villi.

This is another unusual representative of the ladybug family, which has a characteristic blue color... Such insects live exclusively in Australia.

How do ladybugs breed? Development stages of a ladybug.

Ladybugs reach sexual maturity, depending on the species, at 3-6 months of life. Mating season they come in the spring. The male finds his chosen one by the characteristic smell that she gives off during that period. A short time after mating, the female ladybug lays eggs, and often acts very wisely, laying them near aphid colonies in order to immediately provide future offspring with food.

Ladybug eggs are attached to the underside of the leaves, they are oval in shape with slightly tapered ends. One clutch contains up to 400 eggs. Unfortunately, the females themselves die soon after laying.

After 1-2 weeks, variegated ladybug larvae emerge from the eggs. They are oval or flat. The body surface of the larva is often covered with fine bristles or hairs. In the first days of their life, they eat the shell of the egg from which they hatched, then the neighboring eggs without embryos or even with them (yes, the larvae of ladybirds can be cannibals). Gradually gaining strength, they begin to eat the colony of aphids.

In the state of the larva, the future ladybug stays for 4-7 weeks, after which the pupation stage begins. The pupa is attached to the leaf of the plant and in this position, it spends 7-10 days in the cocoon, it is during this period that all the body parts characteristic of the ladybug are laid. After this period, a mature adult appears.

The benefits and harms of ladybugs

The benefits of the ladybug, especially in our latitudes, are undoubted, the principle "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" works here. Ladybugs, eating various insect pests, provide a great service to agricultural land. Sometimes they are even specially bred in special places and then sprayed over fields and plantations infected with pests.

But among them there are herbivorous species, most of them live in tropical regions, which can also harm agricultural crops.

  • Since ancient times, people have revered ladybirds, which in the imagination of the ancients served as the personification of divine powers. For example, our ancestors, the ancient Slavs considered ladybirds to be messengers of the sun goddess.
  • Also from ancient times, with the help of ladybirds, people predicted the weather, so an insect flying away from the palm promised a clear and sunny weather... Conversely, a ladybug that wanted to stay on her hand was a messenger of bad weather and rains.
  • In many cultures, the ladybug is considered a symbol of good luck, for the same reason, many superstitions and signs are associated with them, the general belief is that in no case should these insects be harmed so as not to incur troubles and hardships.
  • For scientists, it still remains a mystery how ladybugs always invariably return to the same places after their wintering flights.

Ladybug video

And in conclusion, an interesting video about ladybirds.

“Ladybug, fly to heaven” - these are the words of a well-known children's song, uttered by children, when a red beetle with black spots located on bright elytra is slowly crawling along a small palm.

IN Western Europe a beetle is called a ladybug, a sun beetle, a sun calf, we call it a ladybug.

With the onset of spring, the beetles fly from place to place, sit on their hands, face, clothes, trees, and then fly up again in search of food. The bright coloration of the shiny elytra attracts everyone's attention.

In our opinion, ladybugs are beetles with red or yellow elytra, with seven or five dots arranged symmetrically.

But insect connoisseurs say that cows can have patterns on their backs in the form of commas, dashes and even in the shape of the letter M, and sometimes their backs are decorated with intricate ornaments.

The ladybug is a beautiful insect.

For what purpose did nature reward a little bug with such a bright outfit? This coloration is threatening and warning. Nobody will remember the pale beetle, and the bright, memorable colors allow you to recognize the insect from afar. The bird will taste a bright insect that releases a drop of caustic liquid and no longer tries to eat the tasteless bug. Neither frogs nor lizards eat, even spiders, and they refuse pungent insects. Even the Central Asian poisonous spider - the tarantula refuses such food, the ladybug is too tough for him. When it feeds on to penetrate the spider's burrow, it drives it out, urging the bright insect on with its front paws.

The whole secret of the peculiarity of ladybirds lies in the poison of cantharidin, it is contained in an orange drop of caustic liquid. When pressed on the body of the beetle, it releases a poisonous yellowish liquid through the channels in the legs. This is due to the special structure of the ladybug's knees. When the legs are squeezed, a caustic drop appears immediately. This poison, contained in the liquid, burns the throat unpleasantly for birds and other animals. The yellow liquid gives off an unpleasant odor, which is not to everyone's taste. Poisonous cantharidin serves as a reliable protection against predators for the ladybug. Some beetles even disguise themselves by its color, hoping that the birds will not touch them.

The ladybug is a real predator, although her appearance is quite peaceful. There are few herbivorous species among the cows. The basis of food is aphids. A ladybug eats a hundred, or even more, aphids per day. Therefore, fans of gardening and horticulture welcome the appearance of ladybirds on their plantings, beetles perfectly protect fields, orchards and vegetable gardens, because aphids are very harmful to plants.

On the underside of the leaf, a ladybug leaves a clutch of orange eggs, and after a week thick larvae appear from them. They are usually painted in a dark color with a characteristic red or yellow pattern and are quite mobile. The larvae are gluttonous; for their full development, at least a thousand aphids are required. The fertility of the female depends on the number of aphids; the more food ladybirds have, the more fertile they are. On average, the female lays 300 orange eggs.

Rhodolia, a bright red beetle with a black pattern, is a type of ladybug known for keeping citrus plants planted on plantations in many countries. The pest, the grooved worm, which was not even afraid of hydrocyanic acid, was brought from Australia. The abundance of pesticides could kill citrus trees, so people decided on a lot of rhodolias, which from time immemorial ate fluteworms.

In Japan, ladybugs are grown specifically in laboratories, as aphids cause considerable harm to plants planted in the fields. Ladybugs are great at dealing with pests. In the United States, there was a company that specially raised these bugs for plant protection. In the summer, farmers bought ladybirds and, with their help, fought against agricultural pests, not wanting to use pesticides dangerous to human health.

Ladybug is a cute beetle with predatory habits.

There is a lot of mystery in the behavior of ladybirds. A feature in the life of ladybugs is the so-called "gatherings", when beetles from time to time they gather in hundreds and just sit, doing nothing. Biologist O. Gusev on a sunny July day on the shore noticed a many kilometers narrow "path" of ladybirds. While observing the beetles, the biologist noted that the beetles flew in from the taiga and gathered in a large cluster. Ladybugs fly away, having peacefully communicated with their relatives.

Ladybug - insect - predator.

You can always find them not only in the village, but also in city parks and gardens.
The ladybug is completely safe for humans. You can put her on your hand, and she herself will warm herself with pleasure in your palm. According to ancient beliefs, the cow, scientifically called the coccinellida, is directly related to God, she lives in heaven and only occasionally descends to earth. At the same time, she plays the role of a real messenger, you can find out from her what the weather will be, whether the harvest will be successful, etc.

They say that she was the wife of a god of thunder and as a result of a conflict with her husband she was turned into an insect along with children, who became days of the week and at the same time black dots on her scarlet outfit. The French call her the Animal of God, the Germans call her the sheep of God, the British call her the beetle of Our Lady. Yes, and we have a ladybug.

Another, less well-known name is Moses' cow (and again religious motives!). Moreover, the divinity of this little beetle is also emphasized in other cultures: in Germany it is called Marienkaefer (beetle of the Holy Virgin Mary), in England - Ladybird (Ladybird, bird of the Virgin), in Argentina - the Ladybird of St. Anthony.

Despite the idyllic name, this is an insect, a predator, which refers to all ladybirds of the middle lane. The basis of the menu of adult cows is made up of sedentary mass insects that are easy to catch: aphids, worms, whiteflies and spider mites of various species. This preference is not accidental, because cows are very voracious and can eat up to 100-150 ticks or aphids daily. Ladybug larvae feed exclusively on aphids, eating them up to 60 (if adults) or 300 aphid larvae daily. Over the entire period of development of the ladybug, the number of aphids eaten by it is estimated in thousands.

Long, elongated ladybug larvae, somewhat similar to small leeches, are often found in clusters of aphids, not far from the "generous table" ... Like adult relatives, they are inedible for birds, therefore they behave rather carelessly. Their invulnerability is indicated by bright orange or red spots on the inconspicuous main background of the larva.

Ladybugs are very fertile, and the number of offspring is directly related to the amount of potential food. If usually one female lays 200-400 eggs, then in the "feeding" years the number of eggs can reach 1500-1700!

Several ladybirds with their offspring may well clear a small garden area of \u200b\u200baphids. In addition, in the middle of summer, when there is less food, ladybugs may well diversify the “menu” with small caterpillars, herbivorous bugs and larvae of small beetles, which is also valuable for gardeners and gardeners.

Among the feats of ladybirds, one can recall the salvation by them all over the world of citrus plantations, which are dying from the invasion of the Australian fluted worm; among the saved plantations there were also citrus plantations of the then Soviet Caucasus. In addition, in the same Transcaucasia, a ladybug imported from Australia - lindor keeps in check the scale insects that damage mulberry trees. One type of ladybug protects alfalfa fields from pests. It should also be mentioned that these insects are migratory, like birds, and are able to migrate to places that most need their presence. For the winter, they hide under stones or in other cozy places, often forming large clusters.

Due to their unpretentiousness, high fertility, tolerance for the "society" of their own kind and very beneficial food specialization for people, ladybugs have become a fairly popular object for biological protection in agriculture. It is possible that someday they will be bred in the same quantity as bees and silkworms are bred now.

The origin of the name "ladybug" is most likely associated with a biological feature of the bug: it can give milk, and not ordinary, but red! Such liquid is released in case of danger from the pores on the bends of the limbs.
The milk tastes extremely unpleasant (and in large doses it is even fatal!) And scares off predators who see their potential lunch in the ladybird. The same task is performed by the bright coloring, which speaks of the inedibility of the winged ladybug. The bug's protective "techniques" are very effective: even tarantula spiders don't feed on it!

There is still no consensus about the origin of the name of the ladybug. But the signs and legends associated with these winged bugs are still alive today. It is a great sin to step on or harm a cow. So maybe there really is something divine in her?

Since ancient times, the people have considered the ladybug a servant of the Mother of God, which is why she deserved such a reverent and respectful attitude towards herself, expressed in superstitions and omens. There is still a belief that an insect can understand human speech, flies to God and conveys to him the requests and wishes of people. It is believed that the bug lives in heaven and only sometimes comes down from there to convey the will of the Lord to a person.


  • Yellow - brings happiness, portends favorable changes.
  • With white spots - good news.
  • Black with red dots - brings success in business.
  • A lot of bright red insects on the street predict a friendly and large family to a person who sees. For landowners, this is a happy omen that means a rich harvest of rye.

  • Without spots - the ladybug itself was just born and portends the birth of a baby.
  • With two points - a person will learn to be reasonable and begin to make the right decisions.

In ancient times, the number of spots on the back of an insect was used to judge how many lucky months in a year. The happiest ladybug is considered to have 7 black dots on its body. In this case, it is necessary to let the insect free with the words: "How many spots on the body of the cow, the same number of happy months will be this year."


It is an alarming and dangerous sign if a ladybug is patiently crawling along the outside of the window and gets caught in a cobweb. This may indicate that happiness is very close, but something or someone will scare him away. It is imperative to save the insect and good luck will come to the house. If you cannot save, then you will have to fight for happiness.


  • On hand: on the right - to fulfill the cherished desire; to the left - to improve health. Also, a ladybug on your hand is a good reason to tell fortunes for the future. It is necessary to ask the insect a question and gently blow under the wings: if the beetle soars up, the plan will come true, and if it continues to wander around the hand, the hope will not come true or will be fulfilled with a delay. When the bug sits on your hand, you need to count to 22, if it does not fly away until the end of the count, then a person will have happy love.
  • On the head Is a lucky sign for work. Career will go by leaps and bounds, authority will increase, if there is some unpleasant situation, then it will quickly resolve for the better. It is important not to be frightened and not to brush the insect off the head to the ground, otherwise the luck and success that it brought will bypass.
  • On the face - promises happy love.
  • On hair - to money, promotion, respect and honor. If the ladybug is entangled in the curls, then the person will face a rapid transition to a new, joyful and prosperous standard of living.
  • On the shoulder - neutral omen. Nothing significant will happen, but mood and well-being will improve, and happy events in life will multiply.
  • On the back - the difficult situation will be quickly resolved.
  • On the chest - to a happy life.
  • On foot - happiness will come, but a little later.
  • On clothes - to pleasant surprises from a loved one.


Ladybugs have jaws, but they rarely bite, usually bugs hunt aphids. However, if, nevertheless, the ladybug has bitten, then attention should be paid to this. She can warn about an enemy or an enemy who slanders behind his back or tries to slander.

Another sign on the bite: the insect did not like the smell of a person, and she expressed it that way.

In home

  • A ladybug that has flown into a dwelling is a sign associated with the birth of the first child. If there are already children in the family, then they will be friendly and happy.
  • An insect will never fly into a house that emits bad energy, so if this happens, then you can be sure that the apartment has a positive, harmonious aura. It is not worth driving out the ladybug, as this act will destroy the favorable atmosphere in the house. Better put her on indoor plant near an open window - soon the spotted creature will fly away on its own.

  • A ladybug flew into the house - a sign that the once lost thing will soon be found.
  • If the insect sits on the bed where the child sleeps, then this means that he will grow strong and strong. A visit to a couple's bed is a sign of a successful and happy marriage filled with love, respect and mutual understanding.
  • If a ladybug has released a yellow liquid, it is a symbol of health. Therefore, if someone is sick in the house, he will soon recover. In ancient times, this secret was used to lubricate sick teeth.
  • If an insect flew into the room of an unmarried girl, then soon she will get married.
  • Killing a bug is a bad omen.

The season also plays a significant role: depending on the season, the omen also changes its meaning.

  • The insect settled in the house in the spring - to financial success and profit, in the summer - one should expect career growth, bonuses or promotion. In this case, the ladybug must be put on the palm of your hand and taken out into the street: the faster it flies away, the stronger and more stable your financial situation will be. If the insect sits on the hand for more than 1 minute, then you will have to fight for wealth and profit, limiting costs and saving every penny.
  • In winter and autumn, spotted guests rarely fly into the house, since in the cold season they hide from bad weather or die. However, if an insect visits a dwelling in September, then this is a sign that the family will be replenished. When a spotted miracle suddenly appears in January or February, then soon the newlyweds will appear in the house or a beloved distant relative will arrive. When a creation of God flew into the house in the cold season, the omen will come true only if it is left in the home, planting it on any flower.


To attract good luck and success to the house, you need to wear an amulet with the image of a ladybug. Moreover, the more spots on its wings, the stronger the talisman.

  • One dot means help in any endeavors.
  • Two - will give satisfaction and harmony.
  • Three - will make the owner decisive and judicious.
  • Four - will take away bad people, thieves and robbers.
  • Five - will help improve mental abilities, awaken hidden talents.
  • Six - will help in development and self-education.
  • Seven is a divine sign, the promise of wealth and happiness.
  • By decorating your home with an object or image of a beautiful and bright insect, you can attract happiness, luck and safety. Such a design for children's rooms is considered a particularly favorable sign.