How to distinguish love from passion? Passionate love is a dangerous attraction. How to distinguish true love from love and sympathy? What is the difference between love from passion

At almost all songs, films, poems and books are true love. This feeling chanting poets and depict artists at all times. True, often true love is confused with a different feeling - with love.

How to deal with your feeling, and how to distinguish it from passions, love or affection?

What attracts you most and worries in a person?

  • Love. As a rule, in this case, you most worry the physical data of the partner - reliefs of the shape, eyes, become, sinking soap in shoulders, courageous face, etc.

  • Love. You are worried about the personality of the partner as a whole. Physical attraction and thrust for man is present, but only together with the personal characteristics and qualities of the partner. True love is perception at all levels of all human qualities. You are worried about his light hotness, a strong back, a manner of drinking coffee in the mornings and communicate with colleagues, pay in the store and stagged wooden figures on the balcony - everything, without exception.

What qualities attract you in a partner?

  • Love. In this state, the number of partner's qualities that you admire is very limited. Perhaps they act on you so that the earth leaves from under the feet, but these "outlorer factors" are limited to a charming smile, a gait or, for example, perfume aroma.

  • Love.True love is when you love in a person not only "every crack" , Mountain and bulge, but also all its qualities, side and actions (admiring good, and condescendingly tearing over not the most positive). Any minus of your loved one immediately turns into a plus or simply perceived as a fact, and is accepted as it is.

Start of your novel

  • Love.The feeling flashes instantly - from a randomly abandoned look, touching a hand, a short dialogue and even a chance meeting, for example, in the company of friends. Simulate with marching. Once caloring the match from one smile of a partner, the feeling can also quickly go out from the wind of changes, the character of man is barely revealed.

  • Real love.She always comes gradually. At understanding, awareness and complete person's acceptance is required time. It is impossible to love with all the heart of a person who do not know anything about. You can, of course, deceive yourself - "I love him, and everything, no matter how it is," but true love always requires a time check.

Constancy of interest in the partner

  • Love.With this sense, interest in the partner will burn with a hot flame, it subsides for days, and even weeks. The reason is one thing - love is not distinguished by deep roots of feelings, it is superficial, and there is nothing under it, which warmed the permanent interest in man.

  • Real love.She never subsides. Not a day (and sometimes even an hour) so that you do not think about the partner. You constantly want to see him, to be near, hear the voice. And if when the separation of separation is removed, it is quite easily, then for a truly loving person, even separation on the day is unbearable.

Influence of feelings on your identity

  • Love.Primitive enthusiasm for a partner (proven fact) disorganizes. It relaxes, reduces the concentration, displaces reasonable thinking. Love is known for the spontaneity of actions and a romantic fler, for which, in most cases, only illusions are hiding.

  • Real love.Genuine deep feeling - the phenomenon is creative. A loving person strives for self-improvement, everything has time, "turns around the mountains" and the Sea "Vyod" goes, showing the most positive parties and fiercely struggling with negative.

Attitude towards others

  • Love. "To hell with all of it! There is only he "- if briefly. Everything is moving to the background, friends and parents "do not understand anything in this life," strangers are bothering, things do not matter. You do not drive a feeling, and the feeling manages you. Lost the value of all the values \u200b\u200byou lived, you holy believe that you can all, because you have a valid reason, and besides this feeling no longer matters. Outcome: friends "are numb" and disappear, relationships are spoiled with parents, problems begin at work. But this is later, but as long as love is ruled by the ball.

  • Real love. Of course, he, beloved and native - the most important thing in this world. But you will not put it above the parents. You will not leave friends on the backyards of your life. You will find time for everyone, because in your big heart the true love settled, which with an excess will be enough for the whole world. Your love gives you wings for the development of relationships with the outside world, and illuminates the road to prospects.

What do others think about your relationship

  • Love.Most of friends and acquaintances, as well as relatives (and, especially, parents) do not approve of your relationship. The woman blinded by feeling, the woman does not want to see the shortcomings and even explicit vices, idealizing the object of its passion. From the side, however, always visible. And if every second asks to dress up or at least not to hurry, it makes sense to stop and cool the head - perhaps the impression will come to you earlier than disappointment.

  • Real love.If the feeling is really deep, and decisions are taken seriously, weigly and with a sober position, people around you do not resist and are not trying to impose our opinions. Either they simply approve of your choice, or they clearly realize that your love will only be fixed, contrary to everything. See also:

Parting and feeling

  • Love. A woman passionate enough for 1-3 months to completely "cure" from love. Physiological longing partner lasts a maximum of 3 months, after which they come about parting, about the meaninglessness of the relationship, and that the blue-eyed handsome in the neighboring office is very different.

  • Real love.This feeling is not a hindrance or distance or time. At truly loving each other, binding strings are not robbed even in thousands of kilometers and years later. They will write to each other SMS-ki, communicate through Skype, strain long letters in the old manner and bored, bored, bored ... Waiting for a call to the door. Because true love is when the partner becomes part of you, and the two souls are wangling so hard that the apartments cannot exist.

Feelings and quarrels

  • Love.The more time it takes from the date of acquaintance, the stronger the quarrels become more serious. Why? And because under love - only emptiness. No spiritual connection, there are no general topics, there is no base on which strong unions are created. As a result, it turns out that time it turns out that you are not even talking about, and the scandals at least somehow "diverse" relationships. See also:

  • Real love.A deep feeling of disagreement is not a hindrance. On the contrary, they strengthen relations that are initially built on mutual understanding and search for a compromise. Love is to give way to each other. And the belling in a strong alliance will never affect the relationship itself. So, for example, a husband with a wife, who lived side by side for many years, can be collapsed in the fluff and dust during the sticking of the wallpaper and immediately sit down to drink tea, laughing and piercing each other. While "in love" girl can "send to hell" of his partner just for bought a bed not the system.

Your look at your relationship

  • Love.You two are individuals. "I-he", "my, it", etc. In your relationship, except for enthusiasm, there is practically nothing in common. The words "we" are not about you, it is not even in the lexicon of your relationship. You can easily go on vacation without it, dinner, without waiting for him from work, or fly to a girlfriend to Italy, when he needs your moral support.

  • True love begins with the word "we". Because you are two halves of one whole, and even each individually you perceive each other anyone else as "we", "us", "us." You do not make you vacation and even joint work, you have a dinner, climbing under one plaid before the TV, and stir sugar in a cup for him while it cuts the sausage to you on the sandwich.

Egoism and feelings

  • Love. For interest in the partner and passion, they are worth their mercenary interest. For example, because to be next to this broadly tanned boat with a thick credit card and a brilliant expensive car - it is prestigious (such a new fashion). Or because "better at least such than any". Or so that more solid cavallers have expired saliva on it, this is now inaccessible. Etc. Regardless of the option, you always stay "the girl who is in itself", and any partner intervention in your personal space perceive as a personal insult.
  • True love does not know. You simply give yourself entirely to your chosen one, indiscriminate the doors in the heart, home and refrigerator. You do not self-affirmation at his expense, and just love for what it is.

Between the land and the sky

  • Love is the feeling of "earth", As imposing, mostly, earthly pleasures, thoughts and actions.
  • True love always boil over the "Earth". There are no obstacles for it, any tests are divided in half, and dawns for two and mental intimacy is more expensive than all earthly goods.

In this case, we are talking about love, as about passion and temporary passion

Some believe that love and passion - the concepts are completely identical, and therefore consumes them as synonyms. In fact, they have a little bit, although they are inextricably linked with human relationships. Love should not be replaced by passion or in speech, nor in life. Why should you always distinguish a passion from love? Let's try to clarify this question.


Love - A deep feeling directed to another personality, the basis of which are spiritual proximity, mutual respect, the desire to give the best object of love.

Passion- Based on the desire, a sense of lust, which is not amenable to control and strongly affects the behavior and thinking of a person.


Passion is closely connected with the desire, lust. But when the desire is fulfilled, satisfied, passion, as a rule, fades, comes off. Relationships in which love is dominated, much longer.

Passion is a sense of egoistic, proprietary, it is impatient, manifestation. Passion deprives a person of freedom, making it emotionally addicted. If required, it will no doubt put on a relationship with other people, causes pain. When the passion in priority, she ultimately destroys itself and the relationship of the couple.

If a passion without love - then such relationships are deprived of the future. Love can be without passion. Very often, passionate feelings go into a peaceful, calm bed. Passionate gusts are replaced by trust, mutual respect, the need for each other. Love is based on dedication, unconscious, oblivion of themselves for the other. Love says: "What i I can do for you? ", And the passion shouts:" What you Ready to do for me? " Passion goes against alive, love tactical and noble, she does not hurry, does not hurry.

Passion makes falling into dependence of akin to narcotic, painfully desire all new bright and strong emotions. But such violent feelings cannot exist for a long time. Passion is able to lead to humiliation, love never humiliates, but, on the contrary, elevates, gives the strength to live.

Conclusions Site

  1. The passion is based primarily at a desire, and love is in proximity.
  2. Passion quickly, sometimes instantly flashes, but also quickly and fades. Love is a long-term feeling, over the years it will only grow up, enhanced.
  3. The passion without love ultimately destroys, love (with or without passion) - creates, makes a person better, perfect.
  4. Passions are inherent egoism, love is based on the return partner of all the best, at the desire to please him. Passion seeks to bind, love gives freedom.
  5. Life without passion for many is not a problem, but life without love is unbearable for any person.

So easy to get confused in your own feelings. Even men sometimes may not understand how they belong to the ladies. You might think that the girl attracts only sexually, but then to remember it for a long time after parting. You can think that you fell in love with a girl, although in fact just feel passionate and sexual attraction to her. Emotions are often intertwined with each other, scoring the head of a man with unnecessary thoughts. That is why the male log site proposes to consider distinguishing between passion and love.

In order not to become a victim of your own deception, it is better to understand how you feel about the girl. If you think that you love, then you will suffer for a long time because of the girl, if suddenly she challenges you or start using. If you think that the girl attracts you only sexually, then you can lose it with your Khamsky and indifferent behavior.

First, decide with your feelings, so as not to become a victim of not only your deception, but also partners.

Imposed love

Cinema, advertising, fashion and consumerism are introduced into an unconscious person ideas forming needs, including sexual. In advertising tights, lipstick, carcasses, clothes, shoes are often used by the image of a sensual woman. At the same time, its pose, as a rule, provoking, clothing emphasizes the features of the anatomical structure. This supersenside is unusually attractive, thanks to the art of advertising. All women immediately begin to imitate her, use advertised goods, seeking to increase their attractiveness in men's eyes. Some types of tights, types of skirts, lipstick brands have become synonymous with sexual attractiveness. The problem is not so much in the abuse and manipulation of men's hormones to submit them to certain incentives, but in the fact that all this demonstration heats the cauldron of sexual passions, creating a false psychological sexual appetite with time, which is not biological.

Loving - does not mean sailing downstream, giving up passions, because love cannot be passive. On the contrary, the essence of true love is the activity and power of will. A person must create and feed love himself, and not focus on slaughtered, erroneous and useless generally accepted schemes. - This is not a passive imitation, but the act of creation.

Unfortunately, many men are looking for an ideal woman, that is, a woman to which they would project their fantasy. But it is worth a man to find out a woman closer, as he loses interest to her, thinks that he was wrong. And tolerates his sweet, but destructive fantasy to the next woman, and it can be repeated infinite.

It also happens with a woman. From an early age, she dreams of an ideal man or about. Sources of her fantasies serve love novels, movies, television, magazines. In search of a fabulous prince, a woman is looking for life, and gives out that one, then another man in pursuit of his fantasy, may even become a prostitute. As hardly felt the attraction, she is sure that he found an ideal man, but soon disappointed in him and, thinking that he was mistaken, renews his search. After a while, a new man appears, who fascinates it, but also for a short time. Perhaps in old age she will understand that it was a fruitless chase for mirages, not allowed her to have a real partner.

Love or love?

Love or love? How to distinguish these concepts? From ignorance, many people think that love is gone, although in fact there was love, or what they are in love, in reality love is experiencing. How to distinguish one of the other? Where is love, and where is love?

  1. Love does not force to suffer. The man during love is calm, happy, is peaceful, which cannot be said about love, which is often chasing in modern songs. It leads to various kinds of disorders: loss of appetite, sleep, elevated heartbeat, concentration of thoughts only on one person, etc.
  2. It is said that the love of the blind. This is a mistake of people who confuse her with love. In fact, this is a blind love, because it makes you create an image of your loved one and feel feelings for him. But when the image begins to dissipate, then love passes with all the feelings. Love, on the contrary, wonderful, as it can look soberly on another person and love what sees.
  3. Love quickly flashes and also quickly goes away. Love slowly flares up and almost never goes out.
  4. Love always requires attention, big salaries, beautiful appearance, restaurants, many sex, etc. The joy of love is the return. Love gives, because it can only show myself, without losing it, but increasing and developing.
  5. Love can even be born in someone who does not love the closest person. Over time, it develops only in love dependence, since the favorite partner is a source that can fill it and fill the emptiness of shortly. That is why a person requires more and more, not giving anything in return - he himself is empty. Love, on the contrary, can only have someone who loves themselves, respects and appreciates. He, as a self-sufficient source, can feed itself and a partner, which does not need a mandatory return. A loving person as he knows how to give, so can receive with gratitude.
  6. Love is the opposition of love. The mission of love is to connect two people, interest and give the opportunity to know each other. Euphoric feelings are given to partners for fastening the Union. But if they won't love each other, they will also quickly disperse, as they agreed. With the care of love, many people have a sense of leaving. In fact, love has not yet had time to appear until the man and the woman were absorbed by their own illusions.

Despite the availability of information, more and more people do not understand the difference between Love and Love. Some begin to be afraid of love, when they understand that this is a short-lived feeling, others immediately interpret their feelings as love. But from the fact that everyone creates illusions, pretending to love, a warm feeling will not appear. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the real state of affairs and just know what love and love is.

How to distinguish these two wonderful feelings?

  • Love comes quickly, and love - gradually.
  • Love is short-term, explosive, changing, for love is needed.
  • Love suddenly falls on his head, love comes with time.
  • To fall in love, you just need to put everything on a samone. To love, the personality growth is needed.
  • The image of a loved one in a state of love becomes marching, and life is meaningless. In a state of love, the image of a loved one is constant and real, you live like near him and in his absence.
  • During the period of love, it plays crucial importance, in love it does not occupy a major role.

Love is the beginning of love. Initially, love flashes, and only with time you can feel love. This is normal, naturally. Therefore, do not be afraid of your surgery feelings at the beginning of the relationship, since after that you have a chance to experience love.

Love comes in itself, it is an uncontrolled feeling. However, love overtakes not all pairs. Very often, partners are cooled together with their love, anticipating the inevitability of the collapse of relations. They take some measures, begin to do something, most often criticizing and accusing each other in something. In such respects, there is not enough one - the maturity of both partners. The internal personal growth of the lovers themselves can lead to love between them. No changes in appearance, quarrels and scandals, romantic evenings or frequent making love will preserve the Union, if the partners themselves have not grown so much that love is able to radiate.

As for the love itself, what it is and what it is manifested, you can read in other articles. However, the complexity is not how correct people will understand the essence of love, and whether they are ready to love. In fact, love requires effort primarily from the person himself. If he will only demand a warm feeling from a partner, he will not only not be able to love himself, but it will not even feel love from his beloved man.

Between love and love is a big abyss, but one feeling smoothly goes into another, depending on the readiness of the people themselves. And then, and the other feeling is fine, which is not to be afraid. Therefore, only you depends on that you can experience with your loved one.

How does passion develop into love?

When a man and a woman meet, a passion arises between them. This is that love at first glance, which many people chant. Passion is based on sexual desire: a man and a woman at the physiological level attract each other.

If partners are interesting to each other not only physically, but also intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, that is, a man and a woman has a desire to continue relations, then love arises. People are interesting to each other at the human level, perhaps in interest, in the views on life, in habitations, etc. Partners are of interest to their human qualities that are rarely found, unusual, not combined with each other or simply are pleasant and useful.

Passion and love arise by themselves. To excite, you just need to see the person who is sexually attracting you. To fall in love, the partner is just necessary to tell about yourself something interesting, unusual, kind, exciting. But when will love grow into love?

This, unfortunately, happens quite rarely, because love begins when a person begins to take responsibility for everything that happens to him with his partner. Responsibility - this is what determines the presence of love in the Union of Men and Women. When partners understand that they want not just to meet, but also to build a joint future, then they take responsibility for everything that will happen to them (including how the beloved person will feel in this relationship). A person is responsible not only for himself, but also for his partner. A person is responsible for how relations will develop in the future, where they will live, what will their contacts and so on.

When will love grow in love? When partners take responsibility for their beloved person and for the relationship they build.


Obviously, passion, love and love are different feelings. In order not to fall the victim of your own delusions, it is better to understand this difference. This will allow you to maintain a balance in situations that should not worry you at all.

Already many centuries are argued about what love is and how to separate it from another, no less interesting concept, such as passion. But few wondered about whether love can exist without passion and vice versa. What is the first to take advantage of a person - love or passion? To understand this issue, we will carry out a small analysis and compare two ambiguous feelings, love and passion.

I love, or passion breaks down

What does love differ from adoration? Gusting feelings is so exciting that words and thoughts are characteristic of chaotic. Lovely like everything, the whole world for him in color paints, and in front of the eyes - pink glasses. Beloved or beloved idealize the soul mate, not noticing any drawbacks. Any act is regarded as something magical. Psychologists note that adoration always leads to disappointment if the feelings are not supported by a reasonable component, namely, love. Love performs conscious and host. A loving person aware that there are no ideal people, and his beloved person does not consist of some advantages, but at the same time he takes all the shortcomings and is humbled with them. Adjustion blindly, shortly and sometimes absurd. If we compare figuratively, then love is a wise old man, and adoration is a young student who takes the words of the teacher on faith and dedicts him.

Passion like an unknown variable

Now for greater contrast, take a passion and love for comparison. What does love differ from passion? Passion is often compared with the impulse and even with love. She is not worthy of constancy, it flashes in relationships, it fades. She is able to push a person both on the most courageous act and the most sneaky. What is the difference between a passion from love? Psychology does not give a definite answer. Rather, tries not to separate one of the other, but make these two feelings mutually beneficial for both partners. If the passion is positive and thereby elevates love, then this is harmony. If the passion is negative in love, then this is a relationship, disfigured jealousy, suspicion and insults. Unlike passion, love is distinguished by constancy, tolerance. These two feelings must exist together at the first, emerging stages of relationships. Then there should be only love.

Sympathy, love or love?

The birth of love begins with sympathy. This feeling is evaluating. At the sympathy level, an object of object, its character, behavior occurs. It is at this stage that love can be born, which will later go into a deeper feeling, such as love. What does love differ from sympathy? Depth. Sympathy superficial, ambiguous. This is just a quick look, a pleasant word or conversation. Sympathy does not oblige a confession in love, does not oblige to love. However, it is the sympathy that can be decisive in beginning relations. Of course, it is necessary for love to pass a long and thorny path, but sympathy as a pleasant start of the journey. First love is sympathy and passion. The following relationships are already sympathy and work on errors of previous relations. That is why the first love is such a memorable and such a vehicle.

Psychological essay

What is the passion different from love? An essay on this topic can write personally for himself, anyone who cannot figure out their relationship. Only loneliness can help find the right answer. A man who for passion lives a moment, but not life. For him, the moment is important, and not the course of life. This is a moth relationship that flies to the candlelight, without thinking about the consequences. A person who for love is building plans for the future, dreams, ripens to create a family. It is not important for him today and not even today's events, he lives the future. The psychology of the relationship is so difficult that it is completely impossible to understand it. Different people, different reasons. Psychologists can only template to analyze a similar situation, and only a few manage to find the true cause and possible options for resolving situations. It is the people who break the passion who are more often attended by psychological trainings or directly turn to a psychologist. It is extremely difficult to understand yourself, therefore a side view is needed.

Gentle passion or tender love?

What is the difference between love, passion from tender love? Probably, it is worth saying that love is quite brutal in nature. She is calm, judgment, she proves nothing. The passion is just gentle, she gives his beloved to enjoy his partner, to show all tenderness, attention to the relationship so that the relationship is still burning and not cooled. It is the tenderness of a passion that proves that the relationship is at the peak itself, and it is there that they can end up or go into love. Even if they pronounce loud "tender passion", you can immediately feel that words contradict each other are not consistent. Yes, the passion is not gentle, it is a buoyan, dangerous, thoughtlessly and at the same time fascinating. Therefore, the very concept of "tenderness" can be attributed to a certain point, but not to the feeling as a whole.

Passion is inspiration

If you turn to the history of art, we can see that all the great works were written by the authors in the rustling of passion, inspiration. What a love is different from passion, they did not know when they were made by splendor, but it was a symbiosis of love and passion. So in relations, the passion inspires, love is holding back passion. No, it's not two sisters, rather, two rivals who fight in man for the right to stay in his heart, mind, in his life. Passion is always a deed, a person cannot express a relation in different way, he needs to prove his claims every time to the object of adoration. Sometimes these actions lead to the completion of relations. The second half is bored with such a behavior that does not develop in any further. In other words, the passion should have a limit.

How to recognize love?

What does love differ from passion? How to recognize love and not to trust your heart seeker of love adventures? Firstly, no one will talk about their love as a sublime, inadequate. Love is reasonable. She knows who and in spite of what it exalt. Secondly, love is not a moment, not an outbreak, not sprint sprinkle on a short distance. This feeling come gradually, looking at. If we talk, than love is different from passion, it is definitely devotion. Passion is a flame, it may arise at the first acquaintance. She is often confused with love at first sight. Some joke that love at first sight is usually a love at first glance. Such a substitution of concepts fully answers the question of what passion differs from love. The desire and passion go beside. Love always goes alone. And one more little clarification: love has no features, because it has its own, special. It is enough to remember the stories about love, they are all different, and each has something to learn.

Each woman dreams to build a happy relationship with a man. If the chosen is worthwhile, they will create a solid family together, grow up and raise wonderful children, and they will be fine.

So that it happened, you need to configure yourself in advance to create a solid relationship. To do this, you need to learn to distinguish true love from the surgery passion, which sometimes happens a quick.

There are several moments that need to be taken into account in a relationship with a man. Especially when they just begin.

Do not rush events

Any representative of a strong floor by nature a hunter. From nature, he aims to get a woman, and make it himself. And when she takes this role on himself and herself tries to catch up with him, it strains him.

Therefore, do not perceive each representative of the strong gender with which you met like a potential groom. It is always felt and scareds men. At the first stage, just communicate, recognize each other. In relations with a man, take a supervisory role, it will allow you to better see a person in all its manifestations.

Do not ship it with problems

Starting a relationship with a man, do not complain about life, the problems of the house, at work, the lack of money, its former, etc. Who likes the losers? Your chosen one is waiting for a completely different: he dreams of a mysterious stranger, which will come to his life, will decorate it, fill with joy. And if he sees you ship it, he will try to reter.

Speaking less about yourself, listen to him more. Interested in his hobbies, it will feel inspired from this, and will think that the only one who understands him appeared in his life.

Appreciate yourself

Do not put your happiness and well-being dependent on a man. Learn to be happy by yourself. When a woman is self-sufficient, her life is filled with meaning, she radiates light and positive. This attracts people, and first of all, representatives of strong sex. Looking at such a woman, a man thinks: "If she comes to my life, it will decorate it and fill with joy."

A woman who appreciates himself, encourages a man to the empires, if you can say so. He will care for her, seek her, do something pleasant for her, give gifts, etc.

And when he sees a complete self-dedication from the side of the woman, while she does not require anything in return, he becomes uninteresting him, he disappears by Azart.

Don't strive to remake it

If you decide that the man suits you, and you want to build relationships with him, do not strive to remake him. Take it as it is. This is an adult, formed by a person, change it late. If you appreciate it, take it with all the advantages and disadvantages. We are not perfect, but we do not notice our shortcomings.

Thinking about a good relationship with a man, respecting him, especially in the presence of other people. Do not give the surrounding reason to think that your chosen one is bad. On the contrary, lead yourself so that they believe that you got the best representative of a strong sex.

It happens that a woman is experiencing Euphoria because, finally, I met love for life. But it takes time, and relationships go to no. It turns out that it was a bodily passion, but not the all-consuming feeling of love.

Love and passion are different feelings. The first is different from the second that partners are trying to learn more of each other's personality, to get acquainted with all human faces. Mutual discovery brings them joy and deepens attachment.

But it happens otherwise. If a man a week after acquaintance, tells you about attachment for life, do not lose your head from this recognition, do not hurry to fly on the wings. Is it possible to talk about love and passion here? In your sweetheart says the passion, which can pass as quickly as it started.

Ask yourself: Do you know your chosen one? And in general, do you know much about him, or are you not even aware of elementary information?

Love and passion differ from each other. True love is a sober feeling, tested when you are familiar not only with advantages, but also disadvantages of each other. The best way to know each other is joint activities. Engage together with some important things, and not just intimate. It is necessary to survive a lot together to understand: "We are connected by a deep sense of love, and not just a desire to enjoy each other."

It happens that the man is experiencing feelings for you, but aloud does not mean them. Perhaps there is a reason why he hides them.

How to recognize your attitude towards yourself? This can be done if you carefully refer to the language of non-verbal communication, the so-called body tongue. It is involved, so sometimes expresses more than words.

Non-verbal communication is, above all, look. If a strong sex is not indifferent to you, he tries to look at you as often as possible, as they say, "does not descend from it." He looks at you intently, and not only eyes. His look slips below: to lips, shoulders, chest. He, as it were, "strips you with a look.

Next, he tries to approach you, wants to stand next to you, to be as close as possible. Very important sign of love: He seeks to touch you, uses any opportunity to acquire you by the shoulders, waist, shake the imaginary confusion from the shoulder, etc.

He seeks to demonstrate his posture: straightens his shoulders, puts his legs wide, holds hands on the hips. Taking such a posture, it unconsciously wants to seem powerful, strong, courageous.

Another sign: the desire with you will undertake - naturally, within the limits. He may unzip or even remove the jacket, weaken the tie knot, etc. These gestures he does unconsciously.

There are many signs speaking that you are not indifferent to a man. A non-verbal communication is so important that it forced psychologists to explore this language in detail.