Born 23 february who by horoscope

You are receptive, dynamic, friendly, active, and able to succeed through collaboration and collective effort. You are endowed with an ear for music, a sense of rhythm and a talent for dancing.

You were born on February 23rd zodiac sign Pisces. Despite the natural restlessness, your life is connected with communication with people and develops through the experience of socially oriented activities.

Thanks to your intuition, you are sensitive to the moods of others. Despite your sensitivity and imagination, you have a business acumen and are full of ideas that can bring financial rewards.

Having lost your bearings in life, you tend to succumb to the influence of others and, instead of defending your position, go with the flow or withdraw into yourself.

Ambitious and multi-talented, you know how to combine work with pleasure, which suggests that you are a good partner and are able to learn how to connect with a variety of people.

Inspired by a goal or idea, you are extremely determined and an imposing force.

Despite your strong desire to succeed, you are sensitive, dreamy and idealistic, which speaks of the need to find a balance between these two sides of your nature and get rid of unfounded fears about financial situation.

Up to 26 years old, sensitivity and emotions are in the first place for you. You will be looking for ideal situations and relationships, or something more magical in your life.

PERSONAL FORECAST FOR 2020 - calculated based on your PERSONAL birth data. Plus you will get a calendar of favorable and unfavorable days for the whole year.

After the age of 27, you will gradually become more confident, ambitious and assertive in new endeavors and decide to take the lead in your relationships with those around you.

At the age of 57, there will be another turning point when the pace of your life slows down and the need for more stability and financial security arises.

Personal qualities born on February 23

You are dreamy and idealistic and at the same time ambitious, energetic and partial to money, power and prestige.

Despite being industrious and methodical in implementing your plans, the ability to easily discourage means that in the absence of material incentives or quick returns, you tend to abandon your decisions and look for luck elsewhere.

An intuitive insight will help you understand that without the necessary effort, you cannot achieve the awards you deserve.

The ability of a leader and the need for recognition speaks of open-mindedness. Resourceful and inclined towards harmony, you love new beginnings, but should avoid being overly enthusiastic and anxious.

Generous and versatile, you are patient, resourceful and strive for realistic goals. The extravagance inherent in Pisces born on February 23 can lead to unnecessary extravagance. However, the need for material well-being and stability forces you to be entrepreneurial and look for new opportunities.

Work and vocation born on February 23

You are determined and at the same time not without imagination and benevolent, which guarantees you success in all careers related to people. The need for recognition will bring you to the forefront of your profession.

Good luck in the field of international cooperation, whether it be export-import operations or travel. While you may prefer to work for yourself, you are capable of being a good team member.

A sense of color, sound and form can attract those born on February 23rd to art, theater or music. You have a keen business sense, organizational skills, and dedication to succeed in whatever profession you choose.

Love and partnership born on February 23

Typically, you lead a busy life and have many friends. Attaching great importance to your relationships, you strive to do everything to preserve them.

With your strict principles, you need a partner who is worthy of you, who is not intimidated by your strong personality.

While you are generally friendly and accommodating, you need arguing and intellectual stimulation.

You are attracted to smart and strong people, but avoid the desire to intellectually suppress your partners and, in turn, do not become a victim of such a policy. However, kind and understanding, you are very generous to those you care about and will go to great lengths for the sake of those you love.

Ideal partner for those born on February 23

You had better start looking for reliability, intelligence and love among those born in the following days.

  • Love and friendship : January 3, 23; February 11, 21, 25; March 9, 19, 28, 31; April 7, 17, 26, 29; May 5, 15, 24, 27, 29, 31; June 3, 13, 22, 25, 27, 29; July 1, 11, 15, 20, 23, 25, 27, 29; August 9, 18, 21, 23, 25, 27; September 7, 16, 19, 21, 23, 25; October 5, 14, 17, 19, 21, 23; November 3, 7, 12, 15, 17, 19, 21; December 1, 10, 13, 15, 17, 19.
  • Favorable contacts : January 3, 4, 10, 21; February 1, 2, 8, 19; 6, 17, 30 March; April 4, 15, 28; May 2, 13, 26; June 11, 24; July 9, 22; August 7, 20; September 5, 18, 24; October 3, 16, 22, 31; November 1, 14, 29; December 12, 27.
  • Soul mate : January 26; 24 February; March 22, 30; April 20, 28; May 18, 26; June 16, 24; July 14, 22; August 12, 20; September 10, 18; October 8, 16; November 6, 14; December 4, 12.
  • Fatal attraction : January 22, 28; February 20, 26; March 18, 24; April 16, 22; May 14, 20; June 12, 18; July 10, 16; August 8, 14, 26, 27, 28, 29; September 6, 12; October 4, 10; November 28; December 6.
  • Troubled relationships : January 11, 20; February 9, 18; March 7, 16; April 5, 14; May 3, 12, 30; June 1, 10, 28; July 8, 26, 31; 6, 24, 29 August; September 4, 22, 27; October 2, 20, 25; November 18, 23; December 16, 21.
Pisces is the zodiac sign of those born on February 23, she gives these people a rare sensitivity and subtlety, and the number 23 gives these people some rationality and pragmatism. You are interested in mysticism and everything otherworldly, but there is a bit of skepticism in your attitude.

You are a great speaker and a wonderful, attentive listener. Born 23 february - very creative natures, endowed with the gift of acting, musical, artistic and plastic talents. You will make an excellent art critic or, for example, a philanthropist.

Diseases born on February 23

Those born on February 23 work too hard, like real workaholics, and therefore often suffer from overexertion. They need to correctly alternate periods of work and rest. A deep, sound sleep is very important for these people, so they should pay special attention to the design of their bedroom.

Take courses of relaxing and therapeutic massage, as you are very sensitive to this type of influence. Like many Pisces, those born on February 23 are skillful culinary specialists whose talent allows them to put bold experiments in food and invent more and more new flavor combinations and dishes.

But they should beware of overeating, limiting the amount of fat in their diet. With regard to charging, a light load is recommended for those born on February 23rd.

Work and career of those born on February 23

Those born on February 23 are able to actively push not only their ideas, but also themselves. Thanks to this energy, they usually find work quite quickly, not hesitating to offer themselves, take the initiative and actively prove their advantage over other applicants. A strange property, if you remember what the zodiac sign is on February 23rd. Pisces, however, are not so active in matters related to work and career.

Perhaps this quality is due to the rationality of the magical properties of the number 23. Having settled in the job of their choice, these people quickly expand their professional responsibilities, moving up the career ladder. The approval of others and colleagues is extremely important for them, which is already more characteristic of Pisces: this zodiac sign corresponds to the date of February 23rd.

Something these people advise or say only if they are absolutely sure that they are right, this also shows their rationality.

Most often, those born on February 23 are realists with a bias towards pessimism, which is quite understandable if you remember February 23 - which sign of the zodiac. They should try to find out less mistakes in other people's work and be less angry in order to keep their bile under control. If you give her free rein, they will quickly scare everyone around and remain alone, which will invariably lead to severe depression.

They should also refrain from excessive bias towards themselves and self-criticism, which can lead to self-destruction and will definitely not allow creating anything positive.

Those born on February 23rd are practical enough and not inclined to waste money. They always take into account their mistakes and do not repeat them again, using their experience as a weapon. They combine practicality with their amazing intuition, which literally leads them through life.

If life circumstances interfere with the realization of their goals, they, considering this as signs and instructions from above, change their goals and can do something completely different from the first business of life. They always plan their actions, while they have a backup plan in case of an emergency retreat.

When they achieve what they want, they set themselves a new goal and never feel out of work. They do not recognize desperate situations, but, as noted above, they are able to turn aside and radically change the whole plan. It is important for them to refrain from frivolous actions in personal relationships and listen to their inner voice.

You should pay attention to the desires of dear people, reckoning with them, and do not forget about trust. If you listen carefully to the point of view and advice of each of your friends and colleagues, you will quickly become a favorite of those around you.

Zodiac sign of people born on February 23rd: Pisces. The sun on this day is, as a rule, at 4 ° Pisces. Behavior Type: Mutable. Astrological element: Water. What character traits do these people have and what is their horoscope?

Birth horoscope on February 23

Character by horoscope

They easily find solutions to any problems and see things from a positive side. Born 23 february are very realistic and specific, able to objectively look at the reality around them and immediately feel if something is changing for the better.

They try not to waste time. Sometimes the realism that distinguishes them can develop into pessimism, in which case they risk becoming overly critical and selfish.

They have a sound mind, and, despite the fact that nothing material is alien to them, they do not allow themselves to be deceived by outright luxury.

Love by horoscope

They know how to listen to and appreciate the opinion of a partner and calmly approach problem solving. Rarely do prejudice and prejudice take over. Easily seek the love and respect of others. By virtue of their own realism, they cannot forgive the partner for disappointment in him or betrayal and will suffer for a long time about this.

Career by horoscope

They are very purposeful and, if they consider themselves an ideal candidate for this or that position, they will do their best to get it.

If they try to persuade the interlocutor to believe in the depth of their brilliant ideas, then only after they have carefully studied the situation. They often have intuition that helps them guess the right moment and start acting.

Tarot card of February 23rd: High Priest

Name of the figure: Great Hierophant, High Priest.

Image of a figure: a great priest with a beard gives a blessing to two of his ministers. A beard is a symbol of old age and wisdom.

Symbol: faith and knowledge coming to a person from the outside - through a person standing at a higher level of spiritual development.

Values: loyalty, honesty, respect, intolerance.

Analogies: astrology: jupiter; health: tendency to obesity and baldness; professions: military, teacher, librarian.

Planet of born February 23

Mercury (2 + 3-5): corresponds to intellectual perception, consciousness, communication and rapid movement.

Birthday number 23 February

Number 2: indicates inner peace and receptivity. People with the influence of the number 2 are individuals with a pronounced sensitivity, in need of stimulation and protection. Vivid imagination and creativity are the hallmarks.

Number 3: synthesis. Endows a person with efficiency, organizational skills, promises luck and happiness. A person with the influence of the number 3 is recommended for creative activity, as well as activities related to the social sphere.


Heart disease, diabetes.


Manager, lawyer, filmmaker.


Ability to act spontaneously, practicality, reactivity.


Arrogance, vanity, criticism.

Born 23 february - zodiac Pisces. They are touchy, resourceful, emotional and kind to people. They are fond of mysticism and occultism. Meaningfulness allows them to maintain a balance between passion for the secret world and common sense.

They have talents for acting and writing, which will allow them to become artists, dancers, musicians, and maybe actors.

General characteristics of the sign

Pisces (February 19 - March 20) is the last 12th sign of the zodiac, completing the astrological zodiac circle. The people of this sign are strongly influenced by the planets Saturn, Jupiter and Mars. Under the influence of these planets, sensitive, compassionate natures are formed, which are ready to help others at any moment. The element of the sign is water, as unstable as people born under the sign of Pisces. They are insecure, so they easily follow the lead of others. Such a person does not seek to become rich, can easily part with money, and it is just as easy to get it.


  • Giftedness.
  • Sanity.
  • Practicality.

Weak sides:

  • Doom.
  • Demandingness.
  • The discussion itself.

Features of the character of men

Men - Pisces love to dream, women, sensual and creative people build their ideal in their heads. It is very easy to find a common language in communication. They fall in love easily, but it is difficult for them to build strong relationships.

Friendship and work

Representatives of this constellation are ready to help others, many are looking for consolation, support in them, trust their innermost secrets, share problems. Chatting with friends warm, trusting relationship, spiritual closeness... Still, friends often use the sincerity and politeness of men of this sign, placing their difficulties on their far from courageous shoulders.

They are always ready to listen, to help if there is an opportunity, but over time they themselves will need help, spiritual support, because they have a subtle mental organization. A man needs at least one understanding friend who is ready to help at any moment. They try to hide their weaknesses, since it is not typical for a man to do this.

It is very difficult for this sign to find a job and achieve good success, although their resources fully allow it to do so. They live in anticipation of a miracle, as if it would fall from heaven, dream of material support, authority. Pisces are always looking for easy ways to achieve their goals, they are not interested in hard work.

Love relationships and marriage

Love for a woman in the life of men - Pisces comes first, as well as self-realization. He can be a womanizer, often plays a lot of novels and hides them. Sensitive women also become admirers of men - fish. Men of this sign try to keep everything secret and not tell friends about their relationship, although they have something to brag about, since their personal life is rich in events. If men - Pisces are in love, they do not notice her shortcomings, they forgive all mistakes. In a relationship with a woman, in his opinion, there should be a sense of security and satisfaction.

Representatives of this sign do not seek to get married, they are not ready to take responsibility for their spouse and future children and rarely initiate a marriage, most often the chosen ones push them to this serious step. If a man decides to take this step, be prepared for his requirements for discipline and order. Having entered into marriage, a man will treat his family well, give them warmth and affection, but in return he wants a constant confirmation of his love for himself.

Characteristics of Pisces women

Women born under the sign of Pisces are very adorable, hypersensitive, defenseless creatures. Their main trump card is femininity and weakness, creating mystery in them, and this attracts men. It is not easy to achieve the location of a lady, she goes on about her minds, not desires.

Character and career

Born under the zodiac constellation Pisces - controversial woman, then she shines in the spotlight, then she wants to be alone. It is permissible to describe such a lady in a few words: sensitivity, sociability, creative nature. Confident in herself, does not hesitate to ask for help from others, always strive to achieve success. She is able to instill confidence in a man, not everyone succeeds.

Rybka will work in full force if this work brings her pleasure. She will be executive, attentive and collected in the workplace if she likes it. She knows how to perform important and difficult tasks, and if Rybka is not interested, then she will give the impression of a lazy, boring, unreasonable performer. He will perfectly show himself in the following areas: psychology, pedagogy, medicine, sports and beauty.

Love behavior and family

The woman of this sign, a romantic and dreamy nature, always expects understanding and support from men. Can't imagine life without a soul mate. Often he is disappointed in a partner, but if he meets true love, he values \u200b\u200bthis relationship and will do everything not to lose it. Always understanding, she will forgive her partner's mistakes, but at the same time she herself can lead an affair on the side.

A woman according to the horoscope of Pisces - in marriage, she always trusts her husband, consults with him on every occasion, makes the man feel in charge. She is always ready to help her husband, to support him. If the family has problems with money, she is ready to give up her own expenses. The only thing she requires from her husband is that he remember all the memorable days of life together. If he forgets about the anniversary, she may be offended for a long time.

Day of a viable person.

February 23 Celebrity Birthday - actor Oleg Yankovsky, actress Emily Blunt, skier Christina Shmigun-Vyakhi, actress Dakota Fanning

Pisces born on February 23rd - Born 23 february usually offer others not only their ideas, but also themselves as an alternative to other applicants, considering their candidacy the most suitable option. They often solve problems in getting things going in the right direction. Deeply convinced that they are quite able to cope with a specific job, no matter how difficult it may be, people whose birthday is February 23rd will be among the first to take an interest in the vacancy that has opened and will do everything to take the vacant place. However, they can be quite correct in relation to competitors. Those born 23 february usually manage to delicately expand their area of \u200b\u200bactivity. These people use every opportunity to gain the approval of others. Their arguments are always very convincing and often sound like advice; rarely, when they try to prove their case, if they themselves are not completely sure of it. Born 23 february are realists, capable of considering the current situation to the smallest detail. However, it often happens that their realism may actually turn out to be pessimism - given this, it is important for older people to beware of pickiness and anger. The unpleasant aspects of the character of those born on this day alienate others from them, so they are advised to carefully distribute their forces in order to avoid loneliness and depression. Also, people whose birthday is February 23rd should especially beware of self-deprecation cravings.

What are the people whose zodiac sign is February 23rd? They stand firmly on their feet and will never indulge in the insane pleasures of a luxurious life. Since they are practical and often face difficulties, many of them prefer to use the experience of days gone by in order to properly prepare for possible difficulties in the future. Thus, those born on February 23 "love engines that, once they start working, never stop."

One of the reasons for the success of those born on February 23 is, in addition to pragmatism, an unmistakable intuition, that is, determining the most convenient time for actions and the ability to stop in time. Those born on this day usually solve the existing dilemma perfectly correctly, thereby directing their lives in the right direction and accepting the laws of inevitability. When they stray from the once planned path, they rarely return to it and simply choose another. Before starting Plan A, they will carefully consider the benefits of Plan B and set it aside.

In their personal lives, they should listen only to their heart and not become irresponsible. They need to reckon with the desires of others and try to be open. Realizing the true value of other people's opinions and quietly listening to their plans of action, those born on this day will make friends and receive support for their own projects.