Is iced tea harmful? Iced tea benefits and harms. What tea should not be drunk

Why is green tea bad for you? And I really wanted cold green tea (hand made ice tea).

Today we have a fever over 30. What to drink in the summer? On the previous hot days, I gave up ice cream and generally drinks from the refrigerator. I just realized that because of them it gets even hotter. I switched to herbal teas, but hot tea also does not rush in the heat. I just don’t like drinking water, because it’s tasteless. I’m thinking, I’ll make a liter of green tea now, cool it down and drink it throughout the day. I started digging on the Internet for information on how to properly prepare cold green tea so that it would not be harmful to health, but in the end my mood dropped more and more. Of course, I knew that a large amount of green tea is harmful, and I already mentioned this in my article about green tea here:

But, it turns out that cold green tea is even more harmful, and not only green but also black.

So, what I dug up, and you already decide whether to believe it or not.

1. First of all, in the East they say: "Yesterday's tea is worse than snake venom." Mom dear, my parents, when I was little, did this: they did not throw out the old tea leaves, but poured a new one and so on for a whole week until the teapot was filled to the brim with tea leaves. How can I remember so shudder!

2. During the cooling of the tea, something is formed in it, I did not find that, but a sign of this is a film appearing on the tea. This can be avoided by adding lemon to the tea. I don't know if lemon protects against the formation of harmful substances or not, if you have more information, share!

3. General contraindications for green tea: green tea should not be drunk with fever, hypertension, sleep problems, with the cardiovascular system, with increased nervous excitability. You can not lean on green tea with diseases such as arthritis and rheumatism, stomach and duodenal ulcers. Green tea is contraindicated in pregnant women.

4. You can not combine drinking green tea with alcohol. Since aldehydes are produced, which are harmful to the kidneys.

5. Iced tea can promote the formation of kidney stones and stones in the urinary tubes. Why? Cold tea contains oxalates, which help stones form and grow. What to do? As mentioned in the second point, lemon added to tea will help. Citric acid prevents oxalates from being deposited in the kidneys.

6. The fact that store-bought Ice Tea is harmful, I think everyone already knows. Although they add derivatives of lemon, tea there - the cat cried, everything else is flavors, sweeteners, sugar and so on, depending on the manufacturer. I even read somewhere that Ice T is more harmful than Cola.

7. When else is green tea bad for you? Green tea is harmful on an empty stomach, hot black and green tea is harmful (the optimum temperature for drinking tea is 56 degrees). Iced tea causes phlegm and cold build-up. Strong tea (oh, how I love strong tea) can cause insomnia and headaches.

8. A little more "no". You cannot brew tea for a long time, since all the beneficial substances for which we drink it begin to oxidize. You can not drink tea immediately before meals, during meals and immediately after meals. Since the tannin contained in tea can contribute to the hardening of proteins, and therefore, they will be poorly digested (although logically, if proteins are not present in your menu, you can drink tea). You can not drink medicine with tea.

Let's summarize: Green tea, especially in cold form, should be abandoned first of all for those who have kidney and liver diseases, including healthy people, it is necessary to limit the consumption of green tea so as not to lose their precious kidneys. Also, if you have already decided to drink iced tea, do not forget to add lemon there.

Well, what shall we discuss?

Total 21 comments


    An empty stomach is harmful ...
    And I, as soon as I wake up, immediately wander into the kitchen and brew a mug (300 ml) of green tea. I start drinking and gradually wake up.
    Is it bad for the stomach? But it seems there are no bells, and I have been drinking evergreen for fifteen years.
    I'm confused.
    But I won't give up drinking. Because he's good)

    In hell

    I drink green tea for 13 years, in the morning an hour before breakfast and each time 40 minutes before meals. The weight remained 25 years old - 60 kg, and no stomach pains. I realized on myself that only medium strength and 5-6 cups a day and no more, otherwise the opposite effect is drowsiness.


    In China, when you come to eat before the menu, hot or warm green tea is served. And in life during the day they do not part with their thermoses - bottles from which they drink seagulls instead of water :-). Well, about a healthy lifestyle, we only need

    • Concordia

      I also read, in the east they drink tea and on an empty stomach. And the recommendations on a healthy lifestyle suggest drinking liquid before meals so as not to overeat. Therefore, I find it quite useful to drink green tea both before meals and during meals. I want to try white tea. Has anyone been drinking?


      • Rachel

        Firstly, I thank the author for “dug up” the information and shared it with us. May God grant you all good health. I also love to explore and experience everything. To get rid of the habit of drinking coffee, I switched to green tea. On an empty stomach. Hot, no additives ... I had gastritis from coffee, from tea - it seems normal ... But I can smell nicotine. And I like what it is?


        On a forum with raw foodists, I read that tea (including green tea) is a soft drug. I decided to conduct an experiment and the next day I decided not to drink my usual cup of tea. And what? I had a headache for dinner, weakness and lethargy put me to bed. The next day I also slept a lot and lay. The cheerfulness returned only on the third day. And still, thank God! Now I understand that I experienced withdrawal as a drug addict (my body also broke and ached)

        • Tanja19reg

          My blood pressure is high, my acquaintances advised, after reading somewhere, that if the first brew is drained, and the second is already drunk, then the pressure decreases, and if you drink the first, it rises, and where is the truth?

          • Phantom

            As far as I know, real cold green tea is made differently (the tea leaves are filled with cold water and covered for several hours). And no one else had any harm from such tea, in any case I have not read about this anywhere.
            The same is about the dangers of green (hot) tea. In acceptable quantities, it is only beneficial. And from excessive use, everything is harmful.


            It all depends on the variety (degree of fermentation). But I can say that most green teas reduce blood pressure, some even too much - for example, Uzbek (cube packs), Java-premium (Indonesian), will not greatly reduce - Java-jasmine. But of course it all depends on the organism. No drinks can be drunk too much - calcium is washed out (with the exception of dairy). But if you eat cottage cheese, dairy products, then drink green tea for health - you will not get fat for sure.
            This drink contains vitamins C, B, K, P, PP, and there is more vitamin C in tea than in an ordinary orange. Microelements such as potassium, fluorine, copper, iodine, zinc. In addition, scientists have found high levels of catechins and tannins in green tea (several times higher than those in black tea), which inhibit the development of cancer cells. Green tea is used by many eastern peoples as an antioxidant agent that protects the body from free radicals. Cholesterol and fat quickly decompose under the influence of green tea, so this drink is recommended for weight loss. And also green tea is an excellent remedy for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, for the prevention of diseases of the heart and blood vessels of the brain. Green tea lowers blood pressure, which has a rather positive effect on hypertensive patients.
            BUT: green tea is contraindicated in some forms of gastritis, diseases of the duodenum, as well as gastric ulcer. Taking green tea can cause heartburn or increased pain in the stomach or intestines in these patients. It is also worth limiting the consumption of green tea during pregnancy. Green tea is an energizing drink and is not recommended to be drunk before bed. This is especially true for strongly brewed green tea.


            today I started drinking green tea for the first day. I'll tell you why. I have long wanted to quit smoking and decided to start by cleaning the body. I think that stories about willpower are bullshit, although for someone it plays an important role in this process. for me it is generally necessary to remove all the muck from cigarettes from the body and you don’t want to smoke! and then I read the comments of other former smokers! I think the green one will help! :)


            All my life I loved tea. This summer I got hooked on coffee, as a result of which I stopped drinking tea altogether. As soon as I stopped drinking tea - my head began to hurt - I had a pain for exactly a week. This has never happened. The longest, how much she was sick, 3 days, and even then the last time more than a year ago. So I realized that it was a real withdrawal from tea withdrawal. Well, I survived it. However, now I am "sitting" on coffee. I read on the Internet that caffeine in tea and coffee are different, that in tea it seems to be stronger. I'm not going to get off the coffee yet….

Iced tea is a fairly well-known and popular soft drink in many countries around the world. In hot weather, this tea is just as popular as kvass, lemonade or juices. Such tea can be easily prepared at home on your own, or you can simply buy ready-made bottled tea in the store. For some time now, this tea can be found in almost any store or supermarket. However, on cold and winter days, such tea noticeably loses its position and loses its popularity, at this time it is consumed much less often than in summer.

Making iced tea is pretty simple. Tea can be made from any type of tea, mainly black or green tea is used for preparation, often made from a mixture of different types of tea. Various aromatic additives are used to impart a pleasant aroma and taste.
First, tea is brewed in the traditional way. You can drink tea without sugar, but usually add sugar or honey to the tea at will in the required quantities to make the tea sweet. Then let the tea stand and cool completely naturally. After the tea has cooled down, you can drink it, and if necessary, the tea is additionally cooled. For additional cooling, the tea is placed in the refrigerator for a while, or you can add ice to the tea, in this case you will get iced tea.

But it is not necessary to prepare such tea yourself. Nowadays, iced tea can be easily bought in many stores, where it is presented in a wide variety and for every taste. Of course, the quality of bottled tea often leaves much to be desired, because sometimes such tea is made from powders and various mixtures, which contain dyes and flavors that give the tea the desired color and taste. It is worth noting that cold coffee is made in a similar way, which, by the way, is popular with coffee lovers.
Although it is pleasant to drink cold or cool tea on hot days, the taste and benefits of warm tea are still greater. For a long time, it has been believed that about 20 minutes after the tea has been brewed, the beneficial properties begin to gradually lose in it and the taste disappears. The taste of cold tea is of course inferior to that of hot tea.

The harm of cold tea

Can cold tea be harmful? If you use cold tea in the cold season, and in other matters, in the warm season too, then you can get sick, catching a sore throat. Well, in all other respects, there is no harm as such from the use of cold tea, well, except for the loss of the taste of tea. And of course it is worth noting that, like all food products, iced tea also has an expiration date, so it is not worth storing such tea for a long time.

First of all, I must say that everything is very individual, and when you drink tea, you should focus primarily on your feelings and your body. You can read about how to better learn how to feel and choose tea.

Also, take into account that tea is, first of all, medicinal herb... Its wide distribution as a drink (see) is associated with an extremely wide range of useful properties and with the fact that it has proven useful to many people, if not as a medicine, then as a way to invigorate and improve mood. And mood directly affects immunity.

The mildest tea in terms of effect on the body is a well-fermented and high-quality Pu-erh tea.

The most active teas that tend to lead to arousal are green and red teas.

1. Tea and food

When you drink tea for empty stomach, the cold nature of tea, penetrating inside, can cool the spleen and stomach, which is similar to the "penetration of the wolf into the house."

Tea drunk directly before eating, leads to dilution of saliva, food begins to seem tasteless, in addition, the absorption of protein by the digestive organs may temporarily decrease. Therefore, tea should be drunk no later than 20-30 minutes before meals.

2. Scalding or iced tea

Too much hot tea strongly stimulates the throat, esophagus and stomach. Long-term consumption of too hot tea can lead to painful changes in these organs. According to foreign studies, frequent consumption of tea with temperatures above 62 degrees leads to increased vulnerability of the stomach walls, as a result of which various gastric diseases may occur. Tea temperature should not exceed 56 degrees.

But tea itself has a cold nature, so it cold do not drink. If you drink it cold, then it can cause the accumulation of phlegm, interfere with the digestion of food, and contribute to the onset of weakness and colds.

3. Cooled tea

If the infusion in the teapot cools down or the tea is brewed for too long, tea phenol, lipids, essential oils begin to oxidize spontaneously, which not only deprives the tea of ​​transparency, taste and aroma, but also significantly reduces the nutritional value of tea due to the oxidation of vitamins contained in tea leaves C and P, as well as other valuable substances.

In addition, when the tea cools down, it is exposed to the influence of the environment, and the content of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) in it significantly increases.

Tea, standing day, it can be used for medicinal purposes, but as an external agent. So, the tea infused per day is rich in acids and fluoride, which prevent bleeding from the capillaries, so yesterday's tea helps with inflammation of the oral cavity, pain in the tongue, eczema, bleeding gums, superficial skin lesions, abscesses.

Washing your eyes with yesterday's tea helps to reduce the discomfort when blood vessels appear in the proteins and after tears, and rinsing your mouth in the morning, before brushing your teeth and after eating, not only leaves a feeling of freshness, but also strengthens your teeth.

4. Insomnia

Insomnia can have a variety of causes, but regardless of the cause, you should not drink tea shortly before going to bed because of the stimulating effect of theine and aromatic substances.

Although, it should be said that this effect is not typical for all teas. For example, many quality Sheng Puers, on the contrary, can increase drowsiness and improve sleep.

5. Pregnancy

Tea contains a certain amount of theine, which, by stimulating the fetus, negatively affects its development.

We often hear that since there is less teine ​​in red tea, it is not harmful to pregnant women. But in reality, red and green tea do not differ much in this indicator.

According to Japanese researchers, five cups of strong tea per day contain enough theine that can lead to underweight babies. In addition, theine causes an increased heart rate and increased urination, which increases the burden on the heart and kidneys and thus increases the likelihood of developing toxicosis.

6. Drinking tea with medicines

The tannins contained in tea break down to form tannin, from which many medicines sediment and are poorly absorbed. Therefore, the Chinese say that tea destroys medicine.

7. Ulcer at the stage of exacerbation

Although tea aids digestion, people with stomach and duodenal ulcers and acidity should be moderate.

A healthy stomach contains a compound of phosphoric acid, which reduces the secretion of stomach acid in the cells of the stomach wall, but theophylline in tea can suppress the function of this compound, resulting in excess stomach acid, and the increased acidity of gastric juice interferes with the healing of ulcers.

Therefore, it makes sense for ulcers to limit the consumption of tea and in no case drink strong tea. It is better for them to drink tea with milk and sugar, as well as Pu-erh, as this partly reduces the stimulation of gastric acid secretion characteristic of tea.

8. Suffering from atherosclerosis and hypertension in severe form

Patients with a similar diagnosis should also drink tea with caution, and during periods of exacerbation, refuse to use red and strongly brewed tea. This is due to the fact that tea contains theophylline and theine, which stimulate the central nervous system. And when the cerebral cortex becomes excited, the blood vessels in the brain constrict, which is dangerous for those suffering from atherosclerosis.

Home-made iced tea from the refrigerator, and especially ready-made industrial-made iced tea, can be harmful and become a prerequisite for the formation of kidney stones and stones in the urinary tubes. This is warned by a doctor from Loyle University, Department of Urology, John Milner. He believes that iced tea has the same harmful effects on the body as beer and soda.

Urologists from the Institute of Chicago believe that this tea is the most dangerous for people predisposed to the formation of kidney stones.

Lack of water in the body is the main cause of kidney stones. In summer, sweating increases, and this increases dehydration. Many people start drinking cool tea instead of water. But chilled tea contains a lot of oxalates, which play an important role in the formation of stones. In fairness, it must be said that hot tea also contains them, but people drink it less, so this cannot provoke their education.

On the advice of Milner, it is necessary to replace chilled tea with water and add a slice of lemon, and since citric acid reduces the risk of oxalate deposition in the kidneys, stones will not form. Also, the risk of oxalate build-up is reduced by foods containing calcium.

Fruit tea drinks are harmful to health

Fruit tea drinks are harmful to health as well as soda water.

Through research, Foodwatch consumer advocates have shown that these drinks have the least benefit but the maximum amount of sugar. Instead of some fruits, they contain flavorings, and the tea content is often less than a percent.

This also applies to products of well-known brands, Nestle, Lіpton and others. For example, in a drink made from green tea with lemon and physalis, there was only 15% of tea, and the physalis ball was replaced by a flavoring agent. But sugar in 2 liters of the drink contains as many as 47 pieces.

Ice tea with lemon flavor (video)

The program of the first channel "Test purchase" about iced tea with lemon flavor. A test purchase of six brands of cold tea was made.

Moroccan iced tea with lemon, ingredients:

  • water - 1 l,
  • green tea - 3 tsp,
  • lemon - 1 pc.,
  • pink syrup - 100 ml,
  • honey - 15 ml,
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon, cinnamon - 1 g.

To prepare cold Moroccan green tea you need: put green tea, fresh mint leaves and lemon zest in boiling water, as well as pink syrup, a spoonful of honey, sugar and a pinch of cinnamon.

After that, we boil the tea for 6 minutes and let it cool and infuse. Drink this tea chilled.

Broats with almonds, ingredients:

  • almonds - 150 g
  • icing sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons,
  • butter - 10 g,
  • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon,
  • cinnamon - 1 g
  • pink syrup - 100 ml.
  • flour - 200 g,
  • salt to taste
  • vegetable oil - 10 ml,
  • water - 200 ml, yolk - 1 pc.

And how to cook almond bruats, you will learn by watching the video above.


Iced tea (iced tea) is one of the types of tea serving. They first started talking about iced tea in the 19th century, when they began to import from India to the south of the United States. Due to the constant heat in this southern region of the United States, hot tea did not become so popular among Americans, but was used mainly for medicinal purposes (considered an excellent remedy for those with colds).

But so that the goods did not go to waste, they decided to cool the hot tea drink and use it chilled. Lemon slices and ice cubes were added to the iced tea.

After that, iced tea began to conquer all of America and the rest of the continents.

Nobody knows the exact date of the appearance of iced tea, but there are 3 theories:

  1. Swiss Max Sprenger while visiting America after quenching his thirst with cold tea, he decided to mass-produce this drink in Switzerland.
  2. Ice tea with lemon was first tasted in the USA (St. Louis), in 1904 year at one of the exhibitions. However, it turned out to make tea with ice and lemon quite by accident, the organizers of the exhibition did not plan to taste this soft drink.
  3. Brought to the same America, green tea was flavored with champagne or red wine, there was no talk of any lemon then, and this drink was called tea punch ( tea punch ). But the very first recipe for making iced tea falls on 1879 year, and called the soft drink cute tea ( sweet tea ).

As a popular soft drink, iced tea has become widespread in Russia, the CIS countries and the Baltic States relatively recently, after 2000, which was produced by Nestea. It is consumed mainly in summer, in the southern subtropical and tropical regions - all year round.

Properties of iced tea

When the tea is cooled, it retains the antioxidants and catechins that are so abundant in freshly brewed quality tea. Therefore, you can use iced tea, as it is good for your health!

If you choose between cold tea and sugary carbonated drinks, then cold tea will be many times more useful, which also perfectly quenches your thirst.

How to make iced tea?

The preparation of iced tea is not difficult and it will not be difficult to do it at home. Brew the tea as usual and then refrigerate it. Sugar, lemon and ice cubes - add to taste.

When buying cold tea in a package, pay special attention to its composition, namely the presence of tea extract. If the drink contains tea extract, then you can safely buy and consume such tea. If this inscription is absent, then you buy ordinary water with the addition of flavors and dyes.

Iced tea in the 21st century: benefit or harm?

Today there are many types of iced teas: green, black, with fruit flavors, as well as mixed teas, with and without sugar (with the use of sweeteners).

Drinking or not drinking iced tea is everyone's business, but this drink perfectly quenches your thirst in hot weather!

Do you like iced tea? What iced tea did you drink last?


Lemon tea is a favorite drink of many people. With lemon, you can drink not only black, but also green tea, which is considered more beneficial to health. Let's consider what is the use of such tea, are there any contraindications for its use, how to prepare this tasty and healthy drink on your own.

Beneficial features

Green tea is the very drink that is considered to be a natural antioxidant that helps to maintain youth and health. And all this thanks to two vitamins A and E. This drink is considered to be one of the products of longevity. These tea leaves contain almost all vitamins that are so essential for human health.

The main vitamin found in green tea is vitamin P. It is unique in that it contains a large amount of substances that can prevent inflammation, strengthen immunity, protect against free radicals, and strengthen the work of the heart and blood vessels. Another feature of this vitamin is that it strengthens the capillaries, which eventually become more elastic, and therefore healthy.

This type of tea contains a large amount of vitamin C, and if you also add solar citrus to it, then its amount increases significantly, and with it the overall benefits of the drink.

In addition, this drink contains very useful amino acids that have a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system and not only. Thanks to the B vitamins, which are also abundant in green tea and the lemon itself, this drink is able to bring even greater benefits to the body.

Separately, it is worth mentioning that tea leaves contain not only a variety of vitamins, but also useful microelements. For example, many varieties of such tea contain a large amount of iodine, phosphorus, pectin and even potassium.

Green tea and lemon are very similar in composition, due to which they are perfectly combined with each other and bring great benefits to the human body.

Healing power

Considering the rich list of vitamins and other nutrients, it is not surprising that this drink is very healthy. Many are interested in the question of whether everyone can use such tea, as well as what are the benefits and harms of this drink.

Green tea with lemon is very useful for various colds, since it contains vitamin C and more. Such a drink may well strengthen the immune system and prevent the occurrence of various colds, seasonal diseases. But the drink also helps to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

The combination of green tea and lemon enhances the healing and rejuvenating effect. Such a drink is able to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, which is very important. By the way, thanks to this property of the drink, you can even get rid of a couple of extra pounds.

This healing drink can rightfully be considered one of the natural antiseptics, due to which its use has a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system. This tea is able to reduce blood pressure and normalize it, which has a very positive effect on the condition of hypertensive patients.

If we continue to talk about the healing power of such vitamin tea, then it is worth noting the fact that it helps cleanse the liver, helps eliminate toxins, speeds up metabolism and improves the general condition of the skin, helping to prevent pigmentation. This drink can have a tonic effect, soothe and help fight stress and irritability. In addition, a fragrant drink with a sunny slice of vitamin lemon simply improves mood, which is also very important at times.

Despite the enormous benefits, the drink still has some contraindications. In the event that a person has such a feature as increased acidity of the stomach, sensitivity of tooth enamel or individual intolerance to citrus fruits, then it is better to refuse to use such a drink. And also you can not use green tea, especially with lemon, with low blood pressure and pregnancy. Tea should be given to children with great care. At a certain age, such a drink can do more harm than good.

Such a drink can harm the body if a person suffers from gastritis, ulcers or pancreatitis. And also for various kidney diseases, it is not recommended to use this tea.

In order to get not just a cup of fragrant and tasty tea, but also healthy, you need to know the exact recipe and all the rules for brewing such a drink. The drink is often consumed with honey, cinnamon, ginger and even pepper. Further in the article is a selection of interesting recipes that will help you brew the right and healthy tea. We want to note right away that all proportions are designed for teapots with a volume of one and a half liters, no more.

In the event that you need to get rid of a cold as soon as possible and fight the flu, then you can prepare the following drink. You need to brew the tea in the usual way. That is, add the required amount of tea leaves to a heated kettle and pour hot water, not boiling water. As soon as the tea is infused for a couple of minutes, add a little grated ginger root, a teaspoon will be enough. And you also need to put two or three mugs of fresh lemon and a little red pepper, literally on the tip of a knife. The drink should be allowed to brew for five minutes, then pour into cups.

If you have a severe cough, then you can slightly change the above recipe and make a healthy tea that will help you get rid of your cough easily. We also brew tea, as soon as it is infused, add a little grated ginger, literally half a teaspoon or a full spoon, a pinch of ground cinnamon and a pinch of cardamom. Let the broth brew for ten to fifteen minutes, and then you can drink. Cold tea according to this recipe also turns out delicious, but to be effective it must be consumed warm.


In the summer, a drink that is iced tea is becoming more and more popular both in our country and in most other countries. Ice tea is of particular relevance in regions with subtropical and tropical climates, where it is an indispensable refreshing and refreshing drink almost all year round. In its essence and main properties, iced tea is not a separate drink, but only an interesting way of serving and serving ordinary tea.

As it already becomes clear from the name of the drink, the composition of ice tea includes the tea itself and crushed ice. To get an even more refreshing taste and invigorating aroma, it is customary to add additional ingredients to tea, for example, citrus fruits or mint.

The original soft drink was not invented in the homeland of tea bushes, which would be logical, but enterprising Americans. It was in the south of the American continent that iced tea began its history. And everything happened more than trite. Initially, tea brought here from India was used hot as a medicine for colds. But hot tea tends to cool down, which means that the valuable medicine had to be poured out. And then one day, it occurred to someone to add a few ice cubes to the cooled tea, and this is how a new very original drink was obtained, which received a quite natural name - iced tea.

Very quickly, an invigorating soft drink spread throughout the continent, and then iced tea became in demand all over the world. Today, along with the classic version, there are several other types of drink. They differ mainly in the original composition and additional components. Typically, iced tea is black, green, or blended.

Distinctive characteristics of this drink are actively used by many consumers around the world. Iced tea is really excellent refreshing even in very hot weather. Usually, in the summer, a person has to consume a considerable amount of liquid to replenish the body's water supply. And there is nothing nicer than replacing plain water with an aromatic and delicious drink called iced tea. It is used as a standalone drink or as a base or additive for non-alcoholic and alcoholic cocktails.

But not only taste characteristics are the hallmark of iced tea. The fact is that a chilled drink retains all the beneficial properties of hot tea, which are complemented by the benefits of citrus fruits, mint and other additives. It is not surprising that iced tea is distinguished by the presence of such components as manganese, calcium, potassium, sodium, zinc and magnesium, a large set of vitamins and other valuable substances.

However, against this background, there is also some harm that cold tea can bring to the human body. For example, the use of a bottled beverage produced in a factory can lead to an unhelpful impact. It is known that in order to obtain products with a longer shelf life and improved taste properties, manufacturers use all kinds of preservatives and food additives that have a very doubtful effect on humans. Therefore, it is better to opt for cold tea made with your own hands. This drink will easily relieve thirst and will be of great benefit.

The benefits of yesterday's tea have been argued for a long time..

Among the ancient Chinese tea prohibitions, there are prohibitions on cold, too strong and scalding tea. Let's take a closer look at the prohibitions on long-term brewing, on repeated brewing and the prohibition on yesterday's tea.

Prohibition of long tea brewing

Long brewing of tea leads to the fact that the substances contained in the tea begin to oxidize. The oxidation process of valuable substances (vitamins C and P, amino acids, etc.) has a very negative effect on tea: transparency, aroma and taste disappear, and the nutritional value of tea decreases. In addition, when exposed to the environment, the content of various microorganisms (fungi and bacteria) in tea increases significantly.

Prohibition of multiple brewing of tea

As a rule, after the third or fourth infusion, the tea leaves are already deprived of all their beneficial properties. According to the experiments, after the first infusion, about 50% of nutrients are extracted from tea leaves, after the second - already 30%, and after the third - 10%. Continuing to brew tea, we provoke the "exit" of all harmful substances, the content of which is small, but which are released last.

Ban on yesterday's tea

Tea, which has stood for a day, the Japanese consider "worse than a snake bite", and the Chinese compare it to poison. Having examined in more detail the properties of tea that has been brewed for a long time or many times, it immediately becomes obvious that after standing for a day, the tea will not acquire any useful substances, but, on the contrary, will lose them. And so it turns out! Tea loses all vitamins and becomes an excellent breeding ground for fungi and bacteria.
The first indication that tea is not worth drinking is a thin oxide film that has appeared on the surface of the tea. This film appears as a result of oxygen oxidation of organic substances contained in tea. The composition of this film is very complex; it includes protein molecules, iron, magnesium, calcium, nitrogenous bases (theophylline, caffeine, guanine), etc.

Effect on the body of yesterday's tea!

After entering the body, the layer of this insoluble film envelops the mucous membrane of not only the intestines, but also the stomach, thereby preventing the absorption of nutrients and irritating the gastrointestinal tract. It also leads to a slowdown in intestinal motility and the accumulation of food masses in the cavity of the gastrointestinal tract. Under the film, due to the increased bacterial activity, the processes of not only fermentation, but also decay begin, after which the formed toxic substances are absorbed by the mucous membrane and the development of erosive and ulcerative processes begins.

If the tea has stood for a day but not deteriorated, it can be used as an external remedy for medicinal purposes:

  1. Yesterday's tea is an excellent helper for inflammation of the oral cavity, eczema, pain in the tongue, bleeding gums, abscesses and superficial skin lesions. And all this is due to the saturation of tea with fluorine and acids.
  2. If you rinse your eyes with yesterday's tea in the morning, the painful sensations with the blood vessels in the proteins that have arisen will significantly decrease, as well as the discomfort after tears.
  3. Yesterday's tea is a great mouthwash that strengthens your teeth and gives you a feeling of freshness. Rinse your mouth with tea in the morning before brushing your teeth and after eating.
Is an excellent tonic drink, but its effect on our body depends on our knowledge of it! Therefore, do not forget that the first indicator that it is better not to drink tea is the film formed on the surface!