Benefit from the Internet. What the Internet brought to people's lives What should parents do

The Internet has become an integral part of the everyday life of a modern person. With its help, you can always find the information you need, make a video call at any time, pay for various services. Thanks to the Internet, there are almost limitless possibilities in all areas of life.

Good or evil?

The Internet plays an important role in our life. But it definitely cannot be called good or evil. In this respect, you can metaphorically compare the World Wide Web with a kitchen knife. You can use it to prepare a delicious meal. Or you can kill a person. And everyone makes their choice, is responsible for its consequences. The Internet is good or bad depending on the individual. After all, if he chooses for himself addiction or harm to health - in the future he will have to independently "pay the bills." Those who use the Internet for good will see positive aspects in it.

Positive sides

There are many advantages of the Internet:


And you can also list the weaknesses of the Internet:

Life without the Internet

Once upon a time, computers and the Web were not as important to people as they are now. Everything gradually began to change with the emergence of game consoles. Many people remember the game "Mario", "Counter", "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" and "Tanks". This was the first alarm bell - gradually technologies began to break through into human life. Children and teenagers could sit for hours in front of the TV screen, trying to complete the next level of the game, and then they eagerly shared their victories with classmates. Gradually, the Internet became more and more important in our life. However, then it was very far from the general mass character.

Time began to rush at the speed of sound. Yesterday's children grew up, worked for textbooks, preparing for exams all night long. Life has not always brought pleasant surprises. Children changed, and life itself changed. And now the first mobile phones began to appear. The computer gradually replaced everything - now the libraries are empty. You will no longer meet on the streets of children playing musketeers with wooden sticks. All this has become out of fashion. The Internet in our life began to replace other sources of information, ways of entertainment. And why should children play “mothers and daughters” or imagine themselves as musketeers, if with the help of a computer they can become the masters of the universe or have their own virtual home?

Virtual communication has replaced real

Social networks have become the final nail in the coffin of live communication between people. Everything turned upside down completely. Now we have stopped enjoying real communication - everything happens in the virtual world. A person expresses his emotions through round yellow pictures, he posts his innermost thoughts to a blog, tensely following the likes and reactions of other Internet users. Of course, people haven't stopped dating each other. But this communication has become more insipid, and more and more often it is being replaced by a virtual one. There is practically no time left for the natural satisfaction of psycho-emotional needs.

Of course, we can say that at all times progress was blasphemed, yearning for the old days. However, everything should have a reasonable limit, a balance. The Internet in our lives today leads to the emergence of addictions in people of all ages. Modern society has witnessed that the balance initially leaked slightly, and then slowly began to tilt to one side.

The article discusses whether the Internet can help you in your studies.

You can hear how many parents complain that their children do not want to study at all, to receive at least some knowledge. After all, it is enough for them to have a good search engine at hand, where they will find the necessary information in 5 seconds. It's worth figuring out when to prohibit the Internet and when to use it.

In order to determine in this situation, you need to compare the classic version of training and training using the Internet.

Comparison: pros and cons

  • When classical system the teacher gives the students information that they can read on their own.

However, the teacher gets stuck on key points, theory, tells difficult material. After passing on the information, the teacher asks various questions to be answered.

This training system cannot be called a failure, because all training is aimed at directing the child's thinking on the most important, key points. However, this training option also has its drawbacks. The biggest of these is student boring. After all, not everyone is interested and fun to retell a paragraph in geography or history.

The main advantages of such training: the consistency of the presentation of information, its reliability, the volume required by the educational program of the institution.

  • What about learning via the internet ?

To begin with, the student tries to understand what information he needs. He asks the search engine a question, determines the topic, which is also important for the subsequent development of thinking.

Soon, the student gets acquainted with the material, chooses the most accessible, short one, with diagrams and pictures for more visual teaching. The rest of the material is eliminated, because you can notice after reading the sentence that it is complex, incomprehensible, in a large volume. That is, information is being studied.

Soon, the field of how the information was chosen, we study it, determine the main thing, choose the definition. In order to make sure of its reliability, the student compares the information with another.

You can see that the learning process itself is almost the same as the classical one, only in this case the child is interested and not afraid, he does the work on his own and is not afraid to make mistakes.

However, the internet has its drawbacks - information is not always reliable, the author's attitude to information does not always coincide with the school curriculum, the child may be distracted by paying attention to something other than studying.

What should parents do?

It is worth combining this and that training together. So, the child will be interested and the material will be absorbed much easier. For example, you can allow a child to research information on the Internet, but soon check it against the school curriculum.

Studying foreign languages, it would be extremely unwise not to use the opportunities that the Internet provides. Even 10-15 years ago, it was a problem to watch films in the original or find a monolingual dictionary for the interpretation of foreign words, but now it is easy to do, there are many resources on the Internet that provide good language practice.

Below is a list of options for how the Internet can help you learn a foreign language. For the reason that I, the author of this article, specialize in English, then the resources are indicated for learners of English.

1) Monolingual and bilingual dictionaries. Of particular interest are precisely monolingual dictionaries, for example, from the publishing house Macmillan or Longman. You can also visit the Collins website or look for other online dictionaries.

2) An invaluable abundance of material on almost any topic of interest to you in the target language. At this point I will not give any links, you yourself find the texts according to your interests. The overwhelming part of the information posted on the Internet is in English, so I think it will be easy to find something that is interesting to read for you.

3) There are learning resources. They can be free, or they can be paid. Of the free ones, I just have to recommend our site:. A lot of interesting material that will allow you to improve your language skills.

There are shareware resources, these include, for example, materials from the sites indicated in the first paragraph. There may be some lessons or word minigames there, but ultimately they expect you to get their books and use the course 100%.

In addition, there is a large group of sites that offer to learn English online for a fee. It is not difficult to find them, just type English online in the search engine, and you will be provided with a long list.

4) Podcasts can help in language learning. You find a podcast in English on a topic that interests you and listen to it with pleasure. An example of a podcast for English learners is the ESL podcast - live language, real situations, native speakers say.

five) . For example, a good selection of movies on Blinkx. We watch, enjoy and improve listening skills, while replenishing our vocabulary.

6) It is not difficult to find both literature and films in the original language in non-electronic form, they can be bought, for example, on

7) And, which is very important, we communicate in the language. This can be done on the forums of thematic English-language sites, if the level of knowledge of the language allows, or on forums for English learners. A special site for those who are looking for a native speaker to practice, such as, will also come to the rescue. Here you can find a pen-pal to help you learn the language absolutely free of charge.

Success in your studies, and may the Internet help you!

Today, most people cannot imagine their existence without the Internet. He entered our life very firmly and has long become not just an entertainment, but a necessity, a modern reality, from which there is no escape.

According to statistics:

The benefits of the Internet for humans

Most people, especially netizens, would agree that the Internet is a tremendous achievement for humanity. He is an inexhaustible source of information, helps to obtain the necessary knowledge and solve complex problems. The World Wide Web will help you become smarter, more erudite, teach you many interesting things.

In addition, the use of the Internet is that it seems to blur the boundaries between countries or even continents. People can communicate without problems, even if they are thousands of kilometers away from each other. The World Wide Web makes it possible to find new friends or even love.

Time on the Internet can be usefully spent watching programs, gaining new knowledge, mastering foreign languages. Some even manage to get a new profession with the help of it or get a good job. And the Internet itself can become a stable source of income. Over the past few years, a lot of professions have emerged that are related to the World Wide Web.

The harm of the Internet to health

Of course, the benefits of the network are enormous and you can't argue with that. However, the harm of the Internet can be considerable. First of all, when it comes to the harmful effects of the World Wide Web, Internet addiction comes to mind. But this is not just some mythical term.

It is scientifically proven that about 10% of Internet users are addicted to it, with a third of them finding the Internet as important as home, food and water. In South Korea, China, and Taiwan, Internet addiction is already seen as a national problem.

However, not only this can harm the Internet. Too long staying at the monitor does not affect the vision in the best way, while being in the wrong positions for a long time has a detrimental effect on the musculoskeletal system.

The disadvantages of the Internet include the presence of information in it that can harm the psyche. With the help of the network, fraudsters can find out personal information about a person and use it for their own purposes. Moreover, the World Wide Web often becomes a distributor of viruses that can harm a computer system.

Of course, the benefits and harms of the Internet are on different scales. It has much more advantages. Well, many of the harmful effects of the Internet can be avoided if used wisely.

Internet for children

The younger generation uses the Internet even more than adults. The benefits of the Internet for children are also great. This is access to the necessary information, the ability to develop, learn, communicate and find new friends.

Many teenagers spend most of their time online, and not just their free time. It's no secret that the Internet makes homework much easier.

Solving many problems and finding the necessary information with the help of the Internet, children not only learn new things, but also load their brains less and less. Why spend hours puzzling over a complex example or remembering the right formula or rule, if the answer can be found on the World Wide Web.

However, the harm of the Internet for children is no longer manifested in this. The worldwide network is overflowing with information (pornography, scenes of violence) that can harm the fragile child's psyche. In addition, being constantly in the virtual world, children lose the need, and the ability to communicate with real people.

The child is more likely to become addicted to the Internet. The constant presence of the network leads to the fact that children have little

move, almost never in the fresh air. This can cause obesity, spinal diseases, blurred vision, insomnia, and lead to neurological problems.

To avoid unpleasant consequences, parents need to monitor their children, clearly stipulate the time that they can spend on the Internet. You need to check what exactly they are viewing and reading. Well, you can protect your child from negative information by installing filters or special programs.

The benefits and harms of the Internet

It is already difficult for today's youth to imagine their life without the World Wide Web. The Internet has become a part of the life of every person, institution and enterprise. And even children see the internet as an important part of their lives.

What is the use of the internet?

While researching the benefits and harms of the Internet, scientists and doctors disagree. No one denies that the internet has made things much easier. It became easier for schoolchildren and students to learn because they got free access to a huge amount of teaching materials. Businesses can now share information much easier and faster. Thanks to the Internet, everyone can have an interesting time without leaving home. Social networks allow you to connect with people from all over the world.

Along with this, doctors are sounding the alarm, as the Internet contributes to the development of various diseases. The presence of the Internet increases the time spent at the computer. And, as you know, it is a sedentary lifestyle that is the cause of many diseases. Vision problems, cervical spine problems and poor posture are also increasing as the number of active Internet users grows.

The harm and benefits of the Internet for schoolchildren

The main benefit of the Internet for students is the availability of educational information. It became much easier to write essays, reports, find material for creative work. However, this opened up access to a mass of finished essays and homework, which reduces the creative potential of students.

But the biggest problem of the Internet is that it causes addiction in children due to the fact that their psyche is not fully strengthened.

Children need to be taught how to use the World Wide Web correctly and how to spend time on the Internet with benefit. Although it would be much more useful for them to chat with friends face to face and take a walk on the street.

It is useless to talk about whether you need the Internet or not - it is, and nothing can be done about it. The World Wide Web has become as much an integral part of our life as a water pipe or a car. No one is trying to "ban" the Internet anymore, but when traveling on the World Wide Web, one must remember that this trip may not be safe, first of all, for the user's health.


The first thing that comes to mind when talking about the dangers of the Internet is the so-called Internet addiction. But not everyone can explain what it is. Psychologists distinguish five types of Internet addiction:

1. An irresistible desire to visit erotic and porn sites and engage in "virtual sex".

2. An irresistible desire to make more and more new acquaintances, a desire to recruit as many “friends” as possible in various social networks.

3. Obsessive need for the Internet: hours of debate on forums, participation in various promotions, etc.

4. The overload of Internet information, which is expressed in the constant search for information, endless travels on news sites, etc.

5. Addiction to online games, from which a person literally cannot break away.

Symptoms of any form of internet addiction are

An obsessive desire to constantly check the "PM" in social networks, e-mail;

Irritability, bad mood when it is impossible to go online;

Feeling euphoric during internet sessions;

Increased time spent online;

Reducing to a minimum of contacts in "real life";

Neglect of their work and study responsibilities;

Changes in sleep and wakefulness, insomnia;

Disregard for their appearance and personal hygiene.

Some researchers believe that the most susceptible to Internet addiction are people belonging to the so-called dependent personality type. In addition to being dependent on the Internet, they may be equally susceptible to painful addiction to gambling, alcohol, drugs, food, etc. As a rule, these people, on the one hand, are afraid of being rejected by society and have a fear of loneliness, on the other hand, they have a rather narrow social circle and cannot tell others about their experiences. They often do not know how to make decisions and take responsibility for their lives.

In order to get rid of Internet addiction, professional psychotherapy is required. In fact, the work with this problem is carried out in the same way as with any other addiction, and the success of treatment is determined by the desire of the person himself, the properties of his personality, as well as the depth of the problem.

Peripheral nervous system

Neurologists believe that an excessively long daily stay on the Internet can cause sleep disturbances, increased nervous irritability, meteorological dependence, a tendency to irritability and depression.

People who spend too long time online turn to neurologists with complaints of dry eyes and back pain. They also have carpal tunnel syndrome, which is characterized by damage to the nerve trunks of the upper extremities, which is associated with long-term overstrain of the motor muscles.

You can reduce the risk of these problems by observing the sanitary standards for working at the computer: take breaks from work every 1.5 - 2 hours, make sure that the distance from the eyes to the monitor is optimal (about 70 cm).


Ophthalmologists believe that active Internet users are seriously at risk of acquiring a disease such as computer vision syndrome (CTZ). Its manifestations are varied: a burning sensation and "sand" in the eyes, pain when moving the eyeballs, pain in the cervical vertebrae and in the forehead. With the progression of the disease, myopia, a general decrease in visual acuity, double vision and other unpleasant consequences may develop.

To avoid this, doctors recommend using moisturizing eye drops to get rid of excessive drying out of the mucous membrane of the eyes; work at a monitor frequency of 85 Hz, and also make sure that the distance to the monitor is at least 60-70 cm. It is also harmful to work in an unlit room at night.

Locomotor apparatus

Orthopedists believe that sitting in front of a screen in an uncomfortable chair for many hours has an extremely negative effect on posture: the spine is deformed, bent, osteochondrosis develops and worsens. This problem is especially relevant for gamers who spend many hours in online battles.

So that posture does not suffer during Internet sessions, it is necessary to take breaks for warm-ups, as well as take care of a comfortable working chair with lumbar support, which can significantly reduce the load on the spine.

What is the use of the internet?


I believe that a huge number of people
is engaged in the web well, just ... prostitution
Stanislav Lem
One of the most basic qualities that distinguish a rational person from an unreasonable one is the ability to separate what is called grain from chaff: necessary from unnecessary, important from unimportant, the main thing from non-essential. A person learns this all his life, some do it better, others do it worse, others do not succeed at all, and they remain wind-up machines until the end of their days, which run somewhere, do something, fight with someone , for some reason they fuss, but why - they themselves do not know. Unfortunately, these are the majority among us.
Therefore, the Internet is like this: not even 95%, as Lem said, but, perhaps, all 99.9% is complete nonsense, not needed by anyone except those who published this nonsense, and if you think about it, they also do not need it. ... But 0.1% is still grain. Moreover, such grains, which you will not find anywhere except on the Internet. Some of them are more important, others are less, but for them it is worth spending hours sitting at the computer.
What do people do when they connect their computer to the internet?
News, weather, abstracts. “I love online games! - Yes!” Read e-mail. Looking for pornography. Chatting on ICQ. All this, with the microscopic exception of those cases when the Internet is the only means of communication at the moment, is a waste of time. Time that people just don't know what to do with it. And the Internet is a place where you can find a lot of things - often completely unexpected and therefore interesting.
Generally speaking, it was the ineradicable love of man for everything new and unexpected that gave birth to the Internet, as it gave birth to television, radio, newspapers and magazines, travel, trade, money and the wheel. That is, the Internet today is the top of the mountain that a person began to build as soon as he realized that much more buffalo can be killed with a stick than with his bare hands. And therefore, to say that the Internet is harmful and it is high time to shut it down is at least unreasonable, as well as to complain that it contains a lot of unnecessary information. Yes, there is a lot, just as much of it in libraries, and on newspaper stands, and in shops, and in the subway, and at a party at Desyla's house.
But the Internet has one indisputable advantage over all these institutions - the ability to search and filter.
Almost everything that is of humanitarian value can already be found on the Internet - books, music files, pictures of paintings and much more. Copyright issues - I'm sure - will sooner or later lose their edge, at least in relation to the Internet. Because there is no such means and cannot exist to cancel the desire of a person to exchange information with each other, well, except that you can really close the Internet forever, cut off all telephone wires, confiscate all computers from the population and, for loyalty, put everyone in prison.
The knowledge of our people in foreign languages \u200b\u200bin general and English in particular is so small that the planting of any language can be considered a charity, and even more so English, which is spoken by the whole world, with the exception of the Spaniards, because they have their own pride. Well, also Russians, because they don't know how.
And even the fact that thanks to the Internet our native Russian language is greatly degrading, is a rather controversial statement. It is based on the fact that now everyone suddenly became writers and journalists, suddenly remembered sharply about the epistolary genre and began to write as many letters every week as they had not written in their entire pre-Internet life. And, of course, they write with errors. Thus, forcing others, more literate, to suffer, reading all this disgrace, and less literate - to take on faith everything that is written with errors.
Everything that happens in the world, and the Internet is no exception, has its positive and negative sides. Entertainment. That's why the Internet has become truly massive.


In it, you can do anything, play, listen to music, communicate, download a lot of useful information, write essays, term papers, study languages, art, etc.
In the vastness of the Internet, in the web of worlds and passions
There is a country of radiant light. … It's a pity that not everyone knows about her.
Let the road be mastered by a person walking towards goodness, patience, understanding!
And a light appeared, calling into the distance, drawing to everyone's attention.

Writing reasoning harm and benefits of the Internet

Anna Angova

Fyodor Samkov

The Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks, and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch films, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But if there is harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm !!! The Internet takes up more and more of our time. We sit too much in front of a computer monitor and this is especially felt on our children. They no longer play with knick-knacks, do not ride down hills, do not ride rollerblades or play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandmothers, and grandfathers. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network in the form of an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either. , he is often able to help

Anya Marfenko

The Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks, and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch films, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But if there is harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm !!! The Internet takes up more and more of our time. We sit too much in front of a computer monitor and this is especially felt on our children. They no longer play with knick-knacks, do not ride down hills, do not ride rollerblades or play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandmothers, and grandfathers. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network in the form of an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either. , he is often able to help

artemy Trifonov

The Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks, and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch films, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But if there is harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm !!! The Internet takes up more and more of our time. We sit too much in front of a computer monitor and this is especially felt on our children. They no longer play with knick-knacks, do not ride down hills, do not ride rollerblades or play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandmothers, and grandfathers. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network in the form of an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either. , he is often able to help

kryyy kryyy

The Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks, and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch films, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But if there is harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm !!! The Internet takes up more and more of our time. We sit too much in front of a computer monitor and this is especially felt on our children. They no longer play with knick-knacks, do not ride down hills, do not ride rollerblades or play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandmothers, and grandfathers. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.

I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks, and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch films, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But if there is harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm !!! The Internet takes up more and more of our time. We sit too much in front of a computer monitor and this is especially felt on our children. They no longer play with knick-knacks, do not ride down hills, do not ride rollerblades or play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandmothers, and grandfathers. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network in the form of an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either. , he is often able to help

Vasil Khismatullin

The Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks, and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch films, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But if there is harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm !!! The Internet takes up more and more of our time. We sit too much in front of a computer monitor and this is especially felt on our children. They no longer play with knick-knacks, do not ride down hills, do not ride rollerblades or play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandmothers, and grandfathers. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network in the form of an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either. , he is often able to help the Internet. What is it, the Internet? The Internet is a global network worldwide. Modern man cannot imagine his life without this network. But let's figure out what is useful and what is harmful.
I believe that the main benefit of the boarding school lies in the fact that it helps us communicate with people through Skype, social networks, and so on. With the help of the Internet, we find new friends, do not forget about old ones), read books, watch films, and so on. But the most important thing is that the Internet is the most accessible search and information, we know where to go, how to go, how much it costs, and so on.
But if there is harm in this wonderful thing? Not? Yes, there is harm !!! The Internet takes up more and more of our time. We sit too much in front of a computer monitor and this is especially felt on our children. They no longer play with knick-knacks, do not ride down hills, do not ride rollerblades or play and ride, but much less than, for example, our Moms, dads, grandmothers, and grandfathers. We don't know how to think for ourselves, but why? The Internet will decide everything for us.
And so, in conclusion, I would like to say that the Internet is good, but if in moderation, you should not imagine the worldwide network in the form of an older brother and best friend, you should not plunge into the vertical world, but you should not forget that the Internet exists either. , he is often able to help

Internet - good or bad?

the Internet is 10% of information, the rest is rubbish,

Dima dima

Computer addiction? How could this be? Well, tobacco smoking, alcoholism and drug addiction are understandable: asocial addictions, under which people with deviant, asocial behavior fall. But what does this have to do with a computer that almost every Russian family has? Everything seems to be so good, so decorous: children are engaged in interesting business, intellectual work, and do not meet somewhere on the street with a dubious company, do not drink in the alleyways. Why has the World Health Association ranked computer gambling addiction as a serious illness? And now experts say that there is a kind of drug withdrawal syndrome, because computer virtual reality is the same drug.
Remember how a few years ago we found ourselves in the "captivity" of slot machines that flooded the streets of our cities and pulled into their networks not only adults, but also schoolchildren and teenagers. No sooner had they looked back than slot machines became the main "subjects" in the lives of many people, dictating their laws and rules to them.
And if recently the boom of slot machines has subsided somewhat, the Internet has fully declared itself.
Western ideologues are investing millions of dollars to take over the minds and souls of our children, and especially students. Because the student body is an age that presupposes the development of powerful social energy and the transformation of society. And young people, in order to succeed as individuals, need very high social standards.
As a matter of fact, the "departure" of young people to computer games and the web of the Internet, to virtual addiction entails the loss of the meaning of life, spiritual height, and love.
Recently, a sociological survey was conducted among its students in order to clarify the problems that young people are most paying attention to today. First, it is an analysis of children's and adolescent literature and the offer that is on the information market today.
Today the mass media offer 99% of publications for children imposed by the consumer society. In our kiosks, where printed products are sold, there are practically no magazines containing topics for the intellectual and spiritual development of children.
Or take thick glossy magazines for adolescent girls and young women - publications on the role of women as the basis of the family are completely absent in these magazines: there are practically no articles related to the main functions of a woman - a mother and guardian of the home. The heroines of the publications are mainly actresses and top models, women who are successfully engaged in business or sports. So they become idols for our younger sisters, daughters and granddaughters.
The second major study is related to the penetration of the Internet into contemporary Russian space. If you look at the scientific and popular science works on this topic available today, you can see in them an analysis of only positive aspects.
Probably, there is no need to say that the Internet is very bad. From the point of view of the achievements of scientific and technological progress, this is a necessity, a modern reality, from which there is no escape. But there are many dangers hidden behind the visible positive aspects. And if we do not know them and talk about it both to the younger generation and to people of other age groups, then we will not be ready to resist this.
What are the advantages and dangers of the Internet?
The advantages are the acceleration of various processes, fast and high-quality communication, this is a source of information. The danger is that it is primarily a good tool for manipulating various age groups, especially young people. We know from the latest sociological studies that today 25% of the population of the Russian Federation "sits" on the Internet, of which