Simonov (Assumption) Monastery. Moscow Simonov Monastery Simon Men's Monastery

Moscow Simonov Monastery in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Class 1, Stavropigial (absences.)

The monastery was received by the monastery named Inok Simon, in the world of Boyarina Stephen Vasilyevich Hovina, who donated the land for the monastery. On these lands - south of Moscow, ten versts from the Kremlin - and the monastery was laid.

Originally Simonov The monastery was located slightly below the Moscow River, a large road to Moscow, and the Saint Feodor, seeking to find more privacy, chose another place for the monastery, not far from the old one. In the year the monastery was postponed to his current place. Only the parish church of Christmas in Old Simonov, preserved and today, remained at the old place.

At the same time, the stone church of the Assumption of the Mother of God was laid. The church was consecrated in the year. In the year, the dome of the cathedral was strongly suffered from a lightning strike. At the end of the century, the Temple was rebuilt with one of the students of Phiorevanti according to the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh considered Simonov Monastery "Branch" with his Trinity monastery and always stayed here during arrival in Moscow. From the walls of Simonov Monastery in thexvii centuries, a whole pleiad of outstanding devotees and church figures was published: Rev. Kirill Belozersky, St. John, Metropolitan Moscow, Saint Geronatius, Metropolitan of Moscow, Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Joseph, Archbishop Rostov John, the famous Ink Vasian incubation worker, In the world, Prince Vasily Ivanovich Kosy-Patrikeev. In the monastery there lived and the Rev. Maxim Greek worked.

New walls of the monastery and part of the towers were built in the year, while fragments of the old fortress built by Fyodor Kone became part of the new fortress. The circumference of the monastery walls was 825 meters, the height of 7 meters. Of the preserved towers, the angular tower "Dulley" is particularly distinguished, topped with a high tent with a bunk trench. Two other surviving towers are a five-marginal blacksmith and round salt - built in the 1640s, when the restructuring of the defensive structures of the monastery suffered in troubled times.

The monastery was led by three gates: Eastern, Western and Northern. In memory of the reflection of the attack of the Crimean Khan Kaza-Girea in the year, the gate church of the gloomy Savior was constructed. Above the Eastern Gate of the year, the noteworthy church of St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker was erected.

A year in the thunderstorm night lightning hit the cross of the main dome of the cathedral, and the dome caught fire. Baking it up with repairs, began to rebuild and the entire Cathedral, for which the Grand Duke Ivan III allowed to invite the student of Aristotle's Architect Fiorobati.

After seventy years later, the cathedral was rebuilt secondly, and next to him was the tent bell tower. As a result of the alterations by the XVII century, the Cathedral turned into a high cross-dome building with the entrance in the center of the Western Wall, a low gallery surrounded him from three other sides. There were two stairs from the east on the gallery, and this particularly emphasized the symmetry and solemnity of the construction. Almost square at the base, the cathedral was standing on a high fuel from white stone. The top was completed with a cross arch on four pillars. The ends of the arches were formed by the Casra. In terms of the Cathedral had the shape of the eight-pointed cross. Song-valued window openings were arranged in the lightweight drum, its bases are small cososhniks. When the burnt chapter was reworked, the competition was closed, decorative drums were put in the corners. The cathedral has become about five chapters of bulbous form. The form of the main entrance portal has also changed.

In the city of the Cathedral on the left side attached a sacristy, and with the right - the priest of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. In the attack was the icon of the Lord Almighty, who belonged to St. Sergey Radonezh. According to legend, it is this way that the reverend blessed the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich and his squad in front of the Kulikovsky battle. There was a three-rolled fold in the sacristy, which the Rev. Sergius blessed the inocities of the revenue and dock before the battle. The Cathedral contained a magnificent Pyhyraulic hereditary iconostasis, which was placed by the Vladimir and Tikhvin Icons of the Mother of God of the beginning of the XVI century. At the end of the XIX century, the Cathedral was updated outside and inside the project of the architect K.A. Tone. The commercial coating was redesigned to the four-page, the windows felt, glazed gallery. In the year, the temple was updated.

In January of the year, the Assumption Cathedral together was blown together by other monastic buildings. Historians and restorers tried to save this monument, pointing to its antiquity and discovered in the Cathedral of the XV frescoes., But - unsuccessfully.

Church of John Postnik and Alexander Nevsky in Bell Tower

A year was decided to build a new bell tower of the monastery for funds who donated the merchant Ivan Ignatiev. According to the initial project, the bell tower was to be built in the style of classicism on the project N.E. Tyurina, however, at that time, a movement for the return to a more traditional architecture for Russia was already gained. As a result, by the year, a five-Russian bell tower was erected with a height of 90 m in the "Russian-Byzantine style" according to the project K.A. Tone. The belfry, inspired by "Ivan Great," surpassed his height of 9 m. The largest from the bells hanging on the bell tower weighed 16.4 tons (1000 pounds). On the fourth tier, the clock was installed. The bell tower was one of the architectural dominant of Moscow of his time and visually formed the completed picture of the picturesque radiation of the Moscow-River downstream from the city.

The year was blown up and disassembled by a brick.

Church of the All-Food Savior

In the year, the monastery was on the path of the troops of the Crimean Khan Kaza-Gurya, and the fires standing on the walls of guns participated in the reflection of the raid. In memory of this event, a small Spassky temple was built over the ancient Western gates.

Annually on August 1, on the day of origin (honest) of honest trees of the life-giving Cross of the Lord, a procession of the Moscow River was committed from the temple to consecrate water. The temple and its iconostasis were pretended, but the ancient royal gates and some icons were preserved, including an image of the spirit of the Most Holy Mother of the XVI century.

In my opinion, from all the Moscow monasteries affected by the Bolsheviks, Simonov had worse than everyone else.
Simonov Assumption Monastery (st. Eastern, 4) - in the past one of the largest and most rich monasteries of Moscow and the nearest Moscow region. In the XVI-XVII centuries. He entered the belt of fortified monasteries who defended the approaches to Moscow from the south. The overwhelming majority of buildings were demolished in the 1930s; The territory is partially built up.

The exact date of the founding of the monastery is unknown. Perhaps the first abode arose here in the time of the Grand Duke Simeon proud. But it is known that the monastery, that is, the monastic mobility community, the abode has become in the times of St. Sergius. The story begins with the old Simonov of the monastery, which is based with the consent and blessings of Metropolitan Alexy and the Grand Dmitry Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy. His founder is considered to be nephews and student Sergius of the Radonezh Fedor Simonovsky - the confessor of Dmitry Donskoy, subsequently Archbishop Rostovsky.

The locality where the monastery was founded was considered at the times of one of the most beautiful in Moscow. In a pine forest, spread over a deep ravine, on the high bank of Moscow, not far from deep bearish lakes, put the small church of the Nativity of the Virgin in 1370. After 140 years, it was replaced by a stone, which in a strong rebuilt reached our days. This is the same church, to which the arrival of which still belongs to the housing and where it is necessary to make the way to the territory of the Dynamo plant.

In 1379, on Earth donated by the merchant Stefan Vasilyevich Hovra, who lay a little north of the old Simonov of the monastery, Hegumen Monastery Fedor founded a new simon monastery. And since then both the monastery lived with a common life. Only old simonov became the refuge of the elders-silencers, that is, a strictest step in monasticism compared to New Simonov.

Only Christmas Church, a few kesels and a cemetery for the burial of the deceased inok, and then famous people remained from the old monastery. The famous Simonian cemetery was closed only in 1919. But still in the ground, under the local children's fleet, rest: the first cavalier of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, the associate of Peter I, Fyodor Golovin; The head of the seven-warehouse, who refused Russian throne Fyodor Mikhailovich Mstislavsky three times; Princes of Urusov, Buturlin, Tatishchev, Naryshkina, Meshcherski, Muravyov, Bakhrushin.

Until 1924, there were tombstones on the graves of the Russian writer S.T. Aksakov and early deceased friend A.S. Pushkin poet D.V. Verevienitinova (on his tombstone of Chernela Epitaph: "As he knew life, as a little lived").
The photo below explains where the priests of Allegis have the most reliable information, and never mistaken.

By the way, why are Simonov? Historians believe that the name to the monastery, Slobodka around him, the streets, to pass and the embankment passed everything from the same S.V. Hovra, who in the monasticist accepted the name of Simon. There is, however, the other version, according to which the name of the monastery gave a small village of Simonovka, who was at the site of monastic buildings.

Simons are closely related to the monastery with the genus of Hovrins. In the XIV century, Moscow was flooded with the south of Greek and Italian merchants. A lot of guests came from the Genoese Colony of Surge to the Black Sea (guests then called merchants-wholesalers, bringing goods from abroad, and the current city of Sudak). Surozen traded the "harsh goods" - precious stones and expensive silk fabrics.

Many Sourozh guests, Axaw on the Moscow Earth, gave their names to the local villages (Sofrino, Troparevo, Hovrino, etc.). Such a sourozh guest was the youngest descendant of Greek princes Stephen Vasilyevich. His son Gregory received an ugly, but expressive nickname of Hovra or Khovna, which means "Sneak", "untidy man", "Pig" (Wed "Havronia"). His children proudly wore the name of Hovrins.

But this is in the future. In the meantime, Vladimir Grigorievich Hovrin is building a temple of the Assumption of the Virgin in Simonov Monastery. This temple, one of the largest then in Moscow, still sniffs on a massive white-named fuel and it is very thinned in Italian (a student of the Aristotle of Phiorevanti himself took part in its restructuring at the end of the XV century). It is known that in the XIX century in the temple, the icon of the Lord of the Almighty, belonged to Sergia Radonezh, was kept. According to the legend, Dmitry Donskoy in the Kulikovsky battle blessed this icon of Sergius.

The second, after Reverene Fedor, the monastery's igumen was Rev. Cyril, subsequently called Belozersky. This "spiritual grandson of Sergius" (the student of his student), according to legend, lived in the cell near the temple, where the white-name chapel is now installed. Here he was the Mother of God and announced: "Go to the White Lake, and there will be saved."

And Cyril, along with her friend Ferapont, went into the road and founded one of the most famous Russian monastery - the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, on the Siver Lake. And Ferapont founded the famous Ferapontov Monastery only twenty versts from him.

In this small old simonov monastery, in 1380 brought from Kulikov Fields Dmitry Donskoy Body of Warriors Monks of the Troitsky Monastery of Rodion (Ariana) Olyani and Alexander Perevost (Boyarin Bronsky). Here their graves are still to this day. The church of the Nativity of the Virgin always was very revered by Muscovites as the burial place of the heroes of the Kulikovsky battle. A great prince and kings came here for courage. Here is this grave.

The temple was closed in 1928, and he was on the expanded territory of the Dynamo plant, which in 1934 was renamed Kirov's factory. In the closed and disfigured by the time the temple, the plant posted its compressor station, and the powerful mechanisms literally shook the walls of the ancient, built in the 1504th year, buildings, places of restoring the great Russian heroes.

The first who raised the question of the fate of the monument and the graves of reboot and the absenteeism, was the artist Pavel Corin. The topic was silent for a long time, and it rose secondly in 1979, on the eve of the anniversary of the Kulikovsky battle, but again nothing happened, because production capacity was much more important than the memory of Russian heroes. And only in the 80s, it was possible to win the "Dynamo" plant, its compressor station - the church of the Nativity of the Virgin in Old Simonov. In 1989, the temple was consecrated.

By this time, the tombstones were already restored on the estimated site of the burial of the reboot and dose. The place is not accurate, because there is an option that their graves along with the risks were ruined and destroyed completely.

In memory of those difficult times when the temple was in launch, and the graves were desecrated, "a monument to the dead bells" was created, as its local parishioners call. These are fragments of the bells, which in the 20-30s were reset from the bells and went to the needs of industrialization, simply speaking, melted.

These remains of the bells were found already in the 80s of the last century in the foundry shop of the Dynamo plant.

As the legend says, in 1370, in two hundred meters of south of the church, Sergius Radonezh died, the holy deep lake died. Later it expanded and turned into a pond, which at the end of the XVIII century, Muscovites called lysine. These places brought N.M. Karamzin in his story "Poor Lisa".

After B.M. Fedorov reddished the sentimental story of Karamzin "Poor Lisa" in the play, in love with Muscovites, the crowds began to walk along the shore of the pond called lysine, and cut their names on the trees. Even a stinging epigram appeared on this pilgrimage:
"Here Lisa drowned, Erastova Bride,
Thug, young ladies, for everyone there is a place. "

A little today left from the once-rich monastery. At the site of the holy (lysine) pond, the administrative building of the Dynamo plant is now located.

Well, what was here in former times, we can only imagine from the notes that Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin left:

"... everything is more pleasant for me, the place on which the gloomy, Gothic towers of Simonov Monastery are tested. Standing on this grief, you see on the right side almost all of Moscow, this terrible bullfight of houses and churches, which seems to be the eyes in the form of a majestic amphitheater: a magnificent picture, especially when the sun shines on it when the evening rays flashes on countless devoted dips, in countless Crosses, to the sky crazy! At the bottom, the fat, dense blooming meadows, and behind them, in yellow sands, flows a light river, worn by light oars of fishing boats or nowilling cargo stips, which flooded from the fruitful countries of the Russian Empire and give away the gallery Moscow with bread.

... On the other side of the river, the oak grove is visible, which is subject to numerous herds; There are young shepherds, sitting under the shadows of trees, sing simple, sad songs and reduce those summer days, such for them are uniform. Female, in the thick greenery of the ancient elites, shines the golden-headed Danilov Monastery; Even further, almost on the edge of the horizon, the sparrows of the mountains are shine. On the left side are visible extensive, bread covered fields, woodwork, three or four villages and a village of Kolomenskoye with a high palace of her ".

Reading these lines, involuntarily try to see the neighborhood of the monastery of the late XVIII century. See and compare them with present, for example, as in the photo above ...
The best, in my opinion, the image of the revenue and the donkey I took from the burner from the wall of the Don Monastery.


Simonov Male Monastery was founded in the second half of the XIV century and was considered one of the most significant and rich in the territory of the Moscow region. Now it is located within Moscow, in the Southern Administrative District of the capital.

Wealthy people sacrificed the abode of solid cash, they were visited crowned personnel. Tsar Fedor Alekseevich even was assigned to the cell in which he loved to retire from worldly things. There was also a necropolis on the territory of the monastery, where they found the eternal tranquility of famous artists and Russian culture, as well as representatives of revered noble childbirth.


Missed the abode, becoming her founder, Rev. Fedor, who had a nephew and a devoted student of His Holiness Sergius of Radonezh. Construction work began in the XIV century on the lands, koi were donated for the good cause of the boyar Moscow Hovrin. At night, he was addressed by Simon. From this name and the name of the monastery went.

For his difficult centuries-old history, the monastery was not only a spiritual cradle of the Orthodox, but also an important outpost providing protection at approaches to the southern borders of Moscow. He was well fortified, and more than once his walls became a barrier holding back enemy hordes. However, during the time of the vague time, the richest simonov monastery has undergone barbaric ruin and emptying.

By the Decree of Her Majesty Catherine II in 1771, the monastery was abolished. This time coincided with the unexplored epidemic of the plague, which covered Moscow and the mowing hundreds of its inhabitants. Monastic premises have become a pier for isolated patients. Only after a little more than two decades, thanks to the petition of A. Musina-Pushkin, the prevail again found his church status and healed the same life.

In the 20s, in the Soviet period, Simonov, the monastery again had to survive the elimination. For 7 years, the expositions of the museum have been placed here, and even in one of the temples it was allowed to send church service.

But in the 30s, by decision of the Government Commission, monastic walls, five churches, bell tower and other buildings were demolished. More than two thirds of the entire architectural ensemble is lost forever.

Simon men's monastery today

Everything comes back into circles. In the 90s of the past century, the monastery returned to the Lono of the Church and began to revive. Partially taken work on the restoration of some buildings.

Unfortunately, only a small part of the ancient buildings has been preserved to our time: fragments of the southern fortress wall with several surviving towers, the buildings of the refectory: an old and later structure with the church, the fraternal building and a number of household buildings.

The surviving monastery walls, which entered part of the older fortress, was built, according to scientists, Fedor Kone, are dated 30, and three towers - 40 years of the XVII century. Special attention is attracted to the angular tower, called "Dulley". Its top is crowned with a tent construction with a pedestal bunk superstructure. The "salt" taja of the architectural solution resembles a "duly", but much more modest in size and decor. The smallest tower is "blacksmithing", it is in spice, that is, in the preserved wall, has a pentagonal form and is also equipped with a small viewing point in one tier.

The structure of the refectory is kept in the Moscow baroque style and decorated with painting, imitating stone faceted masonry. The main facade was completed by a stepped pinch, characteristic of Western European architecture. The refectory is adjacent to the sizes of the church. Economic buildings and Kelar Corps are used now as workshops.

Simonov monastery represents spiritual, architectural and historical value, attracting numerous believers and inquisitive tourists.

In 1405, a stone cathedral church was built in the monastery in the name of the Assumption of the Most Holy Virgin, the construction of which was started in 1379.
In 1476, the dome of the Cathedral suffered a lot from the blow of lightning, so at the end of the 15th century the temple was rebuilt with an unknown Italian architect.
At the end of the XVII century, the Cathedral was painted by the arteel of Moscow royal masters.
Then a carved gilded iconostasis was made, in which there was a main relic of the monastery - the Tikhvin Icon of Our Lady, which St. Sergius Radonezh blessed Dmitry Donskoy in the Kulikovsky battle.
Here was kept the golden cross, shoved by diamonds and emeralds - the gift of the princes of Maria Alekseevna.

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The old towers and walls of the monastery were built in the XVI century.
According to the "Sovereign Master" of Fyodor Savelievich Kon - the builder of the Smolensk Kremlin.
The circumference of the monastery walls was 825 m, height - 7 m.
From the preserved towers, the angular tower "Dulley" is especially highlighted,
highly crowned with a two-tier peduncated turret.

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Fortified with Boris Godunov, the monastery reflected in 1591 the attack of the Crimean Khan Gaza Gase II.
Simonov monastery has repeatedly served as a shield of Moscow against enemies.
During the long years of its existence of Simonov, the monastery has repeatedly made the onslaught of enemy hordes, was subjected to Tatar raids, in troubled time was ruined and destroyed almost to the ground.

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Two other surviving towers are a five-marched "blacksmith" and round "salt" - built in the 1640s, when the restructuring of the defensive structures of the monastery suffered in troubled times.

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The new sophisticated Simonov of the monastery became one of the most significant structures of the late XVII century.
The magnificent decorated building was brightly painted "in chess" - the style of painting, imitating stone faceted masonry.

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The Church of the Fathest of the Holy Spirit under the refectory was built in 1700 for the means of princes of Maria Alekseevna, Peter I sisters.
In the XIX century, two came to her were attached.

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In the old days, the monastery was one of the most famous and revered in Russia: a huge number of people and large cash deposits were glazed here.

Imaging Simonov Monastery Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin:

"... everything is more pleasant for me, the place on which the gloomy, Gothic towers of Simonov Monastery are tested. Standing on this grief, you see on the right side almost all of Moscow, this terrible bullfight of houses and churches, which seems to be the eyes in the form of a majestic amphitheater: a magnificent picture, especially when the sun shines on it when the evening rays flashes on countless devoted dips, in countless Crosses, to the sky crazy! At the bottom, the fat, dense blooming meadows, and behind them, in yellow sands, flows a light river, worn by light oars of fishing boats or nowilling cargo stips, which flooded from the fruitful countries of the Russian Empire and give away the gallery Moscow with bread.
Female, in the thick greenery of the ancient elites, shines the golden-headed Danilov Monastery; Even further, almost on the edge of the horizon, the sparrows of the mountains are shine. On the left side are visible extensive, bread covered fields, woodwork, three or four villages and a village of Kolomenskoye with a high palace of her ".

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A special love of the monastery was used by Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich (Senior Brother Peter I), who had her own cell for privacy.
In 1771, the monastery was abolished Catherine II and on the occasion of the plague epidemic that spread at the time was turned into a plague insulator.
Only in 1795, he was restored in his original as the petition of Count Alexei Musina Pushkin.

In the Patriotic War of 1812, Simonov monastery was ruined by the French. After the liberation of Moscow, Brachia returned to the monastery.

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The monastery bell tower was famous for all Moscow.
Yes, and the bell ringing, judging by the annals, was an outstand on that bell tower.
Thus, a special article "On the bells" is placed in the Nikonovsky Chronicles, which refers to a strong and wonderful bell tongue,
in the opinion of some, from the Cathedral Bells of the Kremlin, and according to others, from the bells of Simonov Monastery.
And when she came to the XIX century, she came into disrepair, the famous architect Konstantin Ton (the creator of the Russian-Byzantine style in the Moscow architecture) elevated in 1839 over the northern gate of the monastery new.
Her cross became the highest point of Moscow (99.6 meters).

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On the second tier of the bell tower there were Churches of John, Patriarch of Tsargradsky, and St. Alexander Nevsky,
on the third - bells with bells (the largest of them weighed 16 tons),
on the fourth - watch,
on the fifth - access to the head of the bell tower.
It was built this majestic structure to the means of the Moscow merchant Ivan Ignatiev.

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By 1917, six temples with eleven thrones were located on the territory of the monastery:
The Cathedral of the Assumption of the Virgin, consecrated in 1405;
the refectory church in the name of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God (earlier - in the name of St. Sergius of Radonezh);
church of St. Alexander Svirsky;
church of origin of honest trees, located over Western gates;
church of St. Nikolai Wonderworker - above the eastern gates;
church in the name of John, Patriarch Tsaregradsky,
and the church of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky in the second tier of the bell tower.

Orthodox shrines. Simonov monastery. Moscow.

Simonov Monastery in Moscow is a glorious and tragic page of Russian history. Nice - because many memorable events of Russian history are connected with this abode, and tragic - because this page was ruthlessly doried by deeply alien Russia with his hands ...

Ancient Simonov The monastery was founded in 1370 on the blessing of St. Sergius of the Radonezh his student and nephew - Reverend Fedor, a native of Radonja, who accepted the tonsure in the Pokrovsky Tracks Monastery. At the head of Simonov Monastery, Rev. Fyodor became famous as an authoritative spiritual mentor, he was a personal confessor Dmitry Donskoy. In 1388, Rev. Fyodor became Rostov Archbishop. He died on November 28, 1394. His relics rest in Rostov, in the Assumption Cathedral.

The monastery was received by the monastery named Inok Simon, in the world of Boyarina Stephen Vasilyevich Hovina, who donated the land for the monastery. On these lands - south of Moscow, ten versts from the Kremlin - and the monastery was laid.

Originally Simonov, the monastery was located slightly lower in the Moscow River, at the large road to Moscow, and Fedor, seeking to find more privacy, chose another place for the monastery, not far from the old. In 1379 the monastery was postponed to his current place. Only the parish church of Christmas in Old Simonov, under the bell tower of which in the second half of the 18th century, were found in the second half of the XVIII century, the graves of the famous Inok Troine-Sergiye Lavra, Alexander Perevost and Rodion Oshba, the heroes of the Kulikovsky battle were discovered. Surviving terrible destruction, a long time served as the compressor station of the Dynamo plant, this church is now reborn again.

Rev. Sergius Radonezh considered Simonov Monastery "Branch" with his Trinity monastery and always stayed here during arrival in Moscow. From the walls of Simonov The monastery came out a whole pleiad of outstanding devotees and church figures: St. Kirill Belozersky (1337 - 1427), St. Ion, Metropolitan Moskovsky (mind in 1461), Patriarch Joseph (mind. In 1652), Metropolitan Geronatius, Archbishop Rostov John, the famous intention of Inok Vasian, in the world Prince Vasily Ivanovich Kosy-Patrikeev. In the monastery there lived and the Rev. Maxim Greek worked.

The monastery was known throughout Russia, and huge deposits were flocked here. Simonov Monastery especially loved to visit Tsar Fedor Alekseevich. Especially for him, Celi were arranged here, where the king prayed during the Great Post. In 1771, with Catherine II, the monastery was abolished and on the occasion of the plague epidemics turned into a plague epidemic turned into a plague quarantine. In 1795, at the request of the Count Musina-Pushkin, the monastery was restored.

According to the chronicler, Simonov monastery has repeatedly served as the "shield of Moscow against enemies." For many years of its existence of Simonov, the monastery has repeatedly assumed the onslaught of enemy hordes, was subjected to Tatar raids, in troubled time was ruined and destroyed almost to the ground.

The towers and walls of the monastery were built in the XVI century. According to the "Sovereign Master" of Fyodor Savelievich Kon - the builder of the Smolensk Kremlin. Fortified with Boris Godunov, the monastery reflected in 1591 a raid of the Crimean Khan Kaza-Girea. New walls of the monastery and part of the towers were built in 1630, while fragments of the old fortress built by Fyodor Kone became part of the new fortress. The circumference of the monastery walls was 825 meters, the height of 7 meters. From the preserved towers, the angular tower "Dulley" is especially distinguished, topped with a high tent with a bunk trench. Two other surviving towers are a five-marginal blacksmith and round salt - built in the 1640s, when the restructuring of the defensive structures of the monastery suffered in troubled times.

The monastery was led by three gates: Eastern, Western and Northern. In memory of the reflection of the attack of the Crimean Hana Kaza-Girea, in 1591, the proprietary church of the gloomy Savior was built. Over the Eastern Gate In 1834, the noteworthy church of St. Nicholas of the Wonderworker was erected.

In 1812, the monastery suffered from the French, temples and sacrifice were looted, died precious manuscripts
In Moscow, the emperor Napoleon was still hoping for Alexander I response, and Christian Wilhelm Faberu du Fores admired those who are killed by the beauties of Moscow ...

Simonov Monastery in Moscow October 7, 1812
Christians Wilhelm Faberu Du Form

In 1832, it was decided to build the new bell tower of Simonov Monastery. Means for the construction gave the merchant Ivan Ignatiev. The initial project in the style of classicism was the famous architect N. E. TURIN. The bell tower was laid in 1835, but then her project was changed, and it was already erected in the "Russian" style on the project K. A. Tona. Construction ended in 1839. According to its silhouette and location - near the monastery fence - the bell tower repeated the bell tower of the Novodevichy Monastery. Its height accounted for more than 90 meters. The huge Pyatrical Bell Tower of Simonov Monastery visually closed the prospect of the radiation of the Moscow River and was visible on a lot of miles around. The biggest bells hanging on the bell tower weighed 1000 pounds. On the fourth tier, the clock was installed.

Back in 1405, the Stone Cathedral Church was built in the monastery in the name of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. In 1476, the dome of the cathedral suffered a lot of lightning. At the end of the 15th century, the temple was rebuilt with one of the students of Phiorevanti according to the Assumption Cathedral in the Kremlin.

At the end of the XVII century, the Cathedral was painted by the arteel of Moscow royal masters. Then a carved gilded iconostasis was made, in which there was a main relic of the monastery - the Tikhvin Icon of Our Lady, which St. Sergius Radonezh blessed Dmitry Donskoy in the Kulikovsky battle. Here was kept the golden cross, shoved by diamonds and emeralds - the gift of the princes of Maria Alekseevna.

Simeon Bekbulatovich was buried in the monastery cathedral - the baptized Casimovsky Tsarevich, on the whims of Ivan the Terrible Wednessed in 1574, "King and Grand Prince of All Russia" and in two years he was overthrown. Boris Godunova, blinded in 1595, in 1606, he was tonsured at Solovki and died in Simon Monastery under the name of the Skimnik Stephen. The son of Dmitry Donskoy Konstantin Dmitriyevich was buried here, the princes of Mstislavski, Temkin-Rostov, Sulevian, Golovna and Buturlin's boyars.

The skeleton simonov of the monastery was built in 1680 for the means of Tsar Fyodor Alekseevich, Arteel Mason, led by Parfen Petrov. It includes fragments of the previous construction of 1485. In the construction of a new building, Petrov, probably, already a person is elderly and built in the tradition of the first half of the XVII century, used the details of the Rannänoskovsk architecture, which did not like the monastery authorities. They opened against the master litigation, and three years later, the refectory was rebuilt again. This time, the works were led by the famous Moscow Master Osip of the Elders, built a lot in Moscow and in Kiev. Along with Jacob Bugging, he is the most outstanding architect's end of the 17th century. The names of Startsev and Buvostov often stand next to the documents of the time: these were a kind of "friends-competitors" who worked in the style of Moscow Baroque, but possessed pronounced individuality.

The new sophisticated Simonov of the monastery became one of the most significant structures of the late XVII century. The magnificent decorated building was brightly painted "in Chess" - the style of painting, imitating stone female laying. The Church of the Descent of St. The Spirit at the meadow was built in 1700 for the means of the princes of Maria Alekseevna, the sister of Peter I. In the XIX century, two came to her were attached.

And in the age of noble courtesy and sentimental mistakes, immortal simonov Monastery Nikolai Mikhailovich Karamzin:

"... everything is more pleasant for me, the place on which the gloomy, Gothic towers of Simonov Monastery are tested. Standing on this grief, you see on the right side almost all of Moscow, this terrible bullfight of houses and churches, which seems to be the eyes in the form of a majestic amphitheater: a magnificent picture, especially when the sun shines on it when the evening rays flashes on countless devoted dips, in countless Crosses, to the sky crazy! At the bottom, the fat, dense blooming meadows, and behind them, in yellow sands, flows a light river, worn by light oars of fishing boats or nowilling cargo stips, which flooded from the fruitful countries of the Russian Empire and give away the gallery Moscow with bread.

On the other side of the river, the oak grove is visible, the numerous herds graze; There are young shepherds, sitting under the shadows of trees, sing simple, sad songs and reduce those summer days, such for them are uniform. Female, in the thick greenery of the ancient elites, shines the golden-headed Danilov Monastery; Even further, almost on the edge of the horizon, the sparrows of the mountains are shine. On the left side are visible extensive, bread covered fields, woodwork, three or four villages and a village of Kolomenskoye with a high palace of her ".

This lines are involuntarily trying to see the neighborhood of the monastery of the late XVIII century. See and compare them with the present ...

And then, after B.M. Fedorov reddished the sentimental story of Karamzin "Poor Lisa" in the play, and the role of the main character was played by an incomparable M.S. Vorobyva, in love with Muscovites crowds began to walk along the shore of the pond, called lysine, and cut their names on the trees. Even a stinging epigram appeared on this pilgrimage:

"Here Lisa drowned, Erastova Bride,
Thug, young ladies, for everyone there will be a place. "

A little today left from the once-rich monastery. At the site of the holy (lysine) pond, the administrative building of the Dynamo plant is now located.

Interesting memories left the beginning of the 20th century, A. Remizov writer.
"Simonov is a meeting place" Painted "and" Baby ". They were taken from all the ends of Russia to Moscow: black - Caucasian, and diagonal - Siberian, and yellow - Chinese fell among the whites. After the lunch, they "reported" outstanding, fast blue-eyed hieromona about. Isaac: Speaker, rustling, like leaves, words of prayers, he expelled demons. But not so much exile - demons something did not really obey Simonovsky Hieromona! - And the preparation during the dinner is truly "demonic act!" - The spectacle is awesome. ... Besysky fire in Simonov is not comparable - the spectacle is stunning. Even showed: under the wall of the monastery, the pumped giant sizes of a demon-demon, facing a stone; This frog, the whole Moscow knew about her, was just to the place and complemented the demonskie. There are strange lovers to watch the dead, and the demonic spectacle is more infectious: it is worth a look, as it will pull out and still, not missing. In Simonov people and on a weekday, as for a holiday; The lack of Bogomoltsev could not complain! "

In 1919, the famous Simonovsky cemetery was closed. But still in the ground, under the local children's fleet, rest: the first cavalier of the Order of St. Andrew the First-Called, the associate of Peter I, Fyodor Golovin; The head of the seven-warehouse, who refused Russian throne Fyodor Mikhailovich Mstislavsky three times; Princes of Urusov, Buturlin, Tatishchev, Naryshkina, Meshcherski, Muravyov, Bakhrushin.

Necropolis on the territory of Simonov Monastery was also ruined in Soviet times. Now the found gravestones were installed in a fence separating the monastery territory from DC ZIL.

Until 1924, there were tombstones on the graves of the Russian writer S.T. Aksakov and early deceased friend A.S. Pushkin poet D.V. Verevienitinova (on his tombstone of Chernela Epitaph: "As he knew life, as a little lived").

In 1923, a museum was opened in the premises of the monastery, who led an active archaeological work. He existed until 1929. And at night on January 21, 1930, on the eve of the anniversary of the death of V.I. Lenin, all churches were blown up, most of the walls and towers. And three weeks later they were already erected on the project of the brothers of the spring Palace of Culture Zil.

Let's see the old photos of Simonov Monastery and imagine what he was

View from the former bell tower of Simonov Monastery on the territory of the modern plant ZIL and the preserved church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

On the right Church of the Nativity of the Virgin, in which the burials of the Kulikovsky battle of the Kulikovsky battle were discovered in the XVIII century - Alexander Perevava and Andrei (Rodion), preserved and understood.

Simonov Monastery Necropolis. The snapshot is made from the wall of the cathedral. In the background - the watchtower of the monastery.

Simonov monastery. Buildings in the southern wall

Simonov monastery, cathedral and refectory

Assumption Cathedral Simonov Monastery

Simonov monastery. Assumption Cathedral

Simonov monastery. Forestry and Assumption Cathedral

Simonov monastery. Remove of the Church of the utensils after the closure of the monastery

Simonov monastery. Tsarist Chamber and Plot Church of the Tikhvin Mother of God

Simonov Monastery

Simonov monastery was closed in 1923, on its territory a museum was organized, which existed from 1923 to 1930 (was in a new meal). The liberated monastic premises were given under housing for the workers of the Simon Sloboda, they posted 300 families. Several temples remained acting. In 1929-1930 In the monastery he worked by P.D. Baranovsky, who headed here for the creation of a branch of Gima - Museum of Military Fortress Defense on the basis of the already existing museum of the former Simonov Monastery, he took an active part in the salvation of ancient monuments of the monument. Destroyed Simonov the monastery gradually. The last church was closed in May 1929. The monuments at the monastery cemetery were preserved until November 1928, then the necropolis was demolished, and the Square broke in his place. At the end of July 1929, he began to disassemble the bell tower. January 1930 became fatal for the ancient monastery. On January 23, the Assumption Cathedral was blown up, the church of Alexander Svirsky, Watchtow, was destroyed, and a Townitskaya tower and part of the wall. The next day, 8 thousand workers of the Leninsk Sloboda participated in the disassembly of the ruins of Simonov Monastery. In September, launched a disassembly of the Nikolsky Church. In the summer, the water gates of the XVI century were broken., Gradually disassembled the monastery wall. Later, the Spasskaya Church was dismantled. At the place of most of the monastery in 1932-1937. Brothers L.A., V.A., and A.A. The spring built the Palace of Culture of the Proletarian District (later Zil). Of all the necropolis were reburied only by S.T. Aksakov with the son of Konstantin and D.V. Venevitinov, now their graves are at the Novodevichy Cemetery. In the reburial, which took place on July 22, 1930, the future wife PD took part. Baranovsky Maria Yuryevna. When removing the remains S.T. Aksakov It turned out that the root of birch, which covered the whole family grave, a sprout through the left side of the chest in the region of the writer; From the finger of Venerevitinov, a famous ring was removed, now it is kept in the literary museum.

The hostel on the territory of Simonov of the monastery remained until 1962. In Soviet times, various institutions were located on the remaining territory of the monastery. Restoration work was carried out in Simonov Monastery in 1955-1966. In the early 1980s The buildings were occupied by the promoter plant of the Moscow Society "Fisherman-Athlete" Rosokhotrybolovsuyuzu. In the mid-1980s. The buildings were transferred to the Association of Rosmontumentism of the Ministry of Culture of the RSFSR, which was subjected to the workshop No. 1 of the Mostestovern Start the restoration of the remaining monuments. She took in the restoration of monuments Simonov Monastery and Shevskaya Section at the ISO Warmer, which conducted Saturdays here (Head - N.V. Charygin). In 1992, the restoration was discontinued due to the lack of funds. Currently, the entire complex of the monastery with the Tikhvin temple was transferred to the community consisting of deaf-and-dumb. The first service took place in November 1994

Currently, the following buildings are preserved from the monastery: the old refectory for the southern wall of 1485 with later alterations, the new refectory with the Church of the Tikhvi of the Naxian Mother of God (1680-1685), the royal chambers in the western part (architects of Parfen Petrov and the Osip of the Elders), with southern an extension of 1820 and the 540 g.; The housing was dried by the XVII century; The southern laid gates of the 1st third of the XVII century, the cellar body at the southern gates of the beginning of the XIX century; Treasury Celi in the western part of the 1st third of the XVII century; The towers are muzzle XVI century, salt, blacksmith and three stranger the walls of the 1st third of the XVII century.

The most impressive and moreover, the old construction of Simonov Monastery - the building "dried"

Construction dried dated 16 century.

Around dried - the treasury corps, built in the 1st third of the 17th century.

At the walls - the Kell Corps built in the middle of the 16th century.

The condition of the walls and towers is not the best.

The temple of the Tikhvinian Mother of God is a stone indicating the place where the monastery well was.

Nowadays are already in the refectory. I would like to hope that someday this ancient monastery of Moscow will be fully restored.