The Board of Catherine Second. Ekaterina Great and the uprising of Emelyan Pugachev during the reign of Catherine 2 was suppressed

(wife Peter III). The period of enlightened absolutism. The second half of the XVIII century. Russia is associated with the name of the Empress, whose rule has made an era in the history of the country. Although Ekaterina II climbed into the throne in 1762, already since 1744, since its appearance in the Russian capital, she influenced the course of events. True, in the first years of life in St. Petersburg, the young German princess Sophia Frederick Augustus Anhalt-Crebst (born April 21 (May 2) 1729), The inflamed of the heir of the throne (the future emperor Peter III) under the name of Catherine, seemed no more than a toy in foreign hands.

But in the fussy and squabbles of the court life, Catherine did not lose sight of his main goal, for which she came to Russia, for which she patiently demolished the resentment, ridicule, and sometimes insults. Coup June 28, 1762 The Russian throne was erected not a random woman, as happened more than once in the history of Russia of the XVIII century, and a person, long and purposefully preparing for the accepted role. First of all, Catherine had to solve internal political tasks. It was in this field that the empress was required to show maximum caution, prudency, ability to lavish and even act contrary to their beliefs. With these qualities, she has fully fully. Having to power illegal, this woman in a short time was able to not only strengthen its position, but also to conduct a number of transformations in all spheres of the state's life. However, Catherine's reforms were quite conservative in their essence and did not affect the historical foundations of the state. First of all, they were aimed at strengthening the domination of the noble estate. Even by declaring himself the successor of Peter I, Catherine understood that it was also impossible to rule that Peter was impossible. Therefore, she began to implement the principles of the so-called "enlightened absolutism". The purpose of this policy was to strengthen the existing system by legislative measures and ultimately strengthening state power.

The opponance of any violence, Catherine decided to go along the way of open dialogue with the people and become his "educator."
1764 - Cancel of hetmanship in Ukraine, due to the reassurance of Ukrainian peasants on the left bank and Slobodchin.
1764 - secularization of church lands. The weakening of the economic influence of the Church. Manifesto OT February 26, 1764 The secularization of church possessions was finally solved by a century-old dispute about the fate of church victuchin in favor of secular power, in the treasury. The installed semi-ears of the former monastery peasants who were called economic, provided an admission to the treasury of 1366 thousand annual exchanges (1764-1768), of which only a third was released on the maintenance of monasteries and churches, 250 thousand spent at the hospitals and alder, and The rest of the money (over 644 thousand rubles) replenished the budget of the state. In the 1780s. The urgent amount reached 3 million, and together with other economic incomes - 4 million rubles.) Of which only half a million was spent on the content of the clergy, and seven eighth income came the state. From now on, each monastery had the states approved by the Government of monastic and primary persons, for the maintenance of which a strictly established amount was released. The clergy, thus, turned out to be in full dependence on the state, both in economic and administratively. The clergy was elevated to the rank of officials in the regions. Another consequence of secularization was an improvement in the position of former monastic peasants. The work on the monastery barbecine was replaced by a monetary interference, which at least regulated the economic activity of the peasants. Economic peasants, in addition to the area being processed by them, received part of the monastery lands to use. Finally, the economic peasants were freed from the military jurisdiction: the vessels of the monastery authorities, tortures, etc.
1765 - Resolution of the landowners to link their peasants to Siberia to a cautious woman with a test of these peasants as recruits.
1765 - creation of a free economic society in order to rationalize economic processes.
1767-1768 - Creation of a laid commission in order to streamline state legislation and discussion of the peasant question. It includes elected representatives from different estates (except for fortress peasants). It was they who had to inform the government about the needs and wishes of the people. However, the Commission, meeting a year and a half, did not meet the hope of the empress and was dissolved under the pretext of the Russian-Turkish war. Information provided by deputies, Catherine successfully used during reforms.
1768-1774 - Russian-Turkish war. Victory A. V. Suvorov. IN 1768 The Ottoman Empire declared the war of Russia. To the second half of the XVIII century. The Ottoman Empire has fallen in power. Its economic resources were weaker than that of Russia, which had the same strong land army, a powerful navy and talented military leaders. This allowed Russia with the same success to lead the war on land and at sea, and to seek victories over superior opponent.
During the first three years of war, the Ottoman troops failed to defeat a single victory, they left Hotin, Iasi, Bucharest, Ishmael and other fortresses at the Danube Theater of Military Action. Two of the numerous lesions of Ottomans were especially crushing. First June 25-26, 1770, When the Russian squadron, having encouraged Europe, appeared in the Mediterranean Sea and under Camissa won the brilliant victory by the Russian troops under the command of A. V. Suvorov in june 1774 I managed to defeat Osmanov at Kozluj. The enemy agreed to resume negotiations. The royal government was also interested in the immediate end of the war, so that the released forces to throw on the suppression of the national movement within the country. July 10, 1774 Negotiations in the Bulgarian village of Kychuk-Kainardji ended with the signing of a peace treaty. In Küchuk-Kainardgia, Kerch, Yenikale and Kinburg, as well as Kabarda, went to Russia. Russia received the right to the construction of the Navy on the Black Sea, its trading ships could freely pass through the straits, Moldova and Valahia, although formally remained under the rule of the Ottoman Empire, but were actually under Russia's protectory. The Sultansky courtyard, which was the initiator of the war, pledged to pay Russia to the end of 4.5 million rubles. The main outcome of the war was the fact that the Crimea became Russian.
1770 - Victory to the Russian Army under the command of P. A. Rumyantsev at Large and Cagule.
1770, June 26 - The defeat of the Baltic Fleet under the command of G. A. Spiridova of the Turkish fleet with Chesme.
1771 - "Plague riot" in Moscow. Murder of Moscow bishop.
1772 - The first section of the Commonwealth of Commonwealth between Russia, Austria and Prussia. Accession to Russia of Eastern Belarus and the Polish part of the Liflaland.
1773-1775 - The peasant war under the leadership of E. Pugacheva.
IN 60s. XVIII century The government introduced a monopoly of the state to catch fish and extraction of salt on the yaik. This caused displeasure Cossacks. IN late 1771 The commission under the guidance of Major Traubenberg General, whose task was to suppress the speech of the Cossacks. Interrogations and arrests began. IN january 1772 In response to the actions of Traubenberg (execution of Cossacks - more than 100 people were killed) the uprising rose. At the end of May, the authorities were sent to YiAK army led by General Freiman. The 85 most active rebels were punished and exiled to Siberia, the rest were fine. Eliminated the military circle, the military office, in the houses of the Cossacks placed soldiers.
The following year, the Cossacks rose under the banner of Peter III Fedorovich. The mysterious death of the emperor caused the appearance under his name many impostors. The most famous of them became the Don Cossack Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev.
IN september 1773 Pugachev appeared at the Budarin outpost in 5 versts from the Yaitsky town. Pugachev headed up to the Yaik to Orenburg - the center of the borderline of fortresses, an important strategic point of the southeast of the country. Pugachev stormed Tatishchev fortress. At the beginning of October, his army approached Orenburg, storms and battles under the walls of the city began. The camp of the rebels is located under Orenburg in the Berdy Sloboda. Here, Pugachev and his accomplices created the military collegium - the highest authority and management of military and civil cases. The uprising embraced the South and Middle Urals, Western Siberia, Bashkiria, Volga region, Don.
The authorities gathered the shelves and sent them to Orenburg. In the Tatishcheskaya fortress, the general battle between Pugachev's forces and the army of Golitsyn's army took place. After the defeat of Pugachev brought the remaining forces from under Orenburg. But under the Samara town, Golitsyn broke the rebels again. Pugachev moved to Bashkiria, then to the Southern Urals. Here they acted the rebel detachments of Salavat Yulaeva. Pugacheva's squad captured several plants, then took the Trinity Fortress. But here it was defeated by the column.
Pugachev headed for the Zlatoust. IN may 1774 He several times entered the battle with the army of Michelson, but tolerated defeat. Yulaev and Pugachev, uniting his strength, moved to the West to the Volga.
Pugachev from 2 thousand people crossed through the Volga and moved to the West. In the right bank, Pugachev detachment was replenished with several thousand people and began to move south on the right bank of the Volga. Pugachev ranked Penza, Saratov, began the siege of Tsaritsyn, but the approached Corpus Michelson threw the rebels to the southeast. IN late August 1774 Salt Plant has the last battle, in which Pugachev suffered a final defeat. He, with a small group of people, headed for the left bank of the Volga, where he was devoted to the Cossacks. IN september 1774 Pugacheva brought to the Budarin outpost. January 10, 1775 Pugacheva and his associates were executed on the Swamp Square.
1775 - Conducted the provincial reform. Instead of the previous 20, 50 new provinces were formed, each of which should have accommodated from 300 to 400 thousand inhabitants. At the head of each province was delivered by the governor who had an assistant - vice-governor. The cities were established by the provincial board and government chambers, as well as the proceedings, which is now sharply classified.
1783 - A Georgievsky treatise concluded with Eastern Georgia, who strengthened the positions of the peoples of the Transcaucasus in the struggle against the Iranian and Ottoman IGA.
1787-1791 - Russian-Turkish war. Turkish Sultan Selim III demanded the return of the Crimea, the recognition of Georgia with his vassal and the inspection of Russian merchant vessels passing through the Bosphorus Straits and Dardanelles. After receiving a refusal, on August 13, 1787, he declared the war of Russia, which acted in Union with Austria.
1788 - Mastering the Turkish Fortress of Ochakov.
1788-1790. - Russian-Swedish war. In the summer of 1788, Sweden without declaring war attacked Russia. The Swedish King Gustavi III was carefully preparing to conflict, because, counting on light victories, it sought to strengthen his power and break the opposition resistance. The king had grounds to hope for success: the main forces of the Russian army and its best commander were in the south. Gustavi III did not bother on boastful statements - he said that he intends to master Estlandia, Liflandia and Kurlyndia, and at the same time with them St. Petersburg and Kronstadt. Before leaving from Stockholm to the theater of the war, he declared the court ladies that "hopes to give them breakfast in Peterhof."
The beginning of hostilities revealed complete inconsistency and even the absurdity of the Swedish claims: in the fierce battle on July 6 at the island of Gogland, the Baltic fleet under the command of Admiral S. K. Greig won, forcing the Swedish ships to seek salvation in Sveaborg.
The war did not bring the Swedes any benefits, but she significantly complicated the position of Russia at the Southern Theater of Military Action, primarily the fact that he had deprived her opportunity to transfer the Baltic fleet to the Mediterranean Sea and raise the peoples of the Balkans against the Ottoman Empire. War with Sweden, in addition, entailed considerable expenses. At the same time, the hopes of England and Prussia collapsed, and the Ottoman Empire, and the fact that Russia could not lead the war on two fronts. The Ottoman army, like the fleet, held one defeat after the war, and during the war with glitter, a high combat sweating of soldiers and sailors was manifested, as well as the commander of A. V. Suvorov and an outstanding talent of Flotovodz F. F. Ushakov.
IN 1788 The Black Sea Fleet distinguished himself: in June, the Rowing Flotily Osmanov was defeated at the Dnieper-Bug Liman, and on July 3 o. Fidonisi The Russian squadron defeated the Ottoman Fleet, which has a numerical superiority. These victories were deprived of Ottomans opportunities to help the precipitated Ochakov, taken as a result of a fierce assault in December.
In campaign 1789 Oswanov's offensive operations on land were paralyzed by A. V. Suvorov. On July 21, Suvorov after 60 km of march with the go attacked Ottomans at Fokshanov, where 25 thousand Russians and the Austrians were forced to flee 30 thousand Ottomans. The victory was achieved by a decisive bayonet attack undertaken after the 9-hour battle. On August 28-29, a maritime victory was obsessed between about. Tendon and Hajibem.
1789 - Victory of Russian troops under the command of A. V. Suvorov at Fokshans and Ramnica. The spread of Russian influence on Moldova and Valachia.
1790, December - Taking by the Russian troops Izmail in Moldova. The most remarkable battle of the whole war was storming Izmail. This powerful fortress with a garrison of 35 thousand people at 265 instruments were considered impregnable. Her unsuccessful siege Russian troops from September 1790. On December 2, A. V. Suvorov appeared under Izmail. Immediately began intensive preparation for the storming of the fortress: in the training camp died and the shaft was embrying, which corresponded to the dimensions of fortress structures, and the troops were trained in overcoming obstacles. 5 days before the beginning of the assault, Suvorov sent the famous ultimatum fortress: "24 hours on thinking and will; The first my shots are already brought; Sturm - death. "
At dawn December 11th Sturred began: the troops overcame the ditch, along the assault stairs they climbed to the shaft, broke into the fortress and step by step, tested the fiercely resisted enemy, seized her.
Mastering Izmail belongs to the number of heroic exploits of Russian warriors - in the storming of the fortress, a high martial spirit and a wonderful system of soldiers and a commander of A. V. Suvorov were combined. The capture of Izmail was the outcome of not only the campaign of 1790, but also the whole war.
1791, December 29 An Yasky peace treaty was concluded. The goals for which the Ottoman Empire unleashed the war was not achieved. The yoke agreement confirmed the connection of the Crimea and the establishment of a protectorate over Georgia. The results of the war for Russia did not meet her military successes nor the victims and financial costs suffered. It was attached only the territory between the Bug and the Dniester. Bessarabia, Moldova and Valahia were returned to Ottomans. The results of war modest for Russia were related to the fact that England did not part with the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating an anti-Russian coalition. Previously, Russian diplomacy managed to upset these plans. In order not to be in isolation, the government should have forced peace negotiations. Three circumstances determined the success of Russia in wars with the Ottoman Empire and Sweden: Russia in these wars was not to attack, but to reflect the aggressive actions of the neighbors; The combat capability of the Russian regular army was immeasurably higher than the Swedish and especially Ottoman - militia of the latter, having a double, triple translate in numbers, invariably suffered defeat from well-trained and armed Russian regiments; An important reason for the victorious ending of the wars was the presence of talented commander in the Russian army and the fleet of talented commander (P. A. Rumyantsev, A. V. Suvorov) and Flotovodsev (G. A. Spiridov, F. F. Ushakov). They raised military art to a higher step.
1797-1800 - Board of Paul I. Holding anti-Davranic politics. A conspiracy against the king of the nobles led by N. P. Panin and Palen.
1798-1799. - Italian and Swiss campaign A. V. Suvorov, Raid Squadry F. F. Ushakov. The victories of the Russian army in battles on the raids of Adda and Tskobiya, Novi.

Sergey Sergeevich Ivanov
Natalia Olegovna Trifonova
History of Russia IX-XXI centuries in dates

Golden Age, Century Catherine, the Great Kingdom, the heyday of absolutism in Russia - so they denoted and denote historians the time of the Board by Russia by Empress Catherine (1729-1796)

"Her reign was successful. As a bona fide German, Catherine worked diligently for the country, which gave her such a good and profitable position. The happiness of Russia, she naturally seen in the possibly greater expansion of the limits of the Russian state. From nature, she was clever and cunning, perfectly understood in the intrigues of European diplomacy. Cunning and flexibility were the basis of the fact that in Europe, depending on circumstances, was called North Semiramid policies or the crimes of Moscow Messalena " (M. Aldanov "Damn Bridge")

Years of the Board by Russia Catherine Great 1762-1796

Real name of Catherine Second Sofia August Frederic Anhalt Czyrrstsk. She was a daughter of the "side line of one of the eight branches of the Anhard House of the Prince of Anhalt-Curbsta, the commandant of the city of Shttitin, which was in Poria, the region, the subject of the Kingdom of Prussia (today the Polish city of Szczecin).

"In 1742, the Prussian King of Friedrich II, wanting to pump the Saxon yard, who expected to give his princess Maria Anna for the heir to the Russian throne of Peter-Charles Ulrich Golsteinsky, who suddenly became the Grand Prince Petrod Fedorovich, began to rush to look for the Grand Duch of another bride.

There were three German princesses at the Prussian King for this purpose: two Hesse Darmstadt and one Czyrbst. The latter most approached the age, but the bride did not know anything about the fifteen-year-old bride. They said only that her mother, Johann-Elizabeth, led a very frivolous way of life and that it is hardly a small ficker truly daughter of the Czyrecy Prince Christian-August, who occupied the position of the governor in Shtete "

Live, short, but in the end, the Russian Empress Elizaveta Petrovna chose a little ficker as a wife for his nephew Karl-Ulrich, who became Great Prince in Russia by Peter Fedorovich, the future emperor Peter Third.

Biography of Catherine second. Briefly

  • 1729, April 21 (Art. Art.) - Catherine Two
  • 1742, December 27 - On the Council of Friedrich II, the Mother of Princess Fixen (FIK) sent a letter to Elizabeth with congratulations for the new year
  • 1743, January - Response
  • 1743, December 21 - Johann-Elizabeth and Fixen received a letter from the Brucener - the educator of the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich, with the invitation to come to Russia

"Your Grace," wrote a meaningful Belummer, - too enlightened, so as not to understand the true meaning of that impatience, with which her imperial majesty wishes to see you here, as well as the princess your daughter, about which Solva told us so much good. "

  • 1743, December 21 - on the same day was obtained in Cerbst and a letter from Friedrich II. Prussian king ... persistently advised to go and keep a trip in strict secret (so as not to know the Saxons!
  • 1744, February 3 - German princesses arrived in St. Petersburg
  • 1744, February 9 - Future Catherine Great with her mother came to Moscow, where at that moment was the yard
  • 1744, February 18 - Johanna-Elizabeth sent a letter to her husband with news that their daughter is the bride of the future Russian king
  • 1745, June 28 - Sofia Augustus Frederick adopted Orthodoxy and the new name of Catherine
  • 1745, August 21 - Wedding and Catherine
  • 1754, September 20 - Catherine gave birth to a son, heir to the throne of Paul
  • 1757, 9 December - Ekaterina was born daughter Anna, deceased after 3 months
  • 1761, December 25 - Elizabeth Petrovna died. King was Peter Third

"Peter Third was the son of Peter I's daughter and grandson of sisters Charles XII. Elizabeth, having joined the Russian throne and wanting to provide him with the line of his father, sent Major Corf with the instructions to take her nephew from Kiel and deliver to St. Petersburg. Here, the Holstea Duke Carla Petra-Ulrich was transformed into the Grand Duke Peter Fedorovich and forced to learn Russian and Orthodox Catechism. But nature was not so favorable as fate .... He was born and grew by a sickly child, poorly endowed with abilities. Early becoming a round orphanage, Peter in Holstein received anywhere raising upbringing under the guidance of ignorant court.

The degradable and shy in everything, he learned the bad tastes and habits, became irritable, ruddled, stubborn and fake, acquired a sad tendency to lie .... And in Russia there was a trip more. In Holstech, he was so poorly taught that he came to Russia for 14-year-old roundless and even Empress Elizavet struck with his ignorance. A quick change of the circumstances and programs of upbringing a completely knocked off the already impossible head. Forced to learn, then something else without communication and order, Peter ended in that he did not learn anything, and the misstitution of the Holstet and Russian situation, the sense of the Kielian and St. Petersburg impressions completely studied him to understand the surrounding. ... He was fond of military glory and the strategic genius of Friedrich II ... " (V. O. Klyuchevsky "Course of Russian History")

  • 1762, April 13 - Peter concluded peace with Friedrich. All the land captured by Russia in Prussia during the Germans returned to the Germans
  • 1762, May 29 - the Union Agreement of Prussia and Russia. Russian troops are submitted to Friedrich, which caused a sharp discontent of the guard

(Flag of Guard) "became the Empress. The emperor lived badly with his wife, threatened to divorce her and, even sharpen into the monastery, and put a close to him, the niece of Chancellor Count Vorontsov. Catherine held long aside, patiently transferring its position and not entering direct intercourse with dissatisfied " (Klyuchevsky)

  • 1762, June 9 - on a parade dinner on the occasion of confirmation of this peace treaty, the emperor proclaimed the toast for the imperial surname. Catherine drank her glass sitting. To the question of Peter, why she did not get up, she answered that she did not consider it necessary, since the imperial surname consists of Emperor, from her the most and their son, heir to the throne. "And my uncle, princes of Holstein?" - Peter objected and ordered the Gudovich's adjutant, standing behind his chair, approach Catherine and tell her a branch word. But, fearing, as if Gudovich, during the transfer, did not soften this unacceptable word, Peter himself cried him through the table in all.

    The empress burst. In the same evening, it was ordered to arrest her, which, however, was not fulfilled at the request of one of the uncle Peter, the involuntary perpetrators of this scene. From this time, Catherine began to listen carefully to the proposals of his friends, which they were made, starting with the death of Elizabeth. The company sympathized with many persons of the Supreme Petersburg Society, the biggest part of personally offended by Peter

  • 1762, June 28 -. Catherine was proclaimed empress
  • 1762, June 29 - Peter the third renounced the throne
  • 1762, July 6 - killed in prison
  • 1762, September 2 - Catherine Coronation Second in Moscow
  • 1787, 2 Yanavary-July 1 -
  • 1796, November 6 - Death of Catherine Great

Internal Policy Catherine Second

- Changes in central controls: In 1763, streamlining the structure and powers of the Senate
- Elimination of the autonomy of Ukraine: the elimination of hetmanism (1764), the elimination of the Zaporizhzhya Schash (1775), the serfs of the peasantry (1783)
- Further submission to the Church by the state: the secularization of church and monastic lands, 900 thousand church fortress steel by state fortresses (1764)
- Perfection of legislation: Decree of tolerance for Raskolniki (1764), landowners' right to refer peasants to Katorga (1765), the introduction of a noble monopoly on distillation (1765), the prohibition of peasants to file complaints about landowners (1768), the creation of individual ships for the nobles, citizens and peasants (1775), etc.
- Improving the administrative system of Russia: division of Russia by 50 provinces instead of 20, division of the provinces on the counties, separation of power in the provinces on functions (administrative, judicial, financial) (1775);
- Strengthening the position of the nobility (1785):

  • confirmation of all the estate rights and privileges of the nobility: exemption from the mandatory service, from the pillow, corporal punishment; The right to an unlimited order by estate and earth with peasants;
  • creating noblest facilities: county and provincial nobility meetings who were going once every three years and chose the county and provincial leaders of the nobility;
  • assigning a nobility of the title of "noble".

"Catherine The second understood well that she could hold on to the throne, only in every way catering nobility and officers, in order to prevent or even reduce the danger of a new palace conspiracy. This is Catherine and did. All her internal politics came down to ensuring the life of officers at her yard and in the guards parties was perhaps more profitable and pleasant. "

- Economic innovations: Establishment of the Financial Commission for the Unification of Money; Establishment of the Commerce Commission (1763); Manifesto on the conduct of general dressing for fixing land plots; Establishment of free economic society for the help of noble entrepreneurship (1765); Financial reform: Introduction of paper money - appliances (1769), the creation of two appliances banks (1768), the release of the first Russian external loan (1769); Establishment of the postal department (1781); Permission to private individuals typography (1783)

Foreign Policy Catherine Second

  • 1764 - contract with Prussia
  • 1768-1774 - Russian-Turkish War
  • 1778 - Restoration of the Union with Prussia
  • 1780 - Union of Russia, Denmark. and Sweden in order to protect wagons during the war for the independence of the United States
  • 1780 - Defensions of Russia and Austria
  • 1783, April 8 -
  • 1783, August 4 - Establishment of the Russian Protectorate over Georgia
  • 1787-1791 —
  • 1786, December 31 - trade agreement with France
  • 1788 June - August - War with Sweden
  • 1792 - Relief of Relations with France
  • 1793, March 14 - a friendship agreement with England
  • 1772, 1193, 1795 - participation together with Prussia and Austria in the sections of Poland
  • 1796 - War in the Persia in response to the invasion of Persians to Georgia

Personal life of Catherine second. Briefly

"Catherine, by nature, was not evil, nor cruel ... and excessively powerful: all my life was invariably under the influence of the favorites that replacing each other, who were happily inferior to their power, interfering with their orders of the country only when they were very clearly shown their Inexperience, inability or stupidity: she was smarter and more experienced in affairs than all her lovers, with the exception of Prince Potemkin.
In nature, Catherine did not have anything excessive, except for the strange mixture of the coarse and all amplifying with the years of sensuality with a purely German, practical sentimentality. In his sixty-five years, she as a girl fell in love with twenty-year officers and sincerely believed that they were also in love with her. In the seventh dozen years she cried bitter tears when she seemed like a plato of the teeth was with her restrained than usually "
(Mark Aldanov)

The period of the Board of Catherine 2 in Russia (1762 - 1796) - the time of large changes and significant events in the life of the people.

The future Russian Empress, the innocent of Sophia Augustus Fredeerik Anhalt-Crembed for the first time came to Russia in 1745 at the invitation of Elizabeth. In the same year, she married Great Prince Peter Fedorovich (Peter 3). Nelyubov husband and sickness Elizabeth led to the situation when the threat of its expulsion from Russia arose. Based on the Guards Regiment, in 1762 she made a bloodless coup and became an empress. In such conditions, the Board of Catherine 2 began.

The Empress carried out active reform activity, seeking to strengthen personal power. In 1767, he convened a commission for writing a new deposit. The assembly of lawmakers, however, turned out to be dismissible

In 1763, to improve the management system, it conducted senatorial reform. The Senate has become six departments and he lost the right to lead the state apparatus, turning into a senior judicial and administrative body. Berg-Collegium, the main magistrate and the mainofaktur-board were restored. The centralization of the country and the bureaucratization of power walked in parallel with confident pace. To resolve financial difficulties in B1763- 1764, Catherine conducts (translating them to secular property), which made it possible to replenish the treasury and neutralize the clergy as a powerful political force.

The Board of Catherine 2 was not soft. At the time of her reign, the peasant war had to 1773-1775 showed that this company layer does not support it. And Catherine decides to strengthen the absolutist state, relies only to the nobility.

"Chuzhnaya diplomas" nobility and cities (1785) streamlined the structure of society, strictly indicating the closure of classes: nobility, clergy, merchants, meshness and serf. The dependence of the latter constantly increased, creating the conditions for the offensive of the "Noborsky Golden Age."

On the Board of Catherine 2 feudal system reached its apogee in Russia. The Empress did not seek to change the foundations of public life. Founded on the work of the fortress empire, the throne support to the faithful nobility and wise Empress, which manages all, did the life of the country in this period looked like this. Internal and foreign policy was carried out exclusively in the interests of the imperial approach was peculiar to the relation to the provinces (Minor Russia, Liflandia and Finland), as well as the expansion also spread to the Crimea, the Polish kingdom, the North Caucasus, where national problems have already begun. In 1764, Hetmanism was eliminated in Ukraine, the Governor-General and President of the Maloros College were appointed to rule.

In 1775 there was a management reform. Instead of 23 provinces created 50 new ones. The State Chamber managed by industry, orders - public institutions (hospitals and schools), the courts separated from the administration. The country management system became uniform, subordinate to the governors, central colleges, governors and, finally, Empress.

It is known that the Board of Catherine 2 is also the height of the Favoritism. But if, with Elizaba, this phenomena does not bring tangible harm to the state, now the broad distribution of state lands and the annual empertric nobles began to cause discontent.

Catherine is the time of holding the ideas of the 199th century socio-political theories, according to which the development of society should go evolutionary by the leadership of an enlightened and favorite monarch, whose assistants are philosophers.

The results of the Board of Catherine 2 are very significant for Russian history. The territory of the state has increased significantly, executions of the treasury increased four of them, and the population increased by 75%. However, the enlightened absolutism solve all the crowned problems could not.

People's uprising

Potemkin quickly won the complete confidence of Catherine II and that most importantly immediately took up the decision of important public affairs. The Queen appointed him by the Governor-General of Novorossiy newly attached to Russia of the Black Sea Region, which Potemkin will be tirelessly expanded to the end of their days. He took an active part in the suppression of Pugachev uprising.

This unexpected and extremely unpleasant for Catherine II threat arose in the fall of 1773. Back in August, the Kazak Emelyan Pugachev, who was fledging from custody on the River Yaik (Ural) declared himself a miraculous king of Petrod Fedorovich. In September, the "state of the amperator" announced his "Decree No. 1" to the Yaitsky Cossack tiles, in which he made it "with a lifting of speirst and to ulya and land and herbs and money stories and a pig and the Honor and Grain Frames."

Not all Cossacks believed an impostor, but nevertheless with enthusiasm joined him. The rebellious army, along the way to capture small fortresses and constantly increasing natively, moved to Orenburg. His siege lasted about six months and was unsuccessful. However, in two or three months, the popular uprising has acquired an unprecedented scope, covering the Southern Urals, the eastern part of the Kazan province, Western Siberia, Western Kazakhstan, Bashkiria. It was ferment in the central provinces of Russia: the peasants in the case of the appearance of the detachments of the detachments "Peter Fedorovich" were ready to join the rebels.

Embedded to suppressing the uprising General Alexander Bibikov and Lieutenant Colonel Ivan Mikhelson managed to strike a number of defeats, forcing that in the spring of 1774 to first retreat from Orenburg, and then flee to the Urals. There, the impostor received new reinforcements and pursued by the Mi-Helson Corps moved to Kazan. Take the Kazan Kremlin, the troops of Pugachev did not succeed, and the tireless lieutenant colonel who came to this city was once again defeated numerous, but poorly organized and armed troops of Pugachev.

^ Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, hero of war with Turkey, in 1774 aimed at the suppression of Pugachev's uprising, personally delivered the arrested impostor to Moscow.

And portrait of Emelyan Pugachev.

He retreated to the Right Bank of the Volga, where the manifesto on the liberation of peasants from the fortress capture was published, about the gratuitous transfer of land to the people, about the widespread extermination of the nobles. This gave a powerful impetus to the new rise of the peasant war: the serfs of the peasants began to loud the landowner estate and deal with their inhabitants. And then the Cossack Pugachev, who did not trust the peasants, made his biggest mistake: instead of moving to the central provinces of Russia, he headed for Don, hoping to raise the Cossacks there.

Meanwhile, government forces thrown on the suppression of the peasant rebound reached 20 infantry and cavalry regiments, not counting the auxiliary provincial militias. This predetermined the junction: In September 1774, Yaitsky Cossacks preferred to issue an impostor to the authorities. On January 10, 1775, Pugacheva and four of his associates were executed on the Moscow Bolotnaya Square, but the government's troops were finally suppressed only in the summer of 1775.

Distribution of serfdom

Pugachev's uprising very frightened Catherine II. To encourage the provincial nobility who came to the thrill, she hurried to declare himself with the "first landowner." At the same time, the government could not understand what the cause of so cruel and so merciless folk rebellion. Generously distributing its favorites and other land deserved her mercy, populated by state and economic peasants, the queen sincerely believed that "the most of the fate of our peasants with a good landowner is not in the whole universe."

Ekaterina II and after the events of 1773-1775 did not change its point of view. Moreover, in the future, the serfdom began to spread there, where it was not before. In the same 1775, Zaporizhzhya Schi was eliminated, convicted under the influence of news of the movement of Pugachev, and the landlords controlled by the Cossacks went into the distribution of landlords.

"Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev - a hero and impostor, sufferers and a rebellion, sinner and holy ... But first of all, the leader of the people, the personality, of course, is exceptional - otherwise he would not be able to carry the thousandth army and drive them into battle. Raising the uprising, Pugachev knew that the people would go after him "(Mr. Nesterov, local history).

A similar thought expresses in his picture and artist T. Nazarenko. At its picture "Pugachev", in which she did not strive for truly historical reconstruction of events, depicted a scene resembling folk old oleography. On it, puppet figures of soldiers in bright uniforms and a conditional cage with the Bunlet leader in a pose of a crucified Christ. And ahead on a wooden horse, Generalissimus Suvorov: It was he who delivered the "Main Embraitan" to Moscow. In a different manner, the second part of the painting was written, stylized under the era of the reign of Catherine II and Pugachevsky Bunta - the famous portrait from the historical museum, on which Pugachev is written over the image of the empress.

"My historical paintings, of course, are associated with today's day," says Tatyana Nazarenko. - "Pugachev" is the history of betrayal. It is at every step. The associates refused from Pugachev, condemning it to the execution. So always happens. "

T. Nazarenko "Pugachev". Diptych

About Pugachev and his associates go numerous legends, legends, epics, legends. People transmits them from generation to generation.

The identity of E. I. Pugacheva and the nature of the peasant war always estimated ambiguously and in many ways contradictory. But with all the differences in the opinion of the Pugachev uprising - a significant milestone in Russian history. And no matter how tragic history, it is necessary to know and respect.

How it all began?

The reason for the start of the peasant war, which covered the huge territories and attracted several hundred thousand people to the ranks of the rebels, was the wonderful announcement of the "Tsar Peter Fedorovich". You can read about it on our website: Peter III . But briefly recall: Peter III (Peter Fedorovichnee Karl Peter Ulrich Golstein-Gottorpsky, 1728-1762) - Russian emperor in 1761-1762, was overthrown as a result of the palace coup, erected to his wife, Catherine II, and soon lost his life. Personality and activities of Peter III for a long time were considered unanimously negatively, but then it began to be more weigious to him, assessing a number of state merit of the emperor. In the reign of Catherine II for Peter Fedorovich, many were issued safety (recorded about forty cases), the most famous of which was Emelyan Pugachev.

L. Pfanzelt "Portrait of Emperor Peter III"

Who is he?

Emelyan Ivanovich Pugachev - Don Cossack. Born in 1742 in the Cossack Stanza of the Zimovoy Don region (now the village of Pugachevskaya Volgograd region, Stepan Razin was previously born here).

She took part in the seven-year war 1756-1763, with his regiment consisted in the division of Count Chernyshev. With the death of Peter III, the troops were returned to Russia. From 1763 to 1767, Pugachev served in his village, where his son Trofim was born, and then Agraphen's daughter. She was sent to Poland with the Essula Team Elisha Yakovleva to search and return to Russia the fled Old Believers.

He participated in the Russian-Turkish war, where he fell ill and was dismissed, but turned out to be involved in the shoot of his son-in-law from service and was forced to flee to Terek. After numerous peripetias, heels and shoots, in November 1772 settled in the Old Believers of the introduction of the Virgin Mary in the Saratov region at the rector of Philaret, from whom he heard about the excitement in Yaitsky army. After a while, in a conversation with one of the participants of the uprising of 1772, Denis Punkov called for the first time asking herself to Peter III: "I-de vite the merchant, but the sovereign Peter Fedorovich, I was Ta-de and in Tsaritsyn, that God and good people kept, and instead I saw a guard soldier, but in St. Petersburg, I retained me one afper. Upon returning to a dreaming approach, the peasant Philippov Pugacheva, Filippova Pugacheva, was arrested and sent to Simbirsk to Simbirsk, then in January 1773 to Kazan, then in January 1773.

Portrait of a Pugacheva, written from nature with oil paints (inscription in the portrait: "Genuine image of a rowman and a deceiver of Pugacheva,")

After making Escape again and again called "Emperor Peter Fedorovich", he began to meet with the instratches of previous uprisings and discussed with them the possibility of a new speech. Then I found a competent person to compile "royal decrees." In a dreaming Slobode, he was identified, but again managed to escape and get to the Talovsky obligation, where I was expected by the Yaik Cossacks D. Karavaev, M. Shigayev, I. Zarubin-Chik and T. Butchers. He again retold the story of his "wonderful salvation" and discussed the possibility of an uprising.

At this time, the commandant of the government garrison in the Yaitsky town of Lieutenant Colonel I. D. Simonov, having learned about the emergence of a person who issues himself for "Peter III", sent two teams to capture the impostor, but Pugacheva managed to warn. By this time, the soil for the uprising was ready. Not many Cossacks believed that Pugachev was Peter III, but everyone went after him. Hiding illiteracy, he did not sign his manifestos; However, his "autograph" was preserved on a separate sheet, simulating the text of a written document, regarding which he spoke to competent associates, which is written "Latin".

What was the cause of the uprising?

As usual in such cases, the reasons are many, and all of them, connecting, create a favorable soil so that the event occurred.

Yaitsky Cossacks were the main driving force of the uprising. During the entire XVIII century, they gradually lost privileges and liberations, but the times of complete independence from Moscow and Cossack democracy remained in mind. In the 1730s, there was actually a complete split of troops to the Starish and military sides. The situation was aggravated by the royal decree of 1754. Monopoly on salt. The economy of the troops was entirely built on sales of fish and caviar, and the salt was a strategic product. A ban on the free extraction of salt and the appearance of salt taxes among the tops of the troops led to a sharp bundle among the Cossacks. In 1763, the first major explosion of indignation occurred, the Cossacks write petitions in Orenburg and St. Petersburg, send delegates from troops with a complaint against the Atamans and local authorities. Sometimes they reached the goals, and especially unacceptable atamans changed, but in general the situation remained the same. In 1771, Yaitsky Cossacks refused to go to the challenge by the Kalmyki beyond the limits of Russia. Investigate the failure of the order went General Traubenberg with a squad of soldiers. The result was the Yaitsky Cossack uprising of 1772, during which General Traubenberg and the military Ataman Tambovs were killed. For the suppression of the uprising, troops were sent. The rebels were defeated by the Embulatovka River in June 1772; As a result of the defeat of Cossack, the circles were finally liquidated, a garrison of government troops was placed in the Yaitskom town, and all the power over the army passed into the hands of the commandant of the garrison of Lieutenant Colonel I. D. Simonov. Russell over caught instigators was extremely cruel and made an oppressive impression on the army: never before the Cossacks did not brand, did not cut their tongues. A large number of participants in the performance took place on distant steppe farms, the arousal reigned everywhere, the state of the Cossacks was like a compressed spring.

V. Perov "Court Pugacheva"

Voltage was also present in the medium the injecting peoples of the Urals and the Volga region. The development of the Urals and the colonization of the Land of the Volga region who belonged to local nomadic peoples, intolerable religious policy led to numerous unrest among Bashkir, Tatars, Kazakhs, Erzyan, Chuvash, Udmurts, Kalmykov.

The explosive was the situation in the fastest growing factories of the Urals. Starting from Peter, the government solved the problem of labor in metallurgy mainly by the assurance of state peasants to the treason and private mountain plants, the resolution of new breeders to buy fortress villages and the provision of informal law to leave runaway fortresses, as the Berg-Collegium, which was carried out by plants , I tried not to notice violations of the Decision about the capture and expulsion of all runaway. To use the cure and the hopeless position of the runaway was very convenient: if anyone began to express discontent with his position, they were immediately given out the authorities to punish them. Former peasants resisted forced labor at the factories.

Peasants, ascribed to the official and private plants, dreamed of returning to the familiar rustic work. To ultimately, the decree of Catherine II of August 22, 1767 was followed about the prohibition of peasants to complain about landowners. That is, there was a complete impunity of some and the complete dependence of others. And it becomes easier to understand how the current circumstances helped Pugachev to captivate so many people behind him. Fantastic rumors about the ambulance or on the transition of all the peasants in the treasury, about the finished decree of the king, whom the wife and boyars killed for it, about the fact that the king was not killed, and he hides up to the best time fell on the fertile soil of common human dissatisfaction with his own position . There was simply no other opportunity to defend your interests of all groups of future participants.


First stage

The inner readiness of the Yaitsky Cossacks towards the uprising was high, but for the speech lacked the unifying ideas, the rod, which would be swallowed by the sheltered and spent the participants in the excitement of 1772 years. The rumor that the Emperor Peter Fedorovich appeared in the troops appeared in the army, instantly scattered throughout the egg.

The uprising began on the yaika. The starting point of the movement of Pugachev was located in the south of the Yaitsky Town Khutor Tolkachev. It was from this farm Pugachev, who by that time was already Peter III, the sovereign Peter Fedorovich, turned with the manifesto, in which he kicked up all the "ropes from the vertices and to the mouth, and land, and herbs, and a monetary salary, and lead , and gunpowder, and bread sauine. " At the head of his constantly replenished squad, Pugachev approached Orenburg and besieged him. Here the question arises: why Pugachev kept his strength to this siege?

Orenburg for the Yaitsky Cossacks was an administrative center of the region and at the same time with a symbol of hostile power, because From there, all the royal decrees proceeded. It was necessary to take it. And Pugachev creates the headquarters, a kind of capital of the rebels of the Cossacks, in the village of Bird, under Orenburg turns into the capital of the rebel Cossacks.

Later in the village of Garznokovka under Ufa, another traffic center was formed. There are several less significant centers. But the first stage of the war ended with two defeats Pugachev - under the tatishching fortress and the Sakmar city, as well as the defeat of his closest associate - Zarubin-Chiki in the garlic and the cessation of the siege of Orenburg and Ufa. Pugachev and surviving his associates go to Bashkiria.

Map of the fighting of the peasant war

Second phase

In the second stage, Bashkirs who have already accumuated in the Pugachev army in the uprising, are massively involved in the uprising. At the same time, government forces were strongly activated. It made Pugacheva move towards Kazan, and then in mid-July 1774, go to the right bank of the Volga. Even before the start of the battle, Pugachev announced that from Kazan would go to Moscow. Rumor about it scattered across the neighborhood. Despite the major defeat of the Pugachev army, the uprising covered the entire West Bank of the Volga. Crouching through the Volga in Cochaisk, Pugachev replenished his army with thousands of peasants. And Salavat Yulaev at this time with his detachments continued the fighting under Ufa, the detachments of Bashkir in the Pugachev detachment headed Kinzya Arslanov. Pugachev joined Kurdysh, then hurt the Alatyr, and then headed for Saransk. On the central square of Saransk, a decree on the liberty for the peasants was read, the inhabitants of salt and bread were distributed, the city treasury "Riding around the city fortress and on the streets ... Throw the blacks from different counties". The same solemn meeting was expected by Pugacheva and Penza. Decrees were summoned in the Volga region numerous peasant torments, the movement covered most of the Volga counties, came to the borders of the Moscow province, really threatened Moscow.

The publication of decrees (manifestos about the liberation of peasants) in Saransk and Penza are called the culmination of the peasant war. Decrees made a strongest impression on the peasants, nobles and the Catherine II itself. The inspiration led to the fact that the population of more than a million people were involved in the uprising. They could not give anything to the Army of Pugacheva in a long war of war, as the peasant detachments operated at no further of their estates. But they turned the campaign of Pugachev by the Volga region in a triumphal march, with bell tongues, the blessing of the village father and bread-salt in every new village, village, town. Upon the approach of the army of Pugachev or its individual detachments, the peasants knitted or killed their landowners and their orders, hung local officials, burned the estates, broke shops and shops. In total in the summer of 1774, about 3 thousand nobles and authorities were killed.

So the second stage of the war is completed.

Third stage

In the second half of July 1774, when the Pugachev uprising was approaching the borders of the Moscow province and threatened Moscow itself, Empress Catherine II was alarmed by events. In August 1774, he was withdrawn from the 1st Army, which was in the Sudenha Principles, Lieutenant General Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov. Panin instructed Suvorov the command of the troops who had to break the main Pugachev army in the Volga region.

Seven regiments under the personal command of P. I. Panin were put to Moscow. Moscow Governor General Prince M.N. Volkonsky put the artillery next to his home. The police strengthened the supervision and sent into crowded places of the informants to grant all the sympathetic Pugachev. Michelson, who pursued the rebels from Kazan, turned to Arzamas to overlap the road to the old capital. General Mansurov spoke out of the Yailsky Town to Syzran, General Golitsyn - to Saransk. Thug leaves backing villages: "Not only peasants, but priests, monks, even archimandritis indignant sensitive and insensitive people". But from Penza Pugachev turned to the south. Perhaps he wanted to attract the Volga and Don Cossacks into his ranks - Yaitsky Cossacks was already tired of the war. But it was these days that the conspiracy of Cossack Colonels began with the aim of passing Pugacheva to the government in return for pardon.

Meanwhile, Pugachev took Petrovsk, Saratov, where the priests in all temples served the prayers about the health of Emperor Peter III, and government troops walked along his heels.

After Saratov Kamyshin also met Pugacheva bell ringing and bread-salt. Near Kamyshin in the German colonies, Pugachev's troops collided with the Astrakhan Astronomical Expedition of the Academy of Sciences, many members of which, together with the head of Academician Georgov, Hisitz were hanged at the same time with the local officials who did not have time to flee. They joined them a 3-thousand squad of Kalmykov, then the village of Volzhsky Cossack troops were followed by Antipovskaya and Karavan. On August 21, 1774, Pugachev tried to attack Tsaritsyn, but the assault failed.

The MIHELSON Corps pursued Pugachev, and he hastily removed the siege from Tsaritsyn, moving towards the Black Yar. Panic began in Astrakhan. On August 24, Pugachev was overtaken by Micelson. I realized that the battle was not avoided, the frightened was built a combat order. On August 25, the last major battle of troops was held under the command of Pugacheva with royal troops. The battle began with a major failure - all 24 guns of the army of the rebels were repulsed by the cavalry attack. More than 2000 rebels died in fierce battle, among them Ataman Ovchinnikov. More than 6,000 people were captured. Pugachev with the Cossacks, crashed into small detachments, fled to the Volga. During August-September, most of the uprising participants were caught and sent to investigate in the Yaitsky town, Simbirsk, Orenburg.

Pugachev under the cone. Engraving XVIII century

Pugachev with a detachment of the Cossacks fled to the nasels, not knowing that from mid-August some colonels discussed the opportunity to earn the forgiveness of the surrender of the impostor. Under the pretext, to facilitate deprictions from the chase, they divided the squad so as to separate the Kazakh Cossacks devotees along with the Ataman perters. On September 8, the river is a big tender they pounced and tied up Pugacheva, after which Chumakov and cottages went to the Yaitsky town, where September 11 were announced by the prisoner of the impostor. After receiving promises in pardon, they informed accomplices, and those on September 15 delivered Pugacheva to the Yaitsky town. The first interrogations took place, one of whom held the Suvorov personally, he also volunteered to conveold Pugacheva to Simbirsk, where the main consequence was. For the carriage of Pugacheva, a close cell was made, installed on a two-wheeled armp, in which, caught hand and legs, he could not even turn. In Symbirsk, for five days it was interrogated by P. S. Potemkin, the head of the secret investigative commissions, and Count P. I. Panin, commander of the punitive troops of the government.

Continuation of the peasant war

With the captivity of Pugachev, the war did not end - it turned out too wide. The foci of the uprising was both fragmented and organized, for example, in Bashkiria under the command of Salavat Yulaev and his father. The uprising continued in the Urals, in the Voronezh province, in the Tambov district. Many landlords left their homes and hid from the rebels. To bring down the wave of rebellions, the punitive detachments began mass executions. In each village, in every town that took Pugacheva, on the gallows, from whom we barely had to remove those hung by Pugachev, began to hang the leaders of the rebounds and the urban chapters appointed by the Pugachevs. To enhance the intimidation, the gallows were installed on the rafts and started on the main rivers of the uprising. In May, the execution of clapping took place in Orenburg: his head on the pole installed in the city center. During the investigation, the entire medieval set of tested funds was applied. On the cruelty and number of victims of Pugachev and the government did not give way to each other.

"Holes on the Volga" (Illustration of N. N. Karazin to the "Captain daughter" A. S. Pushkin)

Investigation of Pugachev

All the main participants in the uprising were transported to Moscow for the general investigation. They were placed in the building of the coin court at the Iversky Gate of China-Cities. Prince of M. N. Volkonsky and Ober-Secretary S. I. Sheshkovsky led the interrogations.

Pugachev gave detailed testimony about himself and plans and plans, about the progress of the uprising. Ekaterina II showed great interest in the course of the investigation. She even advised how best to act inquiry and what questions to ask.

Verdict and execution

On December 31, Pugacheva under reinforced convoy transported from the cavases of the Mint of the Creamers to the Kremlin Palace. Then he was introduced into the meeting room and made it kneel. After the formal survey, he was taken out of the hall, the court ruled: "Pugacheva's Emeter Quarter, to stick on the bodies, parts of the body in the four parts of the city and put on the wheels, and after those places burn." The remaining defendants were distributed by their guilt into several groups to make each corresponding type of execution or punishment.

On January 10, 1775, the Bolotnaya Square in Moscow with a vast concrete crossing of the people was committed by execution. Pugachev kept calmly. On the frontal spot crossed on the cathedrals of the Kremlin, bowed to the four sides with the words "Sorry, the people of Orthodox." Upon the wish of Catherine II, sentenced to the quarter of E. I. Pugachev, and A. P. Perfilvo Palach cut off the head first. On the same day, M. G. Shigayeva, T. I. Pryronov and V. I. Tornov. I. N. Zarubin-Chika was sent to Ufa, where he was executed by the cut off of the head in early February 1775.

"Pugacheva execution on Bolotnaya Square." Figure eyewittry execution A. T. Bolotova

Features of the peasant war

This war was largely similar to the previous peasant wars. In the role of the adjacent war, the Cossacks acts, in many respects similar both social requirements and the motives of the rebels. But there are significant differences: 1) the coverage of the huge territory, which did not have precedents in the previous history; 2) Especially from the rest of the organization of movement, the creation of central controls of the army, the publication of manifestos, a fairly clear structure of the army.

The consequences of the peasant war

In order to eradicate the memory of Pugachev, Catherine II issued a decree on renaming all seats related to these events. Stitzya Zimovier On Don, where Pugachev was born, was renamed in Potemkinskaya, the house where Pugachev was born, it was ordered to burn. River Yik. was renamed to Urals, Yaitskogo army - in the Ural Cossack army, Yaitsky Town - in Uralsk,Upper-Yaitskaya Pierin Verkhneuralsk. The name of Pugacheva was indulge in the churches of Anathema along with a string of rain.

Decree of the Governing Senata

"... For a perfect oblivion of this on the eggs that followed the unfortunate incident, the Yika River, on which, both the army, and the city of his name, had his name, due to the fact that the river stems from
The Ural Mountains, rename the Urals, and therefore the army to name the Urals, and in the future Yaitsky not to call, equal to the Yaitskom city from now on, Uralsk; What for information and execution
sim and published. "

A policy has been adjusted in relation to the Cossack troops, the process of their transformation into army units is accelerated. By decree of February 22, 1784, the edification of a local nobility was fixed. Tatar and Bashkir Princes and Murza are equated with rights and liberty to the Russian nobility, including the right of ownership of serfs, but only Muslim religion.

The Pugachev's uprising caused huge damage to the Metallurgy of the Urals. The uprising was completely joined by 64 out of 129 existing factories in the Urals. In May 1779, a manifesto on the general rules for using attribute peasants on intrinsic and particular enterprises, which limited breeders to use the peasants ascribed to the factories, reduced the working day and increased labor payment.

In the position of the peasantry of any significant changes did not happen.

Postage Mark of the USSR, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the Peasant War 1773-1775, E. I. Pugachev