Peter I: Personality and Achievements. How the personality of the king Peter the Great was formed. Childhood of Peter the first and his entourage Peter 1 ambiguous personality

The identity of Peter the Great is not so simple as we used to imagine it. The fact that in this person immediately rushed into the eyes, really simply - the tendency of Peter to physical work, his practical reducingness and snarling, his funnyness, apparent straight and purely natural gusts in the expression of caress and anger, the tendency of this person to a simple life and to Rough noisy pleasures, to a close communication with ordinary people - all this in the king, too loud and openly declared itself, quite simplified the image of the one who is called the converter of Russia. And in our imagination, the idea of \u200b\u200bPeter, as about the "king-carpenter", "Master", as about the "sailor" with the "sailor appetite", which was somehow more suitable for the king, and in general, all Archings of the life of this sovereign. It is interesting and instructive to comprehensively understand this person, since childhood at all of us who made a strong impression with their gigantic growth, its extraordinarily powerful, cruelty, with all his proud and magnificent posture, the imperative severe expression of a beautiful, but a little rude round face framed by thumbs back thick, curly Hair ...

From my birth (on the night of May 30, 1672), Peter promised to be a physically outstanding person: the newborn child turned out to be a giant - 11 tops in length and 3 tops in width. He did not go to his father, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, nor in his grandfather on the father's line - people who did not differ strong health and in general representing another type of personality. Toys and fun, surrounding the early childhood of Peter, developed in it mainly military tastes. These earliest toys and games were seeds that fell on a very grateful soil: they even let the first and very viable shoots of the unusual love of Peter precisely to the war craft; According to the testimony of the contemporary Krechishchin, the little Tsarevich was not interested in any fun, except for the military. In early physical and mental development, he apparently had a greatly ahead of his peers, who soon bored him, and they had to be replaced by adults, of which the regiment was recruited on the command of the king, in green uniform, armed with a real gun and called "Petrov Regiment ", Named his militant colonel to the 4th year from the genus. Peter reform State

Since childhood, in Peter, such qualities were laid such as hurry, hard work, impatience, self-development, curiosity, wit, interest in innovations.

The mind of Peter is fairly considered ingenious, but not enough, it seems, determine what this genius actually concluded. The striking, extremely rarely found, the ability to move from the usual mental associations to new - unusual for the same cultural environment, to light up the taste of these new acactions, to make them their own and independently create new rows and combinations of associations - that's what consisted of the genius of Petrovsky mind. In the Petrovsky of the mind, despite his huge sensitivity and replaceability, there was a lot of independence based on a strong common sense, on a purely Russian "herself on his mind."

The interests of Russia, the Russian people were for Peter exclusive, the only interests for whom he lived and worked "in the sweat of the face", "not twinkling hands."

Peter the Great did a lot for the development and prosperity of his state and the people, which causes many contradictions.


Petr great, is he really great?

Chinakina Inna

Student 11-B class


history teacher I.

social Studies

Mezentseva E. A.


1. Introduction ………………………………………………

2. Characteristics of the personality of Peter 1 .....................

3. reforms .....................................................................

4. Foreign policy ..........................................

5. Analysis of the situation in Russia .................................

6. Results ..............................................................

7. Conclusion ............................................................

8. Literature ................................................


Peter 1 transformation, its activities, personality, role in Russia's fate - issues of interest and attracting the attention of researchers of our time at least in past centuries. Do not be Peter and its transformations, Russia's development could go on a different way. The question is, to what extent transformation were random or natural, did they mean a radical breaking of the continuity of the historical process or were its logical continuation, whether Peter was a great converter or tyrant, a long time ago. The answer to these questions, in my opinion, it is necessary to look for both Peter's personality, and in those circumstances that he was surrounded in those objective tendencies of the Russian historical process that had an impact on the course of reforms, in many respects betrayed them as a rapid, sometimes inconsistent.

This topic attracted me with its multipleness, versatility and depth. Performing this work, I wanted to figure it out, this price itself has that price that people paid for them. By the example of this topic, it is possible to consider the development process, the formation and strengthening of the state, growing up to the level of the Great Power, the formation of absolutism, and can also be distinguished by the role of personality in history.

Various historians evaluate Peter and its activities in different ways. Some, admiring them, move to the background of his shortcomings and failures, others on the contrary - they seek to put all his vices on the first place, to accuse Peter in the wrong choice and criminal acts. Considering the life and activities of the Tsar reformer, it is impossible to forget that he worked in conditions of internal and external struggle: external - permanent hostilities, internal - opposition.

Figure Peter 1 is very contradictory. There is no such person in history that it would be possible to consider only with positive or only from the negative side. Everybody perceive everything from his point of view.

In all kinds of art, the topic of Peter paid attention. Many poems, novels, paintings and musical works are written. The authors recognize Peter the Great.

Oh, powerful Lord of fate!

Aren't you over the abyss

At the height, the TSA iron,

Russia raised on rapids?

A. S. Pushkin

Characteristics of Peter's first personality.

The gigantic figure of Peter combined the abyss of contradictions. Aversion to the whole head of my contemporaries regarding mental demands, thirst for activity and almost inhuman performance, he remained the son of his time in the sense of rudeness of moral principles and wildness of his nature.

Peter 1 talented, possesses an extraordinary force of the will, active and actors, but the ability of it is directed not to the elevation of his own personality, but to the glory of Russia. It is stubborn in achieving the goal, and at temporary lesions does not lose the presence of the spirit. But the bookmark of the fleet, the construction of a new capital on the bones of thousands and thousands of people, mass executions, the persecution of the Old Believers - all this is also the acts of Peter.

Peter Alekseevich did not tolerate disobedience, although he asked to contact him "simply" and "without the Great", that is, without constant title. If his commandments were not fulfilled, then the violence was required and indicative. For example, in a letter to the Moscow Governor about the Glukhovsky Commodian, the Volkov, who was shown in the treasury, demands: "... For the steady, you tell him on the square or in the swamp to execute the mortal and the corpse of it in the ground can not be buried until the very spring will not be a big warmth."

Peter, being generously gifted by the man, had an attraction to any types of equipment and to the most different crafts. From the ornament, he skillfully carged, joinerynal, painted. Fifteen-year-old Peter was fond of applied mathematical disciplines, in particular geometry. His interest is preserved for his life. Peter did not look like his predecessors, neither by external appearance, nor lively and open character. The personality of the king is very complex and contradictory, but at the same time, he was very solid. In all his endeavors, sometimes very contradictory, it was still rational grain. All the inconsistency of Peter 1 was manifested during the construction of a new capital - St. Petersburg. On the one hand, intending to stand in a solid foot on the Baltic, Russia was supposed to get a reference point and a database for the fleet. But on the other, the death of thousands of people during the construction of the city shows what expensive price there was sometimes the incarnation of the state will of the king. Without sparing herself, without knowing how to take care of his health and life, he did not regret his subjects, easily sacrificing them for their ideas.

Not angry by nature, he was gusty, impressed and incredulous. I don't know how to patiently explain to others that the Peter was obvious for him, meeting misunderstanding, easily fell into the state of the extreme wrath and often "fell" to the truth to senators and generals with their huge fist or staff. True, the king was leaving and after a few minutes he could have laughed over a successful joking of the guard.

Peter was able to cross through personal hostility in the name of the interests of the case. It was indifferent to the outfits and did not like the official techniques, which should have worn by the mountainous mantle and the symbol of the royal power.

His elements were Assembly, where those present treated each other easily without titles and ranks, drank vodka, drawing it with clay mugs from baths, smoked, played chess and danced.

Peter possessed outstanding diplomatic talent. He skillfully owned all the classical techniques of European politics, which at the right moment easily "forgot", suddenly reincarnated in the mysterious oriental king. He could suddenly kiss in the forehead of a stunned interlocutor, loved to use folk additives in his speech, putting into a dead end of translators, or suddenly stopped the audience, referring to the fact that his wife awaits him. Externally, the sincere and benevolent Russian king, according to European diplomats, never revealed its true intentions and therefore it has always achieved the desired one.

Peter loved to have fun all his life and was sometimes undemanding for fun, like a child. For the fortieth year of life, he with delight riding on wooden horses and smoothly smashes: "Live, live!", And when some of his companions fall from horses, from the speed of rotation, it laughs to tears.

After the conclusion of Nesteadt world, he had fun with the people, jumped in a crowd, gestured, sowed to the whole voice. But most often his cheerfulness took the shape of the reckless rampant. In the fun Peter, the main place was occupied by wine. He drank incredibly a lot of himself and loved that those who attended the feasts and festivities did not lag behind him. Peter loved, so that everything was drunk around him, the special pleasure delivered to him to see drunk women.


For many years, historians, philosophers, writers argue about the meaning of Petrovsky transformations. Indeed, they can be estimated in different ways. It all depends on what to consider useful for Russia, and what is harmful; What is the main thing, and what is secondary. But everyone agrees in one thing: Petrov reforms were the most important stage in the history of Russia, thanks to which it can be divided into Dopurerovskaya and the postpeople epoch.

Peter's conversion activity began immediately at the return of the Great Embassy from Europe. The official goal was to confirm the friendly relations of Russia with European countries and the search for the allies against the Ottoman Empire, but the real task for the king was to learn about the political and cultural life of Europe, the state device, the system of education, the device and equipping the army, about the fleet. Peter was interested in absolutely everything. A few days after the return, he issued a decree, according to which it was ordered to shave beard and dress in a foreign dress. Wearing beard has been treated with special tax. Pretty amazing start of transformations, but if you think more deeply over this issue, we will see that in this way the psychological barrier between Russia and the West was partially broken and, even to some extent, it prepared the consciousness of people to perceive further changes.

Petrovsky transformations touched upon all the sectors of society, they ruled into the life of every person from Bohrin to the poorest peasant. This is their main feature.

Military reforms occupy a special place among the transformations. It was the army and fleet that was the main subject of Peter's care. Even in early childhood, the king was hit by his predistant to military fun. He created from his comrades his children's fun two "funny" regiments who later became the guards regiments: Semenovsky and Preobrazhensky. Total shelves have become the core of the future regular army. Since the beginning of the Northern War, Peter focused on the Baltic Sea and since in 1703 St. Petersburg was founded, the construction of the ships was carried out almost exclusively in this city. As a result, by the end of the board of Peter 1, Russia, which had 48 linear and 788 galleries and other vessels, became one of the strongest marine powers of Europe.

The beginning of the Northern War led to the final creation of a regular army. Previously, it consisted of two main parts: noble militia and various semoregular formations. Peter changed the principle of the recruitment of the army. The main results of military reforms are reduced to the following:

Creating a strong regular army capable of fighting with the main opponents of Russia and defeat them;

The appearance of the whole lady of talented commander;

Creating a powerful navy from almost nothing;

An unprecedented increase in military spending and, as a result, coating them due to the most severe squeezing of funds from a simple people.

Administrative reforms. In fact, there was no administrative transformation program. Those or other changes in the management, administrative-territorial division of Russia, the organization of the state apparatus dictated by the difficulties of that time. The main objective of these indiscriminately, the hoped reforms were rapid and effective dying from the people of funds to cover the constantly growing government spending, primarily on the war. Assistance and hurry often led to confusion: I did not have time to enter any establishment, as in a few years it was already replaced by others or it was reduced.

Already in the first reigns of Peter 1, the styles and methods of public administration began to change: the significance of the Boyar Duma fell, the main decisions were taken in a narrow circle of the nearest associates of the king. The first administrative reform was the creation of a special department of cities in 1699. A number of decrees introduced local self-government for urban merchants. In 1708, the creation of eight provinces was proclaimed: Moscow, Ingermanland (St. Petersburg), Kiev, Smolensk, Arkhanghelogodskaya, Kazan, Azov and Siberian.

The main task of the provincial reform is the provision of the army at the expense of local institutions - was not fulfilled, since the Northern War was delayed until 1721, and the shelves could not be placed in the provinces.

A special place among state transformations belongs to the table of ranks adopted in 1722. Its value is that it led to the system all government ranks, distributing them along three childbirth services: civil, military land and naval.

Church transformations. After traveling Peter 1 by Europe, the church began to interest him. Sharing the latest European views, the king wanted to make the church to the instrument of enlightenment, and at the same time to deprive her states of the state in the state and completely subordinate to his power. In fact, the church has lost the right to dispose of his property. The funds previously belonged to her went to the content of a huge army and fleet. In 1721, the prominent church actor Feofan Prokopovich was the so-called spiritual regulation. This document provided for the destruction of the patriarchate and the institution to manage the Church of the Spiritual College. Peter himself edited the spiritual regulation and proclaimed him by law. The adoption of it meant the logical completion of the church policy of Peter 1.

Transformations in the field of science, culture and life . The Europeanization process of Russia received the most vivid embodiment in the cultural transformations of Petrovsky time.

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Characteristics of the identity of Peter I Great

Peter is the first great - a complex and very contradictory historical figure. In many ways, this was due to the epoch in which he had to become one of the most famous Russian monarchs. From his grandfather and father, the boy inherited a deep worldview, an image of action and views on the development of Russia. At the same time, Peter possessed the individuality of the views on the situation in the country and the world, which allowed him to get away from the former ineffective management traditions, and also enrich the public and political life with the best ideas that worked at the time in the more developed powers of Europe.

Childhood of the future emperor and his influence on the character

Even in early childhood, the future ruler of the Russian Empire was noted as one of the most restless children who are inherent in self-challenging passionate passionateness of any game, which over time goes to the real case. So it turned out with Peter. Old English Bot, Astrolabia and "Total Shelves" have become the beginning of all Petrovsky achievements in the future, which has become the beginning of a new Russia.

Being from nature gifted in all areas of activity, he associated himself more with simple people who were engaged in various crafts and manual labor. From an early age, the future emperor skillfully painted, joinerynal, and also carpented. Over the years, he has even more worked out these skills, replenishing his luggage with technical details of his favorite affairs.

The boy has grown hardy and strong, not at all afraid of severe physical work. Seeing all the palace intrigues and conspiracies with their own eyes, he began to hide and learned to hide feelings. Understanding how Kremlin's "gears" moves in the mechanism, so he was able to put the vigilance of all ill-wishers, and also to become an excellent diplomat.

Petra I.

The passion for the engineering business was given Peter the first opportunity to introduce various tactical innovations and the principles of weapons. For example, thanks to the knowledge of the king of the ballistics, a fundamentally new type of artillery open position was introduced - the redoubts, tested in the battle with the Swedes under Poltava. In addition, defeating in Narva forced Peter to reconsider the weapons of their soldiers and equip their guns, screwed by a trothed bayonet.

The contemporaries of the emperor noted that he did not tolerate disobedience. At the same time, Peter did not want to be treated with the prefix "Great", etc. However, when ordering orders, the king fell into rage and the guilty waited, as a rule, an indicative and cruel decrave.

The character of the emperor Peter I

Although Peter the Great and had a contradictory complex character, but he was a solid person. Even in its most controversial actions was a grain of rationality and each such action was subordinate to a thoroughly thoughtful plan.

Not being evil in nature, the king had a prying character, and also distinguished by extreme infractiveness to people and special impression. Having a subtle mind, but not knowing how to patiently explain the obvious things and meeting the misunderstanding of our own explanations from people, he immediately fell into a state of rage, often driven his truth to generals and senators of the Tsarist Staff or Kistach. However, after some time, the emperor could call to himself "sheltered" and with him laugh at the situation that had previously established.

In addition, Peter first had the strength to cross through his own hostility to a person to achieve an intended goal. He was indifferent to the royal outfits and official techniques, before which he had to wear a mantle and symbols of royal power.

But what really admired the king is the Assemblies, on which a certain "Panibrate" was adopted. There, people turned to each other without ranks and rank, drinking vodka from clay mugs, danced, smoked and played chess.

The talents of the emperor

The Russian emperor possessed outstanding natural diplomatic talent. He perfectly owned by most techniques that were used at the time in the negotiations between the monarchs. At the same time, after a minute, the king could enter into natural negotiations without these techniques with Sultan.

For example, Peter the first could suddenly stand up and kiss his interlocutor's forehead, often used folk proverbs in his speech, introducing the best European translators into the stunning or sometimes completed the reception, explaining this by the fact that he was now awaiting his wife. According to the descriptions of some diplomats of that time, the externally benevolent and sincere Russian emperor, never revealed a conceived conversation plan and therefore always achieved the desired one.

It is worth noting that Peter the Great Throughout his life very much loved to have fun, but was completely not capricious in the fun. After the conclusion of the so-called Nestead world, he jumped with a crowd and having fun on the streets, dried songs in full voice. However, most often, the fun of the king soon took the shape of the rampage.

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On the appearance of Peter wrote many, especially noting his high growth. Portrait and sculptural images of the emperor do not correspond to the truth, except, except, the Shemyakin monument in the Petropavlovsk fortress, causing spores of the audience. The artist Valentin Serov, who devoted a number of works by Peter, was his own idea of \u200b\u200bthis sovereign. He said: "It's a shame that His, of which there was not naughty goodness, always depict some opera hero and handsome. And he was terrible: long, on weak, thin legs and with such a small, in relation to all the body, the head, which was more should be like some scarecrow with a poorly attached her head than on a living person. His permanent tick was in his face, and he was forever "Crawn Flashes": Bluggiga, he drove, drove his nose and slammed his chin. At the same time, he walked with huge steps, and all his companions were forced to follow him. I imagine what the monster this man seemed For foreigners and how terrible, he was then Petersburgers. There is such a terrible, with an incrementally twitching head ... a terrible man. "Indeed, the king was unnewned, easily went out of himself, and the fact that his face was twitching, perhaps, was a consequence of experienced In childhood, shocks from Streletsky Bunta. Historian V.O. Klyuchevsky noted such a property of the sovereign: "In the home of everyday life, Peter, until the end of the life, remained faithful to the habits of ancient Russian man, did not like the lush and high hall and abroad the lush royal palaces abroad. Him, the native of the Russian The boundless plain, it was stuffy among the mountains in a narrow German valley. Strange One: Growing out on the free air, getting used to a disorder in everything, he could not live in a room with a high sweat Lome and when I got into such a, ordered to make an artificial low ceiling of the canvas. Probably, a close setting of childhood imposed this line on him. "

Peter acted decisively, assertive, vigorously, although sometimes convulsively and even fussy. It combined stunning hardworking and irrepressible thirst for entertainment. Peter experienced an irresistible attraction to knowledge. His curiosity and a living mind allowed him to draw up an idea of \u200b\u200bvarious fields of science, master many crafts. The circle of his interests was unlawed - shipbuilding and artillery, fortification and diplomacy, military science and mechanics, medicine, astronomy and much, much more. The Russian sovereign met with great scientists of the time - Labitz and I. Newton, and in 1717 he was elected an honorary member of the Paris Academy of Sciences.

For some kind of mysterious reason, it is often forgotten that in that rainy snowy day, a waste prayer was not read by "father of the Fatherland", not on the emperor, and not according to the "tsar of All Gorya and Belya and Malya", but by the slave of God Peter. That is, according to man. With all his sins and virtues.

Wait for change

Creating a regular army and fleet

By the end of the board Peter- 200 thousand ground troops, not counting 100 thousand Cossacks. 48 linear and 788 Gallery and other Navy ships. Refusal to use foreign mercenaries as personal protection of the sovereign.

It is ordered to streak beard beard. Russian Lubok Photo: Public Domain

It is forbidden to shake, rumbling and generally abuse female cosmetics; give out a girl married without her consent; wearing beard; write in official documents abbreviated names (Vanka, Sasha); Fall on your knees in front of the state truck; remove the caps before the head of the winter. Instead, it is recommended: wearing a European dress, visit theaters and circus, smoking tobacco, arrange public holidays with women.

Promoting its own industry

Numerous prohibitions on the import of considerable rules of goods into Russia - from cast iron and iron to fabrics. Promoting its own industry and private initiative. At the beginning of the board of Peter - 15 manufactories, at the end - more than 300. Russia begins exporting cast iron, non-ferrous metals, canvas, powder and weapons.

Introduction of a mandatory service for nobles

Moreover, before 15 years, noble children should learn a diploma. Without a certificate of "scarecrow", the nobleman was not given "Vernoy Memory" - permission to marry. So the famous Mitrofan appeared: "I don't want to learn, but I want to marry!"

God is above all

So what was Peter Alekseevich Romanov? What do we know about him as a person? To the offensive little. No, of course, everyone knows that he shave beard Boyaram. Smoked tube. He loved to carpent. He possessed a fair sense of humor - ordered to remember the bells on the gun, and when the Patriarch began to complain - they say, because of the "service of the wrong act" the set of icons was crying, "as if ogre:" Look at me! How would Popov's ass blood not cry! "

But Peter was a very pious man. Another thing is that his religious feeling almost literally corresponded to the ancient Russian proverb: "We pray to God, and do not believe the Cener." So, after taking Narva, Peter visited the city magistrate, where advisers were gathered and, importantly, pastors. Asked about their wishes. Those asked to preserve the ancient rights, land and privileges. The king promised to fulfill everything, but asked: "Did you forget what?" The fathers of the city were delighted: "We don't need anything else." Peter's response was pious and instructive: "I will leave you right, privileges and land. But how you yourself forgot God, deprive you churches. " Narva's church returned only during times Anna Ioannovna30 years later.

With churches, Peter really did not ceremony, and it often put him in the guilt. They say, forbidden to build temples in Siberia, and also did not say to arrange house churches. This is true. But on the blessing of the subjects, he followed not as an example of other states. One of the points of his church reform was observing the visit of the service. The law was established by the minimum confession and communities - 12 times a year, on the main holidays. If someone was absent for confession without a valid reason - a fine of 5 rubles. The laborer of the hills or fortress peasants punished their owners, but already in a triple size. Given the market price of the cow in 2 rubles. 50 kopecks, it is not surprising that the Russians very soon acquired the fame of the "Christian" people.

At the same time, Pitre issued a decree prohibiting the fall before the sovereign to his knees and remove the caps of the palace. He argued like this: "What to humiliate the title of human? This is worthy only before the Lord. More diligence and loyalty to me and the state - here is the meant, like king. "

But what about the bells cut off from the bells? Peter and here showed a kind of sense of humor. A significant part of the guns taken from the Swedes, the king gave the church, Velleye should pose from them the bells in return requisitioned earlier.

Construction of St. Petersburg. Picture of George Pesis (1958). Photo: Public Domain

Rup for the tooth

I do not follow the hoochi to life, Peter did not observe most of the posts. But there was a valid reason. About the "nervic seizures" of the king is known to many. In addition, he also suffered a rare allergy form. Peter's body did not tolerate fish. No and never that actually fastens with his love for the sea and water. Therefore, the Konstantinople Patriarch with a registered decree liberated the Russian self-container from posts.

In general, his addiction in food is difficult to call the royal. He eaten little, but often, about two hours. The menu is surprisingly simple. Soup, jelly with horseradish and garlic, piglets with sour cream, fried beef with ureas apples or salted cucumbers. Solonin, Bujhenina, Ham, rye sour bread, sauerkraut, Curly radish, boiled turnip. In the morning, an empty stomach, and then before each meal - charca (143.5 g) anise vodka. For food - kvass. Approximately the Russian convulsion man was also fed. But most of all Peter loved the porridge. By the way, with his light hand, it is mostly Russian soldiers feed on.

However, sometimes the king hit those surrounding his unlimited appetite. But it was dictated by his passion for medicine. When Peter was treated on the waters in the Belgian town of Spa, he was prescribed a diet from fruits and vegetables. In full accordance with the saying about the fool, who, praying, and his forehead broke into himself, the Russian king eaten 6 pounds of Cherchers and 4 pounds of figs. After that, he drank 20 glasses of mineral water. Treatment, of course, did not go.

Similarly, the exercises of the king on the field of surgery were not always successful. Several simple operations like amputation of extremities Peter produced fame. But I remember otherwise. So, in Holland, he treated the patient with water kupchahuh, Frau Borsht. The king was released, and the woman had a better woman, but the next day died.

Russians also fell from royal generotes. After Peter received a surgeon's diploma, few of the nobles risked to ask for a pain of the disease. The emperor always wore a set of tools and immediately let him down. He answered blood, put a leech for ears, but he especially loved teeth. The twins wore a bag behind him, in which there were up to thousands of teeth-eliminated by the monarch. But, being fair, Peter has always awarded some amount who have undergone from his healing - 1 ruble for the tooth, Chervonets for discovering blood.

You can talk about Peter for a very long time. Here and his pathological fear of cockroaches, and love for low ceilings, and hatred for windowless luxury, and handscript, and amazing performance ... When the Russian king first drove abroad, one of the educational women of their time, kurfürstina Hannover Sophia, I responded about it like this: "This person is very good and together very bad. In moral terms, he is a complete representative of his country. "

After a half century Fedor Dostoevsky continued the idea of \u200b\u200bthe German: "Whatever, too wide, I would narrow ..."