Sample and rules for the design of a reader's diary. Example of correct filling

A reader's diary is not only a notebook for elementary school students in which they write down the contents of the book and the impressions of what they read. Such a diary is kept by students of philological faculties and simply those who want what they read to be better preserved in their memory.

We will tell you what you can write in a reader's diary and how to format it correctly.

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Why do you need a reader's diary

Reader's Diary - Confirmation that the student has read certain books, is familiar with the main storylines and characters.

Teachers of Russian and foreign literature are instructed to keep such diaries in order to check how the student understood a particular work, the position of which hero is closer to him, which plot twist he considers decisive.

Many adults keep such diaries for themselves: in order not to forget the plot of a fiction book or to outline important information from nonfiction literature.

What a reader's diary looks like

You can keep a reader's diary in different forms:

  • reader's diary-table (in a general notebook or album);
  • diary notebook without clear division into paragraphs;
  • diary-electronic document;
  • presentation diary (allows you to add a lot of illustrations);
  • electronic program "reader's diary" (example - "Calameo").

It is easier for a teacher to pass a diary-table or document for verification. For personal purposes, a notebook or presentation is best. On the Internet, you can easily download a template for a children's diary, but there are much fewer design samples for adults.

How to write a reader's diary

The reader's diary outline consists of the following points:

  1. Title of the book.
  2. Author.
  3. Time of creation.
  4. Brief retelling of the plot.
  5. Main characters.
  6. Problems.
  7. Impressions from the reading.

Everything is clear with formal data. As for the plot and the main characters, the completeness of these sections depends on the purpose of the diary. Filling out a reader's diary for a teacher assumes relative brevity, since the teacher is more important than your understanding of the problems and thoughts about what you read. If you are keeping a diary for yourself, pay more attention to those storylines that "hooked" you.

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This section helps you understand what the book really is about. Any writer not only tells a story, but also talks about personal or social problems, wants to convey a moral lesson or draw attention to a social phenomenon.

To correctly highlight the problematics of a work means to understand its essence, to “unravel” the writer's intentions.

Feedback for the reader's diary

The last point contains personal impressions of the reading: how important the reader considers the topics raised by the author, how he relates to the characters, whether he considers the book's ending to be fair. All thoughts that have arisen after reading the book can be stated in this section.

The review does not have to be positive. You can show critical thinking and reasonably state the shortcomings of the book.

The student's reading diary does not let the book "fly away" from memory

Rules for filling out a reader's diary

There are few of them:

  1. Accuracy (notes and diagrams must be clear and legible).
  2. Regularity (write in the reader's diary while reading or immediately after it, do not postpone it for later, since there is a great risk of forgetting important details).
  3. Honesty (don't praise a book just because it's trendy, write sincerely).

How to design a reader's diary

If you are keeping a diary on behalf of the teacher and will show him what you have written, it is best not to be overly creative.

But if the diary is your personal tool as a reader, so as not to forget what you read, do not hold back. Illustrations, stickers, underlining with colored felt-tip pens - anything will come in handy to help organize information and keep emotions from what you read.

It is a good habit to write out hero quotes. Then these statements can come in handy when writing an essay or essay.

Reasons to make a reading diary

Keeping a reader's diary is beneficial. For example:

  1. Improves written speech (teaches to speak concisely and to the point).
  2. Develops memory (what is written is always better remembered).
  3. Helps you better understand yourself (why you like certain characters and their actions).
  4. Gives freedom (in the diary you can criticize any authors, even recognized classics).
  5. Develops intelligence (each read and meaningful book is an important stage in personal growth).

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Many readers keep a diary. What is it and most importantly why?

Reader's Diary - a notebook for collecting information about the book read for understanding and saving impressions.

In schools, teachers introduce reading diaries for their students from the 1st grade, gradually complicating its form.

School student reading diary - this is a cheat sheet with which it is easy to remember the books, characters, the main idea and retell the works.

In elementary grades, keeping a reader's diary teaches the student to systematic reading, develops the initial. Analyzing the work, the student expresses his train of thought in writing, learns to retell. Of course, at first you cannot do without the help of parents, because it is not always easy to find the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work, as well as to correctly fill out and express your thoughts in a reader's diary. The joint form of work in the diary unites, makes it possible to read together and discuss, as well as to understand to the parents which genre is more interesting for the little reader. In the future, this will contribute to the correction of reading directions by genre.

Of course, the main task of keeping a reading diary at school is to expand the horizons of knowledge.

Also, the reader's diary is an invaluable aid when reading the list of books in the summer. And who knows, maybe that’s how it will turn out.

Making a reader's diary

There are no strict requirements for the design of a reader's diary. To date, printed diaries have been developed in accordance with the classes. They are colorfully decorated and contain game tasks.

It also became possible to keep an electronic reader's diary. It promotes the development of the student's skills to work in the Word program, search for the necessary information on the Internet, pictures and photos, and correct his own spelling errors. But in elementary school, this can develop into the fact that parents will keep a diary for the child, and this should not be allowed.

However, all teachers are interested in using ready-made or electronic diaries, since they do not meet their requirements, so each teacher has the right to offer his own options for conducting.

Each student draws up the title page in the diary at his own discretion, indicating the surname and first name.

Better to take a notebook in a cage for ease of drawing. Each page (or spread of a notebook) is a report on the book read.

In any case, two completely identical diaries cannot exist, since each approaches this issue individually.

How to draw up a reading diary in 1-2 grade?

In grade 1-2, you can offer such an approximate plan for working on a work: the author and title of the work, the number of pages read, the main characters, the main idea (about what?), Genre. You can also add a picture. It can be made by a student through a carbon copy or independently.

Work plan on a work in grade 1-2



About what?

How to draw up a reading diary in 3-4 grade?

By grade 3-4, you can complicate the work plan on the work in the reader's diary. Such work is more like an annotation for a book you have read.

annotation - a brief description of the work or book, revealing its content and purpose.

Work plan for a work in grade 3-4:

  1. Author and title of the work.
  2. Genre (story, fable, poem, fairy tale, riddle ...)
  3. Main characters. Your opinion about the main character.
  4. Briefly describe the sequence of events (summary-plan)
  5. The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work (what the author wanted to say)
  6. (your perception of the work: what you liked and what did not, what was remembered) To help the reader writing a review, you can offer.

7. Write down the question that you would like to ask the author of the work you read.

8. Working with a dictionary (write down unfamiliar words and explain the meaning of incomprehensible words. At least one word)

9. Illustration for the work.

How to organize a reader's diary check?

The teacher's checking of the reader's diary should be mandatory and systematic. The student must understand why he is doing this, and his work is appreciated and approved. Otherwise, all the work was done in vain.

In the lesson, you can selectively interview students about the books they have read.

You can have an extra-curricular reading lesson every 2 weeks, where all the children will go to the blackboard, demonstrate the book and briefly retell the contents. Any student and teacher can ask questions about the content. The goal is to understand how much the student understood the content of the read. Such lessons develop speaking, teach briefly retelling, answer any questions and get grades.

In the 4th grade, organize the verification of diaries in absentia. After all, this is already a full-fledged reader's review! The main condition is that everyone must pass the test.

  • It is better to start filling out the diary immediately after reading the book, while the impressions are still fresh.
  • After reading it, the reader should definitely explain why the book has such a title.
  • If the work is large, division into parts is allowed. Be sure to include the pages you read.
  • Artworks must be age appropriate. It is not allowed to read small informational texts from encyclopedias in grade 4.


To download the material or!

The structure of the student's diary. Recommendations for compilation, advice.

Student reading diary... What is a reader's diary for?Many people like to read books. In order to better comprehend the work and preserve the impression of what has been read, so-called reading diaries are often started. The meaning of a reader's diary is that, over time, a person can remember what books he read, what is their plot, the main characters and what the person experienced when reading the book.
For a schoolchild, a reading diary becomes a kind of cheat sheet: for example, having come to school after the summer holidays in literature classes, a student with the help of a diary can remember which books he has read, who are the main characters of the book and what is the main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work.
In primary grades, a reading diary helps to develop a child's memory, teaches to think over and analyze a work, understand it, find the main thing and express your thoughts. At first, parents should help the child figure out where the main characters are in the work and what the main idea the author wants to convey. To do this, it is necessary to discuss the book in the smallest detail. This will help the student not only quickly and correctly fill out the diary, but also teach them to express their thoughts clearly and clearly.

What will a reader's diary be like?

There are no strict requirements for the design of a reader's diary. But it's still nice if it is colorful, bright and emotional. Ideally, it will become both the child's favorite "picture book" and the object of his pride.
It is better to take a notebook in a cage as the basis of a reader's diary. On the cover make the inscription "Reader's Diary", indicate the name and surname of the owner. You can decorate the cover (for example, with pictures for books) at your discretion. Older students can scrub the cover, or apply zentangle and doodling techniques.

Title page

The reader's diary begins with a title page, which contains basic information: last name, first name of the student, school number, grade. The notebook should have a title: "Reader's diary" "Reader's diary" "I read with pleasure." The title page (cover) of the diary can be beautifully designed.

Diary spread

Starting from 2-3 pages, you can think over the general design - column frames, heading fonts, logo. Book reviews are written with blue paste, and headings and underlines can be colored.

You can think of pages for those special books that you liked: "My Golden Collection", "I recommend reading", "Read, you will not regret it!"

Each page (or spread of a notebook) is a report on the book read.

An example of the design of the columns of a reader's diary

Reminder for keeping a reader's diary

1. It is better to fill in the diary immediately after you read the book or the next day. In this case, the memories will be fresh, and if necessary, you can refer to the book.

2. From time to time it is imperative to look through the diary - then knowledge of the content and impressions of the book will be fixed in memory.

3. If the work is large or the child is still not reading well, then in the "Date" column write the date of the beginning and end of reading the book.

4. At the end of the review there should be a place for the child's personal opinion about the work, the attitude to what he read.

6. An illustration is an excellent assistant for storing what you read in memory. How to do it? You can draw a picture for the child himself, or for an adult to help draw. Can't draw? Then copy the picture from the book and color it. But it is better for the child to draw himself, then both visual and muscle memory will be involved. The illustration can be placed in the "Title of the work" column under the title itself, or in the "Main idea of \u200b\u200bthe work" column, illustrating the memorable moments.

7.IMPORTANT! You cannot write reviews on abbreviated versions of books from textbooks. You must completely read the work, feel it and leave yourself a memory of it in your reader's diary.

How to design a reader's diary?

1 . First you need to decide on the design of the reader's diary. The easiest way is to take a simple notebook in a cage as a basis. On the title page you need to write: "Reader's Diary", author's name and surname, class. Also, the child can arrange the cover at his own discretion.

2 . On the next page, prepare the content of a reader's diary, which will list all the books you need to read.

3 . When writing information about a book you have read, you can stick to the following order:
First, write the name of the work, the name of I.O. the author. In addition, you can indicate the biography of the author, place his photo.
Next, you need to list the main characters of the book, you can give them a brief description.
The next point is the presentation of the plot (for example, where and when events occur, what is the conflict, when it is resolved, etc.)
You can describe one of your favorite episodes in the book.

You can arrange it differently:

If you liked the book:

you can draw a character you like or paste a coloring picture with him

If the book is veryliked:

create illustrations (or comics) based on what you read;

come up with riddles or puzzles about heroes;

make a crossword puzzle based on what you read;

you can write and "send" a letter to the heroes or the author of the book in the diary;

find out and write down interesting facts from the biography of the writer.

More experienced readers can write in a journal by answering the following questions:

1 ... Draw an illustration at the very beginning of the reading, when you have not yet learned much. It can be anything you want. Write a few words to what you have drawn.
2. Surely, you have a favorite hero. It's time to create his personal page! Here are some questions to help you:
Describe the appearance of the hero
What are the traits of his character
What are his favorite activities
What he likes to eat, his favorite words, his habits, etc.
Who are his friends? What are they?
Would you like to be like this hero? Than?
Is there anything you don't like about him? Why?
Draw a portrait of your favorite hero
3 ... What excerpt from the book did you like (or remember) the most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you indifferent? Write a few words about this. Draw an illustration for the passage.
4. Imagine yourself as the hero of the book. What's your name? Come up with a name, appearance. Describe your character. Indicate who you would be friends with, where you lived, etc. If you want, draw your own portrait or a plot with your participation.
5. So you turned over the last page. Did you like the book? Than? Write your impression or opinion about what you read.
6. What will you tell your friend about this book so that he will certainly want to read it? Pick and write such magic words.

Reading is an important discipline in teaching a first grader. But babies still have insufficiently developed memory and they quickly forget about what they read. Thanks to keeping a reader's diary, the child can always return to the work, and quickly find any information about the book.

Keeping a reading diary for grade 1 helps a child improve reading technique.

In addition, keeping a reader's diary has a positive effect on the development of the child. Thanks to this, the baby:

  • will love reading faster;
  • will expand your horizons;
  • learn to tell about what you read;
  • will increase the reading speed.

In addition, keeping a reader's diary improves your child's creativity. After all, he needs to figure out on his own how to arrange this "cheat sheet" beautifully.

How to design a reader's diary

For a diary, it is advisable to take a common notebook in a cage, because a thin one will quickly lose its attractive appearance and the first grader will not have the desire to fill it out. Plus, it can get lost quickly. Together with the child, decorate the cover beautifully, on which indicate the student's first and last name. If you wish, you can decorate the binding with pictures or drawings.

On the first pages, create a kind of memo, on which you indicate what literature you need to read.

A template for a finished reading diary can be obtained from your teacher. But in most cases, teachers recommend drawing up a notebook at their own discretion. Typically, a first-grader reading diary consists of the following columns:

  • Title of the work.
  • Author.
  • Genre. Here you need to indicate what exactly the baby read: a fairy tale, story, story, verse, etc.
  • Illustration. The child can draw a small picture for the work himself. If the kid has problems with drawing, then print ready-made illustrations.
  • A small tip. In this column, the kid should present a summary of the work. In addition, the child is encouraged to leave a review of what he has read.