What is capitalism. Capitalism and its form of era of capitalism

Hello, dear blog readers Website. In life, it is often necessary to hear the concept of capitalism. There were times when they scared with this word and tried to overthrow the capitalist system.

Today, developed capitalist countries are called a high level of economic development as a sample of economic development, whose residents can earn a lot and spend well.

Good or bad capitalism? How was this social system formed and what features have? Let's deal with.

Capitalism - what is it

Capitalism is the economic system of production and distribution of goods, which is based on the predominance of private property, freedom of entrepreneurial activity and the legal equality of citizens.

The owners of factors of production - land, labor are engaged in the creation of goods and services ,.

The desire to get rich and get a good income pushes people to creating their business that meets the needs of individual groups of society, as well as their own opportunities and interests.

Main signs of capitalism:

  1. free trade;
  2. private property;
  3. orientation in economic activities for profit;
  4. division of labor;
  5. formation of basic classes - workers and bourgeoisie.
  1. Netherlands - 1566-1609.
  2. English (ADB) - 1640-1660.
  3. French (VFBR) - 1789-1799.
  4. War for the independence of English colonies in America - 1775-1783.

Only after the victory of the revolutionary forces, the capitalist relations won a strong position in the Western mills. In the XIX century, Europe passed through the industrial coup, as a result of which the bulk of goods began to be manufactured in factories and factories.

The society passed to the industrial era, and capitalism in pursuit of super-profile began to turn into imperialism.

Capitalist relations

In the world of capitalism everything is based on freedom. An entrepreneur who wants to create production itself decides that to make and what resources to do this. The consumer is free to choose goods in accordance with its preferences.

Capitalist can not do without hired labor, so he invites free workers to himself, using the forms of economic coercion in the form of wages and material incentives.

As a result, arise capitalist relationsbased on the following factors:

  1. private property for the means of production (land, raw materials, equipment);
  2. the use of hired workers, the working force turns into a product;
  3. developed system of division of labor;

The nature of capitalist relations is influenced by the degree. They are based on rivalry between producers using economic instruments to increase competitiveness, such as product quality or lower prices.

When moving to, when many large companies (,), which control the significant part of the market appears, the state becomes an active participant in capitalist relations.

Capitalism is not ideal. It is subject to crisis, does not promise economic equality and forms a competitive society, in which most people inevitably lose.

But this building gives a chance Each use to take advantage of your knowledge and abilities for decent life through the creation of economic interest in production activities.

More details about capitalism can be found from this video. Marx was a genius, but his forecasts moved away in the century due to a number of circumstances (see them in the final video article):

The main law of capitalism and its main problem

this society is for strongWhere weak let it be on yourself. The main thing happening in such a thing is to think only about your own good and step on the heads. Otherwise, you will be sideways.

Man man in this society nor nor friend and nor brother. He is a competitor for a place under the sun, which is not enough for everyone. The main quality of a person in such a society is. She pushes a person to do what he does not need, but need capitalist. Of course, it's all increasingly exaggerated, but if you disrupt all the masks, it will be that way.

But even even removed from the fact that the capitalist system is not aimed at the benefit of people, but only keeps carrots in front of each of them on a rope, behind which people obediently run, pushing elbows, then this system doomed for decay. Just in its definition, essence.

Now the moment comes when almost the whole world can be considered capitalist (living on a market system). In this world there is no one to rob (peasants, backward countries) and it becomes a closed system.

Money from the outside to take nowhere, and the capitalist system is in pure form not workable. Nowhere to take profit. Without a robbery in a closed capitalist system, no money remains. Actually, all this happens now. The process is long, but, unfortunately, the inevitable.

Good luck to you! To ambiguous meetings on the blog pages Website

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Capitalism is one of the historical public buildings. Characterized by an economic system based on the use of workshop.

The general concept of capitalism

There are several scientific definitions of the concept of "capitalism". But all of them, distinguishing in private and secondary positions, have general foundationWith the help of which you can distinguish capitalism from other socio-economic formations - feudalism, communism, etc.

  1. The basis of the capitalist system is the provisions on freedom of entrepreneurship and inviolability of private property.
  2. The owners of the main means of production and raw materials base (factories, plants, mines, mines) are a special class of private owners - capitalists.
  3. The main manufacturer of goods during capitalism is hired employees who have been performing some job on the order of the employer (capitalist).
  4. Most of the profits from the sale of manufactured goods are assigned by capitalists (owners of production and raw materials), the actual manufacturers - the hired workers, is paid only by wages defined by an agreement with the employer-capitalist.

It should be borne in mind that the above definitions are only Generalized signs. In fact, capitalism is a rather abstract concept obtained by theoretical generalization of various signs.

Any attempts of scientists and economists allocate "Clean" capitalism always fail offSince no state in the world provides entrepreneurs complete freedom of trade and production, limiting their activities by various laws and regulatory acts. Similarly, the provision on the inviolability of private ownership may violate by decision of the state authorities - the court decision, in accordance with some provisions of the legislation, during the emergency and military situation.

Economic essence of "work" of capitalism

Freedom of entrepreneurship, or free market relations, suggest the minimum of state intervention. With the authorities in capitalism, the role of the guarantor of the inviolability of market freedoms and private ownership is assigned. The driving mechanism of the capitalist market is the balance of supply and demand.

In a nutshell, this is expressed by the thesis "The demand gives birth to an offer." The main goal for the capitalist is to receive profits by selling produced at its factories and factories of the goods.

However, if there is no demand for this group of goods at the moment, then it will not be able to sell it. Incidentally, do not sell the goods, the capitalist will not be able not only to profit, but also return the money spent on the production of this product. This state of affairs threatens to an entrepreneur. large losses, and in perspective in complete ruin - bankruptcy.

In the inverse situation, when the demand for produced goods is very high, the manufacturer can sell it at overpriced prices, and buyers will still be forced to buy it. In this case, the capitalist will receive the so-called "super-profile" - income from the sale, many times superior to the initial costs of the production of goods.

This is based on another one market law:the higher the demand, the higher the price. Speaks this law from the natural desire of the capitalist to get as much profit as possible at a minimum of costs.

Pros and cons of capitalist building

This is the aspiration for enrichment generates a number of social problems that in the modern world are solved solely in the intervention of the state and trade unions. The founders of communism called similar toes "Grimaces of capitalism". First of all, this desire to optimize the costs of hired workers:

  • The desire to reduce the amount of remuneration.
  • Save on various social payments.
  • Get from hired workers maximum returns.
  • Optimize costs when decreasing demand for goods, by mass layoffs and locauts (temporary closure of the enterprise).

In the modern world, such ways to obtain additional profits in most countries are prosecuted. In addition, capitalists, in order to gain higher profits, can go on corporate collusion, artificially in-kind prices for certain groups of goods. Such enrichment methods are also prohibited by antitrust laws.

Despite the listed disadvantages, according to many economists and experts, capitalist construction today is most effective Of all ever existing socio-economic formations. This is due to the high flexibility of capitalist production, its ability to instantly respond to a change in demand situation, satisfying timely market needs.

The capitalist is personally interested to sell as much product as possible at the highest price. Therefore, it is advantageous for him that the goods in which the buyer needs sharply needs. The well-being of the capitalist itself depends on the rate of response to the change in demand - more slow and unable to quickly restructure manufacturers, simply do not stand competition and bankrupt.

Thus, in conditions healthy competition Natural selection is carried out. The market remains the most enterprising and economically educated manufacturers who are able to establish effective production, competently organize the process of manufacturing and selling goods. And this is the best displayed at the overall state of the state economy.

Number and development of capitalism

The exact time of the emergence of capitalism is rather difficult due to the blurring of the very concept, and due to the difficulty of determining, from which time in a particular country, the hired production has become the main. Undoubtedly, one thing is known - the origin of capitalism happened in Western Europe, approximately in the late Middle Ages. The first signs of capitalism here can be observed in the XIII-XIV centuries: in Italy, Flanders, the first commercial exchanges appear, the banking system is formed.

Then appears class of capitalists - Owners of capital not belonging to the aristocracy. They are based on production, trade and banking. Often, the services of Bankers-Roshovshchikov had to apply to even European monarchum. Further, in the XV-XVII, there is a rapid growth of commodity production, receiving profits from trade and investment, due to the great geographical discoveries - the opening of America and the sea route to China and India.

These years, the largest enterprises of their time are based, absolutely capitalist in essence - the Dutch and British East India and the West Indian company, the purpose of which was the development of new colonies and the establishment of trade relations.

The two industrial revolutions that occurred one for the other finally broke the feudalism ridge, making capital of the main driving force of the economy. As the author of the monumental labor "Capital", K. Marx, "Steam Machine spawned capitalism".

With the beginning of mass introduction of machines and other high-performance products, huge factories and plants grow, industrial cities and whole regions are created. By the end of the XIX century. Registration of capitalist building with all its main attributes in most European countries has been completed.

Today on the capitalist path of development goes Most countries of the world. Even those from states that officially announced the doctrine of their development socialism or communism, cannot completely move away from the capitalist foundation. As an example, countries such as China, Vietnam, Laos can be viewed. Despite the fact that the Communist Parties are officially found there, the basis of the economy today is the enterprises in private property and based on the workplace.

This social formation, which is characterized by the advantage of commodity-money relations, was widespread around the world in different variations.

Advantages and disadvantages

Capitalism, who gradually came to replacing feudalism, originated in Western Europe in the 17th century. In Russia, he existed not long, replaced by the decades of the communist system. Unlike other economic systems, the basis of capitalism is free commerce. The means of producing goods and services are privately owned. Among other key features of this socio-economic formation can be noted:

  • the desire to maximize income, profit;
  • the basis of the economy is the release of goods and services;
  • expansion of the abyss between the rich and poor layers of the population;
  • the ability to adequately respond to changing market conditions;
  • freedom of entrepreneurial activity;
  • the form of the Board is mainly democracy;
  • non-interference in the affairs of other states.

Thanks to the emergence of capitalist building, people made a jerk along the path of technical progress. This economic form is characterized by a number of shortcomings. The main one is all resources without which people cannot work, are privately owned. Therefore, the country's population has to work for capitalists. Among other disadvantages of the economic system of this type:

  • irrational distribution of labor;
  • uneven distribution of wealth in society;
  • volumetric debt obligations (loans, loans, mortgages);
  • major capitalists, based on their interests, influence the government;
  • there is no powerful system of opposition to corruption schemes;
  • workers get less than their work actually;
  • increased earnings due to monopolies in some industries.

Each economy system that society uses, has its strength and weak parties. There is no ideal option. Supporters and opponents of capitalism, democracy, socialism, liberalism will always be located. Plus, the capitalist society is that the system forces the population to work for the benefit of society, companies, states. Moreover, people always have the opportunity to secure this level of income that will allow living quite comfortably and safely.


The task of capitalism is the use of labor of the population for the effective allocation and operation of resources. The position of a person in society with such a strict is not determined only by its social situation and religious views. Anyone has the right to realize, using its abilities and opportunities. Especially now, when globalization and technical progress concern each citizen of the developed and developing country. The number of middle class is invariably increasing, as well as its value.

Capitalism in Russia

This economic system came out in the territory of modern Russia gradually, after the serfdom was canceled. For several decades, an increase in industrial production, agriculture was observed. In these years, foreign products were practically not imported into the country. Oil, machinery, equipment was exported. Such a situation was developed until the October Revolution of 1917, when capitalism with his freedom of entrepreneurship and private property remained in the past.

In 1991, the Government announced the transition to the capitalist market. Hyperinflation, default, collapse of the national currency, denomination - all these terrible events and radical changes survived Russia in the 90s. last century. The modern country lives in the conditions of new capitalism, built with regard to the mistakes of the past.

At the end of the 15th and early 16th centuries, the life of Western Europe was noted so tangible changes - the growth of production, trade, the flowering of culture and the knowledge of the world around the world, that some historians of that time began to talk about the beginning of the new World History.

Comprehending the novelty of life and exploring the reasons for this phenomenon, they soon began to divide on ancient, middle and new. This periodization underlies world history.

Let's look at the beginning of the development of capitalism and its features.

Central Bank of Capitalism

The new story is the history of the origin, the development and success of a new type of production and public relations - capitalism (Lat. Capitalis - Chief), who came to the change of feudalism with his violence and coercion.

In the 16-18th centuries, the rapid growth of new forms of production and trade took place. All pointed out that inside feudalism, elements of capitalist relations are rapidly developing, and feudalism itself becomes more and more interference with the economic and social development of society.

From feudalism to capitalism

The transition from feudalism to capitalism was stretched for many decades, but the beginning of the crisis of feudalism was clearly manifested at the beginning of the 16th century. The feudal-monarchic system with its class privileges, a complete disregard for human personality prevented the development of society.

Capitalism is progress compared to feudalism. Capitalism - a building based on private (personal) property and the use of wage labor.

The main figures of society are increasingly the capitalist (bourgeois-entrepreneur) and a hired worker (a free person selling its strength).

They provided their work in their work and in industrial, and in agricultural production. They did not allow society to be in the impasse of stagnation, where feudalism was led.

Such a process simultaneously occurred in agricultural (agricultural) production. The bourgeois became that layer of the nobility, which began to focus its farms on the market.

The bourgeois was also wealthy farmers, turned into commodity producers (agricultural products for sale in the market).

The process of forming the bourgeois intelligentsia (lat. Iritelligens - understanding, reasonable). Scientists, lawyers, masters of new art, writers, teachers, doctors, etc. were especially dangerous for feudalism.

From them began to extend the ideas of humanism. They all louder in their activities began to talk about the right of a person to live and work in decent conditions.

What is bourgeoisie

The term "bourgeoisie" of French origin: so called residents of the city (Burga). Over time, the word "bourgeoisie" began to denote not just residents of cities (burghers), and those people who, accumulating money and hiring workers, began to organize the production of any goods (things for sale).

Therefore, in the history of the development of capitalism, its early stage is named with a period of "initial accumulation", and the production created on its basis began to be called "commodity" operating on the market (market economy).

Capitalism compared to feudalism is, first of all, a much higher level of production. It was achieved on the basis of the new organization of the manufacturing process.

Accuming money and using them for profit, the bourgeois-entrepreneur became a capitalist. Money becomes "capital" only when they bring income; Money hidden "under the mattress" is not capital.

The new form of the production organization found its expression in manufactory. The thing (product) here is created by the manual labor of workers. But the production process is already divided into separate operations (division of labor).

One worker performs some one work (cuts into pieces of a certain size of iron sheets). Another worker at the same time gives them a certain form, the third simultaneously makes the billet from the tree, and their fourth processes them. All this comes to the fifth worker, which attachs the iron part to the wooden, and it turns out, for example, a shovel.

Each worker performed only one operation, and in general it made it possible to sharply increase labor productivity (the number of products created per unit of time, for example, in 1 hour). Much more goods began to enter the market, and the law of competition began to operate.

Conditions for the development of capitalism

In order to be successful in the fight against its competitors, the capitalist-Manuff student is vital in reducing the cost (necessary for the production of work time, expressed in money) products and improving its quality.

This gives him an increase in profits. Therefore, the owner of the production seeks to increase the technical level of equipment, its economy, apply the latest cars.

Those enterprises on which all this was successfully carried out, flourished, and their owners grew up. The owners of the same inefficient enterprises were ruined. "Natural selection" took place among capitalist entrepreneurs.

Industrial civilization

The development of capitalism facilitated technical progress, growth that entails a sharp acceleration of the development of the industry.

It was the main sign of the first steps of the new civilization, which the historians subsequently called "industrial" -. She walked to the change of agrarian and craft civilization of the Middle Ages.

The resulting process of fraud feudalism was accompanied by the ruin of the mass of small producers - peasants and artisans. Of these, the army of hired workers began to form.

After passing a very complex and no less difficult way, this new social layer gradually joined capitalist industrial and agriculture.

And at the beginning of the new time, many of the broken minor owners became workers scattered (distribution of work at home) or centralized (work under one roof) manufactory.

In 16-18 centuries. There have been important changes in trade and in the field of financial affairs. In the most developed countries of Europe (England, etc.), trade promoted the decomposition of feudal relations.

It became a source of "initial accumulation", that is, the source of enrichment of the new layer of society - the bourgeoisie. The merchant (merchant) was often transformed into a capitalist-entrepreneur based on manufactory.

Caricature "Capitalism"

The main phenomenon of intrarange trade was the beginning of the formation and development of uniform national markets, primarily in England and. This was facilitated by the policy of mercantilism (ITAL. MERCANTE - to trade) - creating a state of favorable conditions for its trade.

As a result of great geographical discoveries, new directions of foreign trade appeared: to America,

The beginning of the new time and development of capitalism was noted by the emergence of the first banks. These were special financial organizations that implemented mediation in payments and credit. The first banks appeared in the 15th century first in Italy, and then in Germany.

The development of capitalism is the inevitable phase of the development of modern civilization. However, capitalism fruits are not always so good as it sounds in theory.

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- (Him. Kapitalismus, from Lat. Capitalis - Chief) - Public system based on private-capitalistism. Property for the means of production and on the operation of hired labor capitalists, the last socio-economy. Soviet historical encyclopedia

  • capitalism - Capitalism m. Public system, the main signs of which are private ownership of the means of production in the hands of the dominant class, the use of hired labor and free entrepreneurship, promoting the development of a market economy. Explanatory dictionary Efremova
  • capitalism - capitalism -a; m. 1. Public system, which is based on various forms of private ownership of the means of production, a market economy and civil society ... Explanatory dictionary of Kuznetsov
  • capitalism - capitalism, MN. No, m. [Fr. Capitalisme] (Polit., Econ.). The production method in which the means of production are private property, production has a merchant nature, products reach the consumer through the market in the form of goods. Large dictionary of foreign words
  • Capitalism is an economic system in which private property has been widespread on production factors, and the distribution of manufactured product, goods, goods, services is carried out mainly through the market. Economic Dictionary Terminov
  • capitalism - Capitalism, A, M. Replacing feudalism to the social and economic formation, with which the main means of production are the private property of the capitalist class. The era of capitalism. | arr. Capitalist, Aya, OE. K. Stroy. Capitalist countries. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov
  • capitalism - ORF. Capitalism, -A. Specographic dictionary of Lopatin
  • Capitalism - see Capital. Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Ephron
  • capitalism - borrowing. In the first half of the XIX century. of it. Yaz., where Kapitalismus is Suf. Derived from Kapital (see Capital). Contemporary Meaning - from "Capital" K. Marx (First Rus. Translation was made in 1872). Etymological dictionary of Shanskogo
  • capitalism - SUMS., Number of synonyms: 7 State Capitalism 1 Mr. Coupon 1 Society of prosperity 1 Society of equal opportunities 1 Free Society 2 Free World 2 Formation 6 Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language
  • Capitalism - Capitalism - the socio-economic and socio-political system, which came to replace the feudalism initially in the Western countries, and within 20 V. spreading around the globe. New philosophical encyclopedia
  • capitalism - -A, m. Public and economic formation, based on private ownership of the means of production and operation of hired labor with capital (replaces feudalism and precedes socialism). Small Academic Dictionary
  • Capitalism - socio-economy. System, OSN. On large commodity production, private entrepreneurship, free competition manufacturers. With K. Economy. Catholic encyclopedia
  • capitalism - capitalism, capitalism, capitalism, capitalism, capitalism, capitalism, capitalism, capitalism, capitalism, capitalism, capitalism, capitalism Grammar dictionary of Zaliznyaka
  • Capitalism - Capitalism - English. Capitalism; it. Kapitalismus. 1. Type of soci.-econ. Systems that have arisen in the late Middle Ages are currently characteristic of most industrial countries. General features ... Sociological Dictionary
  • capitalism - Capital / Izm. Morphemno-spell dictionary
  • capitalism - I. Capitalism I A, M. Capitalisme m. Public system based on the private property of capitalists for the means of production and operation of the wage labor of the capitalists ... Dictionary of gallicalism of the Russian language
  • Capitalism - Capitalism - the type of society, based on private property and a market economy. In various currents of public thought, it is defined as a system of free entrepreneurship, the stage of development of an industrial society ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary
  • capitalism - Capital'ism, capitalism, MN. No, · Husband. (· Franz. Capitalisme) (Polit., Econ.). The production method in which the means of production are private property, production has a merchant nature ... Explanatory Dictionary Ushakov