What we know about them. Scythians. Who are such Scythians? Dwelling Scythians

The "Scythian World" was formed in the 1st millennium of our era. It originated in the steppes of Eurasia. This is a cultural and historical and economic community that has become one of the most outstanding phenomena of the ancient world.

Who are such Scythians?

The word "Scythians" has an ancient Greek origin. It is customary to be used to designate all Northwaran nomads. About who such Scythians can be spent in the narrow and wider sense of the word. In a narrow, only residents of the Blackshair of the Black Sea and North Caucasus, separating them from nearby tribes - Asian Sakov, Dahov, Mednov and Massagets, European Cimmerians and Sarmatians-Sarmatians. A complete list of all Scythian tribes, known to the authors of antiquity, consists of several tens of names. We will not list all these peoples. By the way, some researchers believe that the Scythians and Slavs have common roots. However, this opinion is not proven, so it cannot be considered reliable.

Tell me about where the Scythians lived. They occupied a huge territory from Altai to the Danube. Scythian tribes eventually joined the local population. Each of them had their own characteristics of spiritual and material culture. However, all parts of the huge Scythian world united the community of origin and language, customs and economic activities. Interestingly, the Persians considered all these tribes in one people. Scythians have a common Persian name - "Saki". It is consumed in a narrow sense to designate inhabiting Central Asia tribes. Unfortunately, we can judge only on the basis of indirect sources about what the Scythians were. The photos of them, of course, do not exist. Moreover, there are not many historical information about them.

Exterior of Scythians

An image on a vase found in Kurgan Kul-both gave researchers the first real idea of \u200b\u200bhow the Scythians lived as they dressed as they were their weapons and appearance. These tribes wore long hair, mustache and beard. They dressed in linen or leather clothing: long pants shoers and caftan with a belt. They had leather boots intercepted by straps on the ankles. The head of the Scythians covered felt pointed caps. As for weapons, they had onions and arrows, a short sword, quadrangular shield and spears.

In addition, images of these tribes are found on other subjects found in Kul-Both. For example, two Scythians who drink from rhythone are presented on the Golden Blash. This is a community rite, known to us by testimonies of the ancient authors.

Iron Age and Scythian Culture

The formation of Scythian culture took place in the era of the propagation of iron. Weapons and tools of labor from this metal came to shift Bronze. After the method of manufacture has been opened, the Iron Age finally won. Tools made of steel made a real revolution in military affairs, craft and agriculture.

Scythians, the territory of the distribution and the influence of which were impressive, lived in the early Iron Institute. These tribes owned advanced technologies that were used at the time. They could produce iron from ore, then turn it into steel. Scythians used different weldings, cementation, hardening, forging. It was through these northern Eurasia that got acquainted with iron. The skills of metallurgy they borrowed Scythian craftsmen.

Iron in Narov legends has a magical force. Kurdalon - Heavenly Blacksmith, which patronizes heroes and heroes. The ideal of a man and warrior embodies Nart Batraz. It is born with iron, and then it takes the hardening of the heavenly blacksmith. NARTS, defeating the enemies and capturing their cities, never touches the Kuznets quarters. So the Ossetian epic of antiquity in the form of artistic images transfers the atmosphere characteristic of the early iron century.

Why did nomads appear?

In the endless expanses, from the Northern Black Sealand, which is located in the west of Mongolia and Altai, more than 3 thousand years ago, began to develop a very original variety of nomadic economics. It covered a substantial part of Central Asia and Southern Siberia. This type of farming changed a settric cattle-agricultural life. A number of reasons caused so important changes. Among them - climate change, as a result of which the steppe dried. In addition, the tribes mastered riding a horse. The composition of the herd has changed. Now they began to prevail horses and sheep, which could produce themselves in winter.

The era of early nomads, as it is called, coincided with an important milestone of history, when humanity carried out a large historical step - iron became the main material used for the manufacture of both weapons and weapons.

Life Nomans

The rational and ascetic life of NOMANOV was held on harsh laws that demanded a tribal of riding riding and excellent military skills. It was necessary to be ready to protect your property at any time or seize someone else's. The main measure of welfare for nomans was cattle. Skif's ancestors received all the most necessary: \u200b\u200bshelter, clothes and food.

Almost all Nomans of the steppes of Eurasia (with the exception of Eastern Okrain), according to many researchers, were Iranian-speaking in the early period of their development. More than millennium lasted domination in the steppe of Iranian-speaking nomads: from 8-7 century. BC e. By the first century n. e. The Scythian epoch became the heyday of these Iranian tribes.

Sources for which you can judge the Scythian tribes

Currently, only a fragmentary political history of many of them, as well as their relatives (Tikharov, Massagets, Dais, Sakov, Mednov, Savromat, etc.). Antique authors describe mainly the act of major leaders and military campaigns of Scythians. Other features of these tribes are not interested. About who such Scythians wrote Herodotus. Only this author, whom Cicero called can find a rather detailed description of traditions, religion and life of these tribes. For a long time about the culture of Northwaran nomads, there were very scarce information. Only from the 2nd half of the 19th century, after the excavations of the Kurgans belonging to Scythians (in the North Caucasus and Ukraine), and the analysis of Siberian finds there was a whole scientific discipline, called the Scythology. Its founders are large Russian archaeologists and scientists: V. V. Grigoriev, I. E. Zabelin, B. N. Graves, M. I. Rostovtsev. Thanks to their research, we have received new information about who are such Scythians.

Certificates of genetic generality

Despite the fact that the differences in the culture of Scythian tribes were pretty great, scientists allocated 3 elements that speak of their genetic community. The first one is horse decoration. The second element of the triad is certain types of weapons that used these tribes (akinaki daggers and small bows). The third is that the animal style of Scythians prevailed in the art of all these nomads.

Sarmati (Sarmovati) devastating Scythia

These nations in the 3rd century n. e. Pushes the next wave of nomads. New tribes devastated a substantial part of Scythia. They destroyed the defeated, and most of the country turned into a desert. This is evidenced by the Scythians and Sarmatians - the tribes that came from the east. Pretty extensive nomenclature of Sarmovatov. It is also known that there were several unions: roksolanes, languages, arses, sirackes ... The culture of these nomads has many similarities with Scythian. This can be explained by religious and linguistic relationship, that is, common roots. Sarmatian animal style develops Scythian traditions. His ideological symbolism is preserved. However, the Scythians and Sarmatians are characterized by the presence of their features in art. Sarmatians are not just borrowing, but a new cultural phenomenon. This is an art that was generated by a new epoch.

Development of Alans

The elevation of Alans, the new Northranian nationality, occurs in the 1st century. e. They spread from the Danube to the priaral. Alans participated in the Markarka Wars held on the Middle Danube. They committed raids to Armenia, Cappadocia and Madia. These tribes were kept under the control of the Silk Road. The invasion of the Huns, which occurred in 375 by N. er, put an end to their domination in the steppe. A significant part of Alanov moved to Europe along with Goths and Huns. These tribes left their mark in a multitude of toponyms that are found in Portugal, Spain, Italy, Switzerland and France. It is believed that Alans with their cult of military valor and a sword, with their military organization and a special attitude towards a woman are at the origins of the European knighthood.

These tribes during the entire Middle Ages were a noticeable phenomenon in history. The legacy of the steppe is visible in their art. Axis in the mountains of the North Caucasus, part of Alanov retained the language. They became an ethnic basis in the formation of modern Ossetians.

Separation of Scythians and Savromatov

Scythians in a narrow meaning, that is, European Scythians, and Savromat (Sarmatians), as scientists consider, were divided not earlier than the 7th century BC. e. Their common ancestors before this time were inhabited by the steppes of the Pre-Caucasus. Only after trips to the countries behind the Caucasus, the savromates and the Scythians diverged. From now on, they began to live in different territories. Cimmerians and Scythians began to be enjoyed. The confrontation between these peoples was ended with the fact that the Scythians, retaining themselves the main part of the North Caucasian Plain, seized the Northern Black Sea region. Kimmerians who lived there, they partially crowded, and partially subordinate to themselves.

The savromates now inhabited the steppes of the prieuralcy, the Volga region and the Caspiani. The Tanais River (the modern name - Don) was the border between their possessions and Scythia. In antiquity, the legend was popular about the origin of the Sabromatis from the marriages of Scythians with Amazons. This legend was explained why Savromat women occupied a high position in society. They ride on a par with men and even participated in the wars.


Ceedon also differed in the equality of floors. These tribes lived east of the savromates. They inhabited the territory of the current Kazakhstan. These tribes were famous for their justice. They were attributed to peoples who do not know the insults and hostility.

Dahu, Massagete and Saki

Dahu dwelled from the Caspian Sea, on the eastern coast. And east of them, in semi-deserts and the steppes of Central Asia, there were lands of Massagets and Sakov. Cyrus II, founder of the Agemenid Power, in 530 n. e. I made a campaign on Massagets, inhabited the area from the Aral Sea. With these tribes, she wanted to become his wife Kira, and he decided to take possession of her kingdom by force. The Persian army in the war with massagets was defeated, and Cyrus him died.

As for the sikes of Central Asia, these tribes were divided into 2 associations: Saki Haumarg and Saki-Tigrahaud. So they were called Persians. Tiger translated from the ancient Persidian means "sharp", and Haduda - "helmet" or "cap". That is, Saki-Tigrahauda - Saki in Pozdroy Hats (Hatches), and Saki Hauvavarga - Worship Homa (Holy Drink of Ariii). Darius I, Persian king, in 519 BC. e. Making a campaign on Tigrahaud's tribes, winning them. Skunch, captured leader of Sakov, is depicted on the relief, carved by the orders of Darius on the Behistunskaya Rock.

Culture Scythians

It should be noted that the Scythian tribes created a rather high culture for their time. They determined the path of further historical development of many regions. These tribes participated in the formation of many nations.

In the Empire of Genghis Khan was kept Scythian chronicles, a rich literature was presented with legends and legends. There is reason to hope that most of these treasures have survived to this day in underground storage facilities. The culture of Scythians, unfortunately, remains poorly studied. In the ancient Indian legends and Vedas, in Chinese and Persian sources, the lands of the Siberia-Ural district, on which unusual people lived. At the Plateau Putorano, as they believed, the monastery of the gods were located. These places attracted the attention of the rulers of India, China, Greece, Persia. However, interest was usually ended with an economic, military or other aggression against the great tribes.

It is known that the troops of Persia (Darius and Cyrus II), India (Arjuna, etc.), India (Alexander Macedonsky), Greece (Alexander Macedonsky), Byzantium, the Roman Empire, etc. invade the Scythia at different times), India, and so on. What interest in these tribes from Greece showed: doctor Hippocrates, geographer Miletsky, tragics Sofokl and Eschal, Pandor poets and Alkaman, Thinker Aristotle, Logographer Damast, etc.

Two legends on the origin of Scythia, told by Herodot

Herodotus told two legends about the origin of Scythia. According to one of them, Hercules, being here, met in the Black Sea region (in the cave of Gilea land) an unusual woman. Her lower part was serpent. Three Sons were born from their marriage - Agaphirs, Skiff and Gelon. From one of them and the Scythians occurred.

We will summarize another legend. According to her, the first man appeared on Earth, whose name was Targytai. His parents were Zeus and Borisphen (daughter of the river). They born three sons: Arpoksai, Lipoxai and Colaxay. The eldest of them (Lipoxay) became the source of Scythians-Avhats. Traspi and Katiara originated from the arpoksya. And from the Colaxpe, the youngest son, - royal paralysis. These tribes are all together together, and their Scyths began to call the Greeks.

The entire territory of Scythia Kolsax first divided into 3 kingdoms, which went to his sons. One of them, where gold was kept, he did the greatest. The area located north of these lands is covered with snow. About the first Millennium BC. e. There were Scythian kingdoms. It was the time of Prometheus.

Communication Scythians with Atlantis

Of course, it is impossible to consider the history of the peoples of Scythia Legends about the pedigree kings. It is believed that the history of these tribes has roots in Atlantis, ancient civilization. This empire included, besides the island in the Atlantic Ocean, where the capital was located (Plato described it in the dialogues of "Crete" and "Timay"), land in the North-West Africa, as well as Greenland, America, Scandinavia and the Northern part of Russia. It also treated all areas around the northern geographical pole. The island lands located here are called mediamia. They were inhabited by the distant ancestors of Asian and European peoples. On the map of Mercator, belonging to 1565, these islands are presented.

Farm Scythians

Scythians - the people whose military power could only have a strong socio-economic basis. And they had such a base. In Scythian lands, more than 2.5 thousand years ago there was a warmer climate than our time. The tribes have developed animal husbandry, agriculture, fisheries, leather and submal goods, fabrics, ceramics, metals and wood products were manufactured. Military equipment has been manufactured. In terms of quality and level, the products of Scythians did not inferge Greek.

The tribes provided themselves to everything that was needed. They were engaged in iron, copper, silver and other minerals. In Scythians, the casting production has reached a very high level. According to Herodotus, a description of the Scythians, in the 7th century BC. er, with the king Ariiant, these tribes cast a huge copper boiler. The thickness of its wall was 6 fingers, and the capacity is 600 amphors. It was cast on the gum, south of Novgorod-Seversky. During the invasion of Darius, this boiler was hidden east of the gums. Here was prey and copper ore. Scythian gold relics are hidden in Romania. This is a bowl and plow with the Yarm, as well as a double-edged seclira.

Trade Scythian tribes

Trade was developed on the territory of Scythia. There were water and land trading paths on European and Siberian rivers, Black, Caspian and North Seas. In addition to the wheeled carriage, the Scythians built river and sea flaky ships on the vefses of the Volga, Ob, Yenisei, at the mouth of the Pechora. Genghis Khan took masters from these places to create a fleet intended for the conquest of Japan. Sometimes the Scythians were built underground moves. They paved them under large rivers using mining production technology. By the way, in Egypt and in other states also laid tunnels under rivers. In print, it was repeatedly reported underground strokes under Dnipro.

The lively trading paths from India, Persia, China ran through Scythian lands. Goods were delivered to the northern regions and Europe along the Volga, Obi, Yenisei, North Seas, Dnieper. These paths acted until the 17th century. In those days on the shores there were cities with noisy bazaars and temples.


Every people take their own historical path. As for the Scythians, their path was not short. For more than a thousand years, measured them a story. For a long time, the Scythians were the main political force in a large territory located between the Danube and Don. The study of these tribes was engaged in many outstanding historians and archaeologists. Studies are not stopped to this day. They are joined by experts representing related regions (for example, climatologists and palegeographers). It can be expected that the cooperation of these scientists will allow to obtain new information about what was the Scythians. Photo and information that was set out in this article, we hope they helped you draw up a general idea of \u200b\u200bthem.

Scythians - the general name of northern nomadic peoples (Iranian (presumably) origin) in Europe and Asia, in ancient times (VIII century. BC. E. - IV. N. E.) Skifmi also conventionally called the semi-bore tribes related to them, which Hat steppe spaces Eurasia right up to Transbaikalia and North China.

Many curious information reports Herodot about Scythians who made up the bulk of the then population of the Northern Black Sea region. According to Herodotus, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations, the Scythians inhabited the southern part of the Black Sea region - from the mouth of the Danube, Lower Bug and Dnipro to the Azov Sea and Don.


The origin of the Scyfs is one of the most difficult and controversial issues in historical ethnography. Some historians believe that the Scythians were ethnically for the whole people and at the same time include them or to the Aryans, or to Mongols (Ural Altai), other scientists, based on the instructions of Herodotus about the cultural difference between the Scythians Western and East (farmers and nomads), consider that the name "Scythians" covered ethnically heterogeneous tribes, and include sedentary Scythians to Iranians or Slavs, and nomadic to the Mongols or Ural-Altai, or prefer not to speak out definitely.

The majority of data available, speaks of their belonging to one of the branches of the Indo-European tribe, most likely to Iranian, especially since scientists who recognized the Iranism of Sarmatov, the words of Herodotus about the kinship of Sarmatov with Scythians allow us to distribute conclusions from science for sarmatics.


The Scythian army consisted of free people who received only nutrition and uniforms, but could take part in the production section, if they demonstrated their heads of the enemy killed by them. Warriors wore bronze helmets in the Greek style and chain rails. The main weapon is a short sword - akinak, a bite with a double bend, a quadrangular shield and spears. Each Skif belonged at least one horse, the aristocrats had huge herds of horses.

Warriors not only cut off the heads of defeated enemies, but also did from their skulls of the bowl. Decorating these terrible trophies with gold and proudly demonstrated them to their guests. Scythians were fighting as a rule on horses, although over time, as someden grow, the Scythian infantry appeared. Herodotus described the military customs of the Scythians in detail, but maybe to some extent exaggerated their militancy.


The 4th century is the Scythian king of Atha, who lived for 90 years, was able to combine all the Scythian tribes from Don to the Danube. Scythia at this time reached his highest heyday: Attea was equal to the strength of Philip II Macedonian, coined his own coins and expanded his possessions. Special relationships in these tribes were gold. The cult of this metal even served as the basis for the legend that the Scythians were able to tame griffins guarding gold.

The growing power of the Scythians forced Macedonian to take several large-scale intrusions: Philip II in an epic battle was able to kill Atheya, and his son, after 8 years he went to the Scythians. But Alexander could not defeat Scythia, and was forced to retreat, leaving the Scythians uncomfortable.


Scythians did not have writing. The only source of information about their language is the works of antique authors and the inscription of the ancient era. Some Skif words recorded Herodotus, for example, "Path" - meant "kill", "Oyor" - meant "man", "Arima" - meant "one". Taking the basis of the passages of these words, philologists attributed Scythian to the languages \u200b\u200bof the Iranian family of the Indo-European language group. The Scythians themselves called themselves scoota, which, most likely, could mean "archers". Until our times in Greek and Latin transcription, the names of the Scythian tribes, the names of the deities, personal names, toponymic names have also reached the names of Scythian tribes.

What the Scythians looked

What looked and what wearing Scythians are known mainly by their images on gold and silver vessels of Greek work, found during archaeological excavations in such world-famous mounds, like Kul-Both, Solok and others. In his works, Greek artists with amazing realism depicted Scythians in a peaceful and military life.

They wore long hair, mustache and beard. Dressed in linen or leather clothes: long pants and caftan with a belt. Shoes served leather boots intercepted by straps on ankles. On the head Scythians wore felt pointed hats.

There are images of Scythians on other subjects found in Kul-Both. For example, two Scythians are depicted on the Golden Blash, which drink from rhythone. This is the community rite, known to us according to the evidence of the authors of antiquity.

Religion Scythians

The characteristic feature of the religion of these tribes is the absence of anthropomorphic images of the gods, as well as a special caste of priests and temples. The personification of the war was more revered in the Scythians of the war was the iron sword in the land, before which sacrificed sacrifices. The nature of the funeral rituals may indicate that the Scythians believed in the afterlife.

Attempts by Herodotus, listed by the names of Scythian deities, translate them into the language of the Greek Pantheon turned out to be unsuccessful. Their religion was to such an extent, which could not find direct parallels in the religious representations of the Greeks.

1) Phial (middle IV century BC); 2) Gold Scythian Pectoral; 3) Gold earrings with a laden suspension. Gold, enamel; 4) Cup ball-shaped, gold (IV century BC)

Gold Scythians

Initially, gold jewelry was made only for noble Scythians, but over time, the decorations could afford to acquire even ordinary people, although the amount of gold in them was less. Cheap products made from bronze made out the Scythians. Part of the heritage is called - Scythian-Greek art, and the part is attributed exclusively to the Scythians.

The appearance of the first gold jewelry is dated to the end of the Bronze Age, then the person already knew how to process gold, giving him a form and appearance. If we talk about the most ancient gold decoration of the Scythians, then its approximate age is 20,000 years. Most products were found in Kurgans. The first decorations were found during the board.

They used gold because they considered him the divine, magical substance. They attracted a brilliant appearance, and they considered the decoration of the guard even during the battle. The thickness of the decorations is a few millimeters, but they often looked rude, because the Scythians wanted to accommodate as much gold in the product. There were massive chest decorations in the form of plaques, they often depicted the heads of animals, while in volume, and not in the plane.

The most common images of a deer or goats - animals, whom the tribes seen. However, sometimes fictional creatures come across and the value of which is difficult to solve.

1) bracelet with proteoms of Sphynx (Kurgan Kul-both, IV century BC); 2) the ceremony of drinking oaths (brother); 3) Golden comb with the image of the battle scene; 4) Blyha in the form of a figurine of a lying deer

Scythian tribes. Lifestyle

Although the material culture of the Scythians, which was distributed throughout this enormous territory, in different areas had its own characteristics, in general there were features of typological community. This community affected the types of Scythian ceramics, weapons, horse sets, and in the nature of the funeral rites.

In the image of the economic life, the Scythians were divided into deposited-agricultural and nomadic, cattle breeding tribes. Listing the agricultural tribes known to him, Gerodotus, first of all, called the callipids and alazons - the nearest neighbors founded by the Millet on the shore of the Bogo-Dneprovsky Limana Olvius. In this city, Herodotus mainly and led his observations.

Herodotus called callipids and differently - Hellenic Scythians, to such an extent they were assimilated with Greek colonists. Behind the callipids and alazons in the list of Herodotus follow the Scythians-farmers who lived along the flow of the Dnieper at a distance of 11 days of swimming from his mouth. Scythia Times Herodotus was not ethnically uniform. In its composition there were never related socies tribes, for example, agricultural-cattle-producing, living in the forest-steppe.

Economic life

Economic life in most of the Scythian tribes reached a relatively high level. According to Herodoto, Alazons were sown and used in food in addition to the bread onions, garlic, lentil and millet, and the skif-farmers sowed bread not only for their needs, but also sold it through the mediation of Greek merchants.

Scythian farmers plowed the earth, as a rule, with the help of a plow harness. The crop was filmed by iron sickles. Grain crushed in grains. Residents of the townships were engaged in breeding large and small cattle, horses and birds.

Scythians-nomads and the so-called Tsarist Scythians, which, according to Herodotus, were the most severe and militant of all Scythians, inhabited the steppe space east of the Dnieper to the Azov Sea, including the Steppe Crimea. These tribes were engaged in their cattle breeding and housing were arranged in carts.

In the Scythians-nomads, animal husbandry rose to a relatively high level of development. In the V-iv centuries, they owned huge herds and herds of livestock, but distributed it between the tribesmen unevenly.


Trade was developed on the territory of Scythia. There were water and land trading paths on European and Siberian rivers, Black, Caspian and North Seas. In addition to combat chariots and wheeled carrots, the Scythians were engaged in the construction of river and sea flakes on the shipyards of Volga, Obi, Yenisei, at the mouth of Pechors. I took the places of masters to create a fleet, which was intended to conquer Japan. Sometimes Scythians led the construction of underground strokes. They laid them under large rivers using mining production technology.

The lively trading path from India, Persia, China ran through the lands of Scythians. Goods were delivered to the northern regions and Europe along the Volga, Obi, Yenisei, North Seas, Dnieper. In those days on the shores there were cities with noisy bazaars and temples.

Decline. The disappearance of the Scythians

For the second century, Sarmatians and other nomadic tribes gradually displaced the Scythians from their land, only the Steppe Crimea and the Lower Dnipro and Buga pool remained behind them, as a result, the Great Scythia became small. After that, the Crimea becomes the center of the Scythian state, well-fortified fortifications appeared in it - Naples, Palask and Hub fortresses, in which Scythians were hidden, leading war with Chersonese and Sarmatians. At the end of the 2th century, Chersonese received a powerful ally - the Pontic Tsar Mithridate V, who attacked the Scythians. After many battles, the Scythian state was weakened and bleed.

In I and II centuries. Our era Skift society was already difficult to call nomadic: these were farmers, rather strongly ellinated and mixed ethnically. Sarmatian nomads did not cease to close the Scythians, and in the III century the invasion of the Crimea of \u200b\u200bAlanov began. They were devastated by the last stronghold of Scythians - Naples Scythian, who was on the outskirts of modern Simferopol, but could not stay for a long time on the conquered lands. Already in a short time, the invasion of these lands was ready, who declared war and Alanam, and Scythians, and the Roman Empire itself.

A blow on Scythia, the invasion was ready for about 245 N. e. All Scythian Fortresses were destroyed, and the remains of Scythians fled to the southwest of the Crimean Peninsula, hiding in hard-to-reach mountainous areas.

Despite the seemingly obvious full defeat, Scythia still continued his existence for a long time. The fortresses that remained in the southwest, became a refuge for the Scythians who saved themselves, a few more settlements were founded at the mouth of the Dnieper and in the South Bug. But they soon fell under Natius ready.

The Scythian War, which, after the events described, was led by the Romans with Gotami, began to be so called because the word "Scythians" began to use for the designation of the ready who defeated the Scythians of the present. Most likely, it was in this false name and the proportion of truth, since thousands of defeated Scythians joined the army ready, dissolved in the mass of other peoples who fought with Rome. So, Scythia has become the first state that collapsed as a result of the great resettlement of peoples.

The rules have finished the case, in 375, the attackers on the territory of the Black Sea region and destroyed the last Scythians who lived in the mountains of the Crimea and in the Valley of Buga. Of course, many Scythians again joined the Huns, but any independent identity could no longer be speech.

In the ancient writers of Herodotus (V c. BC) described the people who dominated the Northern Black Sea region. This people even managed to commit to the ambitions of the invincible Darius I. The name was so well known that even after the disappearance of them at the end of the first millennium of our era, it remained for a long time in memory and was often used in relation to peoples, the relationship did not have a relationship , but lived in the territories of their ex-habitat.

In particular, Eastern Slavs were often called Skifmi. And even at the beginning of the twentieth century, Alexander Blok in the symbolic sense called our people Scythians. Although in some way he was not entirely right, because the Scythians were not necessarily Asians, and not necessarily with diagonal eyes.

Origin of Scythians

However, according to some data, for the first time, this people, however, without their own name, they will be mentioned in Iliad Homer, where it is described as a milk-drinning mare. And how do we know that these were Scythians? Yes, because the ancient Greek geographer VIII century. BC. Hesiod refers to Homer and already names their Scyths. If a few assumptions of this name.

Some researchers believe that it comes from the self-esteem of the Scythians - chips (arrow arrows), which in Greek turned into the Scythians. Others designate this name as originating from the ancient film word denoting them as flawed. Although the latter seems controversial, since the haircut for Scythian hairstyles was uncharacter.

For Homer, who gave the most thorough description of the Scythians, these were the inhabitants of the steppes of the Northern Black Sea and more northern regions, but in fact their habitat extended and far east, through Siberia until the borders of modern Mongolia.

There is no single strict anthropological type of Scythians, which, settling from the Black Sea to Baikal, was mixed with local tribes, spreading their culture among them, but at the same time acquiring certain features of these tribes.

The Scythians were generally related to the Iranian-speaking peoples, although among them there was a significant linguistic diversity, since the name itself, although it belonged to a specific people was also used in relation to a large number of tribes: Sakov, Massagets, Sakromatov and others.

The differences noted yet, who shared them on the royal Scythians who dominated the river. Don and Crimea, Nomad Scythians in the western part of the Northern Black Sea region, Scythians, Pharmaceans in the South Bug and Dniester basin, Scythians of the Dnieper Basin.

The differences were also associated with the fact that the main factor in the creation of a Scythian civilization was not ethnic proximity, but culture.

Scythians of various territories came from different, not even related peoples. They even belonged to different races, because tribes with the European-like type and the Mongoloid were traced, but at the same time with a common Scythian culture.

The Scythians on their own legends were Targitai and his sons: Lipoxai, Arpoxai and Beokes. In their times, golden plow, yarm, sequir and bowl fell from the sky. I used them in the old good fabulous tradition, only the youngest - Beokese, who also headed the Scythian people.

The Greeks elected this legend to their entourage, according to which the parent Targy was either, or Hercules, who travels to the local places, came into contact with the half-semi-seen, from which three sons were born, and the younger named Scyth.

Since the father of Hercules is considered to be a small contradiction here. However, an important detail - Hercules leaves his bow to the sons, and the one who can pull him, he will be the chapter of all. Onions for nomads is of particular importance, which emphasizes this legend. Stretch, of course, was able to only Scyth.

The ancient Greek authors give the characteristics of the Scythians as the people of warlike, as it is characteristic of nomads. In general, we can say that the Scythians were the first truly nomads who perceived a nomadic lifestyle as the main in their activities. They are the first warrior riders in world history.

Military art Scythians

The approval of Scythians in the Black Sea region occurs in the form of a military invasion, during which they expel the ancient people of the Kimmerians from this territory. Their main weapons were onions with arrow with bronze or iron tips, short-sides-akinaki, which were convenient to wake up, throwing darts and spears.

Women participated in the wars, which served as the basis for the Greek legends about Amazons.

Of course, everyone knows the collision of Scythians with a powerful Persian power, during which the Persian king Darius I at the end of the VI century. BC. Tried to conquer them. With a huge army, he switched to Danube and began the persecution of Scythians. They could not catch up with them, because the Scythians went away even further to the east, the bare of Persians to the Don pool. At the same time, as explained by G. Skifsky King Jadets, they did not retreat at all, and simply moved solely by their usual. Daria had to be ingloriously returned, and even with big losses.

Culture Scythians

In the socio-political attitude, the Scythians did not form a single state. Greek sources are called the Scythian leaders of the kings, and the presence of huge burial burials from the Black Sea region to Altai tells us that the Scythian society develops social inequality and appears to know, but did not grow up to the level of developed statehood.

It should be noted that, unlike many nomads, who left after themselves, first of all, the traces of their military activities, the Scythians were the creators and distributors of the most powerful cultural heritage. We reached us a large number of products of Scythian production. In particular, the Scythians widely used various metals: for the manufacture of weapons - iron, copper, tin, or other products, such as gold. Finding deposits by itself pushed Scythians for permanent migrations, which can explain the latitude of their resettlement.

In the moral system of values \u200b\u200bof Scythians, as in the main nomadic people without serious property inequality there was no worship of wealth. Gold, the products of which are famous for their culture, was not perceived as a means of accumulation and possession, but was used as a comfortable and beautiful material for creativity. The mining that the Scythians captured during the raids, also served as not a means of accumulation of wealth, but was Meril Glory.

Scythian culture was so developed that he had an impact on a huge number of peoples on an extensive territory. When in 1923-24. The archaeological expedition in Mongolia was found to be found, there, along with the traces of Chinese influence, elements of the Scythian beast of the Scythian style were clearly traced.

It can be said that the Scythians were a civilization-forming people on the Eastern European and South Asian expanses. And this in the absence of their state system and writing!

Sunset Scythians

Scythians are practically disappearing from the historical field of view in the III - II centuries. BC, although the mention of them is still found at the beginning of a new era, but it is unknown, whether these reports are about Scythians or the name applies to other peoples, for example, Slavs. Why did the Scythians disappeared? It seems to be at the end of the I thousand BC. They did not meet enemies than them in their habitat.

Most likely, the Scythians did not disappear as the people, they disappeared precisely as a single culture, having broken into a number of tribal formations with their names. In other words, they actually did not disappear anywhere. They formed new combinations of the tribes, in which new peoples joined.

So the Black Sea Scythians as a result of these recombinations, the mergers with the sarmatics related to them formed the Sarmatian unions of the Don, Dnieper and Dniester tribes, to which Eastern Slavs soon joined, in the end, they were assimilant. So the Scythians to some extent and now among us.

Doctor of Historical Sciences D. Raevsky.

Scythian warriors. This image detail on the bowl from Kurgan Gaimanov's grave clearly demonstrates the European-like type of Scythians. IV century to R. X.

Fragment of the golden chairs of the front sword. In their decoration, the strong influence of the Assiro-Urth art is noticeable - the result of the hikes of Scythians to the front Asia. Kurgan cast (Melgunovsky). End of VII century to R. X.

Bone Psali, decorated in the "animal style". Medium subway. VI century to R. X.

Bronze arrived. Ulsky Kurgan (Prikubane). VI century to R. X.

Bronze horse land. Skube. V century to R. X.

Silver vessel with a scene of hunting. Kurgan Kul-Boe. IV century to R. X.

Bronze chicken. Kurgan throat. IV century to R. X.

Such boilers are an integral attribute of the household nomads. Lower subnet. V-IV century to R. X.

"Panther". Bronze Blyha from Kurgan Argen (Tuva). Presumably the VII century to R. X. Finds who brought excavations Kurgan Arzhan allowed some scientists in Central Asia to put the birthplace of the "animal style" art.

Horse breeding is the basis of the farm of nomadic Scythians. Skiff with a horse. Detail of silver amphora decor from Kurgan Chertomylk. IV century to R. X.

Among the many peoples that have once inhabited the territory of the current Russia, and then disappeared from historical arena, the Scythians inhabited in the I millennium to R.Kh. In the steppes of the Black Sea region, the Azov and the Predogcascia, are somewhat mansion and attract perhaps the greatest attention. This is determined by the long-established ideas about the special historical relationship between Scythia and Russia.

Inherited from distant historical epochs, this romantic version lived in our literary tradition for a long time. "My remote ancestors!" - Approached Scythians in their verses Valery Bryusov. And almost every one familiar strings of Alexander Bloka:

Yes, Scythians - We! Yes, Asians - we,
With diagonal and greedy eyes!

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe "squeezing eyes" of Skif is a frank anachronism in the feet of the poet. Back in the first third of the XIX century, when reliable images of Scythians were found in the ancient burials of the Black Sea region, science received an indisputable evidence that this people belonged to the number of European modes. One of the very first and most interesting finds is the famous electron (from the natural alloy of gold and silver) vessel. He was discovered in 1830 with random excavations of the Scythian Kurgan Kul-both in the vicinity of modern Kerch (now it is kept in a special storeroom of the State Hermitage). The faces of the seven characters depicted on this vessel are executed by the nameless Hellenic Master with exceptional care. It is worth only to look at them to detect the complete inconsistency of the ideas of the Scytha as the owner of the "squeezing eyes".

What was the reason for such perception of SkiF in the consciousness of the poet? Apparently, the stable image of the Black Sea steppe is this kind of corridor, along which the waves of Asian conquerors rolled into Europe. Many of them really belonged to the Mongoloid race. And although the history of these tribes belongs to a much later time than the Scythian era, it forced, nevertheless, and skiffs perceive as one of these waves. Moreover, the idea "worked" not only an analogy with the Middle Ages, but also quite numerous direct evidence of antique authors about the origin of the Scythians.

On the historical scene, the Scythians appeared in the VII century to R.Kh. It was then that the ancient world, which we owe a majority of information about this, entered into a real contact with Scythians. Moreover, this contact happened almost simultaneously on two different "historical roads". It was in that century that the Greek colonists who penetrating the lands that were comfortable for the population in a wide variety of areas of Southern Europe and Western Asia began to master the North and East coast of Ponta Evcinsky - Black Sea. Here they settled in close proximity to the Scythians. The memory of this colonization is stored by the ruins of the ancient Greek cities of the Black Sea region - Olvia (near modern Ochakov), the tira (in the lower reaches of the Dniester), Pantikapey (on the site of modern Kerch) and others. During the excavations of these cities, a variety of traces of their contacts of their population with Scythians are found. But, on the other hand, at the same time the Scythians, making militant raids on the countries of the Middle East, reached Malaya Asia and found themselves in the field of view of the inhabitants of the Ellin cities of its west coast - Ionia. By this time, the first information about Scythians recorded in Greek literature.

As Ellinas gained Northern Black Sea region, ancient Greece got acquainted with other Eastern European peoples and their eastern neighbors. But the Scythians remained in the representation of the ancient world a peculiar symbol of the northern part of the Earth inhabited. Some ancient authors - for example, historian IV century to R.Kh. Eho, - describing this land, represented it as a kind of quadrangle, each side of which is associated with one of the most famous peoples: the northern regions, according to the picture drawn by it, are populated by Scythians, while the southern, western and eastern - respectively, with Ethiopia, Celts and Indies, respectively . For this reason, the name of the Scythians in the ancient world has gained generalizations and often attached to the most distinct peoples of North and Northeastern Eurasia. Greek and Roman authors sometimes called Scythia. All space lying between the habitat of real, historical Scythians in the Black Sea and the country of mythical hyperborev, allegedly inhabiting the coast of the Northern Ocean.

In ancient geography, there was an idea of \u200b\u200bthe European (Black Sea-Priazovskaya) Scythia and the Scythia of the Asian, stretching from the Girkan (Caspian) sea to the limits of Serik (China). Thus, those who now speak the special Eurasian character of the Russian state of the Russian Power, in essence, the same geographic categories that the ancient world stood beyond the name "Scythia".

Scientists of medieval Europe, in many respects relying on the tradition of antiquity and those used by its terms, continued to call the lands lying north of the Black Sea, Scythia, although the real Scythians have already gone to this time from the historical scene. Naturally, this name was often called the most noticeable state education in this territory - ancient Russia. And the Old Russian scribes themselves were sometimes under the influence of such identification. Here is an example. The early Christian legend, according to which one of the students of Jesus - the apostle Andrey was the first surveyed - preached "among the Scythians", that is, on the shores of the Black Sea, in the Russian chronicles turned into a story about how Andrei had visited the surchee in the vicinity of the current Kiev and even reached Novgorod, in other words - to the main centers of ancient Russia.

When his own school of domestic history began to develop in Russia, she was at first a strong influence of the same ancient tradition. For example, M.V. Lomonosov, addressing the search for "the ancient generics of the current Russian people," believed that among them "Scythians did not make the last part." With the development of historical science, clarifications were made to this concept. Particularly important here was the discovery of linguists who managed to analyze the scarce residues of the Scythian language, preserved to our days in the transfer of the same ancient authors and in the ancient Greek and Latin inscriptions. Mostly these personal names and geographical names. It turned out that in the Scythian language belonged to the peoples of the Iranian branch of Indo-Europeans, in antiquity we settled in much more extensive territories than now. Consequently, there are no direct ethnogenetic relationship between the Scythians and the East Slavic population of Ancient Russia (and its direct descendants - Russian and Ukrainians), which, however, does not deny the rights of these peoples to number the Scythians among their cultural predecessors.

The most detailed and most valuable information about the Scythians - their history, life, traditions - retained the Greek historian V century to R.Kh. Herodotus. He reports that the nomadic tribes of Scythians once lived in Asia, but then, the crowded Massagetians, the Araks river passed and they invaded the Northern Black Sea region, to those populated by the Cimmerians. When approaching the Scythians, he says Herodotus, the Kimmerians left their country (here the historian leads some of the colorful details of this event, apparently, ascending to the oral epic tales of the inhabitants of the Black Sea) and through the Caucasian Mountains fled to the front Asia. Pursuing them, the Scythians were in the territory of the states of the Middle East, which for many years they had fear with their raids and the shamp of Dani. But then, after several military and other failures, they returned to the Black Sea Steppes. Here, their state extended from the lower course of Istra (modern Danube) to the Sea of \u200b\u200bAzov (in antiquity it was called Meotidova) and Tanais (Don).

No less interesting is the story of the Allensky historian Diodorus Sicilian. He lived in the first century to R.H., but the sources of earlier authors were widely used in his writings. Dioiodor also claims that the Scythians had no time from the Araks River. They were then weak and a few people, despised for their nonsense. But then they gained strength and won the land up to the Caucasian Mountains and the Tanais River. Later, the Scythians, according to Diodorus, distributed their dominion and on the west to the west of Tanisa, up to Thrace (Northeast of the Balkan Peninsula), then invaded the front Asia, reached the shores of Nile. Remote fragmentary information, echoing with the tellars, we also find from other ancient authors.

The presented facts taken together, at first glance, paint enough connected, logical and complete picture. However, attentive analysis of the historian discovers many white spots in it, or even frank inconsistencies.

One of the most unclear is the question of where exactly the Praodin Scythians should be founded, where to progress to the Black Sea Steppe, in the land of the Kimmerians. Words that she "was in Asia," is too common, especially if you consider that for the ancient Greeks, Asia began immediately at Don. Herodota and diodeor's remark was not very helpful, that the area of \u200b\u200bthe initial habitat of Scythians was at the Araks River. It is unclear what kind of river is meant. It is clear that this is not about the Transcaucasian River that wears this name today, because all the ancient authors are unanimous in that south of the Caucasus Scythians penetrated only at the next stage of their migration, pursuing the Kimmerians. Modern researchers have no consensus about what river is hidden from Greek authors under the name of Arak. Some believe that this is Amudarya, others are identified with Syrdarya, finally, others call the Volga. Each of the points of view relies on its arguments, but none of them can not be considered quite proven.

Herodota's story about the beginning of the Scythian history gives rise to other issues. For example, if you believe that before the Scythian invasion, the Kimmerians inhabited those lands that later became called the Black Sea Scythian Scythia, it is not clear how Cimmerians could, running away from the Scythians from the East, cross the Caucasian ridge. Indeed, in this case, it turns out that the kimmerians fled in essence towards their pursuers.

The more such ambiguities were found in the stories of ancient authors about the origin of the Scythians, the more apparently it became that these certificates require serious verification. It should not be forgotten that most of these stories have been born much later than those events they are narrated. The same Herodotus belongs to the arrival of the Scythians in the Black Sea region and the invasion of them in front of Asia following him, when in the mussels - one of the ancient states affected by Scythian raids, "the rules of the king kaiaxar. Therefore, we can talk about the last decades of VII and the very beginning of the VI century to R.Kh. From the sock of the Herodoto itself, the events of interest to us are not less than one and a half century, and from diodeor - and at all almost six hundred years.

In other words, all the listed authors drawd out information about the events of interest to us from some earlier sources, possibly oral traditions. This explains the sharp need to verify the accuracy of the ancient information about the early history of the Scythians.

What ways allow you to carry out such an inspection?

Very valuable information was found to detect modern science in the ancient landscaps of textiles, primarily Assyrian. Many times mentioned in them, consisting of representatives of the peoples of Himirri and Ishshuz, in which the Kimmerians and Scythians are easily guessed. These messages not only confirmed the accuracy of the stories of ancient authors about the invasions of these peoples in the front Asia, but allowed to clarify the dating of these events somewhat. Thus, the oldest mention of the Kimmerians in Assyrian texts refers not to the second half of the 6th century to R.Kh., and by 714, and the Scythians - by the 670s to R.Kh. Apparently, the antique authors "suggested" the events you are interested in in time, drawing numerous hiking, which occupied almost one and a half century, as a lump-sum invasion.

Unfortunately, very few clinox texts are preserved containing information about Scythians. It is impossible to restore the real history of Scythians in front Asia for these accidental accelerations. There are no messages and about where they came from. New materials are needed. They can be expected mainly from archeology, the role of which in the coverage of questions of interest to us is difficult to overestimate. However, unfortunately, the archeology is not omnipotent here.

Scythians, as we know, were mainly a nomadic people who almost did not have permanent settlements, especially cities. Therefore, most of the finds of Scythian antiquities are made during the excavations of burials. To this day in the steppes of the Black Sea and the Precocality, the mounds are towering - artificial hills, fastened in antiquity above the graves. The first excavations of the Scythian Kurgans are still the second half of the XVIII century. So, in 1763, the Kurgan was excavated in the vicinity of the city of Elisavetgrad, who was held in history called cast. They also call him Melgunovsky - named General A. P. Melgunova, the initiator of these excavations.

Already the first of these excavations brought a sufficiently diverse set of ancient objects, including the precious, for which we managed to determine that the burial belongs to the leader or the commanders of the Scythian era. For researchers, it is especially interesting for the fact that among the findings from the Melgunovsky Kurgan there are things performed in ancient artist. Thus, the Scythian archeology from the very first of his steps gave the researchers to confirm the reports of ancient authors about the campaigns of Scythians to the front Asia. Subsequently, the number of such evidence multiplied significantly.

Throughout the XIX - early XX centuries, a number of so-called tsarist mounds were excavated - the burials of representatives of the Scythian nobility. Finds of them make up the pride of Russian and Ukrainian museums. Already in our centuries, ordinary Scythians and numerous grains of ordinary Scythians began to systematically, and now it can be argued that the culture of the Scythians of the Black Sea region is known to us quite in detail (however, the absolute majority of the studied burials refers to the time of the greatest flourishing of the Scythian kingdom - to the IV century to R.Kh.) . Relying on finds from these burials, archaeologists were able to identify and monuments of earlier periods - the VII-V centuries.

What was the material culture of the Black Sea Scythians? Special fame uses the so-called Scythian Triad: Armament, attributes of horseback designer and peculiar art, which received the name of the Scythian "animal style" - a bright set of very specific items.

By definition of Herodotus, "Each Skiff is the horse shooter," and the finds of archaeologists confirm it. Almost every burial detects onion and bronze arrow tips (double-bladed in the early graves, three-bladed or triangne \u200b\u200bat a later time). The characteristic item of the Skif was also akinak - a short sword with a special shape. Skift soldiers and long swords knew, of which the most, perhaps, found in the already mentioned Melgunovsky Kurgan and in one of the Kurgans of Kelermes Mochille in Skubania. Both of these swords are decorated in ancient-headed, Assiro-Uranty style and include the time of invasion of Scythians to the front Asia, where local masters made these swords, probably for special orders for Scythian leaders. We used Scythian warriors and iron spears, and military axes - weapons, appearing even in Scythian mythology as a symbol of military estate.

Another element of the Scythian Triads is the items of horse equipment. Throughout the Scythian era, they changed significantly. The most important details of the Scythian horsepite - Skyat and Psalia (special rods located on the sides of the horse's mouth and served to connect to the joint with the belts of the headband and with reins). At first, the horse's Scythian was bronze (psalia, however, they did bone), later the iron ultrasound came to replace. The shape of the horseback unit is a fairly clear chronological indicator, which allows more or less accurately to donate each Scythian burial containing these items.

But perhaps the most striking element of the Scythian Triad - and the entire Scythian culture as a whole - is the so-called art of animal style. Scythians did not know monumental art, with the exception of stone sculptures that they were installed on the top of the Kurgan. We can judge about the skill of Scythian artists only on the works of small forms, according to the fact that they are called decorative and applied art. For reasons, not yet clear for researchers, in Scythian decorative art there are almost no images of a person, and there are mostly pictures of animals. At the same time, both a set of embodied characters and their postures and methods of the visual interpretation were strictly canonistic, hence the term - "animal style".

This is indeed a very specific artistic manner. Her favorite motives are a deer (to a lesser extent - other ungulates), predators (mainly from the booth breed) and a predatory bird. They decorated with weapons, horse gear, ritual items, clothing details. Material for the works of "animal style" served gold, bronze, bone.

What else is characteristic of Scythian material culture? Large bronze boilers are an attribute of nomadic life and the so-called imaginary, crowned ritual pillars used in the performance of various rites. We were made of bronze or iron, decorated with sculptural images in the "animal style".

As historians accumulated more and more material about Scythian culture, the desire to solve the riddle, which the antique authors left us: to determine where the Praodin Scythians and clarify the time of their movement to Eastern Europe. It would seem that the answer to these questions is not so difficult. Archaeological studies, in fact, showed that items similar to Scythian, were at the time in a wide course throughout the Eurasian Steppe Space Space - both in Western (European) and in Eastern (Asian) parts. Such cultural uniformity traced in a huge territory, even a special term - "Skifo-Siberian cultural and historical unity" spawned. Under these conditions, archaeologists saw their task in order, comparing the date of the monuments of this circle, to identify, where exactly such a culture appeared earlier, and thus localize the ancestor of Scythians. And since the evidence of ancient authors talk about the arrival of this people from Asia, it was obvious that the earliest traces of this culture should be searched somewhere in the east of Eurasian steppes.

At various times, various places of the studied space were claimed to the role of the Straodina Scythians. In the 1960s, wonderful finds in Kurgan Mogilniki Tagisken and Uigrak in the lower reaches of Syrdarya gave rise to a hypothesis about the formation of Scythian culture in these, Western regions of Central Asia. By the mid-1970s, after sensational finds in the royal Kurgan, Arzhan (the territory of modern Tuva), Central Asia attracted the attention of archaeologists. Even a whole archaeological school, representatives of which believe that it was in the depths of Central Asia that the Scythian culture was born, which was then spread throughout the Eurasian steppes and was already brought in the Black Sea and the Pre-Based.

Unfortunately, the first and second, and many other hypotheses cause serious objections. The most significant thing is: Skifo-Siberian cultural and historical unity at the closer look at all uniform, as it may seem at first glance. The tribes that inhabited the extensive territory of the Eurasian steppes are undoubtedly distinguished by well-known cultural uniformity. But attentive analysis discovers between them and significant differences. The same "Scythian Triad", characteristic of all, in different territories has its own, purely original features. Essentially, we have the right to speak not about a single "Scythian culture" on all this in a huge space, but about several independent cultures who join the interaction that influenced each other, but at the same time preserved the originality.

Especially indicative in this respect "animal style" of the Scythian era. Like other elements of the triad, he received distribution in various cultures of that era. But in any area of \u200b\u200bEurasia we will not find monuments that could be considered the type of art, familiar to us by finds from the Black Sea Scythia. The same applies to the finds from Kurgan Argen, even if they actually precede the Black Sea.

Recently, another hypothesis appeared on the emergence of Scythian culture, based on the criticism of the previous ones. Her supporters believe that this culture was not formed somewhere in the east of Eurasia, from where it was brought to Europe in the finished form, but consumed in the south of Eastern Europe in the era of Scythian-Kimmerian invasions to the front Asia. Moreover, under the strongest influence of ancient crops, in contact with which the Scythians at this time entered. That is how it originated, in particular, the option of the animal style, which belongs to the Scythians of the Caucasus and the Black Sea region. Others characteristic of the culture of Scythians elements have developed at this time on a local Eastern European basis. The zone of formation of this Rangeski culture was the advantage of the steppe of the predfaccise, from where they were invasion of Scythians to the countries of the Middle East.

At about the same time, the design and other cultures of Scythian Siberian Unity took place. The similarity between all these cultures can be explained not so much by the presence of some common center, how many close contacts between the inhabitants of different regions of the Eurasian steppe. Under the conditions of nomadic life, such contacts led to a very rapid spread of different cultural phenomena throughout the steppe belt.

As for the ancient legends about the arrival of Scythians from Asia, it was obvious that this resettlement took place, but it happened when there was no more prosecuted Scythian culture. To trace this relocation by archaeological methods is very difficult. After all, it was the movement of the tribes within the zone of distribution of fairly homogeneous crops of the line of bronze and iron centuries. At that time, such movements in the don and Volga interference were very frequent. The memory of one of them, apparently, has preserved the Scythian legend, later perceived and recorded by antique historians.

Such is the picture today. Maybe tomorrow we will be able to read the new pages of such distant in time, but so attractive for us domestic history.

Scythians are nomadic tribes that lived in the VII century BC. e. - IV century n. e.

Who are such Scythians

Until now, there is a dispute, who they are. Someone believes that they are Mongols, others call them Aryans.

But nevertheless, most scientists researchers believe that, these are people who came from the depths of Asia and refer them to the branch of the Indo-European tribe (possibly Iranian).

Scythians, won the land in the Kimmerians from Don to the Danube and created a powerful Scythian state.

For details, see: http://www.nkj.ru/archive/articles/23225/

These militant and numerous nomadic tribes quickly capture all the Northern Black Sea region - steppe and forest-steppe areas between the Danube in the West and Don in the East. Having passed through the mountains of the Caucasus, the victorious Scythian cavalry thunder the ancient states of Front Asia - mussel, Assyria, Babylonia, threatens Egypt ...

For details, see: http://www.nkj.ru/archive/articles/23225/ (Science and Life, Scythians. What we know about them)

These militant and numerous nomadic tribes quickly capture all the Northern Black Sea region - steppe and forest-steppe areas between the Danube in the West and Don in the East. Having passed through the mountains of the Caucasus, the victorious Scythian cavalry thunder the ancient states of Front Asia - mussel, Assyria, Babylonia, threatens Egypt ...

For details, see: http://www.nkj.ru/archive/articles/23225/ (Science and Life, Scythians. What we know about them)

Historians share the Scythians into four groups:

  • tsarist Scythians,
  • scythians agriculties (engaged in agriculture and grown grain crops),
  • scythians-nomads (engaged in acception),
  • skifi-pahari (settled farmers of forest Scythians).

The history of Scythians

Scythians appeared in the VII century BC. e. On the territory of the Northern Black Sea region. The Scythian people had no own writing, and the only thing we know about the Scythian people, gave the great work of the father of Herodota's history - "History". More facts, we can also find out based on archaeological finds.

perhaps the Scythians were such photos

Dawn Power Scythians falls on the VI-III century BC. e. The Scythian Power was the capital of Naples, and a large administrative center Kamensky settlement. Scythians led trading with the Greeks-colonists and their policies. The Great Scythian Power existed to the III century n. e. and was broken and assimilated by Sarmatians.

Religion Scythians

Herodotus writes that the Scythians did human sacrifices. The progenitors of the Scythian people, as the Scythians believed, were:

    Papay and API (Greek analogue: Zeus and Gera). Papay is the god of the sky, and the Api is the goddess of the earth, water;

    Tobiti is the god of fire and transmitting the victim from people to the gods.

Residents of the forest-steppe zone, built temples to worship and sacrifice to the gods. All divine rites were committed by leaders or kings. Scythians were buried in the mounds (tombs, which are large earthy mounds).

Dead Skif was placed in an oval pit, on the bottom there was a tree bark or animal skins. Near the dead folded by his personal items: onions, arrows, ceramics, then blocked by a pit with a hole, covered their scenes and fell asleep.

Tsarist Scythians were buried with all the honors, pulled out the pit, the pit had a tree. Near the departed gold, weapons, armor, killed animals, amphoras and other products from ceramics were felt.

Wars Scythians

Scythians - the people who, since all the time of their existence, were in endless wars. Skif-warrior is a person, a small growth on a horse with a bow and arrows, and Akinak (a small sword). The Scythian people fought and fought with Darius I (Persian king), which, with all his power, was not able to conquer Scythians.

wars Scythians photo

They also fought with the Roman Empire, with the Macedonian king Philip II. War with Syria, Palestine and Middle East, constantly attacking them and ruining other people's lands. There are sources that confirm the fact of attack and robbery of the territories of Egypt Scythian riders.

Because the Scythians, mostly, the nomadic people, they fought on horseback on a horse or in walk, and only in light armor, which allowed them to make quick maneuvers, impose a fight on the enemy and exhaust heavy troops, the same Persian empire.

Culture Scythians

The culture of the Scythian people is very rich. Scythians knew the art of forging iron, manufacture of ceramics, jewelry, sewing clothes.

One of the most famous jewelry of the Scythian period is the Golden Pectoral, as an example of the great culture of the Scythian people. The pectoral is called the breast gold decoration made of pure gold, weighing 1140 grams found in 1971, the Archaeologist B. N. Mozolevsky, in Kurgan, a fat grave.

War in 512 BC. e. Scythians with Persians, ended in the fact that Darius I could not conquer the Scythians with a seven hundred thousand people, Scythian riders were exhausted, the Persian army and the Persian king was forced to leave Scythians and all their ideas about the conquest of the Northern Black Sea region. There are irrefutable facts proving raids of the Scythians to the territory of Egypt and the robbery of Egyptian cities. Egyptian pharaoh was forced to give Scythians tribute to gold so that they do not robbed his state