Presentation on the topic: clean hands are the key to health. Class hour "cleanliness is the key to health." I'm ready to give you advice

Explain the concept of “personal hygiene”, introduce students to the basic rules of personal hygiene, explain that compliance with them is an important means of maintaining human health, develop hygiene skills and abilities, cultivate a culture of health, and leading a healthy lifestyle. Planned achievements of students: learn that it is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene to maintain health, learn to wash your hands correctly, and take care of your health. Target:

All-Russian Children's Health Day is held annually in our country on April 7. World Health Day commemorates the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1948. Since that moment, about two hundred states of the world have become members of the World Organization. The annual celebration of Health Day has become a tradition since 1950. It is designed to help people understand how much health matters in their lives and decide what they need to do to improve the health of people around the world. Being healthy is a normal desire of any person. J. Rousseau wrote: “Most of our illnesses are the work of our own hands; we could have avoided almost all of them if we had preserved the simple, monotonous, solitary lifestyle that was prescribed to us by nature.” Human health is not only an aesthetic value, but also depends on the environment. Health is one of the sources of happiness and joy for every person and at the same time the property of the whole society; the need to take care of one’s health must be cultivated in a person. This happens in the family, in kindergarten and at school. While studying at school, you gain scientific knowledge that helps you better organize your healthy lifestyle, work properly, eat rationally, and rest properly.

World Handwashing Day. The UN and UNICEF announced on October 15. Experts have repeatedly stated that the habit of washing hands, which is considered very commonplace, can save thousands of children's lives every day. The mortality rate “due to dirty hands” is especially high in Asia and Africa. That is why the UN and, in particular, UNICEF called for setting aside one day a year to draw attention to the need to teach children to this simple procedure.

One of the easiest ways for germs to enter our body is through our dirty hands. “The disease of dirty hands” is not by chance the name given to dysentery. Dirty hands also threaten typhoid fever, hepatitis, and cholera. Thousands of people end up in hospital beds simply because they did not wash their hands before eating or after walking outside.

On one square centimeter of dirty skin you can count up to microbes

Who are microbes? A microbe is a terribly harmful animal, insidious and, most importantly, ticklish. Such an animal will end up in the stomach and live there quietly. He will climb wherever he wants, walk around the patient and tickle him. He is proud that he causes so much trouble, and a runny nose, and sneezing, and sweat.

External intelligence: Germs are part of normal life, and if they sometimes go wild, it's not because you're using the wrong soap, but for much more serious reasons. Moreover, their stable communities on the surface of the body protect you from the invasion of hordes of foreign invaders. But television advertisements are precisely what scare you with such invaders - inhabitants of sandboxes, handrails, night taxis and garbage dumps. What to do with such microbes from the external environment? We will look at classic examples.

Cell Phone: Based on the opinion of the esteemed folks at the University of Arizona, we can say straight out that when it comes to the number of bacteria per square centimeter, a cell phone rivals a toilet seat. However, do not despair: according to equally respected scientists, bacteria on your mobile phone are not dangerous for you. After all, they are a reflection of your skin flora. But you shouldn’t let anyone call your phone number. If they don’t run away with it, then Staphylococcus aureus, or even Koch’s bacillus, the causative agent of tuberculosis, may remain on the surface.

Computer keyboard: American microbiologist Charles Djerba discovered that a square inch of a keyboard contains 3,295 microbes, while the same area of ​​a typical toilet seat contains only 49. By the way, it seems he forgot about the mouse. She, too, is a breeding ground for infection. But think for a second about the fact that toilets are regularly cleaned and have a surface that is easy to disinfect with regular cleaning products. Keyboards, on the other hand, are usually not cleaned by anyone, and not only because it is not customary to clean keyboards (for reasons that no one urinates on them), but also because cleaning them is a very difficult task. Keyboards have a lot of buttons, corners and crevices in which a whole bunch of microorganisms collect. All these little villains can cause a whole range of diseases: conjunctivitis, sore throat, runny nose, intestinal and skin infections.

Usually among IT workers (and not only) it is customary to eat right at the computer, sometimes without washing their hands, a person continues to press buttons, crumbs fall inside the keyboard, a layer of dirt forms on the surface, not to mention the fact that some people forget to wash their hands after using the toilet ... As a result of all this, the keyboard is usually a very dirty thing, especially if it is installed in some computer club or Internet cafe. Scientists have proven that the causative agents of the conjunctivitis virus live on keys. It turns out that computer scientists have poor eyesight not because they stare at the monitor all day, but because they don’t wash their keyboards. The guinea pigs were New Hampshire College students working with computers. An analysis of 40 out of 60 public keyboards showed that conjunctivitis pathogens live on almost every key.

Toilet microbes: -Salmonella - the causative agents of salmonellosis, typhus and paratyphoid; Shigella, responsible for dysentery; enteroviruses, on whose conscience diarrhea; pathogens of hepatitis A and E. coli. - Putrefactive flora - bacteria that form a vile film on the surface, serving as a springboard for other microorganisms. -A bunch of microbes that get into the toilet through alternative routes - depending on what kind of waste and biological fluids find their final refuge here. However, if you sit on the toilet with your buttocks intact, these bacteria will not be able to penetrate you. Because only the pathogens of plague and anthrax can penetrate the skin, and they are not found even in the station toilets of Ulan-Ude.

Money: Small denomination bills and coins deserve first places in the top 10 most polluted things. This is logical: money is widely used, often falls into the hands of dubious individuals and becomes infected with anything from them. Both fecal flora - enterococci and E. coli, as well as more pathogenic salmonella and shigella can live on money. Tuberculosis bacilli and scabies are not excluded, which, however, live extremely short in the wild. Therefore, money is the only substance that you definitely need to wash your hands after contact with.

Soap, brush and water are our best friends! It is especially important to keep your hands clean. You take various objects with your hands: pencils, pens, books, notebooks, balls, toys, pet animals (cats, dogs), grab door handles, touch various objects (handles, chains, hooks, etc.) in toilet rooms . All these objects have dirt on them, often invisible to the eye and it remains on the skin of the fingers. If you take food (bread, apples, candy, etc.) with unwashed hands, then this dirt gets first into your mouth and then into your body.
The famous Polish poet Julius Tuwim wrote “A Letter to All Children on One Important Matter.” This letter contains the following lines: “You must wash yourself in the morning, in the evening and during the day - before every meal, after sleep and before going to bed!” So how long does it turn out to be to wash your hands a day? After sleep and before bedtime - 2 times, after going outside - 2-3 times, before meals - 3-4 times, after using the toilet - 5 times. Well, a couple more times just in case. It turns out, no more than 16 times a day. What a small thing! But this little bit will help you stay healthy.

When to wash your hands: 1. After each visit to the toilet; 2. After taking out the trash can; 3. Before cooking; 4. Before each meal; 5. After coming from the street; 6. After contact with animals; You should be especially careful about hand washing during autumn and spring periods of widespread colds.

During the lesson, we came to the conclusion: in order to protect yourself from germs, you need to follow the rules of personal hygiene, do not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables, and, of course, do not forget to wash your hands often. After all, our health depends on such a seemingly simple procedure.

WHY WASH YOUR HANDS? We live in a world of countless different
microorganisms. Almost everywhere we go
appeared and no matter what we did, we inevitably
We “collect” pathogenic microbes on our hands. And this
is especially dangerous, because, according to scientists, most often
people get sick by catching an infection through
hand contact - touching handrails on a bus, railings in
entrances, to carts in stores. Enough, after
this, touch the mucous membrane of the mouth, nose or eyes and
pathogenic microorganisms can enter healthy
body... Moreover, now, when the weather forces us
spend more time in rooms where there are viruses
easily transmitted from one person to another, our
the body is especially susceptible to infections.


1. Dysentery, which is accompanied by strong and acute
cramping pain in the abdomen, nagging pain in
rectum and frequent bowel movements (more than 10 times a day), often with
admixture of blood and mucus.
2. Salmonellosis, which is accompanied by frequent vomiting and severe
signs of poisoning. Body temperature only in mild cases
may remain normal.
3. Rotavirus and enterovirus infections also occur
frequent bowel movements, and in some cases, skin rash. Often they
accompanied by cold symptoms, making these infections
popularly called intestinal flu.
4. Typhoid fever first manifests itself in malaise and weakness, but
Within a couple of days, body temperature can rise to 40°C. Except
In addition, insomnia, headache, diarrhea or
constipation, bloating, rash on the chest and abdomen, loss of appetite. IN
in severe cases, consciousness may be impaired and even swelling may occur


5. Cholera occurs without fever and is accompanied by
severe diarrhea. It is dangerous due to dehydration of the body. However
people rarely suffer from this dangerous disease nowadays, and
if they are sick, they bring it back from vacation in exotic countries.
6. Acute respiratory infections. During the cold season
diseases, frequent hand washing is one of the main means
to prevent pathogenic microbes from entering the body. This
The method is effective for both bacteria and viruses. Regular washing
Hands reduces the likelihood of contracting ARVI several times. ARVI and
the well-known representative of this class of diseases is influenza
are especially dangerous due to their complications, including inflammation
lungs, otitis media, meningitis.
7. Hepatitis A virus can also be contracted through contaminated
hands. Unwashed hands or contaminated food after using the toilet
allow infection to enter the body. Then with the blood the virus
enters the liver and destroys its cells - hepatocytes.


8. Barley. They rubbed their eye with a dirty hand - and at the edge of the eyelid
inflammation occurred. At first, as a rule, itching appears and
a slight swelling, and after a few days - an abscess.
Barley in itself is not considered a dangerous disease, but
Meanwhile, improper treatment can lead to
spread of purulent infection and, for example, meningitis,
blood poisoning.
Diseases of dirty hands are diseases that can always be
prevent. There are many ways to prevent it, but here's
one of the most affordable


Proper hand washing includes the following steps:
1. Wet your hands with warm running water and apply liquid
soap or use bar soap.
2. Rub your hands vigorously for at least 15-20 seconds.
3. Rub all surfaces, including the backs of your hands,
wrists, between the fingers and under the nails, in case of
If necessary, use a special brush.
4. Rinse your hands well with running water.
5. Dry your hands with a clean or disposable towel.
6. Use a napkin to turn off the tap.

Always wash your hands:

After playing sports;
After talking on the phone;
After traveling in transport;
After walking;
After contact with animals and animal waste;
Before and after cooking;
Before eating;
After you sneeze or cough into your hands;
Before and after treating wounds or cuts;
Before and after contact with the sick or injured;
After contact with debris;
Before inserting or removing contact lenses;
After visiting public toilets;
After visiting the toilet.

Smooth, fragrant, washes clean, Everyone needs to have What is this?


I carry water in me. We will need some water. You can wash yourself without hassle, If you have....


To be healthy, strong, wash your face and hands with...


It’s hanging in the bathroom, dangling, and everyone is grabbing at it...


He lay down in his pocket and guarded Roar, the crybaby and the dirty one. They will have streams of tears in the morning, I won’t forget about the nose.


Elastic band Akulinka went to dance on the back. She's going to wash her back red-hot.


The rain is warm and thick, This rain is not easy: It is without clouds, without clouds, Ready to go all day.



1. Do you always wash your hands after transport?
Yes. No. Sometimes.
2. Do you always wash your hands after going to
Yes. No. Sometimes.
3.Do you always wash your hands after communicating with
Yes. No. Sometimes.
4.Do you always wash your hands after playing sports?
Yes. No. Sometimes.
5. Do you always wash your hands before eating?
Yes. No. Sometimes.
6. Do you always wash your hands after a walk?
Yes. No. Sometimes.



Basic rules of personal hygiene:

The face should be washed in the morning after sleep, after playing,
before bedtime.
Legs - every day before bed.
Hands - after cleaning the room, toilet, playing,
walking, interacting with animals, working on
garden, travel in transport, before meals and
Once a week you need to wash thoroughly
in the bathhouse (bath, shower).


  • give the concept of the word hygiene, convince children of the need to observe the rules of personal hygiene, cleanliness in the house, on the street, in nature.
  • to promote in children the habits and then the needs for a healthy lifestyle;
  • developing skills for making independent decisions regarding maintaining and strengthening one’s health.


  • Color illustrations, photographs on the theme “Healthy lifestyle”.
  • Envelope with riddles.
  • Demo cards.
  • Portrait of Zlyuchka-Gryaznyuchka.
  • Reminders: “Rules of personal hygiene.” (For each student).
  • Toothbrush, toothpaste.
  • Poster: “How to brush your teeth properly.”
  • Cards: “This is interesting”
  • Cards with text and poems for children.

Preparatory work: At the request of the teacher, the children collected color illustrations from old magazines and photographs on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle” and brought them to class. A poster was made from the collected material. I distributed the texts “This is interesting” in advance to the students who read well (3 students). The two girls learned the poem in advance. On the eve of the class hour, I made the following request to the children: “Whoever wants to, bring a toothbrush, toothpaste and a glass with you, and whoever can show in class how to brush your teeth.”

Progress of the lesson

  1. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Hygiene. S. Taratuta

What is hygiene,
The cat and the hyena know
Brown bear, white bear,
Hedgehog, dog and bee,
That it’s always not a sin to wash yourself,
Wash paws and hooves
Well, after that you can safely
Get down to business!
And the bee will not be allowed into the hive,
If she turned out to be dirtier,
And all they will find out
Five specks of dust among the pollen.
And the bird will always find
Half a minute to wash your face
And hurries to go down to the puddle,
Even if there are chicks!
How not to remember the raccoon here:
For him, washing is a job.
For him the basics are the basis -
First mine, then gnaw.
And every little pig
He wants to be clean from the cradle,
And the poor guy is not guilty,
What's in the dirt?

Imagine people who stopped caring about cleanliness and order. They stopped washing their faces, brushing their teeth, and keeping their apartments clean. These people would stop cleaning their shoes, taking care of their clothes, and forget how to use a clean handkerchief. Can such people be called beautiful? Healthy?

People who always take care of their cleanliness have a neat appearance and never get sick, and if they do get sick, it is very rarely.

After all, if you wash your hands before eating, germs will not enter our intestines; if you wash your face in the morning after sleep, in the afternoon when you come from the street, and in the evening when you go to bed, our pores, of which there are many in the skin, will breathe easily and our body will not be painful. It will be strong and healthy.

Cleanliness is the key to health. (On the board is the topic of the lesson, as well as color illustrations from magazines, photographs on the topic: “Healthy lifestyle.”)

How do you understand the meaning of this statement? Explain.

Today in our lesson we will talk about how to maintain your health by keeping your body clean, clean in your apartment, clean on the street, in nature.

  1. Conversation on the topic.
  1. 3 teeth

Guess the riddle: The loaf of white sheep is full. (Teeth)

What helps us digest food? In order for food to be better digested in the stomach and intestines, it is moistened in the mouth with saliva and crushed with teeth. A person’s first teeth, baby teeth, appear in the first year of life. By the age of 6-7 there are 20 of them. Some of them have already fallen out, and new, permanent ones have appeared in their place. By the age of 10-11, all baby teeth usually fall out and are replaced by permanent teeth. If a person loses a permanent tooth, a new one will not grow in its place.

Poem by S. Mikhalkov “Like our Lyuba...”

Like our Lyuba
Teeth hurt:
Weak, fragile-
Children's, dairy...
The poor thing moans all day long,
He drives his girlfriends away:
-I have no time for you today!
The mother feels sorry for the girl, the rinse in the cup warms her,
He doesn't take his eyes off his daughter.
Papa feels sorry for Lyubochka
He glues a doll out of paper,
What to do with my daughter?
To relieve toothache?

  • Why do you think Lyuba’s teeth hurt? (The tooth was damaged, there was a hole in it)
  • Why did the damage occur? (The teeth are covered with enamel. It is hard and protects the teeth from damage. But if the teeth are not properly cared for or eaten correctly, holes appear (caries)).

A tooth is a living organ. A hole in a tooth always hurts. Bad teeth also harm other organs - the heart, kidneys...

  • What should you do if pain occurs? (Visit a doctor)
  • What should you do to keep your teeth healthy?
  • What is harmful to teeth?

(On the card) Harmful:

  • gnaw nuts;
  • eat very cold and very hot food;
  • eat foods that are harmful to teeth (especially a lot of sweets).

I want to give you advice, you decide where it is and where it is no.
If my advice is good, you clap your hands.
To incorrect advice, say in unison: no.
Constantly need to eat for your teeth
Fruits, vegetables, omelet, cottage cheese, yogurt.
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
Don't bite the cabbage leaf
It's not tasty at all,
Better eat chocolate
Waffles, sugar, marmalade.
Is this the right advice?
No! Lyuba told her mother:
I won't brush my teeth.
And now our Lyuba
A hole in every, every tooth.
What will be your answer?
Well done Lyuba? No!
To give shine to teeth
You need to take shoe polish.
Squeeze out half a tube
And brush your teeth.
Is this the right advice? No!
Oh, awkward Lyudmila,
She dropped the brush on the floor.
He picks up a brush from the floor,
He continues to brush his teeth.
Who will give the right advice?
Well done Luda? No!
Remember forever, dear friends,
You can't go to sleep without brushing your teeth.
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
Have you brushed your teeth?
And go to bed
Grab a bun
Sweets for bed.
Is this the right advice? No!
Remember this useful advice:
You can't gnaw on an iron object,
If my advice is good,
You clap your hands.
To strengthen teeth,
It's good to chew nails.
Is this the right advice? No!
Well done, you didn't make a mistake,
The advice given was correct.
You need to remember for 100 years,
What is good for teeth and what is not.

Workshop “Teeth brushing”.

  • How should you take care of your teeth? (After every meal, rinse your mouth, brush your teeth with water and in the evening)
  • What does every person need to have to take care of their teeth? (Toothbrush and toothpaste required)
  • How to brush your teeth correctly? (Poster: “How to brush your teeth properly”)

Did you have a delicious breakfast?
You need to brush your teeth.
Let's take a brush in our hand,
Apply toothpaste.
And they got down to business boldly,
We brush your teeth skillfully:
Top to bottom and right to left.
From below - up and left again.
Them outside, inside
Rub it carefully.
So as not to suffer with teeth,
We move the brush in circles.
We brush our teeth carefully
After all, you can hurt your gums...
And what's next? And then
We'll rinse our teeth.
We need a mug...
Let's smile at each other,
Let's work skillfully
To make your teeth white!

Finishing the conversation about teeth, I would like to give very good advice:

Once you've eaten, brush your teeth.
Do this twice a day.
Prefer fruit to candy
Very important products.
So that the tooth does not bother you,
Remember this rule:
Let's go to the dentist
Visit twice a year.
And then smiles light
Save for many years.

  1. Nails.

Nails protect your fingertips from injury. But they can also become harmful to humans if they are grown and not kept clean. Then a large number of pathogenic microbes can accumulate under the nails. Nails should be trimmed regularly. On the arms once a week, on the legs once every 2-3 weeks (they grow more slowly). Before the procedure, it is recommended to soak your hands and feet in warm soapy water. Nails soften. The nail cut should be semicircular. If nails are trimmed incorrectly, the sharp edges can grow into the skin and cause pain and inflammation.

  1. Hair.


I've been wearing them for many years
I don't know the count.
I don’t sow, I don’t plant,
They grow up on their own. (Hair)

Hair should also be in order. Scientists have determined that hair lives up to four years. In a year they manage to grow 12-15 centimeters. To keep your hair healthy and thick, you need to take care of it, and above all, comb it daily. When combing, the hair is cleaned of dust and dirt. Once a week, you should wash your hair with hot water and shampoo. Hair should be trimmed regularly. Listen to what happened to the boy who didn't want to get his hair cut. (Read by pre-prepared students)

The boy doesn't want to get his hair cut
The boy crawls out of his chair
Screams and bursts into tears
He rests his feet.
He's in the men's and women's halls
The entire parquet floor was filled with tears.
The hairdresser is tired
And she didn’t cut the boy’s hair.
And the hair grows.
A year has passed
Another one passes...
The boy doesn't come to get his hair cut
And the hair grows
And the hair grows.
They grow, they grow,
They braid them...
“What a son,” said the mother,
-We need to buy a dress

Everything is clear with boys, but what about girls? Girls, often trying to be fashionable and beautiful, let their hair down. This, of course, can be beautiful, but not everywhere. While at school, you cannot let your hair down, because it will interfere with writing, and large bangs will block your view. Walking down the street in windy weather, loose hair will fly in different directions. In this form, you will look more like a witch than a beauty.

  1. Leather.

Why does a person need skin? The human body contains a lot of water: if it were not covered by skin, the water would pour out or evaporate in the air. And then a person would become like a prune. The skin not only retains water in the body, it also prevents it from penetrating inside. It secretes a kind of lubricant called sebum, which makes it waterproof. If the skin were not waterproof, then a person would swell like a sponge in the bath.

The skin provides excellent protection against germs. They can't penetrate it if it's healthy. The skin helps adapt to heat and cold.

Our skin is covered with tiny holes called pores. Some of them absorb oxygen from the air and help us breathe, others secrete fat, which softens the skin, and others secrete sweat, and with it some harmful substances that accumulate in the body. Dust and sweat clog the smallest pores of our skin. This causes the skin to become flabby. It cleanses the body worse. (Reads by a well-read student, prepared in advance).

A long time ago, a rich man wanted to organize a magnificent holiday in honor of his relative. Chariots with the image of the statue were supposed to appear in the solemn procession. The rich man decided to find a pretty boy, cover him with gold paint and place him on a pedestal like a statue. The idea was approved.
That same evening, the five-year-old son of a poor stonecutter from a suburban village - the most beautiful child in the entire village - ran out into the street covered in gold from head to toe. He laughed merrily. But the child's joy was short-lived. Gradually he began to feel some kind of heaviness on himself. My whole body felt tight and it was difficult to breathe. He didn't sleep all night, and in the morning he was completely sick.
With difficulty the boy survived the entire chariot procession, and when the holiday was over, he, forgotten by everyone, fell into the grass and lay there moaning. It seemed to the boy that the terrible gold was choking him, he lost consciousness and was delirious.
After all, the gold paint had tightly closed all the pores, the boy’s skin looked as if it were dead. In the morning the boy was shivering from the cold. Covered with thick gold, his skin no longer warmed him. The “golden boy” died of pneumonia.

Sad story. I'm very sorry for the boy. What conclusion can we draw for ourselves?

  1. Reading a poem by Y. Tuwim.

My dear children!
I am writing you a letter:
I ask you to wash more often
Your hands and face.
It doesn’t matter what kind of water:
Boiled, spring,
From the river or from the well,
Or just rainy.
You definitely need to wash
Morning, evening and afternoon
Before every meal
After sleep and before bed!
Rub with a sponge and washcloth,
Be patient - no problem!
And ink and jam
Wash off with soap and water.
My dear children!
I really, really ask you:
Wash more often, wash more cleanly -
I can't stand dirty people.
I won’t give my hand to dirty people,
I won't go visit them!
I wash myself very often.
Goodbye! Your Tuwim.

While we were talking, Zlyuchka-Gryazuchka came to our lesson.

The teacher, on behalf of Zlyuchka-Gryazuchka, says: And here I am, Vile-Filthy. I love guys who don't brush their teeth! Guys who don't wash their hands are my best friends! And how I love the guys who throw garbage anywhere!”

  • Guys, don’t any of you brush your teeth or wash your hands?
  • Let's explain to Zlyuchka-Gryaznyuchka why you need to wash?
  • Why is it bad to be dirty?
  • Where does dirt accumulate most on the human body?
  • When should you wash your hands?
  • How should you wash your hands correctly?

(On the card): Simple water and soap weaken the strength of microbes.

There are children in the world who do the opposite. For such children, G. Oster came up with his “Bad Advice”.

Never wash your hands
Neck, ears and face.
This is a stupid thing to do
Doesn't lead to anything.
Your hands will get dirty again
Neck, ears and face.
(“Bad advice”).

So why waste energy and waste time?
Getting a haircut is also useless, there is no point.
As you get older, your head will go bald on its own.

  • Would you use this advice?
  • Remember the fairy tale “Moidodyr” by K.I. Chukovsky.
  • What advice did Washbasin give? (Everyone is in unison, who knows)
  1. Summing up, developing rules of personal hygiene.

(Distribute such reminders to each student. Appendix 1)

And I would like to end our lesson with L. Kukso’s poem “On the Street.”

At school, in the theater, in the garden,
In the subway and on the street -
You must keep clean everywhere
Just like in your own apartment.
After all, the asphalt streets are dark
And green groves of parks, -
All this is our city, or rather,
Our living space is huge.

Guys, try to write a fairy tale about how to defeat the Vile-Filthy. (Appendix 2).

Result: As you know, recommendations in an edifying, categorical form do not evoke positive emotional emotions. And the result of the class hour I spent surprised me. The children were interested in this activity. Most of the kids in the class responded to the request to write an essay on how to defeat the Grumpy-Filthy Girl. We got some interesting stories. We returned to this topic more than once when discussing essays. They try to kick the nasty-dirty one out of everything: from notebooks, from briefcases, from desks, from the classroom. Keep your clothes clean and be sure to wash your hands before eating. Such activities develop in schoolchildren an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle.


  1. Korostelev N. B. “50 health lessons for small and large.” -Moscow. “Children's Literature”, 1991.
  2. Encyclopedia “Everything about everything”.
  3. Maksinyaeva M.D. Life safety classes with younger schoolchildren. - M.: Creative Center, 2002.
  4. Tarabarina T. I., Sokolova E. I. “Both study and play: natural history” Yaroslavl: “Academy of Development” 1997.

Slide 2


Identifying the most effective detergents.

Slide 3


Finding environmentally friendly alternatives to household chemicals. Testing various detergents.

Slide 4


Having studied the effect of hygiene products on protozoa, we can choose the most effective and less dangerous household chemicals that can destroy not only protozoa but also bacteria common on human skin.

Slide 5

Human skin is a zoo of bacteria. Washing powders Shampoos Dishwashing detergents Soaps Toothpastes Soap nuts Crystal Alunite Teeth stick Miswak

Slide 6

Human skin is a zoo of bacteria

Scientists know tens of thousands of species of bacteria, and among them only a thousand or a little more pose a danger to a healthy person. Staphylococcus

Slide 7


When you wash your hands with soap, a protective layer disappears from the surface of the skin, which prevents bacteria from entering the body.

Slide 8

Washing powders

Ingredients: Surfactants Foaming agents Phosphates

Slide 9

Dishwashing detergents

A person spends one year washing dishes in his entire life. It is estimated that a Russian family of four has to wash about five tons of dishes every year.

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Soap nuts

100% natural and environmentally friendly detergent "Soap Nuts" is an excellent replacement for household chemicals.

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Crystal Alunite

The crystal is harmless to the body, since, unlike many modern deodorants, it does not contain harmful chemical substances.

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Having conducted research on the effect of detergents on simple organisms (slipper ciliates), I can highlight the most effective means: Laundry soap “Persil” powder “Fairy” dishwashing detergent I have proven that the use of household chemicals is one of the factors in maintaining health. But, nevertheless, I advise you to use natural alternatives to household chemicals because they cause less harm to the environment and to you and me.

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1. “Center of Expertise Test. Electronic magazine ( 2. “Yaplakal” Residents of our body ( 3. Anatoly Belyakov “Hygiene and Utopia” ( 4. Electronic magazine “House of the Sun” Cleanliness is the key to health ( ) 5. “Soap is harmful” ( 6. Crystal Alunite ( 7. Soap Nuts LLC (http: //

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The tiny organisms that cause diseases are called microbes. They can only be seen with a microscope.

The most well-known types of microbes identified by microbiologists are bacteria, molds, actinomycetes and yeasts.

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Scientists have found methods for growing, or, as they say, cultivating, microbes. Microbes are grown in a special nutrient medium - in meat and fish broths and decoctions. Add gelatin or agar-agar to the broth; in this case, the nutrient medium takes on the appearance of jelly. On the surface of the jelly, spread a thin layer of a drop with soil diluted in it or another substance in which microbes live.

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Crops on a nutrient medium

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    Nutrient media with crops are grown and stored in thermostats - devices where a constant temperature is maintained

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    Persistent microbes use any loophole to get into your body and begin to multiply there.

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    For every person, the most valuable thing is his health. If you are healthy, you can easily cope with any task. It is impossible to buy health. It must be protected and strengthened. To do this, you need to: maintain a daily routine; eat right; brush your teeth, wash your face and comb your hair; take a shower after sleep - in the morning and before bed - in the evening; wash with soap and a washcloth in the bath or shower once a week; cut your nails and hair regularly; keep your clothes and shoes clean; alternate study with rest. Daily walks in the fresh air, exercise, sports, hardening strengthen your health. A good mood helps maintain health.

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    (Infection with worm eggs, fleas, and lichen is possible) How can you do without soap in the forest? (Tinder fungi, “Dog soap”, “ash”, “Soapwort”). How to brush your teeth in the forest? What kind of wood relieves feet from sweat, odor, and cracks? The juice of this plant is used instead of iodine to remove warts; they wash their hair with an infusion of it. (Charcoal, mint, split pine, spruce, oak twig). (Celandine). (Oak bark). The leaves and roots of this plant are used for bruises and pain. The leaves of this plant burn us. The juice from the leaves of this plant saves us. In spring it is used for soup. Wash your hair with its decoction - your hair will grow. (Nettle is a hemostatic, vitamin remedy, accelerates hair growth). (Plantain, burdock). Hair washed in a decoction of this plant acquires a golden hue, and when washed, the skin becomes soft and velvety. (Chamomile). Why can't you pet unfamiliar dogs and cats?

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    Once upon a time there lived one microbe, an obvious mess. He had a dirty forehead, and his shirt was dirty. He had a wife - a gray microbe. She collected dust for food to try. Even their daughters - harmful bacilli - caused loud sneezes and were afraid of soap. Microbes had their own home On my palm. They lived in it together With mice and a cat. But one day I discovered them in a microscope. I scrubbed my hand for a long time, To go to dinner. My palm became clean as a snowdrift. White palm. Where does the microbe live now? Maybe at Seryozhka’s?

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